Quantum Theory: from foundations to technologies – QTFT June 8–11, 2015. Arrival June 7, departure June 12 Program of the Conference Arranged by ICMM - International Centre for Mathematical Modeling in Physics, Engineering and Cognitive Sciences; Linnaeus University, Sweden See http://lnu.se/qtft Organization committee, QTFT: • • • • • • • • I. Bengtsson (Stockholm University, Sweden) B. Coecke (University of Oxford, UK) C. Fuchs (University of Massachusetts Boston, USA) B. Nilsson (Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden) A. Khrennikov (Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden) A. Migdall (NIST, USA) S. Polyakov (NIST, USA) H. Rauch (Atominstitute, Vienna, Austria) Local organizing committee: Andrei Khrennikov, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden E-mail: andrei.khrennikov@lnu.se Ekaterina Yurova Axelsson, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden E-mail: ekaterina.yurova@lnu.se Keynote Lecture What can we say about the quantum world? Professor Theodor W. Hänsch Special Sessions: • • • • Testing boundaries of Quantum theory: experiment and its interpretation (Organizers: Alan Migdall and Sergey Polyakov) Diagrammatic quantum reasoning (Organizers: Bob Coecke and Aleks Kissinger) QBism and the Copenhagen spirit compared (Organizers: Ingemar Bengtsson and Christopher Fuchs) Quantum-like models in economics and psychology (Organizers: E. Dzhafarov, E. Haven, A. Khrennikov, and S. Sozzo) Main conference auditorium: Wicksell, main building H, Linnaeus University, Växjö QTPA 2014 Monday, 8th of June 2015 8.00-8.45 Wicksell 08.45-9.00 Registration: outside the main conference room Wicksell Opening Ceremony: Andrei Khrennikov Chairman: B. C. Hiesmayr 9.00-9.30 9.30-10.00 10.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 Wicksell 11.00-11.30 11.30-12.00 12.00-12.30 12.30-13.00 13.10-14.40 Wicksell 14.40-15.10 15.10-15.40 15.40-16.10 16.10-16.30 16.30-19.00 A. Khrennikov (Linnaeus University, Sweden) C. Curceanu (LNF-INFN, Italy) L. Vaidman (Tel Aviv University, Israel) Coffee break QBism: the basis of a general theory of decision making? The “X-ray machine” for the Quantum Mechanics examination Counterfactual communication Chairman: C. Curceanu H. Rauch (Atominstitute, Austria) A. Elitzur (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel) B. C. Hiesmayr (University of Vienna, Austria) M. Genovese (INRIM, Italy) Lunch: at Restaurant Kristina Significance of unavoidable quantum losses Higher symmetries offering a novel realistic interpretation of QM Achievable limits of quantum information in weak interaction processes Measuring incompatible observables at the same time SPECIAL SESSION Testing boundaries of Quantum theory: experiment and its interpretation Chairman: G. Weihs S. Glancy Analysis of coincidence-time loopholes in experimental (NIST, USA) Bell tests P. P. Grangier (Quantum Optics, Quantum optics and quantum communications with nonLab. Charles Fabry, France) Gaussian states of light S. Polyakov Photon number statistics experiments: lessons from the (NIST Gaithersburg, USA) correlations Coffee Break PARALLEL SESSIONS Session 1: K1040 Session 2: K1043 Session 3: K1046 Session 1: K1040 16.30-16.50 16.55-17.15 17.20-17.40 17.45-18.05 18.05-18.15 K1040 18.15-18.35 18.40-19.00 Chairman: J.- Å. Larsson A. Auffèves (CNRS) E. Loubenets (Moscow State Institute of Mathematics and Electronics) B. Sanctuary (McGill University) E. V. Rosinger (University of Pretoria) Short break F. Moldoveanu (University of Maryland at College Park) A. Abbott (University of Auckland) TBA On context-invariant qHV modelling of quantum randomness and analytical upper bounds on quantum violations of Bell-type inequalities The Dirac equation for two dimensional geometric algebra Conservation of entanglement? Chairman: T. M. Nieuwenhuizen Unitary time evolution, collapse, and the measurement problem A variant of the Kochen-Specker theorem localizing value indefiniteness 2 QTPA 2014 Monday, 8th of June 2015 (continued) Session 2: K1043 16.30-16.50 16.55-17.15 17.20-17.40 17.45-18.05 18.05-18.15 K1043 18.15-18.35 18.40-19.00 Chairman: J. Franson J. Kleiner (University of Regensburg) R. Brady (University of Cambridge) S. Iriyama (Tokyo University of Science) T. Kaufherr (Tel Aviv University) Short break Causal fermion systems as a candidate for a unified physical theory Maxwell’s fluid model of magnetism Quantum Turing machine represented by Fock space and its application for recognition process Gauge invariant nonlocal quantum dynamics of the Aharonov Bohm effect and how it may be tested Chairman: R. Schack B. La Cour (The University of Texas at Austin) I. Helland (University of Oslo) Classical emulation of a quantum computer Epistemic processes, decisions, and reality Session 3: K1046 16.30-16.50 16.55-17.15 17.20 -17.40 17.45-18.05 18.05-18.15 Chairman: A. Elitzur R. N. Sen (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) G. Adenier (INRIM) O. Andersson (Stockholm University) J. Selby (Imperial College London) Short break Quantum mechanics and the dark matter problem First results on a 4-wave mixing source in cesium vapor A Symmetry approach to geometric phase The meaning of the adjoint in quantum theory Chairman: A. Plotnitsky 18.15-18.35 18.40-19.00 S. Rashkovskiy (Russian Academy of Sciences) I. Barukcic (Independent Researcher) Wave-particle duality of light without photons The physical meaning of the wave function 19.10 - Welcome buffet at restaurant “Kristina”, building H and poster-session POSTER SESSION E. Issaeva (Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan Academy of Science, Azerbaijan) Å. Eriksson (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden) B. La Cour (The University of Texas at Austin, USA) I. Barukcic (Independent Researcher) Simple conclusions from measurement in the quantum physics TBA Classical model for measurements of an entanglement witness Anti CHSH-Refutation of the CHSH inequality 3 QTPA 2014 Tuesday, 9th of June 2015 Wicksell 9.00-9.45 Keynote Lecture T. Hänsch (Ludwig-Maximilians University, Germany) Wicksell 9.45-10.15 10.15-10.45 10.45-11.10 11.10-13.10 G. M. D'Ariano (University of Pavia, Italy) G. Weihs (University of Innsbruck, Austria) Coffee break PARALLEL SESSIONS OF INVITED TALKS Chairman: C. Fuchs What can we say about the quantum world? Chairman: P. Bush Informationalism, the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in physics, and the sixth Hilbert problem Multipath interference tests of quantum mechanics Session 1: Myrdal Session 2: Wicksell Session 1: Weber 11.10-11.40 11.40-12.10 12.10-12.40 12.40-13.10 Chairman: L. Vaidman M. Ozawa (Nagoya University, Japan) P. Lahti (University of Turku, Finland) P. Busch (University of York, UK) M. Appleby (University of Sydney, Australia) Quantum root mean square errors Quantum incompatibility and measurement uncertainty relations Quantifying quantum measurement uncertainty – Why did it take so long? The error-disturbance principle Session 2: Wicksell 11.10-11.40 11.40-12.10 12.10-12.40 12.40-13.10 13.10-14.30 Wicksell 14.30-14.40 14.40-15.10 15.10-15.40 15.40-16.10 16.10-16.30 Wicksell 16.30-17.00 17.00-17.30 17.30-17.45 17.45-18.30 Chairman: S. Polyakov M. Kupczynski (University of Ottawa, Canada) J. Kofler (Vienna University, Austria) J.-Å. Larsson (Linköping University, Sweden) S. Ramelow (Vienna University, Austria) Lunch: at Restaurant Kristina Dramatic breakdown of statistical inference from some experimental samples Necessary and sufficient conditions for macroscopic realism from quantum mechanics Contextuality: why and how A Single-Photon Ramsey-Interferometer SPECIAL SESSION: QBism and the Copenhagen Spirit Compared C. Fuchs, Introduction Chairman: K. Camilleri R. Schack (University of QBism, or taking Wigner's friend seriously London, UK) H. Briegel (University of Agency in QBism Innsbruck, Austria) J. Faye (University of Darwinism in disguise? A comparison between Bohr’s Copenhagen, Denmark) view on quantum mechanics and QBism Coffee Break SPECIAL SESSION: Chairman: H. Briegel QBism and the Copenhagen Spirit Compared (continued) K. Camilleri (University of Dispelling the Myth of the Copenhagen Interpretation Melbourne, Australia) C. Fuchs (University of Something on QBism Massachusetts Boston, USA) Break Round table on QBism Organizer: C. Fuchs 4 QTPA 2014 Wednesday, 10th of June 2015 Wicksell 9.00-9.30 9.30-10.00 10.00-10.30 10.30-10.50 10.50-12.50 E. Dzhafarov (Purdue University, USA) N. Gisin (Université de Genève, Swizerland) P. P. Grangier (Quantum Optics, Lab. Charles Fabry, France) Coffee break PARALLEL SESSIONS OF INVITED TALKS Chairman: G. M. D'Ariano Contextuality: an almost general theory Macrosopic entanglement Contexts, Systems and Modalities: a new ontology for quantum mechanics. Session 1: Wicksell Session 2:Weber Session 1: Wicksell 10.50-11.20 11.20-11.50 11.50-12.20 12.20-12.50 Chairman: P. Lahti P. Perinotti (University of Pavia, Italy) K. Michielsen (University of Aachen, Germany) Th. Elze (University of Pisa, Italy) N. Watanabe (Tokyo University of Science, Japan) Quantum cellular automata and free quantum fields Mysterious quantum Cheshire cat is an illusion Quantum features of natural cellular automata Note on dynamical entropy for quantum compound systems Session 2: Weber 10.50-11.20 11.20-11.50 11.50-12.20 12.20-12.50 13.00-14.30 Chairman: P. P. Grangier F. De Martini (University of Rome, Italy) B. Svensson (Lund University, Sweden) J. Franson (University of Maryland, USA) T. Nieuwenhuizen (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands) Lunch: at Restaurant Kristina Wicksell Cosmological aspects of the Higgs field in conformal geometrodynamics Weak values may not represent the system Entanglement and decoherence An ensemble theory of ideal quantum measurement processes Chairman: G. Jaeger Technology as foundation: the future (and some past) of quantum theory after the Higgs boson Quanta and Measurement 14.30-15.00 A. Plotnitsky (Purdue University, USA) 15.00-15.30 15.30-15.35 G. Jaeger (Boston University, USA) Short break Wicksell 15.35-15.40 SPECIAL SESSION Diagrammatic quantum reasoning B. Coecke, Introduction Chairman: G. Chiribella B. Coecke (Oxford University, UK) Picturing quantum processes: an overview A. Kissinger (Oxford University, UK) Diagrammatic foundations of QT The ZX-calculus: diagrams for quantum R. Duncan (Strathclyde University, UK) computing Coffee Break 15.40-16.10 16.10-16.40 16.40-17.10 17.10-17.30 Wicksell 17.30-18.00 18.00-18.30 SPECIAL SESSION Diagrammatic quantum reasoning (cont.) Chairman: B. Coecke Diagrammatic quantum reasoning: S. Perdrix (LORIA, France) completeness and incompleteness G. Chiribella Purity without probability, namely towards (Tsinghua University, Beijing, China) a de-convexification of quantum protocols 18.45-22.00 Conference dinner at “Castle” Address: Teleborg Castle is very near the University (5 minutes walk) 5 QTPA 2014 Thursday, 11th of June 2015 Wicksell 09.30-10.00 10.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.20 Wicksell 11.20-11.50 11.50-12.20 12.20-12.50 12.50-13.20 13.30-14.40 14.40- S. Abramsky (Oxford University, UK) I. Bengtsson (Stockholm University, Sweden) H. De Raedt (Univ. of Groningen, the Netherlands) Coffee break Chairman: A. Khrennikov Contextuality, cohomology and paradox Quantum state space as a phase space Quantum theory as the most robust treatment of reproducible experiments: derivation of the Pauli equation SPECIAL SESSION: Quantum-like models in economics and psychology Chairman: B. Lawless E. Haven More uses of potential functions in economics (University of Leicester, UK) and finance M.L. Dalla Chiara (Univ. of Florence, Italy) Quantum Turing machines, quantum and R. Leporini (Univ. of Bergamo, Italy) computational logics and cognitive processes E. Dzhafarov (Purdue University, USA) Is there contextuality outside physics? S. Sozzo Quantum structure in cognition. Origins, (University of Leicester, UK) development, successes, perspectives Lunch: at Restaurant Kristina SPECIAL SESSION (QL models, Session 1) continues in parallel with contributed talks (Session 2) Wicksell Session 1: Wicksell Session 2: Weber Chairman: E. Dzhafarov A mathematical model of teams. Uncertainty, thermodynamics and emotion Awareness among communicating agents of unpredictability beyond quantum uncertainty 14.40-15.00 B. Lawless (Paine College, USA) 15.00-15.25 J. Myer (Harvard University, USA) 15.30-15.50 C. Pombo (Amsterdam University, the Netherlands) About concepts of field in physics 15.55-16.15 P. Khrennikova and E. Haven (University of Leicester, UK) Instability of political preferences and the role of mass media: a dynamical representation in quantum framework 16.15-16.35 Coffee Break Chairman: E. Haven Wicksell 16.35-16.55 17.00-17.20 17.25-17.45 C. Moreira (Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal) Ch. Gallus (RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Germany) Y. Tanaka (Tokyo University of Science, Japan) Weber 14.40-15.00 15.05-15.25 15.30-15.50 15.55-16.15 16.15-16.30 17.50-18.00 M. Stuckey (Elizabethtown College, USA) S. Sponar (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) C. Schwemmer (Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität, Germany) H. Ouerdiane (University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia) Coffee Break Quantum-Like Bayesian Networks using Feynman's Path Diagram Rules Decision making in financial markets Non-Kolmogorovian property in visual perception process of optical illusion Chairman: H. Rauch A graphical, adynamical approach to quantum theory Error-disturbance uncertainty relations and quantum Cheshire cats studied in neutron optics Genuine n-partite entanglement without n-partite correlations Gross Laplacian acting on analytical functionals and solutions of the associated heat equation Conference closing ceremony at Wicksell 6 QTPA 2014 Information Location: • The conference will take place at Linnaeus University, Växjö. • Main conference room: Wicksell, in building H. Transportation: From Resecentrum (located close to the train station) to the Universitetet. To arrive on time to the first lecture of morning sessions, the bus number 3 leaving at 8.30 from the Train station is the most convenient. In fine weather it is also possible to walk from downtown to the University along the lakes. This may take about 40 or 50 minutes. 7
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