Friday, A pril 1 0, 2 015 at 1 1:46:46 A M Eastern Daylight Time Subject: News from League of Women Voters of Berrien and Cass Coun6es Michigan Date: Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 4:03:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time From: LWV of Berrien and Cass Coun6es Michigan (sent by LWV of Berrien and Cass Coun6es Michigan <>) To: League of Women Voters of Berrien and Cass Counties Newsletter April 2015 LWVBCC: Contact Us In This Issue April Book Group Selection Ballot Proposal Meeting Lunch with the League P.O. Box 161 Three Oaks MI 49128 From the President Saving Lake Michigan Youth Voter Registration LWVBCC Calendar April 13 (Monday) 10:00 am Book Group meeting Sheriff Bailey Videos Oregon's Voter Registration Law Rare Earth Elements Editorial Book Group Meeting Monday, April 13 at 10 The LWVBCC Book Group will discuss two books related to health at its April 13 meeting. The books are: Steven Brill America's Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Backroom Deals, and the Fight to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System 2015 Atul Gwande Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End. Selected one of the best books of 2014. The meeting will start at 10:00 am on Monday, April 13 and will be held at the home of member Lorraine Stepanek, 16695 White Oak Lane in north New Buffalo Township. Please contact Lorraine to let her know if you plan to attend so she make enough coffee! May 5 Ballot Proposal Meeting April 22 at 6:30 April 21 (Tuesday) 5:00 pm LWVBCC Board Meeting. Bridgman Public Library. April 22 (Wednesday) 6:30pm May 5 Ballot Proposal Meeting. Virtual Learning Center, Berrien Springs. April 29 (Wednesday) Noon Lunch with the League at the Upton Center, Lakeland Hospital. May 5 (Tuesday) Election Day May 15-17 LWVMI Convention in Kalamazoo. Consider coming for the Saturday workshops and banquet. May 28 Noon "Saving Lake Michigan" Panel discussion co-sponsored with Fernwood. June 16 LWVBCC Annual Meeting & Dinner at Orchard Hills Country Club in Buchanan. Page 1 of 6 pm The May 5 Ballot Proposal is, on the simplest level, a vote of the people of Michigan to amend the constitution to increase the sales tax rate from 6% to 7%. However, if passed it will activate 10 other laws dealing with how revenue will be raised and spent. It's complicated! Which is why you and yours should plan to attend the League meeting May 5 State Ballot Proposal: What Is It? What Would It Do? The meeting will be at 6:30 on Wednesday, April 22 at the Berrien Springs Public Schools Virtual Learning Center, 1 Sylvester Ave, Berrien Springs. The speaker will be Judy Karandjeff, the Vice-President for Advocacy of the League of Women Voters of Michigan. The meeting is free and open to the public. LWVMI has no position on this ballot proposal; the sole purpose of the presentation is to educate voters. LWVMI has also prepared a handout that gives the exact language of the Proposal (also known as Proposal 1) as well as some explanatory information. Voters can also go to for the proposal language as well as Pros and Cons--along with a list of organizations that support and oppose the proposal. The League encourages all registered Michiganians to vote on this important Proposal. If you can't vote on May 5 in person, absentee ballots are now available. More than 10-20% of the voters need to make this decision. Be a decision maker! Lunch with the League Wednesday, April 29 LOCATION CHANGE Dr. Lowell Hamel MD will be the speaker at our next lunch meeting on Wednesday, April 29 at noon. But instead of convening at Coach's Bar & Grill, we will be the guests of our speaker at the Upton Education Center at Lakeland Hospital, 1234 Napier Ave in St. Joseph. A buffet lunch will be served at no charge. See below for information on making your reservation. LWVBCC Board of Directors Chris Zilke President John Ripley Treasurer Pat Lauth Secretary Donna Dutton Membership Susan Gilbert Commun. Jean Sharp Environment Judy Scully Health & SS Liz Ennis Education Melissa Clapper At Large Earl Bickett Special Projects Board Meeting/Minutes Board Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of most months in either Three Oaks or Bridgman. Members are encouraged to attend. Minutes are posted after they are approved by the Board. January Planning Minutes January 13, 2015 November 18, 2014 October 21, 2014 Quick Links Consider Membership Membership Form Donate to the League League Information Election Information OUR SPONSORS THANK YOU! Visit Our Sponsor Dr. Hamel is Vice President for Medical Affairs and Chief Medical Officer at Lakeland Hospital. He is also a family doctor who practices in Berrien Springs. He will speak on two subjects that caught the attention of attendees at a previous meeting. One is the role of hospitalists, the new specialists who have primary responsibility for the care and treatment of hospital patients. The second topic is end of life palliative care. Reservations are required for this lunch meeting because the hospital needs to know exactly how many will be attending. Please contact Donna Dutton, the LWVBCC Membership Chair, to do that. Members, their guests and the interested public may attend with a reservation. Visit Our Sponsor Welcome New Page 2 of 6 From President Chris Zilke It seems winter is finally releasing its hold on Michigan, after a bitter cold snap that I'm sure had the daffodils and robins wondering if it was spring or not. Our March agenda was longer than usual after the mid-January to mid-March break and your Board spent considerable time catching up and discussing old as well as new business items. We keep in touch during the break via e-mail and phone calls, but the regular meetings are of primary importance. Member Susan Lentz of Coloma Visit Our Sponsor Among agenda items: The upcoming LWVMI convention in Kalamazoo in May. We will have a contingent of 6 delegates + Susan Gilbert, because Susan's position on the Michigan board makes her an automatic delegate. I'm happy to say others of you have expressed an interest in attending. We worked through arranging dates for upcoming luncheons and more complex presentations on the two issues of poverty in Berrien, Cass and Van Buren counties and water generally, but Lake Michigan specifically Our annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 16, and Susan is planning to have a dynamic speaker for us. See the calendar of events. Surely many will be of interest to you, so please note dates and times. Visit Our Sponsor I've been a delegate to the League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region, consisting of delegates from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin, for just over a year, and that body needs an alternate from Michigan. We meet 4 times a year, 3 times in Chicago, and once for the league's annual convention which rotates among the four participating states. If you are interested in becoming an alternate, I will happily provide you with more information. For this and any other questions, comments, or to volunteer for any of our activities, please e-mail or call me at 269-449 2225. Happy Spring !! Chris Visit Our Sponsor May 28 "Saving Lake Michigan" Meeting Legislative Interviews Three board members of the League of Women Voters of the Lake Michigan Region will present a program "Saving Lake Michigan" on Wednesday, May 28 at noon at Fernwood Botanical Garden, Niles. Learn more about the work of the LWV Lake Michigan Region to protect the lake and current threats to the lake, including stormwater contamination and non-point source pollution, like the Lake Erie algae blooms that forced the closure of the Toledo, Ohio drinking water system. Every other year LWVMI asks local Leagues to interview their state legislators to learn how they feel on issues important to the League. Specific questions are provided by LWVMI. The responses to these questions are not publicized to encourage an open exchange. The program is co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Berrien and Cass Counties and Fernwood and is open to the public. A buffet lunch will be served first for $14.00 and reservations are required. Use PayPal or call Fernwood at 269.695.6491 Tuesday through Sunday. Note: We hope you will all try making your reservation on PayPal, as LWVBCC will be using it consistently in the future. You do not have to have a PayPal account. When given the option, select using your credit card. It's easy and convenient and available 24/7. We have four state legislators: Senator John Proos and Representatives Al Pscholka (Dist. 79), Dave Pagel (Dist. 78) and Aaron Miller (District 59). Page 3 of 6 LWVBCC and Youth Voter Registration LWVBCC has begun a youth voter registration drive, very similar to the one we did last spring-- only then we had a grant from LWVUS. So far the Voter Registration team, headed by Earl Bickett, has registered 25 students at Lakeshore High School (Earl & Liz Ennis) and 28 at Niles High School (John & Carla Ripley). There are four more dates scheduled in April at Lake Michigan College and other high schools. If you would like to participate in this rewarding effort please contact Earl Bickett. PS Marilyn Klawiter and Maureen Lighthall were at a meeting on the Niles School District bond issue and registered one adult. We thank all our voter registrars! Save the Date! Annual Meeting and Dinner Tuesday, June 16 The Annual Meeting and Dinner will be held on June 16 at Orchard Hills Country Club in Buchanan. The speaker will be retired Berrien County Chief Judge Al Butzbaugh speaking on poverty and justice. A 3-4 person team does each interview. If you are called and asked to participate think YES before you think NO! That's because they are a unique opportunity and fascinating. LWVMI Convention May 15-17 The LWVBCC delegation of 6 is full, but members may attend on their own, for the full convention or on Saturday only. And Kalamazoo is so close. For registration information go the the LWVMI website. Missed Sheriff Bailey? Watch the Videos If you missed the March 11 Lunch with the League with speaker Berrien County Sheriff L. Paul Bailey, you can still see and hear his wonderfully informative talk on the many roles of the sheriff's department and his views on community policing by watching the LWVBCC videos posted on the LWVBCC website. Many thanks to member John Ripley for recording these videos and preparing them for viewing. Oregon's New Voter Registration Law In a period when many states are trying to make it more difficult to register to vote, Oregon just passed the nation's first-ever automatic voter registration law. The state will use information from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to register eligible citizens and will give them 21 days to opt out if they do not wish to stay registered. Oregon's new governor Kate Brown (pictured at left) said "I challenge every other state in this nation to examine their policies and to find ways to ensure there are as few barriers as possible for citizens' right to vote". Read more in a Brennan Center for Justice article. Michigan--up for the challenge? Michigan could do this because the Secretary of State has a shared database for DMV and voter information. That is why you can register to vote when you get your driver's license (Motor Voter) and why the voter registration form is also the driver license address change form. Michigan's Religious Freedom Restoration Legislation With the experience of Indiana and Arkansas as an example, Michigan's legislators may decide not to take action on SB 4, Michigan's version of this legislation. The same bill was not passed in the last session and was promptly reintroduced by Senator Mike Shirkey (R-Clear Lake) in the new session. PSA Get 2015 Health Insurance Uninsured people may still be able to sign up for health insurance coverage for 2015 without penalty. See for more information. The website is a source of a lot of information related to health insurance. Page 4 of 6 also the driver license address change form. Remember Oregon is also the state that brought us vote-by-mail and enjoys vastly higher voting rates than other states with few instances of voter fraud. 60 Minutes Segment on Rare Earth Did you see this segment on Sunday, March 22? Almost everything with electronics, from cell phones to bombers, is dependent on elements called "rare earth". China mines about 99% of rare earth elements and knows it is a powerful political weapon. The U.S. is just realizing this now, about 20 years late, says 60 Minutes. Basically, we have traded dependence on foreign oil for dependence on Chinese rare earth. Rare Earth has been written about in this newsletter once, maybe twice, over the last four years. It Seems So Obvious to Me by Susan Gilbert Many issues seem so clear to me; I guess because the political motivation is usually so obvious. For example the federal budget. Early federal budgets don't usually mean much-the federal government didn't even have one from 2009 until last year, existing on continuing resolutions. The current House and Senate versions of the Republican budget have to be taken a little more seriously since the GOP controls both Houses and could conceivably approve a budget similar to those proposed. The authors say the "A Balanced Budget for a Stronger America" will balance the budget in 10 years with no increase in taxes (in fact some taxes will be allowed to lapse) and a big increase in military spending. To create $5.5 trillion in savings, the House budget will repeal the Affordable Care Act and the taxes that support it (although one article said they keep the revenues from those taxes on the income side) and make deep cuts in "Other Mandatory". That category includes benefit programs such as food stamps, welfare, disability payments for veterans, Pell grants for college students and more. See a Washington Post article. So what exactly is so obvious to me? 1) no one has a crystal ball, least of all in government, and to predict you can do something 10 years down the road is fantasy. When George W. Bush took office there was a budget surplus and briefly the conversation was about how to handle a surplus. 9/11 and a year of war took care of that issue. 2) They don't really care about 10 years down the road and can easily claim then there are no crystal balls. What they want to health insurance. Wise Words from a Comedian James Corden, host of the Late Late Show and a Brit, made these good points in a recent interview. "Take action, however big or small. There are awful things happening in the world, but just because they're not happening on your street doesn't mean they're not happening. Try not to forget that. Do what you can. Your voice is loud and strong if you speak up." "And vote! I know that so often it can feel pointless, as if you're voting for the best of a bad bunch, but imagine if you weren't allowed to have a voice. You'd be outraged and would stand up for that power. Your vote is important. Use it." A Most Favored School District The Lakeshore Excellence Foundation, a school booster group, is going to finance the conversion of the Lakeshore High School's library into a 21st century learning center--at no cost to the taxpayers. They also plan to update the libraries of the Middle School and three elementary schools by 2017. Page 5 of 6 do is start the benefit cuts, the Medicare and Social Security reforms and, of course get rid of Obamacare. 3) Consequences to real people don't matter as much as ideology. 4) The deficit is going down dramatically already and we have had federal budget deficits most years since the country was founded and 5) they are still resorting to gimmicks, like an off-the-books foreign wars fund that is not included in the budget. Mitch McConnell says the budget includes ideas "that could boost jobs, raise annual wages by as much as $5,000 per family and drive economic growth for hardworking Americans." It is not at all obvious to me how that will happen unless tons of Americans get jobs in defense plants. Said LEF Chairman J.C. Anderson "We're very, very dependent on state funding...It appears that education is just a line item within the overall budget that continues to get hacked and hacked." A private donor is also spending $1 million on a new softball field at Lakeshore High School. What about the less fortunate school districts? Visit the LWVBCC Facebook Page. Be sure to like us! The League: A Valuable Resource in Our Communities Helping to Make Democracy Work Interested in joining the League? Go to our website or contact our Membership Chair Donna Dutton Our extended membership benefit is available to new members who join this time of year. Depending on when you join, you get a longer year for the 12-month price. Forward this email This email was sent to by | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. League of Women Voters of Berrien and Cass Counties Michigan | P.O. Box 161 | Three Oaks | MI | 49128 Page 6 of 6
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