OUR WATER FUTURE - Department of Land Resource Management

Discussion Paper: A Conversation with Territorians
Resource assessment for growth and development
Demonstration of
Strategic Priority 4:
Enhance assessment
and monitoring of water
The Department of Land
Resource Management
(DLRM) has the
responsibility to advise government of areas that
are potentially suitable for agricultural development,
utilising natural resources, through robust scientific
assessment. This is undertaken through rigorous
field surveys that require assessment and mapping
of various land units, soil types and vegetation
across the Northern Territory. This enables
determination of the potential suitability and
productivity of land resources and if it is conducive
to agricultural purposes and ultimately, economic
Assessment of available water resources is critical in
determining the land suitability and capability. This is
undertaken by hydro-geologists and the deployment
of drilling rigs to find and characterise the size,
capacity and yield of underlining aquifers, to analyse
the water that could be used to support agricultural
A team of DLRM land and water resource scientists
have completed an intensive investigation and
mapping of 10 000 ha of land and water suitability
for agricultural development on the Tiwi Islands.
The NT Government, has committed $2.4M
per annum for four years from 2015/15 to
2017/18 toward new land and water suitability
assessment teams. This is critical to developing
an understanding of how to best develop the North
and will foster agricultural development in precincts
away from established agricultural areas, which are
rapidly approaching full utilisation of the land and
water resources.
The funding enabled recruitment of suitability
qualified staff, data collection, mapping and
assessment of land and water resources and
information for pastoralists, Indigenous groups and
other landholders, to further develop agricultural
and horticultural enterprises. Provision of land and
water information to investors can potentially de-risk
business ventures with a greater understanding of
the land and development potential.
Areas such as Wildman River, Larrimah, Mataranka
North, Elliott, Ali Curung and Ti-Tree have been
identified as suitable for further investigation and are
close to transport spines and have some existing
infrastructure. DLRM staff are undertaking a land
resource survey covering 20 000ha in the Larrimah
area, to identify and map good quality agricultural
DLRM’s land and water suitability assessment plays
a key role aiding the government achieve its vision
in the Framing the Future’s development of the
Northern Territory. The Northern Territory is highly
committed and a lead player in the Commonwealth
Government’s Developing Northern Australia Green
Paper, particularly in the spheres of land use and
Indigenous economic development, demonstrating
the Government’s vision for investing in the Northern
Territory, to unlock and accelerate development of
northern Australia for nationwide benefits.
For more information contact: Water Resources Division
P: 08 8999 4455 | E
: ourwaterfuture@nt.gov.au