An Invitation to Apply for the Position of

An Invitation to Apply for the Position of
Gustine Unified
School District
Gustine, California
The Position
The Gustine Unified School District Gustine, California, Board of Trustees is seeking a highly
qualified and fully certified superintendent of schools. The Board wishes to have the successful
candidate assume the responsibilities of the position July 1, 2015.
McPherson & Jacobson, L.L.C., Executive Recruitment and Development, in collaboration with the
California School Boards Association, has been engaged as the consultant in a search for
outstanding candidates. They will assist the board of trustees in identifying and screening the
The Qualifications
The candidate must have the background, skills, and abilities essential for excellence in educational
leadership. The board recognizes that selecting a superintendent is one of the most important
decisions it will make. The board has identified the following desired characteristics:
 Has excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, especially the ability to
communicate with the Board, staff and community.
 Has demonstrated strong leadership skills in all professional responsibilities, including recent
knowledge in the area of instructional improvement.
 Is honest and shows integrity, both personally and professionally, and demonstrates
accountability for his/her leadership and responsibilities.
 Has demonstrated skill and knowledge in areas of finance, budgeting, transportation,
maintenance, facilities and Bond management.
 Is visible and approachable at all sites and in the community, and has the ability to connect with
students, parents and community members
The Community
Gustine is a city in Merced County,California and has a population of 5,640. Gustine is located 29
miles west of Merced, 30 miles south of Patterson-Amazon, 105 miles southeast of San Francisco,
CA, 102 miles south of Sacramento, CA and 70 miles east of San Jose, CA.
The nut industry is very popular in Gustine and surrounding areas. The major employers include
San Filippo Nuts, Pusateri Nut and Anderson Nut.
Medical Facilities in the area include Memorial Hospital and Emmanuel Hospital.
Recreational activities include fishing, hiking, and skiing. Two times a year the community has
Portuguese festas.
Colleges and universities nearby include Merced College, University of California Merced,
University of California Stanislaus and Modesto Jr. College.
Mission Statement
“Preparing Students For The Future Today”
The District
District website
Gustine Unified School District
1,852 Students
5 school buildings
Gustine High School
Pioneer High School
Gustine Middle School
Gustine Elementary School
Romeo Elementary School
$16,683,541 total revenue
The Board of Trustees
The Gustine Unified School District Board of Trustees consists of five community members
elected to four-year terms. The tenure of the board members ranges from Newly elected to eight
Years Served
Pat Rocha, President
8 Years
Loretta Rose, Trustee
8 Years
Ernie Longoria, Trustee
3 Years
Crickett Brinkman, Trustee
Newly Elected
Lettie Borrelli, Trustee
Newly Elected
available at
7905 L St., Suite 310, Omaha, NE 68127
Phone: (402) 991-7031 Fax: (402) 991-7168
An application for superintendent should include:
 A letter setting forth personal qualifications, experiences
and reasons for interest in the position
 A current résumé
 A completed application form
 Reference letters, certificates and licenses, and academic
transcripts from colleges/universities indicating degree(s)
Candidates are asked to not directly contact board members. Any effort to do so
may eliminate them from consideration. Names of applicants will be held in strict
confidence whenever possible; however, McPherson & Jacobson complies with
individual states’ Freedom of Information laws. In the final process, the school
board may visit the district where the candidate is employed, but will not proceed
without the knowledge and consent of the candidate.
Selection Timeline
Closing date for applications: April 23, 2015
Board of Trustees selects finalists to interview: May 11, 2015
Interviews with the Board of Trustees: May 18-20, 2015
Selection of new superintendent: June 17, 2015
Start date: July 1, 2015
Gustine Unified School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.