You are cordially invited to Pearls and Prohibition…A Roaring 20’s Evening & Auction Fundraiser Join US for A Night of Bidding, Food, Dancing and Fun Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 6:00-10:00 p.m. Tampa Bay History Center Ticket Sales conveniently available online at Ticket price includes registration for bidding, event admission, TBHC exhibit admission from 6 -7 pm that evening, hors d’oevres and dinner catered by the Columbia Restaurant, entertainment, 1 wine ticket, and a contribution to our amazing school. All Night Cash Bar PLEASE SUBMIT THIS COMPLETED FORM AND PAYMENT TO YOUR CHILD’S HOMEROOM TEACHER BY TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2015. Name: Phone Number: Email: [No tickets will be distributed for the Event. Check-In at the Event is Required] Child’s Name: Homeroom Teacher: Auction Admission Ticket Price Per Ticket $65.00 Teacher tickets (for teachers to purchase or available for parents to purchase for Mabry Faculty) $50.00 Teacher Companion tickets (for teachers to purchase or available for parents to purchase for Mabry Faculty - Must accompany a Mabry faculty member) Donate to the Teacher Ticket Fund - any increments of $10 [Funds collected will be used to purchase tickets and then raffle them for teachers to attend the auction.] Please make checks payable to: “Mabry Elementary PTA” Total Purchase Amount $35.00 Number of Tickets Total $10.00 *** Buy a Family Sponsorship conveniently available online at (see also reverse side for information)*** ***Various levels / Benefits available*** Your Auction Purchases/Donations/Sponsorships may be Tax Deductible. Please consult your tax advisor. IRC501(c)(3) organization/Federal ID No: 23‐7102409 Thank you for your support. Any questions, please email: ! ! ! 22015 MABRY PTA AUUCTIONN FAMI ILY SPONSORRSHIP FORM *EVERY balloon in the “Balloon Raffle” has a prize – some $750 Hotsy Totsy 1/4 page ad in the Auction prrogram valued over $100! Balloon Raffle will be available a for purchase 4 auction addmission tickets at the Auctioon Event, Saturdday, March 21, 2015! 2 4 wine drinkk tickets $2,500 Puttting on the Ritz General or Birthday annoouncement on school’s Full Page ad in the Auction A program digital marqquee (1 week) 8 auction a admission tickets 1 Balloon Rafffle* 8 wine w drink ticketss $500 Hip to the Jive VIPP parking for the night of the Aucttion Business Caard size ad in the Auction program m Geeneral or Birthdday announcemeent on school’s digital 2 auction ad dmission tickets maarquee (1 week) 2 wine drinkk tickets 2 Balloon B Raffles* General or Birthday annoouncement on school’s $1,500 Swannky and Swell digital marqquee (1 week) 1/22 page ad in the Auction A program $300 The Bee’s Kneee’s 6 auction a admission tickets 2 auction addmission tickets 6 wine w drink ticketss 2 wine drinkk tickets VIPP parking for nighht of the Auction General or Birthday annoouncement on school’s Geeneral or Birthdday announcemeent on school’s digital digital marqquee (1 week) maarquee (1 week) 2 Balloon B Raffles* SPONSSOR INFORMATION (PLEASE PRINT) Name of Sponsor(s) (as it will appear inn event program)): Contacct Person(s): Billing Address: City, SState, Zip Code: Phone 1: Phonne 2: Email: Studennt’s Name/Homeroom (if applicabble): SPONSSORSHIP LEVEL OR GIFT AMOUNNT: Please make checks, corporatte matches, or otther gifts payablee to: “Mabry Elem mentary PTA” and drop off or mail 44201 West Estrellla Street Tampaa, FL 33629 ☐I ☐ (we) wish to have our gift rem main anonymous. I (we)) pledge to makee a contribution in the amount of: o ☐ $2,500 ☐ $1,500 ☐ $750 ☐ $500 ☐ $3000 ☐ $ I (we) plan to make thiss contribution in the form of: ☐ cash ☐ checkk Credit Card Tyype ☐ VISA ☐ MC ☐ Discoover ☐ Americcan Express Credit Card Number: Exp. Date: 3-4 Digit CVN: Authorized Signature: Date: Gift wiill be matched by (company/family/foundation) Your Auction P Purchases/Donations/Sponsorship ps may be Tax Deeductible. Pleasee consult your taax advisor. IRC C501(c)(3) organization/Federal ID D No: 23‐71024009 Thank you for r your support. please email: ma abryelementa ryauction@gm Any questions, p ! !
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