LYDIA TRULL PUBLIC SCHOOL May 2015 80 Avondale Drive Courtice, Ontario Phone: 905-438-9648 Fax: 905-438-9649 Cheryl Fowler Principal Email: Michelle Borgatti Vice Principal Email: Shelly Roy Superintendent of Schools 705-742-9773 Ext. 2421/1 877 741-4577 Ext. 2421 Email: Diane Findlater Administrative Assistant 705-742-9773 Ext. 2421/1 877 741-4577 Ext. 2421 Email: Cathy Abraham Clarington Area Trustee 905-987 -1833 Email: Sarah Bobka Clarington Area Trustee 289-356-2133 Email: A Message From The Principal It is hard to believe that we are already into the last two months of this school year. With all the spring activities, trips, and events, the time seems to fly even faster! We will soon start to consider class organization for the next school year. We take this process very seriously, and look to balance all classes in terms of academic, behavioural, gender, social, and friendship groupings. We welcome parental input into class placements for your students. This does not mean you can select your teacher, however, if you have some concerns regarding academic, behavioural, or social issues of your child, you are welcome to contribute to our understanding. You may provide information for us regarding: friendship grouping instructional style avoidance of conflict situations awareness of medical concerns We will not accept requests for: a particular teacher straight vs. combined grade gender of teacher location of classroom Please let the office know by the end of May, in writing, your observations and requests for placement. Letters and requests are NOT saved year over year, so if you have submitted information last year, you MUST SUBMIT AGAIN. Remember, this does not guarantee a particular teacher or classroom, but provides us with further insight to help us sort groups of students appropriately. In addition to your input, we will also be asking our students for input. In May, students in every grade/class will be invited to provide a list of five students with whom they might like to be placed in the next year. We will promise that at least one of those mentioned on the list will be in the class together. Encourage your child to think carefully about whom to include. The teacher’s name and location of next year’s class will be noted on the June report card. On the last day or second last day of school (still to be determined), we are going to take some time to let students go to their next year’s class in order to meet the teacher (if possible), and see who else is in their class. Our goal is to appropriately place students where they can have maximum success. By seeing their classmates, new room location, and teacher at the end of June, our hope is that we reduce anxiety heading into the summer months. If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to contact the office. Cheryl Fowler Principal KPR STRATEGIC PLANNING/VIDEO May 5 May 5 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 11 May 14 May 15 May 18 May 19-26 May 20 May 21 May 21 May 22 May 25-28 May 28 May 29 June 1-4 June 3 June 5 June 8 June 11 June 15-17 June 17 June 22 June 24 June 25 Mathletes, Gr. 3-6 Grade 8 Swim Test Grades 1 & 2s to Seussical Grades 3 & 4s to Seussical Grad Photo Retakes/Sibling Photo Day Pizza Pizza Hot Lunch Clarington Track & Field at Civic Grade3 Swimming Lessons Subway Subs Hot Lunch Victoria Day Schools Closed Scholastic Book Fair Reg. School Council Meeting, Courtice N. Kindergarten Orientation, 6 pm Grade 3 Swimming Lessons, 1-2 pm Pita Pit Hot Lunch Grade 6 EQAO Grade 3 Swimming Lessons, 1-2 pm Pizza Pizza Hot Lunch Grade 3 EQAO Clarington W. Ultimate Frisbee Tourn. PA Day Ultimate Frisbee Intermediate Grade 3 Swimming Lessons, 1-2 pm Bark Lake Grade 8 Trip Junior Ultimate Frisbee Tournament Grade 8 Graduation Ceremony Report Cards Home Last Day of School, 3:20 pm dismissal Safe Arrival It is important to call the office if your child(ren) will be away or late for school. This enables us to know that all of the students at Lydia Trull are safe as well as helps us complete the attendance in a timely manner. Please note that you may call the school and leave a voice mail in regards to your child’s absence before and after office hours. At Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, every four years we engage in a strategic planning process that results in the establishment of priorities to focus our efforts on student achievement and success. As we begin the process for developing our 2015-2018 Strategic Plan, we are asking all of our stakeholders: students, staff, parents and community members, for their involvement in shaping our direction. Visit to watch a video that illustrates some of our actions in the current 2011-2015 Strategic Plan. The URL to the video is below and the Lydia Trull community has been featured in many of the clips! COMMUNITY CORNER The Durham Ultimate Club Summer 2015 Youth League $40 includes team disc & shirt Boys & Girls Ages 9-15 Bowmanville or Whitby Locations 8 weeks May 19th-July 7th Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 pm Register online at until May 12th, first come, first served. For more information, email KIDS HAVE STRESS TOO AWARENESS LESSONS Even the most nurturing school and home environment can’t completely protect children from a range of stressors that can be both challenging and motivating. While stress is a necessary part of development and learning, experts say Canadian students now face more stress than ever before due to the faster pace of modern life, school demands and busy family schedules. Fragrances & Scents The good news is that building emotional health and resiliency can help students concentrate, learn and interact more successfully. In the interests of the well being of our school community, we are requesting that individuals refrain from using strongly scented products. Exposure to fragrances, cologne and scented hand or body lotions can cause allergic reactions, asthmatic symptoms and migraines, as well as general discomfort for certain individuals. In some cases, reactions can occur to even relatively mild scents, so we are asking for everyone to be aware and accommodate those that suffer from these sensitivities. Over the next few weeks, students in grades 1 to 8 will be talking about this important issue in a way that’s developmentally appropriate and validated by Canadian child psychologists, educators and parents. Like you, we are devoted to helping Canada’s next generation grow up healthy and equipped with all the tools they need to live healthy, balanced lives. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you have any questions or feedback. BIKES, SCOOTERS AND SKATEBOARDS Warm weather is upon us and bicycle, scooter and skateboard riding is again a viable option. Students are reminded to dismount at the edge of school property and walk their bike, scooter or skateboard to the racks where they should be locking them up. Please be reminded that bike helmets for elementary schoolaged children are a requirement of Ontario law. Riding is a healthy alternative to walking, but must be done in a safe manner. Students not riding safely and politely (e.g. riding on school property) will be denied the privilege of bringing their equipment to school. The school is not responsible for stolen equipment. Students are strongly encouraged to use locks. SCHOOL COUNCIL A GREAT BIG thanks to all of our AWESOME Lydia Trull families who supported the School Council initiatives this school year. We had a very busy informative year in School Council – we were able to secure the Parents Reaching Out grant through the Government of Ontario and were able to offer an information session to our students and parents on Internet safety and Cyber Bullying. We learned about split classrooms and the continuum of learning, EQAO and how the results are used in the schools and we talked about mental health initiatives and how they are being implemented. With your ongoing support we were able to purchase new gym equipment, math manipulatives and some additional levelled reading resources. Council also supported Forest of Reading, the Race Against Drugs Program, the Drumfit Presentation and the very successful Mitten Borrowing Program. We were also able to contribute towards Grade 8 Graduation as well as supplying Hot Chocolate for the winter Open House. Thanks again for all your support – with it, we all make a difference! Have a great summer & hope to see some new faces at School Council in the fall. Sincerely, Stacy Howson SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR MAY 19TH-26TH Scholastic is coming to Lydia Trull! Parents are welcome to visit the book fair, which is happening in the library from 8:30am throughout the school day. On Thursday, May 21st the book fair will also be open from 6-7 pm. See you there! BATTLE OF THE BOOKS TEAMS COMPETE April was a busy month for our members of the Senior (Grade 7 and 8) Battle of the Books team.. Our team competed against other Clarington schools and won the closely contested battle and qualified for the Senior Battle of the Books Finals and the chance to represent Clarington at the Durham Region Finals. At the Clarington Finals, the competition was tense, and our team finished in 2nd place. Congratulations to our team and coach Mrs. Walduck for the commitment to reading 36 books as a team. ANAPHYLACTIC ALLERGIES Just a friendly reminder that we need to stay vigilant about food that is brought to the school. Please remember that we have children in the school that are extremely fatally allergic to nuts. Please help us to keep our students safe and keep any nut products or items containing nuts out of our school. Thank you for your support in this matter! SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD APPRECIATION DAY Monday, May 4th, 2015, was “School Crossing Guard Appreciation Day” in recognition of the valuable service and dedication to child safety provided by Clarington’s School Crossing Guards. The Municipality is proud of the valuable service provided to our students and citizens through the School Crossing Guard Program. School Crossing Guards perform an estimated 1,200,000 safe crossings each school year protecting children daily during their commute to and from school. The Municipality of Clarington thanks its dedicated crossing guards for their commitment to community safety. Please join us in thanking our crossing guards! KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION/ ORIENTATION Registration is now underway for Kindergarten! If you know of any families who have recently moved into the area, please let them know! In fact, our Kindergarten Orientation evening is happening on Thursday, May 21st for those who have already preregistered!
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