APRIL 2015 – Luther King House Newsletter Dear Friends Welcome to our April Newsletter 2015! Scroll down for events at Luther King House, including further Day Events across the year, our Lay Preachers Conference in May 2015, and our annual Summer School at the end of June 2015. Our exciting news has now become even more exciting; our new website has been launched and feedback is extremely positive! Simply go to www.lutherkinghouse.org.uk and see for yourself the improvements and new design! We’d love to hear your opinions, so do get in touch, and, as always, our website contains full details of all events and courses taking place at Luther King House, along with information on how to apply for our degree programme. Day Workshops 2014-15 Luther King House is pleased to offer a series of day workshops on different aspects of Christian, Faith & Spirituality. Our Open Learning Workshop Days are offered throughout the year on a range of topics. These practical workshops and retreat days explore a wide range of issues, all with particular relevance for local church life, which are open to people of all backgrounds and experience. Each workshop will run from 10.00am - 4.00pm and costs £20.00 (£10.00 for those in receipt of income-based benefits or job seekers' allowance) including teas and coffees. Saturday 25th April: 'God saw that it was very good' Thinking about creation and the environment in our churches. Led by Rosalind Selby To book a place please download and complete the registration form on our webpage and return to Luther King House Registry Office via e-mail at learning@lkh.co.uk . If you have any questions, or require any further information, you can also contact the Registry Office by telephone on 0161 249 2504. Please book and pay in advance. Payment can be made by cash, debit/credit card, or by cheque (payable to 'Luther King House'). If you would like to book overnight accommodation at Luther King House before or after the event, please contact a member of our Reception team on 0161 224 6404, or e-mail them at reception@lkh.co.uk For details of all of our Day Workshops please visit our webpage. Open Lecture Series 2014-15 We offer a series of monthly theological lectures which are free of charge and are open to all. No need to book in advance for these – just turn up on the night. Our open lecture series continues in March with: Monday 20th April 2015 Rev’d Dr Graham Adams: “How to Assess Religions: The Importance of Being Scandalous” Different theologies of religions, whether exclusivist, inclusivist or pluralist, are essentially ways of assessing the validity of religions. But what if these categories are focused too much on the ‘scandal of particularity’? Graham Adams offers a more thoroughly ‘scandalous’ Christian theology of religions, which understands Christian identity missiologically, dialogically and politically. Our full open lecture series will continue throughout 2014-15 as follows; Monday 11th May 2015 FR Christopher Jamison – ‘Called to Faith? Called to Ministry?’ – An ecumenical exploration of how we understand ministry Father Christopher Jamison is a monk of Worth Abbey, Sussex. He was Headmaster of Worth School from 1994 and Abbot from 2002 to 2010. He has appeared on BBC TV and radio in The Monastery (2005), The Big Silence (2010) and, currently, The Chris Evans Breakfast Show. Books include Finding Sanctuary (2006) and Finding Happiness (2009). He is Director of the Catholic Church’s National Office of Vocation. Fr. Christopher Jamison will also taking our regular student worship on Tuesday 12th May at 11.30am. Lectures take place from 7.30pm – 9.00pm, with opportunities to buy refreshments in the dining room or bar before and after the lecture if you want to continue the conversation in the lounge. Meals and hot drinks are available to buy before the lecture if you wish. For further information for our 2014-15 Open lecture series, download our 2014-15 Open Lecture Programme. Conference for Lay Preachers & Worship Leaders ‘Survival | Revival: Exploring Hopeful Texts’ Thursday 7th & Friday 8th May 2015 Our two-day conference will allow individuals to explore multiple aspects of worship and Christian ministry with people from varied denominational backgrounds. Rev. Dr. Kathy White, and Rev. Dr. Noel Irwin, two scholars of Hebrew Scriptures, will lead sessions on prophetic writing, and Rev. Dr. Rosalind Selby will lead a session on the New Testament. There will also be workshops available on using PowerPoint in worship, with further sessions exploring other aspects of worship and ministry. Full details on the Lay Preachers conference (including a flier, full programme and registration form) can be downloaded from our website by clicking here To register your interest in this event, or for further details, you can contact the Registry Office on 0161 249 2504 or e-mail learning@lkh.co.uk Luther King House MA Summer School Jesus & Mission in the Shadow of Empire (MAG8) Monday 29th June – Thursday 2nd July 2015 This year’s Summer School challenges us to address two insights. Firstly, Jesus’ ministry needs to understood in the Roman imperial context, which affected and infected so much of life. To address this is to view his mission differently. Secondly, in the contemporary context, the dominance of global capitalism is being interpreted as ‘Empire’, not only economically but also culturally and religiously. To address this is to view our mission differently too. This interdisciplinary module will generate conversation between the first and twenty-first centuries in order to help us rethink mission today. The course will be led by Revd Dr Graham Adams. ‘Jesus & Mission in the Shadow of Empire’ will be taught from 9.30am to 5.30pm across four days at a cost of £150 per person (as a not-for-credit module), excluding meals (which can be purchased on-site or you are welcome to provide your own) and accommodation (if you require accommodation, please contact Reception on 0161 224 6404 or by e-mail at reception@lkh.co.uk). This course can also be taken as a module towards the MA in Contextual Theology at an additional cost. To register, please visit our website and complete an online Module Registration Form. Alternatively, please contact the Registry Office on 0161 249 2504 or by email at learning@lkh.co.uk Service of Thanksgiving for the life of David Goodbourn Saturday 6th June 2015 – 2pm Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, London A service, in London, giving thanks for the life of our friend, David Goodbourn, is planned for June 2015. The service will take place on Saturday 6th June 2015 at 2.00pm at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, London. There will be refreshments available for everyone immediately after the service. Explorations Guided Reading Scheme Independent study with tutorial support Luther King House is pleased to offer EXPLORATIONS - a guided reading scheme that gives you an opportunity to research a subject area of your choice whilst enjoying the superb facilities at Luther King House. Registering for Explorations gives you; • • 6 months' free membership of our library, including access to computer facilities and permission to borrow books A minimum of two tutorials with a member of academic staff who will be able to guide your research The cost of registering for Explorations is £100 for six months. If you require any further information about our Explorations scheme, please visit our website or contact the Registry Office on 0161 249 2504 or by e-mail learning@lkh.co.uk Stepping Out With The Sacred Exploring human attempts to engage the divine with Dr. Val Webb Saturday 11th April 2015 – 7.30pm Dr. Val Webb is an Australian theologian and author whose professional career spans microbiology, business, public relations, writing, art and theology. She has a PhD in theology, taught at universities in the United States and Australia and, during her time in Brisbane, held leadership positions in the Uniting Church, including inaugural Chair of Queensland’s Commission of Education and Communication. The event will take place at Grove Lane Baptist Church, Pingate Lane South, Cheadle Hulme, SK8 7NP. Entry is free but donations are requested to cover costs. Further details about this event can be obtained by calling 0161 439 3515. This event is organized collaboratively by Grove Lane Baptist Church and The Progressive Christian Network (Manchester Group). Kelsall Churches Training Partnership ‘Creating Worship’ A Day with John L. Bell of the Iona Community’s Wild Goose Resource Group Saturday 18th April 2015 John L. Bell is based in Glasgow and works with his colleagues in the areas of music, worship and spirituality. He does not have a mobile phone, driving licence, camera, iPod or wife. He has never traced his family origins, played a guitar or eaten a Big Mac… but, you might know him as the writer of the hymns ‘Jesus Christ is Waiting’, ‘Will you come and follow me’ and ‘A touching place’. The day is an opportunity to share in John’s excitement in creating worship and to hear more about the songs that have come out of Iona. For further information on this event, or to book a place, please visit http://www.kelsallparishchurch.org.uk Christian Aid Week Sun 10th – Sat 16th May 2015 We hope that all friends of LKH will join in supporting Christian Aid Week, and that our churches will also give their full and active support. Details can be found on the Christian Aid website – https://www.christianaid.org.uk/getinvolved/christianaidweek/index.aspx Here at Luther King House the work of Christian Aid will be featured in our midweek services at the beginning of May, and resources will be made available for use in churches and local communities. Women’s Voices – Exploring Women’s Preaching Saturday 20th June 2015 TRS Hollybank, University of Chester The University of Chester (in collaboration with the College and Preachers, Diocese of Chester and All Saints Centre for Mission & Ministry) are hosting a day conference entitled ‘Women’s Voices – Exploring Women’s Preaching’ to discuss how important gender is in what a preacher does and how it is received. Speakers at this event will include; Dr Heather Walton, University of Glasgow; Prof. Elaine Graham, University of Chester; Dr Emma Ineson, Trinity College, Bristol; Rachael Fletcher, Director College of Preachers; and Revd Liz Shercliff, All Saints Centre for Mission & Ministry. The event will take place at the University of Chester between 9.30am to 4.30pm at a cost of £25 (including lunch). For more information on this event, and to book a place, please contact ministry@chester.anglican.org or telephone 01928 718834 ext. 257. The Retreat Association Conference ‘Holding a Balance – finding God in a complex world’ Monday 22nd – Thursday 25th June 2015 Join the Retreat Association for their next conference where they will explore some of the complex challenges that face us in our modern world – and how to respond to them Guest speakers and contributors include our Patrons Dr Rowan Williams, Fr Christopher Jamison OSB, Revd Graham Sparkes and Margaret Rizza. Other key contributors include psychiatrist and writer Iain McGilchrist, theologian and writer Revd Barbara Glasson, artist Sophie Hacker, liturgist Emily Walker and poet Pádraig Ó Tuama. The retreat will be held at The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick. For further information please contact The Retreat Association on 01494 569056 or by e-mail to info@retreats.org.uk – You can also visit their website for further details. External Membership to the Luther King House Library Anyone with an interest in theology and religious studies is able to join the library. You may benefit from library membership if you are studying at another institution, or you may simply want to join for general interest or to help with church ministry. Bed and Breakfast guests and conference delegates are welcome to use the library for reference purposes for the duration of their stay, but are not permitted to remove any material. There are 2 levels of membership: • • To use the library for reference purposes only, the fee is £20 for 12 months (£12 for retired/unwaged persons but not for students. To use the Library in order to borrow material (6 books for a period of 3 weeks), the fee is £40 for 12 months (£25 concession). If three or more people from the same church or organisation wish to join the Library, half price membership applies from the third membership onwards. If you are interested in joining the library, please contact the Library Staff on 0161 249 2509 or e-mail library@lkh.co.uk to arrange a visit. The online downloadable form is available on our website. The form can either be returned by email or post. Please note that payment by cash or cheque will be required on your first visit. New Addition to the Luther King House Library A new publication now available from the Luther King House Library is entitled 'Baptists and the Communion of Saints'; two of the authors having been former Principals of Northern Baptist College (NBLC), Brian Haymes and Richard Kidd. More information about this new addition to our library can be found at the Baylor Press website. Great Value Day or Residential Conference Facilities Don’t forget here at LKH we have a range of meeting rooms available to hire, accommodating 2 to 100 delegates. Spring special offers are available – day delegate rate only £23.00 per person (reduced from £32.00) and residential delegate rate only £82.00 per person (reduced from £90.00). Rooms can also be hired per session from as little as £50.00. If you or anybody you know requires a meeting room, please contact Beverley in the Conference Office on booking@lkh.co.uk for further information Counselling Juliet Birkbeck BACP, Med, PGCE, BA(Hons) One of our associate members of staff, Juliet Birkbeck, has recently qualified as a counsellor and is building up her own practice. Whilst we are not in a position to offer a formal recommendation, we are happy to pass on the following information from Juliet “People working within the caring professions are particularly likely to suffer from burnout and are also likely to be in regular contact with others who are struggling with depression. You may be wondering how to meet the needs of those you are responsible for; you may feel you are struggling to cope yourself. There is help available. As a counsellor I work with people in many difficult situations. I counsel people who are facing illness and increasing disability, memory loss, the move to more dependent living or searching for purpose towards the end of life. I also work with those who are struggling with loss and grief, with difficult relationships, low selfesteem or with the continued impact of childhood trauma. Talking therapies are extremely helpful in all these cases. As a Person Centred Counsellor I provide short and long term counselling that enables people to work through their distress in a safe and non-judgemental environment. I have a particular interest in working with older people, with those caring for others and with people of faith. I am a Registered Member of the BACP and carry my own professional insurance. I work within the BACP’s ethical guidelines and value the richness and fullness of each unique identity as evidenced by ethnicity, language, faith, appearance, age, gender identity, sexual identity, family situation, physical ability and mental ability. For more information see my website or contact me on 07985 685038.” Sign up to our Facebook Page! We also have a presence on Facebook! Why not ‘like’ us on Facebook and keep abreast of our news and events on a regular basis? Just click here to be directed to our page, or click the link at the top of this newsletter! Spread the word about Luther King House! We have a selection of leaflets for all our courses and events (degrees, short courses, modules, day events & theological lectures) to give out to churches and other organizations, and we really appreciate your help in letting your wider networks and local churches and communities know about us. Please take as many leaflets as you like from Reception while you are visiting, or ask for a larger bundle from Clare and Paul in the Registry Office. We’re also happy to post or deliver a bundle of leaflets to you anywhere in the country if you’re not in the area. To request leaflets from us, e-mail us at learning@lkh.co.uk or phone us on 0161 249 2504. Thanks for your support in getting the word out more widely!
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