What do you want FOR your customers?

volume 15
issue 2
What do you want FOR
your customers?
By Kevin McKowen
Watch list: TIGI goes direct
Emiliani to present legends on stage
Where are they now: Jeanne Matson
Lafayette Jones’ Multicultural Report
Neuma offers a sustainable choice
TouchBack keeps color perfect
Certification produces skilled colorists
Farouk launches PPD-free color
Dessange acquires Fantastic Sams
David Kim launches One heated tools
CHECK OUT BIR’s 2012 BIG! Show Calendar!
This is your industry’s newsletter, and
BIR welcomes your feedback!
Mike Nave, editor
Mane St.
by Mike Nave
eauty Industry
Report (BIR) is on a
mad dash through show
season to bring you our
exclusive reports.
Between events, we
caught up with Jeff Orrell, senior vice
president of sales and marketing for Neuma
Research, who shares how this sustainable
hair care line has launched 15 distributors for
36 states in less than two years. Joan Lasker,
president of ColorMetrics LLC, tells how
TouchBack Markers are keeping hair color
perfect between colorings. Andre Nizetich,
president of the American Board of
Certified Haircolorists (ABCH), discusses
establishing a higher level of hair colorist via
certification and education. Finally, BIR
reports from Farouk’s distributor conference.
We’d love your feedback on our new
“Where Are they Now?” segment. Want to be
featured or suggest a former colleague? Let
us know on Facebook.
effery Gittomer in his popular new book,
Customer satisfaction is worthless.
Customer loyalty is priceless, is a must-read
and a strong strategic message for all of us
business tycoons.
We all have customers and know the goals
of our businesses are to get a customer, keep
a customer and make a profit in the process.
Living in New Hampshire and recently being
inspired by the presidential primaries and
listening nonstop to all the candidates made
me think about what we in the beauty
industry have in common with candidates
running for office. The answer? We’re all
looking for “yes” votes—yes to buying, yes to
being loyal, yes to trying new products, yes to
referring friends and yes to doing business
with us.
Like a candidate for office, I believe we
also need a platform to generate yes votes—
a platform and message of purpose to clearly
define not only what we want from our
customers, but more importantly, what we
want for them. One common theme we
discovered from customer focus groups is
that they know what we want from them—
their money, their loyalty, their friends, their
time and their business.
I would like to suggest that you move in
the direction of answering this question:
“What do you need to do more of to have
your clients love you?” What do you need to
do to help your clients be inspired by your
company, your service, your dedication, your
commitment to their happiness and to be
more loyal to your brand?
What I’ve discovered is that both people
running a business, as well as those
campaigning for office, need to do is to more
clearly define what they want for their
What you want FOR customers...cont. on p. 2
The Beauty Industry Report Visit www.bironline.com
What you want FOR customers...cont. from p. 1
Here’s a little homework. Complete these
statements: What I really want for my
customers is for them to be more…have
more…enjoy more…feel more...and experience
more… The intent is to inspire your customers
to love buying from you.
Whether you’re a distributor, salon, sales
person, manufacturer or manufacturer’s
representative, you want to build your own
campaign platform on what you want for your
customers. Candidates need to be convincing
that they offer workable solutions for safer
streets, better schools, increased national
security, a stronger economy, more
trustworthiness and fiscal responsibility. They
need to sell us on buying their messages and
voting yes for their platforms.
Imagine if you asked your customers this
question: “What do you believe our company
wants for you?” What’s your company’s
message? Your message is your heart
connection and your tagline. Nike wants for
you to “just do it.” Red Bull wants for you to
“have wings.” The largest selling retailer on
earth, Wal-Mart, wants
for you to “save more
and live better.” What do
you say below your
logo? Is that message
what you want for your
customers? If so, that is
Unilever-owned TIGI makes a major
distribution change. Vince Davis, general
manager, TIGI Americas, tells BIR, “TIGI,
which markets under the Bed Head,
Catwalk, S-Factor, Rockaholic, Hair
Reborn, Copyright Colour and TIGI
Cosmetics brands, will have dedicated
manufacturer sales representatives to
service, market, educate, train and ship
products directly to salons, effective
February 1. TIGI Direct will deploy direct
sales specialists to provide salons with
business and merchandise planning,
customized educational planning, valueadded promotions and incentives to
improve salon profitability. Our support
team will provide prompt service and
deliveries from multiple shipping locations
throughout the United States. We’ll also
offer a dedicated hotline team.
“This strategic channel modification
throughout most of the United States
allows seamless salon communication and
planning. Today, TIGI has multiple direct-tosalon U.S. markets, which have provided us
with the confidence that this channel
modification is a repeatable model. TIGI
products will continue to be available
through existing and expanded distributor
wholesale stores. This ultimately allows TIGI
to control the future success of our growing
brands.” Reach Vince at 800-259-8596 or
vdavis@tigilinea.com. Visit tigilinea.com.
Kevin McKowen is the founder of Inspire
One Consulting Group. He’s a beauty industry
change agent for business advancement.
Reach him at 440-915-8568
or kmckowen@windsteam.net. Visit
BIR invites you to become a Guest
Columnist. Send your thoughts in about 450
words, including a one-paragraph author
bio, to mike@bironline.com in an MSWord
document. We will edit your column for
style and space.
On April 15-16 at the Trump Taj Mahal in
Atlantic City, Emiliani Enterprises will
present the Fourth Dimension show. “We
have put together amazing talent on one
stage,” says executive vice president of sales
and corporate strategy, Andre Chiavelli, the
event’s creator. “In 2011, Emiliani Enterprises
set a company record of 23 sold-out
educational events, including our Beauty
Expo in October, which more than 7,000
beauty professionals attended. We are
proud and honored to have Philip Wilson,
Michael O’Rourke and Nick French in our
Fourth Dimension line up. They are true
masters and will be joined by other iconic
platform artists. About 5,000 attendees
from all over the world will attend.” Tickets
are on sale now and include overnight stays
at the Taj Mahal. Reach Andre at
908-964-6340, ext. 107, or
andrec@emiliani.com. Visit emiliani.com.
Based on the results of the 2010 census,
Hispanics make up 23% of people under age
18, compared with 17% in 2000. Overall,
Hispanics accounted for more than half of
the 27.3 million U.S. population increase
since 2000. About 75% of U.S. Hispanics live
in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida,
Illinois, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York
and Texas. According to consumer research,
Latina consumers are major users of
personal care products, including cosmetics,
hair care and skin care. Based on that fact,
coupled with the projected continued
growth rate of this group, professional
beauty products marketers, distributors,
beauty store owners and salon owners must
develop strategies to serve this group. (See
BIR’s “Multicultural Report” in every issue
for stats, case studies and tips for reaching
this audience.)
Pivot Point recently engaged more than
500 consumers to determine what
consumers look for in a hair designer and to
establish communication patterns between
consumers and designers. The study found:
• More than half of consumers
interviewed visit a salon six or more times a
year, while men are more likely than women
to visit their hair designer 10 or more times
per year (34% vs. 19%).
• Hair shaping and styling are the most
popular services for both men and women.
• More than 40% of women receive hair
color services vs. 16% of men interviewed.
• Salon cleanliness, ease of getting an
appointment, hair designer is on time, cost
of services in line with expectations,
convenient location and hours of operation
are all important considerations when
choosing a salon for interviewees.
• Women ages 36 to 60+ are the most
loyal to their stylist, with more than half of
loyal clients seeing the same stylist for three
years or more.
• In what’s important to clients about
their hair designer, friendliness, technical
skills and professionalism rank highest
among those interviewed, over candor,
humor and product knowledge.
The study offers many more insights to
help salons, stylists and their manufacturer/
distributor partners maximize their
relationships with consumers. For more
details and findings, visit
“Your favorite beauty products are right here
on Facebook,” tout marketers of cosmetics
and toiletries as the global adoption of
social media drives the outstanding growth
in this emerging marketing method. Brands
are rapidly moving ahead in the game with
their social and mobile strategies to allow
viral campaigns and create new consumer
relations opportunities, but without
dropping traditional marketing efforts,
according to the new report, “Beauty
Marketing 2011: U.S. Promotional
Activities and Strategies Assessment” by
the international consulting and research
firm Kline & Company. During the recent
holiday season, marketers ramped up their
viral campaigns to attract consumers, who
turned to social media platforms for the
best deals on their personal care products.
However, social media is not the only
tool marketers are experimenting with to
connect with consumers; couponing and
price promotions are experiencing a
comeback, strengthened by the desire for
special offers and free or discounted items.
Yet even traditional couponing is being
challenged by mobile couponing, which
delivers higher redemption rates and
encourages impulse purchases.
The study finds that cutting-edge beauty
marketers are experimenting with a range of
social media platforms by establishing a
presence on websites such as Facebook,
YouTube or localized Foursquare, where
they can connect with the community and
more accurately target a given demographic.
The marketers are tapping into the emerging
potential of “f-commerce” and “mcommerce,” which blur the line between
social media as pure communication tools
and as an emerging sales channel. These
trailblazing marketing forays, still in their
infancy, invite cautious optimism but suggest
great untapped promise for marketers.
“Consumers now have the ability to do
extensive real-time evaluations on products
and prices before they purchase,” notes
Donna Barson, senior associate at Kline’s
Consumer Products practice. “The growing
ubiquity of new, on-the-go technologies,
such as smartphones and tablets, is also
creating a better informed and more
accessible consumer. The landscape for
marketing beauty products has changed
dramatically over the past several years, with
brands moving from traditional advertising
as promotional vehicles, to also include
social marketing, mobile marketing,
enhanced loyalty programs, new sampling
methods and more. However, there is no
cookie-cutter approach—brands are
experimenting with what works best with
their business model, their consumer base,
and the image they want to project.”
Given the crowded and increasingly
competitive nature of the beauty business,
having the proper marketing mix is crucial to
maximize returns on ever limited budgets.
The ability to successfully accomplish that
has never been afforded so many tools.
Kline’s comprehensive analysis of the
changing face of beauty marketing in the
United States for personal care products
addresses types of marketing approaches
major beauty marketers are employing,
beauty marketing best practices, new trends
in social media and their relation to the
marketing mix, latest trends in sampling,
mobile marketing, viral marketing and use of
special events and sponsorships. Mindful of
these rapidly evolving marketing methods
and anticipating the necessity of quantifying
these, Kline has devised and refined a
proprietary 5-point metric which rates
marketing methods on how critical each is
for a given brand. For more details, visit
This month, BIR catches up with Jeanne
Matson, who retired from Clairol
Professional in 2007 after 32 years of
service. “As much as I loved Clairol and the
beauty industry, I was offered an
opportunity to become the president of
Starnet Worldwide Commercial Flooring,
which is a membership cooperative of
commercial flooring contractors,” says
Jeanne, who runs Starnet’s marketing and
business development programs for 170
independent entrepreneurs. “We have a
team of six people who develop networking
events, marketing programs, training seminars
and other business-building opportunities
for our members,” she explains. When it
comes to leaving the beauty industry behind,
Jeanne says, “I miss the passion and the
excitement of the people in the beauty
business—the big personalities and the
drama. I miss working on products that
deliver such an emotional return to the end
users. I work with terrific, committed people
now who face similar challenges as the salon
owner, but the level of emotion is very
different! I try to keep an eye on new
industry developments from afar!” Jeanne
sends a warm greeting to her former
colleagues in the beauty business. If you’d
like to catch up, reach her at
News continued on page 4
The Beauty Industry Report Visit www.bironline.com
News continued from page 3
spent seven years in sales and business
development with the Professional Beauty
Association. Reach Frankie Cacciato, CEO,
at 630-620-7720, ext. 21, or
frank@katherinefrank.com. Visit
Bennie Lowery, Sally Beauty’s senior vice
president of merchandising, recently retired,
but will continue to serve as a consultant for
the company. Bennie sent this note to
colleagues and friends: “It was with great
anticipation that I sent the following
announcement to my fellow Sally Beauty
Holidays’ employees. For you, my friends
and colleagues, the message is the same. I
appreciate the time we had together, the
things you taught me and the support and
trust you vested with me. I will winter in
South Florida and keep my Texas residence,
as I am lucky enough to have my family here.
Let's keep in touch. On October 17th, I
quietly left the building and concluded my
40th year in the beauty industry. It was a
profound time for me, as it defined the
moment I had always heard about… ‘You will
know when it’s time to go.’ Well, it’s time!
Reflecting back on those 40 years, I have
truly been blessed by having Gary
(Winterhalter) as my boss for more than
two thirds of those years. His tolerance,
guidance and support allowed me to have a
career with no regrets or goals left unmet. I
also feel very fortunate and extremely
grateful to the many others for the time we
had together, and the value I place on it
makes it very hard to say good-bye! So I
won't! I became a consultant to SBH on
January 1, so we will stay connected. It is
important to me for all of you to know my
heartfelt thanks for the many things you
have taught me, the support you gave me,
the great memories we made together and,
as always, I wish you as you deserve….only
the best." Reach Bennie at 214-202-2532 or
Jana Meincke joins Katherine Frank
Creative, Inc. as a west coast sales
representative based in Los Angeles, to serve
the company’s clients in California. Jana
Taking a break from his day job as chairman
at Famous Names LLC, Jim Nordstrom
officiated at the marriage of Stefanie
Asselman to Gary Stafford in San Diego.
Stefanie, who is a long-time employee of
CND (formally Creative Nail Design), asked
Jim, who is a co-founder of CND, if he
would officiate. This is the fifth wedding
ceremony Jim has performed. If you have
wedding plans, reach Jim at 858-779-1513 or
jim@famousnamesproducts.com. Visit
Group 3 Marketing, a full-service direct
marketing agency, adds Jason Touw, Colton
Leekley-Winslow and Ben Overmyer to its
team. As new media specialist, Jason will
implement new media initiatives, including
mobile texting, internally and for Group 3’s
clients. Colton, the new data analyst and
hardware administrator, is responsible for
generating reports for clients and is taking an
expanded role in managing hardware
upgrades. As web developer, Ben will focus
on building the online applications and
websites that drive Group 3’s marketing
efforts. Reach Bart Foreman, founder/CEO,
at 952-475-3269 or
bforeman@group3marketing.com. Visit
Dina Elliot’s JG Communications Inc., a
full-service public relations, marketing and
communications firm, welcomes Patricia
Israel as account director responsible for
day-to-day client management and new
business development. In addition, Eileen
Lynch joins the company as public relations
and communications director, focusing on all
aspects of public relations and media for the
company. Reach Dina at 201-310-3356 or
jdelliot@earthlink.net. Visit
Sunny Stinchcombe joins Spilo Worldwide
as regional sales manager for the Southwest
and Southeast territories. Sunny has more
than 25 years of professional beauty industry
experience in sales, marketing and
manufacturer’s representative roles. Reach
Marc Spilo, CEO, at 800-347-7456 or
marc@spilo.com. Visit spilo.com.
The Burmax Co., a manufacturer, importer
and distributor of professional beauty and
spa supplies, announced the promotion of
Jay Ohlrich as its national sales manager. Jay
joined the company last year as the Midwest
and Southwest regional manager. Reach Jay
at 800-645-5118 or j.ohlrich@gmail.com. Visit
AG Product Group, LLC has tapped Shauky
Gulamani as president of FHI Heat. Shauky
will coordinate new product developments,
R&D activities, marketing, public relations,
sales and education. He plans to expand the
company’s global distribution and develop a
liquid line to be introduced later this year. To
learn more or catch up, reach him at
Dean Wada, president of Jatai
International, informed BIR that the
company’s founder, Kay Obayashi, passed
away last month at the age of 92. He is
survived by his sister, Cherry Tom; his
brother, Roy Obayashi; plus three nieces
and many grandnieces and nephews. Kay
dedicated 40 plus years to marketing and
promoting products manufactured in Japan,
including the 747 replacement blade shears,
Sori razors, Feather razors and shears, Seki
Edge implements, Du-Boa brushes and
Lucky clips, to the beauty and barber
industry. For more details, reach Dean at
888-965-2824 or dwada@jatai.net. Visit
News continued on page 14
The Multicultural Report
ue out this spring is Pepper Miller’s book,
Black Still Matters: Why Increasing Your
Cultural IQ About Black America is
Critical to the Survival of Your Brand.
Pepper, one of the principals of the HunterMiller Group, which specializes in
African-American market research and
consulting, previously authored What’s Black
About It? Insights to Increase Your Share of
a Changing African-American Market.
Contact Paramount Market Publishing Inc. at
888-787-8100. Visit paramountbooks.com.
Sally Beauty is sponsoring scholarships for
licensed multicultural cosmetologists, students,
barbers, estheticians and nail technicians
interested in earning cosmetology degrees from
the National Institute of Cosmetology of the
National Beauty Culturists’ League (NBCL).
The institute will take place during the NBCL’s
93rd meeting, July 21-28, in Alexandria, VA.
NBCL is the nation’s largest association for
black beauty professionals. Katie B Catalon,
PhD, is the national president. Visit nbcl.org.
Essence Communications President
Michelle Ebanks says that her magazine’s
readers are not well-served in “digital space,
despite over-indexing in digital media
consumption.” The company aims to change all
that with the Essence Hot Hair Try-On Tool
app for the iPad. Users can upload a photo,
find a face shape and try on favorite celebrity
styles. They will also receive beauty tips from
Essence editors and see hair evolutions of
favorite stars. The app features 300 celebrity
styles from women like Beyonce, First Lady
Michelle Obama, Jill Scott, Halle Berry, Mary
J. Blige, Jennifer Hudson, Ledisi and Solange.
It debuted with the hard copy Essence Hot
Hair issue and is available for $4.99. Visit the
iPad app store.
The Cable Television Advertising Bureau
(CAB), a trade organization for the cable
industry, unveiled its website,
reachingblackconsumers.com, at the
Multicultural Marketing & Diversity
Conference, presented by the Association of
National Advertisers. The site focuses on
purchase habits, motivators and media
consumption behavior. More than 25 partners
by Lafayette Jones
participated, including Africa Channel,
Arbitron, BET, BIG Insights, Burrell
Communications, Diversity Affluence,
Footsteps Group, Firefly, Geoscape, gmc,
Hunter-Miller Group, Images USA,
Knowledge Networks, Liquid Soul, Millward
Brown, Mintel, MRI, Nielsen, New American
Dimensions, New Strategist, Scarborough
Research, Strategic Vision, Synovate, US
Census Bureau, Time Warner and Walton
Isaacson. Visit reachingblackconsumers.com.
Marielle Bobo, formerly senior fashion
editor at Essence, is the new style director of
Ebony magazine. She has held a number of high
profile positions at various publications.
including Allure, Women’s Wear Daily,
Cosmogirl and OK, and has contributed to
Harper's Bazaar, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Self,
US Weekly and Life & Style. Visit ebony.com.
The Heinz Endowments' African-American
Men and Boys Task Force and the Pew
Research Center’s Project for Excellence in
Journalism have fueled efforts to encourage
mainstream media to broaden their coverage of
black men and boys and to support projects
that put media in the hands of African
American males, enabling them to tell their
own stories and to challenge those told about
them. “We just aren’t portrayed well as people
who are intelligent or thoughtful or interested
in things like the environment or social causes,”
said Pittsburgh psychologist Walter Howard
Smith, Jr. in a study interview. The Heinz study
was presented at the University of Pittsburgh.
Michael A. Fuoco of the Pittsburgh PostGazette reported on the studies in the article,
“Media urged to change portrayal of blacks.”
Ebony magazine’s style section for men
includes a number of skin products suited to
the special needs of African-American men.
Clinique’s Skin Supplies for Men Liquid Face
Wash is the first in a 3-step system. It has all
the benefits of face soap in a liquid formula,
leaving skin fresh and comfortable, ready for a
shave (5 oz./SRP $16.00). Visit clinique.com.
Neutrogena Men Sensitive Skin Oil-Free
Moisture SPF 30 has sun protection and is
designed to hydrate skin and leave it feeling
soft and smooth. The lightweight, oil-free and
fast absorbing formula calms skin on contact
while evening the look of skin tone and
preventing future discoloration (1.7 oz./SRP
$6.99). Visit neutrogena.com.
Razor bumps, a common problem for black
men, can be addressed with products like
Bump Patrol Maximum Strength Aftershave
Treatment. Its soothing antiseptic agents
penetrate the skin and help achieve a smoother
shave, eliminating irritation (2 ounces/SRP
$8.99). Visit mmproducts.com.
Taliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier is a
must for those who want to detangle, comb
out or remove human hair extension braids or
synthetic braids. Manufactured by Black Earth
Products, it is also useful as a daily conditioner
for braids, locks, twists and other natural hair
styles (8 oz./SRP $7.00). Call 877-480-9328. Visit
Aveda Be Curly Style Prep adds moisture
and curl definition as it seals the cuticle, taming
frizz all day. It detangles to reduce breakage
from combing, makes styling curls easier and
helps maintain them longer, while leaving hair
soft, not crunchy. A wheat protein and organic
aloe blend expands when hair is wet and
retracts when dry to intensify curl or wave
(3.4 oz./SRP $24.00). Visit aveda.com.
Curly Q Milkshake Curl Lotion for fine
curly hair can be used as a leave-in or a rinseoff conditioner for young girls with dry curls. It
is derived from natural coconut and sweet
almond milks (8 oz./SRP $14.00). Visit curls.biz.
Fantasia Hair Polish for color-treated and
chemically damaged hair restores life to dull,
dry, overstressed hair. It fills, seals, resurfaces
and smoothes the cuticle, preventing hair
breakage (6 oz./SRP $6.99). Reach the company
at 800-426-3030 or
Lafayette Jones is CEO of SMSi-Urban Call
Marketing, a promotion and
marketing company, and publisher
of Urban Call custom publications.
Contact him with your
multicultural news at 336-759-7477
or president@smsi-net.com and
visit www.smsiurbancallmarketing.com.
The Beauty Industry Report Visit www.bironline.com
Neuma gives salons/consumers a sustainable choice
euma Research was created to answer the
growing demand for an authentic and
healthy sustainable lifestyle brand that salons
and spas can offer their clients with a clean
conscience. After just one year, the company
has made its mark, with distribution set in 36
states and plans to launch Canada later this
year and international markets in 2013. Beauty
Industry Report recently caught up with Jeff
Orrell, senior vice president of sales and
marketing, for an update and a look ahead
BIR: Welcome, Jeff. Neuma Research has
certainly had an exciting first year. Please fill
in BIR’s readers on your company’s story.
Jeff Orrell (JO): For years, our industry has
hung its hat on clever buzzwords, like “pure and
natural,” “eco friendly” and “organic.” But
consumers' access to information has outpaced
marketers’ ability to distract their attention
with smoke and mirrors. Brands who counted
on seductive front label claims of "organic" or
"natural" but whose ingredients were the same
as those found in their "unhealthy"
competitors, exposed themselves with no way
to justify their claims. We set out to create a
high-performing, transparent professional hair
care brand that allows professionals to feel
confident prescribing it, not only because of its
high level of performance, but knowing that
they are recommending a product that meets
or exceeds the expectations of today’s
educated consumers.
It has been said that bad news travels faster
than good news, so it is time to stop and think
before making a claim. Social media is growing
at an exponential rate, and when there is lack
of credibility, it spreads like a virus.
BIR: Please tell us about your products. What
sets them apart? What does the sustainable
positioning mean?
JO: Neuma offers high-performing,
transparent hair care products, giving
professionals and consumers a healthier and
more sustainable choice. From our
formulations to our bottles, from our marketing
materials and human resource management to
our PETA and fair trade approvals, Neuma
shows that our passion for "because everything
matters" is more than just words. We often say,
looking for products that do not contain
don't believe a word we say, go online, do your
harmful ingredients. Together, those are the
own research and see it for yourself. As one
reason for Neuma’s immediate acceptance and
salon professional put it, "I'm embarrassed that
success in the marketplace.
I did not do my own research (about other
BIR: Given that success, you must have
brands)." As a result, distributors, salons and
targeted distributors carefully.
spas love the growth and success that they are
JO: There has been a very positive response
experiencing with Neuma.
from distributors across the country and
BIR: What makes these products special?
internationally, as well. We qualify distributors
JO: It’s what we choose not to use that
based upon a successful history of brand
makes Neuma’s formulations special. We have
representation, a good fit for Neuma with their
an extensive list of harmful ingredients that we
existing brands, territory coverage, how well
place on the back panel of every bottle under
they work with the distributor(s) they border,
the heading “Zero,” showing clearly what we
their commitment to education and their
choose to not use. Being able to create a
reputation in the marketplace. That information
transparent, sustainable lifestyle brand without
is vital to establishing successful relationships
utilizing synthetically manipulated fragrance
that hides several of the no-no ingredients is an with the right distributors and is critical for
establishing the right fit for both companies.
example of why we feel our formulations are
BIR: What is the
special. Another example is
profile of the salon
utilizing actual fragrant oils
and/or spa that
at higher levels that have a
Neuma can benefit?
secondary benefit of
JO: Neuma targets
enhancing performance
salons and spas that are
while maintaining
interested in providing
ingredient integrity.
a solution to
Our formulas are about
evolving green
sustaining health,
consumers and
beauty and color and
believe in healthier
lowering our carbon
footprint. That’s why
or want
we use sustainable
Neuma’s attractive packaging is also sustainable.
to create a green lifestyle retail section. We are
materials from vendors who use sustainable
the answer for salons and spas that are looking
business practices utilizing sustainable plantfor a high performing, transparent, lifestyle
based materials that do not fade color and are
brand. Spas love Neuma, because it meets their
not harmful to our planet and us.
expectations for compatible, prescriptive,
BIR: Tell me about the company’s roll out.
sophisticated, healthy sustainable products.
JO: This has definitely been the fastest roll
Salons love Neuma, because it puts the
out that I have had the pleasure of being a part
prescriptive power back into professionals’
of—and I’ve been involved with some big ones!
hands without sacrificing performance.
We started shipping September 17, 2010, and
BIR: What is your story? How did you get to
have launched 15 distributors who are
where you are today?
representing Neuma in 36 states. Distributors
JO: Twenty-four years ago, my sister
are looking for authentic, sustainable, green
convinced me to take a look at the beauty
brands, as they see them as a viable growth
industry. She was attending Oceanside Beauty
category. Salons are requesting healthier
College at the time. I got my start on the
alternatives because of ingredient challenges
distribution level in 1988, working for an Aveda
that they, a friend or family member need to
distributor in southern California. In 1991, I was
avoid due to health-related challenges. More
recruited by a larger Aveda distributor in the
and more professionals and consumers are
Pacific Northwest, where I eventually
happened upon ABBA products. I wrote a
letter in 1993 to Jim Markham, who was the
founder/CEO, then joined the company as a
regional sales manager and served in that
position until 1996 when the company was
sold. I then purchased a distribution company
in Bozeman, MT, which proved to be a great
experience. In 1999, Jim Markham approached
me with the opportunity to help him create a
new hair care brand. We launched Pureology
July 30, 2001. In 2007, Pureology was sold to
L’Oréal, and after a short hiatus, I consulted
for a couple of years before getting involved in
bringing Neuma to market.
BIR: Who else is on the management team?
JO: Tommy Dionisio, chief sustainability
officer (CSO); Mikea Lawhon, director of
education; Greg Garcia, western regional sales
manager; and Lee McCall, eastern regional
sales manager, are on our management team.
How fortunate we are to have are very own
CSO. You are starting to see more companies
making a commitment to being greener and
implementing sustainable business and
manufacturing practices. Tommy has been
committed to this cause since day one,
ensuring that Neuma incorporates sustainability
measures by lowering our company’s carbon
footprint and ensuring our utilization of
sustainable, post consumer and recyclable
materials. He updates the team on a regular
basis about new green developments and
educates us all on ingredient integrity, while
providing us with viable greener alternatives
that we can use in both our work and personal
lives. Tommy is also involved with operations,
which is a perfect marriage between our
company’s green objectives and how we
facilitate them internally, as well as externally.
Mikea manages our education department.
She has developed many successful
professional industry teams, and we are very
grateful to have her on our team. Lee and Greg
both support our distributors and their sales
teams in the field, as well as the overall
strategic sales growth objectives with each
distributor, traveling to each of them and
supporting their sales teams in the field.
BIR: What type of educational/product
knowledge programs do you offer?
JO: We have three levels of specially trained
educators—design team, advisors and
“Our formulas
are about
health, beauty
and color.”
associates. The design team trainings are twice
a year, and regional advisor trainings take place
quarterly. We also have localized Neuma
associate trainings that support salons
internally on ongoing basis. Having three levels
of trained educators allows us to provide
distributor educational support from in-salon
workshops to special distributor events and
shows. In addition, these educators support
our corporate shows and provide in-field
distributor sales support.
BIR: How do you help your distributors and
salons sell Neuma to their customers?
JO: We have a veteran sales and education
team that supports our distributors locally on a
monthly basis. We communicate regularly and
plan accordingly with our distributors with
specific objectives to ensure their success with
our brand. Our sales and education team
members also provide field support,
demonstrating and sampling Neuma products
and providing feed back, which has been very
valuable to our success. The salons and spas
really value this additional support and
embrace the opportunity to speak directly
with a company representative.
BIR: What are your launch plans for the first
half of 2012?
JO: We are scheduled to complete our U.S.
distribution channel and start rolling out in
Canada by the end of the second quarter.
During this time, we will continue to ramp up
for our international distribution in 2013.
BIR: What are Neuma’s major sales and
marketing initiatives for 2012?
JO: We will increase our show presence and
exhibit at the International Salon & Spa Expo
in Long Beach, CA; America’s Beauty Show,
Premiere Orlando and the ISPA shows, as we
grow our educational team. We also plan to
increase our trade and consumer public
relations and advertising commitments.
BIR: Tell me about your online marketing,
sales and education initiatives, including but
not limited to your social media outreach?
JO: We have a beautiful website
(neumabeauty.com) that tells the Neuma story.
We use Facebook and Twitter to create
consumer awareness through shared blogs,
testimonials, shows, educational events and
promotional offerings.
BIR: What’s new and/or hot in your line?
JO: We launched our non-aerosol hair spray
this month, and we kicked the New Year off
with our Incontrol aerosol hair sprays last
month. The Incontrol hairsprays have been a
huge hit for us, and we feel really good about
the performance and positioning of all three.
They help complete our finishing offerings in
our styling segment.
BIR: What’s your biggest challenge?
JO: As with any fast-growing company, our
biggest challenge is servicing the growth. We
are fortunate to have a veteran team with a
proven industry track record. Providing
outstanding customer service is one of two
things we do better.
BIR: What is the second?
JO: We make exceptionally good products
that repeat and become almost addictive.
BIR: What would BIR's readers be surprised
to learn about Neuma?
JO: In our professional beauty industry, it
has always been about the story. Today, we are
being challenged by consumers to provide
them with what they now know is best for
them and their environment. The surprise is not
that it actually can be
accomplished. Sure, it costs
more to do; however, Neuma is
living proof that it can be done.
The surprise is that we really
are transparent sans the smoke
and mirrors.
To learn more about
Jeff Orrell,
reach Jeff Orrell at
senior vice
president of
sales and
jeff@neumabeauty.com, and
visit neumabeauty.com.
The Beauty Industry Report Visit www.bironline.com
TouchBack keeps hair color perfect between colorings
formulas that are free of peroxide, ammonia
everal years ago, Joan Lasker was having her does—it actually bonds to the
and sulfates. Recently, we introduced
hair, because it is made with
hair colored. As a brunette, she knew that
TouchBack BrowMarker—a marker for the
real hair color
her gray roots would be visible in two weeks,
eyebrows—in five shades. This new patented
BIR: Your mission
leaving her with two weeks to go before having
marker enhances brows and blends stray grays.
statement is simple: Nonher hair colored again. She started trying
We even developed a special shade—blonde—
Stop Color…Instantly. Tell
products to cover the gray around her hairline,
that works directly on the skin for cases where
me more.
but didn’t like the results. She couldn’t
there may be no brow hair at all. This fits our
JL: My goal is to create a
understand why no one had developed an
philosophy perfectly: we want to sell
group of products that will
effective temporary touch-up with real hair
product, but we also want to fill a
keep hair color looking as
color. So, she decided to take the lead in
need. Used together, our products
perfect as possible
forging a new category, and ColorMetrics was
fill the need to maintain and add
between permanent
born. Beauty Industry Report (BIR) recently
back color between colorings.
colorings without the use
spoke with Joan to learn more about her
BIR: How does someone
of ammonia or peroxide.
company and its products, which are helping
use the system?
We are the only company
people love their hair color the entire time
JL: TouchBack Plus
offering a fully integrated
between colorings.
Color Shampoo (4
system of temporary hair
BIR: What’s the story behind ColorMetrics
oz./list $15.00), Color
color products to cover
and your TouchBack markers?
Conditioner (4 oz./list
Joan Lasker (JL): Permanent hair color is not gray roots and boost
$15.00) and Color Leavehair color overall:
permanent—gray roots are growing and visible
In Conditioner (3.5
ColorMark, our original
within two weeks, and color fades every time
TouchBack Markers deliver oz./list $15.00) boost
product, provides real
hair is washed or exposed to the sun. Women
40 to 50 hairline applications overall hair color and
with gray could be coloring their hair every 4 to hair color in a liquid for
of real hair color.
blend grays. When you
instant gray root touch up in 10 shades.
6 weeks for 40 years. I want our products to
reach your desired color level, the Clear
TouchBack offers real hair color in a marker in
make it easy to keep their color looking fresh
Shampoo (8 oz./list $12.50), Clear Conditioner
eight shades. TouchBack Plus Shampoo,
and hair undamaged. TouchBack, our instant,
(8 oz./list $12.50) and Clear Leave-in
Conditioner and Leave-In Conditioner give
non-stop color system, solves the problem by
Conditioner (3.5 oz./list $15.00) will help to
you an instant color boost in eight shades in
adding back temporary color between
maintain your color, while also providing the
ultimate fade protection against UVA/B rays.
BIR: Tell me about your background and
TouchBack is a
what you did prior to starting ColorMetrics.
JL: I was at Vogue for five years, the
design, the only
instant touch-up that
majority as a beauty editor, then spent 16 years
delivers real hair
as vice president of corporate public relations
color from our
for L’Oréal USA. For two years, I was also
patented “marker”
president of Cosmetic Executive Women
delivery system. Each
(CEW), our 4,000-member trade organization.
marker delivers a
BIR: At shows, I have seen other brands’ hair
minimum of 40 to 50
mascaras for covering gray. What separates
hairline applications
TouchBack from those products?
(.27 oz/list $15).
JL: Hair mascara is...well, mascara. This
None of the other
product will cover gray. But, it makes the hair
touch-ups on the
noticeably dull, it flakes off when brushed and
market, whether in
rubs off on your pillow at night. Both
mascara, crayon, gel
TouchBack and ColorMark are made with real,
or powder delivery
temporary hair dyes that bond to the outside
systems, will bond to
of the hair shaft and won’t flake or rub off
the hair. TouchBack
when brushed. They blend beautifully with
TouchBack Plus products refresh hair color instantly.
permanent hair color for a totally natural look.
BIR: How do you approach each day?
JL: I’m a micro manager. I am obsessive
about inventory. When a customer orders, I
never want to be out of stock. In our eight
years in business, I can count the times that has
happened on one hand.
BIR: How do you distribute your products?
JL: We sell our products primarily through
30-plus full-service beauty distributors, as well
as to master distributors and wholesalers. We
also sell TouchBack and ColorMark to Ulta
Beauty and Sally Beauty stores. Now, we are
beginning to take on distributors overseas.
BIR: What are the key success factors you
look for in selecting a distributor partner?
JL: The distributor needs a dedicated salon
consultant team. Skype has made it easy to do
Monday morning meetings to keep the sales
groups informed and motivated. When we
started the company, John Cortese was our
vice president of sales. He did a fantastic job
getting our products into a strong group of fullservice beauty distributors. We now have rep
groups, including Van Nest Coleman &
Associates and others.
BIR: Who is your target market?
JL: Anyone with gray hair.
BIR: Tell me about your online marketing,
sales and education initiatives, including but
not limited to your social media outreach.
JL: We have a strong Internet business as a
result of our public relations efforts. We use
Tractenberg and Co. in New York City. Our
products are consistently in the national and
local press. We focus on creating relationships
with and spreading our story via beauty
bloggers more than Facebook and Twitter for
our social media efforts.
BIR: What’s new and/or hot in your line?
JL: Temporary bright hair colors have surged
during the past year. Streekers, Hot Colors for
Cool Hair, is hot for us right now. Streekers’
patented formula bonds to the hair and is the
only temporary bright hair color that won’t
flake off when brushed, unlike mascaras, gelbased products and sprays. Then, you can wash
it out when you’re not feeling wild. We say that
Streekers “let you get ready for a wild weekend
with no commitment. Now every Monday
doesn’t have to be blue. How about pink, red,
green, orange, yellow, purple or ultra violet?”
“My goal is to
create a group
of products that
will keep hair
color looking as
perfect as
BIR: What trends do you see having a
positive effect on the professional beauty
industry, and how is ColorMetrics taking
advantage of them?
JL: People are stretching their time between
hair color services. Stylists are recommending
our products to keep their clients’ color
looking fresh between salon visits because they
are temporary and don’t interfere with
permanent color.
BIR: What do you have planned for 2012? Are
you working on any new marketing
JL: We have just launched the TouchBack
Plus line of colored shampoos and
conditioners. Throughout the year, we will be
working to grow sales of those lines.
BIR: What is your company’s greatest
accomplishment in the past five years?
JL: We think we have understood the trends
that drive consumers’ purchases. Our biggest
breakthrough was getting hair dye to come out
of a marker. The product was so revolutionary
that within six months, we won Cosmoprof
North America’s first Discover Beauty Award
for best product and went on to win Allure’s
Best of Beauty for best product in its category
and CEW’s best new hair color product. I am
very proud that my small company creates
products that receive big recognition.
BIR: Have you had any mentors?
JL: My background was public relations. I
needed a lot of help in sales, marketing,
packaging and production. But, my years at
L’Oréal and CEW gave me the ability to pick up
the phone and call some of the top experts.
Robert Oppenheim, former president of
Clairol’s salon division, gave me hours and
hours of his time, as did the late Alan
Kurtzman of Neutrogena and Revlon, and
Guy Peyrelongue, president of L’Oréal, who
advised me to take the product to market on
my own.
BIR: What is the best business advice you
ever received, and who was it from?
JL: My father told me to be persistent and
don’t give up. He was the most persistent
person I ever met—he achieved all of his goals.
BIR: What inspires you?
JL: The emails I receive from customers
inspire me. They thank me for creating a
product that solves a constant problem.
Occasionally I answer customer service calls
myself, because I love talking directly with
customers from all over the country, getting
their feedback directly. I really believe that
listening to the customers is the purest form of
market research.
BIR: Is there anything else that you would
like to address?
JL: We grew this company from scratch. We
didn’t order our products from a private label
company. We invented them. It’s the classic
example of recognizing a need for a product
that doesn’t exist and creating
it. I didn’t know it would be so
difficult to develop or take as
long as it did. But, I am very
happy with the result and I’m
glad that I was persistent.
Reach Joan Lasker at
Joan Lasker, 505-983-0115 or visit
CEO/founder colormetrics.com.
The Beauty Industry Report Visit www.bironline.com
Certification produces skilled hair colorists
air color is the No. 1 service driver for
salons, and Andre Nizetich has dedicated
his career to elevating hair colorists’ expertise.
Twelve years ago, he joined together with a
group of distinguished hair colorists to form
the American Board of Certified
Haircolorists (ABCH), a 501(c) 3, non-profit
organization with the mission of establishing a
higher level of hair colorist to whom
consumers can turn for high-quality,
professional hair color. They invested eight
years in developing a hair colorist certification
process and exam, and today, there are 1,565
board certified hair colorists across the
country. The organization also produces its
annual Energizing Summit, which Andre calls
“the crown prince of hair color education.”
Beauty Industry Report recently had the
opportunity to chat with Andre, who is
president of the ABCH, to learn more about
how the industry can become involved in these
BIR: Andre, before talking about the ABCH,
please provide BIR’s readers with a short
recap of your career.
Andre Nizetich (AN): I am what is referred
to as a “war horse.” I earned my license in 1957
and have been engaged in the industry since
then as a hairdresser, educator, guest artist,
salon owner and manufacturer. This is a great
industry with a lot of opportunity. When I
started in the industry, rollers were just coming
out, so I have lived through a lot of changes.
BIR: How did you become interested in hair
AN: Shortly after beauty school, I invented
Super Streak, a tool for adding streaks and
highlights to the hair. I then hit the road, along
with my partner, teaching people how to use it.
Because it was a hair coloring tool, I was asked
a lot of questions about hair color that I didn’t
have the answers to. At that point, I decided I
had better learn hair color if I was going to
teach it. I went to as many classes as possible,
but I just got more confused. So, I decided to
learn hair color on my own. I even purchased a
microscope to view what was going on. What I
learned astounded me. The teaching was filled
with old wives’ tales and lacked the truth. I
10 FEBRUARY 2012
does not justify the price.” That is why I hate to
wanted to change that.
see the manufacturers continue to raise their
BIR: Please provide some brief background
prices, in turn requiring hair colorists to raise
on ABCH and the criteria you use to
theirs. There are those consumers who will pay,
promote the credibility of the hair colorist
regardless of how much is charged, but that is
and the quality of the work done in salons.
not the norm, especially in this economy. If we
AN: I am the president of the organization;
continue to raise prices, clients are going to
we have a Board of Directors, whose members
rebel. Our competition is still the drug store,
participate in any major decisions made in
behalf of the organization. We started ABCH to and we are losing clients every day to it.
BIR: You mentioned that once the ABCH was
establish a higher standard for professional hair
formed, it took eight years to establish a
coloring. We all know there are folks out there
certification program and give the first
who are licensed cosmetologists who don’t
exam. What was your process?
have a clue about doing professional hair color,
AN: It was grueling! Imagine starting with a
but that doesn’t stop them from offering hair
blank piece of paper, writing a curriculum, then
color services to their clients. We want to
developing an exam. Sometimes we had as
separate the flowers from the weeds, so
many as 10 colorists
locked in a room trying
receive the
to come to terms on the
results they
definition for “brassy.”
desire when
Many notable hair
having their hair
colorists were involved
colored at a
in the process. We all
salon. Of course
entered the fray with
there are some
the thought we were
great hair
colorists who
The 2011 Energizing Summit educators volunteered doing something noble
their time to share pure hair color education.
for the industry. We
are not board
certified. That’s okay, too. We don’t expect the
high-profile hair colorists to take the
examination, but we would like them to
endorse the concept.
BIR: Many more people color their hair at
home than visit a salon. How can our
industry work together to reverse that?
AN: The answer to that is simple—changing
our pricing. We are pricing ourselves out of
business. I taught a consumer hair color class
entitled ,“Color Your Hair like the Professionals.”
The class was sponsored by my local
community college. It was the greatest
promotion I ever did. Obviously, the consumers
that attended were interested in coloring their
hair. At the conclusion of the class, I asked the
question, “Why do you not have your hair
colored professionally?” There were two
answers—”I can’t afford it” and “It’s too
expensive.” Those might sound like the same
answer, but they’re not. One means, “I don’t
have the money.” The other means “The service
thought the manufacturers would endorse our
commitment—the more qualified the hair
colorists, the more hair color those colorists
are going to use. We fully expected
manufacturers to endorse our program. Instead,
they rejected the entire concept. Go figure.
BIR: It’s surprising that ABCH only has 1,575
certified hair colorist members. Would you
like to increase that number?
AN: Of course we would like to increase the
numbers, but it’s a tough exam; our pass rate is
below 50%. In administering the examination,
we have seen some great hair colorists. On the
other hand, we have observed some pretty
pathetic work. I think that is a microcosm of
what happens in salons. It is not easy to fail as
many people as we do, but we refuse to lower
our standards just for the sake of getting more
board certified hair colorists.
BIR: Please describe the certification
AN: There are no prerequisites other than a
“We started
establish a
standard for
hair coloring.”
cosmetology license. We stand on the
examination process for determining whether
someone is qualified to be a board certified
hair colorist. The study portfolio describes in
detail exactly what a candidate has to do to
pass the examination; there is no guesswork.
We enlisted the skill of a professor of
vocational education to give us guidance with
writing the examination.
BIR: I understand the Ratner organization,
which includes Hair Cuttery, uses your
certification program to develop better hair
colorists. How does that work?
AN: The Ratner organization has a trainer
who teaches the curriculum to those who
want to become board certified. They have had
a great deal of success using our curriculum to
teach their hair colorists. This is not the type of
organization in which you have to reach a
certain level before you can belong. Rather, it is
a tool to help individuals refine their skills and
become better hair colorists—and it works!
BIR: Tell me more about the structure of the
ABCH. You mentioned the organization is a
501(c) 3 non-profit corporation. What is the
significance of that?
AN: It is an educational non-profit
corporation; as such, you can contribute to it
and have it become tax deductible. We are an
organization formed solely to upgrade the
industry. We have nothing to sell—only the
materials necessary to study for and take the
examination. We are all about producing a
higher level of professional hair colorist.
BIR: Tell me about your Energizing Summit.
AN: It is a fantastic event! It is two days of
solid education for $300.00. I would say it is
the premier hair color educational event. The
board of directors produces it in a way that
makes learning enjoyable for all of our
attendees. We have 45 educators who come to
the event to educate, just for the love of the
profession. With 23 classes going on at the
same time, lots of interaction with the
educators and hands-on classes galore, it is a
real learning experience. You can select the
classes you want online. For the month of
February, we offer 20% off tuition as an
incentive for registering early. We do have a
few exhibitors who sell their wares.
In contrast, look at what is happening to our
beauty shows. Of course the major shows offer
education, but it takes a back seat to the
exhibit hall.
BIR: Who is on the ABCH board of directors
and what are their duties and
AN: Our board consists of five terrific hair
colorists—Kris McGinnis, Paul Morrison,
Tamara Dahill and Aura Mae—and me. I
pretty much run the show. No one gets paid;
they volunteer their time and energy for the
betterment of the industry
BIR: What is fueling the hair color category’s
growth and importance to salons?
AN: Hair coloring has always been an
important segment of the industry. Many have
steered clear of it because they understood
that you can lose a good client with a bad hair
color service. Now, they have embraced it,
because as business gets more competitive in
other areas, they turn to hair coloring. This is
good and bad—good because we have a
greater focus on hair coloring in the salon and
bad because they are doing it for the money
and not for the love of what they are doing.
BIR: Are hair color manufacturers involved
with your organization?
AN: Wella Color Charm is the only
company that gives us financial support. Many
others—Artease, Chromastics, Compagnia
Del Colore, Ion Color, Avant Garde, Malibu
and Keratin Complex—cheer us on. In
addition, other manufacturers support us at
the Summit. We are very grateful for that.
BIR: What can manufacturers do to help
students and working colorists?
AN: Anything the manufacturers do would
be better than what they are doing now. It
would help if they embraced our concept for
teaching. We are not competing with them—
we want to help them.
Manufacturers have to start teaching and
distinguish education from entertainment. They
have all of the power to make changes.
Everyone teaches the color wheel. Why?
Because it is the only consistent thing we have
in our teaching. The color wheel is useless
when it comes to hair color. What good is the
color wheel when the manufacturers don’t
reveal what primary colors are in their colors?
Our education is so fragmented that no one
can make any sense of it. Our goal at ABCH
was to standardize the education, but that’s
impossible when we, as an industry, can’t even
agree on the names of different categories of
hair color. We must have a standardized
curriculum in order to advance as a profession.
BIR: What is your vision for ABCH’s future?
AN: We are going to keep working as long as
we can. We get a lot of very positive feedback
from those hair colorists who have studied for
and taken the exam. That’s what keeps us going.
We have eight examinations scheduled for this
year, as well as the Energizing Summit. It’s going
to be a busy year.
BIR: Any final thoughts?
AN: I think everyone who reads this article
needs to look at the big picture and see what is
happening to our industry. There are a lot of
people making a lot of money, but they are not
paying attention to the salon industry as a
whole. Salon owners are struggling; we have to
help them. Let our industry be your City of
Hope. Of course, the City of Hope does great
things, but so do salon owners.
Everyone needs to put their
heads together and figure out
how we can get more clients
coming into salons.
To learn more and support
ABCH, reach Andre Nizetich at
310-547-0814, or
Nizetich, ABCH
FEBRUARY 2012 11
The Beauty Industry Report Visit www.bironline.com
Farouk launches PPD-free color, 2012 initiatives
provided real-world evidence that the
eauty Industry Report (BIR) joined Farouk
company practices that motto daily.
Shami and his Farouk Systems’ distributors
Farouk, wearing his signature red boots and
from around the globe on January 12-13 to
red tie, gave a rousing presentation, reflecting
preview the sales, marketing and educational
that since starting the
initiatives for 2012.
company in 1986, he has
Scott Emery, vice
received 12 patents as a
president of international
result of taking
and event master of
technology from different
ceremonies, opened the
fields and applying it in
session and introduced
the beauty industry to
the new Allure
develop out-of-the box
Collection. Lisa Marie
solutions for products
Garcia and Global
and tools.
Artistic Board stylists,
He stated, “It has been
Rocky Vitelli and
a year of success, it has
Leonel Rodriguez (the
been about innovation.
stylist behind the hair),
Our passion is for the
spoke briefly about their
hairdresser. We are in the
inspiration. Lisa Marie,
CEO Farouk Shami greets his distributors. fashion business, which is
who recently was
promoted to vice president of shows and
education, explained that CHI Ionic Color was
used to achieve the bold colors. She also
announced that CHI Ionic Color is now
formulated without (paraphenylenediamine)
(PPD). In describing the new Allure Collection,
Lisa Marie stated, “Now is not the time for
extreme avant-garde; it’s time to get back to
the basics of creating an all-around great hair
style for today’s woman, who is constantly
evolving her look from sophisticated to sexy to
fun and edgy. With the Allure collection, you
will see that by simply changing the part, she
can have both.”
During after-dinner conversation with a few
of the international distributors, they told BIR
that one of the most important reasons that
Farouk Systems has grown into one of the most
successful brands in salon hair care is Farouk
Shami’s focused communication about his
concern, care and love for hairdressers’ wellbeing, health and livelihood. His slogan, “from
hairdressers to hairdressers” carries that
message. Other important ingredients in the
success of Farouk Systems has been its ability
to change and evolve with the expansion of its
product lines, to manage changes in
distribution and to attract high quality
employees. Another of the company’s mottos
is “Innovation and not replication.” This event
12 FEBRUARY 2012
continually evolving; however, our vision has
stayed the same; we are a company of
hairdressers for hairdressers.” He said he is
committed to changing the beauty industry
into a better place by providing innovative and
safe products that help stylists earn the great
living that they deserve.
Farouk emphasized the importance of
focusing on the salon service—salons’ and
stylists’ primary money-makers. The CHI Enviro
American Smoothing System offers a safe—
and profitable—service that creates the
smooth, healthy, shiny hair that clients crave.
Since its launch last year, the product has
continued to grow its customer base and is
solid winner for the company.
Of course, tools put Farouk systems on the
map to stay. “The tool business has driven
Farouk Systems to where it is today,” Farouk
said. To continue that growth, in 2012, the
company is bringing to market new tool designs
and technology coupled with its ‘made in
America’ story.
Farouk introduced his long-time friend and
partner, John McCall, who as the owner of the
Armstrong McCall distribution company
provided the launch point for CHI Irons. John
shared stories, including that Farouk gave its
900 employees a $1,000 holiday bonus each!
Gregg Emery, Farouk Systems president, has
relied on his intimate knowledge of distribution
and store operations as a former distribution
executive to parlay strategic distribution
changes. As a result, Farouk Systems has
transitioned from more than 40 domestic
distributors to today’s group, which includes
Beauty Systems Group’s (BSG) and
SalonCentric’s networks, along with Emiliani
Enterprise, Michigan Beauty Supply, and now
for Florida, Kate Thomassen’s Thomassen
Beauty Supply. No doubt Gregg’s intimate
knowledge of SalonCentric and the Florida
market contributed to this change, which
places Farouk products in all of the
SalonCentric stores, with Thomassen Beauty
Supply calling on salons for the brand. Why?
”The simple answer is we needed to be coming
out of the distributor salon consultant’s (DSC)
bag quicker than fouth or fifth,” explains Gregg.
“Kate gives us that option, and we are
confident in her team’s ability.”
Added Kate, “All of us at Thomassen Beauty
Supply are thrilled and humbled at the
opportunity to distribute Farouk Systems’
products. We are ready to prove it's not how
large your company is. It's about your people,
their passion, a willingness to bring education
and believing that these simple truths will
continue to better our industry.” Kate added,
“Gregg and I worked together for many years at
Ace Beauty Company. Both Gregg and Farouk
know our team's experience, work ethic and
dedication to the industry, and that's what
earned us this great opportunity! As the saying
goes, it's not what you know, it's who you
know, and we are lucky to know Gregg!”
Could this be the new distribution model
for a number of brands that are in either BSG
or Salon Centric and facing the same
challenge? With the major product lineup
these two mega distribution organizations have,
the likelihood of the DSCs presenting the
smaller brands is low. As Kate asserts, “This
newer model of distribution will make a
positive difference for the industry. It will bring
focus back on the manufacturer, bring attention
and more personalized service to the salons
and bring local education back for both,
building a strong business model for the future.
I believe that this model will also prove to
along with the travel sizes. Overall, Farouk
Finally, Jason shared the company’s three
strengthen our competitors' store sales. As we
Systems has a great team in place, especially
primary marketing/sales initiatives for 2012:
increase market share, there will be more
after adding Lisa Marie, who is one of the best
Strong promotion for CHI Tools led by the
demand for convenience sales from stylists.
in the business as far as producing shows and
newly designed CHI Touch Hair Dryer; CHI
With our focus on the streets, it will give their
education. Jason is a superstar. They have great
Ionic Color without PPD and the CHI Enviro
reps more time to focus on their other major
dedication from vice president of sales, Stu
American Smoothing System.
brands.” Reach Kate at 800-787-3559 or
Feldshon, and Scott Emery does a great job
The new CHI Hair Dryer features touch
thomassenbeauty@aol.com. Visit
handling international sales. Greg Emery has
screen technology that management believes
added his experience dealing with BSG and
will be a game changer. The controls provide
Jason Yates, Farouk System’s vice president
SalonCentric. Overall, they have a very solid
the stylist with very specific ways to use the
of sales and marketing, emphasized that Farouk
dryer. Compared with its
Systems is
Joche Santiago Jr., chief facilitator at
predecessor, the new model offers
celebrating its 25th
Exotique Salon Essentials, Inc., headquartered
50% faster drying time, 40% less
year of marketing
in Puerto Rico, stated, “It is refreshing to see
weight with low EMF and is super
that in this day and age, there are still major
products. He also
players who keep the industry's well-being as
BIR checked with a few of the
discussed the
an important company goal, constantly
distributors attending the
success the
innovating and upping their game. It gives us, as
conference to get their take on the
company is having
distributors, a big sense of pride to be involved
meeting. John Golliher, BSG
in reducing product
in their efforts and to be part of their success.
president, said, “From the
diversion that in the
Exotique's mission is very in tune with Farouk
information presented at this event,
past has plagued
Systems’ philosophies, and we are proud to be
Tom Neuts, vice president of
both CHI Irons and
their partners in our markets.”
merchandising, and our operations
Silk Therapy.
Added Beverly D. Morrison, CEO of Royal
team have synergized our objectives
Between Farouk
Beauty Lines LLC, “We were very excited to
and Farouk’s major initiatives into
Systems winning a
Gregg Emery, president, (left) and
see the new CHI Ionic Color with no PPD.
our marketing calendar. Gregg and
law suit against
Jason Yates, vice president of
Farouk is always working diligently to create the
Jason have put together a good
Costco and also
sales/marketing (right), launched new
safest products and tools for salon
team, whose
adding a hologram
business-building strategies.
professionals and for our salon
function has
labeling system to
clients. What makes Farouk
track products, there has been a sharp decrease improved tremendously and
Systems such a valuable partner
thus enable them to meet or
in diverted goods. For 2011, the company’s tool
for our organization is innovation,
exceed their goal for 2012.”
business had a 4% increase in spite of
education, a focus on the
Mark Clevenger, vice
terminating a number of distributors that were
environment and ethics! It is great
president of merchandising
involved in product diversion. He also shared
to have the opportunity to share
that Farouk Systems’ color business was up 27% and partner brand
our experiences and successes
development at SalonCentric,
compared with 2011. The company placed CHI
with our fellow distributors from
shared, “The Farouk
Ionic Hair Color in 250 beauty schools, which
The Allure Collection
around the world at Farouk
resulted in 15,000 beauty school students being distributor conference
featured multiple looks just Systems' conferences.”
delivered several key
trained to use CHI Color. Jason also announced
from changing the hair’s part.
What’s next for Farouk Systems?
initiatives that will impact our
that the Royal Treatment, a luxurious, highBIR asked Farouk about his mandate to
business this year. The launch of the CHI Touch
end, salon-only brand generated $9 million in
Hair Dryer and CHI Wave Curling Iron will help continue beefing up the company’s resources in
factory shipments. Another launch in 2011 was
hiring experts in a number of specialized fields
drive the appliance and chemical service
the CHI Enviro American Smoothing System,
in order to establish Farouk Systems as a
categories for State Beauty and SalonCentric.
which in its first eight months of distribution
technology leader. Farouk responded, “To be
Also, we are pleased about Farouk’s ongoing
generated sales of $16 million at salon cost.
the best, we must work with the best. We
anti-diversion efforts, which have helped to
Overall, Farouk Systems’ wet lines had a 16%
already have a great team of chemists, stylists,
increase in sales for the year. The company also strengthen the brand for our organization.”
physicists and even a former NASA scientist,
Andre Chiavelli, Emiliani Enterprises’
was successful in diversifying its sales—CHI
but innovation isn’t stagnate, so we must bring
executive vice president of sales and corporate
Tools, which represented 68% of total
even more experts into our workplace to
strategy, added, “It was great to see Farouk in
company sales in 2008, now account for 45%
ensure we stay ahead of the game.
full day-to-day action, as he makes the big
of total company sales, with color and wet
Reach Gregg Emery at 800-237-9175 or
difference. I believe the CHI Touch Hair Dryer
goods generating 33% and chemical services
gemery@farouk.com. Visit farouk.com.
with the new technology will be a big seller,
22%—a positive development.
FEBRUARY 2012 13
The Beauty Industry Report Visit www.bironline.com
NYX Los Angeles Inc., a color cosmetic
brand, needs a sales director with strong
experience in the professional channel,
including a minimum of five years managing
independent sales reps and distributors
nationally. Experience in color cosmetics is a
plus but a passion to be a key executive in
the growth of this brand is a must. The
company offers a competitive salary based
on experience plus bonus. About 25% of the
job is travel throughout the United States.
Send resume with salary history to Naz
Roshan at naz@nyxcosmetics.com
Fromm International is seeking an
experienced professional to lead its
marketing department as the vice president
of marketing. Candidates must have a track
record of building consumer brands and
programs, and working with distributors and
other indirect sales channels, ideally in the
beauty industry. This position is based in Mt.
Prospect, IL (suburban Chicago), in a positive,
motivating and rewarding work environment.
Compensation includes salary
commensurate with experience, highly
competitive benefits and significant bonus
potential. Visit new-hire.com/jobseekers/
and enter Job ID 4451 to apply.
Jim Zimring at WSI-Technology Marketing
Associates assists companies in maximizing
performance and reputation protection on
the Internet via website development,
search engine optimization, online
advertising programs, social networking tools
and web analytics. He is part of a worldwide organization of 1,600 affiliates in 80
countries and a large network of Internet
experts. Contact him for a free, noobligation evaluation and consultation at
818-342-8341 or jim@wsi-tecmarketing.com.
Visit wsi-marketing.com.
14 FEBRUARY 2012
Experienced sales executive with a strong
track record of success with start-up and
established companies desires a position
that allows him to make the proper
decisions necessary for growth and financial
stability in your company as a sales
manager/vice president of sales. He has
turned bankrupt businesses into top
producers. Contact Box 2-1-12.
The new Keratin Complex Blondeshell
collection boosts and brightens all shades of
blonde—from strawberry to white and gray,
including natural and highlighted—between
salon visits. Four products beat brassiness
and dull, lifeless color with the help of fadefighting chamomile complex and the
strengthening blend of keratin protein,
vitamins and natural oils. Products include
Blondeshell Shampoo (13.5 oz./SRP $24.00),
Blondeshell Conditioner (13.5 oz./SRP
$24.00), Masque Debrass & Brighten Deep
Keratin Treatment (6.7 oz./SRP $36.00) and
Enhance High Shine Brightening Oil
(3.4 oz./SRP $28.00). Reach Rick Gerstein,
executive vice president of sales, at
888-409-4445, ext. 307, or
rgerstein@keratincomplex.com. Visit
Jenoris of Israel’s pistachio and borage oils
nourish hair with vitamins and omega 3, 6
and 9, for shine, moisture and elasticity.
Products include Pistachio Oil (3.38 oz.),
Pistachio Hair Mask (16.9 oz.), Shampoo for
Colored and Dry Hair (16.9 oz.), Keratin
Hair Mask (16.9 oz.), Keratin Shampoo
(13.52 oz.), Restorhair Cream (8.45 oz.), Curls
Cream (16.9 oz.), Moisturizing Hair Cream
(16.9 oz.), Silicon Spray (16.9 oz.) and Glaze
(16.9 oz.). List prices range from $12 to $22.
Benny Gliksman, CEO, is seeking
distributors. Reach him at benny@glix.co.il.
Visit jenoris.com.
Fantasia’s new Brazilian Hair Oil Keratin
Treatment is formulated with keratin
protein and Amazon rain forest botanicals to
strengthen and renew damaged hair. It is
available in 12-piece display of either 6ounce sprays or bottles (SRP $10.95 each).
Reach Raymond Menaged, principal, at
212-391-1080, ext. 284, or
raymond@fantasia.com. Visit fantasia.com.
Clairol Professional launches Liquicolor
Permanente Gray Busters NN range, which
delivers warm tonal shades for coverage on
resistant grays for multi-dimensional, natural
looking color. The new tonal pillar of six
neutral shades utilizes the power of
soy4plex for deep conditioning, healthy
looking, reflective shine, long-lasting color
and natural looking multi-dimensional
results (list $3.99-$4.59). Visit clairolpro.com.
More than 250 hairdressers from all over the
world joined Scruples aboard its eighth
Annual Educational Fun Cruise, which
included a Scruples hair show featuring a
grand finale by 2011 North American
Hairstyling Awards Peoples’ Choice
Hairstylist of the Year, Charlie Price.
Reach Kelly Larson, events and education
marketing specialist, at 952-985-7034 or
klarson@scrupleshaircare.com. Visit
Xotics by Curtis Smith offers Sweet
Jamilla Shave Therapy, The Good Lif and
Pyur Shea products for total hair and body
care, blended with botanicals, natural oils
and moisturizers. Sweet Jamilla is a fusion of
100% shea butter and essential oils of jojoba
and coconut to protect against split ends
and breakage, while making hair softer,
smoother and more manageable (4 oz./
SRP $16.00). Shave Therapy is a pre- and
after-shave treatment to eliminate bumps
and irritation and lubricate skin (3.2 oz./
SRP $15.00). For skin protection and healing,
The Good Lif natural body moisturizer
features shea, mango and kukum butters
(single bottle/SRP $20.00). Good Lif Body
Melt is a blend of kokum and avocado
butters that leave the skin smooth (4 oz./
SRP $18.00). Pyur Shea Body Butter is an
unscented ultra-refined shea butter with a
hint of cocoa, aloe vera and vitamin E
(4 oz./SRP $16.00). Reach Curtis at
252-213-0582 or info@xoticsproducts.com.
Visit xoticsproducts.com.
Di Biase Hair Extensions USA launched by
Vikki Parman, CEO, and Dale Aho, COO,
seeks distributors and educators. For
information on distribution, sales and
educational opportunities, reach Vikki at
248-885-4748 or info@dibiasehairuas.com.
Visit dibiasehairusa.com.
Tame frizzy, dry, coarse hair with CHI Enviro
Smoothing Shampoo and Smoothing
Conditioner from Farouk Systems. The
line’s pearl and silk complex infuses hair with
moisture, amino acids and polysaccharides
for optimal hair health and shine. Silk, the
strongest natural fiber, improves elasticity
and strengthens hair. Both are available in
three sizes (2 oz./SRP $5.95; 12 oz./SRP
$19.96; 32 oz./list $29.90). Reach Jason Yates,
vice president of sales, at 800-237-9175 or
jason@farouk.com. Visit farouk.com.
Goldwell adds Texture Cream Paste
(3.3 oz./SRP $15.00) to the Dualsenses for
Men line. It creates structured styles with a
matte finish, strengthening hair to protect
against environmental elements with protein
and panthenol, while menthol, guarana and
caffeine revitalize the hair and scalp. Reach
Paige Fadden, media relations manager, at
443-577-5158 or paige.fadden@kpss-hair.us.
Visit goldwell-northamerica.com.
Macadamia Natural Oil launches No
Tangle PreStyler and No Tangle Brush,
which detangle snarls, snags and knots on
contact. The No Tangle Pre-Styler (3.3
oz./SRP $13.00, 8.5 oz./SRP $23.00) is
designed for use when hair is still wet, while
the No Tangle Brush ends wet-comb
breakage (SRP $15.00). Reach Eddie Gwinn,
vice president of sales, at 800-807-3950 or
egwinn@macadamiaoilhair.com. Visit
ProRituals by Jingles introduces Adapt
Hairspray (SRP $19.00), a dry setting and
finishing non-flaking and brushable aerosol
spray that provides medium hold with no
build up. Used with heat and a round brush,
it builds volume. Reach Anthony Leib,
executive vice president, at 800-783-9969 or
sales@robanda.com. Visit prorituals.com.
Van Stamey, president of ThermaFuse, sent
this update: “We accomplished our goals of
a 33% increase in sales for both 2012 and
2011. Other goals included becoming a force
in the smoothing category….without using
harmful ingredients. We introduced our first
F450 smoothing product in January 2011,
followed by three others in May. By the end
of June, those four products accounted for
51% of our sales—not bad, considering we
already had 27 products. Our second goal
was new distribution, and we added
Essential Salon Services (RG Shakour) for
the Northeast, Blue Sky Beauty for the
New York boroughs and Long Island, Ocean
Beauty Supply for New Jersey and Eastern
Pennsylvania, Prestige Salon Products for
North and South Carolina, Great Lakes
Salon Supplies for Michigan and Bellissima
Salon Products, Inc. for Calgary, AB. The
final goal for 2011 was a package change,
which we shipped on December 31. My wife,
Toni Rae, and I did more than our share of
travelling, but much of the credit goes to
Russ Zins for his management and Rudy
Zamora for marketing. Our regional
managers and director of education also
made major contributions. For 2012, we are
offering the TF Classic Line, the F450
Smoothing Products and the HeatSmart
Serum Treatment category, but our major
push is for additional distribution.” Reach
Van at 800-331-4247 or
van@thermafuse.com. Visit thermafuse.com.
ASP Hair, a division of Affinage Salon
Professional, launches Kitoko Advanced
Hair Therapy Nutri-Restore Cleanser and
Nutri-Restore Balm. Both have hibiscus to
provide strength, while preventing further
damage. Both Nutri-Restore Cleanser (8.5
oz./list $10.20), a sulfate-free formula, and
Nutri-Restore Balm (8.5 oz./list $10.20) are
safe for color-treated hair. Reach Michael
Ifergan, managing director, at 877-597-2929
or michael@michaelifergan.com. Visit
Simplicity Hair Extensions has collaborated
with HairDesignerTV.com’s Vivienne
Mackinder to package extensions the way
stylists use them. They’re available six Indian
Remi hair extensions per pack in 2-inch, 3inch and 4-inch widths, as well as lengths of
10 to 12 inches, 14 to 16 inches and 18 to 20
inches. Simplicity also rolls out a new line of
vivid rainbow hues in the Funky Color
Collection, which features shades of brilliant
pink, vibrant blue, purple gemstone and
radiant red. Simplicity also offers 28 shades
of traditional hair color, plus six shades of
gray. The new outer packaging is clear to
make shade selection easy. Reach Judi
Meola, vice president of sales and
marketing, at 424-239-1447 or
judi.meola@aderansusa.com. Visit
Couture Colour launches a RescHue Water
Purification System that hooks to any
shampoo bowl or shower faucet to help
preserve hair color by eliminating 91% of
chlorine, harmful chemicals and
contaminants in water (SRP $55.00). Reach
Janice McCafferty at 773-736-9034 or
janice@janicemccaffertypr.com. Visit
Farvy offers gels, pomades, shampoos and
conditioners at affordable prices. The
company recently introduced the 4X4 men’s
collection, including Styling Hair Wax (60
grams/SRP $7.00), Styling Hair Pomade
Formal Style (60 grams/SRP $7.00) and
Styling Hair New Generation Gel (500
grams/ SRP $4.00). Reach Allan Zadik, sales
manager, at 281-496-2812 or
allanz@fazmarketing.com. Visit farvy.com.mx.
News continued on page 16
FEBRUARY 2012 15
The Beauty Industry Report Visit www.bironline.com
News continued from page 15
Mug for Men products are nutritious,
immune-building supplements specific to
male facial and hand skin. Ingredients
include acne fighting resveratrol from grape
seed oil; chamomile and white willow bark
botanicals; anti-oxidants with pumice
crystals and hemp seed oil, which is rich in
omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids. Clean
Sweep Face Wash daily cleanser, blended
with aloe, is phosphate free and leaves skin
fresh and clean (4 oz./SRP $18.00). Silver
Fox Face Rescue Cream for wrinkle
reduction is anti-oxidant fortified and
contains lipopeptide-3 and a collagen
booster (4 oz./SRP $39.00). Reach Kevin
Kenneth, owner, at 760-494-3669 or
kevin@mugformen.com. Visit
Doll Hair Care launches TwiddleStic, a
curling iron companion designed to create
lasting curls, complement straightening irons
and leave hair healthy and shiny. TwiddleStic
is available in three sizes: Single, set of three
sizes and pack of 12 (SRP $135.00/stick).
Reach Gary Sunderland, artistic director, at
gary@dollhaircare.com. Visit
Andis Company’s Ultra Adjustable Blade
Clipper is ergonomically designed to fit
comfortably in the hand, so it feels lighter
and decreases fatigue for the stylist. The
clipper is part of a 13-piece kit with
everything needed for a professional haircut
and comes with six attachment combs
(#18480/SRP $28.50). Andis also launches
Curved Edge Titanium Flat Irons in 1-inch
and 1½-inch sizes, featuring titanium plates
that distribute and retain heat evenly to
preserve natural oils and to seal the hair
cuticle, improving moisture retention and
producing luster and shine. Because the
plates have curved edges, no dents or lines
mar the smooth finish of the hair while
16 FEBRUARY 2012
straightening. The flat irons heat up to 450º
and have 20 variable heat settings. (#66030/
SRP $56.00; #66040/SRP $63.00). Contact
Gary Stanczyk, vice president of sales, at
800-558-9441 or gstanczyk@andisco.com.
Visit andisco.com.
Izunami’s G6 Hairdryer (list $110.00) gives
extremely coarse hair the hottest care.
Utilizing tourmaline crushed natural crystals,
the dryer creates negative ionic bonds,
which seal the cuticle against heat, while
naturally locking in moisture. It also features
a professional AC motor producing 1875
watts of power, three customizable
temperature options and two speed settings.
Reach Peter Lim, senior sales manager, at
866-455-0777 or peterl@izunami.com. Visit
Reducing the pain of waxing, Relax & Wax
No-Scream Cream is a topical anesthetic
that eases up to 80% of waxing discomfort
when applied 30 to 45 minutes before
waxing (1 oz./SRP $19.50). Scrub Me
Luscious Body Cocktail is a water-based
scrub that removes dead skin build-up,
leaving skin smooth and allowing for a great
wax or spray tan (4 oz./SRP $28.00). Reach
Deborah Merhar, owner, at 775-830-7546.
Visit relaxnwax.com.
Lira Cosmeceutical presents Lycogel, a
breathable color corrective treatment that
combines cosmetic and skin care technology
to promote post-procedure healing, soothe
sensitive skin, rejuvenate and camouflage.
Lycogel combines a triple silica gel base with
bio-active agents that improve the skin’s
condition. Lycogel Breathable Camouflage
with SPF 30 is paraben free and is available
in a number of shades, including almond and
ebony (20 ml./SRP $65.00). Lycogel TriplePigmented Breathable Concealer comes in
green, ochre, pink and yellow (6 ml./
SRP $39.00). Reach Tiffany A. McLauchlin,
national sales manager, at 801-358-8032 or
tiffany@liraclinical.com. Visit
Holocuren Miracle Lips lip salve tackles
cold sores and fever blisters, while
nourishing damaged lips with a collection of
butters, vitamins, peptides and enzymes. As
a medicine, Miracle Lips immobilizes
infections and accelerates healing with
bioflavonoids and antioxidants. For immunity
boosting, Brazilian bee propolis and other
minerals increase color and circulation (.33oz. tube/SRP $12.95). Miracle Lips Lip and
Skin Serum Roll On exfoliates and hydrates
dry itchy skin with a punch of antiinflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial
agents (.33 oz./SRP $14.95). Contract Catrina
Wiley, customer support, at 808-212-8038 or
support@holocuren.com. Visit
Serious Serum’s alpha hydroxy acid ingrown
hair remover and skin exfoliant provides
relief from irritation, redness and skin
bumpiness caused by razor burn. With a
formulation of 6% lactic acid, 3% glycolic
acid, 1% salicylic acid and green tea extracts,
Serious Serum alleviates post-waxing
breakouts, zaps acne, eliminates ingrown
hair, treats keratosis and pilaris and hydrates
skin (1-oz. spray/SRP $25.00). For waxing, the
Serious Serum Aftercare Kit includes
Serum Spray, washable exfoliating gloves and
hydrocortisone cream (kit/SRP $30.00).
Reach Shannon Conley, owner, at
503-719-4938 or order@seriousserum.com.
Visit seriousserum.com.
Bubalina offers scented body sugar
scrubs, butters, shower gels, lotions and
massage gel oils in both professional and
retail sizes. With 19 individual scents,
Bubalina places organic formulas in
environmentally sensible packaging that
merge aesthetics, laboratory technology
and femininity. Professionals can purchase
the Bubalina Natural Line of Body
Butter Crème and Body Sugar Scrub
(1 gallon/SRP $70.00) and Hand and Body
Lotion and Bath and Shower Gel
(1 gallon/SRP $55.00). Contact Karen Regin,
owner, at 800-366-2181. Visit
AminoGenesis launches Lips to Love Lip
Plumper, a three-speed vibrating wand to
create fuller, plumper and younger looking
lips. The wand increases circulation, hydrates
and softens lips, and helps the
AminoGenesis oligopeptide formula to
penetrate, reducing the appearance of lip
lines. Lips to Love is paraben free with no
animal testing (applicator/SRP $49.95). Reach
Victoria Kinney, marketing director, at
949-357-4820 or aminotori@aol.com. Visit
Innovative Beauty Products’s Godefroy
brand adds My Brow, a temporary eyebrow
tattoo (12/pair/SRP $4.95), and My Shadow,
a temporary eye shadow tattoo (4/pair/SRP
$1.99). They are easy to apply and remove,
waterproof, non-toxic and last for days.
Reach Clay Campbell, president, at
800-854-9809 or clayibp@sbcglobal.net.
Visit godefroybeauty.com.
What’s Your Virtue’s Lip Bliss lip gloss has a
hydrating formula that balances healthinfusing moisture with shine. It combines
fortifying castor, cranberry and safflower
seed oils, along with nourishing peppermint
oil to smooth and nurture. Tube applicators,
such as Generosity and Wisdom, come in
various shades, ranging from brown sugar to
rich mulberry shimmer (applicator/SRP
$6.00). The Blissful Jar Bundle, a collection
of 24 Lip Bliss hues, is packaged in a vanity
jar (single jar/SRP $144.00). Reach Sara
Buntrock, owner, at 602-741-7372 or
suchagirl@cox.net. Visit
Mei-Cha International’s Magic Styl’o SemiPermanent Makeup Pen can be applied to
eyelashes, brows and lips, and used for
temporary body tattooing. It is fragrancefree, smudge-proof, water-based and
long-lasting, with 24 colors. The Magic
Styl’o Semi-Permanent Professional Liner
is available as a browliner, eyeliner or lipliner
pen (SRP $10.00). Reach Jason McKinstry,
vice president, at 714-566-0066 or
jmckinstry@mei-cha.com. Visit mei-cha.com.
KollagenX’s Gloss is infused with 24k gold,
lip plumping collagen and vitamin E to
enhance cell renewal, reduce lip wrinkles
and increase lip volume (tube/SRP $38.99).
Contact Rondell Fletcher, partner, at
800-641-8004 or sales@kollagenx.com. Visit
Rain Cosmetics, inspired by the Las Vegas
nightlife, offers sleek packaging, richly
pigmented colors and high-definition
finishes. From Peepshow and Strip to
Showgirl and Sin City, the eye shadows, lip
glosses and foundations allude to sexy
celebrity style. The Diva Eye Shadow Quad
provides multiple color combinations and
textures (.4-oz quad/SRP $38.00). Gloss of
Fame is a moisturizing lip gloss that keeps
lips smooth (.21-fluid-oz. bottle/SRP $18.00).
Reach Paula Martin, director of operations,
at 702-498-7246 or
paula@raincosmetics.com. Visit
Bella Terra Mineral Cosmetics offers
lipsticks, glosses, makeup foundations,
eyeliners and specialty kits. Products contain
no artificial colors, preservatives or
fragrances, and are blended with a selection
of natural minerals that invigorate and
nourish the skin. The Shimmer Collection
of eye shadows features 60 shades (.09
ounces/SRP $14.99). Mineral Foundation is
available in 12 shades (.28 ounces/SRP
$59.99). Reach Leon Podolner, domestic and
international sales, at 281-220-0303 or
Visit bellaterracosmetics.com.
Valentino Beauty Pure provides its 2 in 1 at
the source air filtration system that traps
odors and collects nail dust. A fan pulls
down the dust and odors through a 200%
carbon filter for maximum absorption. The
Valentino Pure II includes three replacement
carbon anti-microbial filters, three dappen
dishes, one nail duster brush and a carry bag
(list $349.99). Re-stocking is easy with the 24Pack Filter Series, made especially for the air
filtration system (24-Pack/SRP $90.00).
Contact David Anthony, president, at
888-390-4259 or d25valentino@aol.com.
Visit valentinobeautypure.com.
Splish Splash One-Step Disinfectant cleans
hard surfaces, including manicure stations
and counter tops, disinfects tools and
sterilizes plastic instruments and jars. EPAapproved, One-Step is a hospital grade
formula that combats major bacteria and
viruses, such as HIV-1, hepatitis B and C,
MRSA and influenza A (1 gallon/SRP $35.00).
Splish Splash Pedicure Basin Cleaner
cleans and deodorizes basins, removing dirt,
grime, minerals, calcium, algae, mold and
mildew (1 gallon/SRP $22.95). Reach Robert
Brust, president, at 847-438-0800 or
splishsplashcleaners@gmail.com. Visit
Body Toolz’ new stainless steel Bright-Z
Neon Tweezers grab the finest hair, and
come in single display of 12 tweezers in six
colors of funky lime, orange revenge, hot
pink, purple, tangerine and electric blue (SRP
$11.95). Reach Richard Ross, president,
Professional Beauty Implements, at
866-475-0431 or bodytoolzinc@aol.com.
Visit bodytoolz.com.
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Product Club has entered into an exclusive
agreement with Bar Charts, Inc. to market
The QuickStudy Cosmetology Haircolor
Guide. Topics include color theory, tonal
direction, natural level, formulating with
demi-permanent hair color and more! It
keeps the fundamentals at stylists’ fingertips
and takes the guesswork out of formulation
(SRP $19.95). Reach Mary Albanese, vice
president of marketing, at 800-308-3588 or
mary@productclub.com. Visit
Beautylove offers stylist kimonos, aprons,
capes and wraps, woven of comfortable
materials and designed for fashion appeal.
The Geisha Girl Kimono in black and gray is
water repellant polyester, has an attached
tie belt and fits most sizes (list $18.80). The
East Meets West Kimono, available in black,
is made of silky nylon, is static free and has
a ¾-inch sleeve with affixed wrap ties in the
back (list $18.80). Reach Rebecca Adams,
president, at 760-212-7019 or
rebecca@beautyloveinc.com. Visit
Last month, BIR visited with Eddie Jhin,
president of Jinny Corporation (the largest
multicultural distributor in the world) at its
west coast distribution center in Vernon, CA.
According to Eddie, in less than two years,
this distribution center—the company’s
fifth—has already exceeded its sale
projections to the point where another
center in Oakland, CA is scheduled to open
this month. Also sharing space is Jinny's JBS
cash and carry operation. He stated that it
took only nine months for the California
distribution center to get into the black.
The facility stocks Jinny's 50,000 skus,
including wet goods and electrical tools,
along with a large assortment of imports
from Asia, including hair goods, hair
accessories, sunglasses, hair brushes,
appliances and more. Many of the imported
18 FEBRUARY 2012
sundries are marketed under the company's
own multiple brands.
The distribution center’s 22 employees
(Jinny Corporation has a total of 368 team
members) process an average of 80 freight
ship orders a day. Visit jinny.com.
Bill Pastarnack, president of Jericho, NYheadquartered Specials Unlimited
Cosmetics, a northeast distributor for All
Nutrient, Sayrna Key, Image, Sorbie and
Crystalgen nails, is the new regional
distributor for Layla cosmetics and its new
Magneffects nail polish. It has a magnet in
the cap of the polish and the nail polish has
iron in the polish, which allows the user to
make designs on the nail after applying the
polish (72-piece display, 6 each of 12
shades/SRP $15.50 each). Reach Bill at
800-852-5926 or at billpv@aol.com.
Doop (pronounced Dope), a design and
texture line from Amsterdam, has tapped
Kingdom Beauty Supply to distribute the
brand for all of Canada, while Advent
Beauty Supply of Portland, OR, will
distribute Doop’s distribution on the U.S.
West Coast. World Wide Beauty Exchange
of Boston, MA, handles the East Coast.
American Doop trafficker, M. Evan ParkerCalderon, says that as young professionals
seek to maintain a fashion flare that easily
transitions from workplace to nightclub,
Doop offers versatile, easy-to-use products
for limitless design possibilities. Contact
Evan at 877-763-6671, ext. 801, or
evan@doopproducts.com. Visit
Beauty Craft has opened its sixth
professional-only store in West Allis, WI.
The new 2,000-square-foot store carries
professional salon-only products for
independent salons, spas and stylists and a
classroom for education. Reach Max Wexler
at 800-328-5010 or
maxwexler@beautycraft.com. Visit
Oligo Professionnel entered the Middle
East market at the Health, Beauty and
Fitness Fair, which took place in Beirut,
Lebanon, late last year. As part of its
international growth strategy, Oligo
Professionnel nominated GHT Trading as
master distributor for Oligo Professionnel
products in the Middle East. GHT’s mandate
will be to recruit distributors in more than
20 Middle Eastern countries. The first Oligo’s
shipment to Middle East was made to the
United Arab Emirates. Reach Valérie StYves, Oligo brand manager, at 877-837-6426,
ext. 107, or valeries@oligoprofessionnel.com.
Visit oligoprofessionnel.com.
The recent American Association of
Cosmetology Schools’ (AACS) Annual
Convention & Expo hosted 528 school
owners and senior management teams and
almost 400 exhibitors, making it the largest
attendance for this event. The exhibit floor
featured 180 booths representing 110
different companies. With more than 30
classes, attendees were able to participate in
discussions about business, marketing and
innovations, accreditation and regulations,
special interests, bonus topics and exhibitor
insights. Fundraising activities brought the
total raised for the government relations
efforts to $220,000 this year. The Beauty
Changes Lives evening event hosted more
than 600 attendees and showcased beauty
industry leaders, including Stephen Moody,
Fabio Sementilli, Richard Dalton, Jan
Arnold and Diana Schmidtke and
celebrated the generosity of the
professional beauty industry through
featured philanthropic activities. All of the
proceeds from the event went to the
Arizona Coalition Against Domestic
Violence. The 2012 convention takes place
October 26-30 in Orlando. For more
information about joining or supporting
AACS and attending 2012 events, reach Jim
Cox executive director, at 800-831-1086, ext.
104, or jim@beautyschools.org. Visit
Individuals and organizations join the
Professional Beauty Association (PBA) for
a variety of reasons. Often though, they
forget the array of services and resources
that are available to them as part of their
membership. PBA provides all sectors of the
industry with tools, education and resources
to help successfully run a business. Here,
Max Wexler, PBA chair, outlines just a few
of PBA’s benefits.
Business Blueprints: Whether you're a
salon owner looking for an evaluation tool
for your new nail tech, a distributor revising
a distributor salon consultant sales
agreement or a manufacturer setting up a
job interview, business blueprints can help.
These business templates, provided by other
members, are easily customizable to your
business. If you have a business resource or
template you would like to share, PBA would
be happy to post it for fellow members.
Research: PBA assists member businesses
and elevates the level of industry
professionalism by providing research
specific to the professional beauty industry.
Find valuable documents, such as the
Business of Beauty: Maximize Your
Profitability, Distributor Benchmarking
Survey, National Profile of the U.S. Salon
Industry, and more. Most research is
reasonably priced or complimentary.
Benefit Providers: PBA offers discounts
on products and services. Whether you're a
distributor looking to reduce freight costs, a
spa owner sending postcards to your clients
or a manufacturer looking for affordable
health care, PBA benefit providers can help.
In addition to these valuable resources,
PBA also offers on-line and on-demand
education through its BeautyU web portal,
government advocacy on behalf of the
interests of the professional beauty industry
with elected officials and professional trade
events, such as the International Salon &
Spa Expos in Long Beach, CA, and the
Midwest (Chicagoland), the North American
Hairstyling Awards and Beacon for beauty
school students.
To learn more about how PBA can help
you and your business grow, visit
“Be Inspired,” The International Salon/Spa
Business Network’s (ISBN) Annual
Conference, takes place April 15-17 at the
Terranea Resort in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA.
Says President Gordon Logan, “Last year, our
theme was Building Connections. This year,
we are continuing the emphasis on the
benefits we all receive when we connect
with our peers through ISBN. Whether we
operate thousands of salons or two or three
salons or spas, the senior management of
some of the most well-recognized
companies in our industry will gather at our
Conference to share and learn. The amazing
thing is how everyone is so open and willing
to share their secrets of success.” The
conference features a keynote address, “The
New PR is Spelled Customer Service,” from
world-renowned communications, PR and
customer service guru, Peter Shankman; an
economic outlook for our industry and the
global economy from economist Alan
Beaulieu; panels discussing the state of the
industry and trends in products and services;
breakouts covering “A Window into the
Consumer’s Mind” by Dr. Leon Alexander
and “Social Media/Online Reputation
Management” by Serena Ehrlick; a special 2
to 10 Project Workshop covering financial
performances and practices for companies
with 2 to 10 locations; ISBN’s popular Speed
Meetings with sponsors and social/
networking events, including golf at the
Trump National course. Farouk Shami,
founder of Farouk Systems, will receive the
ISBN Legend Award for his contributions to
salons’ growth. For more details, visit
salonspanetwork.org and watch for ISBN’s
countdown to conference on Facebook.
The Global Beauty & Wellness Exchange
takes place February 20-23 in Laguna Beach,
CA. The format features meetings between
brands and salons, spas, retailers. To register,
contact Joyce Jamison, at 203-202-2576 or
jjamison@questex.com. Visit questex.com.
The Independent Cosmetics
Manufacturers and Distributors
Association (ICMAD) recently selected
Y Public Relations LLC (YPR) as its public
relations counsel. This is part of ongoing
efforts by the ICMAD to implement specific
changes designed to further spread the
association’s mission, enhance ICMAD
produced industry events and increase
member value. YPR will work with on
ICMAD’s legislative initiatives, enhancing and
promoting ICMAD events, such as the annual
CITY Awards and Young Designer’s Award,
and communicate the association’s position
on regulations and issues that affect
members. Reach Yvette Masterson,
president/founder of YPR, at 702-567-0399
or yvettemasterson@ypublicrelations.com.
Visit ypublicrelations.com.
Bellus Academy presented Beauty Changes
Lives, a celebration of fashion, beauty and
wellness featuring iconic beauty
personalities as part of San Diego Women’s
Week. Attendees enjoyed inspirational
stories from beauty icons, including Jan
Arnold, founder of CND; Tracey Sameyah,
president of Murad Inclusive Health Spa;
Christopher and Sonya Dove, international
artistic designers for Wella; and Jet Rhys of
the Jet Rhys Salon. Celebrity hairstylist,
“What Not to Wear” personality and Beauty
Changes Lives ambassador Ted Gibson
greeted attendees with a video message.
The speakers shared their secrets for looking
and feeling their best and discussed how
their careers in beauty and fashion allow
them to help others improve their lives.
Reach Lynelle Lynch, president of Bellus
Academy, at 858-248-4450 or
llynch@sandiegobeautyacademy.com. Visit
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Wayne Taylor, former store vice president
for Maly's and SalonCentric, is working
outside the beauty industry these days, but
is still available for small consultation
assignments in store operations. Reach him
at wt2000@att.net.
Mana Products, a contract manufacturer,
has created Xania Labs, its wholly-owned,
direct-to-salon and spa subsidiary. Named
after one of owner Nikos Mouyarias’
favorite cities in his native Greece, Xania
Labs hosts private label and branded
offerings sold exclusively to salons and spas.
“Xania Labs understands that today’s spa
market and spa consumer are much different
than they were in the past. The market has
changed due to a proliferation of at-home
treatment options, and consumer purchase
patterns have changed with the advent of ecommerce and flash deal offerings. Those
factors, coupled with a difficult economy
and extended time between spa visits, led to
the formation of Xania Labs, a business
partner for salons and spas to help them
navigate these uncharted waters successfully
and profitably,” explains national sales
director, Brenda Gallagher. “Xania Labs
provides desirable points of entry and
preferable margins for goods and services,
while satisfying the consumer’s demand for
results-driven, prestige performance
products and treatments at competitive
prices.” The Xania Labs family of brands
includes Your Name Professional Brands,
Skinsync and Mane Boost. Reach Brenda at
718-440-1997 or
bgallagher@yournamepro.com. Visit
20 FEBRUARY 2012
Salon software company Shortcuts has
taken the guesswork out of target-setting
and business management with the launch
of Scorecard. Scorecard allows a salon to
compare its performance against others in
the same city, state or across the country.
Although completely anonymous, Scorecard
gives insight into what a salon owner can
expect of his or her business by comparing
its performance against real-time aggregated
data from other salons or spas. Scorecard
users can compare sales, statistics, retail
numbers and the like with those from similar
businesses to see where they are and where
they should improve. Salon business data is
aggregated online, confidentially, by
Shortcuts. Reach Paul Tate, CEO, at
866-678-7324 or info@shortcuts.net. Visit
Pivot Point International Inc. launched its
Online Learning System (OLS) to enable
cosmetology students to access learning
tools via the Internet. Pivot Point OLS
includes all six Designer’s Approach course
books; classroom learning materials;
e-books; interactive glossaries; full-length,
real-time video modules; quizzes and
chapter tests; presentations; downloadable
learning and study tools; and daily
performance tracking. Cosmetology
educators can also benefit from Pivot Point
OSL by utilizing the teacher training
materials. Contact Julie Wilken at
563-355-8211 or jwilken@pivot-point.com.
Visit pivot-point.com.
Rachel Rendel’s Columbia Cosmetics
Manufacturing, Inc. offers a full line of
color cosmetics, including skin and body
care products for private label. Rachel
states, “We offer low minimums and three
styles of stock packaging. We also have a
contract manufacturing division and provide
custom formulation and complete turnkey
services. We are an OTC-licensed, GMP
facility, and we are familiar with the
standards of global compliance and can
provide regulatory support. Reach Rendel at
rrendel@columbiacosmetics.com or
510-562-5900. Visit columbiacosmetics.com.
Britany Allen, vice president at La Dove,
Inc., sent BIR this update: La Dove, founded
in 1977 and headquartered in Miami, is a
contract manufacturer that provides
research, development, formulation and
manufacturing of beauty care products for
the professional salon and retail markets.
With a primary focus on hair care, La Dove
has created a strong footprint in the world
of beauty by developing and manufacturing
iconic hair care products. La Dove’s clients
include premium salon brands and
department stores in the United States and
internationally. “What sets La Dove apart is
its ‘product development boutique’
approach, whereby a product concept is
nurtured and developed by a team of
professionals in our executive office, lab and
customer service, marketing and sales
departments,” noted Britany. “We guarantee
that you will receive expert advice, service
and results. We pride ourselves in being
innovative and cutting edge, so if you’re
looking to launch your next hit maker, please
contact me.” Reach Britany at 407-766-2416
or ballen@ladove.com. Visit ladove.com.
Nouveau Contour offers permanent
makeup products and professional devices.
Cosmetic solutions add color to faded skin,
fill in sparse eyebrows or hairlines, tint pale
lips or eyes plus provide cosmetic medical
corrections for cancer, accident or burn
patients. Reach Robert Waters, vice
president of sales/marketing at 877-628-7201
or r.waters@nouveaucontourusa.com. Visit
Dessange International has acquired all of
the outstanding shares of Fantastic Sams
Holding Corp. Fantastic Sams Hair Salons,
one of the largest, full-service hair care
franchises in the world, has a company
operated and franchise network of more
than 1,200 salons in 46 states with more
than 13,000 salon employees in North
America. The company opened its first salon
in Memphis in 1974 and began franchising
salons in 1976. Over the past 37 years, the
company has built a reputation for offering
quality service and style at affordable pricing
for the entire family. Dessange International
has more than 6,000 employees and owns
and operates salons and beauty institutes in
more than 45 countries. The acquisition
doubles Dessange International's hair salon
network to more than 2,000 salons, of
which 1,500 are located outside of France.
The acquisition of Fantastic Sams Hair
Salons is the next step in Dessange
International's expansion in the United
States, following the acquisition of the
Dessange Paris North American master
franchise in April 2011. Dessange
International will rely on Fantastic Sams'
strong management team and best practices
to accelerate the growth of the existing
franchise, as well as to introduce and
develop the company's Camille Albane
brand in North America.
Benjamin Dessange, chairman/CEO of
Dessange International, commented, "We are
delighted to welcome the Fantastic Sams
team to the Dessange group, and excited
about the significant growth opportunities
that this will create. This acquisition once
again confirms our pioneering leadership
position in the international development of
the hair salon franchise market."
Scott Colabuono, president/CEO of
Fantastic Sams Hair Salons, said, "Joining
Dessange International, with whom we have
been discussing joint development
opportunities over the past several years,
will greatly help us accelerate our growth in
North America. Our goal is to have more
than 2,000 Fantastic Sams and 300 Camille
Albane salons." Reach Benjamin at 33-1 53-8399-10 or visit dessange.com.
Brynwood Partners VI L.P has acquired
Santa Clarita, CA-based Newhall
Laboratories through its wholly-owned
subsidiary, Golden Sim Holdings, Inc. Terms
were not disclosed. Newhall Laboratories is
a marketer of personal care brands, including
La Bella, Monkey Brains and GroWorks.
Newhall Laboratories was acquired by
Brynwood Partners' latest fund, Brynwood
VI, and will operate as an independent
platform company. This acquisition
represents Brynwood VI's third acquisition in
the personal care sector. "We are delighted
to announce the acquisition of Newhall
Laboratories," said Dario Margve, managing
partner, Brynwood VI. "We believe that this
will be a great new platform investment for
our firm and look forward not only to
bringing renewed attention and energy to La
Bella, Monkey Brains and GroWorks, but also
to adding complementary brands to the
company in the future." Reach Lee Feldman,
Newhall CEO, at 661-250-1111, ext. 221, or
lee@leefeldman.net. To learn more, visit
L’Oréal has completed its acquisition of
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories Inc.,
marketer of Clarisonic, which with annual
sales of $105 million, is the market leader in
sonic skin care devices. The move gives
L’Oréal access to patented sonic skin care
technology enabling the company to acquire
strategic positions in the quickly emerging
skin care devices category. “We've spent a
fruitful decade developing the Clarisonic
family of products for consumers and
professionals alike, and the exciting thing is
we're just getting started, in a way," said
David Giuliani, CEO and co-founder of
Pacific Bioscience Laboratories. "L'Oreal's
powerful marketing, distribution and R&D
resources will help Clarisonic develop
internationally and achieve our global
mission of empowering people to change
the future of their skin.” Pacific Bioscience
Laboratories will remain in its new corporate
headquarters and manufacturing facility in
Redmond, WA, and the Clarisonic
management team will stay with the
company in their respective roles. David will
retain his title as CEO. Added Laurent Attal,
president of research and innovation for
L’Oréal. “By combining Pacific Bioscience’s
expertise in devices and L’Oréal’s skin
knowledge and excellence in topical skin
care formulations, we think that, together,
we will create in Redmond an outstanding
center of innovation for L’Oréal.” Added
Nicolas Hiéronimus, president of L’Oréal
Luxe, “Devices are emerging globally as an
important new skin care category. Clarisonic
is the most successful and fast growing
premium brand in this category, and we will
roll it out internationally, as well as enhance
our service experience in our luxury
JB Lightning has acquired The Scolding
Locks Corporation. The company will
continue to operate as Scolding Locks
Corporation. The acquisition will bring new
ownership, additional investment capital and
a new management team to lead the
company. Scolding Locks’ new managing
director, Ben Boldt, said, “In the coming
months, Scolding Locks will be
implementing actions to improve our
operations and position our product lines to
better support our customers and the
challenges they face in their markets.” For
nearly 90 years, Scolding Locks has
specialized in the manufacturing and
distribution of U.S. made bobby pins and
hairpins, as well as provide other products
under the Hollywood brand. Reach
bboldt@comcast.net or 800-537-9797. Visit
Beginning last month, Kao Corp’s beauty
care subsidiaries, including its mass, salon
and prestige arms, will be run as unified
operations. They were formerly run as
separate entities. Kao Brands Co. in the
United States will become Kao USA Inc., for
which John Nosek has been named
president. Bill Gentner has been appointed
president, Kao Consumer Products, Americas
and EMEA, or Europe, Middle East and
Africa. John was most recently general
manager for Kao Brands Co. U.S. He will
oversee the consumer products business,
the professional salon business and Molton
Brown USA Inc. in the United States, with
an emphasis on the standardization of work
practices and integration of information
technology systems. Bill’s role will expand to
overseeing the salon and prestige businesses
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News continued from page 21
for all of the Americas, Europe, Middle East
and Africa. His previous role was overseeing
the mass business in those markets. Kao’s
brands include Jergens, Curel, John Frieda,
Bioré, Goldwell, Ban and KMS California.
As of December 31, Unilever has divested
Cosmetic Laboratories of America (CLA), a
Chatsworth, CA-based contract filling
company that it obtained last year in the
acquisition of Alberto Culver. The purchaser
was Waukegan, IL-based Visual Pak
Corporation. CLA was founded in 1971 and
developed the Mill Creek and St. Ives
brands, which were later sold to Procter
and Gamble and Alberto Culver,
respectively. CLA, which will continue to
operate in Chatsworth, is known for fast,
custom formulation development of hair
and skin products. The former Alberto
Culver Professional business, including
Nexxus Professional, TRESemme 4+4 and
Folicure, which operate out of the CLA
facility, will report to the TIGI division of
Unilever, based in Lewisville, TX. ApHogee
products will remain with CLA.
Regis Corporation reported consolidated
revenues decreased 2.0% in the second
fiscal quarter of 2012 to $563 million,
compared with $574 million a year ago.
Second quarter total same-store sales
decreased 3.0%. "While overall second
quarter same-store sales results were lower
than expected, service customer visitation
trends improved slightly by 10 basis points
over the preceding quarter. The Regis
management team remains focused on
developing and implementing important
programs to grow revenues by driving
customer traffic and increasing retention.
We continue to work hard to ensure Regis
grows profitably and operates efficiently in
order to enhance shareholder value," said
Randy L. Pearce, president. Reach Randy at
22 FEBRUARY 2012
952-947-7777 or randy.pierce@regiscorp.com.
Visit regiscorp.com.
The following is from Abner Silva, who
manages investor relations at Divine Skin
Inc., as he states, “We’ve had another
successful year at Divine Skin, as the team at
Divine Skin (DSKX.OB) has been working to
maintain strong growth and exceed
expectations across its diverse consumer
goods business and accelerate development
through its strong biotechnology program.
Divine Skin started the year by announcing
record sales for 2010 ($5.4 million), up $1.9
million or 55% as compared with 2009. The
company posted record sales again in Q1
($2.2 million) and Q2 ($2.3 million) of this
year, and the first nine-month period
($6.6 million) was up 74%, reaping the
benefits of production investments and
explosive demand. In May, DS Laboratories
announced new agreements with four
distributors that supply 27,000 salons and
professionals in the Northwest, Southwest,
Southeast, and Midwest. DS Labs installed its
systems in more Fantastic Sams locations,
supplying product, professional training and
promotional assistance. Our plans for
expansion in 2012 are even more aggressive,
and that they will further diversify our core
business.” Divine Skin Inc. leads in the
development of biotechnology for topical,
nutritional and pharmaceutical therapies. It
markets worldwide through online and
specialty retailers, cosmetics wholesalers,
salons and medical offices. The company
went public in 2009. DS Laboratories, its
flagship brand, offers high-performance
topical solutions with broad spectrum of
activity across a range of personal care
applications. Reach Abner at 407-342-4112 or
investors@divineskin.com. Visit
Sally Beauty reports a strong quarter with
more stores and a major acquisition. The
Denton, TX-headquartered 4,000+ unit store
chain announced a big hike in both its net
profits and sales for the fourth quarter. Net
sales for the quarter increase by 12% to
$0.84bn, while full year sales increased by
the same amount to $3.3bn, growth that was
positively impacted by increase in store
count, the acquisition of Kapperservice
Floral, a Netherlands-based wholesaler of
salon products. “We are pleased with our
2011 results and anticipated that the drivers
of our business will continue to generate
strong operation and financial performance
in fiscal 2011,” said Gary Winterhalter,
president/CEO of Sally Beauty. Breaking
down the figures between the company’s
two divisions (Sally Beauty Supply and
Beauty Systems Group (BSG), Sally Beauty
Supply reported sales up 10.1% during the
fourth quarter, to $523.4m. Sales for the full
year were up 9.7% to $2.0bn. In BSG, sales
were up 15.1% in the fourth quarter to
$313.8m. For the full year, net sales were up
16.2% to $1.1bn. Reach Gary at 940-297-4444
or gwinterhalter@sallybeauty.com. Visit sally
Ulta Beauty announced sales results for the
seven-week holiday period from November
13 to December 31, 2011. This time period
corresponds with the company’s holiday
marketing initiatives. Total net sales for the
seven-week holiday period were $386.0
million, a 24.4% increase from the prior year
holiday period of $310.4 million. Comparable
store sales for the 2011 holiday period
increased 12.6%, as compared to a 9.5%
increase during the same period in the prior
year. Over a two-year period, comparable
store sales increased 22.1%. Chuck Rubin,
Ulta’s president/CEO, stated, “We delivered
an excellent holiday season, with
comparable store sales growth of 12.6%
balanced across categories and brands,
continuing our strong momentum from the
first nine months of the year. We believe,
once again, that we gained market share
across our major categories driven by our
consistent ability to capitalize on current
trends and introduce newness, elevate our
guest experience with exciting in-store
events and traffic-driving communications to
our loyal customer base. That, combined
with our great value proposition and strong
customer service, led to another successful
holiday season. As a result of our better-
than-expected performance, we have raised
our fourth quarter outlook and expect to
report full-year fiscal 2011 diluted earnings
per share in a range of $1.84 to $1.85, an
increase of approximately 59% over fiscal
year 2010.” Reach Chuck at 630-410-4800 or
crubn@ultainc.com. Visit ultainc.com.
Andis Company employees topped last
year’s fundraising effort for United Way of
Racine County by 24%. Their 13 initiatives
ranged from raffles and silent auctions to
goblin goodies and a chili cook off. By
reaching their goal, employees received
another treat (watching Matthew K. Andis,
the company¹s president, and several other
Andis employees, receive Mohawk haircuts
from Andis’ creative clipper artist, Ivan
Zoot). Reach Andrea Weitzenfeld, director
of public relations, at 847-316-9800 or
aweitzenfeld@winsbyinc.com. Visit
Sexy Hair opened its warehouse recently
for a sale to raise money for its nonprofit
partner, Look Good…Feel Better (LGFB), a
national public service program helping
patients struggling with the appearancerelated challenges of cancer treatment. The
two-day event brought in more than $41,000
from the sale of Sexy Hair products. Reach
president and CEO, Karl-Heinz Pitsch, at
818-435-0804 or heatherh@sexyhair.com.
Visit sexyhair.com.
Farouk Shami, founder and chairman of
Farouk Systems, makers of CHI and BioSilk,
collaborated with Kim Kardashian, Kris
Jenner, actresses Maria Bello (co-founder
of We Advance) and Patricia Arquette (cofounder of Give Love) and the Sow a Seed
organization to spread a little holiday cheer
to Haitian children and families. Farouk
accompanied and provided air
transportation for the group’s four-day relief
trip, which supplied some of the country’s
poorest areas with medical supplies, hygiene
kits, 1,000 CHI Organics kits and other basic
necessities. Included on the group’s
whirlwind agenda: visiting the Artists for
Peace & Justice School, replenishing supplies
at the We Advance clinics, partaking in
weekly bath day activities, attending a
Haitian fashion show put on by local women
and designers, and joining Sow a Seed for
their annual Christmas party, bringing joy and
holiday gifts to 500 orphans from across the
island. The trip commenced with a meeting
with the president of Haiti, Michel Martelly,
to discuss the current state of affairs in Haiti.
“I am extremely grateful and humbled that
we are able to provide and be a part of this
incredible opportunity,” Farouk said. “To be
able to give the gift of clean water, health
care and hygiene products is inexplicable.
Daily necessities most people take for
granted are life-changing items in Haiti. I’m
honored that Maria and the We Advance
organization thought of us when planning
this charitable effort.” Reach Farouk at
800-237-9175 or fshami@farouk.com. Visit
Doing what’s good for the planet can be
good for business, too. L’Oréal has
partnered with TerraCycle for the Personal
Care and Beauty Brigade, a free collection
program for all kinds of hair care, skin care
and cosmetic packaging, regardless of its
brand. Any beauty industry professional or
consumer can sign up to collect these
materials and send them in using pre-paid
shipping labels. For each item sent to
TerraCycle, the collector earns two points,
which can be put toward charity gifts or
converted to cash and paid to any school or
non-profit. Because they are supporting a
local charity by keeping waste out of local
landfills, beauty industry professionals can
leverage their participation in the Personal
Care and Beauty Brigade to attract new
customers. For more information, reach
Stacey Cusack, public relations manager, at
609-393-4252, ext. 3704, or
stacey.cusack@terracycle.net . Visit
Eufora Hero For Men has released its 2012
calendar. The company launched a
nationwide search for its Hero of the Year in
2011. Sgt. Robert Ingalls was named the
Eufora Hero for Men Hero of the Year and is
featured in the calendar, along with 11 other
finalists who have exemplified the word
“hero” in their everyday lives. Robert is the
definition of an American hero. Not only did
the single dad of three daughters work two
jobs at times, he served his country as a
sergeant in the United States Army. The
calendars are being sold at salons
throughout the United States and Canada
for $8.00 with all profits benefiting Big
Brothers, Big Sisters International. Reach
Kate Bice, Eufora Int’l distributor support
manager, at 800-6-EUFORA or
kateb@eufora.net. Visit eufora.net.
Attention distributors: Here’s a free
opportunity you’ll want to take advantage of
today! You’re invited to position your
company in front of both international and
domestic product manufacturers/marketers
who are actively seeking distribution
partners for their brands. BIR is partnering
with a number of top industry sales/
marketing and media professionals to
develop a comprehensive directory of salon
product distributors. This book will be sold
as a resource to assist product marketers
interested in finding qualified and
appropriate distributors to represent their
brands. The database includes a significant
number of distributors, including both larger
and niche/regional players, their contact
information and, when available, information
on the lines they represent and the
territories they cover. If you have not yet
responded or provided complete
information, it’s not too late to be included.
Please contact Lisa Iavello at
lisa@bironline.com today. Don’t miss this
important opportunity.
FEBRUARY 2012 23
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CFN Sales & Marketing acquires
Tom Donohue & Associates Inc.,
a Southwest territory
manufacturers’ rep group. Tom
and his two associates will
continue with the company
under the CFN banner. With this
acquisition, CFN represents its
manufacturers/marketers in the
Northeast, Southeast, Midwest
and now the Southwest. Reach
Chuck Cohen one of three CFN
principals, at 215-572-0224 or
chuck@cfnsales.com. Visit
After leaving FHI Heat, David
Kim has launched One, the next
generation of professional heat
styling tools. The line
incorporates new technologies
and an innovative marketing
campaign that engages stylists
and showcases their work. One
flat irons, blow dryers and
texturing tools will be distributed
exclusively through professional
salons. Also joining One are
Joseph Kim, chief marketing
officer; Les Haverty, vice
president of sales; and Paul Yu,
director of marketing. Visit
Randy L. Pearce has informed
Regis Corp. of his intention to
retire as president and a member
of the board of directors,
effective June 30. As previously
BIR Special Deal
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reported, Paul D. Finkelstein will
step down as CEO this month. In
addition, Regis has fired its chief
operating officer, David
Bortnem, and appointed Eric
Bakken, Regis' executive vice
president, general counsel and
business development manager
to the post as an interim. The
board has formed a search
committee to begin the search
for a new CEO. The committee
has retained Korn/Ferry
International, a leading
executive recruiting firm.
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