MLB (Monthly Library Bulletin) (Monthly Library Bulletin) A Publication of The Gad & Birgit Rausing Library Vol. 24, No. 06, June 2014 IN THIS ISSUE 2014 Business Plan Competition: Who’s the Winner? Selected Article Leader Political Skill and Team Performance Journal of Management ● News Corner ● Selected Article What factors explain stock market retardation in Islamic Countries? Emerging Markets Review What Do We Know About Social Media? Journal of Advertising Research ● National Press Review ● New Books Added to the Library ● Contents of Current Journals Retirement: Don’t Slow Down, Speed Up! Strategic Finance The Future of Asian Finance Finance & Development One Portal, Total Access CIO Magazine Will You Ever Need an Exit Strategy? IEEE IT Professional The Return of Geopolitics Foreign Affairs Summon the Rain Scientific American Magazine The Gad & Birgit Rausing Library Extended Information Services Lahore University of Management Sciences DHA, Lahore-54792-Pakistan Tel: 042-35608167, FAX: (042) 35898307 UAN: 111 - 111 - LUMS Table of Contents LUMS News Corner Article 2014 Business Plan Competition: Who’s the Winner? ---------------------------------------------------------- ii National Press Review ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 New Books ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08 Current Journal Contents Business 1. Business History -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 2. Business Horizons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 3. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 4. Global Business and Organizational Excellence ---------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Management 5. Administrative Science Quarterly ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 6. Human Resource Management Review --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 7. IIMB Management Review -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 8. Journal of Management ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21 9. Journal of Management Development ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 10. Journal of Management Studies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 11. MIS Quarterly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24 12. The Leadership Quarterly --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26 Marketing 13. Emerging Markets Review -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 14. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing ----------------------------------------- 29 15. Journal of Advertising Research ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30 16. Journal of Marketing Research -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31 Finance 17. Journal of Accountancy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32 18. Journal of Accounting & Economics -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 19. Journal of Financial Economics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34 20. Strategic Finance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 Economics 21. Finance & Development ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36 22. Journal of Asian Economics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38 23. The Economic Journal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39 24. The Journal of Development Studies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41 25. The Quarterly Journal of Economics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 Table of Contents Social Sciences 26. Journal of Applied Psychology --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43 27. Journal of Applied Social Psychology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45 28. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology ----------------------------------------------------- 46 Sciences & Engineering 29. CIO Magazine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47 30. IEEE Computer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49 31. IEEE IT Professional --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50 General 32. Foreign Affairs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 33. Scientific American magazine ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54 Service Request Form MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 LUMS NEWS CORNER NEWS CORNER Groundbreaking Ceremony of LUMS Coca-Cola Aquatic Centre The groundbreaking ceremony for the Coca-Cola sponsored Aquatic Centre at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) took place on Friday, 30 May, 2014. Ahmet Bozer, President Coca-Cola International, the chief guest at the event, along with other members of the Coca-Cola team, were welcomed at LUMS by Dr. Sohail Naqvi, Vice Chancellor, LUMS, and Abdul Razak Dawood, Rector, LUMS. A memorandum of understanding was signed after which the groundbreaking took place at the site where the international standard indoor swimming pool will be built. The Coca Cola Aquatic Centre will be built in line with FINA specifications and will measure 25 meters. The facility will be indoor, operational for all seasons and certified for national and international competitions. Presently, there is no FINA approved 25 meters swimming pool operational at any university in Pakistan. With the addition of the Aquatic Centre, LUMS will be able to develop teams in swimming, water polo and other aquatic sports. LUMS Receives Service Appreciation Award at 'Service Punch - 2014' LUMS recently received an award at Pakistan’s First Service Appreciation Awards held at a Service Conference titled “Service Punch -2014”. Activ8 Private Limited in collaboration with Pakistan Human Capital Forum held Pakistan’s first ever Service Conference “Service Punch -2014,” which was attended by a large number of CEO’s, business heads, delegates and guests belonging to customer services and other business backgrounds. The conference also featured the first ever service awards based on a survey by, for the best service providers in different sectors. According to the survey LUMS, MCB, Standard Chartered Bank, Nestle, McDonalds, Honda, TCS, Wi-Tribe,PC and Shauka tKhanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre topped their respective industry categories. LUMS Alumni Reunion in Australia LUMS is recognised not only for its high quality education but also for its strong networks i.e. linking its current students and alumni in a single loop and promoting healthy interactions, exposure and experiences. LUMS Alumni Australia Chapter recently had a social gathering at Coogee Beach, Sydney. Thus, fulfilling their promise of making alumni feel like a community, “A Family” no matter how far away they are. LUMS RWES Wins Dunya TV Shadow Budget Competition The LUMS Random Walk Economics Society (RWES) Team emerged victorious in the Dunya TV Shadow Budget Competition. The team was competing against Lahore School of Economics, Kinnaird College and University of Central Punjab in an exercise to propose a fully documented budget of Pakistan. The team selected by RWES comprised of undergraduate students – Vivek Pinjani, Umer Mustafa Merchant, Momina Idrees, Mahlaqa Irfan, Osama Sajid and Maham Ashfaq. The team has also won a cash prize of PKR 100,000 from Dunya TV as winners of the competition. i MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 SELECTED ARTICLE 2014 Business Plan Competition: Who’s the Winner? This year’s Wharton Business Plan Competition (BPC) featured a number of “better, faster, cheaper” ways to complete tasks by moving processes online, including hunting for an apartment, buying an annuity and figuring out which colleges to apply to. Of course, not every entry fit that exact model: There were also plans focused on the use of drones for surveying oil and gas pipelines, screening tests for serious eye disease and ways to perfect the fine art of sandwich-making. Competing for more than $120,000 (the largest amount to date) in combined cash prizes and in-kind legal and accounting services, the eight finalists presented their pitches on May 1 to a panel of judges and an audience of venture capitalists, business leaders, faculty and students. The competition is open to any student of the University of Pennsylvania (in fact, at this year’s competition, nine different Penn schools were represented) and is managed by the Wharton Entrepreneurship program. This year’s BPC saw a record number of entries: 181 submissions from more than 490 participants. Over the course of the academic year, 200 judges narrowed down the entries to 25 semifinalists and then to eight, who competed in the “Great Eight” Venture Finals. The judges for the finals competition hailed from Karlin Asset Management, Bay City Capital, Catterton Partners, ExamWorks Group and J. Moore Partners. After hearing the finalists’ 10minute pitches, the judges had a chance to ask questions about issues such as return on investment, market size, value proposition, budgets and timelines. The team judged to have the most viable business plan was named the grand prize winner, receiving the $30,000 Michelson Grand Prize, plus $15,000 in legal and accounting services. The second-place winner received $15,000 in cash and $15,000 in legal and accounting services, and the third-place winner received $10,000 in cash and $15,000 in legal and accounting services. A People’s Choice Award of $3,000 was also presented, with the winner determined by audience members’ votes. New this year was the Wharton Social Impact Prize, given to a semifinalist team incorporating social impact into their business plan. The inaugural $10,000 award went to Dana Cita (“Aspiration Fund” in Indonesian), an initiative to help Indonesian youths bridge the education financing and employment gap. ii MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 SELECTED ARTICLE Below are descriptions of the eight finalist business plans. Who do you think won? (You’ll find out at the end of the article — no peeking!) Abaris: “Who are our target customers?” Wharton graduate student Matt Carey asked the audience. He showed a slide of an older couple in front of a house. “These are my parents.” Winning a chuckle from the attendees, Carey explained that his fledgling company, Abaris, is targeting 10 million upscale American households aged 54 to 65 who are planning their retirement. It is the first-of-its-kind online marketplace for annuities, he noted. “When you were applying to college or business school, did you ever wish you could view the application files of already-admitted students?” –Lydia Fayal Carey said that although he has worked at the Treasury Department as a policy advisor on retirement and pension-related issues, even he found the annuity market confusing. Abaris, he pointed out, offers a much-needed unbiased, transparent overview of annuity options, sold on a significantly reduced, flat-commission basis. By cutting out the traditional middlemen — insurance agents and private wealth managers — Abaris will help consumers understand what they are buying and choose the optimal plan. This will also benefit insurance companies, whose annuity sales will become more profitable when the traditional sales channels are eliminated, Carey stated. Abaris will pilot in June and launch by 2015, and anticipates $40 million in revenues by 2018. AdmitSee: AdmitSee co-founder Lydia Fayal, a University of Pennsylvania law student, began her presentation with a question. “When you were applying to college or business school, did you ever wish you could view the application files of already-admitted students?” Of course, many of us would have liked to — and that is what AdmitSee is counting on. The site, which projects $145,000 in revenues this year and expects to be cash-positive by June 2015, pays accepted students to anonymously post profiles that include their college acceptances, essays, grades, extracurricular activities and advice for new applicants. Users can access basic profile content for free. Unlocking a profile’s full content costs $5 to $20 and packages of 10 profiles from a particular school or based around a particular topic can be purchased for $40. Fayal and co-founder Stephanie Shyu, also a Penn law student, said that AdmitSee will help level the higher education playing field and build an online community in the process. In the $6 billion college admissions market, with 21.8 million students enrolled in four-year colleges and 25% of applicants applying to more than seven schools, AdmitSee is going head-to-head with much more expensive private consultants who are its main competitors. Identified Technologies: The oil and gas industry is one of the largest on the planet, and the founders of Identified Technologies say they have just the product for it. The team provides small flying robots — known as quadrotors — to survey and monitor oil and gas pipelines. Pipelines require frequent checking for normal wear and tear, as well as vandalism. Current pipeline-monitoring methods, said team leader and Wharton PhD candidate Andy Wu, are slow, expensive and imprecise or cannot provide on-demand data. These traditional processes include land-based inspection — which “literally involves teams of men walking along millions of miles of pipeline with handheld scanners” — helicopters and satellites. Wu and his teammate, Dick Zhang, a University of Pennsylvania engineering student, noted that their quadrotors — which come complete with patented docking stations where the robots autonomously swap and charge batteries and offload data — can perform the same work more quickly and more efficiently. iii MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 SELECTED ARTICLE Wu and Zhang see a $1.46 billion market annually in U.S. natural gas monitoring alone, and said they can deliver margins greater than 70%. They are currently in a pilot with a Fortune 200 firm that produces more than 14% of the country’s natural gas. Matt & Marie’s: Nicole Capp’s great-grandparents immigrated to Brooklyn from Italy, where they opened an Italian grocery and sandwich shop. Now, Capp, who is a Wharton graduate student, has joined team leader Justin Sapolsky to create Matt & Marie’s, a modern Italian sandwich store which will open in Philadelphia’s main business district this summer. “By doing something you do many times a day, with little or no effort, you can actually make money.” –Sanghoon Kwak The team says it will bring fine dining-quality food and hospitality to an accessible fast-food format. Sapolsky and Capp compare their concept to Five Guys for burgers and Chipotle for TexMex, saying that these companies hit the consumer “sweet spot” with hearty portion sizes, fresh ingredients, a small targeted menu and a slightly higher price point than traditional fastfood joints. Matt & Marie’s aims to capture the sandwich market with offerings like the Italian Stallion: coppa, fennel and genoa salami, sharp provolone, house-made sweet pickled peppers and spicy pepperoncini aioli on fresh Italian bread. The two self-confessed “Wharton operations junkies” have carefully engineered their business plan including running math simulations to minimize wait times and creating proprietary automated management tools for their anticipated chain of stores. PhaseOptics: By 2030, there will be an estimated 35 million diabetics in the U.S. Among diabetes’ more serious complications is blindness. The PhaseOptics team said the company can help prevent diabetes-related blindness with a revolutionary imaging technology that improves early detection and prevention. According to team leader Frank Brodie, a Perelman School of Medicine and Wharton graduate student, medical standards call for diabetics to be screened at least annually by an ophthalmologist, but about 50% of patients do not go regularly. Moreover, the two existing diagnostic options have drawbacks: One entails a lengthy, invasive procedure, and the other, while easier on the patient, is not nearly as accurate. The team’s patented software, Phase Variance OCT, offers “the best of both worlds,” Brodie noted: A quick, simple procedure that yields images as sharp as more invasive technologies. Plus, the screenings can be performed in the primary care office as part of the patient’s regular visit. The team has received $2 million in National Institutes of Health grants and has a three-phase plan to roll the product out to device manufacturers and medical professionals. Senvol: Originally a tool for creating one-off prototypes, 3D printing is increasingly being used to manufacture just about anything, from jewelry to aerospace parts. It is an estimated $2.2 billion market with a 28% growth rate. Senvol aims to capitalize on 3D printing’s exponential growth in the manufacturing industry by strategically positioning itself between supply and demand. According to team leader Zach Simkin, a Wharton graduate student, Senvol applies a proprietary algorithm to help manufacturers determine which of their industrial parts can be produced more cost effectively by using 3D printing. To date, the team has worked with several Fortune 500 companies in the aerospace, oil and gas, consumer products and automotive sectors. To deliver the products, Senvol plans to create a network of service bureaus from among the 112 existing “mom and pop” 3D producers, which will allow it to offer manufacturers prices up to 70% lower than previously available, Simkin said. Senvol will become profitable this year with a projected revenue of $900,000, growing to an anticipated $89 million by 2018. iv MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 SELECTED ARTICLE “It was surprising how much misinformation there was out there about renting in Philadelphia, particularly given the abundance of high quality buildings and great places to live.” –Ashrit Kamireddi Slidejoy: How many times a day do you unlock your phone? As much as 50 to 100 if you’re like many people, according to the Slidejoy team. Slidejoy is an Android app that pays users to view attractively designed ads every time they unlock their phones. In only three months, Slidejoy has garnered more than 18,000 downloads and served over 24 million ad impressions. “By doing something you do many times a day, with little or no effort, you can actually make money,” said team leader and Wharton graduate student Sanghoon Kwak. Users receive $5 to $10 per month for allowing the ads on their phones, and the payment (in cash or as a charitable donation of their choice) is the same whether or not they engage with the ads (by swiping left). The Slidejoy app learns users’ preferences over time, taking into account time of day and different locations to create a more profitable, relevant experience, Kwak noted. Initial advertisers include Groupon and Macy’s. Slidejoy has appeared on CNET, CNBC and Fox 29, and expects to be profitable by year-end with one million users. VeryApt: VeryApt team leaders Ashrit Kamireddi and Scott Bierbryer, both Wharton graduate students, have something in common: They both hated searching for an apartment when they moved to Philadelphia for school. “It was surprising how much misinformation there was out there about renting in Philadelphia, particularly given the abundance of high quality buildings and great places to live,” said Kamireddi. The brainchild of this frustration was VeryApt, a website that helps people find apartments by combining user-generated reviews with big-data analytics to deliver intelligent, personalized recommendations. Financially supported by the apartment buildings themselves (who benefit from the marketing leads), and targeting upscale prospects such as working professionals and graduate students, VeryApt examines a user’s preferences across 250+ data points to yield a tailored list of apartments including amenity lists, photos and neighborhood guides. So far, the business has generated $50,000 across 25 building subscriptions and sees a $15.5 million-dollar revenue opportunity in Philadelphia alone, the team leaders said. VeryApt anticipates expansion to 20 cities by year three and 50 cities by year five, at which point it projects $45 million in revenues. And the Winner is… Slidejoy won first prize. Second place went to PhaseOptics, which also took away the People’s Choice Award. The third prize winner was VeryApt. Slidejoy’s Kwak said the prize would be “really helpful for us to find a place to work out of and get the whole team in one place…. We’ve been living on friends’ couches and floors for over a year now.” As for PhaseOptics, team leader Brodie said that the team is actively fundraising right now, and the prize money will help support its fundraising trips across the country. VeryApt team member Scott Bierbryer said the award will help cover legal and office space expenses, as he and his colleagues “really build out the Philly model and then start the business in other cities.” Now in its 16th year, the Wharton Business Plan Competition has helped develop a number of successful companies including Warby Parker, Petplan, Stylitics, DocASAP, Innova Dynamics and MicroMRI. More than 15 of the “Great Eight” finalists from past years are still in business. v MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 National Press Review NATIONAL PRESS REVIEW Agricultural Crops 1. Wheat prices rise despite bumper crop in Punjab / By Ahmad Fraz Khan : Dawn, Monday, May 12, 2014. Agricultural General 2. Uninterrrupted gas to Fatima Fertilizer under legal cover / By Atif Khan : The Nation, Wednesday, May 21, 2014. Auto and Allied 3. Auto sales at 99,033 units : The News International, Tuesday, May 06, 2014. 4. Govt urged to make hybird vehicles affordable : The News International, Tuesday, May 06, 2014. 5. Auto sales reach 112,470 units : The Nation, Saturday, May 10, 2014. 6. Car sales increase despite price hike : Dawn, Saturday, May 10, 2014. 7. Auto sales rev up in July-April : Dawn, Sunday, May 11, 2014. 8. Car sales improve: PAMA : The News International, Sunday, May 11, 2014. 9. Have car shows run out of road? / By Henry Foy : Dawn, Monday, May 12, 2014. 10. Ministry finally drafts much-awaited auto policy / By Atif Khan : The Nation, Tuesday, May 13, 2014. 11. Punjab plans to hike taxes on vehicles in coming budget : The Nation, Tuesday, May 13, 2014. 12. Small cars' demand outstrips local production / By Mansoor Ahmad : The News International, Tuesday, May 13, 2014. 13. Recapping the auto sector : Business Recorder, Wednesday, May 14, 2014. 14. Atlas picking up speed : Business Recorder, Tuesday, May 20, 2014. 15. General Motors recalls another 2.6 million vehicles / By Ben Kiayman : The News International, Thursday, May 22, 2014. 1 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 National Press Review Banking International 16. ADB, Pakistan sign $167 million deal : The News International, Thursday, May 01, 2014. 17. ADB to invest $167m to upgrade power distribution system / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Thursday, May 01, 2014. 18. Loans build reserves gradually / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Sunday, May 04, 2014. 19. Pakistan receives $400m loan from ADB : The News International, Sunday, May 04, 2014. 20. ADB assures full help to KP uplift projects timely completion : The Nation, Saturday, May 10, 2014. 21. IMF lauds Pak performance, but worried over inflation / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Sunday, May 11, 2014. 22. Shahbaz assured of World Bank cooperation : The Nation, Sunday, May 18, 2014. Banking Pakistan 23. Meezan Bank set to acquire HSBC Pakistan / By Shahid Iqbal : Dawn, Saturday, May 10, 2014. 24. Government should focus on uplifting the mutual fund industry: CEO, UBL Fund Managers : Business Recorder, Friday, May 16, 2014. Cement and Construction Industry 25. DG Khan Cement eager to buy Lafarge Pakistan / By Shahid Shah : The News International, Thursday, May 01, 2014. 26. Kohat Cement Keen to acquire over 75pc shares of Lafarge / By Shahid Shah : The News International, Saturday, May 03, 2014. 27. Cement makers raise prices again / By Aamir Shafaat Khan : Dawn, Sunday, May 04, 2014. 28. Cement price up by Rs10/50kg bag : The Nation, Monday, May 05, 2014. 29. Stagnant cement exports / By Fahd Rehman : Dawn, Monday, May 05, 2014. 30. Cement dispatches grow by 7.2pc in April : The News International, Wednesday, May 07, 2014. 31. Cement firms post high growth despite power tariff hike : The Nation, Wednesday, May 07, 2014. 32. Cement sales hit high : Business Recorder, Thursday, May 08, 2014. 2 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 National Press Review 33. Cement makers call for reduced duty n alternative fuel / By Mansoor Ahmad : The News International, Wednesday, May 21, 2014. 34. Whither cement exports? : Business Recorder, Wednesday, May 21, 2014. Communications and Transportation 35. Ceremony next week to award 3G, 4G lincences : The Nation, Saturday, May 03, 2014. 36. 3G to reduce fraud, leakage in financial sector / By Salman Abduhu : The Nation, Sunday, May 04, 2014. 37. FBR asks PTA to deduct 10pc WHT from cellular companies / By Mehtab Haider : The News International, Sunday, May 04, 2014. 38. PTA reviewing Warid's request to launch 4G/LTE / By Mehtab Haider : The News International, Tuesday, May 06, 2014. 39. Warid bent on gate-crashing! : Business Recorder, Tuesday, May 06, 2014. 40. Consumer side of mobile broadband : Business Recorder, Thursday, May 08, 2014. 41. National security requirments a must for cellular companies / By Mehtab Haider : The News International, Thursday, May 08, 2014. 42. Govt, telecos agree on 10pc advance tax on 3G auction / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Thursday, May 15, 2014. 43. Govt misses 4.4pc GDP growth target / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Friday, May 16, 2014. 44. signing ceremony of 3G/4G licences winners today : The Nation, Thursday, May 22, 2014. Economic Budget 45. Budget deficit reduced to 3.1 percent / By Mehtab Haider : The News International, Tuesday, May 13, 2014. 46. Multibillion rupees to be allocated for mega projects / By Mehtab Haider : The News International, Wednesday, May 14, 2014. 47. Next budget not to give fiscal space: Dr Pasha : The News International, Friday, May 16, 2014. 48. Rs3,973b annual budget on June 3 / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Wednesday, May 21, 2014. 49. Ministry ignores farming sector in budget preparation: Growers : The Nation, Thursday, May 22, 2014. 3 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 National Press Review 50. Dar for giving incentives to tax-return filers : The Nation, Friday, May 23, 2014. 51. 'Pro-poor' Punjab budget on June 11 : The Nation, Friday, May 23, 2014. 52. Govt won't burden common man in budget: Dar : The Nation, Sunday, May 25, 2014. 53. APCC okays Rs1.31tr development budget / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Tuesday, May 27, 2014. Economic Conditions 54. PIDE's report paints good picture of economy / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Thursday, May 01, 2014. 55. CPI inflation rises to 9.18 percent in April / By Israr Khan : The News International, Saturday, May 03, 2014. 56. Inflation surges in April / By Mubarak Zeb Khan : Dawn, Saturday, May 03, 2014. 57. Out of control inflation hits 9.2pc / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Saturday, May 03, 2014. 58. FPCCI outlines steps for 7pc GDP growth / By Shahnawaz Akhter : The News International, Sunday, May 04, 2014. 59. Growth rate to remain over 4pc this year: Dar : The Nation, Monday, May 05, 2014. 60. Shifting sands / By Arif Zaman : The News International, Monday, May 05, 2014. 61. Circular debt soars to Rs300b once again / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Tuesday, May 06, 2014. 62. Govt accept failure in achieving 4.4pc GDP target / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Friday, May 09, 2014. 63. Govt plans to cut debt-to-GDP ratio to 52pc / By Mehtab Haider : The News International, Friday, May 09, 2014. 64. Plan to bring debt to GDP ratio down to 52pc : The Nation, Saturday, May 10, 2014. 65. Economy's size swells to $245 billion / By Mehtab Haider : The News International, Saturday, May 17, 2014. 66. Weekly inflation increase 0.24pc : The Nation, Saturday, May 17, 2014. Economic Development 67. Benefit of dollar fall not passed on to consumers : The Nation, Friday, May 02, 2014. 68. Govt prioritises mega development projects in PSDP / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Saturday, May 24, 2014. 4 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 National Press Review Economic Planning 69. FDI slumps by 13pc in 10 months / By Erum Zaidi : The News International, Friday, May 16, 2014. 70. $ 670m FDI in nine months shows 6.1pc increase : The Nation, Monday, May 26, 2014. Education Policies & Related 71. Varsity of Strathclyde to establish its campus in City : The News International, Thursday, May 08, 2014. Energy 72. China to provide advanced tech to tackle energy crisis : The Nation, Friday, May 02, 2014. 73. Pak, Turkey agree to form technical working group in energy sector : The Nation, Friday, May 02, 2014. 74. Pakistan, Turkey to form working group in power sector : Dawn, Friday, May 02, 2014. 75. China group to set up 3 power plants of 2600MW at Gadani : The Nation, Saturday, May 03, 2014. 76. K-Energy seeks Nepra's nod for coal power licence / By Javed Mirza : The News International, Saturday, May 03, 2014. 77. Gasping for energy / By Ihtasham ul Haque : The News International, Monday, May 05, 2014. 78. Sitara to invest Rs2bn in coal power project : Dawn, Monday, May 05, 2014. 79. Coal power policy to expose Paksitan to more vulnerability : The News International, Wednesday, May 07, 2014. 80. Further delay in building KBD to cost country : The Nation, Wednesday, May 07, 2014. 81. Consortiums vying for Thar coal blocks / By Javed Mirza : The News International, Thursday, May 08, 2014. 82. Power plants could get only 47pc of allocated gas due to fertilizers lobbying / By Salman Abduhu : The Nation, Sunday, May 11, 2014. 83. Wind power producers asked to achieve financial close by March 31 / By Javed Mirza : The News International, Sunday, May 11, 2014. 84. Port Qasim Power project is 1st of early-Harvest Plants: Weidong : The Nation, Monday, May 12, 2014. 85. CM vows to ensure timely completion of power projects : The Nation, Wednesday, May 14, 2014. 5 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 National Press Review 86. KBD can fulfil cheaper energy demand of Pakistan / By Salman Abduhu : The Nation, Thursday, May 15, 2014. 87. Austria keen to finance $400m for 1,300MW Tarbella 5 : The Nation, Friday, May 16, 2014. 88. Thal Ltd to invest Rs3b in Thar coal project / By Javed Mirza : The News International, Friday, May 16, 2014. 89. Power of rising sun : The News International, Sunday, May 18, 2014. 90. Solar project provides competitive power solutions / By Munawar Hassan : The News International, Sunday, May 18, 2014. 91. Power Deficit / By Munawar B Ahmad : The News International, Monday, May 19, 2014. 92. Renewable energy provides 6.5 million jobs globally : The Nation, Monday, May 19, 2014. 93. Nepra revises upfront tariff for coal-fired power plants / By Javed Mirza : The News International, Thursday, May 22, 2014. 94. NEPRA UPS upfront taiff for coal power up to 20pc : The Nation, Thursday, May 22, 2014. 95. 'KP majority in KBD favour : The Nation, Friday, May 23, 2014. 96. Itlay offers Punjab cooperation in energy sector : The Nation, Saturday, May 24, 2014. 97. Thar coal to start producing 330MW in 3 years: Engro CEO : The Nation, Monday, May 26, 2014. Insurance Industry 98. Jublilee Life Insurance : Business Recorder, Wednesday, May 21, 2014. Textile Industry 99. Textile sector considering consolidation / By Javed Mirza : The News International, Tuesday, May 13, 2014. 100. Govt expects textile exports worth $26 billion by 2018-19 / By Israr Khan : The News International, Thursday, May 15, 2014. 101. Feeling squeezed in textile sector : Business Recorder, Tuesday, May 20, 2014. 102. Textile sector to get relief in federal budget: minister / By Javed Mirza : The News International, Friday, May 23, 2014. 103. Textile exports declining due to severe energy crisis : The Nation, Sunday, May 25, 2014. 6 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 National Press Review 104. It's time for textile industry to tap growth opportunities / By Zahran Khan : The Nation, Monday, May 26, 2014. Trade 105. Nawaz's Iran visit to normalise trade / By Salman Siddiqui : The News International, Thursday, May 01, 2014. 106. Closure causes Rs20bn trade loss / By Aamir Shafaat Khan : Dawn, Saturday, May 03, 2014. 107. External pressures hitting Pak-Iran bilaterral trade : The Nation, Friday, May 09, 2014. 108. Trade deficit declines by 2.5pc in 10 months / By Israr khan : The News International, Saturday, May 17, 2014. 109. Pakistan, Afghanistan mull trade expansion up to $5b : The Nation, Monday, May 19, 2014. 110. Pak-Dutch ties moving from aid to trade / By Imran Ali Kundi : The Nation, Sunday, May 25, 2014. 111. Govt wants trade 7 days a week at Pak-China border : The Nation, Tuesday, May 27, 2014. 112. Govt allocates Rs73 billion for Pakistan-China trade corridor / By Mehtab Haider : The News International, Wednesday, May 28, 2014. 7 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 NEW BOOKS Business Administration Title Author Publisher Call No What would Google do? Jarvis, Jeff, New York, N. Y. : Collins Business, 2009. 658.4012 J383W 2009 Title Author Publisher Call No The startup owner's manual : the step-by-step guide for building a great… Blank, Steve. Pescadero : K & S Ranch Press, 2012. 658.421 B642S 2012 Title Author Publisher Call No Organizations : behavior, structure, processes Gibson, James L. New Delhi : Tata McGraw-Hill, 2013. 658.4 G448O 2013 Economics Title Author Publisher Call No The Challenge of economic development : a survey of issues and… Hicks, Norman L. Bloomington : AuthorHouse, 2011. 338.9 H631C 2011 Title Author Publisher Call No Essentials of agribusiness : issues and challenges Panda, D. D. New Delhi : Cyber Tech Publications, 2013. 338.10954 P189E 2013 History & Geography Title Author Publisher Call No Power, politics, and culture : interviews with Edward W. Said Viswanathan, Gauri New York : Bloomsbury, 2005. KIC 956.221 V834P 2005 Title Author Publisher Call No The Mughal world : life in India's last golden age Eraly, Abraham. New Delhi : Penguin Books, 2007. KIC 954.025 E651M 2007 Title Author Publisher Call No The partition of India Talbot, Ian. New Delhi : Cambridge University Press, 2009. KIC 954.04 T138P 2009 Title Author Publisher Call No Ottoman Painting : reflections of western art from the ottoman empire to… Shaw, Wendy M. K. New York : I.B.Tauris, 2011. KIC 956.015 S534O 2011 8 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 NEW BOOKS Title Publisher Call No Conflict and insecurity in Balochistan Islamabad : Narratives Publication, 2012. KIC 954.915 C670 2012 Title Author Publisher Call No Pakistan : a mullah-military eterprise unlimited Joshi, P. C. New Delhi : Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd, 2012 KIC 954.91 J837P 2012 Title Author Publisher Call No Jinnah vs. Gandhi Matthews, Roderick, Gurgaon : Hachette Book Publishing India, 2012. KIC 954.9042 M438J 2012 Title Author Publisher Call No A concise history of modern India Metcalf, Barbara Daly, New Delhi : Cambridge University Press, 2012. KIC 954 M588C 2012 Title Author Publisher Call No What's wrong with Pakistan? Ayaz, Babar. Canada : Hay House, 2013. KIC 954.91 A973W 2013 Language & Literature Title Author Publisher Call No Cat on a hot tin roof Williams, Tennessee. London : Penguin Books, 1983. KIC 812.54 W721C 1983 Title Author Publisher Call No Anna Karenina Tolstoy, Leo. London : Penguin Books, 2003. KIC 808.067 T654A 2003 Title Author Publisher Call No Water : a novel based on the film by Deepa Mehta Sidhwa, Bapsi. Minneapolis, Minn. : Milkweed Editions, 2013. KIC 823.914 S568W 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No Terra incognita : D.H. Lawrence at the frontiers Crosswhite, Virginia. Madison : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2010 KIC 823.912 C951T 2010 Title Author Publisher Call No 21 speeches that shaped our world : the people and ideas that changed… Abbott, Chris. London : Rider, 2012. KIC 808.85 A131S 2012 Title An American brat Author Sidhwa, Bapsi. Publisher Lahore : Ilqa Publications, 2012. Call No KIC 823.914 S568A 2012 9 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 Title Author Publisher Call No NEW BOOKS The monk who sold his Ferrari : a fable about fulfilling your dreams and… Sharma, Robin S. Delhi : Jaico Publishing, 2013. KIC 813 S531M 2013 Law Title Author Publisher Call No Cyber law and IT protection Chander, Harish New Delhi : PHI Learning, 2012. KIC 343.4109 C454C 2012 Title Author Publisher Call No Jurisprudence : key facts Halstead, Peter. London : Routledge, 2012. KIC 340 H196J 2012 Title Author Publisher Call No Unlocking legal learning Turner, Chris London : Hodder Education, 2012. KIC 340.072073 T944U 2012 Title Author Publisher Call No Intellectual property law Hart, Tina. London : Macmillan, 2013. KIC 346.73048 H325I 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No Globalization & crime Aas, Katja Franko. London : Sage, 2013. KIC 364.168 A115G 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No Constitutional and administrative law Alder, John. Hampshire : Macmillan, 2013. KIC 342.41 A361C 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No Islamic law and family Ghulam Tahir. New Delhi : Random, 2013. KIC 340.59 G427I 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No Islamic law and human rights Hakim Abbas New Delhi : Random, 2013. KIC 340.59 H155I 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No International trade law Carr, Indira, Oxon, Abingdon : Routledge, 2014. KIC 343.41087 C311I 2014 Title Author Publisher Call No Criminal law Herring, Jonathan. New York, N. Y. : Oxford University Press, 2014. KIC 345.73 H567C 2014 10 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 NEW BOOKS Social Sciences Title Author Publisher Call No The unplanned revolution : observations on the process of socio Arif Hasan Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2009. KIC 303.4095491 A698U 2009 Title Author Publisher Call No Power, postcolonialism, and international relations : reading race, gender… Chowdhry, Geeta London : Routledge, 2002. KIC 327.101 C552P 2002 Title Author Publisher Call No Failed states : the abuse of power and the assault on democracy Chomsky, Noam, New York : Metropolitan BooksHenry Holt, 2006. KIC 327.730090511 C548F 2007 Title Author Publisher Call No The idea of justice Sen, Amartya, New York : Penguine Books, 2010. KIC 320.11 S474I 2010 Title Author Publisher Call No Effective deterrence : thoughts on India's security policy and structures… Singh, Colonel Yogander. Indiana : AuthorHouse, 2010. KIC 355.42 S617E 2010 Title Author Publisher Call No Research methods in theatre and performance Kershaw, Baz. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2011] KIC 792.072 K416R 2011 Title Author Publisher Call No Punjab financial hand book Government of Punjab, Finance Department Lahore : Finance Department, 2011. KIC 352.4054914 P984 2011 Title Author Publisher Call No Civil Service rule : Punjab Government of Punjab, Finance Department Lahore : Finance Department, 2011. KIC 353.549 C582 2011 Title Author Publisher Call No Energy and security in South Asia : cooperation or conflict? Ebinger, Charles K. New Delhi : Foundation, c2011. 333.790954 E166E 2011 Title Author Publisher Call No Rethinking education: critical discourse and society Khadim Hussain. Islamabad : Naratives, 2012. KIC 370.95491 K526R 2012 Title Author Publisher Call No Education, inequalities and freedom : a sociopolitical critique Siddiqui, Shahid. Islamabad : Narratives, 2012. KIC 306.2 S568E 2012 11 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 NEW BOOKS Title Author Publisher Call No Insights on insecurity in Pakistan Zaidi, Manzar. Islamabad : Narratives, 2012. KIC 320.530954 Z212I 2012 Title Author Publisher Call No Qualitative research : issues of theory, method, and practice Silverman, David. New Delhi : Sage, 2012. 001.42 S587Q 2012 Title Author Publisher Call No The great accelerator Virilio, Paul. Malden, MA : Polity, 2012. KIC 304.23 V818G 2012 Title Author Publisher Call No Shooting for a century : the India-Pakistan conundrum Cohen, Stephen P., Washington, D.C. : Brookings Institution Press, [2013] KIC 303.4820954 C678S 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No Philosophy of pseudoscience : reconsidering the demarcation problem Pigliucci, Massimo, Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2013. 001.9 P631P 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No Pakistan and Afghanistan : the instability factor in India's neighbourhood Chatterjee, Kingshuk. Kolkata : Institute of Foreign Policy Studies… KIC 327.540581 C495P 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No 3D deceit, duplicity & dissimulation of U.S. foreign policy towards India… Goswami, Arvind. Indiana : AuthorHouse, 2013. KIC 327.1 G682D 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No Europe and the Islamic world : a history Tolan, John Victor, Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2013. KIC 303.482401767 T647E 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No No exit from Pakistan : America's tortured relationship with Islamabad Markey, Daniel Seth, New Delhi : Cambridge University Press, 2013. KIC 327.7305491 M345N 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No Gender in South Asia : social imagination and constructed realities Channa, Subhadra, New Delhi : Cambridge University Press, 2013. KIC 305.40954 C458G 2013 Title Author Publisher Call No Criminal justice policy Mallicoat, Stacy L. Los Angeles : Sage, 2014. KIC 364.973 M254C 2014 Title Author Publisher Call No Nonstate actors in intrastate conflicts Miodownik, Dan. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014 KIC 341.584 M669N 2014 12 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS BUSINESS Business History Volume 56, Issue 4 Air Afrique: the demise of a continental icon Joseph Amankwah-Amoah & Yaw A. Debrah 517-546 Selling agricultural products: farmers' co-operatives in production and marketing, 1880–1930 Eva Fernández 547-568 ‘Profligacy in the encouragement of thrift’: Savings banks in Ireland, 1817–1914 Eoin McLaughlin 569-591 An institutional account of governance structures in early modern business history: the Coventry business hi story Edward Kasabov & Usha Sundaram 592-622 Making ‘Green Giants’: Environment sustainability in the German chemical industry, 1950s–1980s Geoffrey Jones & Christina Lubinski 623-649 Patents, what for? The case of Crossley Brothers and the introduction of the gas engine into Spain, c. 1870– 1914 José M. Ortiz-Villajos 650-676 13 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS BUSINESS Business Horizons Volume 57, Issue 3 What a difference a word makes: Understanding threats to performance in a VUCA world Nathan Bennett, G. James Lemoine 311-317 Clear, conspicuous, and concise: Disclosures and Twitter word-of-mouth Janée N. Burkhalter, Natalie T. Wood, Stephanie A. Tryce 319-328 Making the most of your firm's capabilities Roberto Evaristo, Srilata Zaheer 329-335 Jumpstarting the use of social technologies in your organization Patricia J. Guinan, Salvatore Parise, Keith Rollag 337-347 Fan-centric social media: The Xiaomi phenomenon in China Chao-Ching Shih, Tom M.Y. Lin, Pin Luarn 349-358 Re-branding brand genericide Bernard Cova 359-369 The artification of luxury: From artisans to artists Jean-Noël Kapferer 371-380 Global competitive conditions driving the manufacturing location decision Wendy L. Tate, Lisa M. Ellram, Tobias Schoenherr, Kenneth J. Petersen 381-390 Open innovation requires integrated competition-community ecosystems: Lessons learned from civic open innovation Esteve Almirall, Melissa Lee, Ann Majchrzak 391-400 Employee voice: Untapped resource or social media time bomb? Sandra Jeanquart Miles, W. Glynn Mangold 401-411 14 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS BUSINESS Is innovation in pricing your next source of competitive advantage? Andreas Hinterhuber, Stephan M. Liozu 413-423 Customer co-creation projects and social media: The case of Barilla of Italy Antonella Martini, Silvia Massa, Stefania Testa 425-434 Everyday talk and convincing conversations: Utilizing strategic internal communication Leah M. Omilion-Hodges, Colin R. Baker 435-445 15 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS BUSINESS Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Volume 38, Issue 3 Using Resource-Based Theory to Help Explain Plural Form Franchising William E. Gillis, James G. Combs and David J. Ketchen Jr. 449–472 Danger Zone Entrepreneurs: The Importance of Resilience and Self-Efficacy for Entrepreneurial Intentions Amanda Bullough, Maija Renko and Tamara Myatt 473–499 How Exactly Do Network Relationships Pay Off? The Effects of Network Size and Relationship Quality on Access to Start-Up Resources Thorsten Semrau and Arndt Werner 501–525 Return on Recent VC Investment and Long-Run IPO Returns Jean-Sébastien Michel 527–549 How Entrepreneurs Use Networks to Address Changing Resource Requirements During Early Venture Development Diane M. Sullivan and Cameron M. Ford 551–574 Entrepreneurship as Elixir and Mutagen Erik Lundmark and Alf Westelius 575–600 Do Incumbents’ Mergers Influence Entrepreneurial Entry? An Evaluation Sumit K. Majumdar, Rabih Moussawi and Ulku Yaylacicegi 601–633 A Signaling Perspective on Partner Selection in Venture Capital Syndicates Christian Hopp and Christian Lukas 635–670 16 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS BUSINESS Global Business and Organizational Excellence Volume 33, Issue 4 Toward a Standardized Model for Leadership Development in International Organizations Mark A. D. van Dongen 6–17 Business Lessons From a “Mompreneurs” Network Katia Richomme-Huet and Virginie Vial 18–27 Doing E-Business in France: Drivers of Online Trust in Business-to-Consumer Websites Boris Bartikowski and Nitish Singh 28–36 Using Matrix Management to Increase Organizational Impact at Sasakawa Africa Association Juliana Rwelamira and Ronald A. Gunn 37–49 Fearless Feedback Boosts Trust While Replacing Traditional Performance Appraisal at Independent Living, Inc. Wally Hauck 50–62 Electronic Health Records: Cure-All or Chronic Condition? Chris Kimble 63–74 17 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MANAGEMENT Administrative Science Quarterly Volume 59, Issue 2 Editorial Essay: Why Do We Still Have Journals? Gerald F. Davis 193-201 By Whom and When Is Women’s Expertise Recognized? The Interactive Effects of Gender and Education in Science and Engineering Teams Aparna Joshi 202-239 Recategorization into the In-group: The Appointment of Demographically Different New Directors and Their Subsequent Positions on Corporate Boards David H. Zhu, Wei Shen and Amy J. Hillman 240-270 On the Causality and Cause of Returns to Organizational Status: Evidence from the Grands Crus Classés of the Médoc Daniel Malter 271-300 Picking a Poor Partner: A Relational Perspective on Acquisitions Michelle Rogan and Olav Sorenson 301-329 The Implications of Marriage Structure for Men’s Workplace Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors toward Women Sreedhari D. Desai, Dolly Chugh and Arthur P. Brief 330-365 18 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MANAGEMENT Human Resource Management Review Volume 24, Issue 2 Career anchors and paths: The case of Gay, Lesbian, & Bisexual workers David M. Kaplan 119-130 Interactions between work and identities: Thriving, withering, or redefining the self? Mari Kira, David B. Balkin 131-143 The evolution of CEO compensation over the organizational life cycle: A contingency explanation Gordon Wang, Parbudyal Singh 144-159 The relentless pursuit of construct validity in the design of employment interviews Maria Riaz Hamdani, Sorin Valcea, M. Ronald Buckley 160-176 A dialectical theory of the decision to go to work: Bringing together absenteeism and presenteeism Jonathon R.B. Halbesleben, Marilyn V. Whitman, Wayne S. Crawford 177-192 19 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MANAGEMENT IIMB Management Review Volume 26, Issue 2 Crime against woman and punishment goals: Social order and country moderate public protest effect Ramadhar Singh, Paul A. Bell, Ran Bijay, Narayan Sinha, Sweta Singh, Krithiga Sankaran 79-79 Information processing under stress: A study of Mumbai Police first responders Rajarshi Chakraborty, Manish Agrawal, H. Raghav Rao 79-79 Service delivery innovation architecture: An empirical study of antecedents and outcomes Rajeev Verma, K.R. Jayasimha 80-80 The science and art of learning about cultures: Descriptions, explanations, and reflections – In conversation with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Ritu Tripathi 80-80 Sustainability dilemmas in emerging economies Rama K. Jayanti, M.V. Rajeev Gowda 81-81 Crime against woman and punishment goals: Social order and country moderate public protest effect Ramadhar Singh, Paul A. Bell, Ran Bijay Narayan Sinha, Sweta Singh, Krithiga Sankaran 82-90 Information processing under stress: A study of Mumbai Police first responders Rajarshi Chakraborty, Manish Agrawal, H. Raghav Rao 91-104 Service delivery innovation architecture: An empirical study of antecedents and outcomes Rajeev Verma, K.R. Jayasimha 105-121 The science and art of learning about cultures: Descriptions, explanations, and reflections In conversation with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder, Art of Living Ritu Tripathi 122-129 Sustainability dilemmas in emerging economies Rama K. Jayanti, M.V. Rajeev Gowda 130-142 Citizens and Revolutionaries: An Oral History of IIM Calcutta Bhaskar Basu 143-144 20 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MANAGEMENT Journal of Management Volume 30, Issue 3 Negotiating the Revision Process Daniel C Feldman 305-307 Leader Political Skill and Team Performance Kathleen K. Ahearn, Gerald R. Ferris, Wayne A. Hochwarter, Ceasar Douglas, Anthony P. Ammeter 309-327 The Fairness of Decision Rules Donald E. Conlon, Christopher O.L.H. Porter, Judi McLean Parks 329-349 Venture Survival in a Transitional Economy Marjorie A. Lyles, Todd Saxton, Kathleen Watson 351-375 Entrepreneurs’ Decisions to Exploit Opportunities Young Rok Choi, Dean A. Shepherd 377-395 The Impact of Insider Power on Fraudulent Financial Reporting Paul Dunn 397-412 The Pygmalion Process and Employee Creativity Pamela Tierney, Steven M. Farmer 413-432 21 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MANAGEMENT Journal of Management Development Volume 33, Issue 5 The business school model: a flawed organizational design? J.C. Spender 429 - 442 From relevance to relevate: How university-based business school can remain seats of “higher” learning and still contribute effectively to business Robert Chia 443 - 455 Implementing liberal management education through the lens of the other Tom Estad, Stefano Harney, Howard Thomas 456 - 469 Engaging with engagement: how UK business schools could meet the innovation challenge Richard Thorpe, Richard Rawlinson 470 - 486 Global leadership development, strategic alignment and CEOs commitment Jordi Canals 487 - 502 Future scenarios for management education Howard Thomas, Michelle Lee, Alexander Wilson 503 - 519 22 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MANAGEMENT Journal of Management Studies Volume 51, Issue 4 How Does Project Termination Impact Project Team Members? Rapid Termination, ‘Creeping Death’, and Learning from Failure Dean A. Shepherd, Holger Patzelt, Trenton A. Williams and Dennis Warnecke 513–546 When do Non-Family CEOs Outperform in Family Firms? Agency and Behavioural Agency Perspectives Danny Miller, Isabelle Le Breton-Miller, Alessandro Minichilli, Guido Corbetta and Daniel Pittino 547–572 Opportunity Evaluation as Rule-Based Decision Making Matthew S. Wood and David W. Williams 573–602 ‘Thinking Before Acting’ or ‘Acting Before Thinking’: Antecedents of Individual Action Propensity in Work Situations Dusya Vera, Mary Crossan, Claus Rerup and Steve Werner 603–633 Legitimacy-as-Feeling: How Affect Leads to Vertical Legitimacy Spillovers in Transnational Governance Patrick Haack, Michael D. Pfarrer and Andreas Georg Scherer 634–666 23 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MANAGEMENT MIS Quarterly Volume 38, Issue 2 Digital Innovation as a Fundamental and Powerful Concept in the Information Systems Curriculum Robert G. Fichman, Brian L. Dos Santos, and Zhiqiang Eric Zheng 329-343 Data Collection in the Digital Age: Innovative Alterantives to Student Samples Zachary R. Steelman, Bryan I. Hammer, and Moez Limayem 355-378 The Nature and Consequences of Trade-Off Transparency in the Context of Recommendation Agents Jingjun David Xu, Izak Benbasat, and Ronald T. Cenfetelli 379-406 Trust, Satisfaction, and Online Repurchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Perceived Effectiveness of ECommerce Institutional Mechanisms Yulin Fang, Israr Qureshi, Heshan Sun, Patrick McCole, Elaine Ramsey, and Kai H. Lim 407-427 An Economic Analysis of Online Advertising Using Behavioral Targeting Jianqing Chen and Jan Stallaert 429-449 Proactive Versus Reactive Security Investments in the Healthcare Sector Juhee Kwon and M. Eric Johnson 451-471 The Business of Being a User: The Role of the Reference Actor in Shaping Packaged Enterprise System Acquisition and Development Neil Pollock and Sampsa Hyysalo 473-496 The Effects of Web Personalization on User Attitude and Behavior: An Integration of the Elaboration Likelihood Model and Consumer Search Theory Shuk Ying Ho and David Bodoff 497-520 Nature and Nurture: The Impact of Automaticity and the Structuration of Communication on Virtual Team Behavior and Performance Valerie Bartelt and Alan Dennis 521-538 24 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MANAGEMENT Anxious or Angry? Effects of Discrete Emotions on the Perceived Helpfulness of Online Reviews Dezhi Yin, Samuel D. Bond, and Han Zhang 539-560 Reframing Success and Failure of Information Systems: A Performative Perspective Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic, Karlheinz Kautz, and Rebecca Abrahall 561-588 Quality Competition and Market Segmentation in the Security Software Market Debabrata Dey, Atanu Lahiri, and Guoying Zhang 589-606 Coordinating Expertise Across Knowledge Boundaries in Offshore-Outsourcing Projects: The Role of Codification Julia Kotlarsky, Harry Scarbrough, and Ilan Oshri 607-627 25 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MANAGEMENT The Leadership Quarterly Volume 25, Issue 3 Leadership and team identification: Exploring the followers' perspective Hendrik Huettermann, Sebastian Doering, Sabine Boerner 413-432 Leaders' narrative sensemaking during LMX role negotiations: Explaining how leaders make sense of who to trust and when Katherine M. Kelley, Ryan S. Bisel 433-448 Collectivistic leadership and George C. Marshall: A historiometric analysis of career events Tamara L. Friedrich, William B. Vessey, Matthew J. Schuelke, Michael D. Mumford, Francis J. Yammarino, Gregory A. Ruark 449-467 Social identity framing communication strategies for mobilizing social change Viviane Seyranian 468-486 Empowering leadership: Construct clarification, conceptualization, and validation of a new scale Stein Amundsen, Øyvind L. Martinsen 487-511 Leaders' and subordinates' attachment orientations, emotion regulation capabilities and affect at work: A multilevel analysis Konstantinos Kafetsios, Maria Athanasiadou, Nafsika Dimou 512-527 The impact of ethical leadership within the recruitment context: The roles of organizational reputation, applicant personality, and value congruence Babatunde Ogunfowora 528-543 Same difference? Exploring the differential mechanisms linking servant leadership and transformational leadership to follower outcomes Dirk van Dierendonck, Daan Stam, Pieter Boersma, Ninotchka de Windt, Jorrit Alkema 544-562 The role of organizational leaders in employee emotion management: A theoretical model Seth Kaplan, Jose Cortina, Gregory Ruark, Kate LaPort, Vias Nicolaides 563-580 26 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MANAGEMENT The effects of authentic leadership on followers' ethical decision-making in the face of temptation: An experimental study Anna M. Cianci, Sean T. Hannah, Ross P. Roberts, George T. Tsakumis 581-594 Leader and follower attachment styles: Implications for authentic leader–follower relationships Amanda S. Hinojosa, Kelly Davis McCauley, Brandon Randolph-Seng, William L. Gardner 595-610 Beyond leader–member exchange LMX differentiation: An indigenous approach to leader–member relationship differentiation Ying Chen, Enhai Yu, Jooyeon Son 611-627 27 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MARKETING Emerging Markets Review Volume 19, Issue 1 Do global factors impact BRICS stock markets? A quantile regression approach Walid Mensi, Shawkat Hammoudeh, Juan Carlos Reboredo, Duc Khuong Nguyen 1-17 Idiosyncratic volatility and mergers and acquisitions in emerging markets PengCheng Zhu, Vijay Jog, Isaac Otchere 18-48 The empirics of banking regulation Fulbert Tchana Tchana 49-76 Can institutions and macroeconomic factors predict stock returns in emerging markets? Paresh Kumar Narayan, Seema Narayan, Kannan Sivananthan Thuraisamy 77-95 Commodity prices and exchange rate volatility: Lessons from South Africa's capital account liberalization Rabah Arezki, Elena Dumitrescu, Andreas Freytag, Marc Quintyn 96-105 What factors explain stock market retardation in Islamic Countries Ginanjar Dewandaru, Syed Aun R. Rizvi, Obiyathulla I. Bacha, Mansur Masih 106-127 28 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MARKETING International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing Volume 19, Issue 2 Celebrity altruism: the good, the bad and the ugly in relationships with fundraising charities Sean P. Kelly, Gareth G. Morgan and Tracey M. Coule 57–75 Segmenting nonprofit stakeholders to enable successful relationship marketing: a review Christine Rupp, Sarah Kern and Bernd Helmig 76–91 Learning and relationship orientation: an empirical examination in European museums Ma José Garrido and Carmen Camarero 92–109 The relevance of reputation in the nonprofit sector: the moderating effect of socio-demographic characteristics Matthias P. Schloderer, Marko Sarstedt and Christian M. Ringle 110–126 CSR and service quality in nonprofit organizations: the case of a performing arts association Daniela Andreini, Giuseppe Pedeliento and Silvana Signori 127–142 Investigating online recognition for blood donor retention: an experiential donor value approach Kathleen Chell and Gary Mortimer 143–163 29 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MARKETING Journal of Advertising Research Volume 54, Issue 1 1. Letter from the CEO: Inspiring Intelligent Growth 2. What Do We Know About Social Media? 3. Speaker's Box: Advertisements Just Aren't Advertisements Anymore: A New Typology for Evolving Forms of Online "Advertising" 4. Numbers, Please: Digital Game Changers: How Social Media Will Help Usher in the Era of Mobile and Multi-Platform Campaign-Effectiveness Measurement 5. Research Quality: Fast and Furious ... or Much Ado About Nothing? Sub-Optimal Respondent Behavior and Data Quality 6. The Gender Gap: Brain-Processing Differences Between the Sexes Shape Attitudes About Online Advertising 7. Tweens' Knowledge of Marketing Tactics: Skeptical Beyond Their Years 8. The Quality of Internet-User Recall: A Comparative Analysis by Online Sales-Promotion Types 30 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS MARKETING Journal of Marketing Research Volume 51, Issue 2 1. The Role of Market Orientation in Advertising Spending During Economic Collapse: The Case of Turkey in 2001 Peren Özturan, Ayşegül Özsomer, and Rik Pieters 2. A Reference-Dependent Model of the Price–Quality Heuristic Ayelet Gneezy, Uri Gneezy, and Dominique Olié Lauga 3. How Graphic Visual Health Warnings Affect Young Smokers' Thoughts of Quitting J. Craig Andrews, Richard G. Netemeyer, Jeremy Kees, and Scot Burton 4. This Logo Moves Me: Dynamic Imagery from Static Images Luca Cian, Aradhna Krishna, and Ryan S. Elder 5. Killing Hope with Good Intentions: The Effects of Consolation Prizes on Preference for Lottery Promotions Dengfeng Yan and A.V. Muthukrishnan 6. Limited Availability Reduces the Rate of Satiation Julio Sevilla and Joseph P. Redden 7. Because I Don't Deserve It: How Relationship Reminders and Deservingness Influence Consumer Indulgence Lisa A. Cavanaugh 8. I Think I Can, I Think I Can: Brand Use, Self-Efficacy, and Performance Ji Kyung Park and Deborah Roedder John 31 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS FINANCE Journal of Accountancy June 2014 1. Do's and don'ts of due diligence When is the best time to perform due diligence in the accounting firm merger process? What should each side look for? How should the parties respond to unexpected findings? Find out in the 12th and final installment of the series “CPA Firm Succession: Solidifying the Future.” 2. Ethics made easier: How to use the revised AICPA Code of Professional Conduct The revised AICPA Code of Professional Conduct is accessible on a dynamic electronic platform that allows users to conduct and save basic and advanced searches. The platform includes features such as pop-ups for defined terms, the ability to create and name bookmarks, and create and save notes, as well as hyperlinking to content in the code and to external nonauthoritative material issued by staff of the Ethics Division. 3. The consequences of willful failure to pay payroll taxes Employers are required to withhold payroll taxes from employees’ wages for the government’s account. This article examines what can happen when a responsible person fails to pay over these amounts. 4. Considerations when working with an aging client base CPAs should be cognizant of the professional liability risks that may exist when working with aging clients. 5. What's your fraud IQ? CPAs need the ability to ask the right questions and gather crucial information from conversations. Are your interviewing skills up to par? Find out in our Fraud IQ quiz. 6. FAQs for the CGMA exam AICPA members who register for the CGMA designation after Jan. 1, 2015, will be required to take an assessment of management accounting skills and competencies. 7. Highlights of ethics research The authors distill research published in tax and accounting journals of interest to busy practitioners. This article focuses on academic research in ethics. 8. Move over, strategy: Compliance needs you The push continues for internal auditors to focus on strategic risks, but regulatory compliance duties are standing in the way, a new survey shows. 32 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS FINANCE Journal of Accounting & Economics Volume 57, Issues 2–3 The impact of issuer-pay on corporate bond rating properties: Evidence from Moody s and S&P s initial adoptions Samuel B. Bonsall IV 89-109 Outside directors and board advising and monitoring performance Kyonghee Kim, Elaine Mauldin, Sukesh Patro 110-131 Investors reaction to the use of poison pills as a tax loss preservation tool Stephanie A. Sikes, Xiaoli Shaolee Tian, Ryan Wilson 132-148 Commitment to social good and insider trading Feng Gao, Ling Lei Lisic, Ivy Xiying Zhang 149-175 The role of bank monitoring in borrowers discretionary disclosure: Evidence from covenant violations Rahul Vashishtha 176-195 Why have measures of earnings quality changed over time? Anup Srivastava 196-217 Accounting conservatism and managerial risk-taking: Corporate acquisitions Todd D. Kravet 218-240 Political connections and SEC enforcement Maria M. Correia 241-262 33 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS FINANCE Journal of Financial Economics Volume 113, Issue 1 Safer ratios, riskier portfolios: Banks response to government aid Ran Duchin, Denis Sosyura 1-28 Predatory lending and the subprime crisis Sumit Agarwal, Gene Amromin, Itzhak Ben-David, Souphala Chomsisengphet, Douglas D. Evanoff 29-52 Winners in the spotlight: Media coverage of fund holdings as a driver of flows David H. Solomon, Eugene Soltes, Denis Sosyura 53-72 Comovement and investment banking networks Gustavo Grullon, Shane Underwood, James P. Weston 73-89 The Idealized Electoral College voting mechanism and shareholder power Edward D. Van Wesep 90-108 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: The effect of corporate tax avoidance on the cost of bank loans Iftekhar Hasan, Chun Keung Stan Hoi, Qiang Wu, Hao Zhang 109-130 Performance evaluation with high moments and disaster risk Ohad Kadan, Fang Liu 131-155 A dynamic limit order market with fast and slow traders Peter Hoffmann 156-169 34 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS FINANCE Strategic Finance June 2014 1. IMA 2013 Salary Survey: Rainy Days Persist Lee Schiffel, CGFM, and Coleen Wilder This year’s survey presents a dreary view with not many bright spots. The 2012 gains in average salary and total compensation have been offset or lost in 2013, with decreases in both categories for the first time in six years. A demographic change shows a continuing decrease in median age of the average IMA member, and the discrepancy in compensation between men and women shows little improvement. 2. IMA 2013 Global Salary Survey Update: Younger Members Earning More Raef Lawson, CMA, CPA, CFA The results in the report were gathered this year from 66 countries throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. Compensation and job satisfaction were examined and compared across all regions. A series of tables compares salaries, compensation, and a variety of demographic information, including gender, age, education, and certification. On average, CMAs earn a substantial premium over non-CMAs throughout the world. 3. Experiencing the Accounting Profession in Russia Kimberly Charron, CMA, and Marilyn Young, CPA Ever wonder how your counterparts in other countries deal with many of the same issues that you do? What’s different? What’s similar? The authors had a rare opportunity to travel to Russia to get a bird’s-eye view of how everything from the auditing process to the education of financial professionals to the implementation of IFRS is handled in a G8 country. 4. Retirement: Don’t Slow Down, Speed Up! Roland L. Madison, CPA, and William N. Bockanic, J.D. Ready to trade in your calculator for endless rounds of golf? Don’t be too quick to chuck it all, say these two Baby Boomers—one a retired accountant, the other a working lawyer. As an older financial professional with loads of experience, you can make important contributions, inspire others to do their best, and still find plenty of time for family and friends. 35 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS ECONOMICS Finance & Development Volume 51, Issue 2 1. Asia: Achieving Its Potential Changyong Rhee The region’s success is not guaranteed 2. Sino Shift David Dollar China’s rebalancing opens new opportunities for developing Asia 3. Asian Style Alan Wheatley Cultural products are playing an increasing role in the region’s economy as disposable incomes rise 4. The Future of Asian Finance James P. Walsh As Asia leads the world in growth, will its financial systems lead too? 5. Point of View: Asia’s Resilience Zeti Akhtar Aziz The region survived the global crisis and must now cope with a significant worldwide financial and economic transition 6. Governance Unbundled Shikha Jha and Juzhong Zhuang By focusing on the biggest hurdles to growth and development, countries in Asia are more likely to see their governance reform efforts succeed 7. A Turn to Asia Alison Stuart To sustain its rapidly rising prosperity, Australia should seize on the changing export opportunities in its nearest neighbors 8. Picture This: Kimchi, No Longer Solely Korea’s Yusun Lee Kimchi’s place as a uniquely Korean dish is being threatened by China’s exploding exports of the spicy dish. 36 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS ECONOMICS 9. Economics and Morality Timothy Taylor Economists may prefer to be value neutral, but many critics find fault in the relationship between economics and virtue. 10. No Magic Threshold Andrea Pescatori, Damiano Sandri, and John Simon There appears to be no clear point above which a nation’s debt dramatically compromises mediumterm growth. 11. The Cost of Tying One’s Hands Atish R. Ghosh, Mahvash S. Qureshi, and Charalambos Tsangarides There are benefits to pegging the exchange rate—but without a flexible rate, external adjustment can be tough. 12. A Broader Mandate Luis Jácome and Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli Central banks are feeling pressure to expand their inflation brief to include politically charged goals such as employment and growth. 13. Not Your Father’s Service Sector Prakash Loungani and Saurabh Mishra Services are gaining newfound respect as the basis of modern global trade 37 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS ECONOMICS Journal of Asian Economics Volumes 31–32 Vertical gravity Douglas H. Brooks, Benno Ferrarini 1-9 The determinants of income inequality in Thailand: A synthetic cohort analysis Sasiwimon Warunsiri Paweenawat, Robert McNown 10-21 How much informal credit lending responded to monetary policy in China? The case of Wenzhou Duo Qin, Zhong Xu, Xuechun Zhang 22-31 Substitutes or complements? The interactions between components of capital inflows for Asia Tony Cavoli 32-41 Empirical relationships among money, output and consumer prices in nine Muslim-majority countries Akhand Akhtar Hossain 42-56 Interest rate pass-through and monetary policy asymmetry: A journey into the Caucasian black box Rustam Jamilov, Balázs Égert 57-70 European crises and the Asian economies Richard Pomfret 71-81 38 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS ECONOMICS The Economic Journal Volume 124, Issue 576 Income Dynamics and Life-cycle Inequality: Mechanisms and Controversies Richard Blundell 289–318 Divorce Risk, Wages and Working Wives: A Quantitative Life-Cycle Analysis of Female Labour Force Participation Raquel Fernández and Joyce Cheng Wong 319–358 Choosing Size of Government Under Ambiguity: Infrastructure Spending and Income Taxation Charles F. Manski 359–376 What Can Wages and Employment Tell Us about the UK's Productivity Puzzle? Richard Blundell, Claire Crawford and Wenchao Jin 377–407 Real Wages and Unemployment in the Big Squeeze Paul Gregg, Stephen Machin and Mariña Fernández-Salgado 408–432 The UK Productivity and Jobs Puzzle: Does the Answer Lie in Wage Flexibility? João Paulo Pessoa and John Van Reenen 433–452 Using Changes in Auction Maturity Sectors to Help Identify the Impact of QE on Gilt Yields Nick McLaren, Ryan N. Banerjee and David Latto 453–479 Crime Deterrence: Evidence From the London 2011 Riots Brian Bell, Laura Jaitman and Stephen Machin 480–506 Trade Imbalances, Export Structure and Wage Inequality Rosario Crinò and Paolo Epifani 507–539 Cash-on-hand and the Duration of Job Search: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Norway Christoph Basten, Andreas Fagereng and Kjetil Telle 540–568 Measuring Individual Risk Attitudes when Preferences are Imprecise Graham Loomes and Ganna Pogrebna 569–593 39 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS ECONOMICS Oligopolistic Competition and Search Without Priors Alexei Parakhonyak 594–606 Changing Households' Investment Behaviour through Social Interactions with Local Leaders: Evidence from a Randomised Transfer Programme Karen Macours and Renos Vakis 607–633 Alcohol Exposure In Utero and Child Academic Achievement Stephanie von Hinke Kessler Scholder, George L. Wehby, Sarah Lewis and Luisa Zuccolo 634–667 What Lies Beneath? A Time-varying FAVAR Model for the UK Transmission Mechanism Colin Ellis, Haroon Mumtaz and Pawel Zabczyk 668–699 40 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS ECONOMICS The Journal of Development Studies Volume 50, Issue 6 Officials Versus Thieves: Is Public or Private Expropriation More Harmful to Small Firms? Sarah Pearlman 773-788 Violence, Insecurity and Hybrid Organisational Forms: A Study in Conflict-Ridden Zones in Colombia Clemente Forero-Pineda, Eduardo Wills Herrera, Veneta Andonova, Luz Elena Orozco Collazos & Oscar Pardo 789-802 Corruption and Infrastructure at the Country and Regional Level Robert Gillanders 803-819 The Gradient of Governance: Distance and Disengagement in Indian Villages Anirudh Krishna & Gregory Schober 820-838 Building or Bypassing Recipient Country Systems: Are Donors Defying the Paris Declaration? Stephen Knack 839-854 A Stylish Burial: Tracking the Socio-Technical Aspects of Death in Iran Hamidreza Mohammadi Doostdar, Hossein Mohammadi Doostdar, Mohd Hazim Shah & Hamideh Sattari 855-863 Hunger Inequality: Ethics and Aid Derrill D. Watson 864-876 Poverty Dynamics in Rural Orissa: Transitions in Assets and Occupations over Generations Magnus Hatlebakk 877-893 41 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS ECONOMICS The Quarterly Journal of Economics Volume 129, Issue 2 International Prices and Endogenous Quality Robert C. Feenstra and John Romalis 477-527 Currency Unions, Product Introductions, and the Real Exchange Rate Alberto Cavallo, Brent Neiman and Roberto Rigobon 529-595 Agricultural Decisions after Relaxing Credit and Risk Constraints Dean Karlan, Robert Osei, Isaac Osei-Akoto, and Christopher Udry 597-652 Public Health Insurance, Labor Supply, and Employment Lock Craig Garthwaite, Tal Gross, and Matthew J. Notowidigdo 653-696 Generating Skilled Self-Employment in Developing Countries: Experimental Evidence from Uganda Christopher Blattman, Nathan Fiala, and Sebastian Martinez 697-752 International Trade and Institutional Change: Medieval Venice’s Response to Globalization Diego Puga and Daniel Trefler 753-821 Medieval Universities, Legal Institutions, and the Commercial Revolution Davide Cantoni and Noam Yuchtman 823-887 Sumit Agarwal, David Lucca, Amit Seru, and Francesco Trebbi Inconsistent Regulators: Evidence from Banking 889-938 The Agricultural Productivity Gap Douglas Gollin, David Lagakos, and Michael E. Waugh 939-993 Regional Favoritism Roland Hodler and Paul A. Raschky 995-1033 42 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS SOCIAL SCIENCES Journal of Applied Psychology Volume 99, Issue 3 The effects of staffing and training on firm productivity and profit growth before, during, and after the Great Recession. Kim, Youngsang; Ployhart, Robert E. 361-389 Leading virtual teams: Hierarchical leadership, structural supports, and shared team leadership. Hoch, Julia E.; Kozlowski, Steve W. J. 390-403 Are we all on the same temporal page? The moderating effects of temporal team cognition on the polychronicity diversity–team performance relationship. Mohammed, Susan; Nadkarni, Sucheta 404-422 Distinguishing between taskwork and teamwork planning in teams: Relations with coordination and interpersonal processes. Fisher, David M. 423-436 Members’ needs, intragroup conflict, and group performance. Chun, Jinseok S.; Choi, Jin Nam 437-450 Correction to Venkataramani et al. 2013. No authorship indicated 450-450 Can conflict be energizing? A study of task conflict, positive emotions, and job satisfaction. Todorova, Gergana; Bear, Julia B.; Weingart, Laurie R. 451-467 One member, two leaders: Extending leader–member exchange theory to a dual leadership context. Vidyarthi, Prajya R.; Erdogan, Berrin; Anand, Smriti; Liden, Robert C.; Chaudhry, Anjali 468-483 Supervisor support: Does supervisor support buffer or exacerbate the adverse effects of supervisor undermining? Nahum-Shani, Inbal; Henderson, Melanie M.; Lim, Sandy; Vinokur, Amiram D. 484-503 Rainmakers: Why bad weather means good productivity. Lee, Jooa Julia; Gino, Francesca; Staats, Bradley R. 504-513 43 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS SOCIAL SCIENCES Correction to Lee et al. 2014. No authorship indicated 513-513 When do bad apples not spoil the barrel? Negative relationships in teams, team performance, and buffering mechanisms. de Jong, Jeroen P.; Curşeu, Petru L.; Leenders, Roger Th. A. J. 514-522 When do business units benefit more from collective citizenship behavior of management teams? An upper echelons perspective. Liu, Wu; Gong, Yaping; Liu, Jun 523-534 Comparative evaluation of three situational judgment test response formats in terms of construct-related validity, subgroup differences, and susceptibility to response distortion. Arthur Jr., Winfred; Glaze, Ryan M.; Jarrett, Steven M.; White, Craig D.; Schurig, Ira; Taylor, Jason E. 535-545 44 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS SOCIAL SCIENCES Journal of Applied Social Psychology Volume 44, Issue 6 Will to live in older people's medical decisions: immediate and delayed effects of aging stereotypes Sibila Marques, Maria Luísa Lima, Dominic Abrams and Hannah Swift 399–408 The contributions of interpersonal attachment and friendship group identification to depressive symptoms in a nonclinical sample Harriet E. S. Rosenthal, Nadia Somers, Piers Fleming and Judi Walsh 409–414 The diversity paradox: when people who value diversity surround themselves with like-minded others Justin D. Hackett and Michael A. Hogg 415–422 Terrorist threat and employees' perceived ability to cope with organizational change Andreas Kastenmüller, Nilüfer Aydin, Dieter Frey, Eva Traut-Mattausch, Claudia Peus and Peter Fischer 423–432 The role of self-perceived agency and job attainability in women's impressions of successful women in masculine occupations Katie M. Lawson and Hilary M. Lips 433–441 Sex differences in the attractiveness of hunter-gatherer and modern risks John M. Petraitis, Claudia B. Lampman, Robert J. Boeckmann and Evan M. Falconer 442–453 45 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS SOCIAL SCIENCES Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Volume 87, Issue 2 A methodological review of research on the antecedents and consequences of workplace harassment Annabelle M. Neall and Michelle R. Tuckey 225–257 Politician personality, Machiavellianism, and political skill as predictors of performance ratings in political roles Jo Silvester, Madeleine Wyatt and Ray Randall 258–279 Job scope, affective commitment, and turnover: The moderating role of growth need strength Mahmood Shafeie Zargar, Christian Vandenberghe, Catherine Marchand and Ahmed Khalil Ben Ayed 280–302 Applying the job demands–resources model to migrant workers: Exploring how and when geographical distance increases quit propensity Xin Qin, Peter Hom, Minya Xu and Dong Ju 303–328 The building blocks of job insecurity: The impact of environmental and person-related variables on job insecurity perceptions Maike E. Debus, Cornelius J. König and Martin Kleinmann 329–351 A moderated mediation analysis of job demands, presenteeism, and absenteeism Stephen Deery, Janet Walsh and Christopher D. Zatzick 352–369 Spiritual resources and work engagement among religious workers: A three-wave longitudinal study Grant R. Bickerton, Maureen H. Miner, Martin Dowson and Barbara Griffin 370–391 The wisdom of letting go and performance: The moderating role of emotional intelligence and discrete emotions Janaki Gooty, Mark B. Gavin, Neal M. Ashkanasy and Jane S. Thomas 392–413 Team work engagement: A model of emergence Patrícia L. Costa, Ana M. Passos and Arnold B. Bakker 414–436 46 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING CIO Magazine June 2014 1. CIOs vs. Cancer A coalition of healthcare IT chiefs are on a mission to put cancer out of business. 2. Three-Minute Coach: Improving Your Network Executive career coach Ford Meyers gives practical advice for making valuable connections both inside and outside your company. 3. CIOs on a Mission Editor in Chief Maryfran Johnson describes the profoundly hopeful and uplifting story of how informal coalitions of CIOs from some of the country’s leading medical institutions are crossing boundaries to collaborate in the fight against cancer. 4. Your Real Business IDG Communications CEO Michael Friedenberg dips into the history of the once-thriving ice industry to put today’s period of business transformation in crystal-clear perspective. 5. Airline Tries Gamification To Boost ERP WestJet's initial gamification project focuses on expense reporting 6. Trouble in the C-Suite Many execs are dissatisfied with how their organizations make decisions about shaping digital business strategy. Will the CIO step up to be the digital pathfinder? 7. One Portal, Total Access Financial services firm UBS lets customers and employees see much more data, much faster, to improve relationships. 8. Managing Total Digitization Single digital executive or digital islands? It’s time to choose an approach that fits your corporate strategy, according to research by the MIT Center for Information Systems Research. 9. Get to the Point. And Then Stop Talking A communication expert -- author of the new book "Brief" -- says you’ll have a bigger impact by saying less. But it requires preparation. 10. Reshaping a Global Healthcare Strategy GE Healthcare CTO Nevin Zimmermann talks with IDG Enterprise Chief Content Officer John Gallant about mobile, cloud, big data and more. Zimmermann also discusses how his team is evolving and why CIOs must embrace technology changes. 11. 'Fog Computing' Links Clouds to the Internet of Things It will add Linux to small edge routers to help crunch data coming from devices in the field. 47 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 12. Senior Project Managers Are Getting Scarce When it comes to project management, many organizations find themselves understaffed and that's putting them at a competitive disadvantage, according to a study by ESI International. 13. A Good Fit for Footwear Company An online supply chain platform helps Wolverine Worldwide integrate a major acquisition and become more agile 14. Speed Dating With Startups Red Robin CIO Chris Laping meets with venture capitalists to seek out his next source of cloudenabled competitive advantage. 15. Who Legally Owns Your Big Data? Commingling internal and external data can produce problems if your contract isn’t clear about who owns what -- and for how long. 16. IT Broadens the Portfolio The IT department at financial services firm TIAA-CREF is fostering innovation that reinvents how the company operates, says CIO Annabelle Bexiga 17. Real-Estate Revolution Data insights are the key to providing customer value. The first steps are creating a culture of innovation and finding a CIO who is a business strategist. 18. Plotting a Digital Path These collaborative IT leaders are guiding their organizations toward a digital business future. 19. CIOs Battle User Apathy Toward Lost Devices American workers don't get too worked up about lost or stolen mobile phones -- even if those phones contain company data. A large percentage think it's not their problem and don't change their security practices afterwards. Are CIOs partly to blame for not setting stricter and clearer mobile security policies? 48 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING IEEE Computer Volume 47, Issue 5 1. Smart Camera Networks [Guest editors' introduction] Reisslein, Martin ; Rinner, Bernhard ; Roy-Chowdhury, Amit 2. Camera Networks for Healthcare, Teleimmersion, and Surveillance Chen, Ching-Hui ; Favre, Julien ; Kurillo, Gregorij ; Andriacchi, Thomas P. ; Bajcsy, Ruzena ; Chellappa, Rama 3. Wireless Smart Camera Networks for the Surveillance of Public Spaces Abas, Kevin ; Porto, Caio ; Obraczka, Katia 4. Integrating Consumer Smart Cameras into Camera Networks: Opportunities and Obstacles Prati, Andrea ; Qureshi, Faisal Z. 5. Toward Compressive Camera Networks Mitra, Kaushik ; Veeraraghavan, Ashok ; Sankaranarayanan, Aswin C. ; Baraniuk, Richard G. 6. Cloud-Assisted Smart Camera Networks for Energy-Efficient 3D Video Streaming Guan, Zhangyu ; Melodia, Tommaso 7. Self-Reconfigurable Smart Camera Networks SanMiguel, Juan C. ; Micheloni, Christian ; Shoop, Karen ; Foresti, Gian Luca ; Cavallaro, Andrea 8. Concurrent Average Memory Access Time Sun, Xian-He ; Wang, Dawei 9. IEEE Standards for Advanced Audio and Video Coding in Emerging Applications Gao, Wen ; Huang, Tiejun ; Reader, Cliff ; Dou, Weibei ; Chen, Xilin 10. Social Multimedia Crawling for Mining and Search Papadopoulos, Symeon ; Kompatsiaris, Yiannis 11. Dmail: A Globally Authenticated Email Service Yi Cho, Michael Cheng ; Chen, Pokai ; Shieh, Shiuhpyng Winston 12. Analyzing End-to-End Energy Consumption for Digital Services Preist, Chris ; Schien, Dan ; Shabajee, Paul ; Wood, Stephen ; Hodgson, Christopher 13. Cosmetic Contact Lenses and Iris Recognition Spoofing Bowyer, Kevin W. ; Doyle, James S. 14. A New Doorway into Time Johnson, Brian David 49 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING IEEE IT Professional Volume 16, Issue 2 1. Will You Ever Need an Exit Strategy? Schaffer, Henry 2. Contextual Mobile Apps: Avoiding the "Big Brother" Fallout Jones, Nolan 3. Masterminds of the Electronic Digital Computer Strawn, George 4. NIST: Building a Solid Foundation Voas, Jeffrey ; Bojanova, Irena 5. Test Generation Using Model Checking and Specification Mutation Black, Paul E. 6. Building Better Search Engines by Measuring Search Quality Voorhees, Ellen M. ; Over, Paul ; Soboroff, Ian 7. NIST and Computer Security Burr, William ; Ferraiolo, Hildegard ; Waltermire, David 8. NIST Contributions to Biometric Technology Wing, Brad 9. NIST Contributions to IT Black, Paul E. 10. A Survey of Cloud Database Systems Deka, Ganesh Chandra 11. The Digital Transformation: Staying Competitive Earley, Seth 12. Hands-On CIO Tackles Healthcare IT Williams, Joseph 50 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS GENERAL Foreign Affairs Volume 93, Issue 3 1. Power to the People Gideon Rose and Jonathan Tepperman When we started putting together a package on the rapidly evolving future of energy, our first thought was to survey exciting innovations across the sector. But the closer we looked, the more we realized that one big thing -- shale -- loomed above the rest. 2. Welcome to the Revolution Edward L. Morse Despite its doubters and haters, the shale revolution in oil and gas production is here to stay. In the second half of this decade, moreover, it is likely to spread rapidly around the globe, driving a fundamental change in global energy markets and an economic surge. 3. The United States of Gas Robert A. Hefner III Thanks to new technologies, U.S. companies have extracted vast quantities of natural gas and oil trapped in once-inaccessible deposits of shale. Other countries may envy this economic boost, but they will find it hard to replicate -- because only America has the entrepreneur-friendly legal and regulatory system that made the boom possible. 4. Don't Just Drill, Baby -- Drill Carefully Fred Krupp The shale revolution carries real environmental dangers, especially the release of methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas. It still has the potential to benefit the environment as well as the economy, but only if industry and government work together to deal with the problems. 5. Electric Avenue David M. Levinson Electric vehicles account for only a fraction of cars sold, but they are far more efficient than gasolinepowered ones and technological advances are making them look more promising than ever before. For the first time in a century, a real competition over how to power transportation is underway. 6. Nuclear Freeze Per F. Peterson, Michael R. Laufer, and Edward D. Blandford Nuclear power remains the best way to produce large amounts of electricity reliably for homes and businesses. That is why the continuing deficit in nuclear innovation is so troubling, and why Washington needs to seek additional strategies to incentivize and support progress. 7. Powering the Pentagon Sharon E. Burke The Defense Department is the United States’ largest energy consumer, but it’s also a major incubator of cutting-edge technologies. To cut fuel demands and meet new threats, the Pentagon is transforming the U.S. military from an organization that uses as much fuel as it can get to one that uses only as much as it needs. 51 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS GENERAL 8. What Iran Really Wants Mohammad Javad Zarif With the election of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Tehran and Washington have a unique opportunity to chart a new course. Ongoing nuclear negotiations face no insurmountable barriers; the only requirements for success are good faith and political will. 9. Russia's Latest Land Grab Jeffrey Mankoff Russia’s annexation of Crimea is Moscow’s latest attempt to maintain influence in a post-Soviet state by creating a so-called frozen conflict, in which a splinter territory remains under Russian protection and beyond the control of the central government. But history suggests Russia’s move will backfire and push the rest of Ukraine west. 10. The Return of Geopolitics Walter Russell Mead Whether it is Russian forces seizing Crimea, China making aggressive claims in its coastal waters, or Iran trying to dominate the Middle East, old-fashioned power plays are back. These revisionist powers never bought into the geopolitical settlement that followed the Cold War, and their ongoing attempts to overturn it will not be peaceful. 11. The Illusion of Geopolitics G. John Ikenberry China, Iran, and Russia are not determined to undo the post–Cold War settlement. They are not fullscale revisionist powers but, at most, part-time spoilers. The United States is far more powerful and has built a robust liberal world order countries need to integrate with in order to succeed. 12. Near Eastern Promises Kenneth M. Pollack and Ray Takeyh The problems of the Middle East remain too deeply intertwined with U.S. national security and the American economy to ignore. Whatever it might prefer to do, the Obama administration can’t just walk away from the region, but has to take a greater interest in it. 13. Far Eastern Promises Kurt M. Campbell and Ely Ratner Asia is going to command ever more attention and resources from the United States, thanks to the region’s growing prosperity and influence and the enormous challenges the region poses. The Obama administration’s pivot or rebalancing makes sense; the challenge now is giving it proper form, substance, and resources. 14. Show Them the Money Christopher Blattman and Paul Niehaus Cutting-edge research shows that giving things to the world’s poor is much more expensive than one might expect. When it comes to reducing poverty, therefore, simply sending cold hard cash is often the best and most efficient form of aid. 52 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS GENERAL 15. Reforming the NSA Daniel Byman and Benjamin Wittes Behind all the talk of reforming the National Security Agency lies the question of whether it can win back the public’s trust, or at least its acquiescence. U.S. policymakers and citizens need to weigh how much security and diplomatic advantage they are willing to forgo in return for greater restraint and transparency. 16. How the Kurds Got Their Way Marina Ottaway and David Ottaway Iraqi Kurdistan has achieved new prosperity by exporting its own oil and gas to Turkey, against the objections of Iraq’s central government. By challenging Baghdad’s claims to exclusive control of Iraq’s natural resources, the Kurds are showing how economic cooperation can make Middle Eastern borders more porous. 17. The Rise of Rwanda's Women Swanee Hunt It would be obscene to say that the genocide in Rwanda had even the thinnest silver lining. But it did create a natural -- or unnatural -- experiment, as the country’s social, economic, and political institutions were wiped out. In important respects, the reconstructed Rwanda is a dramatically different country, especially for women. 18. Rebooting Rwanda Paul Kagame Rwanda's president speaks with Foreign Affairs about the 1994 genocide, his 11-year stint in office, and his country's political future. 19. Capital Punishment Tyler Cowen Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-first Century is a truly important book, a groundbreaking work of analysis of economic inequality. It is frequently brilliant, but also flawed, and its policy recommendations are wildly impractical. 20. Feeling Triumphalist in Tokyo Margarita Estévez-Abe David Pilling's useful book, Bending Adversity, takes a relatively hopeful view of the conservative nationalism advocated by Japanese president Shinzo Abe. But a more thorough accounting of Japan’s recent past and the country's political system would suggest a less sanguine outlook. 53 MLB Vol. 24, No.06, June 2014 CURRENT JOURNALS CONTENTS GENERAL Scientific American Magazine June 2014 1. Good Habits, Bad Habits Ann M. Graybiel and Kyle S. Smith Researchers are pinpointing the brain circuits that can help us form good habits and break bad ones 2. Germ Catcher David J. Ecker Machines that can quickly identify virtually any bacterium, virus or fungus are being developed for hospitals. Networking the devices could allow health authorities to save lives by spotting disease outbreaks earlier than ever before 3. Summon the Rain Dan Baum Governments and farmers worldwide spend millions every year trying to control the weather. New science suggests they might be on to something 4. Seeds of a Cure Brendan Borrell Desperate to develop new drugs for malaria and other ailments, researchers are running clinical trials with traditional herbal medicines—and generating promising leads 5. The Ponzı Economy Kaushik Basu Many ordinary business practices resemble the infamous con game 6. The World Without Free Wıll Azim F. Shariff and Kathleen D. Vohs What happens to a society that believes people have no conscious control over their actions? 7. How to Search for Life on Mars Christopher P. McKay and Victor Parro García Experiments now under development could finally answer one of the most profound questions in science: Does life exist outside of Earth? 54 Service Request Form 1. Please send the following Book(s) (maximum three) Mention item number(s) *Book loans may only be sent by courier. 2. Please send photocopy(s) of the following Journal Article(s) (maximum five): Page no. Title of the Article(s) 3. 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