Regular Newsletter/Gereelde Nuusbrief No. 161 17.03.2015 Click: Follow the history/Click: Mpumalanga Historical Interest NOTE: That this is not an edited publication but merely a compilation of the contributions and comments as received from members and participants A regular edited annual will be available shortly REG. 126-240 NPO INHOUD/CONTENT Bornman’s new White River photo album now available Bornman se jongste foto-album van ou Witrivier verskyn This was published in White River Post of 5 March 2015: Local historian and publisher, Hans Bornman’s latest photographic album of White River is a delightful recollection of days gone by. The book depicts a settler’s village of mostly British pioneers eking out a living under conditions often harsh and unpredictable. It also leaves the reader with visual insight into an era well lived by a community quite unique in many ways. The photos were mostly collected from private snapshot albums. Most were a rare find not seen by many before and published here for the first time. Bornman allowed the readers of White River Post a sneak preview of some of the photos depicting local life of a bygone era. White River Photo Album is a must-have for all collecting books on local and Lowveld history. For those with a link to the area this is a welcome addition to Clair Neville’s White River Remembered as well as Liz Mackintosh’s The Tale of a School on Uplands Preparatory School. The book is available at the publisher or at the offices of Kruger Lowveld Chamber of Business and Tourism at Crossing in Mbombela. Also contact Mpumalanga Heritage at The collection contains an interesting selection of the original homesteads of the old settler’s families of the old White River Estates. This clump of thatched cottages and rondawels was once the homestead of Captain Basil Turner and his wife Helen on the Ridge Road near White River Another homestead was this thatched and white washed home of the Cambus family. It resembles an interesting mix between an old Transvaal farm house and a country croft somewhere in rural England. Ploughing the field in quite a different environment as the shady plantations that surrounded the town of White River in later years. On the Numbi Road. Photographed sometime in the first decade of the pervious century this spot has to be at the top of the descent at Legogote with the turn off to Peebles just ahead. Delius at Verlorenkloof A more comprehensive report on the archeological excursion this past Saturday lead by the renowned historian on Mpumalanga, Prof. Peter Delius, is to follow shortly. Some 80 people, many of which are members of Mpumalanga Heritage, were entertained on the latest historic and archeological research into the past of the Bokoni people. Delius is also coauthor of the recently launched book on this matter, Forgotten World. This predominantly peaceful agrarian group are believed to be responsible for the widely spread ruins of stone terraces, cattle pens and dwellings often to be found on the eastern escarpment. Forgotten World tells the story of Bokoni through rigorous historical and archaeological research, and lavishly illustrates it with stunning photographic images. Prof Peter Delius with the ladies of Wits University Press signing copies of Forgotten World The clear remains of old Bokoni agricultural terraces still visible at Verlorenkloof Hendrina 100 jaar Die komende naweek van die 22 Maart vier die gemeenskap van Hendriena se 100jarige bestaansviering. Heelwat interesaante brokkies oor die dorp se gekiedenis wissel tans hand op hendrina 100 jaar oud Hier volg enkele grepe uit die facebook bydraes wat reeds ontvang is:Meyer De Kock: 'n Ou Kerkraadsfoto (weet nie uit watter jaar nie). My Oupa JAM de Villiers sit eerste links voor). Marilou Van Staden: Hendriena Vyftig jaar Flip van der Merwe: Goeie dag aan almal op hierdie blad. Wie van die ouer garde onthou nog die "Borgward"skou wat min of meer in 1956/7 gehou was? Ek plaas hierdie foto wat ek uit my argief uitgegrawe het. ______________________________________________________________________ HISTORICAL TIMELINE MPUMALANGA & NEIGHBOURING REGIONS - 07 This a public project in progress. Members and participants are requested to send dates, detail and photographs – or even completed timelines to enable us to compile a comprehensive picture of the passing times in this region. A regular continuation of the timeline will be published here. Please help us to correct facts or to provide us with sources for more information. 1863 Skirmish between the Transvaal Boers and the local Ndebele people under the leadership of Chief Ndzundza A Farmer, originally from Holland, J Tuiter names his new farm on the Crocodile River Schagen, in commemoration of his place of birth in his motherland. This is later to become a station on the Eastern line between Algoa Bay and Pretoria. The railway line at Schagen in 2009 1864 The Swazis under command of Paramount Chief Mswati II wage a war against the (Northern Sotho/Pedi) Pulane-tribe under the leadership of Chief Maripe. The Pulane were occupying a stronghold at Blydepoort on the top of what today is known as Mariepskop (after chief Maripi). The Pulana remained unconquered after a constant avalanche of stones were rolled down the steep mountainside onto the descending Swazi warriors. Looking from the flat top of Mariepskop towards Kampersrus at the bottom Founding of the town of Middelburg. The settlement was originally called Nazareth. This name has remained in what used to be the coloured township of the town. Panorama of Middelburg in 1910, nearly fifty years after the town was founded Construction of Fort Merensky at Botshabelo to protect the German missionaries and their Black converts against possible attacks by the Pedis under the leadership of Paramount Chief Sekhukune. Fort Merensky at Botshabelo Alexander McCorkindale arrives in the ZAR to negotiate a Scottish settlement on the Eastern highlands of the republic. New Scotland near the current village of Chrissiesmeer 1865 January Carl Gottlieb Mauch an adventurist from Stetten in Germany arrives in Durban Harbour. He is 27 years of age. Carl Gottlied Mauch ZAR President MW Pretorius visits Lydenburg. He travels into the Lowveld and reaches Pretoriuskop. ( Bulpin, Lost Trails p83) MW Pretorius A growing amount of Pedi Christians found refuge at Botshabelo – meaning place of refuge. 1866 October, 13 Defining of the Transvaal border with Swaziland. Since then this was the undisputed internationally recognized border between the two countries and later with South Africa The mountainous watershed which determines the natural border between the ZAR and Swaziland Other Death of Mswazi/ti An ambitious McCorkindale plans to build a railway line to the Delagoa Bay through Swaziland. FURTHER CORRESPONDENCE/MEER KORRESPONDENSIE The Original Stonehenge farm house Ian Weeden, Mpumalanga Historical Interest Group – Facebook Group writes: My wife and I have recently purchased the original Stonehenge farm house and, not wanting to lose any of its history, was wondering if we could be put into contact with anyone who may know it's history, and with photographs, attempt to record these for the future. From the heritage desk: We picked this up from the Facebook site but then also realize that you are a recipient of our regular newsletter. Please forward some photos of the structure in its current state. Could you gather in what year this house was built? The old mines of the Kaap Some correspondence passed on by Hans Bornman by prof. Carl R Anhaeusser Professor Emeritus, School of Geosciences, Wits: Thank you for providing me with a complimentary copy of your Cockney Liz book. I have followed your historical accounts of things that happened in the Barberton area over the years gone by with great interest. It is great having someone like you keeping us abreast of the colorful history of the Barberton district. I started my geological research in the Low's Creek area when I was an MSc student way back in 1962 working on the old Lily gold mine. I subsequently went on to complete my PhD in 1969 in the Sheba HillsJamestown area and got familiar with many of the old mines and prospects in the area and learnt of the colorful historical aspects of the regions I mapped. I have subsequently been involved in geological research in many parts of the Barberton greenstone belt and still have a few projects I hope to wrap up in the next few years. I often stayed in the old Impala hotel where I believe Cockney Liz spent part of her time. So I am looking forward to reading more about her and her exploits. From the Heritage Desk: A conducted tour by Prof. Carl R Anhaeusser of the Sheba area and the remains of it mines will indeed make for a highly interesting outing. Can this be arranged? New Members Leigh & Iain Kay write: Wow!! What a great day. (Verlorenkloof) We really enjoyed it. It was good connecting with you and we look forward to more outings, and thank you for including us on your mailing list. UPCOMING EVENTS/VOLGENDE BYEENKOMSTE 11 April 2015 – Sabie railway branch line excursion We are in possession of about ten photographs recording the construction of the old Graskop line from Nelspruit some 100 years ago. All of these photographs will be published here in a next edition. Volunteers are called to help us to plot these old sites. On 11th April the plan is to go and find these places and recapture these scenes from the exact spot where the cameraman once stood. 25 to 27 April 2015 – Pilgrims Rest Weekend 9 May 2015 – Visit to Botshabelo at Middelburg 16 May 2015 – Mpumalanga Heritage antiques, books and collectable sale at Brondal Avo Festival 23 May - Annual Val Boer & Brit Dag, Beer & Boerewors tasting - contact Rita FROM OUR PHOTO COLLECTION/UIT ONS FOTOALBUMS The old Barberton Stock Exchange, later the Carnegie Library and today a restored historic façade ON BOOKS/OOR BOEKE: NEW/FOR SALE/FROM MY COLLECTION/IN SEARCH OF: NUUT/TE KOOP/UIT MY VERSAMELING/OP SOEK NA: History Books for Sale Bagley, JJ – Historical Interpretation: Soiurces of English Medieval History, 1066 – 1540 (1965/paperback) R100.00 Cammiade, Audrey – Franklin and the War of American Independence (1967/uncorrected proof copy/excellent condition) R100.00 Cammiade, Audrey – Lincoln and the American Civil War (1967/ uncorrected proof copy/excellent condition) R100.00 Christiaan de Wet Annale 1 – Dagboek van Hugo H van Niekerk (1972/soft cover/excellent condition) R300.00 De Apocriefe Boeken – de boeken genoemd Apocriefe. Door last van de Hoog-Mog. Heeren StetenGeneraal der Vereenigde Nederlande en volgend het besluit van de Synode Nationaal R100.00 Dhondt, Jan – Machten en mensen/Hommes et pouvoirs. De belangrijkste studies van Dhondt over de geschiedenis van de 19de en 20ste (1976/excellent condition) R200.00 Engelbrecht, SP Prof, Dr. – Dr. GD Scholtz se Geskiedenis van die Nederduitse Hervormde of Gereformeerde Kerk. (1953/Manila cover/good condition) R100.00 Hirsch, Richard – The Soviet Spies. The story of Russian espionage in North America (1947/good condition) R200.00 Hockett, Homer Carey – The critical method on historical research and writing (1963/excellent condition) R100,00 Kannemeyer, JC – Die Afrikaanse litratuur 1652 – 1987 (1St edition/1988/Excellent condition) R200.00 Kohn, Hans – Nationalism: its meaning and history (1965/paperback/excellent condition) R100.00 Potargent, P – Gedenkboek van de familie Withofs 1555 – 1965 (1969/limited 500 numbered 389/excellent condition) R250.00 Roberts, Elizabeth Mauchline – Lenin and the Downfall of Tsarist Russia (1966/uncorrected proof copy/excellent condition) R100.00 Smuts, JP dr. – Kruispaaie van die filosofie (excellent condition) R100.00 Van Jaarsveld, FA/van Wijk, Theo/Muller, CFJ/Scoltz, GD – Die hervertolking van ons geskiedenis – Simposium (1963/manila bound/excellent condition) 100.00
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