"Safe Dates" is the only evidence‐based curriculum that has: Preven on and interven on tools. Strong outcomes even a er four years. Proven effec ve with males and females. Addresses abusers and the abused. Acknowledges that either gender could play either role. This curriculum has 10 interac ve and engaging sessions. It is an excellent addi on to a Family Studies Class that addresses 13 benchmarks and 29 competencies in the FCS standards. PUBLISHED BY: SPONSORED BY: GOALS IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: To raise student awareness of da ng abuse and its causes and consequences. To equip students with the skills to de‐ velop healthy da ng rela onships, in‐ cluding posi ve communica on, anger management, and conflict resolu on. To equip students with the skills and resources to help themselves or friends in abusive da ng rela onships. For more informa on regarding the content of the curriculum, visit the following YouTube link—h p:// nyurl.com/video‐clip‐safe‐dates This $225 curriculum is available FREE through the generous support of Jana’s Campaign. Just sign a memorandum of agreement to teach the curriculum and a end a teacher training to become a cer fied implementer. TEACHER TRAININGS AVAILABLE July 26, 2015 in Overland Park, Kansas as a pre‐ conference to KACTE Summer Conference. Registra on is free but limited due to space. Don’t procras nate, go to h p://goo.gl/forms/uzDcTXNOs2 to register. (Do not click “edit this form” just fill in the blanks.) Registering before July 15 will guarantee the availability of curriculum. August 30‐31, 2015 at FCCLA Take AIM in Hutchinson, Kansas. Fall 2015 in Hays, Kansas. For more informa on contact: Monique Litherland at Royal Valley High School litherlandm@rv337.org Pam Lamb at Kansas FCCLA plamb@ksde.org Chris e Brungardt at Jana’s Campaign janascampaign@gmail.com
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