LIMONA EVENTS - June 21—June 28, 2015 Sunday June 21st The Walk (F.H.) Blended Service (S.) Chatterbox (Y.R VBS Mtg. (F.H.) 9:30am 10:45am 11:15am 12:00pm Monday June 22nd Vacation Bible School 5-8:30pm Tuesday June 23rd Vacation Bible School 5-8:30pm Wednesday June 24th Vacation Bible School 5-8:30pm Thursday June 25th Meals On Wheels (F.H.) Vacation Bible School Praise Band (F.H.) 9:00am 5-8:30pm 8:00pm Friday June 26th Vacation Bible School Saturday June 27th AA Meeting (C.R.) Civil Air Patrol (C.R.) Girl Scouts (F.H.) Sunday June 28th The Walk (F.H.) Blended Service (S.) Chatterbox (Y.R Good Bye/Welcome Carry In Dinner (F.H.) Family Promise (F.H.) 5-8:30pm 5:30pm 8am-3pm 10am-1pm Limona Village Chapel United Methodist Church 408 Limona Road, Brandon, FL 33510 Telephone: (813) 689-8385 Fax: (813) 643-9193 Email: 9:30am 10:45am 11:15am June 21, 2015 Worship Services Contemporary Service Blended Worship Chatterbox 9:30am 10:45am 11:15am Office Hours M-F, 9:00am-1:00pm WEBSITE: / limonavillagechapelumc Limona News & Announcements If you are a guest with us for the first time, we especially welcome you. We have an Infant and a Toddler Nursery (up to 2 years old) available in the Mook building. Our Ushers will be happy to direct you. For children ages 3-11 we offer a fun and creative learning experience during each church service. Please be sure to fill out a purple “Ticket To Learn” slip for your child. The teachers will escort the children to the Mook building classroom during the service. Pastor Ricc and his family will be moving into the parsonage on Tuesday, June 23rd. We need your help with the move and unpacking. Please call Angela Dionne at 813-748-1369 to let her know what you can do to help. Please remember to pray daily for these needs and those needs that are unspoken: Shut-ins: Vaudine Mason. Church Family and Friends: Jackie Ward, Tony Herman, Steve Cobb, Joanne O’Neal, Adrian Guzman (Paulus’ family friend), Aundrea Penny (friend of Lauren Herman), Gela McEachern, Josh & Stacy Nutter, Laurel Goldston, Melissa Barger, Fred and Judy Mathews, Sandy Howard (Kay Clarke’s sister), Steve Roberts, Randy Aszman, Janette Hoepner, Kay Clark, Kent Sharp, Phylis Gilland, Sandy Foshee (niece of Margaret Harris), Margie Bear (friend of Sharon & Melissa Barger ) Rachel and Gene Hollingsworth, Ruth Aruta (Aunt of Pam Evans, Jaci & Joyce Todaro) Please pray for Margaret Harris and her family as they grieve the loss of her mother, Cora Morgan and all families who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Military Servicemen and Servicewomen: Kyle Baron (USA) Kyle Lynch (USA), Justin Uno (USA), Ryan Barry (Afghanistan) and all our military personnel serving around the world; Ken Powers, and all other support personnel working around the world. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. ~Romans 8:28 Our core values are those non-negotiable, essential things which we believe should be the basis of our church’s mission and vision. (8) We believe in ministry and fellowship across generations through activities, programs, education, etc. They joined with the other believers and devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, sharing in the Lord’s Supper and in prayer. Acts 2:42 NLT Record of our Faithfulness 06/14/2015 Passionate Worship 9:30– 26 10:45– 40 Salty Service 5 General Fund Contributions Received Needed this week to date: $1,696.12 $57,699.99 weekly $3,370.00 to date $78,510.00
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