Polygon at Villebois Home Features - Chaumont & Abbeville THE POLYGON ADVANTAGE —You may be surprised at the quality of the components that are included with each home, not upgrades at additional costs. While touring our model homes, look for the Polygon Advantage plaques highlighting the features included in the price of the home. A Wonderful First Impression Suite Dreams — Master Suites r %JTUJODUJWFDPNNVOJUZFOUSZXJUIMVTIUSFFMJOFETUSFFUTDBQF and winding neighborhood streets r 8BMLJODMPTFUTXJUIXPPETIFMWJOHQMBOTQFDJàD r %FMJHIUGVMDPNNVOJUZQBSLTPGGFSBOJEFBMQMBDFGPS neighborhood gatherings r )BOETPNFBSDIJUFDUVSBMQMBOTPGGFSJOH&OHMJTI3FWJWBM American Modern, American Classic and French Revival r %FDPSBUJWFCPBSECBUUFOTIJOHMFBOETUPOFBDDFOUTGPS added exterior interest (exterior style specific) r &MFHBOUXPPESBJTFEQBOFMDSBGUTNFOPSUVEPSTUZMF front door (exterior style specific) r 3BJTFEIFJHIUWBOJUJFTXJUIEVBMTJOLTBOETBUJOOJDLFMMFWFS GBVDFUTCZ%FMUB r 5JMFáPPSTBOEDPVOUFSUPQT Those Little Extras! r $BUFHPSZUFMFQIPOFXJSJOHJOLJUDIFONBTUFSCFESPPN and tech area (tech area is plan specific) r 3FBSBOETJEFZBSETUBJOFEDFEBSGFODJOHXJUITXJOHHBUF r 3(RVBETIJFMEDBCMJOHGPSUFMFWJTJPOJOGBNJMZSPPNUFDI area, master bedroom and secondary bedrooms r #SPPNFEESJWFXBZBOEFYQPTFEBHHSFHBUFQBUJP r )BSEXJSFETNPLFBOEDBSCPONPOPYJEFEFUFDUPST r &GàDJFOUHBTGVSOBDF Inner Beauty r HBMMPOIJHIFGàDJFODZFMFDUSJDXBUFSIFBUFS r %FTJHOFSTFMFDUFEMJHIUJOHàYUVSFT r -PX&EVBMQBOFJOTVMBUFEXJOEPXT r )BSEXPPEáPPSJOHJOFOUSZLJUDIFOBOEQPXEFSSPPN r YFYUFSJPSXBMMDPOTUSVDUJPOGPSHSFBUFSTUSFOHUI and insulation r (BTàSFQMBDFXJUIIBOETFUUJMFTVSSPVOEBOEXPPENBOUFM r &MFHBOUQBJOUFEQBOFMEPPSTBOENJMMXPSL Our Compliments to the Chef r 4IBLFSTUZMFBMEFSDBCJOFUTXJUIVQQFSDBCJOFUT and satin nickel knobs (per plan) r 5JMFDPVOUFSUPQTXJUIGVMMIFJHIUCSJDLTFUUJMFCBDLTQMBTI r (SBOJUFJTMBOEUPQCBSUPQQMBOTQFDJàD r "GVMMDPNQMFNFOUPGBQQMJBODFTJOCMBDLàOJTI r4FMGDMFBOJOHFMFDUSJDSBOHF r&OFSHZFGàDJFOUNVMUJDZDMFEJTIXBTIFS r.JDSPXBWFPWFOSBOHFIPPEDPNCJOBUJPO r$POWFOJFOUMZMPDBUFEMBVOESZBSFB r 4IFSXJO8JMMJBNTh8PPMTLFJOhJOUFSJPSXBMMQBJOUUISPVHIPVU Polygon Possibilities 5IFIPNFTBU7JMMFCPJTGFBUVSFEJTUJODUJWFDPMPSTDIFNFTUP choose from. In addition, you have the ability to customize your new home with these options... r &YUFOEFEIBSEXPPEVQHSBEFTIBSEXPPEáPPSJOHDBOCF extended into additional living spaces (plan specific) r $BSQFUJOHVQHSBEFTDIPPTFGSPNTFWFSBMTUZMFT r $BSQFUQBEEJOHVQHSBEF r 4UBJOMFTTEVBMDPNQBSUNFOUTJOLXJUITJOHMFMFWFS TUBJOMFTTGBVDFUXJUIJOUFHSBMTQSBZCZ%FMUB r 3FGSJHFSBUPSXBTIFSBOEESZFSPQUJPOTBWBJMBCMF r 3FGSJHFSBUPSTQBDFQSFQMVNCFEGPSJDFNBLFS r (BSBHFEPPSPQFOFSPQUJPO r 4UPWFTQBDFQSFQMVNCFEGPSHBTSBOHF r "JSDPOEJUJPOJOH Polygon at Villebois Sales Center 11870 SW Palermo Street Wilsonville, OR 97070 PolygonHomes.com r 4UBJOMFTTTUFFMVQHSBEFQBDLBHF Entry, stairs, volumes, decks, porches, windows and square footage may vary per exterior style. In a continuous effort to improve its products, the builder reserves the right in its sole discretion to make changes or modifications to maps, plans, specifications, materials, features and colors without notice. All maps, plans, landscaping and exterior style renderings are artists’ conceptions and are not to scale. Each of the Polygon Northwest communities is developed by a separate limited liability company (LLC) or is a separate corporate entity. 03/13. CCB# 199001 Polygon at Villebois Home Features - Lille, Toulouse & Strasbourg THE POLYGON ADVANTAGE —You may be surprised at the quality of the components that are included with each home, not upgrades at additional costs. While touring our model homes, look for the Polygon Advantage plaques highlighting the features included in the price of the home. A Wonderful First Impression Suite Dreams — Master Suites r %JTUJODUJWFDPNNVOJUZFOUSZXJUIMVTIUSFFMJOFETUSFFUTDBQF and winding neighborhood streets r 8BMLJODMPTFUTXJUIXPPETIFMWJOHQMBOTQFDJàD r %FMJHIUGVMDPNNVOJUZQBSLTPGGFSBOJEFBMQMBDFGPS neighborhood gatherings r )BOETPNFBSDIJUFDUVSBMQMBOTPGGFSJOH&OHMJTI3FWJWBM American Modern, American Classic and French Revival r 3BJTFEIFJHIUWBOJUJFTXJUIEVBMTJOLTBOEDISPNFMFWFS GBVDFUTCZ%FMUB r QJFDFCBUIXJUITFQBSBUFTIPXFSBOETPBLJOHUVC (plan specific) r 5JMFáPPSTBOEDPVOUFSUPQT r %FDPSBUJWFCPBSECBUUFOTIJOHMFBOETUPOFBDDFOUTGPS added exterior interest (exterior style specific) r &MFHBOUXPPESBJTFEQBOFMDSBGUTNFOPSUVEPSTUZMF front door (exterior style specific) Those Little Extras! r 3FBSBOETJEFZBSETUBJOFEDFEBSGFODJOHXJUITXJOHHBUF r $BUFHPSZUFMFQIPOFXJSJOHJOLJUDIFONBTUFSCFESPPN and tech area (tech area is plan specific) r &YQPTFECSPPNFEESJWFXBZBOEDPWFSFEBHHSFHBUFCBDL patio (plan specific) r 3(RVBETIJFMEDBCMJOHGPSUFMFWJTJPOJOGBNJMZSPPNUFDI area, master bedroom and secondary bedrooms r )BSEXJSFETNPLFBOEDBSCPONPOPYJEFEFUFDUPST Inner Beauty r &GàDJFOUHBTGVSOBDF r %FTJHOFSTFMFDUFEMJHIUJOHàYUVSFT r HBMMPOIJHIFGàDJFODZFMFDUSJDXBUFSIFBUFS r )BSEXPPEáPPSJOHJOFOUSZLJUDIFOBOEQPXEFSSPPN r -PX&EVBMQBOFJOTVMBUFEXJOEPXT r (BTàSFQMBDFXJUIIBOETFUUJMFTVSSPVOEBOEXIJUF painted mantel r YFYUFSJPSXBMMDPOTUSVDUJPOGPSHSFBUFSTUSFOHUI and insulation r &MFHBOUQBJOUFEQBOFMEPPSTBOEXIJUFQBJOUFENJMMXPSL r$POWFOJFOUMZMPDBUFEMBVOESZBSFB r CBTFUSJNUISPVHIPVUMPXFSMFWFM r 4IFSXJO8JMMJBNTh8PPMTLFJOhJOUFSJPSXBMMQBJOUUISPVHIPVU r 8PPEXSBQQFEXJOEPXTPOMPXFSMFWFM Polygon Possibilities Our Compliments to the Chef r 4IBLFSTUZMFBMEFSDBCJOFUTXJUIPSVQQFSDBCJOFUT and satin nickel pulls (per plan) r 5JMFDPVOUFSUPQTXJUIGVMMIFJHIUUJMFCBDLTQMBTITUZMF per scheme) r (SBOJUFJTMBOEUPQCBSUPQQMBOTQFDJàD 5IFIPNFTBU7JMMFCPJTGFBUVSFEJTUJODUJWFDPMPSTDIFNFTUP choose from. In addition, you have the ability to customize your new home with these options... r &YUFOEFEIBSEXPPEVQHSBEFTIBSEXPPEáPPSJOHDBOCF extended into additional living spaces (plan specific) r $BSQFUJOHVQHSBEFTDIPPTFGSPNTFWFSBMTUZMFT r $BSQFUQBEEJOHVQHSBEF r "GVMMDPNQMFNFOUPGBQQMJBODFTJOTUBJOMFTTTUFFMàOJTI r4FMGDMFBOJOHHBTSBOHF r&OFSHZFGàDJFOUNVMUJDZDMFEJTIXBTIFS r.JDSPXBWFPWFOSBOHFIPPEDPNCJOBUJPO r 4MBCHSBOJUFLJUDIFODPVOUFSUPQTXJUIVOEFSNPVOUTJOLT scheme specific color options r 4UBJOMFTTEVBMDPNQBSUNFOUTJOLXJUITJOHMFMFWFS TUBJOMFTTGBVDFUXJUIJOUFHSBMTQSBZCZ%FMUB r (BSBHFEPPSPQFOFSPQUJPO r 3FGSJHFSBUPSTQBDFQSFQMVNCFEGPSJDFNBLFS Polygon at Villebois Sales Center 11870 SW Palermo Street Wilsonville, OR 97070 PolygonHomes.com r 3FGSJHFSBUPSXBTIFSBOEESZFSPQUJPOTBWBJMBCMF r "JSDPOEJUJPOJOH Entry, stairs, volumes, decks, porches, windows and square footage may vary per exterior style. In a continuous effort to improve its products, the builder reserves the right in its sole discretion to make changes or modifications to maps, plans, specifications, materials, features and colors without notice. All maps, plans, landscaping and exterior style renderings are artists’ conceptions and are not to scale. Each of the Polygon Northwest communities is developed by a separate limited liability company (LLC) or is a separate corporate entity. 02/13. CCB# 197215 Polygon at Villebois Home Features - Bordeaux & Marseille THE POLYGON ADVANTAGE —You may be surprised at the quality of the components that are included with each home, not upgrades at additional costs. While touring our model homes, look for the Polygon Advantage plaques highlighting the features included in the price of the home. A WONDERFUL F IR ST IM PR E SSIO N S U I T E D R E A MS — MA S T E R S U I T E • Distinctive community entry with lush tree-lined streetscape and winding neighborhood streets • Vaulted or coffered ceiling in the master bedroom* • Delightful community parks offer an ideal place for neighborhood gatherings • Handsome architectural exterior styles – American Modern, English Revival and French Revival • Decorative board & batten, shingle, brick and stone detail for added exterior interest (exterior style specific) • Elegant wood raised-panel, craftsman-style front door • Rear and side yard stained cedar fencing with swing gate • Walk-in closet(s) with wood shelving • Raised height vanity with dual sinks and Delta faucets • 5-piece bath with separate shower and soaking tub • Tile floors and countertops THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS! • Category 5 telephone wiring in kitchen, master bedroom, and tech area • Washed aggregate driveway, and aggregate rear yard patio • RG 6 quad shield cabling for television in great room, tech area, master bedroom and secondary bedrooms INNER BEAUTY • Hard wired smoke and carbon monoxide detectors • Designer-selected lighting fixtures • Efficient gas furnace • Hardwood flooring in entry, kitchen and powder room • 100-gallon water heating capacity • Gas fireplace with handset tile surround and white painted mantel • Low E, dual pane insulated windows • Elegant painted doors and white painted millwork • 2" x 6" exterior wall construction for greater strength and insulation • White-painted 5½" base trim throughout main level • Conveniently located laundry area • Wood wrapped windows throughout • Sherwin Williams ‘Wool Skein’ wall and ceiling paint throughout with ‘Downy’ white trim • 8lb. carpet pad throughout • Garage door opener with keypad entry OUR COMP LIME N T S T O T H E C H E F P O LY G O N P O S S I B I L I T I E S • Kitchen cabinets with 42" uppers • Slab granite countertops with full-height tile backsplash • A full complement of appliances in stainless-steel finish: – Self-cleaning gas range – Multi-cycle dishwasher – Microwave oven/range hood combination • Stainless dual compartment undermount sink with single lever faucet and integral spray by Delta • Refrigerator space pre-plumbed for ice-maker The homes at Polygon at Villebois feature three distinctive designer packages to choose from. In addition, you have the ability to customize your new home with these options... • Extended hardwood upgrades — hardwood flooring can be extended into additional living spaces* • Carpeting upgrades — choose from several styles • Granite countertop option in Master Bath • Refrigerator, washer and dryer options available • Air conditioning *Plan specific feature Polygon at Villebois Sales Center 11870 SW Palermo Street Wilsonville, OR 97070 (503) 582-8602 | Villebois@PolygonHomes.com PolygonHomes.com Entry, stairs, volumes, decks, porches, windows and square footage may vary per exterior style. In a continuous effort to improve its products, the builder reserves the right in its sole discretion to make changes or modifications to maps, plans, specifications, materials, features and colors without notice. All maps, plans, landscaping and exterior style renderings are artists’ conceptions and are not to scale. Each of the Polygon Northwest communities is developed by a separate limited liability company (LLC) or is a separate corporate entity. 02/15. CCB#199001. Polygon at Villebois Home Features - Magnolia & Willow THE POLYGON ADVANTAGE —You may be surprised at the quality of the components that are included with each home, not upgrades at additional costs. While touring our model homes, look for the Polygon Advantage plaques highlighting the features included in the price of the home. A Wonderful First Impression Suite Dreams — Master Suites • Distinctive community entry with lush tree-lined streetscape and winding neighborhood streets • Spacious closets with wire shelving • Delightful community parks offer an ideal place for neighborhood gatherings • Handsome architectural plans offering English Revival and French Revival • Decorative board & batten, shingle, and stone accents for added exterior interest (exterior style specific) • Elegant wood panel, tudor-style front doors • Broomed driveway and exposed aggregate patio • Raised height vanities with dual sinks and satin nickel lever faucets by Delta • Tile countertops Those Little Extras! • Category 5 telephone wiring in kitchen, master bedroom, and tech area (tech area is plan specific) • RG 6 quad shield cabling for television in family room, tech area, master bedroom and secondary bedrooms • Hard wired smoke and carbon monoxide detectors Inner Beauty • Efficient gas furnace • Designer-selected lighting fixtures • 50-gallon high efficiency electric water heater • Tile flooring in entry • Laminate flooring in kitchen and powder room • Gas fireplace with handset tile surround and mantel • Elegant painted, 4-panel doors and millwork • Low E, dual pane insulated windows • Aluminum blinds throughout • 2" x 6" exterior wall construction for greater strength and insulation • Conveniently located laundry area Our Compliments to the Chef • Stacked washer/dryer included with Magnolia home plan • Shaker-style cabinets with 30" upper cabinets and satin nickel knobs (per plan) • Sherwin Williams 'Woolskein' interior wall paint with 'Downy' trim paint throughout • Tile countertops with full-height brick set tile backsplash • Granite island-top Polygon Possibilities • A full complement of appliances in black finish: • Self-cleaning electric range • Energy efficient, multi-cycle dishwasher • Microwave oven/range hood combination The homes at Villebois feature 2 distinctive color schemes to choose from. In addition, you have the ability to customize your new home with these options... • Stainless dual compartment sink with single lever stainless faucet with integral spray by Delta • Refrigerator space pre-plumbed for ice-maker • Stove space pre-plumbed for gas range • Extended laminate upgrades — laminate flooring can be extended into additional living spaces (plan specific) • Carpeting upgrades • Carpet padding upgrade • Refrigerator, washer and dryer options available • Stainless steel upgrade package • Garage door opener option • Air conditioning Polygon at Villebois Sales Center 11870 SW Palermo Street Wilsonville, OR 97070 (503) 582-8602 | Villebois@PolygonHomes.com PolygonHomes.com Entry, stairs, volumes, decks, porches, windows and square footage may vary per exterior style. In a continuous effort to improve its products, the builder reserves the right in its sole discretion to make changes or modifications to maps, plans, specifications, materials, features and colors without notice. All maps, plans, landscaping and exterior style renderings are artists’ conceptions and are not to scale. Each of the Polygon Northwest communities is developed by a separate limited liability company (LLC) or is a separate corporate entity. 07/14. CCB#199001. Polygon at Villebois Energy Star Features All Polygon Northwest homes at Villebois are ENERGY STAR certified. This certification not only means a home built with conservation in mind, but a home that has been designed to perform better. You will enjoy the benefits of the ENERGY STAR features for years to come. Energy Efficiency Features Material Responsibility Features • Forced air gas furnace rated to at least90% efficient • Post-consumer recycled content carpet • Intermediate framing techniques to improve insulation opportunities • Recycled content insulation • Blown-in insulation for improved energy efficiency • High efficiency electric water heater • Composition roof with limited lifetime warranty • Hard surface flooring for increased longevity over carpeting • ENERGY STAR® dishwasher • Fiber cement siding for increased longevity over wood siding Healthier Indoor Air Features • Low volatile organic compound (VOC) paint • Rain-screen system under masonry increases the longevity of materials by preventing moisture from entering the wall cavity • Sealed gas fireplace with electronic ignition to save energy and reduce the risk of harmful gas leaks Land Conservation Features • GREENGUARD certified formaldehyde-free insulation made with recycled content • Local material sourcing to reduce environmental impacts and promote local economies • Green Label Plus carpet containing little or no VOCs • Condensed lot sizes to minimize urban sprawl • House tightening measures to ensure proper sealing for air quality and energy efficiency • Access to public transit • Recycle jobsite waste Water Conservation Features • Low volume irrigation system to deliver water directly to roots • Water efficient showerheads • Water efficient kitchen & bath faucets Please note all features are subject to change, please check with the home builders to verify measure. For more information, visit the Energy Trust of Oregon web site at www.energytrust.org Polygon at Villebois Sales Center 11870 SW Palermo Street Wilsonville, OR 97070 (503) 582-8602 | Villebois@PolygonHomes.com PolygonHomes.com Entry, stairs, volumes, decks, porches, windows and square footage may vary per exterior style. In a continuous effort to improve its products, the builder reserves the right in its sole discretion to make changes or modifications to maps, plans, specifications, materials, features and colors without notice. All maps, plans, landscaping and exterior style renderings are artists’ conceptions and are not to scale. Each of the Polygon Northwest communities is developed by a separate limited liability company (LLC) or is a separate corporate entity. 06/14. CCB#199001.
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