From the President’s Desk Happy Spring Sorors! Can I hear you say LRAC Delta’s Youth Initiatives… That sure sounds good to me. Sorors, in the next two months we will be celebrating and highlighting the dedication, commitment and accomplishments of our youth. We have 16 senior GEMS who will be honored during their senior salute on May 30, 2015. This group of young ladies has been a part of our Delta Academy/GEMS program since they were sixth graders. Our EMBODI committee is preparing for our Annual Law Day to be held on May 2, 2015, at the Delta House. Law Day is titled “It’s A Family Affair,” seeking to impart wisdom and knowledge about many concerns that we have as a nation, as it relates to our young black boys. Our P.A.R.K Outreach committee is gearing up for our end of the year recognition and celebration on April 9, 2015,on the campus of P.A.R.K. We will celebrate the accomplishments of the youth, which our members serve through lecture, activities, information sharing and mentoring. Delta Presents - our signature scholarship program –Sorors, we have 27 talented young men, who have spent numerous hours with us, since September, adhering to all that we have asked and required of them. It’s our time to show them how much we truly appreciate and support them. Delta Presents is Sunday April 26, 2015 at the UALR Theatre, tickets are $30.00 for adults and $15.00 for students. When we think about all of the things happening to our black boys worldwide, we should be eager to financially support and attend this annual program. This year’s theme is “A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.” This year’s production is in honor of the 50 th Anniversary of Selma, you don’t want to miss it. The steering committee has met and reviewed the desired scholarships; they have verified the actual income and have found we are little short, to date. You can make the difference. Yes we need the revenue, to support the scholarships, however my heart, wants us to reach out to our black boys as well. Look around your family, church, school and neighborhood, there is a young black boy, that somebody has counted out, been made to feel that he doesn’t matter, that he is not going to amount to anything and the list goes on. Sorors, let’s each one reach one. Let’s each commit to bringing at least one black boy to the Delta Presents program, seeking to inspire and empower, while changing the negatives placed in his life. “Some things we don’t need to say …we need to do.” April 25 is my birthday and I am purchasing 10 student tickets for 10 young men from the Alternative School to join me for Delta Presents 2015! Sorors, together…Let’s Make It Happen! Inside This Issue P.A.R.K Outreach Page 2 Community Outreach Page 2 Accolades Page 3 Finance Page 3 Founders Day Page 4 Collegiate Retreat Page 6 Delta G.E.M.S Page 7 Candidate Profiles Announcements Chapter Elections Chapter Meeting 11:00 A. M. April 18th, 2015 D.I. D. Workshop 8:30 a.m. April 18th, 2015 Delta House Delta Presents April 26th UALR Theatre From My Heart to Yours, 5:00 p.m. Crystal CHAPTER MEETING April 18th, 2015 AT 11:00 A.M. Uncompromising Commitment to Communities - Service, Leadership, Empowerment P.A.R.K Outreach Community Outreach The Educational Development-P.A.R.K. Outreach Committee has been very successful during the 2014-15 sorority year. We have discussed a variety of subjects such as Law Enforcement Relations, Time Management, Organizational Skills, Writing Workshop, College Entrance, Money/Budget/Credit Management & a Career Segment. The community outreach committee made 27 Easter Baskets for the children at Our House on Thursday, April 2, 2015. The Easter Baskets contained activity books, crayons, plastic filled eggs, candy, and stuffed animals. Our House was very appreciative to receive the Easter Baskets to distribute to the children, in addition the chapter provided three full bags of plastic filled eggs for Our House’s Easter Egg Activities on Easter Sunday. During our March session, we focused on Etiquette. Our very own, Soror Earlene Williams conducted the session were she discussed table settings and manners. She did an outstanding job!!! Our last session on April 9th will be entitled “Dress for Success”. Our speaker will be Jherrithan Dukes, a teacher with Little Rock School District, along with two collegiate students modeling business casual attire. As the sorority year is coming to an end, I would like to thank our committee Arkansas Children’s Hospital received stuffed Easter members for giving their time, talents, and commitment bunnies, and Beanies to distribute to the children comto this program and to the students at P.A.R.K. ing through the emergency room during Easter weekend. Prom Dress Giveaway On March 28, 2015 the Little Rock Alumnae Chapter along with That Prom Girl hosted the Prom Girl Giveaway. That Prom Girl is a non profit organization that offers young ladies that normally would not be able to go to the prom a chance to go. Young ladies get to pick out the perfect prom dress of their choice, free of charge. The Little Rock Alumnae chapter donated over 60 prom dresses, jewelry, and gift certificates for various services to nail or hair salons. Breakfast snacks and juice were also provided the young ladies and their families. We look forward to partnering next year with That Prom Girl. Special Congratulations Our distinguished chapter president Crystal Barker received the Irma Hunter Brown Women’s Leadership Award sponsored by the Arkansas Democratic Black Caucus at the 2015 King-Kennedy Dinner on March 17, 2015. The 22nd National President Gwendolyn E. Boyd was the keynote speaker. Little Rock Alumnae Chapter Serving Central Arkansas Since 1942 April 2015 Decade of Service Pins Finance Committee The cost for the “Decades of Service Pins” will be $10 each and will include shipping to your chapter’s president or PO Box. If you want to have the pin mailed to your home address, please add an additional $3.00 for up to 3 pins, and $1 per pin after that. Checks and money orders should be made payable to (Cheryl Y. Powell), and mailed to: Cheryl Y. Powell, P. O. Box 55912, Little Rock, AR 72215. Your completed pin order must be received no later than April 25, 2015—no reminders or second requests, this time. Please use the link below to order your pin, and mail your check ASAP, please. Pins will not be ordered for anyone if your payment (not the postmarked date) is not received by the deadline date. The finance committee would like to thank you for your cooperation and acts of kindness before and after sorority meeting. We still have two more months before the fiscal year ends. It is vitally important that you complete the envelope on behalf of yourself or for the Soror you are paying for. We need the documentation. The proper completion of the envelopes helps us tremendously. So thanks again for all that you do! d/1PJ0hkzK0_qPi68561y1WypoqPHJB3pw7KkkorkCgXU/viewform?usp=send_form If a Soror has NOT paid dues and fees for two or more years……….. $ 360.00 Accolades Congratulations to Judge Rita Bailey and Judge Alice Gray, they received the distinguished citizen award at the Kappa Alpha Psi Regional Conference. Dues remitted between April 1 and June 15………………….. $ 340.00 Dues remitted after June 15 …..…………$ 350.00 Changing from Member-at-large to Regular Member or from Regular Member to Member-atLarge…………………………………….. $ 360.00 REMINDER: Sorors who have reinstated for 15/16 will begin to receive e-mail correspondence effective July 1, 2015. During the DID workshop there will be a location to turn in dues; however, the Finance office will not be open during DID. The Finance office will open 10 minutes following the DID workshop and close at 11:30 am. Soror Rita Bailey & Soror Alice Gray Soror Lottie Shackelford was honored at the Alpha Phi Alpha Breakfast April 4, 2015. She also served as speaker for Central Arkansas Alumnae Chapter’s Founders Day Celebration on March 28, 2015. Please note the information below especially if you plan to participate in the 52nd National Convention: Soror Lottie Shackelford at CAAC Founders Day Celebration Day Receipts for Programs: ALL vouchers and receipts for 2014/2015 from committee chairs should be submitted to the Treasurer by June 15, 2015. Dates that exceed June 15, 2015 will be considered as your donation to the committee’s program efforts. Little Rock Alumnae Chapter Serving Central Arkansas Since 1942 April 2015 Founders Day 2015 Gwendolyn Zeigler, chair of Founders Day, Cynthia M. McIntyre, 24th National President and Crystal Barker, LRAC Chapter President The Little Rock Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated observed Founders Day on Sunday, March 28, 2015 at the Embassy Suites. This year’s theme was “Honor the Legacy, Remember the Kneel.” The 24th National President Cynthia M. A. McIntyre provided the sorors with a very descriptive inspirational message from the theme. She reminded us to just “Believe’’. After the message, Soror Gwendolyn Zeigler was presented with the Delta Dear of the Year Award, followed by the 25 and 50 Year Delta Recognition Plaques, Five Point Thrust Awards, Spirit of Delta, and Delta of the Year. The 2015 Spirit of Delta Award was presented to Soror Carolyn Nolly. The 2015 Delta of the Year Award was presented to Soror Lasandra Rogers. LRAC Chapter President, Crystal Barker with Lasandra Rogers , 2015 Delta of the Year LRAC Chapter President, Crystal Barker with Carolyn Nolly, 2015 Spirit of Delta Five Point Thrust & Membership Awards Financial Fortitude Award (Economic Development) Sue Cowan Williams Award (Educational Development) Nitherline Fucien Award (International Awareness and Involvement) Jocelyn Elders Award (Physical and Mental Health) Lottie Shackelford Award (Political Awareness and Involvement) Fredricka Sharkey Cynthia Grant Latina Worsham Ashley Carroll Cheryl Powell Standing-Crystal Barker, Carolyn Nolly, Lasonya Campbell, Quilla Lanes, Karen Lovelace, Machelle Allums, Lasandra Rogers, Tracey Moore Sitting-Cheryl Powell, Latina Worsham, Fredricka Sharkey, Gwendolyn Zeigler Chapter Officers, 25/50 Year Recognition Recipients, Award Recipients Little Rock Alumnae Chapter Serving Central Arkansas Since 1942 April 2015 FOUNDERS DAY HIGHLIGHTS Little Rock Alumnae Chapter Serving Central Arkansas Since 1942 April 2015 Collegiate Retreat 2015 The LRAC Collegiate Retreat was held on Friday February 27 and Saturday February 28, 2015. The theme for the retreat was “R.U.S.H……R U Serving Her?” All collegiate chapters across the state of Arkansas were invited to attend. Thirty Sorors registered for the conference. Collegiate Sorors from Delta Eta, Gamma Gamma, Lambda Upsilon, and Mu Kappa all participated. The two day event was packed with fun activities and important information. LRAC hosted a Stroll-Off and Fashion Show on Friday evening. On Saturday morning, several informational sessions were held covering the Delta Internet Guidelines, leadership, economic development, and collegiate transitioning. Our conference stroll off winner was the Delta Eta Chapter from the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. Soror Morlin McCoy was our special guest on Friday evening and was able to share words of wisdom and invaluable insight with our collegiate Sorors. The committee would like to thank all LRAC Sorors for their help and participation in this event. We would also like to extend a special thank you to Soror Crystal Barker for her vision and support in making this event a success. Delta G.E.M.S Senior Recognition Night “Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” Deuteronomy 5:1 The Delta G.E.M.S committee held its first dinner on Friday night, April 3, 2015 at the Delta Presents Outreach Foundation House from 6:30-8:00 p.m. to honor the departing senior girls and their moms. This was an opportunity for the program chair to provide an in-depth summary of each senior's accomplishments, growth and sometimes emotional experiences while in the program. The girls will be formally presented on Sunday, May 31, 2015 at the 7th Annual Senior Salute and Recognition Program at 3:00 p.m. Little Rock Alumnae Chapter Serving Central Arkansas Since 1942 April 2015 Little Rock Alumnae Chapter Serving Central Arkansas Since 1942 April 2015 Postage Little Rock Alumnae PO Box 958 Little Rock, AR 72203 2014-2015 Elected Officers Crystal Barker Tracey Moore LaSonya Campbell Judi Bradford Shamika Trimble Vondra Armstrong Sarah Cannon President Vice President 2nd Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer ADDRESS LABEL Lasandra Rogers — Journalist Submit all articles & photos to : 5th Annual Women’s Conference Dr. Rhonda Mattox, Crystal Barker, Jannie Cotton, and Sheree Holmes The 5th Annual Women’s Conference was held March 7, 2015. The event begin with greetings by Soror Crystal Barker, chapter president, followed by a welcome by Soror Jannie Cotton, chair of the committee. Chapter chaplain, Soror Karen Lovelace prayed a very powerful prayer. Songs of praise was provided by the Delta Choir, and a solo by Soror Helen Wayne. Minister Sheree Holmes delivered a very inspirational message, the women were off their feet with such a powerful word. Dr. Rhonda Mattox presented “God Heard My Cry: When Depression Hits the Pulpit and the Pew.” A tribute to women was read by Soror Sandra Ledbetter.. Dr. Estelle Rutledge presented a SIDS prevention presentation and Soror Vondra Armstrong presented “Face Your Financial Fears While Planning Your Financial Future.” Art was displayed throughout the conference from Hearne Fine Art Gallery and various vendors were onsite. The conference was a success and received rave reviews from the participants. Chapter Elections will take place during chapter meeting at 11:00 A.M. April 18, 2015 D.I.D Workshop 8:30 a.m. April 18, 2015, Sorority House Little Rock Alumnae Chapter Serving Central Arkansas Since 1942 April 2015
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