The LW Computer Club offers classes starting April 27. Page The Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce and the Golden Rain Foundation Community is captured in photos. 10 Page The LW Table Tennis Club X gears up for the big competition. 16 Page 22 April 23, 2015 The Official Publication of the Golden Rain Foundation, Seal Beach, CA Taco Tuesday A B ri d g e The fall of Saigon will be explored in the PBS documentary, “Last Days in Vietnam,” on April 28 at 8 p.m. on PBS stations. Trio Mariachi Capri Mariachi band highlights Taco Tuesday May 5 Cinco de Mayo will be celebrated at Taco Tuesday on May 5 in Clubhouse 6. There will be food for sale by Koffel’s Catering. As a special highlight, the Trio Mariachi Capri band will entertain. The Golden Rain Foundation is sponsoring the festivities. The mariachi band is composed of two sons and their dad, who has over 30 years of experience. Father and sons have played music together for more than 17 years. Everyone is invited to welcome spring with tacos and an evening of folk music from Mexico. Cinco de Mayo is observed to commemorate the Mexican army’s surprise victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. Coming Next Week Resident recounts heartbreak, hope after Saigon falls —Doug Cox, staff photos COMMUNITY EXPO—An estimated 2,500 people turned out for the expo in Clubhouse 4 April 18. Spirit of community marks first expo Editor’s Note: The following letter of thanks was sent from the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce to GRF President Ronde Winkler and directors, and GRF Executive Director Randy Ankeny, among others. The letter underscores the mutual desire to foster a spirit of community between Seal Beach and Leisure World: Community Wrap-up Shred documents on May 1 at CH 2 Leisure World residents can shred sensitive documents from 8-10 a.m. on May 1 in the parking lot of Clubhouse 2. This is a free service. LW Talent Search The GRF Recreation Department is seeking local LW talent to perform three Saturdays during the summer Amphitheater season. Submit performance requests in writing to Terry DeLeon, GRF recreation supervisor. The Entertainment Subcommittee will select the performers. INDEX LUMINARIES who attended the Community Expo include Seal Beach Councilwoman Sandra Massa-Lavitt (at left), who represents District 5 in Leisure World; GRF President Ronde Winkler (third from left), and Seal Beach Mayor Ellery Deaton (second from right). They are pictured with members of the 2015 Miss Seal Beach Courts, including Malia Armstrong, Miss Teen Seal Beach Court (l-r); Miss Seal Beach Cailey Yellam; Miss Teen Seal Beach Malia Rivers; Miss Junior Seal Beach Elyse Varipapa and Spencer Lopez, Miss Teen Seal Beach Court. It may seem inadequate, but please accept a big thank you for your generosity, hard work and superior effort in supporting the Community Expo last Saturday. From the comments we received from the merchants and the Leisure World attendees, a good time was had by all. When this project was conceived, its mission was to bring the community together in a fun way, introducing the residents of our community to the members of the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce. We knew, from talking to both groups, there was a sincere desire to meet and mix, but the venue needed be developed. See EXPO, page 15 Obituary GRF board member John DeMarco representing Mutual 2 passes on John DeMarco, 69, who represented Mutual 2 on the Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) Board of Directors, died April 21. He was elected to fill a Mutual 2 vacancy on the GRF Board at a special meeting Sept. 23, 2013. He chaired the GRF’s Information Technology Services Committee, and was a Arts & Leisure.........10 Club Schedule........14 Classified................30 Community.............16 member of the Finance and Physical Property committees. According to his candidate’s statement, he sought a seat on the GRF board to preserve the quality of life in Leisure World. He wanted to do what he could to foster a spirit of harmony, common sense and cooperation in Leisure World, which he called “a wonderful community.” Government..............5 Health & Fitness.......8 John DeMarco “John was a respected colleague whose wisdom and hard See DEMARCO, page 24 Obituary..................24 Perspectives.............4 In April of 1975, the North Vietnamese Army was closing in on Saigon as South Vietnamese resistance was crumbling. About 5,000 Americans had 24 hours to escape. Their South Vietnamese allies, co-workers and friends—like Helen Tran of Mutual 15—faced certain imprisonment and possible death if they remained behind, yet there was no official evacuation plan in place. Tran recounts her harrowing ordeal in a story of heartbreak and hope that will run in The News on April 30, the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon. She was one of 135,000 South Vietnamese who escaped from a city under fire with the help of heroic Americans who took matters into their own hands. They engaged in unsanctioned and often makeshift operations in a desperate effort to save as many people as possible. This remarkable page in history has been documented in “The Last Days of Vietman,” produced by American Experience. It will be broadcast on PBS SoCal at 8 p.m. on April 28. Tran and her family were among the refugees who left behind all they had to begin a new life in America. “The pain is still there,” said Tran. But a legacy of hope shines from the face of her little grandson, hanging from a photograph on her wall of her bright LW home. “He is everything to us.” “The Last Days in Vietnam” was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. The documentary was written and produced by Rory Kennedy for the American Experience Films/PBS. Puzzle/Games...28-29 Religion....................6 Sports & Games.....22 Travel......................19 2 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 Watch Your Step Sunshine Club Caller ID helps a resident avoid scams by Jim Breen Issues/Opinions Editor A recent column about threatening scam calls prompted a note from Saundra Luther Stark, president of Mutual 1. She got three telephone calls on her answering machine from the “attorney general” all with basically the same information: “Please hang up, immediately leave your job and return this call. You are being investigated for a fraud. If this office does not hear from you within 72 hours, officers will appear at your doorstep.” Stark laughed, believing the calls to be a joke. “They knew I had retired from the court system and as president of my mutual I receive many calls,” she said. After the second one two days later, she called Security and was told by Tommy Fileto, the watch commander, that it was most likely a scam. The third call left on her answering machine was from another area code, 916, the Sacramento area. “I never answer a call from a number I don’t recognize,” she said. “Thank God for caller ID.” ••• After a long absence, the Euromillion Lottery Commission scam has returned to Leisure World. Mutual 5 resident Wes McCready received a letter with news that he won $4.5 million in a drawing. He was told where to call, email, or fax in Madrid, Spain, for “processing and eventual remittance.” McCready passed up the offer, but kept the letter to show his family what a scam letter looks like. Lottery winners are never selected in a drawing. They win because they purchased a ticket or someone else did in their name. ••• Romantic overtures are one way to scam consumers. An unnamed resident received an email titled “Secret crush.” “I hope you feel the same way about me as I do you. This is difficult to do because I have never done anything like this before.” To help you figure out who I might be, I took several pictures and made a little naughty video. They are a bit risque so I created a private-profile as a “safe Adult dating website to post them online.” For whatever reason, the The LWer was given 30 minutes from opening the email to sign-in and anonymously verify his identity. Have you been the victim of a scam attempt? Send the details to or call 431-6586, ext. 387, Wednesday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. News copy deadline is 4 p.m., Thursday, one week prior to the desired publication date. LW transportation services will be discussed at 10 Grant Winford, GRF fleet manager, will be the guest speaker at the Sunshine Club at 10 a.m. on April 24 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. He will provide a general overview of the bus services in Leisure World and highlight transportation service available for the summer Amphitheater season. He will also discuss outside transportation shopping options available to the Leisure World community. He will have the most up-to- date information about major changes to services provided by the City of Seal Beach. These changes will have an impact on residents who use the Senior Shuttle to Ralphs, Target, Sprouts and Pavilions/Old Town. He will also cover how shareholders can get to Trader Joe’s. The Sunshine Club hosts classes to help with everyday living in Leisure World, from 10 a.m.-noon on Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. All shareholders are welcome to attend; no membership required. Refreshments are served. For further information, call Anna Derby at 301-5339. Grant Winford Construction Notices The Physical Property Department alerts LWers of projects currently in progress and asks residents to use extreme caution in these areas and to follow detours or signage associated with the construction of these projects: • Tam O’Shanter and Amphitheater landscaping • Street painting throughout the community on all Trust streets • Clubhouse 1 roof replacement • Perimeter wall replacement between Mutual 15 and Seal Beach Boulevard • Perimeter wall replacement between Mutual 15 and Seal Beach Health and Rehabilitation Center • Perimeter wall along Los Alamitos Channel from Mutual 8 to Westminster Avenue • Painting the interior of Clubhouse 3 • Painting and upgrades to the Sales office • Floor installation Clubhouse 4 kitchen • Globe refurbishment at the Main Gate • Amphitheater rigging, floor repair and painting • Pedestrian gate replacement at the Main Gate • Exterior accessibility improvements at the Health Care Center, Pharmacy and Administration Buildings • Roofing projects in Mutual 1, 2 and 4 • Fire reconstruction in Mutual 11, Building 275 Disaster First Aid Class Next first aid class will be held May 16 The second disaster first aid (DFA) class of the year will be held from 9 a.m.-2. p.m. on May 16 in Clubhouse 3, Room 4. The Organized Communities Volunteer Education Association (OCEVA) will teach simple skills that can apply to any emergency situation. Cost is $22, payable at the beginning of the class. Checks or cash will be accepted. A manual is included. Checks should be made out to OCEVA, a local non-profit disaster training organization . To register, which is required, contact Geneva Potepan, Leisure World first aid training coordinator, at or See CLASS, page 3 Senior wellness 65+ members get 20% OFF ALMOST EVERYTHING THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH! Enroll FREE in *When used with a sale priced item, the customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. wellness+ card and enrollment in wellness65+ required for discount. Discount not valid on prescriptions, prescription co-pays, and certain non-prescription items such as tobacco, alcohol, gift cards and dairy products. Other limitations apply. See rules or enrollment form for details. wellness65+ in store or online at NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 3 Legion Auxiliary Poppy distribution begins May 1 —Ruth Osborn, staff photo BUS BENCHES purchased by the GAF are located throughout Leisure World . May is Poppy Month. The ladies of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 327 will distribute poppies on the first weekend of May at local stores in Seal Beach and Los Alamitos. The paper poppies will be distributed in exchange for donations to local veterans. The women usually get about $4,000 in donations, one nickel or dime at a time. Auxiliary members who have not volunteered to distribute the poppies should call Cathy Boufford, chairperson, at 598-9361 and give a couple of hours of their time. ••• Members of the American Legion are requested to help the Auxiliary with poppy distribution of poppies. Call Boufford to help. GAF Additional bus benches can be purchased Joyce Vlaic LW contributor by APPROVAL CD: Gary Kelly CD: AD: Patrick Garcia CW: Donovan L. PD: Judy Chea SM: Rosa Baer treat them. Shareholders should check with their mutual boards for their policies on reimbursement for attending the class. Lunch or snacks and drinks can be taken to the class, which is open to everyone. News copy deadline is 4 p.m., Thursday, one week prior to the desired publication date. Entertainment The Bluzman Robin Kelly A Tribute to the Blues Brothers “Yesterday Once More” A musical tribute to Karen and Richard Carpenter April 28 May 5 Virgil Gibson Rip Masters Former Lead Singer of the World Famous Platters! History of Rock & Roll May 12 May 19 Cash Giveaways Win a share of $300 * in cash every Tuesday and $1,200 * in cash every Thursday at Infinity. *Must be present to win. Dining Receive a 30% discount at our award-winning Choices, The Buffet, every Tuesday and Thursday from 11AM – 3PM. Rewards Sign up for your FREE membership at our Privileges Center and enjoy member rewards. If you already have a card, be sure to pick up your 60+ Club card sticker. FREE admission packet for 60+ includes: OK CHANGES APPROVAL AE: George Miranda PM: Lester W. Notes: 1/2 PG 4C · 1-Early Bird 2-On · 1-3-On for all regular session games · 1-Special Pala “P”1-On FREE BINGO EVERY THURSDAY! · 1- Special Blackout 3-On · 1-Cash Drawing Ticket Extra cards and daubers are available for purchase. To participate, players just have to be a member of the Pala Privileges Club. Guests under 60 years of age can play for a buy-in of $16. Doors open: 11:00AM · Early Birds 12:30PM · Regular session: 1:00 PM So Many Ways To Win TM OK 1-877-WIN-PALA (1-877-946-7252) CHANGES The Filipino Association of Leisure World (FALW) voted to cancel its monthly meeting on May 12 because it coincides with Mother’s Day, and members would like to be with their families. The club also discussed the election of new officers on June 14. Ren Villanueva, president, urged all members to be part of the election process. Bobbie Stynes, Tillie Stiehr and Angie Pellicer were honored for their May birthdays. (951) 675-4271. Registration can also be made by calling Madge Armstrong at 598-3087. Key points of the class will include how to prioritize, how to recognize injuries and how to Enjoy free shows at Infinity with one guest every Tuesday at 1 pm with your Privileges Card with 60+ Club sticker. MECHANICAL Live: visual Trim: 8.3125”w x 10”h Scale: 100% Bleed: N/W Color: CMYK Upload: May meeting is canceled munity. Not only for those who rely on the Leisure World buses for their transportation, but for the walkers and strollers who use them as a way station, a place to refresh and to catch their second wind. See GAF, page 18 From page 2 S E N I O R R E W A R D S P RO G R A M STUDIO PRODUCTION Title: 4/23 Senior print Job #: PAL 001590-02 Date In: 03-30-15 Element: Leisure World Print Ad ROUND: R2 FALW Due Date: 4/23 Through the years the Golden Age Foundation (GAF) has become involved in various programs and projects to benefit Leisure World shareholders. Recently a number of organizations and residents have expressed interest in sponsoring a bus bench in the community. Today’s column is intended to respond to these questions. Q. How do we donate money for the Bus Bench project? A. The first step in the process of sponsoring a bus bench is to contact the Golden Age Foundation. Leave a message at 431-9589 requesting a call back from the board president, Maureen Habel, who will get the ball rolling. Q. What does it actually cost to donate one bus bench? A. The current cost for one bus bench is $470, which includes signage stating “Courtesy of Golden Age Foundation.” There is an additional $150 fee if the donor requests different signage. Q. What is the donation needed to include a protective cover for one bus bench? A. This requires a substantial contribution. The total cost for a bus bench cover is $9,500, and includes the bus cover, as well as all related installation work. Q. Where is the bus bench placed? Who decides this? A. The decision regarding the placement of bus benches is made in consultation with the donor and the Golden Rain Foundation that oversees all construction within the community. The donor may have a specific location in mind, and this will certainly be given due consideration. Q: Is there much of a need for more bus benches? A: There’s always room for one more. Everyone agrees that bus benches provide essential resting points within the com- CLASS Located in Northern San Diego County From Orange County & Los Angeles County: Take I-5 South to Hwy 76, go east 23 miles From San Diego & Riverside County: Take I-15 to Hwy 76, go east 5 miles PAL_001590_02_4_23_SeniorPrint_LeisureWorld_8.3125x10_r2.indd 1 4/7/15 12:49 PM 4 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 PERSPECTIVES the Internet at GOLDEN RAIN foundation Employment Opportunity Employment Opportunity Human Resources Director – Full-time Exempt Position Responsible for the overall administration, coordination, and evaluation of the human resources functions including the management of the injury and illness prevention programs of the Golden Rain Foundation. Develops, recommends, and implements policies and programs in such areas as recruitment and employment, human resources planning, salary administration, training, benefits administration, employee and labor relations, and safety. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED • Ten (10) + years of increasing experience in human resources management, and five (5) + years of supervisory experience. • Extensive knowledge of current federal and California employment and labor laws and human resources practices including but not limited to EEOC, FMLA, CFRA, ERISA, COBRA, and FLSA. • Skill in conflict resolution, mediation, arbitration and negotiations. • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite - Word, Excel, and Outlook with advanced skills in Excel highly preferred. • Experience creating remuneration budgets for an entire organization. • Experience in matters related to workers’ compensation and safety. • Experience with Paychex HR information systems preferred • Occasional lifting and carrying up to 25 pounds. • Ability to sit for long durations at meetings (up to 5 hours). • Close vision necessary. • Ability to understand and convey Golden Rain Foundation Human Resources Policies, and federal and state employment and labor laws. • Ability to represent the Golden Rain Foundation at federal and/or state unemployment and labor hearings. • Ability to handle matters of confidentiality, i.e., internal investigations, legal matters, workers’ compensation issues, etc. • Ability to exercise tact, diplomacy, and sound judgment. • Ability to supervise employees. • Ability to counsel employees. • Ability to deal effectively with co-workers, department supervisors and managers, insurance brokers, insurance company representatives, labor attorneys, and other consultants and/or vendors. • Ability to train employees and conduct workshops. Education • Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in human re sources management or industrial relations or equivalent from an accredited college or university required. Relevant years of work experience and advanced human resources certification may substitute for the degree requirement. • M.B.A. or M.S. preferred. • Human resources certification preferred. If you are interesting in applying for this position, please submit resume or application to the Human Resources Department located in the Administrative Building. If an employee is interested in applying for this position, please contact your immediate Supervisor. Position is posted on under Careers located in the Quick Links box or Credits & Kudos must include the writer’s name and mutual, and will be edited for brevity. Mention of a business or service is not an endorsement or recommendation by the LW News or Golden Rain Foundation. Mark S. Scott of Mutual 1 is grateful to security staff members at the Main Gate for their hard work and positive attitude. He is happy to be welcomed home with a smile when entering LW. Senior Patriots for Peace Peace vigil set for April 29 at LW entrance All shareholders are invited to participate in a peace vigil from 5-6:30 p.m. on April 29 sponsored by Senior Patriots for Peace. It will be held at the Main Gate in front of Leisure World. Since Earth Day was observed this month, the vigil will be dedicated to protecting the environment. As stated in the group’s mission statement: “We focus on issues relating to world peace, social justice, and the environment…” Ecologist Thomas Berry wrote: “We aren’t human beings on the earth; we are human beings of the earth. The phrase ‘on the earth’ implies we are somehow separate from the earth. The phrase ‘of the earth’ expresses our innate connection to and reliance upon this planet for our existence. We are part of one integral earth community, and have a special responsibility to be good stewards of the earth.” Those with concerns about environmental issues such as dependence on fossil fuels, extension of the Keystone Pipeline, fracking, air and water pollution, or moving forward to sustainable energy and protecting natural resources, may join the peace vigil for any block of time. Signs will be provided, or people can bring their own. For more information, call Lucille Martin at 430-1047. Safe Driver Class Two-day class is May 18-19 in Clubhouse 3 The AARP’s next eight-hour Safe Driver program will be held from 1-5 p.m. on May 18-19 in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The required reservations can be made by calling Christina Turkowiak at 431-8038. The fee is $15 for residents with AARP membership and $20 for non-members. Payment must be made by personal check or money order. Concerns addressed over absence of Letters to the Editor in The News Randy Ankeny GRF Executive Director by I would like to take this opportunity to address some concerns that have arisen due to the brief moratorium on Letters to the Editor within the GRF News. Letters to the Editor are not coming back – False! The action passed by the Communications Committee was for a moratorium of up to six months. I estimate that the required policy revision will Randy Ankeny take far less time. The moratorium on Letters to the Editor was to control community opinion – False! The moratorium is only to allow due process to make a few modifications to the policies. The News is not taking any letters to the Editor - False! Your letters are welcome; during this policy review time all Letters to the Editor will be forwarded to an applicable committee, where the letter will be read at the committee meeting (a public forum and open to all shareholders) and given due review and consideration by you fellow shareholders. Letters to the Editor increase community conversation through our newspaper. Letters that are controversial or unpopular are desired as an important part of communications. The goal of required policy revisions are to encourage your thoughts and opinions without impeding other shareholders’ rights and to ensure that any information presented is factual. That said, the pending revisions are designed to prevent slanderous, defamatory and/or libelous content. Full transparency here: Letters to the Editor also can be administrative headaches. A strong, consistent and clear letters policy helps minimize the headaches. The publication of a letter is a privilege, not a right. • The newspaper can be held liable for the content of letters that are printed in the newspaper. It’s our job to balance the freedom of opinion with the demands of our credibility. Please bear with us as the few required changes are made. On this note, please also know that we want to hear from you; there are open comment periods at all GRF committee and Board meetings. Calling LW Security Dial Direct, 598-1388 ea lB each, Cali fo ia rn JOB RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned. • Works directly with department managers and supervisors to assist them in carrying out their responsibilities on personnel matters. • Recruits and interviews candidates for employment, verifies background information, and recommends qualified candidates to supervisors or managers. • Maintains knowledge of industry trends and employment legislation and ensures Foundation’s compliance. • Researches, drafts, and recommends new human resources policies and revisions of existing policies. • Investigates reported violations of Foundation policies, documents findings, and recommends appropriate action to the Executive Director. • Reviews proposed disciplinary action, advises managers and/or supervisors on proper action, and attends disciplinary counseling sessions when needed. • Maintains liaison with labor attorney on all legal matters pertaining to human resources. Keeps the Executive Director abreast of all legal matters. • Prepares and makes formal presentations to Golden Rain Foundation Committees, Board of Directors, and employees as required. • Acts as primary Plan Administrator for the Foundation’s 401(k) Plan and is a member of the Retirement Plan Committee. Develops education programs to explain retirement plan options to employees. • Reviews and analyzes proposals for employee benefit coverage submitted by the broker and recommends programs. Conducts open enrollment meetings with employees. • Responsible for the administration of risk management and loss prevention programs for the fiscal protection of the Foundation’s assets as they pertain to human resources and safety. • Manages workers’ compensation program including reporting work-related accidents to workers’ compensation insurance carrier, following up on cases to obtain or provide information to carrier, and maintaining contact with employee. • Reviews performance evaluations of all employees and makes recommendations where appropriate. Assists management in the annual review, preparation, and administration of wage and salary programs. • Meets with employees, supervisors, and managers regarding subjects such as policies, benefits, and human resources related matters. • Conducts and responds to human resources surveys including salary, benefits, policies, and practices. Creates summary of survey data to present to the Executive Director. • Researches and writes position descriptions. • Manages injury and illness prevention programs. • Enters data into human resources information system and creates reports for analysis and committee reporting. • Reviews turnover data and conducts exit interviews to determine reasons behind terminations. • Manages unemployment process including preparation of response forms and attendance at hearings. • Supervises the staff of the human resources department. • Undertakes special projects as assigned by the Executive Director. Credits & Kudos S The NEWS can be read on Rumors News Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News An official publication of The Golden Rain Foundation, Seal Beach Leisure World. Delivered every Thursday to every Leisure World residence. Mailed subscription rate is $2 per issue within the continental United States. Opinions expressed in articles, columns or letters do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors, members, staff or this publication. The publication of advertisements in The News does not indicate any recommendation or endorsement, nor any opinion of capability or quality of any advertiser’s work. Mailing address: P.O. Box 2338 Seal Beach, CA 90740-1338 Delivery address: 13533 Seal Beach Blvd. Amphitheater Building Seal Beach, CA 90740 Phone: 562/430-0534; After-hours voice mail: 562/431-6586 Leisure World website: Doug Cox ext. 384 Jim Breen ext. 387 Ruth Osborn ext. 388 Cathie Merz ext. 389 Karen McElwain ext. 393 Dede Martin ext. 391 Stephen Bannon ext. 392 Receptionist ext. 383 media manager Dan Pomeroy distributor Issues/Opinions editor: general news, health, sports & games, perspectives, scams, religion News editor: arts & leisure, page one Community editor: community, travel government, production, obituaries advertising sales advertising sales Production editor: On-Line Edition, Visually Impaired Edition, I.T. Pre-press classified ads, mail subscriptions Deadlines: News articles: 4 p.m., Thursday 2015 Classified ads: 2:30 p.m., Monday Display ads: noon, Friday Office hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., weekdays VOL. 41 NO. 17 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 GOVERNMENT GRF Meetings Committee meetings scheduled Golden Rain Foundation committee and board meetings are open to Leisure World residents. The following is the meeting schedule: April 24 GRF Emergency Preparedness..............1 p.m. Subcommittee/Administration April 27 Shopping Transportation.......................9 a.m. Subcommittee/ Physical Property April 27 Architectural Design .........................9:30 a.m. Subcommittee/Administration April 28 Executive Session....................................9 a.m. Clubhouse 4 April 28 GRF Board Meeting ............................10 a.m. Clubhouse 4 April 30 Mutual Administration Subcommittee.1 p.m. Administration May 1 GRF Board Meeting (special)................1 p.m. Administration May 4 Website Subcommittee...........................1 p.m. Administration May 5 Shopping Area Transportation Subcommittee/ Administration...............9 a.m. May 6 Library Committee.................................1 p.m. Administration May 6 Architectural & Design Review Subcommittee /Administration..........1:45 p.m. May 8 Dog Park Subcommittee...................9:30 a.m. Clubhouse 5, Green Room May 8 Physical Property Committee................1 p.m. Administration May 11 Recreation Committee............................1 p.m. Administration May 12 Information Technology Services........10 a.m. Administration May 12 GRF Executive Committee....................1 p.m. Administration May 13 Security, Bus & Traffic...........................1 p.m. Administration May 14 Communications Committee.................1 p.m. Administration May 15 Dog Park Subcommittee...................9:30 a.m. Clubhouse 5, Green Room May 15 Executive Committee/Presidents Council Roundtable/Administration.....................1 p.m. May 19 Finance Committee...............................10 a.m. Administration May 22 Dog Park Subcommittee...................9:30 a.m. Clubhouse 5, Green Room May 26 GRF Board Meeting ............................10 a.m. Clubhouse 4 Mutual Boards Monthly meetings are slated Mutual meetings are listed below. Mutual residents are invited to attend the open meetings of their mutual boards as follows: April 23 Mutual 1...................................................9 a.m. Administration April 24 Mutual 6............................................. 9:30 a.m. Administration April 27 Mutual 8............................................. 1:30 p.m. Administration May 5 Mutual 17........................................... 1:30 p.m. Administration May 7 President’s Council.................................9 a.m. Clubhouse 4 May 8 Mutual 3............................................. 9:30 a.m. Administration May 11 Mutual 9............................................. 9:30 a.m. Administration May 13 Mutual 4...................................................9 a.m. Administration May 14 Mutual 12.................................................9 a.m. Administration May 18 Mutual 16........................................... 9:30 a.m. Administration May 18 Mutual 15................................................ 1 p.m. Administration May 19 Mutual 14................................................ 1 p.m. Administration May 20 Mutual 7.................................................. 1 p.m. Administration May 21 Mutual 2............................................. 9:30 a.m. Administration May 21 Mutual 11........................................... 1:30 p.m. Clubhouse 3, Room 9 May 22 Mutual 6............................................. 9:30 a.m. Administration May 25 Mutual 8............................................. 1:30 p.m. Administration Mutual President’s Council will meet May 1 All Leisure World member/ shareholder/owners are invited to attend the Presidents’ Council meeting at 9 a.m. on May 1 in Clubhouse 4. Participation is limited to the presidents and director guests (one per Mutual). Suggestions for topics for discussion may be submitted to mutual presidents for consideration. GRF Board will meet in executive session An executive session of the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors meeting is scheduled at 2 p.m. on May 1 in the Administration Conference Room to discuss legal and personnel matters. GRF Executive session scheduled April 28 An executive session of the Executive Committee is scheduled at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 28, in the Clubhouse 4, Art Room in to discuss a personnel matter. Architectural Design Subcommittee meets April 27 The Architectural Design Review subcommittee will meet at 1:45 p.m. on April 27 in the Administration Conference Room. GRF Agenda set for April 28 meeting The following is the tentative agenda for the monthly GRF board meeting, scheduled at 10 a.m. on April 28, in Clubhouse 4. • Call to Order • Roll Call • Pledge of Allegiance • Announcements • President’s Comments • Shareholder/Member Comments NOTE: Foundation members are permitted to make comments before the business of the Board begins. Requests must be registered in advance of the meeting, and comments are limited to four minutes. • CONSENT CALENDAR – APPROVAL OF BOARD COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES a. Minutes of the Library Committee Board Meeting of February 4, 2015 b. Minutes of the Recreation Committee Board Meeting of March 9, 2015 c. Minutes of the ITS Committee Board Meeting of March 10, 2015 d. Minutes of the Executive Committee Board Meeting of March 10, 2015 e. Minutes of the Security, Bus & Traffic Cmte. Board Meeting of March 11, 2015 f. Minutes of the Communications Committee Board Meeting of March 12, 2015 g. Minutes of the Physical Property Committee Board Meeting of March 13, 2015 h. Minutes of the Finance Committee Board Meeting of March 17, 2015 • APPROVAL OF BOARD MEETING MINUTES a. Minutes Regular Meeting of March 24, 2014 • ACCEPT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR AUDIT a. March Financial Statements – Treasurer Stone • BUSINESS a. Communications Committee (No Action Items) b. Executive Committee i. Approve Employee Handbook ii. Amend Policy 5610-33, Participation by Foundation Members iii. Amend Policy 5604-30, Publication of Minutes iv. Rescind Policies 1330-20, Complaints Concerning Staff; 2161-20, Personnel Department Reports; 4130-20, Jury/ Witness Duty v. Amend Policies 4631-20, Service Awards; 4340-20, Leaves of Absence; 4330-20, Bereavement Leave; 4360-20, Hol idays; 4502-20, Pay Provisions; 4320-20, Sick Leave vi. Adopt Policy 4233-20, California Sick Leave c. Finance Committee i. Amend Policy 5520-31, Reserves ii. Approve Post Office Lease iii. Amend Medical Center Lease d. ITS Committee (No Action Items) e. Library Committee (No Action Items) f. Physical Property Committee See AGENDA, page 18 Mutual Election and and Candidate Application Mutual Election Candidate Application Schedule – 2015 Schedule – 2015 MAY 07 *10 14 09 *08 04 16 *11 JUNE *01 05 03 12 02 15 17 06 Mtg. Day RD 3 FRI RD 3 WED RD 3 THUR TH 4 FRI TH 4 TUE TH 4 WED TH 4 WED TH 4 THUR Mtg. Day ND 2 MON ND 2 TUES ND 2 WED ND 2 THUR ND 2 FRI rd 3 FRI TH 4 TUES TH 4 FRI Mtg. Date 5-15-15 5-20-15 5-21-15 5-22-15 5-26-15 5-27-15 5-27-15 5-28-15 Mtg. Date 6-08-15 6-09-15 6-10-15 6-11-15 6-12-15 6-19-15 6-23-15 6-26-15 5 Mtg. Time 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 2 PM 10 AM Mtg. Time 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM 10 AM Ballots Mailed 4-15-15 4-20-15 4-21-15 4-22-15 4-24-15 4-27-15 4-27-15 4-27-15 Application for candidacy Deadline to Apply as candidate Annual Meeting Vote on By-law Amendment Deadline to Apply as candidate 2-16-15 2-19-15 2-20-15 2-20-15 2-25-15 2-26-15 2-26-15 Ballots Mailed ------------ Application for candidacy Annual Meeting only 5-08-15 5-11-15 5-12-15 5-13-15 5-20-15 5-22-15 5-27-15 3-11-15 3-12-15 3-13-15 3-13-15 3-20-15 3-25-15 3-27-15 3-16-15 3-23-15 3-23-15 3-23-15 3-27-15 3-30-15 3-30-15 No election 4-10-15 4-13-15 4-13-15 4-13-15 4-20-15 4-24-15 4-27-15 Mutual Eleven will have an annual meeting but elects Directors every two years in even numbered years. Mutual One will have an annual meeting but elects Directors every two years in even numbered years. 6 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 RELIGION Congregation Sholom Full schedule of weekend events begins on April 24 SIGN OF THE TIMES – Building interest for the April 30 and May 1 rummage sale are Budd Eaton (l-r), Betty Lindley, Nancy Rees, Wendy Eaton, Mara Williams, Willa Walton and Pastor Don Roe. Furniture, glassware, pots and pans, crafts, jewelry, men’s and women’s clothing, books, CDs, holiday decor, and paintings will be available starting at noon both days. Everyone is invited to the cafe and bake sale for coffee and home-baked goodies. Community Church Assembly of God Edgar Hall is converted for fashion show Commandments series resumes Pastor John Heide and the Assembly of God will continue the study series, “Ten Commandments, Are They Really Set in Stone?” at 10:30 a.m. Sunday in Clubhouse 3. Pastor Heide has been asked why the church doesn’t meet on the Sabbath or seventh day. That is the fourth commandment, and he will discuss that as well as the fifth commandment to honor your parents. Services will be preceded by a Bible study at 9:30 a.m. and the hymn sing at 6 p.m. For more information, call 343-3655. –Keith Fancher photo MUSIC MAN – Missionary/ evangelist Dave Ruiz, played the trumpet and sang recently at the Sunday night hymn sing at Assembly of God Church. St. Theodore Rev. Shier will weave another story Members of St. Theodore of Canterbury Episcopal Church are enjoying the imaginative stories that the Rev. Mark Shier weaves around the Gospel for the day. He will conclude the month on April 26 with the story concerning The gardener in the garden where Jesus was entombed. On April 12, the story was about “Doubting Thomas.” The Resurrection was the topic on April 19. Holy Communion is at 10:30 a.m. Sundays in the Clubhouse 3 lobby. A coffee hour follows in Room 9. All are welcome. The News 430-0534 Edgar Hall was converted to a fashion runway April 12 for the Cool Clothes Fashion Show. Models from Community Church outfitted themselves in items from rummage sale racks. They provided a preview of some of the fashions that will available at the next sale April 30 and May 1. The event drew laughter and applause from the spectators viewing the show that was held after the Sunday worship service. Everyone is invited to attend the upcoming sale. This Sunday, Pastor Don Roe will preach a message, “Impossible Instructions” at 9:50 a.m. The message is based on the Scripture passage Matthew 5:23-48. A coffee hour will follow the worship service. 562-430-2015 4000 Lampson Ave. Corner of Lampson/Basswood— Across from Golf Course $19.99* OIL & FILTER CHANGE *Price for most cars, plus $3 hazardous waste fee Up to 5 quarts regular multigrade oil With Coupon • Good through 6/30/15 AUTO SERVICE Redeemer Lutheran Talk on World Malaria Day planned Sunday by Nesland Redeemer Lutheran Church will acknowledge World Malaria Day at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday with a presentation by Flo Nesland. She will discuss what the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has been doing to assist in the eradication of the disease. The service will be followed by a coffee hour in the fellowship hall when April birthdays will be celebrated. Pastor Gil Moore, using John 10:11-18, will speak on the theme of “The Good Shepherd.” The reader will be Carol Costello and prayer leader, Jerry Brady. The choir will sing a song. The Bible class on April 29 will study Genesis 48-50. The church council will meet at 2:30 p.m. on April 23, and the outreach team, at 2 p.m. on April 28. Both will be held in the conference room. The website for the congregation is at The Respite Center offers adult day care Tuesdays and Thursdays. For more information and registration, call 596-1209. Christian Women’s Fellowship Bible Study April 27 will be from Book of Romans The Christian Women’s Fellowship and Bible Study Group will meet at 10:30 a.m. on April 27 in Clubhouse 3, Room 3. Now Under Same Ownership Seal Beach Chevron Weekend services at Congregation Sholom by Rabbi-Cantor Galit Levy-Slater begin with Shabbat services at 7 p.m. on April 24 in the Clubhouse 3 Lobby, followed by an Oneg Shabbat in Room 9. Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) will be held at 7 p.m. in the Clubhouse 3 lobby. Cantor Jay Zingmond will be the guest speaker. The Saturday service April 25 will include reading the Torah, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The Kiddush will follow in Room 7, with a discussion of the Torah reading after the Kiddush. A presentation by Jeff Rubtchinsky from Ayelet Tours will be held at 5 p.m. on May 7 in the Clubhouse 1 lobby. It will be followed by a question-and-answer session about a trip to Israel. Those unable to attend services may log on to Sim Shalom, an online synagogue, at at 4 p.m., Thursday, for a brief Arvit (evening) service. Services can be accessed every afternoon at 4, but the one Rabbi Galit leads is on Thursdays. Sim Shalom’s services can also be accessed from Rabbi Galit’s website, Classes: Beginning Hebrew I: 1-2 p.m., Tuesdays, Clubhouse 1 Lobby. Beginning Hebrew II: 2-3 p.m. Tuesdays, Clubhouse 1 Lobby. The Cantillation (music of the holy books) will be by appointment with Rabbi Levy-Slater. For more information, call 594-4368 or 493-2680. Seal West Chevron 562-594-6209 2950 Westminster Ave. at Seal Beach Boulevard Convenience Store • Hot Food $2.00 Off “The Works” Car Wash With Coupon • Offer expires 6/30/2015 Seal West Chevron 2950 Westminster Ave. CAR WASH Members will study from the Book of Romans. All residents are welcome to attend. The group meets on the second and fourth Mondays of the month. For more information, call 493-2445 or 296-8185. Foot Pain & Numbness? Finally an affordable treatment! No large money commitment and no sales pitch. You only need to pay for treatment as you receive it and only continue if you get improvement. We’ve developed a new treatment and we are getting results after the first treatment in some cases. Call to make an appointment for a free consultation. Nora M. Oakley, D.C. In practice over 24 years Located in the Leisure World Shopping Center 2999 Westminster Blvd. Ste. 103, Seal Beach (562) 795-6733 NEWS NEWS SealBeach BeachLeisure LeisureWorld WorldGolden GoldenRain RainNews/April News/April2,23, 2015 13 7 Seal 2015 Computer Club Free class comes with membership The Computer Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. on April 14 in Clubhouse 4. There will be a questionand-answer session. Bring questions to ask club experts. Domino’s pizza will be served. Members’ pizza is free; non-members, $5. When people join the Computer Club and pay $5 annual dues, they are entitled to one free class. People who bring guests who join the club —Jojo Weingart, photo HUI O HULA—Fifteen Hui O Hula dancers, including Insook will also receive a free class. Class information is publiKim (l-r), Yo Kishi, Gee Gee Kwok, Susan Cucci and Barbara cized in The News. For more May, together with the Hawaiian Band Hana Hou, entertained information, call John Retterath at Dana Point’s Whale Day/Polynesian Connection Festival at 544-2210. HAPPY BIRTHDAY – Richard Knox (c) is surrounded by well-wishers at his 100th birthday in March. Hana Hou will perform from 2-4 p.m. on May 3 in celebration 17. At far left is his son-in-law Phil O’Malley Clubhouse 1. April Huntington Beach’s Kolohe Ukulele Club and itsholding hands with daughter Pam. Long Beach Playhouse graceful hula dancers will also take the stage. All are welcome. First Christian Church Hula lessons are offered on Mondays at 10 a.m. and Tuesdays at 1:15 p.m., upstairs in Clubhouse 6. For more information, call 431-2242. Comedy comes to Church member Mainstage Theater Knox saluted on Lynn Nottage’s most recent play, “By the Way, Meet Vera Stark,” will be birthday performed on The 100th DANCE SBCSL Rev. Reeves will give talk Sunday Rev. Joshua Reeves will speak peace in daily living. on the topic “What Is Your ConHe is the Vietnamese Buddhist viction?” at 9 a.m and 11 a.m. monk and author of “Living BudSunday at The Seal Beach Center dha, Living Christ.” Donations for Spiritual Living, 500 Marina will be accepted. Drive, Seal Beach. The service at 7 p.m. on April Everyone is welcome. 29 will feature guest singer DanMusical guests will be Cheryl iel Nahmod. Crandall and Sunny Daye, acRev. Donna Baranay will hold companied by pianist Bill Wolfe. a 10-week class,“From Whence Tonight, April 23, Rev. Dr. We Came: A History of New Peggy Price will offer insight Thought” from 6:30-9 p.m. on into mindfulness, through Thursdays June 11. LW COMPUTER CLUB:teacher The Leisure Worldthrough Computer Club Thich Nhat Hanh, to create more See REEVES, page works to ensure computer security. Members are working with30 Seal Beach Police Detective Chris Hendrix on the project. Faith Christian Poet’s Corner Berg to teach Editor’s Note: This poetry feature will showcase original Bible study poems by members of the Creative Writers Club of Leisure World and other GRF members. The Poetry Workshop meets at Ruth Mullins willWednesday teach1:30 p.m. on theBerg second of the month in Clubhouse ing Bible study at 7 p.m. on April 3, Room 9. 29 at Faith Christian Assembly. Her topicTo will beDaughters, “Influence About My Sister My of Genetics on Healthy and Graceful She had Aging.” to go - Unfair! Unfair! practical ForBerg yearswill we provide were a sister-pair. tips on how seniors can improve their health during the aging Best friends, intense competitors, process. Sharing beloved ancestors. She is childhood professor emeritus, Reliving memories,at Cal State University Long Beach. Arguing most odd philosophies. Berg has also been the asFaith Christian Assembly sociate editor remembering of the Journal of Ah yes—and in the Garden Room. Pediatric WartimesHealth Care. The church is located just The Faith Fellowship Group Our old country outside the St. Andrews gate. meets at 11 a.m. on Tuesdays in New worlds To receive a free newsletter the Garden Room. Music and for more information, call A midweek Bible study, Holidays 598-9010 or visit www.FCAtaught by Pastor Sheri Leming, Silly laughter isSecrets held atshared 7 p.m. on Wednesdays Building new lives LW Baptist Church Weddings, Births and Passings ... From page 12 and intermediate Mainstage of the Long Beach students and at 10:30 Playhouse. The tells the storyon Prior to theplay worship service a.m. for beginners ofApril Vera Stark, an African Ameri12, First Christian Church on the Amphitheater can maid and buddingwith actress extended celebrated Richstage. All are welwho a tangled relationship ard has Knox, who turned 100 on come. For more inwith her17. boss, a white Hollywood April formation, call Betty star desperately hold Richard is grasping an activeto church Currie at 598-9974. onto her career. member, and regularlly attends • Line Dance: The comedy incorporates film weekly services. Novice beginners and video elements tackle racial Pastor Bruce to Humes of First meet at 10 a.m. on stereotyping the entertainment Christian in Church will open – Bonnie Z. Cooper photo industry. Tuesdays in ClubThe play highlights the the worship service at 10:15 WELCOME – Lynn R. Heath will be in attendance when Ven paradox house 6; a beginners of blackwith actors in 1930s a.m. Sunday praise, scripKusala class, $3, isBhikshu offered at returns to Leisure World on April 25. Hollywood, jumping backward ture and prayer. It will be fol10:30 a.m. on Monand forward in time and location. lowed by Margaret Humes leadBuddha Circle days in Clubhouse “Bythethe Way, MeetinVera ing congregation song. 1. All are welcome; Stark” inAnita New Ragole, York Thepremiered choir, led by Barbara Magie is the in will 2011sing andtwo received songs.subsequent instructor. at Los Humes Angeles’ GefPastor Bruce will lead And now— After Ven Kusala shares productions • The LineBuddha Dance:Circle will exfen Playhouse in fall 2012 and the Communion meditation and Reaching The LW Church will in reformation forBaptist the phone, stopping mid-air movement. plore Buddha’s Advanced beginnersbirthday from his teachings, he will lead the Chicago’s Goodman Theatre service. meet at 9:45 Sunday in ClubThe service will be preceded Knowing, sadly, that there is no one there. 9:30 a.m.-noon on April 25 in group in Eleanor a shortThompson meditation. meet at 10 a.m. on LEISURE WHIRLERS and The Lyric Stage Company For the offertory, Pianist Jean house 4 for the morning worship by Sunday School at 8:40 a.m. Clubhouse 4. birthday will invite everyone to the “Inbe ofMcPharlin Thursdays in Club- and Mel Branham Buddha’s Boston in spring 2013. will play “I Love To service. Pastor Rolland Coburn’s when the writings of Paul in My girls, whatever destiny is bringing Lynn R. Heath will introcelebrated with a vegetarian pothouse 3, Room 6; $3 Your Easter Bonnet” party from 6:30-9:30 Special showings of the play Tell The Story.” message will be from Genesis 5 Romans, Chapter 10, will be give way to joy not moaning, weeping. duce Ven. Kusala Bhikshu, an luck meal. Those who attend are p.m. on April 3 in Clubhouse 4. There will include: per class. Jarilyn Anzallo will read the about the man who never died. A discussed.Christine Morell will Cling to each other while you have a chance, American born Bhikshu (monk) requested to bring a vegetarian • S a t u r d a y be music, dancing, a finger-food potluck • Pay what message text you fromcan ActsThurs18:24- hymn written in 1529 by Martin sing and play piano with the choir. The phone won’t ring when life has gone askance. ordained in the Zen tradition. potluck dish, their utensils, plate, Morning Dance and prizes for best bonnets. Admission day 9: People this 26.April Bobbye Trentcan willseepresent Luther will be sung. Pastor CoEveryone is invited to attend. Those who attend are encourcup and napkin. Club: Learn night- is $6. For more information, call Lenore burn will discuss Luther who For more information, call —Lia Gaspar aged to bring questions to share club two-step from Velky at 237-2682. See VERA, page 30 See KUSALA, page 30 See KNOX, page 30 risked his life in the Protestant 430-2920. with the group. 9-10 and the waltz from 10-11 on Saturdays in Holy Family Church ® Clubhouse 1. Classes are taught by Candi Davis; dancers rotate, so partners are not required. Sessions are $5 each. Retirement living at Brookdale community can give you the • Suede Sole Dancers: The opportunity to relax and enjoy your time while we take care group meets at 6 p.m. on Sundays The upstairs Sunday in readings at Holy for a class Clubhouse 6. of the housekeeping, laundry, maintenance, and meals. We Family Catholic Church on April Everyone is welcome. Pat Erickeven have staff on-site 24 hours a day should you ever need 26, fourth Sunday of Easter, son is the instructor. Dancers who are asmay follows: qualify join a dance troupe us. Now you can truly relax and enjoy your freedom and that performs and outwill of Leisure The firstinreading be Acts independence. World. Forthe more information, call 4:8-12; second,1 John 3:1-2; Anna Derby at 301-5339. Gospel: John 10:11-18. • A Tap Dance: ThetoLeisure group meeting study the Call us today to arrange a private tour and learn more about the World Tap Dancers BibleTheater is on Club Mondays from 11 normally meetatfrom 9-10 a.m. on a.m.-noon, the church rectory. benefits of retirement living. Thursdays on the Amphitheater See SERVICES, page 30 stage. Some tap or dance experience is helpful but not required. TheSalvation cost is $5.Army For information call instructor Louise Guest, 756-2078. • Zumba Club: Instructor Stef Sullivan teaches dance steps inspired by salsa, merengue, cha-cha, Cumbia, The raggaeton, Home League of The Bollywood, jazz, hip-hop Salvation Army will meetand at 7 disco. held at 5:30 4. p.m.Classes, on April$3, 27are in Clubhouse Space is limited, reserve now! p.m. on Mondays, 8:30 a.m. Greeters will be Jean andon Kip Tuesdays, Watkins.5 p.m. on Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m. onwill Thursdays andHickie FriGuest be Corrie days, 11 a.m. on Saturdays from Tustin Ranch who willand help *Does not include level of care costs. 2:30 p.m. on Sundays. with a celebration of Classes mothers. areThose held in Clubhouse 6, except who attend are requested 5900 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove • thetoThursday class,of which bring a picture theirmeets mother. Lic. #306001000 in Clubhouse 3. For information, See MOMS, page 30 call Mary Romero at 431-0082. Ven Kusala returns April 25, CH4 Services listed for Saturday, Sunday Our Family is Committed to Yours. Pastor Coburn will talk on Genesis BrookDale Valley View Mention this ad and receive $500* off your first month’s rent! Guest will help celebrate moms Just wake up and take in the day! (714) 898-3524 8 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 HEALTH & FITNESS NEWS Wa-Rite Club HCC Join doctors for lunch April 29 Members hear interesting fish story at meeting Residents are invited to join Dr. Rudolf Haider for lunch from noon-1 p.m. on April 29 in the Health Care Center conference room. His guest will be Dr. Henry Cramer, otolaryngologist, who will discuss sleep apnea. It will be an opportunity to talk with the doctors in a more casual setting. To make the required reservations, call the HCC lecture hotline at 795 -6204, indicate plans to attend and leave a name and phone number. Dr. Rudolf Haider HCC Lectures Series on coronary heart disease resumes The fourth in a series of seven presentations on coronary heart disease will begin at 1:30 p.m. today, April 23, in the Health Care Center conference room. The talk will be delivered by Dr. Jeff Cline, registered dietician, on the topic “Nutrition and Wellness for Life.” The remaining presentations are scheduled on April 30 and May 7 and 14. To make reservations for any of the lectures, call the HCC reservation line at 795-6204. Callers should give the name of the lecture and leave a return name and phone number. Calling LW Health Care Center? Dial Direct, 493-9581 “Quality Healthcare Delivered” PAID FOR BY MEDICARE SERVICES DELIVERED IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME 24/7 House Call Doctor Hospitalist Optometry Podiatry Ophthalmology Audiology Mobile Radiology Telemedicine Chronic Case Management Comprehensive Health Risk Assessment Wellness Visit CALL US TODAY: (800) 651-5168 !"#$%&"'()&*+',-.&/.01 2)&"'3-.4'5)%'2#6-7'89:"07 !"!"#$%&'()*+,-.&#*(/)0*&&!"!(**&,")-.&,*-)/*(.&)+&12 !"3--&4"56(&)+#7("+0*#&"00*8$*,&)+0-7,)+9&:*,);<"(*&= !">".&$?*&#"4*&06;8".#&"#&$?*&0?")+# Lynn Kelley presented an educational report on the pros and cons of eating fish at the April 17 meeting of the Wa-Rite Club. Fish has always been on the menu for most dieters. People thought they were eating well with good protein and healthy fats. For many, their fish was healthy and well liked. Oil and waste products like mercury have been added to the ocean. As a result, high levels of mercury have been found in HEADS UP – Colorful hats worn by Beverley Bender (l) and swordfish, shark, mackerel and Amanda Paz help set a lighthearted mood. orange roughy. Also, grouper, sea bass, bluefish, halibut and Healh Care Center fresh tuna have been categorized as high mercury fish. The lowest-mercury fish are wild and Alaska salmon (canned or fresh), shrimp, sardines, tilapia, scallops and oysters. Mercury poisoning has been The Health Care Center was comedies, blowing bubbles, detected in people who ate exces- the lighthearted place April 8 purchasing gag gifts and wearing sive sushi and other fish. when Leisure World residents funny hats and clothing. Top loser of the week was attended the free laughter yoga “We don’t stop playing beNancy Pomicter with an amazing group offered by gerontologist cause we get old,” Bender said. 8-1/2-pound loss. Beverley Bender, M.A. “We get old because we stop Swana White asked members Bender combined yoga playing.” to bring good contest ideas for breathing techniques and gentle April has been recognized the group. exercise movements with humor- as National Humor Month since Another discussion point was ous stories and quips. 1975. Bender, who trained with how much protein should older She discussed the therapeutic the organization’s current direcpeople have daily. Sources were value of laughter for managing tor, said a steady laughter diet may different, but most decided senior stress, reducing tension and im- be beneficial any time of year. women should consume 40-60 proving mood. Even just going “Best of all, laughter is fun, grams per day. through the motions of smiling free and non-fattening,” she said. The club is made up of women and laughing may also help Laughter yoga is held on the who want to lose excess weight strengthen the immune system, second Wednesday of the month and eat healthy. manage pain and cope with a at the HCC. Meetings are held at 9 a.m. on chronic illness. The next meeting will be held Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room Bender shared several free from 1:30-2:30 p.m. on May 13 1, and last about one hour. or low-cost tips for bringing the in the conference room. For information, call Judy healing power of laughter into For more information, call Chambers at 822-7572. their lives, including watching 493-9581. Yoga meeting at HCC was strictly for laughs Impaired Vision/Hearing Guest speaker featured at next meeting April 28 The Leisure World Impaired Vision and Hearing Club will meet at 2 p.m. on April 28 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The program will be presented by Debbie Acevedo of St. Mary’s Low Vision Center. The facility helps people with limited vision achieve independence regardless of the extent of vision loss. Acevedo will present information on the center’s services and products. All residents are invited to attend. Joyce Payne and her helpers will serve refreshments. A 50/50 drawing for cash prizes is planned. To arrange for transportation call Security at 594-4754 to reserve a ride on the handicapped bus. @A D)/"'-".*7-'0.&"'$%::*#"$'E'/%0-'/)&" !"#$%&'(")*$+,"-.(/01""'%1&$23(4(.2&-3+52.(%1&$23 /(6&.1255,(3&7".8(/(9&-"3(/:+"%$&'(52#"23(&;&$'&<'" !"#$%&'&!#()*%#($&'&!+),-. ;<=>?'@A<B=>C> 2)4F'B'G&#F'A'.F/F'B'<HIC':F/F J==J'K)*+"4'L.#4'L).+'M4'7-"'D".*7-'N.&"'N"47"& The News 430-0534 Senior Meals Seal Beach Community Services, in cooperation with Community Senior Serv, offers weekly hot meals program at the North Seal Beach Community Center, 3333 St. Cloud Dr. The center is open from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Friday. Lunch is served weekdays at 11:15 a.m. Arrive by 11 a.m. to check in at the front desk. Reservations not needed. Sugar-free desserts are offered on request. Suggested donation, $3 for seniors 60 and older, $5 for all others. The Los Alamitos senior lunch and bread program offers the same menu from 11:15-11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday at the Los Alamitos Youth Center, 10909 Oak St. Suggested donation: $3-$5 for seniors, $5 for people 59 or younger. For reservations, call 430-1073, ext. 526. Bingo is played Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The month’s menu is posted on the bulletin boards in each clubhouse. Monday, April 27: Roast turkey with gravy and cornbread stuffing, cranberry sauce, spinach salad with raspberry dressing, orange juice, tapioca pudding, diet pudding. Tuesday, April 28: Gumbo soup with crackers, salmon boats with sauce, carrot coins, succotash, roll and margarine, fresh fruit. Wednesday, April 29: Chicken and dumplings with peas and carrots, two-way salad mix with Italian dressing, melon. Thursday, April 30: Vegetarian quiche, red potatoes, Brussels sprouts, fruited gelatin. Friday, May 1: Beef bolognaise over spaghetti, 50-50 salad mix with diced tomatoes and dressing, squash medley, garlic bread, honeydew melon. Late Paper? If your copy of the Golden Rain News is not delivered by 9 a.m.,call between 9 and 10 with your mutual and apartment number. A paper will delivered shortly after 10. NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 Seniors Keeping Fit 9 Emergency Meals Exercise, health classes available each week in LW Substitute Movement for Health-Medical Qi Gong Qi Gong practice sessions for May 21 and May 28 have been cancelled. The classes held from 9-10 a.m. Thursdays in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, except the fourth Thursday of the month, when the class is held in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, at the same time. Sessions begin with a meditation tea service. Classes are taught by qigong practitioner Dave Heilig. For more information, call Catherine Millot at 760-4545. Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi Classes are offered from 9:30-11 a.m. on Saturdays upstairs in Clubhouse 6. Paul Pridanonda teaches students to free the mind and spirit using laughter, thought-sharing and the slow and steady flow of tai chi movements. A meditation for relief, healing and energy ends the class. For more information, call 493-6719. Stick, Qigong, Tai Chi Club Stick exercises, qigong and tai chi chih classes are held from 9:15-11 a.m. on Tuesdays in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. For more information call Joann Mullens at 596-3936. Monday Yoga Classes are offered from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 4, Section C; fee: $5 per session. For more information, call Pat Castaneda at 225-0273. Seniors Keeping Fit Seniors Keeping Fit offers low-impact cardio dance and hand weight workouts. Classes are held at 6 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, in Clubhouse 6. Workouts include stretching, aerobic exercises and strength training to exercise DVDs. For more information, call (310) 489-2390. No fees are required. Meals on Wheels, Long Beach Meals on Wheels of Long Beach, Inc. (MOWLB), a non-profit group, delivers a variety of home-cooked meals to Leisure World shareholders; cost, $7.50 per day, $37.50 per week. Meals are delivered between 10:30 a.m-12:30 p.m. Apply by phone or online. Contact Lisa Valdez at 433-0232 or visit Call 439-5000 before noon to cancel orders for the following day. Menu subject to change without notification. Monday, April 27: Pork stir fry with noodles and cabbage, brown rice, edamame, Mandarin oranges, Chinese chicken salad with Asian ginger sesame dressing and crackers. Tuesday, April 28: White bean turkey green chili, corn bread, mixed vegetables, mixed green salad, oatmeal cookie, tuna salad sandwich, herb pasta salad. Wednesday, April 29: Chicken Marsala, roasted potatoes, French cut green beans, sugar cookie, entrée chicken Mexican caesar salad with croutons, parmesan cheese, dressing and crackers. Thursday, April 30: Jamaican jerk pork, mashed sweet potatoes, green beans, mixed green salad and roll, strawberry Jell-O, turkey and cheese sandwich, bleu cheese coleslaw. Friday, May 1: Unavailable. Health Care Center Volunteers are needed at HCC The Health Care Center is looking for new people to volunteer in the lobby. Those with extra hours in the week who enjoy helping patients and visitors find their way around and answering questions about the HCC are welcome to apply. The shifts are from 9-11:30 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m. Volunteers can take a regular shift or be on call if someone is unable to work their shift. To help, call Terri Furlow at 795-6278. Upper Body Strength Class One-hour classes are offered from 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Clubhouse 6. (Participants do not have to go both days.) The fee is $4 per class, payable at the start of the month, or $5 a class for those who do not attend regularly. Participants engage in warm-ups, light weightlifting, standing yoga poses for balance improvement (no mat needed), moderate aerobic moves and cool-downs. All levels of ability are welcome. For more information, call Dorothy Anderson at 493-0609. Yoga Classes are offered Tuesdays at 10 a.m. in the Clubhouse 4 Lobby; Thursdays at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 1; and Saturdays, 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The fee is $5 per session. For more information, call Connie Adkins at 506-5063. Pilates Club No-impact exercise classes for men and women that improve balance and coordination and strengthen the body core are held Thursdays. Chair classes for beginners are from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 6, Room A, and mat classes are from 6-7 p.m. in Clubhouse 6, Room C. Pilates or yoga experience is preferred for mat classes. Chair classes are taught by a certified Pilates instructor and mat classes, by a certified personal trainer. Cost is $7 per class. For more information, call Susan Hopewell at 430-6044 or Linda Neer, 430-3214. Walking Group The group meets at 4 p.m. every Monday in front of the Amphitheater for a one-hour walk. The activity is not strenuous, but residents should check with their doctors if they have been recently ill. Bad weather will cancel the walk. For more information, call 799-3841. Chair Exercise Classes are offered from 9:30-10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays in Clubhouse 1. The fee is $2 per class. Classes are designed to improve flexibility, strength, endurance and coordination. The classes for men and women are for all fitness levels. The instructor is Nancy Wharton. For more information, call 431-0839 or 430-9379. Vini Yoga Therapy with mat The Friday class with mat meets from 10:30-11:30 a.m in Clubhouse 3, Room 7. All shareholders are welcome. Matthew Spencer is the instructor. Show and flow yoga with with instructor Travis Ott-Conn meets Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 6. Bring mats. The cost is $5 per class. For more information, call Patti Endly at 430-7291. Ageless Grace The fitness class is offered from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on Mondays in Clubhouse 6, upstairs. The cost is $5 per class. Kathy Streng leads the class, which consists of 21 movements practiced in a chair for greater stability. The cost is $25 for all eight sessions, or $5 a class. For more information, call Streng at (231) 225-6750 or see www. Leisure Leggers The Leisure Leggers, Leisure World’s walking and running club, meets every Monday at 7:30 a.m. in front of Clubhouse 6 for a 30-to60-minute walk and to train for local races. For more information, call Tom Pontac at 304-0880. City volunteers are needed Leisure World Emergency Meals needs substitute volunteers to deliver meals in Leisure World when regular drivers are not able to do so. Newcomers will be trained and accompanied on deliveries. To be a sub, call the Emergency Meals office at 430-9056 or 431-4614. HLAA Lip reading class offered in Lakewood The next free lip reading classes will be offered from 10 a.m.-noon on April 27 at the Weingart Senior Center, 5220 Oliva Ave., Lakewood. The classes are presented by the the Hearing Loss Association of America Long Beach/Lakewood Chapter. Classes are on Mondays and Wednesdays. The next class is from 9:3011:30 a.m. on April 29. Classes are held all year except July, August, and Christmas to New Year’s Eve. Beginning lessons are repeated each January but beginners are welcome at any time. For more information, call 438-0597 or go to No formal registration is required. Calling 24-Hour Nurse, Dial Direct, 795-6216 Cleaners Seal Beach Organic Cleaners 456 Pacific Coast Hwy Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 430-9648 Free Pick-up & Delivery City Cleaners Website: Exclusive Offer to Leisure World Residents Dry Cleaning 50% Off regular price 40% Off regular price Laundry Fluff & Fold 40% Off regular price 30% Off regular price Household Rugs & Cushions 30% Off regular price Leather 30% Off regular price 15% Off regular price Shoe Shine & Repair Purse Cleaning 20% Off regular price 20% Off regular price Alterations 10 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 ARTS & LEISURE LW Art League Watercolorist Keiko Tanabe will demonstrate tonight at 7 The Leisure World Art League will meet at 7 p.m. on April 23 in Clubhouse 4. Watercolorist Keiko Tanabe will be the demonstrating artist. She was born in Kyoto, Japan, to an art-loving family. She enjoyed drawing and painting, and won many awards in children’s art classes. Art was not her chosen field of study in higher education. She earned a B.A. in intercultural communication from the International Christian University, Tokyo, and a M.A. in international education at UCLA. She has used these skills in various governmental, legal and consulting positions and, as a result, was able to travel extensively in Europe, Asia and North America. Through the years, Tanabe felt a growing desire to pursue her interest in making art. She studied drawing and watercolor painting at a community college in San Diego and with several well known professional artists. Her first project as an artist was illustrating a book written by her father, a renowned scholar of French literature in Japan. The book, “Through the Azure Sea and Sky of Provence: See ART, page 13 20% OFF Total Bill Excluding alcohol • One use per day CAFÉ Authentic Italian Cuisine Not valid with any other coupons, discounts, house specialties or seafood specials. Expires 5/7/2015 Happy Hour Mon. - Thurs., 2:30-5:00 & 8:00-9:00 4959 Katella Ave. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 714-816-3070 Dino’s Fine Italian Dining At Affordable Prices Senior Citizen or L.W. Resident Special Every Day, 7 Days A Week! 4:00 - 9:30 P.M. Our Entire Menu Is With Purchase of a Beverage 1/2 Price Excludes Beverages, Salads Desserts, Pizzas, Sandwiches, Appetizers or any other Specials. $3.00 fee to share a meal. 6391 WESTMINSTER AVE.,WESTMINISTER• 714-895-3303 del Wesminister Ave. over 405 Fwy., on left next to Big Lots! The Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright of "Ruined" addresses the quandaries facing AfricanAmerican artists in early 1930s Hollywood, first in the moment and then in hindsight. April 11 - May 9 5021 E. ANAHEIM, LB - 562-494-1014 - WWW.LBPLAYHOUSE.ORG COMPUTER CLUB—Members of the Golden Age Foundation Tax Program with chair Phyllis Mackey (standing) receive tax-related instruction in the computer lab. LW Computer Club Learn about Androids, iPads and Windows starting April 27 The Leisure World Computer Club will offer a variety of classes starting April 27 from 9-11:15 a.m. in the Computer Lab of Clubhouse 5, located on ground level. People should sign up for classes at the lab or email Be sure to include complete information when signing up for classes. Class size is limited. An expert team of trainers will teach the following classes: • Monday, April 27, Overview of Android Tablet and Phone, Windows 8, iPad • Tuesday, April 28, Introduction to the iPad • Wednesday, April 29, eBay Workshop • Thursday, April 30, LWCC Members’ Questions (no charge) Coffee tea and snacks will be available during the break. Handouts will be provided. Classes cost $5 each unless otherwise noted. For more information, talk to Computer Lab coordinators or call John Retterath at 544-2210. LW Dance Classes, Clubs The following is a partial list of dance classes and venues available weekly in Leisure World: • Ballet: A one-hour class is held at 1:30 p.m. on Saturdays in Clubhouse 6, second floor. No experience is necessary. Men and women, including beginners, are welcome. Wear comfortable clothing. Classes are $3 each. Mel Lockett is the teacher. For more information, call Diana Winkler at 493-0139 or Lynn R. Heath at 296-5588. • Dance Club: A social dance sampler of basics in swing, rumba, cha-cha, tango, salsa, waltz and foxtrot is taught from 6:15-7:15 p.m. on Fridays in Clubhouse 6, Room C, followed by a West Coast Swing class from 7:15-8:15 p.m. The cost is $6 per session. Practice social dances in a group setting from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month upstairs in Clubhouse 4/17/15 9:38 AM 6, Room C. Jeremy Pierson is the dance instructor. The cost is $6 per session. • Dancing Feet Club: The club hosts ballroom and line dancing in Clubhouse 2 every fourth Friday of the month from 6-9:30 p.m. The line dance lesson starts at 6 p.m., followed by ballroom dancing from 7-9:30 p.m. Admission is free. Dancers may bring their own drinks and snacks. There will be 50/50 raffles. For more information, call Ed Bolos at (551) 998-4223. • Flowering Step Line Dance: Classes are held on the first and third Tuesdays at 11 a.m. in the lobby of Clubhouse 3; and on the second and fourth Tuesdays See DANCE, page 11 GOOD NEWS SINGERS— Anita Ragole, Jerry Tester and Bobbye Trent welcome everyone to the concert May 2. Good News Singers Afternoon of inspirational music is May 2 Shareholder residents are invited to an afternoon of inspirational music followed by a “colorful” variety of refreshments provided by The Good News Singers. The “The Colors of Your Love” concert will be held at 2 p.m. on May 2 in Clubhouse 4. Gospel songs and hymns, contemporary songs and solos, and a sing-a-long of classic songs will be featured. Bobbye Trent, Jerry Tester and Anita Ragole, active members of the GNS Singers say, “Don’t miss the fun and the food.” Sunday Night Ballroom ‘An Evening in Paris’ is set for April 26 The Sunday Night Ballroom Dance Group will host an evening in Paris at the Cafe Moulin Rouge featuring Carol Robinson’s Goldentones and the Twilight Strings on April 26 in Clubhouse 4. The club will not meet on the usual third Sunday because of a scheduling conflict. On April 26, vocalists Carmen Edwards and Terry Humphrey with the Parisian Cuties will be featured. The evening starts at 5 p.m. A dinner of French cuisine is on the menu. Reservations are required for dinner or for the after-dinner dessert. People coming for the dance alone pay a nominal fee at the door for dessert. To make reservations, call Shirlene Chavez, 596-2669, or Marge Archibald, 598-4056. On May 3, the club will host a Fiesta Time party at 5 p.m. in Clubhouse 4. NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 11 Astronomy Club Mighty power of sun is topic May 6 The Astronomy Club will meet at 7 p.m. on May 6 in Clubhouse 3, Room 3. The topic is the 100 most important objects to see in an amateur-size telescope. A DVD called “The Mighty Power of Our Sun” will follow. Night viewing —Sam Sher, photo through a 10-inch Club President Mike Clairmont Dobsonian telescope will round out the meeting. Coffee and snacks will be available. All are welcome. For more information, Mike Clairmont at 860-0902. DANCE: From page 10 at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 2. Young-Ah Ko is the instructor. There are no fees. For more information, call (310) 658-0379 or 296-8068. • Grapevine Line Dance: The Grapevine Line Dance class meets from 3-5 p.m. on Thursdays in Clubhouse 6, Room C (beginners, 3-4 p.m.; intermediates, 4-5 p.m.) and from 1-3 p.m. on Fridays in the Clubhouse 3 lobby (beginners, 1-2 p.m.; intermediate-advanced, 2-3 p.m.) Classes are free; join any time. Newcomers and dancers who need review should attend the beginners class from 1-2 p.m. on Friday. For more information, call Jack or Aranee Carrigan at 596-8273. • Hui O Hula: Hula lessons are offered Monday mornings at 10 and Tuesday afternoons at 1:15, upstairs in Clubhouse 6. All are welcome. Call 252-9676 for information. • International Folk Dance Club: The group meets at 10:30 a.m. on Fridays in the lobby of Clubhouse 3. Learn easy line and circle dances from around the world. Beginners are welcome. • Joyful Line Dance Club: Joyful Line Dance Club has relocated its weekly dance classes while the Amphitheater is undergoing renovation. The group meets from 3:30-5 p.m. on Wednesday in the lobby of Clubhouse 3. It also meets at the same time on Fridays—the first and second Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room 1; on the third Friday, Clubhouse 3, Room 2; and on the fourth, Friday, Clubhouse 3, Room 6. For more information, call Anna Derby at 301-5339. • Kang Nam: The line dance class is taught by Leona Wagner from 9-10:30 a.m. on Mondays in Clubhouse 2. It is followed by a Korean folk dance class taught by Grace Lee from 11 a.m.-noon. No experience is necessary. To sign up or for more information, call Philip Bak, 431-0321. •Leisure Time Dance: The Leisure Time Dance group meets Mondays for ballroom dance classes in Clubhouse 6. A nightclub two-step starts at 2 p.m. and intermediate tango at 3 p.m. Singles and couples are welcome. Dancers rotate. Cost is $6 for one hour, or $10 for two hours. For more information, call instructor Richard Sharrard at 434-6334. • Leisure World Cloggers: The club holds classes at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesdays for advanced and intermediate students and at 10:30 a.m. for beginners in Clubhouse 3, Room 3. All are welcome. For more information, call Betty Currie at 598-9974. • Leisure Whirlers Square and Round Dance Club: The club will celebrate Cinco de Mayo from 6:30-9:30 p.m on May 1 in Clubhouse 4. There will be music, dancing and a finger-food potluck. Pre-rounds are from 6:30-9 p.m. The potluck and socializing starts at 9 p.m. Singles and couples are welcome. There will be a singles rotation so everyone can dance. Parties are $6. For more information call Lenore Velky at 237-2682. • Line Dance: Novice beginners meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays in Clubhouse 6; a beginners class is offered at 10:30 a.m. on Mondays in Clubhouse 1. All are welcome; $3 per class. Barbara Magie is the instructor. • Line Dance: Advanced beginners meet at 10 a.m. on Thursdays in Clubhouse 3, Room 6; $3 per class. • Saturday Morning Dance Club: Learn nightclub two-step from 9-10 and the waltz from 10-11 on Saturdays in Clubhouse 1. Classes are taught by Candi Davis; dancers rotate, so partners are not required. Sessions are $5 each. • Suede Sole Dancers: The group meets at 6 p.m. on Sundays for a class upstairs in Clubhouse 6. Everyone is welcome. Pat Erickson is the instructor. Dancers who qualify may participate in a dance troupe that performs in and out of Leisure World. For more information, contact Anna Derby at 301-5339. • Tap Dance: The Leisure World Theater Club Tap Dancers normally meet from 9-10 a.m. on Thursdays on the Amphitheater stage. Some tap or dance experience is helpful but not required. The cost is $5. For information, call instructor Louise Guest, 756-2078. • Zumba Club: Instructor Stef Sullivan teaches dance steps inspired by salsa, merengue, cha-cha, raggaeton, Cumbia, Bollywood, jazz, hip-hop and disco. Classes, $3, are held at 5:30 p.m. on Mondays, 8:30 a.m. on Tuesdays, 5 p.m. on Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m. on Thursdays and Fridays, 11 a.m. on Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. on Sundays. Classes are held in Clubhouse 6, except the Thursday class, which meets in Clubhouse 3. For information, call Mary Romero at 431-0082. TERRY OTTE & ABILENE will perform a free concert at 7 p.m. on April 28 in Clubhouse 2. Abilene is a local country/rock band that plays on the fourth Saturday of the month in Clubhouse 2. All LW residents and friends are welcome. The clubhouse will be set up with tables and chairs, so bring beverages and snacks. Dancing is allowed. Doors will not open until 6 p.m. Taco Man will be at the concert from 6-8 p.m. for residents’ dining pleasure. SBTV-Channel 3 The following is the SBTV-3 television schedule for the week. Time Warner broadcasts on Channel 3 (subscribers must have a digital box or digital adapter) and Verizon FIOS subscribers can watch it on Channel 37: Thursday, April 23 4 pm Feeling Fit for Older Adults 5 pm Silver Age Yoga 5:30 pm Malted Falcon 6:30 pm Inside Leisure World 7 pm Studio Cafe 8 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach: The Lawhead Brothers 9 pm The Robby Armstrong Show 9:30 pm History of Seal Beach 1985 10 pm Vintage Vehicles 11 pm Live at the Ford Friday, April 24 4 pm Let the Good Times Roll 5 pm Anna Derby Birthday 5:30 pm LW Pizza Thursday 6 pm Calvary Chapel 6:30 pm Pulse of the Port 7 pm Inside Leisure World 7:30 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach: Lawhead Brothers 8:30 pm Griffins Rewind 9 pm Studio Cafe 10 pm Robby Armstrong Show 10:30 pmOcean Perspectives 11 pm Cerritos Center Saturday, April 25 4 pm Leisure World PSAs 4:04 pm LW Radio Club 4:30 pm Indio 5:30 pm Chika 6:30 pm Inside Leisure World 7 pm Studio Cafe 8 pm LAUSD 11 pm Vintage Vehicles 11:30 pm Cerritos Center Sunday, April 26 4 pm Seal Beach Planning Com mission Mtg - Replay 4/20 5 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach Lawhead Brothers 6 pm Inside Leisure World 6:30 pm LW Radio Club 7 pm Ocean Perspectives 8 pm Studio Cafe 9 pm The Spirit of Seal Beach 9:30 pm The Robby Armstrong Show 10 pm Live at the Ford Monday, April 27 4 pm Feeling Fit Club for Older Adults 5 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach: Lawhead Brothers 6 pm Studio Cafe 7 pm Seal Beach City Council Mtg - LIVE Tuesday, April 28 4 pm Leisure World PSAs 4:03 pm Anna Derby Birthday 4:30 pm LW Pizza Thursday 5 pm Malted Falcon 6 pm Calvary Chapel 6:30 pm Inside Leisure World 7 pm Spirit of Seal Beach, 1985 See SBTV, page 13 Ian Cheng, D.M.D. Personalized Personalized and and comfortable comfortable dental dental care care NEW PATIENT WELCOME OFFER $19* Includes Includes a a comprehensive comprehensive exam, exam, necessary necessary x-rays,teeth x-rays,teeth cleaning cleaning and an oral cancer screening and an oral cancer screening •• Appointment Appointment times times reserved reserved especially especially for for you you •• Caring staff with over 60 years combined Caring staff with over 60 years combined experience experience •• Emergencies Emergencies handled handled promptly promptly •• Seniors over 60 Seniors over 60 save save 15% 15% ** ** Services: Services: Metal Metal free free restorations restorations Mercury Mercury free free fillings fillings Low Low radiation radiation digital digital xrays xrays Crowns, bridges Crowns, bridges and and Implants Implants Dentures Dentures and and Repairs Repairs Root Canal Root Canal Therapy Therapy Oral Oral Surgery Surgery Cosmetic Cosmetic Bonding Bonding and and Veneers Veneers (562) 598 - 4477 2914 2914 Westminster Westminster Avenue Avenue Seal Seal Beach, Beach, CA. CA. 90740 90740 Across Across the the street street from from the the post post office office *Leisure *Leisure World World residents residents new new to to this this office office only only **Without insurance **Without insurance 12 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCING—Folk dancers wear hats to celebrate the spring season. Everyone is welcome for exercise and fun at 10:30 a.m. in the lobby of Clubouse 3. Costumes are optional. People learn country dances from cultures of the world, including the United States. Play Review Strong voices augment this ‘Les Misérables’ “Les Misérables,” a revival of the opera/musical; by Alain Boubil and Claude Michel Schönberg; music by Clade Michel Schönberg; lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer; based on the novel by Victor Hugo. Now being presented by Musical Theatre West at the Carpenter Performing Arts Center, 6200 Atherton St., Long Beach, 90815, through April 26, 856-1999, ; ticket prices: $20-$117; running time: 2 hours, 50 minutes. Poet’s Corner Editor’s Note: This poetry feature will showcase original poems by members of the Creative Writers Club of Leisure World and other GRF members. The Poetry Workshop meets at 1:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. It’s, Oh, So Hard to be Fifteen “Look Ma, No Hands” There was a cry throwing my arms high to the sky The world was grand, it was like heaven Of course it was, I was just seven I went to school, made many friends I burnt my candle at both ends Plenty of laughter, hugs and food At ten my world was awfully good Then came thirteen, and lo behold I wanted so much to be old To wear mascara, heels and dresses At thirteen, there just were no stresses Larry Blake LW contributor by A cash cow refers to a work that, when produced, can guarantee near or sold-out houses. Since its Paris, (1980) London, (1985) and New York (1987) debuts Les Misérables has been raking in the money. The professional production in New York ran for 16 years and 6,680 performances. Les Misérables is now finally available to professional and semiprofessional companies like Musical Theatre West (MTW) and has arrived in a production that is as good as any I have seen of this opera. Though billed as a “musical,” Les Misérables is an opera. It has recitative, sung dialogue, as opposed to spoken dialogue. It is not a musical comedy since it only has about four legitimate laughs. It is not grand opera because the songs are not up to the standards in grand opera. Les Misérables is an adaptation of Victor Hugo’s mammoth 1,500 page novel about the French revolution. It tells the whole story, in a condensed version, never really digging deeply into Hugo’s novel. Jean Valjean (Michael Hunsaker), his family starving, is imprisoned for five years for SAM CALDERONE’S TRIO will entertain at the April in Paris dance for the Sunday Night Ballroom Group on April 26. Calderone plays the classic tenor ukulele, which has a unique sound. He started playing and singing big band hits when he was 11 years old in Chicago. The Sunday Night dance starts at 5:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 4. For reservations, call 596-2669 or 598-5056. Michael Hunsaker and Davis Gaines in “Les Miserables” stealing a loaf of bread. His are done operatically in style. escape attempts add another 14 The diva or divo comes to down center stage and displays his/ years to his sentence. Upon his return to Paris, he her singing skills. There is little is ostracized for his criminal character interaction in “Les Mipast. Bitter, and alone, he is be- sérables.” We only get to know friended by the Bishop of Digne them in their arias. However, the piece is so (Shannon Stoeke), who gives Valjean food and shelter. During popular that it was just a matter the night Valjean runs off with of time before MTW presented the silverware. Caught by the it. It is because of shows like this police and returned to the Bishop, that MTW can put money in its the Bishop tells the police that ledgers, so that they can take a risk he gave Valjean the silverware. on a musical comedy like “Big With no complaint, the police Fish” and also give us a beautileave. Upon his departure, the fully and engaging production of Bishop gives Valjean the valuable “South Pacific.” They are, after candlesticks, to start a new life. all, a business, and they do need It is this act of kindness that sets to make money. The production here is full Valjean on to the road of honesty of strong voices. Davis Gaines and a better life. However, lurking around is (Javert) has found a home here Inspector Javert (Davis Gaines), in Long Beach, and we in the who upholds the law, determined audience are lucky to see him in to find Valjean and put him back in productions at MTW. Michael jail. With the chase on, the French Hunsacker (Valjean) soars with revolution in its background, two of the score’s better songs, “Les Misérables” remains one “Who Am I?” and “Bring Him of the most powerful stories in Home.” Theaters need cash cows to literature. The musical weakly tells the survive and prosper. They are the entire story. Most of the songs See PLAY, page 13 “Mr. Hank” “The Real Estate Broker” Leisure Living Resales & Associates, in LW for over 20 years We are the ONLY full service office. We go the extra mile to assist. Leisure Living Resales clients When you are buying or selling, please remember LEISURE LIVING RESALES, next to Wells Fargo 562-743-8473 • 562-493-6601 At last it came; magic fifteen! The world would have a brand new queen From now on I would do a lot Fit all my plans in this new slot The world kept beckoning to me I wanted so much to be free There was so much to do out there I wanted to be everywhere The first thing I would do today Is make all house rules go away Those do’s and don’ts are out of date From now on I will stay out late I want to drive a fancy Porsche Run a stop sign without remorse And why not kiss the boy next door There is so much there to explore My thoughts fly high, my dreams just soar I’m just not little any more! Yet, something seems to hold me back To stop this crazy maniac I’m now fifteen, I realize Perhaps I’m not yet all too wise I tell myself to use my brain It’s not so silly to abstain So all the things that I’ve been taught They better not have been for naught Well, maybe now that I’m fifteen I will just wait till I’m eighteen —Lia Gaspar Mutual 15 “Mr. Hank” — “the Piano Man” June Jazz at Clubhouse 4, June 11, Mr. Hank & Friends New Listing— Mutual 16, 52A Corner, very clean unit. 1/4 acre greenbelt $189,700 BEST BUY Mutual 5, 96H Fully expanded 2-BDR, 1100 sq ft, Designer kitchen, “Atrium Dream Home” all new appliances $297,990 Laminate Floor, Three Patios, Mutual 1, 6G 1190 sq ft Corner 3 bay windows,, A.C., washer/dryer 2 bathrooms, high tech lighting $495,000 Forced A.C./ Heat, Clean & ready for New Owners... Only $297,777— Mutual 15, 9F NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 13 Community Sing Ellen Brannigan will lead sing-along —Jojo Weingart, photo HUI O HULA has finally lassoed male dancers for a performance. They have agreed to show off their horse riding and air guitar playing skills at the Hui O Hula Hawaiian party on May 3 at 2 p.m. in Clubhouse 1. Amy Walker has graciously agreed to cameo in this dance. Hui O Hula Amy Walker will be featured in ‘Na Vaqueros’ dance are welcome. Hui O Hula wants everyone to “hang loose”—just like in Hawaii. Program information will be posted on bulletin boards in all the clubhouses. Call Kaye Huff at 431-2242 or email to request a table or for more information. Last week Hui dancers entertained at Valley View Gar- dens and Dorado Senior Apartments. They are looking forward to being Ellen Brannigan’s halftime guests for the Community Sing on Monday, April 27. Hula lessons are offered at 10 a.m. on Mondays and at 1:15 p.m. on Tuesdays upstairs in Clubhouse 6. Everyone is welcome to participate, or just come and watch. From page 11 From page 10 A Tribute to her Joie de Vivre,” was published in Japan in 2003. Her paintings have been juried into many exhibitions across America and in Asia and Europe. She has also had her paintings published in leading art magazines in the U.S., Europe and Japan. The club’s popular vote theme for April is “Animal.” Competition entries must be submitted by 6:30 p.m. for judging. SBTV 7:30 pm The Robby Armstrong Show 8 pm Griffins Rewind 8:30 pm Studio Cafe 9:30 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach: The Lawhead Brothers 10:30 pm Your Sanctuary 11 pm Live at the Ford Wednesday, April 28 4 pm The Fabulous Fifties LW Chorale 5:30 pm Chika 6:30 pm Indio 7 pm Inside Leisure World 7:30 pm The Spirit of Seal Beach 1985 8 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach: Lawhead Brothers 9 pm The Robby Armstrong Show 9:30 pm Ocean Perspectives 10 pm Studio Cafe 11 pm Vintage Vehicles 11:30 pm Sea Inside All programming is subject to change. ART PLAY From page 12 lifeblood of most theaters. This production is selling out at MTW. Overall, this is a good production of Les Misérables, if this sort of thing appeals to you. SB Centennial Buy commemorative wear at pier Seal Beach is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its founding with a variety of events and public ceremonies this year. For more information on the schedule of events, see People can buy commemorative souvenirs at the Seal Beach Pier from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturdays and from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Sundays. To have items shipped, call Marc Loopesko at 493-1015. Available for sale are t-shirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, caps, decals, photo note cards and tote bags. Community Karaoke Practice sessions are held Tuesdays Ray Jarris and Bob Barnum were the KJs for the Community Karaoke Club last Wednesday night. Jarris shows flair while starting the evening in song. Bill Vickers performed a tap dance while he sang a catchy tune, and Sally Glauser loves her show tunes. Joe Mesner, Ken Harphan and Walt Trent usually sing western songs; and Pete Tupas is a crooner in the style of Dean Martin and Perry Como. Ellen Brannigan favors peppy upbeat songs. Dues are $5 for the year. Practice sessions are held from 1-3 p.m. Tuesdays in Clubhouse 6. People are welcome to learn new songs and explore different keys to fit their voices. The club meets at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays in Clubhouse 1. People may come to sing, or just enjoy the talent on stage. Bring beverages and snacks for a relaxing evening. For Your Information The deadline for editorial submissions is at 4 p.m. on Thursdays for publication in the next week’s paper. Occasionally holiday schedules change deadlines, which are publicized in the paper. 799-0656 Podiatry House Calls Foot care in the comfort of your home We treat and trim toenails, painful corns and calluses Medicare accepted and reasonable fees for self pay Dr. Marc Spitz & Dr. Scott Whitmore 799-0656 GENTLE & PERSONALIZED DENTAL CARE IN LOS ALAMITOS Free Initial Consultation with the Doctor • • • • • Dedicated to Honest & Professional Patient Care Excellent Dental Care for the Entire Family Generous Senior Courtesy • Financing Available Early Morning, Evening & Saturday Hours State-of-the-Art Sterilization Procedures Los Alamitos Dental Care Crowns & Veneers / Dentures & Partials Implants / Teeth Whitening 3551 Farquhar Avenue,Suite 102 Los Alamitos (562) 598-4111 OR (714) 995-6611 Personalized & Caring G ARY D. P RINS , D.D.S. • J OHN B. WALLACE , D.D.S. • J OSHUA A. W INER , D.D.S. • M ICHAEL E. Z ELL , D.D.S. M EMBERS OF ADA, CDA WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO JOIN OUR DENTAL FAMILY copyright © 2003 chrisad “Na Vaqueros,” a dance about the Mexicans who sailed to Hawaii, featuring Leisure World cowboys and Amy Walker, will be performed at Hui O Hula’s Hawaiian party in Clubhouse 1 on Sunday, May 3. Doors will open at 1:45 p.m. Entertainment also includes two musical groups: Hana Hou and Huntington Beach’s Kolohe Ukulele Club, who will also bring its hula dancers. Hana Hou will start at 2 p.m. Hui O Hula dancers, musician Fortunato Revilla, and the dancers of “Na Vaqueros” will be included in the first set. A big “kum estah” (aloha) and “salamat” (mahalo) to Ren Villanueva and his Filipino Association of Leisure World for agreeing to lead a few line dances at halftime. Throughout the years, Gui Baker, Pat Erickson and Ren have helped people in the audience improve their dancing skills at Hui O Hula parties. FALW’s true aloha spirit is greatly appreciated. The Kolohe Ukulele Club will perform for about 45 minutes after the line dance lessons. For a finale, all the musicians will come onstage to “kanikapila” (means jam session in Hawaiian). Requests for songs and dancing The Community Sing will meet at 6:30 p.m. on April 27 in Clubhouse 1. Ellen Brannigan will lead group singing. Her halftime guests will be the Hui O Hula dancers, led by Jojo Weingart. Prospective amateurs must sign in at 6 with two copies of sheet music. People can sign for three minutes only. On April 13, eight amateurs did a fine job with their choice of songs accompanied by pianist Barbara McIlhaney and Carol Robinson. Next a large group of Leisure World singers joined leader Lewis Ward in a selection of old-time favorites until halftime, Ellen Brannigan when he brought out Linn Atkins as his guest. Her program consisted of four solos that were presented with professional skill and received a fine ovation from the audience. The musical evening closed when everyone joined Lewis and Felicia Ward leading “Kum ba Yah.” Joe Sabroso was book lender and stage manager; Barbara McIlhaney, pianist; and Felicia Ward, emcee. 14 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 Restaurant Reviews GRF Weekly Dance LW residents are welcome to submit reviews of their favorite restaurants. Include name, mutual and telephone numbers, the restaurant’s full name, telephone number, address and operating hours. The reviews are subject to editing and will run as space allows. Email them to For more information, call 472-1277. The Golden Rain Foundation sponsors a weekly dance on Saturdays from 7-10 p.m. in Clubhouse 1. The Stardust Trio will play April 25. Friends of LW Library The Friends of the Library boutique is now open year-round at the Friends Bookstore; proceeds benefit the Leisure World Library. Shelves of merchandise will be on sale all year long, and donations will be accepted year-round. To request a pick-up of donations, call 342-9401. CLUB MEETING SCHEDULE Arts & Crafts Art League, 4th Thurs. (except Nov., Dec., July, Aug.), 7 p.m., CH 4, 431-4124 Art Classes, Mon., Wed., Thur., Fri., 9 a.m.-noon; Fri., 1-4 p.m., CH 4, Art Room, 594-6064 Ceramics, Wed., 10 a.m.-2 p.m., CH 4, Ceramics Rm, 533-7011 Clay Crafters, Mon., 1-4 p.m., Fri.; 1-4 p.m.; CH 4, Ceramic Rm., 493-1810 Creative Writers, Poetry Wkshp, 2nd Wed., 1:30 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 9; Fiction-Nonfiction Wkshp, 1:30 p.m., 4th Fri., 1:30 p.m., CH 3, Rm 1; gen’l mtg., 4th Fri., 3 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 1 Enter Laughing, 1st, 3rd, 5th Thurs., 10 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 9, 430-1388 The Writers Group, 1st, 3rd Thur., 1-4 p.m., CH 3, Rm 6, 296-5033 Knit & Crochet, Tues., 9 a.m., CH 4 Ceramics Room, 598-1079 Lapidary & Jewelry Making, M-F, 8:30 a.m.2:30 p.m. except holidays, CH 4 Lapidary Facility Oil Painting, Tues., Fri., 9 a.m.-noon, CH 4 Photographic Arts, 2nd Thurs., 1:30 p.m., gen’l mtg. and workshop, CH 3, Rm. 9, 795-1813 Producers Club, acting class, 1st, 3rd Wed., 1 p.m., Amphitheater Loft, 598-0880 Quilting Bees, Wed., 9 a.m., CH 3, 858-1833. Theater Club, regular mtg., last Fri., 10 a.m., Amphitheater Loft; Tap Dance, Thur., 8:30-10 a.m., Amphitheater Stage, 596-6358 Woodcarving, Tues., 1-3 p.m. CH2, 799-0966 Bridge Bridge, ACBL Duplicate, Mon. and Thurs., 12:15 p.m., CH 3 Lobby Bridge, ACBL Duplicate, Burning Tree, Fri. and Sat., 12:15 p.m., CH 1 Bridge, Midday, Mon., 12:30 p.m., CH 1, 342-9807 Bridge, Combined, Tues., 6 p.m., CH 1, 342-9807 Bridge, Mon., Mon., noon, CH 1 Panhellenic, Bridge, 1st Fri., 12:30 p.m., CH 3 Cards & Games Best Time Bunco, 2nd, 4th Mon., 6 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 1, 596-1346 Bingo, Coin Club, 1st Fri., 6 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 2, 431-1901 Bingo, Little Flower Guild, 3rd Sun., 1 p.m., doors open; 1:30, early bird; CH 2, 594-0209 Bingo Lovers, 2nd, 4th, 5th Fri., 6 p.m., CH 1, (951) 488-8219 Bunco Social Club, 2nd, 4th Sat., 1-3 p.m., CH 3, (714) 356-0443 Cards, Little Flower Guild, 1st Thurs., 12:15 p.m., CH 2, 799-0117 Chess, Fri., 2-8 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 7 Cribbage, Tues., 12:30 p.m., CH 1, 242-4674 Diamond Poker Club, Tues., 5-9 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 1, 493-5214 Euchrites, Wed., 5-8 p.m., CH 3, 431-2682 Good Time Bunco, 2nd, 4th Mon., 6 p.m., CH 3, Room 1, 596-1346 Knights of the Round Table Poker, 7-9 a.m., Mon.-Sat., CH 2 card room, 598-6720 LW Tournament Poker Club, 1st, 3rd Sat., noon; 2nd Sat., dealing and poker strategy, CH 6, Hospitality Room, 493-1859 Mahjong, Mon., Th., 4:45-8:30 p.m., CH 3, Rm 5, 431-2994 Mexican Train Dominoes, Mon., 5:30 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 9, 430-3448 Pinochle, Friendly, Thurs., 12:30 p.m., CH 1, 430-5828 Pinochle, Mon., 12:30 p.m., CH 1, 431-1045 Pinochle, Sat., 11 a.m., CH 1, lobby, 673-0927 Scrabble, Wed., 1-4 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 5, 598-1384 Social Club, 4th Fri., 11:30 a.m., CH 2, 673-0927 Variety Poker, Tues., 4-7 p.m., CH 6, 295-8014 Y-Yahtzee Rollers, 1st, 3rd Fri., 1-4 p.m., CH 3, Rm 6; (951) 488-8219 Dance Ballroom Dance, 1st and 3rd Sun., 5 p.m., dinner & dancing, CH 4, 598-4056. Ballet, beginning, Sat., 1:30-2:30, CH 6, Rm C, 493-0139 Dancers & Mixers, (ballroom dancing), 1st Tues., 7-9:30 p.m., CH 4, 431-1257 Dance Club, Fri., 6-8 p.m., CH 6, Rm. C, times may vary, 296-5921, 999-1269 Flower Step Line Dance, 1st, 3rd Tues., 11 a.m., CH 3, lobbyl 2nd, 4th Tues., 10 a.m., CH 2 Grapevine Dance Club, Thurs., 3:30-5:30 p..m., CH 6, Rm. B, 596-8273 Hui O Hula, Mon., 10 a.m., Tues., 2 p.m., CH 6, Rm C, 252-9676, International Folk Dance, Fri., 10:30-11:45 a.m., CH 3, lobby, 594-4338 Joyful Line Dance Club, Tues., 3:30 p.m., Friday, See Schedule on the Leisure World Website: 3:30 p.m., Amphitheater, 301-5339 Kang Nam Dance Studio, Mon., 9-noon, CH 2, 431-0321 Leisure Time Dance, Mon., 2-4, CH 6, 301-6119 Leisure World Cloggers, Wed., 8:30-11:30 a.m., Amphitheater, 598-9974 Line Dance, Beg. Int., Mon., 10:30 a.m., CH 1 Line Dance, Beg., Tues., 10 a.m., CH 6, 596-4690 Line Dance, Tues., 6 p.m., CH 6, upstairs, 596-4690 Line Dance, Beg. Adv., Thurs, 10 a.m., CH 3, Rm 6 Saturday Morning Dance, 9, Sat., CH 1, 493-2445 Suede Sole Dancers, Sun., 6 p.m., CH 6, 301-5339 Tap Dance, beginning, Tues., 12:30 p.m., Amphi stage, 493-3497 Velvetones Jazz Club, monthly dance, 3rd Fri., 6:30 p.m., CH 4, 298-8199 Whirlers Square Dance, 1st Fri., 6:30-9 p.m., CH 4, pre-rounds, 6:30; 594-4924 Zumba Dance Class, Sun., 2:30 p.m., CH 6, upstairs; Mon., 6 p.m., CH 6; Tues., 8:30 a.m., CH 6; Wed., 5 p.m., CH 6; Thurs., 8:30 a.m., CH 3, lobby; Fri., 8:30 a.m., CH 6; Sat., 11 a.m., CH 6 Education Computer Club Classes, Mon.-Fri., third week of the month: Android, iPad, Email, Windows7 & 8, PC Intro, Internet, Word, Excel, PC-Digital Camera; 9-11:30 a.m., CH 5 Computer Lab, 544-2210 Investment Forum, 2nd Tues., 2 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 6, 596-7888 LW Historical Society, CH 1, 619-4871 Open Forum, 1st, 3rd Tues., 10 a.m., CH 3, Rm 2, 430-2435 Science Discussion Club, 2nd and 4th Thurs., 2 p.m., CH 3, 430-2435 Hobbies & Sports Amateur Radio Club, 1st Wed., 10 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 9 Astronomy, 1st Wed., 7-8:30 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 3, 860-0902 Coin Club, 2nd Wed., 1:30 p.m., CH 3, Rm 2 Computer Club, 2nd Tues., 1:30 p.m., CH 4, 544-2210; 430-8912; Computer Lab, CH 5, open M-F, 1-3 p.m. Friendship Club Computer Classes, 1st Mon., 9 a.m., Windows; 10 a.m., computer questions and answers, CH 3, Room 4; 2nd Mon., 9 a.m., Windows; 11 a.m., eBay, CH 3, Room 4; 4th Tues., noon-1 p.m., bg Windows XP; 1-2 p.m., computer questions and answers, 2-3 p.m., Intro to eBay, CH3, Rm. 7, (714) 642-0122 Garden Club, 3rd Mon., 1:30 p.m., CH 2, 596-9983, tours: 596-1346 Genealogy Club, general meeting, 4th Wed., 10 a.m., CH 3, Room 1, (714) 801-3746 Genealogy Library, CH 3, Rm 10, open 1-4 p.m., Tues., Wed., Thurs., (714) 801-3746 Golf, Men’s, 2nd Tues. (Jan., March, June, Sept., Nov.), 9 a.m., CH 3, Room 1 Golf, Women’s, 1st Mon., 10 a.m., CH 3, Rm 1, 431-2622 Happy Bikers, Tues., Thurs., Sat., Main Gate, 7 a.m., 296-5398 Mini Farmers, 4th Thurs. every second month (3rd Thurs. in Nov), 9 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 2 Pool, Ladies “Q,” 2nd Wed., 10 a.m., CH 1, Ladies Pool Room, 430-3448 Pool & Billiard, Men’s, June 8, Sept. 22, Dec. 8, 11:30 a.m., CH 2; pool tournament, 3rd Mon. (except Dec.), 6:45 p.m., CH 2, 493-8812 Leisure Leggers, meet at CH 6, Mondays, 8 a.m. for a walk or jog around Leisure World. LW Bowling Club, Tues, 12:30 p.m., Westminster Lanes, 6451 Westminster Blvd., 493-8812 LWRV Club, 3rd Tues., 6-7 p.m., CH 4, 596-5934 LWSB Book Club, 4th Thurs., 1-3 p.m., CH 4, Rm. A, 248-8711 LW Tennis Club, Sun., Tues., Thurs., 8 a.m., Rossmoor Park, 296-5833 Saltwater Club (all ocean activities), times, dates, places vary, 286-5031, 756-3701 Shuffleboard, Practice, CH 1 shuffleboard court, Mon., 2 p.m., (714) 887-9821 Shuffleboard, Meeting, 1st Wed., 9:30 a.m., CH 1, 296-8185 Silver Fox Classic Car Club, 2nd Mon., 6 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 2 Single Travelers, 1st Tues., 6 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 3, 230-7464 Stamps & Collectibles, 1st Wed., 1:30 p.m., CH 3, Rm 9, 493-9818, 431-4111 Table Tennis, daily, 7:30 a.m.-10 p.m., CH 6 Traveling Tigers, 3rd Wednesday, noon, CH3, Rm 9, 594-6960 Video Producers, 4th Thurs., 9-10 a.m., CH 5, 431-6586, ext. 287 Music Ad Hoc Chorus, Tues., 4 p.m., CH 3, lobby Barbershop Singing Club, Tues., 7-9 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 9 or lobby, 431-4221, Community Sing, Mon. , 6:30 p.m., CH 1, 596-9684 Dixiecats, Mon.10-11:30 a.m., Amph., 310-430-0601 Dixieland Jazz Club, 1st Wed., 6:30 p.m., CH 4; 799-9934, Guitar, Fri., 1-4 p.m., CH 6, Rm. B, (714) 381-1140 Karaoke, Wed., 5:30 p.m., CH 1, 493-0484 Korean American Chorale, Fri., 9:30-11:30 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 9, 799-7764 Korean-American Classical Music Academy, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Thur., 9:30-11:30 a.m., CH4, 431-3039 Korean-American Guitar Club, Thur., 9:30 a.m.noon, CH 6, Room B, 342-9946 LW Chorale, Mon., Wed., 9-11 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 1 or 2, 596-6921 LW Opera Club, 1st Tues., 2nd Mon., 1:30-4:30, CH 3, Rm 6, 296-5586 LW Symphony Orchestra, Mon., Wed., 12:30-2:30 p.m., Amphi. stage, 338-3946 or 296-8175 Music Appreciation, Sat., 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., CH 4 Art Room, 799-3841 Musical Strings, Fri., 1-3:30 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 9, 296-5619 Velvetones, Wed. 3-5 p.m.; concerts, 1st Sun., 3rd Fri., CH 4, 296-8199 Nationality/CULTURE American-Latino Club, 1st Fri., noon, CH 4 Amy and Friends Show Club, 2nd Mon., 6-9 p.m., Amphitheater, 280-0209 Britannia Club of LW, 2nd Thur., 2:30 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 1, 596-6754 Chinese Friendship Club, 1st Thurs., potluck; 2nd Wed., 3rd and 4th Thurs., 1-8 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 1, 431-0258, 430-2209 Filipino Association of LW, 2nd Sun., 2-8 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 1, 493-1406 Italian-American, 1st Wed., noon, CH 4, 431-6368 Korean American Club, 2nd Thurs. odd months, 5 p.m., CH 4, 900-2993 LW Women’s Sing-Along Club, Wed. (except 4th Wed.), 2-3:30 p.m., CH 4, Section C, 431-1791 Nikkei Club, 2nd Sat., odd-numbered months (except May, July, 3rd Sat.), 10:30 a.m., CH 4, Sec. A and B, 296-8237 Touch of Dutch, 2nd Thurs., 7 p.m., CH 3, Rm 2, 493-6904 Vietnamese American Club, last Fri., noon, , CH 3, Rm. 1 or 2, (714) 322-8086 Occupation Calif. Retired Teachers Ass’n, even months, 1st Fri., noon, CH 2, 431-3083 National Active & Retired Federal Employees (NARFE), 2nd Mon., 1 p.m. Veterans Community Ctr., 101 E. 28th St., Long Beach, 594-9602 Political LW Democratic Club, 3rd Tues. (except July, Aug., Dec.), 1 p.m., CH 4, 431-4428 LW GOP Club, 1st Tues., 1 p.m., CH 3, Room 2, no meetings in August, December, (714) 222-4342 Religious Buddha Circle, 4th Saturday, 9:30-11 a.m., CH 4 Chinese Bible Study Fellowship, Tuesdays, 1:303:30, CH 3, Room 5 Christian Fellowship and Fun Club, 4th Tues., 6 p.m., CH 4, 799-6191 Community Church Women’s Fellowship: Friendship meetings, 2nd Tues., 11 a.m., Edgar Hall, Com Church; Deborah Circle, 4th Tues., 11:30 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 6; Esther Circle, 4th Tues., 10:30 a.m., Fireside Room, Com Church Course in Miracles Group, Fri., 4-5 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 8, 598-5593 Korean Catholic Fellowship, 1st Wed., 5 p.m., CH 3, Room 6; 3rd Saturday, 5 p.m., CH 3, Room 4, 296-8047 LDS Family Home Evening, 3rd Mon., 6 p.m., CH 3, Rm 1; Sept.-June, 795-9113 Our Lady of Africa Mission Guild, 1st Wed., 10:30 a.m. CH 3, Rm. 2 Little Flower Guild, 3rd Thurs., 1 p.m.; CH 2 Salvation Army Home League, Monday (except 5th week), Sept.-July, 7 p.m., CH 4, 209-2399 Self Improvement AA Friends, Wed., 3:30 p.m., 430-6343, 594-8212 Cancer Support Group, 2nd, 4th Tues., 10 a.m., CH3, Rm 5, 594-0938, Lil, 430-2025 Clutterers Anonymous, (866) 402-6685 Chair Exercise, Tues., Fri., 9:30 a.m., CH 1, 431-0839 Early Risers, Bg, EZ level line dance, C/W class, weekdays, 6-7 p.m., CH 6 upstairs, 596-4690 Early Risers, cardio workout, Tues., Thurs., 6 a.m., CH 6, upstairs, (310) 489-2390 Feeling Good Aerobics, Mon.,Thurs., 9:30 a.m., CH 1, 430-9379 Impaired Vision & Hearing, 4th Tues., 2 p.m., CH 3, Rm 1, 431-4026 Joy Walking & Jogging Club, Sat., 7-9 a.m. (DST-summer); 7:30-9:30 a.m. (DST-winter), Amphitheater stage. Low Impact Aerobics, Mon., Thurs., 9:30-10:30 a.m., CH 1, 430-9379 LW Chair Exercise, Tues., Fri., 9:30 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 5, 7; 431-0839 Pilates Club, chair class, Thurs, 5:30-6:30 p.m., CH 6, Rm. A; mat class, Thurs., 6-7 p.m., CH 6, Rm. C, 430-6044 Qi Gong & Tai Chi Chih, Tues., 9:15-11 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 1, 596-3936 Relax & Alert Meditation, Sat., 9:30 a.m., CH 6 Senior Fitness, Thurs., 9:30 a.m., CH 1, 430-9379 Tai Chi Club, Tai Chi class, Mon., 9-10 a.m., CH 4, Rm. 3 followed by fragrant qigong, Mon., 10-10:30 a.m., 596-7528 Upper Body Strength Class, Tues., Thur., 11:1512:15, CH 6, 493-0609 Vini Yoga Therapy w Mat, Fri., 10:30-11:30 a.m., CH 3, Rm 7 Wa-Rite, Fri., 8:15-9 a.m. weigh-in, 9 a.m. meeting, CH 3, Rm 1, 795-0356 Yoga, Tues., 10-11 a.m., CH 4 lobby; Thur., 1011 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 1; Saturday, 10-11 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 2 or 9. Yoga Meditation and Tai Chi, Sat., 9:30 a.m., CH 6, 493-6719 Yoga with Travis, Wed., 10:30-11:30, CH 3, Rm 6 Yoga on Mondays, Mon., 5:30-6:30 p.m., CH 4, 562-225-0273 Service Oriented American Legion Auxiliary, genl. meeting, 3rd Mon., 1:30 p.m., CH 4, Section A; board meeting, 2nd Fri., 1-3 p.m., CH 3, Rm 4, 594-0209 American Legion Post 327, gen. mtg, 3rd Mon., 1:30 p.m., CH 4, Rm. C; board meeting, 2nd Tues., 9 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 2; veterans asst. meeting, 4th Wed., 1 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 3, 594-0209 Children A Priority (CAP), monthly mtg., 1st Thurs., noon, CH 4; bd mtg., 1st Thurs., 10:30 a.m., CH 4, 431-0176 Concerned Shareholders of LW, 3rd Tues., 2 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 2 Knights of Columbus, 3rd Wed., 7:30 p.m., St. Isadora Church, Los Alamitos, 708-5500 Military Officers Assoc. of America, 3rd Thursday, 6 p.m., Navy Golf Course, Cypress, 430-6512 Na’Amat, 3rd Mon., 12:45 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 2, 596-3767 Parkinson’s Support Group, 1st Mon., Jan.-June, (dark July-Aug), Oct.-Dec., CH 3, Rm 2; 2nd Mon., Sept. CH 4, Rm A, 1:30-3 p.m., 598-6942 PEO, Chapter RT, 2nd & 4th, Mon. (dark June, July, Aug., Dec.), 10:30 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 9 Salvation Army, Mon., 7 p.m., CH 4, 296-8539 Senior Patriots for Peace, 2nd Fri., 1 p.m., CH 4, program; 3rd Wed., 3 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 3, open board meeting; (562) 296-8521 Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4048, 4th Tues., social, 6 p.m.; meeting, 7 p.m., Bldg. 6, Naval Weapons Station, 493-8227 We the People Club, 1st Wed., 6:30 p.m., CH 2, 431-4061, Where We Live, 3rd Thurs. CH 3, Rm. 2, 6:30 p.m., 431-2234 The Woman’s Club board mtg, 3rd Thur., 3 p.m., CH 3, Rm 3; card party, 3rd Fri., 11:30, CH 2; gen’l tea meeting, 1st Tues., 1:30 p.m., CH 2 Y’s Service Club, 3rd Wed., CH 3, Rm 2, 7:30 a.m. Social Friendly Couples, 2nd Wed., 5:30 p.m., CH 3, Room 2, 430-2891 Gadabouts, 2nd Sun., 1:30 p.m., CH 2, 598-3743 LW Humanist Association, 1st Sun., 10 a.m.noon, CH 6, Room B; 209-3183 LW Phil-Am Social Club, last Fri., 2-8 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 2, 431-6508 LW Sunshine Club, Fri., 10-noon, CH 3, Rm. 2 (except 1st Fri.), 301-5339 LW RV Club, 3rd Tues., 6 p.m., CH 4, 596-5934 Paws, Claws & Beaks: A Pet Lover’s Club, 2nd Wed., 3 p.m., CH3, Rm. 3, 799-3841 Schmooze Club, 2nd Tues., 10 a.m., CH 3, Rm. 9, 598-2022 PEO Chapter RT Card Club, 4th Wed., 11:30 a.m., CH 2, 431-9863 Rainbow Ladies Social Group, 1st Tues., 6 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 2, (714) 847-5916 Rollin’ Thunder Golf Cart Club, 4th Tues., 1 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 2, 431-6859 The Company, 2nd Fri., 6 p.m., CH 4, 296-5588 Yiddish Club, 1st Thurs., 7 p.m., CH 3, Rm. 2, 431-3774 State New York, 1st Sun., 1:30 p.m., CH 2 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 15 —Doug Cox, staff photo PAUL PRATT of Mutual 2 and co-chair of the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce Outreach Committee (seated), welcomes LWers to the first community expo. EXPO THE COMPANY—Vickie Van Ert (l-r), Lynn R. Heath, Steve Nichols, Jeanine Greb and T. Smith . The Company Rock ’n’ roll evening will start at 6 on May 6 The Pure Joy Dance Group will salute the community with a presentation of “Rock the Boat,” a rock ’n’ roll sea cruise on May 6 in Clubhouse 2. Doors open at 5 p.m.; the show starts at 6. Dressy attire is suggested. Bring snacks, beverages and be part of an entertaining evening of song, dance and more. Steve Nichols will be the captain for this free performance. Purchase 50/50 tickets to support The Company and keep performances free. The Company is one of the few clubs that offers free admission. For more information, call Lynn R. Heath at 296-5588 or Genealogy Workshop DNA is topic of discussion on April 29 at 1:30 p.m. The Genealogy Workshop Research Library is open from 1-4 p.m. on Tuesday-Thursday and from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. on the second Saturday of the month. The library is located in Club- house 3, Room 10. On Saturdays, enter through the outside patio door to avoid religious services in the lobby. Computers with research programs and a large inventory of research books and magazines are available. A discussion group will consider “DNA Results—Now What?” from 1:30-2:30 p.m. on April 29 in the library. From page 1 We wish the residents could have seen how well the Expo developed. Leisure World residents should be proud of their leaders, both GRF directors and staff. Literally everyone rolled up their sleeves and got it done, especially Randy Ankeny. The same goes for Terry DeLeon and Doug Cox, who spent extra hours to ensure the merchants’ success. The goal was to create a sense of community. Without that spirit first taking hold with the committees and staff, the Community Expo would never have come together as it did. Commenting from the Chamber side, with your help in driving approximately 2,500 visitors to the Expo, may we offer GRF and staff a well-earned pat on the back and “well done,” along with our thanks. One final note, some outsiders say that Leisure World is a community of old, sedentary people. We just wish those who make such comments could have seen the scene Saturday. Not even a beautiful 104-year-old lady could be denied her visit. That said, our final comment is directed at the residents of Leisure World: You folks are awesome, alive, and more active than some of our children or grandchildren. Thank you for attending! Your positive energy was on grand display. We hope we can make the Expo an annual event, even bigger and better each year. Warmest regards, Julie Correa, Community Expo chairperson Shannon Switzer, Chamber Outreach Committee co-chair Paul Pratt, Chamber Outreach Committee co-chair; Mutual 2 resident Recharge your Hearing Never buy hearing aid batteries again! Hearing aids with true rechargeability ** Ask about special pricing on our line of rechargeable hearing aids, the ® Imprezo and Clareza®. Attention Leisure World Clubs! Call for a fun, informative presentation and FREE SNACKS for your next meeting. We can pick you up if you need a ride! ZOUNDS® provides our wearers with reliable rechargeability and clear, natural sound enhanced by up to 90% noise reduction. We are revolutionizing hearing technology. Come in and experience the ZOUNDS® difference for yourself. 8 LIMITED TIME! This Week Only 8 Programmable Channels* Mild to Severe hearing loss • Superior Digital Technology • Intuitive Noise Cancellation2 - up to 90% noise reduction • Better speech clarity in noisy environments • No more squeals and whistles Rechargeable 999 $ MSRP: $2,699 per aid FREE- Charging Station FREE - Remote Control Call today to schedule your FREE Hearing Exam! With the purchase of a pair of Clareza® hearing aids(1) YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE MAY PAY FOR YOUR ZOUNDS HEARING AIDS! Call us today to confirm your coverage and benefit reimbursement amount! Zounds of Seal Beach 2908 Westminster Avenue Seal Beach, CA 90740 Over 160 Locations Coast to Coast! (Near Del Taco) 562-340-4453 *Offer valid on purchase of Riazo 16 hearing aids. Present this ad at participating Zounds Hearing Center. Not valid with other offers. Void where prohibited. ** Zounds® will replace rechargeable batteries in Clareza and Imprezo model aids for the life of the aid. © 2015 Zounds Hearing, Inc. ® 16 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 COMMUNITY Seal Beach Police volunteers chatted with LW guests. A Representative of the Orange County Fire Authority shares safety information with shareholders. SB Chamber’s Community Expo drew a large crowd LWer Phil Hood, Mutual 5, is excited to pick up visor clip to hold sunglasses. Photos by Doug Cox Electric bicycles were on display from Pedego bicycle shop on PCH. The first Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce Community Expo packed Clubhouse 4 and the surrounding parking lot on April 18. According to organizers the event was a success, drawing more than 2,500 shareholders and residents. The event was open only to members of the Golden Rain Foundation and vendors representing the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce. “A good time was had by all,” said Terry DeLeon, GRF recreation supervisor. There were lot of freebies, including the popular button that reads, “Hi— I can’t remember your name either.” The button is a perfect tie-in to the GRF campaign “Just say Hello.” LWer Glenna Hoff, Mutual 6, said “It was fantastic, I really enjoyed it. The gifts were wonderful.” She had a massage that she is sure lasted longer than the five minutes promised. She was also impressed with the food and portions. SB CHAMBER organizer Shannon Switzer raffles door prizes. SHOPS displayed items that can be purchased at businesses throughout the city. CROWDS filled Clubhouse 4 getting information on services provided by members of the SB Chamber. American-Latino Club Bus driver spotlight T.J. Camacho of Westminster was recruited by his friend and fellow bus driver John Neal to drive a Leisure World Minibus last November. He drives the “B’ bus. Neal felt that Camacho had the perfect personality for Leisure World. Camacho came out of 16 years of retirement to drive the Minibus. He was a member of the iron workers union. “I love talking to people, it is so neat,” says Camacho. T.J. Camacho Cinco de Mayo show planned The American-Latino Club will celebrate Cinco de May with a potluck and show from 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m on May 1 in Clubhouse 4. The variety show will feature Leisure World talents Amy Walker, Carmen Edwards and Coralia and Joe Navarrete. Members are encouraged to wear folkloric costumes. All are invited to enjoy the homemade food and entertainment. Those attending are encouraged to bring food, rather than money. For more information, call Maria Rodriquez, 430-3405; Carmen Edwards, 4314257; or Amy Walker, 280-0209. Amy Walker NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 17 Happy Birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY—Luke Kim prepares to blow out the candles on his cake as his wife, Grace, looks on. Kim family gathers for Luke’s 85th Family members from near and far gathered on April 17 to celebrate the 85th birthday of Dr. Luke Kim, Mutual 14. His wife, Grace, and sons David and Danny attended, along with one daughter-in-law and two grandsons. Dr. Kim’s brother Paul and various other family members were also present for the festive occasion. The Kim family celebrated over a multicourse Chinese dinner at Peking Restaurant in Garden Grove, complete with birthday cake, presents and a musical performance by his niece, an accomplished soprano who sang his favorite Korean songs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY— Family gathered to celebrate Gloria Serafano’s 96th birthday. KACMA MISSING ANY OF YOUR FAVORITE SOUNDS? ‘Art of Music’ will be presented Korean-American Classical Music Academy (KACMA) will present a lecture on “The Art of Music” by Chungchi Lee from 9:30- 11:30 a.m. on April 23 in Clubhouse 4. Lee is a fun-loving former high school teacher with a sense of humor. Act Two of Rossini’s “the Barber of Seville” will be presented also. The important arias are “Largo al Factotum della Citta” (“Make Way for the Factotum of the City”), Figaro’s singing; “Una Voce Poco Fa” (“A Voice a Little While Ago”), Rosina singing; and “La Calunnia e un Venticello” (“Calumny is a Little Breeze”), Basilio’s singing. Robert Chung, program chair, will present the background stories, composers and production information. KACMA welcomes new members who love classical music and friendship. Annual dues, $40, are payable at class See KACMA, page 18 FIND OUT IF IT’S EAR WAX OR SOMETHING MORE. MENTION THIS AD FOR A FREE pAck OF HEARING AID BATTERIES FREE HEARING SCREENING FREE SECOND OpINION 562-431-1512 LW Social Club All invited to play cards, socialize The Leisure World Social Club meets on the fourth Friday of the month to play cards and have snacks. The charge is $3. All are invited to come as early as 10:30 a.m. and stay until 4 p.m. Bridge, pinochle, canasta, Hand and Foot and board games are played. New tables are welcomed. Poker tables are also welcome. This month sandwiches and snacks will be served. To reserve a table for four, call Joan Taylor, 240-5416, or Marj Earls, 799-8449. Food will be ordered for the table unless reservations are canceled by April 21. Call us today. Walk-ins welcome. FREE HEARING AID CLEAN & CHECK (Reg.retail value $30) Limit one coupon per customer. Does not apply to previous sales. May not be valid with all insurance. Reg. retail value $30. Cash value 1/20 cent. Expires 5/10/15 Visit us the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at the Leisure World Medical Center Conference Room 2 from 9:00-10:30 am for the following: √ free hearing screening √ free hearing aid cleaning √ minor repairs. Online: Sonus Hearing Care Professionals Sonus Seal Beach 13922 Seal Beach Blvd., Suite B Seal Beach, CA 90740 *This is not a medical exam and used for the purpose of smplification only. ©2015 Sonus, Inc. 18 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 Heading home for summer Jim Breen, staff photo RESPITE— A pair of Canada geese decided that the Leisure World Golf Course was a nice place to take a rest. The Canada goose (Branta canadensis) is a large wild goose species with a black head and neck, white patches on the face, and a brown body. They are native to arctic and temperate regions of North America. The Canada goose is migratory and spends winters in most parts of the United States. They tend to be found on or close to fresh water. Canada geese are monogamous, and most couples stay together all of their lives. GAF From page 3 Q. Why have individuals donated bus benches in the past? A. The reasons vary. Sometimes the donation has been made as a remembrance to a beloved family member or dear friend. In other instances donors have remained anonymous, but have decided to sponsor a bus bench to make it easier for their neighbors or themselves. Organizations may decide to become a bus bench donor to express their interest in our community and to contribute to its development in a tangible way. Additional projects sponsored by the GAF have included refurbishing the Exercise Room in Clubhouse 6; providing a bus on Thursdays to the Old Ranch and Rossmoor Shopping Centers; working with the Leisure World Religious Council to rehabilitate the sign listing religious organizations in Leisure World; providing Friendship Club Computer classes are conducted on the 4th Tuesday The Friendship Club computer classes taught by Jeff Sacks begin at noon on the fourth Tuesday of the month in Clubhouse 3, Room 7. The classes are open to all Leisure World residents. The next class is April 28 in Clubhouse 3, Room 7. Beginning at noon, Sacks will discuss computers for the beginner, followed by open questions about computers, tablets and iPads at 1 p.m. At 2 p.m. Max (Maxine) Smith will lead a discussion called “Let’s Talk eBay.” To arrange private computer classes, call Sacks at (714) 6420122. For eBay instruction, call Smith, 493-3679. clubhouse ice machines; funding the purchase of 200 red flags and poles for scooters and bicycles; sponsoring community shredding events; purchasing the special traffic signal for the blind and hearing impaired; as well as, assisting in the upgrades of the community’s emergency communication system. Questions regarding GAF may be submitted to Joyce Vlaic at 1570 Glenview Road, 71F, or emailing I/we would like to become an Associate Member of LW’s Golden Age Foundation P.O. Box 2369, Seal Beach, CA 90740 Dues are $5.00 per person for the membership year October 1 through September 30 ❑ My/our check payable to the Golden Age Foundation for $________is enclosed. ❑ New member(s) ❑ Renewal(s) ❑ A $________ contribution is enclosed. Name(s) _____________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ Phone number __________________ Contributions to the GAF may qualify for exemption from income taxes. ❑ I would like to volunteer for the GAF Service Program lecture ADS 83125X5:Layout 1 4/2/15 11:14 AM Page 1 SPRING INTO GOOD HEALTH Wednesday, April 29th 12:00 noon MEDICAL DIRECTOR’S LUNCH • SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER • Lunch will be served FALW BIRTHDAYS were celebrated for Bobbie Stynes (l-r), Tillie Stiehr and Angie Pellicer at the April meeting. Agenda From page 5 i. Approve Acceleration of Funds from Reserves for Purchase of Administration Building Blinds ii. Approve City of Seal Beach Centennial Commemorative Bricks g. Recreation Committee i. Amend Policies 1401-Outside Buses, 1403-Commeri cal Use, 1406- Limitations on Use, 1411-Clubhouse Rese rvations, 1431-Liablity Insurance-Clubs, and 1480-Arts and Crafts Festival ii. Rescind Polices 1401.1-Bus Stops-Outside Buses, 1402-Notice of Closing, 1404-Sale of Alcoholic Beverages, 1408-Tour Buses, 1410- Eligible Organizations, 1410.1- Use of Clubhouse Facilities by Outside Organizations, 1411.1-Reservation Procedures, 1411.2-Clubhouse Clean ing Standards, 1411.6-Reservations by Outside Organiza tions, 1412-Amphitheater Reservations, 1412.1-Policital 3 Meetings, 1413-Charges, 1414-Specific Rules of Clubs or Organizations Using Clubhouses, 1432-Liability Insur ance-Caterers, 1440-Hours, 1460-Clubhouse Rules 1465-Sat urday Dances, 1481- Arts and Crafts Festival Regulations iii. Approve Funds for a City Business License for Farmers Market h. Security, Bus and Traffic Committee i. Approve Digital Photograph Procedure ii. Approve Digital Recording Devices for Buses 11. STAFF REPORTS a. Controller’s Report – Ms. Miller b. Executive Director’s Report – Mr. Ankeny 12. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS 13. ADJOURNMENT - President Winkler **Agenda is Subject to Change** KACMA From page 17 registration. The classes meets from 9:30-11:30 a.m. the second, third and fourth Thursdays of the month in Clubhouse 4. SLEEP APNEA GETTING A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP Join DR. RUDOLF HAIDER and his guest speaker, DR. HENRY CRAMER for a lecture on Sleep Apnea. Located in MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM. SLEEP APNEA is a breathing disorder characterized by brief interruptions of breathing during sleep. Untreated sleep apnea can affect your driving, daytime physical performance and energy level, as well as can lead to other medical issues. Join Dr. Henry Cramer, Otolaryngologist, to learn about the warning signs of sleep apnea, treatment options and tips on how to get a good night’s sleep. (562) 795-6204 Golden Rain Foundation Employment Phone Line 562-286-6074 Up-to-date information on all open positions. DR. HENRY CRAMER Otolaryngologist • Reservations are required For more information and to register for this event call: For further information, contact President Grace Kim, 4313039; Vice President Wonsook Kim, (213) 393-0804; Program Chair Robert Chung, 387-7377; or Publicity Chair Kyungsoon Park, 598-6292. 1661 Golden Rain Road Seal Beach, ca 90740 Phone (562) 493-9581 oFFice hoURS: Monday - FRiday 7:30 aM – 4:30 pM acceptinG new patientS! the health care center accepts most insurance plans and cash payment. open to all residents of leisure world. For more information, please call (562) 493-9581 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 TRAVEL Disney Concert Hall by Cathie Merz community editor Looking for a culturally inviting afternoon adventure? Look no further than the world-renown Disney Concert Hall, located at 111 South Grand Ave. in Los Angeles. It is an architectural and acoustic wonder, located one block uphill from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (METRO) Red Line’s Civic Center Station. The stainless steel-skinned concert hall opened in 2003, and is home to the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra and the Los Angeles Master Chorale. The concert hall was built to be more than a place to hear music. In addition to the acoustically perfect 2,265-seat auditorium, the four-acre venue includes the Library of Congress/Ira Gershwin Gallery, with rotating exhibits, and a public garden. The project cost an estimated $274 million. The project began in 1987 when Lillian Disney made an initial gift of $50 million to build a performance venue as gift to the city and as a tribute to her late husband, Walt Disney, who was devoted to the arts and the city. The structure was designed by Frank Gehry from the inside out. The acoustics were designed by Yasuhisa Toyota. METRO had to use special construction in the section of tunnel near the venue to ensure that the rumble of trains wouldn’t is tranquil oasis amid bustle —Cathie Merz, staff photo COMMUNITY PLAZA is a tranquil respite spot away from the commotion of the city. It is hidden behind the concert hall and accessed by a stairway on either side of the building. intrude on the sound quality. Self-guided audio tours, narrated by John Lithgow, of the concert hall are offered by the Music Center most days. The tour includes much of the interior space, the gardens and architectural highlights of the building. Complimentary docent-guided tours are offered most weekends at noon and 1:15 p.m. To check on tour availability and for more information, call (213) 972-7483. The tours do not include the auditorium due to a near constant rehearsals, performances and special events. All tours are an hour long and begin in the Grand Avenue Lobby of the hall. Tickets are available at the Walt Disney Concert Hall Box Office. The exterior of the curved “silver sails” structure was originally going to be made of stone, but because the project was exceeding the budget, the exterior was covered in matte-finished stainless steel. The walls of the Children’s Amphitheater, located in the park, and the Founders Room were skinned with highly polished, reflective sheeting, which after completion had to be dulled by sanding because the reflection caused heat problems in nearby buildings and on the street. Located 34 feet above Hope Street and behind the concert hall is a tranquil public park that provides a break from the bustling city surroundings. The park was funded by the State of California and is nearly an acre in size. On a clear day several Los Angeles landmarks can been seen, including the Los Angeles Central Library, the Hollywood sign and Dodger Stadium. The park is open to the public from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Mature flowering trees thrive in specially designed planter boxes. Most of the trees were moved from private residences and planted facing the same direction as when they were originally planted. The garden area also features the fountain, “A Rose for Lilly,” dedicated to Lillian Disney and See DISNEY, page 21 No Payment for 60 Days! 3 Easy Ways to Apply: BY PHONE: 800.444.6327 IN PERSON: GIANT CAr SAle eveNT APrIl 25th & 26th ONLINE: Visit our convenient branch locations. located at: 7812 edinger Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92647 visit for details New and Used Autos RAtes As low As 1.74 % APR foR 60 months 800.444.6327 19 No payments for 60 days; available on auto loans opened after 01/01/15. Finance charges will continue to accrue at the rate provided in your NuVision loan agreement during the payment-deferral period. Offer not valid for loans currently with NuVision or refinancing current NuVision loans. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate shown reflects a .25% discount for Automatic Payment and is subject to individual credit worthiness. Other terms available. Payment example: For every $1,000 borrowed at 1.74% APR for 60 months, your monthly payment will be $17.41 Rates and terms subject to change without notice. Year, model and mileage restrictions apply. Subject to credit approval. This offer is valid once membership is established. Extended terms are available at a higher rate. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Existing NuVision Federal Credit Union auto loans are not eligible. NuVision reserves the right to change or cancel the promotion at any time. Subject to Credit Union policies & procedures. For complete promotion details visit federally Insured by nCUA 20 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 —Cathie Merz, staff photo The Metro Blue Line to Long Beach is the oldest line in Los Angeles’s light rail system. Metro Blue Line renovations cause major weekend delays by Cathie Merz Road Warrior Under normal circumstances my favorite and the most convenient way to get to downtown Los Angeles is via the Metro Blue Line. I often opt to attend an event in L.A. over Orange County because of the convenience. However, the light rail is currently under construction and riders are experiencing major headaches and delays. Metro is upgrading stations along the route and closing stations on the weekends to do the repairs. Riders must get off the trains and board buses that shuttle them to a station on the other side of the construction area. This would not be a major concern if it was organized and well thought out. But it is not. Riding public transportation is always time consuming and is not something to do if time is of the essence. The biggest problem is that there are not enough shuttle buses. It seems that each train car has seats equal to a little more than two buses and usually each train is comprised of three or four cars, which calculates to at least six buses per train. However the MTA is not using the same calculations. Passengers from a previous trains are already pushing and shoving when another train arrives leading to flaring tempers, so be prepared spend a lot of extra time getting from Long Beach to Los Angeles. The shuttle buses are only in operation on weekends. Weekdays, one track is open through the construction zone allowing trains traveling in opposite directions to share the track and get through, although delayed. It might be best to avoid weekend Blue Line trips into L.A. until the renovations are complete, which could be a long while. The renovations are part of a six-year, $1.2 billion overhaul to the Metro Blue Line, which began in Long Beach in September last year. The Blue Line is Los Angeles County’s oldest light rail, connecting downtown Long Beach to downtown L.A. This is the first major overhaul to the Blue Line since its construction in 1990. It includes new tracks, improved stations, refurbished rail cars and more. The line sees nearly 90,000 boardings per day. For information on Metro advisories and delays visit advisories. BETTER SLEEP STARTS AT RELAX THE BACK® TEMPUR-Cloud® Supreme Breeze 0% APR FOR 5 YEARS* 60 equal monthly payments required UP TO $300 In personalized free gifts with Tempur-Pedic® mattress set purchase FREE LOCAL DELIVERY AND SET UP Come see our new, larger location in Huntington Beach (Across from Bella Terra, near HomeGoods) 7682 Edinger Ave. 714.375.7344 *Offer ends 4/22/15. Subject to credit approval. See store for details. ROLLIN’ THUNDER will begin planning for summer activities at the April 28 meeting, incuding the annual Fourth of July parade through LW. Rollin’ Thunder Musical Strings kick-off summer activities on April 28 The Rollin’Thunder Golf Cart Club is preparing for a summer of fun-filled programs. To kick off the fun the golf cart club has invited the Musical Strings to entertain at the next meeting at 1:30 p.m. on April 28 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. All are invited to come and sing along with the strumming guitars, ukuleles and other string instruments. Lyrics will be provided. The club will also be discussing and preparing for the upcoming outdoor meetings. All are invited to come and are reminded to practice the club’s motto, “random acts of kindness,” by driving safely and helping others. Travel Tips LWer shares advice for deals Pam McDougal, Mutual 1, travels often since retiring and her neighbors often ask her for advice, so she has offered to share some of her money-saving tips. The first tip is to book fast because prices change. She is taking a 10-day cruise on The Norwegian Pearl this month. She purchased an inside cabin, with a $25 credit on board (VTG No. 27128) for $399 per person. The price three days after she booked was $599. “This may seem unreal, but I find deals like this often,” she says. She traveled on a 12-day Princess Cruise to the Panama Canal for $699 per person; a fourday cruise from Long Beach to Catalina and Ensenada for $125 for one cabin; and a seven-day Caribbean cruise on the new MSC Divina for $199 per person last summer. Since she travels alone most of the time, she has to double the price and add port fees and taxes. Some newer ships now have single cabins. “If you allow the cruise line to wait-list your cabin, they might upgrade you from an inside cabin to an ocean view for no fee. Even with these additional port fees and taxes, you can’t beat these prices,” she says. Some additional suggestions are: See TIPS, page 24 On the Go Descanso Gardens & Norton Simon Museum – May 7, $69, or $94 with optional tea lunch. David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Mother’s Day Tea & Castle Green – May 10, $115, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. San Manuel Casino— May 12, $15, $10 back, St. Jude’s Support Group, Aileen Ackerman, 493-6774. Huntington Library — May 13, $89 with lunch, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Pauma Casino — May 13, $15; $10 cash in machine, New York Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; or Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949. Santa Anita Racetrack—May 14, $75 with buffet lunch, Sandra deDubovay, 598-6561. Mission Inn, Museum of Photography & Citrus State Park —May 16, $79 with lunch, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Tibbies Cabaret Theater, “Hooray for Hollywood” – May 17, 2015, $105 with dinner, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Colorful Songs of Broadway— May 21, $85 includes lunch, PEO, Ro Lynch, 431-9863, or Juanita Townsend, 431-4026. Warner Bros. Studio Tour – May 24, $94, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Welk Resort Theater, “Cabaret” – Matinee With Included Buffet Lunch & Champagne – May 30, 2015, $109 champagne buffet, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Hollywood and Pasadena Tour—June 2, $99, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Catalina Island – June 7, $109 or $124 with optional Avalon scenic tour. David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Union Station, Central Library & Exposition Park Rose Gardens June 9, $89 with lunch at Traxx Restaurant, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Lotusland Estate & Gardens – June 10, $89 with champagne, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Temecula — June 17, $69 with lunch, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Newport Beach Dinner Cruise—June 18, $150, Lions Club Sight and Hearing Foundation,, Diana Bean, (209) 642-1114; Patrisha Elbeck, (949) 582-3064; or Lidia Petrov-Jones, (909) 4898024. Harrah’s Rincon — Daily, free, Amphitheater, 7:15-7:30 a.m., (877) 777-2457. Pala Casino — Daily, free, $15 back in slot play, Amphitheater, 8 a.m., (714) 985-9555. Pechanga Casino — Daily, Amphitheater, 8 a.m., free, $10 in EZ Play upon arrival, (951) 770-2579. Valley View Casino — Daily, Amphitheater, 7:45 a.m., $6, $15 back in slots. Overnight Trips Viejas Casino — May 5-6, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Virginia’s Grand Hotels & Historic Sites – May 24-31, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Central Coast Lighthouses by Rail – May 31-June 4, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Boston, Salem & Maine’s Rocky Coast – June 5-12, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Oregon’s Coast & Covered Bridges – June 18-25, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Edgewater Resort, Laughlin, Nev. — June 21-23, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. San Antonio, Texas — Sept. 26-Oct. 4, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. New York, Canada Pilgrimage—Oct. 4-10, Holy Family Church, Sharon Schabert, 296-5557. NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 21 Alaska Cruise Special Sail from San Francisco Around Town —Cathie Merz, staff photos A ROSE FOR LILLY—The lines of the fountain made of broken Blue Delftware (photo right) compliment the lines of the concert hall. The fountain was designed by Gehry in honor of Lillian Disney. DISNEY From page 19 designed by the concert hall’s architect, Gehry. The fountain pays homage to her love of Delft porcelain and roses. Gehry and his artisans shattered more than 200 Delftware vases and 8,000 of the famous white and blue porcelain tiles to create the intricate mosaic of the rose-shaped fountain. The fountain’s lines compliment the lines of the building. The 350-seat outdoor Children’s Amphitheatre hosts family-friendly performances and interactive arts and culture events produced by the Music Center Education Division and the L.A. Philharmonic, including singalongs and drumlines. On the second floor of the concert hall, with its Douglas-fir walls and ceiling, is the Library of Congress/Ira Gershwin Gallery that is open to visitors who are on a tour or attending a performance inside the concert hall. Exhibits rotate bi-annually. The current exhibit is the “American Ballet Theatre: Touring the Globe for 75 Years,” including objects from the American Ballet Theatre Collection and extensive dance and music collections. The auditorium features a $3-million pipe organ that weighs 40 tons and is mounted on an earthquake-proof steel frame. Only 2 percent of the organ’s 6,134 pipes are visible and are often said to look like pickup sticks or French fries. The longest pipe is 32 feet and the diameter of a telephone pole. It is made of Douglas fir and weighs 900 pounds. The smallest pipe is six inches, the size of a pencil. It is made of a tin-lead alloy and weighs one ounce. The organ chamber is divided into five sections, each controlled by its own simulated ivory keyboard or wood pedal-board connected to a movable console that can be plugged in at four locations on the stage. The volume is controlled by louvered shutters that muffle and amplify the sound. To purchase tickets to an event at the Walt Disney Concert Hall, visit To access the downtown Los Angeles area from Leisure World take the Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) Bus 60 to Cal State Long Beach, exit at the last stop and transfer to a Long Beach Transit (LBT) Bus 91, 92, 93 or 94, to Downtown transit station. Transfer to the METRO Blue Line to Los Angeles. Get off light rail at the 7th Street/ Metro Station (end of the line) and transfer to the Metro Red to Union Station. Get off at the Civic Center/Grand Park Station (second stop). Walk uphill .3 miles to Disney Concert Hall. Travel time is approximately 2.5 hours. • The 28th annual Seal Beach Car Show will be held from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. on April 25 in Old Town. Main Street will be closed to traffic, but not vintage cars and for the first time vintage motorcycles. Up to 75 vintage motorcycles will be on display, including European favorites, BSA, Royal Enfield’s Bullet, Triumph’s Bonneville series and BMW;Japanese brands Honda and Yamaha and the American classic HarleyDavidson. Each year Main Street in Seal Beach closes down to welcome over 25,000 visitors. Admission is free. Parking is available at the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station, Liberty Gate, located at Seal Beach Boulevard and Landing Street. There will be a shuttle to the Main Street area, or the show is accessible by walking. The annual event is hosted by the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce. Only $999! Hurry, this one will sell out quickly! 10 nights, Summer Departures Round trip from San Francisco -- Inside Passage Ketchikan, Sawyer Glacier, Juneau, Skagway, Victoria Call CST 1012894-40 arren Travel (562) 493-1223 GOOD TIMES TRAVEL SERVING LEISURE WORLD RESIDENTS SINCE 1992 VIRGINIA’S GRAND HOTELS & HISTORIC SITES May 24-31: 8-day tour featuring Shenandoah May 10 Mother’s Day Tea & A Castle $115 National Park, The Greenbrier Resort, MontiMay 16 Tribute to Huell: Orange You cello, Appomattox, Richmond, Fredericksburg. 17 Meals. $2,899 p.p./dbl. Glad It’s Riverside $79 LOCAL DISCOVERIES = WORLDWIDE JOURNEYS May 7 Tea, Gardens & Art $69. With Optional Tea Lunch $94 May 17 Tibbies Cabaret Theater - Hoo- BOSTON, SALEM & MAINE’S ROCKY COAST ray for Hollywood $105 June 5-12: 8-day tour featuring a Boston Pops May 24 Warner Bros. Studio Tour $94 performance, Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, May 30 Welk Resort Theater - Cabaret $109 Boothbay Harbor, Glouchester, Marblehead. 15 meals. $1,999 p.p./dbl. June 2 Lights, Camera, Mansions! $99 June 7 A Day on Catalina Island $109. OREGON’S COAST & COVERED BRIDGES With Optional Avalon Scenic Tour $124 June 18-25: 8-day tour featuring Williamette June 9 Tribute to Huell Howser: On The Valley, Covered Bridges in Eugene, Bandon, Rouge River, Dune Buggy Ride, Newport, Right Track $89 June 10 Lotusland Estate & Gardens $89 Astoria. 8 meals. $1,599 p.p/dbl. 1-888-488-2287 C.S.T.:2018390-40 Ask for a Catalog ALL TOURS DEPART FROM THE LW AMPHITHEATER For people with hearing loss who have been waiting for revolutionary hearing technology. INTRODUCING... The world’s First and Only hearing aid Clinically Proven* to provide Better Than Normal Hearing.. Warren Hawaii Princess.indd 1 Hearing Aids Exclusively from HearUSA Ultra Amazing! Experience better than normal hearing in noisy restaurants — clinically proven!* Ultra Effective! Enjoy 360 degrees of hearing. There is no more need to turn toward whomever is speaking. Ultra Smart! Take total control of your hearing aids with our app on your smartphone. Industry Leading 5-Year • FREE 5-Year Protection Protection • FREE Unlimited Plan Reprogramming • FREE Unlimited Office Visits • FREE Hearing Aid Batteries $1,500 Value Only available through HearUSA! Welcome Health Net Members Clinically Proven* to Provide Better Than Normal Hearing Hear better in noisy situations than someone without Ultra Hearing Aids. They automatically turn background noise down while focusing on the sounds you want to hear. That’s something a person with normal hearing simply cannot do! FREE! Demonstration of the new Ultra Hearing Aids! Hear the difference between traditional hearing aids and the amazing “Ultra Hearing Experience.” FREE! Hearing Screening Call for details. Huntington Beach • Lakewood Call Toll Free: 855.802.5538 * Studies conducted at University of Northern Colorado (2014) and Oldenburg Horzentrum (2013) showed that Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) in cocktail-party situations improved up to 2.9dB for wearers with mild to moderate hearing loss using the latest BestSound™ Technology with Narrow Directionality, compared to people with normal hearing. This corresponds to over 25% improvement in speech understanding. 150401 HearUSA Ultra Ad_Leisure World Golden Rain News - Seal Beach_8.3125x10_to run 4-2_01.indd 1 © 2015 HearUSA, All Rights Reserved. 3/12/15 5:00 PM 22 Scoreboard NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 SPORTS & GAMES Scoreboard Fun Time Pinochle Club winners from April 20: Al Bellizzi, 13,010; Jean Beasley, 11,980; Bonnie Smith, 11,820; Mary Skelcher, 11,400. Games are played at noon Mondays in Clubhouse 1. For more information, call Diane Van Wasshnova at 430-6590. ••• Monday Bridge Club winners from April 20: Mary Jean Tusha, Pauline Fitzsimons, Beverly Benington. Games begin at noon in Clubhouse 1. All bridge players are invited and should arrive between 11:45-noon, with or without a partner. For more information, call Mary Nell Clark, 296-8570. ••• Jolly Time Pinochle Club winners from April 18: Joan Taylor, 11,630; Bert Sellers, 10,800; Anthony Scutti, 10,550; Mary Skelcher, 10,380. Games are played from noon-4 p.m. Saturdays in Clubhouse 1. For more information, call Peggy Kaspar at 799-0433. ••• Burning Tree Duplicate Bridge Club (ACBL) winners April 18: N/S: First in Strat A: Bee Kinman-Marilyn McClintock; second in Strat A, first in Strat B: Ted and Joan Wieber; third in Strat A: Sharon and Al Appel; second in Strat B, first in Strat C: Cookie Pham-Chuck Cutchshaw. E/W: First in Strats A and B: Howard Smith-Joyce Henderson; second in Strat A: Joan Tschirki-Verna Burns; third in Strat A, second in Strat B: Simone Chottin-Jeanette Estill; first in Strat C: Sue Boswell-Joyce Basch. Winners April 17: N/S: First in Strat A: Joan Tschirki-Bee Kinman; second in Strat A, first in Strats B and C: Ylia Ross-Shirley Tavlin; third in Strat A, second in Strat B: Ted and Joan Wieber; fourth in Strat A, third in Strat B, second in Strat C: Betty Scharf-Rufo Robinson. E/W: First in Strat A: Sue Fardette-Marilynn McClintock; second in Strat A: Howard Smith-Verna Burns; third in Strat A, first in Strats B and C: Sylvia Kaperlyan-Bill Dilks; fourth in Strat A, second in Strats B and C: Lynne Finley-Kay Hyland; third in Strat B: Sue Boswell-Judy Johnson. Games are played at 12:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays in Clubhouse 1. Players are requested to arrive by 12:15 p.m. or if a See SCOREBOARD, page 23 Alpine Heating & Air Conditioning Specializing in Serving Leisure World Residents Free Installation Estimates Sales • Repair • Installation Lowest Prices In Town • All Work Guaranteed #1 in Customer Service 714-901-0552 Cal. St. Lic. # 719734 New Car DireCtory FORD Cerritos Ford 605 North to Cerritos Auto Square, Exit South Street We’re King of LW Customer Service! 562/865-5554 • Ken Grody Ford 6211 Beach Blvd. @ 5 Fwy Home of THE THINK electric cars Free shuttle service available 714/522-8700 HYUNDAI Cerritos Hyundai 18818 Studebaker Road Cerritos, CA 90703 Phone: 866-838-2488 LEXUS Lexus of Westminster 13590 Beach Blvd. Easy access just south of 22 Freeway 714/892-6906 Cerritos Lincoln Mercury “Seven Miles from LW in Cerritos Auto Square,” 605 Freeway @ South Street Exit 562/865-5554 • 800/396-2077 TOYOTA Toyota of Huntington Beach 18881 Beach Bl., 2 Blocks from Pacific Ocean. South of 405 Freeway Hablamos Español 714/847-8555 Jim Breen, staff photo OFFICERS for the Leisure World Table Tennis Club are Suzanne Ahn, treasurer (l-r) Jay Jhu and Bok Ban, co-vice presidents; Patty Simons, secretary; Wendy Wu, councilor; and Kate Kim, food team leader. Table Tennis Club LW rivals hook up on CH6 court May 2 The big friendly rival table tennis match is finally here. Team Leisure World Laguna Woods will square off against Team Leisure World Seal Beach at 11 a.m. on May 2 in Club- house 6. The matches are expected to end at approximately 3 p.m. Close games and various styles are expected. All levels of play will be rep- resented as the players from SB battle their counterparts. Table tennis offers camaraderie and exercise. Members meet daily at Clubhouse 6. Guys, Gals Golf Ken and Marilyn Goettsch get low score of the day, 41 Seventy-six players took part in the monthly guys and gals tournament April 15 on a picture perfect day for golf San Kim and Ken Goettsch split the hole-in-one jackpot of $152 by scoring aces on the sixth and eighth holes at the local course. Closest to the pin honors winners went to Ken Goettsch and Donna Cooper on No. 8 and Young Lee and Anne Walsh on No. 17. Seven players earned circle prizes. Bob Barnum and Anne Walshe won the A flight with a net score of 42. They were followed by Bill McKusky and Donna Cooper, 45; Young Lee and Have Lee, 47; and Tom Soonthorn and Jane Legus, Bob Gass and Sadie Oh, Chess Club This week’s puzzle: White moves first and for any answer by black, the white’s next move is checkmate. Answers, page 23. ••• Partners are available when the Leisure World Chess Club meets from 2-8 p.m. on Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room 7. Beginners are welcome for free lessons. Friday Golf and Byron Schweitzer and Bert Thompson, tied with 48s. Roger Addie and Penny Cranston and Sang and Soo Kim tied for first place in the B flight by carding net scores of 44. Tied for second at 47 were Don and Sandy Kim, Stan Johnson and Louise Seifert. Third-place honors went to Ron Pine and Lori Owensby and Harry Konishi and Ann Tran with 49s. C flight winners were Ken and Marilyn Goettsch with a net 41, the low score of the day. They were followed by Jae and Sun Lee, 43; Ron and Judy Katje, 45; and Bob Looney and Barb Timberlake, Hyon Shin and Sang An, Manny Miranda and Dale Quinn, and Marvin Jones and Evelyn Scherber. Tournament Poker Club Dodson will teach lessons for no charge The Leisure World Tournament Poker Club is offering free Texas Hold’em lessons at 10:30 a.m on the second Saturday of the month in Clubhouse 6. Anyone who wants to learn poker or improve their skills is welcome. The first lessons will be available on May 9. Susan Dodson, club president, will teach private lessons to people who have never played Texas Hold’em. To contact her, call 592-8911. The lessons are for non-club in the first flight with an even members only. net par 70. The Hawaiian Gardens Poker Hore had two birds to sweeten Tournament is June 13. Tickets his pot. Jim Dickerson shed his are $15 and can be purchased in See LESSONS, page 23 See WINNERS, page 23 Todd, Hore, Kim flight winners Members of the Friday Golf group performed at the beautiful straits of the Santa Ana River on April 17 in fine fashion. Bob Todd and Jerry Hore took the lead and tied for the top spot Susan Dodson NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 23 Shuffleboard Club Championship will be decided April 24 in last game of season On the first three lanes, the Crackshots beat the Aces, 10-8. All-game winner for the Crackshots was Roger Bennett. Allgame winners for the Aces were Ed Giroud and Sally Fowler. ••• The Sue Mader tournament begins May 1. Mader was a former shuffleboard player and donated funds for a tournament to be held each year. Cash prizes will go to the winners. Members are advised to sign up on April 24. SCOREBOARD From page 22 partner in needed by noon, and every effort will be made to find one. For reservations or cancellations Fridays or Saturdays, call Jaye Woodington at 799-1089. After noon, call Clubhouse 1 at 491-6586, ext. 381. Director Friday and Saturday, EmmaTrepinski. ••• Y-Yahtzee Rollers games April 17: Most Yahtzees: Tie between Chuck Nugent and Suzi Yelensky. Highest score: Judy Smith. The next game will be played April 24 in Clubhouse 3, Room 6. Members meet from 1-4 p.m., on the first and third Fridays of the month in Clubhouse 3, Room 6. For more information, call Cheryl Richardson at (951) 488-8219. ••• Leisure World Duplicate Bridge Club overall winners in the club Championship game April 16: First in Strat A: Gary Paugh-Emma Trepinski; second in Strat A, first in Strat B: Sharon Beran-Christine Frumen; third in Strat A: Sharon and Al Appel; fourth in Strat A, second in Strat B: Sue Fardette-Vincent Remedios; fifth in Strat A, third in Strat B: Dick Sands-Tad Galardos; fourth in Strat B, first in Strat C: Sylvia Kaprelyan-Harshad Vora; fifth in Strat B, second in Strat C: Alan Olschwang-Jim Kaping; third in Strat C: Midge Dunagan-Julie Cunningham; fourth in Strat C: Julie Mills-Mary Sipple. Winners April 13: N/S: First in Strat A: Eileen Nelson- Dorothy Favre; second in Strat A, first in Strat B: Joyce Henderson-Nancy Lichter; third in Strat A, second in Strat B: Sue Fardette-Vince Remedios; fourth in Strat A: Bee Kinman-Bill Linskey; fifth in Strat A, third in Strat B: Janice and James Ingham; sixth in Strat A, fourth in Strat B, first in Strat C: Jean Byer-George Koehm. E/W: First in Strat A: Sharon and Al Appel; second in Strat A: Verna Becker-Christine Frumen; third in Strat A: Fern Dunbar-Lavonne McQuilkin; fourth in Strat A, first in Strat B: Monica and Paul Honey; fifth in Strat A and second in Strat B: Marilyn McClintock-Chie Wickham; sixth in Strat A, third in Strat B, first in Strat C: Bobbi and Brent Johansson; fourth in Strat B: Carmen Gross and Stan Blitz. Games are played Mondays and Thursdays in the Clubhouse 3 lobby beginning at 12:30 p.m. Players are to arrive by 12:15 p.m. to confirm their reservations or by noon without a partner (every effort will be made to find one). To get help in finding a partner or to make or cancel a reservation for Mondays, call Midge Dunagan at 594-9698; for Thursdays, call Cookie Pham at 431-6453. To cancel a reservation on game day or to report late, call 481-7368 between noon-1 p.m. ••• Friendly Pinochle Club games from April 16: Tie between Diana Lambert and Marilyn Allred, 13,100; Peg Kaspar, 12,540; Jean Beasley, 11,060; Ron Olsen, 10,900.The club meets from noon-4 p.m. on Thursdays in Clubhouse 1. For more information, call 799-0433. ••• Tuesday Bridge Club games from April 14: Sheila Hanley, Bill Hanley, Jane Tachine. The club meets from noon-4 p.m. on Tuesdays in Clubhouse 1. For more information, call 799-0433. ••• Best Time Monday Night Bunco Club winners April 13: Most buncos: Joseph LaRoche. Most wins: Pat Imbriano. Most babies: Pat Bennett. Most losses: Linda Messer. Door prize winner: Peggy Kendrick. The next meeting will be April 27. The club meets at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of the month in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. For further information, call Gail Levitt, 596-1346. LESSONS From page 22 advance from Cleo Looney, at 342-9400. The ticket price includes breakfast buffet, table dealers, and prize money for the first 20 finishers. ••• A dealers seminar was held on April 11. Winners at the three Texas Hold’em tables were Grace Buster and Erika Greenwood, John DeMarco and Bobbi Johansson, and Lucy Starkey and Wendy Wu. The Omaha hi/low winners were Phil Kaye and Carole Damoci. The next tournament will be held at noon on May 2 at noon in Clubhouse 6. An early arrival is advised. – Ruth Osborn, staff photo SALTWATER CLUB— Kathy Weishampel, (l-r), Anne Siefert, Mike Mooney and Lynn R. Heath invite ocean lovers to a meeting of the Saltwater Club at 11 a.m., April 27, in Clubhouse 6. Cribbage Club Al Bonnema wins with perfect score of 847 Al Bonnema added a third star on his badge with a perfect score of 847 at the April 14 meeting of the Leisure World Cribbage Club. He was followed by Howard Richcreek, 842; Scott Boeger and Bea Lissow, 822; and Fred Claveau, 811. Members celebrated John Loasby’s birthday with cake and ice cream even though he was unable to attend. Joyce Pfingston and Margaret Smith served. Women’s Golf Club Play is for low gross, net, birdies Karl Henry donated a box of playing cards and chocolate candy. The club meets at noon Tuesdays in Clubhouse 1. New players are welcome. To be assured of a table, players should arrive by noon. Seven games and played and end by 3:30 p.m. Partners are not required. Residents who want to learn to play Cribbage or need to brush up should call Patti Smith, club president, at 242-4674. She will arrange for lessons one hour before the games begin. A full field of 50 members Seifert, 2; Ardie Griepsma, 7. ••• of the Women’s Golf Club parThe club championship tourticipated in the weekly nine-hole nament will be held the first three tournament on April 14. Play was for low gross, low weeks in May. net and birdies. Flight winners: Flight A: Low gross: Hae Lee Inc. and Angie Oh, 29. Low net: Sadie Energy Solutions Oh, 26. Birdies: Hae Lee, 1. O.C.’s #1 5-Star VELUX Specialist Flight B: Low gross: Neva Introduces the VELUX® W Senske, 30. Low net: Helen Kim E N Solar-Powered Venting Skylight red and Sun Lee, 25. Birdies: Sun Powe r a l Quiet • Clean • 5-year Warranty o S Lee, 7; Melinda Lee, 6; Mona Replace your Bath & Kitchen 2’x2’ Skylights with a NO Lewis, 8. W Solar powered venting skylight with rain sensor with $990 Flight C: Low gross: Betty tax the 30%* & remote control. No more poles!!! cr Regalado, 31. Low net: Maggie (res Fixed only $350. Dual-pane glass keeps the heat out during trictions edit appl Howe, 22. Birdies: Betty Regalthe day. When closed keeps your home warmer than plastic y) do, 9; Maggie Howe, 8; Dorothy domes, which do not meet the current building code. *Cost to replace is $1,415. Approximately $990 with tax credits. Favre, 7; Carol Piepenburg, 6; is a LW approved company Laura Garcia, 4. specializing only in skylights. Flight D: Low gross: Louise For great service, call: Seifert, 34. Low net: Mary Lou See photos on Facebook- Skylights Plus Inc. Richards, 22. Birdies: Louise #740408 The final game of the sevenmonth Shuffleboard Club League season will be played April 24 at Clubhouse 1, with the championship on the line. One and onehalf-game separates the Aces and Crackshots for first place. After the games, team members will have lunch at the Primrose Restaurant. The top male and female players will be announced. On April 17, the Ramblers edged the Dynamos, 10-8. Connie Lee was the lone all-game winner for the Dynamos. WINNERS From page 22 down days to post a good third place finish at 71 and added a closest to the pin victory. Fourth place was a tie between Bill McKusky, the Monday Golf leader, and Rich Miller with 73s. McKusky added a closest to the pin win and a bird to brighten that round. Fujio Norihiro was sixth with a 73 and a bird. Sam Choi was seventh and had a bird. Sang Kim won the second flight with low score of the day, a 66 and had the only bird. He was followed by Tom McCullough, 75; and Lowell Goltra, 82 Next, the golfers test the Willowick course April 24. Chess Puzzle Answers From page 22 Solution to this week’s puzzle: Re7. The white Rook moves from f7 to e7. Any answer by black, the white’s next move is check mate. 714-381-5055 !"#$%&'()*+,'"*,'(-+."/+, !"#$%&'(")*+,-&.-/012 9#/#.-,$&$.+ :#/)*;4</=$,*#+&>$*#& 34")55$/637*-"8/&9-1: !")1;"37$<4"3"5/--" 311-11.-'4"7="$</"'</1-: !">3**"4$"6&19<11"$</"%-/= 355$/637*-"1,$/4?4-/." *#%=,-#&'$*#0 !"@&-A"$</"37<'63'9-"$5" – A$'6-/5<*"3.-'&4&-1"34" AAA:;3/*4$'93/-:9$.: B</"C3.&*="&'%&4-1"=$<" 3'6"=$</"53.&*="4$"D$&'"<1" 5$/"3"E/&%34-"4$</"$5" $</"9$..<'&4=: !"#$%#&'$""&()*&$+,-,).$"&,.()*/$-,).0 123&4&56742218 !"#$%&'"()*#"+,"-&./&&0"12%%&3"1$&/"204"50*.. 6789",:";2%%"<*24=">02?&$#""+$@:"A6B7BBBCD9 1$'$."E'"2."///:F2)%.*0@2)&:@*# 24 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 TIPS From page 18 • Sign up for all travel websites. Specials are emailed continually. Check the travel sites daily because prices change. Book flights as far in advance for the best prices, but last minute cruise travel is the best deal. Her favorite websites for cruises are, Orbitz Cruises, Cheap Cruises and TravelZoo/Top 20. Her favorite websites for flights are, Orbitz. com, • For cruises, book flights to arrive a day before the cruise. For departures from Miami, Florida, she stays at Embassy Suites near the airport. They have airport shuttle pick up, shuttle cruise drop off, free breakfast and free happy hour appetizers. “This saves you money, and their hotels are beautiful,” she says. Puzzle Answers Puzzle pages 28-29 Typo Answer Typo was on the top of page 35 last week in the left hand corner. Did you find the fish? Crossword Answers Sudoku Answers Jumble Answers Brain Busters Ans. Obituaries ••• Boardman, Eileen Rose 1935-2015 Eileen Rose Boardman passed away April 9, 2015, after a three••• ••• year battle with cancer. At her Claveau, Barbara Robinson, Mary F. bedside was her husband, San1937-2015 July 30, 1915 - April 11, 2015 ford, and three of her four chil“There comes time when we dren, Michele Derouin, Donna Mary F. Robinson, Mutual 6, must say goodbye to our human Sobzak and passed away peacefully in Seal forms. I believe when we leave Beach, California, just a few our bodies, our souls become Chad Boardmonths short of her 100th birth- part of everything. So, while it m a n . Tw o day. Mary was a 12-year resident is sad that I no longer have your other children, of Leisure World, Seal Beach, and physical body to hug, to kiss on the RJ Derouin previously recheek or to say goodbye to, I can and Sanford sided in Tustin hear your laugh in my mother’s Boardman, Jr. and Anaheim. voice, and I can feel the touch who live in Mary was of your delicate hands in a soft New England, born in Chibreeze on my skin. I have only to were unable to cago, Illinois, look in the mirror to see flecks of be present. Sanford and Rose met in 1967 the third child you in my eyes or the shape of while living in Massachusetts, of Samuel and my nose and your strength in my and were married a year later. Martha McIlconstitution. And your love...I feel Rose, never one to be idle, secured rath who had your love in all that I do, all that just emigrated from Belfast. She I am and in the family you built her Realtor license, taught aerolived her early years in Chicago and nurtured. How lucky you are bics through the city recreation and Lake Zurich, Illinois, but to be everything and everywhere department, taught figure skating wanting to escape the cold win- all at once.” to youngsters in the local skating ters, she and her husband, Bill, —Granddaughter, association and delivered newsmoved to Scottsdale, Arizona, Ryann Myre paper bundles to local merchants. and then to Anaheim, California. In 1985 the family moved We say goodbye to wife, Mary had a number of careers across the country to Pleasanmother, grandmother and greatincluding telephone operator for ton, California, to allow Rose’s grandmother Illinois Bell, lathe operator for husband to take a job with the Douglas Aircraft during WWII, Barbara Loucity of Milpitas. Wanting to stay small business owner with her ise Claveau active, Rose, who had always husband, and purchasing/office who passed been interested in clothing design, services administrator for Hunt away on April started a seamstress business 19, 2015 at Wesson/United Can. making costumes for performing In her “retirement” years she Long Beach students of all ages attending Cast worked as a customer service rep M e m o r i a l & Company, a local dance studio. for Elizabeth Howard’s Dinner Medical CenHer reputation spread and soon Theatre in Tustin. She was also ter surrounded she was designing and making a longtime member of the Wil- by her family. Barbara was born Jan. 14, costumes for other dance studios lowick Golf Club. 1937, and is survived by her as well as gowns and dresses for Mary was known for her clients in the area, including a fegreat sense of humor, staunchly husband of 57 years, Alfred; her male golf professional. Working independent spirit and love for daughters, Corinne, Lisa, Meg; with Cast & Company allowed and sons David, Dave and Bob; her family. Rose to nurture her love of dance She was preceded in death by as well as her grandchildren, and soon she became a member of her husband, parents, two broth- Charlie, Nicole, Ryann, Derek, Mallory and Connor; and her their adult dance troupe performers, a sister and many friends. ing at competitions throughout She will be greatly missed great-grandson Jackson. the region. Barbara spent the majority of by daughter, Pat and spouse In 2005 Rose and Sanford Joe; granddaughter Robyn and her life traveling the world with both retired and moved to Leisure spouse Chad; and her beloved her husband, Fred. Throughout World. It wasn’t long before Rose great-grandsons Jake and Colin. her life she has lived in such joined the Prime Time players, A private memorial service exotic locales as Thailand, Sina theatrical group of performing will be held at sea. gapore, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia seniors dedicated to bringing In lieu of flowers, honor Mary and Korea. Her life was full and entertainment to the many senior by making a donation to a charity bright, and she will be missed. of your choice. There will be a memorial for centers throughout the area. She Messages for the family can Barbara to celebrate her life from loved the tap dancing role best be written at http://memorialweb- 1-4 p.m. on Saturday, April 25, and was instrumental in helping other members of the dance group in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. homepage.aspx. —paid obituary to reach their potential. The family is grateful for the many cards received and the heartfelt words of affection expressed. From page 1 the club, she said. A memorial honoring Rose An accomplished dealer, he will be held from 1-4 p.m. on May work have helped immeasurably taught Texas Hold’em lessons 3 at the Clubhouse 1 picnic area. to make our community strong,” twice a month in Clubhouse 6 All who knew Rose are invited said Ronde Winkler, president and was a competitive player to attend. of the GRF Board of Directors. in the club’s bi-annual dealers’ —paid obituary “His keen eye for detail, as well tournaments. “He was a very positive, as his wonderfully dry wit, will ••• happy person,” said Dodson. “He be sorely missed.” In Memoriam From 2013-14, DeMarco was always willing to help out in Frank Ryan 79 served on the Communications, every way.” Patricia Morey 60 DeMarco was born in ChiInformation Technology Services Daniel Gamble 59 cago, where he lived for 26 years. and Library committees. Jeffrey Sharlun 52 The 10-year resident of Mu- He earned a bachelor’s degree Barbara Warthen 65 tual 2 was known for his positive, from the University of Illinois, Eleanor George 93 helpful demeanor. He delivered Chicago, and was a teacher in Naomi Robinson 99 emergency meals to the LW the Chicago school district before Ava Didonato 74 homebound, loved to play pool moving to California in 1971. Tim Lightfoot 75 Before retiring in 2005, he volleyball, golf, fish and was an Michelle Johnson 41 worked in the automotive indusavid poker player. Ronald Fujihara 65 Susan Dodson, president of try for 29 years. He was responDonald Mastro 82 Leisure World’s Tournament sible for millions of dollars worth Benjamin Humber 46 Poker Club, was stunned to learn of inventory. George Abaray 58 Service information was not of DeMarco’s passing WednesGladys Trimble 94 day. He was a vital member of immediately available. Marlene Houck 81 Grace Nagata 86 E-mail Obituary Notices to Families assisted by McKenzie Mortuary, 961-9301 with photos attached as jpg files. —paid obituary DEMARCO AR Mobility NEWS Wheelchairs Power Wheelchairs MEDICAL AND MOBILITY PRODUCTS DISCOUNTED Seating and CushiMEDICAL ons DISCOUNTED AND MOBILITY PRODUCTS 3 or 4 wheel Scooters Lowest Prices Guaranteed Beds and Accessories Lowest Prices Guaranteed Colee’s Pet Care Room Lift Chairs additions Experienced Dog Walker/Pet Sitter • Pet taxi • Administer medication Remodeling Orthopedic Supplies John M. Bergkvist • Insured and Bonded Mention this Ad and Skylights • Pet First Aid Certified Kitchens Bath Safety Products • Stay overnight on property Wheelchairs receive an GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR • Dog walks/exercise, potty breaks, Bathrooms Power Wheelchairs I n conti n ence Suppl i e s / Gl o ves / Di a pers / Pads socialization and group exercise Wheelchairs addi t i o nal 5% di s count off of any Countertops Seating and Cushions Cat and other pet services: Power Wheelchairs Storage Patient Lifts and Accessories closets 3 or 4 wheel Scooters Feed - clean cage / litter - playtime (one) non-sale Seating and Cushions State Lic. #638079 Washer/Dryer Beds and Accessories Compressi o n Hosi e ry and Stocki n g suppl i e s 3 or 4 wheel Scooters We offer a variety of services to meet your pet’s individual needs. in-stock item FREE Lift Chairs ESTIMATES Beds and Accessories 562 LW Speci altREFERENCES y MediSupplies cal Equipment and Accessori es - 433-3052 Orthopedic Mention this Ad and Lift Chairs Aids Bath toSafety Products receive an Dai l y Li v i n g Orthopedic Supplies Mention this Ad and Incontinence Supplies / Gloves / Diapers / Pads additional 5% discount off of any Bath Safety Products an DISCOUNTED MEDICAL PRODUCTS Ken Peters Insurance Agency, Inc. Home e Ramp Systems AND MOBILITYreceive Patientand LiftsPortabl and Accessories (one) non-sale Incontinence Supplies / Gloves / Diapers / PadsSALES, SERVICE, REPAIRS, additional 5% discount off& ofRENTALS any Compression Hosiery and Stocking supplies in-stock item Patient Liftscleand Accessories Vehi Scooter Lifts ARandMobility (one) non-sale Specialty Medical Equipment Accessories Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 25 Professional & Service Directory JB AR Mobility AR Mobility 714 401 9518 Lowest Prices Guaranteed Compression Hosiery and Stocking supplies in-stock item Aids to Daily Living Specialty Medical Equipment and Accessories Home and Portable Ramp Systems SALES, REPAIRS, & RENTALS Aids to Daily Living PRICING ON SCOOTERS, INTERNET LIFTSERVICE, CHAIRS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS!! Vehicle Scooter Lifts Home and Portable Ramp Systems SALES, SERVICE, REPAIRS, & RENTALS Vehicle Scooter Lifts INTERNET PRICING ON SCOOTERS, LIFT CHAIRS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS!! Wheelchairs Power Wheelchairs Seating and Cushions 3 or 4 wheel Scooters Beds and Accessories Lift Chairs Orthopedic Supplies Mention this Ad and Bath Safety Products receive an Incontinence Supplies / Gloves / Diapers / Pads additional 5% discount off of any Patient Lifts and Accessories (one) non-sale Compression Hosiery and Stocking supplies in-stock item Specialty Medical Equipment and Accessories Aids to Daily Living Home and Portable Ramp Systems SALES, SERVICE, REPAIRS, & RENTALS Vehicle Scooter Lifts 16582 Gothard Street,ONUnit C, Huntington Beach, CA armobi INTERNET PRICING SCOOTERS, LIFT CHAIRS AND92647 MANY www. OTHER ITEMS!! INTERNET PRICING ON SCOOTERS, LIFT CHAIRS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS!! 16582 Gothard Street, Unit C, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 16582 Gothard Street, Unit C, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 9:00am -- 5:00pm, Sat C,10am 10amHuntington 2pm, Closed CloBeach, sedSun Sun CA1-714-841-6360 1-714-841-6360 1-800-886-1998 16582M-F Gothard 92647 M-F 9:00am Street, 5:00pm,Unit Sat -- 2pm, oror1-800-886-1998 M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm, Sat 10am - 2pm, Closed Sun 1-714-841-6360 or 1-800-886-1998 the closest State Farm agency to Leisure World, has more than 30 years of experience meeting the insurance needs of the LW community. By Aegean FREE In-Home Consultation (562) 430-2969 3782 Cerritos Ave, Los Alamitos Candice Cox, Ken Peters Call Wayne — 562-825-2405 Dry Healthy Carpet Cleaning FUNERALS • CREMATIONS • BURIALS GRAVE MONUMENTS • ADVANCED PLANNING We are here to help you through the difficult time arranging end of life services for your loved one. We serve all faiths. Funeral directors Curt Owen and Kathy Deperi 888-607-0772 575 Anton Blvd., Ste. 300, Costa Mesa, CA 92726 • FD# 2233 45 Years in Film Industry 287-6844 Alpine Untitled-3 1 Specializing in Serving Leisure World Residents MITSUBISHI HEAT PUMPS Free Installation Estimates Sales • Repair • Installation Lowest Prices In Town All Work Guaranteed 714-901-0552 Cal. St. Lic. # 719734 Untitled-12 1 (562) 438-1492 SB LIC. #ABL0001 • Alzheimer’s & Dementia • Parkinson’s & stroke • Hospice & Respite Care • Post Surgery Care • Bathing • Incontinence Care • Laundry & Linen Change • Meal Preparation New Hope for Old Knees FDA approved method to safely replace cartilage cushion in your knee without surgery and without dangerous drugs. NoNSurgical n (714) 751-5555 Advertise here for $25 per week 12 consecutive weeks, minimum NONSURGICAL MEDICAL Call GROUP in 430-0534 • Medication Reminders • House Maintenance • Shopping & Errands • Transportation Orange County now • offers a safe, FDA LIVING TRUSTS A. Shaddow Handyman Services approved method to 00SIngLe Specializing In Painting 69900MARRIED $6 replace $499 the cartilage First Time Clients. Simple Estates. Repair: Spackle Walls cushion iLiving n your knee Trust & Pour-Over Will Change: Heat Pump filters Transferred to Trust without Home drugs and Replace: Lighting Fixtures, Power of Attorney Documents without surgery. Kitchen & Bathroom Pulls, OTHER SERVICES 11/13/08 3:42:23 PM Heating & Air Conditioning We service & install PHIL CLEANS Medical group $7 Crem 95 atio Home Movies to DVD (949) Ruben Peña, General Contractor 3327 Cerritos, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Lic. #336991 Advertise here Suffering from for $25 per week KNEE pain 12 consecutive weeks, minimum caused by Call 430-0534 osteoarthritis? New Horizon Free Pick-up and Delivery A Family Owned Business Serving Leisure World Since 1965 South Coast Family Funeral Services • Dry Organic Carpet Cleaning • Dries Immediately • No Wet Carpet • Healthy • No Harsh Chemicals • Senior Discounts Upholstery Cleaning as Well Specializing in Room Additions Complete Remodeling 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm, Sat 10am - 2pm, Closed Sun 1-714-841-6360 or 1-800-886-1998 BLINDS, SHADES & SHUTTERS 430-4216 MOVE-IN • MOVE-OUT Across the street from LW’s south wall, next to Del Taco Lic.# OD15185 (562) WINDOWS • WALLS • FLOORS 2904 Westminister Avenue Seal Beach, CA 90740 562-431-3933 ~ CONSTRUCTION PENA Door knobs, Electrical Out+ Probate Administration + Trust Modification lets, Covers & Batteries in smoke alarms Farmer, Phil.indd 1 +714) Small Estate Affidavits Call ( 751-5555 Clean: Windows inside & out, screens, + Legal Name Changes today for aIncludes: no charge skylights, Polish Counters Tops, Concrete, Service • Two visits w/Attorney decks & paint consultation to see if A Leisure World Resident Over 30 Years Experience • FLAT RATES you are a candidate 10 Minutes from • AFFORDABLE FEES Leisure World Web site: for NON-‐SURGICAL FREE & Prompt Estimates (714) 899-9671 knee pInitial ain rconsultation elief. free to establish a trust. Anthony Shaddow 714-365-6179 SBL Ton0001 # Untitled-3 1 Law Offices of Allan M. Soto, Inc. 7960 W. McFadden Ave. • Westminster, CA 92683 2/20/15 10:34 AM 26 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 Professional & Service Directory DEBRA HALVARSON GROH ATTORNEY AT LAW Room Additions / All Improvements Complimentary Initial Phone Consultation OUR 27th YEAR (562) 430-9380 • LIVING TRUSTS & WILLS • PROBATE, TRUST ADMINISTRATION • LONG TERM CARE & MEDI-CAL PLANNING Family owned and operated •Lots of LW References (562) • PAST PRESIDENT O.C. BAR ELDER LAW SECTION • NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ELDER LAW-MEMBER 430-9380 3020 OLD RANCH PARKWAY, SUITE 300 SEAL BEACH or (714) 282-0559 (562) 795-9109 MEMBER National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. TM St. Lic. # 727986 • L.W. Resident providing personal service at the lowest price Pride • Quality • Service Call for Free Estimate SWENMAN CO. 562 • 430 • 2265 Leisure World Shopping Center 13924 Seal Beach Boulevard, Suite C **Same location since 1979** LOS AL BUILDERS (714) 522-3437 Experience Our Experience Remodeling Leisure World For Over 30 Years Carlos Ayala All Free in-home Estimates & Decorator Services are done by Wayne Schumacher, owner WE MANUFACTURE CUSTOM DRAPERIES WE ALSO SELL ALL TYPES OF WINDOW COVERINGS 562/435-6260 LIVING TRUSTS ESTATE PLANNING PROBATE CONSERVATORSHIPS Let me help you... I will come to you. Call Me... Let’s talk about it Tina Schaffer (562) 755-6199 Call 430-0534 Retirement Planning Safe, successful financial solutions. Call for your FREE consultation. House Calls - Free Consultation (562) 280-0999 Serving LW residents for 8 years Retirement Specialist Valerie Schwait COMPUTER REPAIR Conservative, Successful Financial Solutions Financial Advisor Call for your FREE consultation License #0D64103 BATHROOM REMODELING Computers SENIOR RESOURCE WE SPECIALIZE IN... STOP Computer Viruses and Malware in its Tracks!!! ADVISORS Financial & Insurance Services Founder and Owner Bathroom Remodeling Acrylic Bath Makeovers Walk in Tubs Tub to Shower Conversion Kitchen Remodeling Tub & Tile Refinishing Call John Fuhrer Valerie Schwait License Leisure World Resident 310-717-4855 #0D64103 Founder & Owner • Financial & Insurance Services Repair IN HOME SERVICE CALL 35 00 674 Ultimo Ave. • Long Beach, $ CA 90814 Set-Up Wireless Networking Virus and Malware Removal Preventive Maintenance Leisure World Resident System Upgrades Internet TV Set-Up Private & Group Training 310-717-4855 WITH THIS AD CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE FREE ESTIMATE 562-733-9193 YOUR 12 Months, No Payments No Interest! Licensed & Insured Lic. # 689923 James E. Foden, Attorney at Law Advertise here for $25 per week 12 consecutive weeks, minimum 877.225.2284 Local #:949.263.1236 www.calbat Call 430-0534 Retirement Planning Retirement Specialist AWARD WINNING DENTISTRY Safe, successful financial solutions. Call for your FREE consultation. Conservative, Successful Financial Solutions Call for your FREE consultation Valerie Schwait S I N C E Financial Advisor License #0D64103 Founder & Owner Financial & Insurance Services License #0D64103 Financial & Insurance Services 310-717-4855 310-717-4855 E-mail: Comfort. Care. Philip Y. Bak Founder and Owner Mutual 5 Resident (213) 550-9991 Cell • (562) 431-0321 (R) 674 Ultimo Ave. • Long Beach, CA 90814 Leisure World Resident Kang’s Construction INC. 11/13/08 3:42:23 PM • • • • • LW References Available Additions Additional Rooms Sr. Resource Pro.indd 1 Kitchens Bathrooms Ayala.indd Laundry Rooms Complimentary Appliance of Your Choice ( Not To Exceed $500.00.) Are You Ready For A Home Improvement? We are here to help you. Home Remodeling Room Additions General Carpentry FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured 562-965-5524 562-804-5087 Fax 1 Lic. 997910 John Kang Contractor No Job too Small GENE’S CARPET CLEANING Untitled-3 1 Truck-Mounted Steam Cleaning Carpet - Upholstery Free Estimates • Owner Operator No Hidden Costs 3357 Katella Ave. Los Alamitos 562-212-8720 5 6 2 •4 3 0•570 6 Licensed Insured Bonded Computer Images Plus.indd 1 Excellence. (562)596-7484 | 3532 Howard Ave. Suite 200 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Convert Your Tub to E/Z ACCESS FREE Estimates bak_pro.indd 1 1 9 8 4 Listing & Resale Specialist SENIOR RESOURCE ADVISORS Valerie Schwait Lic #921621 c l e a n e r s DRAPERY• VERTICAL • DRAPERY CLEANING Everything you need for your Computer (PC or Mac), Cell Phone, TV, Stereo, any electronic device 12 consecutive weeks, minimum d r a p e r y Family owned and operated since 1950 Advertise here for $25 per week Smart Phones Lenning & Company, Inc., CPAs (562) 594-9729 a n d St. Lic. 413207 • Seal Beach • Swe001 Tablets •Financial Planning and Bill Paying • Trust Administration Carnation Draperies HGranite CountersH Kitchen Counters • Bath Vanities Income Tax Or Raise Your Seat Approx. 7 inches For Added Safety 2/6/14 9:05 AM Added 3/4 Removed Nu-Kote 562-833-3911 State Lic. #699080 7/17/14 4:06 PM 6/2 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 27 Professional & Service Directory Vertical Blinds 2” Blinds & Shutters Wholesale Prices Speacilizing in: • Wardrobe Closets • Pull-out Drawers • Extra Cabinets in Kitchens & Bathrooms • Office Furniture & Desks • Bookcases and More Serving Leisure World for 20 Years COAST FACTORY BLINDS 562 493-4228 Free Estimates Open M-F 9-6; Sat 9-5; Sun 10-5 8 Gordon Gunderson LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS Interior Renovations (562) 596-0559 senior men with LW ID 3461 Sausalito St., Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 434-3775 LW Resident providing personal service at the lowest price. Handyman ServiceS Painting Fanny & luis (LW residents) 56 years experience Watch Batteries—$800 Most Watches INDEPENDENT SERVICE St. Lic. 413207 • Seal Beach Swe001 • Painting • Carpentery • Plumbing upgrades • Senior Living Modifications • Carpet Cleaning • Haul-away • 21 Years Serving LW 562-860-4634 Approval Slip (date & initial) Proofreader___________________________ Copywriter_____________________________ Art Director____________________________ Creative Director________________________ Account Service________________________ 562-530-2300 12 consecutive weeks, minimum ·LICENSE·BONDED·INSURED· SB Lic # BRA0002 Authorized Dealer Advertise here for $25 per week 3/2/12 3:29 PM Ad Caption: “In-home care....” Los Alamitos, CA Job # 8112 FY12 Franchise Print Ads Client: Right At Home Publication: newspaper Insertion date: Size: B/W 3.375” x 2” Date: 03.02.12 Prepared by: Bozell/Omaha 562-594-8239 562-799-9934 9918 Garden Grove Blvd 11815 E. South St. Garden Grove, CA 92844 Cerritos, CA 90703 Special Sales for LW Residents FREE Delivery with purchase of 2 or more pairs of shoes 562.653.4480 | 562-841-3787 CLOCK REPAIRS ITALY SHOES In-home care for a .better quality of life. k_RAH_FranchiseAd_InHome_3.375x2.indd 1 D B Handyman FREE Pick-up & Delivery Save this coupon SWENMAN CO. SWENMAN CO. Roy CallColquhoun Walter 562-596-7383 562430-2265 Lic.# 629553 WATCH REPAIR Watch & & JEWELRY JeWelry repair pecialiStS Contractor’s Lic. #723262 WINDOW • DOOR • SKYLIGHT Flooring Blinds, etc Upgraded Cabinets S Refinished Counter-Tops SINCE 1968 562.594.4600 • Laminate Flooring • Custom Drapes • Hardwood Floors • Floor Coverings • Vinyl Planks FREE In-Home Estimates & Show Samples Call (562) 598-4552 or (949) 378-0616 or go online at We Specialize in Senior Cuts Fades and Flat tops 5 Mi n. from Women’s cuts LW also available Open 7 Days-A-Week $ 00 " CARPETS & INTERIORS Serving Leisure World Exclusively for Over 25 Years All at Lic. #660872 G. L. Gunderson Custom Carpentry by John Mercurio Call 430-0534 TITAN GRAB BARS Home Safety- Specialist Call for a free quote today! D B Handyman • Painting • Carpentery • Plumbing upgrades • Senior Living Modifications • Carpet Cleaning • Haul-away • 21 Years Serving LW Meeting all ADA guidelines Maximum safety for Independent Living Reduce your risk of falling in the tub or shower Professionally installed Grab Bars, Toilets and Lifts CALL JEROD (714) 337-3112 Owner / Installer 562-841-3787 SB Lic # BRA0002 License #944378 Bonded Insured GRECO COnstRuCtiOn • ROOM ADDITIONS • REMODELS • PAINTING • TILE • PLUMBING • ELEcTRIcAL Sales — Service — Repair “Your Leisure World Specialists” Danandy Pro.indd 1 All Happy Barbers.indd 1 3/27/141 4:29 PM Danandy 2012.indd Untitled-3 1 New Heat Pump or Air Conditioner Excellent LW Referrals DB Handyman.indd 1 All makes and models of Heat Pumps 714-330-3523 LIC # 992336 15000off $ 714-821-7070 5/11/12 9:13 AM Italy Shoes.indd 1 Lic. # 945655 28 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 Puzzles & Comics Sudoku The Basic Rules of Sudoku: • There is only one valid solution to each Sudoku puzzle. The only way the puzzle can be considered solved correctly is when all 81 boxes contain numbers and the other Sudoku rules have been followed. • When you start a game of Sudoku, some blocks will be pre-filled for you. You cannot change these numbers in the course of the game. • Each column must contain all of the numbers 1 through 9 and no two numbers in the same column of a Sudoku puzzle can be the same. • Each row must contain all of the numbers 1 through 9 and no two numbers in the same row of a Sudoku puzzle can be the same. • Each block must contain all of the numbers 1 through 9 and no two numbers in the same block of a Sudoku puzzle can be the same. Answers on page 24 Find Typo We’ve hidden a small, black silhouette of Typo, the name of the fish serving as The News’ staff mascot, somewhere in this issue. If you locate him and enter our Find Typo contest, you may win a $25 Starbuck’s gift card in our monthly drawing. To enter, locate Typo and then either email, mail or bring into The News office your name, mutual, telephone number, the issue’s date, the page number and exact location on the page of where you found Typo. Deadline for each week’s entries is 5 p.m. on the Wednesday following the publication of a particular issue. Typo will be hidden in a new location in each issue of The News. Our “Find Typo Contest” is open exclusively to Leisure World residents, who can enter once for each issue published in a given month (a total of four separate entries in a typical four-week month). The odds of winning will depend on the number of correct entries received. The monthly gift card drawing will be held one week after we publish the final issue of that month. All entries for the entire month will be put into the Flo Dartt Fishbowl, and a single name will be drawn for that month’s winner. The winner will be notified and invited to appear in a winner’s picture to be published in The News. The prize is not redeemable for cash, and there will be no substitutions. The News’ selection of the winner is final, and receipt of entries cannot be verified. Come See the Real Typo at the News 9 To 5 Animal Crackers Gasoline Alley By Fred Wagner By Jim Scancarelli Middletons By Raph Dunagin & Dana Summers Broom-Hilda By Russell Myers By Harley Schwadron NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 29 Work Space The Observer Crossword Puzzle 30 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 MOMS From page 7 Maj. Irene Seiler will welcome everyone and lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Group singing of favorite hymns will be led by Cherrie Green followed by devotional thought and prayer by Pauline Siler. Maj. Fred Seiler will accompany the singing. Refreshments will be provided by Cherrie and Bill Green and served by tea hostesses Ann Hause and Leone Metros. Door prizes will be prepared by Leanna Sharon. Maj. Seiler will announce the winners and conclude the meeting with thanks and fellowship. For more information, call 296-8539. REEVES From page 7 It provides an understanding of historical roots in Ernest Holmes’ philosophy, emphasizing the works of Thomas Troward, Emma Curtis Hopkins and Ralph Waldo Emerson. A course of miracles group meets from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Mondays led by practitioner Monica Johnson. On Tuesdays at noon and Wednesdays at 10 a.m., David Hennage teaches yoga. Donations will be accepted. On Sundays, licensed practitioners are available for those in need of someone to confide in. For more information about church activities, call 598-3325. KUSALA From page 7 Meetings are held on the fourth Saturday of the month. People do not have to be Buddhist to attend. There is no membership just a gathering of like-minded people to take part in a joyful morning learning how to reduce stress. Ven Kusala has donated his spiritual library to the new nonfiction section of LW Library near the front door. For more information, contact Heath at 295-5588 or All donations are welcome to support Ven Kusala’s teachings. KNOX From page 7 the solo, “Mansion Over The Hilltop.” Continuing in his series through the book of Acts, Pastor Gene Cherryholmes will bring the message, “The Way Of God.” Calvary Chapel meets at 6 p.m. Thursdays with Pastor Phil O’Malley in Romans. Call the church office, 4318810, between 9-11 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays for more information. SERVICES From page 7 For more information, call Frances Benson at 439-9433. Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Mass; Sunday Masses, 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and noon. Confessions: Saturday and eves of Holy Days 4-4:45 p.m. First Fridays, 7:15 a.m. Notice to Readers • Publication of advertisements in the LW News does not indicate an endorsement of any advertiser. • Readers are responsible for verifying claims, licenses, references, etc. • California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and materials) be licensed by Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license number on all advertising. • Any advertiser not including a contractor’s license number can be assumed not to be a licensed contractor and should not perform jobs costing in excess of $500. Verify license numbers and scope of work a contractor is licensed by calling 1-800-321-2752 or at www.cslb. • Before signing any contract or beginning any work, contractors should check with the LW Physical Property Dept. for a complete list of requirements. • Advertisers soliciting to do business in Leisure World must include their Seal Beach Business License numbers or other state license numbers in their ads. • The News will not knowingly publish any advertisement it deems to be untruthful or misleading. Complaints regarding an advertiser must be in writing and signed to be considered. ANNOUNCEMENTS AVON Lenora Browning, LW resident. Phone (562) 493-5457.Seal Beach Business License #BRN0001 6/25/15 Free If you and your partner are serious about improving your ballroom skills, call me at (562)431-8088 ----------------------------------------- . Obituary Guidelines Space is available for obituaries of residents and former residents. • An “In Memoriam” column is available free of charge. Limited to name, mutual number and date of death. • An obituary with or without photo is available free of charge for the first 250 words. Additional words will be charged at the rate of 20 cents per word. Notices written by the news staff will be free and no more than 250 words. • Notices from mortuaries and non-GRF members will be printed exactly as submitted and charged at the non-member classified advertising rate, $10.45 for the first 12 words and 20 cents for each additional word. • Bordered, decorative obituaries and eulogies are available in any size at the prevailing display advertising rate. • Obituaries may be published as news articles when the person has been a member of the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors, or when, in the opinion of the managing editor, the passing of a person is newsworthy to a sufficiently large number of GRF members. • A “Card of Thanks” section is available in the classified section of the News at the member classified advertising rate, $6.60 for the first 12 words and 20 cents per word thereafter, for persons wanting to express their thanks for help during bereavement, sickness, etc. CLASSIFIED Free 27” Sharp TV and Panasonic DVD/CD Player. Mutual 2 resident. (562)-594-0994. -----------------------------------------FREE musical “visit” to interested persons in Leisure World. I play the piano and sing old standards, gospels, folk music and blues etc. If you are interested call me, Guy Morrison at (562)493-5888. Lost Lost black and white long hair cat “Woody”, by Del Monte & Interlachen. He is wild and does not like people, if you see him please call Jeanne. Thank You! (562)760-3145. HOME IMPROVEMENT Additions/Remodeling PENA CONSTRUCTION. Ruben PENA. General Contractor. State Contractor’s License #336991. (562) 430-4216. Room Additions, etc. z ----------------------------------------J.C.KRESS CONSTRUCTION, INC. Free estimates/design by LW resident. All improvements - room additions. State Contractor’s License #525989. Call us: (562) 430-9380. ----------------------------------------JOHN M. BERGKVIST General Building Contractor, State Contractor’s License #638079. Everything from skylights to remodels and room additions. (562) 433-3052. -----------------------------------------Additions & Remodeling, Kitchen & Bath Remodeling, Windows, Tile & Stonework. State Contractor’s License # 393071. OGAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. (562)596-7757 -----------------------------------------LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Fixer-upper interior renovations, custom upgrades. Pantries, closets, existing counter tops & cabinets redone to look different, moldings; floor/window coverings; painting. Contractor’s License #723262. LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Carpentry CUSTOM CARPENTRY BY JOHN MERCURIO Serving Leisure World exclusively for over 30 years. Wardrobe closets redesigned, roll out drawers for kitchens, bathrooms and closets. Call for appointment (562) 598-4552 or (949) 378-0616, or go on line at Seal Beach Business License #MER0001 Gardening Service FRANK’S GARDENING SERVICE Complete maintenance and landscape. Serving Leisure World since 1978. Planting, clean-ups, fertilization. New lawns, etc. Offering my services to all Mutuals. Honest and reliable. State Contractor’s License #779462. Call (562) 863-7739, 7433832 or (714) 527-1172. ----------------------------------------------J&J LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE Landscaping-plants, lawns, trees, etc. Maintenance of lawns and flower beds. Available for all residential and Mutual projects. Joe (562) 650-1511 Jesse (562) 219-0374 State Contractor’s License#79003 ----------------------------------------ELECTRIC CAR PADS Installed at your residence. State Contractor’s License # 779462. Call Frank (562)743-3832. Carpet & Service LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Floor coverings-linoleum, laminate, carpet and tile. 30 years in LW. Contractor’s License #723262. LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 No Paper By 9 A.M.? Call 430-0534 Before 10 A.M. State Mutual & Apt. Number Handyman Service JIMMY’S HANDYMAN SERVICE LEISURE WORLD ONLY LICENSED and INSURED Call (562) 596-1337 for work to be done. Call returned Monday through Friday, daily. No job too small. FREE ESTIMATES Heat pump filters cleaned; clean lint from dryers; vacuum light wells; dead bolt locks installed; entry locks installed; glass door locks and rollers installed; windows and screens washed; skylights washed and repaired, also new domes; hang pictures and mirrors; phone work done; new doorbells installed and repaired. Repair lamps. Seal Beach Business License #JIM0001. z ----------------------------------------THE HANDY COUPLE Ted & Jeri Nowell, LW Residents, Honest and reliable (562) 430-1104. Seal Beach Business License #NOW0001. ----------------------------------------GARY’S HANDYMAN SERVICE PROFESSIONAL Painting and Carpentry. Masonry and Tile. Call (562) 596-6013 for appointment. Calls returned daily. Fiberglass or Hardi Backer paneling board installed on patio block walls. Seal Beach Business License #GAR0005. ----------------------------------------LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Fixer-uppers, renovations, custom upgrades. Crown molding, baseboards, counter tops, redone to look new, but different, interior painting, closets, pantries redesigned, exterior window frames painted white. Contractor’s License #723262 LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 -----------------------------------------Handyman Rick. Assemblies, installations, TV wall mounts, lights, fans, shelving, carpentry, clean heat pump filters, windows, ovens. Messages (562) 598-1000. Seal Beach Business License #RIL0001. Painting BEL-RICH PAINTING: Free estimates, small/large jobs. Contractor’s License #705131. (714) 220-9702; 1-800-618-2220. ---------------------------------------------LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Interiors, cabinets. Entry doors, cabinets refinished or painted, new baseboards, crown moulding. References for every street in Leisure World, 35 years in Leisure World. Contractor’s License #723262. LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 ----------------------------------------Blue Sky Painting & Construction Insurance, General Building B and Painting C-33 License #632956. (562) 822-5632 or (562)418-000-----------------------------------------Miller Painting Company, free estimates, all work guaranteed. (714) 600-4437. Contractor ’s License #725681. -----------------------------------------FRANK KUYS PAINTING Need a living room, bedroom or entire home painted. Enjoy a clean, fresh look. License #552827. Frank (562) 420-7898. Screen-Sales Service, Installation LEISURE WORLD SCREEN SERVICE. For all your screening needs. Ted and Jeri Nowell, LW residents (562) 430-1104. Seal Beach Business License #NOW0001. ----------------------------------------PROFESSIONAL MOBILE SCREEN SERVICE New screens, re-screening, screen doors, retractable screens, new and repair. Since 1988. Call today. (562) 493-8720. State Contractors License #578194. Skylights Cleaning & Repairs LICENSED and INSURED Skylights washed, lubricated, repair and new domes replaced by JIMMY’S HANDYMAN. Call for appointment. (562) 596-1337. Seal Beach Business License #JIM0001. ----------------------------------------Skylights cleaned and repaired or domes replaced by THE HANDY COUPLE, Ted and Jeri Nowell, LW residents. Licensed and insured. (562) 430-1104. Seal Beach Business License #NOW0001. NEWS Wallpaper Removal & Installation Darrell’s Wallpaper Hanging and Removal. Free estimates. Contractor’s License #741588. (714) 255-9568. Window Coverings Sales & Installation Coast Factory Blinds Shutters, Verticals, Wood Blinds, Pleated Shades, all at wholesale prices. Serving LW for 20 years. We don’t just make blinds, we make friends. Free estimates. Contractor’s License #660872. (562) 493-4228 --------------------------------------------(562) 596-0559 LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS Blinds, shutters, drapes, sheers, valances. 35 years serving Leisure World. Contractor’s License #723262. LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-05594 SERVICE DIRECTORY Beauty Services In home hair care, serving the men and women of Leisure World for 36 years. Mel (562) 431-4827; cell: (562) 480-9341 License #KC75538 ---------------------------------------------Coni’s Mobile Hair Home Service, 31 years. Cosmetology License #KK39075. Cell (714) 315-5363. Seal Beach Business License #LIB0003 ----------------------------------------SHAMPOO SETS/PERMS Yvonne Morales is Back! Monday thru Saturday at Phenix Salon, Suite 118 (near Dollar Tree). 9:00 am -5:00 pm. Call for appointment (714) 855-8465. ---------------------------------------MANICURES/PEDICURES $30. Monday thru Friday at Phenix Salon, Suite 112 9:00 am- 6:00 pm. Call Juliana for appointment (714) 3302102. Lic# KK317452.. ----------------------------------------In home hair care, perms, cuts & styles. Good prices, friendly service. Call Sandy (562)230-6169. Bicycle Service & Repair Bicycle repairs. Free pick up and delivery. We also make house calls for smaller repairs. Local, serving the community for 90 years. Professional, courteous service. Call Kings Bicycle Store.(562)598-9322. Computers FRUSTRATED (562)755-6199 Everything for your computer (PC or Mac), cell phone, TV, stereo, any electronic device. Tina Schaffer. Seal Beach Business License #CIP0001. --------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER REPAIR Free Estimate Repair, training, set up. Tablets, phones, computers & T V’s. Virus removal wireless, PC/MAC. John Fuhrer, L W resident. (562) 733-9193, #CA510324. Leisure World Helping Leisure World Y’s Service Club of the YMCA will assist residents with small nonprofessional jobs. We change light bulbs, clean air conditioner filters, hang a small picture or mirror, remove or place items on a high shelf, air bicycle tires, etc. Donations gladly accepted. Call week days between 8 am and 5 pm, (562) 2965048 and (562) 799-3320. ----------------------------------------Does your walker need new tennis balls? Delivery and installation provided. Please give your name and phone number. Maria Giegerich (562) 596-9983. ----------------------------------------Leisure World Community Church will pick up objects as large as one man can handle. All pick-ups are on Wednesday between 10 am - 2 pm. Call to schedule an appointment. (562)431-2503. Home Care & Personal Assistants Readers are urged to ask advertisers for references; call those references; and to verify advertisers’ business license numbers by calling Seal Beach City Hall, 431-2527. NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 CLASSIFIED ----------------------------------------Nancy’s LW Personal Assistants . Representing the best in-home care services. Call (562) 596-2019. Seal Beach Business License #GRU0001. -----------------------------------------Marlene’s Personal Services Need a companion? Need a ride? Help with errands? Doctor, airport, cruise lines, shopping, movies, etc. Call me (562) 596-0775. Seal Beach Business License #MEH0001. ----------------------------------------CHRISTIAN HOME HEALTH Services. Experienced, knowledgeable caregivers, honest, assertive, fluent English. Hourly/full-time, doctor’s appointments, errands. Bernadine (562) 310-0280. Seal Beach Business License #BCS0002. Bonded/insured. 4/2/2015 ----------------------------------------Bright Watch Caregivers Exceptional affordable home care. Over 10 years in Leisure World. Bonded and insured. (714) 841 (CARE) -2273. Seal Beach Business License #BRC0002. ----------------------------------------Most affordable rate with optimum service, 23 years experience LW, reliable, honest caregivers. Licensed, 24 hour, part time, doctors, appointments, references available, fluent English. Ann (714) 624-1911 Heidi (562) 277-3650. Seal Beach Business License #HYC0001 ---------------------------------------------LIFE CARE SERVICES INC. (562)430-6611 We provide in home care. Live in or hourly. Office - 3535 Farquhar Av Suite 12, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (949)3386884. Caregivers screened, bonded and insured. Seal Beach Business license LIF0005. ---------------------------------------------Carmen Cares! Compassionate and sensitive nonmedical experienced caregiver. Personal care, light housekeeping, laundry, run errands, transportation, cooking. Hourly. (562) 287-9349, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Seal Beach Business License #CAR0011. ---------------------------------------------Would you like some assistance with your everyday needs ? I have my own car, I cook and do laundry and light housecleaning. Please give me a call so I can help life be a little better for you. I have references. Seal Beach Business LicenseDLL0002. (562)774-5172. English only! Thank You. ---------------------------------------------Experienced resident caregiver/assistant, miscellaneous chores. Seal Beach Business License #MCL0001. (562) 431-5622. House Cleaning Patricia Housecleaning - weekly, biweekly or monthly, excellent references in Leisure World. Call (562) 397-4659. Seal Beach Business License #LUC0001. ---------------------------------------TONY DO’S MAINTENANCE LW resident. Window washing, carpet cleaning, general house cleaning, vacancies (complete cleaning for resale) Reasonable prices. Excellent work. Call Tony Do (714) 5341824, evenings. Seal Beach Business License #TON0002. ------------------------------------------GRACIAN’S HOUSE CLEANING General housecleaning. Excellent references. We do windows! (562) 307-3861. Seal Beach Business License #GRAC0006. ---------------------------------------PHIL’S CLEANING SERVICE Phil cleans windows, walls, move-in, move-out, etc. 30 years experience. Seal Beach Business License #ABL0001. (562) 438-1492. ------------------------------------------Allen Williams Housecleaning and Windows. (562) 884-0671. References. Seal Beach Business License: #WIL0004. ------------------------------------------Magaly’s Cleaning Service. We make your home sparkle! 7 days call anytime! Complete cleaning. Discount for regular customers. Seal Beach Business License S&M0001 (562) 505-1613. Memorial...Cemetery Forest Lawn, Cypress, Sheltering Trees, 1 plot, Lot 3385, Space 4. $4,000. (562)799-6544. ------------------------------------------Special at beautiful Westminister Memorial Park, two cemetery plots, near front, sell for $9,000. each, now selling both for 8,000. Call Martin in Mutual 2 @ (760) 2231282. Dial Direct Save Time 430-0534 Moving & Storage A FRIEND AND A TRUCK Your moving service, any size job. (310) 387-2618. CA Carrier #0263644 ---------------------------------------J&D Haul away and cleanup service. No job too small, fast reliable, great prices. Seal Beach Business License #BRA0002. (562) 841-3787. Notary Notary, Edith Hampton, here in LeisureWorld (562) 626-8157. Piano Lessons -Piano lessons conveniently in your home Contact Samara, (714)794-5089. Seal Beach Business License #SAM0005. Upholstery Call Ray! Time to replace foam cushions Homes, mobile homes. Call Ray! 562434-6259. Transportation Need a Ride? Irene handles all transportation needs. (562) 431-3679. Seal Beach Business License #NEE0001. MERCHANDISE Autos/RVs/Boats/Trailers Wanted WE BUY ANY KIND OF CAR Boat, motorcycle, truck - running or not. We are local - call anytime! We pay cash and remove promptly! We do DMV and Release of liability for you! Bonded/Licensed since 1985! Call us so we can come out and give you a quote. Local call: (562) 684-0901 Autos/RVs/Boats/Trailers Motorcycles For Sale 2001 Dodge Pickup, V6, Auto Air, 88,000 miles, runs great, $3,200. Mutual 7 (310) ----------------------------------------2012 Kia Rio, white, 4,500 miles. $12,500. (562)596-3429. ----------------------------------------2007 Pontiac Solstice convertible, gray with black top, automatic, leather interior, 6 CD changer, only 38,000 miles. $9,995. (714)3348502. Electric Cars/Scooters/ Mobile Chairs for sale Electric Golf Cars, Sales, Parts, Service (714) 292-9124. ----------------------------------------GT4 Cobra scooter, heavy duty. Excellent condition, only used Jeannie 1 4 months. Max 10 .indd MPH. Retail $3,900., asking $2,500. Contact Katie (714)348-0222. -----------------------------------------Pride Mobility Ultra X GoGo Scooter, new brakes, new batteries with cover $450. (562)280-3318. Estate/Moving/Patio Carport Sale RUMMAGE SALE Leisure World Community Church Thursday, April 30, 8am - noon Friday, May 1, 8am - noon Furniture, clothing, pictures, kitchen ware, books, appliances, jewelry and much more.! ---------------------------------------FLEA MARKET COMING! Saturday, May 2nd Club house 2 @ 8:30 am to 2pm Call (562)234-3875. Miscellaneous for Sale Nice tricycle, basket and premium seat. $175. (562)598-9143. -----------------------------------------Life Water Ionizer, 3 years old. Paid $2,000. sell for $350. (562)666-1245. -----------------------------------------Two(2) Women’s (Phat) Cruiser bicycles, 6 speed, black/pink, 3 speed, purple/white, many accessories. Almost new, were $500, will sell for $350 each. (505) 220-5316. -----------------------------------------Two (2) chairs, 1 leather wing back, 1 leather recliner. $200 each (596)594-6560. 31 Leisure Living Resales The ONLY Full Service LW Real Estate Office!!! Want to Buy Antiques, collectables and jewelry. Will pay cash. Call Earlyne (562)277-5909. -----------------------------------------WANTED - Large collapsible covered ironing board in good condition. (562)799-1220. ----------------------------------------- REAL ESTATE Leisure World Apts for Sale Drive up corner unit light,bright & airy. Great location in Mutual 11! Brand new paint & carpet! Expanded family room addition! 2 bedrooms! 2 Skylights plus good size patio & storage! View to open grassy area! Easy walk to Clubhouses. Minutes to the beach! No court confirmation. $225,000. Call Sam Kwasman 1-818-620-5128. -----------------------------------------Fully expanded 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Appliances include dishwasher, washer & dryer, central air, heat pump & high boy toilet. Drive up parking with electric hook up, 6 sky lights, storage closet on enclosed patio area. Private and secluded location, greenbelt perfect for entertaining. Great neighbors! 13381 El Dorado Dr, Mutual 8, 202 E, Please call (562)500-9346 to view this property. Classified deadline is 2:30 p.m., Monday, for Thursday’s publication s ty i nes cy Ho Poli My Jeannie Bush Mutual 12 Resident (562) 431-4555 Retirement Living Coming Soon Mutual 7, 156-B 2 bedroom, 1 bath Mutual 5, 70-K $310,000 Fully expanded 2-bedroom 1-½ bath. New cabinets, central air, wood floors. 2 bay windows, Walk-in closet. A must see. All furniture for sale. Parking close DING PEN Mutual 5, 69-E $227,000 2-bedroom, 1-3/4-bath side expansion. Wood floors. Built-in book case. New heat pump. Storage on patio. G DIN N E P Pending Mutual 6, 54 D $225,000 Jimmie Boyd, Broker On-Site Sales Office Hank (562) 743-8473 Mutual 5, 96H 2-bedroom, fully expanded, washer/dryer. Totally NEW kitchen. Great unit. $297,990 Mutual 1, 6-G Corner 2-bedroom, 2 bath, washer/dryer 3 bay windows, 1190 sq ft. Next Week — Mutual 16 Corner 2-bedroom, triangle green Mutual 16, 52A Mutual 15, 9-F Your “Atrium” Dream Home $297,777 Diana (562) 242-6162 Mut. 1, 42H— Just Listed 1-bedroom in courtyard setting. Conveniently located. $133,000 Mut. 2, 34-D— 1-BDR woth cozy patio overlooking an amazing greenbelt. $127,500 Mut. 4, 74I Fully expanded greenbelt 2-bedroom, 2-bath. Move-in condition. $369,000 Helen Blizzard (562) 896-1191 Mutual 14 Resident Needs Your Listings Mutual 14-27A Fully expanded 1-1/2-bath, A.C. Bay windows ONLY $288,000 Erika is the #1 Agent in LW Erika (562) 598-7616 Carolyn 754-6111 Traveling Notary Mutual 17 Resident CALL JOYCE Resident Realtor® Notary Available 596-8656 NEW HEAT PUMP installed 3/24/15. Mutual 9, 226-D REDUCED! $107,500 Considering ALL Offers Coming Soon Move-in perfect 1 Bdrm. in Mutual 2 Mutual 4, 81A GREAT UPGRADES W/D, Central Heat/Air, and Convenient Location Best & Prettiest unit @$279,000 Mutual 7 176G East Facing Corner Gorgeous Greenbelt, huge trees LOTS of GLASS Enclosed Side Patio Enclosed Office Area Must See! $239,000 Mutual 14-24A Expanded Corner, Drive up, 2 Bedrooms $260,000 Mutual 3-26I - 2-bedroom $175K Mutual 3-32L - All Offers Expanded corner $225,000 Mutual 17 - 53A- Condo 2 bedroom, 2-bath $310,000 Mutual 2-59H Gorgeous 2-BDR, expanded $235,000 Four skylights Mutual 7, 161J Fully expanded $251,000 Downstairs 2-bedroom, 1-3/4-bath. West facing. Enclosed patio. Spacious. Freshly painted. Close to laundry, Main Gate, parking. Mutual 15, 3-A $215,000 —•••— Completely remodeled atrium, 2-bedroom, 1-1/2-bath, with breakfast room, pantry with pull-out shelves. 2 bay windows, Full-size washer and dryer. Master bedroom and bath. Mutual 15, 6-B $449,000 —•••— Mutual 5, 97A Corner Fully expanded Charles Park (562) 505-0635 Mutual 8 Shareholder Mutual 2, 39J - $135,000 Yong Pyon (310) 658-0379 Mutual 1 Shareholder Mutual 15, 15-F — Pending Mutual 9, 232-K—Pending Mutual 15, 1-C —SOLD Mutual 8, 205-A—SOLD Mutual 15, 29-K—SOLD Mutual 8, 181-A —SOLD L.L.R. apologizes for the error in last week’s ad. Mutual 2, 6G is NOT for sale, Mutual 1, 6G IS!! Unbelievable Real Estate Main Office Next to Wells Fargo 493-6601 4/20/15 32 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 Erika Shapiro Jimmie Boyd Erika Shapiro Broker/Realtor Resales Specialist Mut. 17 Resident traveling notary 562-598-7616 RECENT CLOSED SALES I M15 23-Q $220,000 Condo, First Floor M-15 5-F $230,000 Great greenbelt View, Plantation Shutters, Central A/CFOR Heat,NEW LISTINGS AM L LOOKING Tiled Balcony, Mutual 17, seeking 53A $310,000 Primarily 2 bed units nEw listing Partially expanded drive-up corner, 2 bdr/ 1AREAS bath, OTHER Central A/C heat, withservicing storage, A Resort I alsoSmall haveside anpatio office New carpet and paint, level Senior ExtraCommunity large skylights in in Beaumont Ca kitchen & bath and would to show you the single Mutuallove 14, 24A $260,000 family homes with attached garages lUxUry 1 Bdr, 1 BAtH Prices are from low $200,000 to mid Expanded. Fabulous greenbelt,$300,000s. bay windows. All the bells & whistles Mutual 2 - 20i $215,000 Sq Footage from 1480 to over 2700 PriCE rEdUCtion AllExpanded include at least 2 car garage corner on green, A/C heat pump, skylights, laminte flooring Mutual 3, 32l $225,000 562 895-2527 nEw listing BRE 01400803 GreatCa Drive-up Corner, Fully Expanded 2 BDR/ 1 Bath, Walk-in closet, Central A/C Heat Mutual 5, 97A $350,000 HELEN Resales Specialist • Mutual 17 Resident traveling notary 562-598-7616 nEw listing 1 BDR with an enclosed patio, skylights, laminate flooring, walk-in shower, greenbelt view, close to parking Mutual 3, 11B - 129,500 Condo, First Floor Great greenbelt View, Plantation Shutters, Central A/C Heat, Tiled Balcony, Mutual 17, 53A $310,000 PArtiAlly ExPAndEd drive-up corner, 2 BDR/ 1 bath, central A/C heat, small side patio with storage, new carpet and paint, extra large skylights in kitchen & bath Mutual 14, 24A $260,000 PriCE rEdUCtion 2 Bdr, 1 Bath Move-in ready. Expanded, small patio, A/C heat pump, white kitchen, fresh paint, new laminate flooring, cut-down shower Mutual 2, 59H $235,000 2015 EsCrows 1-46i 2-30C 8-181A 5-105B 11-267J 5-103K 8-197l 12-43J 8-182E 14-15E 8-181i 17-63B nEw listing Greenbelt View Basic 2 BDR/1Bath, Skylights, fresh paint, bath tub Mutual 3, 26i $175,000 grEAt driVE-UP CornEr Fully Expanded 2 BDR/ 1 Bath, Walk-in closet, Central A/C Heat Mutual 5, 97A $350,000 grEAt VAlUE-driVE UP 2 BDR/ 1 Bath, fully expanded drive-up, 4 skylights, walk-in closet, plantation shutters, small entry patio, Mutual 7, 161i $251,000 PriCE rEdUCtion Expanded corner on green, A/C heat pump, skylights, laminte flooring Mutual 3, 32l $225,000 lUxUry 1 Bdr, 1 BAtH Expanded. Fabulous greenbelt, bay windows. All the bells & whistles Mutual 2 - 20i $215,000 i sold 35 in 2014 i sold 60 in 2013 i sold 42 in 2012 i sold 46 in 2011 i sold 41 in 2010 I can sell your’s too! Service Is My Priority! Call ME for a Market Evaluation grEAt VAlUE-driVE UP 2 BDR/ 1 Bath, fully expanded drive-up, 4 skylights, plantation shutters, walk-in closet, Jim Duncan small entry patio, Manager Mutual 7, 161i $251,000 Fay Wescott Mutual 14 Resident 562-896-1191 Traveling Notary Mutual 14, 27-A Expanded Corner Upgraded Reduced to $288,000 2-bedroom, 1-1/2-bath Upgraded kitchen white cupboards with glass doors Kitchen-Aid dishwasher Pantry — pullout shelves Bay windows in living room with slider to outside. Formal dining room Central air & heat Too many extras to mention— Must See! Mutual 6, 135K—$157,000 SOLD in 11 Days Mutual 8, 205A —$227,000 SOLD in 5 Days Leisure Living Resales Vickie Van Ert Leah Perrotti Helen Blizzard.indd 1 PriCE rEdUCtion 1900 St. Andrews Dr. , Suite C 2 Bdr, 1 Bath Seal Beach, CA 90740 Move-in ready. Expanded, Two-Bedrooms small patio, A/C heat pump, Mutual 1 18L $159,900 Corner, wood vinyl flooring, skylights Mutual 2 31A white kitchen, paint, Cut off corner, lam. floors, heat pump Mutual 1 32L fresh $159,900 Mutual 2 60K new laminate flooring, Mutual 6 127H $169,000 Downtown close, move in ready, laundry close Mutual 2 15C cut-down shower Mutual 14 49H $172,000 New carpet & paint, close to parking Mutual 14 48D Suzanne Ahn Mutual 2, 59H $235,000 Mutual 2 55G $179,000 Mutual 7 175K $179,900 CoMing Mutual 6 128Fsoon $193,500 Basic 32-BDR/1-bath Mutual 18F $200,000 Pretty Mutual 15 greenbelt 29F $209,900 Mutual Mutual 6 67K3, 26i $229,000 Mutual 15 3G $230,000 Mutual 9 216G $239,000 in EsCrow Mutual 10 245H $239,000 Susie Allen Mut 8 - 181A $225,000 Mutual 2 21A $248,000 Mut 14 - 15E $359,000 Mutual 12 8F $249,000 Mut 12 - 43J $225,000 Mutual 1 1G $259,000 Mut 8 - 197l $189,000 Mutual 4 48L $259,500 Mut 1 - 68 d $115,000 Mutual 9 234G $267,000 Mut. 8 - 182-d $132,000 Mutual 200E $120,000 $269,000 Mut 11 - 8267-J Mutual 15 42D $269,900 Mut 17 - 63-B $315,000 Mutual 5 104F $269,000 Mutual 3 34G $279,900 Mary Chittick Mutual i sold 35 in $279,999 2014 6 139I i sold 60 in 2013 i sold 42 in 2012 i sold 46 in 2011 i sold 41 in 2010 I can sell your’s too! Ben Choi Washer/dryer, corner, large greenbelt High side exp., skylights, dishwasher Full corner expan., large courtyard, walk to town Expanded corner, laminate floors, central air 1-3/4 baths, lam. floors, plantation shutters Partial exp., 4 skylights, lam. floors Ground level, laminate wood, carpet Fully exp. corner, laminate floors, heat pump, dishwasher Btfl. unit, highside expan. enclosed patio, must see 2 greenbelts, corner, upgraded wood floors Corner expanded, drive-up faces south Corner expan., great location, dual pane windows Full corner exp., cent. air, light & bright Fully exp. corner, greenbelt on side, upgraded shower, nice Fully expan., possible 3rd bedroom, central air, skylights 1 3/4 baths, laminate floors, downstairs Full corner expan., drive-up, plantation shutters, white cabs Full exp, corner, wood floors, greenbelt Remodeled, extra large skylights, bay window Service Is My Priority! Call ME for a Market Evaluation Estee Edwards Barbara Diette-Dobias Robin Gray Clara Fink 13926 Seal Beach Blvd. Seal Beach, CA 90740 $285,000 Expanded corner, central air, walk in tub $289,000 3 bedroom, remod. kit., washer/dryer, cent. air $294,900 Full expan., washer/dryer, cent. air, lam. floors $297,000 Washer/dryer, cent. air, many upgrades Kawain Payne Mutual 6 61F $309,000 Corner location, cent. air, many upgrades Mutual 12 34C $325,000 Sun room, cent. air, wood/vinyl floors Mutual 10 248K $333,000 1-3/4 baths, cozy porch, ay window Mutual 15 6C $375,500 1-3/4 bath, atrium, drive-up, bay window Mutual 15 45E $439,000 Fabulous, washer/dryer, remod. kitchen Mutual 7 172F $349,000 Washer/dryer, 2 bath, remod. corner, cent. air Mutual 5 95A $454,900 Side patio, cent. air, washer/dryer, 2 baths Mutual 7 151B Mutual 5 90B Mutual 9 224K Mutual 3 13I Mutual 2 36J Mutual 5 123C Mutual 6 69D Mutual 12 7K Mutual 2 21J Mutual 9 206K Gloria Hadley One-Bedroom $105,000 $122,000 $123,000 $124,900 $124,999 $125,000 $125,000 $129,900 $139,000 $169,000 Drive-up, basic, close to parking Move-in condition, large courtyard Drive up, laminate floors, heat pump Enclosed patio, white kit. cabinets, heat pump Enclosed patio, 3 skylights, parking close Tiled patio, large skylights, thermo windows Great view, charming unit, gate close Exp. bedroom, walk to center, pool golf Great greenbelt, hardwood floors, really nice Btfl. full expan., drive-up, skylights Kathy Gupton Irv Hart Jong Kim Linda Patton Karen Lee Joanie Korman NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 The “Right Team” Robin & Barbara Your Seal Beach Leisure World Real Estate Team Mutual 9 - 224-K $123,000 One-bedroom, one-bath with laminate floors, heat/A/C pump and a small private front yard. Mutual 14 - 48-D $297,000 Two bedroom - One Bath Fully expanded on a fabulous greenbelt setting with drive-up parking - south-east facing, freshly painted throughout Washer/Dryer - A/C Mutual 6 - 139-I $279,000 Two bedroom - one bath fully expanded drive-up with laminate floors, bay window, A/C, extra large skylights, decorator ceiling fans and lighting, dining area, and breakfast bar, newer appliances, D/W & microwave. Mutual 2 - 21-J $139,000 1-Bedroom, 1-Bath, wood floors throughout, designer colors, white cabinets, redone shower, Bosch dishwasher and a cozy porch to enjoy the amazing setting. Absolutely Move-in Ready!!!! Mutual 15 - 22-A $178,000 Back on Market—Large downstairs one bedroom! Newer paint, carpet, vinyl, kitchen counters, appliances and dual paned windows. Drive-up with a pretty view from living room. This lovely unit is very unique and different, only 8 units like it in LW! Mutual 4 - 48-L $259,000 Light and bright with an awesome breeze! Fully expanded corner, ready to move ... Central heat/air, close parking and laundry - a great, feel-good unit!! Call to See! COMING SOON Mutual 6 - 128-F $193,500 2-bed, 1-bath — Fully expanded on an extra large courtyard green setting. Close to downtown and all LW amenities. Priced right for a corner that needs a little TLC. Mutual 5 - 90-B $122,000 One bedroom with a wonderful ocean breeze! Move-in ready. Enclosed patio room with a large storage room, pretty spot with a wide courtyard setting. Mutual 12 - 8-F $249,000 REDUCED—Fully expanded corner with porch to enjoy the breeze. Move-in ready, fresh paint. Great location. Faces southwest. Light, bright. Mutual 16—1-bed on a pretty green. Enclosed patio, laminate wood floors, skylights, close street parking. ••• Mutual 3—Drive up 1-bed with an eastern exposure! Enclosed patio, bonus room too. Heat-pump, skylights. ••• Mutual 14—Southwest facing basic corner with an enclosed patio for extra living space! Heat-pump, close parking… oh the possibilities! ••• Mutual 6—Fully expanded two-bedroom, one-bath, remodeled throughout with A/C, and much more... ••• Mutual 2—Expanded corner on green. Call the Best — We Do the Rest Robin & Barbara Barbara Diette-Dobias Robin Gray (562) 209-5605 13926 Seal Beach Blvd., Seal Beach, CA 90740 (Located in the shopping center, behind Carl’s Jr.) (562) 754-5628 Check out our website for information about Leisure World Seal Beach 33 34 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 Leisure World® Specialists Gloria & Kathy “The Gloria Hadley Realtor® 562 884-3594 Sisters We really are SiSterS!” ” Associate Broker Kathy 562 Two-Bedrooms New Listing Gupton 618-9940 Fabulous! Mutual 15, 29F $209,900 Downstairs 2 bedroom 1-3/4 bathrooms. Drive-up parking. Patio with lovely breeze on side greenbelt. Dishwasher, laminate floors in dining room and kitchen. Carpet in bedrooms & bathrooms. Plantation shutters in bedrooms. Must see! Mutual 5, 95A $454,900 Beautiful fully expanded corner with panoramic view of pretty greenbelt. Large side patio. Triple-pane Pella windows, two bedrooms, one can be used as office, 2 remodeled baths. Central heat & air, skylights, kitchen fully remodeled with breakfast bar, appliances, many extras. This is a must see. Mutual 2, 15C $294,900 Fully expanded facing south west. Features newer cabinets and built in microwave. Central heat & air, thermo windows with plantation shutters. Washer/dryer, laminate flooring, skylights in kitchen and bathroom. Very nice. Move in condition. Mutual 9, 206K $169,000 Beautifully upgraded expanded one-bedroom, one-bathroom. Features walk-in closet in master. White kitchen with portable dishwasher, skylights in kitchen and bathroom, dual-pane windows with plantation shutters. Move in ready with driveup location. Mutual 15, 6C $375,500 Lovely 2 bedroom, 1-3/4 bath atrium with great drive up location. Large bay window looks out to gorgeous side greenbelt. Laminate flooring, white kitchen cabinets, dishwasher, built-in microwave, bonus side entry from kitchen leads to attractive tiled covered patio. Inside atrium has double French doors. Bedrooms have large mirrored wardrobe doors with tons of storage space. Heat pump, more. Mutual 1, 32L $159,900 2-bedroom, one-bath, cut-off corner. Kitchen has skylight, dishwasher. Bathroom has cut-down shower and skylight. Heat pump, patio storage. Close to laundry. Mutual 1, 1G $259,000 Fabulous location! 2-Bd, 1-bath, expanded corner with view of golf course. Features dual-pane windows, heat pump, skylights, sliding door from 2nd bedroom to charming side patio, large walk in storage closet, ceiling fan in kitchen, cutdown shower, gorgeous greenbelt. Mutual 5, 104F $269,000 Fully expanded corner with convenient drive-up location. Features new carpet, dishwasher, white cabinets, plantation shutters, wood flooring in entry. Master bedroom has walk-in closet. Must see! Mutual 15, 45E $439,900 Gorgeous atrium is decorator’s dream. Private tiled patio with extra storage. Kitchen has stainless steel appliances, granite countertops with entry door to patio. Skylights in bathroom, atrium and patio. Thermo windows and plantation shutters. Central heat & air, washer/dryer. This unit has it all! Mutual 10, 248K $333,000 2-bedroom 1-3/4 bath. Bay window in living room. Kitchen has newer custom cabinets and granite counter, built-in dishwasher and microwave, free standing stove. Some cabinets have beveled glass doors. Master bedroom w/ custom walk-in closet. Tile in kitchen, bathrooms and hall. Skylights in kitchen and bath. Thermo window, central heat and air. One-Bedrooms Mutual 3, 34G $ 279,900 Fully expanded corner. Kitchen has custom cabinets, upgraded built-in stainless appliances, with dishwasher and microwave. Formal dining room, skylights in kitchen and bath. Master bedroom has walk-in closet. Open view from living room and master bedroom. Close to laundry. Mutual 2, 31A $285,000 Expanded 2-BR, 1-bath corner. Central heat/air, white cabinets, dishwasher, built-in microwave, tiled breakfast bar with storage. Double mirrored wardrobe and built-ins in bedrooms. Bathroom features walkin bathtub. Nice corner location. Mutual 2, 60K $289,000 Drive up location—1 bath, 2-bedroom plus a den or could be a 3rd bedroom, fully expanded, beautifully remodeled bath and kitchen with washer/dryer, dishwasher and built-in microwave. New windows with plantation shutters throughout. Close to carport. Move in condition. Mutual 15, 3G $230,000 2 Bedroom 1-1/2 bath faces east. Beautiful greenbelt . Laminate flooring. Carpet in both bedrooms. Kitchen features off white cabinets. Living room has ceiling fan. Enclosed patio. Downstairs, close to front gate. Mutual 15, 42D $269,900 Downstairs 2-bed, 1-3/4-bath. Kitchen has light colored wood cabinets and dishwasher. Laminate in entry, bathrooms and kitchen. Washer/dryer. Wall air conditioner in living room. Ceiling fan in dining room. Small private patio off master. Attractive windows with grids and vertical blinds. Pretty side greenbelt. Mutual 7, 175K $179,900 2 Bedroom 1 bath high side expansion. Skylights in kitchen and bathroom. Features dark original cabinets and dishwasher. Patio has storage and view of small greenbelt. Mutual 12, 34C $325,000 Charming, two-bedroom, one-bath unit with pretty side greenbelt .Enclosed sunroom with french doors. Expanded living room features wood-look vinyl floors. Master has walk in closet. Skylights in kitchen & bathroom. Central heat & air. Kitchen features dishwasher and white wood & glass front cabinets. Spacious with cozy feel. Must see! Mutual 8, 200E $269,000 Unique 3-bedroom. Third bedroom has French doors, can be used as a den. Upgraded kitchen with dishwasher, built in microwave, spacious breakfast bar. Solar tube skylights in kitchen, bath and second bedroom. Washer/dryer. Mutual 5, 123C $125,000 Charming 1 bedroom,1 bath. Features attractive tiled patio with walk in storage closet, white kitchen cabinets, extra large skylights in kitchen, heat pump. Mutual 3, 13I $124,900 One-bedroom, one-bath with enclosed patio. Features Solar Tube skylights in kitchen and bathroom. White kitchen cabinets, heat pump. Please call agent first, dog in unit. We can show ALL Leisure World® property Call and let us present our extensive marketing program. Members of M.L.S. Visit Our Website: 13926 Seal Beach Blvd.,Seal Beach, CA 90740 (Behind Carl’s Jr. Susan Wood Real Estate Assistant (562) 315-3447 NEWS On-SiteSales OFFICE Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 The 35 Charles Briskey Real Estate Every Sale We Make Returns Income To The Golden Rain Foundation, and Benefits Every Resident In Each MUTUAL in The Community On - Site Sales Team Notary Available On-Site Verna Chumley Realtor Sylvester Chumley Realtor Dawn Januszka Marsha Gerber Realtor Realtor 562 598-1388 Visit Us at Tim Kearns Realtor Carolyn McInerney Realtor Suzanne Fekjar Realtor Don Berg Realtor We Show ALL Properties For Sale In The Community New Listings MUTUAL 8–194D $239,000 Two bedroom unit with added dining room and enclosed patio. Washer/Dryer, heat pump. MUTUAL 6 – 66C - $240,000 Fully expanded two-bedroom unit! Nice central location! MUTUAL 9 – 226D - $115,000 One-bedroom unit; Faces South for breeze and light! MUTUAL 1 – 13C - $117,500 One-bedroom unit with front patio! SOLD MUTUAL 8 – 181I - $125,000 Cottage style one-bedroom unit; Fully expanded; lots of room! MUTUAL 15 – 37F - $217,333 Two bedrooms, Two baths, extra bonus room; Faces lovely greenbelt MUTUAL 4 – 76J -$123,000 Immaculate one-bedroom unit! A Must See! MUTUAL 7– 148G - $299,000 Back on Market, Expanded 2 bdrm Corner beautiful green belt, D/W. MUTUAL 15 – 31D - $339,000 Corner atrium on gorgeous green belt new paint & carpeting! MUTUAL 2 – 35H - $135,000 One-bedroom expanded master bedroom! New Paint & Carpeting; Professionally Staged MUTUAL 4 – 81A - $279,000 Expanded two-bedroom corner unit; washer/ dryer; Central Air/Heat; Great unit! MUTUAL 4 – 39G -$249,000 Fully expanded two-bedroom unit; Walk-in closet! SOLD MUTUAL 8 – 183D- 195,000 Two- bedroom unit on lovely green; Faces the breeze! MUTUAL 2– 47L-$170,000 Two-bedroom corner unit close to “downtown” MUTUAL 7 -176G - $239,000 Two-bedroom corner; Enclosed hi-side for dining; Enclosed office Lic. #01237297 36 NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/April 23, 2015 Steve Marsh (714) 624-4126 Leisure World® Seal Beach Listing and Resale Specialist BRE # 00361589 - Associate Broker / CRS 12501 Seal Beach Blvd. #100 Seal Beach, CA. 90740 ************************************** Located North of the 405 Freeway In The Rossmoor Shopping Center This Year To Date - I had a total of 26 Leisure World pending and closed sales. I Have Buyers For Yours Too! - Call Me Today For A Free Market Evaluation! 13451 Saint Andrews 124G Mutual 5 - $279,000 2 bed, 1 bath fully expanded on drive up corner. Washer & Dryer. Central heat & air. New paint and carpet. Double pane windows. Skylights, Large master bedroom with a walk-in closet 13044 Del Monte Dr 44E Mutual 15 - $288,000 2 bed, 1 bath south facing corner atrium model on lovely green belt. Laminate floors throughout. Bath has full tub, highboy toilet & skylight. Enclosed front patio with sink and storage area 1701 Sunningdale Rd 53L - Mutual 14 - $285,000 2 bed, 1 bath partially expanded corner with drive up parking. Fully expanded living & bedroom. Remod kit and bath. Skylights, recessed lighting, laminate flooring, smooth ceilings, Corian counter tops 1100 Brookline Road. 222B - Mutual 9 - $165,000 2 bedroom, 1 bath south facing unit in move in condition. Patio has large skylights and storage closet. Laminate floor in living room. Bathroom has highboy toilet, cut down shower and vinyl floor 13350 St. Andrews 68D - Mutual 12 - $169,900 2 bedroom, 1 bath. South east facing. With washer & dryer, wood style laminate floors, highboy toilet & mirror over kitchen sink. Highside patio has large skylight and 2 storage closets. 1020 Foxburg Road 215H - Mutual 9 - $150,000 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Fully remodeled, east facing with greenbelt view. New kitchen & bath, 4 large skylights, wood floors, double pane windows, central heat & air, microwave, dishwasher, ceiling fans. 1400 Mayfield Road 57D - Mutual 6 - $115,000 1 bedroom, 1 bath west facing unit with greenbelt view & drive up parking. Located near to laundry and carports. Extra wide planter area. Carpeted living room and bedroom. 13680 Alderwood Lane 78I - Mutual 4 - $99,900 1 bed, 1 bath north east facing with 8 foot wide planter area. Living room, kitchen & bedroom are carpeted. Kitchen has mirror over sink. Bath has ceramic tile floor. Large built in closet on patio 1580 Monterey Road 14I - Mutual 2 - $135,000 1 bedroom, 1 bath north facing drive up with greenbelt view, expanded bedroom with walk in closet, opening skylights in kitchen and bath and new paint. Living room has new heat pump Access To Total Inventory On April 13th a total of 106 units show as active listing on the CRMLS (this is where Realtors list property for sale). ● 24 - 1 bedroom, 1 bath from $105,000 to $215,000 ● 64 - 2 bedroom, 1 bath from $159,900 to $439,000 ● 23 - 2 bedroom, 2 bath from $209,900 to $495,000 Please give me a call for detailed information on any of these properties
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