PRAYER CONCERNS Prayer for those receiving treatment: Derek Clarke, Jeff Gooding, Heather Newman, Chris Bocking, Sharon Heather’s Aunt Vicky, Margaret Hart, Lillian (Jessica Broider’s nan), Angela (Diana Pages mother) Prayer for those recovering: John Hart, Fidalma (Sharon Heather’s Friend’s Mum), Sophie Donoghue (Tom’s Grandmother), Bill Lattimore, Tom Hanna and his mother We remember in prayer: Sue Entwistle and her son, Becky King For LMC Preachers preparing for services this week & next Sunday: Chris Beament & Oseias Da Silva (LMC), Michael Hall (Wanstead) For Churches Together in Loughton St Michael’s Church, Roding Road Prayers for World Methodism: The Week—22nd March 2015 Emmanuel Asante, Methodist Presiding Bishop, Ghana Bill Mullally, Superintendent. Midlands District Welcome Prayers for the International church. New friends ... we look forward to getting to know you better; please introduce yourselves after the service and fill in a Welcome Card. LMC friends ... do introduce yourselves to people you don’t know. May the Peace of the Lord be with you all Almighty God, you are the creator of the entire Universe. We give you praise and adoration for who you are and what you have done and what you continue to do for the Methodist Church in Ghana. We thank you for the wisdom, protection and guidance that you have given the bishops, ministers and laity throughout the Connexion. Gracious God, we pray to you for the new presiding Bishop and the Lay President, that they will fulfil your vision and you mission for your church in Ghana. Amen William David, Chaplain, Ghanian Methodist Fellowship SERVICES TODAY 29th March 2015 9::00am Early Service Rev. Oseias Da Silva Organist: David Beggs 9:00am Prayer Service Chris Beament 10.30am Morning Service Rev Oseias Da Silva Organist: Malcolm Bell 10.30am Morning Service Rev Oseias Da Silva Organist: Malcolm Bell 11.15am General Church Meeting Bible Reading John 12: 23 - 28 Jesus replied, "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honour the one who serves me. "Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name!" Then a voice came from heaven, "I have glorified it, and will glorify it again. Prayer: Generous God, may the light of your Spirit highlight the places that need our help; - May the strength of your Spirit embolden us to bring our faith, time and resources into those places; - May the wisdom of your Spirit inspire us with the right words and deeds in every situation. May each small sacrifice we make in helping other reflect - Your compassion - Your supreme justice - And your unending love for all people So that every act of service becomes and act of worship which speaks of your Glory. Amen. Lyn Gennoe, local preacher, Bromsgrove & Redditch District Hi Folks, Just to remind you all that this Sunday the 22nd March it will be the Annual General Church meeting which will take place after the 10.30am service. The 10.30am service will be slightly shorter than usual (45 minutes) and the General Church meeting will take place after the service once everyone has had the chance to grab a quick coffee! Just to let you know that ALL are welcome to attend. It is a good opportunity to review what has happened in Church life over the last year as well as looking forward to the future. BIBLE VERSE FOR MARCH “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”. John 16.33 The Methodist Church, High Road, Loughton IG10 1RB Church Office Tel: 020 8502 3071 email: WEEKDAY ACTIVITIES AT LMC Monday 23rd Tuesday Wednesday 24th 25th Thursday 26th Friday 27th Saturday 28th 1:30pm 7:30pm 7:45pm 10:00am 9:00am 7:30pm 8.00pm 10.30am 2.00pm 1:00pm 7:45pm 10:00am Butterfly Club Communications Meeting (The Manse) Emmaus Group (Tower Room) Toddler Church Prayer Service “Draw Closer to God” (Lent Group) Seekers Group (238 Buckhurst Way) Girls Group Shoebox Crafters Shine (Ladies Group—Lifeworks) LMC Singers Rehearsal CDRC Coffee Morning Communications at LMC If you are interested in helping with communications at LMC, be it The Week, Grapevine, Website, emails or notices, you are invited to a meeting at the Manse on Monday 23rd March at 7.30pm where we can discuss issues and suggestions. It would help if you could let Oseias or Kay Ellis know if you are coming. Agape and Lent Group Dates: Wednesdays 25th March at 7:30pm – 9.30pm, in Worship and Welcome Areas. Lent is one of the greatest times to reflect what Jesus did for us before his crucifixion and resurrection. Rev. Oseias Da Silva would like to invite you for a journey of Agape (meal together), reflection and prayer. The course is called Drawing Closer to God. Davenant OAP Tea Party Wednesday 25th March 3:00 - 6:00pm Davenant School, Chester Road, Loughton will be holding an over 60’s social gathering which includes entertainment (poems, drama, raffle and lots more) and tea/cakes. Anyone requiring a lift there are minibuses which can pick you up. For more details ask Linda or Roger in the office. "Shine" This is our new ladies group and our next meeting is on Friday 27th March between 13.00 15.00 in LifeWorks. All ladies welcome. CDRC Easter Coffee Morning Saturday 28th March 10am-12.30pm in Wesley Café. Includes an Easter Raffle, Homemade Cakes and Refreshments. All proceeds will go to the Christian Drama Resource Centre. CHURCH REVIEW Thank you to everyone who has answered our questionnaire. We have lots of replies. We shall be presenting preliminary results at the services on 29th March, and holding a discussion on how we go forward for all the Church on Saturday 18th April at 3pm. See the Grapevine for more details. Walk of Witness Good Friday Walk of Witness Friday 3rd April will be leaving 10.45 from LMC up the High Road to finish outside at St Mary's church. The deadline for the April’s Grapevine is Thursday 26th March Church Spring Clean Saturday 4th April 10am-12 Noon. All abilities accommodated. Please come with cleaning materials to give our premises and Easter sparkle. Thanks, Chris Beament EASTER CROSS The Cross will be standing outside the Church on Easter Sunday (5th April). Please bring flowers with you to add to it as you arrive. One of the stewards will be on hand to help and, hopefully, the sun will shine. Easter Egg Hunt Easter Egg Treasure Hunt on the 6th April (Easter Monday) - this is an all ages community event in which teams will register to do challenges, search for eggs and interactively hear the true story of Easter. Register your team soon by calling the church office or emailing Jenna ( Cost is £12 per team (max. 6 people) We are also still looking for volunteers to help make this event for the community a success. No experience required - we need people to dress up, people on refreshments and people to steward to make sure things run smoothly. We hope to see you at the Hunt – either as a participant or a volunteer! Jenna Church Council Representatives This is the time when the Church Representatives are proposed and elected to the General Church Council from among members of the congregation. Seven of the current representatives are happy to stand again but they need to be nominated. Please pick up a form from the Welcome Area. St Mary’s Director of Children & Youth St Mary’s are advertising for someone to take this role in their church. For more details please contact their church office: or call 0208 508 3643 Closing Date 10-Apr-15. EASTER BOOKS: see a selection for children telling the Easter story on the bookstall, including sticker activity books and a delightful book ‘The Easter Swallows’. For adults there is the classic ‘Who Moved the Stone?’ and Rob Frost’s Lent study ‘The Way of the Cross’. EASTER WEEK SERVICES AT LMC Palm Sunday 29th Wednesday Maundy Thursday Good Friday 1st 2nd 3rd Easter Sunday 5th 9.00am 10.30am 12.15pm 8:00pm 10.00am 10.45am 9.00am 10.30am Prayer service led by Chris Beament Morning Service led by Rev. O. Da Silva Meditation and Reflection Holy Communion led by Rev. O. Da Silva Morning Service led by Rev. O. Da Silva Walk of Witness - starting from LMC Holy Communion led by Rev. O. Da Silva Holy Communion led by Rev. O. Da Silva.
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