Indian Journal of Traditio nal Knowledge Vol. I (I ). October 2002. pp. 96-98 Centipede: bite and cure - traditional vs novel T C Khatri J.N. Government College. Po rt Blair 744 101. Andamans Received 14 Janua ry 2002 Centipede bite is a commo n eve nt during rainy seasons in the Andaman & Nicobar Islan ds. The traditional methods of cure are ineffec tive. The only remedy to get tempora ry relief from the unbearable pain is to get local anesthesia in the hospital. In far flun g islands where medi cal fa c iliti es are not avai lable, the cheap cure described here proved to be a boon to th e islands. A mixture of common tabl e salt and kerose ne o il , tested over a number of patient s, on ho th sexes on all age gro ups, works perfectly in reli ev ing the pain of bite. Keywords: Centipede: Bite and Cure; Andam<l n & Nicobar Islands Centipedes are cosmopolitan in distribution especially in tropical countries. Indi a houses world's 10% fauna of centipedes. The an imal belongs to phylum Arthropoda, class Chilopoda, order Scolopendromorpha, among In vertebrates . Centipedes are nocturnal a nimals and occur in protected damp places such as under barks, stones, logs, crevices, dried leaves, etc. The body is elongated, dorsoventra lly flattened with a small head and 2 1-segmented trunk (segments may be more in some) (Fig. I). The head is mounted with two long many jointed antennae, two groups of ocelli and mouth appendages (Fig. 2). Each of the trunk segments bears a pair of legs, except the one posterior to head that bears a pair of poison claws of maxillipedes. Centipedes are agi le and carnivorous in diet. They kill their prey with their poison claws. They feed on insects , worms and spiders. Large centipedes ca n even eat li zards and small rat~. The small est centipedes hardly measure a few centimeters while the largest up to 33 centimeters. Centipedes are famous fo r their bite, speciall y Se%pel/elra and it is a com mon phenomenon in differe nt parts of Ind ia. Its bite is painful and leads to vomiting. palpitation, burning sensati o n. infl a mmation associated with unbearab le pain. The on ly treatment avai lab le is to take loca l anesthesia injection in the hospital for temporary relief. Once the effect of painkiller is over the patient starts crying with pain. The effect of Centipede bite subsides o nly after 24 hours . Centipede bite is very common in Andam a ns and f icobar Islands, where world 's larges t centi pede has been reported in Gu inness World Record (33 em). In the presen t KHATRI: CENTIPEDE: BITE AND CU RE-TRADITI ONAL VS NOVEL 97 """_.., ANTENNA MAXILLIPEDE (POISON CLAW) HEAD PO ISONOUS CLAW 1J.,J~':t:x.t:T-~~ DENTAL PLATE COXAL PLATE Fig.2-Maxi llipedc .~---'" TRUNK WALK IN G LEGS POISON CLAW Fig. J-Ce ntipede (ScoJope ndra ) Fig. 3--Poisonous gland wi th poi so n claw paper a cheap cure for centipede bite is described. The centipede Inj ects the poison throu gh its maxillipedes by puncturing the ski n when it in serts poi so n claws. The poison is yellow in colour and is acidic in nature. It is manufactured in sing le-ce ll poison g lands, which is tran sported by a narrow duct to poison c law s w henever required (Fig. 3). The effect of poison is cytotoxic but no t fatal. In the year 1993, the auth or experi enced centipede bite and got re li ef from severe pain by applying a mixture of common table sa lt and kerosene o il on the bite and rubbing it for 2 to 3 minutes. Immed iately th e author was free from horrify ing pain. Th ere was uneasiness for 2 to 3 ho urs but no pain. The author tested th e same formula o n hi s daughter when she had bite of centipede after 5 days of hi s cent ipede bite. The formula worked perfectly ri ght agai n. Materials and Methods The formula is si mpl e. Half teaspoon of common sa lt is taken in palm, 4 to 5 drops of kerose ne is added to wet it. It is 98 INDIAN J TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE, VOL I. No. I. OCTOBER 2002 mixed thoroughly and applied on the site for 2 to 3 minutes. Immedi ately pain will be over. However, there will be so me inflammation at the place of bite, which may prolong for 8 to 24 hours depending upon the sensitivity of the skin of the perso n and some uneasiness for about I to 2 hour, which subsides in due course of time. Result and Discussion Every year there are thousands of centipede bite cases especially during the monsoon. There has not been much of a breakthrough in finding the exact antidote for it except the painkiller injection which however does not add to the reli ef much , save temporarily. A few home made or Granny' s suggestions have been handy in centipede bite cases. The traditional methods for relief are applying snail on the bite, dropping a liquid prepared by killing live centipede in petrol or kerosene oil, chewing black pepper, and applying onion juice on the bite. But none of the traditional medicines gives immedi ate and complete relief from the terrible pain. Usually the patient is ru shed to th e hospital for medical aid, where doctor gives injection for local anesthesi a. This alternative painkiller for centipede bite was not known earlier. This formula is tested over a large number of people with all age groups on both the sexes. The present formula either neutralizes the effect of poiso n or the nerve impul ses going to the brain are blocked. The precise mechanism of action will on ly be known when pathological, cytological and neurological studies are conducted on man. References I Khatri T C. Reli er rrom Centipede bile soon . The Light of Alldal/WllS. Port Blair. 18 2 3 4 5 th OCIO- ber. 1993. Khatri T C, Kankhaj ura and Khatri fo rmul a. The Alldalllall Herald, Port Blair, 12t h Novembe r, 1993. Khatri T C, Simple Cheap Centipede bite cure claimed, Th e Dail." Telegrams. Port Btair. :lOth November, 1993. Khatri T C, Kankhajura se darna kya (in Hindi ). Pa ryawaran, I (1994) 33-35 . Kh atri T C. Centipede: Bite and Cure. Th e th Daily Telegrallls, Port Blair, 8 May. j 997.
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