Chapter 16 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media: Implications for Industrial Biocatalysis Veronika Stepankova,a,b Jiri Damborsky,a,b and Radka Chaloupkovaa aLoschmidt Laboratories, Department of Experimental Biology and Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Masaryk University, Kamenice 5/A13, 62500Brno, Czech Republic bEnantis, s.r.o., Palackeho trida 1802/129, 61200 Brno, Czech Republic 16.1 Introduction Agrochemical and pharmaceutical industries are urged by environmental regulators to implement sustainable technologies for the production of enantiomerically pure and value-added compounds. The use of biocatalysts represents a good solution. The enzymecatalysed reactions often show advantages over the uncatalysed reactions, including high chemo-, regio- and enantioselectivities and occurrence under mild reaction conditions. However, the conventional aqueous reaction media for enzymatic reactions can limit the applications of biocatalysts. Only a small number of industrially attractive substrates are sufficiently water-soluble and hydrolysis is favoured over synthetic reactions in aqueous media. Furthermore, Industrial Biocatalysis Edited by Peter Grunwald Copyright © 2015 Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd. ISBN 978-981-4463-88-1 (Hardcover), 978-981-4463-89-8 (eBook) 584 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media water represents a challenge for reaction engineering in terms of downstream processing and integration into a process chain due to its high boiling point and high heat of vaporization (Ghanem and Aboul-Enein, 2004). The use of organic solvents as reaction media for biocatalytic reactions has proven to be an extremely useful approach to extend the field of biocatalyst applications. However, exploiting advantages of using aqueous-organic systems or even neat organic solvents is limited by two factors: (i) the risk of enzyme deactivation, and (ii) the environmentally hazardous nature of solvents. Significant progress has been made towards identifying the environment-friendly alternatives to the organic solvents as the introduction of green technologies has become a major concern throughout both industry and academia. Such solvents should be associated with low toxicity, low vapour pressure, good biodegradability and easy recycling. Ionic liquids (ILs), deep eutectic solvents (DESs), supercritical fluids (sc-fluids) and fluorous solvents can fill the gap between volatile organic solvents and water. The aim of this chapter is to describe the scope and limitation of biocatalysis in non-conventional media, including both organic and neoteric solvents (Table 16.1). The most industrial enzymatic transformations are centred on the reactions catalysed by hydrolases. Owing to the broad substrate spectrum, no cofactor requirements and high volume efficiency, hydrolases are preferred industrial biocatalysts, and thus non-conventional media are of special interest for them (Clouthier and Pelletier, 2012). As an example of hydrolytic transformation in non-conventional media, this chapter presents the analysis of the effect of organic co-solvents on structure-function relationships of three representatives of the haloalkane dehalogenase enzyme family. Table 16.1 Solvents Water Advantages and disadvantages of various reaction media for biocatalysis Advantages Disadvantages Good solvent for polar substrates, natural environment for enzymes, non-hazardous, nontoxic, non-flammable, cheap and widely available, easy to handle Poor solvent for hydrophobic substrates, energy demanding downstream processing Biocatalysis in Organic Solvents Solvents Advantages Disadvantages Organic solvents Good solvent for hydrophobic substrates, favoured synthesis over hydrolysis, suppression of water-induced side reactions, potential enhancement of enzyme thermostability and enantioselectivity, favoured product recovery, elimination of microbial contamination Toxic and volatile, high risk of enzyme inactivation, largest source of wastes in chemical synthesis, laborious and costly preparation of biocatalysts Ionic liquids Good solvent for polar substrates, favoured synthesis over hydrolysis, suppression of water-induced side reactions, non-volatile, thermally stable, enhanced enzyme enantioselectivity, designer solvents Deep eutectic solvents Good solvent for polar substrates High viscosity, insufficient knowledge and metal salts, favoured about their properties synthesis over hydrolysis, suppression of water-induced side reactions, non-volatile, thermally stable, biodegradable, easy to prepare, cheap Supercritical Good solvent for highly fluids hydrophobic substrates, non-toxic, non-flammable, easy to remove after the reaction, high diffusion rates, pressure-tunability of parameters Fluorous solvents Limited data regarding toxicity, high cost, energy demanding synthesis, high viscosity Good solvent for hydrophobic substrates, high chemical and thermal stability, easily recyclable, temperature-dependent miscibility with organic solvents Use of high pressures requiring special reactors, high risk of enzyme unfolding, potentially hazardous Doubts about the persistence in the environment, large quantities of fluorine and hydrogen fluoride used in the synthesis 16.2 Biocatalysis in Organic Solvents The beginning of detailed investigations of enzymes in organic solvents can be tracked back to the 1980s, when Klibanov and 585 586 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media co-workers published several papers denying the received wisdom that enzymes work only in aqueous solutions (Zaks and Klibanov, 1984, 1985, 1988). Their findings immediately attracted attention of researchers from both academia and industry. Shortly it became apparent that enzymes are not only able to work in organic solvents, but also acquire some new properties, such as improved thermal stability, altered regioselectivity or increased enantioselectivity. The possibility of influencing enzyme properties by changing the nature of the solvent in which the reaction is carried out was termed medium engineering (Laane, 1987). Nowadays, medium engineering represents a well-established alternative to the protein engineering and the time-consuming exploration of new catalysts. Many examples of the use of enzymes, mainly hydrolases, in organic solvents have been reported (Table 16.2). Table 16.2 Biocatalyst Examples of reactions catalysed by various hydrolases in the presence of organic solvents Solvent Reaction Effect Ref. Turkey pharynx 20–40% (v/v) Esterification of 2-propanol tributyrin Higher activity at lower temperatures Cherif and Gargouri (2010) CALB Enantiomer excess up to 99% in hexane and benzene Raminelli et al. (2004) The increase of enantioselectivity depending on the substrate Ammazzalorso et al. (2008) Esterase (EC Lipase (EC CALB THF, diethyl ether, hexane, benzene tert-butanol, acetone Candida rugosa 0–80% (v/v) DMSO, isopropanol Rhizomucor miehei Esterification of alcohols Hydrolysis of E-value raised butanoate of 3from 7 to more chloro-1-(phenyl- than 200 methoxy)-2propanol Hydrolysis of β-substituted aryloxyacetic esters 5–90% (v/v) Hydrolysis of DEE, DMF, esters DME, 1,4dioxane, DMSO High activity with hydrophobic substrates Hansen T. V. et al. (1995) Tsuzuki et al. (2003) Biocatalysis in Organic Solvents Biocatalyst Solvent Reaction Effect Ref. Alcaligenes sp. DCM, hexane, decaline, acetone cyclohexane, THF, 1,4dioxane Kinetic resolution of sec-alcohols through transesterification High enantioWang et al. selectivity in (2009) small molecularsized solvents 35% (v/v) DMSO, DMF, acetone, 1,4-dioxane, THF, 1-propanol Hydrolysis of 1-chloro-2acetoxy-3-(1naphthyloxy)propane Toluene, hexane isooctane, isopropanol Transesterification of sec-alcohols Bacillus subtilis 10–30% (v/v) Hydrolysis of THF, acetone, glycidol butyrate acetonitrile, 1,4-dioxane, DMF, DMSO 16-fold higher E-value in 18% (v/v) 1,4dioxane (5°C) than in buffer (25°C) Li (2008) Carica papaya The highest activity and enantioselectivity in hexane Cheng and Tsai (2004) Pseudomonas cepacia Wheat germ TCM, hexane, cyclohexane, decane, isooctane Esterification of 2-(4-chlorophenoxy)propionic acid Feruloyl esterase (EC Aspergillus niger, Neurospora crassa, Talaromyces stipitatus The highest activity and enantioselectivity in DMSO and THF Mohapatra and Hsu (1999) The highest enantioselectivity in hexane Xia et al. (2009) Faulds et al. (2011) 0–50% (v/v) DMSO, acetone, glycerol, ethanol, methanol, 1,4-dioxane, propanol Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate Enhanced hydrolytic rate and increased Km in low concentrations of DMSO 50% (v/v) acetone, EEE, acetonitrile, MEA, pyridine monoglyme, diglyme, TMP, Hydrolysis of 2-nitrophenylβ-D-galactopyranoside 20–60% of Yoon and enzymatic Mckenzie activity retained (2005) in the presence of most of organic solvents β-Galactosidase (EC Escherichia coli, Kluyveromyces fragilis, Aspergillis oryzae (Continued) 587 588 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media Table 16.2 Biocatalyst (Continued) Solvent Reaction Subtilisin (EC Bacillus amyloliquefaciens TCM, toluene, butyl acetate, THF, acetonitrile, DMF 50% (v/v) DMF Pepsin (EC Porcine pancreas Transesterification of trifluoroacetylDL-phenylalanine 2,2,2-trifluoro ethyl ester The highest activity and enantioselectivity in acetonitrile Kawashiro et al. (1997) The activity preserved up to 60% (v/v) acetonitrile and ethanol Simon et al. (2007) Kidd et al. Ester and Improved (1999) amide hydrolysis aminolysis and suppressed hydrolysis in DMF 10–90% (v/v) Hydrolysis of haemoglobin acetonitrile, 1,4-dioxane, ethanol Pseudolysin (EC Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10–90% (v/v) Synthesis of High synthetic peptide methanol, rates in organic Cbz-Arg-Leu-NH2 co-solvents DMF, DMSO Thermolysin (EC Bacillus thermoproteolyticus 0–20% (v/v) DMSO, DMF, n-propanol, isopropanol Ogino et al. (2000) Pazhang et al. (2006) Hydrolysis of casein Decreased activity and thermostability Hydrolytic cleavage of C-C bond in β-diketones Siirola et al. Excellent (2011) activity tolerance towards organic solvents β-Diketone hydrolase (EC Rhodococcus sp., 20–80% (v/v) Anabaena sp. EG, acetone, 1,4-dioxane, glycerol, acetonitrile, THF Ref. used, no activity observed in 1,4-dioxane, DMSO, DMF and pyridine triglyme, DMSO, tetraglyme, 1,4-dioxane, DMF Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Effect Biocatalysis in Organic Solvents Biocatalyst Solvent Reaction Effect Ref. Glycerol, EG, PEGs, DMSO and methanol well-tolerated by enzymes Stepankova et al. (2013a) Haloalkane dehalogenase (EC Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Rhodococcus rhodochrous, Sphingobium japonicum 5–75% (v/v) Hydrolytic glycerol, PEGs, dehalogenation EG, formamide, of 1-iodohexane DMF, methanol, ethanol, acetone, 1,4-dioxane, isopropanol, THF, DMSO, acetonitrile CALB, Candida antarctica lipase B; DCM, dichloromethane; DEE, diethoxyethane; DME, dimethoxyethane; DMF, dimethylforamide; DMSO, dimethyl sulphoxide; EEE, diethylene glycol diethyl ether; EG, ethylene glycol; MEA, 2-methoxyethyl acetate; PEG, polyethylene glycol; TCM, tetrachloromethane; THF, tetrahydrofuran; TMP, trimethyl phosphate. 16.2.1 Nearly Anhydrous Organic Solvent Systems The ability of enzymes to work in neat organic solvents was for long time taken with scepticism due to the assumption that enzymes are denatured in organic solvents. This prejudice, however, came from studying enzymes in mixtures of water and organic solvents, not in neat organic solvents containing less than 5% (v/v) of water (Griebenow and Klibanov, 1996). In contrary to aqueous-organic mixtures, enzymes are very rigid in the absence of water. As a consequence of protein rigidity, enzymes are much more stable in organic solvents than in water. The extreme thermostability of enzyme in 99% (v/v) organic medium was reported for the first time by Zaks and Klibanov (1984). The porcine pancreatic lipase was not only able to withstand heating at 100°C for many hours, but also exhibited a high catalytic activity at that temperature. The organic solvent systems containing little water represent the most widely used non-conventional media for enzymatic reactions. Among the reactions reported in nearly anhydrous organic solvent systems prevail those catalysed by hydrolases, particularly lipases and proteases. Hydrolases are primarily used for resolution processes, where one enantiomer of a racemic mixture is selectively modified to yield a separable derivative. In water, these enzymes catalyse the hydrolysis of esters to the corresponding alcohols and 589 590 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media acids, which obviously cannot occur in nearly anhydrous media. Addition of nucleophiles, such as alcohols, amines and thiols, leads to transesterification, aminolysis and thiotransesterification, respectively. Moreover, a reverse hydrolysis—the synthesis of esters from acids and alcohols—becomes thermodynamically favourable (Zaks and Klibanov, 1985). Several companies are currently using lipase-catalysed reactions in organic solvents for the production of useful intermediates (Table 16.3). For instance, BASF offers a broad range of enzymatically synthesized alcohols for manufacture of enantiopure drugs (Schmid et al., 2001). Table 16.3 Company Examples of processes involving lipase-catalysed reactions in organic media developed by several chemical and pharmaceutical companies BASF BASF Chemie linz Process Ref. Synthesis of various enantiomerically pure alcohols, used as intermediates for synthesis of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, by asymmetric (trans)esterification Schmid et al. (2001) Synthesis of polyol acrylates, used to prepare pigment dispersions, by reaction of aliphatic polyol with an acrylic acids Synthesis of enantiomerically pure 2Klibanov halopropionic acids, used as intermediates for and Kirchner synthesis of herbicides and pharmaceuticals, (1986) by asymmetric esterification Schering-Plough Synthesis of antifungal agent involving desymmetrization of 2-substituted-1,3propanediol Bristol-Myers Squibb Bristol-Myers Squibb Paulus et al. (2003) Synthesis of enantiomerically pure α-(3-chloropropyl)-4-fluorobenzenemethanol, an intermediate for the synthesis of an antipsychotic agent Asymmetric acetylation of (1α,2β,3α)-2(benzyloxy methyl)-cyclopent-4-ene-1,3diol to the corresponding monoacetate, a key intermediate for the synthesis of an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor Klibanov (2001) Hanson et al. (1994) Patel et al. (2006) Biocatalysis in Organic Solvents Company Process Ref. Sepracor Synthesis of enantiomerically pure alkyl 1,4-benzodioxan-2-carboxylates, used as intermediates in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, such as (S)-doxazosin Rossi et al. (1996) Pfizer Synthesis of enantiomerically pure (R)aminopentanenitrile, an intermediate for manufacture of pharmaceuticals, by selective acylation Allen et al. (2006) Despite high stability, enzymes generally exhibit lower activities in neat organic solvents than in aqueous reaction systems. The loss of biocatalytic activity has been ascribed to different reasons, including non-optimal hydration of the biocatalyst, restricted protein flexibility, suboptimal pH, diffusional limitations, unfavourable substrate desolvation, low stabilization of the enzyme–substrate intermediate and changes in the enzyme active site (Carrea and Riva, 2000; Klibanov, 1997; Toth et al., 2010). The main factor that has to be taken into account when performing biocatalysis in nearly anhydrous organic media is water activity. Even in neat organic solvent media, at least a few water molecules are required to remain bound to the enzyme. It became apparent, that fully dehydrated proteins are inactive. For instance, α-chymotrypsin and subtilisin need about 50 molecules of water per enzyme molecule to be catalytically active (Zaks and Klibanov, 1986). The more hydrophilic the solvent is, the more water has to be added to reach high activity, because hydrophilic solvents have a greater tendency to strip the essential water from the enzyme molecule (Klibanov, 2001). Water, acting as lubricant, allows enzymes to exhibit the conformational mobility required for optimal catalysis. In contrast, organic solvents lack water’s ability to create hydrogen bonds, and also have lower dielectric constants, leading to stronger intra-protein electrostatic interactions. The exception are hydrophilic solvents, such as glycerol, ethylene glycol or formamide, that are capable of forming multiple hydrogen bonds with enzyme molecules, thus partially mimic the water effects (Torres and Castro, 2004; Almarsson and Klibanov, 1996). Addition of small quantities of water or water-mimicking solvent to enzyme in anhydrous solvent can increase the enzyme activity by several 591 592 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media orders of magnitude. Thus, it is very important to control the amount of water in the reaction mixture and keep this parameter close to the optimal value. Another parameter that affects enzyme activity is pH. In many cases, an enzyme in neat organic solvents keeps the ionization state from the aqueous solution to which it was exposed before removal of water, (Xu and Klibanov, 1996; Klibanov, 1997; Zaks and Klibanov, 1985). This phenomenon is called pH memory. The enzymatic activity can be therefore significantly enhanced if enzymes are lyophilized from solutions of the pH optimal for the catalysis. On the other hand, if the enzymatic reactions involve the formation or consumption of acidic or basic substances, the pH buffering capacity is needed. Triphenylacetic acid and its sodium salts are typical examples of pairs controlling pH in relatively polar solvents, while dendritic polybenzyl ether derivatives have been developed as the alternatives for more hydrophobic media (Dolman et al., 1997; Xu and Klibanov, 1996). Since enzymes are practically insoluble in most organic solvents, they are usually introduced into neat organic solvents as powders prepared by lyophilisation (Carrea and Riva, 2000; Torres and Castro, 2004). The protein denaturation, which may occur in the process of dehydration, is normally reversible upon rehydration in aqueous media. However, refolding in anhydrous organic solvents is not trivial due to the reduced structural mobility (Mattos and Ringe, 2001; Griebenow and Klibanov, 1995). In order to minimize this deleterious effect, the lyophilization of enzymes for their application in non-aqueous media should be done in the presence of lyoprotectans, including sugars, inorganic salts, polyethylene glycols and crown ethers (Carrea and Riva, 2000; Klibanov, 1997 and 2001). The approaches used to minimize substrate-diffusion limitations originating from using enzyme powders include (Fig. 16.1): (i) the adsorption or covalent coupling of the enzyme on a solid support, (ii) the encapsulation of the enzyme using polymers, (iii) the entrapment of the enzyme in sol-gel materials or organic polymers, (iv) the solubilisation of the enzyme by formation of complexes with polyethylene glycols, (v) the crosslinking of enzyme crystals or aggregates, and (vi) surfactant-based enzyme preparations (Adlercreutz, 2013; Batistella et al., 2012; Carrea and Riva, 2000; Iyer and Ananthanarayan, 2008). Biocatalysis in Organic Solvents Figure 16.1 Schematic presentation of enzyme preparations suitable for use in anhydrous organic media. Dramatic changes in enzyme stereoselectivity upon switching from one organic solvent to another have been documented by several studies (Table 16.2). For instance, enantioselectivity of α-chymotrypsin in the transesterification of methyl 3-hydroxy2-phenylpropionate with propanol has been found by Wescott et al. (1996) to span a 20-fold range simply by switching between different solvents. The completely inverted enantiopreference upon changing the organic solvent was observed by Ke et al. (1996). The dominant products of the chymotrypsin-catalysed acetylation of prochiral 2-substituted 1,3-propanediols in diisopropyl ether or cyclohexane were S-enantiomers, whereas R-enantiomers were formed preferentially in acetonitrile or methyl acetate. Hypotheses formulated in order to rationalize the observed solvent effects on enzyme enantioselectivity can be grouped into three different classes: (i) the solvent modifies the enzyme conformation, leading to the alteration of the enzyme-substrate recognition process, (ii) the solvent influences the substrate desolvation, and (iii) the solvent binds into the enzyme active site, interfering with the association of one enantiomer more than the other one (Carrea and Riva, 2008). However, all of them lack reliable predictive value and are not sufficient to explain every case. Recently, the relationship between enantioselectivity and water content on the enzymatic surface was reported by Herbst et al. (2012), who investigated the enantioselectivity of Candida rugosa lipase in different binary mixtures of hexane and tetrahydrofuran. They revealed a decrease in conversion but increase in selectivity with increasing solvent 593 594 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media hydrophilicity. The observation was ascribed to the extraction of water molecules from the enzyme surface, resulting in enzyme rigidification, which is in agreement with previous studies by Fitzpatrick and Klibanov (1991), and Gubicza and Kelemen-Horvàth (1993). On the other hand, contradictory studies showing an increasing enantiomeric excess with increasing enzyme flexibility have been published by Nakamura et al. (1991), Persson et al. (2002), and Carrea et al. (1995). 16.2.2 Biphasic Systems The concept of biphasic systems includes the use of two immiscible liquids phases, where one of the phases is aqueous and provides a protective environment for biocatalyst, whereas the second phase is a water-immiscible organic solvent and provides a substrate/ product pool. Owing to the high substrate concentrations that can be achieved in this way, high volumetric productivities can be envisaged in comparison with aqueous systems. The hydrophobic products pass to the organic phase, thus can be relatively simply isolated. Furthermore, the potential inhibitory effect of substrate/ product towards the biocatalyst is minimized. On the other hand, disadvantage of biphasic systems is the interfacial inactivation of the biocatalyst (Sellek and Chaudhuri, 1999). Moreover, dissolved solvent molecules present in the aqueous phase with the biocatalyst may interact with nonpolar groups in the protein and disrupt its hydrophobic core (Ross et al., 2000). Although the majority of the work on bioconversions has been done with enzymes, the use of whole cells as biocatalysts in biphasic systems is becoming a very promising field especially for certain bioconversions, such as oxidations, which usually involve cofactor addition (Leon et al., 1998). Whole cell biocatalysts require more water than isolated enzymes, thus two-phase systems are more suitable for them than neat hydrophobic solvents. 16.2.3 Organic Co-Solvent Systems Organic co-solvent systems are produced when water-miscible solvents are added to the aqueous medium to improve the solubility of compounds sparingly soluble in water, to modify the enzyme Biocatalysis in Organic Solvents enantioselectivity or to favour synthesis over hydrolysis (Doukyu and Ogino, 2010). Surprisingly, enzymes are much more tolerant to pure organic solvents than to water-solvent mixtures (Griebenow and Klibanov, 1996). This is due to the interplay of two effects. On the one hand, as the water content declines, the protein conformational mobility is diminished. On the other hand, as the organic solvent concentration is raised the tendency of protein to denature is increased. Thus, an increase of organic co-solvent concentration in aqueous media generally decreases the enzyme activity. Most enzymes become almost totally inactive at an organic co-solvent concentration of 60–70% (v/v). Conformational changes are the most common reason for enzyme deactivation in the presence of organic co-solvents (Graber et al., 2007; Mozhaev et al., 1989; Stepankova et al., 2013b). Miscible solvents are known to turn the hydrophobic core of the protein from buried to more exposed position (Yoon and Mckenzie, 2005). The strategies employed to enhance the enzyme structure stability in the presence of organic co-solvents include: (i) protein engineering, (ii) chemical modification of enzymes with amphipathic compounds and lipids, (iii) immobilization of enzymes, (iv) reverse micelle formation, and (v) addition of salts. Nevertheless, several naturally occurring enzymes exhibiting high tolerance towards organic co-solvents have been reported (Table 16.2). A good example of organic cosolvent-tolerant enzymes represent PST-01 proteases secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PST-01 discovered by Ogino et al. (1999). Stability of these proteases in the solutions containing watersoluble organic solvents was even higher than that in the absence of organic solvents. Recently, the excellent tolerance towards organic co-solvents showed β-diketone hydrolases, representatives of the crotonase superfamily. These enzymes retained their activity even in the presence of 80% (v/v) 1,4-dioxane or tetrahydrofuran, in which only highly stable lipases have previously been shown to retain the activity (Siirola et al., 2011). Organic solvent-stable lipases discovered till now, originate mainly from Pseudomonas and Bacillus genera (Chakravorty et al., 2012). Organic co-solvents can be helpful also for improvement of enzyme enantioselectivity (Table 16.2). For instance, by addition of water miscible organic co-solvents, such as tert-butanol and acetone, the E-value for Candida antarctica lipase B-catalysed hydrolysis of 595 596 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media butanoate of 3-chloro-1-(phenylmethoxy)-2-propanol raised from 7 to more than 200 (Hansen et al., 1995). Similarly high enhancement of enantioselectivity was observed by Watanabe and Ueji (2001) for Candida rugosa and Pseudomonas cepacia lipase-catalysed hydrolysis of 2-(4-substituted phenoxy)-propionates in the presence of DMSO. They found out that the improvement of enantioselectivity proceeds via different mechanisms. For Pseudomonas cepacia lipase, the high DMSO-induced enantios-electivity was caused by the acceleration of the initial rate for the preferred R-enantiomer, while the enantioselectivity enhancement for Candida rugosa lipase was attributed to the almost complete inactivation of the conversion of incorrectly bound S-enantiomer. The addition of hydrophilic co-solvent to anhydrous hydrophobic solvent was also found to be beneficial for enzyme enantioselectivity. If the target compounds are not the natural substrates for the enzyme, enantioselectivity in neat organic solvents is not always high enough to obtain optically pure compounds. These non-natural substrates require sufficient flexibility of the enzyme for proper binding to the active site. This could be achieved by the addition of a small amount of denaturing co-solvent. For example, Watanabe et al. (2004) significantly enhanced the enantioselectivity for subtilisincatalysed reaction in dry isooctane by the addition of 0.3% (v/v) DMSO. 16.3 Biocatalysis in Ionic Liquids Ionic liquids (ILs) are organic salts composed of bulky asymmetric cations and weakly coordinating anions, with melting points below 100°C (Wasserscheid and Keim, 2000). In contrast to organic solvents, ILs are non-flammable and have extremely low volatility, which introduces the possibility of products removal by distillation without further contamination by solvents (Weingartner, 2008). Thus, ILs can be classified as “green solvents”, whose application results in significantly reduced environmental impact. Visser et al. (2002) estimated that 1018 different ILs are theoretically possible. The physico-chemical properties of ILs, such as solubility characteristics, viscosity, density, polarity and melting point can Biocatalysis in Ionic Liquids be finely tuned by altering their ionic components, opening up the possibility to optimize the ionic reaction medium to meet the criteria of specific applications (Freemantle, 1998; Wasserscheid and Keim, 2000). The pioneer report of biocatalysis using ILs as reaction media was published by Magnuson et al. (1984), who used an aqueous mixture of ethylammonium nitrate as a solvent for alkaline phosphatase. Unfortunately, ILs did not attract significant attention until 2000 when several examples of using enzymes in ILs appeared (Cull et al., 2000; Erbeldinger et al., 2000; Madeira Lau et al., 2000). These first studies were remarkably successful, showing the enhancement in the solubility of substrates or products without inactivation of the enzymes. ILs with dialkylimidazolium and alkylpyridinium cations (Table 16.4), the so-called second-generation ILs, are generally recognized as the most suitable for biocatalytic reactions (Park and Kazlauskas, 2003). The representative structures of the secondgeneration ILs are given in Fig. 16.2. These ILs exhibit interesting properties, such as low melting point, high thermostability, low viscosity and different solubility. Their solubility in water is influenced by the ability of anions to form hydrogen bonds. Thus, ILs with [PF6]– or [Tf2N]– are water immiscible, whereas those with [BF4]– or Br– are water miscible (Gorke et al., 2007). Figure 16.2 Representative structures of cations and anions comprising the second-generation ILs commonly used in biocatalysis. 597 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium 1-Decyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Yes [Bmim]I Yes Yes Yes [Emim][CH3COO] [Emim]Cl Acetate Chloride No [Emim][Tf2N] Yes [Emim][BF4] [Dmim]Cl Yes No [Bmim][OctSO4] [Bmim][Tf2N] Yes Yes No Bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulphonyl]imide Tetrafluoroborate Chloride Octylsulphate Bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulphonyl]imide [Bmim]Cl Iodide Chloride [Bmim][PF6] Yes [Bmim][BF4] [Bzmim]Cl Yes Yes Water miscibility [Bzmim][BF4] [Amim]Cl Notation Hexafluorophosphate Chloride Tetrafluoroborate Chloride 1-Allyl-3-methylimidazolium 1-Benzyl-3-methylimidazolium Anion Examples of the second-generation ILs mentioned in this chapter Cation Table 16.4 598 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media Bis[(trifluoromethyl)-sulphonyl]imide Triethylammonium Methyltrioctylammonium TEAP TEAA Phosphate Acetate [MTOA][Tf2N] [CPMA][MS] [BTMA][Tf2N] [MEBu3P][Tf2N] Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes [EtPy][CF3COO] Bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulphonyl]imide Cocosalkyl pentaethoxy methylammonium Methosulphate Butyltrimethylammonium Bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulphonyl]imide Trifluoroacetate 1-Ethylpyridinium [Mmim][DMP] Dimethylphosphate Yes No [Mmim][MeSO4] [Omim][Tf2N] Methylsulphate 2-Methoxyethyl(tri-n-butyl)phosphonium No No [Omim][PF6] [MOEmim][PF6] Part. Yes Yes Yes [MOEmim][BF4] [Hmim]Cl [Emiml[DEP] [Emiml[DMP] Bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulphonyl]imide Hexafluorophosphate Hexafluorophosphate Tetrafluoroborate Chloride 1,3-Dimethylimidazolium 1-Octyl3-methylimidazolium 1-Methoxyethyl3-methylimidazolium 1-Hexyl3-methylimidazolium Diethylphosphate Dimethylphosphate Biocatalysis in Ionic Liquids 599 Transesterification of methyl methacrylate Burkholderia cepacia Pseudomonas sp. Candida rugosa Transesterification of secondary alcohols Kinetic resolution of 1-phenylethanol [MEBu3P][Tf2N] [Bmim][Tf2N] Hydrolysis of methyl ester of naproxen Water-saturated [Bmim][PF6] Synthesis of butyl propionate [Bmim][PF6] Candida rugosa Thermomyces lanuginosus [Bmim][PF6], [Omim][PF6] Resolution of tetrahydro-4-methyl-3-oxo1H-1,4-benzo diazepine-2-acetic acid methyl ester 85–97% (v/v) [Bmim][PF6] Xin et al. (2005) Kaar et al. (2003) De Diego et al. (2009) Roberts et al. (2004) Kim et al. (2001) De Diego et al. (2009) Madeira Lau et al. (2000) Ref. Slightly faster reaction than in diisopropyl ether Abe et al. (2008) Higher enantioselectivity than in MTBE Eckstein et al. (2002b) Enantioselectivity 6-fold higher than in isooctane Reaction rate 1.5-fold higher than in hexane High activity Higher solubility of the substrate and ability to operate at high temperatures Higher enantioselectivity than in THF and toluene Transesterification of secondary alcohols [Emim][BF4], [Bmim][PF6] CALB CALB [CPMA][MS] Transesterification of ethyl butanoate and Reaction rates comparable or better octanoate, ammoniolysis of ethyl octanoate, than those observed in organic media epoxidation of cylohexene Increased activity and thermostability Effect [Bmim][PF6], [Bmim][BF4] Synthesis of butyl propionate Reaction CALB CALB Solvent Examples of reactions catalysed by various hydrolases in the presence of ILs Lipase (EC Biocatalyst Table 16.5 600 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media 15% (v/v) [EtPy][CF3COO] 20% (v/v) [Mmim][MeSO4] Bacillus circulans β-Galactosidase (EC 5–20% (v/v) [Emim][DMP], [Mmim] [DMP] 20% (v/v) [Amim]Cl, [Bmim]Cl, [Emim]Cl Hydrolysis of α-cellulose Hydrolysis of starch Hydrolysis of various esters of amino acids Synthesis of N-acetyllactosamine by transglycosylation Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl β-Dxylopyranoside 10% (v/v) [Mmim] Hydrolysis of α-cellulose [DMP], [Bmim]Cl, [Amim]Cl, [Emim] [CH3COO] Anoxybacillus sp. Xylanase (EC Halorhabdus utahensis Trichoderma reesei Cellulase (EC Bacillus amylolique- 5–40% (v/v) faciens, Bacillus [Bmim]Cl, lichiniformis [Hmim]Cl α-Amylase (EC Porcine pancreatic The suppression of the secondary hydrolysis Slight increase of activity Activity unchanged or slightly stimulated Decrease of activity Decrease of activity and stability High enantio-selectivity (Continued) Kaftzik et al. (2002) Thomas et al. (2011) Zhang et al. (2011) Engel et al. (2010) Dabirmanesh et al. (2011) Malhotra and Zhao (2005) Biocatalysis in Ionic Liquids 601 Solvent (Continued) [Emim] [Tf2N] Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl butyrate Higher activity than in toluene Nakashima et al. (2006) Liu et al. (2005) Lou et al. 2006b) CALB, Candida antarctica lipase B; MTBE, methyl tert-butyl ether; TEAA, triethylammonium acetate; TEAP, triethylammonium phosphate; TBPBr, tetrabutylphosphonium bromide; THF, tetrahydrofuran. Bacillus licheniformis Increase of substrate solubility and enantioselectivity Higher activity than in ethyl acetate and Eckstein et al. MTBE (2002a) Transesterification of N-acetyl-L-phenylalanine ethyl ester 80% (v/v) [Bmim] Hydrolysis of hydroxyphenylglycine [BF4] methyl ester [Bmim] [Tf2N] Subtilisin (EC Carica papaya Papain ( Bovine Attri et al. (2011) Yang et al. (2012) Thomas et al. (2011) Ref. The strongest stabilization in triethyl ammonium salts Yields enhanced between 0.2-fold and 0.5-fold Sharp decrease of activity at concentrations above 10% (v/v) Effect Hydrolysis of Suc–Ala–Ala–Pro–Phe–pnitroanilide 50% (v/v) TEAA, TEAP, TBPBr, [Bzmim]Cl, [Bzmim][BF4] Bovine α-Chymotrypsin (EC Mixture of [Bmim]I, Synthesis of arylalkyl β-D-glucopyranosides ethylene glycol and via reverse hydrolysis diacetate Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl β-D-glucopyranoside Reaction Prune seed meal Volvariella volvacea 5–20% (v/v) [Emim][CH3COO], [Emim][DEP], [Emim][DMP], [Mmim][DMP] Biocatalyst Table 16.5 602 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media Biocatalysis in Ionic Liquids Biocatalysis in ILs is rapidly expanding, and a great number of reactions in ILs have been published. The selected examples are given in Table 16.5. On the other hand, literature search for largescale industrial applications with biocatalysis in ILs provided no result. Following challenges must be solved before catalytic processes in ILs will be broadly used: (i) the high cost, (ii) the presence of impurities, such as water and unreacted halides, (iii) the antibacterial activity and toxicity of some imidazolium and pyridinium ILs, (iv) the decomposition of [PF6]– and [BF4]– in water, yielding hydrofluoric acid, and (v) the high viscosity (Docherty and Kulpa, 2005; Marsh et al., 2004). Despite current obstacles, it is believed that the use of ILs will open up a new field in biocatalysis as the use of enzymes in organic solvents did in 1980s. 16.3.1 Nearly Anhydrous IL Systems Typical non-aqueous reaction conditions, used to make the condensation reaction thermodynamically favourable, are nonpolar organic solvent such as toluene or hexane. Polar organic solvents cannot be used because they usually denature enzymes (Serdakowski and Dordick, 2008). In contrast, polar ILs are well tolerated by many enzymes, suggesting the use of ILs for nonaqueous synthetic applications with highly polar substrates, for example, carbohydrates, which are only sparingly soluble in most organic solvents. The polarity of the second-generation ILs is in the range of lower alcohols and formamide (Park and Kazlauskas, 2003). Some ILs are polar but hydrophobic, which is an exceptional property not known for other solvents (Fischer et al., 2011). Most of the reactions in pure ILs are carried out with lipases (Table 16.5). On the contrary, a majority of other hydrolases lose the activity in such media. In general, the factors influencing enzyme activities in non-aqueous organic solvents are, in most cases, also relevant for enzymes in non-aqueous ILs. Controlling the water content is of the highest importance to achieve a high conversion (Berberich et al., 2003). Previous studies showed that the higher catalytic activities under non-aqueous conditions are obtained in hydrophobic ILs, whereas hydrophilic ILs usually have a deleterious impact on enzyme stability and activity, since they might remove internally bound water from the enzyme (Ventura et al., 2012). 603 604 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media For hydrophobic ILs, Kurata et al. (2010), Attri et al. (2011) and Ha et al. (2012) showed that an increase in alkyl chain length attached to the imidazolium ring decreased the catalytic efficiency of αchymotrypsin and Candida antarctica lipase B. Ventura et al. (2012) explained this effect by the increase of the cation hydrophobicity, leading to the increase in the van der Waals interactions with the non-polar domains of the enzyme. However, this trend is not generally accepted since De Diego et al. (2009) and De Los Ríos et al. (2007) reported an opposite effect, leaving this issue open for the future studies. Several reports describe the effect of ILs on enzyme enantioselectivity. Lipases were shown to be active in pure 1-butyl3-methylimidazolium-based ILs with enantioselectivities up to 25-times higher than in conventional organic solvents (Kim et al., 2001; Schofer et al., 2001; Ulbert et al., 2004; Xin et al., 2005). More recently, Abe et al. (2008) reported that [MEBu3P][Tf2N] is a good solvent for lipase-catalysed resolution of alcohols, because it lacks acidic protons and the reaction is faster than that with imidazolium salts. 16.3.2 IL-Based Biphasic Systems Recently, the development of biotechnological processes using biphasic systems based on ILs attracted a lot of attention. Here, hydrophobic ILs replace water-immiscible organic solvents in two-phase system with water. Jiang et al. (2007) developed a process for the hydrolysis of penicillin G using two different ILs and phosphate buffer. Commonly used reaction medium for penicillin acylase is a two-phase system based on aqueous buffer and butyl acetate. However, the main problem with this system is its low pH, which decreases activity of the enzyme. To overcome this disadvantage, butyl acetate was replaced with two ILs, [Bmim][BF4] and [Bmim][PF6]. This new reaction system had a pH value of 5, which is beneficial for the activity and stability of the penicillin acylase. Likewise organic solvents, ILs are usually toxic to microorganisms. Nevertheless, IL-based biphasic systems can be applied in wholecell biocatalysis as shown by Pfruender et al. (2004) and WeusterBotz (2007). The membrane integrity of the Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus kefir and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as well as the Biocatalysis in Ionic Liquids reaction yield were significantly higher in biphasic systems of [Bmim][PF6], [Bmim][Tf2N] and [MTOA][Tf2N] than in organic solvent-based systems. 16.3.3 IL Co-Solvent Systems The water-miscible ILs are used as co-solvents to increase the solubility of substrates or to suppress unwanted non-enzymatic hydrolysis of reactants. Although the majority of enzymes reported to work in non-aqueous ILs are lipases, reaction involving these enzymes usually do not use ILs as co-solvents. On the contrary, many other hydrolases have been investigated in aqueous ILs mixtures (Table 16.5). It was established that the enzyme activity, stability and enantioselectivity generally follow the Hofmeister series when the aqueous solutions of hydrophilic ILs are used as reaction media (Zhao, 2005). Although Yang et al. (2008 and 2009) and Zhao et al. (2006) demonstrated that the enzymes maintain high level of activity and enantioselectivity in water-mimicking ILs composed of chaotropic cations and kosmotropic anions, the connection between the Hofmeister series and the enzymatic behaviour cannot be taken as an universal rule. For instance, Lou et al. (2006a) showed that the lipase activity was increased three-times in the co-solvent systems with 20% (v/v) [Bmim][BF4] comprising kosmotropic cation and chaotropic anion. Kamiya et al. (2008) and Lee et al. (2009) address pretreatment of cellulosic biomass by ILs as co-solvents, which is of a great importance in industry. It has been shown that cellulose after IL pretreatment has reduced crystallinity, and thus is more acceptable for cellulolytic enzymes. Unfortunately, commercially available fungal cellulases are usually inhibited even by trace amounts of ILs (10–15% v/v) left after cellulose pretreatment (Engel et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2011). Therefore, the identification of IL-resistant cellulases or development of enzyme-compatible ILs is very important for the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose in industrial applications. The activity of various lipases has been investigated also in co-solvent mixtures of organic solvents and ILs. Interestingly, Wallert et al. (2005), Singh et al. (2009), Pan et al. (2010) and Lou et al. (2005) found out, that in some cases, the enzyme activity is 605 606 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media higher in mixture of organic solvent and IL than in corresponding pure organic solvent or IL. Pan et al. (2010) assigned this effect to the diminished viscosity of ILs in the presence of organic solvent, which eliminates the mass transfer limitations. 16.3.4 Ionic Liquids as Coating Agents Besides acting as a reaction media, ILs can be used as coating agents for the enzymes. In recent years, the coating of enzymes by ILs during lyophilization has emerged as an efficient method for the preparation of highly stable biocatalysts, showing better catalytic activities and enantioselectivities under harsh reaction conditions required for industrial applications (Abdul Rahman et al., 2012; Moniruzzaman et al., 2010). An emerging biotransformation technique employs IL-coated enzyme beads in organic solvents. For example, lipase coated by dodecyl imidazolium salt during the lyophilization was 660-fold more active and exhibited higher enantioselectivity in anhydrous toluene, when compared to the free enzyme (Lee and Kim, 2011). 16.4 Biocatalysis in Deep Eutectic Solvents Deep eutectic solvents are physical mixtures of salts and hydrogen bond donors that melt at low temperatures due to the charge delocalisation, Abbott et al. (2003). At the eutectic ratio, typically 1–4 molecules of hydrogen bond donor per molecule of salt, the mixtures form a liquid at room temperature. Although DESs are often called as advanced ILs, they contain uncharged components, and therefore they are not entirely ionic. Deep eutectic solvents were established by Abbott et al. (2003), who reported low melting mixture of (2-hydroxyethyl) trimethyl-ammonium (choline) chloride (ChCl), so called vitamin B4, and urea. Consequently, different hydrogen bond donors, such as alcohols, carboxylic acids and urea derivatives, were used in combination with ChCl or ethylammonium chloride (EACl) (Abbott et al., 2004; Ruß and Konig, 2012). Some of DESs are now available commercially (Table 16.6). Biocatalysis in Deep Eutectic Solvents Table 16.6 Examples of the commercially available DESs Component 1 Component 2 Urea Choline chloride &+ +2 1 &+ +1 1 + +1 +1 2 & & 2 & & 2 Ethylene ++2 +2 glycol +2 &+ – &O Glycerol Malonic acid Tf , Freezing point; Ruß and Konig (2012). DES 2 2 +2 +2 +2 +2 2 2 &22 +2 & +2 && ++ 22 1+ 1+ Reline 1+ 1+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ Ratio Tf (°C) 1:2 Ethaline 1:2 2+ 2+ Glyceline 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ Maline 2 2 &22 & 2+ & & 2+ 2+ 2+ 12 –20 1:2 –40 1:1 10 Despite the fact that the physico-chemical properties of DESs have not yet been investigated into detail, it is believed that many properties of ILs could be extrapolated to DESs. They are thermally stable, polar and have low vapour pressures (Abbott et al., 2006). Nevertheless, in contrast to ILs, they are nontoxic, biodegradable and easy to prepare at the low cost. Moreover, DESs can dissolve several compounds like metal salts, organic acids, and various polyols, which are problematic for conventional aprotic ILs (Abbott et al., 2004, 2007; Morrison et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2011b). These properties make DESs applicable as green solvents in several industrial processes. One potential drawback of DESs stems from their relatively high viscosities, leading to the mass transfer limitations and requirements for the agitation. For example, ChCl: urea (1:2) mixture has a viscosity of around 1200 m Pa.s at room temperature and 170 m Pa.s at 40°C (Abbott et al., 2006). Recently, new species of eutectic mixtures have been developed. The combination of choline acetate (ChAc) with glycerol (1:1.5) led to a lower viscosity (Zhao et al., 2011a). The similarity with ILs was the main rationale behind investigation of DESs as the reaction media for biotransformations. Even though the use of DESs in biocatalysis is still in the early stage of development, the number of articles has been growing nearly exponentially since the first publication in 2008. Gorke et al. 607 608 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media (2008) showed that several hydrolases exhibited comparably or even better activities in DESs than in conventional organic solvents (Table 16.7). For instance, the addition of 25% (v/v) ChCl:glycerol (1:2) increased the rate of conversion of styrene oxide to styrene glycol by epoxide hydrolase from Agrobacterium radiobacter by 20-fold compared to buffer alone, while adding 25% (v/v) DMSO or acetonitrile decreased activity 2–6-fold. This was a groundbreaking study, because strong hydrogen-bond donors, for instance urea, are expected to denature proteins and alcohols can interfere with hydrolase-catalysed reactions. Surprisingly, the components of DESs were found to be significantly less reactive with enzymes than expected. For example, ethylene glycol and glycerol were found to be 9-fold and 600-fold, respectively, less reactive in lipase-catalysed transesterification when they were present as components of DES. Thus, it seems that the hydrogen bond network in DESs lowers the chemical potential of the individual components and makes them suitable for a much wider range of reactions. Nevertheless, in order to obtain DES minimally destructive to protein, it is critical to mix both components in a proper molar ratio. The effect of various molar ratios was illustrated by Zhao et al. (2011a), who observed the highest lipase-catalysed conversion of miglyol in 1:1.5 ChAc:glycerol, while the 1:1 and 1:2 mixtures showed lower total conversions. It is believed, that DESs may serve as a key solvents for the future industrial production. The transfer of knowledge from ILs to DESs represents a logical step in the area of medium engineering for biocatalysis. Deep eutectic solvents might contribute to the economically feasible, sustainable and efficient biocatalytic processes. Table 16.7 Biocatalyst Examples of reactions catalysed by various hydrolases in the presence of DESs Solvent Reaction Effect Ref. Hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl Moderately increased reaction rates Gorke et al. (2008) Esterase (EC Pseudomonas fluorescens, Rhizopus oryzae, Pig liver 10% (v/v) ChCl:Gly (1:2) Biocatalysis in Deep Eutectic Solvents Biocatalyst Solvent Reaction Effect Ref. ChCl:Acet (1:2) Transesterification ChCl:Gly (1:2) of ethyl valerate ChCl:U (1:2) EACl: with 1-butanol Acet (1:1.5) EACl: Gly (1:1.5) Gorke et al. (2008) ChCl:Gly (1:2) ChAc:Gly (1:1.5) ChCl:U (1:2) Transesterification of miglyol Conversions similar or higher than those in toluene or ILs 70% (v/v) ChCl:Gly (1:2) in methanol Transesterification of soybean oil 88% triglyceride conversion in 24 h Zhao et al. (2013) Lipase (EC CALA, CALB, Burkholderia cepacia CALB CALB Rhizopus oryzae ChCl:U (1:2) Epoxide hydrolase (EC Agrobacterium 25% (v/v) radiobacter ChCl:Gly (1:2) Potato 20–60% (v/v) ChCl:Gly (1:2) ChCl:EG (1:2) ChCl:U (1:2) α-chymotrypsin (EC Bovine 97% (v/v) ChCl:Gly (1:2) ChAc:Gly (1:1.5) Subtilisin (EC Bacillus licheniformis 97% (v/v) ChCl:Gly (1:2) ChAc:Gly (1:1.5) Synthesis of dihydropyrimidines Conversion of styrene oxide to styrene glycol Hydrolysis of methylstyrene oxide The best Zhao combination et al. of high activity (2011a) and selectivity in ChAc:Gly High efficiency Borse and selectivity et al. (2012) Activity 20-fold Gorke higher than in et al. buffer alone (2008) The least Lindberg influenced et al. catalysis in (2010) ChCl:Gly, but slightly altered regioselectivity Transesterification Lower activity Zhao of N-acetyl-L-phenyl et al. alanine ethyl ester (2011b) with 1-propanol Transesterification High activity Zhao of N-acetyl-L-phenyl and selectivity et al. alanine ethyl ester (2011b) with 1-propanol CALA, Candida antarctica lipase A; CALB, Candida antarctica lipase B; ChCl, choline chloride; ChAc, choline acetate; EACl, ethylammonium chloride; Acet, acetamide; EG, ethylene glycol; Gly, glycerol; U, urea. 609 610 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media 16.5 Supercritical Fluids A supercritical fluid (sc-fluid) is defined as the state of a compound or an element above its critical temperature and critical pressure, but below the pressure required to condense it into a solid state. In the supercritical region, the densities of fluids are comparable to those of liquids, while the viscosities are comparable to those of gases (Hobbs and Thomas, 2007). Liquid-like densities and dissolving power let the sc-fluid to work as an effective reaction solvent. Diffusion is typically faster in sc-fluids than in water, which can speed up the diffusion-limited reactions. Another key feature of sc-fluids is pressure-tunability of parameters such as dielectric constant, partition coefficient and solubility, allowing their rational control (Cantone et al., 2007). Since 1980’s, the use of sc-fluids as non-aqueous reaction media for enzymatic processes has been an area of active research (Table 16.8). The advantages of using sc-fluids in the enzymatic reactions include non-toxicity, non-flammability, easy removal of the solvents by post-reactional depressurisation, the ability to dissolve hydrophobic compounds and good control of enzyme selectivities by simply changing the pressure and the temperature (Housaindokht et al., 2012; Matsuda et al., 2003). Sc-fluids are also attractive for their swelling capability on cellulose pretreatment, as reported for example, by Nishino et al. (2011) and Gremos et al. (2012). The use of enzymes in combination with sc-fluid as an impregnation factor and reaction medium make the esterification of cellulose a green procedure. The range of sc-fluids used as a solvent for enzyme-catalysed reactions is relatively small due to the tendency of proteins to unfold at the elevated temperatures. The vast majority of reactions employed sc-CO2, which is cheap, chemically inert and non-toxic with relatively low critical parameters (Tc = 31°C, p = 74 bar). On the other hand, Cantone et al. (2007) reported sc-CO2 as a solvent with potentially strong deactivating effect on enzymes. Therefore, current research has shifted to other sc-fluids better suited to act as a reaction medium for biocatalytic reactions, such as sc-ethane, sc-propane or sc-butane. For instance, the transesterification activity of immobilized cutinase was found out by Garcia et al. (2004) to be one order of magnitude higher in sc-ethane than in sc-CO2. Hungerhoff et al. (2001) Romero et al. (2005) Garcia et al. (2004) Reetz et al. (2002) Ref. (Continued) Alcoholysis between cinnamate and Higher activity of the PEG-lipase Maruyama et al. benzyl alcohol complex in fluorous solvents (2004) than in organic solvents Alcaligence sp. Perfluorooctane/ isooctane and perfluorohexane/ isooctane biphasic systems Acetylation of 1-(p-chlorophenyl)2,2,2-trifluoroethanol with vinyl acetate Higher yield and stereospecific- Matsuda et al. (2003) ity at low pressure and low temperature than at high pressure and high temperature Facile separation of products Continuous operation for one month High activity detected in both sc-fluids Enzyme/IL mixture reused many times without loss of enzymatic activity Effect Sc-CO2 CALB, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas cepacia, Candida rugosa, Rizomucor miehei CALB Synthesis of isoamyl acetate Transesterification of 2-phenyl-1propanol by vinyl butyrate Acylation of octan-1-ol by vinyl acetate Reaction Perfluorohexane/ Esterification of 1-phenylethanol methanol biphasic system with highly fluorinated acyl donor Sc-CO2 CALB CALB [BMIM][Tf2N] and sc-CO2 as the mobile phase CALB Sc-ethane, sc-CO2 Reaction medium Examples of reactions catalysed by various hydrolases in the presence of sc-fluids and fluorous solvents Lipase (EC Biocatalyst Table 16.8 Supercritical Fluids 611 (Continued) Sc-CO2 Valencia orange Sc-ethane, sc-CO2 PFMC, perfluoro(methylcyclohexane). Fusarium solanipisi Cutinase (EC Pectin methylesterase (EC PFMC/hexane biphasic system Burkholderia cepacia Perfluorohexane/hexane biphasic system Transesterification of 2-phenyl-1propanol by vinyl butyrate Demethylation of pectin Esterification of 1-phenylethanol and vinyl acetate Esterification between sterols and fatty acids Lower activity determined in sc-CO2 than sc-ethane Decrease in enzyme activity with increasing pressure High stability, stereospecificity and multiple recovery of lipase-Krytox complex Continuous high-yield (99%) production Esterification of 2-methylpentanoic Facile separation of products acid with fluorinated alcohol Sc-CO2 Candida rugosa Burkholderia cepacia High yield with immobilized enzyme Synthesis of citronellol ester by transesterification Garcia et al. (2004) Zhou et al. (2009) Shipovskov (2008) King et al. (2001) Beier and O’Hagan (2002) Dhake et al. (2011) Ref. In batch reaction under optimal Lee et al. conditions, the yield was 99.9% (2011) at 2 h Effect Reaction Sc-CO2/water (10% v/v)/ Biodiesel production supply of methanol (90 mmol per 0.75 h) Sc-CO2 Reaction medium Mixture of Candida rugosa, Rhizopus oryzae Rhizopus oryzae Biocatalyst Table 16.8 612 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media Supercritical Fluids Reactor design is an important feature of the processes employing the sc-fluids. Continuous flow processes are preferred because of practical and technical advantages, such as the improvement of mass and heat transfer, possibility to perform virtually solventless reactions, or easier scale-up of the supercritical processes. The use of sc-CO2 flow reactor (Fig. 16.3) for large-scale kinetic resolution of alcohols by lipase improved the yield of the optically active compounds over 400-fold compared to the corresponding batch reaction using sc-CO2 (Matsuda et al., 2004). The biocatalyst maintained its performance in terms of the reactivity and selectivity under supercritical conditions (13 MPa at 42°C) for 3 days. Figure 16.3 Reaction apparatus for continuous lipase-catalysed kinetic resolution of alcohols using scCO2-flow reactor. The scheme was reproduced from Matsuda (2013). Besides acting as reaction media, sc-fluids can also find use as the extraction agents. Combination of kinetic resolution in ILs and selective extraction with sc-fluids provides a new approach to asymmetric synthesis (Fan and Qian, 2010). Using this approach, sc-CO2 can serve both to transport the substrate to IL phase containing the biocatalyst and to extract the products form IL. CO2 readily dissolves in the liquid phase of the vast majority of ILs, reducing their viscosity, while IL remains insoluble in the CO2 vapour phase (Fan and Qian, 2010). This improves the mass transfer of the IL/sc-CO2 system. Another variation of the supercritical extraction is the use of sc-CO2 to separate IL and an organic solvent. 613 614 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media For instance, MeOH and [BMIM][PF6] that are completely miscible at ambient conditions, form three phases in the presence of sc-CO2 (Blanchard and Brennecke, 2001). This behaviour can be exploited in all biocatalytic processes leading to an alcohol as a by-product. Study of biocatalysis in the sc-fluids has just begun due to the strong concern about the natural environment. Promising examples of the large-scale asymmetric synthesis by hydrolytic enzymes in scCO2 or IL/sc-CO2 have been already described (Matsuda et al., 2004; Fan and Qian, 2010). On the other hand, the intrinsic limitation is the cost of the equipment for sc-fluids production and manipulation. Therefore, the development of continuous-flow catalytic systems in which fluids can be recycled is clearly needed for their commercial applications. 16.6 Fluorous Solvents Fluorous solvents are another class of low polarity recyclable green solvents with a wide range of industrial applications. Their wide spread use is particularly due to a high chemical and thermal stability, originating from the strength and low polarizability of C–F bonds. Fluorous solvents form at low temperatures biphasic systems with most organic solvents and become completely miscible at a certain temperature (Hildebrand and Cochran, 1949; Lozano, 2010). The catalytic reaction can then occur in homogenous system and at the end of the reaction the fluorous-soluble compounds can be separated from organic ones by simple recooling of the reaction mixture. Biocatalysis in the presence of fluorous solvents is an active area of research, thus only few examples have been described to date (Table 16.8). In one of the pioneering studies, Beier and O’Hagan (2002) reported lipase-catalysed kinetic resolution of 2-methylpentanoic acid with highly fluorinated decanol in biphasic perfluorohexane-hexane system. The acid substrate was dissolved in hexane, while fluorinated alcohol was dissolved in the fluorous phase. The reaction was initiated by warming to 40°C leading to the one-phase formation, followed by the enzyme addition. At the end of the reaction, the biocatalyst was separated by filtration and the reaction mixture was recooled to 25°C. An important problem of this strategy is the necessity to use an enzyme soluble Case Study in the fluorous solvent; otherwise the reuse of the biocatalyst cannot be carried out. The enhanced solubilisation of enzymes in perfluoromethylcyclohexane (PFMC) by using the anionic surfactant perfluoropolyether carboxylate (Krytox) has been reported by Shipovskov (2008). Krytox interacts by hydrophobic ion pairing with basic amino acid residues on the protein surface, resulting in a complex that can easily be extracted into PFMC. The formation of a non-covalent complex between Burkholderia cepacia lipase and the surfactant Krytox was shown to increase the solubilisation of the enzyme in PFMC, and thus promote its operation in the PFMC/hexane biphasic system. The application of enzymes in fluorous solvents, although being a recent topic with only a handful of examples published, is an attractive field and further research will certainly be of great interest. Particularly, the combination of fluorous phases with scfluids or ILs is currently being explored. Nevertheless, doubts over the persistence of flourinated solvents in the environment are still a topic of debate. The negative aspects that prevent fluorochemicals to be considered as environment-friendly solvents are the following: (i) synthesis involving large quantities of fluorine and hydrogen fluoride, (ii) high persistence in the environment, (iii) the accumulation in the atmosphere, and (iv) bioaccumulation (Marques et al., 2012). Moreover, industrial interest in fluorous solvents is limited due to their high cost. The possible solution is the replacement of conventional perfluorinated compounds by less toxic and more cost-effective hydrofluoroethers. 16.7 Case Study: Haloalkane Dehalogenases in the Presence of Organic Co-Solvents Recent investigations of the effect of organic solvents on structurefunction relationships of haloalkane dehalogenases (HLDs, EC demonstrate how different reaction media influence catalytic behaviour of these hydrolytic enzymes. Haloalkane dehalogenases convert halogenated compounds to the corresponding alcohols, halides and protons. The hydrolytic cleavage of a carbon-halogen bond proceeds by the SN2 mechanism, followed by the addition of water, which is the only co-factor required for catalysis. The set of substrates converted by HLDs consists of haloalkanes, cy- 615 616 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media clohaloalkanes haloalkenes, haloalcohols, halohydrins, haloethers, haloesters, haloamides and haloacetonitriles (Damborsky et al., 2001; Westerbeek et al., 2011). The broad substrate specificity together with relatively high robustness makes the members of HLD family attractive for both academic research and practical applications (Koudelakova et al., 2013). Biodegradation is one of the most promising fields for application of HLDs. The enzymes have already been successfully used for bioremediation of 1,2-dichloroethane and hexachlorocyclohexane and to neutralize sulphur mustard (Lal et al., 2010; Prokop et al., 2006; Stucki and Thueer, 1995). Besides, both the substrates, e.g., haloalkanes or haloamides, and the products, e.g., haloalcohols, alcohols, diols or hydroxyamides, of HLDs are valuable building blocks in organic and pharmaceutical synthesis, making this group of enzymes attractive for biocatalysis (Mozga et al., 2009; Patel, 2001). The broader use of haloalkane dehalogenases is limited by poor solubility of their substrates in water, evoking the necessity of introduction of organic co-solvents to the reaction media. In an effort to choose the most compatible organic co-solvent for HLDs, the effects of 14 co-solvents on activity, stability and enantioselectivity of three model enzymes—DbjA from Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110, DhaA from Rhodococcus rhodochrous NCIMB13064, and LinB from Sphingobium japonicum UT26—were systematically evaluated by Stepankova et al. (2013a). All co-solvents caused at high concentration loss of activity and conformational changes. The highest inactivation was induced by tetrahydrofuran, while more hydrophilic co-solvents, such as ethylene glycol, methanol and dimethyl sulphoxide, were more tolerated (Fig. 16.4). Surprisingly, the effects of co-solvents at low concentration were different for each enzyme-solvent pair. The increase in DbjA activity was induced by the majority of organic co-solvents tested, while activities of DhaA and LinB decreased at comparable concentrations of the same co-solvent. Moreover, significant increase of DbjA enantioselectivity was observed. Ethylene glycol and 1,4-dioxane were shown to have the most positive impact on the enantioselectivity. The E-value increased from 132 in pure buffer to more than 200. The favourable influence of the co-solvents on both activity and enantioselectivity makes DbjA the most suitable for biocatalytic applications. Case Study Figure 16.4 The relative activities of DbjA (green), DhaA (blue) and LinB (yellow) in the presence of different concentrations of organic co-solvents. The relative activities were measured at 37°C and are expressed as a percentage of the specific activity in glycine buffer (100 mM, pH 8.6). The specific activities (in µmol s–1 mg–1 of enzyme) of DbjA, DhaA and LinB in glycine buffer were 0.0213, 0.0355 and 0.0510, respectively. DMF, dimethylformamide; DMSO, dimethyl sulphoxide; PEG, polyethylene glycol; THF, tetrahydrofuran. Reprinted from Stepankova et al. (2013a). 617 618 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media Even though the loss of HLD activity at high co-solvent concentrations was attributed to the alterations in enzyme secondary structure, the spectroscopic data could not explain observed changes in enzyme activity under non-denaturing cosolvent concentrations. To gain an insight into the mechanisms, the behaviour of the same haloalkane dehalogenases in the presence of three representative organic co-solvents—acetone, formamide and isopropanol—was investigated by employing molecular dynamics simulations, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and steadystate kinetic measurements (Stepankova et al., 2013b). A generally applicable computational method, involving molecular dynamics simulations and quantitative analysis of co-solvent occupancies inside the access tunnels and active sites, was developed to aid the selection process for an appropriate organic co-solvent. It was revealed that the inhibition of the enzymes correlates with the expansion of the active-site pockets and their occupancy by cosolvent molecules. Two different mechanisms of co-solvent induced inhibition were identified. First, enzyme inactivation correlated with increased substrate inhibition, which was not sufficiently compensated by an increase in substrate binding to the free enzyme. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed that this mechanism is coupled to the most extensive occupancy of the active site by the organic solvent, accompanied by significant dehydration of the protein cavity (Fig. 16.5). Second, diminishing enzyme activity was due to a reduction in the catalytic constant. Stepankova et al. (2013b) observed this mechanism for cases where organic solvent molecules predominantly occupied the access tunnel, connecting the active site cavity with the surrounding environment, causing either substrate entry or product release to be impaired. Moreover, organic cosolvent molecules affect the volume and geometry of the active site pockets to different extents (Fig. 16.6). The big changes in the volume and geometry of the pocket were observed for LinB, followed by DhaA. On the contrary, no enlargement of the pocket was observed for DbjA, which is a possible explanation why DbjA exhibited the highest co-solvents resistance in the experiments. The newly developed algorithms enable calculation of the volumes of active-site pockets and their occupancy by the co-solvent Case Study molecules. These algorithms can be used to analyse trajectories from molecular dynamics simulations and study the effect of waterorganic co-solvent mixtures on enzyme catalytic performance. Figure 16.5 Relative solvation of DbjA (green), DhaA (blue) and LinB (yellow) is determined as the ratio of the volume of the access tunnel or active site occupied by co-solvent molecules to the total volume of the access tunnel or active site. Reprinted from Stepankova et al. (2013b). 619 620 Hydrolases in Non-Conventional Media Figure 16.6 Representative geometries of DbjA (green), DhaA (blue), and LinB (yellow) active-site pockets obtained from 35 ns molecular dynamics simulations in water or organic co-solvents. Only the protein surface and the active-site pockets are shown for clarity. The values given are the average volumes of the activesite pockets calculated over 4000 snapshots. Reprinted from Stepankova et al. (2013b). 16.8 Concluding Remarks The application of hydrolases in non-conventional reaction media at laboratory and industrial scale represent an area of active research and development. Two obvious reasons underlying the need for non-aqueous media are the low water solubility of many substrates and demanding downstream processing. Moreover, using existing enzymes in non-conventional reaction media may uncover unexploited biocatalytic activities, and thus extend the repertoire of enzyme-catalysed transformations. 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