5000 CÂU TRẪC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH 5000 CÂU TRÁC NGHIỆM TIÊNG ANH ^NGUYỄN HỮU D ự - BẠCH THANH MINH TRẦN THIÊN KIM - PHẠM ĐỊNH BÌNH NGUYÊN Biên soạn theo chương trình Luyện thi chứng chỉ Quốc gia A-B-C & các trình độ tương đương tÀ /íụ c lạ c k m i ctắu I Part 1: L E V E L A ............................................................................................... 5 I LEV EL B ..................................................................................... —.151 (Test 1 -Test 16) Part 2: (Test 17 -Test 33) I Part 3: LEVEL c .........................................................................................323 (Test 34 - Test 50) I A p p e n d ix : Dừng từ viết hoa trong những trứờng hợp n à o ? .............. 494 PARTI LEVEL A TEST 1 - 1 6 ANSWER KEY TEST 1 A Choose the word, phrase or sentence that best completes each Inished sentence below or that best keeps the meaning of the. original lence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Mary looks very. a. success c. successfully successful * d. sadly Shakespeare was a w ell-know n________of England. a. doctor ¿3? scientist c. welder (JcT) playw right _ If Watergate , Nixon would not have resigned from the presidency. Jji) had not occurred b. did not occur c. was not occurring d. would not occur He i s _______ a singer nor an actor. a. not neither * b. both d. either I really respect that m a n ________his honesty. a. by b. about c. with '7$. for " \ Children enjoy_______ in the river. a. swim (b^swimming c. swam d. swims The last bus has gone. Can y o u ________home? a. make me a ride ‘ (§> give me a lift c. ride me d. pick me up I'm afraid y o u ______ number. a. have m istaken c. are the wrong £) have got the wrong © d. made the wrong _______ I have a return ticket to Liverpool. please? a.'M ay •, b. Will c. Should cl. Would My dog had taken it into the garden. I t a s ________the garden. a. to b. m to c. a t cL in 5000 CẢU TRAC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH - 6 11. T h is is _________a nice place th a f they w a n t to revisit it. (a^feuch b. so a c. so th a t d. such as 1 2 .\ ________ the way, d o n ’t forget our m eeting next week. a. T hro u g h b. At Q )B y v d. W ith 13. W hat is t h e ________ from D a h a t to X lia Trang? a. fear b. fair c. ferry Q}. fare 14. T h e ________ destroyed the Central Bank. a. fam ine b. strik e c. cap italism ^ d ) e a rth q u a k e 15. 16. Keep a w a y _____________ a. to c. off •’ those electrical wires. b. of from 1 I reserved a table for two, at eight o'clock. a. se t b. bought (C)booked * d. p u t 17. The r o a d _______ a. of I c. am o n g 18. When P aul stopped the car. I opened the door a n d g o t ________ beside him . a. o n ' b. over ^ci) in d. down 19. Football, chess a n d tennis are a. m atc h es c. p lay s 20. 21. London a n d Brighton is flooded in several places. b. up (H) betw een gam es d. a th le tic s You've never h a d a g irlfrie n d before,________ you? a. h a v e n 't have c. h a d . / d. h a d n 't lin e r'll. The can teen a lw a y s ________ at 7:00 A M. a. w ill open b. will have opened (^!)opens * jl. be jjpened 22. V aluable a n d fa m o u s p a in tin g s are eXpe/Jted to be fo u n d i n ________ . a. television stu d io s b. u n iv ersities ^ c ^ a rt g a lle rie s» /* 1 d. public sciuaxe* « 23. Excuse m y in te rru p tin g you*. Excuse _____ you. a. me to in te r ru p t (Jj) me for in terrupting-^ c. me for in te rru p t d. me in in te rru p tin g Level A - vel A She filing up the receiver. Tilts means she . b. didn't put it back a. let It hang ỵ /cl) put it back in its place c. held it ó. h ư , you get me the ham m er? b. Do a. May ^ d. Might Please speak a little more _ slowly * a. slow d. slowlier c. slower the men to return to work immediately. The m anager___ b. suggested a. insisted 3 ordered v ! c. demanded <-' When I arrived at the station, the train b. has ju st gone / a. have ju st gone d. went ^ h a d just gone A The p h o n e _______ constantly since Jack announced his candidacy for - president this morning. b. rang (a?)has been ringing I f r K q H irung ’i i n a 'ế. had ^ ỳỊ- ^ ¿f. d. had been ringing The old woman is too feeble to cross the street without her nephew's help. ỵv , . (b^/veak d. blind -, I wish I _ . his name. knew c. will know / Our companies should a. compare c. solve b. know d. would know * with foreign companies. © cooperate f d. borrow A (n )_______ area has very feu people. a. crowded b .su b u rb an Q underpopulated d. thickly-populated I f you have a map along, you _ _get lost. a. will * © w i l l not c. wouldn't d. would She gave _ a. to him a meal b. a meal for him c. him to a meal ^ctj a meal to him» The assistant w m pped it. She _it. a. packed b. turned c. enveloped fcCjmade a parcel of 5000 CẢU TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH - 8 ii'j. i f y o u _____ / jrum j - , vvu it’ill hai'e 5. a. add ' b. m ultiply c. divide TVWiX(cQ subtract 38. He d id n 't take the j o b ________ the salary w as good. a. because b. if iCc) th o u g h c iu c $ o d. as 39. I told her she could stay w ith us. T h a t's w hat I _______ . (ji)s a id to h e r b. said h e r ' c. told to h e r d. told 40. He told m e he c o u ld n 't go to sleep. T hat's w hat he a. sa id me r\i, b. talk e d to me < c. told to me %£' 0 (3 )s a id to m e# 41. The fire broke out in the basem ent. T h a t's where i t ________ .. a. b u rs t sil * J u JV b b. b u rst out c. se t o u t 0 (d) began i 42. M y children h a d m a n y photographs ________ w hile we were on our vacation. / a . ta k in g b. take 43. q « * ( 5 > aken< M , d ,to° k .4/1 illness w ith sm all, red spots on the skin i s -----------------a. rick e ts hjuni ^ b. m um ps < c. yellow fever @ m easles - 44. The E nglish stu d e n t acts as ifjie_ _ a. know s • c. h a d know n Vietnam ese perfectly. Qy knew d. will know 45. T a zie ff is a Polish scientist. He comes fr o m _____________ _. a. Pole Q j) P o la n d * c. P olish d. th e Pole 46. I can't use m v office at present; i t ’s ________ repair. a. for @ under c. d u rin g • d. in 4fi. / The b i r d ________ a n ip e d io u s song. a .s a n g s 0 sings'* 48. One day a fa rm e r a n d his son w e re ________ to a town. a. on th e road b. on our p a th c. by th e w ay Q . on th e ir w ay ♦ 49. Video g a m e s have a n a tu ra l tendency to become obsolete. a. n ecessary b. fam ous c. p o p u la r e |T^>ut of d a te b. songs d. singed Level A - 9 Level A 50 Is that a new coat? - Yes. what _-----------? a . are you thinking of it <§) do you th in k of it 1 c. is vour idea about it d- did you th in k about it 51. There was a ________sign above the door. a light b. lighting T) lighted d. lightful • 52. ________breakfast is the first meal o f the day. a. The %)■ A e. This \ y - no wol’d 18 needed t 53. The man n o s rou’ingflso he was u s in g _______ . a. rows b. sticks 0 oars • d. rudders 54. The strike w ill last for a week. That's w h a t________people believe. a. most of b. the most of • c. the more 0 - most 55. M y sister is going to wash up. y a. have a bath (q wash the dishes ® b. w ash the clothes d. clean the floor 56. W here_______ ? - I have a job on a farm. a. you work b. have you worked c. did you work © do you work « 57. Her husband is t e n 1competent: he will repair the roof himself. 4 aTtapable ' b. industrious d. careful c. thrifty 58. When did xou a. recently (T last " see him? The car went a. with • c. to full speed. 59. 60. 61. 62. He felt lerx sleeu\ a. of (c) after \ b. already d. lately b. for at he had eaten too much. b. a t d. before * Linguistics is the science of a. medicine (c? languages e b. economics d. m athem atics He ^ aJ will be here soon * c. will be soon here b. will here be soon d. soon will be here SOOO CAU TRAC NGHIEM T1ENG ANH - 1*
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