LMC Bulletin May 2015 IBM 64 www.lmcmagic.com Louisville Magic Club - Louisville, Kentucky SAM 215 Photo Courtesy of Greater Louisville Convention & Visitors Bureau - www.gotolouisville.com Tuesday, May 12 Mark Comley Lecture Kosair Charities Centre 982 Eastern Pkwy CALENDAR May Tuesday, May 12 Mark Comley 7:00 PM Kosair Charities Centre 982 Eastern Pkwy The Magic and The Wonder Sunday, May 17th 5:00 PM KY Center for the Arts 7:00 PM! Always check our web site www.lmcmagic.com for our updated event Calendar! Join the S.A.M. and the I.B.M. Ask a club officer for a membership application today! S.A.M. Members receive the M.U.M. Magazine I.B.M. members receive the Linking Ring Magazine LMC Bulletin May 2015 www.lmcmagic.com 2015 OFFICERS Mark Comley Lecture DEAN: Sherrell Nunnelley ___________________ PRESIDENT: Jim Harris P.O. BOX 99801 Louisville, KY 40269 (502) 499-7013 Page 2 Tuesday, May 12, at 7:00 PM Mark is a real working professional magician and performs at many fairs and festivals throughout Kentucky. His lecture will consist of material for everyone. UncleRedMagic@yahoo.com 1ST VICE PRESIDENT: Michael Raymer 5512 Pavilion Way Louisville, KY 40291 (502) 644-7829 funmagic@iglou.com All-around magic. New ways to do old effects. Stuff for children’s entertainers and adult shows as well. 2ND VICE PRESIDENT: Ray ‘Magic’ Adams 8311 Easton Lane Louisville, KY 40242 (502) 544-8543 theMagicAdams@gmail.com SECRETARY: ~ open ~ TREASURER: Barbara Harris P.O. BOX 99801 Louisville, KY 40269 (502) 499-7852 barblouky@aol.com SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: John Butler 1564 Beech St. Radcliff, KY 40160 270-351-3412 (H) 270-832-0165 (C) john.butler1@twc.com BULLETIN EDITOR: Michael Raymer (502) 644-7829 funmagic@iglou.com WEBMASTER & LECTURE BOOKING: Mike Blanckaert (502) 235-6688 lmcmagic@hotmail.com CONCIERGE: Carol Miller ADVISORY BOARD Pat Miller Pete Miller David Garrard Remember to like and share our It’s Magic! FaceBook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LMC.itsmagic LMC members and guests meet informally for dinner around 5:30 p.m. on meeting nights. W.W. Cousins when meeting at St Mathews Baptist Church and Panera Bread when meeting at the Kosair Charities Centre LMC Bulletin May 2015 www.lmcmagic.com My Monthly Musings Jim Harris, President In an episode of the TV show Seinfeld, Jerry does an impression of a magician. “Here’s a quarter, now it’s gone, you’re stupid”. Some people feel that magicians just want to make them feel stupid or embarrass them. If you approach someone and say “would you like to see a trick”, some people will even say no. Change your approach to get them interested before doing any serious magic. I have a finger puppet that looks like a bird head – if you approach people with this they are immediately interested in what you have in your hand. After the bird vanishes, you have their attention, and you can get on with the “show”. I also use a fire wallet on occasion to peak people’s interest. Once you’ve done a few tricks, finish with something engaging and fun, having one or more audience members involved in the effect. This was one of David Hira’s key points when he lectured a few months ago. When you walk away, you want your audience saying “Wow, that was fun”, and not “Wow, I sure feel stupid”. Jim Check out the LMC website for informative links to performers and lecturers. Page 3 From the Editor: “Random Thoughts” Well I have my tickets for the Magic and the Wonder, do you have yours? There are plenty of great seats available so get them now tickets are going fast - remember to enter code Kosair to get a discount! Last month I mentioned the officers are working on promoting club membership. We will have a table at the Magic and Wonder Show and will be trying to speak to those interested in magic, if you know someone who has a genuine interest in magic, or a former member we haven’t seen in a while please invite them to come to our meetings and get active in the Louisville Magic Club. Derby City Magic continues with magic shows the last Saturday of every month, at The Laughing Derby on Bardstown Road. If you want to perform on this show contact Darrin Pearl aka Frankie Foolya at 812-288-7226. This Month will be Brad and Grace Lowe - it’s always a good show for $10 a person! Our Lecturer this month is Mark Comley and I seriously don’t know how he has the time to come lecture for us - this man is always performing. If you follow him on FaceBook he is always posting magic for sale and always posting photos of his performances - this guy is a real working professional in Kentucky and will be sharing some of his knowledge with us plus he is an all around great and funny guy - so you don’t want to miss it. See you there! Michael LMC WEBSITE www.lmcmagic.com Pat Miller’s Magic show website www.louisvillemagicshow.com LMC Bulletin May 2015 www.lmcmagic.com Page 4
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