Laurie-Sunrise Beach Rotary Club Board of Directors President - President-Elect - Past President Secretary - Treasurer - Sergeant-at-Arms RI Foundation Chair Community Service Chair International Service Chair Membership Chair Pool Chair Public Relations Chair The Four Way Test Our Guiding Principle From the earliest days of the organization, Laurie-Sunrise Beach Rotary Club Rotarians have been concerned with promoting high ethical standards in their professional lives. One of the world's most widely printed and quoted statements of business ethics is The Four Way Test. Adopted by Rotary in 1943, The Four Way Test has been translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of ways. It asks the following four questions: Membership Responsibilities "Of the things we think, say and do: • Attend club meeting or equivalent • Participate in committees and projects • Propose new members • Pay membership fees and dues • Assist in club fundraising efforts • HAVE FUN!!! Is it the Truth? Is it FAIR to all concerned? We invite you to be our guest for lunch and fellowship. Rotary membership is by invitation of the Club. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? " Laurie-Sunrise Beach Rotary Club Weekly Meeting Thursdays at 12:00 Noon Cannon Smoked Saloon Stables 23 Spring Cove Rd. on Hwy 5 at 5-39 Sunrise Beach, MO P.O. Box 1317 Laurie, MO 65038 573-789-4651 w w w . L S B r o t a r y. o r g w w w. L S B ro t a r y. o rg What Is Rotary? Why Join Rotary? Rotary club members are business and professional 1. Friendship: Rotary helps fulfill one of the most basic human needs: friendship and fellowship. leaders who volunteer in their communities and promote work understanding and peach. Rotary's 34,000 clubs in more than 230 countries and regions encourage high ethical standards and carry out humanitarian projects to address such issues as poverty, health, hunger, education, and the environment. quickly expanded around the “S e r v i c e Above Self” globe and currently has more than Rotary's Motto organization, Rotary was founded in Chicago in 1905. Rotary 1.2 million members. Clubs meet fellowship and to discuss local and global topics. Initiated in 1985, PolioPlus is Rotary's flagship program to eradicate polio from the world. 3. Person Growth and Development: Members in Rotary continues one's growth and education in human relations and personal development. 4. Leadership Development: Rotary is an organization of leaders and successful people that provide an opportunity for continued leadership development. Rotary Club Members The world's first volunteer service 2. Networking: Rotary members represent a cross section of many businesses and professions. Rotarians help each other and collectively help others. By the 5. Citizenship in the Community: Membership in a Rotary club promotes better citizenship. The average Rotary club consists of the most active citizens of a community. 6. Continuing Education: Weekly Rotary programs inform members about what is going on in the community, nation, and world. 7. Other Benefits: Fun, public speaking skills, development of ethics, prestige, cultural awareness, nice people, and the opportunity to serve are other membership benefits. Laurie-Sunrise Beach Club Service Projects Community 3rd Graders receiving Dictionaries Westlake Aquatic Center - Assist with the Lake of the Ozarks Shootout - College Scholarships - Buddy Pak Program - Share the Harvest Food Pantry - Road Clean-Up - C.A.D.V. (Citizens Against Domestic Violence) - Ivy Bend Food Pantry - Peace Sign at Laurie Fairgrounds - Provide books to all 3rd Graders in Morgan County - Assist with City of Laurie Enchanted Lights - Service Above Self Awards to Community Non-Rotarians - Boy Scouts of America - Morgan County Food Pantry Christmas Parade Float International Send High School Juniors to RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Training Program) - Partner with US and international Rotary clubs on clean water and other humanitarian projects in foreign countries Participate in Rotary student exchange program Group Study Exchange - Actively support Rotary time polio is eradicated, Rotarians will have raised International's PolioPlus Program and the RI more than $1.2 billion and contributed thousands of Foundation volunteer hours to this effort. More than two billion Annual Fund Raisers childen under the age of five had been immunized resulting in a 99% decrease in polio cases worldwide. The Club working on their 5-Year Visioning Goals Fall Follies Car Show - Rotary Round-Up Dinner The Lake of the Ozark Shootout's Treasure Hunt
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