SPORTS HALL Facility planning aid for Architects | Designers | Sports Consultants ABOUT US As one of the leading corporations in the sports industry Erhard Sport International offers a wide product selection for more than 100 sports for over 130 years. As manufacturer of high quality sports equipment Erhard Sport International has an excellent reputation in schools, sports clubs, town councils and retailers. As a qualified equipment engineer and fitter of sports hall installation Erhard Sport International is one of the leading and most experienced suppliers. More than 200 staff members ensure, that your requests and inquires are professionally handled and processed. Site Burgbernheim • Production • Warehouse • Product Development/Research • Technical Department • Information/Training Center (ESS – Erhard Sport Studio) According to our tradition and philosophy we work constantly on new and enhanced ideas which are reflected in our products. Planning a Sports Hall Installation? Planning Assistance As a manufacturer and supplier of sports equipment we assist architects and clients with wellfounded and detailed knowledge when it comes to planning and considering sports installation. With over 50 years of experience in this particular field we provide best performance to suit demanding designers and contractors. Special Catalogue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Important information and advice of sports hall installation is provided in our current special catalogue Sports Hall Equipment or at Take advantage of our knowledge for your planning success. 12 13 14 25 2 3 4 5 6 OK Rohbeton 7 900, für Schaukelringanlage mit Schwingachsen mind. 1000 erforderlich Wandschiene bündig einsetzen! 13 18 19 8 25 Geräteraum OK Rohbeton 85 102 130 16 16 173 8 120 Bewehrung nach statischen Erfordernissen! Siehe DIN 18032/Teil 6! 9 22 Fundament-Aussparung für Pos. 40 OK Rohbeton 20 11 Nischenbreite 240 Nischenhöhe 270 168 400 8 Bewehrung nach statischen Erfordernissen! Siehe DIN 18032/Teil 6! 3 25 Nischentiefe 15 2 8 Pv D Diese Geräteverankerung wird auf den Rohbeton aufgedübelt! 22 227 650 Maße in cm! 12 Lastannahme für Sprossenwand feststehend, schwenkbar, hochziehbar und einschiebbar 13 Pro Befestigungspunkt ist eine Vertikallast P =2000N und eine Horizontallast P =3000N anzunehmen. H 230 550 Detail "A" Bauseits abgerundete Eckverstärkung vorsehen, oder Seilschutz von Fa. Erhard verwenden! 25 25 2 3 80 303 400 3 154 170 115 2 230 450 550 22 F2 60 Lt. DIN 18032/Teil 1 mind. 200 erforderlich! 2 17 In diesen Bereichen keine Fußbodenheizung! 9 33 Nischenbreite 240 Nischenhöhe 270 34 600 Volleyball-Spielfeld 3 3 33 Freiräume für Geräteverankerungen beachten! 400 Für Pos. 9 Nischentiefe 24 11 3 8 9 173 Basketball- und Handball-Spielfeld Nische bauseits vorsehen! Lichte Öffnung 30cm! Lichte Tiefe 13cm! Siehe Detail "A"! 13 Achtung! 17 B Für die Befestigung der Sportgeräte müssen bauseits statisch ausreichend dimensionierte Boden-, Wand- und Dachkonstruktionen vorhanden sein, Siehe DIN 18032/Teil 6! Wandschiene bündig einsetzen! Der vorliegende Sportgeräte-Einbauplan ist ein Planungsvorschlag! Ein Anspruch auf Rechtsgültigkeit besteht nicht! Achtung! Bei Elastik-Sportboden beachten! Verstärkungsringe ab 18cm Sportbodenaufbau! Für Pos.: F Lastannahme für Spielschiene Pro Befestigungspunkt ist eine Vertikallast P =1000N und eine Horizontallast P =1500N anzunehmen. H Lastannahme für künstliche Kletteranlagen Die entsprechenden Lasten sind der EN 12572 zu entnehmen. G 13 11 16 16 F2 Pos. 2 19 40 Fg Zusatzhinweise: Ausladung Basketball-Wandgerüst: siehe Vermaßung im Sportgeräte-Einbauplan. Ausladung Basketball-Übungsbrett: 30cm. Basketball-Deckengerüst: Ein eventueller Schwingbeiwert ist nicht eingerechnet! Lichte Nischenöffnung 13 9 F1 OKFF Nischentür 158 200 Badminton-Spielfeld 227 G We support you free of cost when planning a sports hall by providing you qualified ideas and solutions with the experience of more than 1000 succesful completed projects. Visit us and get to know our production facilities. Equipment to touch, quality to examine, special solutions to discuss. All of that can be efficiently done with us at our factory-owned "Sport Studio". 13 lichte Nischentiefe 25 200 Lt. DIN 18032/Teil 1 mind. 200 erforderlich! E F3 30 303 25 Mitte Sporthalle 154 158 15 154 60 F Eigengewicht: Fg Basketball-Deckengerüst: 3000N Fg Basketball-Wandgerüst: 2000N Fg Basketball-Übungsbrett: 1000N Prüflasten nach DIN7899/DIN-EN1270 F1=900N; F2=3200N; F3=900N 15 50 170 15 14 14a 16 18 18 Mitte Sporthalle 200 100 18 V Lastannahme für Basketball-Anlage 60 60 50 115 154 E J Ph 11 Ph 13 I C Pro Konsole ist eine Vertikallast P =3000N 10 und eine Horizontallast P =3000N anzunehmen.V H Geräteverankerung für Pos. D H B Lastannahme für Klettertaue und VSK Nach DIN1055/Teil3 sind je Klettertau, und für die Befestigung des Trägerrohres an der Wand, eine Vertikallast Pv=2000N und eine Horizontallast von Ph=900N zu berücksichtigen. Ein eventueller Schwingbeiwert ist nicht eingerechnet! Nach DIN 18032 Teil 6 müssen die Wandbefestigungen zur Feststellung der Taueinrichtung (nur Seilfeststeller bei der VSK-Anlage) je Tau 2250N vertikale Last aufnehmen können. Eigenlast je Tau: 400N. Lastannahmen für Kletterstangen und Gitterleiter, rollbar und hochziehbar 30 19 Nischenbreite 258 Nischenhöhe 540 Nischentiefe 24 C Nach DIN 18032 Teil 6 müssen die Wandbefestigungen zur Feststellung der Ringeinrichtungen (Klobenplatte, Seilfeststeller) je Schaukelringpaar 4500N vertikale Last aufnehmen können. Eigenlast je Ringpaar: 800N. For your planned sports hall we provide a customized equipment installation plan according to your requirements and ideas. Fundament-Aussparung für Pos. Nische bauseits vorsehen! Lichte Öffnung 30cm! Lichte Tiefe 13cm! Siehe Detail "A"! 17 Lastannahme für Schaukelringe, Kunstturnringe und VSK Nach DIN1055/Teil3 sind je Schaukelringpaar, und für die Befestigung des Trägerrohres an der Wand, eine Vertikallast Pv=4000N und eine Horizontallast von Ph=1800N zu berücksichtigen. 7a Ein eventueller Schwingbeiwert ist nicht eingerechnet! 33 A A CAD Planning Our design and engineering department is equipped with the latest CAD technology. As a result, we are able to provide you with an optimum offer according to the sports hall floor plan. Equipment Installation Plan 7 Bewehrung nach statischen Erfordernissen! Siehe DIN 18032/Teil 6! B 16 Für die Montage der Sportgeräte werden bauseitige Vorkehrungen, entsprechend der DIN 18032/ Teil 6 und den Lastannahmen nach DIN 1055/ Teil 3, EN 1270 und EN 12572 vorausgesetzt. 50 1 15 2 Fundament-Aussparung für Hülsen-Steckreck, Pos. A Cost Listing Upon inquiry you will receive from us a specification of costs or a neutral specification of services. Utilise our qualified offer! All we need from you are your planning documents as well as floor plans and sectional drawings (preferably in a measuring unit of 1:50). Sämtliche Angaben sind eigenverantwortlich mit den Bauplänen abzustimmen, wobei die allgemein anerkannten sicherheitstechnischen Regeln (z.B. DIN 18032) und bei Schulsport- 15 16 17 18 19 22 25 33 Hülsensteckreck Spannreck, Spannstufenbarren VSK (Vario-Schaukel-Kletter-System) Klettertaue Gitterleiter 4-teilig Sprossenwand schwenkbar Basketball Wandgerüst Basketball Übungsbrett Wandschiene Spielsäule Volleyball Netzpfosten Badminton Netzpfosten Handballtor mit Verankerung Kletterwand/Boulderwand 6x3m H I Alle Maße in cm! Alle Maße, die von einer Wand ausgehen, sind von VK fertiger Wand! Alle Höhenangaben von OKFF! Alle Nischenmaße sind lichte Fertigmaße! Hinweis für den Planer: Falls die Fundamentaussparungen größer sind, als in J CUSTOMIZED EQUIPMENT PLANNING factory The inspected ith qualw ds correspon TÜVof ds an m de ity e certith r fo n ge Thürin constant A ts. fied produc ality qu g rin tu ac uf man cere th d an d is ensure ons are tification provisi complied. The Testing Agency for Equipment Safety of TÜV Thüringen designated as a certification body for technical quipment by the Federal Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, together with its associated testing laboratories, hereby confirms that the products itemised fulfil the specifications as laid down in the current version of the Act on Technical Equipment. Certificate Inspection of a Manufacturing Facility Certificate Certificate GS approved products Inspection of Installation & Service Only ERHARD SPORT can provide complete and up-to-date Approval Certificates for all fixed and portable Sports Equipment, for Inspection of Manufacturing Facility as well as for Installation and Service. At ERHARD SPORT INTERNATIONAL, a well planned multi-sport athletic facility is our idea of Total Gym Coordination. ERHARD specializes in assisting you through every phase of a project, from product selection to product installation and everything in between. Our engineering department provides services unmatched by anyone in the industry. 3 If you are planning a multi-sport athletic facility you should realize this will be a major investment that does not allow you to spend time, money and effort on poor planning, poor product quality and poor service. So please make sure you choose the right staff that can help ease your job. It‘s easy! Call or write us – we can do jobs others can‘t. UNEVEN PARALLEL BARS RING FRAME (see page 80) HIGH BAR 240 240 FLUSH FLOOR 400 FLUSH FLOOR 550 550 Pull direction of guy chain/wire FLUSH FLOOR Pull direction of guy chain/wire Detail: Floor Slab Recess FLUSH FLOOR 30 Flush floor slab No. 13081 Hinged Anchor Hook to be set in concrete 20 No. 13082 Hinged Anchor Hook to be bolted on concrete slab Dimensions in cm UNEVEN PARALLEL BARS • HIGH BAR • RINGS 4 performance gymnastics high bar • rings • uneven bars HORIZONTAL BAR ”Universal” with universal tensioning, height adjustment from 142 – 270 cm in steps of 5 cm. High bar made of special stainless spring steel, Ø 28 mm, 240 cm long. Uprights made of heavy-gauge steel tube with rubber covered base plate. Including guy cables, turnbuckles and adjusting chain. Without floor anchors. 13202 Each HORIZONTAL BAR ”Stuttgart” with double tensioning and safety bar. Uprights with more elasticity. Height adjustment from 255 – 295 cm. Safety bar made of high quality special stainless steel, for highest standard and safety. The double tensioning with the licensed key adjustment gives excellent support and flexibility to the apparatus. Approved by the FIG. Without floor anchors. 13203 (not shown) Each Ref.No. 17505 Ring Frame HORIZONTAL BAR ”Standard”, according to DIN specification 7903. Height adjustment from 145 – 250 cm. Standard tensioning. Without floor anchors. 13204 (not shown) Each Ref.No. 13202 Horizontal bar with universal tensioning STORAGE RACK for high bar unit. 13150 (image see page 72) FLOOR ANCHORS for guyed gymnastic apparatus STEEL ANCHOR HOOK for concreting in foundation recess. 13101 Each HINGED STEEL ANCHOR in socket, for concreting in foundation recess. 13081 Each STEEL ANCHOR HOOK WITH PLATE for dowelling on concrete slab. 13102 Each HINGED STEEL ANCHOR for dowelling on concrete slab. 13082 Each ANCHOR & SOCKET COVER for sprung floor. Flange made of corrosion resistant alloy, 180 mm Ø clear opening. Solid PE lid with rubber seal. 14570 Each Each RING FRAME with built-in shock absorbers and additional special spring system.. 17505 Each UNEVEN BARS ”WM Dortmund”, for competition, width between the rails 100 - 160 cm. Round unbreakable wooden coated fiberglass rails „Carboflex“, double tension device with built-in ension devices and slide adjusters. Approved by FIG. 11131 Each UNEVEN BARS same as model ”WM Dortmund”, but without tension conrol device. 11130 (not shown) Each UNEVEN BARS ”L” functions as model ”WM Dortmund” but width between the rails 75 – 110 cm, without tension control device. 11120 (not shown) Each WALL RACK for storage of uneven parallel bars. 11150 (image see page 72) Each Ref.No. 11131 Uneven bars „WM Dortmund“ 5 Deflection Pulley Supporting Structure Deflection Pulley Hoisting Device Belt Rope For the structural engineer Design load for suspension harness: Carbine Hook According to DIN specification 1055 part 3 a vertical load of Pv = 4000 N and a horizontal load of Ph = 1800 N are to be considered. A possible swing coefficient is not included. FLUSH FLOOR This single rope suspension is a special construction consisting of a ceiling mounted track with a running pulley, rope and belt. SUSPENSION HARNESS 6 suspension harness SUSPENSION HARNESS Standard model consisting of a braided polypropylene rope with carbine hook, single and doube deflection pulley. 17400 Set CLAMP CONNECTOR Standard model for steel, wood or concrete girder. 17140 Each CLIP ANGLE for fixing on job site existing anchor rail, standard model. 17150 Each HOISTING DEVICE for suspension harness, consisting of pulley block with clevis type eyelet, 8 mm braided hemp rope with snaphook and wind-up bracket. 171810 Each AGILITY BELT made from natural tanned leather with felt padding, hand-sewn, 2 adjustment buckles and securely fastened D-rings for rope attachment. F3040010* Each AGILITY BELT Hard-wearing nylon belt with reinforced triple-sewn adjustment straps, securely fastened D-rings for rope attachment, including 2 looped assistant straps with swivel carbine hook. 54905 Each TWISTING BELT aluminium frame with precision ball bearings, inside heavy-duty nylon belt and two 360° turn knuckles, Size: XS-S (diameter 60-80 cm). 54915 Each ADDITIONAL BELT PACKAGE for agility belts, consisting of adjustable shoulder and chest belt as well as an abdominal belt. Ideal for protecting the gymnast during difficult exercises. Without ropes. 54906 Set *) Ref.No. F3040010 determines Ref.No. 54910 without hand held assistant hemp ropes. Ref.No. 54905 Ref.No. 54915 7 Dimensions in cm Supporting girder pipe Rope guide element 200 min. 175 Rope Snap hook to attach various elements (i.e. swing rings, rope ladder, etc.) For the structural engineer Rope adjusting and locking device Design load for VSC System: Load: According to DIN specification 1055 part 3 for each pair of ropes a vertical load of Pv = 4000 N and a horizontal load of Ph = 1800 N are to be considered (a possible swing coefficient is not included). Dead load: G = 800 N for each pair of ropes. FLUSH FLOOR Clamping lever Mounting plate Triangular securing plate Rope adjusting and locking device locked unlocked ACCESSORIES FOR VSC SYSTEM min. 280 rope ladder Solid wooden rungs with 10 mm PP rope and suspension ring. Maximum load capacity 100 kg. 16660 Per meter 13 ROPE LADDER Solid wooden rungs with 10 mm PP rope and suspension ring. Maximum load capacity 100 kg. Fixed length 200 cm. 81232 Each clear recess measures Front finished wall Section B 200 Flush front finished wall A 1-4 pairs VSK A = 40 cm B = 13 cm FLUSH FLOOR HAMMOCK made from heavy-duty woven cotton cloth. 81190 300 x 140 cm (usable area) Each 81191 350 x 160 cm (usable ares) SWING CLOTH 3 x 3 m KNOT ROPE Tear-proof PE cloth with surrounding sewn cord PP rope Ø 24 mm with suspension ring. Rope knots and 4 suspension loops. every 50 cm. Maximum load capacity 200 kg. 81224 Each 81219 Per meter CLIMBING NET 2 x 2 m KNOT ROPE made from 16 mm PP rope, with attachment bar. PP rope Ø 24 mm with suspension ring. Rope knots 81222 Each every 50 cm. Maximum load capacity 200 kg. CLIMBING NET "Herkules", 2 x 2 m Fixed length 200 cm. 81220 Each made from 16 mm PP rope with steel wire insert, with attachment bar. RUBBER SWING DISC Ø 30 cm, 81223 Each with PVC covered chain 200 cm long, with susCLIMBING NET 3 x 2.5 m pension ring. 17321 Each made from 16 mm PP rope, with attachment bar. 81238 Each RUBBER SWING SEAT 45 x 20 cm, CLIMBING NET "Herkules", 3 x 2.5 m with steel core and extremely elastic edges, with made from 16 mm PP rope with steel wire insert, 12 cm chain and suspension ring. 81208 Each with attachment bar. 81239 Each PLYWOOD SWING SEAT 80 x 80 cm, CLIMBING ROPE with 4 suspension rings and 4 screw chain links to for hanging height 550 cm. attach to existing ropes. Each 80209 Each 16620 81207 SWING DISC Each VSC – VARIABLE SWING & CLIMBING SYSTEM 8 Each THERAPY INSERT PAD 60 x 60 x 6 cm, firm foam padding with hardwearing synthetic leather cover. 81194 Each vsc variable swing climbing system VSC – VARIABLE SWING AND CLIMBING SYSTEM suitable for 1-2 pairs of VSC ropes. Consisting of 2 deflection pulleys for 1-2 pairs of ropes, rope lock and VSC ropes with sewn loop at one end, safety snap-hook. 17350 Each VSC – VARIABLE SWING AND CLIMBING SYSTEM suitable for 3-4 pairs fo VSC ropes. Consisting of 2 deflection pulleys for 3-4 pairs fo ropes, rope lock and VSC ropes with sewn loop at one end, safety snap-hook. 17352 Each ROPE BRACKET to wind up excess length of 1 pair of VSC ropes. 17320 Each RUBBER WEIGHTS with lead core. 17182 Pair WEIGHT BAG with loop strap. 17184 Each CORNER DEFLECTION PULLEY for 1 pair of VSC ropes. 17354 Each CORNER DEFLECTION PULLEY for 2 pairs of VSC ropes. 17355 Each CORNER DEFLECTION PULLEY for 3 pairs of VSC ropes. 17356 Each CORNER DEFLECTION PULLEY for 4 pairs of VSC ropes. 17357 Each WALL FIXING for each rope locking device in case of wall facing. 17358 Each ROPE DEFLECTOR for 1-2 pairs of VSC ropes with installation of VSC rope locking device in recess. 17359 Each ROPE DEFLECTOR for 3-4 pairs of VSC ropes with installation of VSC rope locking device in recess. 17360 Each STAINLESS STEEL U-BOLT suitable for supporting steel pipe section 100 x 80 mm. Requisite: for each VSC unit 4 pieces, for deflection pulley 2 pieces. F1000020 Each STAINLESS STEEL U-BOLT suitable for supporting steel pipe section 120 x 80 mm. Requisite: for each VSC unit 4 pieces, for deflection pulley 2 pieces. F1000025 Each SAFETY SNAP-HOOK (spare part) 70752 Each SWING RINGS consisting of 2 plywood rings with prestretched 40 mm polyester strap and triangular ring, 100 cm long. 17362 Pair 9 Supporting girder pipe Track Length according to number of ropes (max. 8 ropes) min150 100 100 100 Climbing rope Ø 3.2 mm Wall cabinet or recess for flush wall storage of climbing ropes FLUSH FLOOR Dimensions in cm Clear recess measures (from backside of door) Section min. 280 B For the structural engineer Design load for Climbing Ropes: Load: According to DIN specification 1055 part 3 for each climbing rope a vertical load of Pv = 2000 N and a horizontal load of Ph = 900 N are to be considered (a possible swing coefficient is not included). Dead load: G = 400 N per rope. Flush front finished wall A 1-8 Ropes A =40 cm B =13 cm Engaging pawl with pull rope for disengaging FLUSH FLOOR Tauhalter mit Feststellkette in verkleideter Nische. CLIMBING ROPES DIN 7911-2 10 climbing ropes DIN 7911-2 CLIMBING ROPE TRACK made from specially formed steel section and smooth running ball-bearing travellers, catch lock with ooperating line and spacer chains. 16500 for 3 climbing ropes 16501 for 4 climbing ropes 16502 for 5 climbing ropes 16510 for 6 climbing ropes 16520 for 8 climbing ropes Each Each Each Each Each STANDARD BEAM CLAMP for attaching track to the cieling structure (steel-, timber- or concrete beam). 16550 Each STANDARD ANGLE IRON for attaching track to existing supporting structure on site. 16560 Each CLIMBING ROPE made from 32 mm diameter 4 strand top grade manilla with galvanized rope clamp, rope end covered with plastic sheath. for 550 cm hanging height 16620 Each for 600 cm hanging height 16630 Each for 650 cm hanging height 16600 Each for 700 cm hanging height 16610 Each ADHESIVE WARNING LABEL "DO NOT KNOT ROPE !" 16605 Each rope lock with chain clamp. 16570 Each ROPE HOISTING KIT to accomodate retracted and bundled up climbing ropes, consisting of pulley block with clevis type eyelet, 8 mm braided hemp rope with carbine swivel and wind-up bracket. 171813 Each Adhesive Warning Label "DO NOT KNOT ROPE !" 11 Fixed Wall Bars | Single Bay Unit – 100 x 260 cm wall bracket 107 side wall rung wall bracket 260 side wall rung 200 200 260 wall bracket Fixed Wall Bars | Double Bay Unit – 100 x 260 cm 207 FLUSH FLOOR 20 20 wall bracket 100 200 130 clear recess width 270 clear recess height (finished) 230 clear recess width 270 clear recess height (finished) (If the width of the recess is 24 cm, the wall will flush with the front of the finished wall according to DIN spec. 7910) Hinged Wall Bars | Double Bay Unit – 100 x 260 cm 208 13 227 until finished wall in recess 260 height of wall bars Detail: Floor Slab Recess Flush floor slab 33 225 until centre of pivot iron 270 clear recess height (finished) 225 centre rest iron (finished size) 240 clear recess width (finished) FLUSH FLOOR 25 Dimensions in cm WALL BARS | FIXED DIN 7910 | HINGED 12 WALL BARS FIXED | HINGED DIN 7910 / EN 12346 (safety requirements and test procedures) wall pivot locking device with snapping pin For the structural engineer Design load for fixed and hinged wall bars. According to DIN 18032 per wall bracket must be considered a vertical load: PV = 2000 N horizontal load: PH = 3000 N floor pivot No. 15201 Hinged wall bars with close spaced rungs. Lifter 15290 shoot bolt with floor plate FIXED Wall BarS DIN 7910 specification. Timber side walls with oval shaped laminated beech wood rungs individually screwed, including mounting hardware. 15000 Single bay 100 x 260 cm Each 15010 Single bay 100 x 280 cm Each 15020 Double bay 200 x 260 cm Each 15030 Double bay 200 x 280 cm Each No. 15200 Hinged wall bars with wide spaced rungs. hinged Wall Bars with close spaced rungs, DIN 7910. Double bay unit 200 x 260 cm. Timber side walls with oval shaped laminated beech wood rungs individually screwed, easy moving on non-marking rolls. Tubular powder coated steel fixing post with 2 guiding brackets and tapered cuff to locate 90° hinged wall-bars in socketed position. Including wall locking device and mounting hardware. 15201 Each lifter for socketed parallel bars and wall bars fixing post. 15290 Each hinged Wall BarS with wide spaced rungs. Double bay unit 200 x 260 cm. Timber side walls with oval shaped laminated beech wood rungs individually screwed, easy moving on non-marking rolls. Tubular powder coated steel fixing post with 2 guiding brackets and tapered cuff to locate 90° hinged wall-bars in socketed position. Including wall locking device and mounting hardware. 15200 Each Ground Socket stainless steel with chuck cone and cylinder guide. 15251 Each Socket cover – medium for sprung or multi-elastic floor, clear opening 130 mm, aluminium flange with plastic lid. 15270 Each 13 235 Electric motor Electric motor 572.5 558.5 For the structural engineer Design load for vertically retractable wall bars: PH According to DIN 18032 per wall/ceiling bracket Vertical load: PV = 2000 N Horizontal load: PH = 3000 N must be considered. Wall bracket Supply Lines for E-Motor Cable Winch No. EM209 230 volt • Output 0.31 kW from mains to contact switch.... 3 x 1.5 mm2 Belt band from contact switch to motor system „Totmann“................... 4 x 1.5 mm2 PV PH 270.5 256.5 WALL BARS HINGED 90° FLUSH FLOOR Detail: Floor Slab Recess Flush floor slab 33 228 from finished wall Footing 40 x 25 cm 25x40 Dimensions in cm WALL BARS | HINGED AND VERTICALLY RETRACTABLE 14 RETRACTABLE WALL BARS VERTICALLY – hinged | fixed Ref.No. 59520 Safety lock retractable hinged wall bars Double bay unit 200 x 260 cm, hinged and retractable up to 2.5 m height. Timber side walls with oval shaped laminated beech wood rungs individually screwed, easy moving on non-marking rolls. Tubular powder coated steel fixing post with 2 guiding brackets and tapered cuff to locate 90° hinged wall-bars in socketed position. Metal guiding frame and rails are powder coated. Lifting device by means of electric motor winch with built-in limit switch. Connected load 230 volt, 0.31 kW. 15205 Each GROUND SOCKET made from stainless steel, with conus and cylinder guidance. 15251 Each SOCKET COVER – MEDIUM for sprung floor or multi-elastic floor, clearance hole 130 mm, aluminium flange with plastic lid. 15270 Each Wall bars hinged 90° and fixed with socketed post retractable fixed wall bars Double bay unit 200 x 260 cm, retractable up to 2,5 m height. Timber side walls with oval shaped laminated beech wood rungs individually screwed. Metal guiding frame and rails are powder coated. Lifting device by means of electric motor winch with built-in limit switch. Connected load 230 volt, 0.31 kW 15037 Each SAFETY LOCK Automatically operating safety device in case of totally broken pull cables or pull straps. 59520 Each MOUNTING BRACKET for safety lock. VM258 Each Wall bars 250 cm above floor, lifted in rest position 15 Height clearance passageway 271 Front finished wall 360 FLUSH FLOOR Front finished wall Width clearance passageway 30 217 For the structural engineer Detail: Floor Slab Recess Design load for retractable wall bars: According to DIN 18032 per attachment point 33 Flush floor slab Vertical load: PV = 2000 N Horizontal load: PH = 3000 N must be considered. 25 Dimensions in cm WALL BARS | HORIZONTALLY RETRACTABLE 16 RETRACTABLE WALL BARS horizontally RETRACTABLE WALL BARS. Double bay unit 200 x 260 cm, retractable (e.g. into equipment storage room). Timber side walls with oval shaped laminated beech wood rungs individually screwed, easy moving on non-marking rolls. Tubular powder coated steel fixing post with 2 guiding brackets and tapered cuff to locate 90° hinged wall-bars in socketed position. Slide rail including runners. 15220 Each ground socket made from stainless steel, with cone sleeve and cylindric guide. 15251 Each For more information on fixed wall-bars see page 34. socket cover – medium for sprung floor or multi-elastic floor, clearance hole 130 mm, aluminium flange with plastic lid. 15270 Each Fixed double bay wall bars 200 x 260 cm 17 BACKWARD FOLD BASKETBALL BACKSTOP for attachment height up to 8.0 m lower ceiling surface electric cable winch about 110 supporting girder pipe 120 305 above finished floor 290 above finished floor backboard 105 x 180 cm with 4 mounting holes according to DIN spec. GENERAL CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES Backstop supporting structures with rigid vertical steel frame and a hinged rear oblique frame. Fabricated out of welded 3 mm gauge steel pipe with horizontal spreaders for stability, vertical and oblique frames with pivot bearings. Dual cable operation for added protection against possibility of a folding backstop accidentially falling during the raising or lowering cycle or while in storage. Supply Lines for E-Motor Cable Winch No. EM213 230 volt • Output 0.43 kW from mains to contact switch.... 3 x 1.5 mm2 from contact switch to motor system „Totmann“................... 4 x 1.5 mm2 Location of cable winding with electic motor. Shown supporting girder pipes for attachment of backboard supporting structure have been installed on site and are stronger dimensioned than standard girder pipes section 100 x 80 mm (see image on page 48). For the structural engineer Design load for ceiling suspended backstop support structure: Working load according to DIN 7899 F1 = 900 N F2 = 3200 N F3 = 900 N Dead load: 4000 N Dimensions in cm OVERHEAD SUPPORTED BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS 18 basketball backstops overhead supported | backward folding type DIN 7899 / EN 1270 (safety requirements and test procedures) Basketball backstop support structure BACKWARD FOLD. Hinged vertical strut frame and folding bracing frame, powder coated*, without backboard. 59480 Each backboard ATTACHMENT frame made out of steel profiles with heavy steel goal mounting plate, according to EN 1270 standard for suspended structures and FIBA requirements. 59377 Each ELECTRIC CABLE WINCH Touch contact controlled electric operation with integral limit switch. Steel drum with cable guide discs. Connected load: 230 volt, 0.43 kW. EM213 Each BACKBOARD HEIGHT ADJUSTER Self-locking spindle device progressively adjustable from 260 to 305 cm rim height, manual operation by awning crank type handle. 59370 Each free fall safety device Automatically operating safety device for the unlikely event of a cable or winch failure. 59516 Each cross brace with mounting bracket for free fall safety device. VM251 Each CROSS MEMBERS for attachment of supporting girder pipes to be provided according to statical and on-site requirements. supporting girder pipe for the attachment of the backstop supporting structure to be provided according to statical and on-site requirements. Ref.No. 59516 Free Fall Safety Device Steelwork requirements to fix the necessary supporting structure have to be either provided job-site according to DIN spec. 18032/6 or to be extra specified in the tender according to the situation at site. For backboards, rims and nets see page 54-55 19 BACKWARD FOLD BASKETBALL BACKSTOP Backboard attachment with F.I.B.A. Certificate of Compliance (attachment height up to max. 7.80 m) lower ceiling surface electric cable winch appr. 110 supporting girder pipe 175 Supply Lines for E-Motor Cable Winch No. EM219 230 volt • Output 0.43 kW from mains to contact switch.... 3 x 1.5 mm2 305 above finished floor from contact switch to motor system „Totmann“................... 4 x 1.5 mm2 290 above finished floor BACKWARD FOLD BASKETBALL BACKSTOP – REINFORCED MODEL for attachment height above 8.10 m up to max. 9.60 m lower ceiling surface electric cable winch aoor. 110 supporting girder pipe 175 For the structural engineer Design load for ceiling suspended backstop support structure: Working load according to DIN 7899 F1 = 900 N F2 = 3200 N F3 = 900 N Dead load: 3000 N Dimensions in cm GENERAL CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES 305 above finished floor 290 above finished floor Backstop supporting structures on this page feature a rigid vertical steel frame and a hinged rear oblique frame. Fabricated out of welded 3 mm gauge steel pipe with horizontal spreaders for stability, vertical and oblique frames with pivot bearings. Dual cable operation for added protection against possibility of a folding backstop accidentially falling during the raising or lowering cycle or while in storage. F1 F2 OVERHEAD SUPPORTED BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS 20 basketball backstops overhead supported | backward folding type DIN 7899 / EN 1270 (safety requirements and rest procedures) CROSS MEMBERS for attachment of supporting girder pipes to be provided according to satatical and on-site requirements. supporting girder pipe for the attachment of the backstop supporting structure to be provided according to statical and on-site rquirements. Steelwork requirements to fix the necessary supporting structure have to be either provided job-site according to DIN spec. 18032/6 or to be extra specified in the tender according to the situation at site. IMPORTANT NOTE Attachment height and location will determine proper style of structure. In order to be able to customize supporting girder pipes for the attachment of backstop supporting structures the contractor is liable to provide all necessary cross members for the attachment of the supporting girder pipes. Thus it is mandatory to provide us ground plan and section of the building so we can prepare the essential installation plan for the contractor. Basketball backboard support structure BACKWARD FOLD F.I.B.A. SPECIFICATION Extra wide reinforced hinged vertical strut frame and folding bracing frame, for attachment height up to max. 7.80 m. All metal parts are powder coated*, without backboard. 59509 Each Portable Basketball Backstops see current handbook for sports eqipment. Fig.: BACKWARD FOLD backstop # 59510, reinforced model including safety glass backboard # 59387 with padding, snap back goal ring and net. Fig.: BACKWARD FOLD backstop # 59509, reinforced model including safety glass backboard # 59387 with padding, snap back goal ring and net. BACKBOARD ATTACHMENT FRAME made out of welded steel profiles with heavy steel goal mounting plate, for backboard support structure according to FIBA specification. 59193 Each Basketball glass backboard 180 x 105 cm, 12 mm fully tempered safety glass with sparing for steel goal mounting plate. Attachment according to FIBA requirements. 59387 Each backboard padding according to FIBA requirements. Durable molded PE foam with tough vinyl coated PVC cover. A steel insert provides strength at all of the mounting locations and stiffness along the bottom of the backboard. 59189 Each Basketball goal "Flexmatic" according to FIBA requirements. Goal is provided with a positive lock release mechanism which is adjustable to conform to FIBA recommendations. Tube-tie net attachment system improves safety by eliminating conventional formed wire ties. Basic release adjustment at 93 kg (according to FIBA recommendations between 82 and 105 kg), without net. 59455 Each electric cable winch Touch contact controlled electric operation with integral limit switch. Steel drum with cable guide discs. Connected load: 230 volt / 0.43 kW (connection and switch job site) EM219 Each FREE FALL SAFETY DEVICE Automatically operating safety device for the unlikely event of a cable or winch failure. 59516 Each 59517 for 12 m cable length Each cross brace with mounting bracket for free fall safety device. VM259 Each *) The colour of all steel parts may be specified by the architect or customer. If not otherwise agreed on we will finish the steel parts in neutral grey colour similar to RAL7036. For backboards, rims and nets see page 54-55. 21 Y-SHAPED FORWARD FOLD BASKETBALL BACKSTOP for attachment height up to 8.0 m electric cable winch lower ceiling surface supporting girder pipe 120 Supply Lines for E-Motor Cable Winch No. EM213 230 volt • Output 0.43 kW from mains to contact switch.... 3 x 1.5 mm2 from contact switch to motor system „Totmann“................... 4 x 1.5 mm2 305 above finished floor 290 above finished floor FORWARD FOLD BASKETBALL BACKSTOP – REINFORCED MODEL for attachment height above 8.10 m up to max. 9.60 m electric cable winch lower ceiling surface appr. 40 cm supporting girder pipe 175 Supply Lines for E-Motor Cable Winch No. EM219 230 volt • Output 0.43 kW from mains to contact switch.... 3 x 1.5 mm2 from contact switch to motor system „Totmann“................... 4 x 1.5 mm2 For the structural engineer Design load for ceiling suspended backstop support structure: Working load according to DIN 7899 F1 = 900 N F2 = 3200 N F3 = 900 N Dead load: 4000 N 305 above finished floor F2 Dimensions in cm F1 290 above finished floor F3 F2 CEILING SUSPENDED BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS 22 basketball backstops ceiling suspended | forward folding type DIN 7899 / EN 1270 (safety requirements and test procedures) Backward folding reinforced backstop support structure, according to FIBA criteria. For backboards, rims and nets see page 54-55 FOR BEST PLANNING RESULTS OF CUSTOMIZED CEILING SUSPENDED BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS PLEASE PROVIDE FLOOR PLAN, VERTICAL SECTION AND GIRDER DETAILS OF THE RELEVANT PROJECT. Forward folding reinforced backstop support structure, adjustable height. BACKstop SUPPORT STRUCTURE forward fold. Reinforced hinged vertical strut frame and folding bracing frame for attachment height above 7.80 m, with lateral sway bracing for rigidity. Fabricated out of steel pipe with horizontal and diagonal spreaders for exceptional stability, vertical frame pivot with ball bearings, powder coated, without backboard. 59512 Each backstop support structure backward fold. Reinforced hinged vertical strut frame and folding bracing frame for attachment height above 7.80 m, with lateral sway bracing for rigidity. Fabricated out of steel pipe with horizontal and diagonal spreaders and additional laterl bracing for exceptional stability, vertical frame pivot with ball bearings, powder coated, without backboard. 59510 Each backstop support structure Y-shaped foward fold. Oblique strut frame and hinged front oblique bracing frame for attachment height up to 7.80 m, powder coated, without backboard. 59481 Each backboard attachment frame made out of steel profiles with heavy steel goal mounting plate, according to FIBA requirements for ceiling suspended structures. 59377 Each backboard height adjuster Self-locking spindle device progressively adjustable from 260 to 305 cm rim height, manual operation by awning crank type handle. 59370 Each electric cable winch Touch contact controlled electric operation with integral limit switch. Steel drum with cable guide discs. Connected load: 230 volt, 0.43 kW, Supply lines, connection and switch to be provided job-site by customer. EM219 Each free fall safety device Automatically working safety device for the unlikely event of a cable or winch failure. 59516 Each 59517 for 12 m long cables Each cross brace for free fall safety device. Applicable for girder pipe distance 175 cm only! VM259 Each CROSS MEMBERS for attachment of supporting girder pipes to be provided according to statical and on-site requirements. supporting girder pipe for the attachment of the backstop supporting structure to be provided according to statical and on-site requirements. Steelwork requirements to fix the necessary supporting structure have to be either provided job-site according to DIN spec. 18032/6 or to be extra specified in the tender according to the situation at site. 23 FORWARD FOLD BASKETBALL BACKSTOP for attachment height up to 8.0 m electric cable winch lower ceiling surface about 40 cm supporting girder pipe 120 backboard 105 x 180 cm with 4 mounting holes according to DIN spec. 305 above finished floor F3 290 above finished floor F2 F2 GENERAL CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES Backstop supporting structure with rigid vertical steel frame and a hinged rear oblique frame. Fabricated out of welded 3 mm gauge steel pipe with horizontal spreaders for stability, vertical and oblique frames with pivot bearings. Dual cable operation for added protection against possibility of a folding backstop accidentially falling during the raising or lowering cycle or while in storage. F1 Dimensions in cm Supply Lines for E-Motor Cable Winch No. EM213 230 volt • Output 0.43 kW from mains to contact switch.... 3 x 1.5 mm2 from contact switch to motor system „Totmann“................... 4 x 1.5 mm2 Location of cable winding with electric motor. Shown supporting girder pipes for attachment of backboard supporting structure are made from standard pipe section 100 x 80 mm. For the structural engineer Design load for ceiling suspended backstop support structure: Working load according to DIN 7899 F1 = 900 N F2 = 3200 N F3 = 900 N Dead load: 4000 N OVERHEAD SUPPORTED BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS 24 basketball backstops overhead supported | FORward folding type DIN 7899 / EN 1270 (safety requirements and test procedures) Basketball backstop support structure FORWARD FOLD. Hinged vertival strut frame and folding bracing frame, powder coated*, without backboard. 59482 Each backboard ATTACHMENT frame made out of steel profiles with heavy steel goal mounting plate, according to EN 1270 standard for suspended structures. 59377 Each ELECTRIC CABLE WINCH Touch contact controlled electric operation with integral limit switch. Steel drum with cable guide discs. Connected load: 230 volt, 0.43 kW (supply lines, connection and switch to be provided job-site). EM213 Each BACKBOARD HEIGHT ADJUSTER Self-locking spindle device progressively adjustable from 260 to 305 cm rim height, manual operation by awning crank type handle. 59370 Each free fall safety device Automatically operating safety device for the unlikely event of a cable or winch failure. 59516 Each cross brace with mounting bracket for free fall safety device. VM251 Each CROSS MEMBERS for attachment of supporting girder pipes to be provided according to statical and on-site requirements. Ref.No. 59516 Free Fall Safety Device supporting girder pipe for the attachment of the backstop supporting structure to be provided according to statical and on-site requirements. Steelwork requirements to fix the necessary supporting structure have to be either provided job-site according to DIN spec. 18032/6 or to be extra specified in the tender according to the situation at site. FOR BEST PLANNING RESULTS OF CUSTOMIZED CEILING SUSPENDED BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS PLEASE PROVIDE FLOOR PLAN, VERTICAL SECTION AND GIRDER DETAILS OF THE RELEVANT PROJECT. For backboards, rims and nets see page 54-55 25 UPWARD FOLD WALL MOUNTED BASKETBALL BACKSTOP 120 electric cable winch free fall safety device guy cable pull cable pull cable backboard support structure 305 above finished floor F3 F1 backboard projection according to playfield lines F2 F2 Supply Lines for E-Motor Cable Winch No. EM213 230 volt • Output 0.43 kW from mains to contact switch.... 3 x 1.5 mm2 from contact switch to motor system „Totmann“................... 4 x 1.5 mm2 For the structural engineer Design load for wall mounted backstop support structure: Working load according to DIN 7899 F1 = 900 N F2 = 3200 N F3 = 900 N Dead load: 3000 N Dimensions in cm WALL MOUNTED BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS, UPWARD FOLD 26 wall mounted basketball backstops electrically operated upward folding typa DIN 7899 / EN 1270 (safety requirements and test procedures) Ref.No. 59516 Free Fall Safety Device WALL MOUNTED Basketball backstop support structure UPWARD FOLD. Hinged horizontal strut frame and folding bracing frame, powder coated, without backboard. 59625 Each backboard ATTACHMENT frame made out of steel profiles with heavy steel goal mounting plate. 59626 Each ELECTRIC CABLE WINCH Touch contact controlled electric operation with integral limit switch. Steel drum with cable guide discs. Connected load: 230 volt, 0.43 kW (supply lines, connection and switch to be provided job-site). EM213 Each BACKBOARD HEIGHT ADJUSTER Self-locking spindle device progressively adjustable from 260 to 305 cm rim height, manual operation by awning crank type handle. 59627 Each free fall safety device Automatically operating safety device for the unlikely event of a cable or winch failure. 59516 Each cross brace with mounting bracket for free fall safety device. VM251 Each For backboards, rims and nets see page 54-55 27 projection according to field marking 180 105 24 maximum 200 cm 60 305 above finished floor F3 F1 305 F2 291 290 F2 locking/disengaging bracing bar with operating handle. FLUSH FLOOR FLUSH FLOOR 60 60 folding direction left or right F1 playfield axis For the structural engineer F3 Design load for side swing folding type backstop support structure: Working load according to DIN 7899 F1 = 900 N F2 = 3200 N F3 = 900 N Dead load: 2000 N Dimensions in cm WALL HINGED FOLDING TYPE BASKETBALL SYSTEM 28 basketball backstops wall mounted | fixed | side swing folding type | height adjustable DIN 7899 / EN 1270 (safety requirements and test procedures) B) side swing wall mounted unit (with MDF backboard) wall mounted basketball backstops A) FIXED Braced steel frame construction, powder coated*, without backboard. 59341 Projection 120 cm Each Each 59351 Projection 165/170 cm B) SIDE SWING Braced steel frame construction, powder coated*, including portable handle with hook to disengage lock mechanism of frame bracing pipe, without backboard. 59340 Projection 120 cm Each 59341 Projection 165/170 cm Each C) SIDE SWING WITH HEIGHT ADJUSTER Braced steel frame construction, powder coated*. Self-locking spindle device continuously adjustable from 260 to 305 cm rim height,manual operation by awning crank type handle, without backboard. 59342 Projection 120 cm Each 59343 Ausladung 165/170 cm Each B) side swing wall mounted unit (with acrylic backboard) BACKBOARD ATTACHMENT FRAME made of steel profiles with haeavy steel goal mounting plate. Each 59376 (image see page 54) BACKBOARD HEIGHT ADJUSTER Self-locking spindle device progressively adustable from 260 to 305 cm rim height, manual operation by awning crank type handle. 59370 Each BACKBOARD PADDING made of durable molded PE foam (for more models see page 48). 59190 for 12 mm backboard Each 59191 for 30 mm backboard Each Each 59195 for 21 mm backboard FOR BEST PLANNING RESULTS OF CUSTOMIZED WALL MOUNTED BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS PLEASE PROVIDE FLOOR PLAN AND VERTICAL SECTION OF THE RELEVANT PROJECT. For backboards, rims and nets see page 55-55 C) side swing wall mounted unit with height adjuster (with glass backboard) 29 basketball backboards | backboard padding made of MDF (Medium Dense Fibre) | made of Acrylic Glass | made of single pane Safety Glass 180 x 105 cm BACKBOARD ATTACHMENT FRAME made of steel profiles with heavy steel goal mounting plate, according to FIBA requirements. Can also be used as a conversion unit for existing basketball structures with attachments according to former DIN spec 7899 (min. height above finished floor 290 cm) for backboards size 180 x 105 cm, without goal and net. 59376 Each Molded fixing plate is welded to the steel frame to ensure stiff goal ring attachment. Ref.No. 59392 The novel method of fixing the acrylic board to the steel frame without screws avoids breakage of the acrylic board caused by material extension due to variation in temperature. Ref.No. 59402 MDF* BACKBOARDS 30 mm, both sides with white melamin resin coating and black line marks on front. 59399 180 x 120 cm Each 59400 180 x 105 cm Each 120 x 90 cm 22 mm, both sides with white melamin resin coating and black line marks on front. 59401 180 x 120 cm** Each 59402 180 x 105 cm Each 59423 120 x 90 cm Each 59428 90 x 60 cm Each *) MDF = Medium Dense Fibre **) Only in combination with counterplate No. 59605 Ref.No. 59423 ACRYLIC GLASS BACKBOARD 10 mm thick, on welded steel frame with fixing bolts for attaching to supporting structure with fixing points according to DIN specification. 59391 180 x 120 cm Each 59392 180 x 105 cm Each No impact on the backboard caused by direct application of force due to cut-out for separate steel mounting plate on backboard frame. 12 mm 21 mm 30 mm 37 mm 70 mm backboard padding made in one piece of durable molded PE foam. (Ref.No. 59189 with additional metal insert for mounting to extra wide backboard frame) 59190 for 12 mm thick boards Each 59195 for 22 mm thick boards Each 59191 for 30 mm thick boards Each 59196 for 37 mm thick boards (Fiber Glass) Each 59197 for 45 mm thick boards (US model) Each 59189 for 70 mm thick boards (FIBA) Each SAFETY GLASS BACKBOARD* 180 x 105 cm, 12 mm thick, single pane tempered safety glass with splinterproof foil and stud bolts on the DIN attachment points, including mounting hardware set. 1. Mounting holes according to EN 1270 / DIN 7899. 59386 Each Ref.No. 59386 (without goal ring and padding) 30 2. Mounting holes according to FIBA specification (in the corners). 59387 Each *) recommended as standard backboard for main playfield practice backboards | goal rings PRACTICE BACKBOARD ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT basketball practice goal - height adjustable Made of 21 mm thick wooden MDF board with black target mark. Metal wall bracket, powder coated, projection about 25 cm. Height continuously adjustable by threaded spindle from 260 to 305 cm rim height, easy floor level operation by awning crank type handle, including ring and net. 90 120 F3 With Ring "Standard" (59441) 59555 Backboard 120 x 90 cm Each 59556 Backboard 90 x 60 cm Each 66 F1 260 - 305 ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR F2 14 Design load for wall mounted practice backboards: Working load according to DIN 7899 F1 = 900 N F2 = 3200 N F3 = 900 N Dead load: 1000 N 252 For the structural engineer Ref.No. 59558 Practice backboard 90 x 60 cm with ring "School" With Ring "School" (59440) 59557 Backboard 120 x 90 cm 59558 Backboard 90 x 60 cm Each Each FLUSH FLOOR 14 30 FLEXMATIC „US PRO“ Basketball Goal "STANDARD" Official ring diameter, with net hooks, powder coated. 59441 without net Each 56 45 90 (60) (120 x 90) 120 (90) (90 x 60) PRACTICE BACKBOARD FIXED HEIGHT F3 F2 297 F2 305 above flush floor F1 Dimensions in cm FLUSH FLOOR 14 22 basketball PRACTICE GOAL - FIXED HEIGHT Made of 21 mm thick wooden MDF board with black target mark. Metal wall bracket projection 25 cm, including goal ring and net. 59550 board 120 x 90 cm Each 59551 board 90 x 60 cm Each Basketball goal "school" Reinforced ring according to EN 1270 / DIN 7899 (240 kg), tube-tie net attachment for added player safety, complete with mounting hardware. 59440 without net Each Basketball competition goal "FLEXMATIC OFFICIAL", conforms to FIBA regulations, encased twin-shock absorbing rebound system, tube-tie net attachment for added player safety. 59442 without net Each Basketball goal "FLEXMATIC SCHOOL" reinforced goal with open single-shock absorbing system, tube-tie net attachment for added player safety. 59444 without net Each Basketball competition goal "FLEXMATIC US PRO" conforms to FIBA regulations, encased spring type rebound mechanism as per US standards, tube-tie net attachment for added player safety. 59456 without net Each STANDARD „SCHOOL“ EN 1270 DIN 7899 FLEXMATIC „OFFICIAL“ FLEXMATIC „SCHOOL“ 31 Net Antenna approx. 260 243 (Gents) 224 (Ladies) VOLLEYBALL NET POSTS 91 x 91 mm Net Height 243 (Gents) Net Height 224 (Ladies) VOLLEYBALL NET POSTS 80 x 80 mm FLUSH FLOOR 1100 Detail: Floor Slab Recess WALL RAIL FOR NET AND TETHER TENSIONING 8 Wall Rail mounted flush with wall facing 215 25 GAME POST Ø 80 x 80 mm 265 Front Finished Wall Wall Rail for Net- and Tether Games 33 Flush floor slab 38 65 18 Wall Rail Ref.No. 18010 FLUSH FLOOR Wall Front 17 3 Dimensions in cm VOLLEYBALL POSTS • GAME POSTS 32 FLUSH FLOOR ball games equipment | volleyball EN 1271 Aluminium Section 80 x 80 mm Our state-of-the-art Volleyball Systems are easy to operate, designed to last, and safely serve their purpose for many years. 56812 Das Komplettprogramm für Volleyball-Netzpfosten und Zubehör finden Sie in Please askaktuellen for moreHauptunserem detailed information katalog. 18034 15300 on International Competition Volleyball Posts. 18060 18000 standard wall rail Section HM 38/17, galvanized, fitted with 2 adjustable flap rings to attach net or tether. 18000 Each SOCKET COVER – LARGE for sprung or multi-elasic floor, clear opening 180 mm, aluminium flange with plastic lid. 14570 Each SAFETY WALL RAIL Section HM 38/17, galvanized, fitted with 2 adjustable flap rings to attach net or tether. 18010 Each NET TENSION STRAP for game posts, 25 mm wide web belt with self-locking buckle. 56764 Each game post anodized aluminium post, section 80 x 80 mm with 2 opposite slots and adjustable hooks for net or tether on one side. 18032 Each CENTER GAME POST anodized aluminium post, section 80 x 80 mm with 2 opposite slots and adjustable hooks for net or tether on both sides . 18034 Each ground socket aluminium with anti-corrosion coating. UBS basic socket #2 suitable for post sections Ø 83 mm and 80 x 80 mm. 15302 Each MULTI GAME POSTS anodized aluminium post, section 80 x 80 mm, inside tensioning device, net/ cord height continuously adjustable. Height scale with special game selection, without ground sockets. 18060 Pair TELESCOPIC COMPETITION VOLLEYBALL NET POSTS according to FIVB regulations for international tournaments. Height adjustment at full net tension from 200-250 cm. The 90 mm Ø telescoping post slides inside a 120/100 mm upright, both constructed from special anodized aluminium section. 56812 Worm Gear Tensioning Device Pair 56813 Pulley Tensioning Device Pair VOLLEYBALL POSTS 80 x 80 mm according to EN 1271, constructed from special anodized aluminium section, weight of tensioning post approx. 15 kg. Non-protruding inside worm gear tensioning device with slider type net height adjustment, continuously variable with fine adjustment. Stateof-the-art construction providing top safety standards. 56885 Pair Volleyball posts 91 x 91mm according to EN 1271, constructed from special anodized aluminium section, weight of fensioning post approx. 15.5 kg. Non-protruding inside worm gear tensioning device with slider type net height adjustment, continuously variable with fine adjustment. Stateof-the-art construction providing top safety standards.. 56867 Pair GROUND SOCKET aluminium with anti-corrosion coating. UBS basic socket #2 suitable for post sections Ø 83 mm and 80 x 80 mm. 15302 Each GROUND SOCKET aluminium with anti-corrosion coating. UBS basic socket #1 suitable for post sections 91 x 91 mm and 120 x 100 mm. 15300 Each SOCKET COVER – LARGE for sprung or multi-elastic floor, clear opening Ø 180 mm, aluminium flange with plastic lid. 14570 Each GROUND SOCKET INSERT Aluminium adapter sleeve for post section Ø 83 mm and 80 x 80 mm. 15301 Each ground socket aluminium with anti-corrosion coating. UBS basic socket #1 suitable for post sections 91 x 91 mm and 120 x 100 mm. 15300 Each FOR OUR VOLLEYBALL POSTS WE USE SPECIAL COMPUTER DESIGNED ALUMINIUM SECTIONS TO PROVIDE UNSURPASSED STIFFNESS UNDER MAXIMUM NET TENSION. 33 107 TENNIS FLUSH FLOOR Centre strap fixing hook to dowel on floor slab 640 640 Net Axis Tennis Posts 33 Flush floor slab FIELD AXIS Detail: Floor Slab Recess TENNIS POST SECTIONS 25 BADMINTON TOP EDGE NET Detail: Floor Slab Recess 155 33 Flush floor slab 20 FIELD AXIS FLUSH FLOOR NET AXIS Dimensions in cm 606 TENNIS • BADMINTON 34 tennis | badminton EN 1510 EN 1509 approved 58060 Tennis Posts 56783 56764 15302 15302 Ground Socket TENNIS POSTS 80 x 80 mm constructed from special anodized aluminium section with internal worm gear net stretching device.. 58060 (without ground sockets) Pair 56783 Aluminium section 83 mm Ø GROUND SOCKET aluminium with anti-corrosion coating. UBS basic socket #2 suitable for post sections Ø 83 mm and 80 x 80 mm. 15302 Each PORTABLE BADMINTON FLOORING, IBF approved Extremely hard-wearing portable badminton sports flooring for practice and competition. Standard colour: blue with yellow marking lines. Dimensions: 15 x 6.66 m, thickness 3.7 mm. • 2 rolls of 15 x 3.33 m, weight per roll about 180 kg, easy to transport. The two court sections join together by special adhesive tape. • Supply includes ready-to-use flooring sections rolled on drum, and adhesive tape for joining the two sections. 57870 Complete Set SOCKET COVER - LARGE for sprung or multi-elastic floor, clear opening 180 mm, aluminium flange with plastic lid. 14570 Each SOCKETED BADMINTON POSTS made from special anodized aluminium section Ø 83 mm, including height adjustable pulley, net stretching strap with self-locking mechanism and ring screws. Suitable for Badminton or Sepaktakraw nets. Post length 165 cm above floor level. Total length of post 200 cm, without ground sockets. 56783 Each SOCKETED Badminton POSTS BWF standard, made of powder coated steel tube 4 x 4 cm. The new insert depth limitation guarantees at all times the appropriate official net height. Set includes pulley net sretching strap. Without ground sockets. 56773 Pair GROUND SOCKET aluminium with anti-corrision coating, suitable for post section 40 x 40 mm. 56782 Each SOCKET COVER - SMALL for sprung or multi-elastic floor, clear opening 90 mm, aluminium flange with plastic lid. 11670 Each Badminton Posts with insert depth limitation to automatically secure official net height. Ground Sockets NET STRETCHING STRAP 25 mm wide nylon strap with selflocking mechanism. 56764 Each SOCKET COVER - LARGE for sprung or multi-elastic floor, clear opening 180 mm, aluminium flange wih plastic lid.. 14570 Each approved SUPPORT POST for multiple field layouts, upright made from aluminium tube with round base and floor protecting pad, for net height 155 cm. 56765 Each GROUND SOCKET - LARGE aluminium with anti-corrosion coating. UBS basic socket #2 suitable for post sections Ø 83 mm and 80 x 80 mm.. 15302 Each PORTABLE BADMINTON POSTS BWF approved models (see ERHARD Handbook for Sports Equipment) 35 8 FIELD AXIS 200 300 FLUSH FLOOR 82 14 102 (for Official IHF approved Goal only) (for Official IHF approved Goal only) 102 14 82 Fixing Brackets FIELD LINE Aluminium Section Handball Goal Indoor Soccer Goal Floor Anchorage Handball Goal 318 Indoor Soccer Goal 519 For Indoor Soccer Goals with oval crossbar and upright aluminium section 120/100 mm corresponding measures have to be applied. 4-POINT FLOOR FIXING Handball Goal (DIN 7897) and Indoor Soccer Goal Handwheel Bracket welded on back support Floor Plate with screw thread Handwheel with soft rubber head for player's safety Ref. No. 561402 FLUSH FLOOR 4-point floor fixing requires 65 mm minimum projection of back supports! Ref. No. 561401 Floor Plate with screw thread and fixing screws Dimensions in cm HANDBALL GOAL 4-POINT FLOOR FIXING 36 handball goal 4-point floor fixing DIN 7897-1 / EN 749 (safety requirements and test procedures) FREESTANDING HANDBALL GOAL 300 x 200 cm, 4-POINT FLOOR FIXING, FIXED back supports. Goal frame made of 80 x 80 mm special aluminium section, including wear-resistant safety net holders with twin hooks, bottom of uprights with plastic floor pads. Solid cast aluminium corner joints with double safety screw connections (8-fold per corner). Additional corner reinforcement by special molded three-dimensional net support adapters that gives absolute strength to withstand even the hardest impact. Back supports are made of tubular powder coated steel. Goal depth at bottom 125 cm. Without net. Goal Frame silver anodized 562552 black alternating tape 562562 red alternating tape Each Each Goal Frame white powder coated 561502 black alternating tape 561492 red alternating tape Each Each freestanding handball goal 300 x 200 cm, 4-POINT FLOOR FIXING, HINGED back supports, otherwise as above, without net. Handball Goal Ref. No. 562552 Goal Frame silver anodized 562572 black alternating tape 562582 red alternating tape Each Each Goal Frame white powder coated 561512 black alternating tape Each 561682 red alternating tape Each Official Goal IHF Official Handball Goal Ref. No. 562761 4-Point Floor Fixing for Handball Goals Handball Goal Ref. No. 562572 HANDBALL GOAL, IHF approved, as used for Olympic Games 2004 and World Championship 2007. Same construction as standard goal with fixed back supports, but depth on top 125 cm, at the bottom 150 cm, without net. Goal Frame silver anodized 562711 black alternating tape 562721 red alternating tape 562731 blue alternating tape Each Each Each Goal Frame white powder coated 562741 black alternating tape Each 562751 red alternating tape Each 562761 blue alternating tape Each goal trolley for transport & storage of 2 handball goals with hinged back supports. Sturdy tubular steel construction, powder coated, with 4 swivel casters. The goals rest on lateral brackets for easy transport and storage. 44100 Standard Model Each 44101 for max. 2 m access clearance Each Bracket Floor Plate floor plate for later installation on gym floor. Galvanized circular plate with screw thread and 4 boreholes for fixing screws. 561401 Each Special Trolley for max. 2 m access clearance. No. 44101 Standard Trolley Ref. No. 44100 SAFETY SCREW with soft rubber handwheel. 561402 Each 37 8 FIELD AXIS 200 300 FLUSH FLOOR Dimensions in cm 50 50 Floor Anchorage Aluminium Section Handball Goal Indoor Soccer Goal FIELD LINE Floor Anchorage Handball Goal 308 Indoor Soccer Goal 508 2-POINT FLOOR FIXING Handball Goal (DIN 7897) and Indoor Soccer Goal Handwheel FLUSH FLOOR Anchor sleeve FLUSH CONCRETE SLAB 1) Floor Anchor to dowel on concrete slab, including safety goal attachment screw with elastic rubber handwheel. No. 56142 + 561421 Stud Anchor M10 K-0635 058 Installation Example: Anchor sleeve bolts directly to the concrete slab (see image 1). 2) Floor Anchor to set in concrete slab, including safety goal attachment screw with elastic rubber handwheel. No. 56146 + 561421 HANDBALL GOAL 2-POINT FLOOR FIXING 38 3) Floor Anchor for later installation in existing gym, with special dowel and floor plate, including safety goal attachment screw with elastic rubber handwheel.. No. 56136 + 561421 handball goal 2-point floor fixing DIN 7897-1 / EN 749 (safety requirements and test procedures) freestanding handball goal 300 x 200 cm, 2-POINT FLOOR FIXING, FIXED back supports. Goal frame made of 80 x 80 mm special aluminium section, including wear-resistant safety net holders with twin hooks, bottom of uprights with plastic floor pads. Solid cast aluminium corner joints with double safety screw connections (8-fold per corner). Additional corner reinforcement by special molded three-dimensional net support adapters that gives absolute strength to withstand even the hardest impact. Back supports are made of tubular powder coated steel. Goal depth at bottom 125 cm. Without net. Handball goal with short back supports (permitted for limited room circumstances only!) Goal Frame silver anodized 562551 black alternating tape 562561 red alternating tape Each Each Goal Frame white powder coated 561501 black alternating tape 561491 red alternating tape Each Each freestanding handball goal 300 x 200 cm, 2-POINT FLOOR FIXING, HINGED back supports, otherwise as above, without net. Goal Frame silver anodized 562571 black alternating tape 562581 red alternating tape Each Each Goal Frame white powder coated 561511 black alternating tape Each 561681 red alternating tape Each goal trolley for transport & storage of 2 handball goals with hinged back supports. Sturdy tubular steel construction, powder coated, with 4 swivel casters. The goals rest on lateral brackets for easy transport and storage. 44100 Standard Model Each 44101 for max. 2 m access clearance Each FLOOR ANCHOR to dowel on concrete slab, including safety fixing screw with elastic rubber handwheel (Mind height and kind of floor construction!). 56142 Each SOCKET COVER – SMALL for sprung or multi-elastic floor, clearance hole 90 mm, aluminium flange with plastic lid. 11670 Each goal transporters for freestanding indoor handball/soccer goals with fixed back supports. Sturdy steel construction with 4 swivel casters. 12630 Pair Special Trolley for max. 2 m access clearance. No. 44101 Standard Trolley No. 44100 MINI HANDBALL goal 300 x 160 cm, same construction as competition goal but clear height 160 cm only. Crossbar and uprights silver anodized, without net. 561351 Each 39 200 8 HANDBALL GOAL IN GROUND SOCKETS 300 FLUSH FLOOR HANDBALL GOAL WALL RETRACTABLE Flush floor slab Detail: Floor Slab Recess 33 lower ceiling surface electric about 500 cable winch lower ceiling surface 25 FIELD AXIS FLUSH FLOOR FLUSH FLOOR Distance about 200 cm for hall length 44 m Distance about 250 cm for hall length 45 m 3080 Dimensions in cm Aluminium Section Handball Goal Indoor Soccer Goal For the structural engineer Design load for wall retractable handball goal: According to DIN 18032 part 6 a vertical load Pv = 3000 N and horizontal load Ph = 3000 N per each wall console must be considered. HANDBALL GOAL – IN GOUND SOCKETS • RETRACTABLE 40 handball goal wall retractable HANDBALL GOAL 300 x 200 cm, retractable by electrical winch. Goal frame made of 80 x 80 mm special aluminium section, including wear-resistant safety net holders with twin hooks, bottom of uprights with plastic floor pads and push bolts for secure floor fixing. Solid cast aluminium corner joints with double safety screw connections (8-fold per corner). Hinged tubular wall supports, including wall mounted winding device with electrically operated cable winch, all steel parts are powder coated. Without net. 562421 black alternating tape Each 562431 red alternating tape Each Wall retractable handball goal No. 562421 in storage position Wall retractable handball goal No. 562421 in ready to use position Ref.No. 59520 Free Fall Safety Device Electrical supply lines to be provided by the customer on-site handball goal with linear lifting device Ideally combined with ceiling mounted basketball backstop safety lock Automatically operating safety device in case of totally broken pull cables or pull straps. 59520 Each Handball GOAL 300 x 200 cm, in ground sockets, without net supports, for free hanging net. Goal frame made of 80 x 80 mm special aluminium section, including wear-resistant safety net holders with twin hooks. Solid cast aluminium corner joints with double safety screw connections (8-fold per corner) and additional flat iron angle in the rear profile channel. Without ground sockets and net. 562671 black alternating tape Each 562681 red alternating tape Each ground socket aluminium with anti-corrosion coating. UBS basic socket #2 suitable for post sections Ø 83 mm and 80 x 80 mm. 15302 Each SOCKET COVER – LARGE for sprung or multi-elastic floor, clear opening 180 mm, aluminium flange with plastic lid. 14570 Each Supply Lines for E-Motor Cable Winch No. EM209 230 volt • Output 0.31 kW from mains to contact switch.... 3 x 1.5 mm2 from contact switch to motor system „Totmann“................... 4 x 1.5 mm2 Handball goal in play position Handball goal lifted in rest position handball goal with linear lifting device This goal is specially designed for small sports halls where the distance between the goal posts and the wall is very close (depth between 50-100 cm). Due to the specially designed hinge mechanism the total depth in lifted position does not exceed 50 cm. Due to the little space needed for this style of goal there are no collision points when using ceiling mounted basketball backstops at the same time. optional Each 41 protective netting wall fixed curtain type SUPPORTING DEVICE for protective netting, consisting of 2 supporting brackets, projection approx. 130 cm, including tensioning wire, distance between brackets max. 15 m. 20010 Each For the structural engineer Design load for protective netting Load assumptions: Per console a vertical load of Pv = 2000 N per bracket (max. distance between brackets 4 m) horizontal Ph = 1000 N on guide rail TRACK WAY special track way section No. 100, with supporting pipe 60 x 30 mm, including runners and supporting brackets, powder coated, projection approx. 130 cm. 20011 per metre LOCKING DEVICE for fully drawn netting, including disengaging device (applicable for # 20011 and # 20012 only). 20013 Each HOISTING DEVICE for stored netting, consisting of cable pulley with hooking eye, 8 mm braided hemp rope with snap hook and rope winder. 171815 Each Hoisting device Mesh width NOTE 15 % have to be added to the length of the netting compared with the actual cover space. Netting material 45 mm 100 mm 130 mm 45 mm 100 mm 130 mm High-strength PP * High-strength PP * High-strength PP * High-strength PP * High-strength PP * High-strength PP * Thickness 2.3 mm 2.3 mm 3.0 mm 3.0 mm 3.0 mm 3.0 mm Colour / Art. No. green green green white white white SUPPLEMENTARY EQUIPMENT Nylon Rings (fixed on netting) to hang netting and for easy sliding on steel wire, 3 rings per metre. 21710 per m 21711 Nylon rings extra Each Net Bordering, reinforcing edge for protective netting (especially recommend for tensioned netting). 21717 Nylon 8 mm thick per m 21718 Nylon 12 mm thick per m 42 Projection approx. 130 cm Track way Disengaging pull rope Bracket Hoisting rope Rope winder Netting Net height Weight Band for lower edge of netting, lead balls worked in webbing. 21705 400 g/m per m 21706 200 g/m per m 21707 200 g/m, without webbing per m white 20001 white 20003 – – – – ot-le–ss –kn – – * ) These nets are provided with a 5-7 mm diameter bordering all around. Net length Distance between brackets max. 4 m 20000 20002 20903 21600 21602 21603 Hoisting rope Snap hook protective netting electrically operated Supply lines for electric motor note cable winch No. EM221 15 % have to be added to the length of the netting compared with the actual cover space. AC 230 volts • power 0.31 kw mains to switch-key . . . . 3 x 1.5 mm2 switch-key to motor deadman system . . . . . . . 4 x 1.5 mm2 DIN 18032-1 Pt. 5.1.3. Separator Netting. Mesh widths must be designed < = 40 mm netting width Band reel Netting material Art. No. 40 mm 45 mm 45 mm 100 mm 100 mm nylon 2.0 mm, white nylon 2.0 mm, white nylon 2.5 mm, white nylon 2.2 mm, white nylon 2.5 mm, white 20300 20310 20315 20320 20325 knotted Bracket Guide band Netting Netting height Shaft with tube motor Mesh width HOISTING DEVICE for protective netting. Power operated system consisting of a multi ball bearing tubular shaft with band reels every 100 cm, including guide band for interlacing into the netting. Electric motor with built-in limit switch, without electric supply lines and installation. 20100 for 10 m netting width Each 20110 for 15 m netting width Each 20120 for 20 m netting width Each Weighting bar 43 Example: Posture mirror 200 x 400 cm with adjustable ballet barre Guide rail for height adjustment of ballet barre Ballet barre Cantilever support bracket B B A A View A - A View B - B Mirror framework (wood or aluminium) Wooden ledge Mounting ledge Guide rail Mirror frame (wooden or aluminium) Mounting ledge Wooden ledge with rear ventilation WALL MIRROR SYSTEM »SECURE« 44 SPORTS MIRROR „SECURE“ NOTE The viewer’s visual appearance in the mirror must be impartially evaluated since there is no existing specification. The planimetry of the mirror as well as the substructure and the installation are executed according to the EURO standard 1036 and the regulations for mirror installations. Since the installation of a mirror of that dimension can technically not be provided precisely even without any tolerances, distortions or staggered reflections are possible. The installation of such wall mirrors requires stable walls for inserting dowels to fix the soft wood timber frame which is bolted to the wall. SPORTS MIRROR »Secure«, 20 mm, distortion-free brilliant surface and polished edges. Available for any room width due to variable production. (Test certificate for shock and breaking resistance No. 410261288) 81130 per m2 WOODEN MIRROR FRAMING, varnished, section 60 x 16 mm, with mounting ledge 40 x 20 mm. 81134 natural spruce per m 81135 natural beech per m ALUMINIUM MIRROR FRAMING, section 6 x 60 mm, optional RAL colours (to be specified), with mounting ledge section 40 x 20 mm. 81136 per m Barre supports made from high-grade stainless steel for brilliant appearance and utmost stability. FOLDED PORTABLE POSTURE MIRROR WITH TEST CERTIFICATE FOR SHOCK AND BREAKING RESISTANCE NO. 410261288 THE MIRROR SYSTEM ALLOWS CANTILEVER SUPPORT BRACKETS WITH INTEGRATED HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE RAILS Stainless sleeve for ballet barres FOLDING PORTABLE POSTURE MIRROR »SECURE« , 8 mm, distortion-free brilliant surface, folded dimensions 200 x 196 cm, unfolded 400 x 196 cm (with test certificate for shock and breaking resistance No. 410261288). 81139 Each 45 CLIMBING REFERENCES Zary, Poland, Ice Rink • Climbing- and Bouldering Wall • Climbing Wall: 7.5 m x 7 m (WxH) • Climbing Area: 59 sqm • Features 6 TopStop Rope Brakes • Bouldering Wall: 5 m x 3 m (WxH) • Climbing Area: 15 sqm Geraardsbergen, Belgium PROVINCIAAL DOMEIN „DE GAVERS“ • Freestanding Boulderand Climbing Tower „Bad Godesberg“ • Footprint: 2.8 m x 3.75 m • Height: 7.5 to 7.75 m • Climbing Area: 105 sqm • Features 10 TopStop Rope Brakes • The Tower already provides protection against unauthorized climbing. Climbing handholds can only be used up to an height of 2.5 m. From 2.5 m up to an height of 3.75 m circular inserted inner climbing handholds are installed, which can be locked from the inside of the tower. 1 Soft Landing Mat 1 polyester foam, cover made of hard-wearing Trevira material, colour: Blue. 250 x 250 x 25 cm. 43105 Piece Belt 2 Fixing fixing Belt for Crash Mats in front of Climbing Walls made of PP, 4.5 m long, 25 mm wide, with 2 hook brackets and steel belt clamp. Supply includes fixing hardware. Can be locked by optional padlock. Paderborn, Germany • Climbing Wall: 13.4 m x 10.9 m (WxH) • Climbing Area: 175 sqm 43160 3 2 4 3 Dubai, UAE, Repton School • Retractable Climbing Wall: 4.2 m x 5.5 m (WxH) • Climbing Area: 23 sqm Fixing belt 43161 Padlock Piece Piece Safe 4 Quick professional fastening system for soft landing mats. Lockable wall strap in different lengths to fasten a soft landing mat as protection for a climbing wall, as wall collision protector as well as protection against unauthorized use.The wall straps are available with left or right lock. Each fastening system includes 2 straps, 2 locks with cover and 2 padlocks. 43162 2 straps, each 3.5 m long Lock left Set 43163 2 straps, each 3.5 m long Lock right Set 43164 2 straps, each 6.5 m long Lock left Set 43165 2 straps, each 6.5 m long Lock right Set 43166 2 straps, each 9.5 m long Lock left Set 43167 2 straps, each 9.5 m long Lock right Set CLIMBING CLIMBING SYSTEM CLIMBING WALLS Climbing Wall 1 School/Group MITTELGEBIRGE NEW School- and Club Climbing Wall for highest demands. System climbing unit with upright and overhanging areas as well as an interesting bug- and triangle roof. The unit is designed to meet beginner and advanced user requirements.The dimension of the climbing wall enables a class of 20 participants to practice on the climbing wall at the same time. The climbing unit is available with or without lifting device. Equipped with TÜV-approved panel system, 10 TopRope deflections and 10 ropes, statics according to DIN EN 12572, TÜV-approved climbing handholds. ClimbingWall Safety:Electrically operated lifting device or alternatively mat- and fastening system. Height Width Climbing Area 71462 5,50 m 12,40 m 74,70 m2 71463 7,00 m 12,40 m 98,00 m2 System Climbing Wall 2 ZUGSPITZE Retractable Beginner Wall System climbing unit with each upright and overhanging area and two inner electrically lifted climbing areas. Equipped with TÜV-approved panel system, 4 TopeRope baffles and 4 ropes, statics according to DIN EN 12572, TÜV-approved climbing handholds. ClimbingWall Safety:Electrically operated lifting device. Height Width Climbing Area 71460 5,68 m 4,96 m 29,10 m2 71461 7,00 m 4,96 m 38,80 m2 2 1 School/Group Climbing Wall MITTELGEBIRGE System Climbing Wall ZUGSPITZE 3 System Climbing Wall WATZMANN Overhang Vertically Climbing Wall 3 System WATZMANN Fixed Beginner Wall System climbing unit with upright and overhanging area. Features TÜV-approved panel system, 4 TopRope baffles and 4 ropes, statics in accordance with DIN EN 12572, TÜV-approved climbing handholds. Climbing Wall Safety: Mat- and Mounting system. Height Width Climbing Area 71455 5,50 m 4,96 m 29,10 m2 71456 7,00 m 4,96 m 38,80 m2 Climbing Wall 4 System DACHSTEIN System climbing wall unit with complex arranged climbing area featuring an upright and overhanging area as well as an interesting bug and roof. Suitable for PE-lessons at continuing schools and club sports. Equipped withTÜV-approved panel system, 4TopRope baffles and 4 ropes, statics according to DIN EN 12572, TÜV-approved climbing handholds. Climbing Safety: Mat- and Mounting System. Height Width Climbing Area 71457 5,50 m 4,96 m 35,20 m2 71458 7,00 m 4,96 m 47,80 m2 Liftable Individual Climbing Walls Besides the standard climbing walls On Top climbing also offers individual/customized climbing walls. For this purpose many modules are available which can be combined with each other. Modular climbing walls are suitable for all kinds of practices. Structure and degree of difficulty of the wall can be implemented according to requirements and the particular use and being further developed due to the modular structure. The modules are available for in- and outdoor use. All modules are available with a width of 1.24 m (1 rope deflection) or 2.48 (2 rope deflections). Also, customized sizes are available. Next to the standard heights of 5.50 m and 7.00 m for sports halls also in other heights available. Following standard modules are available: Upright, Overhang, Double Overhang, Roof, Bug and Triangle Roof. All school and system climbing walls are also available with electrically operated lifting device. Individual Heights, Widths, and Extra Equipment available upon inquriy. 4 System Climbing Wall DACHSTEIN lower ceiling surface supporting girder pipe electric cable winch approx.100 Netting Belt strap Supply Lines for E-Motor Cable Winch No. EM221 230 volt • Output 0.43 kW from mains to contact switch.... 3 x 1.5 mm2 from contact switch to motor system „Totmann“................... 4 x 1.5 mm2 For the structural engineer Sight screen up to 2.50 m height Design load for ceiling suspended divider curtains and division netting: Per console/suspension (max. distance 4 m) in the net axis. PV = 2000 N PH = 1000 N Dimensions in cm We manufacture and install divider curtains and division nettings with sightscreen for any type of sports hall, gallery protection netting, etc. Please provide us with the required details of your project (layout and cross section or just length and height of the curtain). We will submit our estimate shortly. DIVIDER CURTAINS WITH SIGHT SCREEN FOLD-UP TYPE 48 divider curtain light model lifting type with folding sight screen Gymnasium of the German School in Singapore separating sports hall into two sections with our lightweight divider curtain (opaque up to 2 m height, over and above netting) divider curtains heavy model, double-walled lifting type, sound absorbing Full height double-walled divider curtains will be offered and installed by our co-operating partners. 49 locker room benches STANDARD Locker Room Bench Standard • Sturdy construction in standard length of 2 m or customized length up to 2.70 m (on request). • Shapely design of square steel tube 25 x 25 mm, Platinum Grey (as RAL 7036) powder-coated1, shoe rack* (also to retrofit) made of thick-walled aluminium tube. • Seat Laths, Backrests and Coat Rails are manufactured of solid knotfree, glued softwood, natural varnished • Upon request: Glued hardwood (subdued beech)* /coloured varnish* • Double coat hooks made of plastic • Legs feature floor protecting plastic endings for levelling • Components are pre-assembled, for easy self-assembly. • Size: Length 200 cm or customized length up to 270 cm, Seat Depth from to 33.6 cm, Seating Height 45 cm, Overall Height (incl. coat rails): 165 cm. * ) Surcharge Manufactured by Erhard Sport Locker Room Bench STANDARD 1 Type D With Backrest Coat Rail For the production of our gymnastic apparatus and sports equipment we solely use lumbers from sustainable foresting in Europe. Considering the very long useful life of our sports equipment of more than 40 years, the cost effectiveness when buying a product "Manufactured by Erhard" is evident. Find out for yourself and visit our production facility. Type A without Backrest Type E With Backrest, for Wall Mounting Hooks Double hooks made of plastic with bolt-on plate. Back View Customized Lengths (up to 2.70 m) Manufacture according to drawing, delivery and installation as per offer. Standard Length 2 m (Self-Assembly) Type A without Backrest Type A without Backrest 29440 29450 Without shoe rack DIN Per Meter With shoe rack Per Meter 29390 29391 Without shoe rack DIN With shoe rack Type D With Backrest 29460 29465 Without shoe rack DIN Per Meter With shoe rack Per Meter Type E for Wall Mounting with backrest, without coat rail, ideal for mounting above radiators. 29425 Per Meter 50 for easy self-assembly thanks to pre-mounted (factory-provided) seating, incl. screws. Piece Piece Accessories: 1 Coat Rail for Form A, D and E. 29458 Per Meter locker room benches STANDARD Accessories: Customized Locker Room Benches? Are you planning to furnish your locker room with benches and do not know how many of them you need? Please send us the layout of the particular room showing location of doors, windows and radiators. We will then prepare for you a customized offer with our furnishing suggestions for you. Rail 1 Coat made of knotfree, glued softwood made of plastic. Suitable for mounting on locker room benches Type A, D and E. Customized Lengths up to 2.70m. 29458 Per Meter For a safe attachment of the locker room bench to the wall, ideally between seat planks and backrest! Wall Attachment Device for Locker Room Benches for type A, B and D. For attachment on concrete and lime sand brick walls. The wall attachment secures the bench from shifting, stealing and reduces danger of tipping over. 29421 Pair Type B Type C on One Side Two-Sided Customized Lengths (up to 2.70 m) Manufacture according to drawing, delivery and installation as per offer. Standard Length 2 m (Self-Assembly) Type B Type B With Backrest and Coat Rail, on One Side 29420 29430 Without Shoe Rack, DIN Per Meter With Shoe Rack Per Meter Type C With Backrest and Coat Rail, on Two Sides 29470 29480 Without shoe rack DIN Per Meter With shoe rack Per Meter for easy self-assembly thanks to pre-mounted (factory-provided) seating, incl. screws. With Backrest and Coat Rail, on One Side 29392 29393 Without shoe rack DIN Piece With shoe rack Piece Type C With Backrest and Coat Rail, on Two Sides 29394 29395 Without shoe rack, DIN With shoe rack Options for Seat Slats I Hardwood* (steamed beech), varnished II Pine*, painted (choice of colours) III Pine*, varnished I II III *Finger-jointed Piece Piece 51 Indoor and Outdoor Sports Equipment – professionally designed, manufactured and installed. Our Service Team at your disposal for orders and queries. Address: ERHARD SPORT INTERNATIONAL Im Grund 2 91593 Burgbernheim | Germany Hotline: +49 9843 9356-130 Telefax: +49 9843 9356-181 E-Mail: Online:
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