AP R I L 2 0 1 5 • V O LU M E 3 9 • I S S U E 4 COMMUNITY COMES TOGETHER TO REPAIR SOUTH BAY BRIDGE BEAR “The mission of the Los Osos/Baywood Park Chamber of Commerce is to accept a leadership role and participate in activities directed toward creating, maintaining and improving an environment which is conducive to the establishment and successful operation of business enterprises in our community.” 781 Los Osos Valley Road Los Osos, CA 93402 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6282 Los Osos, CA 93412 (805) 528-4884 FAX (805) 528-8401 Email: info@lobpchamber.org www.lobpchamber.org INSIDE THIS ISSUE Bridge Bear Repair ....................cover Close up of damage to the bear statue. Damage to light control box. Dave Doust positioning damaged snout with son Kyle looking on. Smiling Bear says ‘Thank You Los Osos”! Photos by Celebrate Los Osos. Visit www.celebratelososo.org for more photos THANK YOU to Dave and Kyle Doust, Gary Dove, Rotary Club of Los Osos, Miner’s Ace Hardware and all those who helped and made a donation. Board of Directors..............................2 Chamber Business...........................2-5 Membership News..............................6 FYI.......................................................7 Calendar..............................................8 Flyers..................................... Attached Meet PRIDE our Los Osos Bear of recognition. Follow him on Facebook as he visits throughout the community. https://www.facebook.com/lobpchamber The information contributed to The Business Connection does not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Los Osos/Baywood Park Chamber of Commerce. The editor reserves the right to edit information selected for publication. 2015 Board of Directors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Steve Vinson/805-602-0446 Central Coast Realty Group stevevinson1@gmail.com PRESIDENT-ELECT Garilee Cave/805-801-4103 California Senior Legislator garicave@gmail.com SECRETARY Shar Gregory/805-788-4466 The Mortgage House shar@themortgagehouse.com TREASURER Cheri Grimm/805-528-1360 Cheri Grimm Bookkeeping Services CGrimm8454@aol.com PAST PRESIDENT Jim Stanfill /805-528-1557 jimstanfill@gmail.com DIRECTORS Autumn Clark/559-908 1645 Rabobank autumn.clark@rabobank.com Mike Elliott/559-908 1645 Los Osos Valley Memorial Park Michael.Elliott@dignitymemorial.com Christina Grimm/805-528-4338 Knight & Day Publishing grimmpsych@gmail.com Gene Heyer/805-528-3661 gene.heyer@outlook.com Wendy Hill/805-528-3661 Chase Bank wendyhill2864@gmail.com Brian Hamilton/805-528-5252 Sea Pines Golf Resort golfshop@seapinesgolfresort.com Simon Van Beurden/805-528-1133 Bay Osos Brokers simon@bayososbrokers.com Jonniepat Mobley/ 805-528-1862 Friends of the LO Library mycoriander@att.net CHAMBER OFFICE Dawn Rodden Executive Director 805-528-4884 info@lobpchamber.org Page 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Greetings to all! One of our goals for the Chamber this year is to reach out to other non-profits and government organizations in the hopes of working together to make a better community. The Chamber now has a representative at each monthly LOCAC and CSD meeting. We want to stay informed so that we can, if necessary, advocate on your behalf. I am now a board member of Visit Los Osos / Baywood Park, an organization fueled by a portion of the county’s bed tax and dedicated to reaching out to potential tourists who might otherwise by-pass out beautiful community. Please visit their website at http://www. visitlosososbaywood.com/. On the fun side, Baywood Park has a new Renewing your membership online? You must first log into the Chamber website and then go to your Dashboard. To get to your Dashboard after logging in, look in the gray bar at the top of the page for the link that says “Dashboard.” From your Dashboard, you can renew your membership via paypal, edit your business profile, post pictures of your business or even post a news item about your business on the website. NEED HELP SETTING UP OR UPDATING YOUR PROFILE/LISTING WITH A LOGO AND PHOTOS? CONTACT CHRISTINA GRIMM AT 528.4338. She will show you how to create a well developed web listing. Don’t know your login information? Email lobpccmarketing@gmail.com to have your login information sent to you. Further questions? Contact the Los Osos/ Baywood Park Chamber of Commerce office at (805) 528-4884 concert series on Mondays after Farmer’s Market called Beer on the Pier. Marketing guru Paul Irving has developed this event to encourage tourists to spend an extra day in our community. Go to Facebook, find and “like” Paul’s “BIG BIG SLO” page for more details. Lastly, here are some dates to put on your calendar: • Wednesday, April 8, from 5:30 – 7:00 pm LO/BP Chamber Mixer hosted by South Bay Women’s Network at La Palapa Mexican Cuisine & Seafood. • Friday, May 15, from 5:30 – 7:30 pm LO/ BP Chamber of Commerce Business Expo - Celebrating 60 Years of Business at South Bay Community Center. Continued on page 3 VISITORS CENTER STATS 2014/15 STATS Month Visitors Phone Relocation New Member Calls Requests Packets Feb. 9349 Jan. 95 74 Dec. 51 66 Nov. 92 77 Oct. 95 85 Sept. 70 83 August 90 73 0 1 0 0 1 1 - 4 1 0 2 8 3 5 OFFICE & VISITORS CENTER HOURS Monday – Friday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday Closed Located at 781 Los Osos Valley Rd. (805) 528- 4884 Stop by and see us! (Member business cards, brochures, menus & marketing materials welcome!) We’re working to make Los Osos a better place to live, work and do business! The Business Connection • April 2015 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE NEW MEMBER PROFILES B & B Garage Door Co. 2062 10th Street Los Osos, CA 93402 (805) 528-4283 FAX (805) 534-9386 Contact: Casey Pozdolski What is your email and website? bbdoormail@yahoo.com www.bboverheaddoors.com What services do you provide? Garage door service, repair and installation. Is this a new business or relocation? No, Los Osos has been home for 28 years. Personal Information? Born and raised in Los Osos. What do you hope to gain from your membership in the Chamber? Collaboration with friends, neighbors and businesses. What services do you provide? We are an all-volunteer community based non-profit. Our motto is “Making a difference, one project at a time.” We work to improve public spaces to improve the appearance of Los Osos/Baywood Park; conserve our resources, and to regenerate a positive community spirit. Is this a new business or relocation? No Personal Information? We are an outgrowth of the old “Bear Committee” that grew into “LOCO”. We inherited their non-profit in 2008, and their good works have been passed on to Celebrate Los Osos. George Kastner, from LOCO serves on our board. What do you hope to gain from your membership in the Chamber? Visibility and hopefully volunteers for our annual projects. Celebrate Los Osos 350 Michell Dr. Los Osos, CA 93402 (805) 528-7014 Contact: Pandora Nash-Karner or Mimi Kalland What is your email and website? info@CelebrateLosOsos.org www.CelebrateLosOsos.org Continued from page 2 • Sunday, May 17, a Celebrate Los Osos special event – details to come. • Saturday, June 27, Golf Ball Drop/ Hole-In-One Tournament, Zongo AllStars at Sea Pines Golf Resort. Thank you all for your membership and support and please, stop in the Chamber and say hello – we would love to see you! – Steve Vinson Friday, May 15th 5:30 - 7:30 pm • SBCC Healthy communities are those with involved citizens. Belonging to a chamber is a way to get involved! YOUR BUSINESS CARD AD HERE CALL CHAMBER OFFICE FOR MORE INFO 528-4884 info@lobpchamber.org The Business Connection • April 2015 Page 3 n EXPERIENCE TUSCANY OCTOBER 27, 2015: The Los Osos/ Baywood Park Chamber of Commerce announced that it will be offering a fully escorted tour of the awe inspiring region of Tuscany. Tuscany is the place where movies are filmed and fantasies run wild. Perhaps it’s the cities of Florence, Pisa, or Sienna that invoke feelings of culture, art, or arouse the senses as do the smells and taste of the Chianti region. The fact is that Tuscany is home to some of the most famous tourist attractions in all of Italy. For more information please contact Los Osos/Baywood Park Chamber of Commerce, (805) 528-4884 or visit lopbchamber.org. SEE ATTACHED FLYER n JOIN A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMMITTEE: Have fun participating in and being part of the many activities the Chamber has planned for the year. Committees looking for helping hands are: • Business Expo • Golf Ball Drop/Hole-in-One • Christmas Parade • Oktoberfest • Membership • Mixers • Small Business Saturday • other fun upcoming events If interested in helping in anyway, please contact the Chamber office or event chaiperson. LIST OF COMMITTEE CHAIRS: http://lobpchamber.org/committees/ n VIEW OUR NEW TOURISM VIDEO ONLINE: Emily Delk produced a beautiful video highlighting our community. Check it out at www.lobpchamber.org. n SUBMIT YOUR UPCOMING EVENTS: Fill out an Event Submission form online at www.lobpchamber.org or email a press release to lobpccmarketing@ gmail.com. EXHIBITORS & SPONSORS WANTED: The Los Osos/Baywood Park Chamber of Commerce invites you to join the party, Celebrating 60 Years of Business at the 2015 BUSINESS EXPO. Bring your balloons, streamers, party hats and help us celebrate doing business in Los Osos/Baywood Park. An Exhibitor Booth is $35 and space is limited. All Exhibitors are welcome to sell their products and food items at this event. For more information contact the LO/BP Chamber of Commerce. Sponsorships & Exhibitor applications are being accepted until April 24, 2015. SEE ATTACHED APPLICATION OR VISIT LOBPCHAMBER.ORG TO SIGN UP ONLINE. SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES YOUR BUSINESS CARD AD HERE CALL CHAMBER OFFICE FOR MORE INFO 528-4884 info@lobpchamber.org Page 4 The Business Connection • April 2015 MIXER DATES Mixers are 5:30 - 7:00 pm Mixers are held on the SECOND Wednesday of each month unless otherwise noted. April - SBWN/La Palapa May - Business Expo June - Golden State Water July- Optometric Care Associates Aug - LO Chamber Open House Sept - Spooners Ranch House Oct - Rabobank Nov - Morro Shores Mobile Home Park Dec - open To schedule a December or 2016 Chamber Mixer please call the Chamber Office (805) 528-4884 or Mixer chairperson, Gari Cave. Flyer insert fee waived for mixer inserts for Chamber Mixer hosts. Just have your flyer master to the Chamber Office by the 20th for scanning OR email an electronic file to lobpccmarketing@gmail.com. NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING FLYER INSERTS Bring a hardcopy for scanning by 20th of the month (along with your check) to the Chamber Office OR email a digital file to lobpccmarketing@gmail. com. You will be billed for digital files submitted. If you do not have a flyer, one can be designed for you at an additional fee of $25. • Ad space in The Business Connection is limited to Chamber members only. • Sizes available per month are: Business card size (3.5” x 2”) $25 1/4 page (3.5” x 4”) $50 1/2 page (7” x 4”) $75 • Year contacts are available for: Business card size $180 1/4 page $480 1/2 page $780 • MEMBERS $25 • NON-MEMBERS $75 An insertion order must be submitted for each ad requested. Insertion orders are included in this issue or can be fill out at the Chamber office. Print ready ads accepted via electronic file. Send artwork in either of the following formats: pdf, jpeg (high res.), or tiff (300 dpi) to newsletter@creativedesigngraphics.com or lobpccmarketing@gmail.com MEMBERSHIP REFERRAL BONUS OPPORTUNITY: Get a business acquaintance, friend, or neighbor to join the LO/BP Chamber and you will receive a FREE ad in the Chamber newsletter for one month. Call the Chamber, your best advocate for local business and ask for the Referral Bonus ad! COMMUNITY COOKBOOK AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE ONLINE $10/PICK UP or $16/SHIPPED The spiral-bound cookbook includes 150 recipes from more than 65 community members and provides a glimpse into our local kitchens. Cookbooks can be purchased at the LO/BP Chamber Office & Visitor’s Center or at http://lobpchamber.org/cookbook/ All proceeds benefit the Los Osos/Baywood Park Chamber of Commerce. A great gift for Mother’s Day, a college graduate or a welcome gift for a new neighbor. YOUR BUSINESS CARD AD HERE CALL CHAMBER OFFICE FOR MORE INFO 528-4884 info@lobpchamber.org 1330 Van Beurden Dr. Suite 101 Los Osos, CA 93402 Office: (805) 528-1133 (800) 540-0229 LEON VAN BEURDEN CELL Broker/Owner HOME FAX (805) 801-1133 (805) 528-1207 (805) 528-5620 E-Mail Leon@bayososbrokers.com Website bayososbrokers.com The Business Connection • April 2015 Page 5 SMOOTHIE SALE AT LO FITNESS starting at 3:00 pm Wednesday April SBWN is a non-profit organization to all women on all job levels LOS OSOS, CA – Did you know that 22. This free event is sponsored by the open and in every occupation that wishes every Thursday and Saturday Los Osos Fitness donates 10% of our smoothie sales from The Blender to local non-profit organizations? During the months of April to June, our non-profit of choice is Celebrate Los Osos! Some come enjoy a delicious smoothie (smoothie bar is open to the public) and contribute to Celebrate Los Osos at the same time! APRIL EVENTS AT LOS OSOS LIBRARY LOS OSOS, CA – S AT U R D AY NIGHT MOVIE - April 4th 5:45. Bring your dinner and enjoy a movie. Our movie this month is in honor of National Poetry Month. We will supply the popcorn, courtesy of the Friends of Los Osos Library. Free. Rated PG. Call for movie title. MAKE ‘N’ TAKE - Every month we feature a new art activity or creative craft perfect for school-age children 5 and up. This month we will be making recycled bird feeders. Wednesday, April 15th 3:00pm. Free program sponsored by Friends of Los Osos Library. FAMILY FILM - On Saturday, April 18th at 2 pm the Los Osos Library will show an Earth Day themed Dr. Seuss movie (PG). Popcorn will be provided. This free family event is sponsored by the Friends of Los Osos Library. This film is rated PG. Call for movie title. EARTH DAY PROJECT - Make your world a little greener. Celebrate Earth Day at Los Osos Library. There will be an Earth Day storytime and activity Friends of Los Osos Library. POETRY - On Thursday April 23rd Local Poets and Los Osos Library present Poetry in the Library, with the theme “Will Power” in honor of William Shakespeare’s 451st birthday. Featured poets Chris Alba and Douglas Goetsch begin at 6:30 pm, open mic follows. Free event, open to the public. Sponsored by Friends of Los Osos Library. BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE NIGHT - Saturday, April 25 at 5:45. Everyone is excited for the next movie based on Marvel Comic’s The Avengers to hit the theaters. Catch up on the blockbuster series by watching the first installment of the films at the Los Osos Library call for details. Free. Rated PG-13. Popcorn courtesy of Friends of Los Osos Library. Los Osos Library is located at 2075 Palisades. For more information call 5281862. INSTALLATION OF SBWN BOARD OF DIRECTORS LOS OSOS, CA – On Tuesday, April 7, 2015, South Bay Women’s Network (SBWN) will meet at La Palapa Mexican Cuisine & Seafood, located at 1346 2nd Street in Baywood Park at noon. At this month’s luncheon meeting, SBWN will install new board members for 20152016. We encourage all members to join us in welcoming the upcoming board, as well as wishing thanks and goodbye to those that have finished their service to the organization. As there is no speaker at this event, members will have time to socialize and network. SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES Page 6 The Business Connection • April 2015 to share ideas, build friendships, and exchange support needed for personal and professional growth. The meeting fee, which includes informative speakers, beautiful venue, networking and lunch, is $16 for members and $20 for guests. For required guests reservations and member cancellations please visit our website at www.sbwn.org or email us at info@sbwn. org no later than 12 noon the Friday prior to the meeting. Bring a friend to lunch! BUTTERFLIES & NATIVE PLANTS IN THE ELFIN FOREST LOS OSOS, CA – In honor of California Native Plant Week, Pat Brown will lead a walk from the point of view of a hungry butterfly, April 18. As you tour the Elfin Forest with her, Pat will introduce you to several native plants and talk about the butterflies that sip their nectar and the caterpillars that eat their leaves. Pat has taken many photos in all stages of development from eggs to mature butterflies, and will share them along with fascinating butterfly facts. She’ll lead you to hangouts of Variable Checkerspot, Moro Blue, Swallowtail, Hairstreak and other butterflies that make the Elfin Forest their home. She will also share information about books, web sites and butterfly-related materials. She recommends that you bring a pair of close-focusing (5-10 ft.) binoculars. Walks in the Elfin Forest begin at times stated above at the north end (1100 block) of 15th Street off Santa Ysabel (16th Continued on page 7 Continued from page 6 Street for wheelchairs) in Los Osos. Wear comfortable shoes, long sleeves and pants to avoid poison oak and mosquitoes. Park carefully, avoiding driveways and mailboxes, and leave pets at home. The easy paced walks last 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Only heavy rain will cancel a walk. For more information call (805) 528-0392. EMPLOYEE OR INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR SEMINAR SAN LUIS, CA – Internal Revenue Service and Employment Development Department invite you to attend, at no charge, the Employee or Independent Contractor Seminar on April 7, 2015 from am to 1 pm. The seminar is being held at America’s Job Center of California, 880 Industrial way, San Luis Obispo. with colorful infographics, written narrative and short videos. This year’s report tells a story that focuses on results, highlighting t h e C o u n t y ’s m o s t s i g n i f i c a n t accomplishments and difficult challenges in a format that’s easy to understand and easy to share. The public can either take a quick glance at how each County department impacted the community by viewing the colorful infographics, or they can delve deeper into details by reading written narratives or watching SLO COUNTY 2014 videos with more focused stories. ANNUAL REPORT SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA – Citizens For more information or to review of San Luis Obispo County can now the 2014 Annual Report, visit see what their county government www.SLOCountyAnnualReport.com accomplished last year in one easy-toPlease submit all articles or press releases for inclusion read format. in the next newsletter to the Chamber Office by the 20th The County of San Luis Obispo published of the month or fax the information to (805) 528-8401 or its 2014 Annual Report online, complete e-mail: lobpccmarketing@gmail.com To make reservations, visit the EDD website at www.edd.ca.gov/Payroll_Tax_ Seminars/ or call 866-873-6086. The EDD is an equal opportunity employee/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Requests for service, aids, and/or alternative formats need to be made prior to the event by calling 866-873-6086 (voice) or TTY 88-547-9565. Information provided to you by Chamber Members to help inform and educate. NEWSLETTER GUIDELINES: Submission of FYI articles is open to all Chamber members to provide a variety of information to the general membership. We encourage all Chamber members to take this opportunity to share interesting, helpful and concise information with other members. We reserve the right to edit for space. HOW TO BE AN “ENVIRONMENTAL” INVESTOR Next week, we observe the 45th anniversary of Earth Day. But the lessons of environmentalism can also be applied to other areas of life - such as investing. Specifically, as an investor, you may well want to follow the “three Rs”: reduce, reuse and recycle. First, try to reduce duplications in your portfolio. If you own too many of the same type of investments, you could take a hit in a market downturn that primarily affects those assets. Second, reuse your long-term investment strategy. Many people stop and start in pursuit of the latest trends. You can make adjustments within your overall strategy, of course, but there’s probably no need to toss your whole approach overboard. Finally, recycle those investments you no longer need by selling them and using the proceeds to explore new opportunities or fill gaps in your portfolio. Reduce, reuse and recycle - it’s good advice for creating a healthy investment environment. ®Copyright 2015 Edward Jones. Deanna Richards, Edward Jones financial advisor located at 1236-J Los Osos Valley Rd 805/534-1070. Member SIPC Your Chamber membership is like a membership to the gym. You’ve got to use it to do any good. The Business Connection • April 2015 Page 7 MARK YOUR APRIL CALENDAR 5 Easter APRIL MIXER Wednesday, April 8 5:30 to 7:00 pm South Bay Women’s Network La Palapa, 1346 2nd Street, LO See Attached Flyer 7 South Bay Women’s Network – La Palapa - 12 pm 14MIXER – SBWN @La Palapa - 5:30 -7 pm 14Executive Committee – Chamber Office - 4 pm 20 Newsletter & Flyer Deadline 21Board Meeting – Chamber Office - 8 am 28CHAMBER OFFICE VOLUNTEER BRUNCH - 9 am LOS OSOS CENTER BEST CORNER IN TOWN! • Prime Retail/Office/Commercial Space • Completely Air Conditioned and Heated • High Traffic Count • Ample Parking • Call for Available Space and Price 1230-1236 Los Osos Valley Rd. at Fairchild Jim Smith 543-1500 • Cell 459-7502 • www.los-osos-center.com YOUR HALF PAGE AD HERE CALL CHAMBER OFFICE FOR MORE INFO 528-4884 info@lobpchamber.org We’re working to make Los Osos a better place to live, work and do business! Page 8 The Business Connection • April 2015 INVITATION IN MAIL JANUARY 8th Los Osos/Baywood Park Chamber of Commerce Friday, May 15th 5:30 -7:30 pm South Bay Community Center 2180 Palisades Ave. L.O. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FREE ADMISSION LOCAL BUSINESSES • COMMUNITY GROUPS Raffle • Door Prizes • Food • Beer & Wine • 50/50 Drawing Come join the party! DIAMOND SPONSOR ($250) SILVER SPONSOR ($100) Logo/name on all promotional material Name on all promotional material Mention in press releases and announcements Mention in press releases and announcements Name announced throughout the evening Name announced throughout the evening Logo/name banner displayed at event Name published in Exhibitor Guide Logo/name published in Exhibitor Guide Exhibitor booth in the “Sponsor Center” at the Expo RESERVE YOUR BOOTH TODAY - ONLY $35! (Booth includes an 8 ft. table and 2 chairs) RESERVATION FORM I WOULD LIKE TO BE A DIAMOND SPONSOR ($250) I WOULD LIKE TO BE A SILVER SPONSOR ($100) I WOULD LIKE A BOOTH ($35) I WILL NEED ELECTRICITY BUSINESS/GROUP NAME: BUSINESS/GROUP ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: EMAIL: Required to send expo information CONTACT PHONE: WEB ADDRESS*: * optional Please send this form along with a check, payable to LO/BP Chamber of Commerce to reserve your booth. Mail to: Business Expo 2015, P.O. Box 6282, Los Osos, CA 93412 or apply online at www.lobpchamber.org. For more information, call Los Osos/Baywood Park Chamber of Commerce, 805.528.4884 SPACE IS LIMITED • FOR MAXIMUM ADVERTISING EXPOSURE, DEADLINE TO APPLY: April 24th C I Destinations “The difference is in the details” The Los Osos Baywood Park Chamber of Commerce presents Tuscany/One Hotel Holiday DAY BY DAY: HIGHLIGHTS: Day 1: Board your transatlantic flight. Florence Round trip airfare Day 2: Arrive Montecatini: Check in and unpack once for a 7 night stay. A welcome dinner is included. Pisa & Lucca Airline fuel surcharges and taxes and fees INCLUSIONS: Day 3: Montecatini/Florence: Enjoy a full day in Florence. Siena Cinque Terre 7 Nights First Class Hotel Day 4: Montecatini/Pisa: Today, enjoy a tour of Lucca & Pisa. Your visit of Pisa will also include a sightseeing tour of Pisa’s Campo dei Miracoli (Field of Miracles). (optional) San Gimignano 10 Meals (7B, 3D) Chianti Region Sightseeing per itinerary Montecatini Admissions per itinerary Professional Tour Manager Baggage handling Hotel Transfers Day 5: Montecatini/Sienna: Travel Siena for a full day tour. Day 6: Montecatini/Cinque Terre: Spend today at leisure or join the optional full day excursion to Cinque Terre. Day 7: Montecatini/San Gimignano & Chianti Region: Today, enjoy a tour to San Gimignano. Experience the Chianti region this afternoon and taste the superb local wines. Day 8: Montecatini: Spend the day at leisure to explore on your own. Breakfast and dinner are included. Depos it by A pril 1 2015 , and S ave $1 00 per p erson .* $2899 $2799 Day 9: Montecatini - USA: Transfer to the airport for your flight home with wonderful memories of Italy. Departing October 27, 2015 Please join us for informative trip presentation Wed. Jan. 14 at 5:30 pm at the Sea Pines Golf Resort. For more information please contact the Chamber at (805)528-4884. Space is limited. Sign up early to secure your seat! $599 - Optional 2 Night Rome Post Tour Extension - Includes deluxe motor coach, 2 breakfasts, Rome city tour, and professional tour director. ADVERTISING INSERTION ORDER DATE BUSINESS NAME CONTACT ADDRESS PHONE FAX NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING ❏ Business card (3.5” x 2”) $25 ❏ 1/4 page (3.5” x 4”) $50 ❏ 1/2 page (7” x 4”) $75 EMAIL WEBSITE ADVERTISING EBLAST ADVERTISING RIGHT SIDE BANNER ❏ 3 Month Contract $125 Promote your business on a weekly basis with a logo, phone # and website link ❏ 6 Month Contract $200 ❏ Weekly $15 Year contacts are available for: ❏ 1 Year Contract $200 ❏ 8 Weeks $105 ❏ Business card size $180 ❏ 13 Weeks $150 ❏ 1/4 page $480 (maximum rotation 4 ea.) ❏ 26 Weeks $250 ❏ 1/2 page $780 ❏ 52 Weeks $500 An insertion order must be submitted for each ad requested. Ad space in THE BUSINESS CONNECTION is limited to Chamber members only. Submit artwork in either of the following formats: pdf, jpeg (high res.), or tiff (300 dpi) to newsletter@creativedesigngraphics.com or lobpccmarketing@gmail.com (469 pixels x 250 pixels) TOP LEFT BANNER (120 pixels x 61 pixels) ❏ 3 Month Contract $90 ❏ 6 Month Contract $125 ❏ 1 Year Contract $200 START DATE END DATE (maximum rotation 4 ea.) DESIGN SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE DESIGN SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE START DATE END DATE START DATE END DATE DESIGN SERVICES: Contact Creative Design Graphics/Dawn Rodden, 805.528.8263 • studio@creativedesigngraphics.com • www.creativedesigngraphics.com ADVERTISING TOTAL ❏ CHECK PAYMENT INCLOSED: $ ❏ PLEASE INVOICE: PAYMENT OF $ ❏ CREDIT CARD AMOUNT: $ will be made within 30 days of receipt of invoice (fill out below) Name on Card Credit Card # Exp. Date SIGNATURE DATE
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