Tampa Bay Jeep Fest`s

Tampa Bay Jeep Fest’s
2nd Annual
Show & Shine
Saturday, August 8th 2015
Sponsorship Options
Vendor - $100
 10 x 10 booth space
4x4- $250
Logo on all marketing materials
 Logo on Newsletter
 Vendor booth space
 Small decal on company Jeep
Big Rig- $500
 Clickable logo on email newsletter
 Logo on flyers and posters
 Logo on back of T-shirts
 DJ announcements at event
 Premium vendor booth location
 Medium decal on company Jeep
Presenting - $1,200
 TBJF presented by (your name)
 Logo on front of event T-shirts
 Clickable logo on website
 Logo on flyers and posters
 Clickable logo on email newsletter
 DJ announcements at event
 Premium vendor booth location
 Large decal on company Jeep
2015 Sponsorship / Advertising/ Donations Form
Scan/Email form to Dona@LuxeFashionGroup.com or mail copy to: Luxe Fashion Group,
3455 Countryside Blvd, Unit 17 Clearwater, FL 33761
This contract serves as your commitment to the items listed below; please print your name
exactly as you would like it to appear in all event materials.
Sponsor Name: ________________________________________________________________
Contact Name: _________________________________________________________________
Company Website_______________________________________________________________
Sponsor Level (circle one)
Presenting Sponsorship
Big Rig Sponsorship
4 x 4 Sponsorship
Sponsorship amount $______________
Donation Description
Sponsor certifies that all material for advertising complies with all U.S. and state laws including,
but not limited to copyright, licensing, and trademark. All sales are final and non refundable. If
any event is canceled for any reason sponsor will receive sponsor credits towards another
event. By signing below, sponsor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Luxe Fashion Group
LLC including its officers, partners, employees and affiliates against all liability, claims, and
expenses relating to this contract.
Total Sponsorship Amount Enclosed $______________
Printed Name: ____________________________________ Title:________________________
Authorizing Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: __________
Owner / Event Coordinator: Dona Crowley 727-580-9328 / dona@luxefashiongroup.com
Make check payable to: Luxe Fashion Group LLC / 3455 Countryside Blvd #17 Clearwater, FL 33761