Vendor Application

Office Use Only
Business Name:
Contact Person:
Street Address:
City-Prov-Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Fax (if applicable)
Email address:
Website URL:
Reg’d Charity No.:
Describe your products/services that you are bringing with you to our Festival. All items listed must be
legal for Sale in Canada.
Place a checkmark beside the category(s) which best describes your goods or organization:
Antiques & Collectibles
Arts & Crafts
Bakery/Coffee/tea & Catering
Body Art
Business & Commercial
Charity/non profit
Church/Faith Group
Clothing /Apparel
Community Group
Deli/Health Food
Education & Training
Financial Services
Gift Shops
Gov/Public Sector
Health & Well Being
Ice Cream & Candy
Jewellery & Accessories
Hairstyling & Barber
Music Stores
Pet Groomer/Supplies
Political Organization
Press & Newspaper Media
Printing & Stationery
Real Estate/Realtor
Salon, Spa or Aesthetics
Sporting Goods
Toys & Games
Youth Organization
Please note: absolutely no Food Trucks allowed.
New this year book before June 15th & you are eligible for the Early Bird rate of
$130 + HST!
Number of Spaces
Same spot as last
Per Space Fee
Yes OR No
$130.00 + HST
(Specify Here)
Number of Spaces
Same spot as last
Per Space Fee
Yes OR No
Locke Street Festival 2015 – Vendor Form
$150.00 + HST
(Specify Here)
1. Payments can be made by either: CHEQUE/MONEY ORDER/CASH. Cheques are made
payable to: “Locke Street BIA”. NO POST DATED CHEQUES. Payments are nonrefundable.
2. Payment in FULL must be received on or before June 30, 2015 with your completed
application to ensure your reservation. The Festival Committee will make their best effort to
accommodate location requests; however it will not be responsible for late applications.
3. You, the vendor shall indemnify and save harmless The Locke Street BIA and The City of
Hamilton, their employees, agents and management etc., from all claims for loss, damage,
injury to persons or property caused by you the vendor, his/her employees or agents through
any wrongful act, neglect or default. The Locke Street BIA and The City of Hamilton, their
employees, agents and management &c., shall NOT be held liable to the vendor, his/her
employees, agents or customers shall be entirely at the risk of the vendor or other owners for
any loss or damage in accordance with Canadian insurance laws. The Vendor shall be
responsible for insurance of his/her own property.
4. Individual vendors are responsible for the collection and remittance of any/all applicable taxes.
5. The Locke Street BIA and any/all of its members are NOT responsible for inclement weather--the Festival will run rain or shine.
6. Vendor Set-up commences at 7:00 am and the Festival is open to the public from 10:00 am until
7:00pm. No take-down is permitted before 7:00 pm.
7. Under no circumstances will any vendor including Merchant vendors SUB-LET any part of
their rental space without the prior written consent of the Festival Committee.
8. No Motorized vehicles are permitted on Locke Street with the exception of Police/Fire/EMS &
Ambulance vehicles.
9. No tent or display is to block ANY side streets leading up to and away from Locke Street, these
side streets are for emergency access before, during, and after the Festival.
10. No Vendor shall solicit donations of any kind from the general public, nor shall any Vendor
pose as a charitable organization. The Festival Committee reserves the right to inspect a
charity’s registration documents prior to and/or during the Festival.
11. The Festival Committee has the right to deny set-up and operation to any Vendor who has
misrepresented themselves. First priority of the Festival committee is to promote our merchants,
as such; we reserve the right to decline a vendor application if their service/product is in direct
competition with our businesses.
12. All rental spaces are approximately 10’x10’ (imperial feet). The entire space is limited to the
area extending 10’ into the road from the curb- ensuring the sidewalks are free from
obstructions and/or garbage.
13. Vendors are responsible for supplying the following: tables, tents, chairs, and signage. Vendors
are responsible for the removal of any products and/or GARBAGE that they bring or create
during the Festival.
14. The Locke Street BIA shall not divulge any personal information on this application form with
the exception of your Business Name and website link for promotional purposes.
15. All Festival representatives are present to ensure that the Festival is a happy, safe occasion for
all and to ensure compliance with these terms & conditions and the relevant by-laws. Your
compliance with the instructions of any of the Festival representatives is mandatory.
Locke Street Festival 2015 – Vendor Form
I have read and understand the above Terms & Conditions included with the contract
and agree to be bound by all.
Vendor Notes & Information
Business name: The name under which you operate the business. If there is no specific business name,
please put your own name. This information will be listed on:
Email Address: Your email address is our preferred method of contact for sending out subsequent
Festival applications. Only Vendors who do not have an email address will have an application mailed
to them via Canada Post.
Website: Please provide your website address, so we can link to it from our website.
Preferred Location: If you have a preferred location and have specified it on your application the
Festival Committee will make every effort to accommodate you. You may also specify a new location
by area: e.g., near Chatham Street or North of Melbourne Street.
Please send COMPLETED application and FULL payment to:
The Locke Street BIA
C/O 140 Locke Street South
Hamilton ON L8P 4A9
Contact me if you require more information:
Jamie Reid
Phone: 905-528-6058
Please note:
The easiest/quickest way to contact me is via email.
Locke Street Festival 2015 – Vendor Form