ST PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 130 Burwood Road CHRISTCHURCH / ŌTAUTAHI MAKING DISCIPLES FOR JESUS! 3rd May 2015 – Fifth Sunday of Easter Worship at All Saints Anglican Church, Burwood 10am Worship with Holy Communion – Vicar Katrina Hill “I am the vine and you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in Him, will bear much fruit.” John 15:5 God bless your time with us as we worship Him. WELCOME TO ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH Today we begin our shared services with All Saints at their 10am service. We are pleased to be welcomed as part of their gathering and will also contribute where we can help. (see Roster on back page) We will continue to produce our weekly Bulletin, to keep us in touch with each other and with our wider church. Please assist with duties as rostered. This week we remember with compassion, all those suffering from the devastating earthquakes in Nepal and pray for them in their time of great need. Locally, we remember in prayer: Andrew, Melanie & Caleb BUSCH; Glenn, Michelle, Jenson & Danica BUSCH; Bernie & Judy CALDER; Carl CHRISTENSEN; Frances CLARKE. P S A L M B I B L E Psalm 22:25-31 p549 A Song of Praise R E A D I N G S Acts 8:26-40 1 John 4:4-21 John 15:1-8 Philip and the Ethiopian Love one another as God loves us The true vine and the fruitful branches WOMEN AND THE CALL TO THE OFFICE OF PUBLIC MINISTRY IN THE LUTHERAN CHURCH THE ORDINATION DEBATE IN THE LCA The Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) was formed in 1966, when the two synods of the church (ELCA and UELCA) combined. A document that was accepted in the Theses of Agreement stated: “Though women prophets were used by the Spirit of God in the Old as well as in the New Testament, 1 Cor.14:34-35 and 1 Tim.2:1-11 prohibit a woman from being called into the office of the public ministry for the proclamation of the Word and the administration of the Sacraments.’ However, by 1975, there was recognition that this teaching was open to amendment. Since that time, the LCA has continued to research, discuss, question and argue about the status of the Theses of Agreement and other doctrinal statements, including the possibility of women pastors in the church. “The teaching is open to amendment.” After several decades of papers, forums, reports and presentations, to General Pastors’ Conferences, CTICR (Commission on Theology and Inter-Church Relations), General Synods and the wider church, the decision was made for delegates to be prepared for a decision making vote to be taken at the 2015 Synod in Rochdale, Brisbane. This synod will be held over a one week period (instead of the usual 3 days), thus drawing this topic to a conclusion. Take some time to look at the LCA website under the tab: ORDINATION – WE’RE LISTENING. There are papers to read, a video to view and a wide variety of opinions and understandings to digest on the subject. There is also a tab (Owl for Everybody) where you are invited to submit your views about women and the call to the office of the public ministry. Search, read and contribute online. The LCNZ (Lutheran Church of New Zealand) is involved. Last week’s Church Workers’ Conference Chch Airport Remembers … REV KATRINA HILL >>> CHCH EAST PARISH REV KATRINA and REV CARLIE HANNAH are two of the ministers of the ChCh East Parish Several local Anglican churches have united to form one Parish. They work together, and separately on their own sites, to promote the work of the church and the worship of its people. Rev Katrina, who is this morning’s preacher, works across the parish. St Pauls Lutheran, together with All Saints Anglican, - leaders and members - will work together in shared worship and Sunday School. Thank you for welcoming St Pauls to All Saints. 10am Services and Sunday School – followed by morning tea. NEWS AND NOTICES WELL DONE TO THE TEAM OF SEVEN, who worked steadily through enormous piles of ‘stuff’ from cupboards, walls and shelves at church on Wednesday morning, prior to the removal of the contents of our church, for storage during earthquake repairs. THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO DONATED FOODSTUFFS in our green bins in the foyer. These goods have been delivered to the Linwood Salvation Army for distribution to those in need. FROM THE BISHOP OF CHCH (Victoria Matthews) : “The annual ecumenical service for Christchurch is being held on Wednesday 20 May at 7pm at the Transitional Cathedral. I hope your people will try to attend. This is part of the observance of the Week for Christian Unity in the Southern Hemisphere.” IN HOSPITAL – Siegfried Flaschberger Our prayers are with Lottie and Siggie Flaschberger. Siggie became unwell recently and is now awaiting a treatment plan before coming home. ALPINE VIEW CARE CENTRE was the site of Thursday morning’s special service at the rest home. Thank you to the five people who turned up to support Ahi. Delightful singing (some fline folks knew all the words!), fine mouth organ playing by Werner and a WW1 tale of long ago from Judy. An interesting morning. PEARLY GATES N E X T by Ian Jones S U N D A Y th 10 May 2015 - Sixth Sunday of Easter 10:00am Worship with Holy Communion and Sunday School Worship Leader: All Saints Psalm: Psalm 98 Bible Reader: All Saints Gospel Reading: Sunday School: T H E Acts 10:44-48 1 John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17 Svanaug & Meg Ushers: Nathan & Charity Sound Desk: --Flowers: Prayer Ministry: Prayer team All Saints Communion: Svanaug Hospitality: -Cleaning: white Liturgical Colour: F O L L O W I N G S U N D A Y 17th May 2015 – Seventh Sunday of Easter 10:00am Worship with Holy Communion and Sunday School Email for Ahi Allen Address for Ahi Allen Phone for Ahi and Meg Church Office: St.Paul’s Church Elder: Svanaug Nilsen Elder: Vacancy Chairman: Ahi Allen Secretary: Judy Calder Treasurer: Susanne Thompson Assist.Treasurer: Vacancy Property: Susanne Thompson Fellowship: Elizabeth Barrett Earthquake help: Leadership Team EQ Help: Nathan Klein Archivist: Vacancy Web-page: Stanley Pidakala 30 Flower Street, Papanui (H) 352-6762 (M) 027 525-8878 383 0166 383 2524 027 483 2524 352 6762 384 1269 027 309 3170 351 9286 027 489 7219 351 9286 027 489 7219 322 7214 021 108-8121 021 583 458 Please forward any Bulletin notices to Judy Calder by noon on Thursday. Thank you. Bulletins are also available on our website
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