Pupilometer CX-8 Operating Instructions (Revised 10/22/14) PRACTICAL SYSTEMS, INC. 11617 Prospect Road • Odessa, FL 33556 (800) 237-8154 • Fax (800) 330-3800 www.LookToPSI.com OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL CX-8 PUPILOMETER PSI’s digital Pupilometer is used to measure patient’s intraocular pupil distances. This instrument is compact and light weight with an easy to read digital display. It offers many features such as a memory lock , simultaneous viewing of monocular and binocular readings as well as near and far distance calculations from just one reading. This pupilometer measures PD’s from 45-82mm. WARNING: Never attempt to operate this instrument before you have thoroughly read and understand all the instructions. Keep this users manual on hand and review it frequently to ensure continued proper operation. Recommendations • Thisisaprecisioninstrument.Avoidstoringorusingitinareaswerethereisexcessiveheator cold. • Avoidplacingthemachineindirectsunlight. • Usingchemicalstocleanthepupilometermaycausedamage. • Donotdisassembleanypartoftheunitexceptthepartsthatareexplainedinthismanual.Doing so will void all warranties. • Removethebatterieswhentheunitisnotinuseforalongperiodoftime. • UseonlyqualityalkalineAAbatteries. • Storethepupilometerflatonthebacksidewiththebrowbarraised. • Wipethenoserestandbrowbaraftereveryuse. Specifications DataRange: BinocularPD45-82mm Monocular PD 22.5 - 41mm MeasurementIncrements: 0.5mm TargetDistance: 30cm-∞ PowerSupply: 4AABatteries AutoShutOff: 1minute Size: 8-1/2”x 6”x 2” 214mmx150mmx51mm Weight: 1.5 lbs. / 0.6kg 2 Components 5 3 4 7 6 8 9 1 2 1. PupilometerBody 2. Practitioner’s Eyepiece 3. DigitalDisplay 4. On/OffSwitch 5. RightEyeControlButton-MovesverticalPDline(toptotheleft,bottomtotheright) 6.LeftEyeControlButton-MovesverticalPDline(toptotheright,bottomtotheleft) 7. BIN-Binocular/MonocularSettingButton 8. MEM - Memory Lock, locks in the last reading 9. TDIS–TargetDistanceSelectionButton–30cm-∞ Other Components Not Shown: 11. BrowBar 12. NoseRest–locatedonoppositeendofthepupilometerfrom#2 13. PatientViewWindows–locatedonoppositeendofthepupilometerfrom#2 14. VerticalPDLines–seenthroughthePractitioner’sEyepiece 15. TargetRedical–thegreenlightorbull’s-eye,seenthroughthePatientViewWindows 16. BatteryCompartments–locatedontheundersideofthepupilometer,oneonthe leftandoneontheright.Eachcompartmentholds2AAbatteries(4total). 3 Operation Beforeusingthepupilometer,reviewtheinstrumentcomponentsonthepreviouspage.Makesure batteries are installed and are in operating order. 1. TurnthepupilometeronbypressingtheON/OFFbutton. 2. SelectatargetdistancebypressingtheTDISbutton.Optionsare30,35,40,50,65,1m,2mand ∞. The setting is viewed on the lower portion of the digital display. 3. SelectthebinocularormonocularsettingusingtheBINbutton.Optionsincludeleft(L),right(R) andbinocular(BIN).Thesettingisviewedonthelowerrighthandcornerofthedigitaldisplay. 4. Instruct the patient to hold the pupilometer up to their eyes the same way they would binoculars. Make sure the brow bar is resting against the patient’s forehead and their nose is on the nose rest. 5. InstructthepatienttostareattheRedicalorGreenBull’s-eyethroughtheviewwindows. 6. Usingtheleftandrighteyecontrolbuttons,slidetheverticalPDlinesoverthepatient’sretinal reflections.(Thepinpointoflightlocatedinsidethepupil). 7. Press the MEM button to store the readings. 8. Transfer the readings onto the patient’s records. 9. Select other PD measurements desired by pressing the TDIS button. The pupilometer will automatically calculate the patient’s PDs at all other distances. Settings Adjustment You can change the brightness of the interior light and how long the display remains on before powering off by following the directions below. 1. PresstheON/OFFbuttonandturnonthepupilometer. 2. PresstheMEMbutton20timesuntilthescreenshows“---–––---”. 3. PresstheTDISbuttononcetoenterthesettingmode. 4. To Change LED Brightness-PresstheRightEyeControlButtontoadjustbrightnessupand down..5isthedimmestand8.0thebrightest. 5. To Change Automatic Power Off-PresstheLeftEyeControlButtontoadjustthetimerup anddownfrom1/2minute(.5)to3minutes(3.0)inhalfminuteintervals. 6. Oncesettingshavebeenselected,presstheMEMbuttontosavethevalues.Thescreenwill onceagainshow“---–––---”. 7. PresstheON/OFFbuttontoturnoffthepupilometer.Thenturnitbackontoutilizethenew settings. Contact PSI at 800-237-8154 or 727-376-7900, if you have any questions or problems with your machine. Thank you for Looking To PSI. 4
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