CONFERENCE PROGRAM Wednesday 20 May 2015 6.30‐8.00pm WELCOME RECEPTION for Regional, Remote and Community Museums Day delegates (RR&CM) Art Gallery of New South Wales Thursday 21 May 2015 REGIONAL, REMOTE AND COMMUNITY MUSEUMS DAY Australian National Maritime Museum 7.30‐8.45am 8.45‐11.15am 8.45am 9.05am 9.45am 10.25am Registration RR&CM PLENARY 1: OPENING Introduction and Welcome to Country RR&CM Keynote Presentation 1 RR&CM Keynote Presentation 2 RR&CM Keynote Presentation 3 11.15‐11.45am Morning Tea 11.45‐1.15pm RR&CM CONCURRENT SESSIONS RR&CM 1: ANMM Theatre Chair: Travelling exhibitions network session Georgia Connolly, Sydney Living Museums, Niomi Sands, Glasshouse Gallery, Kent Buchanan, Western Plains Cultural Centre 11.45am 12.15pm 12.30pm Tasman Light Gallery Theatre Tasman Light Gallery RR&CM 2: Peter Doyle Learning Centre Chair: Open house: unlocking buildings and discovering histories George Seymour, Fraser Coast Regional Council Historic site presentation: conservation versus revenue, the people and the story Ann Sutherland & Greg Roberts, ACT Historic Places Workshop 1: Waterside Chair: Rising above the cacophony ‐ the role of trove in exposing museum collections, big and small Deirdre Kiorgaard, National Library of Australia Workshop 2: Lighthouse Chair: Community, collaboration, change workshop Rebecca Jones, Museum Alive Heroin for historians: how museum collections can feed the addiction of genealogists Page 1 of 8 This conference program is subject to change at the discretion of the Museums Australia Conference Organising Committee MA2015_draft_program_for _website_05Feb 12.45pm Grave goods R.J. (Buzz) Sanderson, Kandos Bicentennial Industrial Museum Inc 1.15‐2.15pm Lunch 2.15‐3.15pm RR&CM CONCURRENT SESSIONS RR&CM 3: ANMM Theatre Chair: Panel session on Deaccessioning 2.15pm Tasman Light Gallery 2.55pm 3.15‐3.45pm Afternoon Tea 3.45‐5.15pm RR&CM CONCURRENT SESSIONS RR&CM 5: ANMM Theatre Chair: Collection care and sustainability ‐ financial and environmentally sustainable solutions for regional museums Colin Macgregor, Australian Museum 3.45pm 4.15pm RR&CM 4: Peter Doyle Learning Centre Chair: Buy it now! Building your collection by going shopping online Campbell Rhodes, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House Museums and memory; the power of story Doreen Lyon, The Oaks Historical Society Workshop 3: Waterside Chair: Making a museum 'pop up' Pauline Cockrill, History SA Workshop 4: Lighthouse Chair: One tour / one team: The benefits of using a single logistics team for continuity throughout the life of a touring exhibition Kim Powell, IAS Fine Art Logistics Tasman Light Gallery 4.25pm 4.45pm 4.55pm 5.15pm Cassie Mercer, Inside History Magazine RR&CM 6: Peter Doyle Learning Centre Chair: The 'identity' project‐ national stories constructed from local collaborations Kim Biggs, Albury & Greater Hume Museum Advisory Region, Bridget Guthrie, Albury Library Museum Joining forces ‐ when exhibitions and education travel together Karen Player & Louise Teteris, Australian Museum Reframing the small university museum Gina Hammond & Jane Thogersen, Macquarie University Workshop 5: Waterside Chair: Mythbusting in museums Laura Miles, Museums Australia Planning to plan is not a plan Deb Mastello, Newcastle Maritime Museum Society Workshop 6: Lighthouse Chair: Pot luck: workshopping the pros and cons of using food to activate museums Jacqui Newling, Sydney Living Museums Risky business ‐ presenting events at the National Motor Museum Marianne Norman, History SA Close of RR&CM Day 6.30‐8.00pm WELCOME RECEPTION Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences Page 2 of 8 This conference program is subject to change at the discretion of the Museums Australia Conference Organising Committee MA2015 Draft Program – updated 4 February 2015 Friday 22 May 2015 MUSEUMS AUSTRALIA NATIONAL CONFERENCE DAY 1 Sydney Town Hall 7.30‐9.00am 9.00‐10.30am 9.00am 9.15am 9.30am Registration PLENARY 1: OPENING Introduction and welcome Ministerial welcome Senator the Hon George Brandis QC, Ministry for the Arts Keynote Presentation 1 10.30‐11.00am Morning Tea 11.00‐12.30pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1: Relevance ‐ the face of cultural organisations in the future Room Chair: Crafting relevance in the age of the new Jessica Brainard, Lucy Harper, Glenn Iseger‐Pilkington & Amy Wegerhoff, Western Australian Museum 11.00am 11.30am 11.45am Lower Town Hall 'A ticket to paradise?' ‐ Share your migration story: iPad application workshop Sara King & Shaun Rohrlach, National Archives of Australia, Robin Marshall, Touchtech 12.00pm 12.30‐1.30pm Vestibule Centennial Hall 2: Social inclusion and emotions Room Chair: 3: Digital Room Chair: 4: Indigenous Room Chair: Social inclusion through art and museums: social research into the benefits of the Art Museum in the context of marginalized communities Lindsay Farrell, Australian Catholic University "That's just not normal" and other agentive responses from unexpected quarters Helen Whitty, University of Technology Sydney Hack the collection: new ways for audiences to reinterpret our collections Janson Hews & Deborah Vaughan, Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences Curated Panel: 1. Music museum curatorship: reclaiming rights and responsibilities for musicking on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island), Australia Sandra Kirkwood, Music Health Australia 2. "To the city for dancing":Yuendemu collections and the birth of the Indigenous art industry Scott Mitchell, Australian Museum 3. Black to the future: museums enter the dreaming Margo Neale, National Museum of Australia Customers not audiences: creating new value for indigenous communities through a market orientated approach Sally Manuireva, Auckland War Memorial Museum What matters most ‐ the medium, the message or the context? Getting digital done in museums Lynda Kelly, Australian National Maritime Museum, Michael Parry, Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences, Jonny Brownbill, Museum Victoria How much agency does a gallery have? Katrina Osborne & Penelope Grist, National Portrait Gallery Lunch Lower Town Hall Page 3 of 8 This conference program is subject to change at the discretion of the Museums Australia Conference Organising Committee MA2015 Draft Program – updated 4 February 2015 1.30‐3.00pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS 5: Agency Room Chair: 1.30pm Who's leading who? Creating meaningful relationships between Indigenous students and museums through building bark canoes Jeff Fletcher, Donna Carstens & David Payne, Australian National Maritime Museum 2.00pm 2.30pm 2.45pm 3.00‐3.30pm Public programs in prison ‐ Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery's Museum of ME program John Retallick, Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery The ABCs of Australian Museums: Reading the stories that museums are telling to children Erica Hateley, Queensland University of Technology 6: Evaluation, art collections and social history Room Chair: Collecting art in history museums: aura and dissonance Alexandra Walton, Australian National University Catching the next wave ‐ audience‐led thinking Carolyn Meehan, Museum Victoria Art on the way to the theatre: Performing arts centres and their art collections Steven Tonkin, Arts Centre Melbourne 7: Digital Room Chair: Real and virtual: the role of computed tomography and 3D imaging in museums Jaye McKenzie‐Clark, Macquarie University Curated Panel: 1. Virtually there: 3D scanning at heritage sites for school kids Martin Green, National Trust of Australia, Jo Clyne, History Teachers Association of Victoria 2. Experiencing art through personal response: can a mobile app facilitate a meaningful experience for visitors? Emily Sykes, National Library of Australia 3. My excursion: mobile technology supporting learning at the South Australian Museum Karen Hogan, South Australian Museum, Kerrie Mackey‐Smith, Department of Education & Child Development Afternoon Tea 8: Trust and consultation with constituents Room Chair: Museums and freedom of speech Alec Coles, Western Australian Museum Next generation of authority ‐ The role of younger generations in the consultation process Barbara Paulson, National Museum of Australia To shine again or just survive? Gupapuyngu bark paintings in the Donald Thomson Collection Samantha Hamilton, Museum Victoria Lower Town Hall Poster Presentations (even numbered) 3.30‐5.00pm 3.30pm 4.15pm PLENARY 2: Keynote Presentation 2 Keynote Presentation 3 5.00pm Close of Day Centennial Hall 6.00‐8.00pm MAGNA and MAPDA Awards Australian National Maritime Museum Page 4 of 8 This conference program is subject to change at the discretion of the Museums Australia Conference Organising Committee MA2015 Draft Program – updated 4 February 2015 Saturday 23 May 2015 MUSEUMS AUSTRALIA NATIONAL CONFERENCE DAY 2 Sydney Town Hall 7.30‐9.00am 9.00‐10.30am 9.00am 9.45am Registration PLENARY 3: Keynote Presentation 4 Keynote Presentation 5 10.30‐11.00am Morning Tea Vestibule Centennial Hall Lower Town Hall Poster Presentations (odd numbered) 11.00‐12.30pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS 9: Empowering audience Room Chair: 11.00am Audience empowerment: listening, hearing and acting Alice Ryder & Nigel Bond, Western Australian Museum 11.30am Where the medium, the message and the context meet ‐ mapping the visitor experience Carolyn Meehan, Jareen Summerhill & Jonny Brownbill, Museum Victoria 12.00pm 10: Digital Room Chair: 11: Exhibition Masterclass Room Chair: Using playful technology to exhibit the creativity of expert children ‐ Designs in Augmented Reality: ThinkspaceAR Peter Mahony & James Oliver, Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences Digital tools to fix Museum operations Dan Collins, Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences Exhibition development masterclass It’s not about technical tools, it’s about good stories! Jop Haverkamp, izi.TRAVEL 12.15pm 12.30‐1.30pm Lunch 1.30‐3.00pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS 13: Historical enquiry Room Chair: 12: Partnerships between museums and learning institutions Room Chair: Collective dialogues and contested places: (Re)thinking partnerships between teacher education, student engagement and cultural organisations. Narelle Lemon, La Trobe University, Donna Mathewson‐Mitchell, Charles Sturt University, Jan Molloy, Immigration Museum, Michael Rolfe, Museums & Galleries of New South Wales, Lynda Kelly, Australian National Maritime Museum, Angelina Russo, University of Canberra Evolution of Australian Biota Study Days ‐ a collaborative approach Karen Ariyan, Australian Museum Communicating through collections: With the corporatization of Universities is there still room for museums and collections? Jacqueline Healy, University of Melbourne Lower Town Hall 14: Engaging with exhibition space Room Chair: 15: Conservation Room Chair: 16: Social inclusion and difficult stories Room Chair: Page 5 of 8 This conference program is subject to change at the discretion of the Museums Australia Conference Organising Committee MA2015 Draft Program – updated 4 February 2015 1.30pm Building historical Inquiry into museum education programs Fabienne Virago, Susan Bee & Edward Washington, Sydney Living Museums 2.00pm Do they even notice? Evaluating visitor response to exhibit design Danielle McGinley & Paul Broadhurst, Cunningham Martyn Design, Katherine McMahon, Australian War Memorial Ask, and they will come: inviting the participatory inclusion of people with vision impairment through multisensory museum programming Beaux Guarini, ICOM Australia Conservation in museums ‐ whereto from here? Julian Bickersteth, International Conservation Services Community engagement and the curatorium Joanna Mendelssohn & Scott East, Art & Design Who painted Henry? The hidden life of a Tudor portrait Simon Ives & Andrew Yip, Art Gallery of New South Wales Design thinking (co‐design, participatory design) workshop for social inclusion through social innovation Sharon Peoples, Australian National University, Alex Marsden, Alex Marsden Design Thinking Please don't smash the stars! Preservation of an astronomical collection inspires accessible stargazing and new research Toner Stevenson, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Tegan Anthes, Preservation Australia, Andrew Jacob, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences An expedition into the changing world of museum collections: are they vital or a thing of the past? Christina Hardy, Nelson Provincial Museum Joint presentation: BFA: Baby for adoption ‐ curating the murky history of Australia's former adoption practices Amy Lay, National Archives of Australia The Forced Adoptions History Project: a study in managing expectations Caroline Webber, National Archives of Australia 2.15pm 2.30pm The sweet spot: where accessibility and scholarship meet Jennifer Blunden, University of Technology Sydney 3.00‐3.30pm Afternoon Tea 3.30‐5.30pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES 18: Professional development 17: Outdoor activities Room Room Chair: Chair: Sowing the seeds of wisdom and cultivating thinking in museums Janelle Hatherly, Bringing Learning to Life 3.30pm 4.15pm The Great Outdoors: the potential of outdoor arts for increasing and diversifying museum audiences Amy Eastwood, Sydney Living Museums 4.45pm 5.00pm 5.30pm Close of Day Lower Town Hall 19: Cultural planning Room Chair: Cultural Planning and Precincts ‐ urban planning / metro‐regional Back to Front ‐ the changing face of museums and galleries Phillipa Tocker, Museums Aotearoa Panel discussion with museum leaders about the future of museum work Centennial Hall 20. Tours 1. 2. Sustainable social history, from the ground up Alison Frappell, The Big Dig Archaeology Education Centre Visit to the Toys exhibition 7.00‐11.00pm Gala Conference Dinner The Ivy Ballroom Page 6 of 8 This conference program is subject to change at the discretion of the Museums Australia Conference Organising Committee MA2015 Draft Program – updated 4 February 2015 Sunday 24 May 2015 MUSEUMS AUSTRALIA NATIONAL CONFERENCE DAY 3 Sydney Town Hall 7.30‐9.00am 9.00‐10.30am 9.00am 9.45am Registration PLENARY 4: Keynote Presentation 6 Keynote Presentation 7 10.30‐11.00am Morning Tea 11.00‐12.30pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS 21: Community involvement Room Chair: Creating a social archive from World War I service records ‐ opportunities and challenges of crowd‐sourcing Kate Naughtin & Anne‐Marie Conde, National Archives of Australia Citizen science ‐ how our community gets involved Karen Player, Australian Museum 11.00am 11.30am Lower Town Hall 12.00pm A compass not a map: seven wonders of open ended collaboration Mish Sparks, Mod Productions, Rachael Coghlan, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House 12.30‐1.30pm Lunch Vestibule Centennial Hall 22: University museums Room Chair: Curated Panel: 1. University collections: a decentralised museum with pop‐up style museum practice Mirna Heruc, University of Adelaide 2. The politics of curating exhibitions in Museums and Art Galleries in Zimbabwe Simbarashe Shadreck Chitima, Midlands State University 3. Creative outputs: a test case for HDR research support within the museum space Rhonda Davis, Macquarie University Art Gallery 4. Warning. Brave new world? Or the demise of humanity? Museums need to step up fast! Kirsten Davies, Macquarie University 5. A safe place for dangerous ideas? Political messages to University students through art Elizabeth Pascale, University of Adelaide 23: Changing nature of museum work Room Chair: A practical approach: knitted histories from the First World War Eleni Holloway, Australian War Memorial Reminiscence Cottage: A multisensory space for people living with dementia Sara Gillies, National Wool Museum Exhibition Critique – Toys (SLM exhibition) 24: Digital access Room Chair: Curated Panel: 1. How to cope when you open your digital doors Paul Rowe, Vernon Systems 2. Beauty in complexity: improving collection discoverability through rich data, content and associations Victoria Till, National Gallery of Australia 3. Getting intimate with the collection Brooke Carson‐Ewart, Art Gallery of New South Wales 4. Military memorabilia and momentum: Welcoming RSLs into the museum sector Cameron Auty & Belinda Ensor, Museums Australia (Victoria) 5. Connecting people, collections and the First World War to mark the centenary of Anzac Robyn Van Dyk , Australian War Memorial Lower Town Hall Page 7 of 8 This conference program is subject to change at the discretion of the Museums Australia Conference Organising Committee MA2015 Draft Program – updated 4 February 2015 1.30‐3.00pm CONCURRENT SESSIONS 25: Kids in cultural venues Room Chair: 1.30pm Young voices in an old building Pauline Fitzgerald, State Library of New South Wales 2.00pm Serious fun: Wider implications of developing children's content in museums Stephen Munro, National Museum of Australia 2.30pm "Look Mummy, I'm a Viking" ‐ Kids diggin' their visit to the museum Edith Cuffe, Abbey Museum of Art & Archaeology 3.00‐3.30pm Afternoon Tea 3.30‐5.00pm 3.30pm 4.15pm PLENARY 5: Closing Keynote Presentation 8 Keynote Presentation 9 5.00pm Close of Conference 26: Collecting and historical perspectives Room Chair: 19,000 glass plate negatives: the challenges of Algernon Darge's First World War legacy Joanne Smedley, Australian War Memorial The power and the passion of the Australian Museum Fara Pelarek, Australian Museum Our greatest forgotten benefactor, Sir Rex Nan Kivell ‐ an extraordinary collection and a mysterious past Nat Williams, National Library of Australia 27: Health and social inclusion Room Chair: Healing ways: art with intent Charlotte Christie, Koorie Heritage Trust Life in the fishbowl ‐ should museums be used for promoting health and wellbeing? Rebecca Tooher, University of Adelaide, Pauline Cockerill, History SA Art and museum studies in Australian healthcare contexts Lindsay Farrell, Australian Catholic University 28: Extroverts (performance specialists) v. introverts Room Chair: Curated Panel: 1. Approaching Percy sideways: refocusing the Grainger Collection Jo‐Anne Cooper, Grainger Museum 2. Let the outside in: a new approach to heritage interpretation Gabrielle Edwards & Rachael Coughlan, Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House 3. The introvert at the museum: or why your museum needs an archives Vanessa Finney, Australian Museum Network 4. Immortal: the archive as a site of resurrection Jayne Fenton Keane, Inspiring Australia 5. Thank God you’re here: the applicability of improvisation to museums Jim Fishwick, Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences Lower Town Hall Centennial Hall 5:30 – 6:30pm Museums Australia AGM and Farewell Drinks at Australian Museum Room Page 8 of 8 This conference program is subject to change at the discretion of the Museums Australia Conference Organising Committee MA2015 Draft Program – updated 4 February 2015
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