Article 1: Organization. The race cyclist, untitled the 14th Grand Prix of Dottignies, is organized by the Vélo-Club «Les Sportifs » de Dottignies (Number H/70.04 – 21970004) under the regulation of International Union Cyclist (UCI), the Royal Belgian Velocipedique League (RLVB) and the Federation Cyclist Wallonia Brussels (FCWB). It disputes on Monday, April 6th , 2015. Article 2 : Type of race. The race cyclist is reserved to the athletes of the Ladies-Elites. It is registered with calendar UCI Mondial. The race cyclist is classified in class WE 1.2 in accordance with regulation UCI, it allots the following points : 40 - 30 - 16 - 12 - 10 - 8 - 6 3. Article 3 : Participation. In accordance with article 2.1.005 of the regulation of the UCI, the race cyclist is opened to the following teams : Women’s Teams UCI – National Teams – Regional Teams and the Mixed Club-Teams. The number of runners per team is limited from 4 to 6 runners. The inscription of participating is done by team. The signature of the runner is done on the podium. Article 4 : Challenge Lotto Cycling Cup 2014. The 14th Great Price of Dottignies is registered, for the 5nd consecutive year, with Challenge LOTTO CYCLING CUP 2015, challenge of regularity allotting of the prices to the 3 first of the test, with the first of the categories GPM and Sprints, all confused nationalities. The distinctive shirts as well as the classifications of each category after each test are allotted exclusively to the best Belgians of the Belgian teams in string (Mixed UCI, Nationale, Continentales, Régionales, Clubs and). These Belgian teams, being registered with this one, are obliged to take part in all the tests of this challenge which counts 7 of class WE 1.2 and 1.1 of them. under penalty of sanctions in the event of non-participation. Recall, the distinctive shirts cannot be carried in race. Contact : – Lotto Cycling Cup is in partnership with the RLVB-KBWB, 49, Avenue du Globe, B - 1190 Brussels. . Article 5 : Permanence. The starting permanence is held on April 6, 2015 with the Lycée Charles Plisnier, Sous-Lieutenant Catoire Street, in 7711 Dottignies. I will be open starting from 9:30. The confirmation of leaving and the withdrawal the numbers of the runners are done with permanence, of 10:00 to 11:45, on April 6th, 2015. The briefing, in the presence of the Members of the College of Commissaire, is fixed at 12:00 and will take place with Dottignies with the Lycée Charles Plisnier, Sous-Lieutenant Catoire Street. It is asked the OBLIGATORY presence of all the sporting directors. A second briefing in the presence of the Federal Police force and of the Organizers concerning safety during the test will have place with 12:30 with the participation of voluntary and people responsible in safety for the test, in this same capital. This one will be supervised by the President of the College of the Commissaire. The permanence of arrival is held on April 6, 2015 with 17:45 with the Lycée Charles Plisnier, Sous-Lieutenant Catoire Street. The cloakrooms (Start-Finish) and the showers will be located: ICET, St-Léger Street, 7711 Dottignies. They will be open starting from 10 :00. Article 6 : Radio-Tour. The information of race will be transmitted under the frequency : - Radio-Tour : 164,63125 Mhz. Interne : 168,59875 Mhz. UCI – Saison 2015 page 1/4 Article 7 : Neutral Technical Assistance. 2 neutral cars and 1 moto will be at the disposal of runners (MAVIC). Article 8 : Method of supply. He will be in Canadians Boulevard from the 2nd passage (55,74 kms) to 4th passage (92,70 kms), over a length of 1000mts. Article 9 : Times of Arrival. Any runner arriving within a deadline exceeding 8% of the time of the winner will not be retained any more with the classification. The time can be increased in the event of exceptional circumstances by the Colege of Commissaire, in consultation with the Organizer. Article 10 : Classification. 10.1. GENERAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE RACE. The following classification will be established as follows: Final general classification will be established individually at the end of this race cyclist. The classifications of Lotto Cycling Cup are a right of the Organizer of this challenge concerning the Belgian runners of the participating Belgian teams according to the payment of the RLVB-KBWB. 10.2. CLIMBER CLASSIFCATION. The climber ranking (GPM) will be disputed on points obtained during the 4 mountain sprints for this classification. It will be awarded 5, 3 and 1 points for each side to the top 3. In case of a tie, the classification of the mountain, it is applied the following criteria until there separated: 1. Number of first places in the sprints which count for the climbing ranking. 2. General individual time classification. 10.3. RUSHES A classification of rushes is disputed points on all four intermediate sprints judged on passing the finish line (2nd, 3rd, 4rd and 5rd passage). It will be awarded 5, 3 and 1 points for each intermediate sprint to the first 3. In case of a tie in the standings rushes, it is applied the following criteria until there separated: 1. Number of first places in the sprints which count for the climbing ranking. 2. General individual time classification. Article 11 : Prizes. The prizes in € (Euro) will be awarded according to final individual general classification, that is to say 20 prices distributed followingthe regulation of the UCI and the RLVB/FCWB: 1 326,00 € 6 97,00 € 11 43,00 € 16 22,00 € 2 217,00 € 7 87,00 € 12 43,00 € 17 22,00 € 3 164,00 € 8 76,00 € 13 43,00 € 18 22,00 € 4 136,00 € 9 65,00 € 14 43,00 € 19 22,00 € 5 109,00 € 10 53,00 € 15 33,00 € 20 22,00 € That is to say a total of : 1.645,00 €. Prices allotted to Challenge LOTTO CYCLING CUP: RUSHES : 3 prices - 1 75,00 € 2 50,00 € 3 25,00 € That is to say a total of 150,00 € GPM (Great Price of Mountain) : 3 prices 1 75,00 € 2 50,00 € 3 25,00 € UCI – Saison 2015 page 2/4 That is to say a total of 150,00 € Article 12 : Antidoping. The regulation antidopage of the UCI applies completely to the present race cyclist. Moreover, the local legislation antidopage (FrenchSpeaking Community) applies in accordance with the provisions of the law in force. Control antidopage takes place with Pleyel Hall (Saint-Charles Highschool)(Local provided wiyh health care), entrence Couturelle Street, to 7711 Dottignies. (WARNING: it is possible that local change is made on the same day of the competition The detail you will be provided the day of permanence if it occurs.) Article 13 : Protocol. In accordance with article 1.2.112 of the regulation of the UCI, the runners following must present itself to the protocol : 3 first of the race cyclist. They will be presented within a period of maximum 10 minutes after their arrival. For LOTTO CYCLING CUP, exclusively on competitors being leaders in each classification : The leader of general standings (yellow jersey) The leader of the GPM (blue jersey) The leaser of sprints (green jersey) The leader of the best young Belgian (white jersey) Article 14 : Penalities. The scale of penalties of the UCI is the only applicable one. Article 15 : Directeur de Course. The function of director of race will be carried out by Marc DUQUESNOY, Clos du Val d’Espierre, 25, B – 7730 Saint-Léger (Birth date : 22/02/1951) – Tél. & fax : +32.56.487.568, GSM : +32.496.257.568 – E-mail : . Article 16 : Claims. The decisions of the College of Commissaire of the referee as regards facts of race are without recourse, except if it is marked a fine exceeding CHF 200,00. In this last case, the bachelors can form a call attached to the disciplinary commission of the UCI which decides in last authority. The call must be introduced into the ten days of the end of the race. The disciplinary commission must inform the UCI of the introduction of the call into the eight days. A copy of the decision of call must be sent to the UCI, this also within a period of eight days. UCI – Saison 2015 page 3/4 Organizing Club : ASBL Vélo-Club Communal « Les Sportifs » Dottignies Matricule : H/70.4 - 21970004 Rue Julien Mullie, 8, B – 7711 Dottignies Secretary : Director of the race : Information : Office : Marc DUQUESNOY Marc DUQUESNOY Marc DUQUESNOY Clos du Val d’Espierre, 25, B – 7730 Saint-Léger Tél. & Fax : +32.56.487.568 GSM : +32.496.257.568 E-mail : Website : Corresponding Organization : UCI – Saison 2015 Pablo GILLARD Rue de la Blanchisserie, 9, B – 7711 Dottignies GSM : +32.472.318.517 E-mail : page 4/4
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