RESUME Emma Lundin ABOUT I am Emma Lundin, a social and ambitious 23 year old engineer student at the master program Media Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. I enjoy problem solving and exciting technology, with room for creativity. I like working in fast paced team environments where I can utilize skills learned from previous educational experiences, and motivates to gain more knowledge and professional experience by developing new and meaningful technology and solutions. CONTACT +46 76 306 21 32 emmalundin. LANGUAGES EDUCATION DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE in MEDIA TECHNOLOGY/MEDIA MANAGEMENT at The Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm School of Economics in Stockholm, Sweden Aug 2014 - Present DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in INTERACTIVE MEDIA TECHNOLOGY at The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden Aug 2010 - Aug 2014 EXCHANGE STUDENT at Santa Monica College in Santa Monica, USA Aug 2012 - June 2013 SKILLS SWEDISH Native ENGLISH Fluent WORK EXPERIENCE TUTOR, part time job at STUDYBUDDY Nov 2014 - Present SITE RESPONSIBLE, part time job at FITNESS24SEVEN Sep 2013 - Nov 2014 SUMMER INERN at ABB AB LV SYSTEMS Drawings for Low Voltage Switchgears in AutoCAD and elMaster 2010 - 2013 CASHIER at MCDONALD’S Feb 2008 - June 2009 WORK EXPERIENCE Nov 2014 - Present TUTOR STUDYBUDDY Stockholm, Sweden Studybuddy is a service that provides help with homework at the homes of students. Each student has it’s own specific needs and a Studybuddy works with an individualized approach. My job is to go home to the students and help with the course work he/she needs help with. Sep 2013 - Nov 2014 SITE RESPONSIBLE FITNESS24SEVEN Stockholm, Sweden Fitness24seven is a fast growing gym. The title site responsible simply means that I was responsible for the gym I was working at and the job required me to be independent, ambitious and to provide good service for customers. At Fitness24seven you are given a lot of freedom with responsibility, and is also working alone with all tasks. I got recruited via Academic Work. 2010 - 2013 SUMMER INERN ABB AB LV SYSTEMS Västerås, Sweden ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies. LV Systems develops, manufactures and sells low voltage switchgear, control equipment, enclosures, package solutions for medium voltage equipment and backup power in the Swedish market. My main job was to help out with drawings in AutoCAD and elMaster, and I also did some work in Exel. I have was working during my summer breaks for about two months at a time. Feb 2008 - June 2009 CASHIER MCDONALD’S Västerås, Sweden I worked part time as a cashier at the fast food chain Mcdonald’s where it is important to provide good service and be able to handle stress. OTHER PROJECTS Dec 2014 - April 2015 WEB EDITOR & PR-RESPONSIBLE UTTRYCK MAGAZINE The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm The Uttryck magazine is a yearly project by students intended for the graphic design industry. Uttryck prints in 7000 copies and are placed on several different companies around Sweden. This year I am honored to be the web editor and PR-responsible, which means that I will be creating this years website and marketing via social media.
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