In khidmat of Huzaifa Bin Mohammed BS. Nomani M.K.D. Head of the Dawoodi Bohra Community 53rd al- Dai al- Mutlaq, His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS اىذاػً االخو سٍذّب وٍىالّب ػبيل قذر ٍفضو سٍف اىذٌِ اْقب عغ ين ّظراد ٌٕ غالٍى ىىّبوارٌٓ ّب ٍؤٌٍْن ثثر ثسس مشبر ححهسس .هج ّب سجت ٍىال عغ ين خىشً حبصو مررب ٕىا هج مبٍى هتبئً ححهسس هي ككهْب} هبزر هتبئً ححهسس اّسس إْب ّزب ئح هبً هي } ٍثو شبّذار ّظر اْوسس ححهسس. ٍىال عغ ين رشرٌفاْوري 2ورش ثثهيسس ىىّبوارٌٓ ّب ٍؤٌٍْن ّسس ّصٍت هتئً اّسس امهـ ـ ــب ٍىال خىشً ٕيت هك: عغ ين امي ىىّبوارٌٓ اْثبد هتبئً حميخؤ اثبد هتبئً ٍ ؤٌٍْن ّب ككهرواْثبد هتبئً .هج ثْذ ككهرو ححهسس هي مهىىسس Industries اّسس ٌ businessهبطط developهتبئً. ككبً ٍب ّظبفخ ّى ػَو هتبئً. هج ٍ familiesب حبالد ححهسسٍ.ردو فىرٌِ ٍب رٕسس ححهسس ثٍئرو فرزّذو ين رؼيٌٍ واسغسس ثٍدب شظظرو ٍب مراٌبّب ٍنبّى ىئً ّسس رٕسس ححهسس هج ّب سجت واسـ ــغسس مىئً هبزر اقذاً ىٍىائً. life disturbححهسس.إْب واىذٌِ ّسس ٌظظبطط امٍال ٍىمً دٌذا ححهسس هي ٍْبست ّزهً.إْب واسغسس مىئً راسزى ّنيسس. ٍ ذرسخ ,سٍفً ٕبسثثوٌ ,فٍض ٍىائذاىربٕبٍّخ ,مجبػخ خبّخ ,مححِ ٍ ,سبخذ ٍ ,سبفر خبّخ هي ٍثو ّب Projectsثثر خبص رى خخ دٌىا ٍباْوسس. اٌل ككهْى شبّذارDEC- 26,27,28,29 هي متبً ػْبوٌِ ّسس خٍبه ٍب رامهً ّسس , ً مٍذو هج ٍب ىىّبوارٌٓ ّب ٍؤٌٍْن هج دثئEVENT CREATE ً ّب ّبً سCOME_UNITY DAYS مٍذاInvite ّب سل ٍب رٕسس ٌخ سككال ّسس, ككىدٕراء,ٓ ثرود, ثثىهن,ٔ شبرق, ٌِ حبر,مىٌذ ثثروككراً اٍْثو ٍررت مروا ٍباٌْى. ّب فىق ٍؤٌٍْن حبضر هتٍب ثثروككراً ككهْى}مبٍٍبة رٍٕى350 رقرٌت COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 1 : MAUQIB (PROCESSION) :Route :-Burhani School TO Jamali Masjid Today was the Inaugration of December Events Programmes. All guests reached in the Ground of Burhani School and were welcomed with Misri & Itr ,and coffee. then they were given WELCOME card with All details of 4 days programme. Small Children in school uniform with `GO GREEN’ banners in their Hand. Procession ended in jamali masjid. COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 2 :DARIS :- Daris with the niyyat of Syedna Hatim r.a./Syedna Taher Saifuddin r.a. started with Yaseen,Qasaid,Marasiha & Madeh. Mumineen did Purjosh Matam of Imam Husain a.s. Mamluke syedna tus did Bayan and explained in detail the programme and Objects of this December event. Programme ended with jumoa Zohar/Asar Namaz. COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 3 :STAGE PROGRAMME :This Stage programme was prepared and managed by LADIES COMMITTEES alongwith Principal and Moallameen of Burhani Eng.Med.School. Students Presented two Dramas teaching Lesson of Planning for once Native Place and doing business/Industry and the second play was based on the facts of foriener`s family members facing the problems in lunavada. 53 small children did hifz of rasa `E ALLAH NA DAI’ and recited on stage . In the last Girls presented very attractive Drill P.T. Decoration & Lighting inside School ground was very attractive. COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 4 :MARATHON :based on clean india green india. Route :-Indira Ground TO Jamali Masjid All areas were specially cleaned by nazafat committee and nagar palika. In the morning 100+ participants of Marathon gathered at Indira Ground, T-shirt with `Come Unity’ printed on it was distributed to them. Mamluk e syedna tus lighted the Fire Torch and Flaged the Marathon. After a run of about 1.5 km. marathon ended near Evan e Mohammedi. COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 5 : SCIENCE/INDUSTRIAL EXPO :based on future lunavada in cleanliness and technology developement. Venue :- Burhani Eng medium school This programme was comprising of two projects Science Exhibition and Industrial Expo. Students of Burhani Eng.Med.School prepared models on various Useful themes . There were 5 project displayed highlighting the Aim of Future Development of Lunawada. About 53 INDUSTRY Set up Charts were put for Visitors. Counselling table at help-desk was kept at the end for solving Query of Visitors regarding Industry Setup. Ismail bhai Saheb and Shk.Moiz bhai Bharmal came from Attalim Dept.Mumbai to Mark the occasion. COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 6 :MEENA BAZAR :At the exit of Science/Industry Expo. MEENA BAZAR was organised by Burhani Womens,taalebaat ul mumenaat and Other Ladies Committees, having Food/Snacks Stalls alongwith Entertainment/Games Stalls. Mumineen Enjoyed very much at various Stalls. Orchestra of Madeh Tunes was also arranged at the stage. COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 7 :FUTURE VISION :After Maghrib Namaz a gathering of ALL LUNAWADA Mumineen/Muminaat was organised. All Future Plans of Lunawada Development were kept before Mumineen.:1). Education-Burhani School Re-Construction Project. 2).Medical-Saifee Hospital Renovation. 3).Jamatkhana-Kithcen Hygine 4) Faiz-ul-Mawaid-ul-Burhaniyah-Kitchen Hygine. 5) Nazafat-Clean and Green Lunawada 6) Industries-Burhani Industrial Park. 7) faiz ul mawaid burhaniyah 100% thali. COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 8 :CHILDREN FUNCTION :Specially for Children Age Group 4-12 an Refreshing programme was arranged with various educational games and other learning activities. COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 9 :OPEN HOUSE :The main aim of this get-together was Personalised meeting with mamluke sayedna tus with Interested Persons for Industries and other Projects Financial Planning. We decided complete 1 year future plan with its statistics in this open house. COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 10 :HIFZ MUSABAQAT/ QUIZ PROGRAM :Criteria of the participants of the quiz program was only hifz amma sipara .khazaino maanil quran and Gold Ginni was given to the winners.and khazaino maanil quran was given to all the participants. COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 11 :BUSINESS SEMINAR : Business seminar started with Tilawat ul Quran. Abde Abi Turab bhai Saheb Shakir was the Special Representative from Dawat-e-Hadiyah. Following were the speakers who addresed on the respective Subjects :1)Abde Abi Turab Bhai Saheb - Business & Industry DEVELOPMENT in Lunawada. 2) Mr.Deval Shastri – Life Approach. 3) Mr. Hitesh Mali – Oppurtunities in gujrat. 4) Shk.Idris bhai Burhani – Industry Experience 5). Shk. Burhanuddin Taskeen – Industries Project Report 6).Shk. Mustafa Sasa – Mind Set-Vision and Approach 7).M.Ali asger Najmi- Interactive Workshop/Feedback/Suggessions. 8) mamluke sayena tus work. COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 12 :CONCLUSION & THANKS GIVING :This was the programme in which Conclusion and achievements of all programmes of COME UNITY DAYS DECEMBER EVENT was Summarised and put before the Mumineen/Muminaat of Lunawada. And Finally Abde Abi Turab Bhai Saheb shakir did Bayan/Tawjihaat regarding TASHREEF AVRI and put josh in mumenien to complete all the developments for tashreef avri OF SYEDNA AALIQADAR MUFADDAL MOLA TUS in Lunawada COME UNITY DAYS PROGRAMME – 13 :ZIYARAT SYEDI FAKHRUDDIN SHAHEED :)To do Shukur and Start Ta’abudat Amal Mumineen of Luawada went to Taherabad(Galiyakot for Ziyarat of Syedi Fakhruddin Shaheed. Daris was done there with the niyaat of Tu’ul Umr of Aqa Mola Tus. ً ا ّ programب ّزبئح هياٌْب هك سككال ٍؤٌٍْن ككهْب خىش هتٍب ٍىالّب املْبُ عغ ين دػبء ٍجبرك س ْ .اّسس وعِ واسغسس مبٍى مروا ّى ككهْى خىش اْوي ككٍى .اّسس امي ّقً مٍذو ححهسس هك حست اىسٌو مبٍى شروع هتبسسس .1اٌل Industrialثثبرك رٍبر هتبئً .هج ٍب ٍؤٌٍْن ين Industriesهتبئً. Industry .2واسغسس 10اشخبص ين اٌل core committeeثْبوي ىٍذي ححهسس . هج 100اٌنرٌ زٌٍن خرٌذسسس .اّسس إْب plots 50ثْبوي ّسس ٍؤٌٍْن ّسس Industry واسغسس اْثثىاٍباْؤسسس. < .3ػجذ ايب رراة <هي سؼً مٍذي اّسس شظظسادح حسٌن هببئً صبحت داً ػيىٓ جمذٓ سًاْمبً ين ٍْظىري ىٍذي اّسس ٍىالّب املْبُ عغ هي احسبُ فرٍبوي زٌٍن خرٌذواين رزا ٍجبرك فضو فرٍبوي دٌذي ححهسس. .4مهْب ىكك دثئً ,مىٌذ ,شبرقٔ ,ثرودٓ اّسس ىىّبوارٌٓ ٍب رْٕبر ٍؤٌٍْن ٍب سً ٍؤٌٍْن هي Industryواسغسس ّىّذٓ مراوي ىٍذي ححهسس.اّسس مئً مئً مرسسس إْى paper workشروع مري ىٍذو ححهسس 17 Industry .5ىىّبوارٌٓ ٍب BURHANI ENGLISH MEDIUM SCHOOLححهسس هج ٍب 10thىكك رؼيٌٍ خبري ححهسس إين buildingككهين ضؼٍف هتئً ككئً ححهسس إْسس اوربري ّسس ازسرّىع اسنىه ين رؼًَن هتبئً إْب ثثالُ رٍبر مري ىٍذا ؛ .6اْمتبً مبً واسغسس 4اشخبص ين اٌل Committeeثْبوي ححهسس هج ّشبط سًاْمبً ّسس اجنبً دئسس رٍٕب ححهسس. اْ ٍ schoolب رقرٌج ًب ّ 6.5 cr.ى خرج هتبسسس هج ّب فْذ ين شبميخ اٍْثو رٕسسس. Lakh 25ين 25 unitمري ّسس هج ككبٍى ٍب ىىّبوارٌٓ ّب ٍؤٌٍْن رٕسس ححهسس امهب رقسٌ هتبسسس . ٍذرسخ ٌىّضض ىىّبوارٌٓ 2 مىٌٍذ 3 ثثىهن 2 اثىر يب 2 ثرودح 1 شبرقٔ 4 حبرٌِ 1 دثئً 10 25 TOTAL اٌْىّضض مجغ مروا ين زٍٔ داري هي} شظظر ّب ٍؤٌٍْن ين رٕسسس شرد هي هك ككبً ٍب فْذ مروا هن ّنيسس هج ٍؤٌٍْن ّسس خذا هي ّؼَخاْثثً ححهسس إْب سً ٌ 1ب اردًٕ ٌىّضض ىسس فقظ ٌ 25ب 50اشخبص ٍيً ّسساْ ٍذرسخ ين رؼًَن مرسسس .امي finalهتٍى ححهسس. .7فٍض املىائذ اىربٕبٍّخ ّب kitchenين اىشٍخ حبمت هببئً زٌِ اىذٌِ هببئً ثبىزَبً خذٍخ اىْدبً دٌسسس .8مجبػخ خبهن ّب kitchenين حبىخ هبً ثينو ٍْبست ّزهً إْب Repairingين ثبىزَبً خذٍخ حمَذ هببئً ثثضضىا هي ىئً ىٍذي ححهسس. .9ثبزار ين ٍسدذ اٌل ػرصٔ سً ثْذٓ ثثرًٌٕ ححهسس .إين حبىخ ككهين خصهت ٕىا ّب سجت امهب منبز ّزهً هتبيت إْب ررٌٍٍ ين خذٍخ اٌل ٍؤٌٍْن هببئً هي ىئً ىٍذي ححهسس.إْب رزا ٍجبرك ّب ٍثبه هبًاْوي ككٍب اّسس مبً شروع هبً هتئً ككٍى ححهسس. .10قربسزبُ ين ٍسدذ ٍب اُودئً هتئ ككئً ٕيت اّسس ورسى سً ثْذٓ ٕيت ,ككهين} خصهت حبىخ ححهسس. اْ ٍسدذ ين ررٌٍٍ ين رزا اٌل ٍؤٍِ هببئً هي ىٍذي ححهسس .اّسس إْب هبً ٍثبه ٍجبرك فضو هتئً ككٍب ححهسس.اّشب اهلل ػِ قرٌت ٍب إْى مبً شروع هتئً خبسسس. .11ككبً ٍب ّظبفخ ّب ػَو ّسس ْ priorityاثثً ححهسس ّككر ثثبىٍنب هي هبً ككـ ـ ــزر ّى مبً ححبىى مري دٌذو ححهسس .اّشباهلل ػِ قرٌت ٍب ّ ـ ــظبفخ ّى ككهْى هبزر ػَو هتبسسس. اْ متبً ػَيى ٍب ٍقصذ هي} ححهسس هك ٍىال املْْبُ عغ ين خىشً حبصو هتبئً ٍ .ىال عغ خٌٍ ححبٕسس ححهسس امي ٕر ّبحٍخ سً ككبً ين ررقً هتبئً. اّسس ٍىال عغ ين رشرٌفاْوري خيذا ز خيذ ّصٍت هتبئً .هج اقصى املىن ؛
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