Bishop. That title goes into abeyance during the sede vacante. Fr John was elected as Moderator to the Curia during these waiting days. Our candidates : Hollie Wilde, Jack Ginnis, Phoebe Brind, Anne-Marie Street : St Charles; and Emily Wood and Lorna Carrick : Immaculate Conception church. We wish them well as they journey into full and adult membership of the church. Parish councillors next! Catholic Church in Longdendale PARISH NEWSLETTER NEXT WEEKEND is denominated as World Communications Sunday; there will be a second collection at all Masses. EASTER VI (B) 10th May 2015 BRADBURY HOUSE COFFEE MORNING Hearty thanks to those who laboured with familiar energy to make such a success of last weekend’s BB/GAM occasion. £424 was added to the parish fund-raising account. WEDNESDAY GROUP met during the week and as ever looked towards future occasions. On Wednesday the group and its friends trip off to Nostell Priory (please note the parish-Mass time : 8am); on 2nd July the group looks forward to a gentle canal-trip from Whaley Bridge to Marple & back; and on 1st August a garden party at Nuala S’s home. 5pm (GAM) private int Sun 10th MISSIO RED BOXES It has taken a while to receive the list of parish returns for last year. But now we can acknowledge that St Mary’s Glossop (£2791) and our parishes (£2579) both were comfortably within the top-ten parish contributors of the 120 parishes of the diocese. Hearty thanks to all to fill, empty and account for the boxes! EASTER VI (B) 9.15 (BB) private int ROYAL REJOICING How sensitive of the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge to place their new-born daughter under the watchful care of St Charles (by one gender-remove!). I’m sure that he will not fail the royal princess. May procession 2pm BB/GAM par. Council mtg GENERAL ELECTION We live in interesting times, as the wall-to-wall coverage on Thursday and beyond revealed. Whatever the delights or disappointments, the expectations or disillusions, may the Holy Spirit guide the hearts of those elected to serve. 11am (HAD) for the parish BB/GAM parish council meets on Sunday afternoon in church at 2pm. ST CHARLES PARISH COUNCIL celebrates its anniversary at Pentecost— next Sunday. The birthday of the church coincides with the birthday as t’were of the parish. After Hadfield Mass next Sunday the various members of the council will be on hand to chat about past, present & future initiatives. The Chair both of the council and the finance team will present a brief report on the last year. All parishioners are welcome to linger longer to share this moment—and some refreshments too. ‘FAITH IN FAMILIES’ BOXES are due for emptying. Val G asks that you bring any boxes to church for emptying. MAY DEVOTIONS Our custom in May & October is publicly to pray the rosary before parish morning Mass. Particular devotion is offered this Sunday at BB and next Sunday at St Charles in May Processions. Cn D Bowdren St Charles Rectory Woolley Bridge Rd Hadfield SK13 1PQ Tel 852351 St Charles Primary Hadfield SK13 7PQ Head : Steve Williamson Tel : 852692 St Philip Howard Secondary SK13 8DR Head : sede vacante Tel : 853611/861022 St Margaret’s & All Saints Federation Gamesley SK13 6HB Head : David Hickey Tel : 855818 DATE MASS St John Houghton & the Notts martyrs 9.30 (HAD) Sp int Tues 12th Ss Nereus & Achilleus; St Pancras no parish Mass today 11am (HAD) funeral service : Beryl Rawlinson RIP Thurs 14th Our Lady of Fatima 8am (HAD) D Byrnes RIP (TL etc) Easter feria 9.30 (BB) pr int Sat 16th Easter feria 9.30 (HAD) pr int 2nd - £20 : Charlie READER B PRAYERS E MINS TEA MUSIC GAM B Hodson B Hodson R Thackeray - - BB T Travis Michael W J Fallon, D Norton SB HAD T Berry K Holtom PP DW JB JM var SICK AND HOUSEBOUND and ANNIVERSARIES OF DEATH confessions 10.30 Please remember to support and pray for those listed as sick and housebound in our parish: Barbara Moore, Tim Killeen, Sheila Berry, Joan Bone, Marie Davies, Delia Pyke, Mary Perry, Angela Kelly, John Staton, Brian Ellison, Mary Whitham, Mary Baldwin, Jan Slugocki, Neil Appleton, Alice Canning, Dorothy & Cliff Yarwood, Margaret Durman. ASCENSION (B) 9.15 (BB) Maria Handysides RIP 11am (HAD) Madge Garlick RIP LAST WEEKEND’S TOTE WINNERS HAD : 1st - £40 : D Handley Weds Gp trip : 9am depart 5pm (GAM) for the parish Sun 17th BB/GAM Envelopes : £185.50 Loose : £146.46 Standing Orders : £103.85 Total £435.81 DUTY CALLS : Next weekend : May 17th: ASCENSION 2015 St Matthias (“Ascension Day” transferred to Sunday) 9.30 (HAD) sp int Confirmation : 7 pm St Mary’s Glossop Fri 15th Hadfield Envelopes : £239.45 Loose : £155.38 Standing Orders : £216 Total £610.83 Mon 11th Weds 13th MONEY MATTERS - Last weekend`s collections OTHER May procession Please recall in prayer our deceased priests and parishioners whose anniversaries occur about this time : FrsJoe Wakefield, Pip Morris, Michael Quigley, Thos Godley, Jas Cantwell; Mary Smith, Madge Garlick, Sheila Keegan, Frank Ellison, Fred Woolley: Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord : May they rest in peace : Amen VI EASTER (B) psalter wk 2 Introduction: We continue to celebrate the Risen Lord, who laid down his life for his friends. First Reading : Acts 10 : Anyone who keeps God`s commandments is eligible for the gifts of the Spirit. Resp THE LORD HAS SHOWN HIS SALVATION TO THE NATIONS Second Reading: 1 Jn 3 : God is Love! Gospel: Jn 15: A man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. PARISH NOTES MAY SHE REST IN PEACE We pray for the happy repose of the soul of Beryl Rawlinson (68) who died recently. May her sorrowing family & friends be comforted. Beryl’s funeral rites will be conducted by Fr Robert Thacker at St Charles on Tuesday. THIS WEEK is an important one for our local-parishes Confirmation candidates who have prepared over many months for Thursday evening’s celebration. Whilst we still wait for Pope Francis to nominate a Bishop for our diocese, Fr John Guest plans to travel to St Mary’s Glossop for the 7pm occasion. Fr John was of course one of the Vicars General when we had a
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