E-zine Spring 2015 Welcome to Youth Work Ireland's Ezine, this online publication aims at providing the latest in information, funding opportunities, training services and sectoral resources for youth work practitioners in Ireland. Facebook Twitter Website Scene Magazine Call for Contributions The next edition of Scene Magazine and the next Scene Symposium (Wednesday May 20th) will explore the role of youth work in supporting mental health. Those who attended the recent consultations for the forthcoming National Youth Strategy will know that this topic was a key area of discussion at both the young people’s consultations and the consultation with the wider youth sector. Young people, however, were very clear that this was their top concern in implementing the new National Youth Strategy. Picking up on what will doubtlessly be an ongoing topic of discussion, the next Scene magazine and Symposium will provide opportunities for practitioners to: Share practice examples of how youth work contributes to mental health; Discuss and consider how collaboration on mental health initiatives can take place within the youth sector; Explore the concern of impact and outcomes in relation to mental health initiatives in youth work. If you wish to contribute an article and present your work at the forthcoming Symposium please contact Matthew for more details. Symposium on Mental Health In response to the expressed views of young people in the recent National Youth Strategy Consultations, the next youth practitioner symposium on Mental Health will take place on Wednesday 20th May. It will bring together practitioners, managers, academics, policy makers and young people to present the practice they feel relevant to the support of mental health services and consider new ways of working, collaborating and demonstrating impact.. The event is the most recent in an established series of symposia at which delegates from the sector have come together to discuss and consider various challenges and concerns relevant to Irish and international youth work. For more information click here>> Mini Grants Scheme Youth Work Mini Grants Scheme for 2015 is back, this great initiative aimed at supporting the development of your local youth clubs. The scheme is open to Youth Work Ireland clubs that currently hold youth club insurance under the Youth Work Ireland scheme. The first round of successful applicants will be announced on Saturday 25th April. Good luck to everyone who applied. For more information click here>> IYMAs - Ireland's only allisland youth music festival. Tickets on sale now! Saturday April 18th, Aviva Stadium, Dublin The IYMAs is an all-Ireland youth music project for teen bands and musicians. It is a music led music based project that honours the most effective music projects run by groups of young people each year. Regional heats have been taking place all over Ireland in the last few months. From these, over 15 regions will be represented on the day, there will also be a number of music workshops with industry professionals, plus lots more fringe activities happening!! Come along, see some great up & coming bands, take part in the music workshops and support your region. Buy your tickets now by clicking here>> Youth Work Ireland Week Youth Work Ireland Week take place from April 1824 with events running across the country, this year our theme is young people participating in decisions. Youth Work Ireland has run four regional Learning & Sharing workshops over the last month with more than 150 young people, workers and volunteers. Their examples of youth participation will be presented to Oireachtas members on April 22nd at the annual Youth Work Ireland Political Briefing. For more information click here>> Save the Date - Youth Work Ireland National Conference 2015 Our national consensus conference 2015 will take place on Saturday 3rd October in Dublin Castle and will focus on young people's participation in decision making. The day will be a mixture of key note speakers and practice based workshops. More details to follow, to register your interest please contact Gina NOISE Flicks Festival Calling all young filmmakers in Leinster – entries are now open for NOISE Flicks Festival 2015.NOISE Flicks is open to all young filmmakers aged 14-18 from Leinster, including both groups and solo projects. Short films MUST be submitted by 5pm Tuesday 14th April, and can be 2-15 minutes (including credits). For more information click here>> Polska Éire Festival Voices of Youth, a youth media group facilitated by Youth Work Ireland participated in an important conference for young people at the recent Polsak Éire Festival - Integration is it Working for Young People, which was aimed at sponsoring a new beginning for integration of young people from new communities into Irish society.Lord Major of Dublin Christy Burke and Minister of State Aodhán Ó Ríordáin attended to hear suggestions from young people on making Irish society more integrated and inclusive for new communities. For more detail click here>> Let's Go Mental Let’s Go Mental is a series of 30 regional events for teenagers to promote positive mental health through music, sport, the arts and other fun activities. Let’s Go Mental events will take place all over the country from June to October. A national launch of Let’s Go Mental will take place in Dublin at the end of June 2015. The Facebook page is now live so please like and share here>> Pobal Community Fund for National Organisation - Governance Code Training Pobal is strongly recommending that all its funded organisations adopt the Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable sector (The Governance Code) in Ireland. Therefore, as part of the Pobal Community Fund for National Organisations, Pobal has commissioned a Governance Code Training Programme in the form of a series of one-day governance training sessions taking place around the country. Facilitated by Boardmatch Ireland, Carmichael Centre and The Wheel, each session will provide participants with an understanding of good governance, the practical steps needed for implementing the Governance Code and an understanding of the Code in the context of Charities Regulation. For more information click here>> Marriage Referendum Ireland is set for change in 2015, for the first time in Irish history there will be a Marriage Equality Referendum, the National Board of Youth Work Ireland are supporting a Yes vote in the upcoming referendum scheduled for May 2015, for more information on this important campaign click here>> Youth Action's Company Youth Theater present MacBeth YouthAction NI’s Company Theatre Group, as part of Youth Work Ireland Week celebration presents one of the most cutting edge performances to ever reach the stage... This is a thrilling, heart stopping production that takes the genius that is Shakespeare and frames it with bold and fresh excitement! It is NOT to be missed! This dynamic production is designed for young people’s consumption, running at under an hour and a half, and is accessible, digestible and extremely engaging. Please support the young cast’s Dublin debut! Suitable for ages 12+ For more information please contact diane@youthaction.org Stand Up Awareness Week April 20-24 Stand Up! LGBT Awareness Week is aimed at creating positive understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people and their issues. The week provides an annual focus for promoting positive awareness of LGBT young people, tackling homophobia and homophobic bullying, transphobia and transphobic bullying, and building allies among young people and youth workers. For more information click here>> Job Bridge - Stepping Stone or Dead End This study explores the views and experiences of young people aged 18-25 who participated in the National Internship Scheme, JobBridge. The findings of this research are mixed: while a majority of participants were satisfied following participation, the research identified a number of deficiencies and a lack of quality. Other issues which emerged included insufficient monitoring, job displacement and inadequate income support. We are also concerned that only 27% secured full time employment. The full report can be downloaded here>> Training This Is Youth Work: Storytelling Workshop Date: Tuesday 12th May, Youth Work Ireland National Office Cost: €20 This workshop, through the process of describing and analysing an example of practice, will encouraged participants to reflect critically on if and how this is ‘youth work’. We will also explore what youth work practice means for youth workers in their current work settings and consider whether there is a need for an on-going local ‘alliance’ for youth workers. Bookings can be made by clicking here>> Understanding & Responding to the Sexual Behaviour of Children & Young People Date: Thursday 16th April, Carmelite Centre, Dublin 2 Cost: €50 NYCI’s Child Protection Programme is hosting a workshop for those involved in youth work to understand and respond to the sexual behaviour of children and young people. The workshop will be delivered by Joan Cherry Director and Mary Tallon, Northside Inter-agency Project (NIAP). Bookings can be made by clicking here>> Certificate in Child Protection and Welfare: The NYCI Child Protection Programme is now inviting applications for the 2015/2016 Certificate in Child Protection and Welfare which is accredited by Maynooth University. The course will run over fifteen days (five three day blocks) starting in September 2015 and ending in May 2016. Closing date for applications is May 29th 2015. For more information click here>> Fundraising Opportunities Irish Youth Foundation Funding 2015: The IYF's youth sector fund is now accepting applications this initiative is open to Foróige, Youth Work Ireland and NYCI Members, for further details click here>> Topaz Cash for Clubs - All club types and sizes can enter this draw to win a share of €10,000. The Cash for Clubs initiative runs until Sunday, 10 May 2015 after which date all complete entries will be entered into a random draw for a chance to win thousands of Euro! This will take place on Friday, 15 May 2015. For more details click here>> Irish Aid Funding for Development Education: Open call for grant funding applications for schools and NGO interested in getting involved, or already involved in development education activities. This scheme is an opportunity for you to apply for funding to support your development education activities. Deadline for applications is April 26th, 2012. For more information click here>> Funding Opportunities from the Dept. of Health: The Department of Health has a National Lottery Discretionary fund in place which provides once off grants to organisations providing a range of health related services. The fund is aimed at community and voluntary organisations operating in Ireland who provide health services to specific client groups (like people with an intellectual and/or physical disability), providing information and support for various disabilities and illnesses or groups with a specific interest (e.g. hospitals.) Closing date is May 1st, for more information please click here>> Resources Is Government Keeping its Promises Youth Works: A framework for to Children? Report Card 2015 / by effective interventions with young Children's Rights Alliance people not in education, training or employment / by YCNI New Resources in the Youth Work Ireland Library Carmichael Centre Quarterly Newsletter, 2015 Changing Ireland, Winter 2014/15 CND Curriculum Development News, Spring, 2015 Director Inspiring Business, April 2015 FLAC News, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2014 International Perspectives on Sexual & Reproductive Health, Vol. 40, No. 4 Know Your Rights:The Rights of Children & Young People / Children's Rights Alliance & ICCL NCBI News, Vol. 18, No. 1,Spring 2015 Relate, February 2015 Resource Point Handbook, Issue 5, Winter/Spring 2015 SVP Bulletin, Spring 2015 Travellers' Voice, February 2015 If you have a event, update or information you would like included in this please email Gina Copyright © *|2015|* *| National Youth Federation T/A Youth Work Ireland|*, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: Youth Work Ireland 20 Lower Dominick Street, Dublin 1 (t) 01-8584512 (e) ghalpin@youthworkireland.ie (w) www.youthworkireland.ie unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences
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