The Lough Shore Parishes Churches of Our Lady Star of the Sea Whitehouse; St Mary’s Greencastle; Saint James’ Whiteabbey; St Colman’s Greenisland 29 March 2015 Palm Sunday Mass Times SATURDAY VIGIL 5.30 pm – Whitehouse 7.00 pm - Greencastle SUNDAY MASS: 10.00 am – St Colman’s 10.30 am – Whitehouse 11.30 am – St James’ 12 noon – Greencastle WEEK DAY MASSES: Greencastle: Mon – 7.30 pm, Wed – 9.00 am Whitehouse: Mon 9am, Wed – 7.00 pm St James’: Fri – 10.00 am St Colman’s: Tues – 10.00 am ST PEREGRINE’S NOVENA: First Monday of the month at 7.30 pm in Greencastle MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOUR: Every Wednesday at 7 pm in Whitehouse; Every Friday at 10 am in St James’ EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Every Wednesday in Greencastle - 9 am to 7 pm HOLY HOUR IN HONOUR OF THE DIVINE MERCY: Second Sunday of the month at 6.30 pm in Greencastle Parish Priest: Fr. Anthony Alexander Parish Office: 824 Shore Road Newtownabbey Co Antrim BT36 7DG Tel: 9037 0845 (open Mon – Fri 9.30am – 12 noon) Fr Samuel Kerr PE/CC Tel: 9036 5773 E-mail: website: Webcam: (double click on picture of Whitehouse Church) WEEKLY COLLECTIONS Whitehouse £713.00, St James £599.81 St Colman’s £280.20, Greencastle £425.00 SECOND COLLECTIONS Whitehouse £168.00, St James £79.13 St Colman’s £53.10, Greencastle £285.00 Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night EASTER PENITENTIAL SERVICES: St Nicholas, Carrickfergus – Mon 30th March at 7.30pm; St Gerard’s – Tues 31st March at 7.30pm and St Bernard’s – Wed 1st April at 7.30pm. HOLY WEEK Usual Masses on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Holy Thursday (2nd April): Mass of the Chrism St Peter’s Cathedral 11am – All welcome. Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7 pm St James’ & Whitehouse Good Friday (3rd April): Solemn Celebration of the Passion – 3 pm St Colman’s & Greencastle. Stations of the Cross – 7 pm in all Churches. Holy Saturday (4th April): Vigil of the Resurrection – 9 pm Whitehouse, 9 pm St James’ Easter Sunday (5th April): 10.00 am – St Colman’s; 10.30 am – Whitehouse; 11.30 am – St James’ & 12 noon – Greencastle AN EXCITING JOURNEY INTO GETTING TO KNOW OUR LORD: An exciting challenge for young people for Lent. Come to praise and worship our Lord Jesus on 29 March from 6-7.30 pm at Whitehouse Parish Hall. This is being led by young people in the Parish. All young people are welcome to attend. GIFT-‘GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER’: is a programme designed for Year 8 pupils. It is an opportunity to meet with friends while at the same develop their faith and have fun. The Diocese of Down & Connor have introduced this programme in over 50 Parishes and we would like to do the same in the Loughshore Parishes. We would like GIFT to begin after Easter, in order for this to happen we need some volunteers to help us run the programme. It would take place on a Monday from 7 – 9 pm for six weeks. If you are interested in volunteering please leave your name and contact details with the Parish office. SCOUTS: New scouts troop opening in Whiteabbey this May! Spaces available to boys and girls from 6 – 17 years old. Open to adults interested in becoming scout leaders. To find out more come along to either of the registration days at St James’ Parish Hall on Sun 29th March at 12.30 pm or Mon 30th March at 7 pm. Places will be assigned on a first come first served basis. . LENT DEVOTIONS: There will be the traditional Lenten celebration of the Stations of the Cross and Benedicition of the Blessed Sacrament each Sunday of Lent at 4.30 pm at St Mary’s on the Hill, Carmoney Road, Glengormley. Why not spend a little time in quiet prayer this Lent with our Savour who loves us so much? All welcome CATHOLIC GUIDES OF IRELAND: We’re helping young people flourish! Volunteer with us today to give your CV a boost, access free training and develop new skills. Our volunteers are aged 18-70 and are from all walks of life. Training provided. Contact us today – email Facebook/cginr. Web Call 90313639 A YEAR WITH POPE FRANCIS: Daily reflection from his writings Witness The Church will be persecuted in the measure of her fidelity to the Gospel. The testimony to this fidelity bothers and enrages the world, making it kill and destroy, as it happened in the case of Stephen, first among the disciples to shed his life for Christ. SCHOOL AID FOR ROUMANIA: Conor Taggart, would like to thank the parishioners for their support at the fundraising night on 26 March. A good night was had by all. £4,500 pounds was raised. Thanks to everyone for there support. ST COLMAN’S SVP EASTER DRAW: Tickets £1. Prizes 1st – Easter Basket, 2nd – 2 bottles wine, 3rd – Easter Egg. Ballot will be drawn on Sun 29 March. NEW COLLECTION ENVELOPES: start again on Easter Sunday (5th April). Envelopes will be available for collection at each Mass on Sat 28th /Sun 29th March. HOLY WEEK INTERCHURCH SERVICE: in Church of Ireland on Monday 30th March at 8 pm in Greenisland. Everyone welcome. FEAST OF DIVINE MERCY: Please note that the Sunday after Easter is Divine Mercy Sunday. The main Diocesan celebrant is in St Peter’s Cathedral, Falls Road, Belfast on Sunday 12TH April 2015 commencing at 2.30 pm. The rosary will be followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Holy Mass. Confessions available. Car parking available For those unable to get to this, the Devotion Prayer will be said in Greencastle at 3 pm. Note: There will be no mass celebrated during these devotions. The usual 6.30 Holy Hour in Honour of the Divine Mercy will NOT take place. APOSTOLATE OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Third All Ireland pilgrimage to Knock on 26th April. Buses will be available for this event. £15 pounds return. To book your seat phone or text 07738 282199 MEDJUGORJE: 13TH TO 20TH May 2015. Cost £399. Please call 02890311652 Mon to Sat 10 am to 5 pm. Also Youth Festival 29th July – 10th August – 2 weeks - £589. CANCER FOCUS: Volunteer with us! Are you over 16? Why not add volunteering to your CV! We have collections and other events throughout 2015 so there are plenty of opportunities to get involved. We also take part in the Milennium Volunteering Programme. Please see leaflet in porch DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: First Communion - Sat 9th May at 11 am in Whitehouse. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE Recently Deceased Grace McLaughlin, Mary Collins Months Mind Sean McNally, Anniversaries Mary McCourt, Patrick Thompson, Mary Doran, John Sweeney, Drew Sloan, Joseph Donnelly, John & Alice Flynn
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