LORD OF LIFE LUTHERAN CHURCH 1025 Borden Road, Depew, NY 14043 The Rev. Deborah L. Turley, Pastor Telephone: (716) 668-8000 E-mail: churchinfo@lordoflife.us NEWS OF THE COMMUNITY Sunday, June 28, 2015 Becoming God’s Tomorrow – Keeping the Vision Alive! If you are on facebook and have a smart phone, please check in at LOL. You can even let people know about your worship experience while you’re here! Summerfest July 24th, 2015 If you have not already, now is the time to sign up for your favorite spot at Summerfest! We have a space for everyone who would like to help: set up, various booths during the event, and clean-up on Saturday morning. Many hands make light work! Did You Know? Last year we sold out all of the Chiavetta’s chicken in less than two hours!? The best way for us to gauge how much chicken and sides to prepare, is to sell as many tickets as possible ahead of the event. Tickets are on sale now in the Welcome Center, and we encourage you to buy your tickets in advance if you are able. We are also making Cash Raffle and Basket tickets available. Why not avoid the lines and get yours today?! Also at the Summerfest table: your envelope of Cash Raffle tix to sell , more if needed, and donation and thank you letters if you plan to ask at any of the places you frequent. The tree in the Welcome Center is the Summerfest “Needs” Tree. If you are able to help by donating any one (or more) of the items listed on the leaves, please take one, and bring the item/s specified back when you are able. Once again, we couldn’t do this without you and your generosity. The Summerfest Team thanks you! 2015 NEED/WISH LIST BASKETS, BASKETS, & MORE BASKETS $5-$10 ITEMS FOR EGGSTRAVAGANZA BIG TICKET ITEMS VALUED @ $100 OR MORE BAKED GOODS LARGE TENTS SPONSORS BRAND NAME POP (COLA, DIET COLA, AND CLEAR VARIETIES) DONATIONS OF ALL KINDS FROM LOCAL VENDORS Please bring donations in to the administration office @ any time between 10AM and 4PM during the week, or any Sunday morning. If you have any tent/s or connections to anyone who has tent/s, please see or call Dennis Dwyer (7137115). Thank you for your continued support! Weekly Lord of Life sermons are posted on our website: www.lordoflife.us CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES! This past Thursday, 20 preschoolers sang and danced their way to kindergarten. The Child Development Center is very proud of our many graduates and the dedicated teachers who have nurtured them along the way. We wish all our graduates good luck in their futures! Please stop into the Oasis Café to see some of the beautiful artwork from our grads. The next Book Club selection is Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult. The club will meet at 7:oo PM at Carol Dauman’s home on Wednesday, July 15, 2015. All Are welcome! CALENDAR Today 10:00 AM Monday Wednesday Thursday It’s graduation season! If you have a family member who is graduating from high school or college, please let us know so we can include them in our celebration of this milestone. You can call the church office at 668-8000 Monday – Thursday and ask for Melissa. Pastor Debi Turley: Bill Patterson: Debbie Spinelli: Melissa Dwyer: 9:30AM Sunday UNYTS Blood Drive Worship 1:00 PM ADHC Men’s Group 3:45 PM Summerfest Committee 6:45 PM NarAnon 11:00 AM 7:00 PM 10:00 AM Bible Study Women’s AA Worship COMING DATES July 6 3:45 PM Summerfest Committee July 13 3:45 PM Summerfest Committee 6:30 PM Global Team July 13-19 National Youth Gathering—Detroit July 16 7:00PM ADHC Support Group CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: M-Th 9:30am — 6:00pm, and evenings and weekends by appointment M-Th, 11:00am—4:00pm, also available evenings by appointment M-F 5:00am —1:00pm M-Th. 10:00am—3:00 pm Nursery care provided during worship: The nursery program for children up to First Grade is available each week following the children’s sermon and the children will return to their families in time to receive a blessing at Holy Communion. The nursery is located in the Child Development Center. NOTE: Both Infant Rooms are ‘shoe free’ areas so please remove your and your child’s shoes before entering. Thank you! Focus Text for this week: Psalm 146 Lord of Life is hosting a blood drive TODAY from 9:30AM thru 12:30PM. Walk-ins are welcome! Thank you for your continued, generous support for this invaluable ministry. There is an exciting new opportunity available to everyone in the congregation to deepen our walks with God during the week through the use of “rightnow MEDIA.” We have extended the invitation to as many people as we have email addresses on file. If you have not gotten an invitation and/or a follow-up email from Pastor Debi, and would like one, please see Melissa with a current email address. This website has something for every member of your family, including media for teens and younger children. We will be officially launching this new program soon, so stay tuned for more information In the coming weeks! Play Ball! The Men’s Group is sponsoring a family outing at the ballpark! On Friday, July 17 the Buffalo Bisons will be playing the Columbus Clippers, with fireworks after the game. This year the theme for the game is the “Back to the Future movie,” with retro costumes -a plus for the game. The tickets are nine dollars each. Sign up in the Welcome Center. If you have any questions, see Bill Patterson. It’s time to get that old playground out of here! This is a big job and will no doubt involve sweat, dirt, and plenty of heavy lifting! We’re looking to get started on Tuesday, June 30; Wednesday, July 1st, and Friday, July 3rd; as well as Monday, July 6th and Tuesday, July 7th if needed. Anyone not already scared off, please sign up in the Welcome Center. It is not necessary to be available for all of the dates. All muscles welcome! WORSHIP SERVANTS PRESIDING MINISTER: Pastor Deborah Turley ASSISTING MINISTER: Diane Bosiacki MUSIC MINISTRY TEAM: Kim Szymczak, Jennifer Schuster, Randy Kramer, Peter Turley, Griffin Kramer, Gary Gorski, Steve Serwinowski, Damian Liszka, Tom Neidrauer, Ashlin Liszka, Dave Zuchowski, and Megan Kusowski. TECHNOLOGY: Coordinator: Dan King Team: Vern McEvoy, Bill Patterson, Don Secor, Mark Soderholm, Glenn Williams, Mark Kusowski., and Alyssa Strassburg. ASSISTING MINISTERS: Coordinator: Bob Turley; Team: Bonnie Ciesla, Pauline Newhouse, Dakota Ward, Ashlin Liszka, Jason Michalski, George Bronner, Diane Bosiacki, Bonnie Gentner, and Maureen Gensler WORSHIP MINISTRY COORDINATOR: Bill Patterson GREETERS: Coordinator: Anita Honan USHERS: Coordinator: Scott Shaw BREAD AND WINE: Coordinator: Judy Reimondo, Janet Sincebaugh, Cherie Lysiak and Shelley Soderholm ACOLYTE COORDINATOR: Janet Sincebaugh CUPS: Coordinator: Robyn Kulczyk and Cherie Lysiak; Assistants: Young Children ALTAR CARE: Coordinator, Janet Sincebaugh; Doug Ashlock, Judy Reimondo SANCTUARY CARE: James Dwyer, Amanda Sheff NURSERY: Coordinator: Shannon Meredith COFFEE HOUR: Coordinator: Tammy Lail BULLETIN: Melissa Dwyer MINISTRY PERSONNEL MINISTRY STAFF: Administrative Assistants: Debbie Spinelli, Melissa Dwyer DIRECTOR OF LAY MINISTRY: Bill Patterson CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRY LEADERSHIP TEAM: Melissa Dwyer, Cherie Lysiak, Glenn Ruettimann, and Luann Ruettimann YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM: Matt Hunneshagen, Denise Williams, Glenn Williams, Pam Gorman, Dave Gorman, Alyssa Strassburg, Megan Kusowski, and Jason Michalski ADULT MINISTRY DISCIPLING TEAM: Cole Barkley, Kelley Moeller, Randy Kramer and Linda Cultrara ADULT MEN’S GROUP: Pat Meginley, Jim Daly, Ron Wells, George Bronner, Bob Migdalski, Dave Gorman, Mark Kusowski, and Bob Turley PASTORAL CARE INREACH LEADERSHIP TEAM: Bill Patterson, George Bronner, Marianne Bronner, Bonnie Gentner, Sandy Mendrykowski, Mark Soderholm, Miranda Rich, Jason Michalski. Doreen Zuchowski, Sue Grill & Joan Schlegel. GLOBAL OUTREACH TEAM: Kelley Moeller, Jennifer Perillo, Glenn Ruettimann, Jason Michalski, Jennifer Schuster, Diane Bosiacki, Bob Migdalski, Sandy Mendrykowski, Doreen Zuchowski, Carol Migdalski, Tim Berry. Eileen Kusowski, Karen & Jeff Farrar & Diane Zimmer ADULT DISCIPLING CONTACTS: Pastor Turley SPECIAL EVENTS: Judy Reimondo, Linda Koteras, Pat and Marilyn Meginley, Blanche Krueger, Eileen and Mark Ku sowski, & Joan Schlegel GARDEN TEAM: Carol Migdalski, Bob Migdalski, Janice Grubb, Sandy Mendrykowski, Bonnie Gentner, Pat Meginley, and Doreen Zuchowski SHARED MINISTRY TEAM: Representatives from all the Teams CHURCH BOARD: Bob Migdalski, Chairperson; Pam Gorman, Vice Chairperson; Pat Meginley, Treasurer; Glenn Ruettimann, Recording Secretary; George Bronner, Dennis Dwyer, Bonnie Gentner, Janet Bezinque, Donna Handzlik, Jennifer Schuster, Alyssa Strassburg, STEWARDSHIP TEAM: Dennis Dwyer, Dottie and Scott Shaw, Glenn Williams, Dorothy List, Janet Sincebaugh FINANCIAL SECRETARY: Joe Piniewski; Assistants: Jean Bautz, Karen Glanowski, Barbara Miller
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