PROSPECTUS Loreto Convent Intermediate College, Lucknow, founded in 1872, is under the management of the Sisters of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto Sisters). This Institute was founded in 1616 by an English woman, Mary Ward (1585 1645). It pioneered a new type of religious life which undertook the education of girls as its main work. The 18th century saw the spread and development of the Institute in Europe and in England. It was introduced into Ireland by Frances Teresa Ball, who in 1821 established the first house of the Irish Branch there. She called it Loreto, the name by which all subsequent foundations spread all over the world are still known. The Loreto Sisters came to India in 1841 and have established schools in many parts of eastern and northern India. The prime purpose of the Order is the education of girl child of all denominations. The aim of the school is to give its pupils a sound moral education while devoting special attention to their intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual development. Loreto Convent Intermediate College strives to communicate to its pupils a culture that is characterized by an ability to work and think sincerely and comprehensively. LORETO EDUCATION The aim of Loreto Convent Intermediate College is to provide a thorough all round education, designed to fit each girl for a full and noble life. The unique character of Loreto Convent Intermediate College, however, does not lie in its educational programme but in the distinctive climate in which the programmes are implemented. A spirit of loyalty and trust marks the relationship between the staff and students and among the students themselves. It is a spirit that encourages growth in the exercise of responsible freedom, reverence for the human personality, an appreciation of true values and a heightened awareness of the responsibilities of knowledge, love and service. In the words of Mary Ward (15851645), the foundress of Loreto, "I hope in God it will be seen that women in time to come will do much. 'Jagriti', which means awakening, is an outreach school of Loreto forming an integral part of the Loreto Convent Intermediate College, Lucknow. Its prime objective is to bring about improvement in society by paying goaldirected attention to the less advantaged sections of society left behind in the race for progress. We make our school a centre where preferential love of the poor is lived out both in attitude and structures. THE GOALS OF OUR COLLEGE 1. Loreto endeavors to create a safe, happy, congenial environment for children and help them see the hand of God in their lives. 2. We endeavor not only to teach but create a protective environment for facilitating learning of life skills and moral values, discerning their needs thus empowering each student to develop to her best potential. 3. To equip the children with lifecoping skills to build selfconfidence. The system involves student centered programmes and helps the underprivileged children through sponsorship. 4. To help our pupils to feel the need for discipline, the right use of freedom by trusting, entrusting, challenging and exposing them to responsibilities (Captains, Prefects, Monitors and House/Club Office Bearers in rotation) in daily school life. 5. To build a warm, conducive and a childfriendly atmosphere in the class, ensuring maximum participation wherein the child is able to freely express herself. 6. To develop reading habit, especially News Paper, so that students become socially oriented. 7. To improve the general knowledge about Mary Ward, Loreto Values, City, Nation and the World so that we are able to look at the world as a family. POLICY STATEMENT The Loreto Convent Intermediate College, Lucknow values the welfare of a child as paramount. We commit ourselves to protect our children from neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse. The school is committed to : Create a safe, happy and congenial environment for children and young people. Taking suitable precautions to minimize risks — both physical and emotional to children. Keeping in pace with changing times and updating ourselves with technology, knowledge and training. Supporting victims of abuse. Ensure transparency and accountability in matters relating to the offenders. CODE OF BEHAVIOUR 1. Loreto Convent Intermediate College, Lucknow c herishes every child as a 'Gift from God'. The rights of the child be respected and protected by developing a strong emotional bond with every child. (Without any physical closeness intentional or unintentional). 2. The teachers remain vigilant and sensitive to any behavioral change in the child. We take complete responsibility to recognize any form of abuse and further will respond and report the case to the Designated Officer. 3. We will always maintain the dignity as teachers and our gestures, mannerism, language and dressing style are in line of decency and sobriety. 4. We ensure that children are given a safe and friendly environment and provide them with emotional, psychological and physical security (even during outdoors activities, excursions, etc, We actively involve parents and inform them regarding the growth and development of the allround personality of the child. ADMISSION Application for admission should be made to the Principal. While doing so, it is necessary to submit an application form, signed by the parents / guardian. The name of the last school attended, if any, must be given, as the Principal may wish to communicate with its authorities. She also reserves the right, without furnishing reasons, for refusing admission to an applicant. No pupil can be admitted without a Transfer Certificate from the school last attended, Nursery Pupils are admitted to the Nursery Class from the family environment after they have completed their fourth year. A Nursery is intended as a place where the children learn to adjust to absence of the mother and there is a certain amount of routine and interaction with other children outside the family circle. College Admission of students to the Intermediate College is entirely at the discretion of the Principal. Applicants must have passed the ICSE or equivalent examination, and must not be less than 15 years of age at the time of admission. All students, once admitted, are expected to conform to the regulations of the College and thus help to establish and maintain the high standards of behavior and academic excellence which are traditional in every Loreto College. The College reserves the right to request, at any time, the withdrawal of a student whose continuance in college would be detrimental to the interest of the College as a whole, or whose conduct is not satisfactory to the authorities of the College. At the time of admission, the College Admission Form must be filled in and returned with the following documents: a) Transfer Certificate from the last school attended. b) Migration Certificate in the case of students migrating from another Board. c) Character Certificate. d) The Class X Board Examination Mark Sheet and School Reports of Classes IX & X. CURRICULUM I School Pupils are prepared for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education, New Delhi and for the Indian School Certificate, New Delhi. The curriculum includes Religious Instruction, Value Education, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, History and Civics, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Home Science, Choral Singing, Indian Dancing, Physical Education, S.U.P.W. and Community Service are a part of the curriculum. A pupil who fails to attain the required standard in the languages or in her general studies will not be promoted. Reports on the pupil's general progress will be handed over to the parents during the year. These should be studied carefully, and returned to the school authorities signed by the parents / guardian. No pupil will be allowed to sit for the promotion examination if the attendance during the year is below 75 0/0. Promotions are granted on the basis of the whole year's work of the pupil; hence the importance of regularity in both attendance and work must be stressed. The Annual Examination is meant to confirm the result of the year's work. The decision of the school authorities with regard to promotion is final. College The College offers Optional Subjects in the following courses: Arts, Commerce and Science English is a compulsory subject in all streams. The curriculum includes Religious Instruction for Christian students, Value Education, S.U.P.W. and Games. A number of cocurricular activities play an important role in a student life. Interpersonal relational skills, confidence, poise, responsibility and reliability are some of the qualities developed through the various cocurricular activities. The student may choose the cocurricular activities w h i c h c o n t r i b u t e m o s t t o h e r e n j o y m e n t a n d development. She may develop an interest in such areas as drama, athletics, social service, science, literature, the fine arts and General Knowledge. HOLIDAYS There are two vacations during the year the summer and winter holidays. The students' attendance is compulsory on the first and last day of each term. The School Diary given to each pupil has a list of holidays for the academic year. No leave of absence will be granted without a previously written application from the parents/ guardian. Pupils who are unavoidably absent from class, even for part of the day, should bring a note from their parents/ guardian stating the cause of the absence or delay. SESSIONS The academic session begins in March. There are two terms. It is essential for every student to be present for the HalfYearly Examination held in September/October and Final Examination held in February/March. Absence at the beginning or end of a term and irregularity in attendance is strongly disapproved of. FEES See the schedule in the Fee Book. Fee books for the academic session are given to each pupil at the beginning of the school year. The school fees cover 12 calendar months, payable quarterly. No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods. Those who wish to pay fees for six months or for the whole academic year (in advance) are welcome to do so. The fees include tuition fees and annual charges, Computer / Home Science / Examination Fees and Science fees as per the subjects opted for at different levels. A late fee is charged if fees are not paid by the date stipulated. Late fee will not be waived off. Pupils are charged full fees for as long as their names are on the rolls. If a bill runs into arrears for more than two quarters the child's name will be removed from the rolls. 1 = 1 = ■ • ■ ■ • 1 . Fees for 12 calendar months will be charged in case of withdrawal during academic year. No pupil is allowed to return to school after the holidays unless her fee account for the previous term has been settled in full. In case of readmission after withdrawal the admission fee will be re charged. The School Fee will not be refunded in case of withdrawal during academic year. WITHDRAWALS Notice of withdrawal of a pupil must be given in writing, one calendar month in advance or a month's fee in lieu of notice will be charged. Vacancies are not normally kept open for pupils who go on long leave without prior written permission within the country or abroad during the school year. We join Mary Ward in praying……. I ask... for the gift of receiving God's love Receiving love from others... Finding God now Sharing God now Absorbing God's love Diffusing God's love For a God who creates us in love Has a deep longing to share this love With the whole of creation. Here along the path of love, I find God in all things And grow to wholenessto become "wholly God's". — Mary Ward
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