LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Contents About Licensed Practical Nurses Association of BC____________________________________________________ 1 The Professional Association, The College and Labour Relations ____________________________________ 2 Message from the President 2015 ____________________________________________________________________ 3 1st Vice President Report ______________________________________________________________________________ 5 Secretary Report ________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Treasurers Report ______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 Strategic Plan 2015– 2018 _________________________________________________________________________ 10 LPNABC - Proclamation of LPN Day – May 13, 2015 _____________________________________________ 12 LPNABC AGM Keynote Speaker – Dan Levitt ______________________________________________________ 14 Contact Information __________________________________________________________________________________ 15 Regional Representatives ____________________________________________________________________________ 16 Committees ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 17 Financial Statements _________________________________________________________________________________ 18 Notes to Financial Statement ________________________________________________________________________ 19 1|P a g e Mandate: • Advocate for the advancement and recognition of Licensed Practical Nurses in BC • To improve the educational and professional status of Licensed Practical Nurses in BC LPNABC AGM April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 About Licensed Practical Nurses Association of BC OUR MISSION LPNABC promotes professional excellence and lifelong learning with strength through a unified voice representing the LPNs of BC OUR MANDATE ◾Advocate for the advancement and recognition of Licensed Practical Nurses in BC ◾Improve the educational and professional status of Licensed Practical Nurses in BC OUR VISION ◾Learn from the past ◾Focus on the present ◾Prepare for the future ◾Celebrate our Profession QUICK FACTS ◾1951 The Practical Nurses Association in BC (PNABC) was formed to advocate for and represent Practical Nurses in professional practice issues. ◾1965 The PNABC changed their name to LPNABC as a non-profit organization incorporated under the Societies Act for B.C. on February 8, 1965. Corporation # S-0007065 Business #874522675BC Page 1 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 The Professional Association, The College and Labour Relations The Licensed Practical Nurses’ Association of British Columbia recognizes that for many individuals there is confusion about the role of the different groups associated with the professional field of Licensed Practical Nurses. This educational information has been prepared to help the public and Licensed Practical Nurses better understand the function and focus of the College and the Union. THE PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION (LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES’ ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA) The professional association promotes the interests of the members to the profession and to the public. To meet the needs of its members, an association: represents the nursing profession to government, employers and other agencies works with other health care organizations supports developments of social programs for its members promotes research and studies in nursing. For more information visit THE REGULATORY BODY (THE COLLEGE OF LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA) The purpose of a College or regulatory body is to protect the public by regulating the profession. This includes setting Standards of Practice and disciplining members who do not uphold them. To be accountable to the public, a College: sets entrance and practice standards upholds standards of practice and code of ethics creates and runs programs to ensure professional competency disciplines members who do not meet the practice and ethical standards has public members on its board and committees. For more information visit LABOUR RELATIONS (UNION) A Union aims to improve the social and economic welfare of its members. Its prime responsibility is to regulate relations between members Employees and their employers. A Union: negotiates collective agreements particularly for improvements in salaries, hours of work, benefits and working conditions handles and arbitrates grievances with employers helps members with problems arising at work that are related to nursing practice ensure that it represents all of the employees under its authority fairly For more information please refer to your local representative for your union. Page 2 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Message from the President 2015 As I write this annual report, I liken it to Christmas. You know it is coming and before you know it, here it is, a year later. This first year in the role of President has certainly been an incredibly productive one with new opportunities for the LPNABC. It is said that it takes a village to raise a child, with the LPNABC it takes the Executive and members. I am honoured to be working with such a dedicated group of volunteers who work tirelessly for LPNABC members. We certainly could not do the work we do without your support both with membership and sharing the work we do. The LPNABC continues to work within our mandate to advocate for LPNs opportunities. We were very happy to be included in the Opening of the Legislature in May 2014 for Nursing Week when all designations of the nursing family were represented, LPN, RPN, RN and NP. In meeting with the government with a united nursing voice, we show that importance of collaboration and communication. This created the ongoing frequent discussions between the nursing designations on the many issues we share in common. Developing and creating open, honest and ongoing discussion has been a wonderful result of this collaborative unity. We once again had and will have May 13th proclaimed as LPN Day in BC, within Nursing Week, with our thanks to Secretary Brenda Childs. In June we attending the CLPNBC AGM where a private members resolution regarding the College continuing to hold the liability insurance was defeated. The LPNABC continues to try and have open communication with our regulatory body but at this point, we have not succeeded in this area. We continue to move forward with our Strategic Plan. With the change in care model initiated at Island Health (formerly VIHA), the LPNABC composed a position statement on CDMR. We still feel that the “redesign” has not led to improvements for patients or their hospital experience. The LPNABC is aware that LPNs need jobs and have been displaced along with RNs with this model. LPNs have the best education, training and capabilities but are struggling in their workplace to be allowed to work to their Standards of Practice and Baseline Competencies. The LPNABC continues to advocate for the need for all health authorities to work together and have standardized approach across the province for continuity of practice. Our successes include being invited as stakeholders on how to monitor and support HCAs in the workplace. We have also been represented at frequent teleconference meetings with the MoH and other stakeholders on Ebola and developing ideas around keeping frontline staff safe. The LPNABC is happy to be a partner in Change DAY BC, October 15th and hope you will all make an online pledge plus share this at your worksite. Page 3 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 We continue to share information with others including BC Care Providers and Mental Health partners for LPN the value of utilization and opportunities. Once again we are offering ongoing education money for members at our AGM. The LPNAC strives to support LPN continuing education. This bursary allows members an opportunity to further their nursing skills by encouraging them to take a local course that will support them in their professional practice. We are happy to support our student members by offering them a complimentary one year membership to see firsthand the importance of a professional association. I was fortunate to be able to attend RPNAO (Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario) conference and AGM in the fall. Across this great country of ours, we are all struggling to be recognized for the healthcare professional that we are. Together we continue to share our message and work collaboratively in explaining to all “who” we are. The LPNABC continue to work with PN Canada in unifying LPN/RPNs across Canada with our National Association. Our efforts at ongoing communication with members has been very successful this year. We have our newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, Linkin and YouTube. We hope you follow us on all of these venues. We had a fun radio opportunity where treasurer, Anita and Secretary Brenda were given airtime to share the important of the LPNABC on the CKNW Sunday Night Sex Show. We answer many e-letters from nonmembers and hope that they see the importance of a professional association. We strive to engage members & share the important work of your association. Membership is voluntary and it is our hope that LPNs will see the value of the work we do not just Monday – Friday, but every day of the week. Talk about the LPNABC at your work, be PROUD of what you do and who you are. We will continue to work hard on your behalf for opening doors for LPNs in BC. Yours in nursing, Teresa McFadyen, LPN Page 4 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 1st Vice President Report As First Vice President I have continued to support the LPNABC via emails, text, and Social media. In February I attended the BCNU convention and networked with the President Gail and Vice President Christine. I also attended a meeting with The LPNABC and Todd Decker at the convention banquet to discuss his assisting us with our membership drive. Yours in Nursing Kerrie McHugh LPN 2nd Vice President Report I had the great pleasure to be part of the 2nd Vice President position and look forward to contributing to the LPNABC in this role. I have been mentored by the board and Anita Dickson for both this role and the Education Coordinator position. Last fall I attended the PN Articulation meeting at Vancouver Community College. Promoting student membership has also been a key focus for me, and I hope to gather more memberships in 2015. I have found that students at all levels in the PN program are eager to learn about their association and the benefits of supporting the Practical Nursing profession through membership at LPNABC. I sincerely hope to continue in the 2nd Vice President position in the future. Respectfully Submitted, Daina Dumont, LPN Page 5 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Secretary Report Support services provided in the transcribing of minutes and distribution of reports for the purpose of review and records. Membership certificates sent out to January 18, 2015 as coordinated with Treasurer. Corresponded with the Ministry of Justice to obtain the Proclamation for LPN day on May 13, 2015. I was fortunate to be join Anita D (Treasurer) for the scheduled on-air interview with Maureen McGrath on CKNW’s Sex Talk program. The topic of discussion was specific to LPN practice in the broader scope of health care in our province. It has been made available as a link to pod-cast or YouTube video on the LPNABC website. Through this winter period, I have continued to advocate locally for LPNs and encourage LPNs to join LPNABC. I have continued to be in touch with local educators in an effort to reach out to students studying in the field. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Childs LPN Page 6 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Treasurers Report I have had the honor of holding the positon of Treasurer for LPNABC for the past two years. In my role I have been partner in representing LPNs at numerous meetings advocating for the LPN profession that I respect so much! I have worked alongside a group of LPNs that are true leaders in each of their capacities. I am so proud of the LPNABC and the accomplishments that we have made over the recent years. The gains that we have made at so many important stakeholders meetings is a reflection of the incredible team I am a member of. I reflect on the following quote: “One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca In my role as the Treasurer I have remained the main responsible person to maintain the following activities: Support President & 1st Vice President during interim and regular duties as needed. Attend Executive meetings as a LPNABC representative Main contact person for Headquarters Office Services (formally known as: North Road Services and contract negotiator. Pick up all mail and deliveries Manage Financial Budgets and provide financial advice to Board on all purchases or proposals to maintain financial integrity of LPNABC Conduct all banking at Vancity Savings Reconcile Vancity chequing account and PayPal account Produce Financial Statements for Monthly meeting and Year End (unaudited) Main contact with PN Canada and CNA Emerging Groups and coordinate meetings PN Canada – Secretary/Treasurer Reconcile and upload updated Membership Registration lists to board members needed Also inclusive of my role as the Treasurer since election on April 16, 2013, I have been responsible for preparing and managing all finances of LPNABC. I have prepared the Annual Financial Statements for 20142015 and presented the Budgets and Financials Statements with the intent to bring forward to the upcoming AGM. The LPNABC Board continued to ensure that we comply with the resolution passed in April 18, 2013 that “10% of all Membership Dues will be Restricted Funds and reserved to be awarded to members at the next AGM”. I am pleased to announce that LPNABC will be presenting the amount of $1,000 again for 2015and awarded in the following: • (4) $250.00 Continuing Education Fund Awards Page 7 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 These are to be given out at the upcoming AGM, through the simple process of drawing from the current membership names. In addition to my work as Treasurer, I remained the Educator Coordinator (interim) mentoring Daina Dumont and Diane Arnold who will be sharing the responsibility as they orientate into this important role. The LPNABC Educator Coordinator is a long standing member of the PN Articulation Committee that meets twice a year. The importance of this role in representing the LPN professional practice and advocating for the Educational needs of the LPN. The Educator Coordinator also advocates for the future continuing educational needs at the provincial group attended by all the Public & Private Schools of Nursing representing the Practical Nurses Program. In collaboration with Daina & Diane who have revised and updated a Power point presentation that will be distributed through our Regional Representatives and PN Articulation Committee to the PN Schools. Here is some of the highlights that I have attended and represented LPNs across BC: May 12th 2014 – Attend Opening of Legislation, Nursing Week meet with Minister of Health May 25-26th – Represented LPNABC table at the BC Care Providers Association AGM, Whistler BC June 5th – ARNBC AGM representing LPNABC June 14-16th 2014 – Attend CNA AGM & Conference, Winnipeg Manitoba June 24th Teleconference with Andrew Weaver, Teresa McFadyen, President September 10th Teleconference with RPNAO re: PN Canada to discuss bylaws September 21st – meet with ARPNBC new president September 22nd – Menno Place – presentation re: LPN Scope of Practice October 16th – BC Care Providers Luncheon with MoH Terry Lake October 27th – PN Articulation Committee meeting November 5th – BCNU Meeting with Gail Duteil January 12th – ARNBC filming of info commercials on behalf of LPNABC January 26th – Nursing Associations Coalition meeting February 1st – CKNW Radio interview with Maureen McGrath February 5th – Attend meeting with Ministry regarding BC Care Aide Registry February 6th – Attend “Seniors Care” with the Seniors Advocate and Ombudsperson February 25th – BCNU Conference Dinner – representing LPNABC I continued to also represent PN Canada as the Secretary/Treasurer the position of Bylaw & Legislation and completed the updating. PN Canada application under the new “Not for Profit Act” was submitted by October 17th, 2014 and accepted by the Federal Government as of March 2015. Along with Teresa McFadyen, President and Brenda Mundy Vice President of PN Canada we continue to hold regular teleconferences and sent out letters to our sister provinces to move forward renewed memberships in the national association. Page 8 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 As the Secretary/Treasurer of PN Canada, we reapplied and was successfully granted $500 as per the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) Emerging Group. I have not transferred the PN Canada funds to LPNABC as of date of this report; it is recorded on all reconciliation as “additional funds” notation. I was responsible to prepare an annual report for the upcoming AGM regarding this matter. I look forward to the coming year, I hope to continue to support LPNABC and will run for re-election for the Treasurers position. I think the 2015 AGM stands to be one our best events again with the wonderful speaker and the guests that are welcoming to attend. I look forward to continue to work with this amazing group of LPNs in all capacities and continue celebrate the great work we have done to date and the hope for future growth together. Respectfully submitted, Anita Dickson, LPN CKNW Radio Interview host Maureen McGrath CNA Conference 2014 – Barbara Mildon, President BC Care Providers Association 2014 Conference – Daniel Fontaine, CEO Page 9 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Strategic Plan SIX MONTHS: Plan AGM including budget and agenda. Devise a method to deliver outreach strategy to Members, eg. Webinar. Continue to network with ARNBC, RPNBC and BCNPA to build a federation to move health forward. Continue to advocate to MoH, for increased optimization of LPN utilization within the health care teams. Recruit a LPNABC member to lead the Communications Committee. Prepare budget for 2014-2015 for Communications and Promotions. Continue to work toward partner affiliate with GNABC & CNA for Gerontology. 2015– 2018 EIGHT MONTHS: TWELVE MONTHS Form affiliate membership with one special interest group formed i.e. Peri-operative LPNs, Foot Care, OrthTech, ER Re-establish relationship with CSNA Establish regional reps for all regions for the upcoming AGM Page 10 Membership campaign ongoing. Maintain our numbers with measurable things like our bursary fund/ education fund. Work with Regional Representatives. Set up and improve on-line registration process to make more streamline and userfriendly. Establish corporate sponsors to pay for our AGM each year. Create and establish outreach with educators to do regular presentations to PN students to promote LPNABC. Develop plan for conference in 2016. PN Canada policy and procures manuals developed. Two more provinces join PN Canada to become affiliate member of CNA (2016 deadline) CNA - Affiliate member Certification for 2 specialties. Full complement of standing committees LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 TWO YEARS: THREE YEARS: FIVE YEARS: Have established strong relationship with nursing bodies to advocate on behalf of each discipline of healthcare. Regularly meet to strategize what common problems/ interests we share. Have outreach program well established for executive to travel and support Regional Reps. Advocate for {NABC & PN Canada to be the spokesperson/organization that government seeks regarding LPN practice within the province. PN Canada has all provinces as members Establish policy writer for LPNABC to the government. Establish Lobbyist position CNA - Affiliate Member Certification for all specialties Define LPN practice to be portable from province to province. Need to ensure that the curriculum is the same throughout Canada, as we write a national exam. Advocate for PN curriculum to remain equal in all provinces and continue to write a national exam. The LPNABC sets the standards for advance practice i.e. Peri-operative, gerontology, rehab, foot care nurse. Bylaws, policy and procedures reviewed Represent all LPNs in BC at ministry level TEN YEARS Executive Director in place. 90% of the LPNs in the province are members of LPNABC Page 11 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 LPNABC - Proclamation of LPN Day – May 13, 2015 Page 12 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 LPNABC Education Award Winners - 2014 Jennifer Gill, PN Graduate 2015 I am a recent PN grad, having just graduated in February. I haven't used the bursary yet, as I was still in school. I will be using it on an IV therapy course in May and June of this year to expand my skills. I look forward to adding these skills to my resume! I am not yet working as an LPN yet, as I only just received my interim license, but am actively looking forward to practicing! I hope to be able to meet you at the AGM. Thank you, Jennifer Katherine Janzen, LPN I was hoping to take an immunization course, but haven't had a chance to yet. Will keep you posted. Thank you so much for the Award. Preet Heer, LPN Hi there, I appreciate you following up with me after granting me the education bursary. I have used the money towards furthering my education. I am currently taking prerequisite courses pre-BsN at Vancouver Community College. I'm working as a healthcare worker and unfortunately I have not been able to find employment as an LPN. Page 13 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 LPNABC AGM Keynote Speaker – Dan Levitt “CHANGING THE CULTURE” Keynote Speaker: Dan Levitt, MSc. CHE Executive Director, Tabor Village Adjunct Professor, Gerontology Department, Simon Fraser University Transforming Lives: Enhance the Patient Experience While Enhancing your Quality of Work and Life. This interactive session will engage participants with real life examples of innovative leadership and best practices that transform the patient journey. This change leadership session will offer delegates the opportunity to develop solutions to the challenges faced in the workplace that can be implemented in their work and in life. Participants will leave the dynamic session with a bolstered sense of what is possible creating hope and inspiration for the future. Dan is a frequent keynote speaker across North America, Europe, Asia, and later this year he will be presenting in Australia and New Zealand. The moving talks he delivers leave delegates with a sense of optimism, inspiration and hope for turning challenges into opportunities. As the Executive Director, Tabor Village he shepherds the enhancement of social, spiritual, and care needs for nearly 300 seniors. Leading a team of over 400 employees and volunteers, Dan inspires them with a commitment to continuously improving the quality of life at the campus of care. Dan is an Adjunct Professor teaching Long Term Care Administration in the Gerontology Diploma Program at Simon Fraser University; Vice Chair, Alzheimer Society of BC; and a Board Member of the International Association of Homes and Services for the Aged. His adventure exploits have taken him from Africa’s highest peak Mt. Kilimanjaro to the Caribbean Sea’s Planacar Reef, from canoeing across the Yukon to racing this year in the Boston and New York Marathons. Dan has appeared on television and radio as well as authoring many articles in newspapers and professional journals. His insights on seniors care leadership are sought after at events across Canada, the United States, Europe, Asia and later this year he will be speaking at conferences in Australia and New Zealand. PLEASE JOIN ME IN WELCOMING DAN LEVITT! Page 14 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Contact Information TERESA MCFADYEN COMMUNICATION CHAIR Email: BRENDA CHILDS REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE LIAISON Email: DAINA DUMONT DIANE ARNOLD EDUCATOR COORDINATOR Email: Promotions: Todd Decker Email: Page 15 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Regional Representatives LPNABC LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES ASSOCIATION OF BC Region 1: Vancouver Coastal Lucy Hotchkiss Region 2: Vancouver Island Teresa McFadyen (Interim) Anne Lai Region 3: Fraser Todd Decker Region 4: Interior Donna Close Kathleen Westlin Region 5: Northern Sylvie Perrot Joanne Rebagliati Page 16 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Committees COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE - 2 YEAR TERM Chair - Teresa McFadyen Vacant Seat PROMOTIONS COMMITTEE - 2 YEAR TERM Todd Decker Danica Wallace LEGISLATION AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE - AD HOC Chair - Kerrie McHugh Anita Dickson Meg Coyle FINANCE COMMITTEE – 2 YEAR TERM Chair – Anita Dickson Vacant Seat Page 17 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Financial Statements 2014 – 2015 Page 18 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Notes to Financial Statement The Licensed Practical Nurses Association of British Columbia is an organization that promotes excellence and lifelong learning for Licensed Practical Nurses. It advocates on the behalf of its membership and keeps them informed on professional issues. 1. RECOGNITION OF REVENUE The Association uses cash method of accounting and has no restricted funds at this time. 2. FUTURE OPERATING FUNDS The board prepares an operating budget based on prior year’s membership and adjusts operating costs accordingly. The budget is reviewed quarterly based on a calendar year accounting period. LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The LPNABC is deemed a non-profit organization under the Society’s Act and adheres to the guiding principles that any investments are considered at simple interest bearing and all monies are to be used to promote and support the LPN profession. The Association is held accountable under the Society Act to prepare annual financial reports to be presented annually to the members of the LPNABC. The annual financial reports are also being made available to the public upon request and a fee maybe charged at the discretion of the LPNABC board. The Executive Board presented the most recent financials at the March 23, 2015 for the fiscal period of April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015 which will be presented for acceptance by the members at the 2015 AGM. The financial records from April 1, 2014 to present are also in balance as per Treasurers Report on March 23, 2015 (last recorded LPNABC Executive Board meeting). The financial statements are prepared in accordance with Canadian generally-accepted accounting principles and determined to be free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Page 19 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 LPNABC - Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2015 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Accounts receivable (less doubtful accounts) Inventory Temporary investment Prepaid expenses Total Current Assets Fixed Assets Long-term investments - Coast Capital GIC Land Buildings (less accumulated depreciation) Furniture and fixtures (less accumulated depreciation) Total Net Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSETS $5,784 $5,784 $10,000 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued - Education Fund re: 2015 Current portion of long-term notes Interest payable Taxes payable Total Current Liabilities Long-term Liabilities Restricted Funds - Education Awards Total Long-Term Liabilities $906 ($906) ($906) Shareholders' Equity $10,000 Retained earnings Total Shareholders' Equity $15,784 $15,784 $15,784 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY $15,784 Note: LPNABC accounting practice is on a cash basis. Page 20 $0 $906 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Income Statement Licensed Practical Nurses Association of B.C. For Period Ending March 31, 2015 Current Month August 2014 to March 31, 2015 REVENUE Membership Dues 10% Education Fund - 2015 Interest Income Net LPNABC $2,309.91 April 1, 2014 to Date $ -$ $326.75 $2,636.66 PN Canada - Emerging Group PN Canada - expense Net PN Canada $ Total Revenue AGM Revenue - 2014 AGM Expenses - 2014 AGM Printing Expense AGM Promotional AGM Board Accommodation AGM Travel Expense AGM "Inspiring Minds" AGM Gifts for Guest Total AGM Expenses AGM Profit/(Loss) Net Income Page 21 Year to Date $500.00 $36.68 463.32 3,708.66 906.00 $2,802.66 $ $ $ 1,500.00 564.70 935.30 $3,099.98 $3,737.96 $3,099.98 $3,070.00 $2,138.56 $1,304.55 $363.22 $563.50 $518.94 $500.00 $187.77 $5,576.54 ($2,506.54) $1,231.42 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 OPERATING EXPENSES Telephone Line Rental Mail Box Copy/Printing Storage Expense HST / GST $400.00 $360.00 subtotal - Headquarters Office 2013 Annual fees - Ministry Finance Promotional Materials Web E-mail Hosting Consultation and design work Membership Exp Office Supplies Postage Printing / Advertising Conference Fees Travel Expense - non board member GST paid Education Fund - 2014 Award - Members subtotal - admin expenses $200.00 $48.00 $600.00 $540.00 $52.50 $275.00 $71.38 $1,008.00 $1,538.88 $132.33 $15.00 $21.68 $40.00 $1,892.25 $132.22 $280.39 $15.00 $3.36 $31.27 $744.57 $210.00 $350.48 $318.44 $1,000.00 $169.01 $5,017.98 $250.00 $146.91 $1,189.51 $371.91 $270.89 $1,117.97 $270.89 $1,714.00 subtotal - Board Members $1,785.77 $3,546.31 Total Expenses $2,962.78 $10,103.17 $137.20 ($8,871.75) Board Administrative Fees Accomodation Meals Mileage Travel Miscellaneous Net Profit or (loss) Page 22 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Budget for AGM April 28, 2014 EXPENSES Site Room and hall fees Site staff Equipment Tables and chairs Total Estimated Actual $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Gift Basket Estimated Actual LPN Swag bags $2,000.00 $363.22 $2,000.00 $363.22 Estimated Actual $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,304.55 $1,000.00 $1,804.55 Estimated Actual $500.00 $900.00 $563.50 $518.94 $1,400.00 $1,082.44 Total Publicity Graphics work Photocopying/Printing Stationery supplies Total Board Members/AGM Board Members Accomod. Travel/Mileage Total Page 23 0% 11% 0% 6% 30% 35% 18% Site Gift Basket Publicity Board Members/AGM LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 Refreshments Estimated Actual Food Desserts Total $2,150.00 $2,138.56 $2,150.00 $2,138.56 Estimated Actual Program This funds could be used Inspiring Mind - Award $200.00 Other - gift for speakers $200.00 $187.77 $400.00 $687.77 Estimated Actual $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Estimated Actual $7,150.00 $6,076.54 Total Prizes Gift Baskets - Donations Misc Total Total Expenses $500.00 Board Expenses Notes: I recorded the Per Diem expense to LPNABC Board Administrative Costs so this is not included in the budget. Page 24 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015 LPNABC ANNUAL REPORT 2015 WEBSITE: WWW.LPNABC.CA LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES OF ASSOCIATION OF BC #211 3030 Lincoln Avenue Coquitlam, BC V3B 6B4 Tel (604) 434-1972 ◾General Inquiries: ◾Executive Board: ◾Membership Inquiries: ◾Website Inquiries: ◾AGM/Conference Inquiries: ◾Newsletter Inquiries: Page 25 LPNABC Executive Board – April 13, 2015
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