Conference Day 1 March 18, 2015 Time Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 8:00am-5:00pm Conference Registration Churchill Court 8:00am-5:00pm Publishers’ exhibit Churchill Court 8:45-9:00am Welcome to LTRC + Intro to Messick Lecture Churchill Ballroom 9:00-10:00am Messick Memorial Lecture: Susan Brookhart Churchill Ballroom 10:00-10:20am Break Churchill Court 10:20-11:45am Paper Session 1 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Mountbatten A Mountbatten B 10:20-10:45 Gu, Yan, & Tian: Impact of an International English Proficiency Test on Young Learners— Voices from learners and parents Tsagari & Vogt: Assessment Literacy of Foreign Language Teachers: Research, Challenges and Future Prospects Llosa, Malone, Wei, Donavan, & Stevens: Comparability of writing tasks in TOEFL iBT and university writing courses: Insights from students and instructors Wagner, Chen, Park, Stone, & Jang: Evaluating and Revising a Reading Test Blueprint through Multiple Methods: The Case of the CELPIP-G 10:50-11:15 Gu & Hsieh: Distinguishing features in scoring young language Hill: The implications of learning-oriented assessment for developing teacher Fan & Song: Impact and consequences of university-based Elwood & Petchko: Development and Validation First presenter is the session chair students’ oral performances assessment literacy assessment in China: A case study of a Placement Test for a MultiPolar Graduate Institute 11:20-11:45 So, Zapata, Evanini, Tao, Luce, & Battistini: Development of innovative assessment tasks to measure spoken language abilities of young English learners Hall: Language Background and Writing Course Assessment Sawaki & Koizumi: Japanese students’ and teachers’ perception and use of score reports for two large-scale EFL tests Brau & Brooks: Testing the right skill: the misapplication of reading scores as a predictor of translation ability 11:45-12:00 Group Photo Churchill Court 12:00-1:30pm Lunch Restaurants in and around the hotel LAQ Editorial Board Meeting 1:30-3:00pm Poster Session Rossetti Mountbatten Lane Session Chair: Yong-Won Lee 30 posters in total. Poster presenters are required to set up by March 17 – after the opening reception, but no later than 1pm on March 18. 3:00-4:25pm Paper Session 2 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Mountbatten A Mountbatten B 3:00-3:25 Iwashita & Vasquez: Features of discourse Phakiti: Structural equation models of Qian: Applying Academic Dunlop: Eye tacking of learner 3:30-3:55 4:00-4:25 competence in IELTS speaking task performances at different band levels calibration, performance appraisals, and strategy use in an IELTS Listening Test Vocabulary Lists to Validating Test Contents Youn: The interlocutor effect in paired speaking tasks to assess interactional competence Cai: Producing actionable feedback in EFL diagnostic assessment Harsch & Hartig: C-tests outperform Yes/No vocabulary size tests as predictors of receptive language skills Suvorov: Test-takers’ Use of Visual Information From Context and Content Videos in the Videobased Academic Listening Test Kramer & McLean: Comparing aural and written receptive vocabulary knowledge of the first 5k and the AWL Enrique, Díaz Moreno & Baten Challenges of Blended Learning Assessments in Network-Limited Areas 4:25-4:50pm Break Churchill Court interactions with diagnostic feedback on French as a Second Language skill reports Ballard & Lee: How Young Children Respond to Online TOEFL Primary Reading and Speaking Test Tasks Fleckenstein, Leucht & Köller: B2 or C1? Investigating the equivalence of CEFR-based proficiency level classifications 4:50-6:20pm Symposium Session 1 Churchill Ballroom Fox, Baker & Laurier, Mellow & Begg, Zumbo & Maddox, & Slomp: Testing as social practice: Canada and context in construct representation, test interpretation, and arguments for consequential validity 6:30-7:30pm Mountbatten Salon Professional Event #1 Publishing in Language Assessment Chair: Guoxing Yu Special Sponsor: Higher Education Press Guoxing Yu, Executive Editor, Assessment in Education (Taylor & Francis) Liz Hamp-Lyons, Editor, Assessing Writing (Elsevier) James Purpura, Editor, Language Assessment Quarterly (Taylor & Francis) April Ginther, Co-Editor, Language Testing (Sage) Fred Davidson, Distinguished Editorial Adviser, Language Testing in Asia (Springer) Conference Day 2 March 19, 2015 Time Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 8:30am-5pm Conference Registration Churchill Court 8:30am-5pm Publishers’ exhibit Churchill Court 8:45-9:00am Announcements Churchill Ballroom 9:00-10:00am The Davies Lecture: Alister Cumming Churchill Ballroom 10:00-10:20 Break 10:20-11:45 Paper Session 3 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Mountbatten A Mountbatten B Symposium Session 2 Papers Papers Symposium Papers 10:20-10:45 Colby-Kelly: Assessing the unobservable: Can AFL inform on nascent learning in an L2 classroom setting? Volkov & Stone: Empirically Derived Rating Rubric in a Large-Scale Testing Context Zhang, Shen, & Huang Assessment for Learning (AFL): Teaching, Learning and Assessment in the Writing Classroom Ma: Chinese Students’ Test Preparation for Success on Highstakes English Language Tests 10:50-11:15 Saito: Junior and Senior High School EFL Teachers’ Practice of Formative Assessment: A Mixed Method Study Wu & Lee: Constructing a common scale for a multi-level test to enhance interpretation of learning outcomes 11:20-11:45 Winke, Lee, Walter, Margolis: Factors Bai: A Students’ Perspective in a High-stakes Test: Attitudes, Contributing Factors and Test Performance Xu: Language Wayant, Thirakunkovit, & Yan: What does the Cloze Test Really Test? A Replication with Eye-tracking Data 11:45-1:30pm 1:30-3:00pm Contributing to Fluency Ratings in Classroom-based Assessment assessment literacy in practice: A case study of a Chinese university English teacher Lunch ILTA Membership Meeting Churchill Ballroom Work in Progress Mountbatten Salon Session Chair: Lorena Llosa 20 WIPs in total 3:00-4:25pm Papers Session 4 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Rossetti 3:00-3:25 Knoch, Macqueen, May, Pill, & Storch: Transitioning from university to the workplace: Stakeholder perceptions of academic and professional writing demands Papagergiou & Ockey: Does accent strength affect performance on a listening comprehension test for interactive lectures? Ikeda: Investigating constructs of L2 pragmatics through L2 learners’ oral discourse and interview data 3:30-3:55 Kim & Billington: Tackling the issue of L1 influenced pronunciation in Min & He: Examining the effect of DIF anchor items on equating Lidster & Shin: Developing and Validating Achievement- 4:00-4:25 English as a lingua franca communication contexts: The case of aviation invariance in computer-based EFL listening assessment van Naerssen: Promoting Credible Language Assessment in Courts: Two Forensic Cases Saif, Cheng, & Rahimi High-Stakes Test Preparation Programs and Learning Outcomes: A Context-Specific Study of Learners’ Performance on IELTS 4:25-4:45pm Break Churchill Court 4:45-6:15pm Symposia Session 3 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Purpura, Waring, Hamp-Lyons, Green & Hill Stenner, O'Sullivan, Dunlea, Sandvik, & Geva Roles and needs of learning-oriented language assessment New Models and Technologies for Blurring the Distinction between Language Testing and Language Learning Based Assessments of Student Learning Outcomes in an Intensive English Program Park, Dunlop, Boom, & Jang A mixedmethods investigation into the young learners’ cognitive and metacognitive strategy use in reading test 6:30-7:30pm Mountbatten Salon Professional Event #2 Careers in Language Assessment Chair: Eunice Jang Ardeshir Geranpayeh, Cambridge English Language Assessment Jonathan Schmidgall, Educational Testing Service May Tan, Canadian Armed Forces Eunice Jang, OISE/University of Toronto Jake Stone, Paragon Testing Enterprises (University of British Columbia) Conference Day 3 March 20, 2015 Time Location 1 7:30am-12:30pm Conference Registration Churchill Court 8am-6pm Publishers’ exhibit Churchill Court 8:45-9:00 Announcements Churchill Ballroom 9:00-10:10 Cambridge/ILTA Distinguished Achievement Award: Churchill Ballroom Location 2 Location 3 Tim McNamara 10:00-10:20 Break 10:20-11:45 Papers Session 5 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Mountbatten A 10:20-10:45 Isaacs & Turner: Aligning teaching, learning, and assessment in EAP instruction? Stakeholders’ views, external influences, and researchers’ perspectives Huhta, Alderson, Nieminen, & Ullakonoja: Diagnostic profiling of foreign language readers and writers Roever, Elder, & Fraser: Validation of a webbased test of ESL sociopragmatics 10:50-11:15 Van Gorp: Integrating task-based language teaching and assessment: towards a unified task specification framework Jin, Zou, & Zhang: What CEFR Level Descriptors Mean to College English Teachers and Students in China Ryu: Investigating a construct of pragmatic and communicative language ability through email writing tasks Location 4 11:20-11:45 11:45-1:15pm 1:15-2:40pm Erickson: Large-scale Assessment for Learning – a collaborative approach Zhao, Jin, & Wang: Detecting evidence behind the College English Curriculum Requirements in China: A mixedmethods study Liu: Automated writing instructional tool for English language learners: A case study of WriteToLearn Lunch LT Editorial Board Meeting Rossetti Papers Session 6 Churchill Ballroom A Churchill Ballroom B Mountbatten A 1:15-1:40 Boraie (TESOL) Caudwell & O’Sullivan: Can planning at the functional level affect test score? Xi: Language constructs revisited for practical test design, development and validation The construct of language assessment literacy as perceived by foreign language teachers in a specific context 1:45-2:10 Inbar-Lourie & Levi: Implementing formative classroom assessment initiatives: What language assessment literacy knowledge is required? Dunlea & Fairbairn: Investigating the impact of language background on the rating of spoken and written performances Ginther, Yan, & Potts: The relationship between TOEFL and GPA: the case of Chinese students 2:15-2:40 Lin, Wu, & Guo: Developing and validating an assessment literacy inventory for Middle School English Volkov & Stone: Analysis of NormReferencing Modifiers as a Component of Gao & Wu: A Validation Study of an English Speaking Test for Chinese 8th Graders 2:40-3:00 Break 3:00-4:30 Symposia Session 4 Teachers in Chinese context Rating Rubrics Mountbatten A Mountbatten B Schoonen, Schmitt, Kremmel, Jarvis, & Segalowitz Vocabulary in assessment: what do we mean and what do we assess? 4:35-5:35 Debate Churchill Ballroom 5:35-5:45 Closing Churchill Ballroom 6:30-10:00 Banquet and Awards Hart House Wu, Qi, Han, Liu & Wei The Evaluation of School-based EFL Teaching and Learning in China Rossetti Weigle, Deane, Geranpayyeh, Suzuki, Davis & Ginther Applications of automated scoring tools for student feedback and learning
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