THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF McL EAN COUNT Y In this Issue: President’s Letter Year-End Roundup Observer Team Looking Ahead Annual Dinner Photos Annual Meeting Documentation p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 p. 5 p. 6 p. 8 Of McLean County Vol. 81 No. 8 May 2015 Save the Date: The Voter of LWV of McLean Co. is published 8 times a year Official address of the League of Women Voters: 1918 Owens Drive Bloomington, IL 61701 309-663-5166 Websites of League of Women Voters: McLean County State of Illinois National President Maureen O’Keefe 309-258-4233 President-Elect Kathy Nicholson-Tosh 309-530-2050 Membership Joe Gibson 309-530-7561 Treasurer Emily Vigneri 309-532-6932 Newsletter Susan Alford 309-829-1472 YWCA Women of Distinction Thursday, May 21, 5:30 p.m. Marriott Hotel & Conference Center, Uptown Normal Social Hour followed by dinner, speaker and awards at 6:30 Reservations by May 8 The nominees for the 26th annual YWCA Women of Distinction were announced on April 24. Four League members are among the nominees: Dr. Laura Berk, Kristin Manzi, Tamika Matthews, and Judy Valente. We also have 22 League members among the Past Women of Distinction recipients, including: Dr. Laurie Bergner, Judy Buchanan, Mary Campbell, Jana Edge, Martha Everman, Laura Furlong, Cheryl Gaines, Myra Gordon, Marlene Gregor, Dr. Sandra Harmon, Hon. Lee Ann Hill, Becky Hines, Janet Hood, Janet S. Hood, Karen Major, Judy Markowitz, Carol Reitan, Hon. Elizabeth Robb, Sally Rudolph, Karen Schmitt, Barbara Stuart, and Camille Taylor. The event is $55 per person (before May 8). We would like to get some League tables together to honor our nominees and past recipients. Please contact Sally Rudolph at or 663-5166 before May 8 if you would like to join us at the League tables. LWV Annual Meeting Tuesday, May 26, 7:00 p.m. McLean Co. Govt. Center, 115 E. Washington, Bloomington 2015-16 studies, budget and officers Celebrate past accomplishments with Leaguer of the Year The 2015 Annual Meeting of the League of Women Voters of McLean County will be held on Tuesday May 26 at 7:00 p.m. We hope to see you all there. Documentation to help prepare for the meeting can be found on pages 8-10 of this issue. From the Desk of Our President... Enclosed in this issue of the Voter you’ll find important information to review prior to our Annual Meeting on May 26: Recommended Program Studies for 2015-16, Program Positions for 2015-16, and Nominations for 2015-16. This material will be voted upon at the May meeting. Also, as we approach our Annual Meeting, it’s time to nominate a “Leaguer of the Year,” an award presented to any League member who our membership feels has gone “above and beyond” in furthering the mission and values of our League over the past year. If you’d like to nominate someone for this honor, please send your recommendation to Kathy Tosh, at by May 15. As we near the end of this League year, we have many reasons to be proud of our accomplishments. This year we tried some new approaches with our Observer Team and candidate forums. In the first case, prior to recruiting and training Observers, Glen Ludwig met with experienced Board members and outgoing Observer Director Camille Taylor to prioritize who we needed to observe, and more crucially, how we’d go about doing so. As a result, our League has a highly focused, intentional approach to observing local government in action, and as we move forward next year, these processes will only be improved upon. In the case of candidate forums, this spring our Publicity Director Judy Valente-Reynard helped us forge an excellent partnership with WGLT in organizing and implementing candidate forums for the Bloomington city and Normal town council elections. We felt this was a smart approach. We offered citizens an opportunity to attend the forums in person where they were able to meet and interact with the candidates before and after the forum, but for those unable to personally attend there was still an opportunity to learn about candidates’ views via the broadcast on WGLT. We look forward to expanding upon this approach next year. Our League will remain committed to its focus on local League studies as well. We’re proud of the Mental Health Services Action Committee led by Judy Buchanan which currently includes a program delivered locally to keep citizens informed – Mental Health Study: A Roadmap to Results. A very active Speakers Bureau has already presented the Roadmap to Results program to nine organizations and church groups, and currently there are an additional 13 presentations scheduled in upcoming months. In early fall, the Affordable Housing Study will be presenting its findings at a Consensus Meeting of our general membership. I’d also like to give a “shout out” to Membership Director Joe Gibson who’s done an outstanding job this year in helping us grow our membership. In January 2014 our membership roster included 137 members, and we’re happy to report Joe closed the membership roster in January 2015 at 166 members – the third largest in the entire state! And we continue to grow – at last count we are 171 members strong! Our League also knows how to have fun! We had a successful new membership orientation last fall, and we plan to repeat this success as we kick off our next League year as well. Dianne Williamson and her amazing committee have hosted two well-attended and highly engaging fundraisers this year: the December Wine Tasting event at the McLean County Arts Center and the Annual Dinner/Silent Auction featuring the Illinois Innocence project. -Maureen 2 Year-End Roundup 2015 LWV Annual Dinner What a night! Speakers Educate, Entertain Over 100 attendees enjoyed a beautiful evening— beginning with a tasty buffet, and bidding on the silent auction. Then the highlight of the evening— speakers from the Innocence Project at the University of Illinois Springfield. The Director, staff attorney, and exoneree were very informative as they talked about the statistics on wrongful convictions, and then took us through the process of working on exonerations and the ‘life after exoneration issues’. Our thanks goes out to League members (too many to list!) and local companies (Casey’s Garden Shop & Florist, The Chateau, Forget-Me-Not Flowers, Garlic Press, Heartland Theatre, and Timothy Kent Gallery & Framing) who donated items to our silent auction, as well as those who bid so generously to assist our fundraising. Please remember our donors by patronizing these wonderful local supporters. The evening ran so smoothly thanks to my wonderful Fundraising Committee: Mary Vogel, Pam Lubeck, Charlette Elm, Kathy Tosh, Maureen O’Keefe, Tami Foley, and Roxanne Huxford—Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Once again, you made it all happen. --Dianne Williamson John Hanlon, Executive Director and Legal Director of the Illinois Innocence Project at the University of Illinois Springfield (UIS), began the talk by providing background information. The United States is remarkable in that it leads the world in percentage of population that is incarcerated, and Illinois is consistently one of the top two states in the number of wrongful convictions/releases. The Illinois Innocence Project at UIS began in 2001 with four workers and has now grown to over 50 people including three lawyers. UIS is one of only two undergraduate colleges in the United States with an Innocence Project. To date they have won eight exonerations or releases, six with non-DNA evidence and two using DNA. Hanlon thanked the League of Women Voters of McLean County for their support and praised our efforts in the community, noting that Springfield does not have a LWV chapter. Hanlon then introduced staff attorney Gwen Jordan who talked about women’s impact on the criminal justice system over the years, with tales of the Legal Aid Society in Chicago and later, the first public defender’s office in Los Angeles. Today, we can have an impact by supporting the Innocence Project (; advocating by writing letters to editors and lobbying legislators; providing support to families; and sending books and letters to prisoners so they know they are not alone. Client Anthony Murray, who spent almost 15 years in prison before he was released, stated that not everyone in prison is innocent, and told how God gave him the will to fight. He studied and wrote petitions for years, and after getting out struggled to find employment. Now he wants to help other people when he can. He is working with others to change his community by decreasing violence and drugs. “Through belief and hard work,” said Murray, “comes a brighter future.” --Susan Alford Gwen Jordan, Anthony Murray and John Hanlon (l-r) More Annual Dinner photos on pp. 6-7 3 Strong Finish for Drinks & Dialogue This season’s final Drinks & Dialogue was one of the most highly attended as The Immigration Project and Illinois People’s Action led off the evening’s focus on immigration issues in B-N. Afterward, many went to the Normal Theater for a viewing of Documented. Thanks to all our presenters and those who attended this year! Look for more Drinks and Dialogue next year. With your input we will try to continue to provide stimulating and thought-provoking discussions! --Becky Hines & Camille Taylor Leaguers listen attentively at the April Drinks & Dialogue Observer Team Explores Decision-Making Practices in 3 Local Governments by Glen Ludwig As League members know well, transparency within government is one of the major priorities for our organization. This appetite for transparency is appropriate because the money spent by government comes from citizens and voters. We have a right to know. Most would agree that it is reasonable for us to expect that those elected will make well-informed decisions that include easy “line of sight” to how government manages the revenue we provide. The processes and reporting forms that our observer teams use include evaluating transparency. When transparency is at its best within a government body, it is easy for the public to know where, when and how decisions are made. Via our observing process in the last 8 months we have learned that “transparency is not always at its best”. In this 8-month period our LWV observers have evaluated transparency at 54 meetings, on a combined basis, of our County Board, City of Bloomington, and Town of Normal. When evaluating transparency, we typically watch for characteristics such as: Is there pre-meeting access to informative details about issues to be considered? Is there active public discussion by those elected, prior to making decisions? Can the public attending a meeting easily gain some relevant understanding of the issues, problems and opportunities being considered? Does the governing body openly welcome and seek public input? Are the requirements of the Open Meeting and Freedom of Information Acts regularly and generously followed? Regarding the Where, When and How Decisions are made: too often observer reports note that significant decisions are unanimously made in meetings, with little or no discussion occurring. Many times no questions are asked by those voting. This leads observers to wonder where and how this unanimity was nurtured. Did discussion and debate occur somewhere-sometime prior to the meeting in cozy groups? Did someone discourage public questions and discussion or tell elected members how to vote? We all are aware of the often-flawed politically-driven decision-making process in both Springfield and in Washington, DC. Is that also occurring in McLean County, where only the County Board is officially a partisan body? I hope not. But the answer is not easily apparent if decisionmaking lacks sunshine and open public dialog is not always thriving in the culture of government bodies. Without question, each of the three governing bodies, noted above has its unique culture, practices, leadership, and structure. All have some strong points and all have opportunities to improve. Which of the three currently is best from a transparency perspective? My nod for “first place in transparency” goes to the Bloomington City Council. Of course, at the BCC there appears to be a lack of strong teamwork, the shared vision is foggy at best, and the council has a history of slow decisions linked to micromanagement. But when you attend a BCC meeting you can learn something, based on discussion. The public is comfortable with speaking up. And the meeting room, while not fancy, seems to invite public participation. Council members regularly do outreach to voters. Governance is public, though admittedly often messy. If each of the three governments could share, adopt and use the best practices of the others, citizens could enjoy both improved transparency and better government in McLean County. In the long run “slick and swift” government often carries risk for erosion of transparency. And transparency is one of the supporting pillars of trust in government. 4 Looking Ahead LWV of McLean County Annual Meeting LWV of Illinois 57th State Convention In June, the LWV Illinois Convention will be held in Lisle/Naperville. Because of our increase in member numbers we will be sending eight voting delegates this year – our voice will be even stronger than it was when we hosted last year’s convention. Besides voting on state positions and learning from workshops, attendees from around the state will recognize outstanding work of local chapters with the Spotlight on League Achievement, Community Impact and Carrie Chapman Catt Leadership Awards. The Carrie Champman Catt Leadership Award, named for the prominent suffragist and League founder, is given to a state League member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and significant action toward extending the League’s mission. The nominee’s efforts should benefit and inspire the citizens of illinois and promote greater citizen awareness of public issues and/or wider participation in the democratic process. We have two past winners from our local League: Carol Reitan in 2005 and Laurie Bergner in 2011. This year our Leauge has nominated Sally Rudolph for the Carrie Chapman Catt Leadership Award. Please wish Sally good luck as she prepares for the convention. Nominations for Leaguer of the Year Every year our League honors someone from our membership who has demonstrated an extrodinarily high level of comittment to our League (i.e., they’ve gone above and beyond our expectations in furthering the values and mission of the League) earning for their efforts our “Leaguer of the Year” award. This award will be announced at our Annual Meeting on May 26. We are currently accepting nominations for the Leaguer of the Year Award. If you know someone you feel meets these criteria, please send your recommendation to Kathy Tosh at by May 15, 2015. Thanks to Committees The Board would like to thank the hardworking committee members who have toiled to get us ready for the 2015 Annual Meeting this May: Budget Committee: Susan Alford (Chair), Kathy Tosh, Phylis VerSteegh and Emily Vigneri. Nominating Committee: Joe Gibson, Diana Hauman (Chair),Rose Marsaglia and Kathy Tosh Program Committee: Maureen O’Keefe, Sally Rudolph and Julie Sullivan LWV and Unit 5: An Opportunity in being a trusted leader as he deals with the financial issues facing education in Illinois. I learned about the committee structure in place at Unit 5, which helps to explain the frustrations I was experiencing earlier in identifying how decision consensus is being achieved within the Unit 5 School Board. Dr. Daniel shared with me his plans for organizing a diversified committee of citizens to provide input for alternatives to make Unit 5 less dependent on Springfield while delivering on its mission. He is currently thinking in terms of recruiting 100 or more individuals with passion and support for Unit 5 to work on this effort during the coming year. I think this large and diverse group may be similar to what is currently functioning to support the McLean County ---Continued on page 6 On April 24, Glen Ludwig met with the Unit 5 Superintendent and submitted the following report: I am happy to report that on Friday I had a very productive hour-long conference with Dr. Mark Daniel, Superintendent of Unit 5 Schools. This was my first opportunity to have some in-depth communication with Dr. Daniel. I was impressed. He is very open, and although he knows little about the LWV, seemed to be quite interested in our observing process. We spent at least 50% of our time discussing his planned approach for actively engaging the Unit 5 community to create a better understanding of the financial stress that is expected in the next several years. Mark Daniel obviously is a leader who is willing to take on significant challenges. Dr. Daniel is a big supporter of transparency in government and is especially aware of its importance 5 From page 5— Regional Planning Commission with the Bloomington Comprehensive plan. I fully realize that the LWV has many plans and programs on our plate. But I would hope out of our 170+ members we might find 3-5 individuals to engage in this important undertaking. I believe the structure and nature of this process is still under development. I will maintain contact with Dr. Daniel as plans are further defined. Just sharing this with you now, to give you an opportunity for early consideration. Thanks, Glen L. Help Wanted – Event Topics The LWV’s monthly program events help fulfill our mission to inform and educate the community about important issues Is there an issue you’d like to learn more about next year? Contact Laurie Bergner Or for Drinks & Dialogue, send it to Camille Taylor or Becky Hines Annual Dinner 2015 Gwen Jordan, staff attorney for Illinois Innocence Project at University of Illinois Springfield (UIS) Tyrone Block, Anthony Murray, and John Hanlon, Director of Illinois Innocence Project at UIS Learning about imprisonment rates John Hanlon tells of successful releases 6 Kristen Sand, Senna Abjabeng & Rickielee Benecke Janine Toth, Teri Liston & Joe Gibson Rachel McManus, Diane Carter & Jim Carter Leaguers & friends follow the exoneration process Katie Pratt, Aaron Watson & Emily Vigneri Mary Anne Schierman, Harold Gregor & Marlene Gregor 7 Annual Meeting Documentation LEAGUE of WOMEN VOTERS of McLEAN COUNTY Recommended Program Studies for 2015-16 Study 1. Action Study (Submitted by Jan Hood): Availability of Recreation Facilities for Youth in the County A study addressing activity needs for youth in McLean County. The latest Parks and Recreation survey in Normal shows comments regarding a need for a community center, or perhaps a county center for youth activities. This has been a need for a long time. There are many smaller places that offer activities for youth, most at a cost. What about youth who do not have access to these facilities? Where do they go? Recommend League studies this situation. Outcome: Help the community put together a plan to address the needs for youth. Ensure study looks at the whole picture to see what can be done to address more opportunities for youth. They need a place to play. Recommendation of LWV McLean County Board of Directors: Proceed with study using current local program position on Public Recreation as basis for the study. This should be treated as an action study. Study 2. Consensus Study (Submitted by Sally Rudolph): Opportunity to evaluate government operations for improvements in efficient and economical operations of these entities A study of McLean County local governments to evaluate the opportunities for improvements in efficient and economical operations of these governments. Scope: Research the number, functions, types, budgets, funding sources, and structure of local governments in McLean County; State laws and regulations that impact these governments’ ability to achieve improvements in efficient and economical operations; options to realize these opportunities. Recommendation of LWV McLean County Board of Directors: Proceed with consensus study. Program Positions for 2015-16 (changes in red italics below) COUNTY GOVERNMENT (Adopted 2014, retained through 2016) Administration League supports: Appointment of all administrative personnel; Election of all policymakers County Board League supports: Review of the general structure, procedures, committee structure, districts and size with a view toward greater transparency, accessibility to the public and more effective communication within the board; Production of a five-year strategic plan required of all county department heads, including budget provisions; presentation of these plans each year to the county board as part of the budget process for accountability purposes; Pursuance of intergovernmental agreements that address the issue of land annexation, including transferring road maintenance to the annexing body. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR McLean COUNTY (Adopted 2005, retained through 2016) League supports: A written plan accompanied by maps; Development of community support; Preservation of natural resources and prime agricultural land; Enforceable land use ordinances. 8 ELECTION COMMISSION (Adopted 2009, retained through 2016) McLean County should unify its election offices in a County Election Commission. EMERGENCY HEALTH CARE (Adopted 2004, retained through 2016) League supports a paramedic service for Bloomington-Normal, funded by a combination of government. League opposes a separate taxing district or special assessment for paramedic service. HOME RULE FORM OF GOVERNMENT FOR BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL (Adopted 2004, retained through 2016) League strongly supports provisions in the 1970 Illinois Constitution that allow certain local governments to adopt home rule and opposes any attempt to restrict this option. JUVENILE JUSTICE/ CHILD WELFARE (Adopted 2000, retained through 2016) League supports cooperation and coordination among agencies and government officials who work with juveniles. LIVING WAGE (Adopted 2009, retained through 2016) League supports a living wage for all City of Bloomington employees. LOCAL EDUCATION (Adopted 2005, retained through 2016) League supports: Broadly-based measurement of student achievement by teachers and administrators; Frequent teacher evaluation by principals or department heads; A diverse curriculum made possible, if necessary, by an extended school day. Organization of districts for educational benefits to students, administrative efficiency and economy; A financial basis for schools in McLean County that can provide a good education for all students. LOCAL MENTAL HEALTH (Adopted 2000, revised 2014, retained through 2016) League supports: Proactive core leadership, planning, coordination, and collaboration for mental health services in McLean County Funding which is effective to meet the needs for a comprehensive continuum of mental health services in McLean County Cradle to grave mental health services for all individuals in McLean County OPTIONS FOR JUSTICE (Adopted 2011, retained through 2016) League endorses: Support efforts to maintain a Drug Court Program, Mental Health Court Program, GPS electronic monitoring, and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council and its committees. Victim-Offender Mediation, Day Reporting Center, and 24-hour probation reporting kiosk. PUBLIC HEALTH (Adopted 2004, retained through 2016) League supports the following: Financing the McLean County Health Department Primary support from the State of Illinois; Increase of the current limit on the local county tax level for the Health Department. Hiring Practices for the Health Department State set minimum standards; Open hiring policy, including an equal opportunity statement. 9 PUBLIC HEALTH cont. Services Continuous evaluation of needs and monitoring of existing programs; High priority on services to low-income families; Cooperation and coordination between the Department of Public Health and mental health services Selection of New Board Members County-wide representation; Unlimited number of terms for members; Application for appointment through the County Board. Keeping the Public Informed Filing of reports in the public libraries; Publicizing of services available; Publication of board meeting times. PUBLIC RECREATION (Adopted 2005, retained through 2016) League endorses: Continuous maintenance and improvements of recreational facilities (national standards based on population are an appropriate goal) Continued development of a wide variety of recreational programs for all age levels Cooperation among government units whenever possible. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT (Adopted 2009, retained through 2016) League supports an integrated solid waste management strategy that encourages a regional approach to ensure maximum waste reduction, adequate disposal capacity, recycling/reuse program for the entire community. WATER CONSERVATION (Revised 2007, adopted through 2016) League supports: Government action to promote water conservation Public education about the need for conservation Fair rate system that encourages conservation Nominations for 2015-16 President: Kathy Nicholson-Tosh President-Elect: Emily Vigneri Treasurer: Olemuel Ashford Voter Services: Phylis VerSteegh & Teri Liston Programs: Maureen O’Keefe 10
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