Level 3-4 Quiz The purpose of this quiz is to test your knowledge of rules and officiating practices. It is also designed with the intent to generate discussion around the answers. Answer the questions as written. If you think you need more information put a star beside the question. Your concerns can then be discussed when the answers are taken up. Do not ask another official, or test administrator for clarification while writing the quiz. 1. A team is losing by 25 points going into the last quarter. The losing coach asks you to run the clock. You agree and notify all field officials that you will be running the clock. This is proper procedure. ______ This in not proper procedure. _______ If you run the clock, do you run it through touchdowns and converts. Yes_____ No____ 2. On the last play of the 2nd quarter, team A score a touchdown. Team B commits a U.R. on the play. Can Team A apply the penalty on the opening of the second half? Yes_____ No _____ (1-6-6 page 7) 3. Team A, 3rd down and 5 (3 down football) run a play from scrimmage and get stopped short of the 1st down. Team A is called for U.R. during the play. Team B is called for piling on. The referee balances the plays from scrimmage and repeats 3rd down at PLS. No other options are given. Is this correct application? Yes_____ No_____ 4. Team A, 1st and 15, throw a forward pass. Team B is called for pass interference 30 yards down field. Team A is called for holding. The referee balances the penalty at PLS and repeats the play as 1st and 15 again. Is this one of the correct options. Yes_____ No_____ 2. 5. B65 is called for objectionable conduct on a run from scrimmage where 1st down has been made. After the play he then tells the referee to “go F— himself”. The referee ejects B65. Should a 25 yard penalty also be applied? Yes____ No____ 6. Team A and B are allowed by league rules to use their own game balls, as long as substitution of the ball doesn’t slow down the game. On the first play from scrimmage Team A brings in a ball that is in the opinion of the referee “beat up, and under inflated”. The referee rules that the ball is unacceptable and asks for another ball. Is he correct in his ruling? Yes____ No ____ 7. Team B coach, prior to the game complains to the referee that the Team A is a major offender of the crack back rule and starts to complain how the crew last week didn’t call it. The coach is polite so the referee listens intently. The coach asks for clarification on what constitutes a crack back. The referee tells him that there are three major criteria for crack back: position, direction of motion and point of contact. Did the referee use good judgement in handling the above. Yes____ No____ 8. Team A lineman go to a three point stance. On the QB call of “ready” the lineman shift to an unbalanced line, and again assume a 3 point stance. The QB begins his numerical count and the ball is snapped on 3. Team B retain their defensive positions and do not go offside. When questioned by the headlinesman at half-time about this, the referee says “good no call”, since B was not disadvantaged nor did they react. Is the referee correct? Yes____ No____ (3-4-2 case page 120) 3. 9. At the change of the quarter team A is called for a penalty. The team A coach asks to talk to the referee about the penalty. Since it is the end of the quarter, the referee agrees. The referee leaves it to the umpire to assist the Headlinesman (new official) with the change of ends and lets the umpire spot the ball for the next quarter. The referee goes over to talk to the coach. Should the referee have talked to the coach? Yes____ No____ 10. The Headlinesman approaches the referee about ongoing interference by the crowd against his stick crew. The referee stops the game and tells the crowd that he will not start the game until they are off the sideline. They do not react to his request. He doesn’t start the game. Is he correct in his actions. Yes____No____ 11. Team A throws a forward pass 14 yards over the line of scrimmage, A 26 is called for holding on the play. When the play goes dead, the umpire (the covering official) runs in to report the penalty to the referee. Is this correct procedure? Yes ____ No____ 12. Team A scrimmage 2nd down and 5 on the B12 yard line. Pass interference is called against B on the B2. Referee awards team A 1st down on the 6 yard line and tells the Headlinesman to move the sticks. Is he correct. Yes____ No____ Bonus Question: Happened in a highschool game. Falls into the category “shit happens”, use common sense and keep reading the book--you never know! Team A throw a forward pass into the B end zone. B26 is called for forward pass interference against the intended receiver, in the end zone. The ball hits the crossbar in flight. Do you apply the penalty? Yes_____ No_____
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