L O N D O N D ER RY R E C YC L I N G N E W S S P R I N G I S S U E INSIDE THIS ISS UE: Earth Day’s 45th 2 Waste Day 2015 Season - Saturdays Only *April 18, thru November 21, 2015 2 Drop Off Center disposal fees shall be collected by the attendant at the time of service. Recycle for Sight Overflow Bags 2 Roadside Pride & 3 Beautify Londonderry 2015 Can Pizza Boxes 3 Residents must pay BY CHECK ONLY Items *Disposal Fee Items Scrap Metal: $5 per load—Aluminum, steel, brass, copper (no refrigerators, no freezers, no air conditioners) Propane Tanks 20 lb. tanks $4, small 1 lb. tanks free be Recycled? How to Manage 3 Paint Waste What to Recycle # 6 6 Drop Off Center Open April 18 - Nov 21, 2015 Anniversary Lion’s Club - 2 0 1 5 4 Construction Minimum $7 up to 55 gallon barrel Debris: $24 per cubic yard $36 6ft pick-up truck Electronics: Pool Chemicals 4 Cell Phones 4 and Ink Jet Cartridges Recycle Bins 4 Trash & Recy- 4 $14 commercial size fax or copy machine $7 each all other items (TV, Computers, VCR etc.) No Charge - keyboards, mice, wiring *Disposal Fee Carpeting: $24 per cubic yard Furniture: Small Items $7 each (chair, twin mattress) Large Items $14 each (sofa, full mattress, table etc.) Tires: 4 free with car registration Additional tires $2 without rim, $3 with rim Free: Bulk Plastic Items, yard waste, branches under 6” in diameter, textiles, batteries, fluorescent light bulbs Directions to 13 Recovery Way: From the intersection of Routes 102 and 128, follow Rte. 102 west for 2 miles to a set of lights—take a right onto West Road for 1½ miles, the Drop Off Center will be on the left . *Schedule and Disposal Fee’s subject to change cling Holiday Schedule Waste Oil When : May 2nd, 2015, 9 AM - Noon 4 Collection Rte. 28 By-Pass, Derry, NH Schedule Propane Tanks Where: West Running Brook Middle School, 4 Man with a Truck 4 Do you have hazardous items to dispose of ? You do if you have products labeled: •Flammable •Corrosive/Caustic •Reactive •Toxic/Poison Please ensure their proper disposal by attending the Household Hazardous Waste Collection on May 2, 2015 What to bring: Oil Base Paints/Solvents • Pesticides • Herbicides • Poisons • Household Cleaners • Mercury Devices • Automotive Products (No Oil) • Pool Chemicals • Corrosives • Acids • Creosote P AG E 2 Earth Day’s 45 Anniversary - April 22, 2015 According to Earthday.org “The first Earth Day in 1970 was instrumental in mobilizing public support in towns across the country for the passage of the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and other key environmental laws.″ Earth Day is a time for us to be reminded of the importance of environmental responsibility and stewardship. What can you do to help the environment? Recycle—check the list (on page 4) for all of the items that can be recycled right here in Londonderry. All you have to do is bring the listed items to the curb. Pick up trash in your neighborhood or join one of the community sponsored clean ups organized by “Beautify Londonderry” (see page 3). Create less waste—Reduce your use of plastic bags and bottles by using reusable bags and containers. Change to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL’s) which use a third less energy. If every U.S. home replaced just one bulb the collective result would save enough energy to light 2.5 million homes for one year. (Make sure to dispose of CFL’s safely at the Drop Off Center or bring to Home Depot). Provided by: Earthday.org Lions Club - Recycle for Sight “Refractive errors can be easily corrected with eyeglasses, yet millions in developing nations lack access to basic eye care services.” Used eyeglasses are cleaned, repaired, classified by prescription then sent to developing countries. To donate your used glasses just place them in the drop off box located in the Town Clerk’s Office at the Town Hall. For more information visit www.lionsclubs.org Overflow Trash Bags Do you occasionally have a situation where you need more room in your trash cart? Overflow trash bags can be purchased at the Town Clerk’s office at Town Hall for $3 each. gs can Overflow ba at d be purchase ll a H the Town These specially colored and labeled 30-gallon trash bags can be filled with your excess trash and placed on the ground beside your regular trash cart. They will be collected at the same time your trash cart is emptied. Great for when you have more trash than normal. P AG E 3 Roadside Pride & Beautify Londonderry 2015 The Town’s annual “Roadside Pride” cleanup will take place on Saturday, April 18th and 25th. quash Conservation Areas, and other town properties, as well as roadside litter cleanup throughout the town. Followed by “Beautify Londonderry” the town wide clean up that will take place on the weekends of May 2nd & 3rd, and May 9th & 10th, 2015. All this is accomplished through the efforts of the volunteers and generosity of Beautify Londonderry sponsors. The 2014 sponsors included: The heart of these initiatives lie in residents volunteering their time to work together and polish their neighborhoods and public spaces. Some groups focus on litter along the roadways while others make improvements to the community landscape. Leadership Team Continental Paving Projects include raking, weeding and planting at school grounds and fields, Morrison House, Town Common, Senior Center, Kendall Pond, Mus- Partnership Team AES Cogeneration/Granite Ridge Trimmers Landscaping Sponsorship Team Benson’s Lumber & Hardware Shady Hill Nurseries Workplace Systems Friendship Team Hannaford Supermarkets Independence Lawns Libby & Son Landscaping Manchester Coca-Cola Market Basket Peabody Funeral Home To volunteer for “Roadside Pride” just show up on Apr. 18th or 25th between 9am and Noon, at the LHS gym parking lot. We will provide gloves, vests and trash bags. If you would like to volunteer for “Beautify Londonderry” contact Kerri at 434-3476 or email beautifylondonderry@comcast.net Can Pizza Boxes be Recycled? A clean pizza box that is NOT STAINED WITH GREASE and food particles can be recycled in Londonderry’s curbside recycle program. However, if your pizza box resembles the soiled one pictured on the right it should be thrown in the trash. cycling process shredded cardboard is mixed with water to form a slurry that is dried and made into paper. Since water and grease do not mix, the oil from the grease prevents the paper fibers from bonding, contaminating the batch. The reason being that during the re- Yet all is not lost, for you can always How to Manage Paint Related Waste Latex Paint Disposal– Latex paint is not hazardous and when dried, can be disposed of with the regular trash. terial such as shredded newspaper or kitty litter •Pour the paint into an absorbent ma- Allow it to dry completely Dispose of the dried paint in the trash Oil-based Paint DisposalOil based paint, stains, and varnish are hazardous and should NOT be disposed of in the regular trash. •Take it to a Household Hazardous Waste Collection cut the clean top portion of your pizza box for recycling and put the bottom soiled portion in the trash Provided by the NH Dept. of Environmental Services Paint Thinner, Turpentine and Mineral SpiritsLet the solids settle, and pour off the clear liquid. Use for your next project or take it to the next Household Hazardous Waste Collection (May 2, 2015 in Derry) Add cat litter, sawdust or shredded newspaper to the solid residue; dry completely, then dipose of with the household trash. For more info call NHDES at 603-271-2900 or 271-22047 What to Recycle Trash & Recycling Holiday Schedule ● ● ● ● ● ● The Town of Londonderry now has a single stream recycling process. ANY recyclable item listed below can be combined in the SAME container. (Place clean paper and rinsed items in a red recycle bin, clear recycle bags, or in your old trash can labeled with a recycle sticker obtained from the Public Works Dept.). Paper: ▪ Newspapers, Catalogs, ▪ Telephone books, ▪ Junk mail, Cardboard, ▪ Magazines, ▪ Milk cartons, Cereal boxes New Years Day Memorial Day 4th of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Collections will be delayed one day after the above holidays. (i.e.: if your regular pick-up day is Monday, your pick-up will be delayed until Tuesday) Corrugated Cardboard: ▪ Cut down flat, ▪ No larger than 3ft X 3ft Co-Mingled: ▪ Glass, ▪ Cans ▪ All rigid plastic (that can fit in a bin) Waste Oil Collection 1st Saturday of each month 10 am to 12 pm (Please note all large plastic items such as children's toys, lawn furniture, and containers should be brought to the Londonderry Drop Off Center, at no charge, open seasonally April—November) Londonderry Central Fire Station (Rear) 280 Mammoth Road Pickups begin at 7:00 AM, the same route is not always taken so please have your materials set out on time! Your recycling container cannot exceed 40 lbs. (At this time recycle pickup is still a manual process and the barrel has to be lifted by the attendant) Pool Chemicals Disposal Pool chemicals are Hazardous Waste and should never be placed in your curbside trash. The chemicals could be the cause of fires or explosions in the disposal trucks. Chemicals may be disposed of properly at the next Household Hazardous Waste Day (On May 2, 2015 from 9:00 AM to Noon (at the West Running Brook Middle School in Derry) or Londonderry’s HHW Collection which is held in November (date to be determined) Cell Phones and Inkjet Cartridges can be recycled at the Middle School or the Town Hall. Proceeds go to the school. If you need a recycling bin, they can be picked up at the Municipal Town Offices in the Public Works Dept. 603-432-1100 X193 May 2, 2015 August 1, 2015 June 6, 2015 September 5, 2015 July—No Collection October 3, 2015 Do Not bring oil mixed with antifreeze, transmission fluid or any other liquid. In 2014, volunteers collected 1,368 gallons of waste oil. This oil is used to run the waste oil furnace at the highway garage. Propane Tanks The Londonderry Drop Off Center at 13 Recovery Way (off West Rd) now accepts propane tanks for disposal. 20 lb. tanks $4.00 1-2 lb. tanks No Charge Any ques ons contact the Dept. of Public Works at 432-1100 X 137 Man with a Truck (Independent Private Service) For debris and bulk item pick up from your home, call Paul Schacht at 603-718-5634 for pricing.
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