X GRF Executive Director Randy Ankeny reports on the globe project now underway. Page www.lwsb.com The Friends Bookstore is accepting donations for its year-round boutique. Sandy Downen, GRF reservations secretary for 19 years, has retired. 2 Page 7 Page 12 May 7, 2015 The Official Publication of the Golden Rain Foundation, Seal Beach, CA LOCAL EVENTS GLAC-AUSA Give a soldier a gala evening The City of Seal Beach will celebrate the 100th year of its founding with a yearlong series of events, culminating Oct. 27 with a city-wide party. The following is a partial list of upcoming offerings: • On May 16, The Seal Beach Historical Society and Red Car Museum presents “A Day in History” from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Marina Center, 151 Marina Drive, Seal Beach. Admission is free; donations will be accepted. Proceeds benefit the Red Car Museum. For more information, call 430-1450. • On May 30, the Seal Beach Police Department will hold an open house at SBPD headquarters on Seal Beach Boulevard and Aldolfo Lopez Drive. The SBPD open house will include refreshments and an opportunity to speak with “Chief Joe” Stilinovich. The open house will be held from 11-4 p.m. Get a behind-thescenes tour of the facility, detention center and more. People will have an opportunity to meet the men and women of the police department. Admission is free. This is one in a series highlighting events commemorating Seal Beach’s 100th anniversary. Events will be held at a variety of city venues through Oct. 27. DISASTER PREP Help needed with disaster prep class Volunteers are needed to take telephone reservations for disaster first aid classes held in LW. People must be able to commit 1-2 hours a month. The work can be done from home. Disaster training classes are offered through the Organized Community Volunteer Education Association. For more information, call Madge Armstrong, 598-3087. INDEX coastal caution —Ruth Osborn, staff photos SEAL BEACH city crews built a mini-berm to stop oceanwater from spilling onto boardwalk. Dangerous conditions persist due to high tide, surf The waters cold, but the waves are strong, and that was enough to lure local surfers to south-facing beaches this week. The fun was somewhat tempered by minor coastal flooding at Seal Beach and other oceanhugging communities. An unusually high tide with six-foot swells Sunday night caused ocean water to crest the beach and spill onto the boardwalk at the Seal Beach Pier near Tenth Street and Seal Way, according Seal Beach police reports. No damage was reported as a result of the minor flooding. The swells are from a storm that originated southeast of New Zealand. City crews worked Monday to swab the boardwalk and shore up coastal property ahead of expected high surf throughout the week. “City staff constantly monitors conditions on the beach,” said Seal Beach Public Works Director Sean Crumby. “This week’s surf and tide prompted the city to place a small berm.” Surfers were undaunted by the big waves Tuesday, with the lineup spread from the pier to the jetty. Lifeguards are warning people to stay away from the water unless they are expert swimmers. Crumby and Marine Safety Chief Joe Bailey patrolled the beach on Tuesday morning to inspect the berm. The high tides combined with big surf happen about four times a year, Crumby said, “and we are prepared to respond accordingly.” The city recently removed a 20-foot sand berm built annually in the fall to protect shorefront homes from high winter surf. The National Weather Service (NWS) issued an advisory warning of large surf, five to eight feet, on south facing beaches through Tuesday, with three- to four-foot swells persisting through Friday. The big waves were accompanied by a drop in water temperature. High surf and strong currents have combined to make it danger- Leisure World offers a variety of ways to recycle everything from batteries to old computers. The Golden Age Foundation sponsors a pick-up program for household batteries. Dead batteries may be dropped at the Hospitality Center in Clubhouse 6 from 9-11 a.m., weekdays, and at the News Office and Purchasing Department at the Service Maintenance Yard during Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) office hours. Fluorescent/LED bulbs may be recycled at the Purchasing Department from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. MondayFriday. The office is located at the end of Golden Rain Road at Canoebrook Drive in the maintenance yard. Follow yellow lines to the building. Computers and monitors, televisions, microwave ovens, hair dryers, telephones and REUSE RECYCLE RENEW Arts & Leisure......... 11 Classified................26 Community...............6 Government..............4 other electronic waste (e-waste) may be placed in a container located in the alley behind the Service Maintenance Yard between Health & Fitness.......9 Obituary..................20 City officials monitor beach Tuesday. ous for swimmers, according to the NWS. Officials warn of strong rip currents and longshore currents, which commonly occur when waves come to shore at an angle. These waves can be particularly dangerous near a jetty or pier. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., MondayFriday. The following items can be disposed of: • Computer components • Storage disks • Connectors and cables • Cellular and desk phones • FAX and copy machines • CD players • Scanners and printers Household hazardous waste items can be disposed of at a hazardous waste collection center in their original containers if applicable (except motor oil and antifreeze). The closest site is Rainbow Disposal, 17121 Nichols St., in Huntington Beach, Gate 6; (714) 847-3581. Rainbow is open from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., TuesdaySaturday (except rainy days and holidays). The following items may be disposed of there: • Oil and latex paint and paint products See RECYCLE, page 26 Puzzle/Games...24-25 Religion..................28 A fundraising campaign to honor and support some of the thousands of soldiers from Southern California who were deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan in a decade of war in those countries is now underway. Donations are being accepted to send soldiers to the annual Army Birthday Ball on May 30 at the Queen Mary in Long Beach. The event is sponsored by the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the Association of the United States Army (GLAC-AUSA) to give soldiers a night out, time to relax and be honored for their service. It is through the generous donations of individuals, companies and other groups that the GLAC-AUSA is able to host the brave men and women at the annual Army Birthday Ball. The evening includes a four-star dinner and live entertainment, followed by dancing, and a visit from Miss California. All entertainers donate at least a portion of their normal fees to support the soldiers. People can thank the troops by donating $25, $50, $100 or sponsoring a whole table. To contribute, log on to www.gofundme.com/GLAC_ AUSA. For more information, contact, Col. Carl David, USA, ret., at (949) 351-6213 or visit www.AUSA.org/ GLAC. The GLAC-AUSA sponsor a host of services for soldiers, including emergency financial assistance to families, transitional housing for homeless veterans, training classes and workshops, and holiday gifts for military families in need. Local soldiers are anticipating the annual Army ball. SBTV......................13 Sports & Games.....19 Travel......................18 2 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS GRF Rumors concerning the Leisure World Globe are put to rest Randy Ankeny GRF Executive Director by I just got off the phone after listening to several more rumors about the Globe, and I’d like to take this opportunity to separate the facts from the rumors. The dictionary gives us two definitions of the word “rumor:” 1. talk or opinion widely disseminated with no discernible source 2. a statement or report without known authority for its truth The current batch of Globe rumors certainly match those definitions, so let’s begin. 1.) Rumor: People working on the Globe walked off the job. Fact: No contractors have walked off the job. The restoration of the Globe involves several different and specialized contractors, including, but not limited to: • Scaffolding and tenting • Chemical paint-stripping and old paint disposal • Sandblasting • Metal work • Painting As each phase of restoration and repairs are completed, another contractor steps in. Work on the Globe has reached an important decision point. With any renovation, especially one of the magnitude of a 50-year-old metal sculpRandy Ankeny ture, there are a number of unknowns. When the Globe was initially inspected, rust and deterioration were clearly evident and taken into consideration. A proper and prudent decision was made to restore and conserve the Globe. Not to just to spot treat any rust and add another coat of paint. This process involved the complete removal of 50 years of paint and accumulated dirt and grime. What could not be seen was covered under more than a quarterinch of paint. Testing revealed the presence of lead-based paint, which required the use of special chemicals to remove the paint. With the first layers of paint removed, we had our first clear view of the metal structure and the amount of rust that had been hidden under all of that paint. The next step was to sandblast all residual paint and remove any rust down to the bare metal and primer. This revealed the full extent of the rust and deterioration, but the full extent of 50 years of exposure to the coastal environment and possible lack of proper See GLOBE, page 26 The iconic Globe has withstood a half-century of often-brutal maritime weather, and restoration planning initially focused on the complete removal of 50 years of paint and accumulated dirt and grime (top photos). But after the paint was stripped off large areas of rust and deterioration appeared (middle left and middle center photos). The extent of the damage became clear after the paint had been sandblasted away and a primer coat was applied (middle right photo). Surrounded by rings of scaffolding shown in this photo (bottom left) taken inside the white wrapping, the Globe remains safely in place, awaiting decisions about what the next steps will be. If your copy of The News is not delivered by 9 a.m., call 430-0534 between 9 and 10 with your mutual and apartment number. A paper will be delivered shortly after 10. No Payment for 60 Days! 3 Easy Ways to Apply: ONLINE: nuvisionfederal.org BY PHONE: 800.444.6327 IN PERSON: RAtes As low As 1.74 % APR Visit our convenient branch locations. 800.444.6327 nuvisionfederal.org New and Used Autos fo R 60 m o nths No payments for 60 days; available on auto loans opened after 01/01/15. Finance charges will continue to accrue at the rate provided in your NuVision loan agreement during the payment-deferral period. Offer not valid for loans currently with NuVision or refinancing current NuVision loans. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate shown reflects a .25% discount for Automatic Payment and is subject to individual credit worthiness. Other terms available. Payment example: For every $1,000 borrowed at 1.74% APR for 60 months, your monthly payment will be $17.41 Rates and terms subject to change without notice. Year, model and mileage restrictions apply. Subject to credit approval. This offer is valid once membership is established. Extended terms are available at a higher rate. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Existing NuVision Federal Credit Union auto loans are not eligible. NuVision reserves the right to change or cancel the promotion at any time. Subject to Credit Union policies & procedures. For complete promotion details visit nuvisionfederal.org. federally Insured by nCUA Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS 3 Woman’s Club Members plan cards, lunch May 17, CH2 PARADE PARTICIPANTS – Motorcyclists from Legion Post 716 in Los Alamitos will parade down St. Andrews Drive to Clubhouse 2 as part of a Memorial Day program on May 25. American Legion Holiday service will feature motorcyclists American Legion Post 327 is planning a special Memorial Day service at 9:30 a.m. on May 25 in Clubhouse 2 Members of Legion Post 716 in Los Alamitos will ride down Golden Rain Road to Clubhouse 2 with American flags on their motorcycles. They will also be the flag bearers when the Legion begins the program at 10 a.m. with the parade of flags. That will be preceded by free coffee and doughnuts, hosted by Chase Bank and Betty Chacon, manager of the bank’s Seal Beach branch. Residents and their guests are invited to attend. The Leisure World Orchestra will play patriotic music before and during the program. The featured speaker will be Steve Kuykendall of Fisher House of Southern California. The board meeting has been changed to 1 p.m. on May 12 in Clubhouse 3. The general meeting is scheduled at 1:30 p.m. on May 18 in Clubhouse 4. Non-members who are veterans are invited to attend to learn more about the post. Senior Patriots for Peace Author Yarris will speak at meeting on May 8 Author Nick Yarris will be the featured speaker when Senior Patriots for Peace meets at 1 p.m. on May 8 in Clubhouse 4. He wrote “7 Days to Live” and is a former Death Row prisoner. In 1982 he was wrongly convicted of murder, rape and abduction and sentenced to death. After 23 years on Death Row, DNA testing proved his innocence. He is now a representative of Death Penalty Focus Group of California, a group advocating alternatives to the death penalty. He will discuss the problems associated with the death penalty and share his experience on Death Row. A question-and-answer period will follow the presentation. All Leisure World residents and guests are invited. There is no charge to attend. Senior Patriots for Peace is an organization dedicated to the promotion of peace at home and throughout the world. Members focus on issues of world peace, social justice and the environment. For more information, call Nancy Goldstein at 896-8604. The Leisure World Woman’s Club will hold a card party and luncheon on May 15, in Clubhouse 2. Lunch, priced at $9 per person, will be served at noon. Lunch tickets will be sold by table number. One person can pick up tickets for a table of four for $36. Everyone should be seated by 11:45 a.m. Table reservations or cancellations should be made by calling Judy Belladella at 598-1784 before 6 p.m. on May 12. Table reservations not cancelled must be paid for. Members with a party of four can set up a new table by calling Belladella. People who need substitute players for either bridge or canasta are asked to call Vivian Neiger at 594-6550 for the names of substitute players who can be contacted. Standing club rules require regularly attending card players to be current members of the Woman’s Club. Membership cards should be taken to all these events. A guest invited to attend the card party luncheon may do so twice a year, must have a luncheon reservation and be accompanied by her sponsor. I hear, but I don’t understand Use Jay’ s RRR method to improve your detection and understanding of spoken words. Will help significantly in home and noisy environments like restaurants and churches. A free program not offered anywhere else. Has a 95% success rate! USE WITH YOUR HEARING AIDS TODAY. “I am very impressed with Jay’s method for improving my speech understanding. After doing this program for 2 months I feel like going out to socialize and mingle with friends at parties and restaurants. My speech scores improved from 40% to 76% !!!! Thank you Jay.” Lon Weeks, Client “I have been greatly helped by Jay’s RRR program with word recognition. It has opened up a whole new world for me. I can now hear and understand better in noisy situations also. Thank you Jay!” Andrew Berni, USAF Major (Ret) MORE COFFEE? – Sandra Hatch of the Y Service Club serves one of the residents who attended last year’s pancake breakfast. Y Service Club Pancakes on menu May 9, Clubhouse 2 The Y Service Club will hold a pancake breakfast from 8-10 a.m. on May 9 in Clubhouse 2. The menu will include pancakes, sausage, orange juice, coffee and tea. Tickets, $4, are available from club members or at the door the day of the event. Scrambled eggs will also be available for an extra $1. Money raised from the breakfast (and other club fund-raisers) will benefit Los Altos YMCA projects, Kids-to-Camp scholarships and projects in Leisure World. Jay Muhury, BC-HIS, ACA Jay Muhury has been recognized among the top 9 hearing professionals in California. We fit hearing aids that can be well adjusted to help you hear and understand. Call today for your free consultation. Jay’s hearing aid Center 3740 E. 7th St. Long Beach, CA 90804 (562)433-6701 4 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS GOVERNMENT GRF Board GRF Meetings Committee meetings scheduled Golden Rain Foundation committee and board meetings are open to Leisure World residents. The following committees have scheduled meetings: May 8 Physical Property Committee................1 p.m. Administration May 11 Recreation Committee............................1 p.m. Administration May 12 Information Technology Services........10 a.m. Administration May 12 GRF Executive Committee....................1 p.m. Administration May 13 Dog Park Subcommittee...................9:30 a.m. Clubhouse 5, Green Room May 13 Security, Bus & Traffic...........................1 p.m. Administration May 14 Communications Committee.................1 p.m. Administration May 15 Executive Committee/Presidents Council Roundtable/Administration.....................1 p.m. May 19 Finance Committee.................................9 a.m. Administration May 20 Dog Park Subcommittee...................9:30 a.m. Clubhouse 5, Green Room May 22 Emergency Preparedness.......................1 p.m. Subcommittee/Administration May 26 GRF Board Meeting ..............................9 a.m. Administration May 27 Dog Park Subcommittee...................9:30 a.m. Clubhouse 5, Green Room May 29 Mutual Administration Subcommittee.1 p.m. Administration June 1 Website Subcommittee...........................1 p.m. Administration June 2 Shopping Area Transportation..............9 a.m. Subcommittee/Administration Mutual Boards Mutual 2 to hold special election Annual meetings scheduled The Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors will hold a special election for a director/ representative from Mutual 2. The GRF Board of Directors is deeply sorrowful to note the demise of John DeMarco, Golden Rain Foundation representative for Mutual 2. This unfortunate event makes necessary a special election to fill the vacancy on the GRF Board. Any member in good standing is eligible to be a candidate for the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors representing Mutual 2. A member in good standing is defined as a Mutual shareholder/ owner who is no more than 30 days in arrears of their carrying charge. Candidates may self-nominate or be nominated by their Mutual’s Nominating Committee or Board of Directors. Candidates who are selfnominated must complete an “Application for Candidacy” before 4:30 p.m. on Monday, May 11. “Application for Candidacy” forms are available in the Board Office in the Administration Building. Candidates who are nominated by their Mutual’s Nominating Committee or Board of Directors See ELECTION, page 5 May 8 Mutual 3................................................... 9:30 a.m. Administration May 13 Mutual 4........................................................ 9 a.m. Administration May 14 Mutual 12...................................................... 9 a.m. Administration May 15 Mutual 7 (Annual).................................... 10 a.m. Clubhouse 4 May 18 Mutual 15...................................................... 1 p.m. Administration May 20 Mutual 5........................................................ 9 a.m. Administration May 20 Mutual 10 (Annual).................................. 10 a.m. Clubhouse 4 May 21 Mutual 2................................................... 9:30 a.m. Administration May 21 Mutual 14 (Annual).................................. 10 a.m. Clubhouse 4 May 21 Mutual 8 (rescheduled).........................1:30 p.m. Administration May 22 Mutual 9 (Annual).................................... 10 a.m. Clubhouse 4 May 26 Mutual 8 (Annual).................................... 10 a.m. Clubhouse 4 May 27 Mutual 4 (Annual).................................... 10 a.m. Clubhouse 4 May 27 Mutual 16 (Annual).................................... 2 p.m. Clubhouse 4 May 28 Mutual 11 (Annual).................................. 10 a.m. Clubhouse 4 May 29 Mutual 6................................................... 9:30 a.m. Administration Mutual meetings are listed below. Mutual residents are invited to attend the open meetings of their mutual boards as follows: The following mutuals have canceled meetings Mutual 1, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14 and 16. Call the News 430-0534 each, Cali S lB Lemon Chicken Tofu originated in China around the Han Dynasty about 2,00 years ago. Tofu is made from soybeans, so it is a plant-based protein source, and it’s rich in iron, calcium, and magnesium, and has low calories compared to animals proteins. Often, people believe that tofu is to bland, mushy and tasteless. For thousands of years, Chinese have created different ways of making Tofu tasty and delicious with different flavors in different regions. Tofu can be battered, fried and then dipped in sauces or stewed with meats or vegetables to add flavors Kung Pao Three Delight We appreciate your business, your support, and your feedback. We pledge to continue to provide the best quality, healthy choices of Chinese foods, and services to out customers in the community. Honey Glazed Walnut Shrimp 562-493-2685 562-493-1248 *Min order $10 & up within 5 miles An official publication of The Golden Rain Foundation, Seal Beach Leisure World. Delivered every Thursday to every Leisure World residence. Mailed subscription rate is $2 per issue within the continental United States. Opinions expressed in articles, columns or letters do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors, members, staff or this publication. The publication of advertisements in The News does not indicate any recommendation or endorsement, nor any opinion of capability or quality of any advertiser’s work. Mailing address: P.O. Box 2338 Seal Beach, CA 90740-1338 Delivery address: 13533 Seal Beach Blvd. Amphitheater Building Seal Beach, CA 90740 Phone: 562/430-0534; After-hours voice mail: 562/431-6586 Leisure World website: www.lwsb.com Mongolian Beef 10883 Los Alamitos Blvd. Los Alamitos NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News Since 2005 Red Wok has been serving the residents of Los Alamitos, Seal Beach, Long Beach and the Cypress areas. We continue to work on bringing traditional Chinese Cuisine to the local communities. Based on your inputs, feedback, and request, we continue our journey of providing a healthy approach to Chinese food. We are now going to introduce Tofu dishes. Little history of Tofu (also known as bean curry). fo ia rn ea Free Delivery* Doug Cox ext. 384 dougc@lwsb.com Jim Breen ext. 387 jimb_news@lwsb.com Ruth Osborn ext. 388 rutho_news@lwsb.com Cathie Merz ext. 389 cathiem_news@lwsb.com Karen McElwain ext. 393 karenm_news@lwsb.com Dede Martin ext. 391 dedem_news@lwsb.com Stephen Bannon ext. 392 stephenb_news@lwsb.com Receptionist ext. 383 classified_news@lwsb.com media manager Dan Pomeroy distributor Issues/Opinions editor: general news, health, sports & games, perspectives, scams, religion News editor: arts & leisure, page one Community editor: community, travel government, production, obituaries advertising sales advertising sales Production editor: On-Line Edition, Visually Impaired Edition, I.T. Pre-press classified ads, mail subscriptions Deadlines: News articles: 4 p.m., Thursday 2015 Classified ads: 2:30 p.m., Monday Display ads: noon, Friday Office hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., weekdays VOL. 41 NO. 19 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS Mutual 7 Annual meeting features lunch, speaker 5 GRF Board Recap RECAP OF GOLDEN Acceleration of Funds from Re- Caterers RAIN FOUNDATION serves for Purchase of Adminis- 1440-Hours Mutual 7s annual shareholder meeting and BOARD ACTIVITY OF tration Building Blinds 1460-Clubhouse Rules luncheon will be held on May 15 in Clubhouse APRIL 28, 2015 Recreation Committee 1465-Saturday Dances 4. From 9-10 a.m., coffee, tea and pastries will Executive Committee •Approved Action: 1481-Arts and Crafts Festival be available. • Approved Action: City Business License for Farm- Regulations The annual meeting and elections will begin City of Seal Beach Centennial ers Market Security, Bus and Traffic Comat 10. At 11, Steve Perez, Golden Rain FoundaCommemorative Bricks •Amended Policy: mittee tion Information Technology Services manager, Employee Handbook 1401-Outside Buses, •Approved Action: will give a talk on “How to Navigate the Golden •Adopted Policy: 1403-Commerical Use Digital Photograph Procedure Rain Foundation and Mutual Website.” 4322-20, California Sick Leave 1406-Limitations on Use Digital Recording Devices for A light lunch will be provided at 11:15. •Amended Policy: 1411-Clubhouse Reservations Buses The minutes of the GRF Board meetTo make reservations, call Carol Rasmussen 4320-20, Sick Leave 1431-Liablity Insurance-Clubs ing will be published in the Golden Rain Steve Perez at 594-4139 by May 8. 4330-20, Bereavement Leave 1480-Arts and Crafts News upon approval at the next board 4340-20, Leaves of Absence •Rescinded Policy: 4360-20, Holidays 1401.1-Bus Stops-Outside Buses meeting. 4502-20, Pay Provisions 1402-Notice of Closing Mutual 2 From page 4 4631-20, Service Awards 1404-Sale of Alcoholic Beverages will have their names submitted to the Board Office by the Mutual’s 5604-30, Publication of Minutes 1408-Tour Buses Secretary. Upon receipt of submitted names, the GRF Board Office 5610-33, Participation by Founda- 1410-Eligible Organizations will contact each candidate and arrange for them to receive an “Ap- tion Members 1410.1-Use of Clubhouse Faciliplication for Candidacy” and candidate instructions. ties by Outside Organizations •Rescinded Policies: In accordance with Policy 5025, Election Procedures, each candi- 1330-20, Complaints Concern- 1411.1-Reservation Procedures date must submit a resume of 300 words or less to the Board Office. ing Staff; 1411.2-Clubhouse Cleaning Resumes shall cite background, qualifications and platform and are 2161-20, Personnel Department Standards The Mutual 2 Board of Direcdue before 4:30 p.m. on Monday, May 11. 1411.6-Reservations by Outside tors will host a meet-and-greet Reports Candidates who complete a timely Application for Candidacy 4130-20, Jury/Witness Duty assembly to give residents an opOrganizations (or are nominated by a Mutual’s nominating committee or Board) 5090-20, Safety and Health 1 4 1 2 - A m p h i t h e a t e r R e s - portunity to ask questions of the will be listed on the Secret Mail-in Ballot. Ballot packets containing FinanceWith ervations 12 shareholders who are running Committee this coupon only. the Secret Mail-in Ballot, postage-paid envelopes, balloting instruc- •Amended Contract: for Mutual 2 election. 1412.1-Policital Meetings Expires 5/31/10. tions, and deadlines will be mailed to each household in Mutual 2 Medical Center Lease The assembly will be held 1413-Charges with other service offers. on Thursday, May 21. The GRF By-Laws have no provisions for •MotionNot 1414-Specific Rules of Clubs from 7-9 p.m. on May 13 in to valid Amend, Failed: O Most carsReserves and light trucks. write-in candidates on Mile the ballots or for nominations from the floor. or Purchase Organizations Using Club- Clubhouse 4. Refreshments will Policy 5520-31, 30/60/90,000 Service Save $20.00 Any 4 Tire carsCommittee and other vehicles extra. For further information on being a candidate for the GRF Board, PhysicalForeign With this coupon only. houses Property be provided. All Mutual 2 share- Let Expires 5/31/10. • Up to 5 Qts. of 5w/30 Oil • New Oil Filter Valid at Cypress and both call 431-6586, ext. 303, for the Board Office, or 310 for Administration. •Approved Action: 1432-Liability Not valid with other service offers.Insuranceholders are invited. Transmission Saver Total cars and light trucks. • Lubrication of Chassis Parts upon Request • Install New Brake Parts Los Alamitos locations only.Most Foreign cars and other vehicles extra. Any Brake Service Lowest Tire Prices In Town! Any Transmission Service .00 20 OFF 40 OFF $ 20 OFF .00 $ .00 ELECTION Why Pay Dealer Pricing? Any Brake Service Save $20.00 $ Mutual 2 hosts candidates for a meet-and-greet Any Co Lowest Tire Prices In Town! Any 4 Tire Purchase Transmission Service .00 40 OFF 20 OFF 40 OFF $ 20 OFF .00 $ .00 $ .00 Transmission Saver Total Fluid Exchange Service nstall New Brake Parts rue or Resurface Rotors • Rotate 4 Tires • Install New Air & New Fuel Filters “Mr. Hank”•“The Real Estate Inspect Hydraulic System nspect Hydraulic System Broker” Anti-Freeze (Parts & Labor) • Install New Spark Plugs (1 per Cylinder) • Set Timing • Adjust Idle Speed $ ationwide Warranty “Mr. Hank” — “theTransmission Piano Man” • Complete Fluid Exchage 10 OFF Add Fluid as Required* Leisure Living• Resales & Associates, for over 20 years • Nationwide Warranty We are the ONLY full service office. We go the extra mile to assist. Leisure Living Resales clients When you are buying or selling, please remember *If Applicable. Includes $3 hazardous disposal fee. Applicable. LEISURE LIVING RESALES ,*Ifnext to Wells Fargo Special diesel oil and filters extra. With this coupon only. With this coupon only. Expires 5/31/10. PLATINUM PLUGS & SOME FILTER TYPES in LW MAY REQUIRE EXTRA CHARGE $ 10 .00OFF • Complete Transmission Fluid Exchage June Jazz at Clubhouse 4, June 11, Including Torque Converter and All Cooler Lines .00 Friends: Bob and Galit Slater, M.C., vocals; Special Guest Star - Tommy Williams • Exchange Fluid in Entire System Unit Fluid Any 562-743-8473 • 562-493-6601 Expires 5/31/10. Not valid with other service offers. Most cars and light trucks. Foreign cars and other vehicles extra. Valid at Cypress and both Los Alamitos locations only. Fluid Exchange Service Valid at Cypress and both Los Alamitos locations only. • True or Resurface Rotors • Drain/Fill Radiator with 2 Gallons of 50/50 dd Fluid as Required* Most cars and light trucks. Foreign cars and other vehicles extra. Valid at Cypress and both Los Alamitos locations only. is Clean Mutual 16, 52A Corner, very clean unit. 1/4 acre $189,700 • Up to 17 Qts. (Addgreenbelt 1 quarts extra charge) • Exchange Fluid in Entire System Unit • Inludes Waste Disposal Fee. Fluid Mutual 5, 96H Mutual 1, 6G REDUCED $20,000is Clean REDUCED $41,100 Tire Purchase Fully expanded 2-BDR, 1100 sq ft, 1190 sq ft, 2-bath Corner • Up to 17 Qts. (Add 1 quarts extra charge) Designer kitchen, 3 bay windows, A.C., With this coupon only. Expires 5/31/10. allvalid new washer/dryer high tech lighting With this coupon only. Expires 5/31/10. Not withappliances other service• offers. Inludes Waste Disposal Fee. Not valid with other service offers. Most cars and light trucks. Now $278,500 Now $453,900 Most cars and light trucks. Foreign cars and Foreign cars and other vehicles extra. other vehicles extra. Valid at Cypress and both Los Alamitos locations only. Valid at Cypress and both Los Alamitos locations only. Valid at KATELLA Including: Costco, Walmart, America’s Tire, BigBlvd. O and Philips. 11121 Los Alamitos Over 20 Years Serving the Community www.coastlineautocare.com 3400 Cerritos Ave. LW RESIDENTS ONLY Free Flat Repair Mr. Hank 5x2.indd 1 BALL ROAD Super Works Lube, Oil & Filter • Drain, Refill with up to 5 qts. of Quality Valvoline Oil (5W30 wt) • Install New Filter • Tire Rotation • Air Pressure Check • Top off All Fluids • 12 Point Visual Inspection • Conventional oil only VALLEY VIEW With this coupon only. Expires 5/31/10. Not valid with other service offers. 5pm • Most SUNDAY: - 4pm cars and light9am trucks. Foreign cars and other vehicles extra. Valid at Cypress and both CERRITOS AVE. CYPRESS Los Alamitos locations only. BLOOMFIELD CERRITOS AVE. Includ • Dra Qua • Inst • Tire • Air Include and filter Not valid wi We Will Beat Any Tire Prices 562-799-1777 562-430-7559 6:00pm • LOS ALAMITOS BLVD. VALLEY VIEW LOS ALAMITOS BLVD. CHESTNUT *If Applicable. With this coupon only. Expires 5/31/10. - FRIDAY: 7:30am Most cars andMONDAY light trucks. Foreign cars and ther vehicles extra. Valid at Cypress and both BALL ST. LOS ALAMITOS #2 Los Alamitos locations only. CERRITOS AVE. With this coupon only. Expires 5/31/10. Not valid with other service offers. Most cars and light trucks. SATURDAY: 7:30am Foreign cars and other vehicles extra. Valid at Cypress and both LOS ALAMITOS #1 Los Alamitos locations only. 1 Oi $ Including Torque Converter and All Cooler Line New Listing— Any Tire Purchase KATELLA O INS 714-826-1970 4005 Ball Rd. O SE W Lifetime is Back 9 $ 99 $ Expires: Two weeks from publication Save $20.00 299 5/6/15 10:26 AM 99 For Lifetime Alignment m - 6:00pm • SATURDAY: 7:30am - 5pm • SUNDAY: 9am - 4pm ve. KATELLA LOS ALAMITOS #1 562-430-7559 11121 Los Alamitos Blvd. #1 In Tires! #1 In Service Expires: Two weeks from publication LW Residents only. CERRITOS AVE. Mon. - Fri. 7:00 am - 6:00 pm CYPRESS Sat. 7:00 am 714-826-1970 - 5:00 pm BALL ROAD - 9:00 am - 4:00 Sunday 4005 Ball Rd. VALLEY VIEW 77 CERRITOS AVE. BLOOMFIELD #2 LOS ALAMITOS BLVD. Expires: Two weeks from publication Includes $3 Hazardous Disposal Fee. Special Diesel Oil & Filters extra. With this coupon only. Most cars and light trucks. Foreign cars and other LW Residents only. vehicles extra. Valid at Los Alamitos locations only. Free LW Shuttle ww.coastlineautocare.com www.coastlineautocare.com 6 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS COMMUNITY Happy Anniversary Sunshine Club Betty Coven, magician Ballard are guest speakers on May 8 Mutual 9 couple celebrates their 60th anniversary Dick and Shirley Dixon celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on April 2 at a local restaurant with good friends and neighbors. The Mutual 9 couple met on a blind date at Scrivner’s Drive-In over a coke and french fries when such car-hop establishments were quite popular. Two years later, when Dick was 21 and Shirley 19, they got married in Gardena. Dick put himself through college working as a baggage handler for United Airlines and earned two free airline tickets. They were put to use for a honeymoon trip to Washington, D.C. They raised one son and have two grandchildren. Dick retired from his career as a Realtor; and Shirley, after a 30-year career with the Internal Revenue Service. Now they enjoy travelling in their motor home, water skiing and riding motorcycles. Both belong to the Rolling Thunder Golf Cart Club. Their last big trip was a move from Idaho to LW to be close to Shirley’s mother Dorothy Morehead, who also lives in Mutual 9 and recently celebrated her 100th birthday. . Gadabouts THEN ... AND NOW – Dick and Shirley Dixon are pictured (top) on their wedding day, April 2, 1955, and today (below), as retired, relaxed residents of Mutual 9. Bingo games will not be held on Mother’s Day The Gadabouts will not play bingo on May 10, due to Mother’s Day. The club wants all mothers to have an opportunity to spend the day with their families. The next games are June 14. For information, call Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949, or Phyllis Pierce, 598-3743. Leisure World columnist and social commentator Betty Coven Ph.D., president and CEO of Mutual 5, will be one of two guest speakers when the Sunshine Club meets from from 10 a.m.-noon on May 8 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The other speaker will be professional magician Brian Ballard. Refreshments will be provided. As the first speaker, Dr. Coven will present the results of a study she did during her time spent as GRF board director before she became Mutual 5 president. She discovered that what cost $1in 1964 would cost $7.76 in 2013. That means that the average cost of Leisure World Homeowners Association fees, approximately $125 in 1964, would amount to $970 in today’s dollars. The current fees are under $500. Therefore, the co-op style of living here has enabled LW to control costs throughout the years. In return for this financial benefit, new rules established for cooperative living, and the policies passed, will not please everyone. LWers have had to make some changes to adapt to the rules. In her view, it’s a small price to pay for all the benefits of living in the community. Dr. Coven, a resident for nearly five years, will talk about how every mutual board or GRF board director is a link in a chain going back more than 50 years. She will discuss what inspires Betty Coven Brian Ballard people to become directors and what holds others back. Ballard is scheduled to speak at about 11:15 a.m. He uses his magical skills when lecturing See SUNSHINE, page 8 Schmooze Club Pickle-making event planned The Schmooze Club is holding its annual homemade Kosherpickle making event at 10:30 a.m. on May 12 in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The supplies will be provided by Rabbi Shmuel Marcus. He is affectionately known as “Rabbi Pickle” on both coasts and college campuses since he began teaching Hebrew high school students the art several years ago. Pickle-making can be done by anyone. The event is open to everyone The cost to cover the cucumbers, spices and containers is $5, payable at the door. Those who make their own can take them home. RSVPs are due on May 10 to allow Rabbi Marcus time to purchase sufficient supplies. Those who attend should call Evelyn Glick at 598-2022 or Darlene Rose, 296-5140. Also call with the names of non-residents for entry at Main Gate. Refreshments and “schmoozing” (socializing) begin at 10:30 a.m. Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS Nikkei Club Paws, Claws and Beaks Veterinarian is guest May 13 Members will meet May 16 The Nikkei Club of Leisure World will meet from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on May 16 in Clubhouse 4. A social period is planned from 10:30-11 a.m. for registration and lunch, followed by the business meeting at 11. Bentos will be available starting at 11:20 a.m. The telephone committee will contact members to determine the number of bentos to order. Bentos are $7 each. Members not contacted by the phone committee should call Howard Okamoto at 594-4270 by May 11 to reserve a bento. After lunch, the Haji Uyehara group will play Japanese music and lead a karaoke program. For more information call Sherrie Vanek, 296-8074; or Howard Okamoto, 594-4270. 7 Dr. C.K. Choi, head veterinarian at VetCare Pet Clinic in Garden Grove at Valley View and Lampson avenues, will be the guest speaker at the Paws, Claws and Beaks: A Pet Lover’s Club meeting at 3 p.m. on May 13 in Clubhouse 3, Room 3. He has been practicing for over 22 years with special interest in general veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry. Dr. Choi is the proud owner of a seven-year old golden retriever and three cats. Join members to meet Dr. Choi who will answer questions on what care is necessary to keep pets healthy and happy. The club will submit photos of shareholders’ pets for publication in The News as space permits. Shareholders who would like to see their dogs, cats, birds, turtles or whatever in the newspaper should bring color photos of their pet to a club meeting For more information, call Peggy Keller at 446-0130 or email her at pklw4413@gmail. com. KACMA – Jim Breen, staff photo THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES – Members of the Cabaret Club and other well-wishers helped Sandy Downen (center) celebrate her retirement after serving as Administrative Secretary/Reservations with the Golden Rain Foundation for 19 years. Pictured are club members Bert Carroll, advisor (l-r) Judy DuVall, vice president; Anna Derby, publicity; and Betty Fritz, treasurer. Downen booked the club’s events over the years. Academy announces May programs The Korean-American Classical Music Academy (KACMA) has announced its programs for May. The schedule and class location changes are due to Leisure World’s mutuals meetings. May 14, Clubhouse 4: Yiddish Club Lag B’Omer to be discussed The Yiddish Club of Leisure World will meet at 7 p.m. on May 7 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2 to discuss the meaning of Lag B’Omer and the story “Moti Peisy, the Cantor” by Sholom Aleichem. The story is about a Jewish family’s experience in Russia while on its way to the U.S., and how the members adjusted to the life in America. After new Yiddish words and proverbs are introduced, the club president will talk about the meaning of Lag B’Omer and recite excerpts from the story. Refreshments will be served after the program. Calling LW Library? Dial Direct, 598-2431 WINNER – Mitchell Yaffe snatched 224 pounds and cleaned and jerked 275 pounds in the Juggernaut weightlifting Classic. Conclusion of Rossini’s “the Barber of Seville” will be presented. Robert Chung, KACMA program chair, recommends and will present the following segments of well known music lovers’ pieces. • Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A Major, K.622. • Dvorak: Symphony No. 9, 4th Movement. • Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture. • “E lucevan le stelle”(“And the Stars were Shining”) from Puccini’s Tosca • “Think of Me,” from Phantom of the Opera. • Andre Rieu: Theme for “The Godfather.” • Andre Rieu: “La Paloma.” May 21, (Third Thursday), no class. See ACADEMY, page 8 Remember to Have Your Prostate Checked This Year! Relatively Speaking Yaffee’s grandson wins competition Mitchell Yaffee, grandson of Ron and Gene Yaffee of Mutual 15, finished first in a field of 16 in his division in the Juggernaut Classic in Laguna Niguel on April 18. Mitchell is a trainer/coach for Ruination Crossfit in Aliso Viejo, but this was his first Olympic weight lifting competition. He snatched 102 kilograms (approximately 224 pounds) and cleaned and jerked 125 kgs (275 pounds), a personal best. It was 103 pounds more than his weight of 172. His older brother, Taylor, was his coach for the event. Construction Notices The Physical Property Department alerts LWers of projects currently in progress and asks residents to use extreme caution in these areas and to follow detours or signage associated with the construction of these projects: • Tam O’ Shanter and Amphitheater landscaping • Street painting throughout the community on all Trust streets • Clubhouse 1 roof replacement • Perimeter wall replacement between Mutual 15 and Seal Beach Boulevard • Perimeter wall replacement between Mutual 15 and Seal Beach Health and Rehabilitation Center • Perimeter wall along Los Alamitos Channel from Mutual 8 to Westminster Avenue • Painting the interior of Clubhouse 3 • Painting and upgrades to the Sales office • Floor installation Clubhouse 4 kitchen • Globe refurbishment at the Main Gate • Amphitheater rigging, floor repair and painting • Pedestrian gate replacement at the Main Gate • Exterior accessibility improvements at the Health Care Center, Pharmacy and Administration Buildings • Roofing projects in Mutual 1, 2 and 4 • Fire reconstruction in Mutual 11, Building 275 Named as One of America’s Top Doctors Year After Year! 8 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 Credits& Kudos Credits & Kudos must include the writer’s name and mutual, and will be edited for brevity. Mention of a business or service is not an endorsement or recommendation by the LW News or Golden Rain Foundation. Maureen Decker of Mutual 3 thanks the volunteers from Leisure World Emergency Meals, employees at Superwire for helping with her TV and Maria Giegerich for the tennis balls that held ease the pain of sciatica. ••• Mutual 1 resident Dorothy Geisler thanks Dee Davidson for donating jewelry to Colonial Care, where more donations are needed. To help, call Geisler at 598-1477. 799-0656 Podiatry House Calls Foot care in the comfort of your home We treat and trim toenails, painful corns and calluses Medicare accepted and reasonable fees for self pay NEWS Legion Auxiliary Members are preparing for June luncheon American Legion Auxiliary 327 will present a luncheon at noon on June 15 in Clubhouse 4. Eloise Knoll will chair the event, and Jean Sudbeck will sell tickets. The annual event is cosponsored with Legion Post 327. This month Auxiliary members will distribute paper poppies at local stores in exchange for donations for local veterans. The board meeting has been rescheduled from May 8 to noon on May 18 in Clubhouse 4. It will be followed by the general meeting at 1:30 p.m. The Auxiliary needs an empty carport to be used for storage. To help, call Jean Sudbeck at 594-0209. Dr. Brad Glowaki, chiropractor and member of the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce, will be the featured speaker when the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) meets at 1 p.m. on May 11 at Veterans Park in Long Beach. Dr. Glowaki, who has offices in Seal Beach, has successfully helped corporations and organizations institute wellness programs. His trademark term for police and firefighters is “occupational athletes,” so he teaches effective lifestyles to help extend their careers. For more information, call Joyce Garrison at 594-9602. SUNSHINE From page 6 New Car DireCtory Ken Grody Ford 6211 Beach Blvd. @ 5 Fwy Home of THE THINK electric cars Free shuttle service available 714/522-8700 HYUNDAI Cerritos Hyundai 18818 Studebaker Road Cerritos, CA 90703 www.cerritoshyundai.com Phone: 866-838-2488 Carol Larson DB chiropractor to speak May 11 799-0656 Cerritos Ford 605 North to Cerritos Auto Square, Exit South Street We’re King of LW Customer Service! 562/865-5554 • www.cerritosford.com Carol Larson, Mutual 8, has been driving the LW Minibus for five years. She drives the Access bus, which “allows many residents to use the bus that wouldn’t normally be able to,” she says. The Access bus is for residents who cannot use the regular Minibus. She enjoys meeting all the nice people. Before driving the Minibus, Carol worked for the Long Beach Unified School District doing computer entry. NARFE Dr. Marc Spitz & Dr. Scott Whitmore FORD Bus driver spotlight LEXUS Lexus of Westminster 13590 Beach Blvd. Easy access just south of 22 Freeway 714/892-6906 www.lexuswest.com Cerritos Lincoln Mercury “Seven Miles from LW in Cerritos Auto Square,” 605 Freeway @ South Street Exit 562/865-5554 • 800/396-2077 TOYOTA Toyota of Huntington Beach 18881 Beach Bl., 2 Blocks from Pacific Ocean. South of 405 Freeway Hablamos Español 714/847-8555 www.toyotaofhb.com on diabetes to senior groups as a business development representative for CareMore Health Plan. He has been a type 1 diabetic for 41 years, and for the past 25 years has been involved with diabetic education, including teaching at children’s diabetic summer camps, educating seniors on type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and facilitating diabetic support groups. Ballard’s signature message is that diabetes does not have to impede a person’s life. A magician for 41 years, he fulfilled his dream of joining the world-famous Hollywood Magic Castle as a professional magician member eight years ago. He also spoke at the American Diabetes Association’s 2015 Call to Congress event in Washington D. C. where he met9/9/14 with 1:53 congresPM sional representatives to describe his experiences as a diabetic and perform magic. The Sunshine Club began classes to get the best out of living in LW by reading The News. The club was established to help all ethnic groups to get along in LW and have better communication with neighbors. English is spoken at the meetings. Everyone is welcome to join; no membership is required. For more information, call Anna Derby at 301-5339. NEW MEMBERS – The GAF welcomes new board members Nicki Bly and Rosa Carillo (r). GAF GAF welcomes two new members Maureen Habel, Golden Age Foundation president, welcomed two new members to the board at the April meeting. They are Rosa Carrillo and Nicki Bly, who are eager to begin their service to the Leisure World community. A retired school teacher, Carrillo has lived in Mutual 2 for nine years. She recently served as president of the African Mission Guild of Holy Family Church. She is active in Holy Family Church’s Little Flower Guild and the American Legion Auxiliary. The Bly family is new to LW, moving from Seattle, Washington. Nicki enrolled as an associate member of the Golden Age Foundation last summer at the GAF-sponsored Amphitheater Country Western event. All shareholders are welcome to join the Golden Age Foundation, as associate members or volunteers. Complete the application, or write the GAF. Send the completed form or note addressed to the Golden Age Foundation. Place it in one of the white payment boxes inside Leisure World. Or, call 431-9589 and leave a message requesting to speak with Habel. Safe Driver Program Next safe driver class is May 18-19 The AARP’s next eight-hour Safe Driver program will be held from 1-5 p.m. on May 18-19 in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The required reservations can be made by calling Christina Turkowiak at 431-8038. The fee will be $15 for residents with AARP membership and $20 for non-members. Payment must be made by personal check or money order. To qualify, residents must have completed an eight-hour class within the past three years, and their insurance company must agree to their eligibility. ACADEMY From page 7 A trip to attend “The Colorful Songs of Broadway,”presented by Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) local chapter at Alhambra, California. May 28, Clubhouse 2. • Lecture by KACMA member, Chungchi, on the topic, “The Art of Music Theory.” • Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major. The class will close with a brief singalong. KACMA welcomes new members who enjoy classical music and fellowship. Annual dues are $40 at the time of class registration. Classes are held from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 4 on second, third and fourth Thursdays of the month. For more information, contact President Grace Kim 431-3039; Vice President Wonsook Kim, (213) 393-0804; Chung, 387-7377; or Publicity Chair Kyungsoon Park, 598-6292. Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS HEALTH & FITNESS Health Care Center Wa-Rite Club Stay on your toes and keep the feet healthy Members to ‘snap out of it,’ avoid high-calorie snacks Dr.Douglas McCune HCC Podiatrist by By 50, most people have walked the equivalent of 75,000 miles. But, are the feet getting the proper attention they need? Feet are often the most overlooked part of the body. People step on things, drop objects on them, and wear ill-fitting shoes. Podiatrists specialize in diagnosing and treating foot and ankle disorders. They provide preventive services to specialized treatment for patients with such accompanying medical conditions as arthritis, diabetes, hypertension and neuropathy. Patients at the HCC are treating for the following disorders: • Foot and ankle injuries, sprains, strains and Bev Bender fractures Laughter for Health • Muscle and tendon problems, including heel pain and tendinitis • Skin disorders, including corns and calluses, psoriasis and skin cancer • Bunions, hammer toes and neuromas • Toenail problems, including ingrown and fungal toenails We provide routine toenail care for many patients, particularly those who have difficulty Bev Bender will bring her Dr. McCune reaching or seeing their feet. “Laughing for the Health of For patients with diabetes, regular podiatric It” program to the Health Care care may minimize the risk for infections that may lead to skin Center at 1:30 p.m. on May 13. ulcers and, possibly, amputation. Bender will combine laughPreventive toenail care is also recommended for patients with ing exercises with yoga breathneuropathy or circulation disorders. If the feet hurt, it’s time to find out why. For many patients, the ing to feel more energetic and solution may be better shoes. Feet continue growing throughout life, healthy. She believes that laughter becoming longer and wider. The HCC works with a staff trained to size the foot properly. is the miracle drug with only “positive side effects.” Shoe inserts or custom orthotics may also help. Bender is a gerontologist and Whether it’s heel pain, bunions, tendinitis or a fracture, a podiatric appointment may the first step toward relief. And when HCC a certified laugh leader. patients need referrals, they don’t have to go far. For more information, call If a change in a patient’s general health is noticed, the primary (951) 334-9730. care physician is contacted. We work closely together to keep patients on their feet and out of the hospital. Keep the feet clean and dry and examining them daily, especially for patients with diabetes or neuropathy. Other tips: • Trim toenails straight across, longer than usual, and avoid cutting the cuticle. • Seek professional assistance instead of cutting your own toenails if you have diabetes or circulatory problems. • Avoid going barefoot. • Wear supportive, 100 percent cotton socks. • Walk as much as comfortably possible. Comprehensive podiatric care is available Tuesday through Thursday at the HCC. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 493-9581. Bender brings laugh program back to HCC Douglas McCune, D.P.M., is a board-certified podiatrist who treats patients three days a week at the Health Care Center. He has been at the HCC since 1990. Senior Meals Seal Beach Community Services, in cooperation with Community Senior Serv, offers weekly hot meals program at the North Seal Beach Community Center, 3333 St. Cloud Dr. The center is open from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Friday. Lunch is served weekdays at 11:15 a.m. Arrive by 11 a.m. to check in at the front desk. Reservations not needed. Sugar-free desserts are offered on request. Suggested donation, $3 for seniors 60 and older, $5 for all others. The Los Alamitos senior lunch and bread program offers the same menu from 11:15-11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday at the Los Alamitos Youth Center, 10909 Oak St. Suggested donation: $3-$5 for seniors, $5 for people 59 or younger. For reservations, call 430-1073, ext. 526. Bingo is played Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The month’s menu is posted on the bulletin boards in each clubhouse. Monday, May 11: Mango chipotle pork, orzo with vegetables, Grecian rosemary vegetables, applesauce cake. Tuesday, May 12: Potato leek soup and crackers, chicken salad sandwich, corn and kidney bean mix, nectarines. Wednesday, May13: Macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes and croutons, Scandinavian vegetables, fresh peaches. Thursday, May 14: Chef salad with ham, turkey and cheese, three-way salad mix with ranch dressing, bran muffin with margarine, chocolate ice cream, fresh fruit. Friday, May 15: Beef fajitas with vegetables, Spanish rice, pinto beans, tortilla, fruit pie, diet pie. The News, 430-0534 9 “Snap out of it” said Carol Chambers, president of the WaRite Club, as she handed out rubber bands for members’ wrists at the weekly meeting May 1. They were instructed to snap their wrists when they were about to go down the wicked path to snacks that add weight. The monthly reports discussed by members involved gains or losses. Queen of the month for April was Julie Nicholson with a ninepound loss. She had been at her goal weight for many years then found herself above her goal, so she dropped the extra poundage. That rarely happens to members, and now Julie has a new challenge to stay at the lower goal. Kathleen Lynn lost seven pounds during the month, and Nancy Pomicter dropped five. Bernice Idsinga lost nearly six pounds as last week’s top loser. Members shed an aggregate 67 pounds in April. Wa-Rite started out as one of the top clubs in the early days of Leisure World. Several scrapbooks are available to see at the Historical Club’s library. Wa-Rite is a non-sectarian club founded for members to help each other achieve weight goals and maintain them. The club does not endorse any weight-loss organizations or their views, actions or products. Members meet at 9 a.m. on Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. For more information, call Betty Scharf at 795-0356. HCC Lectures Coping after a heart attack is topic today The fifth in a series of seven presentations on coronary heart disease will begin at 1:30 p.m. on May 7, in the Health Care Center conference room. Betsy Fagin, MSW, will discuss how to cope after a heart attack. The last two presentations will be held on May 14 and 21. To make reservations for any of the lectures, call the HCC reservation line at 795-6204. Callers should give the name of the lecture and leave a return name and phone number. Call 24-Hour Nurse, 795-6216 DEDICATED TO COMPASSION AND QUALITY 1.800.382.3938 o: 949.429.7100 f: 949.429.7101 www.homecaredentist.com 10 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS Seniors Keeping Fit Exercise, health classes available each week in LW Movement for Health-Medical Qigong Qigong practice sessions for May 21 and May 28 have been cancelled. Classes are held from 9-10 a.m. Thursdays in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, except the fourth Thursday of the month, when the class is held in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, at the same time. Sessions begin with a meditation tea service. Classes are taught by qigong practitioner Dave Heilig. For more information, call Catherine Millot at 760-4545. Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi Classes are offered from 9:30-11 a.m. on Saturdays upstairs in Clubhouse 6. Paul Pridanonda teaches students to free the mind and spirit using laughter, thought-sharing and the slow and steady flow of tai chi movements. A meditation for relief, healing and energy ends the class. For more information, call 493-6719. Stick, Qigong, Tai Chi Club Stick exercises, qigong and tai chi chih classes are held from 9:15-11 a.m. on Tuesdays in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. For more information call Joann Mullens at 596-3936. Monday Yoga Classes are offered from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 4, Section C; fee: $5 per session. For more information, call Pat Castaneda at 225-0273. Ageless Grace The fitness class is offered from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on Mondays in Clubhouse 6, upstairs. The cost is $5 per class. No classes will be held May 25. Kathy Streng leads the class, which consists of 21 movements practiced in a chair for greater stability. The cost is $25 for eight sessions, or $5 a class. For more information, call Streng at (231) 225-6750 Seniors Keeping Fit Seniors Keeping Fit offers low-impact cardio dance and hand weight workouts. Classes are held at 6 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, in Clubhouse 6. Workouts include stretching, aerobic exercises and strength training to exercise DVDs. For more information, call (310) 489-2390. No fees are required. Upper Body Strength Class One-hour classes are offered from 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Clubhouse 6. (Participants do not have to go both days.) The fee is $4 per class, payable at the start of the month, or $5 a class for those who do not attend regularly. Participants engage in warm-ups, light weightlifting, standing yoga poses for balance improvement (no mat needed), moderate aerobic moves and cool-downs. All levels of ability are welcome. For more information, call Dorothy Anderson at 493-0609. Yoga Classes are offered Tuesdays at 10 a.m. in the Clubhouse 4 Lobby; Thursdays at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 1; and Saturdays, 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The fee is $5 per session. For more information, call Connie Adkins at 506-5063. Pilates Club No-impact exercise classes for men and women that improve balance and coordination and strengthen the body core are held Thursdays. Chair classes for beginners are from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 6, Room A, and mat classes are from 6-7 p.m. in Clubhouse 6, Room C. Pilates or yoga experience is preferred for mat classes. Chair classes are taught by a certified pilates instructor and mat classes, by a certified personal trainer. Cost is $7 per class. For more information, call Susan Hopewell at 430-6044 or Linda Neer, 430-3214. Walking Group The group meets at 4 p.m. every Monday in front of the Amphitheater for a one-hour walk. The activity is not strenuous, but residents should check with their doctors if they have been recently ill. Bad weather will cancel the walk. For more information, call 799-3841. Chair Exercise Classes are offered from 9:30-10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays in Clubhouse 1. The fee is $2 per class. Classes are designed to improve flexibility, strength, endurance and coordination. The classes for men and women are for all fitness levels. The instructor is Nancy Wharton. For more information, call 431-0839 or 430-9379. Vini Yoga Therapy with mat The Friday class with mat meets from 10:30-11:30 a.m in Clubhouse 3, Room 7. All shareholders are welcome. Matthew Spencer is the instructor. Show and flow yoga with instructor Travis Ott-Conn meets Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 6. Bring mats. The cost is $5 per class. For more information, call Patti Endly at 430-7291. Now Under Same Ownership Seal Beach Chevron Seal West Chevron 4000 Lampson Ave. 2950 Westminster Ave. 562-430-2015 Corner of Lampson/Basswood— Across from Golf Course 562-594-6209 at Seal Beach Boulevard The NEWS can be read on the Internet at www.lwsb.com Convenience Store • Hot Food $19.99* $2.00 Off OIL & FILTER CHANGE “The Works” Car Wash AUTO SERVICE CAR WASH With Coupon • Offer expires 7/31/2015 Seal West Chevron 2950 Westminster Ave. *Price for most cars, plus $3 hazardous waste fee Up to 5 quarts regular multigrade oil With Coupon • Good through 7/31/15 GENTLE & PERSONALIZED DENTAL CARE IN LOS ALAMITOS !"#$%&'(")*+,-&.-/012 9#/#.-,$&$.+ :#/)*;4</=$,*#+&>$*#& 34")55$/637*-"8/&9-1: !")1;"37$<4"3"5/--" 311-11.-'4"7="$</"'</1-: !">3**"4$"6&19<11"$</"%-/= 355$/637*-"1,$/4?4-/." *#%=,-#&'$*#0 !"@&-A"$</"37<'63'9-"$5" A$'6-/5<*"3.-'&4&-1"34" AAA:;3/*4$'93/-:9$.: Dedicated to Honest & Professional Patient Care Excellent Dental Care for the Entire Family Generous Senior Courtesy • Financing Available Early Morning, Evening & Saturday Hours State-of-the-Art Sterilization Procedures Crowns & Veneers / Dentures & Partials Implants / Teeth Whitening 3551 Farquhar Avenue,Suite 102 Los Alamitos (562) 598-4111 OR (714) 995-6611 Personalized & Caring G ARY D. P RINS , D.D.S. • J OHN B. WALLACE , D.D.S. • J OSHUA A. W INER , D.D.S. • M ICHAEL E. Z ELL , D.D.S. M EMBERS OF ADA, CDA WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO JOIN OUR DENTAL FAMILY copyright © 2003 chrisad Los Alamitos Dental Care Meals on Wheels, LB  Meals on Wheels of Long Beach, Inc. (MOWLB) delivers a variety of home-cooked meals to shareholders; cost, $7.50 per day, $37.50 per week. Meals are delivered between 10:30 a.m12:30 p.m. Apply by phone or online. Contact Lisa Valdez at 433-0232 or visit www.mowlb. org. Call 439-5000 before noon to cancel orders for the following day. Monday, May 11: Roasted Rosemary chicken, buttermilk mashed potatoes, French-cut green beans, mixed green salad, tropical fruit cup, tuna salad sandwich, German potato salad. Tuesday, May 12: Vegetable pasta Alfredo, roasted corn, pesto kidney beans, strawberry Jell-O, grilled chicken salad with tomato, cucumber, carrots, red cabbage, vinaigrette dressing. Wednesday, May 13: Italian sausage with peppers and onions, pesto penne pasta, petite green peas, mixed green salad, cinnamon applesauce, egg salad sandwich, lentil/spinach salad. Thursday, May 14: Roast turkey with gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, green beans, Mandarin oranges, barbecue chicken, salad with corn and cheese, black beans, cilantro, tomato with dressing, crackers. Friday, May 15: 15 Barbecue pork loin, mashed sweet potatoes, corn and kale medley, green salad, chocolate chip cookie. !"#$%&'()*+,'"*,'(-+."/+, Free Initial Consultation with the Doctor • • • • • – Jim Breen, staff photo GUEST – Debbie Acevedo, director of the Low Vision Center at St. Mary’s Hospital, told members of the Impaired Vision and Hearing Club about her company’s products and services. B</"C3.&*="&'%&4-1"=$<" 3'6"=$</"53.&*="4$"D$&'"<1" 5$/"3"E/&%34-"4$</"$5" $</"9$..<'&4=: !"#$%#&'$""&()*&$+,-,).$"&,.()*/$-,).0 123&4&56742218 !"#$%&'"()*#"+,"-&./&&0"12%%&3"1$&/"204"50*.. 6789",:";2%%"<*24=">02?&$#""+$@:"A6B7BBBCD9 1$'$."E'"2."///:F2)%.*0@2)&:@*# Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS 11 ARTS & LEISURE Coin Club Recreation Department Space medals Show off talent on Amphitheater stage The GRF Recreation Department is seeking local Leisure World will be discussed talent to perform on three Saturdays during the Amphitheater season. Submit requests to perform in writing to Terry DeLeon, recreation May 13 in CH 3 supervisor. The entertainment subcommittee will select performers. Garden Club Drought-tolerant garden wins honor The Garden of the Month for May belongs to Donna and Harold Hughes, 13048 Del Monte Drive, 42-H, Mutual 15. About 80 percent of the plants are drought-tolerant and require little or no water. There are pockets of color that create small areas of interest, as Donna didn’t want the entire garden to be a desert landscape. “I thought I was retired, but then I planted a garden,” she said. As the succulents grow, she keeps them trimmed and passes the cuttings to other gardeners. To suggest a special garden, call 2968696 or 446-0245. All are welcome to attend Garden Club meetings at 1:30 p.m. on the third Monday of the month in Clubhouse 2. Opera Club Part 2 of Donizetti opera is up May 11 The Leisure World Opera Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. on May 11 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, a new and larger room. The opera “Donizetti’s “Daughter of the Regiment,” Part 2, will be shown. The light-hearted opera was written by Donizetti in Paris for the Opera Comique. A deft mixture of military tunes and charming eloquence, this opera is also known for its love story. The new rooms provide more seating with larger screens to view the opera. Everyone is invited. No dues or fees are collected. For more information, call Beverly Emus,296-5586. Lapidary Club Fusion glass class is May 13 The Lapidary Club will hold a fusion glass class from 9 a.m.-noon on May 13 in the Lapidary Room in Clubhouse 4. People who would like to learn how to make jewelry with fused glass are invited to sign up. Beginning and advanced students can be accommodated in the class, which is limited to six people so each student can have adequte time with the teacher. Cost is $10, which includes two large or five small pieces of glass. Sign up at the Lapidary Room. City LWSB Book Club The Leisure World Seal Beach Book Club meeting in May has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict. The next meeting will be held at 1 p.m. on June 25 in Clubhouse 4. 20% OFF Total Bill Excluding alcohol • One use per day CAFÉ www.aromaitalianocafe.com 7 1 4 -8 1 6 -3 0 7 0 Dino’s Cleaners 4:00 - 9:30 P.M. Our Entire Menu Is Cleaners Website: www.citycleanersSB.com Excludes Beverages, Salads Desserts, Pizzas, Sandwiches, Appetizers or any other Specials. $3.00 fee to share a meal. 6391 WESTMINSTER AVE.,WESTMINISTER• 714-895-3303 del Wesminister Ave. over 405 Fwy., on left next to Big Lots! Inc. Energy Solutions O.C.’s #1 5-Star VELUX Specialist NEW red Powe Solar Introduces the VELUX® Solar-Powered Venting Skylight Quiet • Clean • 5-year Warranty Replace your Bath & Kitchen 2’x2’ Skylights with a NO W Solar powered venting skylight with rain sensor with $990 tax the 30%* & remote control. No more poles!!! cr (res Fixed only $350. Dual-pane glass keeps the heat out during trictions edit the day. When closed keeps your home warmer than plastic domes, which do not meet the current building code. appl y) *Cost to replace is $1,415. Approximately $990 with tax credits. is a LW approved company specializing only in skylights. For great service, call: www.skylightsplus.net 714-381-5055 See photos on Facebook- Skylights Plus Inc. – NON-TEXAS VERSION – “Ask me about the AARP Auto & Home Insurance Program from The Hartford.” ® (562) 430-9648 City With Purchase of a Beverage 1/2 Price 456 Pacific Coast Hwy Seal Beach, CA 90740 Exclusive Offer to Leisure World Residents Dry Cleaning 50% Off regular price 40% Off regular price Laundry Fluff & Fold 40% Off regular price 30% Off regular price Household Rugs & Cushions 30% Off regular price Leather 30% Off regular price 15% Off regular price Shoe Shine & Repair Purse Cleaning 20% Off regular price 20% Off regular price Alterations At Affordable Prices Every Day, 7 Days A Week! Seal Beach Organic Cleaners Free Pick-up & Delivery Fine Italian Dining Senior Citizen or L.W. Resident Special Sing or listen to LW talent Wednesday See KARAOKE, page 14 Happy Hour Mon. - Thurs., 2:30-5:00 & 8:00-9:00 4959 Katella Ave. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Community Karaoke Community Karaoke meets at 5:30 p.m. each Wednesday in Clubhouse 1. People are invited to bring snacks and drinks. Everyone is welcome to sing or just listen to talented Leisure World vocalists. Memorial Day and July 4 will be coming soon, so people are invited to practice patriotic tunes in Clubhouse 6 from 1-3 p.m. on Tuesdays. Last week Ellen Brannigan sang “I’ll Fly Away.” She was followed by Rosemary Freman, Aroma Italiano.indd 1 with the crowd pleaser “Lucille.” Not valid with any other coupons, discounts, house specialties or seafood specials. Expires 5/21/15 Authentic Italian Cuisine #740408 GARDEN CLUB—This Mutual 15 garden won accolades from the Garden Club. Harold Katzman from the Numismatic Association of Southern California will present a talk titled “Columbia: Gem of the Space Ocean” at 1:30 p.m. on May 13 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. He will discuss space medals and memorabilia. Everyone is welcome to attend. There will be a 50/50 drawing and another drawing for numismatic prizes. New members and guests will receive a gift for attendance. Members may bring coins for the coin auction. There will be a refreshment sign-up sheet at the meeting. Leisure World residents who have foreign coins remaining from their travels are encouraged to donate them to the club. Coins are distributed to students at Oak Middle School as part of an outreach program during National Coin Week. Members give talks and share their collections to foster an interest in coin collecting. Now available in your area! Kathy Brennan KATHERINE A BRENNAN INSURANCE AGY This auto and home insurance is designed exclusively for AARP members – and is now available through your local Hartford independent agent! Call Today for your FREE, no-obligation quote: Kathy Brennan 562-594-8787 KATHERINE A BRENNAN INSURANCE AGY 2999 Westminster Blvd #225 Seal Beach, CA 90740 562-594-8787 sealbeachinsurance@gmail.com CA License#OC69869 The AARP Automobile & Homeowners Insurance Program from The Hartford is underwritten by Hartford Fire Insurance Company and its affiliates, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford CT 06155. CA license number 5152. In Washington, the Auto Program is underwritten by Trumbull Insurance Company. The Home Program is underwritten by Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company. AARP does not employ or endorse agents or brokers. AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. Paid endorsement. The Hartford pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP membership is required for Program eligibility in most states. Applicants are individually underwritten and some may not qualify. Specific features, credits, and discounts may vary and may not be available in all states in accordance with state filings and applicable law. You have the option of purchasing a policy directly from The Hartford. Your price, however, could vary, and you will not have the advice, counsel or services of your independent agent. 107995 2nd Rev 12 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS Restaurant Review Hong Hai 18041 Magnolia St. Fountain Valley (714) 968-2199 Phyllis Orenstein LW contributor by ART LEAGUE—Winners of first-place awards at the April 23 Art League meeting were Ray Grier, masters (front row, l-r); Walter Sorensen, best of show; Cheryl Kearney, popular vote; and, in back, are Susie Ralston, advanced (l-r); and Chinfeng Chang, intermediate. LW Dance Clubs, Classes The following is a partial list of dance classes and venues available weekly in Leisure World: • Ballet: A one-hour class is held at 1:30 p.m. on Saturdays in Clubhouse 6, second floor. No experience is necessary. Men and women, including beginners, are welcome. Wear comfortable clothing. Classes are $3 each. Mel Lockett is the teacher. For more information, call Diana Winkler at 493-0139 or Lynn R. Heath at 296-5588. • Dance Club: A social dance sampler of basics in swing, rumba, cha-cha, tango, salsa, waltz and foxtrot is taught from 6:15-7:15 p.m. on Fridays in Clubhouse 6, Room C, followed by a West Coast Swing class from 7:15-8:15 p.m. The cost is $6 per session. Practice social dances in a group setting from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month upstairs in Clubhouse 6, Room C. Jeremy Pierson is the dance instructor. The cost is $6 per session. • Dancing Feet Club: The club hosts ballroom and line dancing in Clubhouse 2 every fourth Friday of the month from 6-9:30 p.m. The line dance lesson starts at 6 p.m., followed by ballroom dancing from 7-9:30 p.m. Admission is free. Dancers may bring their own drinks and snacks. There will be 50/50 raffles. For more information, call Ed Bolos at (551) 998-4223. • Flowering Step Line Dance: Classes are held on the first and third Tuesdays at 11 a.m. in the lobby of Clubhouse 3; and on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 2. Young-Ah Ko is the instructor. There are no fees. For more information, call (310) 658-0379 or 296-8068. • Grapevine Line Dance: The Grapevine Line Dance class meets from 3-5 p.m. on Thursdays in Clubhouse 6, Room C (beginners, 3-4 p.m.; intermediates, 4-5 p.m.) and from 1-3 p.m. on Fridays in the Clubhouse 3 lobby (beginners, 1-2 p.m.; intermediate-advanced, 2-3 p.m.) Classes are free; join any time. Newcomers and dancers who need review should attend the beginners class from 1-2 p.m. on Friday. For more information, call Jack or Aranee Carrigan at 596-8273. • Hui O Hula: Hula lessons are offered Monday mornings at 10 and Tuesday afternoons at 1:15, upstairs in Clubhouse 6. All are welcome. Call 252-9676 for information. • International Folk Dance Club: The group meets at 10:30 a.m. on Fridays in the lobby of Clubhouse 3. Learn easy line and circle dances from around the world. Beginners are welcome. • Joyful Line Dance Club: Joyful Line Dance Club has relocated its weekly dance classes while the Amphitheater is undergoing renovation. The group meets from 3:30-5 p.m. on Wednesday in the lobby of Clubhouse 3. It also meets at the same time on Fridays—the first and second Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room 1; on the third Friday, Clubhouse 3, Room 2; and on the fourth, Friday, Clubhouse 3, Room 6. For more information, call Anna Derby at 301-5339. • Kang Nam: The line dance class is taught by Leona Wagner from 9-10:30 a.m. on Mondays in Clubhouse 2. It is followed by a Korean folk dance class taught by Grace Lee from 11 a.m.-noon. No experience is necessary. To sign up or for more information, call Philip Bak, 431-0321. •Leisure Time Dance: The Leisure Time Dance group meets Mondays for ballroom dance classes in Clubhouse 6. A nightclub two-step starts at 2 p.m. and intermediate tango at 3 p.m. Singles and couples are welcome. Dancers rotate. Cost is $6 for one hour, or $10 for two hours. For more information, call instructor Richard Sharrard at 434-6334. See DANCE, page 14 Friends of Library Drop off donations for LW boutique The Friends of the Library accepts donations year round for its bookstore boutique at the Friends Room adjacent to the Leisure World Library. People can drop off donations or request a pick-up by calling Irwin Reich, 714-3982, or Joan Shramek, 430-9090. The Friends Bookstore sells bargain books of every description, puzzles, greeting cards, DVD and CDs in addition to boutique items. Proceeds support the Leisure World Library and annual scholarships for library science students. People are asked to bring donations into the bookstore during business hours. The Friends of the Library Bookstore open from 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. on weekdays. I saw a review for this almost new restaurant and thought that, even though it is a 20-minute drive from Leisure World, it would be a good choice for celebrating a friend’s birthday. “Good choice” are not strong enough words for this delightful little place. As we entered, we walked past the kitchen and noted how clean it looked. The dining area is also uncluttered, simply decorated and very pleasant. The menu contained many of the popular Vietnamese dishes that my friends and I always enjoy. Our selections did not disappoint. Our appetizer, Rocket Shrimp Rolls, was delicious and fun. The four large, crispy rolls each had a “handle” of a shrimp tail with the rest of the shrimp hidden inside the roll, nestled against a tasty minced pork filling. The rolls were accompanied by several large leaves of green lettuce, various herbs, and strands of thin rice noodles. A little cup of a thin, sweet, garlicky sauce is served alongside. Tuck the roll into a leaf, add a little of this and a bit of that, dunk all into the sauce, and you have a great start to an exceptional meal. Next, and my favorite, was a bowl of corn and crab soup, something I have had many times in Chinese restaurants but have never before found on a Vietnamese menu. When well made, as this was, I consider it the ultimate comfort food. The soup was smooth, flavorful, and loaded with shredded crab and corn. I didn’t want the bowl to ever empty. The birthday girl, who is on a diet, ordered a simple plate of grilled salmon and rice. The staff was happy to accommodate her request. When the plate came, my friend exclaimed, “Oh my gosh, how am I going to finish all of that?” She said that it was perfectly seasoned. When trying a Vietnamese restaurant for the first time, I always order the traditional bun (thin rice noodles) with Thit Nuong (grilled strips of marinated pork), bits of cucumber, shredded carrots, etc. The portion size is not huge, but quite enough. Our other companion had a large plate of fried rice with crab meat. Dessert was a cute little chocolate lava cake: light chocolate with a molten center. It was accompanied by a small container of berry sauce and several fresh berries. The tart berries made a nice contrast to the sweetness of the cake. After we were well into our meal, the charming young woman who owns the restaurant stopped by our table to ask whether we were satisfied with our meals. She seemed genuinely interested in our opinions. She told us that she had worked in her mother’s restaurant in Vietnam as a child and was so happy to now have a place of her own. We’ll visit again. Their description of seafood soup looks too good to miss. The restaurant is located in a strip mall on the southwest corner of Magnolia and Talbert. It is open from 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m., weekdays, a bit later Friday and Saturday nights. —Jojo Weingart, photo HUI O HULA: Hui O Hula thanks Hana Hou (pictured), Kolohe ‘Ukulele Club, its hula dancers, Ren Villanueva and the LW vaqueros for their terrific performances May 3 in Clubhouse 1. A great big mahalo also to everyone who showed up to make this an unforgettable event. Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS SBTV-Channel 3 LW Garden Club Bromeliads will be meeting topic The Garden Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. on May 18 in Clubhouse 2. Bromeliads, a flowering plant, will be the topic. People can come at 1 p.m. to browse the plant table with items for sale at bargain prices, enter the 50/50 drawing or donate to the We Care basket. Speaker Larry Farley has been growing bromeliads since 1957. He has been a member of the Bromeliads Society since 1976. All are invited to join the Garden Club. It’s one of Leisure World’s oldest clubs. On Jan. 9, 1964, 38 residents decided to start the club. Dr. Wendell Diebold was the founding president. The Garden Club was established to promote interest in plants, gardens and beautification of the common areas. After the presentation, complimentary refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome. Poet’s Corner Editor’s Note: This poetry feature showcases original poems by members of the Creative Writers Club of Leisure World and other GRF members. The Poetry Workshop meets at 1:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. I Took the Time Today I ignored my “TO DO” list, and took the time to call a friend I hadn’t seen for a while. Today I took the time to send thinking of you, missing you and get well cards to say hello to other friends. Today I took the time to take a walk and enjoy the sights and sounds of the beautiful sunny day Mother Nature had given me. Today Was a wonderful day and all because I took the time. —Phyllis Mitchell, Mutual 14 GRF Sunday Matinee The following is the SBTV-3 television schedule for the week. Time Warner broadcasts on Channel 3 (subscribers must have a digital box or digital adapter) and Verizon FIOS subscribers can watch it on Channel 37: Thursday, May 7 4 pm Feeling Fit for Older Adults 5 pm Silver Age Yoga 5:30 pm Doo Wop 6:30 pm Inside Leisure World 7 pm Studio Cafe 8 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach: The Lawhead Brothers 9 pm History of Seal Beach 1985 10 pm Vintage Vehicles 11 pm Live at the Ford Friday, May 8 4 pm Country Western Entertainment 5 pm Mike Levitt 5:30 pm Acting 101 6 pm Calvary Chapel 6:30 pm Pulse of the Port 7 pm Inside Leisure World 7:30 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach: Lawhead Brothers 8:30 pm Griffins Rewind 9 pm Studio Cafe 10 pm Robby Armstrong Show 10:30 pmOcean Perspectives 11 pm Cerritos Center Saturday, May 9 4 pm Karaoke St. Patrick’s Day 5 pm Expo 2015 5:30 pm Acting 101 6 pm Mike Levitt 6:30 pm Inside Leisure World 7 pm Studio Cafe 8 pm LAUSD 11 pm Vintage Vehicles 11:30 pm Cerritos Center Sunday, May 10 4 pm LW Cabaret 5 pm Los Al Choir Smile 7 pm Ocean Perspectives See SBTV, page 14 ‘Born Yesterday’ will be shown May 10 “ B o r n Ye s t e r d a y ” (1950), not rated, is the GRF Sunday Matinee movie at 2 p.m. on May 10 in Clubhouse 4. Billie Dawn (Judy Holliday) is the girlfriend of Harry Brock (Broderick Crawford), a corrupt millionaire junk dealer. Brock is embarrassed by Billie’s lack of social sophistication. So he hires journalist Paul Verrill (William Holden) to give Billie a crash course in “culture.” But it all doesn’t turn out as Brock expects. This is a classic comedy. Ms. Holliday received the Academy Award as Best Actress for this film. Free popcorn is available at the Sunday matinees. Community Singers Anita Ragole will be the song leader The Community Singers will meet at 6:30 p.m. on May 11 in Clubhouse 1. Anita Ragole is the group song leader. Her halftime guest will be Pat Kogok. Amateur time is first, so people should sign in at 6 with two copies of sheet music, prepared to sing for three minutes. On April 27, eight amateurs performed. The session closed with Hui O Hula dancers performing a Hawaiian stick dance. Pianists Barbara McIlhaney and Carol Robinson accompanied the singers. A full house of Leisure World Anita Ragole residents joined Ellen Brannigan through a variety of old favorites until halftime, when she introduced the Hui O Hula Club, led by Jojo Weingart. They performed a Hawaiian program with a Cinco de Mayo flavor. Everyone applauded the club’s fine presentation. To close the musical evening, everyone joined Lewis and Felicia Ward as they led “Kum ba Yah.” Thanks to Joe Sabroso, book lender and stage manager, and Felicia Ward, emcee. “We love Zounds quality and their prices are very affordable.” 16 16 Programmable Channels Limited Time Offer This Week Only! * For mild to moderate hearing loss • Quality Digital Technology • Intuitive Noise Cancellation - up to 90% noise reduction • Better speech clarity in noisy environments Attention Leisure World Clubs! Call today to schedule your FREE Hearing Exam! Non-Rechargeable 795 $ per aid* MSRP: $1,999 per aid Ask about special pricing on our line of rechargeable hearing aids, the Imprezo® and Clareza®.** -Jim and Diane Whittington, Leisure World Seal Beach Residents Call for a fun, informative presentation and FREE SNACKS for your next meeting. We can pick you up if you need a ride! YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE MAY PAY FOR YOUR ZOUNDS HEARING AIDS! Call us today to confirm your coverage and benefit reimbursement amount! Zounds of Seal Beach 2908 Westminster Avenue Seal Beach, CA 90740 Over 170 Locations Coast to Coast! (Near Del Taco) www.ZoundsHearing.com 13 562-340-4453 *Offer valid on purchase of Riazo®16 hearing aids. Present this ad at participating Zounds Hearing Center. Not valid with other offers. Void where prohibited. ** Zounds® will replace rechargeable batteries in Clareza and Imprezo model aids for the life of the aid. © 2015 Zounds Hearing, Inc. 14 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 Genealogy Workshop Research library ancestral searches ART LEAGUE—Richard Austin won a painting from demonstration artist Keiko Tanabe at the Art League meeting April 23. Science Discussion History of psychology will be discussed The Science Discussion Club will meet from 2-3:15 p.m. on May 14 and 28 in Clubouse 3, Room 3. The club is open to all. Members will explore the history and philosophical implications of psychology and its impact on integral science. There are no dues or fees. For more information, call Mark Barnett, 430-2435. The Genealogy Workshop Research Library is open from 1-4 p.m. on Tuesday-Thursday in Clubhouse 3, Room 10. Computers with search subscriptions and a large inventory of research books and magazines are available to help people search for information about their ancestors. The club holds informal workshop discussion groups on three Wednesdsays a month from 1:302:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. The remaining discussion topics for May are as follows: • May 13: Books on California (from a private collection) • May 20 – Professions of Our Ancestors (group discussion) A class on “Tips and Tricks for Using Ancestry.Com” will be held from 1-4 p.m. on May 18. The cost is $5; sign up at the Research Library. Seating is limited. GRF Weekly Dance The Golden Rain Foundation sponsors a weekly dance on Saturdays from 7-10 p.m. in Clubhouse 1. Linda Herman will play May 9. NEWS DANCE From page 12 • Leisure World Cloggers: The club holds classes at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesdays for advanced and intermediate students and at 10:30 a.m. for beginners in Clubhouse 2. All are welcome. For more information, call Betty Currie at 598-9974. • Leisure Whirlers Square and Round Dance Club: The club will celebrate from 6:30-9:30 p.m on the first Friday of the month in Clubhouse 4. There is music, dancing and a finger-food potluck. Pre-rounds are from 6:30-9 p.m. The potluck and socializing starts at 9 p.m. Singles and couples are welcome. There will be a singles rotation so everyone can dance. Parties are $6. For more information call Lenore Velky at 237-2682. • Line Dance: Novice beginners meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays in Clubhouse 6; a beginners class is offered at 10:30 a.m. on Mondays in Clubhouse 1. All are welcome; $3 per class. Barbara Magie is the instructor. • Line Dance: Advanced beginners meet at 10 a.m. on Thursdays in Clubhouse 3, Room 6; $3 per class. • Saturday Morning Dance Club: Learn nightclub two-step from 9-10 and the waltz from 10-11 on Saturdays in Clubhouse 1. Classes are taught by Candi Davis; dancers rotate, so partners are not required. Sessions are $5 each. • Suede Sole Dancers: The group meets at 6 p.m. on Sundays for a class upstairs in Clubhouse 6. Everyone is welcome. Pat Erickson is the instructor. Dancers who qualify may participate in a dance troupe that performs in and out of Leisure World. For more information, contact Anna Derby at 301-5339. • Zumba Club: Instructor Stef Sullivan teaches dance steps inspired by salsa, merengue, cha-cha, raggaeton, Cumbia, Bollywood, jazz, hip-hop and disco. Classes, $3, are held at 5:30 p.m. on Mondays, 8:30 a.m. on Tuesdays, 5 p.m. on Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m. on Thursdays and Fridays, 11 a.m. on Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. on Sundays. Classes are held in Clubhouse 6, except the Thursday class, which meets in Clubhouse 3. For information, call Mary Romero at 431-0082. SBTV From page 13 S E N I O R R E W A R D S P RO G R A M STUDIO PRODUCTION Job #: PAL 001771-02 Entertainment Enjoy free shows at Infinity with one guest every Tuesday at 1 pm with your Privileges Card with 60+ Club sticker. Virgil Gibson Rip Masters Former Lead Singer of the World Famous Platters! History of Rock & Roll Live: visual MECHANICAL May 12 May 19 Frank DiSalvo The Neil Deal Tribute to Frank Sinatra A Tribute to the Music of Neil Young & Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young May 26 June 2 *Must be present to win. Dining APPROVAL CD: Gary Kelly Cash Giveaways Win a share of $300 * in cash every Tuesday and $1,200 * in cash every Thursday at Infinity. Receive a 30% discount at our award-winning Choices, The Buffet, every Tuesday and Thursday from 11AM – 3PM. Rewards Sign up for your FREE membership at our Privileges Center and enjoy member rewards. If you already have a card, be sure to pick up your 60+ Club card sticker. OK FREE admission packet for 60+ includes: CHANGES PM: · 1-Early Bird 2-On · 1-3-On for all regular session games · 1-Special Pala “P”1-On APPROVAL FREE BINGO EVERY THURSDAY! · 1- Special Blackout 3-On · 1-Cash Drawing Ticket Extra cards and daubers are available for purchase. To participate, players just have to be a member of the Pala Privileges Club. Guests under 60 years of age can play for a buy-in of $16. Doors open: 11:00AM · Early Birds 12:30PM · Regular session: 1:00 PM So Many Ways To Win TM OK 1-877-WIN-PALA (1-877-946-7252) PalaCasino.com CHANGES Located in Northern San Diego County From Orange County & Los Angeles County: Take I-5 South to Hwy 76, go east 23 miles From San Diego & Riverside County: Take I-15 to Hwy 76, go east 5 miles PAL_001771_02_5_7_Senior_Print_LeisureWorld_8.3125x10_r4.indd 1 8 pm Studio Cafe 9:30 pm The Robby Armstrong Show 10 pm Live at the Ford Monday, May 11 4 pm Chair Exercises 5 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach: Lawhead Brothers 6 pm Studio Cafe 7 pm Seal Beach Council Meeting - LIVE Tuesday, May 12 4 pm Acting 101 4:30 pm Mike Levitt 5 pm Cabaret 6 pm Calvary Chapel 6:30 pm Inside Leisure World 7 pm Spirit of Seal Beach, 1985 7:30 pm The Robby Armstrong Show 8 pm Griffins Rewind 8:30 pm Studio Cafe 9:30 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach: The Lawhead Brothers 10:30 pm Your Sanctuary 11 pm Live at the Ford Wednesday, May 13 4 pm Karoke St. Patrick’s Day 5 pm Expo 2015 5:30 pm Doo Wop March 2015 6:30 pm Country-Western Entertainment 7:30 pm Inside Leisure World 8 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach: Lawhead Brothers 9 pm The Robby Armstrong Show 9:30 pm Ocean Perspectives 10 pm Studio Cafe 11 pm Vintage Vehicles 11:30 pm Sea Inside All programming is subject to change. KARAOKE From page 11 Paul Ranaldi on guitar and Harold Hughes surprised the audience with “Have You Ever Seen The Rain.” Gerry Tagulao sang “Born Free,” followed by Vito Villamer, “I Guess I’m Crazy,” and Ray Barnum’s “Heaven.” Other singers included Tony Tupas, Donna Hughes, Mila Cruz, Pat Erickson and Helen Schultz. News Deadlines Submissions for The News must be in by Thursday at 4 p.m. for publication in the following week’s edition. 4/22/15 1:59 PM Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS 15 Play Review ‘Side Show’ is a cult classic that never bridged gap to mainstream popularity “Side Show,” a revival of the musical; book and lyrics by Bill Russell; music by Henry Krieger. Now being presented by 3D Theatricals at the Plummer Auditorium, 210 East Chapman Ave., Fullerton, 92832, through May 10, (714) 589-2770, www.3DTshows.com; ticket prices: $20-$70; Running time: 2 hours 40 minutes. Larry Blake LW contributor by As the economy improves, local theater groups are taking more risks. Last fall Musical Theatre West resurrected the musical “Big Fish” from the musical theater graveyard with an eye-opening production. This spring the La Mirada Theatre likewise restored the musical “Carrie” in a production that was innovative. Now, 3D Theatricals is resurrecting the musical “Side Show.” It is an outstanding production, but questions still remain if “Side Show” deserves resurrecting from the musical theater graveyard. “Side Show” is “loosely based” on the lives of Daisy and Violet Hilton, conjoined twins who were famous Vaudeville performers in the 1930s. The story begins with their discovery. Daisy and Violet (Afton Quast and Jeanette Dawson) are one of the “freak” acts in a low brow carnival show. Into the Hilton sisters’ lives comes promoter Terry Connor (Gregg Hammer) and musician Buddy Foster (Gary Brintz). They mold the twins’ carnival act into a big Vaudeville act. They leave the freak show and enter into a world of success on the Vaudeville circuit. It is here that “Side Show” takes a not-so-believable turn. We have been seeing the sisters as freaks, and suddenly they are Jean Harlow look-a-likes. A musical that starts out about freaks, a dark side of society, is now a glamorous romantic comedy, focusing on love relationships. This portion is mostly fictional, and here is where “Side Show” gets in trouble. Detours are taken from the conjoined twins’ actual life into a mostly fictional creation by the creators of Side Show. We see little of the dark and gritty side of life that these women actually lived. The story does come to some logical conclusions and is entertaining with its score, full of traditional musical comedy songs. The production here is better than the musical probably deserves. The three men in the twins’ lives, Terry (Gregg Hammer), Buddy (Gary Brintz) and Jake (Jay Donnell), are giving performances, as far as memory recalls, better than those in the Sunday Night Ballroom The Sunday Night Ballroom Dance Group will not meet in May. The next dinner dance will be held at 5 p.m. on June 7 in Clubhouse 4. The Velvetones will be featured at the “June is Busting Out All Over” dance. Reservations are required by calling Shirlene Chavez at 596-2669 or Melinda Nicolet at 598-4056. The cast of “Side Show” original 1997 Broadway production. As Daisy and Violet, Dawson and Quast don’t quite fill the very large shoes of the original Daisy and Violet, Emily Skinner and Alice Ripley. “Side Show” was a failure in 1997. A new production also failed in 2013. It reportedly was darker than the original. However, the dishonesty of the telling of the twins’ story in the book of this musical may be impossible to overcome. I have now seen “Side Show” four times, and it always fails. It has become a cult classic among musical theater junkies, but never made that leap to being popular with the general public. In viewing this show, it becomes clear to me that its biggest failure is in its dishonesty. One can only wonder what a writer like Stephen Sondheim would have done with the story of the Hilton sisters. It certainly would have been grittier and more honest than the 1997 original. “Side Show” will probably not be successful and resurrected from the musical theater graveyard until it is looked at and rewritten with a darker and more honest perspective. Directions to the Plummer Auditorium from Leisure World: Take the 605 Freeway north to the 91 Freeway east; exit on Harbor Boulevard, and take a left onto northbound Harbor Boulevard. Turn right on E. Chapman Avenue and right on N. Pamona. Park for free in the structure. Plummer Auditorium is on the corner of N. Lemon and E. Chapman streets, across from the parking structure. YOU ARE InVITEd TO CELEBRATE MAY IS BETTER HEARInG MOnTH Monday May 4th to Friday May 15th To celebrate May is Better Hearing Month, we are giving away special prizes to our most valued patients. This month, take charge of your hearing with the new Ultra Hearing Aids! • Experience better than normal hearing in noisy restaurants – it’s clinically proven!* • Control settings using your smartphone • Comprehensive 5-year protection coverage for your peace of mind Hearing is a wonderful gift, but why not get even more? Sennheiser Wireless Stereo Assisted Listening System Model SET830S-TV HASE H PURC GIFT WIT Gift Retail Value $249. With purchase of a pair of Level 5 Hearing Aids only. Offers cannot be combined. Excludes previous purchases. Offer expires 5/31/15. iPad Air WiFi 16 GB or iRobot® Roomba® 650 Vacuum Cleaning Robot Gift Retail Value $399. Limit one gift with purchase of a pair of Level 7 Hearing Aids only. Offers cannot be combined. Excludes previous purchases. Offer expires 5/31/15. HASE H PURC GIFT WIT Call to schedule your FREE Hearing Check-Up! Welcome Health Net Members Huntington Beach • Lakewood Call Toll Free: 855.802.5538 *Studies conducted at University of Northern Colorado (2014) and Oldenburg Horzentrum (2013) showed that Speech Reception Thresholds (SRT) in cocktailparty situations improved up to 2.9dB for wearers with mild to moderate hearing loss using the latest BestSound™ Technology with Narrow Directionality, compared to people with normal hearing. This corresponds to over 25% improvement in speech understanding. 150501 HearUSA May Ad_Leisure World Golden Rain News - Seal Beach_8.3125x10_to run 5-7_02.indd 1 4/27/15 10:34 AM 16 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS RELIGION Interfaith Council Salvation Army LW celebrates National Day of Prayer today Rev. Moore to head program May 11 in CH4 The Home League of The Salvation Army will meet at 7 p.m. on May 11 in Clubhouse 4. Greeters will be Ella Aason and Dorothy Alvey. The Rev. Gil Moore and his wife Lavona will present a program. A noted photographer, he will bring a selection of his more popular cards for purchase. His photos have been published and calendars. The Moores have lived in Leisure World for 25 years. He is pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church. They are active members of the Interfaith Council. Maj. Irene Seiler will welcome everyone, lead the Pledge of Allegiance and make announcements. A program is planned at 4 p.m. today, May 7 at the Seal Beach Health Care and Rehab Center. To help, come to the dining hall shortly before 4 p.m. Cherrie Green will lead the hymn sing and devotional time. A prayer for the month of May will be conducted by Verline Thompson. Kip Watson will introduce Pastor Moore and describe the program. Refreshments will be provided by Wilma Hodges and served by team hostesses Ann Hause and Leone Metros. Door prizes and birthday gifts will be wrapped and distributed by Leanna Sharon. Major Fred Seiler will close the program with thanks and benediction. Assembly of God Mothers will be recognized at Sunday service Assembly of God Church will recognize the importance of mothers and women in the military service at 6 p.m. Sunday. The role of mothers in American life cannot be overemphasized. Mothers give their off- spring their first understanding of love, service, sharing and other valuable lessons in life. In the morning service, Marge McDonald, recently returned from a mission trip to Honduras, will share her experience. As part of the Sunday night hymn sing, Norma Grasser, a sign language professional, will share her personal life story from a mother’s perspective. For more information, call 343-3655. LW Baptist Church Missionary Galpin will address members May 13 Mother’s Day on Sunday will be a day to remember at LW Baptist Church. At 9:45 a.m. in Clubhouse 4, members will honor the women in attendance by singing hymns and special songs and remembering those who have passed. The choir will gather special requests to put together a musical package honoring mothers. Pastor RollandCoburn will bring a special message to complete the special service. Prior to the 8:45 a.m. service the Sunday school will meet to study Romans 9 and the wisdom of God in his choices of all his children. Missionary Ron Galpin, the chaplain at Hope Again in Hollywood, will address members at 3 p.m. on May 13 in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information, call 4302920. THE BINGO CLUB Hawaiian Gardens O TW 0T0GO 5 $ US GS M WIN A A ts DR 7 Nigh k e We $400,000 OVER PAID WEEKLY (Incl. Tabs) 7 NIGHTS A WEEK! Monday thru Thursday 6 pm to 12 Midnight Friday and Saturday 6 pm to 2 am • Sunday 2 pm to 12 Midnight Doors Open Monday-Saturday 4 pm • Sunday 12 pm 000 MUST PRESENT COUPON • ORIGINAL COUPONS ONLY No photos copies will be honored • Photo ID Required. ● Gift Certificates Now Available ● Tres Amigos Mexican Grill ● Food Service Available ● Free coffee, Ice & Parking Carson St. ● Friendly Staff New ● Security On Site Bingo 405 Fwy Club ● Smoke Free Indoors ● Smoking Patio available for Bingo play 21900 Norwalk Blvd., Hawaiian Gardens 90716 (562) 402-6769 SB / Norwalk Blvd 5 FREE GAMES Good the day before, on or the day after your b-day. 25 Games 605 Fwy THE BINGO CLUB COUPON VALID MONDAY THRU THURSDAY ONLY 6 PM to 11 PM ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER...PER WEEK ● FREE PLAY on your B’Day THE BINGO CLUB IS A FUNCTION OF, AND OPERATED BY THE IRVING I. MOSKOWITz FOUNDATION, A NON-PROFIT PUBLIC CHARITABLE ORGANIzATION Pastor Cherryholmes First Christian Church Focus Today will be on the Day of Prayer The National Day of Prayer will be the focus of Pastor Gene Cherryholmes’ Bible study at 10 a.m. today, May 7, in the First Christian Chapel. The lesson on prayer will come from Daniel, Chapter 9, followed by prayers for our nation, military, courts, and schools. At 9 a.m. on Sunday, Elder Jack Frost will teach from the book of John. The hospitality room opens at 9:30 a.m. for fellowship and light refreshments. All are welcome. Communion is served during the worship service and is open to all believers. Edith Emilio will read the Scripture text for the sermon from 2 Timothy 1:5-7. Pat Kogok will play a solo before Pastor Cherryholmes’ Mothers Day message, “A Mother’s Faith.” Prayer and Bible studies for the week are scheduled at 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Calvary Chapel meets at 6 p.m., Thursdays, with Pastor Phil O’Malley in Romans. For the Wednesday home study, contact Sue Dougherty at 431-5392. Call the church office, 4318810, between 9-11 a.m. onMondays, Wednesdays or Fridays for more information. For all church functions, hearing enhancements are available at the front table. Holy Family Church Services listed for Saturday, Sunday The Sunday readings at Holy Family Catholic Church on May 10, the sixth Sunday of Easter, are as follows: The first reading will be Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; second reading: 1 John 4:7-10; Gospel: John 15:9-17. Saturday Vigil, 5 p.m. Mass; Sunday Masses, 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and noon; Mass Monday-Friday is at 8:30 a.m. Confessions: Saturday and eves of Holy Days 4-4:45 p.m. First Fridays, 7:15 a.m. Leisure World residents and their guests are invited to meet in the Clubhouse 3 lobby at 10 a.m. today, May 7, for the 64th annual National Day of Prayer service. Millions of Americans will gather from across the country for the event, themed “Lord, Hear Our Cry” based on the verse in I Kings 8:28 from the Old Testament. The event in LW is sponsored by the Interfaith Council and includes members of the churches, synagogue and fellowship groups that worship here. Everyone is invited to join in the one-hour service. Guest speaker will be Michael Jones , a chaplain of the Veteran’s Affairs Long Beach Healthcare System. He is substituting for George Vogel, chaplain at Veteran’s Hospital, who will receive an honorary doctorate degree in Tennessee. Before joining the National Association of Veteran’s Administration Chaplains, Chaplain Jones served at the Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles, Athletes for Christ, Billy Graham’s 25th anniversary in 1983, and Grace Community Church in Seal Beach. For the last 20 years he has worked with developmentally disabled adults and children. Vocal selections by Anita Rogale and Rabbi Galit Levy-Slater are planned at today’s service. The Pledge of Allegiance will be recited. Redeemer Lutheran Pastor Moore will refer to John at Sunday service Pastor Gil Moore will combine Mother’s Day and the Gospel lesson of John 15:9-17 in this Sunday’s sermon at Redeemer Lutheran Church. The service begins at 10:30 a.m. and all women attending will receive a red carnation. Food gifts donated for distribution to those in need in Orange County will be dedicated. Ushers will be Margaret Deaton, George Koehm, Phyllis Mackey and Margaret Miller. Altar flowers are from Alice Dokter in memory of her husband Ralph. The choir will sing. A coffee hour will follows the service in Fellowship Hall. The Bible class meeting at 10:30 a.m. on May 13 will begin a study of Exodus. The Interfaith Council will meet in the conference room at 4 p.m. on May 12. The website for the congregation is at www.redeemerlutheransealbeach.com The Respite Center offers adult day care Tuesdays and Thursdays. For more information and registration, call 596-1209. Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS Congregation Sholom 17 Little Flower Guild Weekend schedule will begin Card party on agenda today with Shabbat service May 8 PASTOR GWYN VAUGHN will head Sunday service at church. Faith Christian Mothers at the Sunday service will receive gifts With the spirit of Exodus 20:12 and retired evangelist Billy Graham, Faith Christian Assembly invites everyone to celebrate Mothers Day this Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. service. Exodus 20:12, tells us, “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.” Graham said: “Only God fully appreciates the influence of a Christian mother in the molding of character in her children.” Special gifts will be distributed to all mothers in attendance. There will be no evening service. The Faith Fellowship Group meets at 11 a.m. on Tuesdays in the Garden Room. A midweek Bible study, taught by Pastor Sheri Leming, is held at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays in the Garden Room. The church is located just outside the St. Andrews gate. To receive a free newsletter and for more information, call 5989010 or visit www.FCAchurch.net. Spiritual Living Club Next meeting set for May 7, CH3 Spiritual Living Club will meet from 1-2:15 p.m.on May 7 in Clubhouse 3, Room 5. “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz will be presented on CD. For those coming from outside Leisure World, give Dory Steinmetz’s name , the Spiritual Living Club and and Clubhouse 3 at the Main gate. The group meets on the first and third Thursdays of the month from 1-:2:15 p.m. in Clubhouse 3, Rooms 5 and 7. For more information, contact Dory Steinmetz at 430-2141 or dorysteinmetz@gmail.com Aglow International Lunch planned May 14 in LB Weekend services at Congregation Sholom by Rabbi-Cantor Galit Levy-Slater begin with Shabbat services at 7 p.m. on May 8 in the Clubhouse 3 Lobby. It will be followed by an Oneg Shabbat in Room 9. The Saturday service May 9 will include reading the Torah, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The Kiddush will follow in Room 7, with a discussion of the Torah reading after the Kiddush. The National Day of Prayer will be held at 10 a.m. today, May 7, in the Clubhouse 3 lobby. Rabbi Levy-Slater is one of several members of the local religious community who will provide music. A presentation by Jeff Rubtchinsky from Ayelet Tours will be held at 5 p.m. today, May 7 in the Clubhouse 6 hospitality suite. It will be followed by a question-and-answer session about a trip to Israel. Today’s Sisterhood meeting SBCSL has been canceled. Those unable to attend services may log on to Sim Shalom, an online synagogue at new. livestream.com/sim-shalom at 4 p.m., Thursday, for a brief Arvit (evening) service. Services can be accessed every afternoon at 4. The one Rabbi Levy-Slater Galit leads is on Thursdays. Sim Shalom’s services can also be accessed from Rabbi Levy-Slater’s website, www. galityomtov.com. Classes: Beginning Hebrew I:1-2 p.m., Tuesdays, Clubhouse 1 Lobby. Beginning Hebrew II:2-3 p.m. Tuesdays, Clubhouse 1 Lobby. The Cantillation (music of the holy books) will be by appointment with Rabbi Levy-Slater. For more information, call 594-4368 or 493-2680. Rev. Reeves will talk on topic ‘Ground of Birth and Rebirth’ Rev. Joshua Reeves will speak on the topic “The Ground of Birth and Rebirth” at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday at The Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living, 500 Marina Drive, Seal Beach. Everyone is welcome. The musical guests will be Ryan Whitney and Tina Carson, accompanied by pianist Bill Wolfe. Rev. Joshua Reeves is teaching a class, “Foundations,” from 6:30-9 p.m. on Tuesdays through July 7 at the center. The class introduces the principles of spiritual living and the science of mind. Sign-ups will be taken at the activities table. The cost is $100. A certificate is an additional $45. Each Friday through May 29, Lindy Hodges, RScP, will conduct a study, “It’s Up To You,” by Ernest Holmes. There will be no homework. Donations will be accepted. On May 1 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. a group will share thoughts on “Exploring the Science of Mind. It will be facilitated by Dorothy Lantz and Donna Baranyay, RScPs. Donations will accepted. The Prayer Shawl Ministry group meets from 10 a.m.-noon on May 9. See REEVES, page 26 Aglow International will hold a luncheon at 11:30 a.m. on May 14 at Khoury’s Restaurant, 110 Marina Drive at the Seaport Village, Long Beach. The cost is $13 per person. Reservations should be made no later than May 11 6 by calling 343-8066. All are welcome. The Little Flower Guild will hold its monthly card party at noon today, May 7, in Clubhouse 2. Tables of four are needed to play, so it is advisable for members and guests to bring partners. Substitutes are welcome to fill in when needed. For more information, call Gail Mandrell at 7990117. For more information, call Gail Mandrell at 7990117. Community Church Members urged to take part in day of prayer Community Church encourages the congregation and family and friends to participate in the National Day of Prayer at 10 a.m., today, May 7, in Clubhouse 3. The Leisure World Interfaith Council is hosting the event. The theme is “Lord, Hear Our Cry.” Community Church thanks the volunteer workers and donors who contributed to the success of last week’s rummage sale. The pick-up of smaller furniture and other items for donations has resumed. Call the church office at 562431-2503 to schedule a pick-up. Guest preacher, retired Pastor Lee Hirt, will give a Mother’s Day message on May 10 titled; “Filled With Joy.” The scripture passages are Psalm 16 and Matthew 28: 1-9. Worship services begin at 9:50. A coffee hour will follow the worship service. HEATING & AIR INC. Mini - Splits BETTER SLEEP STARTS AT RELAX THE BACK® Single Room starting at $2,700 Two and Three Room TriMini-Splits TEMPUR-Cloud® Supreme Breeze 0% APR FOR 5 YEARS* Heat Pumps 21 Seer (more energy efficient) independent remotes controls Call for price 60 equal monthly payments required UP TO $300 In personalized free gifts with Tempur-Pedic® mattress set purchase FREE LOCAL DELIVERY AND SET UP Come see our new, larger location in Huntington Beach (Across from Bella Terra, near HomeGoods) 7682 Edinger Ave. 714.375.7344 *Offer ends 4/22/15. Subject to credit approval. See store for details. Call today for a FREE Estimate! All Heat Pumps Sales — Installation — Service “Your Leisure World Heat Pump Specialist” 9 Times Out of 10 We’ll Beat Anyone’s Price!! 714-821-7070 Lic. # 945655 18 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 TRAVEL Los Al Travel Club Solvang package includes play The Los Alamitos Travel Club will present a Super Solvang Celebration with an evening show featuring “Man of La Mancha” from Tuesday, July 21, to Thursday, July 23. Cost is $319 per person double; $324, single. The package includes accommodations, show tickets, a tour of the Santa Ynez Valley with a local guide; wine tasting at a local vineyard, lunch in Santa Barbara, gaming at Chumash Casino, deluxe continental breakfast at the hotel and deluxe motorcoach. For information and reservations, contact 596-1896; 4962602; or 598-3743. Puzzle pages 24-25 Puzzle Answers Typo Answer Typo was on page 3 on the bottom left hand corner of last week’s paper. Did you find the fish? Crossword Answers NEWS Garden Club Join tour to see Warner Bros. lot The Leisure World Garden Club will escort a tour to Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank on May 19. It is the last outing of the season. The tour will include the entire studio lot. A tram will transport the guests from set to set, and the guide will give information on all the latest shows and movies. The tour will end at the Studio Cafe for lunch and a little down time. Guests will have a wide range of entrees of their dining pleasure, including salads, soups, sandwiches, fish and many grilled meat items. There will also be a special chef’s choice surprise meal as well. There will be time to browse the shops on the studio grounds after lunch. The bus will return to Leisure World about 4 p.m. The fee, $75, includes the studio tour, lunch, bus transportation and the bus driver’s gratuity. The Garden Club welcomes all Leisure World residents and their guests to all of its functions. The bus is three-fourths full. Call 431-5889 or 596-1346 to make reservations. American-Latino Club Restaurant trip will be June 7 The American-Latino Club will host a day trip to Plaza Mexico’s restaurant La Huasteca on June 7. Cost is $47 per person and includes the buffet, a mariachi show, soft drink, bus ride, and driver and waiter gratuities. Send a check to American Latino Club and mail it to Carmen Edwards, 1240 Oakmont Road, 52-K, Seal Beach, CA, 90740. For more information, call 431-4257. Los Alamitos Senior Club Sudoku Answers Julian trip is set for Oct. 29 at 8 The Los Alamitos Senior Club will take a day trip to Julian with a tour of the Oasis Camel Dairy and lunch at the Rongbranch Restaurant on Oct. 29. The trip departs at 8 a.m., returning around 6 p.m. Cost is $70 per person. Visit See TRIP page 20 Jumble Answers Brain Busters Ans. On the Go Descanso Gardens & Norton Simon Museum – May 7, $69, or $94 with optional tea lunch. David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Mother’s Day Tea & Castle Green – May 10, $115, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. San Manuel Casino— May 12, $15, $10 back, St. Jude’s Support Group, Aileen Ackerman, 493-6774. Huntington Library — May 13, $89 with lunch, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Pauma Casino — May 13, $15; $10 cash in machine, New York Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; or Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949. Santa Anita Racetrack—May 14, $75 with buffet lunch, Sandra deDubovay, 598-6561. Mission Inn, Museum of Photography & Citrus State Park —May 16, $79 with lunch, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Tibbies Cabaret Theater, “Hooray for Hollywood” – May 17, 2015, $105 with dinner, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Warner Bros. Studio Tour – May 24, $94, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Welk Resort Theater, “Cabaret” – Matinee With Included Buffet Lunch & Champagne – May 30, 2015, $109 champagne buffet, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Hollywood and Pasadena Tour—June 2, $99, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Catalina Island – June 7, $109 or $124 with optional Avalon scenic tour. David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Union Station, Central Library & Exposition Park Rose Gardens June 9, $89 with lunch at Traxx Restaurant, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Lotusland Estate & Gardens – June 10, $89 with champagne, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Temecula — June 17, $69 with lunch, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Newport Beach Dinner Cruise—June 18, $150, Lions Club Sight and Hearing Foundation, www.lshf.org, Diana Bean, (209) 642-1114; Patrisha Elbeck, (949) 582-3064; or Lidia Petrov-Jones, (909) 489-8024. Pala Casino —June 19, $6, $10 back, American Legion Post 327, Tony Dodero, 430-5828. Julian — Oct. 29, $70, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Harrah’s Rincon — Daily, free, Amphitheater, 7:15-7:30 a.m., (877) 777-2457. Pala Casino — Daily, free, $15 back in slot play, Amphitheater, 8 a.m., (714) 985-9555. Pechanga Casino — Daily, Amphitheater, 8 a.m., free, $10 in EZ Play upon arrival, (951) 770-2579. Valley View Casino — Daily, Amphitheater, 7:45 a.m., $6, $15 back in slots. Overnight Trips Virginia’s Grand Hotels & Historic Sites – May 24-31, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Central Coast Lighthouses by Rail – May 31-June 4, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Boston, Salem & Maine’s Rocky Coast – June 5-12, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Oregon’s Coast & Covered Bridges – June 18-25, David Nell & Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Edgewater Resort, Laughlin, Nev. — June 21-23, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Solvang— July 21-23, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. San Diego Luau — Aug. 18-19, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Riverside Resort, Laughlin, Nev. — Aug. 30-Sept. 2, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. San Antonio, Texas — Sept. 26-Oct. 4, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598‑3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. New York, Canada Pilgrimage—Oct. 4-10, Holy Family Church, Sharon Schabert, 296-5557. Alaska Cruise Special Sail from San Francisco Only $999! Hurry, this one will sell out quickly! 10 nights, Summer Departures Round trip from San Francisco -- Inside Passage Ketchikan, Sawyer Glacier, Juneau, Skagway, Victoria CST 1012894-40 Call arren Travel (562) 493-1223 NEWS Scoreboard Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 SPORTS & GAMES Scoreboard Fun Time Pinochle Club winners from May 4: Mary Greytak, 13,960; Diane Van Wasshnova, 13,700; Peggy Kaspar, 13,580; Bonnie Smith, 11,150. Games are played at noonMondays in Clubhouse 1. For more information, call Diane Van Wasshnova at 430-6590. ••• Monday Bridge Club winners from May 4: Emily Mobassaly, Mary Nell Clark, Lorna Binger. Games begin at noon in Clubhouse 1. All bridge players are invited and should arrive between 11:45noon, with or without a partner. For more information, call Mary Nell Clark, 296-8570. ••• Jolly Time Pinochle Club winners from May 2: Julia Troise, 11,100; Leonda Renkin, 10,790; Charlie Miller, 9,870; Cynthia Choate, 9,860. Games are played from noon-4 p.m. Saturdays in Club house 1. For more information, call Peggy Kaspar at 799-0433. ••• Burning Tree Duplicate Bridge Club (ACBL) winners May 1: N/S: First in Strats A, B, and C: Ylia Ross-Shirley Tralin; second in Strat A: Bee Kidman-Joan Tschirki; third in Strat A: Verna BeckerDorothy Favre; fourth in Strat A: Verna Burns-Howard Smith; fifth in Strat A, second in Strata B: Judy Johnson-Fred Benedetti; third in Strat B: Joan and Ted Wieber; fourth in Strat B: Ernest Ross-Roy Tomooth; second in Stata C: John Hagman-Sylvia Kaprelyn. E/W: First in Strat A and second in Strat B: Jane Reid-Joyce Henderson; second in Strats A and B: Simon Chottin-Philippe Varda; third in Strat A: Al and Sharon Appel; fourth in Strat A: Sibyl Slutsky-Diane Schmitz; third in Strat B: Joyce Basch-Bobbie Van; first in Strat C: Lottie Kostar-Dick Stammerjohn. Winners May 2: N/S: First in Strat A: Dick Sands-Betty Jackson; second in Strat A, first in Strat B: Alan Flower-Jaye Woodington; third in Strat A, second in Strat B: Linda Stein-Judy Johnson; fourth in Strat A, third in Strat B: Simone Chottin-Jeanette Estill; fourth in Strat B: Bobbie Vann-Joyce Basch; first in Strat C: Sylvia Kaprelyan-Allen Olschwang; second in Strat C: Jean Byer-George Koehm. E/W: First in Strat A: Diane SachsMarilyn McClintock; second in Strat A: Verna Burns-Joan Tschirki; third in Strat A, second in Strat B: Ted and Joan Wieber; fourth in Strat A, second in Strat B: Joyce Henderson-Dalia Hernandez; third in Strat B: Jane and Jerry Reid; first in Strat C: Audrey Healy-Betty Sichel. Games are played at 12:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays in Clubhouse 1. Players are requested to arrive by 12:15 p.m. or if a partner in needed by noon, and every effort will be made to find one. For reservations or cancellations Fridays or Saturdays, call Jaye Woodington at 799-1089. After noon, call Clubhouse 1 at 491-6586, ext. 381. Director Friday, EmmaTrepinski; Saturday, Alan Flowers. ••• Y-Yahtzee Rollers games May 1: Most Yahtzees: Chuck Nugent. Highest score: Doris Dack. The next game will be played May 15 in Cluhhouse 3, Room 6. Members meet from 1-4 p.m., on the first and third Fridays of the month in Clubhouse 3, Room 6. For more information, call Cherryl Richardson at (951) 488-8219. ••• Leisure World Duplicate Bridge Club. Sign-ups are today, May 7, for the Pro-Am Game on May 21. Regular bridge fees must be paid and master points listed. The sign-up sheet will be on the director’s table. Winners April 30: N/S: First in Strats A and B: Rob Preece-Sue Boswell; second in Strat A: Bee Kinman-Joan Tschirki; third in Strat A: second in Strat B: Judy Carter-Johnson-Gene Yaffee; fourth in Strat A: Eileen Nelson-Bill Linskey; fifth in Strat A: Betty Jackson-Fay Beckerman; third in Strat B: Sue McHale-Jean Byer; fourth in Strat B: Christine Frumen-Nancy Lichter; first in Strat C: Alan Olschwang-Jim Kaping; second in Strat C: Judy Mathias-Miriam Kelley. E/W: First in Strat A: Emma Trepinski-Gary Paugh; second in Strat A, first in Strat B: Joyce Henderson-Howard Smith; third in Strat A, second in Strat B, first in Strat C: Chie Wickham-Sally Fenton; tied for fourth in Strat A: Sibyl Slutsky-Marilyn McClintock and Monica Gettis-Claudette Barrack (third in Strat B); fourth in Strat B: Simone Chottin-Jeanette Estill. Winners April 27: N/S: First in Strat A and B: Verna Becker-Nancy Lichter; second in Strat A: Verna See SCORES, page 26 Chess Club This week’s puzzle: White moves first and for any answer by black, the white’s next move is checkmate. ••• Partners are available when the Leisure World Chess Club meets from 2-8 p.m. on Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room 7. ••• Solution to this week’s puzzle: Nd5. The white Knight moves from b4 to d5. Any answer Fun Time Pinochle The Fun Time Pinochle Club plays double deck pinochle at noon on Mondays in Clubhouse 1. Part-time and regular players are needed. Food, snacks and coffee will be available. For more information, call Diane Van Wasshnova at 430-6590. Women’s Golf Club Members play for low gross, low net, putts CROWNED – The Leisure World Shuffleboard Club played its final competition of the season May 1, the Sue Mader Tournament. Winners were Connie Lee (l-r), Richard Eggers and Dave LaCascia. Interested players for next season in September should come to the Clubhouse 1 courts from 2-4 p.m.on Mondays or 10 a.m.-noon Wednesdays. For more information, call Liz Meripol at 537-0318. Cribbage Club Bill Barnes wins perfect 847 Bill Barnes won all seven games to chalk up a perfect score of 847 at the April 28 meeting of the Cribbage Club. Ken Lancaster was close behind with an 843, followed by Nancy Demery, 841; and Dorothy Geisler, 830. Peggy McKendrick won six games to earn a consolation prize. Helyn Edwards celebrated her birthday with cake and strawberry ice cream. Edwards and Margaret Smith served the dessert. Sandra Holt brought a box of energy bars. Monday Golf It was good to see Richard Eggers return. The club meets at noon on Tuesdays in Clubhouse 1. New players are welcome. To be assured of a table, players should arrive by noon. Seven games and played and end by 3:30 p.m. Partners are not required. Residents who want to learn to play Cribbage or need to brush up should call Patti Smith, club president, at 242-4674. She will arrange for lessons one hour before the games begin. Cose wins first flight with a 69 Paul Cose won the first flight with a 69 on beautiful morning for golf April 20 at the Meadowlark course. He was also closest to the pin on the seventh hole. Tied for second place with Friday Golf Kim’s 53 low net of the day Paul Cose came in with a solid 55 to win the first flight in Friday Golf play May 1 at Baker Memorial course. Jerry Hore was second with a 58 and was closest to the pin at the third hole. Bob Todd and Bill McKusky carded 59s for fourth and both had birds. They were followed by Rich Miller, 61; and Sam Choi, 62. Choi had two birds. Sang Kim won the second flight with a 53, low net of the day. Next were Lowell Goltra, 54; Tom McCullough, 58; Ed Dragan, 63; and Ron Maddox, 65. Dragan had a bird. McCullough was closest to the pin at the 12th hole. On May 8,the group heads to Meadowlark. Bingo Lovers Club by black, the white’s next move is check mate. 19 Club plays on May 8 in CH1 The Bingo Lovers Club will meet from 6-8:30 p.m. on May 8 in Clubhouse 1. Buy-ins begin at 5 p.m., followed by bingo at 6. For more information, call Cheryl Richardson at (951) 488-8219. 72s were Fujio Norihiro, Merle McGee, and Bill McKusky. They were followed by Jerry Hore, 75; and Rich Miller, 79. McGee had the fewest putts and McKusky was closest to the pin on the 16th hole. Norihiro had two birds and McGee, McKusky and Hore, one each. Bob Munn scored a 63 to win the second flight, 10 strokes ahead of Tom McCullough. They were followed by Lowell Goltra, 78. Goltra had the fewest putts, 28. Munn and McCullough had birds. Forty-four members of the Women’s Golf Club took part in a nine-hole tournament on April 28 at the local course. Play for the day was low gross, low net and low putts. Flight winners: Flight A: Low gross: Linda Herman, 26. Low net: Tie between Hae Lee and Yvonne Yim, 26. Low putts: Linda Herman, 11. Flight B: Low gross: Tie between Anne Walshe and Mary Lancaster, 30. Low net: Tie between Helen Kim and Melinda Lee, 25. Low putts: Helen Kim, 10. Flight C: Low gross: Carol Piepenburg, 33. Low net: Donna Cooper, 24. Low putts: Betty Regalado, 14. Flight D: Low gross: Kathy Gupton, 36. Low net: Louise Seifert, 22. Low putts: L. Seifert, 12. ••• Club membershp is open to ladies in Leisure World. Nine- hole tournaments are played Tuesday mornings. For more information, check with the starter. Scrabble Club Club plays on Wednesdays The Scrabble Club meets at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays in Clubhouse 3, Room 5. Newcomer Mark Scott joined last month, and Mary Hobbs returned after an absence. High scorers in April were Beth Winslow, 386; Hobbs, 380; Scott, 384; and Flo Nesland, 378. Five players who made bingo (50 points) by using all seven letters in one play were Hobbs, Winslow, Scott, Nesland and Maria Giegrich. Skill levels vary, and those familiar with the game are welcome. For more information, call 598-1384. The Palms A Holiday Retirement Community Invites The Residents of Leisure World To “Leisure World Wednesday” Complimentary Lunch & Tour Seating is limited Reservations are Required Reservations: (562) 228-9160 13001 La Mirada Blvd. La Mirada, CA 90638 RSVP 20 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS Obituaries Propane Tanks Filled RV’s Welcome ROSSMOOR SHUTTLE SERVICE HOME AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE • SERVICE • REPAIRS RUSS CONKLE 76 SERVICE AUTO REPAIR, TIRES, BATTERIES 12071 Seal Beach Blvd. At Bradbury Rossmoor Shopping Center (562)493-4581 SMOG CHECK $ 29.95* Must Present Coupon MOST CARS PLUS $8.25 CERF. *1995 & OLDER CARS PLUS $10.00 EXPIRES 5/31/15 Starting Problems FREE BATTERY TEST EXPIRES 5/31/15 OIL CHANGE AND FILTER UP TO 5 QTS. MOTOR OIL MUST PRESENT COUPON EXPIRES 5/31/15 MOST CARS No other discount applies 17.76 $ Plus HW Fee & Taxes The Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright of "Ruined" addresses the quandaries facing AfricanAmerican artists in early 1930s Hollywood, first in the moment and then in hindsight. April 11 - May 9 5021 E. ANAHEIM, LB - 562-494-1014 - WWW.LBPLAYHOUSE.ORG !"#$%&"'()&*+',-.&/.01 2)&"'3-.4'5)%'2#6-7'89:"07 !"!"#$%&'()*+,-.&#*(/)0*&&!"!(**&,")-.&,*-)/*(.&)+&12 !"3--&4"56(&)+#7("+0*#&"00*8$*,&)+0-7,)+9&:*,);<"(*&= !">".&$?*&#"4*&06;8".#&"#&$?*&0?")+# Obituary Guidelines Space is available for obituaries of residents and former residents. • An “In Memoriam” column is available free of charge. Limited to name, mutual number and date of death. • An obituary with or without photo is available free of charge for the first 250 words. Additional words will be charged at the rate of 20¢ per word. Notices written by the news staff will be free and no more than 250 words. • Notices from mortuaries and non-GRF members will be printed exactly as submitted and charged at the non-member classified advertising rate, $10.45 for the first 12 words and 20¢ for each additional word. • Bordered, decorative obituaries and eulogies are available in any size at the prevailing display advertising rate. • Obituaries may be published as news articles when the person has been a member of the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors, or when, in the opinion of the managing editor, the passing of a person is newsworthy to a sufficiently large number of GRF members. • A “Card of Thanks” section is available in the classified section of the News at the member classified advertising rate, $6.60 for the first 12 words and 20¢ per word thereafter, for persons wanting to express their thanks for help during bereavement, sickness, etc. ••• In Memoriam Cleto Augusto 60 Edward Neal 59 Olga Martinez 95 Betty Allen 84 Doris Meyer 96 George Quinn 69 Ellen Tobias 94 Lawrence Vetere 68 Ronald Carroll 59 Dolores Williams 86 Elaine Gaines 96 Betty Pearlman 90 John Perry 85 Arnetta Crawford 66 Joseph Amenechi 52 Hortense Sanders 92 Donald Freeman 62 Marc Rosati 67 @A Families assisted by McKenzie Mortuary, 961-9301 —paid obituary D)/"'-".*7-'0.&"'$%::*#"$'E'/%0-'/)&" !"#$%&'(")*$+,"-.(/01""'%1&$23(4(.2&-3+52.(%1&$23 /(6&.1255,(3&7".8(/(9&-"3(/:+"%$&'(52#"23(&;&$'&<'" !"#$%&'&!#()*%#($&'&!+),-. ;<=>?'@A<B=>C> 2)4F'B'G&#F'A'.F/F'B'<HIC':F/F J==J'K)*+"4'L.#4'L).+'M4'7-"'D".*7-'N.&"'N"47"& Edward Francis Russell May 11, 2013 Two years without you and life is still unbearable Your Loving wife, Patricia Voghtmann, Bettie 1925-2015 Bettie Vogtmann, Mutual 2, passed away peacefully in her home with family by her side, May 1, 2015. She was ready to go home and be with the Lord in Heaven. Born and raised in Los Angeles, Bettie married Roy who later became a war hero and they spent their happy married years with family in Compton and Cerritos. They loved spending summers on the Kern River with family. The golden years were spent in Green Valley, California, which they called “paradise.” They had amazing memories with neighbors who they loved like family. Bettie was widowed and moved to Leisure World in 2002 to be close to family. She joined the American Legion Auxiliary, and the line dancing, garden and ladies clubs. She instantly met amazing neighbors and cherished friends she called “the girls” from line dancing. They were like family to her, and she felt blessed for this journey in her life. They had so many good times and happy tears, all with deep love. Bettie had two daughters and sons-in-law that were always there for her and shared many special occasions with her. She felt blessed that she was given five grandchildren who she loved dearly, and they shared a special place in her heart. She also adored her seven precious great-grandchildren. Bettie will be missed by all those whose hearts she touched with her warmth and infectious smile. Her service will be at Rose Hills Whittier on May 7 at 11 a.m.; a reception will follow in Seal Beach. ••• Ireland, Vonda Rae 1931-2015 Vonda Rae Ireland, 83, of Artesia, California, died April 22, 2015. The daughter of Roy and Elizabeth Myers, Vonda and her twin Wanda were born in Green Springs, Ohio, on Christmas Eve, 1931. (Wanda died in 2012.) Vonda owned and operated Vonda’s Beauty Salon in Long Beach for 25-plus years and was an important fixture in the small business community. She later acquired her childhood home, the family farm near Bellevue, Ohio, before moving back to California in the mid-1990s where she resided in Mutual 1. Vonda was active in choirs of churches both in Long Beach and Bellevue. She loved to dance, fish, and most of all, be with her ever-expanding family. Her boundless energy, intelligence, vitality, laughter and generosity are greatly missed by family and friends. Vonda is survived by sister Betty Canodher of Bellevue; brotherin-law Paul Wolfe, also of Bellevue; daughter Beth, sons Bob and Steve, eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren (with three more on the way), all living in Southern California. A memorial service will be held on Saturday May 16, at 11 a.m. at Grace United Methodist Church, 2325 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, California, with Rev. Nestor Gerente presiding. Obituaries ••• McKay, Robert 1926-2015 Robert (Bob) MacKay, 89, of Westminster, California, passed away on April 6, 2015. McKay was born in Pittsfield, Maine, and has been a resident of California since 1959. He was a naval veteran of WWll and was stationed in Alaska. He graduated from Bryant College with a degree in accounting. In 1951, he worked as an examiner for the Federal Home Loan Bank Board in Los Angeles until his retirement in 1987. He was a member of the Masons for over 50 years. He enjoyed traveling, square dancing and round dancing. He looked forward to his weekly pinochle game in the clubhouse. Bob lived many happy years in Leisure World. He leaves a sister, Annie Webb, and a niece, Judy Guminiak of Ellington, Connecticut. Burial will be at the Cemetery of the Evergreens family plot in Lebanon, New York, at a later date. GAF Smile The Golden Age Foundation (GAF) is registered with Smile. Amazon.com, a simple and automatic way to support Leisure World’s philanthropic organization every time a registered participant shops online at Amazon.com. To register, go to Smile.Amazon.com and select Golden Age Foundation, Seal Beach, CA, as the charity of choice. Once GAF is selected, a percentage of all purchases will be credited to GAF until the shopper changes the request. People will need to shop through www.smile.amazon.com to get the rebate for the GAF. TRIP From page 18 the town of Julian, founded in 1860, featuring some of its original stores, saloons, wooden sidewalks and the old jail, shops and bakeries for browsing. Oasis Camel Dairy is operated by Gil and Nancy Riegler, owners of America’s first camel dairy. Lunch will be at Rongbranch prior to visiting the dairy. A stop at Dudley’s on the return trip will round out the trip. For more information and to make reservations, call Verna Burns, 596-1896. AR Mobility NEWS Wheelchairs Power Wheelchairs MEDICAL AND MOBILITY PRODUCTS DISCOUNTED Seating and CushiMEDICAL ons DISCOUNTED AND MOBILITY PRODUCTS 3 or 4 wheel Scooters Lowest Prices Guaranteed Beds and Accessories Lowest Prices Guaranteed Colee’s Pet Care Room Lift Chairs additions Experienced Dog Walker/Pet Sitter • Pet taxi • Administer medication Remodeling Orthopedic Supplies John M. Bergkvist • Insured and Bonded Mention this Ad and Skylights • Pet First Aid Certified Kitchens Bath Safety Products • Stay overnight on property Wheelchairs receive an GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR • Dog walks/exercise, potty breaks, Bathrooms Power Wheelchairs I n conti n ence Suppl i e s / Gl o ves / Di a pers / Pads socialization and group exercise Wheelchairs addi t i o nal 5% di s count off of any Countertops Seating and Cushions Cat and other pet services: Power Wheelchairs Storage Patient Lifts and Accessories closets 3 or 4 wheel Scooters Feed - clean cage / litter - playtime (one) non-sale Seating and Cushions State Lic. #638079 www.coleespetcare.com Washer/Dryer Beds and Accessories Compressi o n Hosi e ry and Stocki n g suppl i e s 3 or 4 wheel Scooters We offer a variety of services to meet your pet’s individual needs. in-stock item FREE Lift Chairs ESTIMATES Beds and Accessories 562 LW Speci altREFERENCES y MediSupplies cal Equipment and Accessori es - 433-3052 Orthopedic Mention this Ad and Lift Chairs Aids Bath toSafety Products receive an Dai l y Li v i n g Orthopedic Supplies Mention this Ad and Incontinence Supplies / Gloves / Diapers / Pads additional 5% discount off of any Bath Safety Products an DISCOUNTED MEDICAL PRODUCTS Ken Peters Insurance Agency, Inc. Home e Ramp Systems AND MOBILITYreceive Patientand LiftsPortabl and Accessories (one) non-sale Incontinence Supplies / Gloves / Diapers / PadsSALES, SERVICE, REPAIRS, additional 5% discount off& ofRENTALS any Compression Hosiery and Stocking supplies in-stock item Patient Liftscleand Accessories Vehi Scooter Lifts ARandMobility (one) non-sale Specialty Medical Equipment Accessories Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 21 Professional & Service Directory JB AR Mobility AR Mobility 714 401 9518 Lowest Prices Guaranteed Compression Hosiery and Stocking supplies in-stock item Aids to Daily Living Specialty Medical Equipment and Accessories Home and Portable Ramp Systems SALES, REPAIRS, & RENTALS Aids to Daily Living PRICING ON SCOOTERS, INTERNET LIFTSERVICE, CHAIRS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS!! Vehicle Scooter Lifts Home and Portable Ramp Systems SALES, SERVICE, REPAIRS, & RENTALS Vehicle Scooter Lifts INTERNET PRICING ON SCOOTERS, LIFT CHAIRS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS!! Wheelchairs Power Wheelchairs Seating and Cushions 3 or 4 wheel Scooters Beds and Accessories Lift Chairs Orthopedic Supplies Mention this Ad and Bath Safety Products receive an Incontinence Supplies / Gloves / Diapers / Pads additional 5% discount off of any Patient Lifts and Accessories (one) non-sale Compression Hosiery and Stocking supplies in-stock item Specialty Medical Equipment and Accessories Aids to Daily Living Home and Portable Ramp Systems SALES, SERVICE, REPAIRS, & RENTALS Vehicle Scooter Lifts 16582 Gothard Street,ONUnit C, Huntington Beach, CA armobi lity.com INTERNET PRICING SCOOTERS, LIFT CHAIRS AND92647 MANY www. OTHER ITEMS!! INTERNET PRICING ON SCOOTERS, LIFT CHAIRS AND MANY OTHER ITEMS!! 16582 Gothard Street, Unit C, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 www.armobility.com 16582 Gothard Street, Unit C, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 www.armobility.com 9:00am -- 5:00pm, Sat C,10am 10amHuntington 2pm, Closed CloBeach, sedSun Sun CA1-714-841-6360 1-714-841-6360 1-800-886-1998 16582M-F Gothard 92647 www.armobility.com M-F 9:00am Street, 5:00pm,Unit Sat -- 2pm, oror1-800-886-1998 M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm, Sat 10am - 2pm, Closed Sun 1-714-841-6360 or 1-800-886-1998 the closest State Farm agency to Leisure World, has more than 30 years of experience meeting the insurance needs of the LW community. By Aegean FREE In-Home Consultation (562) 430-2969 3782 Cerritos Ave, Los Alamitos Candice Cox, Ken Peters Call Wayne — 562-852-2405 Dry Healthy Carpet Cleaning www.EcoCleanDryCarpet.com FUNERALS • CREMATIONS • BURIALS GRAVE MONUMENTS • ADVANCED PLANNING We are here to help you through the difficult time arranging end of life services for your loved one. We serve all faiths. Funeral directors Curt Owen and Kathy Deperi 888-607-0772 Service On Maytag Kenmore Whirlpool General Electric Dishwashers Wall Ovens Refrigerators Washers/Dryers Etc. 562-590-9411 5457 Del Amo Blvd.Lakewood, CA 90712 15.00 Off* www.SouthCoastFunerals.com 575 Anton Blvd., Ste. 300, Costa Mesa, CA 92726 • FD# 2233 Alpine Untitled-3 1 Specializing in Serving Leisure World Residents MITSUBISHI HEAT PUMPS Free Installation Estimates Sales • Repair • Installation Lowest Prices In Town All Work Guaranteed 714-901-0552 Cal. St. Lic. # 719734 Untitled-12 1 (562) 438-1492 SB LIC. #ABL0001 • Bathing • Incontinence Care • Laundry & Linen Change • Meal Preparation New Hope for Old Knees FDA approved method to safely replace cartilage cushion in your knee without surgery and without dangerous drugs. NoNSurgical n (714) 751-5555 Advertise here for $25 per week 12 consecutive weeks, minimum NONSURGICAL MEDICAL Call GROUP in 430-0534 • Medication Reminders • House Maintenance • Shopping & Errands • Transportation Orange County now • offers a safe, FDA LIVING TRUSTS A. Shaddow Handyman Services approved method to 00SIngLe Specializing In Painting 69900MARRIED $6 replace $499 the cartilage First Time Clients. Simple Estates. Repair: Spackle Walls cushion iLiving n your knee Trust & Pour-Over Will Change: Heat Pump filters Transferred to Trust without Home drugs and Replace: Lighting Fixtures, Power of Attorney Documents without surgery. Kitchen & Bathroom Pulls, OTHER SERVICES 11/13/08 3:42:23 PM Heating & Air Conditioning We service & install • Alzheimer’s & Dementia • Parkinson’s & stroke • Hospice & Respite Care • Post Surgery Care $ *Service Only PHIL CLEANS Medical group $7 Crem 95 atio HOME APPLIANCE CENTER SERVICE • SALES • PARTS Ruben Peña, General Contractor 3327 Cerritos, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Lic. #336991 Advertise here Suffering from for $25 per week KNEE pain 12 consecutive weeks, minimum caused by Call 430-0534 osteoarthritis? LONG BEACH May is MAYTAG MONTH A Family Owned Business Serving Leisure World Since 1965 South Coast Family Funeral Services • Dry Organic Carpet Cleaning • Dries Immediately • No Wet Carpet • Healthy • No Harsh Chemicals • Senior Discounts Upholstery Cleaning as Well Specializing in Room Additions Complete Remodeling 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm, Sat 10am - 2pm, Closed Sun 1-714-841-6360 or 1-800-886-1998 BLINDS, SHADES & SHUTTERS 430-4216 MOVE-IN • MOVE-OUT Across the street from LW’s south wall, next to Del Taco Lic.# OD15185 (562) WINDOWS • WALLS • FLOORS 2904 Westminister Avenue Seal Beach, CA 90740 562-431-3933 www.kennithpeters.com ~ CONSTRUCTION PENA Door knobs, Electrical Out+ Probate Administration + Trust Modification lets, Covers & Batteries in smoke alarms Farmer, Phil.indd 1 +714) Small Estate Affidavits Call ( 751-5555 Clean: Windows inside & out, screens, + Legal Name Changes today for aIncludes: no charge skylights, Polish Counters Tops, Concrete, Service • Two visits w/Attorney decks & paint consultation to see if A Leisure World Resident Over 30 Years Experience • FLAT RATES you are a candidate 10 Minutes from • AFFORDABLE FEES Leisure World Web site: www.amstrustlaw.com for NON-‐SURGICAL FREE & Prompt Estimates (714) 899-9671 knee pInitial ain rconsultation elief. free to establish a trust. Anthony Shaddow 714-365-6179 SBL Ton0001 # Untitled-3 1 Law Offices of Allan M. Soto, Inc. 7960 W. McFadden Ave. • Westminster, CA 92683 2/20/15 10:34 AM 22 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS Professional & Service Directory DEBRA HALVARSON GROH ATTORNEY AT LAW Room Additions / All Improvements Complimentary Initial Phone Consultation OUR 27th YEAR (562) 430-9380 • LIVING TRUSTS & WILLS • PROBATE, TRUST ADMINISTRATION • LONG TERM CARE & MEDI-CAL PLANNING Family owned and operated •Lots of LW References (562) • PAST PRESIDENT O.C. BAR ELDER LAW SECTION • NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ELDER LAW-MEMBER 430-9380 3020 OLD RANCH PARKWAY, SUITE 300 SEAL BEACH or (714) 282-0559 (562) 795-9109 MEMBER National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. TM St. Lic. # 727986 • L.W. Resident providing personal service at the lowest price Pride • Quality • Service Call for Free Estimate SWENMAN CO. 562 • 430 • 2265 •Financial Planning and Bill Paying • Trust Administration Lenning & Company, Inc., CPAs (562) 594-9729 Leisure World Shopping Center 13924 Seal Beach Boulevard, Suite C **Same location since 1979** Carnation Draperies HGranite CountersH Kitchen Counters • Bath Vanities Income Tax a n d LOS AL BUILDERS (714) 522-3437 Experience Our Experience Remodeling Leisure World For Over 30 Years Carlos Ayala All Free in-home Estimates & Decorator Services are done by Wayne Schumacher, owner WE MANUFACTURE CUSTOM DRAPERIES WE ALSO SELL ALL TYPES OF WINDOW COVERINGS 562/435-6260 Everything you need for your Computer (PC or Mac), Cell Phone, TV, Stereo, any electronic device LIVING TRUSTS ESTATE PLANNING PROBATE CONSERVATORSHIPS Let me help you... I will come to you. Call Me... Let’s talk about it Tina Schaffer (562) 755-6199 17150 Newhope St. Unit 704 Fountain Valley, CA Retirement Planning 92708 Safe, successful financial solutions. Call for657-218-9566 your FREE consultation. COMPUTER REPAIR Conservative, Successful Financial Solutions Financial Advisor Call for your FREE consultation License #0D64103 Tablets Smart Phones (562) 280-0999 BATHROOM REMODELING Computers SENIOR RESOURCE STOP Computer Viruses and Malware in its Tracks!!! Founder and Owner ADVISORS Financial & Insurance Services Call John Fuhrer ValerieSERVICE Schwait CALL License IN HOME 310-717-4855 Leisure World Resident House Calls - Free Consultation Serving LW residents for 8 years Retirement Specialist Valerie Schwait #0D64103 Founder & Owner • Financial & Insurance www.senior-resource-advisors.com Repair 674 Ultimo Ave. • Long Beach, $ CA 90814 Set-Up Wireless Networking Virus and Malware Removal www.senior-resource-advisors.com Preventive Maintenance Leisure World Resident System Upgrades Internet TV Set-Up Private & Group Training 35 00 310-717-4855 WE SPECIALIZE IN... Bathroom Remodeling Acrylic Bath Makeovers Walk in Tubs Tub to Shower Conversion Kitchen Remodeling Tub & Tile Refinishing Services WITH THIS AD CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE FREE ESTIMATE 562-733-9193 YOUR 12 Months, No Payments No Interest! Licensed & Insured Lic. # 689923 James E. Foden, Attorney at Law Advertise here for $25 per week 12 consecutive weeks, minimum 877.225.2284 Local #:949.263.1236 www.calbat h.com Call 430-0534 Retirement Planning Retirement Specialist AWARD WINNING DENTISTRY Safe, successful financial solutions. Call for your FREE consultation. Conservative, Successful Financial Solutions Call for your FREE consultation Valerie Schwait S I N C E Financial Advisor License #0D64103 Volterra Dental Founder & Owner & Insurance Services Philip Y. Bak Financial & Insurance Services Financial License #0D64103 310-717-4855 www.senior-resource-advisors.com 310-717-4855 E-mail: baksusa@yahoo.com www.senior-resource-advisors.com Leisure World Resident Kang’s Construction INC. • • • • • LW References Available Additions Additional Rooms Sr. Resource Pro.indd 1 Kitchens Bathrooms Ayala.indd Laundry Rooms Complimentary Appliance of Your Choice ( Not To Exceed $500.00.) Are You Ready For A Home Improvement? Home Remodeling Room Additions General Carpentry FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured 562-965-5524 562-804-5087 Fax Lic. 997910 John Kang Contractor No Job too Small 1 GENE’S CARPET CLEANING Untitled-3 1 Truck-Mounted Steam Cleaning 5 6 2 •4 3 0•570 6 Free Estimates • Owner Operator No Hidden Costs Carpet - Upholstery FREE Estimates 3357 Katella Ave. Los Alamitos bak_pro.indd 1 (562)596-7484 | www.DrLaos.com 562-212-8720 Licensed Insured Bonded Computer Images Plus.indd 1 3532 Howard Ave. Suite 200 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Convert Your Tub to E/Z ACCESS We are here to help you. Lic #921621 Comfort. Care. Excellence. Mutual 5 Resident (213) 550-9991 Cell • (562) 431-0321 (R) 674 Ultimo Ave. • Long Beach, CA 90814 1 9 8 4 V Listing & Resale Specialist SENIOR RESOURCE ADVISORS Valerie Schwait Founder and Owner c l e a n e r s DRAPERY• VERTICAL • DRAPERY CLEANING www.LosAlBuilders.com St. Lic. 413207 • Seal Beach • Swe001 d r a p e r y Family owned and operated since 1950 Or Raise Your Seat Approx. 7 inches For Added Safety 2/6/14 9:05 AM Added 3/4 Removed Nu-Kote 562-833-3911 State Lic. #699080 7/17/14 4:06 PM 6/2 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS 23 Professional & Service Directory Vertical Blinds 2” Blinds & Shutters Wholesale Prices Speacilizing in: • Wardrobe Closets • Pull-out Drawers • Extra Cabinets in Kitchens & Bathrooms • Office Furniture & Desks • Bookcases and More Serving Leisure World for 20 Years COAST FACTORY BLINDS 562 493-4228 Free Estimates Open M-F 9-6; Sat 9-5; Sun 10-5 8 Gordon Gunderson LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS Interior Renovations (562) 596-0559 senior men with LW ID 3461 Sausalito St., Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 434-3775 LW Resident providing personal service at the lowest price. Handyman ServiceS Painting Fanny & luis (LW residents) 56 years experience Watch Batteries—$800 Most Watches INDEPENDENT SERVICE St. Lic. 413207 • Seal Beach Swe001 • Painting • Carpentery • Plumbing upgrades • Senior Living Modifications • Carpet Cleaning • Haul-away • 21 Years Serving LW CLOCK REPAIRS 562-860-4634 714-530-2300 3/2/12 3:29 PM Ad Caption: “In-home care....” Los Alamitos, CA Job # 8112 FY12 Franchise Print Ads Client: Right At Home Publication: newspaper Insertion date: Size: B/W 3.375” x 2” Date: 03.02.12 Prepared by: Bozell/Omaha Approval Slip (date & initial) Proofreader___________________________ Copywriter_____________________________ Art Director____________________________ •Kitchens Creative Director________________________ •Bathrooms Account Service________________________ •Room Additions General Contractor •Flooring Lic.945818 ·LICENSE·BONDED·INSURED· SB Lic # BRA0002 Authorized Dealer 9918 Garden Grove Blvd 11815 E. South St. Garden Grove, CA 92844 Cerritos, CA 90703 Special Sales for LW Residents FREE Delivery with purchase of 2 or more pairs of shoes 562.653.4480 | www.rahwestoc.com 562-841-3787 562-594-8239 562-799-9934 ITALY SHOES In-home care for a .better quality of life. k_RAH_FranchiseAd_InHome_3.375x2.indd 1 D B Handyman FREE Pick-up & Delivery Save this coupon SWENMAN CO. SWENMAN CO. Roy CallColquhoun Walter 562-596-7383 562430-2265 Lic.# 629553 WATCH REPAIR Watch & & JEWELRY JeWelry repair pecialiStS Contractor’s Lic. #723262 WINDOW • DOOR • SKYLIGHT ggunderson1.@verizon.net Flooring Blinds, etc Upgraded Cabinets S Refinished Counter-Tops SINCE 1968 562.594.4600 • Laminate Flooring • Custom Drapes • Hardwood Floors • Floor Coverings • Vinyl Planks FREE In-Home Estimates & Show Samples Call (562) 598-4552 or (949) 378-0616 or go online at customsbyJohn.com We Specialize in Senior Cuts Fades and Flat tops 5 Mi n. from Women’s cuts LW also available Open 7 Days-A-Week $ 00 " CARPETS & INTERIORS Serving Leisure World Exclusively for Over 25 Years All at Lic. #660872 G. L. Gunderson Custom Carpentry by John Mercurio • Counter Tops • Home Remodel • Patio Enclosures Call for FREE Estimates 562•715•3821 kennyg@konradkonstruction.com TITAN GRAB BARS Advertise here for $25 per week Home Safety- Specialist Call for a free quote today! 12 consecutive weeks, minimum Call 430-0534 Meeting all ADA guidelines Maximum safety for Independent Living Reduce your risk of falling in the tub or shower Professionally installed Grab Bars, Toilets and Lifts CALL JEROD (714) 337-3112 Owner / Installer www.TitanGrabBars.com License #944378 Bonded Insured GRECO COnstRuCtiOn • ROOM ADDITIONS • REMODELS • PAINTING • TILE • PLUMBING • ELEcTRIcAL Sales — Service — Repair “Your Leisure World Specialists” Danandy Pro.indd 1 All Happy Barbers.indd 1 3/27/141 4:29 PM Danandy 2012.indd New Heat Pump or Air Conditioner Excellent LW Referrals All makes and models of Heat Pumps 714-330-3523 DB Handyman.indd 1 LIC # 992336 15000off $ 714-821-7070 5/11/12 9:13 AM grecodesigndev@gmail.com Lic. # 945655 Italy Shoes.indd 1 Untitled-3 1 11/13/08 3:42:23 PM 24 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 Puzzles & Comics Sudoku The Basic Rules of Sudoku: • There is only one valid solution to each Sudoku puzzle. The only way the puzzle can be considered solved correctly is when all 81 boxes contain numbers and the other Sudoku rules have been followed. • When you start a game of Sudoku, some blocks will be pre-filled for you. You cannot change these numbers in the course of the game. • Each column must contain all of the numbers 1 through 9 and no two numbers in the same column of a Sudoku puzzle can be the same. • Each row must contain all of the numbers 1 through 9 and no two numbers in the same row of a Sudoku puzzle can be the same. • Each block must contain all of the numbers 1 through 9 and no two numbers in the same block of a Sudoku puzzle can be the same. NEWS Answers on page 18 Find Typo We’ve hidden a small, black and sometimes color silhouette of Typo, the name of the fish serving as The News’ staff mascot, somewhere in this issue. If you locate him and enter our Find Typo contest, you may win a $25 gift card in our monthly drawing. To enter, locate Typo and then either email, mail or bring into The News office your name, mutual, telephone number, the issue’s date, the page number and exact location on the page of where you found Typo. Deadline for each week’s entries is 5 p.m. on the Wednesday following the publication of a particular issue. Typo will be hidden in a new location in each issue of The News. Our “Find Typo Contest” is open exclusively to Leisure World residents, who can enter once for each issue published in a given month (a total of four separate entries in a typical four-week month). The odds of winning will depend on the number of correct entries received. The monthly gift card drawing will be held one week after we publish the final issue of that month. All entries for the entire month will be put into the Flo Dartt Fishbowl, and a single name will be drawn for that month’s winner. The winner will be notified and invited to appear in a winner’s picture to be published in The News. The prize is not redeemable for cash, and there will be no substitutions. The News’ selection of the winner is final, and receipt of entries cannot be verified. Come See the Real Typo at the News 9 To 5 Animal Crackers Gasoline Alley By Fred Wagner By Jim Scancarelli Middletons By Raph Dunagin & Dana Summers Broom-Hilda By Russell Myers By Harley Schwadron NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 25 Work Space The Observer Crossword Puzzle 26 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 GLOBE From page 2 maintenance is now fully known: the continents, once thought to be repairable, require replacement instead. Some structural steel components were repaired, and work has temporarily been placed on hold pending action on the continent replacement. This was presented at the May meeting of the Physical Properties Committee, as well as a presentation at the May meeting of the Architectural Design and Review subcommittee. 2.) Rumor: The restoration of the Globe is going to cost another $350,000. Fact: The amount approved for the restoration and repairs of the Globe included a contingency fund. We are currently reviewing all options for the replacement of the continents for which even the highest proposal received to date is hundreds of thousands of dollars less than the rumor. The short and correct answer is at this time we do not know what, if any, additional costs may be required to replace the continents. 3.) Rumor: GRF is discussing whether or not to save the Globe. Fact: Once it was known that the continents required replacement, various discussions resulted, but there is NO Board action at this time. All options will be presented at the May 8 meeting of the Physical Properties Committee. Upon due review and consideration, the committee will formulate a recommendation to the Board. 4.) Rumor: The Globe is secretly being dismantled under the tent, and the parts being carried away at night. Fact: The globe is fully intact under the cover (see photo, page 2). REEVES From page 17 Anyone who enjoys knitting, crocheting or looming is invited. Teachers are available. For more information, contact Juanita Gardner at (714) 8953080 or love41nita@yahoo.com. A course in miracles group meets from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Mondays, led by Mon ica Johnson. To hear previous Sunday services, go to the church website, www.sbcsl.org, and click on the microphone symbol in the upper right hand corner or “past talks.” There is a message from the minister and listings of church activities. On Sundays, licensed practitioners are available for those in need of someone to confide in. For more information about church activities, call 598-3325. Contact The News Email addresses have changed Some email addresses for The News staff have been changed. See the staff box on page 4 for new addresses. Editorial submissions will receive a reply to acknowledge receipt. People who do not receive a confirmation should follow up by calling The News Office, 431-6586, ext. 383. CLASSIFIED Mutual President’s Council meets May 7, CH 4 All Leisure World member/ shareholder/owners are invited to attend the Presidents’ Council meeting at 9 a.m. on May 7 in Clubhouse 4. Participation is limited to the presidents and director guests (one per Mutual). Suggestions for topics for discussion may be submitted to mutual presidents for consideration. Pauma Casino day-trip departs May 13 The New York Club will escort a day-trip to Pauma Casino on May 13. The cost of the trip is $15, with $10 cash returned in the machine. For reservations and information, call Phyllis Pierce, 598-3743; or Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949. SCORES From page 19 Baccus-Jackie Hess; third in Strat A: Betty Jackson-Larry Slutsky; fourth in Strat A, second in Strat B: Bea Aron-Tybie Becker; fifth in Strat A, third in Strat B: Sharon Beran-Ted Wieber; first in Strat C: Linda Nye-Alan Olschwang. E/W: First in Strats A, B and C: Chie Wickham-Sue Krause; second in Strat A: Bill Linskey-Joan Tschirki; third in Strat A: Linda Stein-Fern Dunbar; fourth in Strat A: second in Strat B, Joyce Henderson-Howard Smith; fifth in Strat A, third in Strat B: Judy Carter-Johnson-Rob Preece; fourth in Strat B: Sylvia Kaprelyan-Ronald McClintock; second in Strat C: Ken and Lee Miller. Games are played Mondays and Thursdays in the Clubhouse 3 lobby beginning at 12:30 p.m. Players are to arrive by 12:15 p.m. to confirm their reservations or by noon without a partner (every effort will be made to find one). To get help in finding a partner or to make or cancel a reservation for Mondays, call Midge Dunagan at 594-9698; for Thursdays, call Cookie Pham at 431-6453. To cancel a reservation on game day or to report late, call 481-7368 between noon-1 p.m. ••• Friendly Pinochle Club games April 30: Oscar Moya, 11,650; Fred Claveau, 11,140; Mary Skelcher, 10,930; Margie Dodero, 10,850. The club meets from noon-4 p.m. on Thursdays in Clubhouse 1. For more information, call 799-0433. RECYCLE From page 1 • Automotive products (batteries, motor oil, antifreeze, etc.) • Aerosol cans (full or partially full) • Household cleaners and chemical solvents • Thermometers (mercury) • Wood preservatives Furniture, mattresses and other large items may be disposed of at bins at the northwest corner of LW. Go north on Oak Hills Drive, turn right in the Mini Farms and use the resident recycling containers. Items must be placed in the bins. Hazardous waste cannot be left at this site. Notice to Readers • Publication of advertisements in the LW News does not indicate an endorsement of any advertiser. • Readers are responsible for verifying claims, licenses, references, etc. • California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and materials) be licensed by Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license number on all advertising. • Any advertiser not including a contractor’s license number can be assumed not to be a licensed contractor and should not perform jobs costing in excess of $500. Verify license numbers and scope of work a contractor is licensed by calling 1-800-321-2752 or at www.cslb. ca.gov. • Before signing any contract or beginning any work, contractors should check with the LW Physical Property Dept. for a complete list of requirements. • Advertisers soliciting to do business in Leisure World must include their Seal Beach Business License numbers or other state license numbers in their ads. • The News will not knowingly publish any advertisement it deems to be untruthful or misleading. Complaints regarding an advertiser must be in writing and signed to be considered. ANNOUNCEMENTS AVON Lenora Browning, LW resident. Phone (562) 493-5457. Seal Beach Business License #BRN0001 6/25/15 ----------------------- New book published by Leisure World resident, “Birthed Through His Side” Lorna Torplund – the author at 92 years of age sharing her spiritual insights that God has revealed through the Bible, insights to spiritual truths, continues to be a witness here in the blessed United States unto many countries around the world – God’s amazing grace. Trusting and believing that this book will be a great blessing to. Sunday nights, I attend at Clubhouse 3 – where various members of denominations of churches meet together in spiritual songs, I will be glad to meet all of you, in sharing on one to one the greatness of our God. Services are at 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Clubhouse 3. The book “Birthed Through His Side” can be purchased at Barnes and Noble and Amazon. Free Looking for a good home. Eight year old female mix breed dog. Weight, twelve pounds, tan color, very well trained. Call Ray (562)296-5517 for more information. HOME IMPROVEMENT Additions/Remodeling PENA CONSTRUCTION. Ruben PENA. General Contractor. State Contractor’s License #336991. (562) 430-4216. Room Additions, etc. z ----------------------------------------J.C.KRESS CONSTRUCTION, INC. Free estimates/design by LW resident. All improvements - room additions. State Contractor’s License #525989. Call us: (562) 430-9380. ----------------------------------------JOHN M. BERGKVIST General Building Contractor, State Contractor’s License #638079. Everything from skylights to remodels and room additions. (562) 433-3052. -----------------------------------------Additions & Remodeling, Kitchen & Bath Remodeling, Windows, Tile & Stonework. State Contractor’s License # 393071. OGAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. (562)596-7757 ------------------------------------------ LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Fixer-upper interior renovations, custom upgrades. Pantries, closets, existing counter tops & cabinets redone to look different, moldings; floor/window coverings; painting. Contractor’s License #723262. LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Carpentry CUSTOM CARPENTRY BY JOHN MERCURIO Serving Leisure World exclusively for over 30 years. Wardrobe closets redesigned, roll out drawers for kitchens, bathrooms and closets. Call for appointment (562) 598-4552 or (949) 378-0616, or go on line at customsbyjohn.com. Seal Beach Business License #MER0001 Gardening Service FRANK’S GARDENING SERVICE Complete maintenance and landscape. Serving Leisure World since 1978. Planting, clean-ups, fertilization. New lawns, etc. Offering my services to all Mutuals. Honest and reliable. State Contractor’s License #779462. Call (562) 863-7739, 7433832 or (714) 527-1172. ---------------------------------------------- J&J LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE Landscaping-plants, lawns, trees, etc. Maintenance of lawns and flower beds. Available for all residential and Mutual projects. Joe (562) 650-1511 Jesse (562) 219-0374 State Contractor’s License#79003 ----------------------------------------ELECTRIC CAR PADS Installed at your residence. State Contractor’s License # 779462. Call Frank (562)743-3832. Carpet & Service LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Floor coverings-linoleum, laminate, carpet and tile. 30 years in LW. Contractor’s License #723262. LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Handyman Service JIMMY’S HANDYMAN SERVICE LEISURE WORLD ONLY LICENSED and INSURED Call (562) 596-1337 for work to be done. Call returned Monday through Friday, daily. No job too small. FREE ESTIMATES Heat pump filters cleaned; clean lint from dryers; vacuum light wells; dead bolt locks installed; entry locks installed; glass door locks and rollers installed; windows and screens washed; skylights washed and repaired, also new domes; hang pictures and mirrors; phone work done; new doorbells installed and repaired. Repair lamps. Seal Beach Business License #JIM0001. z ------------------------------------------THE HANDY COUPLE Ted & Jeri Nowell, LW Residents, Honest and reliable (562) 430-1104. Seal Beach Business License #NOW0001. ----------------------------------------GARY’S HANDYMAN SERVICE PROFESSIONAL Painting and Carpentry. Masonry and Tile. Call (562) 596-6013 for appointment. Calls returned daily. Fiberglass or Hardi Backer paneling board installed on patio block walls. Seal Beach Business License #GAR0005. ----------------------------------------------LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Fixer-uppers, renovations, custom upgrades. Crown molding, baseboards, counter tops, redone to look new, but different, interior painting, closets, pantries redesigned, exterior window frames painted white. Contractor’s License #723262 LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Security 594-4754 NEWS Handyman Rick. Assemblies, installations, TV wall mounts, lights, fans, shelving, carpentry, clean heat pump filters, windows, ovens. Messages (562) 598-1000. Seal Beach Business License #RIL0001. Painting BEL-RICH PAINTING: Free estimates, small/large jobs. Contractor’s License #705131. (714) 220-9702; 1-800-618-2220. -------------------------------------------Handyman Rick. Assemblies, installations, TV wall mounts, lights, fans, shelving, carpentry, clean heat pump filters, windows, ovens. Messages (562) 598-1000. Seal Beach Business License #RIL0001. Painting BEL-RICH PAINTING: Free estimates, small/large jobs. Contractor’s License #705131. (714) 220-9702; 1-800-618-2220. -------------------------------------------LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Interiors, cabinets. Entry doors, cabinets refinished or painted, new baseboards, crown moulding. References for every street in Leisure World, 35 years in Leisure World. Contractor’s License #723262. LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 ----------------------------------------Blue Sky Painting & Construction Insurance, General Building B and Painting C-33 License #632956. (562) 822-5632 or (562)418-0007 -----------------------------------------Miller Painting Company, free estimates, all work guaranteed. (714) 600-4437. Contractor ’s License #725681. -----------------------------------------FRANK KUYS PAINTING Need a living room, bedroom or entire home painted. Enjoy a clean, fresh look. License #552827. Frank (562) 420-7898 Screen-Sales Service, Installation LEISURE WORLD SCREEN SERVICE. For all your screening needs. Ted and Jeri Nowell, LW residents (562) 430-1104. Seal Beach Business License #NOW0001. ----------------------------------------PROFESSIONAL MOBILE SCREEN SERVICE New screens, re-screening, screen doors, retractable screens, new and repair. Since 1988. Call today. (562) 493-8720. State Contractors License #578194. Skylights Cleaning & Repairs LICENSED and INSURED Skylights washed, lubricated, repair and new domes replaced by JIMMY’S HANDYMAN. Call for appointment. (562) 596-1337. Seal Beach Business License #JIM0001. ----------------------------------------Skylights cleaned and repaired or domes replaced by THE HANDY COUPLE, Ted and Jeri Nowell, LW residents. Licensed and insured. (562) 430-1104. Seal Beach Business License #NOW0001 Wallpaper Removal & Installation Darrell’s Wallpaper Hanging and Removal. Free estimates. Contractor’s License #741588.(714) 906-7046. Window Coverings Sales & Installation Coast Factory Blinds Shutters, Verticals, Wood Blinds, Pleated Shades, all at wholesale prices. Serving LW for 20 years. We don’t just make blinds, we make friends. Free estimates. Contractor’s License #660872. (562) 493-4228. -------------------------------------------(562) 596-0559 LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS Blinds, shutters, drapes, sheers, valances. 35 years serving Leisure World. Contractor’s License #723262. LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Classified News (562)430-0534 NEWS ----- SERVICE DIRECTORY Beauty Services In home hair care, serving the MEN and WOMEN of Leisure World for 36 years. Mel (562) 431-4827; cell: (562) 480-9341 License #KC75538 ----------------------------------------Coni’s Mobile Hair Home Service, 31 years. Cosmetology License #KK39075. Cell (714) 315-5363. Seal Beach Business License #LIB0003 ----------------------------------------SHAMPOO SETS/PERMS Yvonne Morales is Back! Monday thru Saturday at Phenix Salon, Suite 118 (near Dollar Tree). 9:00 am -5:00 pm. Call for appointment (714) 855-8465. ----------------------------------------PERMANENT MAKEUP Free eyebrow wax with consultation. Licensed Esthetician #Z103890. LW Resident. (904) 716-9933 or (562) 810-6454. www.permanentcosmetic.org ----------------------------------------In home hair care, perms, cuts & styles. Good prices, friendly service. Call Sandy (562)230-6169. ---------------------------------------------PERMANENT MAKEUP For eyebrows, eyeliner, lip liner. 27 years experience, 10 years in LW with references. Loann:(310) 938-8808. Cosmetology License #KK5976. (310) 9388808. Bicycle Service & Repair Bicycle repairs. Free pick up and delivery. We also make house calls for smaller repairs. Local, serving the community for 90 years. Professional, courteous service. Call Kings Bicycles. (562)598-9322. Computers FRUSTRATED (562)755-6199 Everything for your computer (PC or Mac), cell phone, TV, stereo, any electronic device. Tina Schaffer. Seal Beach Business License #CIP0001. --------------------------------------------------- COMPUTER REPAIR Free Estimate Repair, training, set up. Tablets, phones, computers & T V’s. Virus removal wireless, PC/MAC. John Fuhrer, L W resident. (562) 733-9193, #CA510324. Leisure World Helping Leisure World Y’s Service Club of the YMCA will assist residents with small nonprofessional jobs. We change light bulbs, clean air conditioner filters, hang a small picture or mirror, remove or place items on a high shelf, air bicycle tires, etc. Donations gladly accepted. Call week days between 8 am and 5 pm, (562) 2215878 and (562) 430-7999 ----------------------------------------Does your walker need new tennis balls? Delivery and installation provided. Please give your name and phone number. Maria Giegerich (562) 596-9983. ----------------------------------------Leisure World Community Church will pick up objects as large as one man can handle. All pick-ups are on Wednesday between 10 am - 2 pm. Call to schedule an appointment. (562)431-2503. Home Care & Personal Assistants Readers are urged to ask advertisers for references; call those references; and to verify advertisers’ business license numbers by calling Seal Beach City Hall, 431-2527. ----------------------------------------NANCY’S LW Personal Assistants . Representing the best in-home care services. Call (562) 596-2019. Seal Beach Business License #GRU0001. ----------------------------------------Marlene’s Personal Services Need a companion? Need a ride? Help with errands? Doctor, airport, cruise lines, shopping, movies, etc. Call me (562) 596-0775. Seal Beach Business License #MEH0001. CLASSIFIED ----------------------------------------CHRISTIAN HOME HEALTH Services. Experienced, knowledgeable caregivers, honest, assertive, fluent English. Hourly/full-time, doctor’s appointments, errands. Bernadine (562) 310-0280. Seal Beach Business License #BCS0002. Bonded/insured. ----------------------------------------Bright Watch Caregivers Exceptional affordable home care. Over 10 years in Leisure World. Bonded and insured. (714) 841 (CARE) -2273. Seal Beach Business License #BRC0002. ----------------------------------------Most affordable rate with optimum service, 23 years experience LW, reliable, honest caregivers. Licensed, 24 hour, part time, doctors, appointments, references available, fluent English. Ann (714) 624-1911 Heidi (562) 277-3650. Seal Beach Business License #HYC0001 ---------------------------------------------LIFE CARE SERVICES INC. (562)430-6611 We provide in home care. Live in or hourly. Office - 3535 Farquhar Av Suite 12, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (949)3386884. Caregivers screened, bonded and insured. Seal Beach Business license LIF0005. ---------------------------------------------Carmen Cares! Compassionate and sensitive nonmedical experienced caregiver. Personal care, light housekeeping, laundry, run errands, transportation, cooking. Hourly. (562) 287-9349, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Seal Beach Business License #CAR0011. ------------------------------------------ Readers are urged to ask advertisers for references; call those references; and to verify advertisers’ business license numbers by calling Seal Beach City Hall, 431-2527. -----------------------------------------Would you like some assistance with your everyday needs ? I have my own car, I cook and do laundry and light housecleaning. Please give me a call so I can help life be a little better for you. I have references. Seal Beach Business License DLL0002. (562)774-5172. English only! Thank You House Cleaning Patricia Housecleaning - weekly, biweekly or monthly, excellent references in Leisure World. Call (562) 397-4659. Seal Beach Business License #LUC0001. ---------------------------------------TONY DO’S MAINTENANCE LW resident. Window washing, carpet cleaning, general house cleaning, vacancies (complete cleaning for resale) Reasonable prices. Excellent work. Call Tony Do (714) 534-1824, evenings. Seal Beach Business License #TON0002. ------------------------------------------GRACIAN’S HOUSE CLEANING General housecleaning. Excellent references. We do windows! (562) 307-3861. Seal Beach Business License #GRAC0006. ------------------------------------------PHIL’S CLEANING SERVICE Phil cleans windows, walls, move-in, move-out, etc. 30 years experience. Seal Beach Business License #ABL0001. (562) 438-1492. ------------------------------------------Allen Williams Housecleaning and Windows. (562) 884-0671. References. Seal Beach Business License: #WIL0004. ------------------------------------------Magaly’s Cleaning Service. We make your home sparkle! 7 days - call anytime! Complete cleaning. Discount for regular customers. Seal Beach Business License S&M0001 (562) 505-1613. Moving & Storage A FRIEND AND A TRUCK Your moving service, any size job. (310) 387-2618.CA Carrier #0263644 ---------------------------------------J&D Haul away and cleanup service. No job too small, fast reliable, great prices. Seal Beach Business License #BRA0002. (562) 841-3787 Notary Notary, Edith Hampton, here in Leisure World (562) 626-8157. Piano Lessons Piano lessons conveniently in your home Contact Samara, www.Samararice.com (714)794-5089. Seal Beach Business License #SAM0005. Upholstery Call Ray! Time to replace foam cushions Homes, mobile homes. Call Ray! 562434-6259 Transportation Need a Ride? Irene handles all transportation needs. (562) 431-3679. Seal Beach Business License #NEE0001. MERCHANDISE Autos/RVs/Boats/Trailers Wanted WE BUY ANY KIND OF CAR Boat, motorcycle, truck - running or not. We are local - call anytime! We pay cash and remove promptly! We do DMV and Release of liability for you! Bonded/Licensed since 1985! Call us so we can come out and give you a quote. Local call: (562) 684-0901. ----------------------------------------Single mom looking for reliable 1st car for daughter going off to college. Call (714)357-9401 or louisebaker@charter.net. Electric Cars/Scooters/ Mobile Chairs for sale Electric Golf Cars, Sales, Parts, Service (714) 292-9124. ---------------------------------------------Light weight 3 wheel shopper scooter, with basket. $350. (562)431-6368. ----------------------------------------Estate/Moving/Patio Carport Sale • In accordance with GRF Policy and Mutual Regulations, n o nonresident shopper will be allowed through the Main Gate without having been appropriately authorized as a guest by the estate sale holder. • All advertising offering to purchase entire households of goods and furniture (estates) or offering to conduct estate or patio sales for the owner or heir(s), and all advertising announcing such sales, shall contain the name, address and telephone number of the person or business soliciting such purchases or conducting such sales. All advertising for estate or patio sales conducted by the owner or heir(s) shall contain the words “by owner” or “by heir(s).” ---------------------------------------RUMMAGE SALE - Mutual 5 102-H, May 7th, 9am 2pm. Household items, women’s brand name clothing (size small), and much more! ---------------------------------------MUTUAL FIVE PATIO SALE Thursday, May 7th, 9am - 1pm. Furniture,Holiday decor, exercise equipment, clot, orchids,kitchen items, books & much more!! See sellers for maps. ---------------------------------------------Estate Sale - 1621 Interlachen, 265F, Mutual 11. Thursday, May 7, and Friday, May 8 from 9am -2pm. Lots to see antique sofa, bookcase, double hutch, white kitchen island, small dining table, desk, dressers, full size headboard/frame accent furniture, jewelry armoire, new sewing machine, over 100 cute ladies jackets and tops(size M/L/XL), cowboy boots(size 7 1/2), over 75 hats, hat boxes, costume jewelry, lots of wicker patio furniture, plants, bird houses, plant stands and cute garden decor. Estate Sales by Docia Drake, (714) 5148232, P.O. Box 427, Seal Beach Business License ESD0001. Miscellaneous for Sale Two(2) small dark brown leather recliners like new condition, $175. each or 2 for $300. (562)431-6368. -----------------------------------------Electric folding treadmill for sale, $250. All in one Lexmark wireless fax/printer/copier $35. (714)6127992. Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 -----------------------------------------Stationary bike, VOIT Ergometer, $125. or best offer. (562)598-2890. -----------------------------------------Lazy Boy recliner - medium size, soft beige ribbed fabric, like new $100. (562)296-8875. -----------------------------------------Two (2) single drawer filing cabinets with lids, on rollers. $40. total. Mutual 2 (714)474-6204. -----------------------------------------Stationary bike, VOIT Ergometer, $125. or best offer. (562)598-2890. -----------------------------------------Cool Daddy cool touch deep fryer, model # 05442. Never used, $35. (562)596-2811. -----------------------------------------Very old wood tea cart $125. Black wrought iron curved plant stand $10 and ceramic elephant $75. (562)5947599. -----------------------------------------Desk $70. Sewing machine, table/ cabinet and chair $60. Window air conditioner $50. (562)528-2745. Want to Buy Antiques, collectables and jewelry. Will pay cash. Call Earlyne (562)277-5909. REAL ESTATE Leisure World Apts for Sale Great one bedroom unit with drive up parking. Upgraded and move in ready, one skylight. Only $129,000.. 13121 Oak Hills, Mutual 9, 233-I, Agent Kelly Jenkins (562)743-4125 ----------------------------------------1622 Merion Way, Mutual 2, 38-B 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath expanded unit. Beautiful green belt views. New paint, new tile, new carpet. 3 skylights. Move-in ready! Offered at $252,000.. Lyn Epstein (562) 6197657 Ca Lic# 01243400, or Bridget Taylor (562) 760-7573 Ca Lic# 00921523. 5/28/15 27 Kelly Jenkins Real Estate Broker 13121 Oak Hills Mutual 9 233I 129,900 $ Charming 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath, Upgraded unit. Convenient location with drive up parking. Light and bright unit with newer paint, carpet and skylights. Newer countertops and white cabinets. Easy step in shower. Move in ready. Nice patio with storage. Main Street Realtors Traveling Notary 562-743-4125 s ty i nes cy Ho Poli My Jeannie Bush Mutual 12 Resident 431-4555 (562) Retirement Living CALL JOYCE Resident Realtor® Notary Available 596-8656 Mutual 7, 156-B NEW LISTING 2 bedroom 1 bath, Heat pump/air, Dishwasher, newer counters and appliances. pull outs in drawers, three skylights, two are openable. Step in shower, verticals and storage. Mutual 5, 70-K $310,000 Fully expanded 2-bedroom 1-½ bath. New cabinets, central air, wood floors. 2 bay windows, Walk-in closet. A must see. All furniture for sale. Parking close ING D N E P Jimmie Boyd, Broker Downstairs 2-bedroom, 1-3/4-bath. West facing. Enclosed patio. Spacious. Freshly painted. Close to laundry, Main Gate, parking. Mutual 15, 3-A $215,000 —•••— Completely remodeled atrium, 2-bedroom, 1-1/2-bath, with breakfast room, pantry with pull-out shelves. 2 bay windows, Full-size washer and dryer. Master bedroom and bath. Mutual 15, 6-B $449,000 —•••— W O R C S IN E Mutual 15, 15-F — SOLD Mutual 9, 232-K—SOLD Mutual 15, 1-C —SOLD Mutual 8, 205-A—SOLD Mutual 15, 29-K—SOLD Mutual 8, 181-A —SOLD Unbelievable Real Estate 28 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS Erika Shapiro Jimmie Boyd Erika Resales Specialist • Mutual 17 Resident Shapiro Broker/Realtor Resales Specialist Mut. 17 Resident traveling notary 562-598-7616 RECENT CLOSED SALES M15 23-Q $220,000 M-15 5-F $230,000 I AM L LOOKING FOR NEW LISTINGS Primarily seeking 2 bed units OTHER AREAS I also have an office servicing A Resort level Senior Community in Beaumont Ca and would love to show you the single family homes with attached garages Prices are from low $200,000 to mid $300,000s. Sq Footage from 1480 to over 2700 All include at least 2 car garage 562 895-2527 Ca BRE 01400803 traveling notary 562-598-7616 nEw listinG 1 BDR with an enclosed patio, skylights, laminate flooring, walk-in shower, greenbelt view, close to parking Mutual 3, 11B $129,500 Condo, First Floor Great greenbelt View, Plantation Shutters, Central A/C Heat, Tiled Balcony, Mutual 17, 53A $310,000 PArtiAlly ExPAndEd drive-up corner, 2 BDR/ 1 bath, central A/C heat, small side patio with storage, new carpet and paint, extra large skylights in kitchen & bath Mutual 14, 24A $260,000 PriCE rEdUCtion 2 Bdr, 1 Bath Move-in ready. Expanded, small patio, A/C heat pump, white kitchen, fresh paint, new laminate flooring, cut-down shower Mutual 2, 59H $225,000 2015 EsCrows 1-46i 2-30C 8-181A 5-105B 11-267J 5-103K 3-32l 8-197l 12-43J 8-182E 14-15E 8-181i 17-63B nEw listinG Expanded 1 BDR, facing south, lovely courtyard, laminate flooring, Mutual 10, 246C 129,000 nEw listinG Greenbelt View Basic 2 BDR/1Bath, Skylights, fresh paint, bath tub Mutual 3, 26i $175,000 GrEAt driVE-UP CornEr Fully Expanded 2 BDR/ 1 Bath, Walk-in closet, Central A/C Heat Mutual 5, 97A $350,000 GrEAt VAlUE-driVE UP 2 BDR/ 1 Bath, fully expanded drive-up, 4 skylights, walk-in closet, plantation shutters, small entry patio, Mutual 7, 161i $251,000 lUxUry 1 Bdr, 1 BAtH Expanded. Fabulous greenbelt, bay windows. All the bells & whistles Mutual 2 - 20i $215,000 i sold 35 in 2014 i sold 60 in 2013 i sold 42 in 2012 i sold 46 in 2011 i sold 41 in 2010 I can sell your’s too! Service Is My Priority! Call ME for a Market Evaluation Fay Wescott Jim Duncan Manager 1900 St. Andrews Dr. , Suite C Seal Beach, CA 90740 Two-Bedrooms Suzanne Ahn Susie Allen Mary Chittick Ben Choi Mutual 1 32L Mutual 6 127H Mutual 2 55G Mutual 7 175K Mutual 3 18F Mutual 15 29F Mutual 6 67K Mutual 15 3G Mutual 12 8F Mutual 9 216G Mutual 10 245H Mutual 2 21A Mutual 1 1G Mutual 4 48L Mutual 8 200E Mutual 15 42D Mutual 5 104F Mutual 3 34G Mutual 6 139I Mutual 2 31A Mutual 2 60K $159,900 $169,000 $179,000 $179,900 $200,000 $209,900 $229,000 $230,000 $238,000 $239,000 $239,000 $244,000 $259,000 $259,500 $269,000 $269,900 $269,000 $279,900 $279,999 $285,000 $289,000 On-Site Sales Office Cut off corner, lam. floors, heat pump Downtown close, move in ready, laundry close Washer/dryer, corner, large greenbelt High side exp., skylights, dishwasher Expanded corner, laminate floors, central air 1-3/4 baths, lam. floors, plantation shutters Partial exp., 4 skylights, lam. floors Ground level, laminate wood, carpet Corner expanded, drive-up faces south Fully exp. corner, laminate floors, heat pump, dishwasher Btfl. unit, highside expan. enclosed patio, must see 2 greenbelts, corner, upgraded wood floors Corner expan., great location, dual pane windows Full corner exp., cent. air, light & bright Fully expan., possible 3rd bedroom, central air, skylights 1 3/4 baths, laminate floors, downstairs Full corner expan., drive-up, plantation shutters, white cabs Full exp, corner, wood floors, greenbelt Remodeled, extra large skylights, bay window Expanded corner, central air, walk in tub 3 bedroom, remod. kit., washer/dryer, cent. air Service Is My Priority! Call ME for a Market Evaluation Estee Edwards Barbara Diette-Dobias Robin Gray Clara Fink Mutual 2 15C Mutual 14 48D Mutual 6 61F Mutual 12 34C Mutual 10 248K Mutual 15 6C Mutual 15 45E Mutual 7 172F Mutual 3 13I Mutual 5 90B Mutual 9 224K Mutual 2 36J Mutual 5 123C Mutual 1 69D Mutual 2 21J Mutual 9 206K Mutual 15 22A Mutual 4 89B Gloria Hadley Carolyn 754-6111 NEW HEAT PUMP installed 3/24/15. Mutual 9, 226-D REDUCED! $107,500 Considering ALL Offers NEW LISTING Mutual 2, 62B Move-in ready, 1 Bdrm. New paint and floors Skylights, storage room, double-paned windows. Drive-up $123,000 Mutual 4, 81A D L O S GREAT UPGRADES W/D, Central Heat/Air, and Convenient Location Best & Prettiest unit @$279,000 Mutual 7 176G East Facing Corner Gorgeous Greenbelt, huge trees LOTS of GLASS Enclosed Side Patio Enclosed Office Area Must See! $239,000 Vickie Van Ert Leah Perrotti 13926 Seal Beach Blvd. Seal Beach, CA 90740 Carolyn.indd 1 $294,900 $297,000 $309,000 $325,000 $333,000 $375,500 $439,000 $329,000 Full expan., washer/dryer, cent. air, lam. floors Washer/dryer, cent. air, many upgrades Kawain Payne Corner location, cent. air, many upgrades Sun room, cent. air, wood/vinyl floors 1-3/4 baths, cozy porch, ay window 1-3/4 bath, atrium, drive-up, bay window Fabulous, washer/dryer, remod. kitchen Washer/dryer, 2 bath, remod. corner, cent. air One-Bedroom $119,900 $122,000 $123,000 $124,999 $125,000 $125,000 $139,000 $169,000 $178,000 $208,000 Enclosed patio, white kit. cabinets, heat pump Linda Patton Move-in condition, large courtyard Drive up, laminate floors, heat pump Enclosed patio, 3 skylights, parking close Tiled patio, large skylights, thermo windows Great view, charming unit, gate close Great greenbelt, hardwood floors, really nice Btfl. full expan., drive-up, skylights Only 1 building like this in LW, must see Btfl remod. washer/dryer, cent. air Kathy Gupton Karen Lee Irv Hart Jong Kim Joanie Korman Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS 29 LEISURE LIVING RESALES — (562) 493-6601 Diana (562) 242-6162 PRICE REDUCED $40,100 — Mutual 1, 6G 1-bedroom Mutual 1, 42H $133,000 Mutual 4, 74I 1100 sq ft. 2-bedroom, 2-bath Gorgeous green Mutual 2, 34D SOLD Mutual 5, 96H PRICE REDUCED $20,000 Mutual 4, 74I $349,000 Fully expanded 2-BDR 2-bath A.C. / Heating, on gorgeous green. Move-in ready Diana— 562-242-6162 Leisure Living Resales & Associates, in LW for over 20 years We are the ONLY full service office. We go the extra mile to assist. Leisure Living Resales clients When you are buying or selling, please remember LEISURE LIVING RESALES, next to Wells Fargo “Mr. Hank” Barto 562-743-8473 • 562-493-6601 Fully expanded, 1100 sq ft. Designer kitchen. All new appliances. Mutual 10, 246C Mutual 3, 2L $127,000 $259,000 1-bedroom 2-BDR/1-bath, Mutual 3, drive-up 11B washer/dryer, 1-bed $129,000 Mutual 1, 42H One bedroom $133,000 Mutual 3, 26I 2-bedroom basic $174,000 Mutual 2, 20I —$215,000 Mutual 11, 161I 2-bedroom $251,000 Mutual 14 Corner $260,000 2-bedroom expanded drive-up Mutual 4, 74I Fully expanded 2-BD, 1-1/2-bath Gorgeous green Mutual 5, 97A — Corner $278,500 Mutual 1, 6G 2-bed 2-bath, corner, has it all. W/dryer, A.C., high tech lighting M15 Shareholder (562) 743-8473 Mutual 16, 52A $189,700 Mutual 12, 69C L.L.R. LISTINGS Helen Blizzard (562) 896-1191 Mutual 14 Shareholder Needs Listings Totally rebuilt corner. 2-bedroom, 2-bath. 3 bay windows, washer/dryer, dishwasher, C.A./heat. High-tech lighting. Call Hank — 743-8473 “Mr. Hank” “The Real Estate Broker” Gorgeous Unit Expanded 2-bedroom Inside corner. Very clean $224,900 Large green, 1/3-acre. Mutual 2, 59H $235,000 2-BDR expanded, staged. Must see. A/C, ht. pump, laminate floor. Walk-in shower — Erika Mutual 14, 27A BEST BUY— $288,000 SOLD Erika Shapiro Lieu Nguyen Charles Park Gail Peterson (562) 598-7616 (714) 823-5436 (562) 505-0635 (949) 291-2724 M17 Resident M2 Shareholder M8 Shareholder M14 Shareholder The Hank half page 12-4.indd 1 Diana Flores (562) 242-6162 2-bedroom, 1-1/2-bath, A.C. 1100 sq ft corner — Helen Yong Pyon Helen Blizzard (310) 658-0379 (562) 896-1191 M1 Shareholder M14 Shareholder “Right Team” 5/6/15 10:07 AM Your Seal Beach Leisure World Real Estate Team Robin & Barbara Robin Gray (562) 209-5605 rwgraysales@verizon.net Barbara Diette-Dobias 13926 Seal Beach Blvd., Seal Beach, CA 90740 (Located in the shopping center, behind Carl’s Jr.) (562) 754-5628 bdiettedobias@gmail.com COMING SOON NEW LISTING— Mutual 9 — 233-A $439,000 1-1/2-year-old remodel with 1-3/4 baths, 2 bedrooms, forced air/heat. Gourmet kitchen with island, stainless steel freestanding stove, extra large refrigerator, built-in microwave. Mutual 9 - 224-K $123,000 One-bedroom, one-bath with laminate floors, heat/A/C pump and a small private front yard. NEW LISTING— Mutual 12-11-J $198,000 Adorable 2 bedroom basic with all the right amenities. Central heat/air, stackable washer/dryer, laminate wood-look floors, plantation shutters, tiled kitchen and bath counter tops, covered patio w/storage, wide courtyard, close parking and much more ... Call to See!! Mutual 4 - 48-L $259,500 Light and bright with an awesome breeze! Fully expanded corner, ready to move ... Central heat/air, close parking and laundry - a great, feel-good unit!! Call to See! Mutual 2 - 21-J $139,000 1-BR, 1-Bath, designer colors, wood floors throughout, white cabinets, redone shower, Bosch dishwasher and a cozy porch to enjoy the amazing setting. Absolutely Move-in Ready!!!! Mutual 16—1-bed on a pretty green. Enclosed patio, laminate wood floors, skylights, close street parking. ••• Mutual 3—Drive up 1-bed with an eastern exposure! Enclosed patio, bonus room too. Heat-pump, skylights. ••• Mutual 14—Southwest facing basic corner with enclosed patio, heat-pump, close parking ••• Mutual 2—Expanded corner on green. ••• Mutual 11 — High side expanded corner with central heat/air Mutual 15 - 22-A $178,000 Large downstairs one bedroom! Newer paint, carpet, vinyl, kitchen counters, appliances and dual paned windows. Drive-up with a pretty view from living room. Only 8 units like it in LW! Mutual 6 - 139-I $279,999 Two bedroom - one bath fully expanded drive-up with laminate floors, bay window, A/C, extra large skylights, decorator ceiling fans and lighting, dining area, and breakfast bar, newer appliances, D/W & microwave. Mutual 14 - 48-D $289,500 Two bedroom - One Bath Fully expanded on a fabulous greenbelt setting with drive-up parking south-east facing, freshly painted throughout Washer/Dryer - A/C Call the Best... We do the rest — ROBIN AND BARBARA Check out our website www.sealbeachleisureworld.com for information about Leisure World Seal Beach 30 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS Leisure World® Specialists Gloria & Kathy “The Gloria Hadley Realtor® 562 884-3594 Sisters We really are SiSterS!” ” Associate Broker Kathy 562 Two-Bedrooms Gupton 618-9940 Fabulous! Mutual 1, 61G $279,000 2-bedroom, 1-bath facing beautiful greenbelt with sunset view. This high-side expansion w/ dining room and master bedroom has walk-in closet. Kitchen features dishwasher, skylight, built-in microwave. Bathroom has a skylight and cut-down shower. Close to carport stall. Light and bright. Sprinklers in flower garden. Great location! Mutual 7, 175K $174,900 2 Bedroom 1 bath high side expansion. Skylights in kitchen and bathroom. Features dark original cabinets and dishwasher. Patio has storage and view of small greenbelt. Mutual 2, 60K $289,000 Drive up location—1 bath, 2-bedroom plus a den or could be a 3rd bedroom, fully expanded, beautifully remodeled bath and kitchen with washer/dryer, dishwasher and built-in microwave. New windows with plantation shutters throughout. Close to carport. Move in condition. Mutual 8, 200E $269,000 Unique 3-bedroom. Third bedroom has French doors, can be used as a den. Upgraded kitchen with dishwasher, built in microwave, spacious breakfast bar. Solar tube skylights in kitchen, bath and second bedroom. Washer/dryer. Mutual 15, 6C $375,500 Lovely 2 bedroom, 1-3/4 bath atrium with drive up location. Large bay window overlooks gorgeous side greenbelt. Laminate flooring, white kitchen cabinets, dishwasher, built-in microwave, bonus side entry from kitchen leads to tiled covered patio. Inside atrium has double French doors. Large mirrored wardrobe doors with storage space. Heat pump, more. Mutual 15, 29F $209,900 Downstairs 2 bedroom 1-3/4 bathrooms. Drive-up parking. Patio with lovely breeze on side greenbelt. Dishwasher, laminate floors in dining room and kitchen. Carpet in bedrooms & bathrooms. Plantation shutters in bedrooms. Must see! Mutual 1, 1G $259,000 Fabulous location! 2-Bd, 1-bath, expanded corner with view of golf course. Features dual-pane windows, heat pump, skylights, sliding door from 2nd bedroom to charming side patio, large walk in storage closet, ceiling fan in kitchen, cut-down shower, gorgeous greenbelt. Mutual 15, 3G $230,000 2 Bedroom 1-1/2 bath faces east. Beautiful greenbelt . Laminate flooring. Carpet in both bedrooms. Kitchen features off white cabinets. Living room has ceiling fan. Enclosed patio. Downstairs, close to front gate. Mutual 15, 45E $439,900 Gorgeous atrium is decorator’s dream. Private tiled patio with extra storage. Kitchen has stainless steel appliances, granite countertops with entry door to patio. Skylights in bathroom, atrium and patio. Thermo windows and plantation shutters. Central heat & air, washer/dryer. This unit has it all! Mutual 3, 34G $ 279,900 Fully expanded corner. Kitchen has custom cabinets, upgraded built-in stainless appliances, with dishwasher and microwave. Formal dining room, skylights in kitchen and bath. Master bedroom has walk-in closet. Open view from living room and master bedroom. Close to laundry. Mutual 2, 15C $294,900 Fully expanded facing south west. Features newer cabinets and built in microwave. Central heat & air, thermo windows with plantation shutters. Washer/dryer, laminate flooring, skylights in kitchen and bathroom. Very nice. Move in condition. Mutual 10, 248K $333,000 2-bedroom 1-3/4 bath. Bay window in living room. Kitchen has newer custom cabinets and granite counter, built-in dishwasher and microwave, free standing stove. Some cabinets have beveled glass doors. Master bedroom w/ custom walk-in closet. Tile in kitchen, bathrooms and hall. Skylights in kitchen and bath. Thermo window, central heat and air. Mutual 15, 42D $269,900 Downstairs 2-bed, 1-3/4-bath. Kitchen has light colored wood cabinets and dishwasher. Laminate in entry, bathrooms and kitchen. Washer/dryer. Wall air conditioner in living room. Ceiling fan in dining room. Small private patio off master. Attractive windows with grids and vertical blinds. Pretty side greenbelt. Mutual 1, 32L $159,900 2-bedroom, one-bath, cut-off corner. Kitchen has skylight, dishwasher. Bathroom has cut-down shower and skylight. Heat pump, patio storage. Close to laundry. Mutual 2, 31A $288,900 Expanded 2-BR, 1-bath corner. Central heat/air, white cabinets, dishwasher, built-in microwave, tiled breakfast bar with storage. Double mirrored wardrobe and built-ins in bedrooms. Bathroom features walkin bathtub. Nice corner location. Mutual 12, 34C $325,000 Charming, two-bedroom, one-bath unit with pretty side greenbelt .Enclosed sunroom with french doors. Expanded living room features wood-look vinyl floors. Master has walk in closet. Skylights in kitchen & bathroom. Central heat & air. Kitchen features dishwasher and white wood & glass front cabinets. Spacious with cozy feel. Must see! Mutual 5, 104F $269,000 Fully expanded corner with convenient drive-up location. Features new carpet, dishwasher, white cabinets, plantation shutters, wood flooring in entry. Master bedroom has walk-in closet. Must see! One-Bedrooms Mutual 9, 206K $169,000 Beautifully upgraded expanded 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom with walkin closet in master. White kitchen with portable dishwasher. Skylights in kitchen and bathroom, dual-pane windows with plantation shutters. Move in ready with drive-up location. Mutual 5, 123C $125,000 Charming 1 bedroom,1 bath. Features attractive tiled patio with walk in storage closet, white kitchen cabinets, extra large skylights in kitchen, heat pump. Mutual 3, 13I $119,900 One-bedroom, one-bath with enclosed patio. Features Solar Tube skylights in kitchen and bathroom. White kitchen cabinets, heat pump. Please call agent first, dog in unit. We can show ALL Leisure World® property Call and let us present our extensive marketing program. Members of M.L.S. Visit Our Website: www.thesealbeachsisters.com 13926 Seal Beach Blvd.,Seal Beach, CA 90740 (Behind Carl’s Jr. Susan Wood Real Estate Assistant (562) 315-3447 On-SiteSales OFFICE NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 The 31 Charles Briskey Real Estate Every Sale We Make Returns Income To The Golden Rain Foundation, and Benefits Every Resident In Each MUTUAL in The Community On - Site Sales Team Verna Chumley Realtor Sylvester Chumley Realtor Dawn Januszka Realtor Marsha Gerber Realtor Tim Kearns Realtor Carolyn McInerney Realtor Suzanne Fekjar Realtor Conrad Rodriquez Realtor We Show ALL Properties For Sale In The Community Notary Available On-Site 562 598-1388 Visit Us at www.lwsb.com New Listings MUTUAL 2 – 27H - $199,000 Two bedrooms, Newer sliders onto tiled patio; Great patio! MUTUAL 6 – 136A - $325,000 Fully expanded corner; Big bay windows; 1.5 baths; W/D; Central Air; This unit shows great! MUTUAL 8–194D - $239,000 Two bedroom unit with added dining room and enclosed patio. Washer/Dryer, heat pump. MUTUAL 4 – 76J -$123,000 Immaculate one-bedroom unit! A Must See! Turn-Key MUTUAL 2– 47L-$170,000 Two-bedroom corner unit close to “downtown” MUTUAL 2 – 24H - $175,000 Two-bedroom, one-bath basic; fresh paint throughout; wood laminate floors; great neighbors! MUTUAL 8 – 181B -$127,900 One-bedroom unit Faces the breeze MUTUAL 15 – 37F - $214,900 MUTUAL 9 – 209I - $179,900 Two-bedroom unit with heat pump Three skylights! SOLD MUTUAL 3 – 33B - $119,000 Cute one bedroom unit; Faces a pretty green; Across from clubhouse #2 SOLD MUTUAL 4 – 81A - $279,000 Two bedrooms, Two baths, extra bonus room Faces lovely greenbelt Expanded two-bedroom corner unit; washer/dryer; Central Air/ Heat; Great unit! MUTUAL 9 – 226D - $107,500 MUTUAL 1 – 13C - $117,500 One-bedroom unit; Faces South for breeze and light! SOLD MUTUAL 8 – 181I - $125,000 Cottage style one-bedroom unit; Fully expanded; lots of room! One-bedroom unit with front patio! MUTUAL 2 – 62B - $123,000 One-bedroom unit with new paint & flooring; Drive Up! MUTUAL 17 – 35C - $325,000 Two bedrooms, two baths; Condo with great views! Third floor; A Must See – Professionally staged MUTUAL 6 – 66C - $220,000 Fully expanded two-bedroom unit! Nice central location! MUTUAL 15 – 31D - $339,000 Corner atrium on gorgeous green belt new paint & carpeting! Coming Soon MUTUAL 7 -176G - $239,000 Two-bedroom corner; Enclosed hi-side for dining; Enclosed office MUTUAL 6 – Two bedroom, one bath, Very clean Unit! MUTUAL 4 – One-bedroom unit on pretty courtyard; Great Price! Lic. #01237297 32 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/May 7, 2015 NEWS Steve Marsh (714) 624-4126 Leisure World® Seal Beach Listing and Resale Specialist Steve@SteveMarsh.com BRE # 00361589 - Associate Broker / CRS 12501 Seal Beach Blvd. #100 Seal Beach, CA. 90740 ************************************** Located North of the 405 Freeway In The Rossmoor Shopping Center SealBeach-RetirementCommunity.info This Year To Date - I had a total of 29 Leisure World pending and closed sales. I Have Buyers For Yours Too! - Call Me Today For A Free Market Evaluation! Sneak Preview These will be on the MLS soon! ● Mutual 7 - Fully expanded 2 bed, 1 bath corner unit with a view of a huge greenbelt. New paint, carpeting and vinyl flooring ● Mutual 6 - Partially expanded 2 bed, 1 bath corner unit with new paint, wall to wall carpet 13451 Saint Andrews 124G Mutual 5 - $279,000 2 bed, 1 bath fully expanded on drive up corner. Washer & Dryer. Central heat & air. New paint and carpet. Double pane windows. Skylights, Large master bedroom with a walk-in closet 1624 Merion Way 39J - Mutual 2 - $135,000 Fully expanded 1 bed, 1 bath. Northwest facing on a wide courtyard. 3 skylights, air conditioning, 2 sliding glass doors. Carpet, tile and vinyl flooring. New solar tub in kitchen. New paint 1701 Sunningdale Rd 53L - Mutual 14 - $285,000 2 bed, 1 bath partially expanded corner with drive up parking. Fully expanded living & bedroom. Remod kit and bath. Skylights, recessed lighting, laminate flooring, smooth ceilings, Corian counter tops 13350 St. Andrews 68D - Mutual 12 - $169,900 2 bedroom, 1 bath. South east facing. With washer & dryer, wood style laminate floors, highboy toilet & mirror over kitchen sink. Highside patio has large skylight and 2 storage closets. 1020 Foxburg Road 215H - Mutual 9 - $150,000 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Fully remodeled, east facing with greenbelt view. New kitchen & bath, 4 large skylights, wood floors, double pane windows, central heat & air, microwave, dishwasher, ceiling fans. 1400 Mayfield Road 57D - Mutual 6 - $115,000 1 bedroom, 1 bath west facing unit with greenbelt view & drive up parking. Located near to laundry and carports. Extra wide planter area. Carpeted living room and bedroom. 13044 Del Monte Dr 44E Mutual 15 - $288,000 2 bed, 1 bath south facing corner atrium model on lovely green belt. Laminate floors. Bath has full tub, highboy toilet & skylight. Enclosed front patio with sink and storage area 1100 Brookline Road. 222B - Mutual 9 - $165,000 2 bedroom, 1 bath south facing unit in move in condition. Patio has large skylights and storage closet. Laminate floor in living room. Bathroom has highboy toilet, cut down shower and vinyl floor Access To Total Inventory On May 4th a total of 106 units show as active listing on the CRMLS (this is where Realtors list property for sale). ● 25 - 1 bedroom, 1 bath from $107,500 to $215,000 ● 57 - 2 bedroom, 1 bath from $159,900 to $439,000 ● 24 - 2 bedroom, 2 bath from $209,900 to $453,900 Please give me a call for detailed information on any of these properties
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