Algal Productivity in Salt Marshes LAWRENCE University It. oj Georgia Marine of Georgia1 POMEROY Institute, Xapelo Island, Georgia ABSTRACT Gross primary production of algae in the intertidal marshes on the coast of Georgia was measured at various seasons. Measurements were also made of light, temperature, pH, depth of flooding at high tide, and sedimentary chlorophyll. Migration of the algae in t,he sediments was observed along creek borders. Production during low tide is 150 mg C/m2/hr in winter and 2&30 mg C/mz/hr in summer. Production under water, during high tide is 200 mg C/m2/hr in August and drops to 50 mg in winter. A relation bctwcen the changes in production and the regime of light, temperature, and tides is postulated. Changes in production during high and low tide alternate so as to result in a nearly constant daily production throughout the year. The annual gross algal production is estimated to be 200 g C/m2. Net production is not less than 90 per cent of gross production. Photosynthetic cficiency varied from 3 per cent to less than 0.1 per cent. INTRODUCTION Although there is much current inter& in marine productivity, the possible role of the benthic microflora as producers has been 1argcly overlooked. Their possible importance is suggested by Moul and Mason (1957) who compared cell counts and chlorophyll extracts from intertidal sediments. Amounts of chlorophyll and cell numbers were comparable to those found beneath a similar unit area of coastal waters. The suggestion that algae on tidal flats may be significant producers was also made by Nelson (1947), who observed bubbles of oxygen (sic) trapped in a mat of Schixonema on the tidal flats of Cape May, New Jersey. The prcscnt study is concerned with the productivity of the microscopic algae of intertidal salt marshes and with the environmental conditions that influcncc it. Salt marshes support several populations of primary producers: higher plants (Chapman, 1954, 1959; Moul and Rrown 1957), algae on and in the sediments (Hustcdt 1955, Nielsen 1957, Moul 1959), and phytoplankton in the estuarine, water. Much work has been done on phytoplankton pro1 Contribution No. 8 from the Marine Institute of the University of Georgia, Sapclo Island, Georgia. This research was supported by funds from the Georgia Agricultural and Forestry Research Foundation. 386 duction. The production of Spartina alterniflora, the dominant spermatophyte of Atlantic coast marshes, has been investigated by Smalley (1959). Bccausc marshes make up about 75 per cent of the area of the estuaries on the coast of Georgia, the production of marsh plants is important in its contribution to the energy flow of estuarine populations. Most of the measurements of production and associated factors were made in the marshes of the Duplin River, a tidal creek adjacent to Sapclo Island, Georgia. The Duplin River has no significant source of fresh water except rainfall on its marshes; it is not a river but an arm of the estuary of the Altamaha River. Some aspects of the hydrography of this marshy tidal creek have been discussed by Ragotzkic and Rryson (1955). Much of the marsh of the Duplin River is soft and silty with littlc developmcllt of peat. Areas of this type arc low and well drained with well-dcvelopcd drainage creeks (Fig. 1). Along the larger tidal creeks are natural levees (cf. Miller and Egler 1950). A small part of the marsh is high and sandy with remnants of high ground (locally called hammocks) scattered over the marsh. The elevation of various parts of the marsh has been shown to influcncc the higher plant associations, and marshes have been divided No d&led tasonomic study of the algae \~as made in connection with the measurements of photosynthesis. Occasional examinations revealed that the most abundant algae were pennate diatoms of many genera. Green flagellates were present, and a creeping Euglena sometimes fwmed green patches on the sediments. Dmoflagellates were found occasionally in low, wet sediments. Blue-green algae formed mats on the surface of the sediments, particularly in late winter and early spring. The writer’s interest in the role of algae in energy flow in the salt marsh originated from conversations and field work with Edwin T. Maul. Thanks are due him both for the initial stimulus and for a critical review of the manuscript. Thanks are also due H. T. Odum for his interest and suggestions during the work and for critically reviewing the manuscript. The sedimentary Bell jars made from one-gallon bottles (Fig. 2) equipped with three-hole stoppers were pressed down into the sediments until the inlet tube nearly touched the surface. Sterile, filtered estuarine water (partially x-aerated) was slowly siphoned into each bell jar, without disturbing the sediment surface, and allowed to overflow until the bell jar had been flushed with twice its volume. Two D. 0. bottles were filled with the mater used for flushing, and from these the initial oxygen concentration was determined by the Winkler method (A. P. H. A. 1955). Because the water remained clear and free from suspended sediments,. no special modification of the Winkler procedure was deemed necessary. A dial-type thermometer inserted through the stopper served as a stirring rod for gently mixing 388 LAWRENCE FIG. 2. Bell jar and bottle train used in estimating photosynthesis of algae under simulated high-tide conditions. the water to prevent microstratification. After a period of exposure, usually one hour, the water in the bell jar was carefully siphoned out into two D. 0. bottles, using a bottle train to flush the bottles. All oxygen samples were fixed at once in the field and tit&ted as soon as they could be taken to the laboratory. In the same manner dark bell jars were prepared and covered with a wooden box painted black inside. They were filled after all light was excluded. If any of the water in a bell jar was lost through crab burrows or if bubbles rose from an unseen burrow during a period of observation, the bell jar was immediately emptied and the observation abandoned. A considerable number of observations were lost . in this way, and the abundance of burrows the marsh limited bell jar observations ii the bare strand below the Spartina border. The measurements of photosynthesis under bell jars were made at low tide on exposed sediment surfaces. Over a period of a year 43 measurements were made in this manner. By placing a photometer in the bottom of a filled bell jar it was found that as much light reached the scdimcnt surface through the bell jar as through one-half meter of marsh water. The measurements therefore simulate photosynthesis during high tide. A flowing-air system with COz-absorption columns (Verduin and Loomis 1944, Ii’ig. 1) was used to measure photosynthesis during low tide. Air was drawn through lucite enclosures that were pressed into the marsh R. POMEROY sediments. In order to avoid crab burrows and Spartina clumps two small enclosures (100 cm2 each) were used in series. A flow rate of 25 liters per hour gave a significant change in the absorption columns after one hour without causing serious depletion of CO2 in the measuring vessels. Usually on alternate hours throughout the day the enclosures were covered with black polyethylene film and aluminum foil to obtain respiration measurements. Three absorption columns were operated simultaneously, two drawing air through measuring vessels and one control drawing air from a point near the intake of the measuring vessels. At the start of each day all three columns were operated from a common air supply to check the reproducibility of results. The 95 per cent confidence limits of the method are =t4 mg C/m2/hr. Repeated observations in light or darkness revealed no evidence of lag, so it is assumed that the lag time is much less than one hour. Measurements wcro made during all daylight hours, and significant rates of photosynthesis were found soon after sunrise and through the late afternoon on sediments exposed to air. The mean rates given in this paper include approximately equal numbers of observations from all parts of the day. Light was measured both in air and under water with a photometer built by L. V. Whitney. Light measurements were converted to energy units, assuming that 1.55 X 10” foot-candles equal one langley/minute (Jcnkin 1937, Ryther 1956, Strickland 1958). All radiation measurements are given as photosynthetically active radiation, which is assumed to be half the total radiation. The use of a light meter as a means of measuring available energy undoubtedly introduces some error. The work of Blinks (1955) and others with algal action spectra suggests that the error is not a serious one in very shallow water. In some instances radiation was estimated from the tables of Kimball (1928). The pH of the sediments was measured in situ with a Beckman model N pI1 meter. Surface pI1 was measured by lightly touching the electrodes to the surface of the sediments. ,%n attempt was made to estimate the ALGAL DEPTH IN PRODUCTIVITY OF FLOODING SALT 389 MARSHES 1955, Orr and Grady 1957, Orr et nl. 1958). Therefore the pigment analyses used for phytoplankton arc: not suitable for work with sediments. The sedimentary chlorophyll method, a relative method dcvclopcd for lake sediments by Vallcntync (1955), has been used in this work. It is not wholly satisfactory where thcrc is a mixture of chlorophylls and their degradation products, because chlorophylls have a higher absorptivity than their degradation products (Orr should and Grady 1957). This limitation be kept in mind in interpreting the results The term “scdiof the pigment extractions. mentary chlorophyll,” originally used by Vallentync (1955) to mean the degradation products of chlorophyll in sediments, is used in this paper to mean the rclativc concentration of chlorophylls and their degradation products in the sediments. The depth of flooding of the marsh was dctcrmined by walking the marsh with a meter stick at high water. Five transects of the Duplin River marshes were traversed, and the depth of water was measured at intervals of 44 meters at 100 s-tations. Depths measured on different days were corrected by reference to a recording tide gauge at the mouth of the Duplin River. From the transect data a contour map of the Duplin River marshes was constructed (Fig. 3). From this the data in Table 1 were obtained by planimetry. ,,~I~I~I~l~I~I~I L3 I’l’l’l’r’l’l’l’ I’I’I’I’I’I’I’I’ I’I’I’I’l’I’I’I’ IlIlllll ‘I’I’I’I’I’I~I’I >I00 CM. 8 0 4 I 2 KILOMETERS OBSERVATIONS Temperature, pH, and light 3. Map of the Duplin River and its intertidal marshes. Contours represent depth of water at spring tide and are at high-water line, 50 cm below high water, 100 cm below high water, and 200 cm below high water (low water line). The 150-cm contour is omitted for clarit,y. Sapelo Island is on the right. The limit of drainage is shown by the dotted line. Outline of land and water areas from U. S. C. and G. S. Chart 574. Depths are from survey described in text. FIG. standing crop of algae in the marsh scdiments by means of pigment extractions. Marsh, lake, and marinc sediments contain extraccllular degradation products of plant pigments (pheophytins, pheophorbidcs, etc.) which have absorption spectra rather similar to those of the original pigments (Vallcntyne Seasonal variations in daytime tcmpcraturc of the air, water, and surface scdimcnts are shown in Figure 4. The nighttime tcmpcrature of the sediments was found to approach the water temperature. Daytime temperature of the sediments was influenced by insolation, shading by Spartina, grcenhouse effect of Spartina, and evaporation of water from the sediments. In winter the sediment temperature beneath dense stands of Spartina is lower than in bare areas. Presumably this is a shading cffcct. In summer the sediment tcmpcraturc beneath dense Spartina is higher than on bare areas. This may be the result of a combination of grecnhouse cffcct and reduced evaporation of 390 LAWREKCE TABLE 1. ~~ Kkptti;k Morphometry ! I R. POMEROY oj the marshes of the Duplin 1 I River, Sapelo Island, Georgia high Types cm 2.1 3.6 4.1 22 36 42 2.1 1.8 1.0 <40 60 >75 of marsh Bare strand, bare interior, tall-Spartina areas Levee slopes, med.-Spartina areas Levee tops, Salicornia flats, short-Spartina and Juncus aseas 25 I 01 JAN. I FEB. 1 MAR. 1 APRIL I MAY 4 JUNE I JULY AUG. I SEPT. , OCT. I I DEC. NOV. FIG. 4. Seasonal variations in temperature in salt marshes near Sapclo Island, Georgia. Solid vertical bars: observed davtimc temoerature range of surface of bare sediments. Owen vertical bars: observed daytime temperature Eange of surface sedim&t,s under tall Spartina. Broke; line: water temperature at mouth of Duplin River. Solid lines: maximum and minimum air temperature at Sapelo Island 1957 recorded by author; April-Dec. 1957 from U. S. (Monthly means- for 1956-7. Jan. 1956-April Weather Bureau 1957.). water from the sediments. On bare areas cracks appear in the sediments after several hours exposure, indicating considerable Beneath Spartina the crackevaporation. ing is absent or greatly reduced. It is cvident from Figure 4 that throughout the year sediment surface temperature tends to bc higher than air or water temperature. In the early morning, before the sun has risen, the pI1 of the marsh surface is between 7 and 8. During the day, when the marsh is cxposcd at low tide, the pI1 rises to 8.5 or 9 and occasionally to IO. Typical diurnal vuriatiorr in pus is sholvn ill Figure 5. The high daytime pII at the surface of the sedimcnts influences the pI1 of the sediments to a depth of several centimeters. 9 A- ..O/ o/ *a pH ’ O-0 7’ Og ” o/O / o,O.,A I ” lo\01.0 \ I I I I2 ‘:I Mi4 ,oH,O o/o-o I I 15 16 \ I IT 0 I8 FIG. 5. I)iurnal variations in pH of thcsurface of the sediments of the salt marsh, south end of Sapelo Island, May 10, 1956, Small open circles: station in sparse, 0.3-meter Spartina well back in marsh. Large open circles : station in dense, lmeter Spartina on front of natural levee. Black dots: station on bare strand. All were observed f rom first exposure by ebbing tide to covering by flood tide. ALGAL PRODUCTIVITY IN SALT 391 MARSHES DEC. M4Y 100 100 - 200 50 g ca’/cm2 - 100 ‘day .A STRAND TALL SPARTINA MED. SPAM LEVEE TOP FIG. 6. Per cent of incident light reaching surface of sediments in different zones of marsh of Duplin Solid line: sediments exposed to air and full sun. Dotted Zinc: River as measured with a photometer. Dashed line: sediments at maximum sediments at mean depth of water for the period 01 flooding. Scales at right give estimated maximum and minimum daily insolation for day depth at high water. of average cloudiness (based on Kimball 1928, Table 4). 2 40--- The turbidity of water in the major creeks draining the marsh, such as the Duplin River, is such that essentially all the light is absorbed in the first few decimeters. In the interior of the marsh the water in the smaller creeks and over the marsh proper is relatively clear and permits photosynthesis down to a depth of a mctcr or more. The extinction cocficicnt of water in the marsh and small creeks is 1. .----_ _~.~ 220200180- Mg. per per Vertical migration M A M J I _-.-I JASOND FIG. 7. Seasonal variation in gross duction. Black dots: two-month means low tide. Open circles: three-month rates in simulated high tide conditions VerticaZ bars represent 96 per cent limits of the means. A- - algal proof rates at means of (bell jars). confidence The amount of radiation reaching the algal flora of the marsh sediments varies not only with season and cloud cover but also with the density of Xpartina, the depth of water during high tide, the turbidity of the water, and the depth of the algae in the sediments. The data in Figure 6 arc cxpressed as vertical transmission, measured as vertical illumination (Hutchinson 1957, pages 389-424). The vertical migration of diatoms in intertidal sediments has been observed by Alcem (1949)) Faur&Frcmict (1951)) Callame and Debyscr (1954), and others cited by them. Observations during the present study confirmed carlicr reports,, including that of Callame and Debyscr that the diatoms will complete their downward migration just before the return of the tide even if the scdimcnts arc in the laboratory for study. Certain aspects of migration are important in the interpretation of the effect of light intensity on algal production. Migration is limited to soft, wet, sediments of the lower intertidal zone. In the marsh proper most algae remain at the surface at all times. In the bare scdimcnts below the Spartina border the algae rise to the surface soon after the scdimcnts arc exposed by the 392 LAWRENCE R. Rates oj photosynthesis and respiration falling tide. Microscopic examination of undisturbed sediments and of 40-micron frozen sections of sediments indicates that at low tide all the algae are at the surface, usually forming a layer only one cell thick and seldom more than 5 cells thick. The depth of their vertical migration appears to be only a few microns in most cases. Thcrcfore, at low tide the algae arc all exposed to full illumination, while at high tide illumination is reduced by the overlying water and by a thin layer of sediments. A fen algae are quite deep in the sediments (cf. Moul and Mason 1957), but these are probably unimportant as producers. It is importunt to note that the algae do not seek optimal light. Instead they seek full illumination, even though it may inhibit photosynthesis. 2. TABLE Gross algal production in various __.~-~. POMEROY Mean rates of gross algal production, 1)ased on measurements made at all times of day and under varying amounts of cloud cover, arc shown in Figure 7. I’hotosynthesis during low tide is significantly higher in winter, while photosynthesis at high tide is significantly higher in late summer. The two complement each other in such a way that the rate of production over a tidal cycle will bc almost the same throughout the year. In calculating photosynthetic rates no correction was made for photosynthetic quotient (QP = - dOJdCO2). Rabinowitch (1945, p. 3 l-35) reviewed experimental estimations of &, and concluded that it is not significantly different from 1.0 in most cases. Ryther (1956) on largely theoretical grounds suggested that 1.25 is more realist’ic, pro- zones 0.f the marsh of the Duplin __-_ .____.---.--lMontl1 ~5-6 - Zone l-2 3-4 Tall In air In water Total In air In water Total In air In water Total In air In water Total Spartina Medium Levee Spartina top m. c/ 2 IO Qr. FIG. month II I 01 I III I - 20 - 30 - 40 _-- 50 - 60 - +397 +415 +s12 IV I I ,o ---, I#’ I’ #’ _-_ -~9-10 7-8 ______. -- Bare strand River, mg C/m2/day _.-.---.-- -..- -FE +318 +72 $12 +275 +347 -37 + 183 + 146 +495 +138 +633 +a10 +a22 + 120 +140 +260 3-105 ---~ VI v I I ---- +78 +1541 +1619 +59 + 1027 +51”8 +51s + 1086 f93 +17 +685 +346 +702 +439 +29 +52 +513 +259 +542 +311. -_-____- +35 +777 +s12 VII VIII I 1 . ____ 11-12 ---- .- +307 +528 +825 + 120 -1478 +352 +830 +sso +234 + 1094 +228 +176 +404 -..- . ..--- IX, I ($Q---_ -----e-m_ -I 8. Respiration in air of organisms in marsh sediments at various seasons. Each point mean, with vertical bars representing 95 per cent confidence limits. is a two- ALGAL PRODUCTTVITP 0 0 CARBON FIXED MG./ML/HR. I 0 0 too - 000 0 1 IO . OO I 20 SEDIMENT-SURFACE I I I 30 TEMPERATURE, 40 OC of photosynthesis I?IG. 0. Relation to temperature in observations with water-filled bell jars simulating high-tide conditions. vidcd the nitrogen source is nitrate. Where ammonia is the nitrogen source $, is expected to be nearer 1.6. It is possible that algae in marsh sediments may utilize ammonia to satisfy much of their nitrogen requircmcnts. Daily production was estimated from the short-term data by correcting for day length at different seasons and for the length of time each part of the marsh was inundated and exposed during a tidal cycle. The estimates in Table 2 arc necessarily crude ones, for the number of measurements in individual zones of the marsh at different seasons is small. They should bc taken only as a suggestion of the variety of conditions to bc found in the marsh. The scasonal variations seen in the short-term data are still apparent, and the total production is smoothed. From the daily production an estimate of annual production of algae in the Duplin River marshes was made by correcting for the relative amount of each marsh type in the study area (Table 1). Annual gross production was estimated to bc 200 g C/m”. IN SALT MARSHES 393 For comparison a simple mean of all data was prepared, assuming production for six hours in air and six hours under water each day. This gave an estimate of 280 g C/m2. Measurements of community respiration were made in a ratio of about one for every two photosynthesis measurements. Under water the mean rate was 12.8 =t 2.9 mg C/m2/hr. No significant seasonal differences were found. Respiration when the marsh was exposed to air was significantly higher in winter (Fig. 8). This was surprising, and no explanation can be given. Several respiration measurcmcnts under bell jars for periods of 12 and 24 hours (the former at night) show mean hourly rates of about half the short-term measurements. This suggests that respiration is lower at night, although further data would bc required to confirm this. The annual mean rate of respiration of the sediments community is estimated to bc 100 g C/m2. To estimate net algal production it is necessary to separate the respiration of the algae from that of heterotrophic organisms of the sediments community. Because the algae are motile and migrate vertically, it is possible to select a time and place when all algae are on the surface of the scdimcnts and to scrape them off almost quantitatively. The sediment exposed is well within the oxidized layer, and there is no reason to suspect great alteration of respiratory rate by the scraping process. After scraping, the CO2 evolution of the scraped area is measured both in light and darkness to test the completeness of removal of autotrophic organisms. When all are removed the rate of CO2 evolution is the same in both light and darkness. When such an area is compared with an adjacent undisturbed area, all respiration proves to be non-algal. On the basis of the estimated accuracy of the method there is a 95 per cent probability that net algal production is not less than 90 per cent of gross production. Standing crop of algae In the Georgia marshes there is a sharp reduction in scdimcntary chlorophyll below the first centimctcr of sediments and no further reduction down to one meter (the 394 LAWRENCE 3. Horizontal distribution of sedimentary chlorophyll in salt-marsh sediments, expressed as sedimentary chlorophyll units per gram dry weight of sediments R. POMEROY TABLE ..- - -. _ -- Location . . . . Date.................. Depth -____ . . S. end %!: 8-28-57 Duplin River ..- -- Duplin River 10-7-57 _______ . . . . . . . . . . . . Surface Surface 2 cm Surface 2 cm ___-~ ___.-_I -- B,zre strand Tall Spartina Med. Spartina levee front Top of levee Back of levee Shorl Spartina Med. Spartina Brink of interior creek 10.2 8.6 9-4-57 25.5 9.3 4.5 4.4 4.9 6.0 6.0 6.0 2.5 3.6 4.2 2.5 5.1 12.9 10.7 3.3 4.1 3.6 5.0 1.7 dcepcst level sampled). IIorizontally there are considerable variations in the sedimentary chlorophyll of the surface sediments (Table 3), and these give every evidence of following the pattern of standing crop as judged by the appearance of the marsh surface. Also, the most productive areas show the highest sedimentary chlorophyll values. However, other factors, such as the rate of sedimentation, could bc involved (cf. Orr et al. 1958). Visual observations through several years give some indication of the spatial and seasonal variation in standing crop. During the summer and early fall there is a dark brown zone on the bare strand of the lower intertidal zone. In winter this disappears almost completely, and the strand is a dull grey. In winter and spring a zone of blucgreen algae develops on the upper part of the levee. Also in spring a rich brown color develops beneath the tall Spartina. The relation of these changes to the regime of the physical environment is suggested in the following section. I)IMCUSSIO N The rate of algal production in Georgia salt marshes is similar to the production of phytoplankton in many aquatic ecosystems (cf. Juday 1940, Lindcmann 1942, Clarke 1946, Riley I953 and 1955). When the total production of the marshes is estimated, in- eluding Spartina and phytoplankton as well as the algae of the sediments (Teal 1959), it will probably be comparable to the most productive aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (Odum 1956 and 1957, Loomis 1949). Certainly t,he production of algae in salt, marshes is a significant contribution to the energy flow of the ecosystem of marshy estuaries. Of the factors that influence production, light is probably most important and best understood. The amount of light reaching the surface of the sediments at any time and place can be estimated frorn existing data (Fig. 5). During low tide, when the algae arc exposed to full sunlight and are in a layer which is at most a few cells thick, the amount of light reaching the algae can be During high tide the known accurately. algae in lower, wetter sediments migrate downward (probably a very short distance), and part of the light is absorbed by the water and sediments before it reaches the algae. The absorption by the water can be estimated from Figure 5, but the absorption by the scdimcnts cannot be estimated with any precision until more is known about the extent of the migration and the transparency of the sediments. The effect of light intensity on photosynthesis by phytoplankton has been investigated by Ryther (1956), Talling ( I957a and b), and Sorokin and Krauss (1958). A wide variety of species and higher taxa are represented by these experiments, and the results should bc applicable to the algae in intertidal sediments, making allowance for the very limited vertical distribution of the sediment’s algae. Ryther found that the optimal light intensity for photosynthesis was between 350 and 3000 foot-candles, depending somewhat on the major taxonomic Illumination above or begroup involved. low the optimal range inhibits photosynthesis (cf. Ryther 1956, Fig. 1). The observations of Talling and of Sorokin and Krauss confirm those of Ryther. Photometric measurements in the salt marsh show that incident light exceeds the optimum during midday throughout the year, except on a few very cloudy days. However, in spring and early summer the ALGAL PliODUCTIVITY IN SALT MAIiSHES 395 optimum is cxcccdcd by 0800 hours, and (Harvey 1955, p. 1.04), presumably bccausc light remains above optimum until 1600 or there is ncithcr free CO2 nor IICOS in the 1700. Therefore, during low tide light must water. A pH of LOwas observed on several bc limiting much of the time, particularly in occasions. It is possible to estimate approximately spring and summer. Since the algae are all at the surface and arc not more than a few the diffusion rate of COz across the sediment cells thick, light is limiting to essentially all surface from the data given by IIaney (1954) and Odum (1956). Bearing in mind that Beneath Spartina illuof the population. the algae are in constant motion, a net promination is nearer the optimum, although duction rate of about 300 mg C/m2/hr may still above it cxccpt under the dense, tall be sustained by diffusion. This is in accord stands along the lcvces. When the marsh is under water much of the sediment surface with the present observations, and it suggests that while availability of CO2 is not is within the optimal range of illumination in spring and summer and somewhat below the principal limiting factor it dots impose of algae in it in fall and winter. Creek bottoms covered an upper limit on productivity by more than two meters of water are probintertidal sediments. The advantages of flowing systems, which permit an increase ably at or below the compensation lcvcl. in energy fixation in cxccss of the kinetic With sub-optimal illumination photosynthesis is independent of tcmpcraturc, but energy of the flowing water, have been within the optimal range it is tcmperaturcpointed out by Odum (1956, 1957). In the dependent (Rabinowitch 1956, p. 121 lmarsh sediments flow (except tidal flow over L242 ; Talling 1.957a). This being so, it may the surface) is eliminated. The limitation be expected that in the bell-jar observations imposed on production by the rate of diffuphotosynthesis is a function of temperature sion of CO2 into the surface layer of the (Fig. 9). When light is above the optimum, sediments is far below the production rates photosynthesis is temperature dependent that have been found in flowing systems (Rabinowitch 1956, p. 1211). However, in (Odum 1957, Odum and Odum 1956). the flowing-air observations, where light was The nutrient relationships of the algae in often above the optimum, there is no ap- marsh sediments are not completely known. parent relation of photosynthesis to tem- When algae migrate below the compensation perature, probably because the varying de- depth in the sediments they may be living grees of inhibition of photosynthesis by heterotrophically on dissolved organic mastrong light mask the temperature effect. terials in the interstitial water. BristolFrom light and temperature relations it is Roach (1928) found this to be the case with possible to understand the seasonal changes Scenedesmus living in soil. The algae are in the rate of photosynthesis of marsh algae. well situated to receive nutrients regenerated In air light is limiting to photosynthesis, in the sediments, and inorganic nutrients are because it is too intense much of the time. probably more abundant in the scdimcnts In winter, when light is at its minimum, than they are in the estuarine water. The photosynthesis during low tide reaches its high pI1 caused by photosynthesis of the annual maximum. When the algae arc un- algae may release nutrients from the scdidcr water light is in the optimal range much ments (Macphcrson et al. 1958). of the time, and the rate of photosynthesis The cfficicncy of photosynthesis was calreaches its maximum in August when water culated on the basis of photosynthetically temperature is highest. Thus the intcracactive radiation reaching the surface of the tion of light, temperature, and tidal regime scdimcnts through the measuring vessels appear to result in continuous production of used. EXFicicncy is inversely related to light algae. intensity, and is highest at the lowest inThe high pII of the marsh scdimcnts tensities found under the range of conditions during daylight suggests that COz may bc obscrvcd. Efhciencics of 1 to 3 per cent limiting at times. At a pI1 of IO growth wcrc found at light intensities less than 100 stops in cultures of Nitxchia and Navicula I< Cal/m2/hr, while at intensities in excess 306 LAWRENCE of 300 K Cal cficicncy was 0.1 per cent or less. The highest efficiencies were found in populations under water and under dense Spartina on the front of the natural levees. The low efficiencies observed are quite typical of algal populations (Steemann Nielsen 1057). The long-term eficicncy, computed on the basis of the annual estimate of gross algal production and Kimball’s (1928) tables of average solar radiation (X 0.5) is 0.3 per cent. Since some of the energy is absorbed by Spartina or by water the true efficiency will be somewhat higher but probably less than 1 per cent. RE:FER EN CES A. A. 1949. The diatom community New inhabiting t,he mud-flats at Whitstablc. l’hytol., 49: 174-187. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEAI,TTI ASSOCIATION. 1955. Standard methods for the examination of water, sewage, and industrial wastes. 10th Ed. A. P. H. A., New York. xix + 522 pp. BLINKS, L. It. 1955. Photosynthesis and productivity of littoral mnrinc algae. J. IMar. Res., 14: 363-373. BRISTOL-ItoACH, B. M. 1928. On the influence of light and of glucose on the growth of a soil alga. Ann. Bot., 42: 317-345. CALLAME, B., AND J. DEBYSER. 1954. Observations sur les mouvements dcs diatomees a la surface des sediments marins de la zone intercotidale. Vie et Milieu, 6: 242-249. 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