Loop Nuts Match Play Tournament 2015 Version 2.0 – 03/16/2015 The Match Play tournament is a season-long double-elimination tournament that is open to players that have registered to play. Registered Participants # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Name Robert Rochefort Rocky Miller Nick Cioffredi Leon Cerna Mark Rajala Dan Weller Tom Apostolik Dray Scurry Tim Hays Dennis Dehler E.G. Willard Brent Elliot Don Figgins Jim Brown Dan Goodwin Steve Vallad Bill Gooch Bruce Doelling Steve Miller Rick Pacello Scott Wayne Alex Prue Greg Otto Bill Persichette James Seela Troy Hill Ron Ishida Dick Grizzell Rick Acres Jonathan Hager Vince Laurita Steve Donelson Contact Info robert@ltr2.org rocky@milleroandg.com nicholas.cioffredi@stantec.com leoncerna@yahoo.com susmarraj@aol.com dnaweller86@msn.com tmapost@verizon.net ascurry@ball.com thays@digitalresolutions.org dennisdehler@kw.com egwjunior@msn.com comonke2@comcast.net dfiggings@ball.com tonybrown2100@comcast.net dangoodwin@danieltgoodwin.com steve.vallad@encoreelectric.com williamogooch@comcast.net bdoellin@ball.com smiller@uniqueprop.com rcpacello@comcast.net scottwayne@hotmail.com redprue@msn.com gotto.rrms@me.com billpersichette@yahoo.com jwseela@yahoo.com troyhill@hillpet.com rtwishida@comcast.net jrgrizzell@comcast.net phones303@aol.com jhager@tristategt.org vlaurita@icsolutions.com stevedonelson@db-lawyers.com Entry Cost $40 The entry cost is due no later than at the completion of your first match. Paid Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Payouts Prize Pool: $1280 Round 4 Elimination (6): $50 Round 5 Elimination (4): $65 Round 6 Elimination (2): $80 Round 7 Elimination (1): $95 Round 8 Elimination (1): $115 Championship Runner-Up (1): $150 Match Play Champion (1): $200 Round Deadlines Round 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Matches 1 to 16 17 to 24, A to H 25 to 28, I to P 27 to 30, Q to V W to Z AA, AB 31, AC AD Championship Deadline April 12 May 3 May 24 June 14 July 5 July 26 August 9 August 23 September 6 Rules 1. Players are responsible to set up and play their matches by the imposed match deadlines. Failure to comply will be assessed individually by the Organization (Robert, Vince and Jim) and can result in the disqualification of one or both of the parties involved. This rule has never been applied. Let’s keep it that way. 2. Preferably, matches should be played during a regular Saturday Loop Nuts outing. 3. Players must notify the Organization of their intention to play their match at a specific Loop Nuts outing. The Organization will ensure that the players are paired in the same tee time. 4. Matches are NET matches. The Match Play Coordinator (Robert) will notify the players in advance as to the number of handicap strokes applicable to their match. USGA NET Match Play rules apply as to the distribution of handicap strokes. Strokes are applied one stroke per hole starting with the #1 handicap hole to the Nth handicap hole until all strokes have been applied. As per USGA Match Play rules, holes can be conceded during the match at any time BUT both players need to continue playing until they hole their ball in order to maintain the integrity of the other Loop Nuts games. 5. Each match needs a winner. The following tie-breakers will be applied, IN ORDER, to an “All Square after 18 holes” match: a) With the course permission, return to the course and play until the tie is broken (handicap strokes still apply and are awarded as they were on the first 18 holes) b) Lowest individual NET score c) Highest individual NET stabbleford score 6. In the tournament finals, the two players still in contention play until one of them loses his second match of the tournament. This means that the player who reaches the finals with one loss needs to beat the player that reached the finals with no loss twice in order to be Match Play Champion. 7. Any other contention point not covered in these rules will be debated and resolved between the match players and the Organization (Robert, Vince and Jim).
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