Winter Recreation Guide

Winter 2015
Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre
530-4100 |
p 2-24
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg
Recreation Department
541-1343 |
p 25-41
Lunenburg County YMCA
543-9622 |
p 42-43
Bridgewater Parks, Recreation
& Culture Department
543-2274 |
p 44-63
County YMCA Recreation Guide Winter 2015
210 Aberdeen Road
Bridgewater, NS, Canada B4V 4G8
Phone: (902) 541-1343 Fax: (902) 527-1135
“Like” us on Facebook!
Director of Recreation Services: Trudy Payne
Program Co-ordinator: Janice Rand
Trails & Open Space Co-ordinator: Laura Barkhouse
Active Living Coordinator: Tracy Vandermolen
Administrative Assistant: Chasidy Veinotte-Dorey
Administrative Support: Joanne Powers
Park Supervisor: Jason McCarthy
“Working with you
to create recreational opportunities for all.”
Online Registration!
You can now register for the recreation programs online at
your convenience. Save time, save gas, and register from
the comfort of your home any time of the day or night!
Set up your account today. Online registration requires Credit
Card payment. A surcharge will be charged for credit card use.
Register by calling 902-541-1343 or in person at the
Municipal Office. Fees can be dropped off during office hours
or after hours in the drop-off slot by the front door or mailed.
Participants must verbally or electronically
agree with the Municipal waiver
upon registration.
Cheques payable to District of Lunenburg or MODL. Post
dated cheques will not be accepted. Interac/debit available.
Credit card available online only.
For program cancellations, additions or changes
please call 902-541-1343 or call our information line
at 902-541-1344 after hours. Watch for new programs
in the LighthouseNOW Log.
Where applicable, HST has been included in the
registration fees.
8 to Go Plan
You can take advantage of our “8 to Go Plan”! If you see a
program in this brochure, or you have another great idea that
you would like to see offered in your community, just find
seven others and give us a call. We will do our best to make
the program happen where and when you want it!
Please help us keep our programs
Smoke and Scent Free Indoors and Out
MODL | | 541-1343
Step 1Visit us online at and click the
recreation tab. Click Program Registration. Click
“View & Register for Programs” button.
Step 2“Create an Account”.
You will need to enter a login name and password
which you create yourself.
Step 3Next “View & Register for Activities”.
Step 4Have FUN!
Registration begins Friday, January 2, 2015,
from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm or online at your convenience.
Please pay your fees one full week prior to the
program start date. All programs are subject to minimum
and maximum enrollment. Register early to reserve your spot
and avoid disappointment. Waiting lists will be taken for full
programs and additional programs added if possible.
26 Recreation Guide Winter 2015 Refund Procedures
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Recreation Dept. 541-1343
If notice is received during regular office hours (8:30
am - 4:30 pm) before the commencement of the second
class of a program, a prorated refund will be issued less
a 10% administrative fee. For workshops, clinics, and bus
trips, if notice is received at least five working days prior
to the program date, a refund will be issued less a 10%
administrative fee. No refunds will be issued for cancellation
notice received within 4 days of the program or for ‘no-show’
registrants. If an individual cannot continue participating in
a program due to an illness or injury, a prorated refund will
be issued less a 10% administrative fee. A doctor’s note
is required as proof that illness or injury prohibits further
Recreation Integration Services
The District of Lunenburg recognizes and will help to meet
the needs of people who have special needs. Staff will help
identify leisure needs by exploring the individual’s interest,
leisure involvement, awareness, skills, and available leisure
time. Barriers such as transportation, equipment, accessibility,
volunteer support time, fees, attitudes, and information will
be identified. Supports including resources, activity sampling
and equipment loan may be easily identified and provided. By
becoming more aware of and accessing supports, people who
have disabilities have greater recreation options available to
them. Anyone interested in discussing the possibilities may
contact Trudy Payne, 541-1333.
PRO Kids - Financial Assistance for Youth Activities
Youth from financially disadvantaged families in the District of Lunenburg
can apply for assistance for sport, recreation or cultural activities. PRO Kids
(supported by the Lunenburg Co. United Way and Canadian Tire Jump Start)
can assist with registration fees and equipment costs. For information
contact Janice Rand, 902-541-1335 or pick up a pamphlet in our office or
KidsSport is another option – visit their website or call 902-425-5450, ext 350.
What parents are saying, “... only a parent would understand the emotion
when you look in your child’s eyes and feel the excitement of the beginning of
your child’s dream. Thank you PRO Kids... for this enlightening experience.”
“Hockey means a lot to him ... he’s wanted to play for many, many years ...
and there’s no way hockey would have been possible for us if they hadn’t
helped out. He knows that and is very appreciative.”
From a reference, “This family has extreme financial difficulty. This is her only
hope for participating in this program.”
MODL | | 541-1343
PRO Kids Fundraising – Help us help youth!
Businesses, organizations, groups, communities … everyone is welcome
to contribute or hold a fundraiser for PRO Kids. Tax receipts provided for
donations over $10. For information on how you can get involved, contact
Janice Rand, 902-541-1335 or
Thank you goes to …
NS Building Supplies
Bridgewater Triathlon Club
Andrica Holdings Ltd.
United Way of Lunenburg County
Canadian Tire Jumpstart
Boston Pizza – ask your server to write PRO Kids on the back of your receipt
and a percentage will come back to PRO Kids!
Plus many private donors who have helped us keep helping kids.
We’d love to add your name to our list of champions! Recreation Guide Winter 2015
Winter Fun at the MARC!
Every Saturday, when winter conditions are right, we have FREE loan of
cross country skis and snowshoes for use on site.
Do you like to skate, ski, snowshoe or toboggan? Check out
the Municipal Activity and Recreation Complex (MARC) in
Dayspring this winter!
• Pond available for recreational skating. Lit until 11:00 pm
when ice conditions are good. The pond is available on a
drop in basis. Fire pit available for use.
• 6 km of trails await you for hiking, snowshoeing or skiing.
Levels of difficulty range from beginner to advance. Maps
are available on site and at No Winter
• 3 hills of varying slope await your toboggan or sled.
All of these outdoor areas are open to the public free of
charge everyday! Planning a party?
For more information on parks and open space within
the District of Lunenburg, pickup copies of trail and
tourism brochures at the Municipal office.
Did you know ice
thickness should be…
15 cm (6”) for walking or skating alone
20 cm (8”) for skating parties or games
25 cm (10”) for snowmobiles?
Please note that Municipal Parks, except the MARC, are closed for the
winter months. No winter maintenance is scheduled.
Community trails are open year-round for recreational use, but
there is no winter maintenance.
Remember, our community rail-trails are shared-use, so everyone
gets an opportunity to enjoy them. Don’t be a nuisance to
adjoining landowners and be considerate of everyone else on the
Get out and enjoy our local trails! Even a little bit of activity
goes a long way to better health. If you have any questions or
concerns, please contact Trails and Open Space Coordinator,
Laura Barkhouse, at 541-1352 or email
or find maps on
Birthday Parties
at the MARC
The MARC is a great place for a birthday party or other celebrations!
Lots of indoor and outdoor space for games, dancing and theme ideas.
For information or to book a room, call Chasidy Veinotte at 541-1343
or email
MODL | | 541-1343
• Stay on the trail
• Leash your pet!!!!
• Clean up after your pet – including your horse
• Travel SLOWLY around other trail users while on an ATV, dirt
bike or bicycle
• ALL ATVs and dirt bikes MUST be registered and insured to
drive the trail
• Smile at other trail users – we are all there to enjoy the
Each of these trails are managed by a volunteer
community group:
Adventure Trail – 14 km trail, Mahone Bay and Bridgewater
Bay to Bay Trail – 10 km trail, Mahone Bay to Lunenburg
Bull Run Trail – 24 km trail, Bridgewater to the Region of
Dynamite Trail – 10 km trail, Martins River to Mahone Bay.
LaHave River Trail – 21 km trail, Bridgewater to New
South Shore Annapolis Valley Recreational Trail – 127
km, New Germany to Middleton
28 Recreation Guide Winter 2015 Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Recreation Dept. 541-1343
Pine Grove Outdoor Park (POPA) 72 Charlie Lane, Pine Grove
POPA is a volunteer association formed to create a play park in the area of Pine Grove. The
park is ready to use with a skating rink, swings, walking trail, gazebo, ramps for trail bikes, fire
pit and washroom facilities. POPA has worked diligently to provide this park through grants,
fundraisers and donations of time, labour, products and cash from residents and local businesses.
Donors are recognized on a “Wall of Honour” at the park.
Please enjoy the park and pitch in to help keep the site clean and maintained. Your ongoing
cooperation and support is appreciated.
Every effort will be made to provide as much ice time as weather permits – we are at the mercy
of the elements.
We encourage volunteers to join our association to manage the park. Please contact Sandra Statton at 543-4362 or for more information or to make a donation.
Nick Yorksten and Ryan Buck are organizing a 24 hr Outdoor Hockey Tournament on the POPA site for
Feb 12 and Feb 13. Watch for more details.
Outdoor Recreation
MODL | | 541-1343
“NEW” Woodsy Woman Course
Session 3: Outdoor Cooking
Would your friends and family describe you as an ‘outdoors’
woman? No? Perfect! This course is designed for beginners
to learn the basics of outdoor recreation. Come to all or
some of the 4 sessions. Each 2-hour long course will be a mix
of talking and doing, making sure you get some hands-on
learning to build your confidence. Sessions are lead by female
leaders to make it a welcoming environment for everyone.
Need another reason? Childcare is provided! For only $5 per
child, we will provide fun outdoor activities for your kids while
you are taking the course, so you can relax while you learn. To
register, call 541-1343.
Love to cook at home? What about cooking over a campfire?
Adding a hearty meal to an outdoor adventure makes for
a perfect day. This session will be very hands-on, including
topics such as fire building, what’s good to eat when
outdoors, recipes, and different cooking methods. And of
course, we will get to try everything! Please let us know if you
have any sensitivity or allergies. Dress for the weather as we
will be cooking outside.
Saturday, February 7, 10-Noon at the MARC. $5 plus
$5 per child (if you want childcare).
Session 1: Intro to Hiking/Snowshoeing
Learning about different types of trees, birds, plants, and
animals is a wonderful way to build your enjoyment of the
outdoors. The more you know, the more comfortable you
are! This beginner course will teach you the basics of nature
identification, looking at the MARC property as an example.
We will walk the trails and explore as we go! Dress for the
weather and wear sneakers or hiking boots.
Saturday, February 28, 10-Noon at the MARC. $5 plus
$5 per child (if you want childcare).
Going for a walk in the woods is one of the most accessible
ways to explore the outdoors. Adding snowshoeing is a
great way to extend your hiking season into the winter. This
beginner course will cover how to get started, what to wear,
what to pack, where to go, and lots of good tips. We will
go for a group hike or snowshoe (depending on conditions)
on the MARC trails to round out the morning. Dress for the
weather and wear sneakers or hiking boots.
Saturday, January 10, 10-Noon at the MARC. $5 plus
$5 per child (if you want childcare).
Session 2: Outdoor Skills and Survival
Join Search and Rescue members who will lead us in a
beginner survival course. Topics covered include proper
planning, what to do if you’re lost, building a fire, seeking
shelter, and basic search and rescue techniques. This course is
sure to build your confidence so you can enjoy the outdoors
safely. Dress for the weather and wear sneakers or hiking
Saturday, January 24, 10-Noon at the MARC. $5 plus
$5 per child (if you want childcare).
Session 4: Nature Appreciation
Basic Fire Lighting Workshop
Do you spend time in the outdoors working, hiking, fishing,
hunting, camping or doing other outdoor activities? A time
may come when you need a fire for comfort or survival.
Learn how to start a fire from site preparation to ignition.
Even in damp conditions you can get a fire going. Carrying
a small container of water proof matches isn’t enough. Join
tour guide and outdoor enthusiast Sam Wentzell for this
interesting and valuable workshop.
Saturday, January 24, 2 –4:30 pm MARC $10
Saturday, April 11, 2 – 4:30 pm MARC $10 Recreation Guide Winter 2015
Saturdays at the MARC! 10:00 am – 4:00 pm,
Saturdays, January 17, 24, 31, February 7, 14,
21 & 28 as conditions allow. You can skate, ski,
snowshoe, hike, play in the snow or slide. A warm-up room
and hot chocolate are provided when conditions are right.
A bonfire will be lit later in the afternoon for you to enjoy.
Skis and snowshoes are available for your use, free of charge,
during these Saturdays! Others times may be booked for
groups by calling 541-1343 or 527-6717.
Outdoor Skills Demonstration – Join tour guide
and outdoor enthusiast Sam Wentzell for this demonstration
of starting a fire using the bow drill method and then cooking
your own snack of bannock on a stick. Held in conjunction
with our “Take the Roof Off Winter” activities at the MARC,
Saturday, January 31, 2:00-3:00 pm &/or Saturday, February
14, 2:00-3:00 pm Donations for PRO Kids accepted.
Winter Fun Contest – Build a snow creation or enjoy
a fun winter activity. Send a photo in by February 27! Prizes
for the top three entries. Submit your photo electronically to, drop it off at the Municipal Office or mail it to
us. Challenge your friends. Get your neighbours involved. For
information call 541-1335.
Looking for a walking, hiking, or snowshoe
It takes only a few minutes
to sign up, and we can help
– just call Tracy Vandermolen
at 298-0820 or e-mail
Join us for one or all of these snowshoeing adventures
(skiers are also welcome). Bring your own snowshoes or
book one of our free loaners. Let us know you plan to
come. Any age welcome but children need to be with an
adult. Hot chocolate provided. If no snow, we’ll hike.
Indian Path Common, Riverport – Saturday,
January 10, 10:00 am - Noon A beautiful foot path
through old forest and wetlands. 395 Fish Peddler Road.
Osprey Ridge Golf Club, Pine Grove – Sunday,
January 11, 5:00 – 7:00 pm Open paths over rolling
hills ideal for a walk, snowshoe or ski. Coasting too so
bring your slider! Club house open for warm up area and
bathrooms. Bring a flashlight! 492 Harold Whynot Road.
Carver’s Woodlot, North River – Sunday,
January 18, 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Explore the looping road
through this managed diverse forest. We’ll have a bonfire
and outhouse access. Meet on North River Road by
River Ridge Common, New Germany –
Monday, February 16, 2:00 – 4:00 pm Celebrate the
new Family Day holiday! Explore old logging roads and
see the regrowth of this hilly terrain. 4668 Hwy 10.
Donations for PRO Kids welcome.
Have a group??? We are happy to lead group
snowshoe hikes, as conditions allow. Location can be
on any public trail or park in the Municipality.
We have some snowshoes available for loan.
Call Janice Rand at 541-1335 and we’ll work
out the details.
MODL | | 541-1343
Look no further! The Lunenburg County Walking Club is a
free, online group where you can meet other people who
share your interests. Anyone can schedule a walk (or hike, or
snowshoe), so join today
and invite others to share
your favourite walking trails!
The Lunenburg County
Walking Club can be found
online at:
“NEW” Snowshoe Hikes
30 Recreation Guide Winter 2015 Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Recreation Dept. 541-1343
Winter fun for the whole family!
Ski and snowshoe loans. Hot chocolate!
Activities at each location vary.
North River/Meisners Section - Sunday, January 25,
1:00 – 3:00 pm Skating, bonfire and hot chocolate at the
North River Community Hall and free sleigh rides, skiing and
snowshoeing at 6713 Hwy 10, Meisners Section
Mahone Bay “Winter Wonderland” –
Sunday, February 1, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, Jubilee Park
Big Tancook Island – Sunday, February 8, 1:00 – 4:00
pm, Community Centre
Old Fashioned Sleigh Rides
at Kevin Veinotte’s Farm
Let us know if you are interested and we will contact you
when conditions are right and we have a group of people. The
sleigh will take you through managed forest and Christmas
tree lot with some time spent around a campfire in the
woods. A delightful time for family and friends. Fee TBA.
We will look to a Saturday or Sunday in late January or early
February. 300 Mossman Rd., Northfield.
Beginner Fly Casting Schools
(LaHave River Salmon Association)
4 two hour classes. First course starts
January 7, 6:30 – 8:30 pm at the Michelin
Social Club, Bridgewater. $35 pp. Open
to ages 13+. All equipment provided. Courses will also
be offered in February and March. For information or to
register contact Buckey DeVine at 543-5387 or email
MODL | | 541-1343
Annual Easter Egg Hunt – Saturday, March 28
(one week before Easter)
Bring the whole family for this fun Easter Egg Hunt. A
massive Egg Hunt will take place over the big hill with activity
options following. Prizes will be awarded for finding “Special
Eggs” but every child will receive an Easter prize. The Easter
Bunny will be hopping happy to see you! Dress for the
outdoors. Bring something for gathering eggs. Please arrive
by 2:00 pm Saturday, March 28, 2:00 - 3:30 pm MARC,
Dayspring. It’s FREE! Donations for PRO Kids welcomed!
Annual Children’s Fishing Derby –
Saturday, May 23
The Municipality, the LaHave River Salmon Association,
Canadian Tire and NS Inland Fisheries work together to create
this educational and fun day for families. Children catch fish
from our stocked pond. Bring your gear and bait. Children
must be accompanied by an adult. Lots of prizes! Free BBQ
on site. Three age categories: 6 and under, 7 to 11, 12 and
up. Register on site.
Includes - Used Sport
Equipment Swap, Sale
or Trade – we will accept
your gentled used sport
gear starting April 27 at
the Summer Recreation
Office at the MARC.
Saturday, May 23,
9:00 am - Noon.
MARC, Dayspring.
It’s FREE! Donations for
PRO Kids welcomed! Recreation Guide Winter 2015
“NEW” Family Fun Day – Monday, March 16
What could be a better way to kick off March Break than
with an old-fashioned family fun day? MODL and the Better
Together Family Resource Centre invite all families to come to
the MARC between 10:00 am -Noon on Monday, March 16.
Get ready for a fun morning with lots of time to play outside
as a family. It’s FREE! Let us know you plan to come by
calling 902-541-1343.
Free for parents and children 0-6 years old. This program
includes family focused activities such as singing, stories,
crafts, physical activity and lots of fun. They are in the process
of adding some new sites and revamping programming in
existing ones so please call the South Shore Family Resource
Association for more information, 543-3119 or visit THRIVE - Daytime Preschool Drop-in & Play at HBSSC
Baby Clubs
Pre-school drop in and play at HB Studios Sports Centre.
Parents/guardian may drop in and play with their children
on the field. Balls and equipment will be provided. Parents/
guardians/groups are responsible for supervising their child
and must be present on the field. Children must be toilet
trained to participate. Indoor footwear is required. No
registration is required. Parents/guardian sign-in at the front
desk before entering the field.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 - 12:00 am, January 6 - April
30 at HB Studios Sports Centre, Glen Allan Drive, Bridgewater
It’s FREE !
This project is funded by the Province of
Nova Scotia through Thrive!
Want a chance to talk
with other parents
with new babies and/
or toddlers? Need a
morning out? Want
to share experiences
and ideas? Need
information on feeding,
diaper rash, sleeping and so on? YOU’RE NOT ALONE.
There are other parents in your community who feel the
same….and are meeting together at the local groups for
parents/caregivers with infants and/or toddlers. http://www.
html Look for the Baby Groups link.
“NEW” Intro to Sledge Hockey Development
Program (ages 10+)
Did you know that Sledge Hockey became a Paralympic sport
in 1994? Since then, Team Canada has won a Paralympic
gold medal in 2006, and a world championship gold medal in
2008? Come try this awesome sport that is building in Nova
Scotia! Join Dave Waters, a member of the new Provincial
sledge hockey team, in this 5-week development program.
Weeks 2-5: *arrive by 5:45pm* will build on old drills, add
new skills, and a 20-minute scrimmage.
All players must have full hockey gear (full shield helmet,
gloves, pants, elbow pads, shoulder pads, knee pads, and neck
guard). If you need hockey gear, contact MODL at 541-1343
and we will see how we can help. Sticks and sledges will be
Players with a disability may need to have someone who
can help get them on the ice, especially kids. If you have a
disability, or are registering a child with a disability, please call
us before registering so we can arrange a free assessment.
We strive to make sure everybody gets to play!
Open to male and female able bodied and disabled players.
Maximum of 11 spots, so register early!
Sundays, 6:00 - 7:00 pm, February 22 to March 22,
Lunenburg County Lifestyle Centre $25 per person for all
5 sessions.
MODL | | 541-1343
Week 1: *arrive by 5:30pm* intro to sledge, parts of the sled,
how to get in, simple drills, and a 20-minute scrimmage.
32 Recreation Guide Winter 2015 Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Recreation Dept. 541-1343
St. John Ambulance Babysitter Basics (ages 11 – 14)
Teaches the skills and knowledge needed to care for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school aged children. Topics include
the rights and responsibilities of a babysitter, first aid, dealing with emergencies, child care skills, and ideas for fun. Bring an
infant sized teddy bear or doll, pencil and lunch. This is a safety education course, not a guarantee of competence. Instructed by
Simonne Kalau.
Saturday, February 21, 9 am – 4:00 pm, Mahone Bay Centre
Saturday, March 21, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, MARC, Dayspring
Saturday, April 25, 9 am – 4:00 pm, New Germany Elementary School
$40 (includes booklet and certification card)
U4 SPRING Soccer Academy - For pre-school children
Tuesdays, 5:30 – 6:30 pm or Saturday 9:00 - 10:00 am at HB Studios Sports Centre . The program is 8 weeks starting January
13th $60 – Online Registration is now open. Parent supervision is required on the field. Children must be toilet trained. This
program is instructor led and designed to teach children to play simple games and receive introductory soccer instruction. It is
focused on physical literacy with a ball.
U6 WINTER Soccer Academy - For children born in 2009 & 2010 and IN SCHOOL
Tuesdays, 5:30 – 6:30 pm or Saturday, 9:00 - 10:00 am at HB Studios Sports Centre. The program is 8 weeks starting January
13th $60 - Online Registration is now open. This program is instructor led and focused on introductory ball handling and small
group games. Players participate independent of parents.
• A spring session will also be offered for the above programs starting on March 24th and will be held on Tuesdays 5:30- 6:30
pm only. Online registration will open the 2nd week of February for the spring session.
• Parents can register their children online at to reserve their spot. Credit card payments (via PayPal) can be
made through the online registration. Cash and cheque payments instruction will be on the online registration form.
• Program times may change due to participation levels. All programs are based on registration numbers and registration is a
first come first serve basis.
For information - please email or visit South Shore District Soccer online at www.sssoccer.
ca. Please check our website starting April 2015 for information on our Summer Leagues, Clubs & Club Teams,
Coaching Courses and Referee Courses.
MODL | | 541-1343
Bargain Shopping Trip to the French Shore –
Thursday, May 14
We visit bargain stores from Digby
to Saulnierville on the French
Shore. Enjoy beautiful scenery.
Meet in WalMart’s parking lot.
Pre-arranged pickups available
along highway #10. Coach bus for
your comfort!
Thursday, May 14, 8:00 am – 8:00 pm $45
Meals at your own cost.
“NEW” Garden/Winery Tour in the Valley –
Friday, July 17
We’ll start at the Lunenburg County Winery and then make
our way to the Valley where we will visit the Harriet Irving
Botanical Gardens at Acadia, the Tangled Garden, Luckett
Vineyard and the Gaspereau Vineyards. Meet in the WalMart
parking lot. Pre-arranged pickups available on route. Coach
bus for your comfort! Lunch will be in Wolfville at a location
of your choice at your cost.
Friday, July 17, 8:00 am – 7:00 pm. $55
Future bus trips: Metro Bargain Shopping, Friday, September 18, Bargain Shopping Trip to the Valley, Wednesday, October 14,
Christmas Shopping Trip to Metro will be Wednesday, November 18 Recreation Guide Winter 2015
Kippers School of Gymnastics
215 Dominion Street, Gateway Plaza, Bridgewater, NS
PROGRAMS FOR BOYS & GIRLS: Gymnastics Programs for all ages!
Artistic Gymnastics:
Parent & Tot Program
Age 18 months and up; 45 min class (Mom and Dad participate)
Preschool Program
Age 3-5; 1 hour class (Child participates on their own)
Beginner GymAge 5-7; 1 hour class / Age 7 and up; 1.5 hour class
(Fun, fitness and developing more skills)
Acro Skills
Age 10 & up (great for cheerleader & dancers)
Intermediate & Competitive
For the more serious gymnast upon coach recommendation
TRAMPOLINE (Beginner) Ages 7 and up; 1 hour class (Advanced) Ages 12 and up; 1.5 hour class.
Trampoline focuses on safety and trampoline skills, and will also offer some tumbling/floor skills
as class time permits. Trampoline is great for any ages group and any athletic ability. If you have a trampoline
at home, this is a great way to learn the safety rules!!
New Recreational Cheer - Ages 5 & up; 1 ½ hr class (non-competitive) Learn to jump, tumble, dance and stunt
Competitive Cheer - Ages 11 & up; 2- 2 hr classes & 1 hr acro class.
(this is a team program competing at 4 events in the province)
New Gymnastics for TEENS and ADULTS Ages 13 & up
Noon Time Fitness: Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday: from 12:15 to 12:50 pm. Classes include weights, body bar,
BOSU, tubing and more! Session is 10 weeks for $100 (total of 30 classes!)
Instructed by certified NSFA instructor Deanne Oickle-Conrad.
SPACES AVAILABLE - View the complete SCHEDULE at:
check us out on Facebook and search: “Kippers”.
Classes available Monday – Saturday.
Require funding assistance? Kippers Gymnastics is a supported club by the Municipality of District of
Lunenburg (902-541-1343) PRO Kids & Town of Bridgewater PRO Kids (902-543-2274), as well as Nova Scotia KidSport Program:
MODL | | 541-1343
6 week session starting Jan 7- Feb. 11: 6:15 pm to 7:30 pm
A great mix of gymnastics and fitness - No previous gymnastics training required
34 Recreation Guide Winter 2015 Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Recreation Dept. 541-1343
“NEW” Writing with Capt. Robert Louis
Boudreau, Reflections on Journalism, Fiction &
Join published author Cpt. Robert Louis Boudreau for a trip
through the world of writing from beginning to end. Cpt.
Boudreau will speak from his experience of writing a number
of books and lead group discussion on topics such as the
structure of storytelling, taking the reader “there” and how
publishing works. Author will present an interactive slide
show. There will be homework and critiques. Discounts on
author signed books. For more information about Capt.
Boudreau and his books visit
Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm, January 21 to March 11,
Mahone Bay Centre $115/8wks
“NEW” Carve a Wooden Spoon – Saturdays,
March 14 or May 30
Learn how to safely carve with a knife and how to make your
own spoon. Participants require a folding or fixed blade knife,
no longer than 4 inches and leather or rawhide gloves. A
hook knife or crooked knife is recommended.
MODL | | 541-1343
For more information contact instructor Sam Wentzell at (902)
543-2795 or
$20 pp, includes all supplies.
Saturday, March 14, 9:30 am – Noon, MARC, Dayspring
Saturday, May 30, 9:30 am – Noon, MARC, Dayspring
“NEW” Grape Growing on the South Shore of
NS – Saturday, April 18
Learn from local grape growers
how you too can grow grapes!
Topics include site selection, soil
testing, grape varieties, vineyard
management, economics of grape
growing, and organic grape
growing with lots of visuals,
discussion and time to ask
Suitable for anyone interested in
knowing more about starting a
vineyard, those already growing
grapes, or for general interest. A
tour of a vineyard will be set up
for a later date. Presenters - Andre
d’Entremont, Cape House Vineyard, Bruce Wright, Elmwood
Winery, Judith Orr and Dan Thimot, Union Square Vineyards
Saturday, April 18, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon, MARC, Dayspring
“NEW” May Day Flower Basket,
Class for Beginner
NS Basketry Guild instructor,
Heather Sanft, will lead students
through the traditional steps to
make a round trug like basket with
over handle to gather your flowers
this Spring. All willow is supplied,
but please bring pruning shears, awl
or long smaller screwdriver, locking
pocket or jackknife, pen, paper and
lunch. Winery will provide coffee,
tea and biscuits.
You can see some of Heather’s handy work at
Saturday, April 18, or Saturday, May 2, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm,
Lunenburg Co. Winery, 813 Walburne Road, Newburne $45
(includes $18 supply fee)
Make Snowshoes with the “Snowshoe Man”
Join the “Snowshoe Man” (Carl Banks) to learn how to make
traditional snowshoes. Carl provides the frame, drilled and
ready for you to weave the toes, heels and webbing. A great
project for a couple or a youth with an adult. You will take
home a completed pair of snowshoes. Saturdays & Sunday,
9:00 – 3:00 pm, January 17 & 18 at the MARC, Dayspring
$110 per pair Two people can work on one pair. Two sizes to
choose from. Available to view in our office.
9th Annual Seedy Saturday at the MARC –
Saturday, February 21
Buy, sell, trade - local organic seeds. Demos and activities.
Soup lunch. Children’s activities, including outdoor adventures.
Films. Everyone welcome! Admission and lunch for cash or
non-perishable food bank donations. Donations of
kid’s outdoor clothing also appreciated.
Contact or 543-7416
for a table or event details. Facebook – Helping Nature Heal. Recreation Guide Winter 2015
Men’s Drop-in Basketball
Zumba Fitness at the MARC
“NEW” Intro to Sledge Hockey Development
Program – see page 31
Session 1: Mondays, 5:15 – 6:15 pm, January 12 –
Recreation basketball for men (19+). Supervised by Steve
Tuesdays, 7:30 – 9:00 pm, starting January 6 (no ball March
17), Bayview Community School, Mahone Bay $5/night.
Swing Dance
Have a night to look forward to! In the basic swing class
we’ll jump and jive to great music, old and new, as you learn
the Charleston, Jitterbug, and Jive. This will give you a good
introduction to swing and these are packed with kicks and
turns to get you moving and having fun. Classes start with
the basic steps and add more each week allowing you to
grow as a dancer. Enough with the toe-tapping, it’s time to
get up and dance! Instructed by Erin Whiting. Thursdays, 7 –
8 pm, February 12 – April 2, MARC, Dayspring $65/cpl/8 wks
Zumba® exercise classes are “fitness-parties” that blend
upbeat world rhythms with easy-to-follow choreography, for a
total-body workout that feels like a celebration! People of any
fitness level and any age can start the program! Led by Kate
February 16 and/or Thursdays, 5:15 – 6:15 pm, January 15 to
February 19
Session 2: Mondays, 5:15 – 6:15 pm, February 23 – April
13 (no class March 9 & April 6) and/or Thursdays, 5:15 – 6:15
pm, February 26 to April 9 (no class March 12)
Session 3: Mondays, 5:15 – 6:15 pm, April 20 – June 1 (no
class May 18) and/or Thursdays, 5:15 – 6:15 pm, April 23 to
May 28
MARC, Dayspring $50/6 classes
Ballroom Dancing
Are you going on a cruise, planning for or attending an
upcoming wedding or perhaps just looking for some fun and
exercise? Consider this – come for just one hour a week, for
ten weeks and learn the basic dance steps to the Jive, Foxtrot
& Waltz. No experience necessary for the beginner class -just a good sense of humor and a partner! Those who have
completed beginner class might like to come for a refresher
to the intermediate group and learn additional steps to the
above dances, plus we will be learning the basics of some
Latin dances. (Smooth-soled shoes are best) Instructed by
Valerie and Richard Levy. Canceled when school is canceled.
Beginners - 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Intermediates – 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Tuesdays, January 13 - March 24 (no class March 17),
Hebbville Academy $95/cpl/10 wks.
Sport Groups with 6 or more people needing training may
request a course by contacting Nicole Kenney, 634-7570 or
Softball Field Booking Deadline
- Thursday, April 2
This is a reminder to all teams and leagues that you must
have your written requests for use of the MARC softball fields
to the Recreation office by 4:30 pm April 2. For information
call Chasidy Veinotte-Dorey, 541-1343 or
Looking for a walking, hiking, or
snowshoe partner?
Look no further! The Lunenburg County Walking Club is
a free, online group where you can meet other people
who share your interests. Anyone can schedule a walk
(or hike, or snowshoe), so join today and invite others to
share your favourite walking trails! The Lunenburg County
Walking Club can be found online at:
It takes only a few minutes to sign up, and we can help
– just call Tracy at 298-0820 or e-mail tvandermolen@
MODL | | 541-1343
Coaching Courses - NCCP Multi Sport
Introduction to Competition
36 Recreation Guide Winter 2015 Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Recreation Dept. 541-1343
Karen Mackenzie is a registered Yoga Teacher, a certified Fitness
Instructor Specialist and a certified Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist
who strives to provide safe, well-balanced classes in a supportive
environment. She teaches Hatha yoga with an emphasis on
breath, and encourages her students to find their own comfort
level within each pose. Yoga is a wonderful way to build strength,
increase flexibility and improve balance and circulation.
“New” Chair Yoga
Chair yoga is gentle and slow-paced,
and is suitable for most adults with
mobility or balance issues. Students
will learn simple, Hatha-based poses
and breathing that can be done
seated in or assisted by a chair to
help improve circulation, increase
flexibility, and promote relaxation.
Please bring a rolled-up blanket
or towel. “Karen is such a great
instructor and I credit her class with
getting my energy back.” Participant
Fridays, 10:00 – 11:00 am,
January 9 – March 13 &/or
Mondays, 10:00 – 11:00 am,
January 12 – March 16
Mahone Bay Centre,
Community Room
$65/10 wks per class
($10 discount for taking both classes)
Gentle Yoga
A gentle practice geared
to students who are new
to yoga, just returning to a
practice, or simply looking
for a slower-paced class.
Bring a mat and water
bottle. Wednesdays,
6:45 – 8:00 pm,
January 14 – March 4,
Community Room,
Centre scolaire de la
Rive-Sud, Cookville
$65/8 wks
“New” Introduction to Yoga for Men
Demystify this healthy activity. Give it 3 classes and you’ll see
the impact on your mind and body.
Wednesdays, 5:30 – 6:30 pm, January 14 – 28, Community
Room, Centre scolaire de la Rive-Sud, Cookville $20/3 wks
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Glen Allen Drive, Bridgewater
Shuffleboard Court
Two shuffleboard courts are available for drop in use during regular hours at $2 pp.
One is located on the first floor at the very back of the building. The second short court
is available for set up. This also includes use of the walking track for the day. Unlimited
use during calendar day/one hour per game limit if others are waiting to use the courts. Discs and poles are to be signed out from reception.
Boccé is a fun field game where the object is to roll your Bocce ball closest to the jack
(white ball). It can be played with teams of one, two or four. Bocce is available for rent
at $2 per person, per use, 9:00 am to noon subject to field bookings. Walking Track
Enjoy the climate control atmosphere of this indoor track. Open every day for walkers. $2 drop in fee. 5 laps = 1 K. Great
way to keep active and meet new people. Recreation Guide Winter 2015
Seniors’ Kitchen Parties (ages 55+)
A time for seniors to gather, listen to live music, play some games, munch on some refreshment and meet new friends!
HBSSC is equipped with table top shuffleboard, shuffleboard, air hockey, Baggo, Boccé, croquet and more! Table games
include crib, cards, Scrabble, Dominos and more.
Wednesdays, January 21(storm date January 28) and March 25 (storm date April 1), 1:30 – 3:00 pm, HB Studios Sports
Centre, Glen Allen Drive, Bridgewater $2 drop in fee.
Seniors’ Activity Sampling/Demonstrations – Pickle Ball and Square Dancing - Pickle Ball is a
popular and growing game. It is a racquet game similar to tennis but played on a badminton court with lighter racquets and
a bigger ball. The Square Dancing will be at an introductory level. Sure to be a fun time for everyone! We will have our table
games and snacks as well.
Wednesday, February 18, 1:30 – 3 pm, Michelin Social Club, Bridgewater Let us know you plan to come. $2 pp
(storm date February 25)
Seniors’ Tournaments Day – “NEW” Mini Putt, Shuffleboard and Boccé – April 22, 10:00 am – 2:00
pm. Talk it up with your friends. Come on your own or bring a partner with you. Beginners welcome. Let us know you plan to
come. HB Studios Sports Centre, Glen Allen Drive, Bridgewater $2 pp
These activities are brought to you by the Town of Bridgewater and the District of Lunenburg in partnership with Bridgewater Police
Services/South Shore Safe Communities, South Shore Health and BHS & PVEC with the support of United Way of Lunenburg County.
Mahone Bay Older Adult (50+) Fitness
A fitness program for older adults who are interested in
becoming more active through an easy low impact program.
Those over 69 should get permission from their Doctor. Chairs
are used for support. Led by Paula Masson. Canceled when
school is cancelled. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30 – 11:30
am, January 6 – April 2, Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Mahone
Bay $90/26 classes.
A water exercise program designed for seniors and the
physically compromised but is open to everyone.
Classes available at 3 venues. For fees and information,
please contact Martha Saunders at 766-0272 or elderfit@
Adopt a senior this year or someone with a
disability by “Plowing it Forward” and help them
with their snow plowing and
shoveling. Snow presents
an obstacle and burden
that endangers the lives of
seniors and prevents our
seniors and disabled from
getting the care and support
that their lives depend upon.
Seniors that clear their own
snow put themselves at
Lend a helping hand today!
serious health risks that can
result in bone breaking falls,
heart attack and strokes. A little act of kindness this winter
could help save a life. How powerful is that?
Clear snow
for those in
* Neighbours
* Seniors
* Persons with
WHMIS training on-line at your convenience. Ask us how. $40 gives you an access email.
Food Handlers Course
This course is for people who work in the food industry. The course covers the causes and types of food borne illness and
emphasizes practices designed to enhance food safety. The topics of safe food preparation and storage, as well as personal
hygiene and sanitation are covered. This is a six-hour certification course conducted by John Peters, Food Safety Specialist, NS
6:00 – 9:00 pm, Wednesday & Thursday, January 28 & 29
6:00 – 9:00 pm, Wednesday & Thursday, May 13 & 14
MARC, Dayspring $35
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38 Recreation Guide Winter 2015 Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Recreation Dept. 541-1343
Lifelong Learning at the Centre Winter 2015 Session
A program of the Mahone Bay Area Seniors Project
Lecture Series ($5 per lecture)
Wednesday, January 21 - 2:00 pm
Gerry Rolfsen Early Lunenburg - The Relentless Pursuit of
Wednesday, February 11 - 2:00 pm
David K. (Dave) Young Why Should Anyone Care About
What Happens at the Bottom of the Ocean?
Wednesday, March 11 - 2:00 pm
Gerry Hallowell A Life in Books: From editor to author
“Conversations with...”
Interesting talks, stimulating discussions and refreshments
Thursday, January 15 - 2:00 pm
Tom Haney A Canadian Reflects on Elections in Ukraine
Thursday, February 19 - 2:00 pm
Catherine Pross The Enterprising Life of E.D. Davison
Thursday, March 19 - 2:00 pm
George and Jane Anderson Travelling in New Zealand
(SCANS) Seniors College Association of
Nova Scotia
Information and Registration for the Winter 2015 SCANS
term will take place at the Mahone Bay Centre on Monday,
January 12 at 2:00 pm. Meet the instructors, ask
questions about the courses, and learn more about SCANS.
To take courses you must join SCANS at a cost of $135
per year (fee subject to change). This allows you to take
as many SCANS courses as you wish for one year. Online
registration will open after the Open House - www.thescans.
Fridays 2:00 - 4:00 pm January 30 - March 20 (8
weeks) Frederick Edell: The Other Cinema - Silent Film
Mondays 2:00 - 4:00 pm January 26 - March 9 (7
weeks) Daphna Levit: Japan History 1 - From Japan’s Myth of
Creation to the Samurai Code
Thursdays 10:00 am - 12:00 noon January 29 - March
19 (8 weeks) Michael Collins: Glimpses of Georgian and
Victorian England
Life Drawing Studio Sessions - Join our studio sessions drawing with a model in a friendly and supportive
atmosphere every Sunday morning from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Art Room. The fee is $15 to cover the cost of room
rental and model fees. Basic materials are available at cost. These sessions are not instructed and are open to all ability
levels. Call Sally Warren for information at 902-531-2161.
Printmaking Studio Sessions - The Mahone Bay Printmakers’ group meets every Tuesday from 10 am to 3 pm in
MODL | | 541-1343
the Art Room. This weekly studio access is an opportunity for individuals to work in a small supportive group atmosphere. At present, members of the group are creating monotypes, relief prints, collagraphs and metal plate etchings. Some previous
experience is an asset but not strictly necessary. If you are a beginner and would like to learn about printmaking or simply
brush up your skills, guidance in the studio can be arranged. Etching presses and basic materials are available. The fee is $10
for the day. Call Ed Porter for information at 902-634-3497.
Seniors Lunches - Third Tuesday monthly, 12:00 noon, Seniors Room Enjoy homemade soup, sandwiches, dessert,
coffee/tea, and musical entertainment: $8. Call the Mahone Bay Centre at 902-624-0890 for information and reservations.
Seniors Recreation
Badminton – Mondays, 4:00 – 5:30 pm, Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm & Sundays, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Centre Fit Work-Out Centre – Daily 7:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Equipment includes 6 state of the art aerobic machines, one universal gym with 4 stations, and free weights. Membership
includes a tour and initial orientation with qualified personal trainer. (A customized program can be designed for you upon
request to the trainer, for a separate fee.)
Fitness classes – Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays, 9:00 – 10:00 am (Separate fee but Centre Fit members are entitled to
a discount.)
Winter Walking in the Gym - Mondays and Thursdays, 9:00 - 10:30 am Mahone Bay Centre 624-0890 Recreation Guide Winter 2015
Municipal Grants for Non-Profit Organizations
The District of Lunenburg has grants for non-profit organizations within the District. For more details visit
Note deadlines and requirements.
“New” Major Recreation Capital (replacing
Budgeted Grant) - assists communities in the development
of indoor and outdoor cultural, social, heritage and/or
recreation facilities which will provide significant community
availability to projects that are $10,000 or more. Applicants
are eligible for up to 50% of the total capital cost of the
project to a maximum of $10,000.
“New” Annual Operating (replacing Budgeted
Grant) - community organizations (registered charity, or a
non-profit registered with the NS Registry of Joint Stocks) are
eligible for annual operating funds. Funding will not exceed
50% of the total operating budget to a maximum of $5,000
“New” Leadership Training Grant - support for
volunteers and community leaders for training required to
continue and expand the programs, services and activities
provided by their community organization. Applicants
are eligible for up to 50% of the total cost of training to
maximum of $300.
“New” Elite Athlete Travel Grant - assists individuals,
teams or groups with travel expenses when competing at
international events. An elite athlete is defined as a person
who commits significant time to training and competing
in their sport and is recognized by their National Sport
Association as representing Canada.
Capital Grant - assist community associations with projects
of a capital nature. Funding will not exceed 75% of a project
to a maximum of $1,000. Groups can now reapply after 24
Program Grant - assist community associations who wish
to initiate a new program(s) or expand existing ones in the
community. Funding will not exceed 75% of a program to a
maximum of $500. Groups can now reapply after 24 months.
For application forms or for more information, contact Trudy
Payne, Director of Recreation Services, at 541-1333 or visit
our website, (Recreation drop down tab to
Provincial Volunteer Week – April 12 - 18, 2015 “Passion, Action, Impact”
Volunteer Recognition
Nominations are being accepted for the following:
2. Recreation Nova Scotia accepts nominations for Specialty Awards: Model Volunteer Community, Youth Volunteer,
Corporate and Small Business Volunteer, Volunteer Family Deadline for nominations – Friday, February 20. Visit or call (902) 425-1128.
3. Community organizations and clubs are invited to send two representatives to the Municipal Reception to be held
during Volunteer Week. Please submit the names to Chasidy Veinotte-Dorey by Friday, March 27, by calling 5411343 or emailing Include the name, address, phone number, email, name of the organization
they represent and a photo. A digital photo emailed to is preferred. Volunteers are the heart of our
Please call 541-1343 for a nomination form or pick one up at the Municipal office, 210 Aberdeen Road.
MODL | | 541-1343
1. A volunteer who fits the category of Outstanding Volunteer for the Municipality of Lunenburg. We will choose one
person to represent the Municipality at the Provincial Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, April 7, at the Westin Hotel in
Halifax sponsored by Recreation Nova Scotia. Deadline for nominations – Tuesday, February 3.
40 Recreation Guide Winter 2015 Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Recreation Dept. 541-1343
Are you a volunteer or a not-for-profit organization?
Overview of Volunteer Management Workshop brought to you by the Lunenburg Queens
Volunteer Partnership. Expand or upgrade your knowledge and management skills to ensure the
success of your volunteer program. Whether you support 1 or 100 volunteers, you are welcome
to join us and develop the skills to recruit, select, motivate, train and manage volunteers in your
program. Facilitated by Leslie Taylor, Coordinator of the South Shore Helping Hands Program & Judy
Miller, Coordinator of Volunteers at the South Shore District Health Authority.
Wednesday, March 4th, 5:30 – 8:00 pm, Economic Centre 373 King Street, Bridgewater
It’s free! Registration deadline: February 25, 2015
More workshops to come that will include practical and hands on breakout sessions that dive deeper into areas of the
volunteer management cycle. You are welcome to bring work to these sessions and receive feedback and tips in the follow areas:
Orientation, Training & Engagement, Recruitment & Position Descriptions, Volunteer Screening Support, Supervision, Feedback &
Following Up. Breakout sessions will be facilitated by volunteer sector professionals in Lunenburg and Queens counties. Dates to
be determined at the Overview of Volunteer Management workshop. Participants are welcome to attend any and all workshops
and sessions.
Volunteer Partnership has a mandate to grow community capacity and can offer resources, workshops, volunteer/organization
matching services, youth & volunteerism display booth & presentations.
For registration and information contact Tara Jaskowiak - Volunteer Navigator, at 902-298-2463 or
MODL | | 541-1343
Online Training Videos
for Volunteer Organizations –
20 topics are available
through Recreation NS!
What does it mean to be a Board Member? • Basic Roles
& Responsibilities of a Board Member • Mission & Vision
Statements • Priorities & Getting Things Done • Establishing
Priorities • Business Planning & Budgets • Good Minutes
• Developing Policies • Hiring Staff • Succession Planning
• Recruiting New Board Members • Board Orientation &
Training • Monitoring Organizational Performance • Board
Member Code of Conduct • Board Self Evaluation • The Roles
of Officers • Reading Financial Statements • Rules of Order •
Planning Your Meetings
Visit to view these videos.
Lucky Duck Lotto,
Fundraising Opportunity
An easy, risk-free ticket sales fundraising
program to help schools, community clubs, and
other non-profit groups and organizations raise
monies for their programs and activities. Tickets come in
books of ten and sell for $1 each. Group keeps $7 of every
book sold. Cash prizes! Selling dates now to February 10.
Draw date, March 5. Contact Recreation Nova Scotia
at 902-425-1128 or check their website Recreation Guide Winter 2015
SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Application Deadlines
We are looking for strong leaders with lots of ideas, energy, motivation and people skills
for our summer program.
March 6, 2015 (manager positions, 13 to 17 weeks)
April 10, 2015 (Program Leaders/Swim Instructors, 8 to 9 weeks)
Mail or drop off your resume to Janice Rand, Program Coordinator,
210 Aberdeen Rd, Bridgewater, NS B4V 4G8 or email
Job descriptions are available on the
Municipal website (Municipal Services, Recreation, Employment)
1. Some positions may be filled by returning staff
2. All positions require access to a vehicle
3. There are some evening and weekend hours
4. Part time positions are available
MODL | | 541-1343
For program additions or changes read our weekly column in the
LighthouseNOW Log, hear us on CKBW’s South Shore Sunday Morning or call
the Recreation Information Line at 902-541-1344.
For a listing of community organizations visit
64 Recreation Guide Winter 2015 Municipality of the District of Lunenburg Recreation Dept. 541-1343
An online directory of sport, recreation and active living opportunities
for residents across the South Shore.
If you are connected with a community
group or active living opportunity,
we ask that you be on the lookout for
emails or communications from the
South Shore Connect project.
MODL | | 541-1343
Find out more by contacting your local
recreation department.