Newsletter for the members of the Lake Pontchartrain Sail & Power Squadron A Unit of the United States Power Squadrons District 15 June 2015 Volume 24 Issue 6 UNDER THE BRIDGE LATEST NEWS AND EVENTS FROM THE COMMANDER Cdr.JoeyWheeler,AP Plan to reduce the vessels windage as much as possi‐ ble? Adequate bilge pumps and ba eries to dewater the wind driven rain that will find it’s way into the boat? Plan to secure openings (vents, doors, windows, etc.) For more informa on on preparing a hurricane plan please see “The Boaters Guide to Preparing Boats & Marinas for Hurricanes” by Boat US. The guide is available at : HurricaneWarning.pdf Last month our squadron held ac vi es to promote Safe Boa ng Week. I would like to thank Nick Chronis for or‐ ganizing our squadrons safe boa ng ac vi es. Also many thanks to all who par cipated in the ac vi es. One last thing. I would like to thank you for your member‐ ship in the LPSPS. Your membership, par cipa on, and support for our squadron truly make it what it is. The 2015 hurricane season starts 1 June. In a hurricane a boat can be expected to experience wind, waves, high water and rain in extreme amounts not typically experi‐ enced by boaters. If you have not done so already, now would be a good me to review your hurricane plan/ preparedness. Some things to consider: Review of your insurance policy for policy re‐ stric ons, deduc ble, etc. When do you intend to implement your plan? How much me is required to safely implement the plan? Where will your boat ride out the storm? On land or in the water (in the slip or elsewhere)? Have you made any necessary arrangements with the marina/boat yard? Do you have “hurricane” lines to properly secure your boat? How about the neighboring boats? 1 Lake Pontchartrain Sail & Power Squadron United States Power Squadrons EXECUTIVE OFFICER Lt/CChristineWilliams,P On Saturday, May 16th, 2015, LPSPS kicked off Safe Boa ng Week by conduc ng Vessel Safety Checks at Ma‐ rina Del Ray. It was unfortunate that the weather fore‐ cast for the day was not good, and it was windy, so there were not too many boaters launching their boats. De‐ spite all that, the VSE's were able to get some VSCs done, and as is usual with LPSPS members, a good me was had by all. Because of some very ominous looking clouds, we decid‐ ed to move the me of the "Ready, Set, Wear It" por on of the kick off up about 15 minutes. Sgt. Mike McCrea from the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office Marine En‐ forcement was our guest speaker. He has over 20 years experience in marine law enforcement, search and res‐ cue, and recovery. He was very knowledgeable and I think all of us who par cipated in the RSWI came away with a new apprecia on for the need and importance of Personal Flota on Devices (PFD). Wear it!!! P/D/C Glenn Roy went through the safety demonstra on that he and Nick Chronis provide for the many students who par cipate in field trips to the Mari me Museum every year. P/D/C John Bell demonstrated how to deploy a manual inflatable PFD (type V) and then how to re‐arm it with a fresh CO2 cartridge and re‐pack it. There was also discus‐ sion on re‐arming an automa c PFD, and how to tell if the cartridge needs to be replaced before it is in need of be‐ ing deployed. They should be checked every six months or so. The humidity here in Southern Louisiana is not our PFD's friend! Thank you so much to all who par cipated in this im‐ portant event, and a very special thank you to Nick Chro‐ nis who went to tremendous lengths devo ng much me and effort into making this the successful event it was! Safe boa ng to all! 2 Lake Pontchartrain Sail &Power Squadron United States Power Squadrons E DUCATION OFFICER Lt/C Douglas A. Brooks, JN Published by United States Power Squadrons® Public Rela ons Commi ee Contact R/C Greg Sco en, SN gsco “WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE….” “….nor any drop to drink!” A line penned by Samuel Tay‐ lor Coleridge in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” his ex‐ tensive ode of peril and nau cal adventure. Its lament was true for boaters then and is s ll true today. Drinkable water is a provision that should not be taken lightly, wher‐ ever you boat. Dehydra on is as easy to detect and avoid as it is to ig‐ nore. To clarify, it can be ignored only it un l it over‐ whelms you….which it will. Your body can go more than three weeks without food yet can go only a mere seven days (a generous es mate) without hydra on. When heat/sun and wind are a factor, that number changes sig‐ nificantly to three or four days. When the wind is evapo‐ ra ng your perspira on, you may not even realize that you are losing significant body fluid. It is possible to lose over a liter an hour. Dehydra on is uncomfortable at best, dangerous at worst and should be avoided if at all possible. The first obvious indicator of dehydra on is thirst, but, if it is windy and you are a mouth breather, you may not no ce any difference from normal. The second most significant indicator is poor urina on. How long has it been since you drained your personal holding tank? Other signs and symptoms of dehydra on are palpita ons (a rapid heart rate) dry eyes and lips and no urina on for several hours. The human body needs water to maintain adequate blood pressure. Therefore dehydra on leads to decrease in blood pressure and increase in heart rate, light headedness and eventually disorienta on and unconsciousness. We also need sufficient hydra on to maintain a normal body tem‐ perature. Perspira on, our best defense to overhea ng, ceases without water. If you have any underlying health issues, you are even more suscep ble to the physical impact of becoming dehydrated. A crew member with resul ng physical or mental compro‐ mise is a safety issue for all. Preven on is so easy… prior to going out, drink plenty of water and while on the water, be sure to drink water regularly. I make it a point of drinking lots of water the night and morning before we plan to be on the water, to assure that I am leaving the dock adequately hydrated. To learn confident and safe boa ng, contact your local unit of the United States Power Squadrons or the na onal web‐ site at Its members always send the invita on: “Come for the Boa ng Educa on...Stay for the Friends.” Please enjoy and preserve our beau ful waters. Be safe and take all your cans and bo les home! We welcome sugges ons you may have for future topics. Be safe boaters! Leigh Ann Long Mark Long Staff Writers Public Rela ons Commi ee United States Power Squadrons 3 Lake Pontchartrain Sail & Power Squadron United States Power Squadrons DISTRICT 15 2015 Fall Conference LT/Janice Bordelon Perdido Bay Power Squadron will be hos ng the District 15 Fall Conference on the beach in Orange Beach Al, October 23-25, registra on form is a ached. Please mark your calendars, make your reserva ons and plan to join us. Saturday and Sunday June 27th and June 28th All events will take place at the Island House Hotel. This hotel is on the beach and all rooms face the Gulf, the room rates apply a couple of days before and a er our conference dates. Tin Lizzy’s Rendezvous’ If by boat ‐ plan to leave the wall in Madisonville 09:00 arrive Middendorf’s for lunch The USPS Boa ng Skills Virtual Trainer will be available to test your boa ng skills. If by car ‐ plan to arrive Middendorf’s for 11:00 or 11:30 Depart Middendorf’s a er lunch and arrive Prop Stop for anchoring out a bit More informa on will be coming about educa on plans, agendas etc. Pull up anchor and depart for Tin Lizzy’s for evening / overnight ra up (approx. 4:00 or 4:30) arrival at Tin Liz‐ zy’s (if by car, plan to arrive around 5ish) Our dates are one week before Halloween: Food and drink and witch’s brew, the only thing we s ll need is you! Appe zers on the boats, dinner, dancing, etc. at Tin Liz‐ zy’s – NEED RSVP on boats so we can make sure on our ming to Tin Lizzy’s ‐ (although it is 1st come 1st serve)… or 985‐264‐4207 United States Power Squadrons Perdido Bay Power Squadron Fall Conference Chair Fellow D/15 Member, 9213 Soldier Creek Rd. The D/15 Commi ee on Rules has been asked to update the bylaws for the district. I have received Preliminary Approval for the revised bylaws from the USPS Com‐ mi ee on Rules. In an cipa on of these revised bylaws being moved on and poten ally approved by the mem‐ bership at the Fall Conference, I have uploaded them to the web at the below address for you to download and review. Please do comment on any necessary correc‐ ons via return email to and not neces‐ sarily the address in the From block on this email. Lillian, AL 36549 Pat Brewer 251‐961‐7669 creekits@gul Come for the Boa ng Educa on...Stay for the Friends℠ PDF version … Word version ... P/R/C Harry Hebb, SN 4 Lake Pontchartrain Sail & Power Squadron United States Power Squadrons DISTRICT 15 FALL CONFERENCE 23-25 OCTOBER 2015 Island House Hotel Orange Beach, AL 36561 HOST: PERDIDO BAY POWER SQUADRON Rank__________Name______________________________________________Grade____________ Spouse/Guest______________________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________State_____________Zip_________________ Approximate Time Event Cost Per person Friday Cocktails 1700 Saturday Lunch 1230-1330 $8.00 $20.00 Number of Attendees Total (Members, spouses & guests) Saturday Afternoon Dolphin Cruise for those not attending classes Saturday Dinner Times to be determined 1800-2100 $20.00 +tax Per person $45.00 Sunday Farewell 0800-1000 N/C TOTAL For Room Reservations, Contact: MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: The Island House Hotel PERDIDO BAY POWER SQUADRON (all rooms face the Gulf) MAIL TO: P/C Pat Brewer 26650 Perdido Beach Blvd. 9213 Soldier Creek Rd. Orange Beach, AL 36561 Lillian, AL 36549 251-961-7669 251-981-6100 Online Request group code: 232369239 By phone: US Power Squadron rate Room Rate: Standard King/Queen $109.00 +tax Dolphin Cruise is dependent on # of people that sign up and weather condi on on day of trip. Refunds will be made if trip cancels. Ques ons or problems? Send e-mail to: P/C Pat Brewer, P creekits@gul 251-961-7669 District 15 Conference Hotel Rates are GUARANTEED until 02 OCTOBER 2015 ALL ROOMS PLUS LOCAL 5 AND STATE TAXES. United States Power Squadrons 2015Calendar of Events for the next 60 Days see page 8 LPSPS June Mee ng Thursday, June 11, 2015 Social: 6:00 p.m. Meal and Mee ng 7:00 p.m. Lake Pontchartrain Basin Mari me Museum 133 Mabel Drive, Madisonville, LA POTLUCK DINNER, DOCK PARTY THEME We will celebrate the beginning of the Summer Boa ng Season! Please bring a dish to share and don't forget your favorite beverage. ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ PLEASE NOTE: There will be no General Membership mee ng in July and August as we take me out to GO BOATING so try to make the mee ng this month. We would love to see everyone there. William Dennis 06/06 Gwen D, Chandler 06/06 Judith S. Blackman 06/19 Linda M. Keefer 06/20 Elena Janssen 06/24 Arthur L. Roberts 06/27 Wayne R. Mac Culloch 06/28 Nicholas N. Chronis 06/29 There are no new classes in June 6 Lake Pontchartrain Sail & Power Squadron United States Power Squadrons 2015 Bridge Officers Commander Cdr. Joey Wheeler, AP 504-249-9637 Executive Officer Lt/C Christine Williams, P 985-624-3813 Administration Officer TBD Education Officer Lt/C Doug Brooks, JN 504-453-0225 Treasurer Lt/C John Winters, 504-957-7011 Secretary Lt/C Elaine Gardner, 985-845-0193 Executive Committee Members Scott Bordelon Chris Cottrell John Gniady, P Lynn Haase, AP Steve Rhodes George Trousdale, S Newsletter editors John Bell & Dwight Coursey WEBMASTER Elena Janssen 7 Lake Pontchartrain Sail & Power Squadron United States Power Squadrons ~ Ju ne 2015 ~ ? M a y 201 5 Sunday M o n d ay T u esd ay 1 W ed n esd a y 2 T h u rsd ay 3 4 Jul 20 15 ? S atu rd a y F rid a y Exec Board M eeting 5 6 12 13 @ PYC – 6:30 pm 7 8 9 10 11 G eneral M em bership M eeting @ LPBM M 6:00 pm ; Pot Luck 50/50 Dock Party Them e 14 Flag Day 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Father's Day / Sum m er Solstice 22 23 24 25 26 27 Prop Stop -Tin Lizzie Rendezvous 28 29 Prop Stop -Tin Lizzie Notes: 30 Rendezvous ~ July 2015 ~ ? Jun 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Aug 2015 ? Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Exec Board Meeting Friday Saturday 3 4 10 11 17 18 Independence Day @ PYC – 6:30 pm 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 No Membership Meeting Coop Charting Rendezvous 19 Coop Charting 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 25 Rendezvous 26 8 Notes: Lake Pontchartrain Sail & Power Squadron
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