April 2015 - Loudoun County Public Schools

Mill Run Register
Newsletter for Mill Run Elementary
Volume 52 April 2015
Mr. Vickers’ Views:
April At-A-Glance
The crocuses are beginning to pop up through our flower beds, the robins are bouncing around looking for worms, and the local ball fields are filled with excited boys and girls who are preparing for their sports seasons to begin; and yet it seems likely that we may actually have more snow again tomorrow, the first day of Spring. If you’re like me, you probably said, “Enough is enough!” a long Fme ago. With Loudoun County scheduled to have our Spring Break begin in just one week, it has certainly been a long winter; but I want to assure you that our teachers and your children have made the most of every minute that they have been together during the third grading period. We are fully commiLed to our students’ mastery of all grade level material this year even though a significant amount of school has been missed due to inclement weather. If you recall, we missed a similar number of school days last winter; and we all worked together to assure that our students were highly successful by every objecFve and subjecFve measure. You can always count on the dedicaFon and focus of Mill Run’s instrucFonal team!
Looking ahead, the final week of March and the enFre month of April promise to be both fun-­‐filled and academically-­‐focused here at Mill Run. Beginning with our second graders’ musical performance of “Nuts”, an adorable producFon with our children playing the roles of squirrels and nuts, we are heading into spring with a celebraFon of nature in all its beauty. Immediately following Spring Break, Mr. Cornely and I will discuss our annual 20/20 SOL Challenge with our third-­‐fiXh graders. This program encourages all of our upper-­‐grade students to prepare for the SOL tests by spending 20-­‐minutes per day reviewing the material that they learned this year using online resources. We will also begin our SOL Blitz aXer-­‐school program two days per week for certain students in grades 3-­‐5. Other April highlights include our FREE ScholasFc Book Fair, and yes, you read that correctly! We tried this for the first Fme last year, and it was a smashing success. During the week of April 13th-­‐17th, every student will get to select a free book of his/her choice. This is made possible by our library team who will use the profits from our earlier book fair to pay for the books that they’re giving away in April. We love the idea of giving out free books to our children, whenever possible; and we are commiLed to doing just that… mulFple Fmes each year!
(con’t. on next page)
Mar. 28 - Apr. 5: SPRING BREAK
Apr. 6: Teacher Workday/ No school for students
Apr.7: First day of 4th grading period
Specials run on Monday schedule
Apr. 8: Mt. Lion Pride Citizenship Breakfast @
7:50 am (by invitation) SOL 20/20 Challenge starts
5th Grade Panoramic Photo taken
Apr. 9: Gift card orders due
Eagle Ridge staff meets w/ 5th graders
@ 9:00 a.m.
Apr. 13-17: Librarian Appreciation Week:
Hooray for Ms. Damewood & Ms. Cook
FREE Book Fair all week
Apr. 14: Juvenile Diabetes Walk during PE classes
First day of SOL Blitz
PTO Board Meeting in Library @ 6:30 pm.
Apr. 15: Report cards sent home
Apr. 20-24: Secretaries Appreciation Week:
Hooray for Ms. Bostelman, Ms.
Masa, Ms. Panetti, and Ms. Ziegler!
Apr. 22: Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon from
11:00-1:15 in library (Please come!)
Apr. 23-24: K-2 Earth Day planting
Apr. 23: “Take Our Sons/ Daughters to Work”
Apr. 24: “Put a Cap on Cancer” hat day
Apr. 27: 5th Grade DARE Graduation @ 8:30
a.m. in gym
Apr. 27-May 1: TV Turn-off Week: Watch for the
Prize Paw-trol after school!
Apr. 28: 4th Grade Camp Flintlock Civil War
Of further importance, our fiXh graders will recognize their compleFon of the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance EducaFon)program with their graduaFon ceremony being held at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, April 27th. FiXh grade parents won’t want to miss this event, as it represents a very significant milestone in the lives of their children.
We will also honor our amazing ladies in the office; Ms. Paneg, Ms. Masa, Ms. Bostelman, and Ms. Ziegler during Secretaries AppreciaFon Week from April 20th-­‐ 24th. We are so blessed to have these wonderful ladies leading the way at Mill Run. That same week, we will also recognize both Arbor Day and Earth Day by having our kindergarten-­‐second graders beauFfy our school grounds by planFng lovely flowers in all of our gardens.
…and finally, we will honor YOU with our annual Volunteer AppreciaFon Luncheon on Wednesday, April 22nd from 11:00-­‐1:15 in our library. Each and every Mill Run parent does so much to assure the success of our school, and this is one of our favorite ways of expressing our graFtude. Please plan to join us during your child(ren)’s lunch period. We’ll have a huge feast together to celebrate the outstanding joint effort between our school staff and our parent-­‐body in making this a great place for children to learn.
Thanks for your unfailing dedicaFon to our school! It is such an honor to serve your families each day.
Most respeclully,
Paul L. Vickers
P.S.: Watch for the Prize Paw-­‐trol coming through your neighborhood a>er school during the week of April 27th-­‐May 1st. We want to catch your kids NOT watching TV!
Mill Run Volunteers
are invited to celebrate......
If you’ve helped out in our classrooms, attended field trips, volunteered for PTO events,
organized class parties, stuffed Thursday folders, Xeroxed, helped in the library or office, or
served in any other capacity this year, we would love to have you join us.
We are having a luncheon in your honor
on April 22, 2015 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Library.
Mill Run is very special because of YOU and your involvement. Please let us serve you on April
22nd. We look forward to seeing you here. Please come hungry!
Congratulations to
Mill Run’s FEBRUARY Super Citizens!!
Each month teachers select one student from their class who has demonstrated character traits that
are consistent with creating a respectful and caring school climate.
Jude PaLerson
Daniel Boci
Lauren Powell
Ryann Miller
Janssens Arabia
Parker Larson
Alijah AugusFn
Katherine Yun
Tia Chen
Abby Shin
Madhuri Sosale
Logan Rowe
Romir Verma
Ryan Roper
Sanjana Sridhar
Taylor Desch
Kaden Lee
Gregor Ermellini
Shabbir Naqvi
Natalie Posusney
Jacob Walker
Ava Powell
Aniketh Kadaru
Vivien Trang
Paisley Larson
Caprice Bohmer
Braden Foley
Allison Duncan
Madigan Ward
Nandini Sundaram
Sobi Mere
Casey Lee
Abby Carlin
PJ Harmatuk
Aarya Walvekar
Manan Chaudhary
Ryan Rounds
Abigail Smith
Avery Hayward
Ian Strucko
PTO Meetings for the School Year
April 14th  May 12th
Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 2:50 p.m. in the library at Mill Run.
All are welcome, including children! We encourage your participation and feedback.
Thank you to the Mill Run community for
supporting the Fuddrucker’s restaurant night!
Tuesday, March 24th
We had so much fun!
Cornely’s Conversation
It’s hard to believe that our third quarter has come to an end…with all of the snow we have had, these past three months have really ;lown by. Though we have had a few snow days, our instruction was still full throttle and the learning our students have been doing has been top-­‐notch. This past month, it is very likely that your children came home sharing information about Waste Free Day (led through our Green Kids program) that took place in the cafeteria during their scheduled lunch times. Without a doubt, it was a very enlightening experience. We learned that nearly 180 pounds of food and various food products were thrown away in just one day. Many of you may or may not be aware that we are a Green Kids school, which is run through the Audubon Naturalist Society. Without a doubt, this has been an incredible experience for our students and staff thus far this school year. This grant-­‐funded program provides Green Kids schools with “with two years of free resources and ;ield experiences to foster watershed stewardship and environmental literacy while meeting established curriculum guides.” For more information on the Green Kids program, please visit their website. Looking ahead, Wednesday, April 22nd is Earth Day. Earth Day, founded by Gaylord Nelson in 1970, is celebrated around the world and was established to help us be environmentally conscious. At Mill Run, we celebrate this by educating on children on what this day means and why being green is important for our environment. Each classroom also plants various ;lowers around our school building. Our students absolutely love this special day, and I am con;ident that they will come home sharing their excitement with you. To learn more about Earth Day, please visit the Earth Day Network.
Odyssey of the Mind
Seven teams from Mill Run participated in the Region 16 Odyssey of the Mind Tournament on
Saturday, March 14. Two 4th grade teams each placed third in their respective problems of
"Experiencing Technical Difficulties" and "Silent Movie." Mill Run also had a 5th grade team
place 1st in the problem "Pandora's Box" against 17 other teams.
Please congratulate them and wish them good luck as they will be moving on to the VA State
Tournament on April 18. The team members are: Patricio Anduaga, Daniel D'Souza, Mary
Hartnett, Helen Levy, Sean McGorry, Anna Osborne, and Juliana Vidal.
Way to Go!!!
Velt!’s V"ion
By: Ma!sa Velt!, Admin"trative Intern
Happy spring! It is so wonderful to see the flowers begin to bloom and the leaves returning on the trees.
Spring has officially sprung, and we are on our way to summer!
Mill Run is going to be a very busy place these last few months of the school year with activities ranging from
SOL testing, to field trips, and then to field day before you know it. Please remember to continue looking
inside of your child(s) yellow Thursday folder, as well as, checking the Calendar of Events on Mill Run’s
webpage for more information. Staying connected is a very important part of your child(s) education!
Follow us on Facebook!
The Care and Share Committee would like to recognize all the of the hard work that our
Librarians and Secretaries do to make Mill Run a wonderful place to go to school. During
each appreciation week, please join us in thanking the staff members for all that they do for
our students, parents, faculty and staff.
For Librarian Appreciation Week April 13-17, please join us in thanking Ms. Laura Damewood
and Ms. Karen Cook.
For Secretaries Appreciation Week April 20-24, please join us in thanking Ms. Tri Bostelman,
Ms. Mayla Masa and Ms. Susan Panetti.
Let’s show them how much with appreciate them!
Counselor’s Corner
The “Character Word” for the month of April is Responsibility. Guidance lessons in the
classroom will focus on responsibility in the three major developmental skill areas: academic,
social and career. We want to help students understand that they have responsibilities as
members of three different groups—school, family, and community. This character trait is
demonstrated when students accept responsibility for completing homework and other
assignments on time. Students will learn that excuses can be a method for shirking
responsibility at school and at home. Children need three things in order to develop responsible
behavior: clear expectations where children understand what is expected; consistent approval
where a child’s motivation is connected to praise and affirmation; and growing trust where a
child is expected to take on more responsibilities in the classroom and at home. Please ask your
children to tell you about what they learned in their guidance lesson.
The next Mountain Lion Pride Citizenship Breakfast will be held on Wednesday, April 8th. A
gentle reminder to parents, if you are unable to attend the Mountain Lion’s Pride breakfast when
your child is receiving an award, please let the school counselors and/or the classroom teacher
Middle School: On April 9th, Eagle Ridge Middle School Principal, Mr. Phillips and School
Counselor, Mr. Tafaro will be visiting us here at Mill Run for a question and answer time.
The official Eagle Ridge tour will not take place until June 2nd.
Please be on the lookout for information coming home regarding BRIDGE TO THE
RIDGE at Eagle Ridge and INSPIRE PROGRAM at Farmwell.
Please feel free to contact your grade-level counselor at any time with your questions or
concerns so that we may discuss them with you. It is our pleasure to be able to provide support
and information for the students and families of Mill Run.
Sara Millikin (K-2)
Michele Kovach (3-5)
Resources for Parents and Students on the Web
Mill Run Website:
http://www.lcps.org/millrun Loudoun County Public Schools:
Hello Mill Run Families and welcome back. We hope everyone had a fantastic Spring Break!
It’s hard to think back to mid-March however, I want to highlight how fantastic Carnival was.
We had an amazing team of volunteers and a big thank you goes out to Erin Stevens, Caroline
Molthen, Mellany Weaver, Melanie LeGoullon, Melanie Kelly, Emily Sparrow, Belinda Ramberg,
Kelly Posusney, Jennifer Dean, Christine Andretta, Laura Hoyler, Erin Louis, Jessica Chestnut,
Erin Burch, and all the many volunteers that came out that night to make it all happen. This is
our largest event and it wouldn’t be possible without all the help from our Mill Run family. We
also appreciate everyone’s participation in the events and bidding on auction items. All the
funds raised from the evening go right back into Mill Run to support our school. Take a look in
the newsletter for a brief list of support that has already been paid out this year. Thank you
for the amazing generosity shown throughout the evening!
We also had a fantastic restaurant night at Fuddruckers! Thank you Mill Run families for
coming out in strong support!
Your last chance for Gift Card orders is right now. Be sure to get order forms in by April 9th.
Take advantage of this program for all sorts of things, even your weekly grocery shopping.
Remember, whatever amount of card you purchase, you receive, and the vendor pays Mill Run
a percentage.
We hope to see all our wonderful volunteers at the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon in the
library on Wednesday, April 22nd. This appreciation is for all volunteers, not just PTO. Our
school is very thankful for the many hours that so many parents give to help our teachers and
staff. Please come and allow us to say thank you!
We also will be showing our Librarians how much we appreciate them during the week of April
13th-17th during Librarian Appreciation week. Secretary Appreciation week will be celebrated
April 20th-24th. Please take some time during these weeks to let all these ladies know how
much we appreciate them.
There will be many opportunities in the upcoming school year to serve with the PTO. If you
think you may be interested in becoming more involved, please reach out to me to find out
Thank you for your continued support!
Kristy McGehee
Be the change you want to see in the world. -Gandhi
Highlights of Support Already Paid Out This School Year
Cultural Events-­‐ $4000 Assemblies held this year include: Global Safari Show, Author Susan Stockdale, Games from Around the World, If I Ran the Show (Dr. Suess theme)
Video Conferences: $2720 For various grade levels, conference topics included Mariner’s Museum, Buffalo Zoo, Muskingham Valley, Cleveland Museum of Art, and Egyptomania
Technology –
$2746 Technology Equipment including headphones, keyboards, promethean pens and remotes, geocache units
$2840 Chromebooks
$1000 IPad Equipment and ApplicaFons
$1000 Reflex SubscripFon
$3570 I-­‐Ready SubscripFon
$2642 Total spent so far this year between grade levels Kindergarten through Third. Funds were used for acFviFes such as American EducaFon T-­‐Shirts, outdoor classroom event with guest speakers from Claude Moore Park, and used in the classroom to strengthen in room acFviFes and libraries
Fourth Grade $800-­‐ Bought 25 Social Studies books to supplement SS curriculum FiXh Grade $800-­‐ Energy PublicaFons to supplement SOL requirements, Owl pellets for hands on science experience at the outdoor classroom PromoFon $700
Wonder Books $887
Dare T-­‐Shirts $1320
Music-­‐$389 Wireless head-­‐set microphone to use during class
Teacher Support-­‐$1766 Reimbursement for Teacher Members of the PTO for classroom items
The Carnival Team would like to thank the en3re community for making the 5th Annual Carnival such a great and fun event! Whether you helped with the planning, volunteered to pop popcorn, or just came to share your evening with us, we couldn’t have done it without you.
to all of our Sponsors and Vendors at
the 2015 Winter Carnival
for making our event such a success!
We have three- 2 Week Summer Camp Sessions at Camp Twin
Creeks (www.camptwincreeks.com - $2,645 value for a minimum bid
of $1,500) and three- $1,000 Off Coupons for a 2 Week Summer
Camp for ages 7-15 for new families (minimum bid of $100). If you
are interested, please contact Belinda Ramberg at
Urban Bar-­‐B-­‐Que Company -­‐ WWW.ILOVEUBQ.COM
Williams Martial Arts & Fitness -­‐ www.gowmaf.com
Williams Martial Arts & Fitness -­‐ Jazzercise -­‐ www.jazzercise.com
The Little Gym of Ashburn -­‐ www.tlgashburnva.com
Ryan Park Store -­‐ www.subway.com
Dulles Golf Center -­‐ www.DullesGolf.com
Creative Dance Center -­‐ www.cdcdance.com
Blue Ridge Grill -­‐ www.brgrill.com
Woo;ie’s Dog Walkers, Pet Sitters and Mobile Pet Spa -­‐ www.woo;ies.com Bricks ‘n Bots – Robyn North -­‐ www.bricksnbots.com
Sport and Health Club -­‐ www.sportandhealth.com
i9 Sports -­‐ www.i9sports.com
Cross;it -­‐ www.cross;itimpavidus.com (con’t. on next page)
Younique -­‐ www.youniqueproducts.com/lashesbyelizabeth and
Lia Sophia – Elizabeth Voeller -­‐ eglitterbling@gmail.com
C3 Cyber Club -­‐ www.c3cyberclub.com
Sport Bounce of Loudoun -­‐ www.sportbounce.com
Caring Hands Animal Hospital -­‐ www.caringhandsvet.com
Thirty-­‐One-­‐ Julie Sears -­‐ jewels31gifts@gmail.com
Pampered Chef – Renata Apperson -­‐ gapperson1@aol.com
Mary Kay – Roya Mattis -­‐ roya@marykay.com
Matilda Jane – Alyssa Borsuk -­‐ alyssab@matildajaneclothing.com
Cake Cup Lady -­‐ www.cakecuplady.com
Chibis Indoor Playground -­‐ www.chibisindoorplayground.com
Stream Valley Veterinary Hospital -­‐ www.streamvalleyveterinaryhospital.com
Panther Family Laser Tag and Amusement Center -­‐ www.dulleslasertag.com
Loudoun Soccer -­‐ www.LoudounSoccer.com
Swim Kids of Leesburg -­‐ www.swimkids.us
Curiosity Zone -­‐ www.curiosityzone.com
Pink Piggy Sweets -­‐ www.pinkpiggysweets.com
Athletic Revolution of Ashburn -­‐ www.athleticrevolutionashburn.com Olde Towne Pet Resort of Ashburn -­‐ www.oldetownepetresort.com
A Dog’s Day Out of Ashburn -­‐ www.adogsdayout.com
Castleberry Video Games -­‐ www.CastleberryVideoGames.com
CDW -­‐ www.cdw.com
Replay Sports N Training -­‐ www.replaysportsntraining.com
Leave it to Lisa, LLC. -­‐ www.Uleaveittolisa.com
Mali Thai -­‐ www.mali-­‐thai.com
Ford’s Fish Shack -­‐ www.fords;ishshack.com Bull Run Golf Club -­‐ www.bullruncc.com
Mathnasium -­‐ www.mathnasium.com/ashburn
Perfectly Posh -­‐ www.perfectlyposh.Us/enjoy
SGP Framing-­‐ www.sgpframing.com – annie@sgpframing.com -­‐ 703-­‐501-­‐9655 -­‐ Annie Schleyer The Zone -­‐ www.TheZoneUSA.com
Clarity Health and Healing -­‐ www.clarityhealthandhealing.com -­‐ Kim Edwards, RN, Reiki Practitioner
Camp Twin Creeks -­‐ www.camptwincreeks.com
Il Forno -­‐ www.ilfornova.com
Sweet & Sassy of Leesburg -­‐ www.sweetandsassy.com/stores/leesburg
La Vie Hair Stylist -­‐ 703-­‐723-­‐2600
Tastefully Simple – Jenine Charske -­‐ jcharske@yahoo.com
CJR Martial Arts -­‐ www.cjrmartialarts.com -­‐ Christopher Redford
ADVOCARE -­‐ www.advocare.com/14089539 -­‐ Emily Snyder
Tabata Bootcamp -­‐ knherbert12@gmail.com -­‐ Katie Herbert
(con’t. on next page)
Gold’s Gym-­‐ www.goldsgym.com
Radiance in Broadlands & Leesburg -­‐ www.gotoradiance.com
Studio Bleu -­‐ www.danceashburn.com Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club -­‐ www.raspberryfalls.com Northern Virginia Orthodontics -­‐ www.ashburnsmiles.com Sunset Hills Winery -­‐ www.sunsethillsvineyard.com
The All American Steakhouse -­‐ www.theallamericansteakhouse.com
Anita’s New Mexico Style Mexican Food -­‐ www.anitascorp.com
Taque Mexican BBQ -­‐ www.taque.menu
Jamberry-­‐ Nikki Burns -­‐ http://nikkiburns.jamberrynails.net/ NOVA Plastic Surgery -­‐ www.novaplasticsurgery.com
Amenity Day Spa -­‐ www.amenitydayspa.com
College Nannies & Tutors -­‐ www.collegenanniesandtutors.com/loudounva
Mountcastle Plastic Surgery -­‐ www.MountcastlePlasticSurgery.com, www.Vein-­‐Cure.com & www.whyskin.com
G-­‐Force Gymnastics -­‐ www.gforce-­‐gymnastics.com
Michael & Son Sportsplex at Dulles -­‐ www.dullessportsplex.com
More than Cheer -­‐ www.loudouncheerleading.com
360 Degrees USA -­‐ www.360degreesusa.com
Clay Cafe -­‐ www.claycafe.com
Cheers Sports -­‐ www.cheerssports.com
Great Harvest Bread Company -­‐ Tim & Jessie Groszkowski -­‐ www.darngoodbread.com
Broadlands HOA -­‐ www.broadlandshoa.org
Ashburn Academy of Dance -­‐ www.ashburnballet.com
Luis Rosado Tennis Academy -­‐ www.luistennis.org
Cycle Scene -­‐ www.cyclescene.com
Canine Carousel -­‐ www.caninecarousel.com
Virginia Tire & Auto -­‐ www.vatire.com
Clyde’s Willow Creek -­‐ www.clydes.com
Rebounderz -­‐ www.rebounderzsterling.com
Top Kick -­‐ www.topkickonline.com
Silpada – Michele Hall -­‐ michele4nick@yahoo.com
Dawn of Better Living -­‐ Dawn Garabito -­‐ www.dawno;betterliving.com
PBJ Wholesome Fitness, Inc. -­‐ Julie Green -­‐ www.pbj-­‐wf.com
Manhattan Pizza of Ashburn -­‐ www.manhattanpizza.com
Costco -­‐ www.costco.com
Domino’s Southern Walk -­‐ www.dominos.com
Giant -­‐ www.giantfood.com
Sam’s Club -­‐ www.samsclub.com
Wegmans -­‐ www.wegmans.com
(con’t. on next page)
(con’t. on next page)
Breaking Box Tops News!!! Thank you to all who sent in box tops during the month of February. Mill Run collected 3,252 box
tops, bringing in $325.20 for the school. Here are our monthly winners:
1st Place = McVeigh (472)
2nd Place = Wolslayer (386)
3rd Place = Winegar - AM (375)
* Please ensure that Box Tops have not expired prior to submitting to your teacher!
Visit http://www.boxtops4education.com for more information.
Contact Kim Miller kim.mccracken@yahoo.com with any questions!
Mill Run Spirit Store
Hours: Every Thursday Morning, 7:35-7:50am
The Spirit Store is run by student and parent volunteers. This is a great way for
students to give back to the school and feel a part of what makes Mill Run special. The
School Store is open every Thursday from 7:35-7:50 a.m.
We would love feedback from students on how we are doing. If there are any items you would like to see at
the school store, please email and let me know. Contact: Julia Boland teamb548@gmail.com with any questions. Absentee Phone Line
If your child is absent for any reason, please make sure to call the Mill Run Absentee
Phone Line, (571) 252-2162, on the day or days your child is not in school. When
possible, we would like to receive your call before our work day begins at 7:30 am.
Also, please call the absentee number if your child will be tardy that day to prevent a
phone call having to be made home. The absentee phone line is available for your use
24 hours a day, everyday. You can also save time and email us about your child’s
absence - MILABSENTEE@lcps.org
New School Supply Company for the 2015-2016 School Year!
We are excited to announce that the Mill Run PTO has partnered with
'1st Day School Supplies' for the 2015-2016 school year!
Through 1st Day School Supplies, you will be able to order your
student's 2015-2016 school supply kit(s) online and have it delivered to
the classroom before the first day of school. They even offer backpacks as an add-on!
It's as easy as 1-2-3... just enter your zip code, select 'Mill Run' from the list of available
schools, and click the 'Supply Kit' button to display the available list of school supply kits by
Additional information on supply kit ordering will be available in the upcoming weeks. We are
excited to make this service available to our Mill Run families for the 2015-2016 school year!
If due to a disability, you need assistance to enable you to meaningfully participate in any activities listed in this
newsletter, please contact Mr. Vickers in the Mill Run office at (571) 252-2160 at least five working days prior to
the event. if the event is not at Mill Run, he will direct you to the appropriate resource.
Mill Run Elementary is dedicated to continuous school improvement. A formal School Improvement Plan has been
developed by staff, parents, and community members. The plan is reviewed on an ongoing basis. A copy is available
in the school office and the school library. You may also call us at (571) 252-2160 to have a copy sent home with
your child. We welcome your input!
I will do more than I have to,
I will treat others as I want to be treated,
And I will try to become a better person.