This is page 12 001 INDEX TO Warren Mi Area History 8 000 pictures about 12,000 pages The purpose is to preserve our local history and Freedom not to make money ALL BOOKS ARE FREE Visit Books are mostly 100 pages each making them easy to save print bind and find. To find book number divide pages by 100. The best book to read first is 1A Concise History a ½ size 88 page book in color. This is available for free at The Village Book Exchange 31614 Mound Road at Beebe which is just South of Chicago Road on the East side They are open from 10-5 Monday-Saturday or for free at Silicon Alley Recyclers 24836 Ryan just S of 10 Mile next to and south of Wendy's at 10 Mile on Ryan Warren Mi Have tried to keep the index is so big my program is having trouble indexing everything correctly. Some entries may be out of order so do a search using Ctrl+f to check for any name you do not find. I have tried to keep listings on only one line. The Who’s Whos and Old Families Books name listings which are alphabetized anyway do not list page numbers as these page numbers change when new data is added. Just look for the book which has the letter of the alphabet for the name wanted. Please advise me of things that should be added or corrected e-mail Wesley Arnold historical researcher revised April 14, 2015 Note: not included are some stones at St Clement and Warren Union Cemeteries and new persons added to families and Who's Who. As time allows I plan to add them. But to be sure just look at the books. First as a General Guide here is the Table of Contents Multi-Book History Series Book 1B HISTORY SUMMARY The following contents shows start page and subject below 8,000 pictures, about 10,000 page 002 Lessons of History total pages. a, b, c, d Table of Contents Warren Mi Area History peaceful Indians built first road in Mi rule by brute force p 16 British, Americans attacked, big Raisin battle, people scalped, feeding begging Indians, epidemics no medicine p 17 1818-1848 civilization beginnings rule by law at last, Abel Warren 1824 p 18 Early pioneer settlers, hardships land clearer families listed, mosquitoes Visit p 5 Color section Train travel p 19 Settlement, first land owners list, Books are now 100 pages each making p 6 Home, Fire, Love, Bear, Sleigh p 20 early stump farming, wolves, crops them easy to save, print, bind and find. p 7 St Clement color 1854 Bunert Beebe's Corners, Township Gv't 1837 To find book number divide pages by Warren Village, Steam Tractor p 21 Abel Warren and the bear p 8 Log cabin, St Paul, old fire trucks 100. p 22 Naming of Warren, wolves, bears, Civil War, FD clowns, Boblo boat The best book to read first is book 1A crows, wandering livestock Concise History a ½ size 88 page book p 9 Farm Animals hot milk, riding high, p 23 State Rd, stage stop, daily activities, pony boy (me), snack time, haulin' as* in color. Free at Silicon Alley cooking, cabins, fires, chamber pot Recyclers 24836 Ryan just S of 10 Mile p 10 tiny Mu chip RFID, databases, face p 24 seasonal work, responsibility, pure next to and south of Wendy's at 10 recognition, surveillance, insect sized water & air, good of the good old days drones, automation, Patriot Act, Corp Mile on Ryan Warren Mi p 25 bad of old days, medicine, pain, or The Village Book Exchange greed, half of population in poverty recreation, horse riding, hops, sleigh 31614 Mound Road at Beebe which is p 11 bombers attacks kill Americans riding, bond fires, visiting neighbors, just South of Chicago Road on the p 12 Soldiers support our Freedom dances, fiddlers, caring community East side. They are open from 10-5 p 13 Wise Old Sayings, Jefferson p 26 1837 stages, first horse railroads, p 14 Color Warren Union Cemetery Monday-Saturday trails, Spinnings Junction, snakeheads Tom Turmel Master Gardener p 27 Warren Michigan in Civil War p 15 Indians, 1700s, settlers attacked Next is the full size 100 page deaths could have been avoided The purpose is to preserve our local page 3 Constitution Bill of Rights history and Freedom not to make money American's Creed ALL BOOKS ARE ALL FREE at p 4 Prehistory, Stone Age, French Page Twelve Thousand 1 p 28 1860-70s, suffering, Medal of p 59 self sufficient farming 1930s, views p 74 pictures of many old schools Honor, crops, jobs, machinery, impact WCTU, area views, barns education was actually better in 1800s p 29 Det Bay City RR, Grand Trunk RR p 60 1930 pictures, telephone, Walker p 75 First Schools when built, teachers trains, Oakwood Station, Thomas Edison Brewers, mysterious tower on Van Dyke contract, why education better p 30 steam tractors, saw mills, our p 61 World War II 60 million killed p 76 pictures MCC, Ellis-Victory & doctors, floods, big fires, dark sky s 418,000 Americans, Many atrocities, Bunert with kids, Charwood p 31 Warren Village1893, wood sideWarren made 36,000 tanks. Japs attack p 77 Public School Diploma, color MCC walks drainage, our own wells, fuel p 62 our POWs tortured, abused, Warren today's education, moving-fixing we were totally self sufficient, urbanized, more, TV broadcasting began Bunert, 16 MM projector p 32 1800s merchants, businesses, p 63 1950s Korean War 54,246 p 78 Our libraries history, facts, changes notables listed Americans killed, Warren became city, electronics, Internet, virtuality p 33 1850s notables listed, 1869 tax bill pop-culture replaced conservative culture p 79 Speedway, steel mill, Moore Store p 34 Epitaphs, 1850, 60, 70 notables log cabin-frame house, Busch Band, Sam and Nellie's, Weier Sawmill, Bilo plowing bee, farm layout drawing community concerts, bridge down, p 80 Grave robbers in Warren p 35 1880, 1890 notables listed kid push carts, Motor City Speedway p 81 Our old cemeteries Bunert-Indian p 36 Hunters, Farmer Fred, cougar, fox, p 64 commercialism, Vietnam War, USO old pioneer cemeteries have many wild animals, drama club, chamber pot parades, clown car, archers, boy TV, unmarked graves and many children p37 early Van Dyke, Views, St Clement, camping with Hudson car, Ann's Diner who died of many childhood diseases Twp hall, wagons at Miller's, trolly p 65 Center Line water tower, gas 20¢ at we now have cures for. 1.5 to 2 times p38 Warren Village Views, Center Line Kayo, Johnny's Rec view, off shoring, as many children were buried for each 1900 notables, Hay Cutting Bee recession, unemployment, corporate & adult burial, No stilborn markers. p39 early 1900s, Kunrod's Corners, Rail CEO greed, working class cut down p 82 St Clement pioneer Cemetery Roads, steam tractors, interurbans p 66 Boblo boat foto, Homers soda p 83 Warren Union Cemetery, article p40 Buechels Store CL farm views, 1st fountain, C/L recreation/Library, 2000s p 84 July 15, 2011 Macomb Daily phone, Weingartz farm, Miller's Cafe half of Warren near poverty line, p 85Burlers Variety, oldest businesses p41horse, ele trollys,Van Dyke, off track unemployment 20% unemployment p 86 many pictures of Automobiles p42 Warren Village main street views worst in nation, due automation p 87-98 Historic American Opinions p43 horses, old vehicles, ruts, pictures p 67 Viet Nam pictures, Census 2000s, p 99 Future of Warren Ideas p44 surrey, car stuck get a horse, roads, RFID, Patriot Act, Military Comm Act, p 100 What is Important? sliding, skating on creek, early paving everyone under surveillance & personal extras not numbered some newspaper p45 roads, 1900 notables, bridge information put in databases by Govt and articles Dodge City Election, WAR, US p46 fire, police, village hall, prohibition Corps, severe loss of privacy, Big bank Attacked, Congress bails out rich p47Wilson mill,WrnCoop, Edison, bailout working class stiffed Rights lost, bankers stiffs American people, steam big shift to electronic money, no silver Boondogglers wasted Our Trillions p48 husking bee, lantern, colt, farm view backing of currency thousands of Book 1C color summary horse turn gear, Masonic Rd 1949 children without medical, adequate food, 101 Fire department pictures 1p 13f p49 oldest churches, population stats p 68 Woodcarver, Homer's float, paving, 102 Warren Fire /Cl Department p50 dirt Van Dyke, humane influence school rifle club, shearing rabbits, old old fotos 1p 7f golden rule heritage, everyone pulled house, many organizations gathering 103 WFD 1961, alarm box, 1p 4f their own weight, were responsible, your personal information, people living 104 Center Line Fire Dept1 6 pages 27f Warren richest town in USA, ample for in entertainment culture, loss of reality, 1930s, 1970s, Qualman Barn, 1957 all was created, do good while u still can alienation, Hundreds of Warren area Sunburst, 1961, 1931, 1970s, 1926, 1957 p51 Older Churches pictures, aerials children at poverty level, without proper LaFrance, Chief N Smith, ladder truck p52 Old businesses Rinke, Baseline etc medical care, without quality education. 111 WPD 1952, police stations, Bunert Schools, Harness Barber shop education. Failure, many homeless CLPS 1970s old car 1p 8f p53 aerial farm view, flood, riding families more than at any other time in 112 Good Fellows 1970s, policing, 1p 7f stables, talking machine more pictures history, 5000 foreclosed homes, constant old police car, truck, terrst threat p54 Mudville, wagon makers, bridge, change, hope for better future Towne Club Pop, 1775 Minuteman old farm, old Warren Hotel, hall, tractor p 69 Theaters 1 The Liberty, the organ 113 Bear Creek and GM aerials 1p 2f Van Dyke Vill 1920 popln, Harwood's p70 Motor City, Ryan,VanDyke Theaters 114 1940s ration card, USO etc. 1p 10f p 55 Downtown Warren, car, stuck, old p 71 farm yard and early family views 115 train station, Peck & CL houses, band, horse hearse, Shuster's gar, soldier mrl,JFK, gas pump, old Township vehicles Murthums, Frank Peck and store p 56Van Dyke views 1920,50, off track, p 72 J Romanski Ryan view, milk truck, Busch scl, Hope CL church, wash set 12f 116 Rinkeland Farm, old picnic,old cars 8f Wm Leroy Horseshoeing, blacksmith Schoenherr drain, tunnel, old sign 117 Michigan Wild Animals of the Past 86f p 57 Ten Mile Van Dyke, 1950s gas p 73 school class, 1857 John Theisen, stations, Kroger, Ma Zott's Restaurant WrnCoop, Warren Train station, printers, 126 6th Grade Final Exam 1890 first newspaper, radio, electricity, gas Dan Dee Shoe Service, Boblo Boat, Old 127 Leviathan Steam Locomotive 4 p 8f 131 Train Travel in 1800s 6 pages 13f p 58 early 1900s, Ford Model T, women house Hudson car, fire truck, Vans 137 Freedom Train 4p 12f vote,WWI 8 million killed, depression Drugs, Baseline feed, Wolf Hardware Page Twelve Thousand 2 141 Boblo Boats inside and out 8p 12f early Peck store, Louie's Bar, Wildwood, ME, 365 Bay City Line Engine, Split rail fence, 149 Michigan State Fair Color 8p 38f Village Barn, StAnn's, Fellowship Baptist Churches, time capsule, Groesbeck House, pouring milk, Coliseum inside & out, fair buildings: Alabi Bar. Shuster's Garage, Old Truck 7p 23f WARCO Brick, Weiers, steam engine, First Dairy, Horse, Rabbit, Poultry, Sheep, 226 Aerial farm view c1920 farm house, Savings Bank, more 7p 14 Rodent, young animals, mom pig and Wm Leroy blacksmith shop, Dan Dee Shoe 372 plowing, steam train,Warren stations, piglets nursing, Horse back riding, Service, Lazoen Feed, Van dyke Gibbs horses, Lichts & home, barn house, 1900 picnic area, displays, Butter cow views lumber block, Louie's, Walker Brewing, downtown Warren named stores, 1930s map, Duck pond, baby animals, crops, Atlas team, shearing wool, drop spindle, streets, street parade, Dr Flynn family at house, big scale, Whitehall, The Giant Stove, spinng wool, hand looms 4p 18 f car at train station, Van Dyke, Threshing Party historic marker, 38 free color pictures 230 For Additional Church Histories 7p 1900, barn year, oldest warren village stores, 157 Growing & Making Clothing Peck 238 244 Our Oldest Churches 7pages 11f Mindas & cabin, pony boy 7p 24f farm sheep view. shearing, spinning, 245 First Methodist Church 1f 379 Mound Views Ann's Gallery, 2 State looms, shearing angora Rabbits 4p 13f 246 Churches Founded Years 2p 0f Savings Banks, Federal Reserve Banks, 161 Bunert Weier Farm Color 2p 9f Lists around 193 churches Moore store & block 4p 6f 163 more fotos Bunert Weier Farm 6p 14f 248 Older Churches of S Warren 2p 8f 383 Mysterious Building 2f 169 Fall Color Warren Union Cemetery 9p 13f Trinity Lutheran, Mt Calvary, Fellowship General 384 St Clement Monument dedication 2p 4f 178 Lessons of History 3p 2f Baptist, Word of Faith, First Church of Jesus Christ, 386 Oldest Cemetery (Bunert) 4p 1f 181 Honored Historians 2p 5f Trinity Missionary,Ascension, St George 390 Oldest Warren Hotels, Warren 183 Schools When Built 2p 0f 250 Churches in Middle Warren 4p 13f Hotel, 2 views of brickyard 2p 5f 185 Bunert One Room School 5p 21f Center Line Presbyterian, CLCommunity Church, 392 other media 2P 190 blank area Celtic Cross, Warren Baptist Ch ofWildwood, Van 394 Scouting MC30 camp 2p 3f 191 Clothing 1800, Sarsaparilla, old camera, Dyke Baptist, C Line Baptist, Redeemer Baptist, 400 Book 4 History of Warren Area phonograph, Kerosene tractor bust develpr, Warren Community Ch, Warren Woods Baptist, PV typewriter, tri-bike 13f Emmanuel Missionary Baptist, Unity, Salvation 401 Prehistory, extinct life, rock layers 4p 3F 192 farm implements plow, harvester, Army, 12 Ryan Baptist First Presbyterian, Bethel 405 Peck Stores views 5p 11f wind mill well, harrow, tedder, hay Christian, Faith Baptist, St Louise, St Edmonds, 410 Qualman House inside & out, barn fire, loader, rake, cultivator, corn sheller, 255 Churches in N Warren 2p 9f 1st marker dedication, barn yard 4pg 22f mower, hoe, grain drill, family fun 15f Baptist, Grace Bible, Peace Lutheran, Saventh Day 414 Past rulers and public officials 15p 193 old things from 1800 Sears catalog, shears Adventist,Warren Woods Ch of nazarene, St Martin, 429 Theison house, marker, shed + 4p 8f buggy, crystal radio, stereoscope, typewriter, Ch of Christ, Holy Cross, Hope Lutheran,Amazing 433 Tools, churn, flail, saw, sickle, hook, pick soap, telephone, ice box, spitoons, cuspidors, Grace, St Peters,Antioch, Ch of Master,Descent of header, wheel, crock, stove iron, plows, pot graphophone, cider mill, tubs, projectors, Holy Ghost, St Sharbel insulator,, loader, horse drawn, tractor +6p 10f washing machines, rifle cook stoves 19f 257 Newer Churches in S Warren 3f 439 plows, windmill, thresher, harrow, tedder, 194 headlines War, Titanic, Dodge City 259 St Clement 10 pages 13f loader, rake, tedder, cultivater, mower, grain 195 War on America, Ladd Center 267 St Paul Church 4 pages 9f drill, corn sheller, well 2p 196 headlines Jihadists Kill Americans 271 St Anne Church 3 pages 6f 441 Warren's Unknown Soldiers 4p 1f 197 Unemployment Highest in Nation 274 St Mark 4 pages 4f 445 Unmarked Graves 5p 1f 198 Thomas Jefferson sayings 1 278 Country Store 2f 450 USGS Map Warren 1f 199 Thomas Jefferson sayings 2 279 Courtesy Gas Station 3p 1f 451 USPO many fotos 16p 16f Book 2 general history AF 281 Crops 3 pages 15f 467, 473 Van Dyke Businesses, Homer's, 201 Ma a Cow Fell in the Well! 2p 1f 284 Engine 1225 Polar Express 1f Lazoen's, Groesbeck Flowers, Binson's, VD Pioneer &Indian Good Deed, 285 Epitaphs 10p 3f Blueprint, Swanson's, Gibbs Lumber, Grandma and the bear in the cabin 295 Farm views 5p 10f Grissom, Tri-city Progress, Bert Hazen earthquake, snow storm, mystery tower Book 3 History of Warren Area WFS Reality, Schoensee Market 6p13f Wolf 203 American Heritage, Murthum barn 301 Wilderness Beautiful 11 pages 22f Hardware, Ronie's, Drivein, Jerome Cities & house, historic district, sayings 8p 14f actual pictures of Warren's wilderness Service, VD Auto, Lazoen's, Brickley's Ice 211 Activities 1800s, sawmills, plowing, cooking 313 real old time Fiddler, home organ 1p 3f Cream, Center Line Lanes, Stilwell Printing, outside, feeding stock, animals by barn, harvesting, 315 Indians the real story 10p 5f Browns Bros Dairy, Cotton Shop, Howard wagon, working fields, logging, drivers horse view, 325 Eviction of the Indians 1p Johnson's, Gibson Mobile Home, CL cider mill, grandparents with horsed, spinning wool, 326 Inside Old Store 5p 19f Recreation Library, Robinson's, Dan Dee Shoe familyon porch, feeding goats, fireplace, washing 331 Items used at 1800s homes 7p 28f B & B Groceries 14p30f set, wood cooking stove, farm layout, kerosene 335 Inventions of 1800s 8p 23f 481 Van Dyke Views 1950s block by church, lantern, milking cow, farm family with horsed, fish not done yet more inventions 4p Van's Drugs, White's laundry block Kayo we caught in creek, Peck shearing sheep 5p 22f 347 Longest lasting businesses 3p 6f block Wood Carver block 6p 10f 217 Baseline Feed Store 2p 5f 351 Oldest Stores 8p 28f 487 Van Dyke Businesses 1960s, Drive in, 219 Early Businesses, sawmills, brick Harwood 359 Fifty Five Local Locals 2p 0f McDonald's, Jack in box, Bel-air, Migas, lumber-print shop, carriage factory, wagon makers, 361 Moore Store 2p 6F demolition of St Clement, dial phone, Good Lutz wagon maker, blacksmith shop, seamer, wood 363 More S Warren Businesses 2p 4f Humor, Smith Store, parade, float, Twin churn, pail, yoke, tinsmith products, Wiegand store, Mi Metal Fab, Keystone MFG, Cities Ser Pines, S& N green stamps, horse meat 6p 30f Page Twelve Thousand 3 500 Book 5 History of Warren Area 1218 Aerial View Warren Village 1f p2200 Book 22 St Clement Cemetery WS 1219 Aerial of Warren Village 1949 1f Combined Index with locations 100p 501 Village Rug, below sheds, bench 1f 1220 Aerial 11 Mile and Mound 1940 1f 502 Veterans Park, Village hall, Os mansion 1221 Aerial 13 and Mound 1f See Book 100 Quick Stone Locator winter, GM aerial, Bear Creek, Amber House, 1222 Aerial Bear Creek 9p 9f starts on page 10,001 Firenze, MCC,11p 16f 1231 Aerial Big Warren Farm 1f 513 Bank of Commerce & others 8p 1f 1232 Aerial Wrn Woods Middle school 1f 2300-30 Book 23 St Clement Records 521 Wilson Mill, Warren Co-Op 7p 7f 1233 Aerial GM 1953 by Year 30p 528 Warren Village 1900s many 5p 10f 1237 Wampler's Notes 38f 38p 2331 Center Line 1800 Families 70p 534 Farm Views, Rinkeland, Bunert, 1272 Warren tourist map p2400 Book 24 Older St Clement stones Opfer, Peck, Berger, Rivard, Grobbel, 1280 Eckstein Map p2500 Books 25-29 Pictures of all Hartsig, Behrns, Qualman, more 11p Warren Union Cemetery, St Clement Stones at St Clement Cemetery in A-Z 545 Warren Fire Chiefs 2p 15f Cemetery and many other maps order with locations , died young, views, fall 547 Warren Fire Dept History 14 p 16f Many maps have been added not listed. color 561 Warren Service Garage 1f 1300 Book 13 Old 1977 Phone book p3000 Book 30 Warren Union Cem 562 Wrn Views3 Jim's Florist, bathing 1350_Other Warrens 2p Index65p suits, Halmich &other homes5p 8f 1353 Old Time Music Links 3075 Soldiers at Warren Union Cem 8p1f 567 Warren Village-City Halls 10p 18f 1400 Book 14 Census 1830-1870 p3100 Book 31 Warren Union Stones 577 Way of Life Views3 tassle horse, car 1500 Book 15 Census 1870-1890 Cemetery Most visible stones 800f Engleman house & stone, horse team, Lincoln 3200 Book 32 More Warren Union 1600 Book 16 1900-1920 Census Funeral Train, R Menge, Porch family 6p 11f Stones 15p Macomb County 118f Directory 1859 p3300 Book 33 Warren Union Cemetery 583 Way of Life4 buggy barn, milk, Train 1934 Warren High School, Battleship depot, Harper trolly, Eastern Market, WCTU IN COLOR introduction.93p Arizona , Busch Library, Charwood fountain, working in fields, barn, delivery 3400 Book 34 Diary of Farmer old Library, Warren Library wagon, race cart 6p 14f p3431 Diary 1800s Excerpts Summary 1700 Book 17 Docs CLFDept Hist 589 Weather Extremes 9 pages 0F READ THIS FIRST 1754 CLFD 2 plus Ma Zotts, Old p3500 Book 35 Diary 1872, 73, 74, 75 598 Neenay Saved Governor's Life1p St Clement,Van Dyke View, 1859 600 Book 6 War History of Warren p3601 Book 36 DIARY 1876, 1877 Farmers Directory, First Me Church p3700 Book 37 DIARY 1878, 1879 Area 1st Warren High School student 603 Wars we died in 13p 8f p3800-Book 38 DIARY 1880, 1881 1755-77 misc docs 6gr Exam Library p3900 Book 39 DIARY 1882-1885 621 Heroes-1939 7p 1f 1755 plan Macomb County Historical P4000 Book 40 DIARY 1885-1890 631 Heroes 1940-1950 3p 0f Markers, Rural Directory, 1890, Train p4100 Book 41 DIARY 1890-1896 641 Heroes 1950-1954 45p station, train schedule 693 Heroes 1955-1975 4p 0f p4200 Book 42 DIARY 1897-1902 end 1800 Book 18 -36 Who Streets were 700 Book 7 Warren wars 2000 named After Vignettes p4300 Book 43 Newspapers & Articles 1837-62 Saving Log cabin, Bunert 701 Heroes Iraq 17p 117f Our Newspapers old papers and School, St Clement Down, Tank Town, significant Headlines America Attacked 720 Heroes Afghanistan 9p 59f Shaw Report, Family TV, Indian Tools again President Shot, Loot and Burn 740 Vignettes Heroes 97p 800 Book 8 Warren Vietnam War 1863-84 Banking, Macomb Money p4400 Historical Markers 1885-96_Dr_Felix_Osowski 800 Vignettes continued 1897 Sources & Bibliography 3 p 837- Vietnam Casualties 181p 0f Tom Turmel, list of, text on markers, Greater 900 Book 9 Warren Vietnam War Good, 1941-1945 memorial, Korean Service, 1900 Book 19 Historical Docs Vietnam continued 837-1000 Vietnam Service, Warren war on Terror Warren Honor Roll WWII, Our Soldiers, 1000 Book 10 Vietnam continued-1018 Death records with cause, Who is p4500 Book 45 Historical memorials 1020-1072 Our Veterans 52 pg Warren Honor Roll, Dorothy Rowell, buried in Warren Union Cemetery, Casualty Update 1p Veterans Park Bricks, Memorials census comparisons 1100 Book 11 Soldiers of Warren Area 2000 Book 20 Causes of death, diseases Medal of Honor Bricks, Vignettes continued and recent wars. 58 p4600 Who's Who Businesses + population, St Clement stats, infantWar on terrorists and list of attacks Businesses by Type mother mortality stats, children, # of 1200-1299 Book 12 MAPS see contents graves, grave size and width, stacking, p4700 Book 47 Businesses by Street on 1201 has many more than are listed percentage of child deaths registered, p4800 Book 48 Businesses in the 40s here also there are often several views of number of child burials, plants p4900-59 Book 49 Businesses in the same map year 1869, 1817, 1875, 1916 2060-86 Children, plants, Cemetery docs, 40s 1212 Warren Township Historic sites p5000 Book 50 Center Line phone harmful rules, Bunert Indian Cemetery map followed by site list book 1950 5000-24, 25-45, 46-66, 67p2100 Book 21 Pioneer Cemeteries 1215 Aerial Old St Clement 1f of Warren Township, History, Civil 77 1216 Aerial New St Clement 1f p5100 Book 51 Center Line Picts p War Veterans, 91p 18f 1217 Aerial View of Red Run Farms 1f 327f has very many Center line pictures p8200 Book 82 Who's Who C free p5200 Book 52 Center Line History p8300 Book 83 Who's Who D to save lives preserve our History, p5300 Book 53 Businesses in 50s 60s p8400 Book 84 Who's Who E and Save our Freedom p5400 Book 54 Businesses in 70s 80s p8500 Book 85 Who's Who F and help create better Life for All p5500 Book 55 Businesses in the 90s p8600 Book 86 Who's Who G The Easiest Language for p5600 Book 56 Businesses in the 2000s p8700 Book 87 Who's Who H Understanding between p5700 Book 57 Macomb County p8800 Book 88 Who's Who IJ languages in 1/10 the time, Pictures p8900 Book 89 Who's Who K save lives 6000 entries Old historic fotos, Cave's Biplane, push p9000 Book 90Who's Who L International Vocabulary by old court house, first jails, poor house,p9100 Book 91Who's Who M Language Research on langs 137p bath tub by stove, schools, log cabins, p9200 Book 92 Who's Who N Language Research on Esperanto Williams 1850 cabin Clinton Township p9300 Book 93 Who's Who O Easy Quick Learning Key To Learn All hall, Moravian Hall, inside cabins, p9400 Book 94 Who's Who PQ Languages Faster 1100 entries washing box, kitchens, cook stove, old p9500 Book 95 Who's Who R Vest Pocket Easy quick Language CokaCola truck, card players 27f p9600 Book 96 Who's Who S Learning Key Dictionary 1100 entries History of Macomb County on p 22 p9700 Book 97 Who's Who T English to International Vocabulary 5735 Macomb Co Hist 2, Veterans Memorial p9800 Book 98 Who's Who UV Cell Phone Dictionary 200p other fotos p9900Book 99 Who's Who WXYZ International Vocab to English Cell 5800Book 58 Macomb Co Community p10,001 Book 100 Quick stone Locator Phone Dictionary 6000 entries Histories. for St Clement Cemetery Modern Languages compared 5900 Book 59 Macomb Historic Fotos Book 101 All Known Burials by Year Free Printable English to Eo Red School House, Tuba, Canon, Donley Book 102 Children at StClement International Vocabulary Dictionary Log Cabin, Historical memorials Book 103 more old fone books 1948 64p Now language students can 5942 French, British, County Book 104 Actual St Clement Records plus more Book 105 Actual St Clement Records print their own dictionary of following books are in progress Book 106 Actual St Clement Records most common words Free Printable Eo International p6000 Book 60 Old Families A Book 107 Actual Death Records p6100 Book 61 Old Families B Book 108 Actual Death Records Vocabulary to English Dictionary 64p p6200 Book 62 Old Families C following being compiled Quick Learning Key p6301Book 63 Old Families D Book 109 Reminisces re Businesses Grandpa's Bits of Wisdom p6400 Book 64 Old Families E Book 110 Reminisces re Happenings Workable Solutions To The Problems p6500 Book 65 Old Families F Book 111 Reminisces re Old Days Of Our Time 112p p6600 Book 66 Old Families G Book 112 Our Local Farms 1800-1960 Amplenomics Ample For All Can Be p6700 Book 67 Old Families H Books 113-119 appendix books Created p6800 Book 68 Old Families IJ Attacks on Innocent Persons Let's Create a Better Life For All p6900 Book 69 Old Families K Book 140 Picture collection fotos Saving Our American p7000 Book 70 Old Families L now the list is 336 pages long which Freedom and Way of Life p7100 Book 71 Old Families M represents about 1/5 total negatives Historic Contemporary American p7200 Book 72 Old Families N 12,001 Index to entire work starts on p7300 Book 73 Old Families O page 12,001 index itself is 400 pages Opinions must see Even more history, over 800 best music p7400 Book 74 Old Families PQ long and is being added to monthly. pieces of last 100 years, great history p7500 Book 75 Old Families R videos, and Beautiful Videos of the most p7600 Book 76 Old Families S All of above is free to you and to Beautiful places in America are at p7700 Book 77 Old Families T preserve our local history and p7800 Book 78 Old Families UV freedom. Your comments are welcome p7900 Book 79 Old Families WXYZ p8000 Book 80 Who's Who A Non History books below rev April 2, 2015 p8100 Book 81 Who's Who B Prof Wesley Arnold's other books all Page Twelve Thousand 5 Note this index is still being worked on by my staff of me myself and I as time allows. INDEX TO ENTIRE WORK The following shows: SUBJECT PAGE NUMBER or location in Alphabetized works. 1700s 0014-16, 0015 1800s 0016 1800s Activities 0211 1800s merchants 0032 1818-1848 0017 1837 0020 1837 stages 0026 1850 60 70 notables 0034 1850s notables listed 0033 1860-70s 0028 1869 tax bill 0033 1880 1890 notables 0035 1900 notables 0045 1900 Warren named stores 0374 1900s 0039 1900s 0058, 1900s early 0039 1904 family fun 0439 1930 pictures 0060 1930s 0059, 0103 1930s streets 0375 1934 Warren High School 3696 1940s ration card 0114 1950s 0063 1950s gas stations 0057 1970 businesses 1355-99 1970s 0103 1977 Phone book 1300-51 1980s 64 1st phone 0040 1st Warren High School student 3754 Aadolini Josephine 1906 in Who’s Who Ackerman H map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Ackerman w map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Ackley Harthan 1878 in Who’s Who Adair Hariam Jan 1873 in Who’s Who Adams Catherine b 1846 d 1907 wife of Peter in Who’s Who Abalt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Abbate Lois (Meyers) Busch High School 1946 in Who’s Who Abbate Lucille “Lu” Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Abbate Rosie class officer Busch High School 1949 in Who’s Who Abbott Jason in Who’s Who Abbott Richard Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Abel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Abel Warren 0017 Abel Warren and the bear 0021 Page Twelve Thousand 6 Abelan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Abelau I have info on this family see Old Families Books Abey Otto J WWI 1102 Abey Otto J WWI in Who’s Who Abey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Abey Jake 0054 Abey Jake 54 Abey Otto 0033 0054 Abey Otto 33 54 Abitheira Dolores Busch High School 1950 in Who’s Who Able 1834 I have info on this family see Old Families Books Abraham Paul St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Abramowitz Ronald Center Line High School 1960 in Who’s Who Ackerman Anton St Clement 1957 in Who’s Who Ackerman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ackerman John Korea 1102 Ackerman John Korea in Who’s Who Ackerman Michael St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Ackermann I have info on this family see Old Families Books activities 23 47 63 Vol 2 209 Adair Dorothy (Milton) Busch High School 1943 in Who’s Who Adair George W Clerk (Leeson M 853) 1873 in Who’s Who Adair George Warren Supervisor 1873 in Who’s Who Adair Steve City Treasurer in Who’s Who Adam Randolph Veteran U S Army WWII 1102 Adam Randolph Veteran U S Army WWII in Who’s Who Adamo Vince WWI U S Army 1102 Adamo Vince WWI U S Army in Who’s Who Adams Charles 19 ADAMS CHARLES S 5/1/1837in Who’s Who Adams Joannis Jan 18 1869 in Who’s Who Adams 1780 I have info on this family see Old Families Books Adams Carol Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who Adams Donald Korea 1102 Adams Donald Korea in Who’s Who Adams Jim Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Adams John early land clearing settler in Who’s Who Adams P map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Adams P. map 1875 sec 27 SECL in Who’s Who Adams Peter 1840 d 1918 in Who’s Who Adams Peter J b 1880 d 1943 in Who’s Who Addison Stanley in 1900 Physician in Who’s Who Adams John 18 Adams P. Early settler of Center Line in Who’s Who Adams Walter U S Navy 1924-2002 1102 Adams Walter U S Navy 1924-2002 in Who’s Who Adamski Tim in Who’s Who Adams-Scaffetti Sandra St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Addis Don Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 7 Addison I have info on this family see Old Families Books Addison Stanley 45 Additional Church Histories 0230 Adie John Alan Center Line High School 1962 in Who’s Who Adkins Mary Center Line High School 1957 in Who’s Who Adkins Shirley Center Line High School 1957 in Who’s Who Adragna Mary Center Line High School 1960 in Who’s Who Adriaens Arthur Center Line High School 1958 in Who’s Who Adriaens David Center Line High School 1957 in Who’s Who Adriaens Lawarence Busch High School 1954 in Who’s Who Adriaens Rosemary Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Adrian I have info on this family see Old Families Books Aerial 13 and Mound 1221 Aerial 1940 11 Mile and Mound 1220 Aerial Bear Creek 1222-30 Aerial Big Warren Farm 1231 aerial farm view 0053 Aerial farm view 0226 Aerial GM 1953 p 1233 Aerial New St Clement 1216 Aerial of Warren Village 1949 1219 Aerial Old St Clement 1215 Aerial View of Red Run Farms 1217 Aerial View Warren Village 1218 Aerial Wrn Woods Middle school 1232 aerials 0051 aerials Bear Creek GM 0113 Aeze I have info on this family see Old Families Books Afle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Agee Mary Ann 1939 in Who’s Who Aithem Eurilia 1918 in Who’s Who Agema David in Who’s Who Agrusa Thomas in Who’s Who Aguilar Corinne in Who’s Who Ahern Alan St Clement1963 in Who’s Who Ahern Barbara St Clement1959 in Who’s Who Ahern James Center Line High School 1956 in Who’s Who Ahern Robert Center Line High School 1956 in Who’s Who Ahler-Russell Janet St Clement 1949 in Who’s Who Ahlers Katherine Busch High School 1950 in Who’s Who Ahlers Marion Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Ahlu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Aho Beverly Center Line High School 1961 in Who’s Who Aho Charles Edwin Center Line High School 1955 in Who’s Who Aho Fern Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Aho James Center Line High School 1959 in Who’s Who Ahrens 1863 I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ahrens William soldier 1102 Ahrens William soldier in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 8 AIKEN CLAUDE T Lt DNB 1102 AIKEN CLAUDE T Lt DNB killed in World War II in Who’s Who Aindoth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Aiuto Nick Center Line High School 1960 in Who’s Who Akers Alvin Warren Police Officer in 1952 in Who’s Who Akers Sgt. Spencer C. 35 killed in Iraq War 1102 AKERS SPENCER C KILLED IN IRAQ in Who’s Who Akhurst Don Busch High School 1943 in Who’s Who Akhurst Donald & Glenna Busch High School 1942 in Who’s Who Akkeman G sec 15 map 1859 in Who’s Who Alabi Bar 0224 Alank Howard Korea 1102 Alank Howard Korea in Who’s Who alarm box 0103 Alban Patricia Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who ALBER FREDERICK MEDAL OF HONOR 1102 ALBER FREDERICK MEDAL OF HONOR Civil War U S Army in Who’s Who Alberty Daniel St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Alberty William St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Albrecht Paul Vietnam 1102 Albrecht Paul Vietnam in Who’s Who Albrecht Ruch Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Albrickt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Albright I have info on this family see Old Families Books Albright John 34 Albright John in 1860 Clergyman in Who’s Who Aldrich Asquire 19 ALDRICH ASQUIRE W 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who ALDRICH ASQUIRE W 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Aldridge A W sec 14 map 1859 in Who’s Who Alen James b 1850 d 1857? in Who’s Who Alen Michael Wm 18?? in Who’s Who ALEXANDER GILMAN 4/15/1837 Who’s Who Aldrich 1600 I have info on this family see Old Families Books Aldrich Bonnie Center Line High School 1961 in Who’s Who Aldrich W “Whitey”1960 in Who’s Who Aleandri Wolfine in Who’s Who Dalton Launutuie 1900 in Who’s Who DALTON MICHAEL 5/18/1844 in Who’s Who Aleks Albert Peter Korea 1102 Aleks Albert Peter Korea in Who’s Who ALEX EUGENE KILLED IN IRAQ in Who’s Who ALEX STAFF SGT. EUGENE H.E 1102 Alexander Gilman 19 ALEXANDER CHARLES M killed in World War II in Who’s Who ALEXANDER CHARLES M PFC 1102 Alexander Edward deceased CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Alexander Hugh 33 ALEXANDER HUGH E US Army 1923 1977 WWII in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 9 Alexander J office staff Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Alexander Joan office staff Busch High School 1954 in Who’s Who Alexander Robert Busch High School 1950 in Who’s Who Alexander Vera Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Alfeo Virginia St Clement 1957 Deceased in Who’s Who Alfonsi Jean Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Alger I have info on this family see Old Families Books ALGRIM PFC. WILSON A. 21 1102 ALGRIM WILSON AGE 21 KILLED IN IRAQ in Who’s Who Alicia I have info on this family see Old Families Books Aliello Phillip J Vietnam 1102 Aliello Phillip J Vietnam in Who’s Who alienation 0068 Alinose Joann Busch High School 1949 in Who’s Who Allan Joseph Army Korea 1102 Allan Joseph Army Korea in Who’s Who Allegranze Paul Vietnam 1102 Allegranze Paul Vietnam in Who’s Who Allen A female Busch High School 1932 in Who’s Who Allen A female Busch High School 1932 in Who’s Who Allen Alva Larue Center Line High School 1955 in Who’s Who Allen Carol Center Line High School 1957 in Who’s Who Allen Demple in Who’s Who Allen Gary Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Allen Michael Center Line High School 1957 in Who’s Who Allen Norma Center Line High School 1959 in Who’s Who Allen Patricia Center Line High School 1959 in Who’s Who Allen Robert L Veteran U S Army WWII 1102 Allen Robert L Veteran U S Army WWII in Who’s Who Allen Ted Center Line High School 1961 in Who’s Who Allen Vivian Center Line High School 1957 in Who’s Who Allen William Warren Trustee 1955-56 in Who’s Who Allie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Allison Harold Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Almond Kathleen St Clement 1953 Deceased in Who’s Who Almond Pete Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Almond-Ryan Mary Jane St Clement 1947 in Who’s Who Almstadt Lester Macomb County Sheriff 1960 - 1976 in Who’s Who Almstatt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Alonsi Beatrice “Bea” Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Altermatt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Altermatt Joseph Early settler of Center Line in Who’s Who Altermatt Joseph St Clement 1931 in Who’s Who Alternatt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Althouse Dorothy Teacher Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Alvey 1890 I have info on this family see Old Families Books Amazing Grace 0255 Amber House 0508 Ambrose Ruel 19 Page Twelve Thousand 10 AMBROSE RUEL 4/20/1838first land buyer AMBROSE RUEL 5/1/1837in Who’s Who Ameloot Elizabeth 1886 1945 in Who’s Who Ameloot Jerome 1885 husb of Eliz Lefevre in Who’s Who Ames J sec 6 map 1859 in Who’s Who Ames Julius m1895 sec 6 in Who’s Who Ames Julius map 1875 sec 6 in Who’s Who Ames M m1895 in Who’s Who Amion Lawrence 1934 in Who’s Who Anderson Carstus O 1917 in Who’s Who Anderson Melinda 1905 in Who’s Who Anderson Charles O 1853 1911 in Who’s Who Anderson Malinda Laderfoot 1862 1906 in Who’s Who Andrew John A twins a? 1929 8 24 249 in Who’s Who Andrus L map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who Angel Anna 1856 1930 in Who’s Who Angel Anna 1930 in Who’s Who Angel Franciscus 1919 in Who’s Who Angel Frank 1855 1919 in Who’s Who Angleman J map1859 sec 27 SECL in Who’s Who Angleman J sec 27 in Who’s Who Ani F sec 10 map 1859 in Who’s Who Anna ? needs restudy in Who’s Who Anna Florence E nee Grover 1891 1929 in Who’s Who Annknech Halbinius 1912 in Who’s Who Ant Peter est m1895 sec 10 in Who’s Who Antonie William in Who’s Who Apellahia Anna Catfrarina 1867 in Who’s Who Ambrose Joe F in Who’s Who Amentrout Ronald Korea 1102 Amentrout Ronald Korea in Who’s Who America Saving our Freedom Vol 28 American Heritage 0203 American Heritage Vol 2 203-208 American Opinions 0087-98 Americans attacked 0016 American's Creed 0003 American's Creed 6 Ames 1520 I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ames 33 Ammon Carole Center Line High School 1958 in Who’s Who Amodei Jack Korean War 1950-1952 1102 Amodei Jack Korean War 1950-1952 in Who’s Who Amodei Mario Korean War 1952-1954 1102 Amodei Mario Korean War 1952-1954 in Who’s Who Amore Joseph Korea 1102 Amore Joseph Korea in Who’s Who ample for all was created 0050 Amplenomics Workable Solutions To The Problems Of Our Time Vol 21 Page Twelve Thousand 11 Anaking I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ananich Jim in Who’s Who Anchor Frank C Jr Vietnam USMC 1102 Anchor Frank C Jr Vietnam USMC in Who’s Who Anchor Frank C WWII U S Army 1102 and in Who’s Who Anderson A Center Line Fire Department 1970 in Who’s Who Anderson Anna Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Anderson Art Center Line Fireman Lieutenant in Who’s Who Anderson Art was a volunteer fireman in 1963-66 in Who’s Who Anderson Art was CLFD1969. in Who’s Who Anderson Edwin Center Line High School 1961 in Who’s Who Anderson George Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Anderson Glenn in Who’s Who Anderson Harold Center Line High School 1957 in Who’s Who Anderson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Anderson Judy Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who Anderson Margaret Center Line High School 1960 in Who’s Who Anderson Mrs cook Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Anderson Nancy Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Anderson Paul Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Anderson Richard U S Navy 1970-1974 veteran in Who’s Who Anderson Sue Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Anderus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Andrich William Janitor CLHS1957 58 in Who’s Who ANDRITHS JOSEPH J JR PFC killed in World War 1103 and in Who’s Who Andrus 1886 I have info on this family see Old Families Books Andrus David soldier 1103 and in Who’s Who Aneilt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Anek I have info on this family see Old Families Books Angel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Angrfall I have info on this family see Old Families Books Angus Irene teacher Warren High School 1952-55 in Who’s Who Animals 9 11 23 31 36 117-126 animals by barn 0212 Anna I have info on this family see Old Families Books Annknecht I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ann's Diner 0064 Antioch Baptist 0256 Antoine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Antonie William Early settler of Center Line in Who’s Who Appleton Robert Center Line High School 1960 in Who’s Who Aquino Frank Korea 1103 Aquino Frank Korea in Who’s Who Archambault Ted Theodore U S Marine Corps 1103 Archambault Ted Theodore U S Marine Corps Pearl Harbor WWII in Who’s Who Archenbrown I have info on this family see Old Families Books Archenbrown Wm 45 53 Archenbrown Wm in 1900 barber in Who’s Who archers 0064 Page Twelve Thousand 12 archers 64 Archmbroun I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ardembeck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ardembeck Paul 35 Ardembeck Paul in 1870 Shoemaker in Who’s Who Ardy J sec 33 map 1859 in Who’s Who Ardy John b 1816 d 1862 in Who’s Who Ardy Mrs map 1875 sec 28 SWCL in Who’s Who Ardy Mrs map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who Ardy Strake in Who’s Who Ardy Ct in Who’s Who Arft H map 1875 sec 1 in Who’s Who Arft Henry m1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Arhath Mary Mabel 1937 in Who’s Who Arleth Barbara 1921 in Who’s Who Armkecht L m1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Armknecht Lawrence d 1903 in Who’s Who Arndt P map 1875 sec 10 in Who’s Who Artman Mortious 1857 Feb 16 martini Artaman in Who’s Who Augustini Fon 1864 in Who’s Who Aumann Bernard W Veteran in Who’s Who Aumann Helen 1939 in Who’s Who Ardy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ardziejewski Jeffrey soldier 1103 Ardziejewski Jeffrey soldier in Who’s Who Areina I have info on this family see Old Families Books Arft 1800 I have info on this family see Old Families Books Argenta Olga Vice-President Warren High School 1946 in Who’s Who Argyris Mitch Vietnam 1103 Argyris Mitch Vietnam in Who’s Who Armstrong Bob Vietnam 1103 Armstrong Bob Vietnam in Who’s Who ARMSTRONG CHARLES A PFC killed in World War II 1103 and in Who’s Who Armstrong Liddah in Who’s Who Armstrong Robert Veteran 1103 Armstrong Robert Veteran U S Army Vietnam in Who’s Who army of Kind 0492 Arndt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Arning 1839 I have info on this family see Old Families Books Arnold Roy Gordon 1103 Arnold Roy Gordon USN killed in World War II in Who’s Who Arnold 960 yes 960AD I have info on this family see Old Families Books ARNOLD BEAMON EDWARD 1103 ARNOLD BEAMON EDWARD WWII U S Army in Who’s Who ARNOLD PFC. JAMES L. 21 KILLED IN IRAQ in Who’s Who ARNOLD PFC. JAMES L. 21 killed in Iraq War 1103 Arnold Wesley E Prof AA BA MA Army humanitarian in Who’s Who Arnold Wesley gravestone 0294 Arnold Wesley U S Army Vietnam 1103 Page Twelve Thousand 13 Arnone Patricia Center Line High School 1961 in Who’s Who Arnowske Art City of Warren Heating Commission in the 1960s in Who’s Who Aronwits Jacqueline in Who’s Who Arredondo Esther SSGT Desert Storm 1991 1103 and in Who’s Who Arredondo PFC Manuel Korea Bronze Star 1952-1954 1103 Arredondo PFC Manuel Korea Bronze Star 1952-1954 in Who’s Who Arsen Donald & Marjornie Busch High School 1943 in Who’s Who Arsen Earl Busch High School 1944 in Who’s Who Arseniuk Stan Center Line High School 1959 in Who’s Who Artman - Kusey Elaine St Clement 1960 in Who’s Who Artman Barbara St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Artman Edward St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Arzt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ascension 0249 Ash I have info on this family see Old Families Books Atkinson Doris Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Atkinson Mel St Clement 1960 in Who’s Who Atkinson-Kuchenbrod Sandra St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Atlas team 0228 atrocities 0061 attack by Japs 0061 attacks by terrorists showing number injured and killed see books 113-119 attacks on innocent persons showing number injured and killed see books 113-119 Attard M veteran 1946-2003 1103 Attard M veteran 1946-2003 in Who’s Who Attenberger Paul “Life is short and so am I” Warren High School 1934 in Who’s Who Attenberger Paul Warren High School 1937 in Who’s Who Atterbury Jack Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Atwell Carola Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Auch Sue taught yearbook and art CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Augline I have info on this family see Old Families Books August Adolf veteran 1103 August Adolf veteran in Who’s Who Ausleman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Auslerman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Austin Donald St Clement 1950 in Who’s Who Austin Howard D in Who’s Who Austin James St Clement 1948 in Who’s Who Austin John in Who’s Who Austin Priscilla Warren High School 1931 in Who’s Who Austin Richard H in Who’s Who Austin Ron in Who’s Who Auten Earle Teacher Warren High School 1952-55 in Who’s Who automation 0010 automation 0066 automation 10 58 71 automobile 43 44 93 98 Automobiles 0086 AVETTE FELIX 10/14/1835in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 14 Bachert C m1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who Avette Felix 19 Ayers Elinor Center Line High School 1961 in Who’s Who Ayling Al in Who’s Who Ayres I have info on this family see Old Families Books B & B Groceries 0480 Babbish Toni in Who’s Who Babcock I have info on this family see Old Families Books Babcock Ruth in Who's Who Babich Frank in Who’s Who Babisch Richard in Who’s Who baby goat nursing 0009 Bachman Marilyn in Who’s Who Bachman Robert in Who’s Who Bachman-Benoit Eileen in Who’s Who Bachsmier Gusta 45 Bachsmier Gusta in 1900 teacher in Who’s Who Bacon Ellen b 1838 d 1910 in Who’s Who Bacon Joannes 1916 in Who’s Who Bacon John E 1866 1916 in Who’s Who Bacon Margaret no dates in Who’s Who Bacon Margaretha Connelly 30 Sept 1881 in Who’s Who Bacon Michael 1836 d 1885 in Who’s Who Bacon Michael 1836 d 1888 in Who’s Who Bacon Michael 1888 in Who’s Who Baehn F m1895 sec 21 Center Line in Who’s Who Bahn F map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who Bachsmier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Backman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bacon Frank L.The teacher in 1899 in Who’s Who Baczkowski David soldier 1103 Baczkowski David soldier in Who’s Who bad of old days 0025 bad roads 0044 Badalamente Frank in Who’s Who Badalamente Frank in Who’s Who Badman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Baelka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Baert Albert CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Baert Bill CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who BAERTSOEN ALIDOOR C TSG DNB 1103 and in Who’s Who Baggert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Baginski Bob CLHS 1962 DU in Who’s Who Baginski David St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Baginski Dennis St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Baginski Kathleen St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Baginski Pat CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Bailey Jr. Frank Veteran World War II 1103 Bailey Jr. Frank Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 15 Bailey William 19 BAILEY WILLIAM 4/15/1837 in Who’s Who Baion Mary 1939 in Who’s Who Balbier Anthony P Veteran in Who’s Who Balbier George 1893 1907 in Who’s Who Balbiers V m1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Balmes Lena Malburg a54 d 1922 in Who’s Who Balzer Abauci 1896 in Who’s Who Bailey Edgar Warren Schools 7th grade 1938 in Who’s Who Bailey Floyd Eugene Veteran U S Army WWII 1103 Bailey Floyd Eugene Veteran U S Army WWII in Who’s Who Bailey Frank Warren High School 1935 in Who’s Who Bailey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bailey James Warren Schools 6th grade 1938 in Who’s Who Bailey Thomas Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Bailey Walter Busch High School 1943 in Who’s Who Bailman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Baise I have info on this family see Old Families Books BAKAS VYTAUT J 2 LT DNB 1103 and in Who’s Who BAKER Garnet Reginald Seaman 1c USNR 1103 and in Who’s Who Baker Evelyn Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Baker Helen Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Baker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Baker Jack Warren Schools 8th grade 1938 in Who’s Who Baker James Douglas CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Baker Lloyd Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Baker Lowell Warren High School 1950 in Who’s Who Baker Lyman Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Baker Robert Warren High School 1938 in Who’s Who Baker Scott A in Who’s Who Balanecki Mathew Warren High School 1934 1937 in Who’s Who Balben I have info on this family see Old Families Books Balberia I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bald I have info on this family see Old Families Books Baldoni Michael CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Baldoni Ralene CLHS 1962 married Thompson Michael in Who’s Who BALDWIN FRANK Medal of Honor 1103 1104 Civil War U S Army in Who’s Who BALDWIN FRANK Medal of Honor Indian Campaigns U S Army in Who’s Who Balinski Sylvia St Clement 1958 in Who’s Who Balkir I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ball David CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Ball Joseph Korea 1104 Ball Joseph Korea in Who’s Who Ballard Paul J 1948-1995 veteran in Who’s Who BALLEN FREDERICK Medal of Honor 1104 Civil War U S Army in Who’s Who Ballman Phillip CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who BALLOR MELVIN C PVT 1104 and in Who’s Who Balnke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Balok Edward Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 16 Balok Lillian Busch High School 1949 in Who’s Who Ban Michael Marines Iwo Jima 1104 Ban Michael Marines Iwo Jima in Who’s Who Ban Michael Vietnam in Who’s Who Banas Henry Veteran World War II 1104 and in Who’s Who Banas Theodore St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Banas-Beasley Linda St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Banas-Viau Cheryl St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who band 0115 band 52 63 Banek Robert F. Vietnam 1104 Banek Robert F. Vietnam in Who’s Who Banghart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bania Dennis St Clement 1957 in Who’s Who Bania Gerald St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Bania Kenneth St Clement 1961 in Who’s Who Bania Thomas St Clement 1954 in Who’s Who Bank Federal Reserve 0380 Bank old 0381 bank 53 58 55 Vol 3 513-520 bank bailout 0067 Bank First Savings more 0370 Bank of Commerce & others 0513-20 Bank of Commerce 0380 Bank State Savings 0379 Banking Macomb Money 3826-36 Banko Eddie Korea 1104 Banko Eddie Korea in Who’s Who Banko Eddie Vietnam 1104 Banko Eddie Vietnam in Who’s Who Banks John A CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Banks of Warren Township 0513-20 BANKS STANLEY W SSC1104 and in Who’s Who Baptisms st St Clement 2800Barber Wilson 19 BARBER WILSON 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who BARKER BENJAMIN G 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Barber 1890 I have info on this family see Old Families Books BARBER RICHARD JOSEPH PFC Army Warren May70 Killed1104 and in Who’s Who Barber shop 0052 Barberi Tamra Joan CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Barbian I have info on this family see Old Families Books Barbret Glen P. Vietnam 1104 Barbret Glen P. Vietnam in Who’s Who BARBRET PFC. MARK A. AGE 22 killed in Iraq War 1104 and in Who’s Who Barcley Leonard CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Barden I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bareis Betty Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Barg Charles Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 17 Barg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Barg John Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Barg Valeria Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who Baril Charles Busch High School 1954 in Who’s Who Baril Joseph Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Baril Oliver WWII U S Army 1104 Baril Oliver WWII U S Army in Who’s Who Barker Benjamin 19 Barker Diane St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Barker Dr J Health Officer Center Line 1941 - 1949 in Who’s Who Barker Georglanne CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who BARKER JOHN G PFC ARMY KILLED IN KOREA1104 and in Who’s Who Barker Kenneth Vietnam 1104 Barker Kenneth Vietnam in Who’s Who Barkume Charles 1104 Barkume Charles in Who’s Who Barlow Carol Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who barn 0588 barn fire 0410-13 barn house 0374 barn yard 0378 Barna Mitchell St Clement 1957 in Who’s Who Barnard I have info on this family see Old Families Books Barnes Carol Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Barnes Elsie Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Barnes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Barnes John Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Barnett I have info on this family see Old Families Books Barnett John Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Barnett Vicki in Who’s Who Barnett William Treasurer City of Center Line 2007 in Who’s Who Barney Donald CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Barney-McDermott Marion1964 in Who’s Who Barnhard I have info on this family see Old Families Books Barnhart Clyde CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Barnhart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Barnhart Nieta R CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who barns 0059 Barr Alma Warren High School Class of 1946 in Who’s Who Barr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Barr Jay Vietnam 1104 Barr Jay Vietnam in Who’s Who Barr R C sec 5 map 1859 in Who’s Who Barr Russell CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who barrel 0329 330 BARRELL CHARLES Medal of Honor Civil War1104 and in Who’s Who Barret I have info on this family see Old Families Books Barrett Carol CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Barrett John Robert CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 18 Barretta Louis A taught algebra math CLHS 1957 58 in Who’s Who Barron - Bonnett Joyce St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Barron Henry Korea 1104 Barron Henry Korea in Who’s Who Barron Robert St Clement 1956 Deceased in Who’s Who Barrow John Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who BARROWS CHARLES 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Barry Catherina 1889 in Who’s Who Barry Garrth 1889 in Who’s Who Barthel Catherine nee Cramer b 1859 d 1926 in Who’s Who Barthel John 1857 d 1936 in Who’s Who Barrows Charles 19 Barrows I have info on this family see Old Families Books Barry Patricia St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Barry-Smith Susan St Clement 1959 in Who’s Who Bars I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bartendorp I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bartlett A R 1895 1897 in Who’s Who Bartniczak Loretta CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Bartolomeo Joshua in Who’s Who Bartolomeo Joshua in Who’s Who Barton Isaac w 19 33 BARTON ISAAC W in Who’s Who Barton Isaac early pioneer section 4 in Who’s Who BARTON JOHN H 10/14/1835 in Who’s Who Barton John h 19 Barton Oliver 33 Barton 1795 I have info on this family see Old Families Books Barton Isaac 18 Barton John 18 20 Barton John H first Justice of the Peace in Who’s Who Barton Oliver 35 Barton Oliver organized the first church in Warren in Who’s Who Barton R m1895 sec 4 in Who’s Who Bassche Elizabeth 1930 in Who’s Who Basset Ira 1929 252 in Who’s Who Batkie H m1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who Bau Sally Ann 1940 in Who’s Who Bauen? infano 1888 in Who’s Who Bauier Danielie P 1897 in Who’s Who Baumgardner George in Who’s Who Baumgartin Marganta 1916 in Who’s Who Baumgartner Geornis 1921 in Who’s Who Baumgartner Marganta 1891 in Who’s Who Baumgartner Vincent 1931 in Who’s Who Beana Mary Ann 1940 in Who’s Who Beardsley C H map 1859 sec 3 in Who’s Who Beardsley Charles J map 1875 sec 3 in Who’s Who Bearman John map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 19 Bearman Jos map 1875 sec 21 WCL in Who’s Who Bearman Jos map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Beate Marion 1932 in Who’s Who Barz Geraldine in Who’s Who Barz Geraldine in Who’s Who Barz Geraldine USAF Vietnam 1104 Barz Geraldine USAF Vietnam in Who’s Who Barz Richard Aloysius Korea 1104 Barz Richard Aloysius Korea Marines Chosen Few in Who’s Who Barz Richard L USAF Vietnam 1104 Barz Richard L USAF Vietnam in Who’s Who Barzyk Joseph Korea 1104 Barzyk Joseph Korea in Who’s Who Base Line Feed Store 0347 Baseline 0052 Baseline 54 57 76 90 217 Baseline feed 0073 Baseline Feed Store 0217 Baseline Feed Store truck 0218 Baseline Feed Store wall phone 0218 Basemann 1845 I have info on this family see Old Families Books Basemann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bash Patricia St Clement 1936 in Who’s Who Bashaw Gary St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Bashaw Kenneth Vietnam 1104 Bashaw Kenneth Vietnam in Who’s Who Bashaw Larry Vietnam 1104 Bashaw Larry Vietnam in Who’s Who Bashaw Thomas CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Bassett Greg CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who BASSETT HARLAND C SGT 1104 and in Who’s Who Bassett Jackie Busch High School 1939 in Who’s Who Bastian Ronald CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Bateman Donald Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Bates Eleanor Active leader in Who’s Who Bates Eleanor in Who’s Who Bates Henry Korea 1104 Bates Henry Korea in Who’s Who Bates Homer Korean Army Veteran stated he lived in the dirt for a year no barracks saw lots of action, firing at night etc. Bates I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bates John Veteran U S Navy WWII 1104, U S Navy WWII in Who’s Who Bates Richard U S Navy veteran WWII 1105 and in Who’s Who Bates Ted 2007 Warren Historical Society Award in Who’s Who Bates Ted mayor in Who’s Who Bates Ted Veteran U S Navy WWII 1105 Bates Ted Warren treasurer in Who’s Who Bates Tiffen Veteran U S Navy WWII 1105 and in Who’s Who Bather I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 20 bathing suits 0565 Battersby Marian in Who’s Who Battles Mrs cook Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Battleship Arizona 3697 Battna I have info on this family see Old Families Books Batts Dennis CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Batt's Ice Cream 53 Batts Vicki CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Bauer Clara Webb Busch High School 1948 in Who’s Who Bauer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bauer Joan in Who’s Who Bauer Kenneth CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Bauer Raymond Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Baughman Matt in Who’s Who Baughman Matt in Who’s Who Baumann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Baumgarden Mrs grade school teacher had positive influence on many in Who’s Who Baumgardner Carl St Clement 1958 in Who’s Who Baumgardner George Early settler in Who’s Who Baumgardner Jan St Clement 1954 in Who’s Who Baumgardner Martin St Clement 1959 in Who’s Who Baumgardner-Shay Mary St Clement 1956 in Who’s Who Baumgart Jerry in Who’s Who Baumgart Robert United States Navy WWII 1105 Baumgart Robert United States Navy WWII in Who’s Who Baumgartner Agnes taught Jr High Busch High School 1949 1950 in Who’s Who Baumgartner Anthony St Clement 1929 Deceased in Who’s Who Baumgartner Dale CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Baumgartner Helen E kindergarten for twenty years in Who’s Who Baumgartner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Baumgartner-Bukari 1937 in Who’s Who Baumgartner-Connell Imelda in Who’s Who Baumgartner-Lietz Lorraine in Who’s Who Baumgartner-Mikolowski Mary St Clement 1947 in Who’s Who Baumgartner-Reardon Ann in Who’s Who Baungartner Cecelia in Who’s Who Baut I have info on this family see Old Families Books Baxter Leonard in Who’s Who Bayer John Warren Justice 1938 in Who’s Who Bayma Marilyn in Who’s Who Bayma Ronald in Who’s Who Bayous Terese in Who’s Who Bayus - Zott Pauline in Who’s Who Beagll I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beanagan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beanez I have info on this family see Old Families Books bear the and Grandma in the cabin 0201 Bear 0006 Bear Creek 77 Page Twelve Thousand 21 Bear Creek aerial 113 507 Bear Creek GM aerials 0113 Bear Creek mansion 9 Beard Harold Veteran U S Army 70-72 1105 Beard Harold Veteran U S Army 70-72 in Who’s Who Beardslee I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beardsley I have info on this family see Old Families Books bears 0022 Bears Geraldine in Who’s Who Beasley Nelle in Who’s Who Beasley Nelle taught at Busch High School 1952 1953 in Who’s Who Beate I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beattie Mary in Who’s Who Beauer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beaufait 33 Beaufait I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beaufait Louis Assessor & Constable 1837 in Who’s Who Beaufait Louis L Justice of the Peace 1840 (Leeson M 853) in Who’s Who Beaufait Louis L Treasurer 1837-40 (Leeson M 853) in Who’s Who Beaufait or Beufait in Who’s Who Beaumer William 1934 in Who’s Who Beawar map 1859 sec 10 11 in Who’s Who Beayer W map 1875 sec 17 in Who’s Who Becher Jack in Who’s Who Becher Jack in Who’s Who Becher Jean in Who’s Who Becher John in Who’s Who Bechman Elisabeth Cathrina Schmitt 15 Dec 1883 in Who’s Who Beck Donald in Who’s Who Beck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beck- in Who’s Who Beck June in Who’s Who Beck Louise in Who’s Who Beck map 1859 sec 12 in Who’s Who Beck Nancy CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Becker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Becker Mary Ellen in Who’s Who Becker Sibilla 1856 Nov 28 Maltina at 76 in Who’s Who Beckett Mrs cook in Who’s Who Beckett Mrs in Who’s Who Beckin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beckman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beckman J m1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Beckmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beckwith Joe CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who BecMamann Julia Berkmannn 1906 in Who’s Who Bednar Florence Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Bednarski Rosemarie CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Bedwell Joseph CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 22 Bedwell Judith CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Beebe C S est m1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Beebe Charles 31 32 33 Beebe Charles A 35 Beebe Charles preacher 1st Warren Village Clerk in Who’s Who Beebe Charles son of John and Esther age 7 in 1870 in Who’s Who Beebe daughter of Charles Davy clergyman in Who’s Who Beebe Ester D 33 Beebe Esther 35 Beebe Esther D 50 b England wife of John (James) in Who’s Who Beebe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beebe J 17 32 33 Beebe J map 1859 sec 4 in Who’s Who Beebe L map 1859 sec 4 in Who’s Who Beebe Mrs E m1895 sec 5 War in Who’s Who Behrns H m1895 sec 20 in Who’s Who Behrns J map 1875 sec 19 in Who’s Who Beilman A map 1859 sec 17 in Who’s Who Beebe John (James) tinsmith township supervisor in Who’s Who Beebe John 35 Beebe John L 54 in 1870 TIN SMITH in Who’s Who Beebe's Corners 0020 Beebe's Corners 20 Beech I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beecher Dan Veteran U S Marine Corps 53-56 1105 Beecher Dan Veteran U S Marine Corps 53-56 in Who’s Who Beeler Carolyn Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who BEELER LANCE CPL. BRENT E. age 22 KILLED IN IRAQ 1105 and in Who’s Who Beelman Anthony 35 Beelman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beelman Joseph 35 Beels I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beemer Beverly Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Beemer Dennis Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Beer Agmes in Who’s Who Beer Arthur in Who’s Who Beer Arthur Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Beer/Kidd in Who’s Who Begfield I have info on this family see Old Families Books begging Indians 0016 Behens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Behinke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Behnke Jean H in Who’s Who Behr Cynthia Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Behr Norma Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who Behrns Qualman 0541-2 Behrns farm 0410 Behrns I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 23 Beierman Fred in Who’s Who BEIERMAN HAROLD W CPL 1105 and in Who’s Who Beierman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beilman Anthony age 49 in 1900 hotel keeper in Who’s Who Beilman Joseph age 19 in 1900 bartender in Who’s Who Beilman Beryauun 1889 in Who’s Who Beilman Wilhelmi 1858 in Who’s Who Beirman Henry m1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Bellis Jack Veteran in Who’s Who Beindit Kathleen Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Beindit Thomas Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who BEINE BERNARD P 1LT 1105 and in Who’s Who Beinkowski Verna in Who’s Who Beirman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bel-air 0489 Belbor I have info on this family see Old Families Books Belcoure Barbara CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Belcoure Patricia CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Belfiori Joseph Vietnam 1105 Belfiori Joseph Vietnam in Who’s Who Belford I have info on this family see Old Families Books Belieghem John Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Bella Felix in Who’s Who Bella Lucia in Who’s Who Belleau Clifford in Who’s Who Belleghem Carol Warren High School 1950 in Who’s Who Belleville Shirley Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Bellimu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bellow Joan Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Bellow Oliver Busch High School 1949 in Who’s Who Bellow Raymond CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Belmont Shirley Warren High School Class of 1946 in Who’s Who BELOBRAIDICH HARRY F 1LT 1105 and in Who’s Who Belour I have info on this family see Old Families Books Belour James 45 Belour James in 1900 telegraph operator in Who’s Who Benedict L Heirs of map 1875 sec 31 in Who’s Who Benedict Lewis Heirs of map 1875 sec 30 in Who’s Who Bennett W C m1895 sec 33 in Who’s Who Belt Robert Vietnam 1105 Belt Robert Vietnam in Who’s Who Belton I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bemis Miriam CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who bench 0506 Benda George CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Bender Dennis St Clement 1946 in Who’s Who Bender Joe Veteran World War II 1105 Bender Joe Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Bendik Helen Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 24 Bendik Mary Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Bendik Susan Warren High School 1935 in Who’s Who Bendik Walter Warren Schools 7th grade 1938 in Who’s Who Benefield Alice in Who’s Who Benefield Alice in Who’s Who Benhoff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Benincasa Dennis St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Benjamin Bowden 35 Benner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Benner Mark in Who’s Who Bennet I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bennett Eugene Busch High School 1954 in Who’s Who Bennett Nancy CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who BENNETT RALPH E 1LT 1105 and in Who’s Who Benoib Mary Jane 1935 in Who’s Who Benoit Elizabeth 1930 in Who’s Who Benoit Annette CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Benort I have info on this family see Old Families Books BENSON IRA F fought in Civil War 1105 and in Who’s Who Benson August Busch High School 1934 in Who’s Who Benson Betty St Clement 1939 in Who’s Who Benson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Benson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Benson Ira F. 33 Benson Ira F. Priv A 22 MI Inf. 8/21/1862 in Who’s Who Benson Margaret St Clement 1945 in Who’s Who Beradi John St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Beran James Korea 1105 Beran James Korea in Who’s Who Berent Roger CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Berger - Lopp Kathleen St Clement 1956 in Who’s Who Berger 0539 Berger Barbara 1838 1917 wife of Mathias E in Who’s Who Berger Barbara 1917 in Who’s Who Berger Barbara 4 Dec 1884 in Who’s Who Berger C m1895 sec 6 in Who’s Who Berger C map 1875 sec 6 in Who’s Who Berger Carol 1892St Clement in Who’s Who Berger Catherine 1853 1928 in Who’s Who Berger Charles J 1876 1944 in Who’s Who Berger Charles 1852 1921 in Who’s Who Berger Chas m1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Berger Henricu Hebelar Dec 1877 in Who’s Who Berger Herricum Kohn 1876 in Who’s Who Berger Ida 1905 d 1919 in Who’s Who Berger Ida 1906 d 1919 in Who’s Who Berger infano 15 Feb 1880 40 in Who’s Who Berger infano Caroli 1894 in Who’s Who Berger infant 1919 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 25 Berger M m1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Berger Maria Anna 1889 in Who’s Who Berger Mary mother d 1878 in Who’s Who Berger Mary wife1844 19?? in Who’s Who Berger Diane Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Berger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Berger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Berger Mary Ann Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Berger Matthias 35 39 91 Berger Matthias age 62 in 1900 hotel keeper in Who’s Who Berger Nicholas 33 Berger Nicholas Born 1105 Berger Nicholas Born Nov 6 1840 in Who’s Who Berger Nicholas Warren Justice 1898 in Who’s Who Berger Peter 17 bar tender in Who’s Who Berger Mathias A70 1934 in Who’s Who Berger Mathias E 1840 1907 in Who’s Who Berger N C 1815 1876 in Who’s Who Berger Nicholas Born 1840 in Who’s Who Berger Peter 35 Berger Peter age 17 in 1900 bar tender in Who’s Who Berger Peter 1881 1924 in Who’s Who Berger Stella b 1887 d 1973 in Who’s Who Berger Wm m1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Berger Mathew 1879 1944 in Who’s Who Bergerman F m1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Berghofer C. shoemaker in Who’s Who Berhaus Atminm Maria 1858 oct 10 4 anno in Who’s Who Berger Phillip Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Berger Raymond Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Bergeron Nancy Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Berggren Signe Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Berghofer C. shoemaker Early settler of Center Line in Who’s Who Bergman Judith CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Bergman Susan Gale CLHS 1962 married Piper in Who’s Who Berhaver I have info on this family see Old Families Books Berinkman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Berirdit I have info on this family see Old Families Books Berirdit Marie 45 Berirdit Marie in 1900 teacher in Who’s Who Bernt John m1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Berry Clara 1938 in Who’s Who Bert Mary map 1859 sec 4 in Who’s Who Bertrand Francioei 1858 Aug 30 at 21 in Who’s Who Berk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Berk Joe owner of Berk's 5cents store in Who’s Who Berkau Arla Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Berkau Charlene Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Berkseth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 26 Berlin Barbara St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Berlin-Fitzhenry Sharon in Who’s Who Berlinger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bernard I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bernard-Cavanaugh Charlene in Who’s Who Bernbeck Roland St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Berndt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bernetti Cheryl Ann CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Bernieri Cory in Who’s Who Bernieri Vicki in Who’s Who Bernnett I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bernott Michael St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Berridge Brian CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Berry I have info on this family see Old Families Books Berry S H 1932 in Who’s Who Berry William Trustee in Who’s Who Berry-Essenmacher Arlene in Who’s Who Bert Hazen Reality 0472 Bertes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bertolini Leo St Clement 1956 in Who’s Who Bertrand Jack Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Bertrand William Warren High School 1950 in Who’s Who Berube Clarita CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Berube Gladys CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Berz George 1811-1893 in Who’s Who Best Anna Harism Abeuerer 29 May 1883 in Who’s Who Beste F m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Beste John m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Beste Rodger j 1935 in Who’s Who Betz Otto 1881 1912 son of Benjamin & Aogah? Laberoot in Who’s Who Betz Rosa 1881 1912 wife of Otto see Laderoot in Who’s Who Beuchel Joseph 1913233 in Who’s Who Beyer W m1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Beyerman m1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Berz George 34 Berz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Berza I have info on this family see Old Families Books Besan I have info on this family see Old Families Books BESTE CLEMENT O PFC 1105 and in Who’s Who Beste Elmer St Clement 1946 in Who’s Who Beste I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beste Irvin Cpl 1105 Beste Irvin Cpl HQ 3rdBn 112 Infantry U S Army post WWII in Who’s Who Beste James St Clement 1956 in Who’s Who Beste Jane St Clement 1955 in Who’s Who Beste Rosemarie St Clement 1954 in Who’s Who Beste Rosemary St Clement 1942 in Who’s Who Beste William St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Beste-Carlson Shirley St Clement 1961 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 27 Betcher Jim St Clement 1947 in Who’s Who Betcher Joan St Clement 1951 in Who’s Who Bethel Christian 0253 Bethel Methodist 0241 Betner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beuerniamn I have info on this family see Old Families Books BEUFAIT LOUIS 10/15/1835 first land buyer in Who’s Who Beufait Louis 19 20 BEUFAIT VITAL 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Beufait Vital 19 Bever Albert Principal Warren High School 1946-55 in Who’s Who Beyer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Beyers William President Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Bezer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bezot I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bezoyer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bezoyer Medana 34 Bezoyer Medana in 1860 blacksmith in Who’s Who Bickmann Frank b 1900 d 1902 in Who’s Who Bickmann Joseph b 1864 d 1942 in Who’s Who Bickmann Joseph b 1864 d 1947 in Who’s Who Bickmann Mary 1867 d 1918 in Who’s Who Bidner Tere?ia 1865 15 in Who’s Who Bidoul Leon 1941 278 in Who’s Who Bielecki joseph Jr Veteran in Who’s Who Bieliman Gertrude 1877 1882 see Rotarius in Who’s Who Bielman Francis 1865 14 in Who’s Who Bielmann Warrn Antonius 1915201 in Who’s Who Bierman John m1895 sec 21 Center Line in Who’s Who Biermann Aurelia d 1895 a 2 mo in Who’s Who Biermann Henry d 1895 in Who’s Who Biermann Huineus 1898214 in Who’s Who Biermann infano Hunici 1895148 in Who’s Who Biermann Jodocus 1826 1887 in Who’s Who Biermann Jodogus 1826 1887 in Who’s Who Biermann Judocluss 1887132 in Who’s Who Biermann Maria 1832 in Who’s Who Biermann Thensia 1895148 in Who’s Who Biermann Theresa 1829 1907 in Who’s Who Biermann Theresa d1895 a 29 wife of Henry in Who’s Who Bigfield P map1859 sec 28 sWCL in Who’s Who Billaus Albert 1940 277 in Who’s Who Bialock Sadie in Who’s Who Bianchini Glen CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Bianga Richard Vietnam 1105 Bianga Richard Vietnam in Who’s Who bibliography Vol 6 1301-1330 Bica Joseph CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Bice-Jones Mary St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 28 Bichalski John J CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Bickel James E. Vietnam 1105 Bickel James E. Vietnam in Who’s Who Bickfield I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bickmann John St Clement 1949 in Who’s Who Bickmann Theresa St Clement 1945 in Who’s Who Bicsak Francis in Who’s Who Biddle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bieber Walter in Who’s Who Bieber Walter in Who’s Who Biebuck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Biebuyck - Verrmersch Leona St Clement 1936 in Who’s Who BIEBUYCK William Paul Seaman 1c USN 1105 and in Who’s Who Biebuyck Rose St Clement 1941 in Who’s Who Bieda Steven M in Who’s Who Bieda Joseph USAF SSGT 1952-1956 1105 Bieda Joseph USAF SSGT 1952-1956 in Who’s Who Biegelski - Doyle Eileen St Clement 1960 in Who’s Who Biela Leo in Who’s Who Bielat James T 1941 in Who’s Who Bielat Lawrence CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Bielat Robert in Who’s Who Bielman A in Who’s Who Bielman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bielski Benny Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Bielski Henry CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Bielski Shirley Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who BIELSKY RAYMOND PFC1105 and in Who’s Who BIELUSIAK STEVE J PVT 1106 and in Who’s Who Bieniewicz Joseph St Clement 1959 in Who’s Who Bienkowski Ernest St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Bienkowski Steven St Clement 1958 in Who’s Who Bierlman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bierman I have info on this family see Old Families Books BIERMANN HENRY C PFC 1106 and in Who’s Who Biermann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Biermann Joan St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Biermann Mrs Staff Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Biernat Dan in Who’s Who Biernat Dan in Who’s Who Biernat James M. Jr. in Who’s Who Biewer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Biger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bigfidel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bigfield P map1859 in Who’s Who Bigfielet I have info on this family see Old Families Books Biggott I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bigley Cecilia St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Bilderback V in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 29 Bilke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bill of Rights 0003 Bill of Rights 6 79 Bill Patricia in Who’s Who Bilo 0079 Bindick I have info on this family see Old Families Books Biniecki Alvin Veteran U S Army WWII 1106 Biniecki Alvin Veteran U S Army WWII in Who’s Who Biniecki Joseph Veteran U S Army WWII 1106 Biniecki Joseph Veteran U S Army WWII in Who’s Who Binker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Binkowski Don historian in Who’s Who Binkowski Robert in Who’s Who Binson druggest in Center Line in 1960 1970s in Who’s Who Binson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Binson's 0468 475 Biographies 1900-99 Biographies of Warren Area Vol 26 pages start at 4200 Biondo Darlene in Who’s Who Biozowskr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bird Joseph 19 BIRD JOSEPH 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who BIRD JOSEPH 5/1/1838 in Who’s Who Bird Joseph early land clearing pioneer section 24 in Who’s Who Bird I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bird Joseph 18 Bird Joseph in Who’s Who Bird R 1877 in Who’s Who Birko Johanna St Clement 1953 in Who’s Who Biry Bernard 1878 1902 in Who’s Who Biry Katharina 1851 1898 in Who’s Who Biry nname 1878 1902 in Who’s Who Biscaro Anthony CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Bise Howard Allen Korea 1106 Bise Howard Allen Korea in Who’s Who Bishop Eleanor in Who’s Who Bishop John T. PFC age 22 died in Iraq in Who’s Who Bishop Pfc. John T. 22 killed in Iraq War 1106 BISHOP PFC. JOHN T. 22 KILLED IN IRAQ WAR in Who’s Who Bishop-Stout Eleanor St Clement 1937 in Who’s Who Bismack David Sp4 Vietnam U S Army 1969-1971 1106 Bismack David Sp4 Vietnam U S Army 1969-1971 in Who’s Who Bissell Shirley Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Bitner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bitonti Louis USS Indianapolis SIC 1943-1946 1106 Bitonti Louis USS Indianapolis SIC 1943-1946 in Who’s Who Bittner Barbara CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Bittner Charlie Veteran World War II 1106 Bittner Charlie Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 30 Bittner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bittner Kenneth M. Veteran World War II 1106 Bittner Kenneth M. Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Blackbird Alison Kim in Who’s Who Blackett A m1895 sec 25 36 in Who’s Who Blackett George m1895 sec 25 in Who’s Who Blackett I have info on this family see Old Families Books Blackett Jeanette Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Blackett Thos map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Blackett W m1895 sec 25 in Who’s Who Blackett X L map 1859 sec map 1859 sec 25 in Who’s Who Blackitt I have info on this family see Old Families Books blacksmith 32 blacksmith shop 0220 Blackwell James R Korea 1106 Blackwell James R Korea in Who’s Who bladder bottle 0335 Blahnik C in Who’s Who Blahnik Jacquelyn St Clement 1953 in Who’s Who Blahnik Joseph St Clement 1956 in Who’s Who Blahovec David St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Blair - Gietzen Lorraine St Clement 1946 in Who’s Who Blair Barbara Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Blair Eugene St Clement 1951 in Who’s Who Blair Glenn T CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Blair Helen (Koch) Busch High School 1941 in Who’s Who Blair Justine CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Blair Merle Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Blair Wilson A Korea 1106 Blair Wilson A Korea in Who’s Who Blanc Katherine St Clement 1953 in Who’s Who Blanc William CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Blanchard James J in Who’s Who BLANDINO HOWARD ETR2 NAVY DIED-WOUNDS 1106 and in Who’s Who Blankenship Harold W Veteran in Who’s Who Blarek Ernest WWII U S Army 1106 Blarek Ernest WWII U S Army in Who’s Who BLASKOWSKI Matthew DIED OF WOUNDS in Who’s Who Blaskowski Sgt. 1st Class Matthew D. 27 1106 Blass K map 1859 sec 36 in Who’s Who Blass T map 1859 sec 36 in Who’s Who Blaug I have info on this family see Old Families Books Blaze Arthur W Veteran in Who’s Who Blazejewski Anthony Korea 1106 Blazejewski Anthony Korea in Who’s Who Bledsoe Timothy in Who’s Who Blendowski Eugene Z Veteran in Who’s Who Bletch Edward St Clement 1959 in Who’s Who Bliesath I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 31 Bliesth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Blivens Donald in Who’s Who BLODGETT NICHOLAS 21 KILLED IRAQ in Who’s Who Blodgett Spc. Nicholas H. 21 killed in Iraq War 1106 Blofs I have info on this family see Old Families Books Blohm Keith St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Blond Joanne St Clement 1959 in Who’s Who BLONDEEL KAMIELof Warren Killed in France 1106 and in Who’s Who Blondeel Kamiel 33 Blondell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bloom H map 1859 sec 28 in Who’s Who Bloom I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bloom M map1859 sec 28 WCL in Who’s Who BLOOMFIELD GERALD M. II MAJ.Killed In Iraq 1106 and in Who’s Who Bloomingburg Earl Korea 1106 and in Who’s Who Bloss Anna 1891141 in Who’s Who Bloss I have info on this family see Old Families Books Blue Barbara St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Blue-McBride Sharon St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Blum I have info on this family see Old Families Books BLUMBERG SGT. TREVOR A. 22 killed in Iraq War 2003 1106 and in Who’s Who Blunt H map 1859 sec 6 in Who’s Who Blunt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Blunt Martin Warren Justice 1847 in Who’s Who Blunt Mrs map 1875 sec 6 in Who’s Who Bluthardt Ed CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Bluthart Lois DU CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Bluthart Wm CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Boback Jo Ellen St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Bobb I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bobcean I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bobek Brian Vietnam 1106 Bobek Brian Vietnam in Who’s Who Boblo boat 8, 66, 73, 72, 76 , 141-148 Bobnna Mgrgarita Anna Schair ? Aug 1877 35 in Who’s Who Bodre C map 1859 sec 25 in Who’s Who Boell Ignatius 1896175 in Who’s Who Boender Edwine a8 1929 in Who’s Who Boccomino John Bucky SGT WWII U S Army 1106 Boccomino John Bucky SGT WWII U S Army in Who’s Who Boccomino Robert in Who’s Who Boccomino Sam Veteran U S Army WWII in Who’s Who Boce I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bochm I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bochranch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bock Charles Busch High School 1945 in Who’s Who Bock Harold Busch High School 1947 in Who’s Who Bock I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bock William Busch High School 1939 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 32 Bockmiller Ann CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who BOCKS SGT. PHILLIP A.28 died in AFGHANISTAN 1106 and in Who’s Who Boeding - Vigneau Elizabeth St Clement 1957 in Who’s Who Boeding Betty Justice Court Clerk 1961 in Who’s Who Boehm I have info on this family see Old Families Books Boehmer William St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Boehne I have info on this family see Old Families Books Boel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Boelum I have info on this family see Old Families Books Boenim I have info on this family see Old Families Books BOENING ALGER L TSG 1107 and in Who’s Who Boening Charles 45 Boening Charles in 1900 mail carrier in Who’s Who Bohemi Aloyers ? Pontacendi 1877 35 in Who’s Who Bohn E map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who Bohunicki John P Veteran in Who’s Who Boening I have info on this family see Old Families Books Boening Nancy Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Boerger Dave SEMCOG Consultant in Who’s Who Boesel Al CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Boettcher Jeanne in Who’s Who Boettcher June in Who’s Who BOETTCHER ROY M PFC 1107 and in Who’s Who Boewe Verne in Who’s Who Boger Richard Veteran World War II 1107 Boger Richard Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Bohm I have info on this family see Old Families Books Boicke Taanuem 13 Sept 1884 52 in Who’s Who Boik Christine Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Boik I have info on this family see Old Families Books Boik Mary 1931 256 in Who’s Who Boik Shirley Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Boik Shirley Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Boik Walter Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Boike Qulia 1894147 in Who’s Who Boiki Anna 1886155 in Who’s Who Boinheo Josephine 1930 252 in Who’s Who Boinker Minnie 1935 263 in Who’s Who Boinkey William 1932 256 in Who’s Who Bojarski Arthur in Who’s Who Bolam George 10/9/1835 in Who’s Who Bolam George 19 32 Bolam A map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Bolam G map 1859 sec 25 in Who’s Who Bolam George early settler “King of Warren in Who’s Who Bolam Geo map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Bolam I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bolam I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bolam R map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 33 Bolam Susan map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Bolam Thos map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Boland I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bolam Thomas Warren Justice 1904 in Who’s Who Boldys Joseph in Who’s Who Bolger Jase in Who’s Who Bollman Carol CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Bolo Dennis St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Bolognino Deborah in Who’s Who Bolt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bolts I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bomber Jerry CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who bombers attacks kill Americans 0011 Bommarito Anita CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Bommarito Roseanne CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Bonar-Smith Judith St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who BOND ANDREW CPL1107 and in Who’s Who bond fires 0025 Bond Precy Veteran U S Army WWII 1107 Bond Precy Veteran U S Army WWII in Who’s Who Bonday Elizabeth 5.5 1929 7 31 249 in Who’s Who Bonder Harry H Veteran in Who’s Who Bonkowski jacob J 1930 253 in Who’s Who Bonsikowski Joseph a50 1929 9 26 249 in Who’s Who Bonus Jacob Walsh a76 12 Nov 1882 46 in Who’s Who Bonus Marian Nov 1872 27 in Who’s Who Boos Ana Maria 1912231 in Who’s Who Boos infant 1913232 in Who’s Who Boos infant 1919243 in Who’s Who Boozowski August 1934 261 in Who’s Who Boozowski Frank 1931 256 in Who’s Who Borek M map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who Borl Rosalie 1889137 in Who’s Who Borperira Cathari ? Jacob Schlaert Apr 1877 35 in Who’s Who Borse Dennis E Veteran in Who’s Who Borse Edward J 1922 1996 Veteran in Who’s Who Borse Edward j Veteran in Who’s Who Borsekowski Raymond 1930 253 in Who’s Who Botarius Petri 1862 Jul 30 atat 3 anno fili Petri Bostarius et Maria Hanina GranD…?onNeg11 in Who’s Who Bonds Gaston soldier 1107 and in Who’s Who BONDSTEEL JAMES Medal of Honor Vietnam U S Army 1107 and in Who’s Who Bondy Patrick Korea 1107 Bondy Patrick Korea in Who’s Who Bonem Michael Vietnam 1107 Bonem Michael Vietnam in Who’s Who Bonkowski Raymond Korea 1107 Bonkowski Raymond Korea in Who’s Who Bonkowski Ronald L in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 34 Bonkowski Terry Veteran U S Navy 66-68 1107 Bonkowski Terry Veteran U S Navy 66-68 in Who’s Who Bonzowska I have info on this family see Old Families Books Booart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Booher Darwin L in Who’s Who Book 1A is an 88 page Concise History of Warren Township and Center Line This is the best book to start reading at. These were given away over several years. Pages referred to as cs1-88 Check the revision date. The newest revision was May 2014 Book 1B History Summary with many color pages pages start at 1 and go to 100 Book 1C Color Summary continues the summary with many pages in color. pages 101-199 Book 2 General History topics A-F See table of contents above for what is on each page. 201-299 Book 3 General History See table of contents above for what is on each page. Topics W F S 301-399 Book 4 History Warren Area See table of contents above for what is on each page. topics P V 401-499 Book 5 Warren Area History See table of contents above for what is on each page. topics W S 501-599 Book 6 Warren Area History of Wars See table of contents above for what is on each page. 601-699 Also has war heroes 1800-1975 Book 7 Warren Wars 2000 & up Heroes and Vignettes 701-799 Book 8 Vietnam Vignettes 800-836, Vietnam Casualties 181 pages total goes into book 9. Book 9 Vietnam Casualties continued 0837-1018 Book 10 Vietnam continued 1018, Our Veterans 52 pages, Casualty Update Book 11 Soldiers of Warren Area 1100, war on terrorists, attacks, also see continuation books 113-119 Book 12 MAPS see contents on 1201-1299 See table of contents above for what is on each page. Book 13 1977 Phone book Warren Michigan Area 1300-51 Book 14 Census 1830-1870 direct from handwriting in family form p1401 Book 15 Census 1870-1890 starts page 1,501 Book 16 1900-1920 Census, Macomb County Directory 1859, 1934 Warren High School, Battleship Arizona , Busch Library, Charwood Library, Warren Library Book 17 Docs CLFDept Hist, 1754 CLFD 2 plus Ma Zotts, Old St Clement,Van Dyke View, 1859 Farmers Directory, First Me Church, 1st Warren High School student Book 18-36 Who Streets were named After, Saving Log cabin, Bunert School, St Clement Down, Tank Town, Shaw Report, Family TV, Indian Tools 1863-84 Banking, Macomb Money 1885 96 Dr Felix Osowski , 1897 Sources & Bibliography 3 p Book 19 Historical Docs, Warren Honor Roll WWII, Our Soldiers, Death records with cause, Who is buried in Warren Union Cemetery, census comparisons Book 20 Causes of death, diseases, population, St Clement stats, infant-mother mortality stats, children, # of graves, grave size and width, stacking, percentage of child deaths registered, number of child burials, plants pages 2060-86 Children, plants, Cemetery docs, harmful rules, Bunert Indian Cemetery Book 21 Pioneer Cemeteries Warren Township, History, Civil War Veterans starts p 2101 Book 22 St Clement Cemetery Combined Index with years and locations p2,200-2,299 Book 23 St Clement Records by Year 30p 2300-30, 2331 Center Line 1800 Families 70p Book 24 Older St Clement stones with pictures 2400-2499 Book 25 Older St Clement stones with pictures 2,501-2,599 Book 26 Older St Clement stones with pictures 2,601-2,699 Book 27 Older St Clement stones with pictures 2,701-2,799 Book 28 Older St Clement stones with pictures 2,801-2,299 Book 29 Older St Clement stones with pictures 2,901-2,999 Book 30 Warren Union Cemetary Index 3,001-3,065, 3075 Soldiers at Warren Union Cemetery Book 31 Stones at Warren Union 3,100Page Twelve Thousand 35 Book 32 More Warren Union Stones 3, 200 Book 33 Warren Union Cemetery IN COLOR 3,301 Book 34 Diary of Farmer old intro p 3401, Diary 1800s Excerpts Summary 3431-3,499 READ THIS FIRST Book 35 Diary 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875 starts page 3,501 Book 36 DIARY 1876, 1877 starts p 3,601-3,699 Book 37 DIARY 1878, 1879 starts p 3,701-3,799 Book 38 DIARY 1880, 1881 starts p 3,801-3,899 Book 39 DIARY 1882-1885 starts p 3,901-3,999 Book 40 DIARY 1885-1890 starts p 4,001-4,099 Book 41 DIARY 1890-1896 starts p 4,101-4,199 Book 42 DIARY 1897-1902 end starts p 4,201-4,299 Book 43 Newspapers & Articles starts p 4,301-4,399 Book 44 Historical Markers starts p 4,401-4,499 Book 45 Historical memorials starts p 4,501-4,599 Book 46 Who's Who Businesses by Type starts p 4,601Book 47 Businesses by Street starts p 4,701Book 48 Businesses in the 40s starts 4,800-4,899 Book 49 Businesses in the 40s continued 4, 900-4,959 Book 50 Center Line 1950 phone book starts 5,001-5,077 Book 52 Center Line History text 5,201-5,299 Book 53 Businesses in 50s 60s starts 5,301-5,399 Book 54 Businesses in 70s 80s starts p 5401 Book 55 Businesses in the 90s p 5,501Book 56 Businesses in the 2000s p 5,601 Book 57 Old Macomb County Pictures p 5,701Book 58 Macomb County Community Histories 5,801 Book 59 Macomb Historical Fotos 5,900, 5942 French, British, County, plus more following books are in progress Book 60 Old Families A p6000 Book 61 Old Families B p6100 Book 62 Old Families C p6200 Book 63 Old Families D p6301 Book 64 Old Families E p6400 Book 65 Old Families F p6500 Book 66 Old Families G p6600 Book 67 Old Families H p6700 Book 68 Old Families IJ p6800 Book 69 Old Families K p6900 Book 70 Old Families L p7000 Book 71 Old Families M p7100 Book 72 Old Families N p7200 Book 73 Old Families O p7300 Book 74 Old Families PQ p7400 Book 75 Old Families R p7500 Book 76 Old Families S p7600 Book 77 Old Families T p7700 Book 78 Old Families UV p7800 Book 79 Old Families WXYZ p7900 Book 80 Who's Who A p8000 Page Twelve Thousand 36 Book 81 Who's Who B p8100 Book 82 Who's Who C p8200 Book 83 Who's Who D p8300 Book 84 Who's Who E p8400 Book 85 Who's Who F p8500 Book 86 Who's Who G p8600 Book 87 Who's Who H p8700 Book 88 Who's Who IJ p8800 Book 89 Who's Who K p8900 Book 90Who's Who L p9000 Book 91Who's Who M p9100 Book 92 Who's Who N p9200 Book 93 Who's Who O p9300 Book 94 Who's Who PQ p9400 Book 95 Who's Who R p9500 Book 96 Who's Who S p9600 Book 97 Who's Who T p9700 Book 98 Who's Who UV p9800 Book 99 Who's Who WXYZ p9900 Book 100 Quick stone Locator for St Clement Cemetery p10,001 Book 101 All Known Burials by Year for St Clement Cemetery Book 102 Children at St Clement Cemetery Book 103 more old fone books 1948 Book 104 Actual St Clement Records Book 105 Actual St Clement Records Book 106 Actual St Clement Records Book 107 Pictures of Actual Macomb County Death Records Book 108 Pictures of Actual Macomb County Death Records following being compiled Book 109 Reminisces regarding Businesses Book 110 Reminisces regarding Happenings Book 111 Reminisces regarding Old Days Book 112 Our Local Farms 1800-1960 Books 113-119 appendix books Attacks on Innocent Persons Book 140 Picture collection fotos in progress now the list is 336 pages long which represents about 1/5 total negatives 12,001 Index to entire work starts on page 12,001 index itself is this document you are looking at Index continues below books 0329 Bookout Max in Who’s Who Boonart I have info on this family see Old Families Books boondogglers 112 Boos Harry St Clement 1920 Eighth grade graduation class in Who’s Who Boose Phyllis Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Bora Patricia in Who’s Who Borawski James A CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Borcel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Borckmiller I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bordo Norman in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 37 Boris Muchnij in Who’s Who Borkowski Melvin WWII 36 Inf 1107 Borkowski Melvin WWII 36 Inf in Who’s Who Born I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bornart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Borowy Edward F in Who’s Who Borowy Patricia CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Borowy Teresa in Who’s Who Borowy Tom CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Borse Marian in Who’s Who Borsekowski - Richie Marion St Clement 1938 in Who’s Who Borsekowski Edward St Clement 1941 Deceased in Who’s Who Boshe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Boske I have info on this family see Old Families Books Boss Beverly CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Boss I have info on this family see Old Families Books Boss Thomas CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Boszoski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bottiaux Arthur deceased CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Bottiaux Leroy CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Bottumap I have info on this family see Old Families Books Boudon B map 1875 sec 5 in Who’s Who Boulle Jnlia 1885?128 in Who’s Who Bour N map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Bourike M map 1875 sec 22 ECL in Who’s Who Bourike M. in Who’s Who Bourke or Nourke Heclena in Who’s Who Bousson Clarence 1941 277 in Who’s Who Bousson Emil 1937 267 in Who’s Who Boussore Eliza a57 1929 8 4 249 in Who’s Who Boudreau Eugene St Clement 1950 in Who’s Who Boudreau Joseph L CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Boudreau Judy CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Boudreau Patricia CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Bouffard Donald Korea 1107 Bouffard Donald Korea in Who’s Who Bouffler Louis CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Boufford Kenneth President CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Boufford Thomas A CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Boughner Gretta Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Boughner Mrs in Who’s Who Boughton Robert Veteran World War II 1107 Boughton Robert Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Boulden I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bourgeois Basil in Who’s Who Bourgeois Nancy in Who’s Who Bourke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bousson-Powers Joyce St Clement 1959 in Who’s Who Boussora I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 38 Bowden Barbara Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Bowden Benjamin age 55 in 1880 school teacher in Who’s Who Bowrike M map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Bowden Douglas in Who’s Who Bowden Gene Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Bowden I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bowen Daniel Vietnam 1107 Bowen Daniel Vietnam in Who’s Who Bowen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bower I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bower John Veteran World War II 1107 Bower John Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Bower Mary Veteran World War II 1107 Bower Mary Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Bowman Barbara Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Bowman Debbie CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Bowman Gregory Vietnam 1107 Bowman Gregory Vietnam in Who’s Who Bowman Henry in Who’s Who Bowman John T in Who’s Who boy TV 0064 Boyd Arthur Ernest Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1107 Boyd Arthur Ernest Veteran U S Army Vietnam in Who’s Who Boyd Donald St Clement 1940 in Who’s Who Boyd Donald Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Boyd James St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Boyd Leonard St Clement 1942 in Who’s Who Boyd Margaret St Clement 1946 in Who’s Who Boyd Martha St Clement 1953 in Who’s Who Boyd Walter St Clement 1944 in Who’s Who Boyer Fred E Korea 1107 Boyer Fred E Korea in Who’s Who Boyer Mary St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Boyle Evelyn Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who BOYNE VERN A PVT 1107 BOYNE VERN A PVT in Who’s Who Boytim Darell St Clement 1958 in Who’s Who Boytim Patrick St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Bozek E J Warren High School teacher 1946 in Who’s Who Brackney Bill Warren High School 1950 in Who’s Who Brackney Jacqueline Warren High School 1950 in Who’s Who Brackney Patricia Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Bracy I have info on this family see Old Families Books BRADLEY CHARLES T JR 2LT 1107 and in Who’s Who Bradley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bradley J in Who’s Who Bradley John Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Bradley Linda CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Bradley Mrs Walter in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 39 Bradly Judith CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Bradshaw Janet CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Bradshaw June Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Bradshaw Mark in Who’s Who Bradshaw Peggy J CLHS 1962 married David Wagner Utica in Who’s Who Bradshun I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brady Sharon CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Brady Wilber F in Who’s Who Braekett Timothy Veteran U S Army WWII 1107 Braekett Timothy Veteran U S Army WWII in Who’s Who Bragenzer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Braining Mrs in Who’s Who Braman C in Who’s Who Brame Ella Beth CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Brame Phyllis CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Branagan Bridget d 1885 a74 in Who’s Who Braumn Aloysium Oberte Sep 1878 39 in Who’s Who Braun Elisabeth a64 Forn 28 Nov 1883 50 in Who’s Who Braun Jno map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Braunn Alwisius 1878 1878 in Who’s Who Braunn Antonium Oberle 16 Jan 1881 43 in Who’s Who Brazonska Russell 1914 in Who’s Who Bressel Geo m1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Bresson leona 1914200 in Who’s Who Breswentz D map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who Brandenburg in Who’s Who BRANDLE JOSEPH Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army 1107 and in Who’s Who Brandon Warren in Who’s Who BRANDT ARTHUR K PFC 1107 and in Who’s Who Brandt Dick Busch High School 1949 in Who’s Who Brandt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brant I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brassfield Artimus D.age 22 killed in Iraq War. in Who’s Who BRASSFIELD ARTIMUS D. SPC 22 Killed In Iraq War 1107 and in Who’s Who Brasza Henry in Who’s Who Brasza Sherry in Who’s Who Bratt Mrs co-op coordinator CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Braun Adolf in Who’s Who Braun I have info on this family see Old Families Books Braun I have info on this family see Old Families Books Braun Victor in Who’s Who Braun-Stone Judith St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Braye-Panutich Valerie St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who BRAZEE JOSHUA 25 KILLED IN IRAQ in Who’s Who Brazee Spc. Joshua T. 25 killed in Iraq War 1107 bread baking outside 0338 bread in pot over open fire 0331 Brecht I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brecker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 40 Breeman Charles in Who’s Who BREGE MARVIN J PFC 1108 and in Who’s Who Brehen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brehm Elvira Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Brehm Walter Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Breihalz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Breiholz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Breithart Richard in Who’s Who Bremer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brender I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brenkman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brenneman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brennesman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bressman Chuck Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Bretz Rev Robert in Who’s Who Brewer Robert CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Brhrol I have info on this family see Old Families Books brick 0219 Brick I have info on this family see Old Families Books brick Warco 0221 Brick WARCO 0368 Bricker Eleanor (Wilke) Busch High School 1939 in Who’s Who Bricker Wanda Busch High School 1943 in Who’s Who Brickley's Ice Cream 0475 Brickmiller I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brideau - Flannigan Dora St Clement 1954 in Who’s Who Brideau Al St Clement 1959 in Who’s Who Brideau Doris Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Brideau Lawrence Busch High School 1949 in Who’s Who Brideau Roger St Clement 1951 in Who’s Who bridge 0045 bridge 0054 bridge down 0063 Briesmeister Frank St Clement 1959 in Who’s Who Briggs - Okros Marcia St Clement 1958 Deceased in Who’s Who Briggs Eugene St Clement 1930 in Who’s Who Briggs George D in Who’s Who Briggs I have info on this family see Old Families Books Briggs Janice Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Briggs Kenneth St Clement 1936 in Who’s Who Briggs Kenneth U S Army veteran in Who’s Who Briggs Lila Warren High School 1950 in Who’s Who Briggs Robert Jr U S Army veteran 1108 Briggs Robert Jr U S Army veteran in Who’s Who Briggs Robert Sr USC Guard veteran 1108 Briggs Robert Sr USC Guard veteran in Who’s Who Briggs Ruth cook CLHS 1955-58 in Who’s Who Briggs Thomas U S Army veteran 1108 Briggs Thomas U S Army veteran in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 41 Briggs-Hirsch Therese St Clement 1943 in Who’s Who Brikdlz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Briley Margaret Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Bringard I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brinker Arandus 45 Brinker Arandus in 1900 blacksmith in Who’s Who Bricker Helena 1867 17 in Who’s Who Briesmeister William F Veteran in Who’s Who Briggs Archie 1937 267 in Who’s Who Briggs Gilbert Anthony Veteran in Who’s Who Brihaltz H map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Briholz H m1895 sec 2 in Who’s Who Brineman C map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Brinkar Albert F 1895147 in Who’s Who Brinker Albert F b 1865 d 1895 in Who’s Who Brinker Amandus 1856 1938 in Who’s Who Brinker Amardus 1938 270 in Who’s Who Brinker Elmer 1921212 in Who’s Who Brinker G H m1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Brinker Georgina Henicus 1920246 in Who’s Who Brinker infano Rdruan? 1895147 in Who’s Who Brinker Jane S b 1865 in Who’s Who Brinker John L m1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Brinker Josephus 1885?128 in Who’s Who Brinker Mary 1862 1926 in Who’s Who Brinker Minnie 1887 1935 nee Wolgast in Who’s Who Brinker Sophia 1915 in Who’s Who Brinkerd Georgii Henrici Lieprich 1869 19 in Who’s Who Brinkers G H map 1875 sec 8 in Who’s Who Brinkers J L map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Brinkers Johan Agnetem a2 Gieperich 7 Sept 1883 49 in Who’s Who Brinkers Petrun Henricum Gieperich 1883 in Who’s Who Brinkers Rosann a7 Gieperich 21 July 1883 49 in Who’s Who Brinkman A m1895 sec 34 in Who’s Who Brinkman Joseph 1938 in Who’s Who Britt Edwin G Veteran in Who’s Who Brizowdki Mary 1939 in Who’s Who Brnislus Wolfert 1892 in Who’s Who Brodick Emma 1918241 in Who’s Who Brohl Emma Mary 1942 1942 in Who’s Who Brohl F map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Brohl Frank m1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Brohl Jos m1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Brohl Jos map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Broke Jyliana Marie 1940 274 in Who’s Who Brookmiller C m1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Broues? Caustantini 1865 15 in Who’s Who Brower A map1859 in Who’s Who Brinker Fred Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 42 Brinker George Warren Treasurer 1868 in Who’s Who Brinker Gorge Henry Village Blacksmith in Who’s Who Brinker Helen Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Brinker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brinker Josephine Gipperrich mother of 15 in Who’s Who Brinker Margaret Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Brinker Marie Warren High School 1950 in Who’s Who Brinker Richard Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Brinker Rita St Clement 1944 in Who’s Who Brinker-Powers Elaine St Clement 1950 in Who’s Who Brinker-Richard Bernardine St Clement 1956 Deceased in Who’s Who Brinkman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brinkman-Sloan Jeanne St Clement 1950 in Who’s Who Briskey Harry M Veteran 1108 Briskey Harry M Veteran in Who’s Who Bristol Christopher Warren Supervisor 1936 in Who’s Who Bristol Frederick CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who British 0016 British 15 British Related and County 6400 Brnkaula I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brobl I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brock Howard Korea 1108 Brock Howard Korea in Who’s Who Brock June Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Brockert Roy St Clement 1956 in Who’s Who Brocki-Alvarez Barbara St Clement 1950 in Who’s Who Brockmann Francis J pastor of St Clement in Who’s Who Brogowski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brohl Family in Who’s Who Brohl Frank Warren Justice 1906 in Who’s Who Brohl I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brohl Ronald St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Bronis Tom CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Brooks Carl Vietnam 1108 Brooks Carl Vietnam in Who’s Who Brooks I have info on this family see Old Families Books broom old kine 0332 Broome Jack CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Broome Judith Ann CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who BROSKI FRANK S PFC 1108 BROSKI FRANK S PFC in Who’s Who Brosowski Robert served in 1969-1971 in Who’s Who Brostek Carl Vietnam 1108 Brostek Carl Vietnam in Who’s Who Brougest I have info on this family see Old Families Books Broughton Arnold (Bill) veteran 1108 Broughton Arnold (Bill) veteran in Who’s Who Brovencher Oneil Veteran U S Navy WWII 1108 Page Twelve Thousand 43 Brovencher Oneil Veteran U S Navy WWII in Who’s Who Brow Janet CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Brower A map1859 s22 ECL in Who’s Who Browley James Warren Justice 1949-50 in Who’s Who Brown Cullen 19 BROWN CULLEN 5/1/1838 in Who’s Who BROWN CULLEN 5/1/1838 in Who’s Who Brown E map 1859 sec 35 in Who’s Who Brown J map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Brown John A m1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Brown John m1895 sec 26 in Who’s Who Brown William A Veteran in Who’s Who Broworowski Victoria 1940 274 in Who’s Who Brozoriska Joseph 1918242 in Who’s Who Brozorocky Augustin 1892143 in Who’s Who Brozoskie A m1895 sec 17 20 in Who’s Who Brozowdka Anna 1897152 in Who’s Who Brozowjski noname 1888136 in Who’s Who Brozowkie Frank m1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Brozowska Anna 1854 1929 wife of August in Who’s Who Brozowska August 1850 1934 in Who’s Who Brozowska Joseph in Who’s Who Brozowska Norman in Who’s Who Brozowski Anna 1929 252 in Who’s Who Brozowski Edna 1913233 in Who’s Who Brozowsky Francisca 1893171 in Who’s Who Brszowska Agnis Paulina 1918207 in Who’s Who Brszowska Norman Joseph 1914200 in Who’s Who Brown Andrew Vietnam 1108 Brown Andrew Vietnam in Who’s Who Brown Archen in Who’s Who Brown Betty CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Brown Betty Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who Brown Bill Vietnam 1108 Brown Bill Vietnam in Who’s Who Brown Daria J in Who’s Who Brown David in Who’s Who Brown David in Who’s Who Brown Dayak Diane St Clement 1960 in Who’s Who Brown Dennis Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Brown Don in Who’s Who Brown Elmer CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Brown Gail Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Brown George Korea 1108 Brown George Korea in Who’s Who Brown Grayce M CLHS 1962 married Zack in Who’s Who Brown I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brown James Vietnam 1108 Brown James Vietnam in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 44 Brown Ken U S Air Force Veteran 64-76 1108 Brown Ken U S Air Force Veteran 64-76 in Who’s Who Brown Lisa in Who’s Who Brown Lloyd E in Who’s Who Brown Margaret Warren High School 1935 in Who’s Who Brown Peggy Ann CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Brown Peggy Elaine CLHS 1962 married Robert Vigneau in Who’s Who Brown Raymond Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who BROWN SPC. TIMOTHY D. 23 killed in Iraq War 1108 and in Who’s Who Brown Timothy D.age 23 killed Iraq in Who’s Who Brown Vernon veteran 1108 Brown Vernon veteran in Who’s Who Brown Wayne CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Brown Wayne St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Brown William Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Brown Willie Sue CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Brownfield James in Who’s Who Browns Bros Dairy 0476 Brozersky I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brozewrka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brozneki I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brozonski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brozoska I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brozowska I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brozowski Joseph Warren High School 1933 in Who’s Who Brozowski-Van Haverbeck Cecilia St Clement 1948 in Who’s Who Brozwski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brubaker Dick Busch High School 1949 in Who’s Who Brubaker Thomas Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who BRUCE JAMES N 19 1835 in Who’s Who Bruce James N 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who BRUCE THOMAS 10/14/1835 in Who’s Who Bruce J map 1859 early pioneer sec 5 in Who’s Who Brudley Mrs L P m1895 sec 6 in Who’s Who Brunnerman C map 1859 sec 36 in Who’s Who Bruce Thomas 19 Bruce 18 Bruce I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bruechert N Fire Chief Center Line 1948 - 1953 in Who’s Who Bruechert Nelson Fire Chief 1947. in Who’s Who Bruechert Nelson in Who’s Who Brueggeman - Jacob Gayle St Clement 1959 in Who’s Who Brueggeman - Misterovich Deanna St Clement 1960 in Who’s Who Brueggeman-Shea Laurene St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Brueggman - O'Mara Carol St Clement 1957 in Who’s Who Bruen Arthur Lee CLHS 1962 American hero in Who’s Who Bruger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bruggeman George in Who’s Who Bruhl I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 45 Bruholz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bruiker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brukolz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brumley Jennifer veteran 1108 Brumley Jennifer veteran in Who’s Who Bruner Jack in Who’s Who Brunet Gary Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Brunhert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Brunner Charles in Who’s Who Bruse I have info on this family see Old Families Books BRYAN WILLIAM J PVT ARMY killed in Korean War 1108 and in Who’s Who Bryant Loring 19 BRYANT LORING 4/1/1837in Who’s Who Bubeck George Veteran in Who’s Who Buchel Anna 1857 Anna Christine in Who’s Who Bryant Jack Busch High School 1948 in Who’s Who Bryant Jim Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Bryant Roy CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who BRYANT WILLIAM Medal of Honor Vietnam U S Army 1108 and in Who’s Who Brzezincki Jerry pastor at St Clement Church in Who’s Who Bubeck Frank Vietnam USMC 1108 Bubeck Frank Vietnam USMC in Who’s Who Buc Chester Veteran U S Army WWII 1108 Buc Chester Veteran U S Army WWII Infantry in Who’s Who Bucciero John St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Buchel alias Lentz in Who’s Who Buchel Anna Bertrude Oct 1872 in Who’s Who Buchel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Buchel Joannis at 64 in Who’s Who Buck Christian Jr 1922 1929 in Who’s Who Buck Christian Sr 1879 1952 in Who’s Who Buck Julianna 1886 1953 in Who’s Who Buck Paul 1941 278 in Who’s Who Buckley Delores 1930 253 in Who’s Who Buckley J map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who Buckley J map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who Buckley Joannas 1892169 in Who’s Who Buckley Joannes 1890164 in Who’s Who Buckley John L m1895 sec 26 in Who’s Who Buckley John map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Buckley Leo a14m 1929 Oct 9 249 in Who’s Who Buckley Margarta 1895174 in Who’s Who Buckley Wilhel.? 1863 in Who’s Who Buchel John 38 Buchel John in 1900 grocer in Who’s Who Buchel Joannis Adam 1857 in Who’s Who Buchholz Elizabeth Secretary CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Buck Bernice St Clement 1942 in Who’s Who bucket wood 0435 Page Twelve Thousand 46 bucket of wood 0331 BUCKHANNON JESS C JR PFC 1108 and in Who’s Who Buckhaus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Buckingham James Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Bucklen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Buckley et Margrvitha Lane in Who’s Who Buckman Martha 1934 in Who’s Who Buechel Angela M 1903 in Who’s Who Buechel Dora C 1879 1951wife of John in Who’s Who Buechel J m1895 sec 21 in Who’s Who Buechel John in Who’s Who Buckley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Buckley John Justice of the Peace 1867 (Leeson M 853) in Who’s Who Buckley John Justice of the Peace 1872 (Leeson M 853) in Who’s Who Buckley Joseph Justice 1867 in Who’s Who Buckley Mary St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Buckley Virginia CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Bucklin Brock L.age 23 killed in Iraq in Who’s Who BUCKLIN SPC. BROCK L. 28 killed in Iraq War 1108 and in Who’s Who Buckmaster Diane CLHS 1962 married Poff in Who’s Who Buckner Louis Warren Police Officer in 1952 in Who’s Who Buech I have info on this family see Old Families Books Buechel Anthony 14 had news stand in 1900 in Who’s Who Buechel John 1938 270 in Who’s Who Buechel John F 1873 1938 in Who’s Who Buechel Jos map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Buechel Joseph map 1875 sec 21 WCL in Who’s Who Buechel Anthony 45 Buechel Frederick St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Buechel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Buechel J F 4 9 1937 - 8 24 1937 Justice of the Peace in Who’s Who Buechel John 45 39 40 Buechel John Warren Clerk 1902-03 1905-09 in Who’s Who Buechel John Warren Clerk 1910-21 in Who’s Who Buechel John Warren Clerk 1933-35 in Who’s Who Buechel Joseph & Sophia 35 39 40 Buechel Joseph & Sophia in 1880 in Who’s Who Buechel Joseph 1835 1930 in Who’s Who Buechel Mary 1861 1930 in Who’s Who Buechel Mary 1930 253 in Who’s Who Buechel Mathew 1932 257 in Who’s Who Buechel Matthias 1865 1932 in Who’s Who Buechel Sophia 1845 1925 in Who’s Who Buechel Sophia hist in Who’s Who Buechel Joseph early settler in Who’s Who Buechel Joseph hist map 1875 s21 WCL in Who’s Who Buechel Joseph in Who’s Who Buechel Kathy CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Buechel Thomas St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 47 BuechelJon St Clement 1943 in Who’s Who Buechels Store CL 0040 Buechel-Williams Barbara St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Buehl I have info on this family see Old Families Books Buell Samuel 19 BUELL SAMUEL 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Buffum W map 1859 sec 23 in Who’s Who Buke T map 1859 sec 2 in Who’s Who Buner A map 1859 sec 13 in Who’s Who Bunert A map 1875 sec 13 in Who’s Who Bunert Aug m1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Bunert C m1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Bunert C map 1875 sec 13 in Who’s Who Bunoick Gloria 1930 252 in Who’s Who Burg Tereria 1865 15 in Who’s Who Burg Anna 1869 d 1921wife of Mathias in Who’s Who Burg Anna 1969 1941 in Who’s Who Burg Anna Tealnude 1941 277 in Who’s Who Burg Citer 1941 277 in Who’s Who Burg Elizabeth 1897152 in Who’s Who Burg Florentine 1902 d 1983 in Who’s Who Burg Jacob 1934 261 in Who’s Who Burg John P b 1898 d 1964 in Who’s Who Burg M m1895 sec 22 Center Line in Who’s Who Burg Mathaeus 1887131 in Who’s Who Burg Mathias 1861 d 1949 in Who’s Who Burg Mathias Jr 1905225 in Who’s Who Burg Mathias m1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Burg Peter in Who’s Who Burg Peter Hubah 1868 17 in Who’s Who Burg Puer 1857 Mar 14 in Who’s Who Buerman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bugaj Michael J. Vietnam 1108 Bugaj Michael J. Vietnam in Who’s Who buggy lady horse 0562 buggy 0193 buggy barn 0583 Bugm I have info on this family see Old Families Books Buigeo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bull I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bummgartner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bumstead Jon in Who’s Who Bunce Betty (Relyea) Busch High School 1941 in Who’s Who Bunert 0007 Bunert 0537 Bunert Cemetery 8 Bunert farm 7 161-168 Bunert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bunert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 48 Bunert Indian Cemetery 4100 Bunert One Room School 0185 Bunert School 0076 77 Bunert School 186-190 Bunert School 3803 Bunert Schools 0052 Bunert Weier Farm Color 0161 3 Bunert-Indian cemetery 0081 Bunert-Indian Cemetery 0386-89 Bunsn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Burczyk Arnold Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who BURD JOSEPH C PFC ARMY killed in Korean War 1108 and in Who’s Who Burdi Caren in Who’s Who Burdi Louis in Who’s Who Burdi Louis J Korea 1108 Burdi Louis J Korea in Who’s Who Burdick I have info on this family see Old Families Books Burg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Burg Theresia 1898 jan 4180 in Who’s Who Burg Tracy m1895 sec 14 in Who’s Who Burger N map 1875 sec 5 in Who’s Who Burkhesier Adam in Who’s Who Burnet C map 1859 sec 13 in Who’s Who Burg James St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Burg Opelowski Marcia St Clement 1960 in Who’s Who Burg-Drwencke Jo Ann St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Burger I have info on this family see Old Families Books BURGESS BRYAN K. 35 KILLED IN IRAQ in Who’s Who Burgess Gary Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who BURGESS LANCE CPL. RYAN J. 21 killed in Iraq War 1108 and in Who’s Who Burgess Lois (Marshall) Busch High School 1944 in Who’s Who BURGESS SGT. BRYAN K. 35 killed in Iraq War 1109 Burgett Joan CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Burgett Marilyn Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Burk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Burk Ms did Tri Hi Y at CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Burke Arthur in Who’s Who Burke Evelyn St Clement 1931 in Who’s Who BURKE FRANCIS R SSG 1109 and in Who’s Who Burke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Burke Scott Macomb County Sheriff 1947 - 1948 in Who’s Who Burkett-Smith Wilda St Clement 1943 in Who’s Who Burkhesier Adam early settler in Who’s Who Bur-lers Variety Store 85, 99, 348 Burley Carrol Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who Burley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Burley Phyllis Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Burlison-Miller Barbara St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Burnett Deborah Vietnam 1109 Page Twelve Thousand 49 Burnett Deborah Vietnam in Who’s Who Burns Doug CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Burns Eugene WWII Sgt U S Army 1109 Burns Eugene WWII Sgt U S Army 5th Div in Who’s Who BURNS JOHN A TEC4 1109 and in Who’s Who Burns Ken in Who’s Who Burns Sandra St Clement 1956 in Who’s Who Burr C.A. in Who’s Who Burr Donald Thomas in Who’s Who Burr George Warren Treasurer 1897-98 in Who’s Who Burr William Fire Commissioner in 1957 in Who’s Who Burr William W P D commissioner 1960s in Who’s Who BURRI SPC. ERIC T. 21 killed in Iraq War 1109 and in Who’s Who Burrick Post Germaine St Clement 1941 in Who’s Who Burrick Van De Steene Virginia St Clement 1941 in Who’s Who Burrick-Zelecki Marlene St Clement 1956 in Who’s Who Burson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Burssens Milton in Who’s Who Burt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Burtis John 19 BURTIS JOHN 5/1/1839 in Who’s Who BURTON IRA 10/14/1835 in Who’s Who Burton Ira 19 Burton John h 19 BURTON JOHN H 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Burton O map 1859 sec 6 in Who’s Who Burton R map 1875 sec 4 in Who’s Who Bury Mrs map 1875 sec 14 in Who’s Who Burzynski Ziggie Veteran in Who’s Who Burton I have info on this family see Old Families Books bus on bridge 63 Busari I have info on this family see Old Families Books Busch (Russell ) Dorothy Warren High School 1931 in Who’s Who Busch Band 0063 Busch Caroline St Clement 1929 in Who’s Who Busch Charles Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Busch Edward 45 Busch Edward ran grocery store in 1900 in Who’s Who Busch G map 1875 sec 8 in Who’s Who Busch J map 1875 sec 8 in Who’s Who Bush August m1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Bush G map1859 sec 26 @ 28 sWCL in Who’s Who Bush John m1895 sec 5 8 9 War in Who’s Who Bush Lewis m1895 sec 21 Center Line in Who’s Who Buste H map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Busch High School Graduate 1953 in Who’s Who Busch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Busch Jerald Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Busch John St Clement 1929 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 50 Busch Library 3697 Busch Louis 1906-1948 in Who’s Who Busch Louis. in Who’s Who Busch Nina Warren High School Class of 1946 in Who’s Who Busch school 0115 Busch School 52 Busch Shirley Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Buschlen Carol CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Bush Art Warren High School 1950 in Who’s Who Bush Barbara Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Bush Edward Veteran World War II 1109 Bush Edward Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Bush I have info on this family see Old Families Books Bush John St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Bush Ray 1927. in Who’s Who Bushart Damian S.age 22 killed in Iraq in Who’s Who BUSHART PFC. DAMIAN S. 22 killed in Iraq War 1109 and in Who’s Who Bushek Jack Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Bushman Sandra Marie CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Businesses Early 32, 52, 0219, 347-358 businesses Longest lasting 0343 businesses 99 100 191-197 219-230 Vol 2 347-364 Businesses by Street 4700 Businesses by Type 4600 Businesses in the 2000s p5600 Businesses in the 2010s p5700 Businesses in the 40s 4800 Businesses in the 40s 4900-59 Businesses in 50s 60s 5300 Businesses in 70s 80s p5400 Businesses in the 90s p5500 Businesses in the 2000s p5600 Bussa Marian in Who’s Who Busse Charles in Who’s Who Busse Jeanne in Who’s Who Busse Jeanne Olive in Who’s Who Bussey I have info on this family see Old Families Books bust developer 0191 Buswink Lois CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Buswink-Styler Dianne St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Buszczak Robert Korea 1109 Buszczak Robert Korea in Who’s Who Butala Alan St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Butcher Edith Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Butcher Robert Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who Butcher Thomas Trustee Warren High School Board 1954 55 in Who’s Who Butkovich Robert T Korea 1109 Butkovich Robert T Korea in Who’s Who Butler Adrian J.age 28 Specialist killed in Iraq in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 51 BUTLER PATRICK 11/23/1835 in Who’s Who Butler Patrick 19 Butler Tertullus 19 BUTLER TERTULLUS D 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Buttu Orsan at age 71 ran the ice cream parlor in 1900 in Who’s Who BUTLER GERALD EUGENE PFC MARINES DIED VIETNAM 1109 and in Who’s Who Butler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Butler Norman Veteran U S Army Air Corps WWII 1109 Butler Norman Veteran U S Army Air Corps WWII in Who’s Who Butler Robert CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Butler Sheila CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who BUTLER SPC. ADRIAN J. 28 killed in Iraq War 1109 and in Who’s Who Butler Yvonne Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Butrim Carl St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Butrum Dennis St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Butson Alvin served in WWII and Korea in Who’s Who Butson Gary St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Butson Gilbert St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Button I have info on this family see Old Families Books Buttu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Buttu Orsan 45 Byer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Byers Jim Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who BYLEN PETER W PVT 1109 and in Who’s Who Bynbick Canlus 1897152 in Who’s Who Byrd Elizabeth Busch High School 1954 in Who’s Who Byrd Frances CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Byrum Barb in Who’s Who C/L recreation/Library 0066 cabin 8 22 23 27 cabins 0023 Cacchione Charles Army Korea 1959 1109 Cacchione Charles Army Korea 1959 in Who’s Who Cadez I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cady I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cagle Howard D. Sr Vietnam 1109 Cagle Howard D. Sr Vietnam in Who’s Who Cahill Basil St Clement 1941 in Who’s Who CAHILL DANIEL FRANCIS S.Sgt Army Vietnam Hostile Killed 1109 and in Who’s Who Cahill Daniel St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Cahill Jean St Clement 1946 Deceased in Who’s Who Cahill Maurice St Clement 1941 in Who’s Who Cahill-Journeau Pearl St Clement 1943 in Who’s Who Cahoon Evelyn Warren High School 1936 in Who’s Who Caify I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cailloutte Edna CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Cain Bryon in Who’s Who Cain Eileen Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Caks Magdalenae 25 Apr 1881 44 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 52 Callenaesh Albert 1937 266 in Who’s Who Calloghan Michaelis 1862 in Who’s Who Campbell Alexander in Who’s Who Campbell infans 1890138 in Who’s Who Campbell James 1941 277 in Who’s Who Campbell John in Who’s Who Campbell John 1847 1910 in Who’s Who Campbell L map 1859 sec 34 35 in Who’s Who Campbell Margaret d 1879 more in Who’s Who Campbell Nellie 1930 253 in Who’s Who Campbell Nellie a60 1929 in Who’s Who Cane W map 1859 sec 15 in Who’s Who Calabrese Connie St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Calackett I have info on this family see Old Families Books Calahan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Calcaterra Anthony St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Calcaterra Mr and Mrs Charles St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who CALDWELL JAMES B CPL 1109 and in Who’s Who Cale James CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Cale Patricia CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Call I have info on this family see Old Families Books Callaway Margaret H. Veteran World War II 1109 Callaway Margaret H. Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Callewaert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Calley Brian in Who’s Who Callton Mike in Who’s Who Calomeni George in Who’s Who Caltz I have info on this family see Old Families Books CALVERT MARSHALL PVT 1109 and in Who’s Who Camarda Phillip K in Who’s Who Cameron Joyce Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Cameron Rick veteran 1109 Cameron Rick veteran in Who’s Who Camian I have info on this family see Old Families Books Caminsky Alice Teacher Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Camp I have info on this family see Old Families Books Campbell Alexander 19 Campbell Douglas Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Campbell family was one of the early settlers in Warren in Who’s Who Campbell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Campbell James CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Campbell Jean (Weber) Busch High School 1941 in Who’s Who Campbell John early business in Who’s Who Campbell John St Clement 1930 in Who’s Who Campbell Nadine St Clement 1929 in Who’s Who Campbell Norman St Clement 1942 in Who’s Who Campbell-Cunningham Geraldine St Clement 1956 Deceased in Who’s Who Campbell-DeBeaussaert Rosalie St Clement 1950 in Who’s Who campfire 0322 Page Twelve Thousand 53 camping with Hudson car 0064 Cand I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cander I have info on this family see Old Families Books candle lamp 0332 Canfield William Macomb County Sheriff 1833-1836 in Who’s Who Canice I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cann Bruce N CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Cann Gerald Busch High School 1954 in Who’s Who canned food 0328 canned food 0334 CANNON GEORGE Medal of Honor WWII U S Marine Corps 1109 and in Who’s Who Canrad I have info on this family see Old Families Books Canrad Louis 35 Canrad Louis in 1880 in Who’s Who Cantin-Kraus Carol St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Canto John 19 CANTO JOHN in Who’s Who Cantwell J m1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Cantwell P map 1875 sec 1 in Who’s Who CapAistas Domi Andreas Rinke in Who’s Who Caplan S m1895 sec 20 in Who’s Who Caroley Joannis 1864 13 in Who’s Who Caron Lawrence Veteran in Who’s Who Cantwell I have info on this family see Old Families Books canvas tub 0330 Capels I have info on this family see Old Families Books Capernus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Capitan Tom Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Capitani L Mason in Who’s Who Capps Lawrence D. Vietnam 1109 and in Who’s Who car old 0563, 0582, 0584 car stuck get a horse 0044, 0055 Carabelli James L in Who’s Who Caravaggio Andrew St Clement 1958 in Who’s Who Caravaggio Joseph St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Caravaggio Marie St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Caravaggio Vincent St Clement 1961 in Who’s Who Carbary I have info on this family see Old Families Books Carbonneau J Center Line Fire Department 1970 in Who’s Who Carbonneau Jules volunteer Center Line Fire Department in 1969 in Who’s Who Cardamone Emil in Who’s Who Cardell Taylor Jr veteran 1109 Cardell Taylor Jr veteran in Who’s Who CARDINAL SPC. ANTHONY O. 20 killed in Iraq War 1109 and in Who’s Who Cardneau Robert F CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Cardorir I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cardwell Charles CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Caretti Richard L in Who’s Who Cargas Perry James Korea in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 54 Cargill D J WWII & Korea U S Navy 1109 and in Who’s Who Cargill Robert B WWII U S Navy 1109 and in Who’s Who Carie Frank CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Carie Kashouty Patricia St Clement 1948 in Who’s Who Carie Lawrence Paul CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Carie Leroy Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Carie Shirley Busch High School 1954 in Who’s Who caring community 0025 Carion Ray in Who’s Who Carlson James Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Carlson-Griggs Peggy St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Carlu Alois in Who’s Who Carlu Barbara St Clement 1958 in Who’s Who Carmody Charles in Who’s Who Carnahan James CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Carnahau I have info on this family see Old Families Books Carney Ed J first Center Line village commission. in Who’s Who Carney I have info on this family see Old Families Books Carney Jim had a Buick Co 1970s in Who’s Who Carney Mary St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Carney Richard Center Line Fire Department in 1963. in Who’s Who Carney Richard Sgt Center Line Fire Department in 1966. in Who’s Who Carney-Massey Mary Ann St Clement 1961 in Who’s Who Carol Wolf in Who's Who Caroll Sharron CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Carolweg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Carpenter William 19 CARPENTER WILLIAM N in Who’s Who Carpenter Bull Korea 1110 Carpenter Bull Korea in Who’s Who Carpenter Kathy CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Carr Richard CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Carr Sr. William Korea 1110 Carr Sr. William Korea in Who’s Who Carr William U S Navy 1110 Carr William U S Navy USS Leyte in Who’s Who Carr William Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who CARRATHER BERNARD A SSG 1110 and in Who’s Who carriage factory 0219 CARRIER ALBERT JOSEPH S. III SP4 Army Vietnam Hostile Killed 1110 and in Who’s Who Carrier Albert Warren Police Officer in 1952 in Who’s Who Carrier Carl Veteran in Who’s Who Cartwright F W m1895 sec 5 6 War in Who’s Who Carrier Chesney Rosemary St Clement1953 in Who’s Who Carro I have info on this family see Old Families Books Carroll Elsworth in Who’s Who Carroll Howard R in Who’s Who Carroll Max in Who’s Who Carroll-Stawiasz Barbara St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 55 cars old 0116 Cars 16 43 44 93 98 Carter Juanita Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Carter Lois Teacher Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who carts push 0063 Cartwell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cartwright I have info on this family see Old Families Books Caruana Marlene St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Caruana Mary St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Caruso John Board of Education 1985-1986 in Who’s Who CARVER SPC. DANE O. 20 killed in Iraq War 1110 and in Who’s Who Casaceli Kevin President Ralph's Cleaners in Who’s Who Casborn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Casby I have info on this family see Old Families Books Case I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cashen Ray Circuit Court Judge c 1976 in Who’s Who Casilebek I have info on this family see Old Families Books Casine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Casloru I have info on this family see Old Families Books Casmere Alan in Who’s Who Casmere Bernard Eugene WWII 1939-1945 1110 Casmere Bernard Eugene WWII 1939-1945 in Who’s Who Casowski Gary in Who’s Who Casperson Tom in Who’s Who Cass Lewis governor Michigan 1813-1831 in Who’s Who Castor H m1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who Cather. Gill 1862 in Who’s Who Caupens Hennius 1904190 in Who’s Who Cavanaugh Patrick 1934 263 in Who’s Who Cass Frank B U. S. Army Korea 1110 Cass Frank B U. S. Army Korea in Who’s Who Cassani Christine in Who’s Who Casselman James St Clement 1961 in Who’s Who Casselman Lawrence St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who CASSIDY CAPT. PAUL J. 36 killed in Iraq War 1110 and in Who’s Who Casson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Castelluci Francis A Circuit Court Judge c 1976 in Who’s Who Castiglione John CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Castiglione Marie Frances CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Castillo Luis J. age 20 killed in Iraq in Who’s Who CASTILLO LANCE CPL. LUIS J. 20 killed in Iraq War 1110 and in Who’s Who Castora George Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Castora Jan Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Caswell Bruce in Who’s Who Cataldi Albert Korea 1110 Cataldi Albert Korea in Who’s Who catalog 97 48 Cate Barbara Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Cate Robert CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 56 Cathcart Terrence CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Cathleen Kristofice in Who’s Who Catron William Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Cattani - Aydingoz Rosemary St Clement 1953 in Who’s Who Cattani John CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Cattani Madeline CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Cattani Maro in Who’s Who Caudill Christine Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Cauley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Caumartin Donna Kaczar Warren Countil Vice President 2007 in Who’s Who Caumartin Michaei Vietnam 1110 Caumartin Michaei Vietnam in Who’s Who Caumartin Michael in Who’s Who Cautwele I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cavaccoe John 1934 in Who’s Who Cavacece John St Clement 1935 Deceased in Who’s Who Cavanagh Phil in Who’s Who Cavanaugh Gary CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Cawetzka Charles Medal of Honor in Who’s Who CAWETZKA CHARLES Medal of Honor U S Army Philippine 1110 and in Who’s Who Cdiet I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ceaen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ceaen? Thomas 35 Ceaen?Thomas in 1880 grocer in Who’s Who Ceirenman Joanna Elizabeth 1930 252 in Who’s Who Cerowsky Elizabeth 1895 1929 in Who’s Who Cerville Patrick W 1941 277 in Who’s Who Chairrin infant 1901218 in Who’s Who Chaltran Carrolus 1918242 in Who’s Who Chaltron Charles 1856 1918 in Who’s Who Chaltron Thresia 1862 1922 in Who’s Who Champigne Francis Cum 1906228 in Who’s Who Chanviu Simon 1887158 in Who’s Who Chapman Edward J Veteran in Who’s Who Chapp A m1895 sec 22 Center Line in Who’s Who Chapp Josephus 1885?128 in Who’s Who Chartier Franciscan Laperte 4 Apr 1880 in Who’s Who Chartier Lousana Laferte 6 Apr 1880 in Who’s Who CHASE DAVID 4/20/1838in Who’s Who Ceballos Irene CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Cebeer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cebula John Korea 1110 Cebula John Korea in Who’s Who Cederleaf Diane CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Celtic Cross 0250 Celtness I have info on this family see Old Families Books cemeteries 0081 cemetery 80-84 cemetery oldest Vol 2 386 Page Twelve Thousand 57 Cencich Jack Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Cencich Lawrence Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Cencick Rose Marie St Clement 1946 in Who’s Who Cendrowski Arthur Korea 1110 Cendrowski Arthur Korea in Who’s Who Census 1900-1920 p 3601-3704 Census 2000s 0067 census comparisons 4000 Census of Warren area 1830-1900 7 Census of Warren area 1894 1910 1920 9 Census Wrn 1870-1890 3501-88 Center Line 1900 notables 0038 Center Line 1950 phone book 5000 Center Line 57 Center Line Baptist 0251 Center Line Church of Christ 0254 Center Line Government 3739 Center Line Lanes 0475 Center Line Pictures 5100 Center Line Presbyterian 0250 Center Line Recreation-Library 0478 Center Line water tower 0065 CenterLine Community Church 0250 Centre line 39 40 CEO 71 CEO greed 0065 Cerneline I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cervenak Michael Warren High School 1938 in Who’s Who CeSano Janice CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Cewal Edward Veteran World War II 1110 Cewal Edward Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Ceyl I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ceyzyk Richard CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Chabot Jacqueline Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who CHADWICK MAURICE M CPL 1110 and in Who’s Who Chakur Nicholas in Who’s Who Chakur Nicholas R in Who’s Who Chaldron I have info on this family see Old Families Books Chalis Warren in Who’s Who Chaltron I have info on this family see Old Families Books chamber pot 0023, 0036, 0332 Chamberlain H E Warren High School teacher 1946 in Who’s Who Chamberlain Harold Teacher Warren High School 1954 55 in Who’s Who Champagne Norman A WWII veteran 1110 Champagne Norman A WWII veteran in Who’s Who Champine Dennis USMC 1110 and in Who’s Who Champine Donald USMC 1110 and in Who’s Who Champine Fred Center Line Fire Department 1966. in Who’s Who CHAMPINE ROY F PFC 1110 and in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 58 Champion James Vietnam 1110 Champion James Vietnam in Who’s Who Chandanais Carol CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Chandanais Lillian Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Chandler Marilyn St Clement 1956 in Who’s Who CHANDLER ROBERT T PVT 1110 and in Who’s Who Chapel Lynn in Who’s Who Chapman - Flaherty Anne St Clement 1959 in Who’s Who Chapman Edward J in Who’s Who Chapman Edward St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Chapman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Chapman-Girard Virginia St Clement 1961 in Who’s Who Chapp - Grobbel Sandra St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Chapp Gary St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Chapp I have info on this family see Old Families Books CHAPPELLE GEORGE F PFC 1110 and in Who’s Who Charboneau Donald E CLHS 1962 DU in Who’s Who Charbonneau Richard Korea 1110 and in Who’s Who CHARETTE WILLIAM Medal of Honor Korean U S Navy 1111 and in Who’s Who Chargo Betty in Who’s Who Charles A age 16 a sailor in Who’s Who Charter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Charles Choon Busch High School 1949 in Who’s Who Charnesky Morris Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Charnesky Victor CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Charwood 0076 77 Charwood Library 3698 Chase David 19 Chase Jonathan 19 CHASE JONATHAN in Who’s Who CHASE JONATHAN in Who’s Who Chase J map 1859 sec 8 in Who’s Who Chauvier infant 1903221 in Who’s Who Chene George R Veteran in Who’s Who Chene George R Veteran in Who’s Who Chase Marilyn Grace Year Book Editor CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Chase R J 1911 - 1917 Pastor of First Methodist Church of Warren organized 1845 in Who’s Who CHASE RUSSELL DAVID Pfc Army Warren S.Vietnam Hostile Killed 1111 and in Who’s Who Chase Sharon CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Chathron I have info on this family see Old Families Books Chatosky Joe Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who Chatten Jacqueline CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who cheerleaders 0491 cheese 0327 Chene George in Who’s Who Chene George R Jr in Who’s Who Chene Joann (Wiegand) Busch High School 1948 in Who’s Who Cherava Nicholas O.age 21 killed in Iraq War. in Who’s Who CHERAVA CPL. NICHOLAS O. 21 killed in Iraq War 1111 and in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 59 Chernesky Raymond Veteran U S Army WWII 1111 Chernesky Raymond Veteran U S Army WWII in Who’s Who Chess I have info on this family see Old Families Books Chester Smokoski Busch High School 1930 in Who’s Who Chetosky Bernadine Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Chetosky Norman Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Chetosky Robert Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Chicago Ave horses 0353 chick 0009 Chick William in Who’s Who chicken 0009 chickens 59 Chicoine Hubert 19 CHICOINE HUBERT in Who’s Who Chinstel Michaes 1895174 in Who’s Who Chnstel Rosa 1896175 in Who’s Who Choiatel Walter 1933 260 in Who’s Who Chonkich Michael Veteran in Who’s Who Choustowski Philip 1932 in Who’s Who Chyle P map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Cieslak Henry Veteran in Who’s Who Chief N Smith 0103 Chiesa-Stroup Marilyn St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who child trafficking 93 children # of graves 4100 Children plants Cemetery docs 4160-86 children at poverty level 0068 children without adequate food 0067 Childs Dennis W CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Childs William Busch High School 1954 in Who’s Who china 0327 Chinn Elbert Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Chipchase George 35 Chipchase George in 1900 harness maker in Who’s Who Clivart Frank 1930 in Who’s Who Clos anes detalis Angela a90 Mar 1874 in Who’s Who Closeman F map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Cobrl Maria 1886155 in Who’s Who Colden Ooa a43 1929 Jul 14 249 in Who’s Who Cole Larry P Veteran in Who’s Who Cole W L m1895 sec 5 ColeWilliam in 1880 as grocer in Who’s Who Chipchase I have info on this family see Old Families Books Chistier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Chistin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Chlded I have info on this family see Old Families Books Chludzinski Arthur WWII U S Army 1111 Chludzinski Arthur WWII U S Army in Who’s Who Chmelko Dave in Who’s Who Chmelko John in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 60 Chmelko John Jr in Who’s Who Chmelko William in Who’s Who Chmiel Donald veteran 1111 Chmiel Donald veteran in Who’s Who Chmielarzyk Norbert Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who Chmielewski Lawrence St Clement 1960 in Who’s Who Chmielewski Thomas St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Chmielewski-Savel Barbara St Clement 1961 in Who’s Who Chmura John M Warren Judge 2007-2012 in Who’s Who Chmura John Michael Court Judge in Who’s Who Chmura Joseph SSGT WWII U S Army 1111 Chmura Joseph SSGT WWII U S Army in Who’s Who Chmura Judge in Who’s Who Choike L Center Line Fire Department 1970 in Who’s Who Choike Lawrence Center Line Fire Department in 1969 in Who’s Who Choike Lawrence St Clement 1964 in Who’s Who Choinski Pat Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Chonko -Kulick Dolores St Clement 1960 Deceased in Who’s Who Chonko-Rogus Andrea St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Chornenki Norman St Clement 1956 in Who’s Who Christal I have info on this family see Old Families Books Christel Barbara St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Christel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Christel Roger in Who’s Who Christena I have info on this family see Old Families Books Christensen Thomas W killed in Iraq in Who’s Who Christensen Carol Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who CHRISTENSEN THOMAS W STAFF SGT.KILLED IN IRAQ 1111 and in Who’s Who CHRISTIANCY JAMES Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army 1111 and in Who’s Who Christiani Paul in Who’s Who Christiani Paul J CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Christle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Chrysler Lincoln veteran 1111 Chrysler Lincoln veteran in Who’s Who Chrzanowski Mary A in Who’s Who Chrzanowski Robert J in Who’s Who Chuba -La Haye Catherine St Clement 1941 in Who’s Who Chuckry Beverly St Clement 1960 in Who’s Who Chuckry Mikhael Veteran WWII CAF 1111 Chuckry Mikhael Veteran WWII CAF in Who’s Who Chul Kim Cpl USMC 1981-1984 1111 Chul Kim Cpl USMC 1981-1984 in Who’s Who Chupa Charles Veteran World War II 1111 Chupa Charles Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Chupa Jerome M WWII U S Navy 1111 Chupa Jerome M WWII U S Navy in Who’s Who Chupa Michael in Who’s Who Church A V 32 Church of Christ North 0255 Page Twelve Thousand 61 Church of Christ Van Dyke 0257 Church of Master 0256 Church of Wildwood 0251 Churches Older of S Warren 0248 Churches Oldest -238-244 churches 49 50 51 Vol 2 238-277 Churches Founded Years 0246 Churches in Middle Warren 0250 Churches in N Warren 0255 Churches newer in S Warren 0257 churches oldest 0049 Churches pictures 0051 Churchill Anita Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Churchill Joan Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Churchill Nancy Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Churilla Helen St Clement 1960 Deceased in Who’s Who Churilla-Adam Loretta St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who churn 0220, churn 0433 Chynoweth James CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Chynoweth Richard CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Ciaglia Lisa Warren Council 1985-1986 in Who’s Who Ciara Gerald A. Vietnam 1111 Ciara Gerald A. Vietnam in Who’s Who Cicci Joe Vietnam 1111 Cicci Joe Vietnam in Who’s Who Cicci Joseph Korea 1111 Cicci Joseph Korea in Who’s Who Cichoski Lenord U S Marine Corps Korea in Who’s Who Cichoski Lenord Veteran U S Marine 1111 Cichowlas Richard Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who cider mill 0193, 0214 Ciecko John Vietnam 1111 and in Who’s Who Ciesliga Al in Who’s Who Ciesliga Alphonse in Who’s Who Ciesliga Robert St Clement 1961 in Who’s Who Ciesliga Thomas St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Cieslinski Walter CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Ciesniewski Richard pastor at St Clement Church in Who’s Who Cilia Susan McHugh in Who’s Who Ciocarlan David Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Cities Service 0364 Cities Service 0491 city Warren became 0063 city and village halls Vol 3 567-576 City-Village Warren Halls 0567-76 Civil War 0008 Civil War 0027 Civil War 0605 civilization beginnings 0017 Page Twelve Thousand 62 Claeys 45 57 Claeys Beatrice Secretary Warren High School 1935 in Who’s Who Claeys Edward U S Army Korean War 1952-1954 in Who’s Who CLAEYS EDWARD VETERAN U S ARMY KOREAN WAR 1952-1954 1111 Claeys H L 2007 Warren Historical Society Award in Who’s Who Claeys Heneritta St Clement 1928 in Who’s Who Claeys Henry L well driller in Who’s Who Clark Clyde US Army Veteran 1968-1970 Who’s Who Clark Elias in Who’s Who Clark General George Rogers Clark in Who’s Who Clemenes Geav or Geo 1941 278 in Who’s Who Clements Catherine 1878 1911 in Who’s Who Claeys Henry L. in Who’s Who Claeys I have info on this family see Old Families Books Claeys Lillian St Clement 1928 in Who’s Who Clalk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Clanton W Center Line Fire Department 1970 in Who’s Who Clark Elias 19 Clark Betsey Teacher Warren High School 1954 55 in Who’s Who Clark Betty Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Clark Beverly CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Clark Clyde US Army Vietnam in Who’s Who Clark Donald Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Clark General George Rogers in Who’s Who Clark Gerald Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Clark I have info on this family see Old Families Books Clark John A 1916-2003 veteran 1111 Clark John A 1916-2003 veteran in Who’s Who Clark Judith CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Clark L in Who’s Who Clark Leah custodian Warren High School 1952-55 in Who’s Who Clark Max Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who Clark Melvin CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Clark Paul W in Who’s Who Clark Ruch CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Clark Wayne Busch High School 1954 in Who’s Who Clark William teacher Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Clarke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Clarrah I have info on this family see Old Families Books Clauky I have info on this family see Old Families Books Clays I have info on this family see Old Families Books Clehoening I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cleland Thomas Vietnam 1111 Cleland Thomas Vietnam in Who’s Who Clem I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cleman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Clemente Paul in Who’s Who Cleristel I have info on this family see Old Families Books clerk on Van Dyke 0490 Page Twelve Thousand 63 CLFD 2 3725_3754 CLFD history 1 3701_3723 Cline Dennis CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Cline I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cline Marth CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Cline Peter 35 Cline Peter age 26 in 1880 blacksmith in Who’s Who Clingman P map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who CLINE ROBERT LOUIS PFC Warren S.Vietnam Hostile Killed 1111 and in Who’s Who Clinkhammer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Clinton Judith St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Clinton Tim Vietnam 1111 Clinton Tim Vietnam in Who’s Who Clinton Timothy St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Clone I have info on this family see Old Families Books Clothing 1800s 0191 clothing 97 157-160 Clothing growing making 0157 Cloucker I have info on this family see Old Families Books clown car 0064 CLUTE GEORGE Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army 1111 and in Who’s Who Coach Annette in Who’s Who Coach Joseph J in Who’s Who Coates Gerald CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Coates Philip CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Cobb Charles Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Cobb James Warren Schools 6th grade 1938 in Who’s Who Cobb Marie Warren High School 1957 in Who’s Who Cobnerg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Coburn Mike CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Cockerline C male Busch High School 1932 in Who’s Who Cockerline Don Fire marshal City of Warren in Who’s Who Cockerline Donald Warren High School 1936 in Who’s Who Cockerline Raymond 1938 in Who’s Who Cody I have info on this family see Old Families Books COEMAN FRANCIS J PFC 1112 and in Who’s Who Coeman-Urban Carol St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Coghelin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Coghill Gladys Jean CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Coghill Ruch Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Cogswell James Adrin II CLHS 1962 Clarkston DU in Who’s Who Cohen Rosalind CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Cohoon Harvey Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Cohoon Philip CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Cohoon Stephen CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Cohoon Vivian Busch High School 1954 in Who’s Who Cojanu Nick WWII USAAC 1112 Cojanu Nick WWII USAAC Veteran in Who’s Who Cojanu Nick WWII USAAC Veteran in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 64 COLATRUGLIO ROBERT F WO Army Warren S.Vietnam Hostile Killed 1112 and in Who’s Who Colbeck Patrick in Who’s Who Colborne Norman St Clement 1946 Deceased in Who’s Who COLDICOTT FREDERICK PVT 1112 and in Who’s Who Coldwell William Macomb County Sheriff 1919-1920 in Who’s Who Cole Earnest Veteran World War II 1112 Cole Earnest Veteran World War II in Who’s Who COLE GABERIEL Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army 1112 and in Who’s Who Cole I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cole Jerry CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Cole Kathleen CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Cole Lawrence CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Cole Marvin Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Cole William 33, 35 COLE WILLIAM L Born 1840 1112 and in Who’s Who Cole William L Born March 1840 in Who’s Who Colley Bridget m1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who Collin Kathy 1879? needs restudy in Who’s Who Colebrewsiki Carole CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Colegio Kelly in Who’s Who Colegio Kelly in Who’s Who Coleman Shirley Warren High School 1952 in Who’s Who Colembiewski Chester Cpl 652 1112 Colembiewski Chester Cpl 652 Aircorps in Who’s Who Coll Mary in Who’s Who Coll Peter in Who’s Who Collard I have info on this family see Old Families Books Collett James L veteran 1112 Collett James L veteran in Who’s Who Collie Robert CLHS 1958 in Who’s Who Collin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Colling Joseph taught Busch High School 1950 in Who’s Who Colling Joseph taught taught math CLHS 1957-62 in Who’s Who Collings A in Who’s Who Collins Cheslie N in Who’s Who Collins Dixie Busch High School 1950 in Who’s Who Collins Donna St Clement 1954 in Who’s Who Collins Edward Cpl U S Army 1112 Collins Edward Cpl U S Army Korean War in Who’s Who Collins George was appointed as Warren's first Police Chief in 1937. in Who’s Who Collins I have info on this family see Old Families Books COLLINS JAMES S. JR. KILLED IN IRAQ in Who’s Who Collins Jane CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Collins Jerry St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Collins John St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Collins Jr. James S.killed in Iraq War. in Who’s Who Collins M female Busch High School 1933 in Who’s Who Collins Ronald W deceased U CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who COLLINS SGT. JAMES S. JR. 35 killed in Iraq War 1112 and Page Twelve Thousand 65 Collinsworth Clifford R. LANCE CPL.Age 20 Killed In Iraq 1112 and in Who’s Who Colmerg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Colombo Robert US Army Veteran 1960-1962 England Berlin Crisis Color Pages Summary Vol 1C pages 0100-0199 colt 0048 Colton Almon 19 COLTON ALMON 4/1/1837in Who’s Who Conant S & Co map 1859 sec 17 18 19 20 29 30 31 32 in Who’s Who Colts I have info on this family see Old Families Books Comelin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Comeska Helen Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who COMFORT JOHN J PVT 1112 and in Who’s Who Comiska Elroy Busch High School 1949 in Who’s Who Comiskey Anthony John WWII POW 1112 Comiskey Anthony John WWII POW U S Air Force in Who’s Who Comito Vincent in Who’s Who commercialism 64 Commons I have info on this family see Old Families Books Community Church Center Line 241 250 community concerts 0063 computer Amiga 0339 computer laptop 0339 Conant Shubael 19 26 CONANT SHUBAEL 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Connelly William 1937 267 in Who’s Who Conner Catharine Est m1895 sec 33 in Who’s Who Conner R map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Connor Rich'd map 1875 sec 33 in Who’s Who Conrad Louis 1837 1901 in Who’s Who Conrad Louis 1837-1901 in Who’s Who Conrad Louis Family was an early property owner in Who’s Who Conrad Ludoncus 1901184 in Who’s Who Conrad Madalina 1845 - 1930 in Who’s Who Conrad Madaline 1845-1930 in Who’s Who Conrad Magdalina 1930 252 in Who’s Who Conte J map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Conto B map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Conto C map 1859 sec 36 in Who’s Who Conto J map 1875 sec 36 COOK JOHN 4/15/1837 in Who’s Who Conant family in Who’s Who Conant Lynda Warren High School 1953 in Who’s Who Conant Street in Who’s Who Concise Summary Vol 1A pages 1-88 not indexed in this index Condo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Conerford I have info on this family see Old Families Books Conley Bob Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Conlin Doris Teacher Warren High School 1954 55 in Who’s Who Conn Bernard L. Veteran World War II 1112 and in Who’s Who Connel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 66 Connell-Minnick Patricia St Clement 1961 in Who’s Who Connors John Warren Police Officer in 1952 in Who’s Who Conrad Cass J U S Navy 1112 Conrad Cass J U S Navy USS Raymond Iwo Jima Okinawa in Who’s Who Conrad I have info on this family see Old Families Books Conrad Lewis 33 conservative culture 0063 Consiglio Dario St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Constan Bob State of Michigan Representative in Who’s Who Constance George Veteran 1112 Constance George Veteran U S Marine Corps 77- in Who’s Who constant change 0068 Constitution 0003, 6 containers 0328 331, 433-4 Conte Daniel Sgt Veteran 1112 and in Who’s Who Conto I have info on this family see Old Families Books Contrera Michael Veteran U S Army WWII 1112 and in Who’s Who Contrera Vincent Veteran in Who’s Who CONTRI EVANDRO L PVT 1113 and in Who’s Who Conway I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cook John 19 COOK JOHN MI Macomb 4/15/1837 in Who’s Who COOK LEVI MI Macomb 5/1/1837 .256 in Who’s Who Cook Carol St Clement 1952 in Who’s Who Cook Cathryn St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Cook Clayton B CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Cook I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cook John 33 COOK JOHN N Born Aug 14 1823 Wounded in action 1113 and in Who’s Who cook stoves 0193 Cook William Vietnam 1113 and in Who’s Who cooking 0023, 0212 cooking outside 0332, 0337 Cooley Oscar Privt G 20 IL Inf. 1/1/1862 2/16/1863 in Who’s Who Cooley Amos B. Macomb County Sheriff 1843-1844 in Who’s Who Cooley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cooley Oscar 33 COOLEY OSCAR PRIV G 20 IL Inf Warren Civil War 1113 and in Who’s Who COOLICK WILLIAM CPL WW1? 1113 and in Who’s Who Coombe Thomas Harry U S Navy Vietnam 1113 and in Who’s Who cooper 32 Cooper Larry Vietnam 7/65 – 6/67 1113 and in Who’s Who Cooper Michael Arlan Veteran U S Army WWII in Who’s Who Cope Carol Elizabeth CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Cope Gerald Milton CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who COPELAND ROBERT L AVC 1113 and in Who’s Who Coppola Joseph in Who’s Who Cordy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Corey Harris 19 Page Twelve Thousand 67 COREY HARRIS 4/1/1837in Who’s Who Corey H early land clearing pioneer 22 in Who’s Who Corey 33 Corey C W map 1859 sec 21 in Who’s Who Corey G W mp1859 sec 21 in Who’s Who Corey H 18 Corey I have info on this family see Old Families Books corn cobb stopper 0332 corn roasting 0212 Corn shed 0298-9 corn sheller 0192 corn sheller 0439 Cornelissen-Alaimo Mary Ann St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Cornelius I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cornell Chester in Who’s Who Cornell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cornellie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Corniska Robert Busch High School 1950 in Who’s Who Corntwell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Coron Carol St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Corp greed 0010 corporate & CEO greed 0065 Cory I have info on this family see Old Families Books Coryell Elsie Warren High School 1956 in Who’s Who Cosgrove Frank in Who’s Who Cosnsit I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cost I have info on this family see Old Families Books Costie Tom Busch High School 1950 in Who’s Who Costìnko Dennis M. Vietnam 1113 Costìnko Dennis M. Vietnam in Who’s Who Costock I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cote Richard Korea 1113 Cote Richard Korea in Who’s Who Cotey Mildred Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Cotter Kevin in Who’s Who Cotton Rosalyn Warren High School 1936 in Who’s Who Cotton Shop 0476 Cottrill Dale taught Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Cottrill Dorothy CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Cotz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Couelier I have info on this family see Old Families Books cougar 0036 cougar 36 Couin Dennis CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Counas T map 1859 in Who’s Who Coydevman Clarence Andrew 1929 in Who’s Who Craft map 1859 sec 25 in Who’s Who Cramer ? map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who Cramer ?Jacob? 1880 1910 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 68 Cramer Barbara 1885?128 in Who’s Who Cramer Barbara 1867 in Who’s Who Cramer Christian Miller 1880 in Who’s Who Cramer Danialis 1895173 in Who’s Who Cramer Daniel 1915237 in Who’s Who Cramer Elizabeth 1886 diptheria in Who’s Who Cramer Henrietta Appoouia 1888 in Who’s Who Cramer infano Petros 1896 in Who’s Who Cramer infant 1912230 in Who’s Who Country Store 0278 Courey JoEllen CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who COURNEYA PFC. DANIEL W. 19 killed in Iraq War 1113 and in Who’s Who Courtesy Gas Station 0279-80 Courtesy Gas Station Vol 2 279 Courtright Anne M CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Couscier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cousino Leola in Who’s Who Cousino Paul K in Who’s Who Cousino Paul W in Who’s Who Coutuere Droz Diane St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Couwliar I have info on this family see Old Families Books cow 0009 cow in well Vol 2 201 Cowan Arthur CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Cowger Linda Center Line city clerk in 1970s in Who’s Who Cowger Patrick Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Cowley Rosemary B CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Cox Douglas served in USCG from 1970-1974 in Who’s Who Cox Frank Korea 1113 Cox Frank Korea in Who’s Who Cox Thomas in Who’s Who Crabtree David Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1113 Crabtree David Veteran U S Army Vietnam in Who’s Who Crages Dennis Lee CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Craggs Howard Jr U S Army 1964-1966 veteran in Who’s Who Craggs Howard U S Army Vietnam Era 1964-1967 1113 and in Who’s Who Craggs SGT Howard Sr WWII U S Army 1113 Craggs SGT Howard Sr WWII U S Army Veteran Driver for Ike in Who’s Who Cramen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cramer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cramer J 18 Cramer J 22 28 pioneer in Who’s Who Cramer Jacob 34 Cramer Jacob in 1860 millwright in Who’s Who Cramer Jas in Who’s Who Cramer Jas map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Cramer Joseph H 1898 a84 in Who’s Who Cramer Joseph scc 1854 map1859 in Who’s Who Cramer Josephus Sr 1898 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 69 Cramer Magdalena 1900 in Who’s Who Cramer Magdeline w of Joseph 1900 a86 in Who’s Who Cramer map 1875 sec 28 SWCL in Who’s Who Cramer Maria Elizabeth 1886 diptheria in Who’s Who Cramer Mary Ann b 1834 d 1916 in Who’s Who Cramer P map 1875 sec 22 ECL in Who’s Who Cramer Petris 1897178 Cramer J sec 22 in Who’s Who Cramer Roger CLHS 1962 in Who’s Who Crammer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cramor I have info on this family see Old Families Books Crane James 19 CRANE JAMES G 5/1/1837in Who’s Who Cranem Cornelis 1860 in Who’s Who Crawford W map 1859 sec 13 in Who’s Who Crane Kenneth L Veteran in Who’s Who Crass Barbara in Who’s Who Crauly I have info on this family see Old Families Books Craun Russell in Who’s Who Craw Demas Medal of Honor WWII 1113 Craw Demas Medal of Honor WWII U S Army Air Corps in Who’s Who Crawford Betty Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Crawford Hugh D in Who’s Who Crawford I have info on this family see Old Families Books Crawford James M 33 CRAWFORD JAMES M Born Nov 30 1824 Civil War 1113 and in Who’s Who Crawford James M Born Nov 30 in Who’s Who Crawford John R City Manager in Who’s Who Crawford Martin 35 Crawford Martin in 1900 grocer in Who’s Who Crawley M map 1859 sec 23 in Who’s Who Creamer J map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who Creamer P map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who Creemer J map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who Creemer J map 1875 sec 28 SWCL in Who’s Who Cremer Pauli 1859 in Who’s Who Cremer S? 1859 in Who’s Who Criemer Barbara Huller 17 Sept 1870 in Who’s Who Crignon Margareta a 35 Lesderoutes 1882 in Who’s Who Croaceu Catherine 1941 in Who’s Who Crawley Maureen St Clement 1965 in Who’s Who Creegan Karen St Clement 1958 in Who’s Who Creegau I have info on this family see Old Families Books Creger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cressy Robert Warren High School 1934 in Who’s Who crime 40 Crinck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Crippin Edward CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Crisher Earl Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Critemore I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 70 crock 0332, 0433 Crocker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Croma I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cromey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cromie Fred 45 Cromie Fred in 1900 Bank cashier in Who’s Who Cromey Jas map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who Cromie James Jr m1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Cromie James Sr m1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Cronan J map 1875 sec 14 in Who’s Who Cronan S map 1875 sec 14 in Who’s Who Croneir Maria 1856 Dec 11 in Who’s Who Cromie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cromonie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cronin Barney Vice President Busch High School 1952 in Who’s Who Cronin Colleen Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who CRONIN CORNELIUS Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army1113 and in Who’s Who Cronin Kathleen Carol CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Cronin Kathy office staff Busch High School 1954 55 in Who’s Who Cronin Pat Busch High School 1946 in Who’s Who Cronkhite Ronald CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Cronmiller Jean (Flechsig) Busch High School 1942 in Who’s Who Crooms Betty Korea 1114 Crooms Betty Korea US Navy Medical Asst in Who’s Who crops 0028 Crops 0281-83 crops 24 28 Vol 2 281-283 Crosby Ronald Veteran U 1114 Crosby Ronald Veteran U S Navy Vietnam in Who’s Who Cross Anne Library Director in Who’s Who Cross Carol CLHS 1957 in Who’s Who Cross E A in Who’s Who Cross Lawrence Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Cross Violet Busch High School 1944 in Who’s Who Crothers C Principal Busch High School 1949 in Who’s Who Crothers Carol CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Crothers Clarence E Principal Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who, Superintendent of Schools CLHS 1953-62+ in Who’s Who Crothers Richard CLHS 1956 in Who’s Who Croud John Korea 1114, Korea in Who’s Who Crouly Michael 19 Crowley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Crowley J map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Cummings Mrs Mary 1871 1905 in Who’s Who Cummings Theison Maria 1905 in Who’s Who crows 0022 Croyle Harry Les 1114 Croyle Harry Les USS Carpenter DD 825 1964-1965 in Who’s Who Crudder I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 71 Cruise Don Warren High School 1951 in Who’s Who Crummie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Crumming I have info on this family see Old Families Books Crunning I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cryderman Jean Busch High School 1950 in Who’s Who crystal radio 0193 crystal radio 0337 cub scouts parade 0492 Cucchiara Paul Busch High School 1942 in Who’s Who Cuciurean John M. 1114 CUCIUREAN John M. Fireman 1c USNR. in Who’s Who Cugar I have info on this family see Old Families Books Culburtran I have info on this family see Old Families Books cultivator 0192 cultivator horse drawn 0439 culture 63 64 74 Cumming Jean Warren High School 1954 in Who’s Who Cummings 18 Cummings Dorothy 0296 and in Who’s Who Cummings I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cummings Jim Warren High School 1955 in Who’s Who Cummins Michael 19 CUMMINS MICHAEL 4/20/1838 in Who’s Who Cundo John Est m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Curley Hariam Amuam McNerny 1880 in Who’s Who Currie John F 1931 in Who’s Who Curtis F map 1859 sec 9 in Who’s Who Curtis W map 1859 sec 36 in Who’s Who Cziustey Franciscus 1893 in Who’s Who Czuja Michael J Veteran in Who’s Who Cummins James Cpl 1114 Cummins James Cpl Korean War U S Army 1948-1950 in Who’s Who Cummins James in Who’s Who Cummins John CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Cunningham Carolyn St Clement 1962 in Who’s Who Cunningham Delores St Clement 1955 in Who’s Who CUNNINGHAM ETHAN R 1LT 1114, 1LT in Who’s Who Cunningham Judith St Clement 1960 Deceased in Who’s Who Cunningham Patricia St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Cunningham Sharon Secretary Busch High School 1953 in Who’s Who Cupisz Camille St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Curell Cliff City of Warren Electrical Board in the 1960s in Who’s Who Curley Natalie CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Curley Ralph CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Curnow Art policeman Center Line 1970s. in Who’s Who, Center Line High School currency no silver backing 0067 children without medical 0067 Curry Jerry Fred Busch High School 1948 in Who’s Who Curtis Israel 19 Curtis Alice Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 72 Curtis Charles CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Curtis Delphine St Clement 1939 in Who’s Who Curtis J male Busch High School 1933 in Who’s Who Curtis Linda CLHS 1962 Kalamazoo married Gay in Who’s Who Curtis Pat CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Curtis Robert J in Who’s Who Curtis Susan CLHS 1959 in Who’s Who Cusch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cusck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Cush I have info on this family see Old Families Books cuspidors 0193 Cuss I have info on this family see Old Families Books Custance I have info on this family see Old Families Books Custance Robert Busch High School 1945 in Who’s Who Custance Robert E Korea 1114 Custance Robert E Korea in Who’s Who Custance Sylvia Busch High School 1954 in Who’s Who Custance William Geoffery CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who CUSTER THOMAS Medal of Honor 1114, Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army in Who’s Who CUTCHEON BYRON Medal of Honor 1114, Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army in Who’s Who Cutrubes Dorothy Warren High School 1950 in Who’s Who Cutter Jeff in Who’s Who cutters 0327 CUYLER LARRY M SSG 1114 and in Who’s Who CWIKLA JOHN S SGT 1114 and in Who’s Who Cwiklowski Joan St Clement 1958 in Who’s Who Cygan Christine CLHS 1961 in Who’s Who Cygan Cynthia St Clement 1963 in Who’s Who Cymbalski Anthony CLHS 1960 in Who’s Who Cymbalski Betty CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Cynar Walter P Circuit Court Judge c 1976 in Who’s Who Cypret Patsy Gail CLHS 1955 in Who’s Who Czaplicki Frank Veteran World War II 1114 Czaplicki Frank Veteran World War II in Who’s Who Czapov Richard Veteran U S Army 1114 Czapov Richard Veteran U S Army in Who’s Who Czapp Marvin Korea 1114 Czapp Marvin Korea in Who’s Who Czarniak Thomas St Clement 1966 in Who’s Who Czarski John Busch High School 1951 in Who’s Who Czech John D in Who’s Who Czewski Kristen in Who’s Who Daan Dee Show man 76 DAAS JOSEPH C killed in World War II 1114 and in Who's Who Dagen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dahl James CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Dahl Nancy CLHS 1956 in Who's Who DAHNKE EARL W JR killed in KOREA in Who's Who, PVT ARMY 1114 Dail Tim in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 73 Dailey Connie CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Dailey Thomas St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Dailey-Lear Catherine St Clement 1961 in Who's Who daily activities 0023 Daks I have info on this family see Old Families Books Daldine Ed CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Daldine Infant 1937 in Who’s Who Dalen Elisabetha 1862 in Who’s Who Daldine Lilavine CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Daldine Richard St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Daldine Thomas St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Daldine-Williams Mary Ann St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Daley Kevin in Who's Who Dallas I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dalton Michael 19 Dalton I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dalton Robert early business in Who's Who Dalton Robert in Who’s Who Dandy Nillean John 1938 in Who’s Who Daniel Henry map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Dann C map 1859 sec 20 in Who’s Who Dasatis Dan 1861 Mai 9 in Who’s Who Davis R J m1895 sec 14 in Who’s Who Dameshko Harry Vietnam 1114 Dameshko Harry Vietnam veteran in Who's Who Damman James J in Who's Who Damrow Kurt in Who's Who Dan Dee Shoe Service 73, 226, 227, 479 Danaj Gerald St Clement 1966 in Who's Who dances 0025 Dane I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dane Stephan in Who's Who Daniel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Danieli Andrew use WWII S Pacific in Who's Who Danieli Andrew Veteran 1114 Daniels I have info on this family see Old Families Books Daniels Maudene in Who's Who Daniels Maudine Busch High School 1946 in Who's Who Daniels Maurice in Who's Who Daniels Robert Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Daniels Wilene Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Danko Steven CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Danna Robert St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Dannis L. Klimiecki in Who's Who Dannis Lillian in Who's Who Darany George T in Who's Who Darch Karen CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Darga Paul J. 34 killed in Iraq. in Who's Who DARGA CHIEF PETTY OFFICER PAUL J. 1114 Page Twelve Thousand 74 Darga Marvin J Korea 1114 Darga Marvin J Korea in Who's Who DARGA PAUL J. 34 KILLED in Iraq in Who's Who dark skys 0030 Darlak Peter A CLHS 1962 DU in Who's Who Darlak Richard CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Darlak Rosemary CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Darling Richard WHS 1951 in Who's Who Darlng I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dash Estel CLHS 1958 in Who's Who databases 0010 databases by Govt and Corps 0067 Dattloff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dauble Bill in Who's Who Dauko I have info on this family see Old Families Books Daul Andrew P.age 21 killed in Iraq. in Who's Who DAUL SPC. ANDREW P. 21 killed in Iraq War 1114 and in Who's Who Dausroseo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Davenport Elmer CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Davey James in Who's Who Davey Jim Busch High School 1948 in Who's Who Davey William Korea 1114 Davey William Korea in Who's Who Davey William Veteran World War II 1114 Davey William World War II in Who's Who David Jakubowski in Who's Who David Rosemary CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Davidge Gwen Busch High School 1937 in Who's Who Davidge William & Mae Busch High School 1941 in Who's Who Davidson Linda J CLHS 1962 married Gustafson in Who's Who Davie Charles 34 Davie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Davis Bernie in Who's Who Davis Beverly CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Davis Calvin Macomb County Sheriff 1839-1840 in Who's Who Davis Cleo CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Davis Francis Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Davis James Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Davis John CLHS 1962 in Who's Who DAVIS PFC. WILLIAM N. 26 killed in Iraq War 1114 Davis Robert H taught typing CLHS 1957 58 in Who's Who Davis Shirley Edna CLHS 1955 in Who's Who DAVIS STAFF SGT. DONALD N. 42 killed in Iraq 1115 and in Who's Who Davis Wendell B in Who's Who DAVIS WILLIAM N.age 26 KILLED in Iraq in Who's Who Davison Enoch 19 DAVISON ENOCH S 4/15/1837 in Who’s Who Davison Joseph 19 DAVISON JOSEPH L 4/15/1837 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 75 Davy C Jr map 1859 sec 4 in Who’s Who Davy C m1895 sec 4 5 in Who’s Who Davy C map 1859 sec 4 in Who’s Who Davy C map 1875 sec 4 in Who’s Who Davy Ch map 1859 sec 5 in Who’s Who Davy Chas map 1859 sec 5 in Who’s Who Davy Chas map 1875 sec 4 5 in Who’s Who Davy 33 Davy and Main 0352 Davy Ave in Who's Who Davy Charles 32 Davy Charles 34 Davy Charles in 1850 M E clergy in Who’s Who Davy E map 1875 sec 4 5 in Who’s Who Davy I map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who Davy Isaiah map 1875 sec 5 in Who’s Who Davy L map 1859 sec 5 in Who’s Who Davy M map 1859 sec 4 in Who’s Who Davy Mrs C m1895 sec 4 in Who’s Who Davy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dawson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Day Willet 19 DAY WILLET C 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Death records Actual St Clement Death Records see books 102, 104,105, 106, 100, Book 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, Macomb County Death Records see books 107, 108 De Fous Silvie 1935 263 in Who’s Who De Foux Felix 1935 263 in Who’s Who DeLong Silela in 1900 telephone operator in Who’s Who Day George CLHS 1956 in Who's Who DAY JACK E WOJC killed in World War II 1115 and in Who's Who Day Mary Beth in Who's Who Day Norma WHS 1950 in Who's Who Day Robert F 1115 Day Robert F USMC 1956 in Who's Who Day William U. S. Air Force and U. S. Army 1960s in Who's Who Day William Veteran World War II 1115 Day William World War II in Who's Who Dayer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Daykin Harry CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Daykin Thomas CLHS 1959 in Who's Who De Blake I have info on this family see Old Families Books DE CLARK CLEO W killed in World War II in Who's Who DE CLARK CLEO W PFC 1115 De Coste Theresa St Clement 1940 in Who's Who DE FOREST BENJAMIN PFC ARMY killed in KOREA 1115 and in Who's Who DE FOREST JOHN R PVT ARMY killed in Korea 1115 and in Who's Who De Grandchamp David St Clement 1939 in Who's Who De Grandchamp Joann St Clement 1944 in Who's Who De Grandchamp-Jenks Anne St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 76 DE KAY ROBERT R k TSG illed in World War II 1115 and in Who's Who De Lamielleure Thomas St Clement 1962 in Who's Who De Lamielleure-Farmer Marlene St Clement 1964 in Who's Who DE MASTER JOSEPH P SSG killed in World War II 1115 and in Who's Who De Meere Helen St Clement 1951 Deceased in Who's Who De Schmet Petri Allexandri 1862 in Who’s Who De Smet L map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who De Smith Petri Levinin 1860 in Who’s Who Deadenbach A m1895 sec 22 Center Line in Who’s Who Deadloff Jacob m1895 sec 17 19 in Who’s Who Deagel H m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Dean Dolores 1938 in Who’s Who DeBoo noname uaor Augusti 1896 in Who’s Who Deborn Mrs map 1859 sec 9 in Who’s Who DeCanip?ke Joanna 1864 13 in Who’s Who Decker B m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Decker B map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Decker George Veteran in Who’s Who Decker Jeanette 1932 257 in Who’s Who Decker John m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Decker N map 1859 sec 2 in Who’s Who Deconink Jos map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who DeConintle Jos map 1875 sec 22 ECL in Who’s Who Deconxnke Jos. in Who’s Who Dedenbach Abbie mother 1853 1928 in Who’s Who Dedenbach Clara Elixabeth 1888160 in Who’s Who Dedenbach GailiclmmmC 1905192 in Who’s Who Dedenbach Joseph 1883 1972 in Who’s Who Dedenbach Lena 1877 1910 in Who’s Who Dedenbach Michael 1935 263 in Who’s Who Dedenbach William 1887 1906 in Who’s Who Deffalt?? Alos?? 1866 14 in Who’s Who Defono Joseph 1932 257 in Who’s Who Deg Carol Bryugen Luthe Sep 1876 33 in Who’s Who Degan M m1895 sec 21 Center Line in Who’s Who Degen Anna M 1856? 1909 in Who’s Who Degen Anna M 1883 1902 in Who’s Who Degen Elizabeth b 1860 d 1936 in Who’s Who Degen Mathias 1893171 in Who’s Who Degen Mathias b 1853 1893 in Who’s Who De Tarerwer I have info on this family see Old Families Books De Tavernier Barker Diane St Clement 1962 in Who's Who De Witte Robert St Clement 1937 in Who's Who Deagan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dean Eugene CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Dean Harvey R in Who's Who Dean John CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Dean L H 1881 - 1882 1884 in Who's Who Deardon Drive in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 77 Dearing John Wilson "J.W." age 21 Mi killed in Iraq. in Who's Who Dearing Jack WHS 1951 in Who's Who DEARING JOHN W. PFC 21 killed in Iraq 1115 and in Who's Who Dearmore Edgar Vietnam 1115 Dearmore Edgar Vietnam in Who's Who Deaterly Dee CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Death records with cause 4000 deaths could have been avoided 0027 deaths Macomb County 8 deaths Warren Area 8 Debel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Debesuarsert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Deblosuioe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Deblouw Richard St Clement 1944 in Who's Who Deblow I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeBoo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Debrawsky Raymond U S Army Vietnam in Who's Who Debrawsky Raymond Veteran U 1115 Debrour I have info on this family see Old Families Books Debruyne Robert Korea 1115 Debruyne Robert Korea in Who's Who DeCarlo Gary in Who's Who Deciulein I have info on this family see Old Families Books Decker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Deckers Robert St Clement 1965 in Who's Who DeClark Dana CPL 1115 DeClark Dana Warren Police Dept thru 2007 in Who's Who DeConinck Joseph T. Supervisor Warren Township 1863-65 in Who's Who Deconing I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeConintle Jos map 1875 s22 ECL in Who's Who Deconxnke Jos early settler in Who's Who DeDecker Jean in Who's Who DeDecker John in Who's Who DeDecker Michelle in Who's Who Dedenback I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeDona Vanna CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Deed Good Pioneer &Indian 0201 Defer Karen St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Defer Nemes Ellen St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Defever Sally WHS 1957 in Who's Who DeFord I have info on this family see Old Families Books Defour I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeGrandchamp I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeGrandchamp John in Who’s Who Degrandchamp Margarita 1915237 in Who’s Who Degrandchamp Petrus 1890138 in Who’s Who DeGrandchamp William in Who’s Who Degrandchamp William M 1857 1920 in Who’s Who Degrandchamp Zeuo F 1921212 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 78 Degrandschamp Henry 1854 1898 in Who’s Who Degun Anna 1902187 in Who’s Who Degundenschamp B map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Degundenschamp John map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Dehn F map 1875 sec 19 in Who’s Who Dei Anna 1897177 in Who’s Who Dei Galich?? 1897177 in Who’s Who Dei Josef 1896176 in Who’s Who Deirline Geo m1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Deitz H m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who DeKonnig Lenevieis 1936 266 in Who’s Who DeLair Gilburt 1938 270 in Who’s Who DeLaiyhe Cathamine 1904223 in Who’s Who Delasr Henricum Haas 1879 in Who’s Who DeLaugeu Delia 1904223 in Who’s Who DeLaughe WieuJnda 1904223 in Who’s Who Delerth Francisci 1870 19 in Who’s Who Delesste Infant 1934 263 in Who’s Who Deloere ? ichardi Demar DeHandlner 1870 in Who’s Who DeLong Charles 1857 1944 in Who’s Who DeLong Mary 1867 1943 in Who’s Who Delor G map 1875 sec 10 in Who’s Who Delus Char. Carolus 1857 Caroli in Who’s Who Degrandchamp Vincent St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Dehalzburg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dehn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dehok I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeHouht I have info on this family see Old Families Books Deierlein Gordon Veteran World War II 1115 Deierlein Gordon World War II in Who's Who Deinlein I have info on this family see Old Families Books Deisler I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeKay Samuel L. Macomb County Sheriff 1887-1888 in Who's Who Del Mil Lillian Busch High School 1943 in Who's Who Delamielleure Betty Lou WHS 1950 in Who's Who Delamielleure Charles WHS 1950 in Who's Who DeLamielleure David St Clement 1963 in Who's Who DeLamielleure Suida Laura St Clement 1958 in Who's Who DeLamielleure-Muylaert Nancy St Clement 1966 in Who's Who DeLamielleure-Pagels Joann St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Delanial I have info on this family see Old Families Books Delbar I have info on this family see Old Families Books Delen Ho D conzugis Theresice Delen in Who’s Who Delzine G map 1875 sec 5 in Who’s Who Denagalski Frank 1933 260 in Who’s Who Deneth Catherine 1932 257 in Who’s Who Denewith Frank 1933 260 in Who’s Who Delimielellure Julia WHS 1938 in Who's Who delivery wagon 0588 Page Twelve Thousand 79 Deller I have info on this family see Old Families Books Delmotte I have info on this family see Old Families Books Delmotte Linda St Clement 1965 in Who's Who DELMOTTE MAURICE M k PVT illed in World War II 1115 and in Who's Who Delmotte-Delaerd Louise St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Delong I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeLong Silela 45 DeLonge Charles Warren Justice 1907 in Who's Who Delor I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeLoug I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeLuca-Koski Diane St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Demandelier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Demeere David WHS 1957 in Who's Who DeMeere Norma St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Demel Earl the third Center Line Village President. in Who's Who DeMeubensera I have info on this family see Old Families Books DEMEULENAERE R PFC killed in World War II 1115 and in Who's Who Demianenko Joan Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Demianenko Lucille CLHS 1960 in Who's Who DeMink Donald in Who's Who Demleski Earl St Clement 1927 in Who's Who Demobrowski Joseph the 1970s. in Who's Who demolition of St Clement 0490 DeMonaco Diane St Clement 1960 in Who's Who DeMott Harrison in Who's Who Dempsey Kenneth WHS 1956 in Who's Who Denandelin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Denardis Armando in Who's Who Denault I have info on this family see Old Families Books Denby Cynthia S in Who's Who Denenoth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Deneweth George R Circuit Court Judge c 1976 in Who's Who Deneweth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Deneweth Mary CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Deneweth Robert CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Denewith Amandus Anna Laethem 1920 Eighth grade grad in Who's Who Denewith I have info on this family see Old Families Books Denison Mercy 19 DENISON MERCY L 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Denoyter Phillip 1935 263 in Who’s Who Denryter Frank 1886 1909 in Who’s Who Denryter Josephine b 1866 1911 in Who’s Who Denryter Louise Robinet 1890 1931wife of John in Who’s Who Denryter Phillip 1858 1936 in Who’s Who Derumback infano 1894146 in Who’s Who Des Grandchamps P map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who DeSandre Robert V Veteran in Who’s Who Desggandchamp Jacobus J 1903222 in Who’s Who Desgrand hamp Petrus Peters Jul 1878 39 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 80 Desgrandchamp Celestina Marie Louiare 1869 in Who’s Who Denison 33 Denison Avery 18 20 Denison Avery early land clearing pioneer sec 9 in Who’s Who Denison I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dennerll Donald psychologist CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Dennis Patricia St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Dennison I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dennison Stuart CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Denolf George in Who's Who Denrider I have info on this family see Old Families Books Denriter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Denryter Frank Vietnam 1115 Denryter Frank Vietnam in Who's Who Denryter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Densider I have info on this family see Old Families Books Denton Faith CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Denton Sharron CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Denzane I have info on this family see Old Families Books Deona Frank Korea 1115 Deona Frank Korea in Who's Who DePalma Elaine in Who's Who Depcinski I have info on this family see Old Families Books DEPOTTEY SGT JEREMY E. 26 Died Afghanistan 1115 and in Who's Who depression 0058 Dequindre in Who's Who Dequindre Major Antoine War of 1812 in Who's Who Derbin Patricia St Clement 1960 Deceased in Who's Who Derkacz Lawence Vietnam 1115 Derkacz Lawence Vietnam in Who's Who DERKS SPC BRIAN K.age 21 killed in Iraq 1115 and in Who's Who Dermeskey I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeRocher Barbara CLHS 1958 in Who's Who DeRoo Gabriel G.age 25 killed in Iraq. in Who's Who DEROO SGT GABRIEL G. 25 killed in Iraq 1115 and in Who's Who DeRouin Paul W CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Derowski Anthony St Clement 1956 Deceased in Who's Who Derowski Dorothea Busch High School 1939 in Who's Who Derowski Evelyn St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Derowski Irene St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Derowski Mary Ann St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Derring Thomas St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Derringer Robert L Korea 1116 Derringer Robert L Korea in Who's Who DES GRANDCHAMP M TEC5 killed in World War II 1116 and in Who's Who DeSandre David CLHS 1955 in Who's Who DeSano Peter CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Descent of Holy Ghost 0256 Deschaepmeester Joe Vietnam 1116 Page Twelve Thousand 81 Deschaepmeester Joe Vietnam in Who's Who Deselrod I have info on this family see Old Families Books Desgranchamp I have info on this family see Old Families Books Desgrandchamps 19 Desgrandchamps Celestin 1839 In Who’s Who Desgrandchamps Francois 1835 In Who’s Who Desgrandchamps Pierre 1839 In Who’s Who Desgrandchamp Emanuel 1893 in Who’s Who Desgrandchamp es eiuformnis Saeunceus 1998 in Who’s Who Desgrandchamp Josanni 1895 in Who’s Who Desgrandchamps Edmond Anton 4 Nov 1881 45 in Who’s Who DesGrandchamps John Bauko 1938 270 in Who’s Who Desgrandchamps P map 1875 sec 28 SWCL in Who’s Who Desgrandschamp B m1895 sec 19 29 in Who’s Who Desgrandschamp H m1895 sec 14 Center Line in Who’s Who Desgrandschamp J m1895 sec 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Desgrandschamp John m1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Desgrandschamp W m1895 sec 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Deslevne M m1895 sec 22 Center Line in Who’s Who DeSmedt Levinns 1894147 in Who’s Who DeSmet L. map 1875 sec 22 ECL in Who’s Who Desgrandchamps I have info on this family see Old Families Books Desgrandchamps P 18 Desgrandchsmps Bath in Who's Who Desmet Frank C Korea 1116 Desmet Frank C Korea in Who's Who Desmone William 1956 Captain CLFD in Who's Who Desmone William Fire Marshall in Who's Who Desmone William in the CLFD in 1966-69 in Who's Who Desnoyers Peter 19 DESNOYERS PETER J 1/14/1837 in Who’s Who Destlerod Margaret m1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Detavernier Felix 1854 1930 in Who’s Who Detavernier Mary 1863 1920 in Who’s Who Detavionies Lelix 1930 252 in Who’s Who Detloff john 1932 257 in Who’s Who Detloff in Who’s Who Detroyer Elmer 1936 266 in Who’s Who Dettloff infant 1901218 in Who’s Who Dettloff Anna 1899215 in Who’s Who Deunewith or Dennewit noname dau of Francis 1916 in Who’s Who Devaney Edward F Veteran in Who’s Who Dewike Jos m1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who DeWitte Clem cutina 1887131 in Who’s Who DeWitte infant 1899182 in Who’s Who DeWitte Maria Julia 1887132 in Who’s Who Dey Mephan Luthe Oct 1876 34 in Who’s Who Diary of Farmer 30 years of actual daily life of as Michigan Farmer in 1800s 3400-4299 Dickinson J B map 1859 sec 13 14 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 82 Diegel Eugene 1929 252 in Who’s Who Diegel H map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Dierline G map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who DiHaene Emesenlia 1941 278 in Who’s Who Dillon James A Jr Veteran in Who’s Who Dingel P map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who Disselrod L m1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Distelmnao infant 1915 in Who’s Who Distelrath Hagen Augustinne1914 in Who’s Who Dest Dolores Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Dest Shirley CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Destlreck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Det Bay City RR 0029 DeTavenier David St Clement 1955 Deceased in Who's Who DeTavernier I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeTavernier-Lambert Donna St Clement 1964 in Who's Who DeTavernier-Ross Dinah St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Detererure I have info on this family see Old Families Books Detmer Carole E Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Detmer June taught English CLHS 1957 58 in Who's Who Detmers Larry WHS 1951 in Who's Who Detomaso Sara CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Detroit 18 Dettloff A F WWII U S Army 1116 Dettloff A F WWII U S Army 120 Infantry in Who's Who Dettloff George WWII Hqs 1116 Dettloff George WWII Hqs CG Engn in Who's Who Dettloff Nancy CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Deuna I have info on this family see Old Families Books Devalt Corey U S Navy 1998-2000 in Who's Who Devalt Tommy U S Navy served in Vietnam in Who's Who DeVault Cella WHS 1952 in Who's Who Devault Shawn U S Navy 1998-2006 in Who's Who Devire I have info on this family see Old Families Books Devish I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeVoe David C CLHS 1962 in Who's Who DeVoe Douglas CLHS 1958 Houston TX in Who's Who Devolli Miradije in Who's Who Devore Koscierzynski Karen St Clement 1960 in Who's Who DeVos I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeVriendt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Devrnadt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dewar Frances Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Dewar Mrs cook CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Dewesky I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dewett I have info on this family see Old Families Books DEWEY DUANE Medal of Honor Korea 1116 and in Who's Who Dewey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dewey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 83 DeWielemacher Beatrice WHS 1957 in Who's Who DeWitt I have info on this family see Old Families Books DeWitte Margaret WHS 1955 in Who's Who Dewondelu I have info on this family see Old Families Books D'Haene Mary St Clement 1940 in Who's Who D'Haene Maurice St Clement 1941 in Who's Who D'Hondt Raymond St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Diachenko Ihor in Who's Who dial phone 0490 Diallec I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dianics Michael Busch High School 1941 in Who's Who Diaries of an American Farmer 4 pages start at 2800 Diaries of Michigan Farmer 6500-7999 Diaries old being transcribed 6600 -7999 Diaries old being transcribed 6600 -7999 Diary Mi Farmer 1885-up 7500 Dibella AA WWII Korea 1116 Dibella AA WWII Korea Submarine in Who's Who Dibley Mr Staff WHS 1955 in Who's Who Dickason Elaine (Smith) Busch High School 1945 in Who's Who DICKENS WILLIAM H PVT killed in World War II 1116 and in Who's Who Dickinson II Michael A age 26 killed in Iraq. in Who's Who DICKINSON STAFF SGT. MICHAEL A. II 26 killed in Iraq War 1116 and in Who's Who Dickson Joyce WHS 1955 in Who's Who DiDonato John F CLHS 1962 elementary teacher Warren in Who's Who Die I have info on this family see Old Families Books Diebel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Diegal Picotte Beatrice St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Diegel Betty WHS 1957 in Who's Who Diegel Bill WHS 1957 in Who's Who Diegel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Diegel PhD Reynold J Korea 1116 Diegel PhD Reynold J Korea in Who's Who Diegel Rolf CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Diegele I have info on this family see Old Families Books Diegle Winifred St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Diehl I have info on this family see Old Families Books Diehl Thomas in Who's Who Diehl’s General Store. in Who's Who Diener Richard U. S. Air Force Vietnam 1116 Diener Richard U. S. Air Force Vietnam in Who's Who Dierbune I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dieroff Judith CLHS 1961 in Who's Who DIEROLF Robert Fredrick killed in World War II 1116 and in Who's Who Dierolf Harriette WHS 1952 in Who's Who Dierolf Marie WHS 1950 in Who's Who Dierolf Ruby WHS Class of 1946 in Who's Who Diestelrath Mrs Staff WHS 1954 in Who's Who Dietz Lyle Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 84 Diezel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dignanni Josephine CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Diken Gary CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Dikin Leslie CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Diliberti Chistopher St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Dill Norman WHS 1953 in Who's Who Dill Phyllis WHS 1935 in Who's Who Dilley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dillon Brandon in Who's Who Dillon Kelly in Who's Who DiMaria Michelle in Who's Who DiMaria Phillip A in Who's Who Dimas George in Who's Who Dimatggio Salvatore U S Army WWII in Who's Who Dimatggio Salvatore Veteran U S Army WWII 1116 Dimeglio Diana Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Dimeglio Janet CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Dimoik Charles J 1116 Dimoik Charles J USMC Korea in Who's Who Dinello Gilbert J in Who's Who Dinoffria Michael St Clement 1964 Deceased in Who's Who Dinosaurs 14 Dinswne I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dion Raymond Teacher WHS 1952-54 in Who's Who Dipp I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dirgel I have info on this family see Old Families Books dirt Van Dyke 0050 Dirtler I have info on this family see Old Families Books diseases 16 31 Warren Area 8 Diselrod I have info on this family see Old Families Books disk harrow horse drawn 0439 Diss Lester Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Distelrath I have info on this family see Old Families Books Distelrath Lambert 45 Distelrath Lambert in 1900 Creamery truck driver in Who’s Who Distler J map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Distlerod Mathias 1840 1912 in Who’s Who Distlerod Theresa 1846 1879 in Who’s Who Divehoff ? Yoannis Koler 1870 19 in Who’s Who Dixon William C Veteran in Who’s Who Doebler William A Veteran in Who’s Who Dofflow John m1895 sec 14 in Who’s Who Doflow John m1895 sec 34 in Who’s Who Doflow Peter m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Dolot Thaddeus T Veteran in Who’s Who Domagalski Frank 1881 1924 in Who’s Who Domagalski Frank Jr 1881 1924 in Who’s Who Domagalski Mary w of Frank 1880 1912 in Who’s Who Distler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 85 Distlrath I have info on this family see Old Families Books district historic 0204 Dix Mary WHS 1956 in Who's Who Dixon Melvin U S Army 59-62 1116 and in Who's Who DLUCE THOMAS J 1LT killed in World War II 1116 and in Who's Who Dmitruk Diane Vice President CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Dmitruk Victor Vice President CLHS 1958 in Who's Who do good while you still can 0050 DO GOOD WHILE YOU STILL CAN 285 Dobberstein I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dobblestene I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dobek Adolph John Veteran 1116 Dobek Adolph John World War II in Who's Who Dobies Evelyn CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Dobkowski Eddie Busch High School 1943 in Who's Who Dobkowski Raymond Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Dochorn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dockoro I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dockow I have info on this family see Old Families Books doctors 0030 Documents Historical 7 18 19 20 are also ctually scattered thru entire 120 books Dodd Linda Joyce CLHS 1962 in Who's Who DODD ROBERT Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army 1116 and in Who's Who Dodero Rudy Korean War 1116 and in Who's Who Dodge City 0194 Doebler Chris in Who's Who Doeffer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Doehow I have info on this family see Old Families Books Doepfer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Doerfling I have info on this family see Old Families Books Doffer I have info on this family see Old Families Books dog 0009 Dolson Gerald in Who's Who Domagalski Mary WHS 1954 in Who's Who Domagalski Thomas WHS 1952 in Who's Who Domajalski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Doman Margaret WHS 1952 in Who's Who Domanowski Gregory U S MC 62-70 1116 and in Who's Who Domaradzki Marvin J. Vietnam 1116 Domaradzki Marvin J. Vietnam in Who's Who Domayalski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dombrowski J in Who's Who Domitilfa Kelly 38 Domitilfa Kelly in 1900 teacher in Who’s Who Donals Robert E Veteran in Who’s Who Donne Thoma 17 ann 8 men onNeg7 in Who’s Who Donnely Margaretha 10 Aug 1879 41 in Who’s Who Donnrlly Joanna 1888135 in Who’s Who Donnyalckie Maria 1912231 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 86 Donohue Michael 1937 267 in Who’s Who Donovan Hairy 1940 274 in Who’s Who Dooby Robertus 1897177 in Who’s Who Dooley Edward H 1857 1887 in Who’s Who Dooley Hough Eduardus 1887157 in Who’s Who Donelson Dave CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Doneth Joseph St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Doneth Linda St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Doneth Roberta St Clement 1965 in Who's Who donkey 0009 Donley I have info on this family see Old Families Books DONNELLY GORDON R TEC5 killed in World War II 1116 and in Who's Who Donohue Doris Joanne CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Donohue Mary Louise CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Donovan Jerry Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Donovan Joanne Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Donovan M female Busch High School 1933 in Who's Who Donovan M female Busch High School 1933 in Who's Who Donovan Robert & Marie Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Donovan-Dubrul Mildred St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Donze David WHS 1956 in Who's Who Dooley Joseph St Clement 1958 Deceased in Who's Who Dora I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dorazio Erica in Who's Who Dorb I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dordeski Donna in Who's Who Dorff Chuck Korea 1116 Dorff Chuck Korea in Who's Who Dorflinger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dorothy Mackinnon class sponsor Busch High School 1930 in Who's Who Dorsey William 19 DORSEY WILLIAM 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who DOTY ELLIS 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Dorsz Denise in Who's Who Dort Shirley WHS 1957 in Who's Who Dosgranchamp I have info on this family see Old Families Books Doss Mona WHS 1957 in Who's Who Doty Ellis 19 Doty Henry 19 DOTY HENRY 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Dougherty Joe Korea 1116 Dougherty Joe Korea in Who's Who Dougherty Laura Busch High School 1939 in Who's Who Douglas Frederick WWII 1116 Douglas Frederick WWII in Who's Who Dow Mary Lou Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Dow Richard CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Dow Robert Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Downs Yale A. Vietnam 1117 Page Twelve Thousand 87 Downs Yale A. Vietnam in Who's Who Downtown Warren 0055 downtown warren cars garage 0356 downtown Warren looking south 0357 Doyle Cpl Ed Korea U S Army 1117 Doyle Donald St Clement 1948 Deceased in Who's Who Doyle Dorothy St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Doyle Ed John Korea U S Army 1949-1952 in Who's Who Doyle Elisabeth Murray 1876 in Who’s Who Doyle George E Veteran in Who’s Who Drinka Theresia Drahll 1877 36 in Who’s Who Drnger ? Jacob Haley Feb 1877 34 in Who’s Who Drowskowski Joseph 1931 253 in Who’s Who Dtan Shirley Ann 1937 267 in Who’s Who Duane Elisabeth 1860 in Who’s Who Dubois Clara nee Kaltz 1891 1928 in Who’s Who Dubraun Carolina 1887 in Who’s Who Dudy Catha Tollevan Sept 1871 in Who’s Who Dufale J map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who Dufale P map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who Dufflo J map 1875 sec 14 34 in Who’s Who Dufflo P map 1875 sec 34 36 in Who’s Who Duflo F map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Duflo J map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Duflot Rosaliam Desgrandchamps1883 in Who’s Who Dufloz Elisabeth Celestina Hence Feb 1871 in Who’s Who Dugenback Michael 1891 in Who’s Who Doyle Frank in Who's Who Doyle Frank in Who's Who Doyle James St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Doyle Joanne in Who's Who Doyle Lawrence St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Doyle Mary St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Doyle Patrick St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Doyle Timothy St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Dr Felix Osowski Mansion pages1885-1896 Dr Flynn family at house 0377 Drag John J WWII U S Navy 1117 and in Who's Who Dragin Steve CLHS 1959 in Who's Who draging 0212 Dragovich Lynn Kay CLHS 1962 in Who's Who drain 31 Drake Diana CLHS 1959 in Who's Who drama club 0036 Drdul Ronald Vietnam 1117 Drdul Ronald Vietnam in Who's Who DREASKY SGT. DUANE J. 31 killed in Iraq War 1117 and in Who's Who Drepun I have info on this family see Old Families Books Drew I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 88 Drew Louella St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Drew Murry WHS 1934 in Who's Who Drew Wallace Warren Schools 8th grade 1938 in Who's Who Drier Billy WHS 1953 in Who's Who DRIER SGT CHARLES A."Chuck" age 28 killed in Iraq 1117 and in Who's Who Drive in tray 0487 drivers horse view 0213 Drob Robert in Who's Who Droeniewski Henry U S Army WWII 1117 and in Who's Who Droltz Joe maintenance Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who drones 0010 drop spindle 0229 drop spindle 0333 Drott William Veteran World War II 1117 Drott William World War II in Who's Who drought 31 DROWLEY JESSE Medal of Honor WWII 1117 and in Who's Who Drozdowicz Michael WHS 1957 in Who's Who Drugas I have info on this family see Old Families Books Druyar I have info on this family see Old Families Books Drwencke Frank CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Drwencke Jerome St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Dteans I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dtirfer I have info on this family see Old Families Books DU BAY LAWRENCE E PVT killed in World War II 1117 and in Who's Who Du Sablon Carol Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Dubay I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dubrul Arlene Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Dubrul Gordon Busch High School 1948 in Who's Who Dubu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Duby I have info on this family see Old Families Books Duch William U S Army Air Force WWII in Who's Who Duch William Veteran 1117 Duchan Gary in Who's Who Duchan Harold in Who's Who Ducharme Cocilo St Clement 1935 in Who's Who Ducharme Raymond St Clement 1937 in Who's Who duck 0009 Duda Anna in Who's Who Dudas Bruno USCG 1942-1945 b1920-d2001 1117 and in Who's Who DUDICK BERNARD PFC WWII Medal of Honor 1117 and in Who's Who Dudzik Bogdan St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Dueweke Barbara St Clement 1935 in Who's Who Dueweke Delores St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Dueweke Germaine St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Dueweke Mary Lou St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Dueweke Mr in Who's Who Dueweke W in Who's Who Dueweke-Nemeckay Celine St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 89 Dueweke-Ross Charlotte St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Duffuling I have info on this family see Old Families Books Duflot I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dufour I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dugan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dugas Charles Korean War U S Army 1952-1954 in Who's Who Dugas Charles Pfc Korean War 1117 Duggan Harold Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Dugluas I have info on this family see Old Families Books Duihock I have info on this family see Old Families Books Duke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dulack I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dulinski John in Who's Who Dullea Maurice 19 DULLEA MAURICE 5/1/1838 in Who’s Who Dunn Bridget w of Francis d1888 a72 in Who’s Who Dunn Brigetta 1888160 in Who’s Who Dunn Dora Ella 1934 263 in Who’s Who Dunn Ellen 1936 266 in Who’s Who Dunn Ellen b 1802 in Who’s Who Dunn Ellen b 1862 in Who’s Who Dunn Francis b Ireland 1812 1863 in Who’s Who Dunn Francise 1863 in Who’s Who Dunn Harold Francis 1930 253 in Who’s Who Dunn Herbert Joseph a? 1929 in Who’s Who Dunn Joannes 1915236 in Who’s Who Dunn John 1839 1915 in Who’s Who Dunn John map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Dunn Laureutius 1918242 in Who’s Who Dunn Lawrence W 1891 1918 in Who’s Who Dunn T map 1875 sec 30 in Who’s Who Dunn Thomas d 1858 in Who’s Who Dunn William b 1854 in Who’s Who Dunning Emmea Aug 1930 253 in Who’s Who Dupel Carl shoemaker in Who’s Who Duwecke J map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Duwecke W map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Dwyer J map 1875 sec 27 SECL in Who’s Who Dwyer J map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Dwyer Mrs map 1875 sec 1 in Who’s Who Dybowski Walter F Veteran in Who’s Who ealems ? Charoline Tromble1879 in Who’s Who Ebart Mrs map1859 sec 28 sWCL in Who’s Who Ebarth L map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who Echart Agnes a3 23 Dec 1884 53 in Who’s Who Eck George L 1939 274 in Who’s Who Dulzo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dumontet Carbonneau Lorraine St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Dunaj Johnson Elizabeth St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 90 Dunbar Guy 1865 in Who's Who Dunbar I have info on this family see Old Families Books DUNCAN MARVIN W PFC killed in World War II 1117 and in Who's Who Duncanson Mr WHS teacher 1946 in Who's Who Dunhaue I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dunkle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dunlop I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dunn family in Who's Who Dunn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dunn John Sr. in Who's Who Dunn John Warren Trustee 1950 1953-54 in Who's Who Dunn Street in Who's Who Dunning 33 Dupel Carl shoemaker in Who's Who Dupire Norma CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Dupius Richard St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Dupont Val in Who's Who Dupuis Judith St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Durhal Frederick C. Jr. in Who's Who Duris Edward in Who's Who Durisagudski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Durocher Lawrence St Clement 1957 in Who's Who DuRocher Margaret St Clement 1965 in Who's Who DuRocher Paul J CLHS 1962 in Who's Who DuRocher-Bourlier Kathleen St Clement 1966 in Who's Who DuRoss William in Who's Who Durphey Bill Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Duszka - McDonough Judith St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Dutil Janet D CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Dutkiewcz Adele CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Dutkiewicz Richard St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Dutkiewicz Ted R CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Dutkiewicz Thomas St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Dutko Dennis M in Who's Who Dutko Dennis Warren Council 1969-1970 in Who's Who Dutton Grant CLHS 1959 in Who's Who duty 37 Duzyj Andrey in Who's Who Dwyer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dyer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Dysarczyk Kenneth Korea 1117 Dysarczyk Kenneth Korea in Who's Who Dziewit Eugene A Korea 1117 Dziewit Eugene A Korea in Who's Who Earl Charles H in Who's Who Earl Charles Jr in Who's Who Earl Charles Jr in Who's Who Earle Horatio S in Who's Who early 1900s 0039, 0058 Page Twelve Thousand 91 Early pioneer settlers 0018 earthquake 0202 Easiest Language for understanding between languages to save lives is at end of all history books Eastern Market 0585 Eastern Market 26 40 Eberlein I have info on this family see Old Families Books Eberspacher-McDowell Mary Ann St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Ebert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Eck David St Clement 1935 in Who's Who Eck Joseph St Clement 1937 in Who's Who Eck Rita St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Eckert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Eckstein 33 Eckstein family in Who's Who ECKSTEIN FREDERICK 1861 1117 and in Who's Who Eckstein Frederick Born July 3 1810 in Who’s Who Eckstein George P. Macomb County Sheriff 1905-1906 in Who's Who Eckstein George WHS Class of 1946 in Who's Who Eckstein I have info on this family see Old Families Books Eckstein Jack in Who's Who Eckstein Jack WHS 1950 in Who's Who Eckstein Street in Who's Who Ecksteine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Eckstin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Eckstine George 45 Eckstine George had a repair shop in 1900 in Who’s Who Edds Jonathan W. killed in Iraq. in Who's Who Edgar Patricia Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Edgerton I have info on this family see Old Families Books EDGERTON MYRON C killed in World War II in Who's Who Edgerton Richard St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Edison 0029, 0047, 56 57 47 Education 68, 85-89 80 Edward Peck 35 Edwards Coffet Barbara St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Edwards Frank WHS 1954 in Who's Who Edwards Fred “Bud” WWII 1117 Edwards Fred “Bud” WWII U S Navy in Who's Who Edwards Harold in Who's Who Edwards I have info on this family see Old Families Books Edwards Nancy WHS 1955 in Who's Who Edwards Robert Vietnam 1117 and in Who's Who Edwards Sharon Lee CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Edwards Willie Vietnam 1117 Edwards Willie Vietnam in Who's Who Egan Bob CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Egan Marian Kay CLHS 1962 in Who's Who EGGERT JOHN 10/14/1835 in Who’s Who Ekland Joseph 1904190 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 92 Eggert John 19 Eggert Gerald Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Ehardt Joseph CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Ehasp I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ehlert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ehrke Mary CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Ehrke Thomas CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Eichbauer Patrick St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Eichorst Richard St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Eisele J L third mayor of Center Line in Who's Who Eisele Paul St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Eiseman Delores St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Eisenberger Mr. s Counselor in the 1960s in Who's Who Eisenman Joesph St Clement 1944 in Who's Who Eisenman John in Who's Who Eismann John St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Ekelin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ekstrom Barbara Ann CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Ekstrom Sandra CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Eland William WHS 1950 in Who's Who Elandt Aaron C. age 23 killed in Iraq. in Who's Who ELANDT AARON C. SGT 23 killed in Iraq 1117 and in Who's Who Elbauauaki I have info on this family see Old Families Books Elder Louis WHS 1952 in Who's Who Elder Louise WHS 1952 in Who's Who Elder Noah D 1936 Auditor Center Line in Who's Who Elder Russell WHS 1951 in Who's Who Eldesn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Eldred Judy CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Eldred Reginald in Who's Who ELDRIDGE GEORGE Medal of Honor 1117 and in Who's Who electric trolleys 0041 electricity 0057 electronic money 0067 Elhisth Catherine 1938 273 in Who’s Who Ellewart or Ellecoast Franciscian 1915 in Who’s Who Ellioaot Joannes 1906 in Who’s Who Elliot Barbara 1889 in Who’s Who Elliot Cathar Anna Kaltz Nov 1876 in Who’s Who Elliot John map 1875 sec 21 WCL in Who’s Who Elliott Catherine b 1844 d 1938 in Who’s Who Elliott J map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Elliott Joseph b 1834 d 1917 in Who’s Who Elliott Joseph b 1884 d 1917 in Who’s Who Elliott Joseph Sr 1917206 in Who’s Who Ellmarth Franciscum Julium Hrizefska 1881 in Who’s Who Ellsbath Esther 1917205 in Who’s Who Ellwart Centertina infans 1890139 in Who’s Who Elsworth Frank m1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 93 Elwart Paul Veteran in Who’s Who Emanud Soron Maria 1888135 in Who’s Who Emerson Jos m1895 sec 18 in Who’s Who Engelbert Andreas 1902220 in Who’s Who Engelbert Christia May 1873 26 in Who’s Who Engelbert Haas 1862 in Who’s Who Engelbert Rosnan ? Wigand Jan 1871 23 in Who’s Who Engelbest Georgias 1899182 in Who’s Who Engelhob Barbara 1901186 in Who’s Who Engelmann Hieronymus 1918 in in Who’s Who Engle Carl map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Engle F map 1875 sec 9 11 in Who’s Who Engle H m1895 sec 23 24 36 in Who’s Who Engle John m1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Englebert A m1895 sec 2 in Who’s Who Engleman Aloysius d H & M baby 1875 in Who’s Who Engleman E m1895 sec 27 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Engleman H m1895 sec 21 Center Line in Who’s Who Engleman Hieronymus d 1918 a75 in Who’s Who Engleman Hyronemus in Who’s Who Engleman J map 1875 sec 27 28 in Who’s Who Engleman J. map 1875 sec 28 SWCL in Who’s Who Engleman Jacob b 1811 d 1876 in Who’s Who Engleman Jacob b 1811? d 1826? in Who’s Who Engleman Jen G 1876 1882 in Who’s Who Engleman Margaret 18?? Era needs restudy in Who’s Who Englemann Aloysius Sept 1875 31 in Who’s Who Englemann Jacobum Anseln May 1876 32 in Who’s Who Enison W m1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Ennight Jacob 1906 in Who’s Who Enorght Honora 1929 252 in Who’s Who Enright Catherina Foley Jan 1877 34 in Who’s Who Enright Catherine d 1893 a 58 in Who’s Who Enright Catherine d 1898 a 58 in Who’s Who Enright James d 1906 in Who’s Who Enright James m1895 sec 9 10 in Who’s Who Enright Jas map 1875 sec 9 10 in Who’s Who Eliakis Joseph Vietnam 1118 and in Who's Who Elilrule I have info on this family see Old Families Books Elipau I have info on this family see Old Families Books Elisule I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ellio I have info on this family see Old Families Books Elliot I have info on this family see Old Families Books Elliot Maureen in Who's Who Elliot Sharon in Who's Who Elliott Beverly CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Elliott Bonita Teacher WHS 1952-1955 in Who's Who Elliott I have info on this family see Old Families Books Elliott Jack CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 94 Elliott James in Who's Who Elliott Maureen in Who's Who Ellis Anita in Who's Who Ellis I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ellis Mr in Who's Who Ellis Ms taught history Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Ellis-Victory 0076 Ellmer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ellsworth Lance Cpl. Justin M. 20 killed in Iraq War 1118 and in Who's Who Elmer Schuster Busch High School 1930 in Who's Who Elnick's Osowski Bear Creek mansion 9 Elrien I have info on this family see Old Families Books Elwalert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Elwart F Village of CLFD in Who's Who Elwart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Elwart Joseph Warren Justice 1911 1917 1918 in Who's Who Elwart P 1953 in Who's Who Elwart Paul in Who's Who Elwart Ron CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Elwart Thomas St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Elwart-Humphries Carolyn St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Elwart-Stein Shirley St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Ely I have info on this family see Old Families Books Elzerman Johanna Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who ELZY RAYMOND A PFC killed in World War II 1118 and in Who's Who Emerentia I have info on this family see Old Families Books Emerick C female Busch High School 1932 in Who's Who Emerson Elaine WHS 1957 in Who's Who Emerson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Emery Raymond in Who's Who Emgleman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Emily Gibson in Who's Who Emily Qualmann Busch High School 1930 in Who's Who Emlaw Michael WHS 1957 in Who's Who Emmanuel Missionary Baptist 0253 Emmons Judy K in Who's Who Emmons I have info on this family see Old Families Books Endres I have info on this family see Old Families Books Endress Fred in Who's Who Eneham I have info on this family see Old Families Books Enens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Engbarth H female Busch High School 1933 in Who's Who Engbarth H female Busch High School 1933 in Who's Who Engel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Engine Bay City Line 0365 engine Weier's steam 0369 Engine1225 Polar Express 0284 England Phyllis WHS 1952 in Who's Who England Thomas in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 95 Englebat I have info on this family see Old Families Books Englebert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Englebud I have info on this family see Old Families Books Engleman family in Who's Who Engleman Heronoius in Who's Who Engleman house & stone 0578-9 Engleman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Engleman Street in Who's Who English Louis Vietnam 1118 English Louis Vietnam in Who's Who Engst I have info on this family see Old Families Books Enias I have info on this family see Old Families Books ENOS ROBERT RAYMOND JR SP4 Warren Vietnam hostile killed 1118 and in Who's Who Enright I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ensign Harley Macomb County Sheriff 1945 - 1946 1949 - 1960 in Who's Who entertainment culture 0068 Enuright I have info on this family see Old Families Books Enuright William 32 in 1870 TEACHER in Who’s Who Erannian ? Mariam Reihard Tremble Apr 1878 in Who’s Who Erdman C m1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Eubank Arthur J Veteran in Who’s Who Eugelbert Carolins 1895174 in Who’s Who Eunight Cathanina 1898 Mar 9180 in Who’s Who Enuright William 35 Enwright I have info on this family see Old Families Books epidemic 16 epidemics 0016 Epitaphs 30, 34, 50, 285-294 Erb I have info on this family see Old Families Books Erbert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Erdman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Erdmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Erdodi Frank WWII & Korea 1118 Erdodi Frank WWII & Korea 1946-1949 in Who's Who Erie Canal 17 ERISCH ROBERT D SGT killed in World War II 1118 and in Who's Who Ernuright I have info on this family see Old Families Books Erust I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ervine Isabelle WHS Class of 1946 in Who's Who Erzto I have info on this family see Old Families Books ESCKELSON CHRISTOPHER E. CPLage 22 killed in Iraq 1118 and in Who's Who Eshert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Esper Bob USAF WWII 1118 and in Who's Who Esper Charles E U S Navy Golf War 1118 and in Who's Who Esper Joseph M in Who's Who Esper Robert in Who's Who Esper Robert W U S Air Force 43-45 Europe 1118 and in Who's Who Esper Sue in Who's Who ESPOSTI ENZO CPL killed in KOREA 1118 and in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 96 ESSEBAGGER JOHN Medal of Honor Korea 1118 and in Who's Who Essenmacher Carl St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Essenmacher Louise St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Essenmacher-Downey Shirley St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Esser Donald St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Esser Larry St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Essex Street in Who's Who Estep Robert Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Etherton Mildred Teacher WHS 1952 in Who's Who Etue Carl Vietnam 1118 and in Who's Who Eudries I have info on this family see Old Families Books Eugene I have info on this family see Old Families Books Evanich David 1118 Evanich David USMC Vietnam in Who's Who Evanko John Paul Korea 1118 Evanko John Paul Korea in Who's Who Evans Anna 19 EVANS ANNA 8/3/1839 in Who’s Who Charley Evens ran the brickyard in 1900 in Who’s Who Evans Elaine WHS 1952 in Who's Who Evans Flora St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Evans Florence St Clement 945 in Who's Who Evans Helen WHS 1952 in Who's Who Evans I have info on this family see Old Families Books Evans James WHS 1950 in Who's Who Evans Lawrence L veteran WWII 1118 Evans Lawrence L WWII U S Army in Who's Who Evans Mardelle President CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Evans Margaret marr Dick Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who Hanrahan Lilas (Rivard) Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who Evans Mary St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Evans Robert CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Evans Robert St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Evans Robert St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Evans Rose WHS 1955 in Who's Who Evans Rudy President CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Evans Victor St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Evarts I have info on this family see Old Families Books Eveland Carolyn WHS 1955 in Who's Who Eveland Delores WHS 1951 in Who's Who Eveland Diane WHS 1954 in Who's Who Eveland Joann WHS 1957 in Who's Who Eveland Monte WHS 1950 in Who's Who Evennou Janet WHS 1957 in Who's Who Evennou Lillian WHS 1956 in Who's Who Evens Charley 45 Evens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Everts Alston U S Navy WWII in Who's Who Everts Alston Veteran 1118 Page Twelve Thousand 97 everyone pulled their own weight 0050 Evola Daniel Korea 1118 Evola Daniel Korea in Who's Who Ewen Carol Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Ewen Joan Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Ewen Marvin CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Ewers Alvah 19 EWERS ALVAH 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who EWERS ALVAH 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who Fandra M m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Fantore Donald Veteran in Who’s Who Exline Phyllis WHS 1955 in Who's Who extinct life 0401-4 Faba Kathleen in Who's Who Faber Grace teacher Warren Public Schools 1934 in Who's Who Faber Miss sponsor WHS 1938 in Who's Who Fabian Norman Korea 1118 Fabian Norman Korea in Who's Who fabric 0327 Fabrikiewicz Rick in Who's Who face recognition 0010 Failing 0286 Fain Mary Ella CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Fain Sammy K CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Faith Baptist 0254 Falcitelli-Plesco Michelina St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Falcone Demetrio A 1118 Falcone Demetrio A USNavy WWII in Who's Who FALCONER JOHN Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army 1118 and in Who's Who FALK DAVID JOHN S SSGT WARREN S.Vietnam hostile killed 1118 and in Who's Who Falk David U S Army Vietnam in Who's Who Falk David Veteran 1118 FALL CHARLES Medal of Honor Civil War 1118 and in Who's Who Fall Color Warren Union Cemetery 0169 Fallon Margaret taught art & 9th gr Busch High School 1949-53 in Who's Who Falmer Herbert CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Falmer Joyce CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Falmer Reta Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who family fun 0192 family on porch 0214 Family TV 3816 family views 0071 Fanderer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fandolph I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fanning Ronald M. Vietnam 1119 Fanning Ronald M. Vietnam in Who's Who Fante Bernice Busch High School 1950 Treasurer Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Fantene Joan CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Farinelli William Veteran World War II 1119 Page Twelve Thousand 98 Farinelli William World War II in Who's Who farm farming 27 48 31 33-35 53 54 91 Vol 2 295-299 Vol 3 534-544 Farm Animals 0009 farm family with horses 0216 farm implements 0192 farm layout 0215 farm layout drawing 0034 farm views 0040, 48, 295, 0534-44 farm yard 0071 Farmer Diaries of Michigan years 1872-1902 are on pages 3,400-4,299 Farmer Fred 0036 Farmers directory 9, 1,694 Farneti-Stabnick Vicky St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Farrell Sandra Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Farrell Sandra Center Line Board of Education staff 1953 in Who's Who Farrington Jeff State of Michigan Representative in Who's Who FARRIS WILLARD H CPL killed in World War II 1119 and in Who's Who FARRO STANLEY DALE SGT WARREN S.Vietnam died 1119 and in Who's Who Fasel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Faseter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Faskow I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fasse Peter volunteer CLFD in 1969 in Who's Who Fassett Charles 19 FASSETT CHARLES A 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Father 1853 1925 in Who’s Who Fecko Albert J Veteran in Who’s Who Felarca Simeon j Veteran in Who’s Who Felczak Ted 1922 2003 Veteran in Who’s Who Felczak Ted Veteran in Who’s Who Felczak Ted Veteran in Who’s Who Feldman Gertrude 1866 1928 in Who’s Who Feldman Gertrude nee Kaltz 1866 1928 in Who’s Who Feldman H m1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Feltman F map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Fena or Jen Joan ? Hrrian Holland Apr 1879 38 in Who’s Who Fennie Charles 1942 278 in Who’s Who Feugel infant 1901218 in Who’s Who Fheirg Augusti 1862 in Who’s Who Fink E early pioneer sec 35 1895 in Who’s Who Fink Wm map 1859 1875 in Who’s Who Finn Christina 1933 260 in Who’s Who Finn Joannan Campbell 15 Feb 1881 44 in Who’s Who Finn Joannem Campbell 9 Jun 1884 51 in Who’s Who Finn John 1812 1883 in Who’s Who Finn John 1872 1883 in Who’s Who Finn John 1884 1884 in Who’s Who Finn Joseph a13 Campbell 8 Jan 1883 48 in Who’s Who Finn Margaret 1880 1881 in Who’s Who Finn Veaurica Regena 1937 266 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 99 Finn Wm 1915201 in Who’s Who Fischer A m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Fischer G M m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Fischer G m1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Fischer Geo m1895 sec 25 in Who’s Who Fischer J M m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Fisher Frank T Veteran in Who’s Who Fatherhouse I have info on this family see Old Families Books Faubaum T in Who's Who Faumaul I have info on this family see Old Families Books Faunce Jennifer Warren Judge in Who's Who Faunce Sherman Judge in Who's Who FD clowns 0008 Fechsig Elmer Fireman in Center Line in 1920s in Who's Who Fedenko Stefan Korea 1119 Fedenko Stefan Korea in Who's Who Federal Street in Who's Who Federoff Robert CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Fedolak Michael WHS Class of 1946 in Who's Who Fedorczyk Joseph U S Navy Korean War in Who's Who Fedorczyk Joseph Veteran 1119 Fedorczyk Richard St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Fedorski Henry Veteran 1119 Fedorski Henry World War II in Who's Who feeding goats 0214 feeding stock 0212 Feirstein Danita in Who's Who Felcyn Patricia St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Feldman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Feldmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Feleo Edward St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Fellowship Baptist Church 0224 Fellowship General Baptist 0248 Felt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Felt Kay Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Felt Patricia Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Felton Brett in Who's Who fence Split rail 0365 Fencel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fergus Alex M in Who's Who Ferguson Frank WHS 1957 in Who's Who Ferguson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ferguson John Vietnam 1119 Ferguson John Vietnam in Who's Who Ferianc George USMC Vietnam in Who's Who Ferianc George Vietnam 1119 Ferrari Edwin CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Ferraza I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ferrazza Jeannie CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 100 Fesisik I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fessensen I have info on this family see Old Families Books FESTER MAJ. GREGORY J. 41 killed in Iraq War 1119 and in Who's Who Fewer Richard Warren Police Officer in 1952 in Who's Who FEY EUGENE L PVT Army killed in KOREA 1119 and in Who's Who Feyers Marcel N U S Army WWII 1119 and in Who's Who Feyers Raymond U S Navy 1960s 1119 and in Who's Who Fhield I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fhielk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fiddler 0313 fiddlers 0025 fiddlers Vol 2 313 Field Antononia in Who's Who Fiema David U S Army 1119 Fiema David U S Army 1960-1966 in Who's Who Fierle Charles St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Fierle-Huggett Mary St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Fifty Five Local Locals 0359 Figurski Joseph C Navy 1119 Figurski Joseph C Navy Seabee Pacific WWII 1942-1945 in Who's Who Filipiak Walter Korea 1119 Filipiak Walter Korea in Who's Who Fillman Margaret Teacher WHS 1952 in Who's Who Final Exam 6th Grade 1890 p0126 Finch I have info on this family see Old Families Books FINGER DONALD J CPL killed in World War II 1119 and in Who's Who Fink E 18 Fink I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fink W 18 Finn Fix Rosalie St Clement 1937 Deceased in Who's Who Finn Ann St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Finn George St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Finn John St Clement 1954 Deceased in Who's Who Finn Joseph St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Finn Robert St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Finn-Brinkman Carolyn St Clement 1950 Deceased in Who's Who Finn-Brohl JoAnn St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Finn-Corrion Rita St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Fiore Anna St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Fiore Brett Felton George Korea in Who's Who Fiore George Korea 1119 Fire 6, 9, 23, 30, 46, fire 1957 on Sunburst 103, 30 46 65 66 67 76 Truck 8, 76, 545-560 Fire Chiefs Warren 545-546 Fire Dept Warren History 101-11, 111, 547-60 Fire Dept. Center Line 9, 230-237 fire truck 8, 73, 103 Firenze 0508 fireplace 0215 fireplace 0332 0338 Page Twelve Thousand 101 First Baptist 0255 First Church of Jesus Christ 0249 first land owners 0019 First ME Church 3754 first newspaper 0057 First Presbyterian 0253 first road 0015 First Road 15 First United Methodist 0255 Fischer Betty WHS Class of 1946 in Who's Who Fischer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fischer John J CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Fischer Joseph G CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Fischer Robert CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Fischer Ruth 1900 seamstress in Who’s Who Fischer Ruth 45 fish 59 33 64 Fish Helena CLHS 1960 in Who's Who fish we caught in creek 0216 Fisher family in Who's Who Fisher Henry 35 Fisher Henry in 1900 blacksmith in Who’s Who Fisher J M map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Fisher I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fisher John St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Fisher Mary Jane St Clement 1944 in Who's Who Fisher Mike custodian WHS 1954 1955 in Who's Who Fisher Street in Who's Who Fisher-Marion Dorothy St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Fisk George w 19 FISK GEORGE W H 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Fix Raymnd 1918 1986 Veteran in Who’s Who Fleishant I map 1875 sec 30 in Who’s Who Fleishaus Ageline 1915 eg in Who’s Who Fleishaus T m1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who Fitchett Albert CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Fitchett George CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Fitchett Mary Lou Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Fitchett Virginia CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Fittante Sam Veteran World War II 1119 Fittante Sam World War II in Who's Who Fitz Dolores Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Fitzsimone I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fix Daniel St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Fix Garry St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Fix Tranchida Joyce St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Fix-Henke Sandra St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Flag raising 0491 FLAHERTY FRANCIS Medal of Honor WWII U S Navy 1119 and in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 102 Flaig George USAF WWII 1943-1946 1119 and in Who's Who flail 0433 Flaim Albert St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Flaim Fred CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Flaim Reiss Carol St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Flaim-Queneville Anna St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Flanagan Joan WHS 1953 in Who's Who Flanigan Eileen St Clement 1959 Deceased in Who's Who Flanigan Jack St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Flanigan John St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Flanigan-Labadie Agnes St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Flannery Miss Pat 1960s in Who's Who Flechsig E Police Chief Center Line 1936 - 1953 in Who's Who Flechsig Elmer Asst Chief Village of CLFD about 1928-1936 in Who's Who Flechsig Kreft Marion Busch High School 1941 in Who's Who Flechsig Stuart & Phyllis Busch High School 1944 in Who's Who Fleishaus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fleislaus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fleming James D 1119 Fleming James D Army WWII in Who's Who Fletcher Robert Vietnam 1119 and in Who's Who Flint Jane (Shade) Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Flnch I have info on this family see Old Families Books float 0492 Floch Joan St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Floch-Ciesliga Kathleen St Clement 1966 in Who's Who flood 30 31 53 Flores Frank Vietnam 1119 and in Who's Who Floyd Al'Kaila age 23 Mi killed in Iraq. in Who's Who FLOYD SGT. ALKAILA T. 23 killed in Iraq War 1119 and in Who's Who Flum John Vietnam 1119 and in Who's Who Flynn Annie E. in Who's Who Flynn Betty taught gym Busch High School 1949, 1952 in Who's Who Flynn Betty wonderful librarian at CLHS in Who's Who Flynn David in Who's Who Flynn Dr John C 1850-1910 came to Warren in 1882 in Who’s Who Fluder Joseph A Veteran in Who’s Who Fluker Peter Wm Kuker 1906194 in Who’s Who Flumkett map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Fon Petri 1863 in Who’s Who Foney J map 1859 sec 33 34 in Who’s Who Foote map 1859 sec 10 in Who’s Who Footin Felix 1930 252 in Who’s Who Forster J M map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Forster J map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Forster M map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Fortin Adele 1938 270 in Who’s Who Fortumase Edward J 1943 d 1987 Veteran in Who’s Who Fortumase Frank Veteran in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 103 Fortuna Ronald E Veteran in Who’s Who Foster J C m1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Foster John C m1895 sec 26 in Who’s Who Foster map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who Fountair Abbigail 1939 274 in Who’s Who Fournier Daniel 1861 in Who’s Who Fournier Elin.. 1861 in Who’s Who Fox Ida 1935 266 in Who’s Who Fox John map 1875 sec 18 in Who’s Who Fox Jos map 1875 sec 16 in Who’s Who Flynn family in Who's Who Flynn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Flynn Joan in Who's Who Flynn John 35 Flynn John C Dr 30 31 Flynn John in Who's Who Flynn Ruth B taught Busch High School 1950-58 in Who's Who Flynn Street in Who's Who Foerster I have info on this family see Old Families Books Foglesonger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fogoros Allen St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Fogoros August Veteran 1119 Fogoros August World War II in Who's Who Fohrland I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fonng I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fontella Jim Vietnam USMC 1965-1966 in Who's Who Fontella Pat Vietnam 1119 Fontella Pat Vietnam USMC 1965-1966 in Who's Who food ad A & P 3817 Foos Roscoe WHS 1951 in Who's Who Forbush Annette St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Forbush Fred CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Ford 58 Ford Brown President WHS 1938 in Who's Who Ford Evelyn CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Ford Iris CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Ford Janet L CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Ford Model T 0058 Ford Nellie CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Ford Patricia CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Ford Street in Who's Who foreclosed homes 0068 Foreit Alois Joseph CLHS 1955 in Who's Who FOREMAN ALEX Medal of Honor 1119 FOREMAN ALEX Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army in Who's Who Forlini Anthony G in Who's Who Formella Bob Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Forney I have info on this family see Old Families Books Forray Leona St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 104 Forray-Kozak Margaret St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Forster I have info on this family see Old Families Books Forsythe Gerald St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Fortin James St Clement 1956 Deceased in Who's Who Fortin Richard in Who's Who Fortin Richard St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Fortin Robert St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Forton I have info on this family see Old Families Books FORTON STEPHEN W JR SSG killed in World War II 1120 and in Who's Who Fortumase Edward St Clement 1961 Deceased in Who's Who Fortuna - Golebiewski Nancy St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Forys Margaret CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Fosgard Earl Veteran World War II 1120 Fosgard Earl World War II in Who's Who Foss I have info on this family see Old Families Books Foss Leslie R Trustee Center Line Board of Education 1946-1957 in Who's Who Foster Blake Adelbert CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Foster Frank Clare CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Foster Frank in Who's Who Foster I have info on this family see Old Families Books Foster I have info on this family see Old Families Books Foster JoAnn Vietnam in Who's Who Foster John C. Chief Judge in Who's Who Foster Judith CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Foster Mary Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Foster Melva CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Foster-Heyert Mary Beth St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Fostock I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fot I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fotenas Tula Board of Review 2011 2012 in Who's Who Fotenas Tula Board of Review in Who's Who Fouchey Tyrus St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Fourney I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fournier-Wallace Patricia St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Fourter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fouts James R. Mayor in Who's Who FOUTY BYRON PFC Army. age 19 killed in Iraq 1120 and in Who's Who Fowler Barbara Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Fowler DuWayne C CLHS 1962 served USMC in Who's Who Fowler James CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Fowler Patricia St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Fowler William St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Fox Bradley C. 1SG 20-Apr-2004 Mi killed in Iraq. in Who's Who fox 0036 Fox Alice Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Fox Anita CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Fox Charles Warren Council1961-1962 in Who's Who Fox Dennis CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Fox H female Busch High School 1932 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 105 FOX HENRY Medal of Honor Civil War 1120 and in Who's Who Fox I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fox Ruth Joanne Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Fracassa Hawke in Who's Who Fralowicz Ruth WHS 1954 in Who's Who frame Jane (Jackson) Busch High School 1939 in Who's Who Frampton Cathy in Who's Who Francis Eric WWII also Medic 1120 Francis Eric WWII also Medic 1942-1946 WWII in Who's Who Francis Leonard WWII & Korean War 1120 Francis Leonard WWII & Korean War U S Navy in Who's Who Francis Mike U S Army 66-72 75-2007 in Who's Who Francis Mike Veteran MSGT U S Army 1120 Francis Ryan SSG U S Army 1120 Francis Ryan SSG U S Army in Who's Who Francisi? Richardi Trembler 1865 in Who’s Who Frazira Freace 1942 278 in Who’s Who Freidhoff Anne F 1820 d 1904 in Who’s Who Freidhoff George 1854 1931 in Who’s Who Freidhoff J m1895 sec 2 in Who’s Who Freidhoff John in Who’s Who Freidhoff John b 1813 d 1897 in Who’s Who Freidhoff Mary b 1864 d 1936 in Who’s Who Freidhoff Vaicentine 1906227 in Who’s Who Freidhoff Vincent I 1896 d 1906 in Who’s Who Freidhoff Vincent L 1886 d 1906 in Who’s Who Freithoff Joannes 1897152 in Who’s Who Freithoff Rosan Mathilda in Who’s Who FRENCH JOEL 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Franco Edward WHS 1951 in Who's Who Frank Anita St Clement 1958 in Who's Who FRANK CAPT. STEPHEN W. 29 killed in Iraq War 1120 and in Who's Who Frank Clyde St Clement 1964 in Who's Who FRANK CRAIG S. 24 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Frank Don & Georgia Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Frank Elizabeth St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Frank Kultz general store in Who's Who Frank Peck and store 0071 Frank Richard U. S. Coast Guard WWII 1120 Frank Richard U. S. Coast Guard WWII in Who's Who FRANK SPC. CRAIG S. 24 killed in Iraq War 1120 Frank Stephen W. age 29 killed in Iraq. in Who's Who Franklin Chris Vietnam in Who's Who Frankow Alex CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Frankow Florence Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Franz Ray A in Who's Who Franzen Marjorie Kay CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Franzen Raymond CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Fraschetti Roland in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 106 Fratt Anthony in Who's Who Fratt Anthony Jr in Who's Who Frauce Russell U S Army WWII 1120 and in Who's Who Frayseth James W CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Frazho Rich veteran 1120 Frazho Rich veteran in Who's Who Frazier D F in Who's Who Frazier Dennis in Who's Who Frazier Dennis R in Who's Who Frazier William Veteran World War II 1120 Frazier William World War II in Who's Who Frdistch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fredal Francis in Who's Who Frederick Eckstein 33 Frederick I have info on this family see Old Families Books Frederick Joseph St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Frederick Richard U S Air Force Vietnam in Who's Who Frederick Richard Veteran 1120 Frederick-Clark Carolyn St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Frederik Ronald CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Fredwald I have info on this family see Old Families Books freedom 1 2 79 Freedom Hill Memorials not done 6321-44 Freedom Saving our American Freedom Vol 28 Freedom Train 5, 29, 137 Freehand I have info on this family see Old Families Books Freeland Abraham Macomb County Sheriff 1837-1838 in Who's Who Freeland Mr WHS teacher 1946 in Who's Who Freeman Dorothy Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Freeman Leonia CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Freeman Marilyn Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Freer Jacqueline WHS 1952 in Who's Who Freer Janet WHS 1956 in Who's Who Freidhoff George in Who's Who Freidhoff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Freidhoff John in Who's Who Freigruber I have info on this family see Old Families Books French Joel 19 French 0004, 14, 6391-6410 French I have info on this family see Old Families Books FRENCH SAMUEL Medal of Honor Civil War 1120 and in Who's Who Frenchie Roger Richard St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Frenoer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Freuthoff John map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Friedericks Henricum DeComuny 1882 in Who’s Who Friedhoff ? b 18?? d 188? wife of Valentin in Who’s Who Friedhoff George in Who’s Who Friedhoff Rose A b 1892 d 1909 in Who’s Who Friedhoff Valentin b 1856 d ? in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 107 Frinillich Raymond 1941 in Who’s Who Frink W map 1859 sec 1 in Who’s Who Froehlich Raymond A Veteran in Who’s Who Frstbender Margaretha Hiller Oct 1875 in Who’s Who Fruch H C m1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who Fucks Gosephnm a65 26 Apr 1881 44 in Who’s Who Fullen? tullen Eduard Bright 1875 in Who’s Who Fuller Thomas P Veteran in Who’s Who Fulton James first Macomb County sheriff 1818-1822 in Who’s Who Frick I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fridenhoof I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fridhoff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Friedel Barbara in Who's Who Friedhoff George early settler in Who's Who Friend Vern in Who's Who Frink I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fritz Carrol WHS 1953 in Who's Who Fritz R WHS teacher 1946 in Who's Who FRITZ STANLEY C JR PFC killed in World War II 1120 and in Who's Who Fritzsche Judith in Who's Who Friuk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Froda I have info on this family see Old Families Books Froehlich - Moreau Rosalie St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Froehlich George St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Froehlich Marieta St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Froehlich William St Clement 1956 Deceased in Who's Who Frohriep I have info on this family see Old Families Books Frontera Peter John St U S Navy WWII 1120 and in Who's Who Frontera Ralph in Who's Who Frost Clifford in Who's Who Frost Guy Warren Justice 1931 in Who's Who Frost I have info on this family see Old Families Books Frost Mrs Ronald Justice Court Clerk 1961 in Who's Who Frudeman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fruelenun I have info on this family see Old Families Books Frye Phillip WHS 1955 in Who's Who Frye Roland WHS 1950 in Who's Who Fuchs I have info on this family see Old Families Books fuel self sufficient 0031 Fuerst - Delancey Jane St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Fuerst - Randall Judith St Clement 1957 Deceased in Who's Who Fuerst - Zahorchak Marilyn St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Fuerst Richard St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Fuerst-Catoni Susan St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Fuguson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fuhrman Bill WHS 1957 in Who's Who Fuhrman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Fuhrman James WHS 1950 in Who's Who Fuhrman John Trustee WHS Board 1952-55 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 108 Fuhrman Lila WHS 1954 in Who's Who Fuhrman Richard in Who's Who Fuhrman Roy WHS 1955 in Who's Who Fuhrman Ruth WHS 1953 in Who's Who Fuhrman Verne WHS 1952 in Who's Who Fulkerth Barbara WHS 1954 in Who's Who Fulkerth Lee WHS 1956 in Who's Who Fulkerth Shirley WHS 1957 in Who's Who Fulton James first sheriff 1818-1822. in Who's Who Fumerola William U. S. Army Korea 1120 Fumerola William U. S. Army Korea in Who's Who Funka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Funka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Furama. Barbara 1864 in Who’s Who Furgal Judy in Who's Who FURLONG HAROLD Medal of Honor WWI 1120 and in Who's Who Furlong Myrna CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Furlong Nedra Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Furlong Rosemarie C in Who's Who Furnkas I have info on this family see Old Families Books future last 3 pages 10 89 Future of Warren Ideas 0099 Gabel Clarence Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Gabel Helen CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Gabelman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gabelnrunn Fredrick 45 Gabelnrunn Fredrick in 1900 preacher in Who’s Who Gabelnrunn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gaber Rose Marie St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Gabridge Steven C Vietnam 1120 and in Who's Who Gabriel John St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Gabriel Michael St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Gabriel William U S Army WWII in Who's Who Gabriel William Veteran U S Army WWII 1120 Gabrielson Kenneth Korea 1120 and in Who's Who Gacharinger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gadcoli I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gafa Alexander St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Gafa J CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Gaffke James St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Gaglio Benny Vietnam 1120 and in Who's Who Gagne Paul in Who's Who Gagne Paul Korea 1120 Gagne Paul Korea in Who's Who Gagne Paul Sgt. in the CLFD in 1969 70. in Who's Who Gagnon Lawrence R Korea 1121 Gagnon Lawrence R Korea in Who's Who Gahan or Mc?Gahan Birgitta 1866 in Who’s Who Gajsiewicz Walter J Veteran in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 109 Gallagher Edmund James Veteran in Who’s Who Gamble Charles U.S. Sol. in Who’s Who Gamble Charles 1865? 1900 not same person as above. in Who’s Who Gamble Charles 1868 1906 in Who’s Who Gamble Lillian 1874?? 1900 needs restudy in Who’s Who Gamble Lillian 1877 1909 in Who’s Who Ganaler Andrew 1941 278 in Who’s Who Gardner Mary 1935 263 in Who’s Who Gardner Mrs map 1859 sec 24 in Who’s Who Garlack Charles blacksmith in Who’s Who Gainor Paul St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Gaiser Herbert WHS 1955 in Who's Who Gaither Rae Sue Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Gajdos Shawn D.age 25 killed in Iraq War. in Who's Who GAJDOS . SHAWN D. PFC 25 killed in Iraq 1121 and in Who's Who Galanski Edward CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Galaxy Drive in 0489 Galbensky - Chesser Patricia St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Galbensky - Mixa Dorothy St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Galeener Howard in Who's Who Galen Jim U S Army Vietnam in Who's Who Galen Jim Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1121 Galen Pat WHS 1957 in Who's Who Galesky Judith CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Galetuk Joann WHS 1953 in Who's Who Gallagher Edward J Judge 1970s in Who's Who Gallant Mary St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Gallegos Jose Vietnam 1121 Gallegos Jose Vietnam in Who's Who GALLOWAY D WWI 1121 and in Who's Who Galloway James Veteran in Who's Who Galvin Donald Vietnam 1121 Galvin Donald Vietnam in Who's Who Galvin Robert in Who's Who Gambill Bill in Who's Who Gambill Bill in Who's Who Gambill Margaret WHS 1954 in Who's Who Gambill Mary Secretary WHS 1952 in Who's Who Gambill Nancy CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Gambill William U S Air Force 61-65 1121 and in Who's Who Gambill Wm CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Gamble 33 GAMBLE BENJAMIN C 1861 page 1121 and in Who's Who Gamble Benjamin C 33 Gamble Charles 33 GAMBLE CHARLES U.S. Soldier1121 and in Who's Who Gamble I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gambol I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gamrat Joseph St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 110 Gangler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gangware I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gannon Leroy Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Gapczynski Daniel CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Garabedian Gregory St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Garabedian-Hryzyszun Patricia St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Garczewski - Woloszyk Patricia St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Garczewski-Wojaszek Carolyn St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Gardener Rosemary St Clement 1939 in Who's Who Gardner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gareau Annabelle St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Gareau Gerald St Clement 1939 in Who's Who Garlach I have info on this family see Old Families Books Garlack Carl 45 Garlack Charles 45 Garlack George 45 Garlack George was wagon maker in Who’s Who Garlack I have info on this family see Old Families Books Garlow K CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Garlow Kenneth St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Garman G W map 1859 sec 9 in Who’s Who Garmline I have info on this family see Old Families Books Garner Lawrence in Who's Who Garner Lawrence in Who's Who Garofalo Michael St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Garrett Janice Vietnam 1121 Garrett Janice Vietnam in Who's Who Garripe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Garrìsì Lorenzo Vietnam 1121 Garrìsì Lorenzo Vietnam in Who's Who Garrison Dr 30 Garrison Dr Warren doctor c1877 in in Who’s Who Gase Harold 1941 278 in Who’s Who Gaste Marianr 1937 267 in Who’s Who Gaude Fred m1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who Gawrelak Edmund J Veteran in Who’s Who Gawronski Pete Veteran in Who’s Who Gease H map 1859 sec 35 in Who’s Who Gehringer Charles Veteran in Who’s Who Geib Antoni Mah 5 Apr 1882 47 in Who’s Who Geisler Albert Hackenberger 1877 in Who’s Who Geisler Caroline b 1826 d 1910 in Who’s Who Geisler Franciscus 1889 in Who’s Who Geisler Frank b 1821 d 1889 in Who’s Who Geisler George N 1936 in Who’s Who Georga Greitmeyer 1862 in Who’s Who Garrison I have info on this family see Old Families Books Garrison Margaret CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Garwood Elaine CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 111 Garwood Gary CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Garwood L 4 5 1956 - 4 4 1960 Center Line Councilman in Who's Who Garwood Leon Alan CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Garza George Vietnam 1121 Garza George Vietnam in Who's Who GARZA JUAN GUADALUPE JR. PFC 20 killed in Iraq 1121 and in Who's Who gas 20¢ at Kayo 0065, 57 gas pump 55 59 71 72 90 gas station 57 59 71 72 90 gas stove 0334 Gash I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gasior Kathleen in Who's Who Gasowski Gary T in Who's Who Gates Jean WHS 1951 in Who's Who Gates Joyce WHS 1954 in Who's Who Gates Lois WHS 1954 in Who's Who Gatewood Joe CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Gathen Gary St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Gatlin Jack CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Gattari Remo E Korea 1121 Gattari Remo E Korea in Who's Who Gauci Joan CLHS 1961 in Who's Who GAUL JAMES A JR killed in World War II 1121 and in Who's Who Gaulman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gault James St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Gault John St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Gauvin Diane WHS 1957 in Who's Who Gawlik Arlene St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Gay I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gazda Paul CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Geaft I have info on this family see Old Families Books Geandenier I have info on this family see Old Families Books gear horse turning 0048 GEARY PHILIP J killed in World War II 1121 and in Who's Who Gebaner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gebauer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Geblan I have info on this family see Old Families Books GEE WILLIAM R PFC killed in World War II 1121 and in Who's Who Geer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Geey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gehrke William St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Geiffin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Geisler Charles St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Geisler Clem St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Geisler Herbert St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Geisler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Geisler Joseph St Clement 1953 Deceased in Who's Who Geisler Joseph WHS 1955 in Who's Who Geisler Norman WHS 1950 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 112 Geisler Shraw Constance St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Geisler Spears Aimee St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Geisler-Heinz Sharon St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Geisler-Steele Kathleen St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Geiss Douglas A in Who's Who Geitzen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Geldhof Julie in Who's Who Gemmill Fred U S Marine Corps WWII 54, 1121 and in Who's Who Gemmill Richard WWII 1121 and in Who's Who Genca Janet Eileen CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Genealogy of Warren Area pages 6,000-7,999 Genetski Robert J. in Who's Who Genlup I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gent I have info on this family see Old Families Books GENTRY STAFF LEWIS J. 48 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Gentry Staff Sgt. Lewis J. 48 killed in Iraq 1121 Gentz I have info on this family see Old Families Books George I have info on this family see Old Families Books Georgis Greitnges in Who’s Who George J map 1859 sec 25 in Who’s Who George John m1895 sec 25 in Who’s Who George John map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Gerard S map 1859 sec 25 in Who’s Who Gerardi Jona 1933 260 in Who’s Who Gerlach F m1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Gerloch F map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Gerome J map 1875 sec 28 SWCL in Who’s Who Gerome J map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who Gesrhard Anna Scheir Apr 1878 in Who’s Who Getsler F Est m1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Geup or Jeup in Who’s Who Gibbons noname 1870 19 in Who’s Who Gibbs Mrs M map 1859 sec 4 in Who’s Who Georgr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gerber I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gerds R male Busch High School 1932 in Who's Who GEREN DOAK MSG killed in World War II 1121 and in Who's Who Geren I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gerlach Esther WHS 1933 in Who's Who Gerlach I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gerlach John married in Who's Who Gerlack 54 Gerlack Carl in Who's Who Gerlack Charles Sr in Who's Who Gerlack Geo Jr in Who's Who Gerlack I have info on this family see Old Families Books Germain Cecil U S Army WWII in Who's Who Germain Cecil Veteran U S Army WWII 1121 Germaine Celo in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 113 Gerome J. early settler in Who's Who Geromin Gregory E U S Army Vietnam in Who's Who Geromin Gregory E Veteran 1121 Gerou J in Who's Who Gerrard Garry Vietnam 1121 Gerrard Garry Vietnam in Who's Who Gerrrd I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gerstenberger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gerstimier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gertrude I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gertrude Kena in 1900 seamstress in Who’s Who Gerus Ken CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Gerus Walter CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Gervasi John St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Gervasi Marilyn St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Getb I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ghanam Gus in Who's Who Ghile I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ghils I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ghover I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gianino Giuseppe in Who's Who Gianotta Louis Veteran 1121 Gianotta Louis World War II in Who's Who Giant Stove 0149 Gibbride I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gibbs Samuel 19 20 GIBBS SAMUEL 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who Gibbs 33 Gibbs I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gibbs Lumber 0470 Gibbs lumber block 0228 Gibbs Orton 18 Gibbs Orton early pioneer sec 4 in Who’s Who Gibbs Orton in Who's Who Gibson Bill U. S. Army Korea 1121 Gibson Bill U. S. Army Korea in Who's Who Gibson Emily in Who's Who Gibson Howard in Who's Who Gibson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gibson Karen SSGT U S Army 1984 1122 Gibson Karen T U S Army 1984-2008 in Who's Who Gibson Le Ray St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Gibson Leo Mobile Home Sales 0477 Gibson Ray in Who's Who Gibson Robert CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Gibson Ronnie SSGT U S Army 1122 Gibson Ronnie T U S Army 1982-2006 in Who's Who Gica Allena? 1866 18 in Who’s Who Gideon Baptist 0257 Page Twelve Thousand 114 Gidion I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gielzen Nicolaua F 1941 278 in Who’s Who Gies F map 1875 sec 23 35 in Who’s Who Gies Heunicus 1895149 in Who’s Who Gies or Gics Allea? 1866 16 in Who’s Who Gietzen Alfred N Veteran in Who’s Who Gietzen Anna Maria 1921 in Who’s Who Gietzen Marganta 1895 in Who’s Who Gietzer infano 1895 in Who’s Who Gietzern Kathannia 1912 in Who’s Who Giff J m1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Giff Richard m1895 sec 9 in Who’s Who Giff Richard map 1875 sec 9 in Who’s Who Gilfenny James 1934 in Who’s Who Gill Abby d 1895 in Who’s Who Gill Anna 1889 in Who’s Who Gill Annie d 1889 a17 or 47 in Who’s Who Gill Apolonia 1895148 in Who’s Who Gill Catherine dau of Peter and Elizabeth 1862 in Who’s Who Gill Elisabetha 1890164 in Who’s Who Gill Elizabeth 1811 1890 in Who’s Who Gill Geo m1895 sec 23 24 26 in Who’s Who Gill Geo map 1875 sec 23 26 in Who’s Who Gill George in Who’s Who Gill George 1895 a51 in Who’s Who Gill Grongine 1895149 in Who’s Who Gill J map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Gill John J d 1927 in Who’s Who Gill John m1895 sec 23 in Who’s Who Gill John map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Gill Lissy 1867 in Who’s Who Gill Margaret 1876 1930 in Who’s Who Gill Margaret 1930 253 in Who’s Who Gill P map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who Gill Peter 1811 1890 in Who’s Who Gill Petrus 1890164 in Who’s Who Gill Philomena 1938 a91 in Who’s Who Gill Philomira 1938 270 in Who’s Who GIES HENRY 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Gies Henry 19, 33, GIES HENRY pioneer1835 in Who's Who GIES HENRY B 1122, Died 1862 soldier Died indigent 95 Does not have a stone anywhere. Is in Who's Who, Born about 1819 in Who’s Who Gies I have info on this family see Old Families Books Giesler Art in Who's Who GIETZEN WILLIAM FERDINAND Died 1918 in France 1122 and in Who's Who Gietzen Al St Clement 1937 Deceased in Who's Who Gietzen Bernadine St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Gietzen Donald St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Gietzen Francis St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 115 Gietzen Geraldine St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Gietzen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gietzen James St Clement 1956 Deceased in Who's Who Gietzen John St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Gietzen Kathleen St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Gietzen Kenneth St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Gietzen Robert St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Gietzen Thomas St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Gietzen William 33 Gietzen-Goike Ann St Clement 1950 Deceased in Who's Who Gietzen-Meerschaert Agnes St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Gietzen-Rinke Marion St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Giezyng Donald Korea 1122 Giezyng Donald Korea in Who's Who Giff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Giff Richard 45 Giff Richard Warren Justice 1918 1923 1927 1932 in Who's Who Giforlin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gift N Village of CLFD in Who's Who Giga I have info on this family see Old Families Books Giger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gignacki John CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Gilbert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gilbert Jackie Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Gilbert Jean Salutatorian WHS 1952 in Who's Who Gilbert Jean Treasurer WHS 1952 in Who's Who Gilbert Judson S. in Who's Who Gilbert William WHS 1955 in Who's Who Gilbertson Joan Staff WHS 1952 in Who's Who Gilch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Giles I have info on this family see Old Families Books Giles Jerry CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Gill George early settler in Who's Who Gill Helen CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Gill I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gill Jerry WHS 1957 in Who's Who Gill Robert CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Gillespie Joan CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Gillet Peter 19 33 GILLET PETER 8/1/1833 in Who’s Who Gillett I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gillett Peter 18 Gillett Peter early land clearing pioneer in Who’s Who Gillett Wm map 1875 sec 5 in Who’s Who Gillette Carol CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Gillette Peter in Who's Who Gillette Roy CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Gillette Roy in Who's Who Gillette Roy J in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 116 Gilliam Homer in Who's Who Gilling Lawrence WHS 1954 in Who's Who Gilling Robert WHS 1955 in Who's Who Gillitt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gilman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gilman Solman 35 Gilman Solman in 1880 grocer in Who’s Who Gippenich Autonnias 1892169 in Who’s Who Gipperich Elisabeth 1923 1905 in Who’s Who Gipperich Elizabeth 1905191 in Who’s Who Gipperich F m1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Gipperich F map 1875 sec 8 9 in Who’s Who Gipperich Franz 1823 1903 in Who’s Who Gipperich Franz 1828 1903 in Who’s Who Gipperich J m1895 sec 9 in Who’s Who Gippericr Clarencr Rayunndus 1888 in Who’s Who Gilreath Jim Vietnam 1122 Gilreath Jim Vietnam in Who's Who Gilson Nina WHS 1952 in Who's Who Gingiloski Eleanor WHS 1957 in Who's Who Gingiloski Marge WHS 1952 in Who's Who Gingiloski Virginia WHS 1954 in Who's Who Ginster I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ginter Sharon CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Gìnzìnger Joe Vietnam 1122 Gìnzìnger Joe Vietnam in Who's Who Giordano Ralph CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Gipperich - Ebach Mary Jane St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Gipperich - LaValley Barbara St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Gipperich I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gipperich Orville St Clement 1941 Deceased in Who's Who Gipprich-Pietrangelo Pat St Clement 1947 Deceased in Who's Who Gipprich-Wiegand Josephine St Clement 1950 Deceased in Who's Who Girard I have info on this family see Old Families Books Girard William CLHS 1959 in Who's Who GIRON JOSEPH 10/14/1835in Who’s Who Girouard Edward Veteran in Who’s Who Glacs Joseph 1896150 in Who’s Who Glade F map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Glaneyr Richard 1942 278 in Who’s Who Glasier J F map 1859 sec 9 10 in Who’s Who Glass Jos m1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Glass Joseph m1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Glass Peter m1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Glaubenthal Joann Dec 1876 34 in Who’s Who Glaude Fred m1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who Glauke Catharmam Leiermann 1882 in Who’s Who Giron Joseph 19 Girou I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 117 Girtile I have info on this family see Old Families Books Girvin John WHS 1956 in Who's Who Gisch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gisler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gitschlag Shannon CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Gittler Helen WHS 1956 in Who's Who Giuseppe Gianino in Who's Who Giveìns Dennis Vietnam 1122 Giveìns Dennis Vietnam in Who's Who GIVENS DAVID JERRY PFC Warren S.Vietnam 20 Hostile Killed 1122 and in Who's Who Gladey I have info on this family see Old Families Books GLADYCH FREDERICK A SSG killed in World War II 1122 and in Who's Who Glanky I have info on this family see Old Families Books Glardon Ben in Who's Who Glasier I have info on this family see Old Families Books GLASSCOX FLETCHER CPL US Army killed in Korean War 1122 and in Who's Who Glavaein John St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Glaydek Frederick St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Glaysher Eugene WHS 1950 in Who's Who Glazier Carlos Dr 30 Glazier Jenison 19 20 GLAZIER JENISON F in Who’s Who Glazier 33 Glazier Carlos in 1900 physician in Who’s Who Glazier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Glazier J 18 Glazier J early land clearing pioneer sec 10 in Who’s Who Glecofen ? Elisabetha OBrien 1866 18 in Who’s Who Gleifen? Hioa- or Clioa- Elizabetha 1866 16 in Who’s Who Glennon Marie L 1901 1997 in Who’s Who Glowacki Stanley Veteran in Who’s Who Glueck Charles 1936 266 in Who’s Who Gobble A m1895 sec 16 17 in Who’s Who Gobble Fred m1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Glaziers 33 Gleason I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gleason John in Who's Who Gleason Mortimer U S Army WWII in Who's Who Gleason Mortimer Veteran 1122 Gleason Ron U S Army Vietnam in Who's Who Glenda Dunbar 1865 in Who's Who Glesner Anthony in Who's Who Gliniecki Family in Who's Who Gliniecki Lori in Who's Who Glode I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gloede I have info on this family see Old Families Books Glone I have info on this family see Old Families Books GLOWIN JOSEPH Medal of Honor USMC 1122 and in Who's Who GM aerial 0507, GM Bear Creek aerials 0113 Page Twelve Thousand 118 Gmerek - Harrison Janet St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Gmerek - Pedrotte Arlene St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Gmerek Duane St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Gmerek Eleanor St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Gmerek Thomas St Clement 1958 in Who's Who goat 0009 Godard Lewis 19 GODARD LEWIS 8/12/1837 in Who’s Who GODFREY GEORGE C 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Godawa Gwen CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Godfrey George 19 Godin Edwina in Who's Who Godin John in Who's Who GODIN JOHN R JR killed in World War II 1122 and in Who's Who Godin Marie St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Godin Mary 1932 256 in Who’s Who Goek John m1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Goike Agnes 1935 in Who’s Who Goike Jonnnes Sr 1920 in Who’s Who Goilmvon? Barbara w of Christian Schmitt 1830 in Who’s Who Gollniack Vinciutuis 1919 in Who’s Who Goniwiecha Alfred A ? Veteran in Who’s Who Gorning F A m1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Gorske Mary 1858 1918 in Who’s Who Gorske Mary 1858 1918 in Who’s Who Gorski Simon 1933 in Who’s Who Gorskie infano Siruani 1896 in Who’s Who Gorskie Maria 1918 in Who’s Who Gottschalk Ferd m1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Gottschalk J m1895 sec 31 in Who’s Who Gottschalk J map 1875 sec 31 in Who’s Who Gottschalk N m1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who Gouin Pontio m1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Godin Mercedes St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Godlewski Phillip CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Godman Barbara CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Godman Charles CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Godman James M CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Godman Ralph Edward CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Godsey Fred WWII 1122 Godsey Fred WWII in Who's Who Goeddeke Vincent 0285 Goeke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Goeneaere I have info on this family see Old Families Books Goepfer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Goetsch I have info on this family see Old Families Books GOHLKE RALPH F PFC killed in World War II 1122 and in Who's Who Goike I have info on this family see Old Families Books Goike Ken in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 119 Goike Marguerite St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Goike Patrick St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Goike-Flynn Geraldine St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Goings John Korea 1122 Goings John Korea in Who's Who Goishaus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Golabek Joseph A U. S. Army Vietnam 1123 and in Who's Who Golabek Joseph USAF War on Muslim Terrorists 1122 and in Who's Who Golby Thomas Macomb County Sheriff 1853-1856 in Who's Who Gold Harold U S Army 57-63 in Who's Who Gold Harold Veteran 1123 Golden Josephine WHS 1953 in Who's Who Golden Rule 50 golden rule heritage 0050 Goldsmith James N U S Army Vietnam in Who's Who Goldsmith James N Veteran 1123 Golebiewski Ronald CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Golembiewski Carol St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Golembiewski Chester St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Golìnski Dan Vietnam 1123 Golìnski Dan Vietnam in Who's Who Gollogly Margaret teacher Warren Public Schools 1934 in Who's Who Golowak I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gomez Joe Spec4 Vietnam 1123 Gomez Joe Spec4 Vietnam Combat Badge 1967-1969 in Who's Who Gomulinski Thaddeus Korea 1123 Gomulinski Thaddeus Korea in Who's Who Gonda Elizabeth CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Gondek Leonard Veteran World War II 1123 Gondek Leonard World War II in Who's Who Gonge I have info on this family see Old Families Books Goniwiecha Lawrence St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Goniwiecha Nancy in Who's Who Goniwiecha Thomas St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Gonyeau Mary CLHS 1963 in Who's Who Gonzales Arthur Albin CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Gonzalez Raymond CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Gonzalez-Basham Audrey St Clement 1956 in Who's Who good 24 50 12 Good Deed Pioneer &Indian 0201 Good Fellows 1970s 0112 Good Humor 0492 Good I have info on this family see Old Families Books good of the good old days 0024 GOODAR JOHN D MAJ killed in World War II 1123 and in Who's Who Goodbar Carole CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Goodburne Thomas 1892 1893 in Who's Who GOODE JORDAN E. PFC 21 Michigan Died Afghanistan 1123 and in Who's Who GOODERHAM Eugene R Pfc killed in World War II 1123 and in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 120 Goodson J B 1884 - 1885 in Who's Who Gopers I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gora Janet St Clement 1963 in Who's Who GORBE VAUN ARLEN 1LT S.VIETNAM 1123 and in Who's Who Gorbe Vaun St Clement 1965 Deceased in Who's Who Gordon Betty Busch High School 1941 in Who's Who Gordon Jane in Who's Who Gordon Virginia Busch High School 1943 in Who's Who Gordon-Charlier Margaret St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Gordon-Ventmiglia Mary St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Gordy and Little Harry in Who's Who Goreki I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gorich David in Who's Who Goring I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gorish David in Who's Who Gorki I have info on this family see Old Families Books GORMAN FRANK G JR CPL killed in Korean War 1123 and in Who's Who Gormely Lou United States Marine Corps WWII 1123 Gormely Lou United States Marine Corps WWII in Who's Who Gorsenski Betty WHS 1957 in Who's Who Gorski Gerald Joseph 1123 Gorski Gerald Joseph United States Navy in Who's Who Gorski Joseph John 1123 Gorski Leroy WHS 1957 in Who's Who Gorzeiski Larence Korea 1123 Gorzeiski Larence Korea in Who's Who Gosing I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gotlip I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gotlyalk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gott I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gottachala I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gottahalk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gottchalk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gottechalk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gottihalk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gottschalk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gotz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gouch Susan CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Gough Harry Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Gough Philip Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Gouin Oscar J in Who's Who Goulah-Wiegand Gail St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Goulet Ken in Who's Who gourds 0331 Govaere Ray in Who's Who Govensky James St Clement 1930 in Who's Who GOWARD Richard Allen. SPC 32 killed in Iraq 1123 and in Who's Who Grabowski Lorraine WHS 1954 in Who's Who Grace Bible Church 0255 Page Twelve Thousand 121 Grace Elizabeth Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Grace Joe CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Grace Louta CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Grady Catherine St Clement 1957 Deceased in Who's Who Gragle H map 1859 sec 36 in Who’s Who Grandmeier G map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Granger Aaram a20 27 Oct 1883 in Who’s Who Grant William A Veteran in Who’s Who Grautmaui Maria Anna 1897 in Who’s Who Gray J D map 1895 sec 4 in Who’s Who Graham I have info on this family see Old Families Books Graham Sandy in Who's Who GRAICHEN OTTO R SGT killed in World War II 1123 and in Who's Who grain drill 0192, 0439 Grajewski Stanley A Korean War 1123 and in Who's Who Grala-Prizgint Sharon St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Gralewski Ray in Who's Who Gramns I have info on this family see Old Families Books Grand Trunk RR 0029 Grandchamp I have info on this family see Old Families Books Grandma and the bear in the cabin 0201 grandparents with horses 0214 Grant Hector in Who's Who Grant Ralph WHS 1953 in Who's Who Grant Richard Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Grant Robert WHS 1955 in Who's Who graphophone 0193 Grates Beatrice M taught at CLHS 1950-62 in Who's Who Grates John St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Gratiot Gen. Charles in Who's Who Graupooil I have info on this family see Old Families Books Grave robbers 0080 grave size and width stacking 4100 Graves I have info on this family see Old Families Books Graves Joseph in Who's Who Graves Paul WHS 1938 in Who's Who GRAY RICHARDSON 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Gray Richardson C early pioneer sec 4 in Who’s Who Grden Valentine Julius Veteran in Who’s Who Gray Richardson 19 Gray Barbara CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Gray I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gray James D in Who's Who Gray James in Who's Who GRAY JAMES T PFC killed in World War II 1123 and in Who's Who Gray Mark Veteran in Who's Who Gray Richardson 18 Gray Richardson in Who's Who Gray Wanda CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 122 Grbel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Greater Miller Memorial Church 0257 Grech Joe DU in Who's Who Grechnort Fred 45 Grechnort Fred had a repair shop in 1900 in Who’s Who Greco Santo J Veteran in Who’s Who Grene Clifford b 1902 d 1902 in Who’s Who Gresha F map 1875 sec 14 in Who’s Who Gretzen Francis X 1931 in Who’s Who Grewe Minnie nee Gill 1876 1905 in Who’s Who Griffeth Hariam Strehlo May 1871 in Who’s Who Griffin J map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Griffin Joannes 1886 in Who’s Who Griffin John 1886 a68 in Who’s Who Griffin John map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Griffin Mrs B m1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Griffin? Timothy son of John and Mary in Who’s Who Grinball F map 1859 sec 25 in Who’s Who Grmkowski Jacobus Eduardus 1906 in Who’s Who Grobbel A map 1875 sec 17 in Who’s Who Grobbel Anthony 1819 1900 in Who’s Who Grobbel Antonious 1900 in Who’s Who Grobbel Appolloxia 1939 in Who’s Who Grobbel Ben in Who’s Who Grobbel Bernard A 1867 1954 in Who’s Who Grobbel Bert J 1897 1978 in Who’s Who Grobbel Catherine 1877 1919 in Who’s Who Grobbel Coelestina 1919 in Who’s Who Grobbel Dolores 1919 in Who’s Who Grobbel Dorothy 1906 1997 in Who’s Who Grobbel Elizabeth 1829 1917 wife of Anthony in Who’s Who Grobbel Elizabeth 1917 in Who’s Who Grobbel Ferdinandus 1919 in Who’s Who Grobbel Francisca 1913233 in Who’s Who Grobbel Franciscan 1919 in Who’s Who Grobbel Frank 1889 d 1919 in Who’s Who Grobbel Hennrietta 1919 in Who’s Who Grobbel Joannis Warner Feb 2 1870 in Who’s Who Grobbel Joannis 1896 in Who’s Who Grobbel John in Who’s Who Grobbel John 1867 1911 in Who’s Who Grobbel Joseph in Who’s Who Grobbel Katherina 1919 in Who’s Who Grobbel Marcella 1902 1937 in Who’s Who Grobbel Marcella 1937 in Who’s Who Grobbel Maria 1919 in Who’s Who Grobbel Maria Serenia 1864 in Who’s Who Grobbel Maroline 1935 in Who’s Who Grobbel Mary b 1891 d 1919 wife of Frank in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 123 Grobbel noname 1901 May 18 1911 in Who’s Who Grobbel Thomas F Veteran in Who’s Who Grobbel Viola 1901 1911 in Who’s Who Grobbel Viola 1919 in Who’s Who Grobel Celestine 1914 1919 in Who’s Who Grobel Delores 1918 1919 in Who’s Who Grobel Elisabeth 1857 in Who’s Who Grobel Henrietta 1913 1919 in Who’s Who Grobel John 1867 1911 in Who’s Who Grobel Viola 1915 1919 in Who’s Who Groesbeck F E map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Gulielueus 1918 in Who’s Who Groesbeck A map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Alex map 1875 sec 28 SWCL in Who’s Who greed 10 71 73 Green I have info on this family see Old Families Books Green James AAF 1943-46 POW in Who's Who Green James AAF 1943-46 Sgt 1123 Green Jere in Who's Who Green Jim U S Air Force WWII in Who's Who Green Jim Veteran 1123 Green John U S Army WWII in Who's Who Green Jon in Who's Who GREEN KENNETH GERALD Warren S.Vietnam hostile killed 1123 and in Who's Who Green Mike in Who's Who Green Mr in World War II. in Who's Who Green Patrick in Who's Who Green Thornton H Korea 1123 and in Who's Who Green Yvonne Louise CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Greene I have info on this family see Old Families Books Greene Ronald Vietnam 1123 Greene Ronald Vietnam in Who's Who GREER NICHOLAS J. PFC 21 killed in Iraq 1123 and in Who's Who Greg Forest Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Gregersen Allan Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Gregersen Allan President Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Gregersen Marie CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Gregersen Nels CLFD in 1969 in Who's Who Gregersen Nels Student Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Gregersen Sgt N CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Gregg Arlon CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Gregg Darell CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Gregg Darwin Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Gregg Keri in Who's Who Gregg Keri in Who's Who Gregory I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gregory Vincent in Who's Who Greimel Tim in Who's Who Greka Allen A age 29 killed in Iraq War. in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 124 GREKA SGT. ALLEN A. 29 killed in Iraq 1124 and in Who's Who Grendys-Charnesky Loretta St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Greschaw Christine CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Gretz - Jones Frances St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Gretz John CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Gretz-Kruse Donna St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Grey Carole CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Grey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Grice Carl CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Grice Lawrence CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Grider Willie Korea 1124 Grider Willie Korea in Who's Who Griebe Shirley Korea 1124 and in Who's Who Griem Lawrence WHS 1934 in Who's Who Griem Lawrence WHS 1937 in Who's Who Grieve Iva taught at Busch a d CLHS 1950-58 in Who's Who Griffifth Harold CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Griffin Barbara CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Griffin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Griffin James Sgt U S Army 1124 Griffin James U S Army 1976-1980 in Who's Who Griffin James WWII 1124 Griffin James WWII U S Navy 1942-1946 in Who's Who Griffin Robert U S Senator in 1975 in Who's Who Griffith Jackie CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Griffith Roy USNavy WWII 1124 Griffith Roy USNavy WWII in Who's Who Griffith Sharon Agnes CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Grifka Daniel St Clement 1966 in Who's Who GRIGGS EDWARD LOUIS III S.Vietnam hostile killed 1124 and in Who's Who Grijak George WHS 1952 in Who's Who Grijak Helen WHS 1950 in Who's Who Grimes Capt. Sean 31 killed in Iraq War 1124 GRIMES SEAN 31 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Grimm I have info on this family see Old Families Books GRIMMS EDWARD W Died 1919 in service 1124 and in Who's Who Grimms Edward W 33 Grimsley Bill CLHS 1962 DU in Who's Who grinders 0327-8 grinding 0333 Grinols Harold Veteran WWII 1124 Grinols Harold WWII in Who's Who Grinsell family in Who's Who Grinsell Street in Who's Who GRISDALE ALFRED G CPL killed in World War II 1124 and in Who's Who Grissom 0470-1 476 Grissom Jim in Who's Who Griswold I have info on this family see Old Families Books Grjada Lawrence CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 125 Grobbel 44, 57, 60, 67, 68, 539 Grobbel Alton "OZ" St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Grobbel Alton C Center Line city council member 1976 in Who's Who Grobbel Alton C taught at CLHS in Who's Who Grobbel Anna Mae St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Grobbel Anthony in Who's Who Grobbel Avenue in Who's Who Grobbel B Village of CLFD in Who's Who Grobbel Ben early settler in Who's Who Grobbel C Police Chief Center Line 1936 - 1937 in Who's Who Grobbel C Superintendent Water Dept. 1937 - 1936 in Who's Who Grobbel C Village of CLFD in Who's Who Grobbel Cecilia (Zott) St Clement 1920 Eighth grade graduation class in Who's Who Grobbel Clem in Who's Who Grobbel Clement decorated World War I vet in Who's Who Grobbel David St Clement 1960 Deceased in Who's Who Grobbel Earl St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Grobbel F Village of CLFD in Who's Who Grobbel Ferdinand in Who's Who Grobbel Gerald St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Grobbel Gilbert St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Grobbel house 3740 Grobbel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Grobbel Ilene St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Grobbel James St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Grobbel Jeannette St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Grobbel John early settler in Who's Who Grobbel Joseph early settler in Who's Who Grobbel Joyce in Who's Who Grobbel Kenneth St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Grobbel L Village of CLFD in Who's Who Grobbel Leona St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Grobbel Leontine St Clement 1946 Deceased in Who's Who Grobbel Lt V CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Grobbel Lucille St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Grobbel Mark in Who's Who Grobbel Mary Ellen St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Grobbel Mike in Who's Who Grobbel Richard St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Grobbel Rosanne in Who's Who Grobbel Sylvester St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Grobbel Thomas in Who's Who Grobbel Thomas St Clement 1935 in Who's Who Grobbel Vince CLFD in 1960s- in Who's Who Grobbel Vincent St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Grobbel William St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Grobbel William St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Grobbel-Burcar Monica St Clement 1950 Deceased in Who's Who Grobbel-Carter Lucille St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 126 Grobbel-Setzke Mary Susan St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Grobbel-Watt Joyce St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Groble I have info on this family see Old Families Books Groce Judy CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Grochoski Bernadine St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Grochoski Constance St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Groesback Charles 18 31 Groesback Charles early pioneer in Who’s Who Grosebeck Ghersin 1907 in Who’s Who Grosebeck W C m1895 sec 33 in Who’s Who Grosjean or Grosjeau Maria 1887 in Who’s Who Grosz Myron S Veteran in Who’s Who Grovel A map 1859 sec 17 in Who’s Who Grover Florence a37 1929 in Who’s Who Grover Florence E Anna 1891 1929 in Who’s Who Grubba Josaephine 1939 in Who’s Who Grubman L m1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Grushep Louis lumber manufacturer in Who’s Who Guffens? Timothei 1866 in Who’s Who Guion Peter in Who’s Who Guis map 1859 sec 10 in Who’s Who Gummerlein F map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Gunneof Credilia Harian Hayes Jan 1874 in Who’s Who Guntermann Elisabetha Schmitt Dec 1875 in Who’s Who Groesback Charles pioneer in Who's Who Groesback Louis 18 20 Groesback Louis land clearer family in Warren Township in Who's Who GROESBECK CHARLES 10/28/1835 in Who’s Who GROESBECK LOUIS 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Louis 19 Groesbeck - Moon Dorothy St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Groesbeck William 19 GROESBECK WILLIAM 9/10/1837? in Who’s Who Groesbeck William C early pioneer in Who’s Who Groesbeck 35 Groesbeck Alex J Governor Groesbeck Bob ran Groesbeck Flowers at 26662 Van Dyke in Who's Who for decades from 1951 Groesbeck Alexander ran sawmill 1870 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Alex J born in Who’s Who Groesbeck Alice Leona 1869 in Who’s Who Groesbeck C map 1859 sec 20 21 33 34 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Charles 1804 1886 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Charles 19 Groesbeck Charles and Lewis 1859 in Who’s Who Groesbeck C S map 1875 sec 17 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Carolus Ed? 1888 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Cathrine b 1811 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Ch map 1859 sec 4 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Charles big stone needs restudy in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 127 Groesbeck Charles in Who's Who Groesbeck Charles S map 1875 sec 16 18 20 21 33 34 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Chas m1895 sec 23 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Chas map 1875 sec 21 WCL in Who’s Who Groesbeck Ecclisias 1890 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Elise J 1890 1977 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Elizabeth 1856 1929 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Ella 1931 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Ennan Brooks 2 Jan 1881 in Who’s Who Groesbeck F.E. map1859 sec 28 sec 28 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Fran Angelmam 10 Jun 1884 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Franciscu 28 Aug 1883 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Francisea 1895 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Fraucisceso Josep2?1888 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Gulielmam a85 Trombley 26 Jul 1881 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Howard 1902 d 1935 in Who’s Who Groesbeck infant Columbi Langlois Oct 1877 in Who’s Who Groesbeck J m1895 sec 33 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Jos map 1875 sec 33 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Joseph 1841 1911 in Who’s Who Groesbeck L map 1859 sec 14 in Who’s Who Groesbeck L map1859 sec 28 sWCL0 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Louis b 1802 d 1855 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Louis b 1803 d 1855 a 53 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Eugene B in Who's Who Groesbeck Flowers 0468 Groesbeck Frank L 38 Groesbeck Highway in Who's Who Groesbeck House 0366 Groesbeck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Groesbeck Karen in Who's Who Groesbeck -Kraemer Shirley St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Groesbeck L map1859 in Who's Who Groesbeck Louis early pioneer 1835 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Louis Macomb County Sheriff 1879-1883-1886 in Who's Who Groesbeck Louis the third legal settler in Who's Who Groesbeck Louis Warren Clerk 1854- + in Who's Who Groesbeck Ludovici 1890 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Mary T d 1872 a20 wife of Dr. George W Adair in Who’s Who Groesbeck Mrs F m 1895 sec 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Groesbeck Noah in Who’s Who Groesbeck Noah 1851 1932 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Noah 1932 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Noah m1895 sec 33 34 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Noah map 1875 sec 33 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Remi 1878 1879 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Terres big stone d 1890 needs restudy in Who’s Who Groesbeck Terresele 1823 1890 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Theodori Wilhelmi 1864 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 128 Groesbeck Theodoris 1886 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Victor A 1875 1940 in Who’s Who Groesbeck W Est m1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Groesbeck W map 1859 sec 20 in Who’s Who Groesbeck W map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Groesbeck William A age 19 in 1860 lawyer in Who’s Who GROLL JOHN 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Groesbeck Wm 18 Groesbeck-Birko Ethel St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Groesveck Alex 31 Grogan Bill WHS 1951 in Who's Who Grogan Charles WHS 1950 in Who's Who Grogan John WHS 1952 in Who's Who Grogan Mary WHS 1957 in Who's Who Grogan Pat WHS 1957 in Who's Who Grogan Thomas WHS 1955 in Who's Who GROLL JOHN 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Groll John 19 Grondz Stanley J Veteran in Who’s Who Groodman C map 1875 sec 1 in Who’s Who Grosbeck Alexia Leora Bebee Apr 1871 in Who’s Who Grondz Timothy in Who's Who Grondz-DeLange Christine St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Grone Barbara St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Gronkowski I have info on this family see Old Families Books GROSBECK CHARLES 1/5/1831 first land in Who’s Who Grosbeck Charles 19 GROSBECK CHARLES 7/10/1832 in Who’s Who GROSBECK LEWIS 1/1/1831 in Who’s Who Grosbeck Lewis 19 Grosbeck 34 Grosbeck S Charles age 24 in 1860 lawyer in Who’s Who Grosebeck - Creamer Shirley St Clement 1944 in Who's Who Grosebeck I have info on this family see Old Families Books GROSS ALAN HARRY CPL Warren 23 S.Vietnam hostile killed 1124 and in Who's Who Gross I have info on this family see Old Families Books Grosz Joan Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Groth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Grove Gordon U S Navy 1124 Grove Gordon U S Navy 2008 in Who's Who Grover I have info on this family see Old Families Books Grover Tammy in Who's Who Grubba R H 1939 in Who's Who Grubba Raymond H in Who's Who Grubba Raymond in Who's Who Grubba Raymond R 1953 Justice of the Peace in Who's Who Grubba Robert St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Grubba-Van Steen Jacqueline St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Gruber Albert R USMC WWII 1124 Page Twelve Thousand 129 Gruber Albert R USMC WWII in Who's Who GRUEL ARTHUR F 2LT killed in World War II 1124 and in Who's Who Gruenberg Avenue in Who's Who Gruenberg Roy in Who's Who Gruenburg Dawnn M Judge 2007 in Who's Who GRUNALT STANLEY F killed in World War II 1124 and in Who's Who Grupman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gruse Cherl St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Grusheky I have info on this family see Old Families Books Grushep Louis lumber manufacturer in Who's Who Grussa Douglas CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Grysko Marjorie WHS 1953 in Who's Who Grzelakowski Henry S Korea 1124 and in Who's Who Grzelak-Quinn Pamela St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Grzybowski Greg U S Army 66-72 in Who's Who Grzybowski Greg Veteran 1124 Grzywinski Jerry Vietnam 1124 Grzywinski Jerry Vietnam in Who's Who Guadagni Andrew Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Guadagni Robert CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Gubin John Veteran SPC 1124 Gubin John Vietnam in Mekong Delta 70-71 in Who's Who Gudin John U S Army Vietnam 69-72 in Who's Who Gudin John Veteran 1124 Gudzikowski Patricia WHS 1954 in Who's Who GUENTHER WILLIAM RICHARD SGT Warren S.Vietnam 1124 and in Who's Who Guguarki Joyce CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Guida Josephine CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Guida Vito J CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Guile I have info on this family see Old Families Books Guindon David Veteran 1124 Guindon David World War II in Who's Who Guion Peter in Who's Who Guion Peter in Who's Who Gulla Dennis James Marines Pfc Warren S.Vietnam 1124 and in Who's Who Gullo Sam U S Army 55-58 in Who's Who Gullo Sam Veteran 1124 gun 8 18 36 70 93 club 74 Gunn John I 1890 - 1891 in Who's Who Gunsch Jerry Corner Cobbler 1894 in Who's Who Gupton John U S Army WWII in Who's Who Gupton John Veteran 1124 Gura Ron Korea 1124 Gura Ron Korea in Who's Who Gurdziel J V WWII U 1125 Gurdziel J V WWII U S Army in Who's Who Gurinski Alvin St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Gurlach Cluerlos 35 Gurlach Cluerlos in 1900 blacksmith in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 130 Gurlach I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gurlock 20 st Gurnicz Vic 61 1125 Gurnicz Vic 61st Armd Bn 10 Armd Div in Who's Who Gurr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gursinski - Belowski Catherine St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Gursinski Dennis CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Gurski John CLFD 1966. in Who's Who Gurtz Clara St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Gurtz-Hengst Valeria St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Gus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Gustella Natalie WHS 1957 in Who's Who GUTH FREDERICK 10/14/1835 in Who’s Who Guth Frederick 19 Guthrie Barbara Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Guthrie Philip Vietnam 1125 Guthrie Philip Vietnam in Who's Who Guthrie Sharron Ann CLHS 1962 D 2009 in Who's Who Gutierrez Andy U S Army 60-63- in Who's Who Gutierrez Andy Veteran 1125 Gutierrez Carlos U S Army Iraq in Who's Who Gutierrez Carlos Veteran 1125 Guty Frances Mary CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Guzall Raymond J Sgt WWII 1125 Guzall Raymond J Sgt WWII in Who's Who Guzall Raymond J Sr WWII Sgt in Who's Who Guzdial Anthony St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Guzdial Christopher WHS 1954 in Who's Who Guzdial Stanley Warren Justice 1939 in Who's Who Guzowski Ray in Who's Who Gwynn James Treasurer CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Gwynn Joan office staff CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Gyuran Frances WHS 1955 in Who's Who Haag Clarence Vietnam 1124 Haag Clarence Vietnam in Who's Who Haas I have info on this family see Old Families Books Haase Anna Isabella 1887 in Who’s Who Haase Maria 1897 in Who’s Who Haass I have info on this family see Old Families Books Haba William J. Veteran 1125 Haba William J. World War II in Who's Who HABAS ANTHONY PFC WWII U S ARMY KIA 1125 and in Who's Who Haberg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Habez I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hachenski Donald CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Hacht Willard in Who's Who HACK JOHN Medal of Honor Civil War 1125 and in Who's Who Hackabery.. I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 131 Hackel Mark A Macomb County Sheriff 2001 in Who's Who Hackel Mark A. Macomb County Executive in Who's Who Hackel William H Macomb County Sheriff 1976 - 199? in Who's Who Hackel William H WWII U S Navy 1125 and in Who's Who Hacker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hacker Marvin WHS 1935 in Who's Who Hackett Alan Vietnam 1125 Hackett Alan Vietnam in Who's Who Hadden Charles 19 HADDEN CHARLES D 11/23/1835 in Who’s Who Hadrian Peter Veteran in Who’s Who Hafferley John in Who’s Who Hafrli Francisens Antonine 1919 in Who’s Who Hafrli no name 1919 in Who’s Who Hagen Elisabeth Schmit Sept 1876 in Who’s Who Hagen H m1895 sec 15 in Who’s Who Hagen Henry b 1839 d 1919 in Who’s Who Hagen Henry m1895 sec 15 in Who’s Who Hagen Heunicus 1919 in Who’s Who Hagen Heuricus 1889 in Who’s Who Hagen Jacob 1930 in Who’s Who Haden I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hader I have info on this family see Old Families Books HADLEY CORNELIUS Medal of Honor Civil War 1125 and in Who's Who Hadley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Haerig Harold Busch High School 1944 in Who's Who Haering Judeth CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Hafaitt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hafeli Bernice St Clement 1929 in Who's Who Hafeli I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hafferley John in Who's Who Hafner Mary F in Who's Who Hafner Mary Mayor Pro-Tem in Who's Who Hafner Richard CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Hafner Yvonne WHS 1953 in Who's Who Hagan Anne Marie St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Hagan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hage Walter in Who's Who Hagedorn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hagen Alice St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Hagen Dorothy St Clement 1930 in Who's Who Hagen Earl St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Hagen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hagen Joannem Caspare Moniacetnit Mar 1880 in Who’s Who Hagen Josephun Schnitt 14 Jan 1881 in Who’s Who Hagen Mary b 1846 d 1910 wife of Henry in Who’s Who Hagen Philonean Aug 1873 in Who’s Who Hagen Wm (marker) in Who’s Who Hagerman Richard 1932 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 132 Hagesn Mariam apr 1874 in Who’s Who Hagger M map1859 sec 22 ECL in Who’s Who Haicher Anton 1808 1876 in Who’s Who Haidon M map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who Haigher Anton 1808 1876 in Who’s Who Hagen Kenneth & Carol Busch High School 1946 in Who's Who Hagen Nancy Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Hagen P female Busch High School 1933 in Who's Who Hagen P female Busch High School 1933 in Who's Who Hagen-Wiegand Susan St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Hager I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hages John F. Vietnam 1125 Hages John F. Vietnam in Who's Who Hahn Charles Merchant Marine WWII 1125 Hahn Charles Merchant Marine WWII in Who's Who Hahn I have info on this family see Old Families Books HAIGHT ALONZO 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Haim Areliu Raymond 1941 in Who’s Who Haker A map 1875 sec 9 in Who’s Who Halberg Joannas Robinet Mar 1875 in Who’s Who Halffann H J in Who’s Who Halfman M J m1895 sec 15 in Who’s Who Halfman M map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Halfmann Magdalena 1901 in Who’s Who Halfmann Matteias Jos 1900 in Who’s Who Hallenbuyek Emerentia 1935 in Who’s Who Hallman Jos m1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Hallman Joseph 1893 in Who’s Who Hallman Louis A Veteran in Who’s Who Hallman Louis A Veteran in Who’s Who Hallman Pat Historian, researcher, activist page 1839 and Who's Who Halmann or Nalmann Clara 1896 in Who’s Who Halmich Emma 1880 1855 in Who’s Who Halmich A map 1859 sec 17 in Who’s Who Halmich Amand 1794 1860? in Who’s Who Halmich Anna 1875 1938 in Who’s Who Halmich Anna 1938 in Who’s Who Halmich Armana 1860 in Who’s Who Halmich August 1838 in Who’s Who Halmich Baby Julip in Who’s Who Halmich E and W in Who’s Who Halmich Francisa Josepi 1869 in Who’s Who Halmich Frantz 1828 1855 in Who’s Who Halmich Frantz 1828-1855 in Who’s Who Halmich Gulichnnes 1901 in Who’s Who Halmich Henry in Who’s Who Halmich Henry 1873 1961 in Who’s Who Halmich Joan? wife of Frantz 1828 1855 in Who’s Who Halmich Johanna 1791 1878 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 133 Halmich Johanna 1794 1873 in Who’s Who Halmich Johanna 1794 24 Mar 1873 in Who’s Who Halmich Joseph 1941 in Who’s Who Halmich Joseph Jr 1940 1941 in Who’s Who Halmich M C Billner in Who’s Who Halmich Mary 1844 1922 in Who’s Who Halmich Theresa 1820 1892 in Who’s Who Halmich William 1841 1921 in Who’s Who Halmich William F 1877 1901 in Who’s Who Halmich-Wolf Carolina Regain? Nov 1870 in Who’s Who Halsey E map 1859 sec 6 in Who’s Who Haight Alonzo 19 20 Haight I have info on this family see Old Families Books HAIGHT SIDNEY Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army 1125 and in Who's Who Haines Edith (Parks) Busch High School 1942 in Who's Who Haines Gail in Who's Who Haington I have info on this family see Old Families Books Haioley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Haiser Richard CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Haitt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hajek Leonard in Who's Who Halaburda Antoni CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Halaburda Steve CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Halan Roman Veteran World War II 1125 Halan Roman World War II in Who's Who Halanski Lt Roman USAF WWII 1125 Halanski Roman USAF WWII 1943-1946 in Who's Who Haley Nancy WHS 1956 in Who's Who Haley William CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Halfman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Halfmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hall Bruce Vietnam 1125 Hall Bruce Vietnam in Who's Who Hall Charles Korea 1125 Hall Charles Korea in Who's Who Hall Elizabeth CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Hall Elliott Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Hall I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hall Irene (Lowe) Busch High School 1934 in Who's Who Hall Marvin Teacher WHS 1952 died that year in Who's Who Hall Richard CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Hall Sharon St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Hall taught at Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Hall Vern CLPD in 1970s in Who's Who Hallas Kenneth J U. S. Army Vietnam 1125 Hallas Kenneth J U. S. Army Vietnam in Who's Who Halley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Halliuehead I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hallman Arthur St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 134 Hallman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hallman Louis St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Hallman Patricia helped save Bunert One Room School in Who's Who Hallman Richard St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Hallman Verne CLPD 1970s. in Who's Who Hallnan Ernest Korea 1125 Hallnan Ernest Korea in Who's Who Halmats I have info on this family see Old Families Books Halmich & other homes 0562-66 Halmich 91 Halmich farm 0295 Halmich Farm in Who's Who Halmich I have info on this family see Old Families Books Halmich Joseph St Clement 1929 Deceased in Who's Who Halmich Mary St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Halmich Norman donated land for St Anne in Who's Who Halmich Norman J in Who's Who Halmich Norman Postmaster Storekeeper 1940s in Who's Who Halmich-De Lamielleure Doris St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Halmirk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Halsey 34 Halsey Edmond 35 Halsey Edmond in 1880 grocer in Who’s Who Halsey E W map 1859 sec 8 in Who’s Who Halsey E W map 1875 sec 4 5 in Who’s Who Halsey Frank 38 Halsey Hiram in 1900 school teacher in Who’s Who Halsey J M map 1859 sec 6 in Who’s Who Halsey J M map 1875 sec 6 in Who’s Who Halsey John M m1895 sec 6 in Who’s Who Halsey N W m1895 sec 6 War in Who’s Who Halsey N W map 1875 sec 6 in Who’s Who Halsey Silas an early in Who’s Who Halsey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Halsey Neva WHS 1934 37 in Who's Who Halsey Silas E 35 Halsey Silas E age 38 in 1870 works in shoe shop in Who’s Who Halsey Silas E Civil War 1125 Halsey Silas E Civil War in Who's Who Halter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Haltz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Halwick I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ham Thomas in Who's Who Hamden Charles & Betty Busch High School 1948 in Who's Who HAMDEN IRA M TEC5 killed in World War II 1125 and in Who's Who Hamel Douglas St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Hamel Iva Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Hamel Joseph CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Hames Heather in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 135 Hamilton Chuck U S Army Vietnam in Who's Who Hamilton Chuck Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1125 Hamilton Mr teacher at FHS in the 1970 and 80s in Who's Who Hamilton Mrs teacher at FHS in the 1970 and 80s in Who's Who Hamilton Robert WHS 1956 in Who's Who Hamlich Charles J 1871 1940 in Who’s Who Hamlich Susan w of Charles 1881-1911 in Who’s Who Hamliek Charles 1940 in Who’s Who Hamlin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hammack Carl Veteran World War II 1125 Hammack Carl World War II in Who's Who Hammeer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hammel Richard E in Who's Who Hammenberg Gerald Navy WWII 1125 Hammenberg Gerald Navy WWII in Who's Who Hammer David 19 HAMMER DAVID G 4/10/1925 in Who’s Who Hance P map 1875 sec 30 in Who’s Who Hancy Michael Sept 1871 in Who’s Who Haneley ? Victoria Elizabeth 1867 in Who’s Who Hanley Baby in Who’s Who Hanley Catherine 1932 257 in Who’s Who Hanley James 1878 1943 in Who’s Who Hanley Katherine Ellen 1910 1932 in Who’s Who Hanlin J map 1859 sec 14 in Who’s Who Hannin Marian Jbynes Apr 1876 in Who’s Who Hanz Michael 1894 in Who’s Who Hardy A m1895 sec 33 in Who’s Who Hardy Catherine in Who’s Who Hardy Cecilia a38 Trembley 10 Apr 1882 in Who’s Who Hardy Celia 1840 1882 in Who’s Who Hardy Franciscum Thormam Aug 1874 in Who’s Who Hardy Ludomicum Bojnton 29 Oct 1881 in Who’s Who Hardy S map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Harina Tephipe Huller 1869 in Who’s Who Harke or Starke Eduard in Who’s Who HAMMERBERG OWEN Medal of Honor WWII U S Navy 1125 and in Who's Who Hammitte Pat WHS 1956 in Who's Who Hammittee James WHS 1956 in Who's Who Hanbel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hancock WHS 1955 in Who's Who Hancour I have info on this family see Old Families Books hand cultivator 0439 hand looms 0229 Handen C 4 7 1947 1957 Center Line Constable in Who's Who Handkow I have info on this family see Old Families Books Handon I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hanekow I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hanifan - Jones Sandra St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 136 Hanifan Donald Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Hankow I have info on this family see Old Families Books HANKS MICHAEL CPL age 22 killed in Iraq 1125 and in Who's Who Hanley Catherine St Clement 1937 in Who's Who Hanley Eleanor St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Hanley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hanley Joan CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Hanley John Korea 1125 Hanley John Korea in Who's Who Hanley Judy CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Hanmeric I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hannaberg Audrey WHS Class of 1946 in Who's Who Hannen Berg Gerald 1125 Hannen Berg Gerald United States Navy WWII in Who's Who Hanrahan John in Who's Who Hanrahan Patricia St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Hanrahan-Saxe Lois St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Hanselman 8 67 Hanselman Daniel CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Hanselman Dave CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Hanselman David in Who's Who Hanselman David Mayor City of Center Line in Who's Who Hanselman Dorothea Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who HANSEN ALFRED U S Army World War One 1125 and in Who's Who Hansen Brian U S Army 1980 in Who's Who Hansen Brian Veteran U S Army 1125 Hansen George CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Hansen Goeff in Who's Who Hansen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hansen Marilyn CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Hansen Ronald Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Hanson Frederick C WWII 1125 Hanson Frederick C WWII U S Army in Who's Who Hanson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hanson Malcolm Veteran 1126 Hanson Malcolm World War II in Who's Who Hantz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hapet I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hapia I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hapiak Robert CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Hapitt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Harback Carl WHS 1955 in Who's Who Harbrecht Carol Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Harbrecht Evelyn (Tharrett) Busch High School 1946 in Who's Who Harbrecht Lois Rena CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Harbrecht Vera Busch High School 1948 in Who's Who Harden Charlotte CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Harder John Vietnam 1126 Harder John Vietnam in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 137 HARDER NORWOOD H KILLED IN KOREAN WAR in Who's Who Hardoin-Brown Shirley St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Hardoin-Raetz Joann St Clement 1947 in Who's Who hardships 0018 Hardwood Arnold . in Who's Who Hardy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hare Faye CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Hare Joyce CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Hargnettac Gill 1883 in Who’s Who Spieler John 1841 1915 in Who’s Who Spieler John 1841 1916 in Who’s Who Spieler Ludmila 1812 1858 in Who’s Who Spieler Margaret 1845 1900 wife of Johnin Who’s Who Spieler Peter 1939 in Who’s Who Spinning Chas E map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Spinning Chas E sec 4 27 in Who’s Who Harkecht Daniel Dec 1870 in Who’s Who Harres ? Mariam Henke 1877 in Who’s Who Harkeroad Georgia WHS teacher 1946 in Who's Who Harmaker I have info on this family see Old Families Books harmful rules 4100 Harmon I have info on this family see Old Families Books Harms Carl Veteran WWII U S Army 1126 Harms Carl WWII U S Army in Who's Who Harms Charles Veteran WWII U S Army 1126 Harms Charles WWII U S Army in Who's Who Harms Edna Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Harn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Harnden Norma class officer Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Harness shop 0052, 0355 Harns Carl U S Army 1943- veteran in Who's Who Harns Charles U S Army 1945- veteran in Who's Who Harper J T WHS 1952 in Who's Who Harper Lottie WHS 1950 in Who's Who Harper Melba WHS Class of 1946 in Who's Who Harper trolly 0577 Harringhton Vicki CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Harrington Denise CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Harrington I have info on this family see Old Families Books Harrington Marty CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Harrington Rita L CLHS 1962 married Dusseau in Who's Who Harringtron Michael CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Harris Don & Lea Busch High School 1946 in Who's Who Harris Don Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Harris Frank R. Veteran World War II 1126 Harris Frank R. World War II in Who's Who Harris George H. Macomb County Sheriff 1911-1914 in Who's Who Harris Jack CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Harris Jon U S Air Force Vietnam in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 138 Harris Jon Veteran U S Air Force Vietnam 1126 Harris Ken & Barbara Busch High School 1948 in Who's Who Harris Kermit Vietnam 1126 Harris Kermit Vietnam in Who's Who Harris Leah office staff CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Harris Mary & Ray St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Harris Nancy CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Harris Robert CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Harris Williams Busch High School 1941 in Who's Who Harrison I have info on this family see Old Families Books Harrmann Harry Joseph WWII U S Army 1126 and in Who's Who harrow 0192, harrow horse drawn 0439 Hart Antonette 1934 in Who’s Who Hartag W map 1859 sec 16 in Who’s Who Hartman J m1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who HART CHARLES J PFC killed in World War II 1126 and in Who's Who Hart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hart Philip A US Senator in 1975 in Who's Who Harteline I have info on this family see Old Families Books Harting I have info on this family see Old Families Books Harting III Ralph J. "Jay" killed in Iraq War. in Who's Who Hartlein family early settlers in Warren in Who's Who Hartlein Street in Who's Who Hartley James CitStat Coordinator Analyst in Who's Who Hartline I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hartloff Barbara WHS 1952 in Who's Who Hartman John in Who’s Who HARTMAN DAVID A. 41 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Hartman F E 1922-2004 U S Army WWII 1126 and in Who's Who Hartman I have info on this family see Old Families Books HARTMAN JOHN 1126 Hartman John 33 HARTMAN JOHN Warren Lost a thumb in Civil War in Who's Who Hartman Raymond J. World War II 1126 and in Who's Who Hartman Robert World War II in Who's Who HARTMAN SGT. 1ST CLASS DAVID A. 1126 Hartner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hartseg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hartshore Mr. Taught CLHS 1956 in Who's Who HARTSIC HAROLD W TEC5 killed in World War II 1126 and in Who's Who Hartsick I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hartsig 0540 3 Hartsig 18 Hartsig Doris WHS 1935 in Who's Who Hartsig early land clearing pioneer 16 10 in Who’s Who Hartsig Fred m1895 sec 16 in Who’s Who Hartsig Jacob m1895 sec 10 in Who’s Who Hartsig John m1895 sec 4 War in Who’s Who Hartsig Louis m1895 sec 17 21 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 139 Hartsig Garland WHS 1934 in Who's Who Hartsig I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hartsig Jacob Clerk 1885 + in Who's Who Hartsig Jacob Warren Supervisor 1915-17 + in Who's Who Hartsig John Justice of the Peace 1879 in Who's Who Hartsig land clearer family in Who's Who Hartsig Lee Maintenance CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Hartsig Leland Beard custodian CLHS 1952-53 in Who's Who Hartsig Norma 45 Hartsig Norma in 1900 teacher in Who’s Who Hartsig W early land clearing pioneer in Who’s Who Hartung C 1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Hartung F 1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Hartung W map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Hartwell H map 1859 sec 1 in Who’s Who Hartsig Oscar President WHS Board 1952-55 in Who's Who Hartsig Park in Who's Who Hartsig Ralph Warren Treasurer 1947-48 in Who's Who Hartsig Street in Who's Who Hartsig William Warren Treasurer 1857-58 in Who's Who Hartsig-Dicecio Virginia St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Hartsig-Mayer Betty St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Hartsiz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hartsteam I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hartung I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hartway Will C. Macomb County Sheriff 1915-1918 in Who's Who Hartwell Liberty 19 HARTWELL LIBERTY 9/16/1848 in Who’s Who Hartzig J map 1875 sec 16 in Who’s Who Hartzig W E map 1875 sec 16 in Who’s Who Hartzig Wm E map 1875 sec 10 in Who’s Who Harvey Nellie 1933 257 in Who’s Who Harwood A m1895 sec 4 in Who’s Who Harwood A early land clearing pioneer in Who’s Who Harwood A map 1875 sec 4 in Who’s Who Harwood Arnold m1895 in Who’s Who Hartwell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Harty Janet CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Hartzig I have info on this family see Old Families Books HARTZOG JOSHUA Medal of Honor Indian Campaigns 1126 and in Who's Who harvester 0192 harvesting 0213 Harvey Chris in Who's Who Harvey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Harvey Robert St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Harwood 18 32 34 Harwood Arnold 35 Harwood Arnold in 1880 1900 lumber dealer in Who’s Who Harwood H map 1859 sec 17 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 140 Harwood Harvey was 23 in 1850 fisherman in Who’s Who Harwood Homer 35 Harwood Homer 45 57 Harwood Homer Warren Justice 1899 + in Who's Who Harwood Homer Warren's first newspaper in Who’s Who Haselhoun F E map 1875 sec 13 in Who’s Who Hasfett Thomae Oct 1870 in Who’s Who Haspelt Matilda ? Donnelly Feb 1875 in Who’s Who Hassel J map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Hassel Wm map 1875 sec 27 SECL in Who’s Who Hasselhuhn F m1895 sec 13 24 in Who’s Who Hassell Susan 1941 in Who’s Who Hasset Wm map1859 sec 27 SECL in Who’s Who Hassett Wm Est map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Hassler J map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Harwood I have info on this family see Old Families Books Harwood lumber-print shop 0219 Harwood Mr in Who's Who Hase I have info on this family see Old Families Books Haselhuhn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hashelhuhn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hashr Carla WHS 1957 in Who's Who Hasselhuhn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hassett I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hastings Eurotas 19 HASTINGS EUROTAS P 11/2/1837 in Who’s Who HASTINGS SMITH Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army 1126 and in Who's Who Hatardn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hatch Charles 19 HATCH CHARLES B 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Hatch Bessie 45 Hatch Bessie in 1900 teacher in Who’s Who Hatch Charles in Who's Who Hatcher Bruce CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Hatcher Norman U S Marine Corps Vietnam in Who's Who Hatcher Norman Veteran 1126 Hatcher Toni CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Hatdock Mrs cook CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Hath I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hathaway George 1918 - 1919 in Who's Who Hathcock Louis Ralph U S Navy WWII in Who's Who Hathcock Louis Ralph Veteran U 1126 Hatman I have info on this family see Old Families Books HATTAMER STEPHEN C. SGT 43 killed in Iraq 1126 and in Who's Who Hatthgerun Harns Tnerny 14 Aug 1881 in Who’s Who Haugh Robert P Veteran in Who’s Who Hauka Anna 1891 in Who’s Who Hauler Maria 1917 in Who’s Who Haulez infan 1912 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 141 Hauly Phomas 1885 in Who’s Who Haupt Fred 1893 1963 Veteran in Who’s Who Haupt Fred E Veteran in Who’s Who Hawly or Rawly Victoria in Who’s Who Hayes Barry Maria 1906 in Who’s Who Hayes Catharine 1906 in Who’s Who Hayes E map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Hayward Charles H III Veteran in Who’s Who Hayward Helen L Veteran in Who’s Who Heaoxa Nillian 1936 in Who’s Who Heardy Cath 1887 in Who’s Who Hearn R m1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Hearns Bridget d 1881 in Who’s Who Hearns Brigetta 1913 in Who’s Who Hearns Patricius 1900 in Who’s Who Heartsig L map 1859 sec 16 in Who’s Who Heartsig W map 1859 sec 10 in Who’s Who Hearty M 25 Oct 1884 in Who’s Who Hebeld Bernard 10 Aug 1884 in Who’s Who Heffens Josphian Nov 1871 in Who’s Who Heffes Joanna Tatter oct 1877 in Who’s Who Hegen-Brickly Jacobi Dec 28 1868 in Who’s Who Hegner H map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Heicher Antonni July 1876 in Who’s Who Heidt F map 1875 sec 13 in Who’s Who Heier Barbara Bernardi Basch 1877 in Who’s Who Heinick Patiariu? Mar 1879 in Who’s Who Heins or Weins Joseph Johannnes 1914 in Who’s Who Haugh Harold L in Who's Who HAUGHTON EARL F PFC killed in World War II 1126 and in Who's Who Hauiemer I have info on this family see Old Families Books haulin' as* 0009 Hauman Harold St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Haupt Robert H. Veteran World War II 1126 Haupt Robert H. World War II in Who's Who Haussner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hautman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Havard Don L U S Navy WWII & Korea in Who's Who Havard Don L Veteran 1126 Havard Martha World War II 1126 and in Who's Who Havel William Macomb County Sheriff 1936 - 1940 in Who's Who Haveman Joseph in Who's Who Haven Benjamin Vietnam 1126 and in Who's Who Hawatmeh Nick in Who's Who Hawes William in Who's Who Hawkins Dale St Clement 1953 in Who's Who HAWKINS JAMES E killed in World War II 1126 and in Who's Who Hawkins Nancy WHS 1957 in Who's Who Hay Bruce St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 142 Hay Cutting Bee 0038 Hay Gordon Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Hay I have info on this family see Old Families Books hay loader 0192 Hay Thomas St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Hay William St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Haycock Leroy Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Haycock Russell in Who's Who Haycraft Carol CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Hayda Tanas Korea 1127 Hayda Tanas Korea in Who's Who Hayden Gloria St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Haydock Emma cook CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Haydock Mrs cook CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Hayes Charles H CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Hayes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hayle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Haynes August Samuel CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Haynes Winifred Eileen CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Hazelton Eloise CLHS 1957 58 in Who's Who Hazelton H sponsor Busch High School 1932 in Who's Who Hazelton H sponsor Busch High School 1932 in Who's Who Hazelton Homer Hazelton’s drug store in Who's Who Hazelton Homer Teacher in Who's Who Hazelton Jack Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Hazelton Paul WHS 1951 in Who's Who Hazen - Vohs Marilyn St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Hazen A Bert forth mayor of Center Line 1954-1960 in Who's Who Hazen Adalbert G in Who's Who Hazen Paul 64 Hazen Paul given The Silver Star in Who's Who HAZEN PAUL GORDON S. SP4 Vietnam Hostile Killed 1127 and in Who's Who Hazen Paul St Clement 1962 Deceased in Who's Who Hazen-Schulte Arlene St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Heacock Dale Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Heacock Dorothy Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Heacock Douglas Veteran World War II 1127 Heacock Douglas World War II in Who's Who header 0332, 0434 headlines War 0194 Headrick Joseph Vietnam 1127 and in Who's Who Heafiel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Healsey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Healwiek I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hearn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hearns I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hearns John WHS 1932 in Who's Who Heartman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heartsig I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 143 Heartwell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heasel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heath Faye CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Heath Mrs teacher had positive influence on many in Who's Who Heberlein Mary L Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Heberlein Paul Jerold CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Hebert - MC Duffee Mary St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Hebert Lindore in Who's Who Heck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hefera I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hegen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hehnke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heide I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heide Shirley St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Heide Stephen St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Heidemann Gerhard WWII U S Army 1945-47 1127 Heidemann Gerhard WWII U S Army 1945-47 in Who's Who Heide-McArthur Marie St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Heide-Schindler Marion St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Heidt Frederick 33 Heidt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heiminen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hein Janice WHS 1953 in Who's Who Hein Richard St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Hein Virginia WHS 1954 in Who's Who Hein Wayne WHS 1952 in Who's Who Heinig Howard WHS Board 1955 in Who's Who HEINLEIN CHARLES T. JR. PFC 23 killed in Iraq 1127 and in Who's Who Hein-Rinke Phyliss St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Heins I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heiple Jacob Privt H 2 MI Cav. 9/1/1861 in Who’s Who Heiple I have info on this family see Old Families Books HEIPLE JACOB PRT H 2 MI Cav. Civil War 1127 and in Who's Who Heipple Jacob 33 Heise Kurt in Who's Who Heisile I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heisner John m1895 sec 25 26 36 in Who’s Who Heisner W Jr m1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Heisner W Sr m1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Heisner William m1895 sec 26 35 in Who’s Who Hele.. O’Sulyvan 1861 in Who’s Who Heissner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heizner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heizoner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heizouer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Helberg Harold CLFD 1963 in Who's Who Heldebrand I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heldebrandt (Moore) Evelyn WHS 1932 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 144 Helderuzerdt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Helena De tKoninak in Who’s Who Helenich I have info on this family see Old Families Books Helessner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Helewski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Helhowski Marvin F in Who's Who Hellebuck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hellebuyche Stella 1918 in Who’s Who Helmich W m1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Helmich William m1895 sec 9 in Who’s Who Helmick W map 1875 sec 9 17 in Who’s Who Hellebuyck Gary married Marge in Who's Who Hellebuyck Cyril CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Hellebuyck Norbert St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Hellerweirdt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hellewook I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hellzbuzet I have info on this family see Old Families Books Helm I have info on this family see Old Families Books Helmig I have info on this family see Old Families Books Helmlinger Conrad WHS 1953 in Who's Who Helmlinger Michael in Who's Who Hemmen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hemmen Xaver in 1900 teacher in Who’s Who Hence Catharina Flola Aug 1871 24 in Who’s Who Hence Maria Duflor Feb 1871 23 in Who’s Who Hendricks August b 1851 d 1873 in Who’s Who Hendricks Augustine Aug 1873 in Who’s Who Hendricks Father map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Hendricks josph Jul 1878 39 in Who’s Who Hendricks Rev. Wiley Catholic Pastor in Who’s Who Hendrix Joseph M 1890 in Who’s Who Henk Robert J Veteran in Who’s Who Henke Bemantus 1897 in Who’s Who Henke F map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Henke Fraciscus 1904 in Who’s Who Henke Frank 1836 1904 in Who’s Who Henke Gailielnnus L 1912 in Who’s Who Henke Gulielen??? 1897 in Who’s Who Henke Henniem? Jan 1876 in Who’s Who Henke Heroa? Apr 1873 26 in Who’s Who Henke Joannis 1889 in Who’s Who Henke Minnie 1855 1938 wife of Frank in Who’s Who Henke Petrus 1897 in Who’s Who Henke Wilhelmina 1938 in Who’s Who Henke William 1886 1912 in Who’s Who Henkel J m1895 sec 34 in Who’s Who Henkie Frank m1895 sec 15 in Who’s Who Hennell filia noname Oct 1876 in Who’s Who Henorick Elisabeth Hardy 20 Apr 1880 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 145 Hensien J P map 1875 sec 28 30 in Who’s Who HensinJ P map 1875 sec 28 SWCL in Who’s Who Hemmingsen Elaine St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Hemmingsen Marilyn St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Hemp (Drew) Ruth WHS 1933 in Who's Who Hemry is correct spelling Jackie Charlotte Comuale CLHS 1962 in Who's Who hen 0009 Henderstein Amy L in Who's Who Hendreks I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hendricks G in Who's Who Hendricks I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hendricks Wiley in Who's Who Hendrickson Carl Veteran WWII 1127 Hendrickson Carl WWII U S Army in Who's Who Hendrickx I have info on this family see Old Families Books Henery Robert CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Hengesbach James Korea 1127 Hengesbach James Korea in Who's Who Henk Evelyn in Who's Who Henk Gary U S Army Korean War in Who's Who Henk Gary Veteran U S Army Korean War 1127 Henk Glarence U S Army WWII in Who's Who Henk Glarence Veteran U S Army WWII 1127 Henk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Henk Joseph in Who's Who Henke Ed in Who's Who Henke Eileen CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Henke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Henke Joyce CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Henke Rhoda CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Henkel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Henkel Otto Warren Justice 1930 in Who's Who Henkel Robert F. Veteran World War II 1127 Henkel Robert F. World War II in Who's Who Henkel Theodore Warren Treasurer 1923-24 in Who's Who Henkll I have info on this family see Old Families Books Henky I have info on this family see Old Families Books Henneau Annette D CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Hennigan Dennis St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Hennigan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Henning Corinne St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Henning I have info on this family see Old Families Books Henrick Fr in Who's Who Henrina I have info on this family see Old Families Books Henry Barbara Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Henry Don Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Henry I have info on this family see Old Families Books Henry Jackie Comuale CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Hensin J P map 1875 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 146 Hensley Gina in Who's Who HENSON JAMES F PVT killed in World War II 1127 and in Who's Who Hentzenfeld I have info on this family see Old Families Books Herald Tracy in Who's Who Herbert Donna St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Herbert-Mandziara Janet St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Herceg Alex Busch High School 1944 in Who's Who Herckner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hercuz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heritier Frank Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Herman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Herms I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hernacki Lorraine WHS 1956 in Who's Who Heroes 1940-1950 p 0631-34 Heroes 1950-1954 Korea 0641-92 Heroes 1955-1975 0693-92 Heroes Afghanistan 0720-730 Heroes Iraq 0701-730 Heroes-1939 0621-27 Herr Robert CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Herrema Richard J 25 killed in Iraq War. in Who's Who Herrick Larry CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Herrick Robert CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Herrington Abram 19 Herrington Joseph St Clement 1939 in Who's Who Herrmann Dave St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Herrmann Harry St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Herron Ernest 45 Herron Ernest in 1900 teacher in Who’s Who HERRINGTON ABRAM 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Herrinx Alesian Hariam Tenlan 1872 in Who’s Who Herrinx Matleum Tho Feb 1872 in Who’s Who Herrisex? Julian Agneten Tanten 1879 in Who’s Who Hertz Gertrude 1940 in Who’s Who Hertz Joseph 1937 in Who’s Who Herzog Albertus 1901 in Who’s Who Herzog A m1895 sec 10 in Who’s Who Herzog A map 1875 sec 10 11 in Who’s Who Herzog Albert a89 3 Mar 1902 in Who’s Who Herzog Aug m1895 sec 10 11 15 in Who’s Who Herzog broken stone 1861 1883 in Who’s Who Herzog Eumma 1906 in Who’s Who Herzog Evan Arilia? Boynton Oct 1878 in Who’s Who Herzog Evelyn stone sunk into ground in Who’s Who Herzog Francisca 1889 in Who’s Who Herzog Frank 1931 in Who’s Who Herzog Joannes 1904 in Who’s Who Herzog Jos map 1875 sec 10 in Who’s Who Herzog Joseph 1818-1873 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 147 Herzog Maria 1894 in Who’s Who Herzog Veronica 96 yr 19 Mar 1922 in Who’s Who Hesfell Gilielm? a22 Haas 5 Aug 1883 in Who’s Who Hessel Anna 1886 in Who’s Who Hessel Anna 1886 in Who’s Who Hessel Jounnis 1888 in Who’s Who Hessel Reinhold in Who’s Who Hessell A m1895 sec 26 in Who’s Who Hessell Albert 1853 1941 in Who’s Who Hessell albert m1895 sec 23 in Who’s Who Hessell Anna 1883 1886 in Who’s Who Hessell Anna 1883 1888 in Who’s Who Hessell Annie 1883 1886 in Who’s Who Hessell Caroline 1855 1919 in Who’s Who Hessell Donald W Veteran in Who’s Who Hessell Infant of Albert 1939 in Who’s Who Hessell Jacob 1881 1926 in Who’s Who Hessell Jacob 1881 1928 in Who’s Who Hessell Jasohn 1891 in Who’s Who Hessell John 1888 1888 in Who’s Who Hessell Lena 1887 1898 in Who’s Who Hessell Reinhard 1851 1912 in Who’s Who Hessell Reinhold 1912 in Who’s Who Hessell Ruth Ann 1913 1991Veteran in Who’s Who Hessell Ruth Ann Veteran in Who’s Who Hessell Susan 1853 1941 in Who’s Who Heuereret Har? Josephi Kaltz 1877 in Who’s Who Heumann Joseph Teng Aug 1871 in Who’s Who Hewoia H infans 1890 in Who’s Who Hiclacli Hnrire Haney a79 16 Jun 1884 in Who’s Who Hiefferen Margaritha 1868 in Who’s Who Hienich Joannis Gansen 15 Jun 1880 in Who’s Who Higan Franciscun Higamd Sept 1875 in Who’s Who Hildebrand P map 1859 sec 9 in Who’s Who Hildebrandt P map 1875 sec 9 in Who’s Who Herron I have info on this family see Old Families Books Herron Vicky CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Hertsig I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hervy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Herzog I have info on this family see Old Families Books Herzog I have info on this family see Old Families Books Herzog Lillian in Who's Who Hesch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heselhuhn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hesell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heselrod I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hess Mark St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Hess Patricia WHS 1954 in Who's Who Hessei I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 148 Hessel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hessel Kathryn St Clement 1930 in Who's Who Hessel Reinhold early settler in Who's Who Hessell Albert St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Hessell Elizabeth St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Hessell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hessell Joseph St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Hessil I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hessler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hessll I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heuesmer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heuesner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heunt Henry 34 Heunt Henry from Germany Grocer and Brewer 1870 in Who’s Who Heoman Mary 1939 273 in Who’s Who Hepner j m1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Herdy Joan 1862 in Who’s Who Hergeon Eduard Turgeon Brooks Aug 1875 in Who’s Who Herman Edward James 1940 in Who’s Who Hernrick E map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who Herrall Albert 1941 in Who’s Who Herrin?x Elizabeth Maria Joana 1872 in Who’s Who Heunt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heusner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heussner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heuuts I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hewelt Gary Roland Vietnam 1127 Hewelt Gary Roland Vietnam in Who's Who Heydons I have info on this family see Old Families Books Heyer Walter E Co E 28th INf 1st Inf Div in Who's Who Heyer Walter E PFC 1127 HEYER WALTER EARL JR PFC Warren S.Vietnam Died 1127 and in Who's Who Hibbard Carol CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Hibberd Donna Jean CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Hichcock I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hicks Joyce WHS 1957 in Who's Who Hickson Richard CLFD 1963-70. in Who's Who Hicth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hieker I have info on this family see Old Families Books HIGBEE KENNETH J PFC Killed In Korean War 1127 and in Who's Who Higgins George the 1960s in Who's Who Higgins Jim N Vietnam 1956-1968 1127 Higgins Jim N Vietnam 1956-1968 in Who's Who Hijek Leonard A U. S. Army Korea 1127 Hijek Leonard A U. S. Army Korea in Who's Who Hildebrand I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hilden Jane Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Hilden Jean Marie Vice-President CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Hilden John Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 149 Hilden Lois CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Hildenbrand Dave in Who's Who Hilderbrand I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hilderbraud I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hilgendorf russell Korea 1127 Hilgendorf Russell Korea in Who's Who Hill George W 19 HILL GEORGE W 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Hiller Antoni a 79 Apr 1878 in Who’s Who Hiller Catharinam Lefevre 15 May 1882 in Who’s Who Himmibach Catherine 1941 in Who’s Who Hince Morgan Hac 1858 in Who’s Who Hinces Maria 1892 in Who’s Who Hines Catherinne Hanson? Dec 1882 in Who’s Who Hines Gieri ? 1864 in Who’s Who Hines Joannus Haunsen 1877 in Who’s Who Hines John map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Hines M Jr map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Hines M m1895 sec 34 in Who’s Who HILL EDWARD Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army 1127 and in Who's Who Hill Francis WHS 1938 in Who's Who Hill George Korea 1127 and in Who's Who Hill John St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Hill Mr was a sponsor CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Hill Norman Warren Councilmen 1959 in Who's Who HILL PFC. TARRYL B. 19 1127 Hill Rudolph shop sports CLHS 1957 58 in Who's Who HILL TARRYL B. 19 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Hiller Albert St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Hiller Marie St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Hiller Ralph in Who's Who Hiller Virgina St Clement 1944 in Who's Who HILLOCK MARVIN Medal of Honor Indian Campaigns U S Army 1127 and in Who's Who HILTON MATTHEW L SFC killed in Afghanistan 1127 and in Who's Who Himelright-Grannell Dianne St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Himes Robert United States Navy WWII in Who's Who Hinds I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hinds John H. Veteran World War II 1127 Hinds John H. World War II in Who's Who Hine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hines Michael 19 HINES MICHAEL 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who Hines Michael early pioneer sec 26 in Who’s Who Hines M map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Hines Nichaelem Tmoomey 1882 in Who’s Who Hinman J map 1859 sec 10 in Who’s Who Hiny Maria Anna 1865 in Who’s Who Hisner H map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who Hisner J map 1875 sec 13 25 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 150 Hisner John map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Hisner W map 1875 sec 13 25 in Who’s Who Hisner Wm map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Hitchcock B map 1859 sec 5 in Who’s Who Hitchcock H map 1859 sec 4 in Who’s Who Hines Donald WHS 1934 in Who's Who Hines I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hines Michael 18 Hines Michael land clearer family in Warren Township in Who's Who Hingst Alfred & Catherine Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who Hiniman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hinke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hinman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hiple I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hippe Edmund WWII Bronze Star 1128 and in Who's Who Hippe William Korea PSG Vietnam 1128 and in Who's Who Hipwell Edward taught at CLHS 1957-63 in Who's Who HIPWELL EDWARD Veteran WWII U S Marine Corps 1128 and in Who's Who Hiram Halsey 35 Hirgan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hirsch Richard St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Hirsshberger Betty St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Hirt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hisner I have info on this family see Old Families Books historic sites 1212 Historical Documents 7 18 19 20 see each book index Historical Markers 6000historical markers 9 Historical memorials 4500-, 5900-, 6100History of Center Line as separate book Vol 25 History of St Clement Cemetery 2237 Hitchcock I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hitchcock Orley 18 Hitchcock Orley early pioneer in Who’s Who Hivah Kyoan 1930 in Who’s Who Hjelte Jim WHS 1957 in Who's Who Hjelte Sally WHS 1954 in Who's Who Hlibeck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoard Clinton 35 Hoard Clinton E in 1900 grocer in Who’s Whor Hoard I have info on this family see Old Families Books HOARD LEVI 1863 Civil War 1128 and in Who's Who Hoard Levi 33 Hoard Levi Born June 24 1807 in Who’s Who Hobart W 1128 Hobart W in Who's Who Hobbs Rudy in Who's Who Hobson Sterling Veteran World War II 1128 Hobson Sterling World War II in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 151 Hochmoth A m1895 sec 19 in Who’s Who Hochmrith Throdor 1888 in Who’s Who Hochmuth Anna 1893 in Who’s Who Hochmuth August 1892 a76 in Who’s Who Hochmuth Augustus 1892 in Who’s Who Hochmuth Joseph 1888 in Who’s Who Hochnuith Anna 1896 in Who’s Who Hochwruth Albrotuo 1888 in Who’s Who Hockmoth A map 1875 sec 19 in Who’s Who Hockmuth? Ottelia 1888 in Who’s Who Hoff J map 1875 sec 1 in Who’s Who Hoffman C map 1859 sec 25 in Who’s Who Hoffman Fred m1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Hoffmann Ros Mauikesuelte 1941 in Who’s Who Hoffmeyer A m1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Hoffmeyer E m1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Hoffmeyer W m1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Hohberg infant 1900 in Who’s Who Hohf Fred m1895 sec 4 in Who’s Who Hocksmith I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoder Judith CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Hoder Millie CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Hoder Webber Marilyn St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Hodge Gerald CLHS 1956 in Who's Who HODGES ADDISON Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army 1128 and in Who's Who HODGSON CLARENCE L SGT killed in World War II 1128 and in Who's Who HODSHIRE SGT. MICHAEL P. 25 killed in Iraq 1128 and in Who's Who Hodson Thelma in Who's Who hoe 0192 Hoean I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoefler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoenle Ray St Clement 1947 in Who's Who hoff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoffinger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoffman Alger veteran in Who's Who HOFFMAN DONALD M 2LT killed in World War II 1128 and in Who's Who Hoffman Donald WHS 1951 in Who's Who Hoffman Ernest CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Hoffman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoffman Joe Busch High School 1943 in Who's Who Hoffman Joe Busch High School 1944 in Who's Who Hoffman Karl CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Hoffman Louise Hildegard CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Hoffman Theadore A Jr CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Hoffmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoffmer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoffmeyer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoffmeyer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoffmeyr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 152 Hoffmyer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hofmann Gregoroff Carol St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Hogan Cynthia in Who's Who Hogan I have info on this family see Old Families Books HOGLUND MICHAEL AUGUST SGT S.Vietnam Died 1128 and in Who's Who Hohendorf Frank St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Hohp I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoin Frank T WWII in Who's Who Hojnacki Bob Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Hojnacki John Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Hokendorf Frank in Who's Who Holahouse Hilary 38 Holahouse Hilary in 1900 teacher in Who’s Who Holden Margaret 1934 in Who’s Who Holden William 1935 in Who’s Who Holahouse I have info on this family see Old Families Books Holbrook I have info on this family see Old Families Books Holden family in Who's Who Holden I have info on this family see Old Families Books Holden Robert WHS 1954 in Who's Who Holden Street in Who's Who Holder I have info on this family see Old Families Books Holder John 34 Holder John in 1860 in Who’s Who Holdorf Marion WHS 1957 in Who's Who Holdorf Phyllis WHS 1954 in Who's Who Holevar Andrew G Veteran in Who's Who Holinsworth Ray E U S Navy WWII in Who's Who Holinsworth Ray E Veteran 1128 Holland N in Who's Who Hollenbeck Cornelius 19 HOLLENBECK CORNELIUS 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Holma Wolf in Who’s Who Holley Noel J. Vietnam 1128 Holley Noel J. Vietnam in Who's Who HOLLINGSWORTH RICHARD LEE SGT S.Vietnam hostile killed 1128 and in Who's Who Holmes Deanna CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Holmes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Holmes Linda CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Holmes Lois in Who's Who Holmes Ray in Who's Who Holso John James CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Holston Charles in Who's Who Holt C map 1859 sec 24 in Who’s Who Holtz H map 1875 sec 1 in Who’s Who Hoover Margaret 1931 in Who’s Who Hoppes Catherine 1933 in Who’s Who Hoppes John 1859 1926 in Who’s Who Hoppes John 1899 1926 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 153 Hoppes Mother 1817 1933 in Who’s Who Hoppes Mother 1847 1933 in Who’s Who Horn C m1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Horn C map 1875 sec 13 in Who’s Who Horn Chas m1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Horris Mariam Dec 1876 in Who’s Who Horton L E map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Hoste Benardi 1894 in Who’s Who Hoste Bernard in Who’s Who Hoste Bernard m1895 sec 33 in Who’s Who Hoste Bernardi 1895 in Who’s Who Hostin C m1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Hostin W m1895 sec 31 in Who’s Who Houghton A map 1859 sec 25 in Who’s Who Houjot Petr Joseph Laferte Feb 1878 in Who’s Who Howard Albert J 1909 1992 Veteran in Who’s Who Howard Albert J Veteran in Who’s Who Howard Nora R 1931 in Who’s Who Holt I have info on this family see Old Families Books HOLTON CHARLES Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army in Who's Who Holty I have info on this family see Old Families Books Holtz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Holy Cross Lutheran 0255 Holycross William veteran 1128 Holycross William veteran in Who's Who Home 0006 home organ 0313 homeless families 0068 Homer Hazelton organized 1st Busch Band in Who's Who Homers Drug Store 0467, 0474-5 Homer's float 0068 Homers soda fountain 0066 Hommel Walter Korea 1128 Hommel Walter Korea in Who's Who Homonina I have info on this family see Old Families Books Honeycombe William Busch High School 1943 in Who's Who Honn Arthur Veteran World War II 1128 Honn Arthur World War II in Who's Who Honn Pamela St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Honnert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Honored Historians 0181 Hood Morris W III in Who's Who Hood Ernest Korea 1128 Hood Ernest Korea in Who's Who Hood I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hood Joan CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Hoofhope I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoofman I have info on this family see Old Families Books hook 0433-4 Page Twelve Thousand 154 Hook I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hooker Thomas B in Who's Who Hookfr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hooper I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoorman Urban in Who's Who Hoover 92 Hoover Herbert in Who's Who HOOVER LEVI K. age 23 killed in Iraq in Who's Who HOOVER ROGER JOSEPH PVT S.Vietnam 19 hostile killed 1128 and in Who's Who Hop I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hope Center Line church 0115 hope for better future 0068 Hope Lutheran 0255 Hopeu I have info on this family see Old Families Books hops 0025 Horace Jenney in Who's Who Horan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Horan Robert CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Horan Sandra CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Horecki Ronald WHS 1957 in Who's Who Horen Maurice taught Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Horetski Eugene CLFD in Who's Who Horler Geraldine Teacher WHS 1952-55 in Who's Who Horn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Horn Kenneth B in Who's Who Horn Mr taught at Busch Scool 1950s in Who's Who Horn Norman WHS 1935 in Who's Who Hornak George WHS 1957 in Who's Who Hornak Helen WHS 1954 in Who's Who Horne Woody Vietnam 1128 Horne Woody Vietnam in Who's Who Hornfischer I have info on this family see Old Families Books horse 0009, 26-28, 41, 43, 92, 373 horse drawn implements 0436-9 horse hearse 0115 horse meat 0492 horse railroads 0026 horse riders 0009, 0025 horse team 0579 horse turn gear 0048 Horton I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hosinski Peggy Ann CLHS 1959 in Who's Who HOSKEY STANLEY P PVT killed in World War II 1128 and in Who's Who Hoste B Electrical Inspector Center Line 1939 - 1956 in Who's Who Hoste Bernard U S Army Air Corps WWII in Who's Who Hoste Bernard Veteran 1129 Hoste I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoste Lawrence F in Who's Who Hoste Margret St Clement 1937 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 155 Hoste N in Who's Who Hoste Rose Marie St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Hoste Ruth St Clement 1941 in Who's Who hot milk 0009 Hotary Albert CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Hotary Chuck St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Hotary Richard A CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Hotary Steve CLHS 1959 in Who's Who hotel 54 42 Vol 2 390-391, Hotels Oldest Warren 0390-1 Hottmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hotts Urban Korea 1129 Hotts Urban Korea in Who's Who Houbolt Joan Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Hough I have info on this family see Old Families Books Houghton Gary in Who's Who Houghton Gary in Who's Who Houghton Gary St Clement 1960 Deceased in Who's Who Houghton L L 1885 -1888 in Who's Who Houghton Orville Center Line Board of Education 1958 in Who's Who Houghton Sid St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Houghton-Bryant Diane St Clement 1962 in Who's Who house 68, farm 0226, house old Center Line 0115 House David M HM2 FMF-15W 1990-2002 page 1129 and in Who's Who House I have info on this family see Old Families Books house with Old Hudson car 0073 household goods 0327 Houser Bill CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Houser Carlette CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Houser Darlene Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Houser Gerald CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Hovey-Wright Marcia in Who's Who Howard Carol WHS 1954 in Who's Who HOWARD CURTIS T. II 32 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Howard I have info on this family see Old Families Books Howard II Curtis T. 32 killed in Iraq War. in Who's Who Howard II Walter B. 35 killed in Iraq War. in Who's Who Howard Jocelyn in Who's Who Howard Johnson's 0477 HOWARD STAFF SGT. CURTIS T. 1129 Howard Viola WHS 1955 in Who's Who HOWARD WALTER B. II SPC 35 killed in Iraq 1129 and in Who's Who Howard-Teeling Judith St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Howb I have info on this family see Old Families Books Howe L female Busch High School 1933 in Who's Who Howe L female Busch High School 1933 in Who's Who Howell Robert 19 HOWELL ROBERT R 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Hoxey Herbert in 1900 mail carrier in Who’s Who Howland Harry Vietnam 1129 Page Twelve Thousand 156 Howland Harry Vietnam in Who's Who Howze Lisa in Who's Who Hoxey Herbert 45 Hoxey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoxie 33 Hoxie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoxsey E m1895 sec 4 in Who’s Who Hoyt J W map 1859 sec 5 in Who’s Who Hoyt Jas W map 1875 sec 5 in Who’s Who Hufmyer J H map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Hughes Florence Nabel 1938 in Who’s Who Hulbert J in Who’s Who Hulbert J map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Hulbert J map 1875 sec 22 ECL in Who’s Who Humich Rtrua Jos Gansen 1 Jan 1883 in Who’s Who Hummell map 1859 sec 9 in Who’s Who Hoxsey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hoyt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hreneczko Stanley Veteran in Who's Who Hritz Ron U S Air Force Vietnam in Who's Who Hritz Ron Veteran 1129 Hubbard I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hubbard Joseph Macomb County Sheriff 1861-1864 in Who's Who HUBERT WILLIAM F KILLED IN KOREA 1129 and in Who's Who Hucog I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hudak Dorothy in Who's Who Hudak Gertrude St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Hudak Helen CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Hudak Jill in Who's Who Hudak Raymond St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Hudak-VanSteenkiste Bernadette St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Hudie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hudson camping with car 0064 Hudson 76 Hudson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hudson Ms taught English CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Huecci I have info on this family see Old Families Books Huesiner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Huesing Henry WHS 1954 in Who's Who Huesner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Huessuer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Huffman Martin Warren Treasurer 1872-74 in Who's Who HUGH ALEXANDER E US Army 1129 Hughes Doraline Treasurer WHS 1935 in Who's Who Hughes George in Who's Who Hughes George Probation Officer in Who's Who Hughes Holly in Who's Who Hughes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hugill Judith St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 157 Hugo Rinke in Who's Who Huhn David A. age 24 killed in Iraq War. in Who's Who HUHN DAVID A. 24 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Huhn Lance Cpl. David A. 24 1129 Hulkoff Violet CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Hulley I have info on this family see Old Families Books humane influence 0050 Hummel Vandeline 19 HUMMEL VANDELINE 9/10/1834 in Who’s Who Hunce Catharina 1885? in Who’s Who Hunce Eduarreo 1885? in Who’s Who Hunce John P d 1875 in Who’s Who Hunce John P d 1875 in Who’s Who Hunce Kathrin d 1871 wife of John in Who’s Who Hunce Kathrin d 1871 wife of John in Who’s Who Hunce Peter m1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who Hunce Peter Yonannen July 1875 in Who’s Who Hundzinski Roger G Veteran in Who’s Who Hunich Nicola July 1871 in Who’s Who Hunt P map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Hunt Therian W Veteran in Who’s Who Hummer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Humphrey Carrol CLHS 1960 in Who's Who HUMPHREY ROLAND 2L killed in World War II in Who's Who Hund I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hune Joe in Who's Who HUNT ALFRED A PFC killed in World War II 1129 and in Who's Who Hunt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hunt Joseph in Who's Who Hunter Philander 19 20 36 HUNTER PHILANDER 5/1/1838 in Who’s Who Hurays Felix 1931 in Who’s Who Hunter Tupac A in Who's Who HUNTER DALE D PFC killed in World War II 1129 and in Who's Who Hunter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hunters 0036, hunting 59 Hunts I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hurnys I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hurnys Philipe 35 Hurnys Philipe in 1870 MARINER in Who’s Who Hussei W map 1859 sec 27 in Who’s Who Huth M m1895 sec 33 in Who’s Who Hutton Thomas L 1891 in Who’s Who Hynes Joanne Hammin March 1875 in Who’s Who Hurtine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Huryn Joe in Who's Who Huryn Joseph M in Who's Who Husken Bernard Veteran World War II 1129 Husken Bernard World War II in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 158 Husken Roy CLHS 1961 in Who's Who husking bee 0048, 92 Huslurm I have info on this family see Old Families Books Husnes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Huss I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hussner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hutchins Beverly in Who's Who Huth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Hutton Donna Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Hutton Ivan Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Huuki Matt in Who's Who Huys I have info on this family see Old Families Books Huzarski Frank St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Hyak Tom WHS 1956 in Who's Who Hydock Mrs cook CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Hyek Ray WHS 1950 in Who's Who Hynas I have info on this family see Old Families Books HYNES ROBERT E PVT KILLED IN KOREA 1129 and in Who's Who Hyska Gordon St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Hyska Richard St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Hyvonen Christine CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Hyvonen Harvey CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Hyvonen Kenneth CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Iadipaolo George CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Ianke I have info on this family see Old Families Books ice box 0193 ice cream parlor 100 72 ice skating 44 ice skating sliding on creek 0044 icebox 0333 Ideas 12 Ignacinski Cynthia St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Ignash Edward St Clement 1956 Deceased in Who's Who Ikle Miss Sponsor WHS 1935 in Who's Who Ikle Roberta teacher Warren Public Schools 1934 in Who's Who Imberti Mario USAF WWII 1943-1945 in Who's Who Imberti PVT Mario US Air Force WWII 1129 Imerzel James CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Imerzel James Scout leader in 1960s and 1970s in Who's Who immigration 17 Important What is? 0100 Index Genealogy Warren Area 8000Index St Clement Cemetery with birth & death year & location see book 22 starts at page 2,201-2,299 Index to Stones in Warren Union Cemetery see book 30 starts at page 3,001 Indian mounds Vol 20 Indian Tools mounds 3818-25 Indians Eviction of 0325 Indians 0015 Indians 14 15 17 Vol 2 315-325 Page Twelve Thousand 159 Indians the real story 0315 infant mortality 8 infant-mother mortality stats 4100 Ingagiola Andrew in Who's Who Ingersoll Justus 19 INGERSOLL JUSTUS 8/15/1837 in Who’s Who Ingersoll Nehemiah 19 INGERSOLL NEHEMIAH 4/1/1837 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Ingham William 19 INGHAM WILLIAM S first land buyer in Who’s Who Ingle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ingraham I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ingraham William 45 Ingraham William of Memphis Ave1900 grocer in Who’s Who ink 0329 Inkleman I have info on this family see Old Families Books International Assembly Of God 0257 International Vocabulary understanding between languages to save lives Vol 22 interurbans 0039 Inventions 23 25 26 32 48 53 62 75 97 98 Vol 2 331-346 Inventions of 1800s 0335 Inversoli N map 1859 sec 7 in Who’s Who Isabella Motter wife of Henry Verhoeven 1821 in Who’s Who Jarewba Francis in 1900 telephone operator in Who’s Who Ippolito Joe Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Ireland I have info on this family see Old Families Books iron 0435 Irseny I have info on this family see Old Families Books Irwin Jeff in Who's Who IRWIN PATRICK Medal of Honor Civil War 1129 and in Who's Who Isac I have info on this family see Old Families Books Isbister Russel. L. mayor of Center Line 1942 in Who's Who Isemen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Isherland I have info on this family see Old Families Books Israel Margaret WHS 1953 in Who's Who Israel Thomas St Clement 1958 Deceased in Who's Who Israel Vincent in Who's Who Isrow-Kline Katherine St Clement 1956 Deceased in Who's Who Items used at 1800s homes 0331 Izak Ann CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Izak Darquise US Air Force in Who's Who Jaaskalainen Wm CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Jabing Barbara WHS 1956 in Who's Who Jablonowski Anthony Korea 1129 Jablonowski Anthony Korea in Who's Who Jablonski Edward St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Jablonski Gloria Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who JACK EDWARD E. 51 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Jack in box 0488 Page Twelve Thousand 160 JACK LT. CMDR. EDWARD E 1129 Jackman Thomas St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Jackman-DeBaeke Janice St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Jackowski Walter Veteran World 1129 Jackowski Walter World War II in Who's Who Jackson Abner Busch High School 1938 in Who's Who Jackson Arnold Busch High School 1934 in Who's Who Jackson D m1895 sec 33 in Who’s Who Jackson Daniel in Who’s Who Jackson Giatschimns 1913 in Who’s Who Jackson Golby Gaulialinnsr 1918 in Who’s Who Jackson J 1895 sec 33 in Who’s Who Jackson Jas map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Jackson Jos map 1875 sec 33 in Who’s Who Jackson Richard L Veteran in Who’s Who Jackson William in Who’s Who Jacob Charles 1895 sec 17 20 21 Center Line in Who’s Who Jackson Daniel early settler in Who's Who Jackson David St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Jackson family in Who's Who Jackson Florence CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Jackson G female Busch High School 1933 in Who's Who Jackson George CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Jackson I have info on this family see Old Families Books JACKSON II STAFF SGT. WILLIAM S 1129 JACKSON MARK WAYNE in Who's Who Jackson R vice president male Busch High School 1933 in Who's Who Jackson Sarah Busch High School 1942 in Who's Who JACKSON SGT. 1ST CLASS MARK WAYNE 1129 Jackson Shanelle in Who's Who Jackson Street in Who's Who Jackson Torrie in Who's Who Jackson William early settler in Who's Who JACKSON WILLIAM Samuel 29 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Jackson William St Clement 1952 Deceased in Who's Who Jackson-Glovind Barbara St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Jacob Anna in Who's Who Jacob Bernard St Clement 1920 Eighth grade graduation class in Who's Who Jacob Bernard St Clement 1960 Deceased in Who's Who Jacob Bob in Who's Who Jacob Charles 33 JACOB CHARLES PRIV H Civil War 1129 and in Who's Who Jacob Don Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Jacob Edward CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Jacob Edward Warren Supervisor 1922-25 in Who's Who Jacob I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jacob Janet CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Jacob Otto Warren Clerk 1904 Treasurer 1915-16 in Who's Who Jacob Robert St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 161 Jacob-Gardner Virgina St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Jacoborncki I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jacobs Audrey St Clement 1946 Deceased in Who's Who Jacobs C map 1875 in Who's Who Jacobs Edna 1913 in Who’s Who Jacobs B map 1875 sec 17 in Who’s Who Jacobs C map 1875 sec 17 20 21 in Who’s Who Jacobs C map 1875 sec 21 WCL in Who’s Who Jagiello Steve L Veteran in Who’s Who Jalowfski Auastasia Bertha 1888 in Who’s Who Japers J map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Japes Angel A b 1822 d 1883 in Who’s Who Japes Angela 1822 1873 in Who’s Who Japes broken stone 6 Jun 1870 18 Mar 1882 in Who’s Who Japes Francis Joseph Japes 18?? in Who’s Who Japes Joseph 1827? 1877? in Who’s Who Japes Joseph a50 Muller Mar 1878 in Who’s Who Japes Josept 1827 1873 in Who’s Who Japes Maria E b 1861 d 1866 in Who’s Who Japes Marie E 1864 1866 in Who’s Who Jaspes Fran joseph 1835? D? in Who’s Who Jeip Maria 1886 in Who’s Who Jemp Josephin Hah Aug 1876 in Who’s Who Jenewine G m1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Jenewine J F m1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Jenewine John m1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Jenke Emma 1897 in Who’s Who JACOBS HAROLD G PVT killed in World War II 1129 and in Who's Who Jacobs I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jacobs Kathleen Diane CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Jacobs Marion St Clement 1936 Deceased in Who's Who JACOBS RICHARD ALLEN PFC 27 S.Vietnam HOSTILE KILLED 1130 and in Who's Who Jacobsen Bradford C in Who's Who Jacobson Joan WHS 1957 in Who's Who Jacobson Mr taught CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Jacob-Sucaet Joan St Clement 1950 in Who's Who JACQUIN Robert George USNR 1130 and in Who's Who Jaerling Barbara WHS 1956 in Who's Who Jagaiski I have info on this family see Old Families Books JAGGER AARON D 1ST. SGT.killed in Iraq 1130 and in Who's Who Jagielo Barbara CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Jagielo Janice Kwiatkowski CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Jahnke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jake Abey in Who's Who Jakub Greg in Who's Who Jakublski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jakubowski David in Who's Who Jakubowski Norma in Who's Who Jakubowski Walter in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 162 James Donald Pain Jr. Vietnam 1130 James Donald Pain Jr. Vietnam in Who's Who James I have info on this family see Old Families Books James Michael St Clement 1965 in Who's Who James Robert Teacher WHS 1952-55 in Who's Who Jancic I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jane H in Who's Who Janelle Francis Veteran 1130 Janelle Francis WWII in Who's Who Janelle William Veteran 1130 Janelle William Vietnam in Who's Who Janes Fr. Joseph F in Who's Who Janic I have info on this family see Old Families Books Janicki Lillian WHS 1953 in Who's Who Janke I have info on this family see Old Families Books JANNUS ROGER W. killed in France has no marker 1130 and in Who's Who Jannus Roger W. 33 Jans Harold Korea World War II in Who's Who Jans Harold Vietnam 1130 Jans Harold Vietnam in Who's Who Jansen Mark in Who's Who Jaop I have info on this family see Old Families Books Japanese attack 61 Japes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jardine David St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Jardine Donald St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Jaremba I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jarewba Francis 45 Jarmaga Dennis St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Jaros Geraldine St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Jarr Ronald WHS 1950 in Who's Who jars 0327 Jarvis Dolores WHS 1955 in Who's Who Jarvis Edward WHS 1954 in Who's Who JARVIS FREDERICK Medal of Honor Indian Campaigns 1130 and in Who's Who Jarvis Helen WHS 1954 in Who's Who Jarvis Howard WHS 1957 in Who's Who Jarvis I have info on this family see Old Families Books JARVIS JEREMY MICHAEL Maj Air Force Warren Mi 03APR78 N.Vietnam 05nov41 Hostile DiedMissing Bnr1130 and in Who's Who Jarvis Leonard WHS 1955 in Who's Who Jarvis Ross in Who's Who Jasper I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jasper Robert in Who's Who Jaster Irene CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Jaster Jean CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Jawicticky I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jax Owen in Who's Who Jax Owen Veteran World War II 1130 Page Twelve Thousand 163 Jax Owen World War II in Who's Who Jeanette Frank E in Who's Who Jeffers Robert St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Jefferson 0013 Jefferson Thomas 101 102 Jeffries I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jehsmith I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jekielek Arlene St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Jekielek Tom Case Manager Court in Who's Who Jender I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jenerous Street in Who's Who Jeneuine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jenkins Betty Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Jenkins I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jenkins Keith St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Jenkins Nancy E in Who's Who Jenkins Norma CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Jenkins Vivian CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Jenks Gail Ruth CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Jenks Henry 33 Jenks Henry served in Civil War in Who’s Who Jenney A B map 1859 sec 3 in Who’s Who Jennfein Andrea 22 Jul 1884 in Who’s Who Jennsolin Mathilda 1900 in Who’s Who Jennuwine Harold 1919 in Who’s Who Jennuwine Joannes 1912 in Who’s Who Jenny A D m1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Jenney Horace 18 Jenney Horace early land clearing pioneer in Who’s Who Jenuwine Clarence A 1904 1953 in Who’s Who Jenuwine Elizabeth 1854 1912 in Who’s Who Jenuwine Elizabeth 1912 in Who’s Who Jenuwine Harold J 1901 1919 in Who’s Who Jenuwine infant 1919 in Who’s Who Jenuwine John 1854 1912 in Who’s Who Jenuwine Joseph 1866 1925 in Who’s Who Jenuwine Maria 1897 in Who’s Who Jenuwine Mary 1826 1913 in Who’s Who Jenuwine Mary 1885 1932 in Who’s Who Jenuwine Theresia Francisca 1889 in Who’s Who Jenuwine Tillet in Who’s Who Jerer J map1859 sec 28 SWCL in Who’s Who Jenney I have info on this family see Old Families Books JENNEY WILLIAM W 1130 and in Who's Who Jennings Ellen WHS 1934 1937 in Who's Who Jennings George WHS 1932 in Who's Who Jennings Ralph WHS 1934 in Who's Who Jenny I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jenuine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 164 Jenuwine - Kristofice Kathleen St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Jenuwine Barbara WHS 1951 in Who's Who Jenuwine Dale St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Jenuwine David St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Jenuwine Edward J in Who's Who Jenuwine Gary St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Jenuwine Herbert WHS 1950 in Who's Who Jenuwine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jenuwine Joseph St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Jenuwine Margaret WHS 1950 in Who's Who Jenuwine Mary St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Jenuwine Thomas St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Jenuwine-Grobbel Shirley St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Jenuwine-Huffman Sandra St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Jenuwine-Hyek Donna St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Jenuwine-Ross Jeanne St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Jenuwine-Youngblood Charlotte St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Jergens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jermain Sylvanus 19 JERMAIN SYLVANUS P 5/1/1838 in Who’s Who Jerome E m1895 sec 18 19 31 in Who’s Who Jerome E map 1875 sec 17 18 19 31 32 in Who’s Who Jerome Edwin 19 JEROME EDWIN 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Jerome Edwin m1895 sec 31 in Who’s Who Jerome F m1895 sec 18 19 31 in Who’s Who Jerome G map 1875 sec 17 18 19 31 in Who’s Who Jerome Geo m1895 sec 19 in Who’s Who Jerome Josephum a90 Jan 1879 in Who’s Who Jeschlowjoki Stanislaus 1887 in Who’s Who Jeunnnuine Allice Mari 1913 in Who’s Who Jinewine Andrew 1858 1884 more in Who’s Who Joannis noname infant 7 Jan 1884 in Who’s Who Jobin Petri Josephi 1860 in Who’s Who Joseph Jobin et Clophia Rhoda in Who’s Who Jolie Eugene 1929 in Who’s Who Jolowski Carolus Josephus 1885? in Who’s Who Jones Arbellam Jacob May 1878 37 in Who’s Who Joren J map 1859 sec 28 SWCL in Who’s Who Jorgensen Thorwold in 1900 ran repair garage in Who’s Who Josephi Krantz? 1862 in Who’s Who Jostock Anna M 1825? 18?? in Who’s Who Jostock Anna M 1827 1893 in Who’s Who Jostock Bernard b 1821 d 1903 in Who’s Who Juip Anthony 1929 in Who’s Who Junker C map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who Justock Bernardi 1893 in Who’s Who Justoct Bernard 1903 in Who’s Who Jerome Cities Service 0473 Page Twelve Thousand 165 Jerome David J CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Jerome I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jerome Kenneth CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Jerome Leo CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Jerome Mary CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Jeroue Frank WHS 1951 in Who's Who Jeroue Grace WHS 1954 in Who's Who Jeroue Ruth WHS 1957 in Who's Who Jessee Gerald St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Jessee Karen CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Jessop Larry WHS 1955 in Who's Who Jester I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jesus 2 50 12 Jezak Larry Air Corps in Who's Who Jezak Larry U S Army Air Corps 1130 JFK 0115 Jigeu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jihadists Kill Americans 0196 Jillett I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jim's Florist 0562 Jistir I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jlap I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jnonia I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jobin Joseph Warren Treasurer 1854 in Who's Who jobs 0028 Jochum Frank St Clement 1935 in Who's Who John Rinke in Who's Who Johnny's Recreation view 0065 Johnson Christopher killed in Iraq in Who's Who Johnson Paul J. killed in Iraq in Who's Who Johnson 33 Johnson Albert Vietnam 1130 Johnson Albert Vietnam in Who's Who Johnson Bert in Who's Who Johnson Bill Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Johnson Bruce WHS 1957 in Who's Who JOHNSON CHRISTOPHER C. CWO 31 killed in Iraq War 1130 and in Who's Who Johnson Darlene WHS 1953 in Who's Who Johnson Dolores Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Johnson Dolores St Clement 1954 in Who's Who JOHNSON DWIGHT Medal of Honor Vietnam 1130 and in Who's Who Johnson Eileen Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Johnson Elijah in Who's Who Johnson Elijah in Who's Who Johnson Evald Teacher WHS 1955 in Who's Who Johnson Evelyn WHS 1952 in Who's Who Johnson Frank custodian WHS 1952 in Who's Who Johnson George in Who's Who Johnson Henry Medal of Honor 1130 Page Twelve Thousand 166 Johnson Henry Medal of Honor Indian Campaigns in Who's Who Johnson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Johnson James W CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Johnson Jesse School Secretary WHS 1952 55 in Who's Who Johnson Joel in Who's Who Johnson Les in Who's Who Johnson Nate in Who's Who Johnson Olard Teacher WHS 1954 in Who's Who JOHNSON OSCAR Jr Medal of Honor 1130 JOHNSON OSCAR Jr Medal of Honor WWII in Who's Who Johnson Ronald L CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Johnson Shirley Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who JOHNSON STAFF PAUL J. SGT 29 KILLED IN IRAQ 1130 and in Who's Who JOHNSON THOMAS S PVT killed in World War II 1130 and in Who's Who Johnson William Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Johres I have info on this family see Old Families Books Joiner Eliza in Who's Who Joiner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Joiner Robert in Who's Who Jokes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jokies I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jolnes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jolvin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jones Bob Busch High School 1949 52 in Who's Who Jones Connie CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Jones Delores CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Jones Dorothy WHS 1952 in Who's Who Jones Erma WHS 1952 in Who's Who Jones Eugene St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Jones I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jones I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jones Jeffrey Vietnam 1130 Jones Jeffrey Vietnam in Who's Who Jones Judith CLHS 1958 in Who's Who JONES LLOYD R SGT killed in World War II 1130 and in Who's Who Jones Northrup 18 Jones Patricia Fern CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Jones Raymond G U S Navy WWII in Who's Who Jones Raymond G Veteran 1131 Jones Richard Jones CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Jones Rick in Who's Who Jones Samuel Treasurer 1852 in Who's Who Jones Sue in Who's Who Jones Verdine Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Jones Willivene WHS 1952 in Who's Who Jorah Mary in Who's Who Jordan Bill CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Jordan Carol CLHS 1957 in Who's Who JORDAN CECIL F 1LT ARMY killed in Korea 1131 and in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 167 Jordon Cordella St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Jorgensen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jorgensen Thorwold 45 Joseph Allan F Korea in Who's Who Joseph Allan F US Army Korea in Who's Who Joseph Buechel general store in Who's Who Joseph James St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Joseph Kramer carpenter in Who's Who Joseph Lewis E in Who's Who Joseph Louis E in Who's Who Joseph Rinke in Who’s Who Joseph Sfrenger in Who’s Who Journeau Chester St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Journeau-Simon Coraline St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Jovanovich Mildred Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who Jovanovich Ray WHS 1950 in Who's Who Joye Arthur CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Joye Joan CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Jroka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Judd Lex WHS 1938 in Who's Who JUDD THEODORE J JR SSG killed in World War II 1131 and in Who's Who Judson Mason 34 Juergens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Juip I have info on this family see Old Families Books Juipe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jules Oally Stephans in Who's Who Julian I have info on this family see Old Families Books Julirs I have info on this family see Old Families Books Julius I have info on this family see Old Families Books Julnke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Jurewicz Donna Lee CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Juricny Harold & Marilee St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Juricny-Armistead Jacqueline St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Jury John S in Who's Who Jury Stephen in Who's Who Juswbla I have info on this family see Old Families Books Juttletin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Juttletire I have info on this family see Old Families Books Juttletiri I have info on this family see Old Families Books Juzek Hayes Pat (Kathleen) St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Kaake James CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Kaake Mary Lou CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Kaake Theodore CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Kaas I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kabel Dolores WHS 1953 in Who's Who Kablity Barbara CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Kablitz Jim CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Kachman Carolyn St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Kaczanowski John Veteran in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 168 Kaiser A map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Kaiser Joanna Antoni Sep 1874 in Who’s Who Kaiser Julius in 1900 coal yard in Who’s Who Kalahar Bernard D Veteran in Who’s Who Kalka Ernest Veteran in Who’s Who Kalts A map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who Kalts Andresom Schulte 1881 in Who’s Who Kalts B G map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who Kader I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kader I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kadrofiki I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kadroske Betty Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Kaercher Fredk G CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Kaercher Guy in Who's Who Kahl Myrna CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Kahn Roger in Who's Who Kaiser Alfred Korean War 1131 Kaiser Alfred Korean War in Who's Who Kaiser Don & Pat (Cronin) Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Kaiser Don Busch High School 1946 in Who's Who Kaiser I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kaiser Julius 45 Kaiser Lorraine Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who Kaiser Louis W in Who's Who Kalahar Barney in Who's Who Kalahar Bernard Jr in Who's Who Kalandek Patrick Vietnam 1131 Kalandek Patrick Vietnam in Who's Who Kalecinski Roman Veteran 1131 Kalecinski Roman World War II in Who's Who Kalfaian John in combat WWII in Who's Who Kalfaian John U S Navy in Who's Who Kalfaian John Veteran U 1131 Kalin-Kostrubiec Barbara St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Kalinowski Frank Veteran World War II 1131 Kalinowski Frank World War II in Who's Who Kalts Elisabethan Gieles 22 Apr 1882 in Who’s Who Kalts Marian Kerency 17 Oct 1883 in Who’s Who Kalts Nathian Jos Kalbet 10 Jun 1882 in Who’s Who Kaltz map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who Kaltz A m1895 sec 22 in Who’s Who Kaltz A map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Kaltz A. map 1875 sec 21 22 ECL in Who’s Who Kaltz Andreas b 1853 d 1881 in Who’s Who Kaltz Andrew b 1828 d 1910 in Who’s Who Kaltz Anna Maria 1906 in Who’s Who Kaltz Anna Mary 1837 1906 wife of John in Who’s Who Kaltz Arnold 1936 in Who’s Who Kaltz Bernard 1880 1927 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 169 Kaltz Caehesisi 1941 278 in Who’s Who Kaltz Catharin 1906 in Who’s Who Kaltz Catherine 1867 1941 in Who’s Who Kaltz Catherine 1939 in Who’s Who Kaltz Catherine nee Halfmann 1864 1921 in Who’s Who Kaltz Catherine nee Halfmann 1864 1921 in Who’s Who Kaltz clement 1939 in Who’s Who Kaltz Domciee Joasnnn J 1892 in Who’s Who Kaltz Edna b 1882 d 1883 in Who’s Who Kaltz Elizabeth 1902 in Who’s Who Kalts I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kaltz 33 Kaltz A. early settler in Who's Who Kaltz Anthony Warren Treasurer 1921-22 in Who's Who Kaltz Anthony Warren Treasurer 1921-22. in Who's Who Kaltz Bernard in Who's Who Kaltz Cecilia St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Kaltz Clement in Who's Who Kaltz Donna Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Kaltz F m1895 sec 27 Center Line in Who’s Who Kaltz Franciscus 1895 in Who’s Who Kaltz Frank served in Civil War in Who’s Who Kaltz Frank J 1872 1945 in Who’s Who Kaltz G m1895 sec 22 27 Center Line in Who’s Who Kaltz G map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Kaltz G. map 1875 sec 22 ECL in Who’s Who Kaltz Geo m1895 sec 21 22 in Who’s Who Kaltz Gertrud b 1820 d 1891 wife of Johann in Who’s Who Kaltz Gertrude 1941 in Who’s Who Kaltz Gertrude mother 1858 1941 in Who’s Who Kaltz Gestrudis 1914 in Who’s Who Kaltz H m1895 sec 21 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Kaltz H map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Kaltz H?uinici 1890 in Who’s Who Kaltz Hariae Louisae Georgii 1869 in Who’s Who Kaltz Henricus 1892 in Who’s Who Kaltz infano Mathias B? 1896 in Who’s Who Kaltz infans Launsline E 1892 in Who’s Who Kaltz J J map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Kaltz J m1895 sec 27 Center Line in Who’s Who Kaltz J map1859 sec 27 SECL in Who’s Who Kaltz J. J. map 1875 sec 27 SECL in Who’s Who Kaltz Joannnes 1920 in Who’s Who Kaltz Joannes Georg ??? 1905 in Who’s Who Kaltz Joannnn 1891168 in Who’s Who Kaltz Johann J b 1813 d 1892 in Who’s Who Kaltz John father 1846 1920 in Who’s Who Kaltz John Geo 1830 1905 in Who’s Who Kaltz Josephins 1857 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 170 Kaltz Henries at 2 onNeg5 in Who’s Who Kaltz Julius 1888 1945 Veteran in Who’s Who Kaltz Katherine 1826 1906 in Who’s Who Kaltz Katherine b 1826 d 1900 wife of Andrew in Who’s Who Kaltz L m1895 sec 14 in Who’s Who Kaltz Laura 1896 in Who’s Who Kaltz Louise no dates in Who’s Who Kaltz M m1895 sec 14 in Who’s Who Kaltz Maria 1895 in Who’s Who Kaltz Maria 1916 in Who’s Who Kaltz Maria Louisa 1860 in Who’s Who Kaltz Frank early settler in Who's Who Kaltz G. early settler in Who's Who Kaltz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kaltz John in Who's Who Kaltz John in Who's Who Kaltz John in Who's Who Kaltz John in Who's Who Kaltz John St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Kaltz Lois St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Kaltz Louis Warren Justice 1900 in Who's Who Kaltz Lucille WHS 1952 in Who's Who Kaltz Mark WHS 1956 in Who's Who Kaltz Peter 38 Kaltz Peter in Who's Who Kaltz Street in Who's Who Kaltz Theresa WHS 1950 in Who's Who Kaltz Tom WHS 1953 in Who's Who Kaltz Walholm et Victoria Elisa Heallaton in Who’s Who Kaltz Mary 1844 1916 wife of Peter in Who’s Who Kaltz Mary E 1870 1936 in Who’s Who Kaltz Mary Schulte 1857 1929 in Who’s Who Kaltz Mathei 1859 in Who’s Who Kaltz Mathias 1896 in Who’s Who Kaltz Matt served in Civil War in Who’s Who Kaltz Mathias b 1871? d 1906 in Who’s Who Kaltz Mrs Frank Kaltz noname 1887 in Who’s Who Kaltz P 1895 sec 27 Center Line in Who’s Who Kaltz Peter map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Kaltz Peter 1840 1921 in Who’s Who Kaltz Peter 1848 1921 in Who’s Who Kaltz Peter A 1865 1950 in Who’s Who Kaltz Peter J 1859 1936 in Who’s Who Kaltz Peter m1895 sec 21 Center Line in Who’s Who Kaltz Peter map 1875 sec 21 WCL in Who’s Who Kaltz Stella 1887 1903 in Who’s Who Kaltz Urban Peter 1894 in Who’s Who Kaltz Victoria Hawly no dates in Who’s Who Kaltz Wm map1859 sec 21 WCL in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 171 Kamp Andreas Herold 1888 in Who’s Who Kamp Christina M Englebert d 1873? wife of John in Who’s Who Kamp Eleonoram Catharan Kiley 1883 in Who’s Who Kamp Joannes 1897 in Who’s Who Kamp Joannes Joseph 1881 in Who’s Who Kamp Joannis Feb 1873 in Who’s Who Kane John 1895 sec 27 Center Line in Who’s Who Karkoff E map 1875 sec 17 in Who’s Who Kass J map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Kass W map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Kat? Halmich Johan Mar 1873 in Who’s Who Katta H Store map1859 sec 21 WCL in Who’s Who Katts H m1895 sec 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Kavo Anna 1930 in Who’s Who Kawelman Kenneth 1929 in Who’s Who Keefer Herman map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Keidell G F map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who KEISER CHRISTOPHER 10/9/1835 in Who’s Who Keiser C Jr m1895 sec 26 35 in Who’s Who Keiser C map 1875 sec 35 36 in Who’s Who Keiser Fred m1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Keiser H m1895 sec 26 35 in Who’s Who Keiser J m1895 sec 19 in Who’s Who Keiser J map 1859 sec 35 36 in Who’s Who Keiser Johanna m1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Keiser John m1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Keiser Ludwig m1895 sec 31 in Who’s Who Kellehar Denis 1862 in Who’s Who Musph Maria in Who’s Who Keller Otto 1858-1938 pastor of St Paul Church in Who’s Who Kemp J m1895 sec 2 in Who’s Who Kempf map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Kena Gertrude in 1900 seamstress in tailor shop in Who’s Who Kennelly Frances 1942 278 in Who’s Who Kennellz Francis in 1900 shoe shop in Who’s Who Kern Frederick H 1935 in Who’s Who Kern P 1895 sec 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Kerseney Anna Bacon 5 Aug 1881 in Who’s Who Kettel Anna 1901 in Who’s Who Keunelly Petrus J 1918 in Who’s Who Khnobele Catharena Malburg 1881 in Who’s Who Kiat ? Louisam fila Wilhelm Kott in Who’s Who Kidd C m1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Kidd Charles Privt H 8 OH Inf. 1861 in Who’s Who Kiley Daniel 1864 in Who’s Who Killwalt Gertrud 1885 in Who’s Who Kimanky Antoni Hochmuth 1883 in Who’s Who Kindal Clara Julia 1886 in Who’s Who Kindl Rasch infant Nov 1873 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 172 Kingscott J V map 1859 sec 7 in Who’s Who Kingscott John W in Who’s Who Kaltz-Balint Mary St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Kaltz-Evans Alice St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Kaltz-Herschberger Betty St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Kaltz-Ward Catherine St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Kaltz-Ward Rose St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Kamego William St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Kamieniecki Joseph Korea 1131 Kamieniecki Joseph Korea in Who's Who Kamin Ruth taught English CLHS 1957 58 in Who's Who Kaminski Anthony in Who's Who Kaminski Arthur WHS 1956 in Who's Who Kaminski Hank in Who's Who Kaminski Leonard WHS 1954 in Who's Who Kaminski Richard WHS 1957 in Who's Who Kaminski Stanley WHS 1951 in Who's Who Kamonowski Bernice St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Kamp I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kamp Mary in Who's Who Kampman Judith CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Kamyszek Cpl Edmund WWII POW Purple Heart Bronze Star 1131 Kamyszek Edmund WWII Bronze Star in Who's Who Kamyusik Steve U S Navy in Who's Who Kamyusik Steve Veteran U S Navy 1131 Kanachki Kevin in Who's Who Kandrevas Andrew J in Who's Who Kandt James Vietnam 1131 Kandt James Vietnam in Who's Who Kangas Glen CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Kangas Norman CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Kanger John Veteran World War II 1131 Kanger John World War II in Who's Who Kaniuk Patricia CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Kansa Edward St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Kansa Robert St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Kapanka Harley WHS 1954 in Who's Who Kapanka Joyce WHS 1957 in Who's Who Kapoleka Barbara CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Karasinski Edwina CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Karasinski Frank CLHS 1962 Warren in Who's Who Karas-Journeau Estelle St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Karas-Poworzek Theresa St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Kardynski Diane St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Kardynski Ronald St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Kargula Edward St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Kargula Jill St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Kargula Ray St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Karian-Collier Patricia St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 173 Karl Carol CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Karl Virginia CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Karlstad Maurice Jr in Who's Who Karner-Stinebiser Rosemarie St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Karns Paul in Who's Who Karpinski William in Who's Who Karschmick I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kasa I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kaslly Richard Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Kass I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kassley Lillian St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Kassube Lois WHS 1957 in Who's Who Katey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Katroscik Paul St Clement 1965 Deceased in Who's Who Katty I have info on this family see Old Families Books Katz Peter in Who's Who Kauffman Gerald in Who's Who Kaufmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kaulka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kaurich Vicky Ann CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Kava-Paddock Mary Ann St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Kava-Zawislak Joan St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Kawicki Dennis St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Kay J R in Who's Who Kay Kenneth St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Kayden-Babcock Pamela St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Kayo block 0484 Kayo gas 20¢ at 0065 Kearney Anthony St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Kearney Lynne CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Kearney Thomas in Who's Who Kedzler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Keeble I have info on this family see Old Families Books Keefner Carol WHS 1955 in Who's Who Keehn Gerald W Korea 1131 Keehn Gerald W Korea in Who's Who Keel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Keeler I have info on this family see Old Families Books KEEN JOSEPH Medal of Honor 1131 KEEN JOSEPH Medal of Honor Civil War in Who's Who Keen Nancy in Who's Who Kefera I have info on this family see Old Families Books Keffer Suzanne in Who's Who Kegel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kehoe Michael St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Kehoe Thomas St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Keiser Christopher 19 Keiser I have info on this family see Old Families Books Keiser I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 174 Keitmier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kell Darlene CLHS 1956 in Who's Who KELLER CHARLES HENRY II S.Vietnam DIED 1131 and in Who's Who Keller I have info on this family see Old Families Books Keller Louise WHS 1955 in Who's Who Keller Otto 34 Keller Paul WHS 1953 in Who's Who Kelley I have info on this family see Old Families Books KELLY ANDREW Medal of Honor Civil War 1131 and in Who's Who Kelly Colegio in Who's Who Kelly Frank J in Who's Who Kelly I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kelly James P Korea 1131 Kelly James P Korea in Who's Who Kelly Jim Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Kelly Kenneth J SGT 1131 Kelly Kenneth J Vietnam in Who's Who Kelly Leonard in Who's Who Kelmar Kelly in Who's Who Kelmer William J. Vietnam 1131 Kelmer William J. Vietnam in Who's Who Kelsch James CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Kelsey Drive in Who's Who Kelsey John in Who's Who Kelsey Louis in Who's Who Kelsey-Gietzen Patricia St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Kemche I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kemer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kemp Gary St Clement 1960 Deceased in Who's Who Kemp I have info on this family see Old Families Books KEMP JOSEPH Medal of Honor Civil War 1131 and in Who's Who Kemp Walter Veteran World War II 1131 Kemp Walter World War II in Who's Who Kena Gertrude 45 Kena I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kenady I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kenna-Fickert Betty St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Kennally I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kennedy Circle in Who's Who Kennedy Earl in Who's Who Kennedy Janet WHS 1954 in Who's Who Kennedy John F 52 Kennedy Katharine in Who's Who Kennedy Roger WHS 1957 in Who's Who Kennellz Francis 45 Kennellz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kenney Dale WHS 1952 in Who's Who Kenney Goldie WHS 1950 in Who's Who Kennrelly I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 175 Kenny Edward in Who's Who Kenyon Irene WHS 1938 in Who's Who Kenyon Wilson WHS 1935 in Who's Who Keohler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Keppelman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Keppleman Irvin Warren Clerk 1925-29 1931-32 in Who's Who Kern Dot Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Kern I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kern O.P. Sr. Sharon Marie St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Kernan Carolyn CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Kern-Diotte Irene St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Kerneke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kerney Frank WWII 1131 Kerney Frank WWII 17th Airborne in Who's Who Kern-Fix Ilene St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Kern-Woods Josephine St Clement 1948 in Who's Who kerosene lantern 0216 Kerosene tractor 0191 Kerr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kerzer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kesler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kesner Kusa CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Kesti Amy CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Ketele Barbara Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Kethe I have info on this family see Old Families Books kettle 0435 Kettle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Keuhn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Keuhn Leonard A WWII 1131 Keuhn Leonard A WWII in Who's Who KEYLOR BENNY SSG killed in World War II 1131 and in Who's Who Keystone MFG 0364 KHULA PAUL D ARMY KILLED IN KOREA in Who's Who KHULA PAUL D PFC ARMY 1131 Khunka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kialz C I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kibbe Gloria Warren Schools 6th grade 1938 in Who's Who Kibbe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kibbe Joyce WHS 1950 in Who's Who Kibe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kidd - Sucaet Denise St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Kidd Charles 33 KIDD CHARLES Priv Civil War 1131 and in Who's Who KIDD CPL. MARK D. 26 1131 Kidd I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kidd Lexie CLHS 1960 in Who's Who KIDD MARK D.age 26 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Kiebler Betty WHS 1935 in Who's Who Kiebler Winnifred WHS 1938 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 176 KIEFFER RICKY A. SGT 36 killed in Iraq 1132 and in Who's Who Kiel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kifer Lois in Who's Who Kiina I have info on this family see Old Families Books Killeen Claudia in Who's Who Killewald I have info on this family see Old Families Books Killewald Stephanie CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Killewald-Pintar Mary Ann St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Killoran Philip Teacher WHS 1954 55 in Who's Who KILPELA. ANDREW J. CPL age 22 killed in Iraq 1132 and in Who's Who KIM CPL. IN C. age 23 KILLED IN IRAQ 1132 and in Who's Who Kim In Chul USMC 79 Kim Lance Cpl. 1132 KIM MINHEE age 20 KILLED IN IRAQ in Who's Who Kinderman Richard WHS 1955 in Who's Who King Barbara Ann CLHS 1961 in Who's Who King Barbara Jane CLHS 1961 in Who's Who King Carol WHS 1954 in Who's Who King Emily CLHS 1958 in Who's Who King Everles WHS 1951 in Who's Who King I have info on this family see Old Families Books King Lorraine B CLHS 1962 in Who's Who KING ROBERT M TEC5 killed in World War II 1132 and in Who's Who King Vaden in Who's Who Kingery Donna Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who King-Goyt Rheatta St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Kinghammer I have info on this family see Old Families Books King-Hellebuyck St Jo Ellen Clement 1962 in Who's Who Kingsbury I have info on this family see Old Families Books KINGSCOTT JOHN W soldier 1850 Census 1132 and in Who's Who Kingscott 33 34 79 Kingscott I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kingscott John W. Treasurer 1860- in Who's Who Kingsle Sophia Muller 12 Aug 1883 in Who’s Who Kirchner T map 1875 sec 8 in Who’s Who KIRK JOHN M 4/20/1838 in Who’s Who Kirrowskie Katherina 1917 in Who’s Who Kiveler E map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Klass J in Who’s Who Klauke B map 1875 sec 16 in Who’s Who Klauke F map 1875 sec 16 in Who’s Who Klawker B map 1859 sec 16 in Who’s Who Kleczkowski Theodore M Veteran in Who’s Who Klein August map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Klein Harian Anna Feb 1872 in Who’s Who Klein Marganta 1899 in Who’s Who Klein Margaret 1860 1939? in Who’s Who Klein Margaret 1860 1939? in Who’s Who Klein Maria 1891 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 177 Kline Peter in 1860 shoemaker in Who’s Who Klein Peter b 1811 d 1875 in Who’s Who Kline Stephen in 1860 shoemaker in Who’s Who Klein Theresa 1862 1927 in Who’s Who Kleyn ? Joannes Petros March 1875 in Who’s Who Klicykaummet Petras 1899 in Who’s Who Kline Mary d 1890 a16 in Who’s Who Kline Mary d 1890 in Who’s Who Kline Peter 1852 1924 in Who’s Who Klinghammer Cathania 1893 in Who’s Who Klingkammer Catharnia A 1828 1893 in Who’s Who Klingkammer Peter J 1827 1899 in Who’s Who Klingkammer Wilhelm 1859 1876 in Who’s Who Klinkerler Anna Marian Glaubenthal 1876 in Who’s Who Klinkhammer Hathian Puppert March 1876 in Who’s Who KNAGGS MONIQUE 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Knight Robert age 37 in 1900 physician in Who’s Who Knot Mathei 1859 in Who’s Who Knot or Frnot Josiphi 1858 in Who’s Who Koaenea Infant 1932 in Who’s Who Koch F map 1875 sec 30 in Who’s Who Koche F map 1875 sec 30 in Who’s Who Koche Jos map 1875 sec 30 in Who’s Who Koche M map 1875 sec 30 in Who’s Who Kochez Anna 1886 in Who’s Who Kochez Antoniuo 1886 in Who’s Who Koehler Catherine 1895 1915 in Who’s Who Koehler Henry 1819 1897 in Who’s Who Koeler H map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Kohler Joannus Sept 12 1868 in Who’s Who Kolan J Mathes 1860 in Who’s Who Kolmorgan Irma in 1900 teacher in Who’s Who Kondroh Roman 1939 in Who’s Who Konoski Joanne Lamp 1880 in Who’s Who Konrad Victoria 1938 in Who’s Who Korejainski Clara 1932 in Who’s Who Korhler Concussa Heuniud 1897 in Who’s Who Kortjohn George B Veteran in Who’s Who Koshler or Koeteler Kathenia 1915 in Who’s Who Koss Eduardus 1905 in Who’s Who Koss Elizabeth 1897 in Who’s Who Koss Frank 1836 1902? in Who’s Who Koss Frank 1836 1912 in Who’s Who Koss Joseph 1895 in Who’s Who Koss Louisa Rickibus 1905 in Who’s Who Koss Louise d 1898 in Who’s Who Koss Veronica 1837 1905? in Who’s Who Koss Veronica 1837 1915 in Who’s Who Kott August 1831 1922 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 178 Kott August 1857 1930 in Who’s Who Kott August 1930 in Who’s Who Kott Caroline 1900 1965 in Who’s Who Kott Edward 1901 1971 in Who’s Who Kott James 1933 1934 in Who’s Who Kott James E 1934 in Who’s Who Kott Marcica??? 1893 in Who’s Who Kott Martina 1817 1893 in Who’s Who Kott Martina 1817 1898 in Who’s Who Kott Mathilda 1860 1930 in Who’s Who Kott Mathilda 1890 1912 in Who’s Who Kott Mathilda 1890 1916 in Who’s Who Kott Matilda 1930 in Who’s Who Kott Msathilda 1916 in Who’s Who Koupinski Anna 1932 in Who’s Who Kramer map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Kramer B map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Kramer John F 1960 1929 in Who’s Who Kramer Joseph carpenter in Who’s Who Kramer1875 sec 22 ECL in Who’s Who Kramer Rev John F 1860 1929 in Who’s Who Kramer William Veteran in Who’s Who Kranz Charles 1934 in Who’s Who Kranz Josephine 1935 in Who’s Who Kratz Catherine Warner 1880 1925 in Who’s Who Kratz Peter J 1859 1939 in Who’s Who Krause Infant 1936 in Who’s Who Kraziescki Julia 1940 in Who’s Who Krehlo Ludowic Wuard? Griffith July 1872 in Who’s Who Kreitmeyer George 1828 1902 in Who’s Who Kreitmeyer Mary 1828 1897 in Who’s Who Krings Gertrude 1916238 in Who’s Who Krings Gertrude b 1857 d 1916 wife of Philipp in Who’s Who Krings Jacob b 1871 d 1916 in Who’s Who Krings Mary b 1848 d 1873 wife of Philipp in Who’s Who Kingsley Drive in Who's Who Kingsley Lewis in Who's Who Kingswitt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kinnaman I have info on this family see Old Families Books KINZER HAROLD A Pfc Army Killed In Korean War 1132 and in Who's Who Kirchner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kirchofer Elaine Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Kirchofer Gloria CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Kirchoff George St Clement 1937 in Who's Who Kirchum I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kirk John M 19 Kirschner Frank 1132 Kirschner Frank U. S. Air Force Korea in Who's Who Kirth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 179 Kiser Betty WHS 1951 in Who's Who Kisey Casmir CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Kish Susanne WHS 1957 in Who's Who Kisinec Joan Marie CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Kison I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kissel John Veteran World War II 1132 Kissel John World War II in Who's Who Kitchen Everett CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Kitchen Jack CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Kitchen Richard Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Kitchens Jerome A Korea 1132 Kitchens Jerome A Korea in Who's Who Klanka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Klanka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Klanke Donald Korea 1132 Klanke Donald Korea in Who's Who KLANOWSKY NELSON E TEC5 killed in World War II 1132 and in Who's Who Klase I have info on this family see Old Families Books Klaseke I have info on this family see Old Families Books KLATZKE CLARENCE G PFC killed in World War II 1132 and in Who's Who Klauka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Klawka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Klean I have info on this family see Old Families Books Klebba Don veteran 1132 and in Who's Who Kleffman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Klein I have info on this family see Old Families Books KLEIN LANCE CPL. ALLAN 34 killed in Iraq War 1132 and in Who's Who Klein Peter P in Who's Who KLEINHANS FRANKLIN B PFC killed in World War II 1132 and in Who's Who Kleiof I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kleist I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kleist Melford Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Kleist Melford Korean War 1132 and in Who's Who Klemetti Rupert W Capt killed in World War II 1132 and in Who's Who KLEMM ROBERT W killed in World War II 1132 and in Who's Who Klene I have info on this family see Old Families Books Klepac Kathleen WHS 1953 in Who's Who Klern I have info on this family see Old Families Books Klik Anthony U S Navy WWII in Who's Who Klik Anthony Veteran 1132 Klik Daniel U S Air Force Afghanistan Iraq 1132 and in Who's Who Klik Frank U S Navy Vietnam 1132 and in Who's Who Klin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kline HollyAnn in Who's Who Kline I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kline Mrs taught at Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Kline Peter 34 Kline Stephen 34 Klinger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 180 Klinghammer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Klinghammic I have info on this family see Old Families Books Klinkhammer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kluck Anna in Who's Who Kluck Barny in Who's Who Kluckhammer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kluga I have info on this family see Old Families Books KLUSENDORF CARL F PVT killed in World War 1132 and in Who's Who Kmart 71 Knaggs Monique 19 Knapp Dallas WHS 1956 in Who's Who Knapp Roger in Who's Who Knaski Paul WHS 1957 in Who's Who Knebler Gerald CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Knecht Cyndi in Who's Who Knight I have info on this family see Old Families Books Knight Robert 38 Knoche I have info on this family see Old Families Books Knodell I have info on this family see Old Families Books KNOLL GARRETT C. PFC age 23 killed in Iraq 1132 and in Who's Who Knollenberg Martin in Who's Who Kobel Charles CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Koch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Koch Karl CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Koch Linda in Who's Who Koch W in Who's Who Koch Wenzel & Marie Busch High School 1946 in Who's Who Kochan Cris WHS 1957 in Who's Who Kochan Sally WHS 1952 in Who's Who Koche I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kochis Gerald WHS 1952 in Who's Who Kochler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kocke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kocsis Dorothy in Who's Who Koebbe Lawrence in Who's Who Koehler Alexander Warren Treasurer 1913-14 in Who's Who KOEHLER GARY A. CPLage 21 killed in Iraq 1132 and in Who's Who Koehler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Koelert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Koenders - Bluntzer Ruth St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Koenders G in Who's Who Koenders Martha St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Koenders Roy St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Koenig I have info on this family see Old Families Books Koenke Wilber Korea 1133 and in Who's Who Koerber I have info on this family see Old Families Books Koernke IHM Sr. Theresa St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Koernke - Popa Albertina St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Koernke-Nolan Florence St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 181 Koester I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kohler Band in Who's Who Koholska I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kokins Phillip CLHS 1962 Served in the military in Who's Who Kokowicz Christine Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Kokowicz Lucille Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Kolakowski Capt Henry Veteran U 1133 Kolakowski Henry USMC Vietnam in Who's Who Kolanczyk A J in Who's Who Kolar Jim in Who's Who Kolar Margaret St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Kolar Marilyn (Patterson) Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who KOLASA ALEXANDER J. CPL age 22 killed in Iraq 1133 and in Who's Who Kolasa Frank Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Kolb Ralph F. Vietnam 1133 and in Who's Who Kolliker John WWII in Who's Who Kollmorgen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kollmorger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kolmetz Eleanor Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Kolmetz Elfreda Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Kolmorgan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kolmorgan Irma 45 Kolodziejski - Gerard Elaine St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Kolodziejski Diane St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Kolodziejski-Hyvonen Jacqueline St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Koltz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Komer Odessa in Who's Who Komorek David St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Komorek Sauger Michele St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Konczal Pierre Anthony CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Kondziolka David & Pam St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Kondziolka Pamela in Who's Who Konen Mary WHS 1952 in Who's Who Konen Patricia WHS 1953 in Who's Who Kongrmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Konke Frank J. Vietnam 1133 Konke Frank J. Vietnam in Who's Who Konkle Ronald CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Konleczny Bill Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Kontowski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Koolwìck Raymond J. Vietnam 1133 Koolwìck Raymond J. Vietnam in Who's Who KOONTZ WILLIAM H PFC killed in World War II 1133 and in Who's Who Kopchak Raymond R Korea 1133 and in Who's Who Koperwas - Planskar Geraldine St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Kopf Jo Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Koppinger Kathryn St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Koppinger Paul St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Koppinger Richard CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 182 Koprincz Ronald Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Korbely Anthony Veteran World War II 1133 Korbely Anthony World War II in Who's Who Korean War 0063, 0615 Koroleski - Ziolkowski Darlene St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Koroleski Evelyn St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Koroleski Ralph CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Koroleski Rosemary St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Koroleski-Cope Carolyn St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Koroleski-William Joan St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Korson John CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Kortjohn George St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Kosal Carol St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Kosal Dennis St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Koscierzynski Walter CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Kosìn Don Vietnam 1133 and in Who's Who Koslowski Arthur in Who's Who Koslowski Gerald Korea 1133 Koslowski Gerald Korea in Who's Who Kosmack Raymond U. S. Air Force Korea 1133 Kosmack Raymond U. S. Air Force Korea in Who's Who Kosmalski Ralph Korea 1133 Kosmalski Ralph Korea in Who's Who Kosniewski Eugene Korea 1133 Kosniewski Eugene Korea in Who's Who Kosnik Leonard World War II 1133 and in Who's Who Koss - Flaim Nancy St Clement 1960 Deceased in Who's Who Koss Arlene St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Koss Charlotte St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Koss Geraldean St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Koss I have info on this family see Old Families Books Koss James St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Koss Paul St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Kotcher Charles St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Kotcher James St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Kotcher Joe Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Kotcher-Burr Carol St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Kotelniski Shirley WHS 1954 in Who's Who Kotelniski William WHS 1954 in Who's Who Koth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kotowski Chester U. S. Air Force WWII 1133 and in Who's Who Kotowski Joan Mary CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Kotowski John M. Vietnam 1133 Kotowski John M. Vietnam in Who's Who Kotowski Robert CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Kott E in Who's Who Kott Edward in Who's Who Kott Eleanor St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Kott I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 183 Kott Ronald St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Kott Thomas CLHS 1962 married Kriger Sandra Kay in Who's Who Koury Dave in Who's Who Koury David Board of Zoning Appeals 2008 in Who's Who Koury David Building Authority 2011 2012 in Who's Who Kowal Marcia St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Kowalczyk Richard Veteran World War II 1133 Kowalczyk Richard World War II in Who's Who Kowalewski Richard Vietnam 1133 Kowalewski Richard Vietnam in Who's Who Kowalik George St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Kowalk Darlene Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Kowall Eileen in Who's Who Kowall Mike in Who's Who Kowalske Elsie WHS 1956 in Who's Who Kowalski George WHS 1951 in Who's Who Kowalski Robert St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Kowalski Ronald R CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Kowalski Ted WHS 1950 in Who's Who Kowalski-Pheley Helen St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Kowatch Robert in Who's Who Kowicki Dennis St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Kozak Patrick St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Kozicki Daniel St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Kozloff Michael P CLHS 1962 Oxford MI in Who's Who Kozlowski A in Who's Who Kozlowski Archie CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Kozlowski Art in Who's Who Kozlowski Diane CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Kozlowski Dorothy WHS 1954 in Who's Who Kozlowski Henry WHS 1953 in Who's Who Kozlowski James CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Kozlowski Patricia St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Kozlowski Vincent A SSGT USMC 1948-1953 1133 and in Who's Who Kozlowski-McCarthy Beverly St Clement 1964 in Who's Who KRACHT GERALD W 1LT killed in World War II 1133 and in Who's Who Kracht Howard CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Kraemer Cheryl in Who's Who Kraemer Clement St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Kraemer Hubert St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Kraft I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kraft Jim WHS 1956 in Who's Who Kraft Martin Vietnam 1133 and in Who's Who Krajniak-Grondz Marlene St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Kramer Bartholomew in Who's Who Kramer early settler in Who's Who Kramer Father in Who's Who Kramer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kramer John 38 Page Twelve Thousand 184 Kramer Joseph in Who's Who Kramer Kathryn in Who's Who KramerJohn 45 Krammer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Krans I have info on this family see Old Families Books Krasinski Penny CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Kratiman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kratmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kratt Sylvia WHS 1957 in Who's Who Kratz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Krause Barbara CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Krause Charles CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Krause Charles in Who's Who Krause Clements United States Marine Corps WWII 1133 and in Who's Who Krause Frederick CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Krause George Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Krause I have info on this family see Old Families Books Krause Josephine Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Krause Josephine Secretary Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Krause Rose CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Krause Theresa St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Kravens Walter Vietnam 1133 Kravens Walter Vietnam in Who's Who Krawczyk Anthony CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Krawczyk Donald Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Krawczyk Mary Ann St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Krawiec Stephen World War II 1133 and in Who's Who Krdiczyk Frank Vietnam 1133 and in Who's Who Kredo Richard World War II 1133 and in Who's Who Kreger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kremer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Krenzel Joanne CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Kriger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kriger Sandra Kay CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Krimm Eugene St Clement 1950 Deceased in Who's Who Krimm Joyce St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Krings I have info on this family see Old Families Books Krings P m1895 sec 15 in Who’s Who Krings Philipp b 1844 d 1927 in Who’s Who Kruger Joahim in 1860 in Who’s Who Kscetueze Georgicos 1902187 in Who’s Who Kubasinski Jacob 1932 in Who’s Who Kubazinski Mauha 1938 in Who’s Who Kuchey Michael in Who’s Who Kuder Francisca Mathia Grammel 1867 in Who’s Who Kuharchek Nick Veteran in Who’s Who Kuhn John P 1852 1933 in Who’s Who Kuhn John R 1852 1933 in Who’s Who Kuhn Margarata 1917 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 185 Kuhn Margaret 1858 1917 in Who’s Who Kuhn Margaret 1858 1947 in Who’s Who Kukuk Fred m1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Kuller heriam Catharina Apr 1871 in Who’s Who Kuln Chasles 1941 in Who’s Who Kultz Frank general store in Who’s Who Kultz H map 1859 sec 21 in Who’s Who Kultz H map 1875 sec 21 WCL in Who’s Who Kultz Matthew blacksmith in Who’s Who Kursten Anna Maria 1859 in Who’s Who Kurzawa Charles Veteran in Who’s Who Kusch A map 1875 sec 8 in Who’s Who Kuss John m1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Kutchey Anna 1850 1931 in Who’s Who Kutchey Anna 1891167 in Who’s Who Kutchey Anna 1931 256 in Who’s Who Kutchey Annie 1889 1891 in Who’s Who Kutchey Baby in Who’s Who Kutchey Barbara 1935 in Who’s Who Kristofice Dennis U S Navy 61-62 in Who's Who Kristofice Dennis Veteran 1133 Kristoneyer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kritcher Cynthia WHS 1957 in Who's Who Kritcher Norma WHS 1954 in Who's Who Kritcher Norman WHS 1950 in Who's Who Kriuger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kroger 57 Krohn Harvey CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Kroleyyk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kroll Gerald Vietnam 66-68 page1133 and in Who's Who Kroll Nick WWII 41-45 1133 and in Who's Who Kroll Paul 68-70 Veteran 1133 and in Who's Who Kromis Ed WHS 1957 in Who's Who Krueger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kruger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kruger Joahim 34 Kruiger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Krukowski Cass in Who's Who Krumholtz Robert in Who's Who Krumholz James CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Kruszka Gregory CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Kruszka John CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Kryszak Richard A. Vietnam 1133 and in Who's Who Kryzystowczyk Genevieve WHS 1950 in Who's Who Kryzystowczyk Henry WHS 1950 in Who's Who Krzystowczyk Frank WHS 1954 in Who's Who Krzystowczyk Henry in Who's Who Ksemer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ksermer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 186 Ksuik Carol CLHS 1957 in Who's Who KUBE Christopher D age 18 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Kube Pfc. Christopher D. 18 1133 Kube Robert CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Kubek Bernice Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Kubinski-Scott Karen St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Kucel Bob CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Kuchar Maxine WHS 1957 in Who's Who Kuche I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kuchenbrod Daniel A CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Kuchenbrod Ruth Ann CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Kuchey Michael early settler in Who's Who Kucpalski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kuctchey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kudrycki - Asokis Joan St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Kudzia-Machesky Patricia St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Kuftz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kufuienskiy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kuhn Henry in Who's Who Kuhn Henry in Who's Who Kuhn Henry Warren Treasurer 1931 in Who's Who Kuhn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kuhnhenn Eric in Who's Who Kuhr Frank A. Veteran World War II 1134 Kuhr Frank A. World War II in Who's Who Kuikle I have info on this family see Old Families Books KUJDA LUDWIK R PVT killed in World War II 1134 and in Who's Who Kukasiewicz Denise CLHS 1962 in Who's Who KUKUK ADOLPH TEC5 killed in World War II 1134 and in Who's Who Kulczycki Stanley in Who's Who Kulik Frances St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Kulik Ted Busch High School 1946 in Who's Who Kulik-Kowalski Theresa St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Kulp I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kulson Earl WHS 1954 in Who's Who Kultz Frank general store in Who's Who Kultz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kulusic Kerry CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Kummler Randolph in Who's Who Kunarski Dorothy WHS 1952 in Who's Who Kunarski Helen WHS 1950 in Who's Who Kunarski Victor WHS 1957 in Who's Who Kunath Lawrence St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Kunath Mark in Who's Who Kunath Richard Korea 1134 Kunath Richard Korea in Who's Who Kundral Ed Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who Kunke Frank Korean War 1134 and in Who's Who Kunrod a tavern keeper in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 187 Kunrod's Corners 39 Kupiec John in Who's Who Kupiec Joseph WWII T T-5 Army 1134 and in Who's Who KUPIEC THOMAS MARK SP4 S.Vietnam HOSTILE KILLED 1134 and in Who's Who Kupkovich Frances CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Kuptz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kurkowski-Moceri Carolyn in Who's Who Kuros Janice CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Kurtz Kenneth in Who's Who Kurzawa Charles CLHS 1959 in Who's Who KURZAWA CHESTER PVT killed in World War II 1134 and in Who's Who Kurzyneic Kathleen St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Kusey Lillian CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Kushner Dennis Vietnam 1134 and in Who's Who Kushner Wakeley in Who's Who Kuskowski Joe in Who's Who Kusmierz John 2008 in Who's Who Kuss I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kutchey B male Busch High School 1932 in Who's Who Kutchey Catherine 1958 in Who’s Who Kutchey David St Clement 1935 in Who's Who Kutchey Elmer 1912 1924 in Who’s Who Kutchey Joseph 1871 1952 in Who’s Who Kutchey Joseph 1933 in Who’s Who Kutchey Mary 1876 1915 in Who’s Who Kutchey Mary 1915 in Who’s Who Kutchey Michael 1843 1916 in Who’s Who Kutchey Michael 1891 in Who’s Who Kutchey Robert 1935 in Who’s Who Kutchy Frauciseus Sr 1916 in Who’s Who Kutchy Joseph ran repair garage in 1900 in Who’s Who Kutchy Josephi Jr 1912 in Who’s Who Kutchy Michael Sr 1916 in Who’s Who Kutsch Barbara Kamp Dec 1879 in Who’s Who LaDoucour Doctor Edward W 1869-1927 in Who’s Who La Ferre Paul 1895 sec 22 Center Line in Who’s Who LaAloia Joseph 1859 in Who’s Who LaBeau Georgius M 1905 in Who’s Who Lable Ferdinandi 1865 15 in Who’s Who LaBonte Theodore J Veteran in Who’s Who Lachowski Dean Frank 1939 in Who’s Who Ladaroot Alex 1816 1899? in Who’s Who Ladaroot Alex d 1915 in Who’s Who Ladaroot Alex d b 1816? 1892 in Who’s Who Ladaroot footstone father A L in Who’s Who Ladaroot footstone Mother M L in Who’s Who Ladaroot Isabell 1875 1907 in Who’s Who Ladaroot Magreth Heinmann b 1840? wife of Alex in Who’s Who Ladd M A 1859 sec 7 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 188 Ladenback P 1895 sec 34 in Who’s Who Laderoot B map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Laderoot Benjamin d 1903? in Who’s Who Laderoot Benjamin d 1913 in Who’s Who Laderoot Caroline 1880 1901 in Who’s Who Laderoot Isabell L 1878 1907 in Who’s Who Laderoot J map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Laderoot Rosa 1881? 1912 Dau of Benjamin and Roseann in Who’s Who Laderoot Rosanna Crinion Aug 1896 a48 wife of Ben in Who’s Who Laderoot Rosanna Crinion aug 1898? wife of Ben in Who’s Who Laderot B m1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who LADEROUTE EVANGILE 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who LADEROUTE LAMBERT 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who LADEROUTE PETER 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Laduke F map 1859 sec 20 in Who’s Who Laethem Conrad 1871 1954 in Who’s Who Laethem Emily 1876 1918 wife of Conrad in Who’s Who Laferte Thoms 1856 Maria in Who’s Who Duloe at 39 in Who’s Who Lafertie Catharina 1874 in Who’s Who Laferty J map1859 sec 21 WCL in Who’s Who Laferty T map 1859 sec 21 in Who’s Who LAFFERTE JACQUES 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Laforte 1884 in Who’s Who Lagodzinski Daniel Veteran in Who’s Who Lagodzinski Leo S Veteran in Who’s Who LagrandChamp Quilhelni Petris in Who’s Who LaMael August in Who’s Who Lamb Catherina 1870 in Who’s Who Lamb Eugene 1895 sec 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Lamb J P map 1875 sec 33 in Who’s Who Lambert Michael m1895 sec 34 Center Line in Who’s Who Lameille August d 1910 in Who’s Who Lameille Mary d 1910 a68? wife of August in Who’s Who Lamorz Joannrs 1890 in Who’s Who LAMPHERE ARCHABALD 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who LAMPHERE VARNUM 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Landner Margaret 1935 in Who’s Who Landry Howard A Veteran in Who’s Who Lang Joannes 1917 in Who’s Who Lange Augusten Apr 1871 in Who’s Who Lange Edna C 1899 1909 in Who’s Who Lange Edna C 1899 1909? in Who’s Who Lange Joseph 1900 in Who’s Who Lange Leo 1895 in Who’s Who Lange Niana? 1893 in Who’s Who Lange Theresia wife of Paul 1871 1917 in Who’s Who Lange Wife of Paul Lange b 1871 d 1917 in Who’s Who Langeman J map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 189 Langell Frank tinsmith in Who’s Who Langel Joseph Warren white smith in Who’s Who Langell Joseph age 23 in 1900 tinner in Who’s Who Langel Karl had a repair shop in 1900 in Who’s Who LANGEVIN CHARLES 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Langgood Maglaline 1934 in Who’s Who Laokman Edmundi Whelan Mar 1874 in Who’s Who Lardry Youta 1936 in Who’s Who Larenz E m1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Larenz E map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Larenz Ernest 1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who Lorenz Ernst Born June 27 1832 in Who’s Who Kutchey Farms in Who's Who Kutchey Herman St Clement 1929 in Who's Who Kutchey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kutchey Janet St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Kutchey Richard in Who's Who Kutchey William St Clement 1929 in Who's Who Kutchey-Glynn Barbara St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Kutchy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Kutchy Joseph 45 Kutella Hilary in Who's Who Kutella Hilary Korea 1134 Kutella Hilary Korea in Who's Who Kutella Kathleen WHS 1954 in Who's Who Kuzenko Lawrence CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Kuzmicki Stephan E U S Navy Korea 1134 Kuzmicki Stephan E U S Navy Korea in Who's Who Kuzniar Tony U S Navy 1952-1956 1134 Kuzniar Tony U S Navy 1952-1956 in Who's Who Kwiatkowski Janice M Jagielo in Who's Who LA BLANC JOSEPH N in Who's Who LA BLANC JOSEPH N PVT 1134 La Fever Patrica St Clement 1952 in Who's Who La Flamme Marie WHS 1954 in Who's Who La Flamme Rose Marie St Clement 1946 in Who's Who La Porte Florence St Clement 1962 in Who's Who La Valley Gary St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Laass I have info on this family see Old Families Books Labancz David Vietnam 1134 Labancz David Vietnam in Who's Who Labancz Eugene Veteran World War II Korea 1134 Labancz Eugene Vietnam 1134 and in Who's Who Labancz Eugene WHS World War II Korea in Who's Who LaBeasy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Labelle Don veteran 1134 and in Who's Who Labelle Ellen veteran 1134 and in Who's Who Labourier M CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Labriek I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 190 Lacht I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ladak Andrew Vietnam 1134 and in Who's Who Ladd Center 0195 Ladd Frank in Who's Who Ladd I have info on this family see Old Families Books Laderoot I have info on this family see Old Families Books Laderoute Evangile 19 Laderoute Lambert 19 Laderoute Peter 19 LaDonceur I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ladorcur Edward 38 Ladoucour Edward W Dr 30 LaDoueour Edward 45 Ladroot I have info on this family see Old Families Books LaDuke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lae I have info on this family see Old Families Books Laenen Ray Veteran World War II 1134 Laenen Ray WHS World War II in Who's Who Lafeme I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lafence I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lafferte Jacques 19 Lafferty I have info on this family see Old Families Books Laffirty I have info on this family see Old Families Books Laffrey Lana Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who LaFlamme Annette WHS 1953 in Who's Who LaFlamme Armand St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Laflamme Maurice WHS 1953 in Who's Who LaFlamme Orietta WHS 1951 in Who's Who Laflamme Patricia WHS 1950 in Who's Who LaFlamme-Gunderson Simone St Clement 1943 in Who's Who LaFontaine Andrea in Who's Who LAFOREST FRANK R JR PFC killed in World War II 1134 and in Who's Who Laforge I have info on this family see Old Families Books LaForge Kathryn Teacher WHS 1952-55 in Who's Who LaFrance fire truck 0103 LaFuse I have info on this family see Old Families Books Laglois- I have info on this family see Old Families Books LAGROU LEON A PFC killed in World War II 1134 and in Who's Who Lahgeisler Del WHS Class of 1946 in Who's Who Lahim I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lahner Waler first Center Line engineer 1925. in Who's Who Laintg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Laithenr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lakence I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lakin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lalonde Bill Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who LaMael August in Who's Who Lamb Charles C Macomb County Sheriff 1857-1860 in Who's Who Lamb Erma Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 191 Lamb Erma in Who's Who Lamb George CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Lamb I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lamb Jennie in Who's Who LAMBERS PAUL Medal of Honor Vietnam 1134 and in Who's Who Lambert B CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Lambert Bernard volunteer CLFD in 1969 in Who's Who Lambert Bernie St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Lambert Catherine St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Lambert Gerald St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Lambert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lambert K in Who's Who Lambert Thomas St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Lambert-Fredel Maxine St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Lambert-Gapaczynski Barbara St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Lambert-Walters Patricia St Clement 1950 Deceased in Who's Who Lambrose Joe in Who's Who Lampe Joan Marie CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Lampe Judith Ann deceased CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Lamphere Archabald 19 Lamphere Varnum 19 Lampi Frank in Who's Who Lams Sylvia WHS 1954 in Who's Who LANCE CPL. MINHEE KIM 20 killed in Iraq War 1134 LANCOUR JOSEPH M. PFC age 21 killed in Afghanistan 1135 and in Who's Who land clearer families 0018 Landee I have info on this family see Old Families Books Landrum Betty (Teegarden) Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Landry Ronald in Who's Who Landry Rose Marie St Clement 1955 in Who's Who LANE ALAN CPL ARMY Vietnam Hostile Died-Wounds 1135 and in Who's Who Lane Marvin G in Who's Who LANE MORGAN Medal of Honor Civil War 1135 and in Who's Who LANE ROBERT V killed in Korea in Who's Who LANE ROBERT V PVT ARMY killed in Korean War 1135 Lang I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lang John Sr U S Army 17th Eng Btn 1955-1958 page 1135 and in Who's Who Lang Robert USMC WWII 1135 and in Who's Who Langbeen David Vietnam 1135 Langbeen David Vietnam in Who's Who Langdon - Vohs Rosemary St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Langdon I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lange Linda CLHS 1958 in Who's Who LANGE OSCAR W SSG killed in World War II 1135 and in Who's Who Langel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Langel Joseph 45 Langel Karl 45 Langelier Thomas Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Langell Frank 35 Page Twelve Thousand 192 Langell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Langell Joseph 35 Langenbahn Bill Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Langenbahn Janet Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Langermann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Langevin Charles 19 Langill I have info on this family see Old Families Books Langlier John Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Langlois Gary CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Langlois Robert CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Language Research Vol 23 Lanphierd Opal WHS teacher 1946 in Who's Who lantern 0048 Lapham Ron ran Kanine Unit in Who's Who LaPierre Thomas CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Lapp Richard Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Lardner ET in Who's Who Laroot Rosanna 1896 in Who’s Who Latona Carl Veteran in Who’s Who Lawless AT SR & Jr in Who’s Who LaZitoute Moani 1860 Apr 26 in Who’s Who Sausentri Hrolly s 62 in Who’s Who Leach Walter E 1920 1980 Veteran in Who’s Who Lebhert C map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Leblanc Noel Veteran in Who’s Who Lech Joseph F Veteran in Who’s Who Ledato Julius 1941 in Who’s Who LeDue George 1932 in Who’s Who Leduke Joseph a84 31 Jul 1881 in Who’s Who LEECH GURDON C 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who LeFevr Arualia 1899 in Who’s Who Lefevr Heisicus 1914 in Who’s Who Lefevre Amelia 1824 1899 in Who’s Who Lefevre Amelia b in Belgium 1824 d 1899 in Who’s Who Lefevre Choso? Ludovicei 1866 in Who’s Who Lefevre Elizabeth 1885 1928 in Who’s Who Jerome Ameloot in Who’s Who Lefevre Henry 1891 1914 in Who’s Who Lefevre infant 1885? in Who’s Who Lefevre John 1817 1867 a 50 in Who’s Who Lefevre John b in Belgium 1817 d 1867 in Who’s Who Lefevre Joseph L 1898 1961 in Who’s Who Lefevre Julius 1853 1934 a81 in Who’s Who Lefevre Julius 1934 in Who’s Who Lefevre Mrs map 1875 sec 20 22 in Who’s Who Lefevre Mrs. map 1875 sec 22 ECL in Who’s Who Lefevre noname 1888 in Who’s Who Lefevre Rosa 1863 1909 a46 in Who’s Who Lefleia John 1939 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 193 Leirmann Maria Armaam 3 Jan 1882 in Who’s Who Leisten Anna Maria 1886 in Who’s Who Lemberger Adames Jan 1873 in Who’s Who Lenard Walter Veteran in Who’s Who Lenhard Susanna 1893 in Who’s Who Lennart Julia Campbell 1875 in Who’s Who Lentz M 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Lentz M. 1875 sec 22 ECL in Who’s Who Lenz Mathian a68 2 Jun 1882 in Who’s Who Leonard Clarence M Veteran in Who’s Who Leonard Simon in Who’s Who Lepharr Joseph Tober Feb 1871 in Who’s Who Leptich Gulidenns Jacobul 1914 in Who’s Who Leroy map 1859 sec 11 12 in Who’s Who LeRoy Wm and son in 1900 Blacksmith in Who’s Who LesDerautes Columbi Dec 1870 22 in Who’s Who LesDeroute Fieboram? 1876 in Who’s Who LesDeroutes Alexandri Aug 1872 in Who’s Who LesDeroutes Alexandri Aug 1871 in Who’s Who LesDeroutes Enos 1887 in Who’s Who LesDeroutes Petre Edurei Rivard 3 Jan 1880 in Who’s Who Lesiak Henry Veteran in Who’s Who Lewandowski Joseph Veteran in Who’s Who Lewandowski William J Veteran in Who’s Who Lewis Ioene 1933 in Who’s Who Lewis Robert 1932 in Who’s Who Lewis Ruby 1932 in Who’s Who Lieckfelt Maureen 1925 1996 in Who’s Who Lieckfelt Raymond 1921 1979 in Who’s Who Liekzia Vincien 1934 in Who’s Who Lifer Xaoier Joseph 1937 in Who’s Who Light J m1895 sec 6 in Who’s Who Light John 5 31 in Who’s Who Limberger Carol 1894 in Who’s Who Limberger Stephanica 1889 in Who’s Who Limburger Mrs map 1875 sec 33 in Who’s Who Limende infant Guiesni Conper Feb 1873 in Who’s Who Linck A map 1859 sec 35 in Who’s Who Lindo & Groth map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who LINN ROBERT 9/2/1835 in Who’s Who LINSLEY DANIEL 11/23/1835 in Who’s Who Linto Alice C 1889 1952 in Who’s Who Linto Ernest J brother 1898 1949 in Who’s Who Linto Franz 1854 1912 in Who’s Who Linto Josophine wife of Franz 1867 1925 in Who’s Who LITTLE THOMAS 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Loakey Alice V 1935 in Who’s Who Lock Earl K Veteran in Who’s Who Lofla L map 1859 sec 14 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 194 Lomaka William Veteran in Who’s Who Lorenz C map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Lotz C map 1875 sec 8 in Who’s Who Loubeboy William Joseph 1929 in Who’s Who Lowberry Joseph 1932 in Who’s Who Lsbiyrn? Dopelly a70 1879 in Who’s Who Ludov? Maria 1865 15 in Who’s Who Luft John map 1875 sec 14 in Who’s Who Luft noname 1887 in Who’s Who Lumette Mary 1930 in Who’s Who Lunce M map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who Lusmer Infant 1937 in Who’s Who Lutz Fredrick hardware store in 1900 in Who’s Who Lutz Louis in 1900 Baker in Who’s Who Lyon Henry one of many carpenters in Who’s Who Larson Debby in Who's Who Larsson Dennis in Who's Who Lascu George St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Lashbrook I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lasinski Beverly CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Laske Patricia in Who's Who Laske-Godlewski Patricia St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Laskowski Victor in Who's Who Latchney Rosemary St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Latessa Joseph P. Vietnam 1135 Latessa Joseph P. Vietnam in Who's Who Latham Paul taught Office business CLHS 1957 58 in Who's Who Latton I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lau I have info on this family see Old Families Books Laudicina Angeline St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Laudicina-Komlen JoAnn St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Laudicina-VanPamel Linda St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Laugerman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Laughhunn Lucy WHS 1957 in Who's Who Laughhunn Michael WHS 1956 in Who's Who Laughhunn Pat WHS 1953 in Who's Who Lauhoff Gilbert Veteran 1135 Lauhoff Gilbert WHS World War II in Who's Who Launoo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Laurence I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lauri I have info on this family see Old Families Books Laurie William CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Lauroff Pat CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Lauvena I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lauzon Marie CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Lavandoski Anthony St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Lavely - Granzow Judith St Clement 1957 in Who's Who LaVigne - Czapski Fran St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Lavyne I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 195 Lawarence Frank St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Lawrence C Angus Veteran 1135 Lawrence C Angus WHS Army Ranger WWII in Who's Who Lawrence Gloria St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Lawrence I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lawrence Linda Diane CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Lawrence Robert Korea 1135 Lawrence Robert Korea in Who's Who Lawrence Ronald WHS Vietnam 1135 and in Who's Who Laws Ivan Teacher WHS 1954 55 in Who's Who Lawson Avenue in Who's Who Lawson Cathy in Who's Who Lawson Lawrence St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Lawson William Warren Clerk 1937-48 in Who's Who Layman Evelyn WHS 1953 in Who's Who Lazer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lazoen Bill in Who's Who Lazoen Feed 0227 Lazoen Frank in Who's Who Lazoen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lazoen Jaqueline CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Lazoen Mary in Who's Who Lazoen-Pomante Marlene St Clement 1956 Deceased in Who's Who Lazoen's 0468, 0473 Lazoen-Wolf Sharon St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Lazzara Anthony CLHS 1961 in Who's Who LE BEAU JOHN L PVT killed in World War II 1135 and in Who's Who Le Couffe Joseph St Clement 1955 in Who's Who LE CRONE WAYNE USNR Fireman killed in World War II 1135 and in Who's Who Le Fever Eileen St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Le Fever Gereldine St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Le Fevre Agnes St Clement 1957 Deceased in Who's Who Le Fevre Rita St Clement 1944 in Who's Who Leach Ron CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Leadaroot I have info on this family see Old Families Books Leader Evelyn CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Leader I have info on this family see Old Families Books Leader Robert CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Leafdale William E. Vietnam 1135 and in Who's Who Leahy James Veteran U S Army 1135 Leahy James WHS U S Army 69-71 in Who's Who Leaman Edward CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Leanze I have info on this family see Old Families Books Leary I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lease Lloyd WHS US Army WWII in Who's Who Leason Richard Busch High School 1938 in Who's Who LeBeau Emmett Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who LeBlanc Richard in Who's Who LeClair David B CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 196 LeDuc I have info on this family see Old Families Books LEE JASON T. AGE 18-NOV-2007 KILLED IN IRAQ WAR. in Who's Who Lee Edward St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Lee Gary United States Marine Corps Korea 1135 Lee Gary USMC Korea in Who's Who Lee Kenneth Veteran U S Army Korean War 1135 Lee Kenneth WHS U S Army Korean War in Who's Who Lee Norman St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Lee Raymond St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Lee Thomas Korea 1135 Lee Thomas Korea in Who's Who Lee-Brideau Virginia St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Leech Gurdon 19 Leech Dorothy in Who's Who Leech Hubert in Who's Who Leech Hubert Veteran World War II 1135 Leech Hubert WHS World War II in Who's Who Lefever I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lefever I have info on this family see Old Families Books LeFevre Anthony St Clement 1954 in Who's Who LeFevre Bob Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who LeFevre Frances St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Lefevre Francis in Who's Who Lefevre I have info on this family see Old Families Books LeFevre Julius in Who's Who LeFevre Julius Warren Supervisor 1901 + in Who's Who Lehem I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lehern I have info on this family see Old Families Books LEHRBASS HOWARD W SGT killed in World War II 1135 and in Who's Who Lehrman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lehto Jason 79 LEHTO JASON S USMC Killed in Action Iraq Staff Sgt. A 31 1135 and in Who's Who Leich I have info on this family see Old Families Books Leich Jeff President CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Leich Jut CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Leklain I have info on this family see Old Families Books Leluim I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lelurim I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lembas CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Lembas-Leghorn Barbara St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Lemill I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lemon Elmer Vice President WHS 1952 in Who's Who LEMON PETER Medal of Honor Vietnam U S Army 1136 and in Who's Who Lemon Valerie WHS 1955 in Who's Who LEMPKE LEONARD N PFC killed in World War II 1136 and in Who's Who LEMPKE WILBERT C PVT killed in World War II1136 and in Who's Who Lenenest I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lengh I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lenhard I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 197 Lents Alan St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Lents John St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Lents-Fortin Betty St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Lentz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lenz Shirley WHS 1952 in Who's Who Leo Fantene CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Leo Richard J in Who's Who Leonard Joseph in Who's Who Leonard Roy WHS 1956 in Who's Who Leonard Sally Ann CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Leonard Simon Warren Justice 1901 in Who's Who LEONARD WILLIAM Medal of Honor Indian Campaigns 1136 and in Who's Who Leppa I have info on this family see Old Families Books Leppanen Waldi CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Leppek Audrey St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Leppek George Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Leppek Rosemary St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Leppenan Wesley principal of Victory Ellis school in Who's Who Leroy Wm blacksmith 0056 Leroy Blacksmith 0351 LeRoy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Leroy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Leroy William Blacksmith Center Line in Who's Who LeRoy Wm 45 56 Leroy Wm blacksmith shop 0227 Leroy Wm Horseshoeing 0056 Lertola Greg Veteran in Who's Who Lertola James W. Vietnam 1136 Lertola James W. Vietnam in Who's Who Lesko Albert D Veteran 1136 Lesko Albert D WHS U S Army Korean War in Who's Who Lesko Bruce N Veteran 1136 Lesko Bruce N WHS U S Marine Corps in Who's Who Lesnig I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lessnau I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lessnau Richard CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Lessons of history 2, 26, 29, 32, 0178 Letendre June Vietnam 1136 and in Who's Who Letterman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Letterurs I have info on this family see Old Families Books Leutzinger Constance CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Leutzinger Ralph CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Leutzinger Rudy Treasurer CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Leutzinger William Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Levee Mr psychologist CLHS 1958 in Who's Who LEVENBERG HARVEY 2LT killed in World War II 1136 and in Who's Who Levenowski Tom Center Line water dept engineer. in Who's Who Leveque Charles in Who's Who Leveque David CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 198 Leveque Richard CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Leveque Thomas St Clement 1957 Deceased in Who's Who Levett Ben in Who's Who Levgley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Levi I have info on this family see Old Families Books Leviathan 127 Leviathan Steam Locomotive 0127 Levillier Roger WWII 1136 Levillier Roger WWII in Who's Who Levillier Walter WWII 1136 Levillier Walter WWII in Who's Who Levine Gary CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Lewandowski Adrian St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Lewandowski Paul in Who's Who Lewandowski Suzanne in Who's Who Lewanski Walter WHS 1953 in Who's Who Lewicki Stanley Vietnam 1136 Lewicki Stanley Vietnam in Who's Who Lewis Cindy in Who's Who Lewis Frederick Vietnam 1136 Lewis Frederick Vietnam in Who's Who LEWIS HARRY A PFC ARMY killed in Korea 1136 and in Who's Who LEWIS HENRY Medal of Honor Civil War 1136 and in Who's Who Lewis John w USMC 98-2002 page 1136 and in Who's Who Lewis Susan E CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Lewis Walter in Who's Who Lhite I have info on this family see Old Families Books Liberato Ralph WWII U S Marine Corps 1136 and in Who's Who Liberty Theater 57 58 95 96 20 21 28 29 libraries 0078, 89 72, Library plan 9, 3760-3777 Lichoski Lenord WHS U S Marine Corps Korea 1136 and in Who's Who Licht Frank Warren Justice 1924+ in Who's Who Licht I have info on this family see Old Families Books Licht Mr in Who's Who Licht Park in Who's Who Licht Robert WHS 1934 in Who's Who Lichts & home 0373 Lico Thomas D in Who's Who Lidake I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lidster Audrey WHS 1954 in Who's Who Lidster Betty WHS 1955 in Who's Who Lieb Arlene CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Lieberman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lieckfelt Thomas in Who's Who Liedke Sharon CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Lietz - Phillips Janet St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Lietz A male Busch High School 1932 in Who's Who Lietz A male Busch High School 1932 in Who's Who Lietz Bradley St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 199 Lietz Edward St Clement 1931 1930 in Who's Who Lietz Gerald St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Lietz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lietz John St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Lietz Lucille St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Lietzau Julie Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Liggett Dorothy Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Liggett Edward J CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Light bulb old 0336 Lightld Shirley Veteran World War II 1136 Lightld Shirley WHS World War II in Who's Who Liles Mary Lou CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Lill Gail WHS 1957 in Who's Who Limberger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lincoln Funeral Train 0580 Linda Porter Served USAF in Who's Who Lindberg Steven in Who's Who Lindemuth Michael B. killed in Iraq in Who's Who Linderman Jan in Who's Who Lindl I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lindow Cora CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Lindsay Irene CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Lindsay Ray Treasurer CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Linehan Sheila St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Linn Robert 19 Linner Marguerite WHS 1957 in Who's Who Linoski Walter in Who's Who Linoski Walter St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Linscott I have info on this family see Old Families Books Linsley Daniel 19 Lints I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lintz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lipinski Richard CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Lipke Albert in Who's Who Lipke Faye CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Lippard Allen WWII U S Air Force 1136 Lippard Allen WWII U S Air Force in Who's Who Lippert Craig H. Vietnam 1136 Lippert Craig H. Vietnam in Who's Who LIPPSTREUER ROBERT F killed in World War II 1136 and in Who's Who Lipski Anthony in Who's Who LIPSON ROBERT A TEC5 killed in World War II 1136 and in Who's Who Lipton Ellen Cogen in Who's Who Lisiecki James WHS 1957 in Who's Who Lisiecki John WHS 1956 in Who's Who Lisiecki Martin WHS 1951 in Who's Who Liss Lesia in Who's Who Liss Mark in Who's Who Listerman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 200 Liszewski Raymond Zig CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Littell Peggy Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Littenberger Robert Veteran 1136 Littenberger Robert WHS U S Navy 45-47 in Who's Who Little Thomas 19 Little I have info on this family see Old Families Books Little Irvin Jr in Who's Who Little Irvin Warren Justice 1937 in Who's Who LITTLE JASON T. CPLAGE 20 KILLED IN IRAQ 1136 and in Who's Who Liveline I have info on this family see Old Families Books Living Faith Church 0257 Livingston Chrystal CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Livingston John WHS 1956 in Who's Who Livingston Richard WHS 1953 in Who's Who LIVINGSTONE DAVID MICHAEL PFC Vietnam Hostile Killed 1137 and in Who's Who Livzy Jim Veteran U S Air Force WWII 1137 Livzy Jim WHS U S Air Force WWII in Who's Who Lizburner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Llewellyn Nelson Veteran World War II 1137 Llewellyn Nelson WHS World War II in Who's Who loader 0438, loader horse drawn 0439 Loaft I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lobb Jeanne St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Loche I have info on this family see Old Families Books Locker Edward WHS 1953 in Who's Who Locks I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lockwood Kenneth Korea 1137 Lockwood Kenneth Korea in Who's Who Loeher Joann St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Loeher Joseph St Clement 1930 in Who's Who Loeher La Fata Donna St Clement 1953 in Who's Who log cabin 8 22 23 27, log cabin with fire pot 0331, log cabin-frame house 0063 logging 0213 Loglie Shirley CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Lombardi Frank in Who's Who Lombardo Augustino Veteran World War II 1137 Lombardo Augustino WHS World War II in Who's Who Loncar Adrienne CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Loncar Lucille CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Loncar Sylvia CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Long I have info on this family see Old Families Books Longermann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lony I have info on this family see Old Families Books looms 0157 Lootens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Loper David Vietnam 1137 Loper David Vietnam in Who's Who Lopez Carl M. Vietnam 1137 Lopez Carl M. Vietnam in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 201 Lopiccolo Vito U. S. Army WWII 1137 and in Who's Who Loren Kathy in Who's Who Lorens I have info on this family see Old Families Books LORENZ ERNST 1861 page 1137 and in Who's Who Lorenz Ernst 33 Lorenz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lorenz Ruhlmann 1854 1912 in Who’s Who Pogacich Nick C Veteran in Who’s Who Poles Fred 1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Polk Alton Frank Veteran in Who’s Who Pollman Conrad 1937 in Who’s Who Pollman Yoannis Engele May 1876 in Who’s Who Pollmann Bernard Engele July 1872 in Who’s Who Pollmann Elisabeth July 1875 in Who’s Who Pollmann Elizabitha 1887 in Who’s Who Pollmann Henricum Flapper 22 Feb 1881 in Who’s Who Pollmann infant Engele Aug 1873 in Who’s Who Polma ?Bernar ? a66 in Who’s Who Lori Matthew J. in Who's Who Lorincz Craig in Who's Who Lorincz Frank Korean War 1137 Lorincz Frank Korean War in Who's Who Lorincz Marie in Who's Who Loring I have info on this family see Old Families Books Loronel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lorraway Henry in Who's Who Lorrice Frank U. S. Army Korea 1137 Lorrice Frank U. S. Army Korea in Who's Who Loudenback Donald WHS 1956 in Who's Who LOUDON ROBERT M CPL killed in World War II 1137 and in Who's Who Louie's Bar 0223, 0228, 0348 Louis Cady T. Macomb County Sheriff 1899-1902 in Who's Who Louis Grushep lumber manufacturer in early days in Who's Who Lounds I have info on this family see Old Families Books Louzan Larry in Who's Who Love 0006, 7 Lovett Robert WHS 1955 in Who's Who Lowe Avenue in Who's Who Lowe Grace Busch High School 1937 in Who's Who Lowe Hildegarde Warren Clerk 1949+ in Who's Who Lowe Hobert in Who's Who Lowery I have info on this family see Old Families Books LOZIECAR GEORGE JR killed in World War II 1137 and in Who's Who Lubawski Ronald St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Lucas John W. Vietnam 1137 Lucas John W. Vietnam in Who's Who LUCE MOSES Medal of Honor Civil War 1137 and in Who's Who Lucht I have info on this family see Old Families Books Luckenbacher Helen Busch High School 1942 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 202 Luckritz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Luddowman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ludemann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ludwig Diana CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Luetz Thomas A Veteran in Who's Who Luge I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lugiwski Addline (Moncher) Busch High School 1944 in Who's Who Lukas Kathleen CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Lukas Louise Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Lukasiewcz Denise CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Lukemire Donald Vietnam 1137 Lukemire Donald Vietnam in Who's Who LUKITY ERNEST W PVT killed in World War II 1137 and in Who's Who Lukomski Leonard Vietnam 1137 Lukomski Leonard Vietnam in Who's Who Lulavage-Krupa Barbara St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Lumex Vern in Who's Who Lumor Greg Veteran U S Navy 1137 Lumor Greg WHS U S Navy in Who's Who Lumpkin Judith CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Lumpkin Paula CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Lund Peter J. in Who's Who Lundy W in Who's Who Lundy Wilbert F in Who's Who Lupan Alex in Who's Who Lutherhouse I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lutz blacksmith 0353 Lutz Fredrick 45 Lutz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lutz Jim WHS 1954 in Who's Who Lutz Louis 45 Lutz wagon maker 0220 Lutz William WHS 1955 in Who's Who Lutzenkirchen Henry -2012 in Who's Who Lux Alan Vietnam 1137 Lux Alan Vietnam in Who's Who Luzod-Butrum Carmelita St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Lyczkowski Chester P Korea 1137 and in Who's Who LYDEN DENNIS M Vietnam HOSTILE KILLED 1137 and in Who's Who Lyerla Harold in Who's Who Lynch Charles J in Who's Who Lynch Russel Dr. first mayor of Center Line in Who's Who Lyon Eva 45 Lyon Eva postmaster of Warren Village in Who’s Who Lyons A C (may have been Archibold) in Who’s Who Lyon Henry 45 Lyon I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lyons Cornelius 19 Lyons A C 32 Page Twelve Thousand 203 Lyons A. C. Warren official 1925 in Who's Who Lyons Archibald C 35 Lyons Archibald C in 1900 painter in Who’s Who LYONS CORNELIUS 5/1/1838 in Who’s Who Lyons family in Who's Who Lyons I have info on this family see Old Families Books Lyons Marjorie WHS 1938 in Who's Who Lyson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ma a Cow Fell in the Well! 0201 Ma Zott's Restaurant 0057, 3733 Maas I have info on this family see Old Families Books MacArthur. MacArthur. in Who's Who MacDougall John Korea 1137 and in Who's Who Mace Janet CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Mace La Vonda Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Mace Sharon Elizabeth CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Maceroni Peter J. in Who's Who MacGregor Peter in Who's Who Machesky Andrew J Veteran in Who’s Who machinery 0028 Machowski Florence WHS 1957 in Who's Who Machus William E. Jr. Vietnam 1137 Machus William E. Jr. WHS Vietnam in Who's Who Maciag Robert Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1137 Maciag Robert WHS U S Army Vietnam in Who's Who Maciak Walter J Veteran in Who’s Who Maciejewski Norbert in Who's Who Macier Otillia 1903 in Who’s Who Macintyre Ronald A Korea 1137 Macintyre Ronald A Korea in Who's Who Mack Andrew 19 MACK ANDREW 5/1/1839 in Who’s Who Mack Michaeli 1867 in Who’s Who Mack William F Veteran in Who’s Who Mackey Ernest Korea 1137 Mackey Ernest Korea in Who's Who Mackey Janice Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Mackinnon Dorothy sponsor Busch High School 1930 in Who's Who Macklewski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Macklin Robert CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Macklr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Macko Andrew CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Macko Mary Ellen CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Macko-Kania Jacqueline St Clement 1962 in Who's Who MacMaster Greg in Who's Who Macomb County 1859 Directory 3694 Macomb County Hist Markers 3778-80 1890 Rural Directory 37711 Macomb County Histories 5800 Macomb County History 0022, 5735, 5800Page Twelve Thousand 204 Macomb Daily Jul 15 2011 page 84 Macomb Historic Fotos 5900-5999 Macy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Maczuga Leo Korea 1137 and in Who's Who Maddison I have info on this family see Old Families Books Madeja Alfred Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Madeja John CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Madigan John WHS U S Army 68-70 page 1137 and in Who's Who Madonia Tony & Elaine USMC Korea 1138 and in Who's Who Madurski D G Sgt USMC Vietnam 1969 1138 and in Who's Who Maes George WHS 1956 in Who's Who Maes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Maeuer Petru 2 Aug 1884 in Who’s Who Magan Briget d 1866 dau of Christopher & Maryin Who’s Who Magdalena Maria 1814 1897 wife of Peter Jos Wolfin Who’s Who Mage Donald WHS 1955 in Who's Who Mage Larry WHS 1956 in Who's Who Magemnann Angeliens 1901 in Who’s Who magic eye 0337 Magryta Sandra St Clement 1965 in Who's Who MAGUET HARVEY M died in action 1138 and in Who's Who Maguire JNO Co G 14th Mich Inf Civil War Veteran in Who’s Who Maguire Jro Co C 14th Mich Inf Civil War Veteran in Who’s Who Maguire Robert St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Magusin Jr Paul Korea 1138 Magusin Jr Paul Korea in Who's Who Mah Gertruda a43 Geib 8 Mar 1884 in Who’s Who Mahlen M 1895 sec 34 in Who’s Who Main at Davy woman 0353 Main looking North 1900 p 0354 5 Mainero J was in the CLFD 1969 1970 in Who's Who Mainero James CLFD in 1966. in Who's Who Mainero Jim auditor Metropolitan Club 1976 in Who's Who Maiorani Andrew Korea 1138 Maiorani Andrew Korea in Who's Who Maisano Mary Jane CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Maison Jerry WHS 1955 in Who's Who Maitiand Norman Vietnam 1138 Maitiand Norman Vietnam in Who's Who Maitland Annie nee Kaltz b 1864 d 1898 in Who’s Who Maitland Corine 1934 261 in Who’s Who Majchrzak Carol St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Majchrzak Jason in Who's Who Majchrzak Judith St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Majeske Bellerine WHS 1950 in Who's Who Majeske Donna WHS 1952 in Who's Who Majeske Grace Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Majeski Delores Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Majewski Walter St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 205 Majkowski Leo E Veteran in Who’s Who Majszak Raymond Korea 1138 Majszak Raymond Korea in Who's Who Makarski Tom WHS 1957 in Who's Who Maker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Makes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Maki August Veteran U S Army WWII 1138 Maki August WHS U S Army WWII in Who's Who Makoski Joseph E Jr WWII U S Navy 1138 Makoski Joseph E Jr WWII U S Navy in Who's Who Maksimowich Ray Korea 1138 Maksimowich Ray Korea in Who's Who Malaj Blerta in Who's Who Malberg J map 1875 sec 17 in Who’s Who Malberg no name 1919 in Who’s Who Malburg Anna Jan 1878 in Who’s Who Malburg Catherine 1879 in Who’s Who Malburg Gertrud 1901 in Who’s Who Malburg Gertrude d 1901 in Who’s Who Malburg J map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Malburg Jacob 1898 in Who’s Who Malburg Jacob 1898 in Who’s Who Malburg Jonphum Joann Robinet 1876 in Who’s Who Malburg John in 1900 hardware owner in Who’s Who Malburg Lena Balmes d 1922 in Who’s Who Malburg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Malburg John 45 Malcho Gary CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Malcho Gayle Eleanor CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Malczewski Ronald WHS 1957 in Who's Who Malczyk Robert Joseph CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Malczyski Sharon CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Malerbi Joseph A Veteran in Who’s Who Maleski Mary Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Maletta Alfred in Who's Who Maletta Frederick in Who's Who Maley Joseph 1900 1969 in Who’s Who Maley Virginia 1908 1963 in Who’s Who Malik I have info on this family see Old Families Books Malinowski Alex Veteran World War II 1138 Malinowski Alex WHS World War II in Who's Who Mallais Walter 1931 in Who’s Who Mallais Lawrence Korea 1138 and in Who's Who Malloy H 46 1959 - ? in Who's Who Malloy Hugh St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Maloins I have info on this family see Old Families Books Malonas James Palmer CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Maloney Edward 1929 in Who’s Who Maloney Frances St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 206 Maloney Margaret St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Malou J map 1859 sec 17 in Who’s Who Maloy I have info on this family see Old Families Books MALSON ADAM 1ST LT killed in Iraq War age 23 1138 and in Who's Who Malta I have info on this family see Old Families Books Maltais Walter 1935 in Who’s Who Maltenap I have info on this family see Old Families Books Maltin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mamrow I have info on this family see Old Families Books Manbuger I have info on this family see Old Families Books MANCHIK LOUIS J TEC5 1138 and in Who's Who Manczuk Stephen St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Mandarino Sam Korea 1138 and in Who's Who Mandell Edward WHS World War II 1138 and in Who's Who Manders Willy Ann Stack St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Mandum I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mandziara Paul Math teacher CLHS in Who's Who Mandziuk Eugene Korea 1138 and in Who's Who Maness Donna Korea 1138 and in Who's Who Manglos Janet St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Manier Richard Francis 1937 in Who’s Who Manko Steven Korea 1138 and in Who's Who MANN HARVEY 10/8/1835 8/3/1839 in Who’s Who Mann Harvey 19, 9 Mannier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Manoleas G President male Busch High School 1933 in Who's Who MANOUKIAN NICHOLAS J. CPL killed in Iraq War 1138 and in Who's Who Manser W 1895 sec 25 in Who’s Who Mansion Bear Creek 0349 3851Mansion Dr Felix Osowski 3851Many Richardus 1887 in Who’s Who MANZEL RICHARD J PVT Killed in Korea 1138 and in Who's Who Map Eckstein 1276 map St Clement Cemetery 1284map Warren tourist 1275 maps 1200-1299, 8 maps Warren Union Cemetery 1277maps 1869 1817 1875 1916 p1201-99 MARA CORNELIUS 8/3/1839 in Who’s Who Mara Cornelius 19 Marana Bruno taught at CLHS 1953-55 in Who's Who Marasco Gloria (Rylance) Busch High School 1945 in Who's Who Marasco Sam Busch High School 1945 in Who's Who Marceau Michael Vietnam 1138 and in Who's Who March F 1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who March H 1895 sec 4 in Who’s Who March W 1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who Marcheese Pasquale “Pat” Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Marchlewicz Arnold M PFC Army Warren Vietnam 1138 and in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 207 Marchwinski Marilyn-Marrocco in Who's Who Marcucci Barbara Secretary CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Marcucci Carmen Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Marcum Jane Vietnam 1138 and in Who's Who Marcuzzi Ardyth Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Mareaat Louis WHS 1956 in Who's Who Marfechuk Walter Jr Veteran in Who's Who Maria Heliger 186 in Who’s Who Maria Plunkart 1861 in Who’s Who Marion Mariette St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Marka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Marker Christina 1914 in Who’s Who Marker Christina b 1828 in Who’s Who Marker F 1895 sec 10 in Who’s Who Marker F map 1875 sec 3 10 in Who’s Who Marker Frandaricus 1902 in Who’s Who Marker Frederick 1823 1902 in Who’s Who Marker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Market Eloise St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Market Lois St Clement 1939 in Who's Who Markland Kenneth K WHS U S Marine Corps 1138 and in Who's Who Markle Wilfred WHS U S Army Air Corps WWII 1138 and in Who's Who Marko Joseph Korea 1138 and in Who's Who Markovich Schoenherr Patricia St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Markovich Marcella Fortin St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Markowicz Downing Lorraine St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Markowicz Ronald St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Markowski Casimir WHS World War II 1138 and in Who's Who Markowski Joseph WHS 1955 in Who's Who Marks Beverly WHS 1953 in Who's Who Marks Jack WHS 1954 in Who's Who MARKU GENTIAN CPL age 22 Warren killed in Iraq 79,1138 and in Who's Who Marleau Jim in Who's Who Marlow I have info on this family see Old Families Books Marlow Robert WHS 1952 in Who's Who Marlow Ronald WHS 1951 in Who's Who Marmon Street in Who's Who Marner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Marra Joseph Vietnam in Who's Who Marriages st St Clement 2700Marrocco Anthony V in Who's Who Marrocco Marilyn Marchwinski in Who's Who Marschner F map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Marsee Gerald CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Marsee Jean CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Marsee Leon CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Marsee Merle CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Marsh C 1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Marsh Chris 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 208 Marsh F Est 1895 sec 31 32 in Who’s Who Marshall Donald CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Marshall Harold St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Marshall Janice CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Marshall John St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Marshall Rex in Who's Who Marshall Richard St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Marshall Rose Marie CLHS1962 in Who's Who Marshall Thomas in Who's Who Marshall W in Who's Who Marten Henry 1933 in Who’s Who Martens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Martin Anna Dickgruber 1880 in Who’s Who Martin Dorothy Joyce d 1938 in Who’s Who Martin Henry F 1892 in Who’s Who Martin Matilda 1934 in Who’s Who Martin Mrs map 1859 sec 36 in Who’s Who Martin Stephanie B 1905 2001in Who’s Who Martin Wm 1895 sec 23 in Who’s Who Martin Wm map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Martin D'Ann St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Martin Dave St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Martin Donald WHS 1955 in Who's Who Martin Dooley Carol St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Martin Douglas James Korea 1138 Martin Douglas James Korea in Who's Who Martin family in Who's Who MARTIN FLOYD JR PVT killed in WWII 1138 and in Who's Who Martin Gail Terese in Who's Who Martin Gary St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Martin Glenn St Clement 1956 Deceased in Who's Who Martin Glennon in Who's Who Martin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Martin James in Who's Who Martin Jean St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Martin Joan St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Martin John 35 Martin Joyce WHS 1934 in Who's Who Martin Leonard Veteran World War II 1139 Martin Leonard WHS World War II in Who's Who Martin Mary in Who's Who Martin Richard Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Martin Robert CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Martin St Marvin Korea in Who's Who Martin Sue taught at CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Martin Virginia WHS 1952 in Who's Who MARTIN WAYNE F PVT killed in WWII 1139 and in Who's Who Martin Wilma WHS 1938 in Who's Who Martin-Miller June St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 209 Martin-Peuterbaugh Mildred St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Martindale Donald 173 rd ABN 1139 and in Who's Who Martins Gniletnnes 1885? in Who’s Who Martins Vera 1897 in Who’s Who Martsrg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Martysz Larisa WHS 1957 in Who's Who Martz R map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Martz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Martz-Paye Jenny St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Marvin Arthur St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Marvinz Mary 1938 in Who’s Who Mary Ann d 1870 in Who’s Who Mary Ann old c1880? Who’s Who Marzicola Dominic Korea 1139 and in Who's Who Masarvanb Frances 1929 in Who’s Who Masch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Masel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Masel Vincent WHSchool World War II 1139 and in Who's Who Mash I have info on this family see Old Families Books Masingale Pat Secretary CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Masinick J Bud Veteran U S Navy WWII submariner 1139 Masinick J Bud WHS WWII submariner in Who's Who Mason J map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who Mason 20 32 MASON CASEY P. killed in Iraq age 22 in Who's Who Mason I have info on this family see Old Families Books mason jars 0327-8 Mason Judson C in 1870 pages 35 and in Who’s Who Mason Wilhelm 1884 in Who’s Who Mason Larry WHS 1954 in Who's Who MASON CASEY P PFC 22 killed in Iraq War 1139 Masonic Rd 1949 p 0048 Mass Elmer taught at Busch High School 1949-54 in Who's Who Mass Elmer taught at CLHS 1955-58 in Who's Who mass transit 40 massacre 16, 321 but many more not indexed Masseth Michael WHS 1954 in Who's Who Massey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Massrwank Donald 1929 in Who’s Who Mast I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mastaler Louis S Veteran in Who’s Who Mastalier Tom CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Mastauer Dolores CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Masten Herbert ran the Hotel in 1900 in Who’s Who Masten Herbert 45 Masten I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mastìn Robert Vietnam 1139 and in Who's Who Mastrogiovanni Lawrence Vietnam 1139 and in Who's Who Mataychuck Walter WHS 1938 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 210 Matela Anthony 1931 in Who’s Who Matela Cheryl Schnoblen St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Materazzi Aldo Korea 1139 and in Who's Who MATHER ERVIN L CAPT killed in WWII 1139 and in Who's Who Mathews Henrietta Boudreau St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Mathews Billie CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Mathews Jean Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Mathews Leo long time scouter in Center Line in Who's Who Mathias 1854 in Who’s Who Mathias Miller general store map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Mathias 1854 in Who's Who Mathias Miller general store 1800s in Who's Who Mathice Burg in Who’s Who Mathis Dolores St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Mathwews J I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mathys John M Veteran U S Army 1139 Mathys John M WHS U S Army in Who's Who Matila Anthony 1931 in Who’s Who Matiland I have info on this family see Old Families Books Matoshko Thelma in Who's Who Matre I have info on this family see Old Families Books Matthews Dean CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Matthews Joachim Macomb County Sheriff 1907-1910 in Who's Who Matton Gregg Vietnam USMC 1965 1139 Matton Gregg Vietnam USMC 1965 in Who's Who Mattson Marianne at CLHS 1957-58 in Who's Who Matzzes Nicholas 1933 in Who’s Who Maul I have info on this family see Old Families Books Maulburg J 1895 sec 15 in Who’s Who Mault William Vietnam 1139 Mault William Vietnam in Who's Who Mauraeh Louise Mary 1940 in Who’s Who Maurer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Maurus Karen CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Mavion Frances 1929 in Who’s Who Max E I have info on this family see Old Families Books Maxim Nicholas CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Maxwell Carol CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Maxwell Gerald CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Maxwell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Maxwell Jim Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Maxwell Lois Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Maxwell Street in Who's Who MAXWELL WILLIAM J PFC killed in WWII 1139 and in Who's Who May Larry Vietnam 1139 and in Who's Who Mayer William J Veteran in Who’s Who Mayer I have info on this family see Old Families Books MAYER SEYMOUR PFC killed in WWII 1139 and in Who's Who Mayernik George St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 211 Mayernik John St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Mayernik Joseph in Who's Who Maynerd I have info on this family see Old Families Books Maynor Jewell Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Mayo H T 1943 1946 1139 and in Who's Who mayors 414-428 Mazalouskas Charles A Korea U S Navy 1139 and in Who's Who Maze Kenneth CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Mazrarue I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mazur Chester W Veteran in Who’s Who Mazur Charlotte CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Mazurkiewicz Nancy CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Mazza Carolyn St Clement 1962 in Who's Who McAdams Skip Fire Commissioner in Who's Who McAffey Anna Harism Kalts 26 Jun 1883 in Who’s Who Mcaffrey Joannis McCaffrey in Who’s Who McAleer Rosemarie CLHS 1959 in Who's Who McAlister Dora Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Mcallen Edward C Capt Killed In Wwii 1139 And In Who's Who McAlpine Kenneth in Who's Who McAlpine Wayne Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who McArdie Shirley St Clement 1951 in Who's Who McArdle-McMahon Adele St Clement 1947 in Who's Who McArdle-Shamie Dolores St Clement 1950 Deceased in Who's Who McArter Hilda in Who's Who McArter Robert WHS 1951 in Who's Who McArthur C D WWII U S Navy1140 and in Who's Who McArthur Chuck Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who McBain Ann in Who's Who Mcball I have info on this family see Old Families Books McBane I have info on this family see Old Families Books McBride Mrs W 1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who McBroom Ed in Who's Who MCC 0076, 0508 McCaffre Anna 1866 in Who’s Who McCaffrey Franciscan Kaltz May 1878 in Who’s Who McCaffrey Gertrude 1846 1922 in Who’s Who McCaffrey Hwlena 1857 in Who’s Who McCaffrey Joannis 1868 in Who’s Who McCaffrey I have info on this family see Old Families Books McCaffrey Paul in Who's Who McCaffrie map 1859 sec 21 in Who’s Who McCaffry I have info on this family see Old Families Books McCahan Birgitta 1866 in Who’s Who McCall I have info on this family see Old Families Books McCalley Mrs map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who McCann Michael Korea 1140 and in Who's Who McCann Sean in Who's Who McCanulay I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 212 McCanulay Kathren 35 McCanulay Kathren age 21 in 1900 school teacher in Who’s Who McCarthy Marga 1866 in Who’s Who Mccarthy James in Who's Who McCarthy Jim Korea 1140 and in Who's Who McCartney Marilynn Teacher WHS 1954 55 in Who's Who Mccarty John 19 MCCARTY JOHN 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who McCarty R map1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who McCarty T map 1859 sec 22 23 in Who’s Who McCarty W 1895 sec 22 in Who’s Who McCarty I have info on this family see Old Families Books McCauley Jerry U. S. Army Korea 1140 and in Who's Who McClain Robert WHS 1954 in Who's Who McCleary John Vietnam 1140 and in Who's Who Mcclellan Donald Pvt Army Killed In Korea 1139 And In Who's Who McClellan Thomas in Who's Who MCCLOUD JOSEPH Trane MAJ 39 killed in Iraq 1140 and in Who's Who Mccolley Max W Sgt Killed In Wwii 1139 And In Who's Who McCollum James WHS 1955 in Who's Who McConnell Doreen WHS 1953 in Who's Who MCCONNELL JAMES Medal of Honor 1140 and in Who's Who McConnell James WHS 1952 in Who's Who McConnell Robert in Who's Who McCormick Jay St Clement 1959 in Who's Who McCornack Gene Veteran World War II 1140 McCornack Gene WHS World War II in Who's Who McCown Harry Vietnam 1140 McCown Harry Vietnam in Who's Who McCoy John map 1875 sec 8 in Who’s Who McCoy I have info on this family see Old Families Books MCCOY GREGORY W. G. STAFF SGT 26 killed in IraqWar 1140 and in Who's Who McCuen George WHS World War II 1140 and in Who's Who McCulloch I have info on this family see Old Families Books McCullough Michael in Who’s Who MCCUNE DONALD R SPC age 20 killed in Iraq 1140 and in Who's Who McCur V I have info on this family see Old Families Books McDonald's 0488 McDonell I have info on this family see Old Families Books McDonnell Beatty Joan St Clement 1961 in Who's Who McDonnell John St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Mcdonough Maureen in Who's Who McDouell I have info on this family see Old Families Books McDowell E 1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who McDowell E map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who McDowell I have info on this family see Old Families Books McEntee Pat WHS 1956 in Who's Who McEueu Marian 1885in Who’s Who McFall J map 1859 sec 2 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 213 McFall Jas map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who MCFALL DANIEL Medal of Honor Civil War 1140 and in Who's Who Mcfall I have info on this family see Old Families Books McFarland Thomas WHS U S Army Vietnam 1140 and in Who's Who McGahan Tomas 1864 in Who’s Who McGarey Elwood in Who's Who Mcgartland Charles Pfc Killed In Wwii 1139 And In Who's Who McGeath I have info on this family see Old Families Books McGehee Paul WHS 1938 in Who's Who MCGEOGH HOLLY J. PFC age 19 killed in Iraq 1140 and in Who's Who McGhee Robert WHS 1934 in Who's Who Mcgill I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mcgilliway I have info on this family see Old Families Books McGinnis Amy CLHS 1959 in Who's Who McGinnis Merle Ann CLHS 1955 in Who's Who McGinnis Rita Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who McGiuyn I have info on this family see Old Families Books McGlinchey Edward St Clement 1960 in Who's Who McGlinchey Patrick St Clement 1964 in Who's Who McGlinchey-DeShetler Maureen St Clement 1966 in Who's Who McGllure Carol Teacher WHS 1954 55 in Who's Who McGoldrick Fr in Who's Who McGolrick 1859 in Who’s Who McGor Couldrie d1859 in Who’s Who McGosh Betsey Teacher WHS 1952 in Who's Who MCGOVRAN JOHN 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who Mcgovran John 19 McGrath Jos map 1859 sec 15 in Who’s Who McGrath Jos map 1875 sec 5 in Who’s Who McGrath 33 McGrath Drive in Who's Who McGrath Mary WHS 1957 in Who's Who McGrath Park in Who's Who McGregor Helen WHS 1954 in Who's Who McGregor Robert Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who McGregor Shirley in Who's Who McGroarty Thomas Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who McGuyr I have info on this family see Old Families Books MCHALE ALEX Medal of Honor Civil War 1140 and in Who's Who McIneoseq Stephia 1941in Who’s Who McInerney Mary Ann in Who’s Who McInerney T d 20 Mar 1879 in Who’s Who McInerney Bonnie in Who's Who McInnis Alexander Macomb County Sheriff 1903-1904 in Who's Who McIntosh Sharon De Lamielleure St Clement 1956 in Who's Who McIntosh Donald in Who's Who McIntosh Pat WHS 1953 in Who's Who McKay Ed in Who's Who McKay Elzora (Campbell) Busch High School 1942 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 214 McKay Jack CLHS 1955 in Who's Who McKay Roger CLHS 1957 in Who's Who McKeighan Class sponsor Warren Schools 8th grade 1938 in Who's Who McKeighan Lucia teacher Warren Public Schools 1934 in Who's Who McKenzie John CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Mckeon Ira W Pvt Killed In Wwii 1139 And In Who's Who McKeown Janet CLHS 1960 in Who's Who McKeown Joann CLHS 1960 in Who's Who McKerchie Darlene F CLHS 1962 in Who's Who McKinney Gary in Who's Who McKinnon Audrey St Clement 1954 in Who's Who McKinnon Betty Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Mckinnon Jack R Pvt Killed In Wwii 1140 And In Who's Who McKinnon Margaret Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who McKinnon Mary St Clement 1962 in Who's Who McKinnon Patricia St Clement 1966 in Who's Who McKjoen Olaveri Petrsti 1869 in Who’s Who McKnight Jim in Who's Who McKnight Patrick Vietnam 1140 McKnight Patrick Vietnam in Who's Who Mclachlad I have info on this family see Old Families Books McLachlan Marjorie CLHS 1960 in Who's Who McLaughlin Irene Dougherty St Clement 1960 in Who's Who McLaughlin Alice St Clement 1954 in Who's Who McLaughlin Edward in Who's Who McLaughlin Carol Caramagera St Clement 1962 in Who's Who McLaughlin Madeleine Hemmingsen St Clement 1958 in Who's Who McLearen Clarence Korea 1140 McLearen Clarence Korea in Who's Who McLearer C J Veteran U S Army Korean War 1140 McLearer C J WHS U S Army Korea in Who's Who McLeod Ivan Center Line Fire Chief 1944 in Who's Who McMacken Joseph St Clement 1943 in Who's Who McManon Douglas CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Mcmillan Charles H Sgt Killed In Wwii 1140 And In Who's Who Mcmillan Donald C Pfc Killed In Wwii 1140 And In Who's Who McMillen I have info on this family see Old Families Books McMillin Tom in Who's Who McMullen Patricia 1930 in Who’s Who McMullen Dennis CLHS 1959 in Who's Who McMullen I have info on this family see Old Families Books McNeil Deborah in Who's Who McQuade Ronald CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Mcquillan Karen St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Mcrae Dick & Dorris Busch High School 1944 in Who's Who McReavy Jeanne CLHS 1958 in Who's Who McReavy Joann CLHS 1960 in Who's Who McReavy John Alan CLHS 1962 in Who's Who McReynolds I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 215 McTavish Lois WHS 1952 in Who's Who McTavish Robert WHS 1953 in Who's Who McTnerny Bridgett Herns 10 Aug 1881 in Who’s Who Mcvicar James A Msg Killed In Wwii 1140 And In Who's Who McVierng Laffer Cornelius Dec 1870 in Who’s Who ME Church 0224 Meadows Gerry WHS 1956 in Who's Who Meadows Mark S. in Who's Who Meagziovz Joannis 1888 in Who’s Who Mealka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meanda I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meares Thomas Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Mearia Anna Mouller in Who’s Who Mears Louis Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Mearschaert Marvin St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Measel A 1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Measel Arnold 1940 in Who’s Who Measel C 1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Measel D Est 1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Measel J Est 1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Measel J J map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Measel L 1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Measel Louis 1895 sec 23 in Who’s Who Measel Daniel Warren Justice 1904 in Who's Who Measel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Measle A map 1859 sec 35 in Who’s Who Measle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meazel A map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Meazel D map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Meazel Dan'l map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Meazel Jacob map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Meazel John map 1875 sec 13 35 in Who’s Who Meazel L map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Meazel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mecier Joan St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Meckler J map 1875 sec 8 in Who’s Who Meckler John 1823 1891? in Who’s Who Meckler John Est 1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Meckler Maria 1819 1895 wife of Johnin Who’s Who Meckler Maria Cuthanua 1895 in Who’s Who Medal I have info on this family see Old Families Books Medal of Honor 0028 Mede I have info on this family see Old Families Books media other 392-4 medical care lack of 0068 medicine 0025 MEDLEY FRED JR PVT ARMY killed in Korean War 1140 and in Who's Who Medlin Ted CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Meduvsky Joseph Veteran in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 216 Meduvsky A CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Meduvsky Anthony was CLFD in 1963-66. in Who's Who Meduvsky Edward St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Meek I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meekhof Arlan B in Who's Who Meekler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meera L map 1875 sec 5 7 in Who’s Who Mefaet I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mefford Dennis WHS 1954 in Who's Who Megan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Megce George j Veteran in Who’s Who Megge-Dunlop Sue St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Megge-Weinand Carol St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Megiss I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mehall Andrew J in Who's Who Mehnert A 1895 sec 14 in Who’s Who Mehnert C 1895 sec 9 14 in Who’s Who Meich I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meier Esther Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Meier Harold CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Meilc I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meimins I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meinychenko Daniel J Korea 1141 Meinychenko Daniel J Korea in Who's Who Meiren I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meirow I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meirow Verne WHS 1954 in Who's Who Meirsel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meizo I have info on this family see Old Families Books MEJIA II BOBBY PVT KILLED IN IRAQ 1141 and in Who's Who Mekles I have info on this family see Old Families Books Melcher I have info on this family see Old Families Books Melchoir Orton in Who's Who MELDRON MILO A TEC5 killed in WWII 1141 and in Who's Who Melg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Melinda Moore in Who's Who Melkie A 1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Melkie August 1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who Mell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mellburg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Melling Madeline St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Mellmam I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mellman C 1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Mellman William Warren Justice 1913 + in Who's Who Mellon Barbara WHS 1956 in Who's Who Melnychenko Daniel Veteran in Who's Who Melnyk William War veteran 1141 and in Who's Who Melong I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 217 Melsens Alphonse W Veteran in Who’s Who Melton Donny Veteran WHS U S Army Korean War 1141 and in Who's Who Meltzer Erma in Who's Who Mende August 1895 sec 31 in Who’s Who Mende F map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who Mende J map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who Mende John 1895 sec 31 32 in Who’s Who Mende L map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who Mende Louis 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Menge Phillip G 1934 in Who’s Who Menge Donald St Clement 1936 in Who's Who Menge I have info on this family see Old Families Books Menge Phil in Who's Who MENGE RICHARD W CPL World War II 580, 1141 and in Who's Who Mennell AnnaB 1906 in Who’s Who Mennell Geongins 1895 in Who’s Who Mennert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mente I have info on this family see Old Families Books MENTER JOHN Medal of Honor Civil War 1141 and in Who's Who Mepenore I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mepert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mera Louis 1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Mera I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mercer Leon Korea 1141 Mercer Leon Korea in Who's Who merchants 1800s page 0032 Mercier Bernard 1940 in Who’s Who Mercier Marcell St Clement 1936 in Who's Who Mercurio Maurice WHS 1954 in Who's Who Meredith Barbara Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Meredith John in Who's Who Meredith Suzanne Treasurer CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Merer M I have info on this family see Old Families Books Merher I have info on this family see Old Families Books Merile Fred Veteran U S Army 61-64 1141 Merile Fred WHS U S Army 61-64 in Who's Who MERK JOHN L JR CPL killed in WWII 1141 and in Who's Who Merker Maria Anna in Who’s Who Merkler Bob Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Meron I have info on this family see Old Families Books Merta I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mertens Anna b 1861 d 1880 in Who’s Who Mertens Elisabetha 1890 in Who’s Who Mertens Elisebeth b 1823 d 1890 in Who’s Who Mertens John 1858 1942 in Who’s Who Mertens Mary 1865 1914 in Who’s Who Mertens Wilhelm b 1822 d 1885in Who’s Mertz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mertz Marjorie President WHS 1935 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 218 Meseroy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mesmore S map 1875 sec 3 in Who’s Who MesMore I have info on this family see Old Families Books Messens Mark in Who's Who MESSER CHRISTOPHER P SGT 28 killed in Iraq 1141 and in Who's Who Messina Tania WHS 1952 in Who's Who Messman Magdalen St Clement 1935 in Who's Who Metalski Walter Veteran in Who’s Who Methodist Church 5 0241, 245 Metler J 1895 sec 27 in Who’s Who Metre I have info on this family see Old Families Books Metro J Est 1895 sec 5 Metro Joseph Priv K 8 MI Inf. in Who’s Who Metro I have info on this family see Old Families Books Metro Joseph 33 METRO JOSEPH PRIV Civil War K 8 MI Inf 1141 and in Who's Who Mette I have info on this family see Old Families Books Metter Christina 1850 1935 in Who’s Who Metter Christine 1935 in Who’s Who Metter infant Edw Joseph 1914 in Who’s Who Metter J 1895 sec 26 in Who’s Who Metter Joseph 1853 1942 in Who’s Who Metter Peter 1877 1962 in Who’s Who Metter Elizabeth St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Metter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Metter Joseph early settler in Who's Who Metz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Metz Michael in Who's Who Metzgar I have info on this family see Old Families Books Metzker N Est 1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Metzzer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meuere franciscan Kalts 1881 in Who’s Who Meuffels Henry in Who's Who Meumine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meurer Kannes 1857 in Who’s Who Meurer Mathei 1862 in Who’s Who Meurern Josephus Eduardus 1888 in Who’s Who Meyer Joseph 1850 1936 in Who’s Who Meyer Alfred Jacob 1895 1971 Veteran in Who’s Who Meyer Anna Marie 1805 1883 wife of Johnin Who’s Who Meyer Gertrude 1850 1926 in Who’s Who Meyer J 1895 sec 22 in Who’s Who Meyer John 1800 1857in Who’s Who Meyer John A 1890 1918 Co l 168 US Inf in Who’s Who Meyer Jos map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Meyer Jos. in Who’s Who Meyer Joseph John 1936 in Who’s Who Meyer Joseph 1895 sec 22 in Who’s Who Meyer Mathias 1839 1862 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 219 MEYER JOHN A. of Warren Killed in action in France 1141 and in Who's Who Meyer Alex in Who's Who Meyer David St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Meyer I have info on this family see Old Families Books MEYER JASON Michael PFC age 23 KILLED IN IRAQ 1141 and in Who's Who Meyer Jos. early settler in Who's Who Meyers Dolores in Who's Who Meyers Evelyn CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Meyers I have info on this family see Old Families Books Meyers Joanne Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Meyers John St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Meyers Marlene Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Meyka Frederick Veteran World War II 1141 Meyka Frederick WHS World War II in Who's Who Mezza Louis S WWII 102D INF Div in Who's Who Mezza Louis SSGT T4 WWII 1141 Mezzone James E Korea 1141 and in Who's Who Miad I have info on this family see Old Families Books Micaulski Joseph F in Who's Who Mich Metal Fabricators 0364 Michaelni Halm? 1869 in Who’s Who Michaels Claudia St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Michaels Edward J in Who's Who Michaels I have info on this family see Old Families Books Michalczak-Charbeneau Kathleen in Who's Who Michalski Ralf Veteran in Who’s Who MICHALSKI HENRY J PFC killed in WWII 1141 and in Who's Who Michaud Philip Vietnam 1141 and in Who's Who Michels Eugene Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Michenbelder I have info on this family see Old Families Books Michenfelder A 1895 sec 10 in Who’s Who Michigan became state 26 71 Michigan State Fair 149-156 Michigan State Fair Color 0149 Michon Christine St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Michon Gerald St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Michrina John B in Who's Who MICKS JOSEPH P SPC age 22 Killed In Iraq 1141 and in Who's Who MICOFF GEORGE N PVT killed in WWII 1141 and in Who's Who Middleton I have info on this family see Old Families Books Midsil I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mieczko Casmir CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Miekowski Daniel Vietnam 1141 Miekowski Daniel Vietnam in Who's Who Mielewski Arthur W Veteran in Who’s Who Mielke C map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Mielke Anthony St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Mienoto I have info on this family see Old Families Books Miersshaich Azelerr Paul 1937 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 220 Miesel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mietke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mieurer Joannis 1862 in Who’s Who Migas 0491 Migdalski Stephen V. WHS World War II 1141 and in Who's Who Miger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mihelich John CLFD in1969, 1970 in Who's Who Mikiel Barbara Cpt veteran 1141 and in Who's Who Mikiel Vincent LTC veteran 1141 and in Who's Who MIKLOVICH LEONARD CPL Army Killed in Korean War 1141 and in Who's Who Mikolowdki Larry WHS 1957 in Who's Who Mikolowski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mikolowski Rose WHS 1956 in Who's Who Mikosz James St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Mikozs Kathleen St Clement 1962 in Who's Who MILAM JAMES T CAPT ARMY Killed in Korean 1141 and in Who's Who Milana Germaine in Who's Who Milburg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Milchuck Loretta Bialecki St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Milchuck Mary Ann St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Milczarski Edward A Korea 1141 Milczarski Edward A Korea in Who's Who Mileolowski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Miles William 19 MILES WILLIAM S 5/1/1838 in Who’s Who Miles Gerry in Who's Who Miles I have info on this family see Old Families Books Milewski Henry CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Milewski James St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Milienhovi Violet 1932 in Who’s Who Military Comm Act 0067 milk hot 0009, milk pail 0433, milk producing 0368, milk transfer 0583 milk truck 0072, 94 Milke Dennis CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Milke I have info on this family see Old Families Books milking cow 0009, 0216 Millar J map 1859 sec 15 in Who’s Who Millburg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Millbury I have info on this family see Old Families Books Millen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Millenchamp John severely wounded in Viet Nam in Who's Who Milleo Mary 1930 in Who’s Who Miller A 1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Miller A map 1875 sec 8 15 32 in Who’s Who Miller Adda 1877 1908 in Who’s Who Miller Amelia H 1879 1952 in Who’s Who Miller Anna Cath 1902 in Who’s Who Miller Anna K Theut b 1829 in Who’s Who Miller Anton d1878 a76 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 221 Miller Antonius 1906 Miller August in 1900 in Who’s Who Miller Al Korea U S Army 1141 and in Who's Who Miller Art Jr in Who's Who Miller Art M SSGT U S Army Bronze Star 1142 Miller Arthur J Sr in Who's Who Miller Arthur Jr. Warren Mayor in Who's Who Miller Arthur St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Miller August 45 Miller Barbara 1901 in Who’s Who Miller Bernice in Who's Who Miller Burnet 19 MILLER BURNET 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Miller C 1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Miller Catherine 1930 in Who’s Who Miller Catherine d 1882 wife of James Lefevre in Who’s Who Miller Catherine sister 1881 1923 in Who’s Who Miller Catherine w of Charles 1882 in Who’s Who Miller Elizabeth 1843 1917 born Nevgebauer in Who’s Who Miller Elizabeth 1917 in Who’s Who Miller Eloera 1931 in Who’s Who Miller C M USAF Airman 1948-1952 1142 and in Who's Who Miller Cafe wagons 0351 Miller Catherine Miss in Who's Who Miller Charlotte St Clement 1931 in Who's Who MILLER DENNIS J. JR PFC 21 killed in Iraq War 1142 and in Who's Who MILLER DONALD C CPL ARMY Killed in Korea 1142 and in Who's Who Miller Donna Hachenski St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Miller Edna in Who's Who Miller Eugene St Clement 1945 in Who's Who MILLER EUGENE STUART Capt Army Vietnam Hostile Killed 1142 and in Who's Who Miller Frances J 38 Miller Frances J in 1900 merchant in Who’s Who Miller Henry W 1895 sec 20 in Who’s Who Miller Howard Clement 1900 in Who’s Who Miller infano Sefaliri 1896 in Who’s Who Miller Infant Arthur 1940 in Who’s Who Miller infant of Jos 1931 in Who’s Who Miller J map 1875 sec 13 32 in Who’s Who Miller Jacob 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Miller Jacob 1940 in Who’s Who Miller Jacobis 1896 in Who’s Who Miller James Hampton 1941 in Who’s Who Miller Jana Marie 1941 in Who’s Who Miller Joanna 1905 in Who’s Who Miller Joannnis 1893 in Who’s Who Miller Johanna 1835 1905 in Who’s Who Miller John 1895 sec 4 in Who’s Who Miller Jonumis 1892 in Who’s Who Miller Jos map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 222 Miller Josepf scc1854 in Who’s Who Miller Joseph 1825 1908 in Who’s Who Miller Joseph 1939 in Who’s Who Miller Joseph b 1824 d 1908 in Who’s Who Miller Joseph Sr 1895 sec 22 in Who’s Who Miller Lavina 1939 in Who’s Who Miller Leo 1897 in Who’s Who Miller Francis in Who's Who Miller Fred in Who's Who Miller George M PVT World War II 1142 and in Who's Who Miller Gerald CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Miller Gus tavern in Who's Who Miller H Board of Supervisors Center Line 1936-1943 in Who's Who Miller H W superintendent Busch High School 1932+ in Who's Who Miller Harry Superintendent CLPS1930+ in Who's Who Miller Harvey St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Miller Henry in Who's Who Miller I have info on this family see Old Families Books Miller James L PVT World War II 1142 and in Who's Who Miller Joe WHS Veteran U S Army World War 1 1142 and in Who's Who Miller Josepf in Who's Who Miller Kathleen St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Miller Kathy St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Miller Kendall Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who Miller Lou WWII U S Navy 1142 and in Who's Who MILLER LOWELL T. II Capt 35 killed in Iraq War 1142 and Who's Who Miller M 1895 sec 2 22 28 32 in Who’s Who Miller M map 1875 sec 10 11 22 in Who’s Who Miller Marganta 1895 in Who’s Who Miller Margaret w of Peter 1835 1907 in Who’s Who Miller Maria 1897 in Who’s Who Miller Marian Anna Sporenger 1879 in Who’s Who Miller Mathias 1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Miller Mathias 1836 1906 in Who’s Who Miller Mathias 1906 in Who’s Who Miller Miss Catherine in Who’s Who Miller Mrs map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who Miller Mrs map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Miller Neuoies 1896 in Who’s Who Miller P 1895 sec 10 in Who’s Who Miller P K map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Miller P map 1859 sec 21 in Who’s Who Miller P map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Miller P.K map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Miller Peter 1895 sec 10 15 in Who’s Who Miller Peter 1827 1898 in Who’s Who Miller Peter 1938 in Who’s Who Miller Petrus Sr 1898 in Who’s Who Miller R 1895 sec 22 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 223 Miller Richard E Veteran in Who’s Who Miller Robert A 1871 1932 Miller Robert A in 1900 in Who’s Who Miller Robert A 1932 257 in Who’s Who Miller Rosa Virginia 1914 in Who’s Who Miller Rosann Henrie 1882 in Who’s Who Miller T map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Miller Thomas K Veteran in Who’s Who Miller Victor Eduardus 1886 in Who’s Who Miller Wilhelmina 1938 in Who’s Who Miller Wm 1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Miller Wm map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who Miller Gus in Who’s Who Miller Margaret St Clement 1920 Eighth grade graduation class in Who's Who Miller Mary Doneth St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Miller Mary Jane CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Miller Mary WHS 1955 in Who's Who Miller Mathias in Who 's Who MILLER NICHOLAS A CPL 20 killed in Iraq1142 and in Who's Who Miller Nicklas St Clement 1957 Deceased in Who's Who Miller Pamela Kondziolka St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Miller Park in Who's Who Miller Patricia St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Miller Peck Nancy St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Miller Ralph Frederick CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Miller Richard CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Miller Richard St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Miller Rita Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Miller Rita school custodian Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Miller Robert 45 Miller Robert A 38 Miller Robert B. St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Miller Robert Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Miller Robert C WWII U S Army 1142 and in Who's Who Miller Robert Dennis WHS U S Army Vietnam 1142 and in Who's Who Miller Robert F St Clement 1960 in Who's Who MILLER ART BRONZE STAR WWII in Who's Who Miller Sara Mall St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Miller Schnur Elizabeth St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Miller Sharon Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who MILLER STANLEY J PVT killed in WWII 1142 and in Who's Who Miller Susan St Clement 1955 in Who's Who MILLER THOMAS F SGT ARMY Killed in Korea 1142 and in Who's Who Miller Thomas St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Miller Tom Sp4 U S Army Vietnam 1965-1966 1142 and in Who's Who Miller Watson Mary St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Miller William Warren Justice 1940 in Who's Who Miller's Cafe 0040 Millers 36 40 Page Twelve Thousand 224 Millichamp David janitor CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Millichamp Elva CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Millichamp Laura Busch High School 1939 in Who's Who Millichamp Leslie CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Milliken William G in Who's Who Millin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Millinchamp John American Hero severely wounded in Vietnam in Who's Who Millir I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mills Douglas R U. S. Army Vietnam 1142 and in Who's Who Mills George Vice President WHS 1938 in Who's Who Mills I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mills Jeanne WHS 1936 in Who's Who Mills Margaret Warren Schools 7th grade 1938 in Who's Who Milne James Korea 1142 and in Who's Who Milne Jim in Who's Who MILNE RUSSELL C PVT killed in WWII 1142 and in Who's Who Mimger J I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mimmick Mrs in Who's Who Minano Joseph in Who's Who Mincel John 1834 1905 in Who’s Who Minch Ester McMullen Korea 1142 Minch Ester McMullen Korea in Who's Who Mind I have info on this family see Old Families Books Minda I have info on this family see Old Families Books Minde I have info on this family see Old Families Books Minek I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mingle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Minick Frances M 1889 1909 wife of A Jin Who’s Who Minick J map 1875 sec 8 in Who’s Who Minick John 1834 1905 in Who’s Who Minick Mary A 1839 1908 wife of John in Who’s Who Minick I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mink I have info on this family see Old Families Books Minkey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Minko Robert Veteran in Who’s Who Minko Geraldine CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Minko Michael in Who's Who Minko Michael St Clement 1962 Deceased in Who's Who Minnel Martha 1881 in Who’s Who Minnick infant 1900 in Who’s Who Minnick J 1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Minnick John 1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Minnick Mrs 1895 sec 23 in Who’s Who Minnick James St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Minnick Maureen Brunton St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Minnick Patrick St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Minns P map 1859 sec 9 in Who’s Who Minns P map 1875 sec 9 in Who’s Who Minns I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 225 Mins P I have info on this family see Old Families Books Minuteman 18, 0112 Miracle Pfc. Joseph A. 22 killed in Afghanistan 1142 and in Who's Who Miramount David CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Mirkila I have info on this family see Old Families Books misc docs 3755-3776 MISIAK NORBERT T SSG killed in WWII 1142 and in Who's Who Misiel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Misterovich William St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Misterovich-Agostine Rosemarie St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Mistlen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mistopolous Peter WWII U S Army 1142 and in Who's Who Mistopulos Chris WHS 1957 in Who's Who Mistopulos Mrs cook WHS 1955 in Who's Who Mitchel Bernice in Who's Who Mitchell Andrew F WHS WWII in Who's Who Mitchell Andrew Veteran World War II 1142 Mitchell Andrew WHS World War II in Who's Who Mitchell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mitchell Max CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Mitchell Nancy St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Mitchell Patricia CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Mitchell Robert Warren Justice 1844 in Who's Who Mitcvhell Andrew F Veteran U S Army WWII 1142 Mitgger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mitsche I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mitten Raymond CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Mitton I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mix Emerson Korea 1142 Mix Emerson Korea in Who's Who Mlichen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mlot Joseph Korea 1142 Mlot Joseph Korea in Who's Who Mnsfeld I have info on this family see Old Families Books Moaiaa Beavoly Ann 1941 in Who’s Who Mobbey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mobley Nancy Ladies Auxiliary VFW Warren in Who's Who Mobley William in Who's Who Moceri Carolyn in Who's Who Moceri Toni in Who's Who Mocey John 34 Mochan John CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Mochler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Moecy John in 1850 blacksmith in Who’s Who Moehser I have info on this family see Old Families Books Moelter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Moerschell Roy U. S. Army WWII 1142 Moerschell Roy U. S. Army WWII in Who's Who Mohler Brenda CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 226 Molan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Molenveld I have info on this family see Old Families Books Molenveld Alice St Clement 1927 in Who's Who Molenveld Herbert St Clement 1928 in Who's Who Moles Rosalie WHS teacher 1946-55 in Who's Who Moleski Joseph St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Moltrup Nancy Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Molun I have info on this family see Old Families Books Momcilovic Barney Veteran World War II 1142 Momcilovic Barney WHS World War II in Who's Who Momrow Carol WHS 1956 in Who's Who Momrow Dorothy staff WHS 1946 in Who's Who Momrow Edward WHS 1950 in Who's Who Momrow Ruth WHS 1956 in Who's Who Monarcha I have info on this family see Old Families Books Moncher Jim Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Moner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mongesh I have info on this family see Old Families Books Monie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Monio I have info on this family see Old Families Books Moniot E map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Monjeot I have info on this family see Old Families Books Monk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Monnialt A map 1859 sec 24 in Who’s Who MONROE Robert Leroy USMC killed in WWII 1142 and in Who's Who Monroe Rita Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Montgomery Alfred Veteran in Who's Who Montgomery George G Veteran U S Navy Vietnam 1142 Montgomery George G WHS Vietnam in Who's Who Montgomery George in Who's Who Montgomery Roy Lee Vietnam 1143 Montgomery Roy Lee Vietnam in Who's Who Montgomery Scott Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1143 Montgomery Scott WHS U S Army Vietnam in Who's Who Montgomery Terry Vietnam 1143 Montgomery Terry Vietnam in Who's Who Monyrt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Moolenaar John in Who's Who Moon Ben Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Moon Ben in Who's Who Moon Jones in Who's Who Mooneyham Clyde in Who's Who Moor William 33 MOOR WILLIAM Civil War in Who's Who Moor William Privt G 16 MI Inf. 3/28/1865 in Who’s Who Moore Jauonde had a repair shop in 1900 in Who’s Who MOORE LEPRELETTE H 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who MOORE REUBEN 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Moore Hienrici 1866 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 227 Moore Wm 1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Moore Leprelette 19 Moore Reuben 19 Moore Barbara WHS 1956 in Who's Who Moore Dayton WHS 1932 in Who's Who Moore Elaine WHS 1936 in Who's Who Moore Emma President Warren Schools 8th grade 1938 in Who's Who Moore Emma Warren Schools 8th grade 1938 in Who's Who Moore Gladys WHS 1936 in Who's Who Moore I have info on this family see Old Families Books Moore Irene in Who's Who Moore Jauonde 45 Moore Jeanette WHS 1934 in Who's Who Moore Mary Jo WHS 1954 in Who's Who Moore Melinda in Who's Who Moore Pat WHS 1935 in Who's Who Moore Percy L. Macomb County Sheriff 1927-1930 in Who's Who Moore Ralph CLHS 1956 in Who's Who MOORE RICHARD C killed in WWII 1143 and in Who's Who Moore Sandra Lee CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Moore Shannon WHS 1957 in Who's Who Moore Store 43, 79, 100, 352, 353, 361 362, 382, 379 Moorhatch Murray Veteran World War II 1143 Moorhatch Murray WHS World War II in Who's Who Mopert Mrs map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Mopert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Morais Edmund St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Morais Mary Ann St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Morais Peter St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Moraiy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Morales Annabella St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Moran Ferd 1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Moran Brian St Clement 1963 in Who's Who MORAN DARREL C killed in WWII 1143 and in Who's Who Moran I have info on this family see Old Families Books Moran Jack St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Moran James St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Moran John CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Moran Susan St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Moran Terrence St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Morang Bernadette WHS 1954 in Who's Who Morang Pauline WHS 1956 in Who's Who Morang George 1930 in Who’s Who Morarig I have info on this family see Old Families Books Morasky Robert WHS 1951 in Who's Who Moravcik Frank CLHS 1962 married Pat in Who's Who Moravian Indians 15 Moravick Rosemary Shaeffer St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Morawski Art WWII U S Navy BM2C 1143 Page Twelve Thousand 228 Morawski Art WWII U S Navy BM2C in Who's Who Mordehoff Franciscun Kohler 1883 in Who’s Who More I have info on this family see Old Families Books More S Warren Businesses 0363 More Warren Union Stones 3200More J map 1859 sec 13 in Who’s Who More Lucy Agnes 1931 in Who’s Who More Oliver map 1875 sec 13 in Who’s Who Morean Cambus 1904 in Who’s Who Morehart Donald CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Morehead Elsie Busch High School 1946 in Who's Who Morehead I have info on this family see Old Families Books Morehead Joanne Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Morehead Joyce Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Moreheade I have info on this family see Old Families Books Morgan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Morgan Ronald A Korea 1143 Morgan Ronald A Korea in Who's Who MORGAN VERN A Killed in Korea 1143 and in Who's Who Morian Carolyn CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Morian Elaine CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Morian I have info on this family see Old Families Books Morian Anna 1854 1927 in Who’s Who Morian Anthony C 1933 in Who’s Who Morian Catherine 1885 1906 in Who’s Who Morian Ferdinand 1850 1922 in Who’s Who Morian Gerdinand? 1850 1922 in Who’s Who Morian Martin son F A & E in Who’s Who Moriarity-Stanziola Cheryl St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Moriarty Lynn Rajter St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Moriarty Cheryl Stanziola St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Moriau I have info on this family see Old Families Books Morin Ronald St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Moritz John CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Moritz Rosalie CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Morony William 19 MORONY WILLIAM 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Morosky Carolyn WHS 1955 in Who's Who Moroz Cass F Korean veteran 1143 Moroz Cass F Korean veteran in Who's Who MORR ALLAN A. AGE 21 killed in Iraq 1143 and in Who's Who Morrell Fred CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Morris Victor 1914 in Who’s Who Morris Evelyn Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Morris I have info on this family see Old Families Books Morris John CLHS 1961 in Who's Who MORRIS BRIAN L STAFF Sgt 38 Killed In Iraq 1143 and in Who's Who Morrison Carol CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Morrison David CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 229 Morrison James Vice President CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Morrow I have info on this family see Old Families Books Morrow Jim Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who MORSE BENJAMIN Medal of Honor Civil War 1143 and in Who's Who Morsis I have info on this family see Old Families Books mortality infant 8, 2002-2010 Mortier Mary WHS 1953 in Who's Who Mos I have info on this family see Old Families Books Moser J map1859 sec 28 in Who’s Who Moses Edgar Warren Justice 1936 in Who's Who Mosha I have info on this family see Old Families Books Moss Ark Warren Justice 1940 1947-48 in Who's Who Moss Charles in Who's Who Mostek Joseph St Clement 1927 in Who's Who Mosue I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mother Theresa 1862 1927 in Who’s Who Motier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Motke Aug 1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who MOTLEY TODD A. Age 23 Killed In Iraq 1143 and in Who's Who Motor City Speedway 63, 79, 100 Motor City Theater 70, 95, 96 Mott I have info on this family see Old Families Books Motter Frabllan? Verhoeven Aug 1877 in Who’s Who Motter Hariann Nov 1873 in Who’s Who Motz Gordon in Who's Who Motz Gordon taught at Busch High School in Who's Who Motz Jerry Thomas CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Mouerce I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mouhot Cheryl in Who's Who Mouilleseaux Pvt killed in WWII 1143 and in Who's Who Mouller Mearia Anna 1858 in Who’s Who Mound hotel stores 0356 Mound stores 0355 Mound Views Ann's Gallery 0379 Mound Vol 2 379-383 Mount Edward H Korea 1143 also in Who's Who Mow Judith Ann CLHS 1959 in Who's Who mower 0192 mower horse drawn 0439 Mowrey A CLFD 1970 in Who's Who MOYER DONALD Medal of Honor Korea 1143 and in Who's Who Moyers Thomas CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Mrchner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mroczkowski Nora B CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Mroz Arthur Veteran in Who’s Who Mroz Robert Michael Veteran in Who’s Who Mrozek Anthony V Veteran in Who’s Who Mrozek Mary Ann CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Mrozek Judith Chaffee St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 230 Mrs Vandsutter saloon in Who's Who Mrs Withoff saloon in Who's Who Mruk Gary Vietnam 1143 Mruk Gary Vietnam in Who's Who Mruk Kenneth Vietnam 1143 Mruk Kenneth Vietnam in Who's Who Mt Calvary 0248 Mu chip 10 73 Mu chip RFID 0010 Muchnij Boris P in Who's Who Mucio I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mudville 0054 Mudville 54 Muellar I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mueller Gerhard Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Mueller I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mueller John WHS 1954 in Who's Who Muidets I have info on this family see Old Families Books Muirhead Bonnie CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Muirhead I have info on this family see Old Families Books Muirhead Robert Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who Muirhead Roberts Busch High School 1939 in Who's Who Muirhead W in Who's Who Muleu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mulke Infant Reahau 1940 in Who’s Who Mullen J Est 1895 sec 34 in Who’s Who Mullen J map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Mullen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mullen Janet WHS 1950 in Who's Who Muller Antoni Baltes Jan 1878 in Who’s Who Muller Catharina Huller 19 Jan 1881 in Who’s Who Muller Catharina Reigenbaurer Aug 1877 in Who’s Who Muller Eduardo 1866 in Who’s Who Muller Gertruda Theut 1882 in Who’s Who Muller Gertruda 1867 in Who’s Who Muller Herbert 1859 in Who’s Who Muller Joannes 1900 in Who’s Who Muller John 1851 1900 in Who’s Who Muller Malburgam 1883 in Who’s Who Muller I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mulleu Carolus M 1906 in Who’s Who Mulleu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mullin John map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Mullin Alfred WHS 1953 in Who's Who Mullin Charles Warren Justice 1905 in Who's Who Mullin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mullin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mullins Joammes 1891 in Who’s Who Mullins I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 231 Mullmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mulonas Cleo Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Mulonas Cleo Vice-President Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Mummr Bathanina 1903 in Who’s Who Munaio I have info on this family see Old Families Books MUNDELL WALTER Medal of Honor Civil War 1143 and in Who's Who Mundrick Leonard M. Vietnam 1143 and in Who's Who Mundrick Leonard St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Muniber I have info on this family see Old Families Books Muniro I have info on this family see Old Families Books Munlis I have info on this family see Old Families Books MUNN DONALD L.II AGE 25 KILLED IN IRAQ 1143 and in Who's Who Munro I have info on this family see Old Families Books Munro Jack Warren Justice 1941 in Who's Who Munto I have info on this family see Old Families Books Muophy Alice 1941 in Who’s Who Murawski Richard B Veteran in Who’s Who Murdock Millie in Who's Who Murpheuls I have info on this family see Old Families Books Murphy Anna 1860 in Who’s Who Murphy Bngtta 1894 in Who’s Who Murphy Catherina 1868 in Who’s Who Murphy Charlotte 1883 1858 in Who’s Who Murphy Humphrey 1823 1901 in Who’s Who Murphy Humphrey 1828 1901 in Who’s Who Murphy Humphry 1901 in Who’s Who Murphy John S Veteran US Army 1961-1963 in Who’s Who Murphy Joseph C 1871 1955 in Who’s Who Murphy Josephine 1878 1906 wife of Joseph C in Who’s Who Murphy Jsephuia S 1906 in Who’s Who Murphy Margaret 1833 1902 in Who’s Who Murphy Margarsta 1901 in Who’s Who Murphy Norsis Gulielnnn? 1890 in Who’s Who Murphy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Murphy James in Who's Who Murphy James in Who's Who Murphy James Veteran U S Navy WWII 1143 Murphy James WHS U S Navy WWII in Who's Who Murphy Mary St Clement 1927 in Who's Who MURPHY ROBERT G killed in WWII 1143 and in Who's Who Murray James R 1927 1996 in Who’s Who Murray Josephina Elizabetha 1887 in Who’s Who Murray Margaritium Feb 1879 in Who’s Who Murray T E Rev 1902 1974 in Who’s Who Murray I have info on this family see Old Families Books Murray James WHS 1938 in Who's Who Murray Marjorie in Who's Who Murray T E in Who's Who Murray Timothy Edward in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 232 Murray William Busch High School 1941 in Who's Who Murrey M E map 1859 sec 6 in Who’s Who Murrey Obadiah 19 MURREY OBADIAH 8/3/1839 in Who’s Who Murry I have info on this family see Old Families Books Murry Obadiak 18 Murry Rita St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Murser I have info on this family see Old Families Books Murtham I have info on this family see Old Families Books Murthum William in 1880 hunter in Who’s Who Murthum 0540 Murthum Barn & house 0207 Murthum family in Who's Who Murthum House in Who's Who Murthum I have info on this family see Old Families Books Murthum Street in Who's Who Murthum William 35 91 Murthums 0071 Murtin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Musekong I have info on this family see Old Families Books Musfeldt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Music Gary Vietnam 1143 Music Gary Vietnam in Who's Who music Vol 2 313 314 Musick Patsy CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Mussei W map 1859 sec 27 in Who’s Who Musser James Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Musser Martin Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Mustahler Thomas CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Musterfeldt H map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who Musthaler Margaret CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Muxlow Paul in Who's Who Muzzin James Veteran U S Navy 1143 Muzzin James WHS U S Navy in Who's Who Myaer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Myer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Myers Ann Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Myers Mike in Who's Who Myers Ralph Korea 1143 Myers Ralph Korea in Who's Who Myers Audrey Damore St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Myers Dorothy Mroczkowski St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Myleana I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mynar I have info on this family see Old Families Books Myren I have info on this family see Old Families Books Myres I have info on this family see Old Families Books Myrin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Myser I have info on this family see Old Families Books Mysterious Building 0383 Page Twelve Thousand 233 mysterious building Vol 2 383 mysterious tower on Van Dyke 0060, 202 Myszenski Paul J in Who's Who Nabors Ben in Who's Who NABOZNIAK MYRON RICHARD Vietnam Hostile Killed 1143 and in Who's Who Nabozny Judy CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Nadeau I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nadley Mary Jo WHS 1956 in Who's Who Nadolni I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nadolski Raymond Vietnam 1143 Nadolski Raymond Vietnam in Who's Who Naejaert Jacobus 1903 in Who’s Who Naeyaert Mother Father in Who’s Who Naeyaert Gustave 1861 1946 in Who’s Who Naeyaert Gustavous 1906 in Who’s Who Naeyaert Leonie 1871 1935 in Who’s Who Napolitan S map 1859 sec 12 in Who’s Who Nardi Dolores 1938 in Who’s Who Nash Walter W Veteran in Who’s Who Naughton Ambrose Gerald Veteran in Who’s Who Naughton Donald Richard Veteran in Who’s Who Nayert? infan Manias 1892 143 in Who’s Who Neckler J 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Negabauer Willhelm July 1871 in Who’s Who Nehls Roger H Veteran in Who’s Who Nelson infano Julii 1890 in Who’s Who Nelson Wilmea 1933 in Who’s Who Nett Anna Harian Lenz 1880 in Who’s Who Nett John P 1895 sec 21 in Who’s Who Nettbrodh Michael 1937 in Who’s Who Neugebauer 1871 in Who’s Who Neugebauer Franciscum 1874 in Who’s Who Neugebauer Franzx 1806 1874 in Who’s Who Neugebauer Frau b 1807 d 1871 in Who’s Who Neugebauer wife see hoppe 1808 1871 in Who’s Who Neugebauer William 1817 1871 in Who’s Who Neusins Franciscus 1887 133 in Who’s Who Nevens Roman L Veteran in Who’s Who Neygabauer Franciscan Mar 1871 in Who’s Who Neyrin ? David August Vermusch Feb 1872 in Who’s Who Nichol Romona Isabelle 1929 in Who’s Who Nicholoskie H 1895 sec 31 in Who’s Who Naeyaert Rena CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Nagabower I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nagel Gerard Veteran World War II 1143 Nagel Gerard Veteran World War II in Who's Who Nagel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nagy Dolores Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Nagy Eugene St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 234 Nagy Jack Veteran in Who's Who Nagy Patricia WHS 1955 in Who's Who Naismith Joyce CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Nalazek Marcia in Who's Who Nalette R A WWII U S Army 1922-1998 page 1143 and in Who's Who Nall Mizejewski Linda St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Naming of Warren 0022 Nammer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nantel Setter Doris St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Nantel Henry St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Nantel Janet CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Nantel-Wandeloski Marie St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Nantel-Wiegand Denise St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Napoletano Sr Vincent J Korea 1143 Napoletano Sr Vincent J Korea in Who's Who Napolran I have info on this family see Old Families Books Napolsan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nardi Louis. J. Jr. mayor of Center Line 93 in Who's Who Nardi Roberta St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Nardozzi Eddy WHS 1950 in Who's Who Nardozzi Francis WHS 1951 in Who's Who Narning I have info on this family see Old Families Books Narving I have info on this family see Old Families Books NASH HENRY Medal of Honor Civil War 1144 and in Who's Who Nash Linda CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Natele I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nathan David E. in Who's Who Naumowicz George CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Nauyokas Elaine WHS 1955 in Who's Who NAVE MAJ. KEVIN G. 36 killed in Iraq 1144 and in Who's Who Navin Beverly Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Navin Sandra CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Navin Shirley St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Nawacki J CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Nawacki John CLFD in 1969 in Who's Who Nawrocki James Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Nayaert I have info on this family see Old Families Books NEALEY TROY D. AGE 24 killed in Iraq in Who's Who NEARON ROBERT L killed in World War II in Who's Who Nearon Robert L PFC World War II 1144 Necker Dorothy Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who Necker Paul CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Necker William CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Necker Williams Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who Nedzi Lucien N in Who's Who Neely Bedford Air Corps WWII 1941 in Who's Who Neely Bedford Veteran U S Army Air Corps WWII 1144 Neely Ronald Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Neely Thomas Veteran in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 235 Neely Thomas Veteran U S Army Korean War 1144 Neenay Saved Governor's Life 0598 NEESLEY SGT. PETER C. AGE 28 killed in Iraq 1144 and in Who's Who Neil Diane CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Neil Gerald in Who's Who Neil I have info on this family see Old Families Books Neilson Albert J Veteran U S Army 1144 and in Who's Who Nelson Jacqueling Veteran in Who's Who Nelson John M Korea 1144 and in Who's Who NELSON PFC. ANDREW H. 19 killed in Iraq War 1144 and in Who's Who Nesbitt Aric in Who's Who Nesnerer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nestor John WHS 1954 in Who's Who Nestorowicz Roman in Who's Who Neswold Nancy WHS 1950 in Who's Who Netzloff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Neugebauer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Neumann Janet CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Neumann Lawrence R CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Neumann Robert Arthur CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Newberry Arthur in Who’s Who Newbury I have info on this family see Old Families Books Newby I have info on this family see Old Families Books Newcom Andrew St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Newell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Newland I have info on this family see Old Families Books Newman Daniel St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Newman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Newman Thomas St Clement 1952 in Who's Who newspaper articles 103-112 Newspapers & Articles 3300-81 Newspapers and articles 5 pages start at 3000 Newton Thomas W in Who's Who Niatzy D in Who's Who Nicholas Mitchell Korea 1144 Nicholas Mitchell Korea in Who's Who Nicholas W Paul in Who's Who Nichols Diane CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Nichols Joanne CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Nicholson Fred in Who's Who Nicodime Girtile 45 Nicodime Girtile in 1900 butcher in Who’s Who Nickndem For? Triba 1879 might be Nicodime Girtile in Who’s Who Nicolia C 1895 sec 25 in Who’s Who Niedermiller Mrs map 1875 sec 17 in Who’s Who Nielssel ? Rebertan 1872 in Who’s Who Nilson Rose Ann 1940 in Who’s Who Ninel L map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who Niosear Infant of Elmund 1940 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 236 Noak Mariam 1884 in Who’s Who Noe Robert E Veteran in Who’s Who Noeskie A 1895 sec 25 in Who’s Who Nolace Michaelis 1895 in Who’s Who Nicolson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Niebrzydowski Bob U S Army Korean War 1144 and in Who's Who Niedbala Dennis CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Niedzwiecki Geraldine St Clement 1959 Deceased in Who's Who Niedzwiecki Ronald St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Nielsen James WHS 1952 in Who's Who Nielsen Nancy WHS 1954 in Who's Who NIEMAN MARVIN N killed in World War II in Who's Who Nieman Marvin N SSG World War II 1144 Niemi Peter Veteran World War II 1144 and in Who's Who Niewolak Ann in Who's Who Niewolak Marcelle CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Nihranz Carl Vietnam U S Army 1144 and in Who's Who Niksa Barbara CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Niksa Richard St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Nimsic I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ninter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Niroville I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nitz Kathleen WHS 1953 in Who's Who Nixon Les CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Nizio Henry Korea 1144 Nizio Henry Korea in Who's Who Noble David Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Noel Thomas CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Nofs Mike in Who's Who Noga Barbara CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Noga Robert Arthur CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Nolan William 19 Nolan John early pioneer sec 34 in Who’s Who Nolan M map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Nolan Michaelis 1888 Nolan Michael D in Who’s Who Nolan Patrick early land clearing pioneer in Who’s Who NOLAN WILLIAM 4/10/1837 4/15/1837 in Who’s Who Noname broken stone 18 Dec 1861 1883 in Who’s Who Norris E 1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Norris F A 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Norris J W map 1875 sec 5 in Who’s Who Norris P W Mahala served in Civil War in Who’s Who NOWLAN JAMES 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who NOWLAN JOHN 4/10/1837 10/28/1835 in Who’s Who Jones Northrup early land clearing pioneer d 1841 in Who’s Who Nowak Frank Veteran in Who’s Who Nowinski Norbert John Veteran in Who’s Who Nummer B 1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Nummer B map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 237 Nummer G 1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Nyeste Andrew 1936 in Who’s Who ODONNELL PATRICK 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who O’Dnnell Raymond T Veteran in Who’s Who O’Lear Raymond Veteran in Who’s Who O’Maley Edward J 1934 in Who’s Who Nolan Anne Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Nolan Barbara CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Nolan Ernest St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Nolan Frances in Who's Who Nolan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nolan Jas map 1875 sec 18 in Who’s Who Nolan John 18 Nolan Marjorie in Who's Who Nolan Michael 18 Nolan Patrick 18 Nolan Patrick in Who's Who NOLL CONRAD Medal of Honor Civil War 1144 and in Who's Who Nordquist Adina WHS 1955 in Who's Who NORELL OLIE A killed in World War II in Who's Who Norell Olie A TSC World War II 1144 Norkus Robert Lee USAF served in Vietnam in Who's Who Norman Bonnie CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Normandeau Ilene St Clement 1963 in Who's Who NORRIS CURTIS L. SGT.28 killed in Iraq War 1144 and in Who's Who Norres I have info on this family see Old Families Books Norris I have info on this family see Old Families Books Norris Kelly Korea 1144 Norris Kelly Korea in Who's Who Norris Mahala 33 Norris Ruel CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Norris Susan CLHS 1962 Pontiac in Who's Who North Alvin F PVT World War II 1144 and in Who's Who Northcott Marilyn WHS 1954 in Who's Who Northrup I have info on this family see Old Families Books Northrup J CLFD 1970 in Who's Who NORTON ELLIOTT Medal of Honor Civil War 1144 and in Who's Who NORTON JOHN Medal of Honor Civil War 1144 and in Who's Who notables 1900 0045 notables Center Line 1900 0038 notables listed 1800a page 0032 Nottenkamper Bill CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Novak Cathy in Who's Who Novak Edward Sapporo 1946 Japan 1947veteran 1144 Novak Edward Sapporo 1946 veteran in Who's Who Novak Janet WHS 1953 in Who's Who Novak Lee Busch High School 1944 in Who's Who Novak Steve Army WHS Class of 1946 in Who's Who Novak Theodure Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 238 Novesta I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nowak Walt in Who's Who Nowakowski Adam in Who's Who Nowakowski Dennis in Who's Who Nowicki Lorraine Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Nowicki Theresa Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Nowinski Dennis in Who's Who Nowlan James 19 Nowlan John 19 Nuesing Douglas WHS 1957 in Who's Who Numar I have info on this family see Old Families Books Numas I have info on this family see Old Families Books number of child burials plants 4100 Numeth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nummar I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nummer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Nunnely Bert in Who's Who Nyberg Ann WHS 1953 in Who's Who Nyberg Ida WHS 1951 in Who's Who O CONNOR GARRETT TIMOTHY Vietnam Hostile Killed 1144 and in Who's Who O' Malley Grace St Clement 1936 in Who's Who O' Malley Mary St Clement 1936 in Who's Who Oakes Stacy Erwin in Who's Who Oakwood Station 0029 Obadiak Murry early land clearing pioneer sec 6 in Who’s Who Oberlessen A 1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who O'Connor Thoma Joannas 1863 in Who’s Who O'Banion Elmer CLHS 1957 in Who's Who O'Banion Geraldine CLHS 1956 in Who's Who O'Banion Wayne CLHS 1958 in Who's Who O'Bee Walter in Who's Who Ober I have info on this family see Old Families Books Oberholtzer Bruce WHS 1953 in Who's Who Oberle Lee L. Vietnam 1144 and in Who's Who Oberliesen James St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Oberliesen Kate St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Oberliesen Peter St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Oberliesen Richard St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Oberliesen Susan St Clement 1961 Deceased in Who's Who Oberliesen Thomas St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Oberliesen-Smith Mary St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Obrich I have info on this family see Old Families Books O'Brien Harriet Teacher WHS 1952 in Who's Who O'Brien Margaret E. in Who's Who O'Brien Thomas St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Obrock I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ochbit I have info on this family see Old Families Books O'Connell Nellie St Clement 1959 in Who's Who O'Connell-Grebinski Margaret St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 239 O'Connell-Rotarius Mary St Clement 1961 in Who's Who O'Connor Leon CLHS 1962 Rose City MI in Who's Who O'Connor Michael CWO veteran 1144 O'Connor Michael Veteran in Who's Who O'Connor Michaelis A in Who’s Who Leopold Pawlowski in Who’s Who Odell Adams Wilhelm Apr 1879 in Who’s Who O'Donnell P map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who Oehmke Fred 1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Oehmke W 1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Oemke A map 1875 sec 1 in Who’s Who Oemke F map 1875 sec 1 in Who’s Who Oemke J Est map 1875 sec 1 in Who’s Who Oemke J map 1875 sec 1 in Who’s Who Ofsuiski Antonius 1886 in Who’s Who Ohlert Joseph 1893 in Who’s Who Ohlert Leo husband 1895 1925 in Who’s Who Ohlert Raymond L Veteran in Who’s Who Okonofasky Fraucisci 1895 in Who’s Who Okonoski Franciscan Desgrandchamp 1878 in Who’s Who OKonoski Franciscan Lamp 1880 in Who’s Who Okonosky Apolhon? Mar 1877 in Who’s Who Olard J map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Old Stone too worn to read in Who’s Who Oldstone d 1871in Who’s Who Olear Mary 1938 270 in Who’s Who O'Leary F map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who O'Leary J map 1859 sec 24 in Who’s Who O'Leary J map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Olerh Susanna 1940 in Who’s Who Olert Joseph 1895 sec 2 in Who’s Who Ollenberg? Seicorr 1892 in Who’s Who ONiel Jarimia 1864 in Who’s Who Opeerficius John 1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Operficius F map 1859 sec 36 in Who’s Who Opher F map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Opher Fred 1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who O'Daniels I have info on this family see Old Families Books ODehmeke I have info on this family see Old Families Books O'Dell G in Who's Who O'Dell Rosemary (Goga) Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Odinetz Jacob Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Odonnell Patrick 19 Odonnell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Odren Gary Housing Commission 2008 in Who's Who Oehlirt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Oehmke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Oelmske I have info on this family see Old Families Books Oestrich I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 240 off shoring 0065 off track 0056 officials Vol 3 414-428 Offner Florence St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Ofificius I have info on this family see Old Families Books O'Hare Gerald St Clement 1945 in Who's Who O'Hare Patricia St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Ohelert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ohemack I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ohlert Alfred WHS 1934 in Who's Who Ohlert Alfred WHS 1937 in Who's Who Ohlert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ohlert James WHS 1938 in Who's Who Ohmke I have info on this family see Old Families Books oil lamp 0327, 0334 Okeith I have info on this family see Old Families Books Okonak I have info on this family see Old Families Books Okos Joseph St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Okos Paul St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Okroe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Okros Harry ran Joe Burks Variety store while Joe was sick. in Who's Who Okros Harry St Clement 1959 Deceased in Who's Who Okros John St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Okros Marcia Justice Court Clerk 1961 in Who's Who Okros Paul St Clement 1936 in Who's Who Okros Stephen J in Who's Who Okros Stephen St Clement 1958 Deceased in Who's Who Okros Steve in Who's Who Olaey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Olasy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Old businesses 0052 old camera 0191 Old St Clement 3734 3743 4 Old Time Music 1353-5 Oldenburg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Older Churches pictures 0051 oldest businesses 0085 oldest businesses 99 Oldest Cemetery (Bunert) 0386-89 oldest churches 0049 Oldest Stores 0351 O'Lear Joseph CLFD in Who's Who O'Lear Sgt J CLFD 1970 in Who's Who O'Lear-Hallech Lynne St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Oleary I have info on this family see Old Families Books O'Leary Pat CLHS 1960 in Who's Who O'Leary Peggy CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Olejniczak Rose Ann CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Oleksa Michael C. Vietnam 1144 Page Twelve Thousand 241 Oleksa Michael C. Vietnam in Who's Who Oles Riley in Who's Who Olesen Peter Veteran in Who's Who Oleski Cyril WHS 1956 in Who's Who Olgen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Olin Dick WHS 1950 in Who's Who Olin Donald WHS 1953 in Who's Who Olinske John WHS 1950 in Who's Who Olinski Joan WHS 1951 in Who's Who Oliver J B 1906 in Who's Who Oliver Nancy Secretary CLHS 1959 in Who's Who OLIVER RAY A killed in World War II 1145 and in Who's Who Oliver Sharron CLHS 1961 in Who's Who OLSEN DONALD BRYAN .Vietnam Hostile Killed 1145 and in Who's Who Olshove George Veteran World War II 1145 Olshove George Veteran World War II in Who's Who Olson Rick in Who's Who Olszewski Carole WHS 1957 in Who's Who Olszewski Virginia WHS 1955 in Who's Who Olumba John in Who's Who Olyewski Norbert WHS 1951 in Who's Who Olzewski Dorothy WHS 1950 in Who's Who O'Mara John St Clement 1957 in Who's Who OMARRA JAMES 10/28/1835 in Who’s Who O’Neal Jacob 1865 in Who’s Who O’Neal Jermiah d 1861 a17 in Who’s Who O’Neil Thomas Joseph Veteran in Who’s Who O’Neill Catherine w of Jeremiah d1901 in Who’s Who Oakley Sm'l map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who Omarra James 19 Omelenchuk Jeanne in Who's Who O'Mell Alex CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Omke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ondra Michael CLHS 1962 Rochester MI in Who's Who Ondra Ona Mae CLHS 1960 in Who's Who O'Neal Daniel CLHS 1960 in Who's Who O'Neal Nancy Joan CLHS 1962 Warren in Who's Who O'Neil John in Who's Who O'Neill James G Korea 1144 O'Neill James G Korea in Who's Who O'Neill James Veteran in Who's Who Onermitt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ongrasu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Onifer Monica CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Onraedt Marion WHS 1955 in Who's Who Oparka Theodore Veteran World War II 1145 Oparka Theodore Veteran World War II in Who's Who Opfer 0538 Opfer Frederick 33 Page Twelve Thousand 242 Opfer Frederick of Warren Civil War 1145 and in Who's Who Opfer Frederick Priv A 1 MI Art. 5/31/1861 in Who’s Who Opfer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Opfer Shirley 59 Opfer Shirley Ann in Who's Who Ophicus I have info on this family see Old Families Books O'phocue I have info on this family see Old Families Books Opificius F map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Oriltz? Dennis N?? 1865 in Who’s Who Ortman C 1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Osborn Mrs map 1875 sec 9 in Who’s Who Osentoski Stanley L Veteran in Who’s Who Ostrowski Robert F Veteran in Who’s Who OSullivan Danis 1865 in Who’s Who Ott John 1895 sec 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Otto Arthur J Veteran in Who’s Who Otto Gertnedis 1917 in Who’s Who Otto Gertrude 1833 1917 wife of John Srin Who’s Who Otto Henrici 1864 in Who’s Who Otto infano Jacob 1896 in Who’s Who Otto infano Jacob 1896 in Who’s Who Otto Jacob 1932 in Who’s Who Otto Jacobus 1903 in Who’s Who Otto Jakob 1830 1903 in Who’s Who Otto Joanmes Joseph 1904 in Who’s Who Otto Joannis Meuerer 1877 in Who’s Who Otto Johan 1833 1904 in Who’s Who Otto John 1895 sec 11 22 Center Line in Who’s Who Otto John Jr 1858 1878 in Who’s Who Otto John Jr 1858 1972in Who’s Who Otto John map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Otto John Sr 1824 1904 in Who’s Who Otto Lucia 1914 in Who’s Who Otto Luzia 1833 wife of Johanin Who’s Who Otto Mary 1864 1979 wife of John Jrin Who’s Who Otto Mary 1884 1878 in Who’s Who Ouweleen Linda Savine Veteran in Who’s Who Ovificius F map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Owczarczak Timothy C Veteran in Who’s Who Ozimkowski Henry A Veteran in Who’s Who Opll I have info on this family see Old Families Books Opificius I have info on this family see Old Families Books Opinions American 0087-98 Opper I have info on this family see Old Families Books Oprita Daniel Korea 1145 Oprita Daniel Korea in Who's Who Opsommer Paul E. in Who's Who Orban Eugene WHS 1950 in Who's Who Orban Richard WHS 1957 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 243 organ 0069 Organek Joe USS ST MARYS Veteran 1145 and in Who's Who Organek Joseph F Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1145 and in Who's Who Organek Joseph St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Organek Joseph Veteran World War II 1145 Organek Joseph Veteran World War II in Who's Who Orjada-Garabedian Teresa St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Orlando I have info on this family see Old Families Books Orlikowski Benny CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Orlikowski Don US Marines WHS Class of 1946 in Who's Who Orlikowski Elaine WHS 1952 in Who's Who Orlikowski Stanley WHS 1954 in Who's Who Orlowski Edward Veteran World War II 1145 Orlowski Edward World War II in Who's Who Orris Johanna Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Orris John CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Orson Carol CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Orth Harmann WHS 1957 in Who's Who Ortman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Orton Bernard CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Orton Diane Kay CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Orton Harold Veteran in Who's Who Orton William CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Orvylle Drive in Who's Who Osak Edward Veteran World War II 1145 Osak Edward World War II in Who's Who Osgood Richard Veteran U S Air Force 1978-1982 1145 Osgood Richard Veteran U S Air Force in Who's Who Osiaszewski Chester Korea 1145 Osiaszewski Chester Korea in Who's Who Osowski Bear Creek mansion 9 Osowski Mansion 3851Osowski mansion winter 506 3851Ospalski James Vietnam 1145 Ospalski James Vietnam in Who's Who Ostan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ostem I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ostenbridge Van Busch High School 1939 in Who's Who Osterloh Maria in Who's Who Ostern I have info on this family see Old Families Books ostrich 0009 Ostrolecki Raymond A. Vietnam 1145 Ostrolecki Raymond A. Vietnam in Who's Who Ostrowski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Oswald Frieda Louise CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Oswald Lois CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Oswald Sandra St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Oswald Sharon St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Oswald Virginia CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 244 Other Warrens 1350-1 Ott Clayton WHS 1956 in Who's Who Ott I have info on this family see Old Families Books Otto Abey in Who's Who Otto I have info on this family see Old Families Books Otto Richard Korea 1145 Otto Richard Korea in Who's Who Ouimet Mark in Who's Who our own wells 0031 Our Soldiers 4000 Our Veterans 1020-1072 Our Veterans the book 3 pages start at 2600 Outman Rick in Who's Who outside 0212 Overbaugh N female Busch High School 1933 in Who's Who Overstreet Danny Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1145 and in Who's Who Owczarzak Arthur L U. S. Army Korea 1145 and in Who's Who Owczarzak Henry C U. S. Army WWII 1145 and in Who's Who Owen G W 1873 in Who's Who Owens Clarence Janitor CLHS 1957-1960s in Who's Who Owens Norma CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Owens Roger CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Owings John Jr Veteran U S Army Air Corps WWII 1145 Owings John Jr Veteran U S Army Air Corps WWII in Who's Who Owings John Veteran U S Marine Corps Vietnam 1145 Owings John Veteran U S Marine Corps Vietnam in Who's Who Owocki - Blaszczynski Joan St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Owocki - Hilden Mary Ann St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Owocki Kathryn St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Owocki-Sick Barbara St Clement 1961 Deceased in Who's Who Oxie Daniel Vietnam 1145 Oxie Daniel Vietnam in Who's Who Oxie Rodger Vietnam 1145 Oxie Rodger Vietnam in Who's Who Ozeer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Paarsch Petri Kaltz Dec 1871 in Who’s Who Page Catharina 1890 in Who’s Who Pakulski joseph 1858 1928 in Who’s Who Pakulski Julianna 1865 1940 in Who’s Who Pakulski Julina 1940 in Who’s Who Pakulski Stephen d 1913 in Who’s Who Panek Frank Veteran in Who’s Who Panley Thaddeus J Veteran in Who’s Who Panzer C 1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Panzinger John 1933 in Who’s Who Parach P map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Parash P map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who Parch P. map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who PARKER JOHN S 4/15/1837 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 245 Paroch Gertruda 1857 in Who’s Who Parsch Anna C 1845 1925 in Who’s Who Parsch Anna G 1845 1925 in Who’s Who Parsch Caecilia 1887 in Who’s Who Parsch John 1969 1946 son of Peter & Annain Who’s Who Parsch Margarethae 1887 in Who’s Who Parsch Peter J 1826 1889 in Who’s Who Parsch Petrus 1889 in Who’s Who Parsh Peter 1895 sec 22 Center Line in Who’s Who Pary Roger A Veteran in Who’s Who Parzauka Elizabeth 1903 in Who’s Who Parzauka Joseph 1903 in Who’s Who Pastrorich Julia 1941 in Who’s Who Patpen Jacob 1858 in Who’s Who Patrickus Coustantia 1889 in Who’s Who Patten J map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Patton George H 4m 1929 in Who’s Who Patton map 1859 sec 11 in Who’s Who Patton Robert map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Paulie Nellie 1940 in Who’s Who Peaceu Peter 1931 in Who’s Who Pace Carlton Vietnam 1145 Pace Carlton Vietnam in Who's Who Pachmayer Gladys CLHS1961 in Who's Who Pachmayer Pauline CLHS1960 in Who's Who Pack Charles in Who's Who Packard Street in Who's Who Packer Don Busch High School 1937 in Who's Who PACLETTI MAURICE killed in World War II 1145 and in Who's Who Paczkowski Wallace Korea 1145 and in Who's Who Padden Wayne Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Paddock Edmund Korea 1145 and in Who's Who Paddock Martin St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Paech I have info on this family see Old Families Books Paeck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Paetz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Freeman Busch High School 1942 in Who's Who Page I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page June WHS 1954 in Who's Who Page Mary Lou WHS 1957 in Who's Who Pagec I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pagel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pagels Charles WHS 1954 in Who's Who pail wood 0220 Paine Donald WHS 1934 in Who's Who Paine Ernie WHS 1938 in Who's Who Paine Mae WHS 1934 in Who's Who Pakulski Richard Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Paladino L Co B 2/503 Inf 173rd Abn Bde 1145 Page Twelve Thousand 246 Paladino L Co B 2/503 Inf 173rd Abn Bde in Who's Who Palczynski Genevieve Veteran World War II 1145 Palczynski Genevieve World War II in Who's Who Palen Arlette Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Paliczuk Debbie USMC Vietnam 1145 and in Who's Who Paliczuk Gregory USMC Vietnam 1145 and in Who's Who Pallorito Leona St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Palma Catherine in Who's Who Palmer Earl St Clement 1957 Deceased in Who's Who Palmer Ellen Ann CLHS1962 in Who's Who Palmer Genie in Who's Who Palmer Richard in Who's Who Palmer Susie in Who's Who Palombo Felice in Who's Who Palombo Salvatore in Who's Who Palonis Charles E Vietnam 1146 and in Who's Who Palonis Frederick CLHS1958 in Who's Who Palsin Charles St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Pamflet I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pancean I have info on this family see Old Families Books Panley Frank World War II 1146 and in Who's Who Paolella Pasquale U S Navy WWII 1146 and in Who's Who Papak Edmund F USS Solar 1943-1946 page 1146 and in Who's Who Papandrea Sam Veteran World War II 1146 and in Who's Who Paperd Richard in Who's Who PAPIST HAROLD W killed in World War II 1146 and in Who's Who Pappageorge John in Who's Who Pappas Louis J U S Army Korea 1146 and in Who's Who parade 0064, 0492, 0362 Paradis Elizabeth CLHS1961 in Who's Who Paradis Louis CLHS1957 in Who's Who Parasch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Paratore Joe U S Army 66-68 p1146 and in Who's Who Paratore William U S Army WWII 41-45 p1146 and in Who's Who Parchem Donald St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Parish I have info on this family see Old Families Books Parke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Parker John s 19 Parker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Parker Larry U S Navy HM2 1146 Parker Larry U S Navy HM2 in Who's Who Parker Larry Vietnam U S Navy 1146 and in Who's Who Parks John Earl CLHS1955 in Who's Who Parks Orman Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Parmentier Charmaine CLHS1958 in Who's Who Parmentier Gene Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Parqus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Parris George N in Who's Who Parrish Bill Busch High School 1937 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 247 Parrish Charles CLHS1955 in Who's Who Parrish Earl 1945 in Who's Who Parrish Earl Veteran 1945 1146 Parrish Earl W in Who's Who Parrish Marilyn in Who's Who Parrott Harriette Warren Schools 7th grade 1938 in Who's Who Parsch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Parseh I have info on this family see Old Families Books Parsiegla Traudel CLHS1959 in Who's Who PARTH DONALD R killed in World War II 1146 and in Who's Who Paryzyynski Lenore CLHS1961 in Who's Who Paschka Ralph Veteran in Who's Who Pasciak Richard WHS 1956 in Who's Who Pascoe Robert Korea 1952-1954 in Who's Who Pascoe Robert Korea Cpl 1146 Pasionek Stanley CLHS1958 in Who's Who Paslaru Ralph Veteran in Who's Who Pasman Mary WHS 1954 in Who's Who Pasqualae Paolella Veteran in Who's Who Pasque Daniel in Who's Who Pasque James in Who's Who PASQUE WILLIAM F killed in World War II 1146 and in Who's Who past rulers and public officials 0414-28 Pasternak Frank in Who's Who Pasternak Judy in Who's Who Pastuschyn Antonow Beverly St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Pastuschyn-Berkebile Diane St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Pastuschyn-Karas Carol St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Patalon - Rzeszut Sandra St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Patalon Gilbert CLHS1959 in Who's Who Patalon Jacquelyn St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Patalon Jerry St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Patalon Ronald St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Patalon Shirley St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Patalon Wayne St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Patalon-Dolsen Patricia St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Patchel Jim WHS 1957 in Who's Who Paterni Carl A F Korea 1146 and in Who's Who Paton I have info on this family see Old Families Books PATON JUSTIN T. PFC AGE 24 killed in Iraq 1146 and in Who's Who Patricia Bill in Who's Who Patrick Gerald CLHS1957 in Who's Who Patrick Joyce CLHS1957 in Who's Who Patrick Nancy CLHS1959 in Who's Who Patrick Pat WHS 1957 in Who's Who Patriot Act 0010, 0067, 73 Patten I have info on this family see Old Families Books Patterson Gary WHS 1956 in Who's Who Patterson Thomas in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 248 Patterson Tom scout leader in Who's Who Pattison Michael CLHS1961 in Who's Who PATTISON ORLANDO R ARMY Killed in Korean War 1146 and in Who's Who Pattison Ronald in Who's Who Pattison Stanley Korea 1146 Pattison Stanley Korea in Who's Who Patton Bernard G. Vietnam 1146 Patton Bernard G. Vietnam in Who's Who Patton I have info on this family see Old Families Books Paul Joseph Vietnam 1146 Paul Joseph Vietnam in Who's Who Paula Ann in Who's Who Pauli Ambrose St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Pauli John CLHS1959 in Who's Who Pauli Raymond St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Pauline John WHS 1957 in Who's Who Paull Andrew Sgt WWII U S Army POW 1146 and in Who's Who Pauls Mathew WHS 1951 in Who's Who Paulson William Owner-Barber in Who's Who Pause I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pauta Ann in Who's Who Pavich Michael J. Veteran World War II 1146 Pavich Michael J. World War II in Who's Who paving 0044 paving 0068 Pavlik Carol CLHS1958 in Who's Who Pavlik Kathryn in Who's Who Pavlov Phil in Who's Who Pawelkowski Thomas in Who's Who PAWLAK EDWARD J killed in World War II 1146 and in Who's Who Pawlowski Ann St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Pawlowski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pawlowski Sharron CLHS1961 in Who's Who Payne Barb CLHS1962 in Who's Who Payne Barbara CLHS1961 in Who's Who Payne I have info on this family see Old Families Books Payne Jerry Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who PAYNE MASTER SGT. WILLIAM L. 46 killed in Iraq War 1146 and in Who's Who Pazzi James St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Pazzi Joan St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Pazzi Nicholas St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Peace Lutheran 0255 peaceful Indians built first road 0015 Peachea M map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Pearch William Scoutmaster MC 30 in Who's Who Pearl Harbor 61 Pearsaee I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pearsal I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pearsall Chas map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 249 Pearsall I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pearsall Jos map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Pearsll I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pearson Carol CLHS1960 in Who's Who Pearson Jack U S Army WWII 1146 and in Who's Who PEASE RAYMOND A killed in World War II 1146 and in Who's Who Peca Sandra WHS 1954 in Who's Who Peccew I have info on this family see Old Families Books Peck & CL houses 0115 Peck 0538 Peck Charles 1932 in Who’s Who Peck Charles 32 Peck Charles Franklin had a store in Who’s Who Peck E H 1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Peck Edward in 1900 salesman in Who’s Who Peck Edward in Who's Who Peck farm sheep view 0157 Peck Frank 35 91, Peck Frank C in 1900 salesman in Who’s Who Peck Frank Veteran in Who’s Who Peck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Peck Margaret (Walker) Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Peck Maria 1931 in Who’s Who Peck May 34 45 Peck May V. 1885-1980 teacher for 45 year in Who’s Who Peck shearing sheep 0216 Peck store, bank 0356, 0221, 22, 0353, 405-409, 39 42-43 PEDERSEN MICHAEL FRANCIS 26 killed in Iraq 1146 and in Who's Who Pedrotte - Baker JoAnn St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Pedrotte Charles St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Pedrotte Donald St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Peicence I have info on this family see Old Families Books Peicha I have info on this family see Old Families Books Peies I have info on this family see Old Families Books Peitz Nelson F U. S. Army Korea 1146 Peitz Nelson F U. S. Army Korea in Who's Who Pelanzer Dale CLHS1961 in Who's Who Pelc Stanley E Veteran in Who’s Who Pelczarski Francis St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Pellerin Charles CLHS1961 in Who's Who Pellerin Lillian CLHS1958 in Who's Who Pelowski Donald Korea 1146 and in Who's Who Pencien I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pendleton Janice CLHS1960 in Who's Who Peneta I have info on this family see Old Families Books Peneu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pennington Lindwood CLHS1958 in Who's Who Pennow Bill WHS custodian 1946 in Who's Who Pennow I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pennow Russell Warren Schools 8th grade 1938 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 250 Pennow William custodian WHS 1952-55+ in Who's Who Penrod-Hill Barbara St Clement 1966 in Who's Who pens 0329 Penski Ted U S Army Korean War in Who's Who Penski Ted Veteran U S Army Korean War 1146 Penzein I have info on this family see Old Families Books Penzien Charles 1895 sec 31 in Who’s Who Penzien Clayton Veteran in Who's Who Penzìen Daniel Vietnam 1146 and in Who's Who Penzien Raymond St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Penzlen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Peogogos I have info on this family see Old Families Books Peomes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Peplin Ronald CLHS1955 in Who's Who Peplin Thomas CLHS1958 in Who's Who Peplinski John U S Army Vietnam in Who's Who Peplinski John Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1146 Peplinski Sandra CLHS1961 in Who's Who Peppu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Percell John WHS 1956 in Who's Who Percell Lena WHS 1954 in Who's Who percentage of child deaths registered 4100 Perch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Perchard Dana R CLHS1955 in Who's Who Percy Circle in Who's Who Percy Hillary CLHS1961 in Who's Who Pereira I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pereira M 1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Pereira M J map 1875 sec 3 in Who’s Who PEREIRA MANUEL J 1147 Pereira Manuel J 33 Pereira Manuel J Born 1843 in Who’s Who PEREIRA MANUEL J Invalid Corps 1864 in Who's Who Pereira Manuel Warren Justice 1901 in Who's Who Perkins Bill Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Perkowski Edward Veteran in Who’s Who Pernazza Richard S Veteran in Who’s Who Pesespirk Anthony 1937 in Who’s Who Peters map 1859 sec 35 in Who’s Who Peters A map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Peters Alford a74 1929 in Who’s Who Peters Alfred in Who’s Who Peters Antoine in Who’s Who Peters Autonied 1897 152 in Who’s Who Peters Helen 1876 1918 in Who’s Who Peters Henry in Who’s Who Peters infant 1914 200 in Who’s Who Peters Joann Campbell Oct 1877 in Who’s Who Peters Lambert in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 251 Petiuil Raymond 1930 in Who’s Who Petlack Michaeln infans 1890 in Who’s Who Petrum Joanne Weber Jan 1881 in Who’s Who Phaneuf Frank Jr Veteran in Who’s Who PHELAN MICHAEL 11/23/1835 in Who’s Who PHILLIPS ASAPH 10/14/1835 in Who’s Who PHILLIPS JOHN 10/14/1835 in Who’s Who Picorsky ? Margaritha Apr 1875 in Who’s Who Pinemer Richard 1937 in Who’s Who Piolopintz or Pisrofintz Leona 1915 in Who’s Who Piscopink Stella J 1915 in Who’s Who Piteas Marg Ann 1941 in Who’s Who Plankett Michael d1880 in Who’s Who Platz Jos 1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Platz Jos map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Plotzke Augusta 1859 1940 in Who’s Who Plotzke Joseph 1931 in Who’s Who Plotzke Michael 1857 1935 in Who’s Who Plotzke Michael 1935 in Who’s Who Plowick Loraine 1939 in Who’s Who Plummer M K map 1875 sec 6 in Who’s Who Plunkart Mearice 1864 in Who’s Who Plunkat Michael Gibbons 1 Oct 1880 in Who’s Who Plunkert M 1895 sec 34 in Who’s Who Plunkett Margareta 1913 in Who’s Who Plunkett Joannes 1906 in Who’s Who Plunkett M map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Plunkett Maria Margaretha 1885? in Who’s Who Plunkett Mary Jane a64 1934 in Who’s Who Plunkett Michael 1939 in Who’s Who Poerster Barbara in Who’s Who Perkowski Joseph in Who's Who Perlinski Donald Korea 1147 Perlinski Donald Patrick Korea in Who's Who Pero I have info on this family see Old Families Books PERRI FRANK killed in World War II 1147 and in Who's Who Perrin Fred CLHS1959 in Who's Who Perry Charles Vietnam 1147 and in Who's Who Perry Commodore in Who's Who Perry Harold H in Who's Who Perry I have info on this family see Old Families Books Perry Robert P. Vietnam 1147 Perry Robert P. Vietnam in Who's Who Perry Thomas U S Army Vietnam 1147 and in Who's Who Perry Thomas Veteran World War II 1147 and in Who's Who personal information 0067, 0068 Perts I have info on this family see Old Families Books PETELA THOMAS JOSEPH CAMBODIA Hostile Killed 1147 and in Who's Who Peterman James Teacher WHS 1952-55 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 252 Peters Antoine in Who's Who Peters Barbara in Who's Who Peters Barbara St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Peters Charles Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Peters Donald Air Corps WWII Pacific in Who's Who Peters Donald Veteran U S Army Air Corps WWII 1147 Peters F in Who's Who PETERS HENRY Medal of Honor Civil War 1147 and in Who's Who Peters Henry St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Peters I have info on this family see Old Families Books Peters John Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Peters -Keuhn Anna Mae St Clement 1946 Deceased in Who's Who Peters Lambert in Who's Who Peters Lambert. in Who's Who Peters Lawrence CLHS1961 in Who's Who Peters Leonard St Clement 1949 Deceased in Who's Who Peters M office staff Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Peters Patricia Jean CLHS1956 in Who's Who Peters Ron in Who's Who Peters Ronald St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Peters Sgt David J USMC 1973-1977 Veteran in Who's Who Peterson Alma taught at Busch High School 1949+ in Who's Who PETERSON CAPT. JUSTIN D. 32 killed in Iraq War 1147 and in Who's Who Peterson Carol in Who's Who Peterson George Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Peters-Swartz Mary Lou St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Peteuil Bernadine St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Peteuil John St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Petitto Sam J. Veteran World War II 1147 Petitto Sam J. World War II in Who's Who PETLUK NICHOLAS A PFC ARMY killed in Korean War 1147 and in Who's Who Petravich Mary Ann St Clement 1944 in Who's Who PETRIKEN. BRETT J. STAFF SGT 30 killed in Iraq War 1147 and in Who's Who Petrocella Kathlyn CLHS1960 in Who's Who Petrocella Marguerite CLHS1957 in Who's Who Petry Charoltte CLHS1955 in Who's Who Petrykowski Ed & Lil's in Who's Who Petrykowski Lillian World War II 1147 and in Who's Who Petrykowsky Ed in Who's Who Pets I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pettalia Peter in Who's Who Petty Johnny Korea 1147 Petty Johnny Korea in Who's Who Petz Ann St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Petz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Petz Marilyn WHS 1956 in Who's Who Petz Philip St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Petz Russell St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Petz Virginia WHS 1953 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 253 Pfc. JAMES L. ARNOLD 21 killed in Iraq War 1147 Pfeiffer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pfenk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pflanzer Gary CLHS1959 in Who's Who Pfromm Theresa in Who's Who Pfromm William in Who's Who Phair Robert Veteran World War II 1147 Phair Robert World War II in Who's Who Phalen Charles veteran 1916-1996 1147 Phalen Charles veteran 1916-1996 in Who's Who Phaneuf I have info on this family see Old Families Books Phelan Michael 19 Phelps I have info on this family see Old Families Books Philipe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Phillippine Insurection U S Army 1140 Phillips Asaph 19 Phillips John 19 PHILLIPS CHARLES A CPL ARMY Killed in Korean War 1147 and in Who's Who Phillips I have info on this family see Old Families Books Phillips Jack CLHS1960 in Who's Who PHILLIPS LAWRENCE R PVT killed in World War II 1147 and in Who's Who Phillips Mrs bookstore clerk CLHS1958 in Who's Who Phillips Patricia St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Phillips Raymond Korea 1147 Phillips Raymond Korea in Who's Who Phone books 1950 1970 Vol 20 phone wall Baseline Feed Store 0218 phonograph 0191 Piazza Mary Jane CLHS1959 in Who's Who Piazza Vincintia CLHS1961 in Who's Who Picio Paul Carl II CLHS1962 Utica Mi in Who's Who pick 0434 Pickens Ronald Vietnam 1147 Pickens Ronald Vietnam in Who's Who Pickett Antionette CLHS1958 in Who's Who Pickett Donald CLHS1956 in Who's Who Pickett Mary CLHS1961 in Who's Who Pickett Rita Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Pickman I have info on this family see Old Families Books picnic 0116 Picot Daniel St Clement 1930 in Who's Who Picot Hermina St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Picotte - De Lamielleure Sharon St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Picotte - Stevison Barbara St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Picotte Audrey Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Picture collection 9000Picture Collection Vol 24 Pidek Dennis Stanley CLHS1962 in Who's Who Pidek Mary Ann CLHS1956 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 254 Piecuch Theresa CLHS1960 in Who's Who Pielack Particia CLHS1958 in Who's Who Pier Daniel Vietnam 1147 Pier Daniel Vietnam in Who's Who Pierce Dale in Who's Who PIERCE DONALD W killed in World War II 1147 and in Who's Who Pierce Edith St Clement 1927 in Who's Who Pierce Edwin P 1891 in Who's Who Pierce Madeline St Clement 1927 in Who's Who Piercy Joyce WHS 1953 in Who's Who pig 0009 PIKULA EDWARD PFC killed in World War II 1147 and in Who's Who Pilarski Greg in Who's Who Pileri Jeffrey in Who's Who Pilette- I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pinch Roger A in Who's Who Pincor I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pinger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pini John in Who's Who Pinnow I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pioneer Cemeteries Warren Township pages 2100-2199 pioneer settlers 0017, 18 PIONTKOWSKI WALTER killed in World War II 1147 and in Who's Who Piotrowitz Betty Warren Schools 8th grade 1938 in Who's Who Piotrowitz Katherine Vice President WHS 1935 in Who's Who Piper 54 57 Piper Boulevard in Who's Who Pippin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pippin William in Who's Who Pirzuro Cheryl Ann CLHS1962 in Who's Who Pisarski - Slonski Florence St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Pisarski Bernadette St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Pisarski Carl St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Pisarski Paul St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Pisarski Stephen Veteran World War II 1147 Pisarski Stephen World War II in Who's Who PITCHER HARRY B killed in World War II in Who's Who PITCHER HARRY B SGT World War II 1147 Pitre I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pittman Shevonne in Who's Who Pizzo Sam Vietnam 1147 Pizzo Sam Vietnam in Who's Who Place Mrs cook WHS 1952-55+ in Who's Who Place Robert WHS 1955 in Who's Who Plaetz I have info on this family see Old Families Books PLANCK HAROLD G killed in World War II in Who's Who PLANCK HAROLD G SSG World War II 1147 Plant Henry Medal of Honor Civil War U S Army 1147 and in Who's Who Plarty J I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 255 Plartz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Plats I have info on this family see Old Families Books Platt Claudia CLHS1960 in Who's Who Platt Mrs Phyllis head cook CLHS1956-58+ in Who's Who Platt Ronald St Clement 1953 Deceased in Who's Who Platt-Hoenle Shirley St Clement 1950 in Who's Who PLATZ GLENN E killed in World War II 1148 and in Who's Who Plett I have info on this family see Old Families Books Plewa Casmere in Who's Who Plewka Joan WHS 1953 in Who's Who Pleysier Dorothy Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Pleysier Jerome CLHS1959 in Who's Who Pleysier Robert CLHS1960 in Who's Who PLITE JASON AGE 21 KILLED IN AFGHANISTAN in Who's Who Plite Senior Airman Jason 21 Afghanistan 1148 Plitt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ploetz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ploetz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ploomo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Plotts Cosmo Teacher WHS 1954 55 in Who's Who PLOUHAR RAYMOND J. STAFF SGT. 30 killed in Iraq War 1148 in Who's Who plow 0192, 0332, plowing 0213, 0372, plowing bee 0034, plows horse drawn 0436, 0439 Plumber I have info on this family see Old Families Books Plummer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Plummer M. K. in Who's Who Plunkett I have info on this family see Old Families Books Plunkett Mortimer in Who's Who pocket computer 0335 Podlaskì John Vietnam 1148 Podlaskì John Vietnam in Who's Who Poelvoorde Lawrence St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Pogoski Joseph Veteran World War II 1148 Pogoski Joseph World War II in Who's Who Pogoski Josephine Veteran World War II 1148 Pogoski Josephine World War II in Who's Who Pohoski Al in Who's Who Pohrath I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pokley Joan WHS 1957 in Who's Who Polansky Darrin soldier 2009 Iraq in Who's Who Polansky Peter CLHS1959 in Who's Who Polbitzki Robert Korea 1148 Polbitzki Robert Korea in Who's Who Poleski Earl in Who's Who police 0046, 69 70, police car 0111-12, police CLPS 1970s 0111 police stations 0111 Police WPD 1952 p 0111 Pollman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pollock I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pollock P. B in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 256 Pollock Sharon Lee CLHS1962 in Who's Who Polombo John in Who's Who Polombo Sam in Who's Who POLOND ALFRED Medal of Honor Spanish-American War 1148 and in Who's Who Polselli - Andreozzi Janet St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Polselli - Orlando Theresa St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Polselli Bernardo St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Polus Helen Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who POLUTANOVICH J S killed in World War II 1148 and in Who's Who Poma Catherine St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Pomante Salvatore St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Pomante-Schimmel Frances St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Pommerenck Marie Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Ponder James Vietnam 1148 and in Who's Who Poniatowski Richard Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1148 and in Who's Who Pontseele Marlene WHS 1957 in Who's Who Pontseele Robert WHS 1956 in Who's Who pony boy 0009, 0378 Poole Herbert WHS 1957 in Who's Who Poole I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pooth I have info on this family see Old Families Books poor house 5700 Pop Gene Korean War 1148 and in Who's Who pop-culture 0063 Popham Gene Korean War 1148 and in Who's Who Popour - Bartok Esther St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Popour Arlene WHS 1956 in Who's Who population 26 49 64 73 74, 4100 Poqartz Gerald Frances 1938 in Who’s Who Posselius A 1895 sec 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Potareur Jacob 1937 in Who’s Who Pozytulaki Donald 1935 in Who’s Who Preem F map 1859 sec 16 in Who’s Who Preimer F 1895 sec 16 in Who’s Who Preimer F map 1859 sec 10 in Who’s Who Premer F map 1875 sec 16 in Who’s Who Prestakie Stephan 1912 in Who’s Who Priemer Catherine 1906 in Who’s Who Priemer Catherine b 1826 d 1906 in Who’s Who Priemer Elizabeth ? July 1875 in Who’s Who Priemer Frances b 1856 d 1918 in Who’s Who Priemer Johanna b 1796 d 1856 in Who’s Who Priemer son of Francisci 1887 in Who’s Who Priest H map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Porath I have info on this family see Old Families Books Porch family 0581 Porkorski Lillian St Clement 1941 in Who's Who PORRAS RALPH N. 36 killed in Iraq 1148 and in Who's Who Porter Charles LeRoy CLHS1962 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 257 Porter Geraldine CLHS1960 in Who's Who Porter Oscar WHS 1950 in Who's Who Post Diamond St Clement 1942 in Who's Who post office 46, many pictures 0451-466, Post office vehicles warren Village 451 Post Rose St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Post Sebastian St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Poste I have info on this family see Old Families Books Posthumus Lisa Lyons in Who's Who Posts I have info on this family see Old Families Books pot insulator 0435 Potocki Ed Veteran World War II 1148 and in Who's Who Potter Charles LeRoy CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Potts William Korea 1148 and in Who's Who Potvin Phil in Who's Who Potyok Dolores Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Potyok Thomas CLHS1961 in Who's Who Pouls Sandra WHS 1957 in Who's Who Pounder Barbara Jane CLHS1962. in Who's Who Pounder Donna CLHS1960 in Who's Who Pounder John CLHS1959 in Who's Who Pounder Mary Vice President CLHS1957 in Who's Who Pounder Tom in Who's Who Poupore Ed WWII Canadian Armed Forces 1148 Poupore Ed WWII in Who's Who poverty 0010, 72 74, poverty children at level 0068, poverty line 0066 POWELL CECIL C killed in World War II 1148 and in Who's Who Powell Charles Elton taught band Busch and CLHS1949-57 in Who's Who Powell Elton in Who's Who Powell Elton's son was murdered at Cobo hall in Who's Who Powell Joyce St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Powell-Powers Eileen St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Power Harry CLHS1960 in Who's Who Power of Faith 0254 Powers Bill Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Powers Joseph St Clement 1943 in Who's Who POWERS THOMAS Medal of Honor Indian Campaigns 1148 and in Who's Who Powers-Grobbel Edna St Clement 1947 in Who's Who POWs tortured abused 0062 POXON ROBERT Medal of Honor Vietnam 1148 and in Who's Who Pozdrakiewicz Anthony Vietnam 1148 and in Who's Who Praeuner Ruth (Bauer) Busch High School 1946 in Who's Who Prahl I have info on this family see Old Families Books Prang I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pranga JoAnn WHS 1955 in Who's Who Pranger Elmer Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Prantera Delores in Who's Who Precht I have info on this family see Old Families Books Prefontaine Constance Warren Schools 6th grade 1938 in Who's Who Pregal Janice CLHS1961 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 258 Pregel Joe in Who's Who prehistory 0004, 0401-4 Preisel Geneva WHS 1935 in Who's Who Preisel Margaret Secretary WHS 1938 in Who's Who Preisel Mr Board in Who's Who Prell Jacqueline CLHS1960 in Who's Who Premier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Prener I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pressel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pressell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Presti Dominic CLHS1957 in Who's Who PRESTON WESLEY L killed in World War II 1148 and in Who's Who Prewitt taught Jr High Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Price Amanda in Who's Who Price Dorothy CLHS1958 in Who's Who Price Jim WHS 1957 in Who's Who Price Robert CLHS1957 in Who's Who Pricks I have info on this family see Old Families Books Priehs I have info on this family see Old Families Books Priemer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Priemera I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pries Frank St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Pries I have info on this family see Old Families Books Priest I have info on this family see Old Families Books Priest Terry Vietnam 1148 Priest Terry Vietnam in Who's Who PRIESTAP JAMES D. killed in Iraq in Who's Who PRIESTAP SGT. 1ST CLASS JAMES D 1148 Primer Raymond St Clement 1945 in Who's Who PRINCE RAYMOND F killed in World War II in Who's Who PRINCE RAYMOND F PVT World War II 1148 Pringer I have info on this family see Old Families Books printers 0073 Prinzdle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Prior I have info on this family see Old Families Books Prior Roy Veteran World War II 1148 Prior Roy World War II in Who's Who Prissel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pritz I have info on this family see Old Families Books privacy loss of 0067 Prizgent Eugene CLHS1960 in Who's Who Prock Judith CLHS1957 in Who's Who Proffer Richard WHS 1951 in Who's Who Progler John deceased CLHS1961 in Who's Who prohibition 0046 prohibition 46 Prohls I have info on this family see Old Families Books projector 0193, projector 16 MM 0077 PRONIMAN JOHN 11/23/1835 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 259 Prordeck ? Ludovic Aerbert 1867 in Who’s Who Pulcher J map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Pulcher Jos 1895 sec 20 21 Center Line in Who’s Who Pung Cathnina 1861 in Who’s Who Punnuburger Marian Anna Schlaff Aug 1878 in Who’s Who Purcell Aloysius W Veteran in Who’s Who Pytel Walter J Veteran in Who’s Who Qualman J map 1875 sec 30 in Who’s Who Qualmann C 1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who Qualmann John 1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who Proniman John 19 Proos John in Who's Who Prop Shop 0347 Prosper I have info on this family see Old Families Books Proszkowskì Robert Vietnam 1148 Proszkowskì Robert Vietnam in Who's Who Protas Ed Veteran World War II 1148 Protas Ed World War II in Who's Who Protas George Veteran World War II 1148 Protas George World War II in Who's Who protect 93 Protz Phillip CLHS1961 in Who's Who Prout Cadman 1942 in Who's Who Provencher Oneil Veteran World War II 1148 Provencher Oneil World War II in Who's Who Prussel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pryjma Miroslaw Korea 1148 Pryjma Miroslaw Korea in Who's Who Prysiazniuk Ray Korea 1148 Prysiazniuk Ray Korea in Who's Who Prysky I have info on this family see Old Families Books Przybycki-Lepine Bonnie St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Przymara James CLHS1961 in Who's Who Pscholka Al in Who's Who Ptt I have info on this family see Old Families Books public officials & past rulers 0414-28 public officials Vol 3 414-428 Public School Diploma 0077 Puckett Connie CLHS1956 in Who's Who Puckett Dilla WHS 1956 in Who's Who Puckett Elphis Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Puckett James Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Puckett Julia May CLHS1956 in Who's Who Puckett Nathan CLHS1957 in Who's Who Puckett Peggy Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Puckett Rebecca Mae CLHS1962 in Who's Who Puffpaff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Puhalaki I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pukala Frank Veteran World War II 1148 Page Twelve Thousand 260 Pukala Frank World War II in Who's Who Pukey Fred WHS 1955 in Who's Who Pulcini Joseph St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Pulice Sam U S Army WWII in Who's Who Pulice Sam Veteran U S Army WWII 1148 Pullman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pulman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Puls I have info on this family see Old Families Books Puls Wilburn Custance Jean Busch High School 1948 in Who's Who Pulty I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pultz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pultz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Pungart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Purdon Robert WHS 1934 in Who's Who Purdy Russell Korea 1149 Purdy Russell Korea in Who's Who pure 24 25, pure water & air 0024 push carts 0063 Puskar Mary Ann St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Puskar Robert Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Puszakowski Joan Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Puszakowski Patricia CLHS1957 in Who's Who Puszakowski Shirley J CLHS1955 in Who's Who Put-in-Bay 16 Puzzuoli Al Sgt 406th Inf 1942-1952 in Who's Who Puzzuoli Albert Inf WWII in Who's Who Puzzuoli Albert P U S Army WWII in Who's Who Puzzuoli Albert Sgt 1149 PUZZUOLI HERMAN Killed in Action 1945 p1149 and in Who's Who Puzzuoli Leonard Pfc U S Army 1944-1947 1149 and in Who's Who Puzzuoli Paul in Who's Who Puzzuoli Paul Sgt U S Army 1944-1946 1149 and in Who's Who Qerkleman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Qualman Barn 0103 Qualman barn fire 0410-13 Qualman House inside & out 0410-13 Qualman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Qualman marker dedication 0410-13 Qualman William 45 Vol 3 410-413 Qualman William in Who’s Who 1900 QUICK ANDREW V 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who QUICK JOSEPH H 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Qualmanbarn yard 0410-13 Qualmann Carl CLHS1957 58 in Who's Who Qualmann Emily Busch High School 1930 in Who's Who Qualmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Qualmann Marge taught at Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Queen Donald St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Quesaba Erin U S Navy 2008 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 261 Quesaba Erin Veteran U S Navy 2008 1149 Quick Andrew 19 Quick Joseph 19 Quick Joan Teacher WHS 1954 in Who's Who Quick stone locator for St Clement Cemetery see Book 100 starts on page 10,001 Quinn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Quitter - Janice St Clement 1963 Deceased in Who's Who Quitter Robert CLHS1960 in Who's Who Quitter-Duncan Irma St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Quitter-Jablonski Margaret St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Rab Charles D WWII USAF 1149 and in Who's Who Rabac - Cunniff Antoinette St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Rabac Margaret St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Rabac Michael St Clement 1966 in Who's Who rabbits shearing 0068 Rabe Bob Vietnam 1149 and in Who's Who Rabe Charles D WWII USAF 1149 and in Who's Who Rabedeau Charles in Who's Who Rabideau Gordon in Who's Who race cart 0588 Rachero Augusti 1890 in Who’s Who Radenbough Infant Ginn 1933 in Who’s Who Radowski William 1935 in Who’s Who Raeder August G Raider 1912 in Who’s Who Ramsey Robert 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Range John 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Radar Nancy CLHS1960 in Who's Who Radigan painted the snow scene in Who's Who radio 0057, radios 0337-8 Radlea I have info on this family see Old Families Books Radlick Rita Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Radtke Daniel St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Radtke John CLFD in 1963 . in Who's Who Radtke John St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Radtke Marie St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Radulski Gary J. Vietnam 1149 Radulski Gary J. Vietnam in Who's Who RADZIECKI MICHAELANTHONY Vietnam Hostile Killed 1149 and in Who's Who Radzikiewicz Pamela St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Raehtz Sharon WHS 1951 in Who's Who Raeko I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rahasser I have info on this family see Old Families Books RAHL CARL R killed in World War II 1149 and in Who's Who Rahn Fred World War II 1149 and in Who's Who Raich Joseph in Who's Who Raike I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rail I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rail Roads 0039 Railer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 262 railroad 5 26 29 33 39 41 56 Rains Charlie in Who's Who Raisin battle 0016 Raiss Gregory St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Raiss-Hahn Carolyn St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Rajala Francis U S Army WWII in Who's Who Rajala Francis Veteran U S Army WWII 1149 Rajala Melvin U S Army WWII in Who's Who Rajala Melvin Veteran U S Army WWII 1149 Rajala Reino U S Army WWII in Who's Who Rajala Reino Veteran U S Army WWII 1149 Rajala Viven U S Army WWII in Who's Who Rajala Viven Veteran U S Army WWII 1149 Rajala Wallace U S Navy WWII in Who's Who Rajala Wallace Veteran U S Navy WWII 1149 Rak I have info on this family see Old Families Books rake horse drawn 0192 rake horse drawn 0439 Rakowski Stanley WHS 1954 in Who's Who Rambo Byron WHS 1957 in Who's Who Rames I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ramsey Robert 19 Ramsey Carol Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Ramsey Robert 18 Ramus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ramus Ralph Korean War 1953-1955 1149 Ramus Ralph Korean War 1953-1955 in Who's Who Ramus Ralph WHS 1951 in Who's Who Ramuss I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ramuz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Randall - Szczegielnik Joanne St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Randall Barbara WHS 1957 in Who's Who Randall Dolores Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Randall Sara WHS 1955 in Who's Who Randall Shirley CLHS1958 in Who's Who Randall William CLHS1962 in Who's Who Randazzo - Reitmeyer Frances St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Randazzo Charles St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Randlett James R in Who's Who Randlett James Warren Mayor 1981-1984 in Who's Who Randolph Charles Korea 1149 Randolph Charles Korea in Who's Who Range I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rango I have info on this family see Old Families Books Raniere-Gorospe Linda St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Ranieri Edward L U S Army 1149 Ranieri Edward L U S Army in Who's Who Ranieri Edward St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Ranieri Jim St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 263 Ranieri Joseph St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Ranka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rankin I have info on this family see Old Families Books RANNEY GEORGE Medal of Honor Civil War 1149 and in Who's Who RANO MARTIN 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Ransom Wm 1895 sec 18 in Who’s Who Rasch Emma Kindell Nov 1873 in Who’s Who Rasch Florian b 1791 d 1855 in Who’s Who Rasch Robert in Who’s Who Rasch Robert Florian 1937 in Who’s Who Rash Florian map 1875 sec 16 in Who’s Who Rash infano Roberto 1893 in Who’s Who Rash R F 1895 sec 22 in Who’s Who Rash Regina 1898 in Who’s Who Ratkie L 1895 sec 33 in Who’s Who Raturvon map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Raush Fred 1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Raymem Franciscan 6 Nov 1884 in Who’s Who Raymond Kuhn 1901 in Who’s Who Ready J Edward 1933 in Who’s Who Rebishon F map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Reddick F A 1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Reed Anna 1895 sec 33 in Who’s Who REEVES GARRET 10/8/1835 in Who’s Who Regan Richard J Veteran in Who’s Who Rehberg T 1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Rehrn Maria 1854 in Who’s Who Reichenbach Anthony 1894 1929 in Who’s Who Reichenbach Betty 1921 1927 in Who’s Who Reichenbach John 1864 1937in Who’s Who Reichenbach John 1937 in Who’s Who Reichenbach Junior 1923 1927 in Who’s Who Reichenbach Marion 1928 1929 in Who’s Who Reichenbach Mary 1866 1921 in Who’s Who Reichenbach Roy 1919 1920 in Who’s Who Reichenbach Veronica 1898 1932 in Who’s Who Reichenbach W 1895 sec 14 25 in Who’s Who Reichenbach? Harold 1913 1913in Who’s Who Reichert Peter wagon maker in Who’s Who Reichert Petros infans 1890 in Who’s Who Reiser L 1895 sec 31 in Who’s Who Remowski no name 1920 in Who’s Who Remus F map 1875 sec 18 in Who’s Who Remus W map 1875 sec 18 in Who’s Who Renger? Mary Ann d July 26 1879 in Who’s Who Rano Martin 19 Ranya I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rapa Victor Korea 1149 Rapa Victor Korea in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 264 RAPSON DURWARD L killed in World War II 1149 and in Who's Who Rasby I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rasch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rasegan Kathy CLHS1960 in Who's Who Rash I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rasin 16 Raska Roland U. S. Army Korea 1149 and in Who's Who Rasll I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rastenburg Fred Korea 1149 Rastenburg Fred Korea in Who's Who Ratcliffe Barbara Valedictorian WHS 1952 in Who's Who Ratcliffe Barbara WHS 1952 in Who's Who Ratcliffe Bill WHS 1950 in Who's Who ration card 78 Ratith I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ratzow Conrad in Who's Who Rausch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ravola I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ravoldt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rawlinson John in Who's Who Ray Catherine St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Ray Sylvia CLHS1961 in Who's Who Ray Venno Busch High School 1930 in Who's Who Raymond I have info on this family see Old Families Books Raynolds Charles Korea 1149 Raynolds Charles Korea in Who's Who Razek Robert Veteran in Who's Who REA EDWARD a Warren Policeman 1149 and in Who's Who Reagan 0491 reality loss of 0068 Reany Carolyn WHS 1957 in Who's Who Reatherford Patricia Ann CLHS1962 in Who's Who Reaun I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rebsoun I have info on this family see Old Families Books recession 0065 Reckling Alva World War II 1149 and in Who's Who recreation 0025 Recti J I have info on this family see Old Families Books Red Run 15 31 Reddick Floyd 33 Reddick Frank Warren Justice 1905 in Who's Who Reddick I have info on this family see Old Families Books REDDICK LLOYD F Army veteran 1893 1976 WWII 1150 and in Who's Who Redeemer Baptist 0251 Redlawski Dorothy WHS 1953 in Who's Who Redlowski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Redmond Marlene St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Reece John 1926-1996 veteran 1150 Reece John 1926-1996 veteran in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 265 Reed Betty Fay CLHS1962 DU in Who's Who Reed Charles Ernest CLHS1962 DU in Who's Who Reed I have info on this family see Old Families Books Reed James R U S Air Force WWII in Who's Who Reed James R Veteran U S Air Force WWII 1150 Reed Jim Veteran World War II 1150 Reed Jim World War II in Who's Who Reed Sally CLHS1955 in Who's Who Reed Sandra Kay CLHS1957 in Who's Who Reed Sandra WHS 1957 in Who's Who Reed Shirley St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Reese Gregory President CLHS1956 in Who's Who Reeves Garret 19 Regal Jean (Snoddy) Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Regan - Dean Marion St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Regan - George Charlene St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Regan William St Clement 1957 Deceased in Who's Who Reger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Regier Edwon Korea 1150 Regier Edwon Korea in Who's Who Regklivses I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rehl I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rehlman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rehse I have info on this family see Old Families Books Reiber Harold in Who's Who Reiber-Norman Mary St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Reichenbach Robert St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Reichert Peter wagon maker in Who's Who Reid Neil killed in France 1918. in Who's Who REID NEIL WARRENNER killed in France 1918 p1150 and in Who's Who Reid Edgar S science teacher 1943 Busch High School in Who's Who Reid Warrenner Neil 33 Reids I have info on this family see Old Families Books Reileling I have info on this family see Old Families Books Reilly Howard World War II 1150 and in Who's Who Rein I have info on this family see Old Families Books Reine Barbara CLHS1961 in Who's Who Reiners Frederick Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Reiners Rosemarie Busch High School 1944 in Who's Who Reis I have info on this family see Old Families Books Reiss - Mayernick Shirley St Clement 1964 in Who's Who REISS BENJAMIN killed in World War II 1150 and in Who's Who Reiss Elizabeth St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Reiss Herbert St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Reiss James St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Reiss Janet St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Reiss Joseph St Clement 1959 Deceased in Who's Who Reiss Mary St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Reiss Patricia St Clement 1948 Deceased in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 266 Reiss Phyllis St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Reiss Thomas St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Reiss William St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Reiss-Tetzlaff Carol St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Reiss-Vella Rita St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Reister Mary (Steffen) Busch High School 1942 in Who's Who Reiterman Ralph Asst. Fire Chief 1945 in Who's Who Reiterman Ralph was a Lieutenant in the CLFD in 1958. in Who's Who Reithel William Vietnam 1150 Reithel William Vietnam in Who's Who Remlinger Harold in Who's Who Remmington I have info on this family see Old Families Books Remsing Don St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Remsing Robert CLFD in 1966. in Who's Who Remsing Robert St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Remsing-Jackson Catherine St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Renaissance Unity 0253 Renaud Fred Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Renaykas I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rendel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rendon Bruce R in Who's Who Rendzio Alfred Veteran World War II 1150 Rendzio Alfred World War II in Who's Who Rendzio John H. Veteran World War II 1150 Rendzio John H. World War II in Who's Who Renge I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rennka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Renolt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rentz I have info on this family see Old Families Books REPPUHN LANCE CPL. JUSTIN D. 20 killed in Iraq War 1150 and in Who's Who Republic street in Who's Who Rerber Suzanne St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Rerismpa I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rerke or Rucka Anna 1906 in Who’s Who Reska Johanna 1858 d 1922 in Who’s Who Revolt C 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Revolt Chris 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Revolt H 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Revolt Henry 1895 sec 31 in Who’s Who Revolt J 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Rezanka Anna d reread in Who’s Who Rezanka Charles d reread in Who’s Who Rhode Fred 1895 sec 25 in Who’s Who RHODES HIRAM M 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who RHODES LYMAN E 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Richabaugh J map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who Richteo Frank a41 1929 7 29 in Who’s Who Rickabus Eimmra 1918 in Who’s Who Rickabus Emma C 1888 1918 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 267 Rickabus Francisci 1892 in Who’s Who Rickabus Frank Jr 1825 1892in Who’s Who Rickabus Frank S 1841 1928 in Who’s Who Rickabus Mary L 1878 1905 in Who’s Who Rickabus Mary L 1878 1908 in Who’s Who Rickabus Rosella 1854 1924 in Who’s Who Rickekis Sr jacobis 1899 in Who’s Who Reska I have info on this family see Old Families Books Reske I have info on this family see Old Families Books Resnka I have info on this family see Old Families Books respect 24 responsibility 0024, 50 Ress Marilyn St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Resseth Chris D WWII veteran 1150 Resseth Chris D WWII veteran in Who's Who Resvor I have info on this family see Old Families Books Retarius I have info on this family see Old Families Books RETTELL VICTOR C killed in World War II 1150 and in Who's Who Rettig Bernadett St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Rettig Joseph St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Rettig-Saso Margaret St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Reuben I have info on this family see Old Families Books Reubern I have info on this family see Old Families Books Reuter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rev. Wiley Hendricks Catholic Pastor in Who's Who Revaldt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Revard I have info on this family see Old Families Books Revodt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rewaldt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rewor I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rewz I have info on this family see Old Families Books REYES WILLIAM L LCPL MARINES Vietnam Hostile Killed 1150 and in Who's Who Reynaert Kenneth CLHS1961 in Who's Who REYNOLDS John D killed in World War II 1150 and in Who's Who Reynolds Jerry CLHS1960 in Who's Who REYNOLDS SEAN C. killed in Iraq in Who's Who Reynolds Sgt. Sean C. 25 killed in Iraq War 1150 RFID 0010, 0067, 73 Rhadigan Irene Germaine CLHS1962 in Who's Who Rhadigan Lucille CLHS1957 in Who's Who Rhadigan Thomas CLHS1956 in Who's Who Rhadigan Yvonne Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Rheker - Bochy Anita St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Rheul I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rhine Carolyn Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Rhode I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rhodes Hiram 19 Rhodes Lyman 19 20 Rhodes 33 Page Twelve Thousand 268 Rhodes Lyman in Who's Who Rhodes Lyman Justice of Peace 1839 in Who's Who Rhodes Noah Veteran in Who's Who Ribbing Anne St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Ribitch Jean Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Ricci Bonita CLHS1960 in Who's Who RICCI GERALD Army Warren Vietnam Hostile Killed 1150 and in Who's Who Rice Harold WHS 1952 in Who's Who Richard Marvin St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Richards Clyde Edward CLHS1955 in Who's Who Richardson David St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Richardson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Richardson William Korea 1150 Richardson William Korea in Who's Who Richardville Randy in Who's Who Richart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Richert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Richert Joyce Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who richest town in USA 0050 Richest Township 0487 Richkey Rosemary St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Richlmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Richmond Diane CLHS1959 in Who's Who Richmond Henry St Clement 1960 Deceased in Who's Who Richnbush I have info on this family see Old Families Books Richter Giles Vietnam 4th Infantry 1150 Richter Giles Vietnam 4th Infantry in Who's Who Richter John 2nd U S Army Korea in Who's Who Richter John 2nd Veteran U S Army Korea 1150 Riciuhondt I have info on this family see Old Families Books RICK ROBERT C killed in World War II 1150 and in Who's Who Rickabus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rickabus Nancy St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Rickeabush I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rickebup I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rickebus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rickerbush I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rickert John 19 RICKERT JOHN L 11/23/1835 in Who’s Who Ricket A map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Rickett L 1895 sec 26 in Who’s Who Rickert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rickibush Cora in 1900 telephone operator 45 and in Who’s Who Rickibush Frank 1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Rickibush L 1895 sec War in Who’s Who Riehl Anna Joyce 1843 1929 in Who’s Who Riem R map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Riem R. map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 269 Rikabus Arthur 1883 1929 in Who’s Who Rikabus Paulina 1832 1915 in Who’s Who Rikibus Paulina 1916 in Who’s Who Rinehardt P map 1875 sec 33 in Who’s Who Rinka A map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Rinka C map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Rinka Chas map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Rinka F map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Rinka Infant of Ray 1938 in Who’s Who Rinka Jos map 1875 sec 17 in Who’s Who Rinke A Est 1895 sec 21 Center Line in Who’s Who Rinke Andrew in Who’s Who Rinke Andrew 1895 sec 2 in Who’s Who Rinke Andrew b 1833 d 1894 in Who’s Who Rinke Anthony 1883 1927in Who’s Who Rinke Arthur 1919 1933in Who’s Who Rinke Audrsas 1894 in Who’s Who Rinke Barbara 1881 1960 in Who’s Who Rinke Charles 1908 1982 in Who’s Who Rinke Christena b 1807 d 1885 in Who’s Who Rinke Christena b 1807 d 1885? needs restudy in Who’s Who Rinke Christop 1885? in Who’s Who Rinke Christopher b 1811 d needs restudy in Who’s Who Rinke Christopher b 1811 d 1876 in Who’s Who Rinke Christopher 1869 in Who’s Who Rinke Christopor Jan 1876 in Who’s Who Rinke Dolores E 1934 in Who’s Who Rinke Frederick 1932 in Who’s Who Rinke Gertrude 1886 1923 in Who’s Who Rinke infant Andreas warner Mar 1874 in Who’s Who Rinke J 1895 sec 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Rinke Joseph J 1877 1916 in Who’s Who Rinke Julia 1910 1956 in Who’s Who Rinke Leo 1908 1910 in Who’s Who Rinke Leo George 1938 in Who’s Who Rinke Magdalena 1917 in Who’s Who Rinke Magdelen b 1847 d 1917 wife of Andrewin Who’s Who Rinke Maria 1891 in Who’s Who Rinke Maria 1915 in Who’s Who Rinke Norbert in Who’s Who Rinke Rolland 1897 1899 son of JA & E in Who’s Who Rinke Rotaudus 1899 in Who’s Who Rinke Tranciscu 11 Sep 1884 in Who’s Who Rickibush I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rickubusch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rickurt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Riday Shirley St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Riddick I have info on this family see Old Families Books Riddle Shirley Jean CLHS1962 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 270 Ridenour Jerrold WHS 1953 in Who's Who Ridenour Sally WHS 1955 in Who's Who Rider Kay CLHS1959 in Who's Who Ridey Mary CLHS1961 in Who's Who riding high 0009 riding stables 0053 Ridky James CLHS1959 in Who's Who Ridky Paul Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Rieck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rieck Lawrence WHS 1956 in Who's Who Rieck Shirley WHS 1953 in Who's Who Riederer Joanne Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Rieger Harvey WWII European front in Who's Who Rieger Harvey WWII HO European 1150 Rieges I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rielen I have info on this family see Old Families Books rifle 0193 Rights lost 0067 Riley Jack U S Army WWII in Who's Who Riley Jack Veteran U S Army WWII 1150 Riley James 1867 in Who's Who Riley Tabitha in Who's Who Rineer Gayle Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Ring Mary CLHS1961 in Who's Who Ringhart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ringl Marilyn CLHS1960 in Who's Who Ringl Richard Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Rinka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rinke 0052 Rinke 90 92 Rinke Alfred U S Army Air Corps WWII POW in Who's Who Rinke Alfred Veteran U S Army Air Corps WWII was POW 1150 Rinke Allan St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Rinke Arlene WHS 1955 in Who's Who Rinke Avenue in Who's Who Rinke Charles St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Rinke David St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Rinke Dennis St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Rinke Don WHS 1953 in Who's Who Rinke Ed in Who's Who Rinke Edgar 45 Rinke Edgar in Who’s Who Rinke family in Who's Who Rinke Frederick St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Rinke G in Who's Who Rinke Gerald in Who's Who Rinke Gerald St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Rinke Gloria WHS 1955 in Who's Who Rinke Hugo in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 271 Rinke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rinke Jeannette St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Rinke John in Who's Who Rinke John St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Rinke Joseph 45 Rinke Joseph A in Who's Who Rinke Joseph in Who's Who Rinke Marie in Who's Who Rinke Marie St Clement 1939 in Who's Who Rinke Marvin St Clement 1936 in Who's Who Rinke Matilda St Clement 1928 in Who's Who Rinke Motors 0348 Rinke N in Who's Who Rinke Norbert 45 Rinke Ormund St Clement 1939 in Who's Who Rinke Park in Who's Who Rinke R in Who's Who Rinke Robert St Clement 1935 in Who's Who Rinke Roger in Who's Who Rinke Ronald St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Rinke Ruth St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Rinke-Diegel Georgiann St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Rinke-Hicks Diane St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Rinkeland 0534-6 Rinkeland Farm 0116 Rinke-Shaw Patricia St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Rinn Timothy 19 RINN TIMOTHY 5/1/1838 in Who’s Who RIPLEY DAVID 10/28/1835 in Who’s Who Ritchie Joseph V 1920 1988 Veteran in Who’s Who Ritchie Joseph V Veteran in Who’s Who Rintz Bill Korean Veteran in Who's Who Rintz Irene WHS 1952 in Who's Who Rintz William B Korea 1150 Rintz William B Korea in Who's Who Ripley David 19 Risner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Risuit I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ritarius I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ritchie - Martyniak Kathy St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Ritchie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ritchie Joseph St Clement 1938 Deceased in Who's Who Ritchie Rose St Clement 1939 in Who's Who Ritter Arthur Jr U S Army Vietnam in Who's Who Ritter Arthur Jr Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1150 Ritter Arthur Sr U S Navy WWII in Who's Who Ritter Arthur Sr Veteran U S Navy WWII 1150 RIVARD CHARLES 4/4/1833 10/14/1835 in Who’s Who RIVARD FABIAN 4/4/1833 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 272 Rivard LusannaAleida ? Aug 1872 in Who’s Who Rivard A map 1875 sec 8 in Who’s Who Rivard Arthur Haruog Mar 1871 in Who’s Who Rivard Charles Second settler in 1831 in Who’s Who Rivard Elliot 1886 in Who’s Who Rivard Fabien early pioneer sec 33 in Who’s Who Rivard F map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Rivard Francis 1895 sec 3 4 in Who’s Who Rivard Frank in Who’s Who Rivard Charles 19 Rivard Fabian 19 Rivard Victoire 19 Rivard 33, 44, 0539 Rivard Antionette Secretary WHS 1934 in Who's Who Rivard Charles 18 Rivard Charles 1831 2nd legal settler. in Who's Who Rivard Charles WHS 1957 in Who's Who Rivard Eugenia Busch High School 1939 in Who's Who Rivard Eugenia Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who Rivard Eugenie WHS 1938 in Who's Who Rivard Fabien 18 Rivard Fabien in Who's Who Rivard family in Who's Who Rivard Frank early settler in Who's Who Rivard Gerald WHS 1938 in Who's Who Rivard Hardware Warren village 0357 Rivard Herbert 45 Rivard Herbert hardware store in 1900 in Who’s Who Rivard Joseph in Who’s Who Rivard Joseph 1920 in Who’s Who Rivard Leander 1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Rivard Leander map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Rivard noname 1871 in Who’s Who RIVARD VICTOIRE 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Rlslzka Augusli 1940 in Who’s Who Roach Alice a8 1929 in Who’s Who Robavge Archie 1929 in Who’s Who Robeck Anna 1890 in Who’s Who Roberts infant 1899 in Who’s Who Roberts S 1895 sec 20 in Who’s Who Robineck Leanora 1930 in Who’s Who Robinet Elizabeth 1856 1915 wife of Henry in Who’s Who Robinet Gebel infant May 1873 26 in Who’s Who Robinet Hargarethan? Gebel Jan 1871 23 in Who’s Who Robinet Helena 1863 in Who’s Who Robinet Henry 1933 in Who’s Who Robinet John B 1825 1903 in Who’s Who Robinet Maria 1825 1891 wife of John B in Who’s Who Robinet Maria 1891 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 273 Robinett Elizabeth 1915 in Who’s Who Robinett infant 1900 in Who’s Who Robinett Joannes B 1903 in Who’s Who Rodha C map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Rivard I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rivard Jean Baptiste in Who's Who RIVARD JOHN F killed in World War II 1150 and in Who's Who Rivard John WHS 1951 in Who's Who Rivard Margaret St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Rivard Richard in Who's Who Rivard Street in Who's Who RIVARD WILTON A killed in World War II 1150 and in Who's Who Rivers Hazel in Who's Who Rivers Larry U S Army Desert Storm 1151 and in Who's Who Rivers Mary in Who's Who Rivet Gloria WHS 1950 in Who's Who Rivetto Bob U S Army 1956-1964 1151 and in Who's Who Rivetto Carol in Who's Who Rivetto Robert in Who's Who Riyman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rizzo Albert V Korea 1151 Rizzo Albert V Korea in Who's Who Roach Evelyn St Clement 1936 in Who's Who Roach Patrick St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Roach Theresa St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Roach Thomas St Clement 1939 in Who's Who road 23 43 44 45 92 roasting corn 0337 Roat I have info on this family see Old Families Books Roat Phyllis WHS 1957 in Who's Who Roback Thomas CLHS1959 in Who's Who Robbins Harry Teacher WHS 1952 in Who's Who ROBBINS TODD James 33 killed in Iraq 1151 and in Who's Who Robbins Willian James CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Robenett I have info on this family see Old Families Books Roberson Steve CLHS1961 in Who's Who Robert Egan in Who's Who Robert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Robert Kowatch in Who's Who Roberts Delores CLHS1955 in Who's Who Roberts Delores in Who's Who Roberts Floyd in Who's Who Roberts I have info on this family see Old Families Books Roberts Kenneth Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Roberts Marshall CLHS1956 in Who's Who Roberts Patsy CLHS1958 in Who's Who Robertson David B in Who's Who Robertson Gary CLHS1961 in Who's Who ROBERTSON JOHN W killed in World War II 1151 and in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 274 Robertson William World War II 1151 and in Who's Who Robine George St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Robinet I have info on this family see Old Families Books Robinet Michael WHS 1951 in Who's Who Robinson Andy Korea 1151 and in Who's Who ROBINSON ANTIONE V. KILLED IN AFGHANISTAN in Who's Who Robinson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Robinson Irving Busch High School 1938 in Who's Who Robinson Irving son of Sam in Who's Who ROBINSON JAMES Medal of Honor Civil War 1151 and in Who's Who Robinson Marilyn Busch High School 1944 in Who's Who Robinson Nicholas CLHS1961 in Who's Who Robinson Pfc. Antione V. 20 Afghanistan 1151 Robinson Samuel Store in Who's Who Robinson's 0478 Robokosky I have info on this family see Old Families Books Robson Bill WHS 1956 in Who's Who Rocca Marino CLHS1961 in Who's Who Rocca Tory in Who's Who Rocco David P. Vietnam 1151 Rocco David P. Vietnam in Who's Who Rocco Sal in Who's Who Rocher Robert Vietnam 1151 and in Who's Who Rocho I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rock I have info on this family see Old Families Books rock layers 0404 Rocker Carolyn CLHS1959 in Who's Who Rocker Clayton CLHS1958 in Who's Who Rocker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rocker June CLHS1956 in Who's Who Rocky James CLHS1957 in Who's Who Rocky Jerome Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Rodo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rodriguez Samuel Vietnam 1151 Rodriguez Samuel Vietnam in Who's Who Rody I have info on this family see Old Families Books Roebeck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Roehning I have info on this family see Old Families Books Roekler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rogacki Maryle CLHS1962 in Who's Who ROGALLA GEORGE HENRY CWO Vietnam 1151 and in Who's Who Rogan Thomas 19 ROGAN THOMAS 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who Roinet Henry 1874 1933 in Who’s Who Roman 19 flat needs restudy in Who’s Who Roman Jsephina a67 Jan 1879 in Who’s Who Romanski Joseph Veteran in Who’s Who Romon Gop? Leduc Dec 1878 in Who’s Who Rogers Gary in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 275 Rogers Mary CLHS1955 in Who's Who ROGERS PAUL JR killed in World War II 1151 and in Who's Who Rogers William in Who's Who Rogos Richard St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Rogos-Behrens Diane St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Rohr Jennifer in Who's Who Rojas Minor Enrique deceased CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Roksehon I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rokwicz Judith St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Rokwicz-Gryniewicz Patricia St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Rolal I have info on this family see Old Families Books Roland Allan WHS 1956 in Who's Who Roland Douglas Vietnam 1151 and in Who's Who Rolando Jack Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Rolewicz Irene CLHS1958 in Who's Who Rolfe Paul St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Rolfe Ronald St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Rolicius I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rollenger Mary Louise St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Rollinger Robert St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Rollinger Tom St Clement 1944 in Who's Who Rollins Charles Vietnam 1151 Rollins Charles Vietnam in Who's Who Rollwicz John Busch High School 1948 in Who's Who Roluibeck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Romain Raymond Veteran World War II 1151 Romaine Raymond World War II in Who's Who Roman Arlene CLHS1957 in Who's Who Romancheck Paul Rochester MI in Who's Who Romanik Lawrence Vietnam 1151 Romanik Lawrence Vietnam in Who's Who Romano Avenue in Who's Who Romano Grace St Clement 1958 in Who's Who ROMANO ORLANDO H killed in World War II 1151 and in Who's Who Romano Theresa CLHS1959 in Who's Who Romano Vincent in Who's Who Romano William in Who's Who Romanski 94 Romanski Ryan view 0072 ROMEYN HENRY Medal of Honor Indian Campaigns 1151 and in Who's Who Romeyn Mary Treasurer CLHS1959 in Who's Who Romig Dave Korea 1151 and in Who's Who Romzek Benedict St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Romzek-Rinke Dorothy St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Ronie's Drive in 0473 Ronnie's Drive In 0487 Rood Ezra 19 ROOD EZRA 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who Roosen C map 1875 sec 5 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 276 Roosen Joseph 1860 1927 in Who’s Who Rosalia DeSmet 1864 in Who’s Who Rosalia Maria 1861 in Who’s Who Rood I have info on this family see Old Families Books Roose Karen Rebecca CLHS1962 in Who's Who Roose Mark C in Who's Who Roosen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Roosen Jean St Clement 1944 in Who's Who Roosen Joe St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Roosevelt Franklin 58 Roosnka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Root I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ropalewski Anthony WWII U S Navy 1151 Ropalewski Anthony WWII U S Navy in Who's Who Rorah Ronald Vietnam 1151 Rorah Ronald Vietnam in Who's Who Ros I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rosalia LeGrlat in Who’s Who Rosan Robinet 15 Jun 1880 in Who’s Who Rosanke Maria 1894 in Who’s Who Rose Chas map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Rose G map 1859 sec 24 in Who’s Who Rose Wm 1895 sec 20 in Who’s Who Rose Wm map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Rosen Carparen Frost Trost Aug 1875 in Who’s Who Rosenel J map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who Rosenow J 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Ross John 1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Ross Richard A Veteran in Who’s Who Rotarioius Sylvester 1931 in Who’s Who Rotarius Agnes a38 1929 in Who’s Who Rotarius Aloysius 1919 in Who’s Who Rotarius Catharina 1888 in Who’s Who Rotarius Francis 1934 in Who’s Who Rotarius Gertrude Otto 30 Apr 1884 in Who’s Who Rotarius Gertrude 1877 1882 was Bielimanin Who’s Who Rotarius Gertrude w of Anthony Bieliman 1857 1882 in Who’s Who Rotarius Hariann Glauke 4 May 1880 in Who’s Who Rotarius Helen 1855 1933 in Who’s Who Rotarius Helen 1933 in Who’s Who Rotarius Hrgealeman Feb 1873 in Who’s Who Rotarius infano of Joseph 1892 in Who’s Who Rotarius J 1895 sec 1 22 Center Line in Who’s Who Rotarius J map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Rotarius J P map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Rotarius J. P map 1859 sec 22 map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Rotarius Jacob 1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Rotarius Jacob 1849 1937 in Who’s Who Rotarius Joannes 1885? in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 277 Rotarius Joseph 1892 in Who’s Who Rotarius Leonardi 1862 in Who’s Who Rotarius Magdalean 30 Oct 1884 in Who’s Who Rotarius Matthew a70 1934 in Who’s Who Rotarius or Zofarius Gertruda Beilman a24 1882 in Who’s Who Rotarius P map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Rotarius Peter scc 1854 map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Rotars J F map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who Roth C map 1875 sec 33 in Who’s Who Roth Conrad 1894 in Who’s Who Roth Kathea or Hather Trell 1870 in Who’s Who Rottman H 1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Rottman H map 1859 sec 3 in Who’s Who Rottman Henry map 1875 sec 3 in Who’s Who Rout Joyce Marie 1939 in Who’s Who ROWLAND DAVID H 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Roy Peter Alfred Veteran in Who’s Who Royce Polly age18 in 1860 Teacher in Who’s Who Royce S W map 1859 sec 4 in Who’s Who Royle Patricii 1864 in Who’s Who Rozaecka Anna 1917 in Who’s Who Rozanka Anna d 1917 in Who’s Who Rozanka Charles d 1911 in Who’s Who Rozanka Helen 1907 d 1925 in Who’s Who Rozanka Mary 1878 1894 in Who’s Who Rozanka Mary b 1878 d 1801in Who’s Who Rozon C 1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who Rsgesa Anna 1941 in Who’s Who Rubenach Maria 1901 in Who’s Who Rubendt J B 1895 sec 15 in Who’s Who Rubenett J 1895 sec 21 Center Line in Who’s Who Rubine J map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Rubinet J. map 1875 sec 22 in Who’s Who Rubinet M map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Rubinet map 1875 sec 22 \ in Who’s Who Rucinski Leo A Jr Veteran in Who’s Who RUDE GIDEON 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who Rudenbeck C map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Ruechel J 1895 sec 21 Center Line in Who’s Who Ruell E map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Ruell R map 1859 sec 12 in Who’s Who Ruhenbach Veronica 1932 in Who’s Who Ruhl Hier in Who’s Who Ruhlemann Barbara 1912 in Who’s Who Ruhlman Chris in Who’s Who ROSAS PFC. RICHARD H. 21 killed in Iraq War 1151 and in Who's Who Rosati Mario U S Navy WWII 1151 and in Who's Who Rosbeck Iris WHS 1955 in Who's Who Rosbury Barbara St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 278 Rosbury George St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Rosbury-Lehman Patricia St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Rosch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rose Barbara WHS 1955 in Who's Who Rose Becky in Who's Who Rose Bill in Who's Who Rose Denise in Who's Who Rose Eleanor WHS 1953 in Who's Who Rose I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rose Raymond in Who's Who Rosene Alfred WHS 1953 in Who's Who Rosenow I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rosenpa I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rosenthal Sid Busch High School 1944 in Who's Who Rosier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rosin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rosina I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rosina Margaret WHS 1955 in Who's Who Rosina Steven St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Rosinski Linda St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Rosinski Nancy St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Rosinski Norman St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Rosinski-Karas Ilene St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Rosnik-Polselli Nancy St Clement 1959 Deceased in Who's Who Rosno I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rosochacki Edward F veteran 1151 Rosochacki Edward F veteran in Who's Who Ross Dinah St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Ross Dr O. C in Who's Who Ross Ed WHS 1951 in Who's Who Ross James Korean War U S Army in Who's Who Ross James Veteran Korean War U S Army 1151 Ross Karen WHS 1956 in Who's Who Ross Richard St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Ross Yyonne CLHS1961 in Who's Who Rossi Frank United States Navy Cuba 1151 Rossi Frank United States Navy Cuba in Who's Who Rossi Rocco U. S. Army WWII 1151 Rossi Rocco U. S. Army WWII in Who's Who Rossio Frank CLFD in Who's Who Rossman Thomas CLHS1956 in Who's Who Rosso I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rostow Arthur CLHS1959 in Who's Who Rostow-Castiglione Margaret St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Rosyenks I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rotarious I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rotarius Audrey St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Rotarius Dianne St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Rotarius Eleanor Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 279 Rotarius I have info on this family see Old Families Books ROTARIUS JOSEPH A killed in World War II 1151 and in Who's Who Rotarius Peter in Who's Who Rotarus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Roth Betty WHS 1951 in Who's Who Roth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Roth Nancy WHS 1952 in Who's Who Rotha I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rothenberg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rothman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rothmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rottiers Stacey in Who's Who Rottman Norman CLFD in Who's Who Rottmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rottmann Richard WHS 1938 in Who's Who Rottmsu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rourke Bob U S Army 54-56 in Who's Who Rourke Bob Veteran U S Army 54-56 1151 Rouse Charles G U S Navy 1961-1966 1151 Rouse Charles G U S Navy 1961-1966 in Who's Who Rovil I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rowden I have info on this family see Old Families Books ROWELL DOROTHY “Dottie” 1151 and in Who's Who Rowell Dottie in Who's Who Rowell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rowland David 19 Rowley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Roy Raymond U S Navy Korean War 1152 and in Who's Who Roy Roger in Who's Who Royce 33 Royce I have info on this family see Old Families Books Royce Polly 34 Rozanka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rozewicz Gloria WHS 1954 in Who's Who Rozewicz Rosemary WHS 1956 in Who's Who Rozmary Jo Ann St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Rriswit I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rsemer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rubbing William CLHS1961 in Who's Who Rubbing William in Who's Who Rubing I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rubitscaun Robert U S Navy WWII Pacific in Who's Who Rubitscaun Robert Veteran U S Navy WWII Pacific 1152 Rublman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rucho I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ruckabus Arthur St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Rucker Klyde Norman SSGT Korea 1952-1953 1152 Rucker Klyde Norman T Korea 1952-1953 in Who's Who Ruckert William CLHS1957 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 280 Rucklen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rude Gideon 19 Rude Bill President Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Rudeman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rudiman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rudolph I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rudy George Owner Rudy Funeral Home in Who's Who Ruell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ruffer Clon J taught at CLHS1955-1960s in Who's Who Ruffer Nancy R taught at CLHS1957 in Who's Who Ruffini Nick CLHS1956 in Who's Who Rugenstein Leona WHS 1938 in Who's Who Rugh Gilbert Korea 1152 Rugh Gilbert Korea in Who's Who Ruhlman Christopher 1863 1938 in Who’s Who RuhlmannLaurenins 1919 in Who’s Who Ruhlumann Maryanta 1901 in Who’s Who Rump Antonuins 1889 in Who’s Who Rumpa Anna 1899 in Who’s Who Rumpa Antonia 1886 in Who’s Who Rumpa Cecilia Wasifska Nov 1879 in Who’s Who Rumpa Cecilia a 3 3 Feb 1884 in Who’s Who Rumpa Elizabeth 1904 in Who’s Who Rumpa Frank 1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who Rumpa Jacobes 1894 in Who’s Who Rumpa Juliam Aug 1876 in Who’s Who Rumph A map 1875 sec 30 in Who’s Who Rumph Alexander 1901 1910 in Who’s Who Rumph Anthony d 1889 in Who’s Who Rumph Antonetta d 1886 wife of Anthonyin Who’s Who Rumph Augustin 1917 in Who’s Who Rumph Caecelia d 1884 in Who’s Who Rumph Frank 1865 1909 in Who’s Who Rumph Joseph 1888 1914 in Who’s Who Rumph Minnie 1866 1945 in Who’s Who Rumph Rosa d 1884 in Who’s Who Rumpr Rosan Wisepoka 29 Jan 1884 in Who’s Who Runph Joseph 1914 in Who’s Who Rusa Henry map 1875 sec 8 in Who’s Who Rusk Elisbath 1887 in Who’s Who Russ Frank 1895 sec 18 in Who’s Who Russ J map 1875 sec 3 in Who’s Who Ryan Anna 1866 14 in Who’s Who Ryan Briget Hayes b 1820 d 1871 in Who’s Who Ruhlman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ruhlman L 1895 sec 26 in Who’s Who Ruhlman L map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Ruhlman Maria Motter 1831 1873 wife of Lorenzin Who’s Who Ruhlman Mary 1938 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 281 Ruhlmann 1856 1857 in Who’s Who Ruhlmann Barbara Prerszer? 1851 1912 wife of Lorenzin Who’s Who Ruhlmann Christopher 1862 1943 in Who’s Who Ruhlmann Lorenz 1833 1919 in Who’s Who Ruhlmann Margaretha 1841? 1901?1890? in Who’s Who Ruhlmann Margaretha 1844 1901 in Who’s Who Ruhlmann Maria Tusresia 1887 in Who’s Who Ruhlmann Mary B Robinet in Who’s Who Ruklousay I have info on this family see Old Families Books rule by brute force 0015, 0017 Rumancik Stephen St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Rumancik William CLHS1959 in Who's Who Rumohr David CLHS1961 in Who's Who Rumohr Edith CLHS1956 in Who's Who Rumpa I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rumpe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rumph Clarence WHS 1934 in Who's Who Rumph Paul St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Rumpl Matthew Vietnam 1152 Rumpl Matthew Vietnam in Who's Who Rumschlac H B WW1 146 Ohio Inf 1152 and in Who's Who Rumus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rundy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Runey Drive in Who's Who Runey Frank in Who's Who Runkel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rupchlager I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rupnow Clifford Korea 1152 Rupnow Clifford Korea in Who's Who Rural Directory 9 Rush I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ruso I have info on this family see Old Families Books Russ Darryl U S Army Iraq in Who's Who Russ Darryl Veteran U S Army Iraq 1152 Russel Dr. T. P. 1936 in Who's Who Russell Annette St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Russell James WHS 1957 in Who's Who Russell Joseph St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Russell Kay WHS 1957 in Who's Who Russell-Berger Barbara St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Russo Carol CLHS1961 in Who's Who Russo Grace CLHS1955 in Who's Who Russo Leonard Vietnam 1152 Russo Leonard Vietnam in Who's Who Ruthborn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ruthenberg Thomas CLHS1961 in Who's Who Rutherford Frances WHS 1950 in Who's Who Rutledge David State of Michigan Representative in Who's Who Rutman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 282 Rutmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rutowski Dennis CLHS1959 in Who's Who Rutowski Linda CLHS1961 in Who's Who ruts 0043 Rutter Donald Korea 1152 Rutter Donald Korea in Who's Who Ruttman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rutz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rutzel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rwaldt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ryall I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ryan Michael 19 Ryan family lived south of Warren in Who's Who Ryan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ryan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ryan James Warren Justice 1943 Trustee 1950 1951 in Who's Who Ryan Michael 18 Ryan Pat Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Ryan Richard CLHS1961 in Who's Who Ryan Riding Stables Ryan Theater 0070 Ryan Theater 95 Ryan Timothy in Who’s Who Ryan Carolin Hryes Mar 1879 in Who’s Who Ryan Charles H 1849 1879 ag 30 in Who’s Who Ryan Charles in Who’s Who Ryan Daniel Timothe Jun 1873 in Who’s Who Ryan Elizabeth Agne Jan 1872 in Who’s Who Ryan Joanne Tullenan 10 Dec 1880 in Who’s Who Ryan Joannis Hayes Oct 1872 in Who’s Who Ryan John F 1851 1873 a22 in Who’s Who Ryan John 1895 sec 27 Center Line in Who’s Who Ryan John map 1859 sec 27 SECL map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Ryan John map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Ryan John in Who’s Who Ryan Joseph P Sr Veteran in Who’s Who Ryan Maggie L b 1851? d 1871 in Who’s Who Ryan Maggie L b 1854 d 1871 in Who’s Who Ryan Margaretha Oct 1871 in Who’s Who Ryan Margaritha Winnifri? 1866 in Who’s Who Ryan Maria 1915 in Who’s Who RYAN MICHAEL in Who’s Who RYAN MICHAEL 4/1/1837 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who Ryan Michael early pioneer D 1884 in Who’s Who Ryan Muhadn 1863 in Who’s Who Ryan Nickael Peters 1 Sept 1884 in Who’s Who Ryan T map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Ryan Tim map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Ryan Timothy d 1895 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 283 Ryan Timothy d 1905 in Who’s Who Ryan Trinothens 1895 in Who’s Who Ryckegham Charles 1938 in Who’s Who Ryanhart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ryde I have info on this family see Old Families Books Rylance Francis Busch High School 1943 in Who's Who Rylance Rita Osterfoot Busch High School 1948 in Who's Who Rylka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ryskewicz Crystal St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Rzempela Harry veteran in Who's Who Rzepka Stephen Korea 1152 Rzepka Stephen Korea Veteran in Who's Who Rzeszut Donald St Clement 1961 in Who's Who S& N green stamps 0492 SAARM Andrey Harold Motor Machinist's Mate 3c killed in World War II 1152 and in Who's Who Sabados Marlene CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Sabados Robert John CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Sabatini Joe in Who's Who Sabatini Joseph Vietnam 1152 Sabatini Joseph Vietnam in Who's Who Sabaugh Carmella in Who's Who Sabaugh Carmella Macomb County Clerk in Who's Who Sabaugh Fred in Who's Who Sabaugh Matthew P Court Judge in Who's Who Sabaugh Rchard in Who's Who Sabaugh Sam II in Who's Who Sabbe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sabbie Susanna 1919 in Who’s Who Sabrow Christine 1935 in Who’s Who Sachs F map 1859 sec 13 in Who’s Who Sack Dorothy 1934 in Who’s Who Sackett T L map 1859 sec 12 in Who’s Who Sadon Patricu 1859 in Who’s Who Saffin Margarita 1861 in Who’s Who Sabins Ronald WHS 1952 in Who's Who Sabo Diane in Who's Who Sabo Jesse CLHS 1958 in Who's Who SABO JOHN killed in World War II 1152 and in Who's Who Sabo Shirley CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Sabowski Stephanie St Clement 1931 in Who's Who SABRAW ROBERT J killed in World War II 1152 and in Who's Who Sachs I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sackmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sacks I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sacno I have info on this family see Old Families Books Saderent I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sadernt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sadler Catherine St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Sadler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 284 Sadowski Keith in Who's Who Sadroot I have info on this family see Old Families Books Saduker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sae I have info on this family see Old Families Books Saint Clement see St Clement Sagady Elizabeth St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Sagady Mary St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Sahiek I have info on this family see Old Families Books Saifferleier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Salata Walter Veteran U S Army WWII 1152 Salata Walter WWII in Who's Who Saleden I have info on this family see Old Families Books Salera John Korea US Army 1152 Salera John Korea US Army in Who's Who Sales I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sallee Frank WWII in Who's Who Sallee Frank WWII veteran 1152 Salter Bernice St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Salter Eleanor St Clement 1936 in Who's Who Salter Helen St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Salter Raul Joseph 1934 in Who’s Who Samp F map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who Sapp Ira M Veteran in Who’s Who Sarzynski Joseph J Veteran in Who’s Who Satana Marg 1938 in Who’s Who Satawa Ann Lee 1939 in Who’s Who Saxe J map 1875 sec 13 in Who’s Who Saxe M map 1875 sec 13 in Who’s Who Saxe P map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Schaefer Aloysius Veteran in Who’s Who Schaltraum Galielnnn? 1890 in Who’s Who Schanher V map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Schattler A map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Schattler John map 1875 sec 14 in Who’s Who Schatz A 1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Scheer W map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Scheer Wm map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Schemanski Maria 1887 in Who’s Who Schemauska J map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who SCHERMERHORN JOHN 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Scherzerg F 1895 sec 23 in Who’s Who Schildt C map 1875 sec 17 in Who’s Who Schildt Charles 1895 sec 16 17 in Who’s Who Schilitz Peter 1895 sec 26 in Who’s Who Schimberg J map 1875 sec 13 in Who’s Who Schimmel Francis 1942 in Who’s Who Schin F map 1859 sec 35 in Who’s Who Schippanska Augustin Hockmuth 1884 in Who’s Who Schlaf Anthony 1939 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 285 Schlaf Henry 1877 1928 in Who’s Who Schlaf Henry 1877 1978 in Who’s Who Schlaf Joseph 1916 in Who’s Who Schlaf Joseph P 1871 1913 in Who’s Who Schlaf Josephine 1883 1968 in Who’s Who Schlaf Mary 1845 1910 wife of Peterin Who’s Who Schlaf Peter 1827 1907in Who’s Who Schlaf Peter J 1827 1907 in Who’s Who Schlant J map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Schlant J. in Who’s Who Schlass Joseph 1836 1904 in Who’s Who Schlass Mary 1837 in Who’s Who Schlaut Harison? Catharine Grobell 1880 in Who’s Who Schlemm L map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Schlenme L map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Schlerinski Antonino 1887 in Who’s Who Schloff P 1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Schloff Peter 1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Schlose Anna 1891 in Who’s Who Schloso Joseph 1904 in Who’s Who Schloss Franciscus 1916 in Who’s Who Schloss Joannso 1890 in Who’s Who Schloss Jos 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Schloss Theopadus 1897 in Who’s Who Schmanske Cecila 14 Apr 1884 in Who’s Who Schmi? Georgii 1865 in Who’s Who Schmidt Augusta 1896 in Who’s Who Schmidt Barbara 1887 1917 in Who’s Who Schmidt Delia & Schuster B in Who’s Who Schmidt Elisabeth Frucks Feb 1878 in Who’s Who Schmidt Josephi 1867 in Who’s Who Schmidt Josephi Henrici 1867 in Who’s Who Schmiedet Nicholas 1934 in Who’s Who Schmit Philomena Nett a31 23 Aug 1883 in Who’s Who Schmith Herman 1931 in Who’s Who Schmitkie J 1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Schmitt Adelaide 1930 in Who’s Who Schmitt Barbara 1830 d 1902 in Who’s Who salute 0491 Salvation Army 0253 Salyers Scott in Who's Who Sam and Nellie's 0079 Samouelian Lark in Who's Who Samp Georgette CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Samp Kenneth Allan CLHS 1962 in Who's Who SAMSON DENNIS K. JR. 24 killed in Iraq1152 and in Who's Who Samson Jr. Dennis K. killed in Iraq in Who's Who Sanborn Kenneth N Judge c 1976 in Who's Who Sanborn-Bommarito Viola St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 286 SANCRAINTE CHARLES Medal of Honor Civil War 1152 and in Who's Who Sand I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sand Roger St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Sanderer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sanders Dean Korea 1152 Sanders Dean Korea in Who's Who Sanders Ernest Veteran in Who's Who Sanders James CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Sandidge Gregory St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Sandidge Maureen St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Sanitz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sanko Paul St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Sankuer Frederick Veteran World War II 1152 Sankuer Frederick World War II in Who's Who Sankuer Gloria in Who's Who Sankuer Patrick in Who's Who Santana Harvey in Who's Who Santangelo John WWII Bronze Star in Who's Who Santangelo John WWII U S Army Air Forces Bronze Star 1152 Sante W in Who's Who Santini Chuck Korea 1152 Santini Chuck Korea in Who's Who Santini Regina WHS 1950 in Who's Who Santorn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Santos Antone Veteran World War II 1152 Santos Antone World War II in Who's Who Sapino Mark CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Sapon I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sarinelli William Veteran World War II 1152 Sarinelli William World War II in Who's Who Sarniak Christopher in Who's Who Sarrach Mary St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Sarrach-Rey Patricia St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Sarsaparilla 0191 Sartene I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sarzynski Anthony in Who's Who Sass I have info on this family see Old Families Books Satawa John WHS 1954 in Who's Who Sather Scott Douglas killed in Iraq War. in Who's Who SATHER STAFF SGT. SCOTT D. 29 killed in Iraq War 1152 and in Who's Who Saucier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sauderson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sauger Julia St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Sauger Lawrence St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Sauger Marvin E. in Who's Who Sauger Marvin St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Sauger Patricia St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Sauger Regis St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Sauger Richard St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 287 Sauger Ronald John St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Saugerman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sauter Ann Marie in Who's Who Sauter Ann Marie St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Sauter I have info on this family see Old Families Books SAVACOOL EDWIN Medal of Honor Civil War 1152 and in Who's Who Savage - Darga Kathleen St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Savage Joesph St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Savage Michael St Clement 1962 in Who's Who saved Governor's life woman 0598 Savicus Carole St Clement 1961 Deceased in Who's Who Savine Joseph CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Savine Sally CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Saving Log cabin 3801-2 Saving our American Freedom Vol 28 saw 0334 saw 0433-6 saw mills 0030 Sawa John J 3A WWII 1916-1964 p1152 and in Who's Who Saward Eric WHS 1956 in Who's Who Saward Ron WHS 1957 in Who's Who Sawinski Gerald Eugene CLHS 1962 in Who's Who sawmill 0219 sawmill 0227 sawmill 26 27 100 sawmills 0212 Sawyer Eugene US Army Korea 1152 and in Who's Who Sawyer George Vietnam 1153 Sawyer George Vietnam in Who's Who Saxon Street. in Who's Who sayings 0208, 12 Sayle Lawrence Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Saylers Russell David in Who's Who scale 0328 scalped 0016 scalps 15 scare crow 0584 Scarsella Steve Veteran World War II 1153 Scarsella Steve World War II in Who's Who Scattler Wilburn St Clement 1930 in Who's Who Schafer Fred in Who's Who Schafer Susan in Who's Who Schaffer Robert WHS 1956 in Who's Who Schaffer Steve WHS 1957 in Who's Who Schajter Mike in Who's Who Schales I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schamante Peter Veteran World War II 1153 Schamante Peter World War II in Who's Who Schamm I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 288 Schanher I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schanilac Helen taught at CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Schankin Thomas St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Scharbo Andrew CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Scharf - Camileri Loretta St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Scharf Daisy Martha CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Scharf I have info on this family see Old Families Books Scharf Otto Busch High School 1939 in Who's Who Scharf Phillip Busch High School 1934 in Who's Who Scharf Phyllis CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Schath I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schatller I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schattler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schattler James CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Schattler Robert Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Schattler Rosealee CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Schattler Wilburn Busch High School 1930 in Who's Who Schatzberg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schatzlug I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schauer Louis in Who's Who Scheall Carol WHS 1957 in Who's Who Scheall Rosella WHS 1952 in Who's Who Schebel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Scheer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Scheeres Bert WHS 1955 in Who's Who Scheeres Jacob WHS 1953 in Who's Who Scheibner Sgt. 1st Class Daniel E. 40 killed in Iraq War 1153 and in Who's Who Scheich I have info on this family see Old Families Books SCHEID RALPH J killed in World War II 1153 and in Who's Who Scheirlynck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schelfelt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schellenberg Carol CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Scheller I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schemm I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schemm I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schemm Leonard 1800 in Who's Who Schemm Leonard teacher at Fitzgerald High School. in Who's Who Scheoenherr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Scheonherr Philip CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Scherader I have info on this family see Old Families Books Scherer Norman Korea 1153 Scherer Norman Korea in Who's Who Schermerhorn John 19 Schettler Anthony in Who's Who Schettler Casper in Who's Who Scheuer Robert WHS 1952 in Who's Who Scheuer Tom WHS 1956 in Who's Who Schicken I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schienle Stacy St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 289 Schilaf I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schild I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schiller Edwin WHS 1955 in Who's Who Schiller William WHS 1955 in Who's Who Schimelfening - Watson Joanne St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Schimelfening Dan in Who's Who Schimelfenning Arlene CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Schimmel - Shelton Imelda St Clement 1944 in Who's Who Schimmel - Wiegand Rita St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Schimmel Eugene St Clement 1941 in Who's Who SCHIMMEL FRANCIS A killed in World War II 1153 and in Who's Who Schimmel Genevive St Clement 1929 in Who's Who Schimmel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schimmel James CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Schimmel James St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Schimmel Karen St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Schimmel Louis B Postmaster WWII Veteran in Who's Who Schimmel Louis in Who's Who Schimmel Mary Ann St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Schimmel Robert St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Schimmel-Loppolla Ann Marie St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Schimmel-Majewski Ruth St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Schimpf I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schindler Louise St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Schindler Mrs Walter in Who's Who Schindler Richard St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Schindler Roland St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Schindler Terry CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Schlaf I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schlaf Joanne Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Schlaf Marilyn St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Schlaff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schlant J. early settler in Who's Who Schlas I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schlaud I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schlaut I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schlitz Audrey WHS 1953 in Who's Who Schloel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schlof I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schloff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schlose I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schmbir I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schmer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schmids I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schmids Jacob 34 Schmids Jacob in 1860 blacksmith in Who’s Who Smith Ames early land clearing pioneer in Who’s Who Smith Alexaxder Aloyius 1939 in Who’s Who Smith Blanche Margaret 1929 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 290 Smith C map 1875 sec 1 10 in Who’s Who Smith Catherine 1869 1952in Who’s Who Smith Chris 1895 sec 1 10 in Who’s Who Smith Chris map 1895 sec 1 10 in Who’s Who Smith Clara 1933 in Who’s Who Smith Edith 1913 in Who’s Who Smith Frank map 1875 sec 18 in Who’s Who Smith Harold Gregory 1931 in Who’s Who Schmidt - Wilke Kathleen St Clement 1960 in Who's Who SCHMIDT ARTHUR E KILLED IN KOREAN WAR. in Who's Who Schmidt Ben in Who's Who Schmidt Ben woodcarver 74 Schmidt Edward Warren Schools 6th grade 1938 in Who's Who Schmidt Herbert in Who's Who Schmidt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schmidt Joann St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Schmidt Marion in Who's Who Schmidt Mary Treasurer WHS Class of 1946 in Who's Who Schmidt Roy in Who's Who Schmidt Sandra CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Schmidt Wayne A. in Who's Who SCHMILLEN EDWARD killed in World War II 1153 and in Who's Who Schmitt Ben in Who's Who Schmitt Christian in Who’s Who Schmitt Barbara 1904 in Who’s Who Schmitt Christian 1829 d 1901 in Who’s Who Schmitt Christianna 1901 in Who’s Who Schmitt Christin 1829 d 1906 in Who’s Who Schmitt Cornelius J 1905 in Who’s Who Schmitt Jacob a 73 30 Jun 1884 in Who’s Who Schmitt Joseph 1894 in Who’s Who Schmitt Wahan 1902 in Who’s Who Schmittz Gulielnnus 1895 in Who’s Who Schmitz Julia 1891 193? in Who’s Who Schmitz Anna 1859 1932 in Who’s Who Schmitz Anna Maria 1817 1898 wife of Jacobin Who’s Who Schmitz Anna Maria 1892 in Who’s Who Schmitz Anthony 1883 1915 in Who’s Who Schmitz Anthony 1938 in Who’s Who Schmitz Catharina Sep 1871 in Who’s Who Schmitz Jacob 1817 1893 in Who’s Who Schmitz Michael 1856 1933 in Who’s Who Schmitz Michael 1933 in Who’s Who Schmitz Peter 1889 1935 in Who’s Who Schmth infant 1920 in Who’s Who Schneidar Stephanus 1889 in Who’s Who Schneiders or ens Emma 1918 in Who’s Who Schnell F map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Schnell Veronica 1854 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 291 Schnoblen Annna Maria in Who’s Who Schnoblen Anthony 1884? A 66? in Who’s Who Schnoblen Anthony 1897 a6 in Who’s Who Schnoblen Autarius 1894 in Who’s Who Schnoblen J S in Who’s Who Schnoblen Margerate d 1875 in Who’s Who Schnoblen Margerate d 1875 in Who’s Who Schnoblin Margaritha 1887 in Who’s Who Schoeherr Nichael Aug 1873 in Who’s Who Schoenberg J 1895 sec 13 25 Center Line in Who’s Who Schoenherr Anna 1858 d 1916 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Cecilia 1875 1961 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Edward J 1872 1953 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Gerald lee 1941 277 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Geraldine 1900 1933 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Geraldine 1930 1933 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Geraldine 1932 in Who’s Who Schoenherr infan 1903 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Irene 1941 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Jolene 1934 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Joseph 1892 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Joseph C 1903 1948 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Louis in Who’s Who Schoenherr Maria 1888 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Maria Magdalean 1913 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Marian Anna Carol 28 Oct 1884 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Mary 1846 1888 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Mary M 1912 1913 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Victor 1844 1910 in Who’s Who Schoenherr Victor 1895 sec 15 in Who’s Who Schoenrock Morris G Veteran in Who’s Who Schoetfes? Joannis Petri Haltz 1869 in Who’s Who Schoetler Albert Griffin 1873 in Who’s Who Schoetler Anna Cicilia May 1871 in Who’s Who Schoetler Joann.. Brinkman Aug 1878 in Who’s Who Schoetler Timothei 1870 in Who’s Who Schonherr Hickaclis? Clore Nov 7 1869 in Who’s Who Schoreshenr infant 1916 in Who’s Who Schornherr Victor 1888 in Who’s Who Schorttler Margaretha 1890 in Who’s Who Schoruback Nicholaus 1886 in Who’s Who Schrader H map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Schram Hal Swami Veteran in Who’s Who Schrnil or Schumit Phillipp 1856 at 2 in Who’s Who Schroeder B C map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Schroeder John 1895 sec 19 in Who’s Who Schroeder Martha 1919 in Who’s Who Schruitz Anna 1932 in Who’s Who Schuetz Peter 1936 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 292 Schulte Audrey E 1912 1913 in Who’s Who Schulte Casper 1856 1923 in Who’s Who Schulte Clemens 1914 in Who’s Who Schulte Elizabeth 1828 1911 in Who’s Who Schulte Ferdinandi 1859 in Who’s Who Schulte Frank N 1872 1947 in Who’s Who Schulte John 1852 1908 in Who’s Who Schulte Joseph Adolph 1937 in Who’s Who Schulte Maria 1913 in Who’s Who Schulte Martha C 1875 1955 wife of Frankin Who’s Who Schulte Mary 1866 1932 in Who’s Who Schulte Mary Kaltz 1857 1929 in Who’s Who Schulte Matthew Veteran in Who’s Who Schulte Peter 1856 1912 in Who’s Who Schulte Susan 1897 1901 in Who’s Who Schulte Susanna 1901 in Who’s Who Schulte Therepia Destbrath 15 Apr 1879 in Who’s Who Schulte Theresae Hiller a47 Jul 1877 in Who’s Who Schultie C 1895 sec 16 in Who’s Who Schultie John 1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Schultz infant of Antoni 1916 in Who’s Who Schultz C map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Schultz Chas 1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Schultz E 1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Schultz Elizabtt 1904 in Who’s Who Schultz Gustiv 1895 sec 14 in Who’s Who Schulz A 1895 sec 2 in Who’s Who Schumacker Abarian 1872 in Who’s Who Schumacker Anna Maria 25 Juli 1870 in Who’s Who Schuman Margaret 1930 in Who’s Who Schumunlly Antonuis 1905 in Who’s Who Schuster Alfred J 1890 1965 in Who’s Who Schuster Anna C 1886 1942 in Who’s Who Schuster B & Delia Schmidt in Who’s Who Schuster baby in Who’s Who Schuster Beatrice 1918 1925 in Who’s Who Schuster Caroline 1866 1841in Who’s Who Schuster Clara 1807 1893 in Who’s Who Schuster Clara 1807 1895 wife of Edward in Who’s Who Schuster E 1895 sec 16 in Who’s Who Schuster E map 1859 sec 16 in Who’s Who Schuster Edudard Demonth Oct 1876 in Who’s Who Schuster Edward 1807 1876 in Who’s Who Schuster Edward 1895 sec 9 in Who’s Who Schuster George 1893 1929 in Who’s Who Schuster Henry in Who’s Who Schuster Joannn 1891 in Who’s Who Schuster Joseph J 1865 1943 in Who’s Who Schuster Mrs E 1895 sec 16 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 293 Schwartz W map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Schweder Michael 1931 in Who’s Who Scoetler Anna Cecilia Jan 1872 in Who’s Who Scott Donald Louis Veteran in Who’s Who Scott Donald Louis Veteran in Who’s Who Scott Joseph J Veteran in Who’s Who Scott Joseph J Veteran in Who’s Who Scratch John map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Sedgwick Theodore map 1875 sec 18 in Who’s Who Seffaral? Maria Beth? 1866 in Who’s Who Seger John 1870 1943 in Who’s Who Seger Odilia 1873 1956 in Who’s Who Seger Odilia A 1916 1917 Sehert August in Who’s Who Seiferlein J 1895 sec 23 in Who’s Who Seiferline C 1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Seiferline L 1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Seiferth D 1895 sec 26 in Who’s Who Seifferlein C map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Seifferlein E map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Seifferlein J G map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Seifferlein M map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Seiger Frank 1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Seigler J F 1895 sec 20 in Who’s Who Sentz Mathias 1857 in Who’s Who Settlers of Warren in Who’s Who Sex or Sox P & HR map 1859 sec 27 in Who’s Who Seymour Florence w of Floyd J 1879 1930 in Who’s Who Sfrenger Mary Ann wife of Joseph Sr. 1854 1879 in Who’s Who Shaldorn Chas 1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Shamberg F 1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Shanner M map 1875 sec 10 in Who’s Who Sharpe Eulalia 1937 in Who’s Who Shatsberg E map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Shatsbock Chas map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Shatsburg P map 1875 sec 23 in Who’s Who Shattler F 1895 sec 34 in Who’s Who Shaupine Michael Mar 31 1898 in Who’s Who SHELLY THOMAS 4/15/1837 in Who’s Who Shelton Wilkie L Veteran in Who’s Who Sherer Chas 1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Sherrill E S 1895 sec 31 in Who’s Who SHERWOOD HENRY T 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who Shimburg J map 1859 sec 16 in Who’s Who Shimburg J map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Shimm Leonard 1895 sec 27 in Who’s Who Shorkes J map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Shostak Joseph Veteran in Who’s Who Shovan S map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Shoven L map 1859 sec 28 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 294 Shuester L map 1875 sec 16 9 in Who’s Who Shulte F map 1859 sec 16 in Who’s Who Shulte J map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Shuster Clara 1895 in Who’s Who Sibert Christina 1910 in Who’s Who Siegel Jacob map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Siegler J map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Siglar G map1859 sec 21 in Who’s Who Sigler G map 1859 sec 21 in Who’s Who Meuffels H H in Who’s Who Simamon Angela 1905 in Who’s Who Simonds W 1895 sec 21 22 Center Line in Who’s Who Simonds Dr William in Who’s Who Sister Emanuel Buihtitnilin 1866 d 1888 in Who’s Who Schmitt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schmitz - Noyes Jacqueline St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Schmitz Dale St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Schmitz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schmitz Joyce St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Schmitz Lillian St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Schmitz Roy Murray CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Schmoke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schmoock Lynette in Who's Who Schnablelin L Village CLFD in Who's Who Schneider - Chave Joyce St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Schneider Carl Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Schneider Dale WHS 1956 in Who's Who Schneider Dorothy Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Schneider Edna Busch High School 1939 in Who's Who Schneider Eleanor WHS 1938 in Who's Who Schneider Ernest USMC WWII in Who's Who Schneider Herman H WWII Marines 1153 Schneider Herman H WWII Marines in Who's Who Schneider I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schneider Mable Busch High School 1938 in Who's Who Schneider Max Veteran World War II 1153 Schneider Max World War II in Who's Who Schneider Monica janitor CLHS 1957 58 in Who's Who Schneider Peter WHS 1957 in Who's Who Schneider Sherman 1153 Schneider Werner G CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Schnell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schnelli I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schnider I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schnoblen - Battie Carolyn St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Schnoblen - Rodgers Bernadine St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Schnoblen Ester Delia (Smith). 1926 Clement . in Who's Who Schnoblen Esther St Clement 1926 in Who's Who Schnoblen George St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 295 Schnoblen Gerald St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Schnoblen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schnoblen Joseph St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Schnoblen Maria St Clement 1929 in Who's Who Schnur Michael CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Schnur Nicholas CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Schoemaker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schoen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schoenberg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schoener Marsha St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Schoener Paul St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Schoenherr - Conroy Diane St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Schoenherr Alex in Who's Who Schoenherr Arlene St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Schoenherr Daniel St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Schoenherr drain 0072 Schoenherr drain 94 Schoenherr E 1941 Center Line Constable in Who's Who Schoenherr Edward Justice 1912 in Who's Who Schoenherr Edward. in Who’s Who Schoenherr family in Who's Who Schoenherr Florence Hellebuyck in Who's Who Schoenherr Gerald in Who's Who Schoenherr Gerald St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Schoenherr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schoenherr Ilene St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Schoenherr Irene (Jenuwine) St Clement 1920 in Who's Who Schoenherr Jeanne St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Schoenherr Kathleen St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Schoenherr Leona St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Schoenherr Louis in Who's Who Schoenherr Melvin St Clement 1929 in Who's Who Schoenherr Melvin St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Schoenherr MIchael in Who's Who Schoenherr Patrica St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Schoenherr Peter in Who's Who Schoenherr Roy St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Schoenherr Sharon CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Schoenherr-Potoczak Sandra St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Schoenherr-VanOverbeke Lorraine St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Schoenherr-Warnez Florence St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Schoense Mr was teacher at Busch School 1950-60s in Who's Who Schoensee Dorothy Busch High School 1940 in Who's Who Schoensee Ernest H in Who's Who Schoensee Harvey Principal Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Schoensee Harvey taught at Busch High School 1949+ in Who's Who Schoensee Harvy taught at CLHS 1957-1960s in Who's Who Schoensee I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schoensee Market 0472 479 Page Twelve Thousand 296 Schoensee Martha Busch High School 1948 in Who's Who Scholtz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schonbug I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schonsee I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schoof I have info on this family see Old Families Books school 85-89 school class 0073 school rifle club 0068 schools 0074 Schools when built 0075 Schools When Built 0183 Schornak Ronald Vietnam 1153 Schornak Ronald Vietnam in Who's Who Schotteler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schoulef I have info on this family see Old Families Books SCHRADE AUGUST A killed in World War II 1153 and in Who's Who Schrade August A World War II in Who's Who Schrader I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schreeder I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schreiber Barbara Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Schreiber Charles Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Schreiber John M in Who's Who Schrman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schroder I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schroeder - Schnoblen Donna St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Schroeder Alma taught at CLHS 1953-60s in Who's Who Schroeder Howard Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Schroeder I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schroeder Joan St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Schroeder Louis Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who SCHROEDER LOUIS W killed in World War II 1153 and in Who's Who Schroeder Louis W World War II in Who's Who Schroth James in Who's Who Schruder I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schuchard George Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Schuelge I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schuer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schuitmaker Tonya in Who's Who Schuler Patricia Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Schulet I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schulte Don WHS 1950 in Who's Who Schulte Edward Class President WHS 1946 in Who's Who Schulte I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schulte Janet St Clement 1928 in Who's Who Schultz Diane Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Schultz Eugene CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Schultz George Veteran World War II 1153 Schultz George World War II was a medic war hero in Who's Who Schultz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 297 Schultz Judith St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Schultz Louise St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Schulz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schulze A female Busch High School 1932 in Who's Who Schulze E female Busch High School 1932 in Who's Who Schulze I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schuman Jeanette WHS 1954 in Who's Who Schuman Richard WHS 1957 in Who's Who Schumborg Richard U S Navy 62-70 in Who's Who Schumborg Richard Veteran U S Navy 62-70 1153 Schurig Gerald WHS 1952 in Who's Who Schurig I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schuste I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schuster 33 52 90 Schuster Elmer Busch High School 1930 in Who's Who Schuster Elmer in Who's Who Schuster family hardware in Center Line in Who's Who Schuster George Warren Clerk 1900 in Who's Who Schuster I have info on this family see Old Families Books SCHUSTER MICHAEL A killed in World War II 1153 and in Who's Who Schuster Michael A World War II in Who's Who Schuster Richard WHS 1953 in Who's Who Schuster Walter WHS Board 1954 in Who's Who Schutz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schwabe Carl J. Vietnam 1153 and in Who's Who Schwach Carole WHS 1955 in Who's Who Schwarta I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schwartz Dorothy Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Schwartz Erwin Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Schwartz G CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Schwartz Gene CLFD in 1969 in Who's Who Schwartz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schwartz Richard WHS 1956 in Who's Who Schwarz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Schwarz Laurie in Who's Who Schweder Bernard St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Schweder Michael St Clement 1960 in Who's Who SCHWEDLER JOSEPH C. killed in Iraq in Who's Who Schwedler Petty Officer 2nd Class Joseph C. 1153 Schwigert Walter CLFD in 1966. 1969 in Who's Who Schwigert Walter M CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Schwork Dorothy Teacher WHS 1954 in Who's Who Sciotti G CLFD in 1963. in Who's Who Sclafani Nicholas Veteran World War II 1153 Sclafani Nicholas World War II in Who's Who Scmitz Joyce Center Line city clerk in 1970s in Who's Who Scofield Gene in Who's Who Scofield I have info on this family see Old Families Books Scollon Margaret St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 298 Scott Bill Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Scott Carol WHS 1954 in Who's Who Scott I have info on this family see Old Families Books Scott James Veteran World War II 1153 Scott James World War II in Who's Who Scott John King- Justice 1849 Warren Treasurer 1860-61 in Who's Who Scott John King Justice 1867 Clerk 1869 in Who's Who Scout Law 0581 Scouting MC30 camp 0394 scouting Vol 2 394-5 Scratch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Scripter Francis in Who's Who Scripter Francis taught at Busch High School 1949+ in Who's Who Scripter Suzannie CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Scroder I have info on this family see Old Families Books SCRUGGS ROBERT KILLED IN KOREA 1153 and in Who's Who Sdhulic I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seaford Eugene Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Seagle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seal I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seaman Karen CLHS 1959 in Who's Who seamer 0220 Seanze I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sears I have info on this family see Old Families Books seasonal work 0024 Sebaesbuy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sebassbuy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sebasta Robert Edmund CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Sebasta Veronica WHS 1954 in Who's Who Sebert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sebesta Richard CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Sebold Georgette (Renaud) Busch High School 1945 in Who's Who Sebold I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seceisa I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sechler John Douglas CLHS 1962 Served in Army in Who's Who See I have info on this family see Old Families Books SEELEY WALTER F killed in World War II 1153 and in Who's Who Seeley Walter F World War II in Who's Who Sefferath I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sefton Janice CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Segal Kate in Who's Who Sehaltion I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sehert August 35 Sehert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seheyberg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sehlap I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sehlna I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sehloff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sehlors I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 299 Sehmidt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sehoeuer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sehrenback Robert E Veteran in Who's Who Sehsmake I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sehultz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seiferlein I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seifferlein I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seifferline I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seigle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seigneurie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seipert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seirlein I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seisco I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sekela Andrew CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Sekich Mickey maint Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Sekton Edward C WWII 1153 Sekton Edward C WWII Veteran in Who's Who Selasky Eugene Korea 1153 and in Who's Who self sufficient 0031 Selfridge I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seller I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sellers Nancy CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Seloff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seman Keith W- in Who’s Who Semear David Vietnam 1153 Semear David Vietnam in Who's Who Semep I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seminoff Paul CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Seminoff Thomas Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Semmelrock Richard CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Semon John Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Semon William Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Semsau I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sena William T Korea 1153 and in Who's Who Sender I have info on this family see Old Families Books Senftleben-Ranieri Judith St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Senitz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seniuk Bohban Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1153 Seniuk Bohban Vietnam in Who's Who Senkowski Ted Veteran World War II 1153 Senkowski Ted W U S Air Force WWII in Who's Who Senkowski Ted W Veteran U S Air Force WWII 1153 Senkowski Ted World War II in Who's Who Senter Fay CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Senter Tom Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Sents I have info on this family see Old Families Books Senty I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sepcisus I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sequin Phyllis Busch High School 1947 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 300 Sergant I have info on this family see Old Families Books Serilla David CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Serivo J R in Who's Who Serko Duncan St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Serra John in Who's Who Sersaw I have info on this family see Old Families Books Servants I have info on this family see Old Families Books Service Garage Warren 0561 Servitto Deborah Judge in Who's Who Servitto Edward A. Jr. in Who's Who Settlement 0019 settlers 18 settlers attacked 0015 Seventh Day Adventist 0255 Seviveline I have info on this family see Old Families Books sewing machine 0333-4 Sexton L.S. Vietnam 1153 Sexton L.S. Vietnam in Who's Who Sey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Seyfferth Allen St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Seyfferth Linda St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Seyfferth Walter St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Seyhe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sfernigan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sfieler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shaddock Dorothy CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Shaddrock Paul CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Shade I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shaesburg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shafer Beverly WHS 1953 in Who's Who Shafer Ellen WHS 1956 in Who's Who SHAFER GEORGE E killed in World War II 1153 and in Who's Who Shafer George E World War II in Who's Who Shaffer Dennis in Who’s Who Shaffer Dick WHS 1951 in Who's Who Shaft Gary St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Shaft I have info on this family see Old Families Books SHAFTER WILLIAM Medal of Honor Civil War 1153 and in Who's Who Shaks I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shakula Andy in Who's Who Shaliburg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shall Betty Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Shaltr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shamburg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shampo Drive in Who's Who Shampo Kenneth in Who's Who Shane I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shar Report Vol 20 Sharber Carol in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 301 Share I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sharf Daniel in Who's Who Sharkey Mary Sue WHS 1954 in Who's Who Sharkey Sally WHS 1957 in Who's Who Sharp I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sharpe Joyce WHS 1951 in Who's Who Sharpe Rosalie in Who's Who Shasrbuy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shatto Richard CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Shaughnessy Deb in Who's Who Shaver Mrs taught yearbook CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Shaw A C 1869 in Who's Who Shaw Drive in Who's Who Shaw Elaine St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Shaw Frank Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Shaw Nancy WHS 1950 in Who's Who Shaw Park in Who's Who Shaw Report 3808-3816 Shaw Robert St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Shaw Robert Vietnam 1153 Shaw Robert Vietnam in Who's Who SHAW THOMAS R killed in World War II p1153 and in Who's Who Shaw Thomas R World War II in Who's Who Shaw William (Bill) in Who's Who Shaw William (Bill) mayor April 1961 - April 1967 in Who's Who Shaw William Warren Mayor 1961-1966 in Who's Who Sheaier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shearer I have info on this family see Old Families Books shearing 0157, shearing rabbits 0068, shearing wool 0229 shears 0193 Shebler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shedlock Margaret St Clement 1948 in Who's Who sheds 0505 sheep 0009 Sheets Virginia Karen CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Shegnin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shelbauer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sheldon I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shelly Thomas 19 Shelter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shene Donna Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Shene Gerald Ralph CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Shene Hazen Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Shene Robert Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Shenk - Baumgart Barbara St Clement 1964 in Who's Who SHEPARD IRWIN Medal of Honor Civil War 1153 and in Who's Who Shepherd Thomas Cpl WWII 1153 and in Who's Who Sheppard Colleen St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Sheppard-Saarm Cynthia St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 302 Sherbe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sherman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sherman Jean WHS 1956 in Who's Who Sherman Ronald St Clement 1950 Deceased in Who's Who Sherre I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sherrill Jacqueline CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Sherry 33 Sherwood Henry 19 Sherwood Carolyn in Who's Who Sherwood David George Vietnam 1154 Sherwood David George Vietnam in Who's Who Sherwood I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sherzburg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shetler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shetzbuy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shier D R 1903 in Who's Who Shigmim I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shiguin I have info on this family see Old Families Books SHILLING SPC. BRADLEY N. 22 killed in Iraq War 1154 and in Who's Who Shilts I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shirkey Michael in Who's Who Shivak Andy CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Shively Beverly Joyce CLHS 1962 DU in Who's Who Shoe Service Dan Dee 0073 Shoe Service Dan Dee 0227 Shoemaker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shoester I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shofen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shoff Helen in Who's Who Shona I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shoners I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shoness I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shonezma I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shonglote I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shoobridge Evelyn CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Shoobridge Richard CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Shoobridge Rosalyn Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Shook I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shore - Grames Beverly St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Shore I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shorkey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Short Glen P)resident Student Council CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Shotnik Theo Sgt Co A 1154 Shotnik Theo Sgt Co A 1941-1945 in Who's Who Shoults Nelson CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Shouter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shova I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shover I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shover I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 303 Shower I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shrader I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shram Jack in Who's Who Shrine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shrivner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shrukey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shulte I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shultz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shumorski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shupe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shurzburg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shuster I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shuster's Garage 0225 Shuster's gararge 0115 Shutran Rita in Who's Who Shutter Gary CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Shutter Gary R Korean War Vietnam in Who's Who Shutter Gary R Veteran U S Army Korean War Vietnam 1154 Shutter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Shutter Richard CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Shutter Roy CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Shutter William CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Shwa I have info on this family see Old Families Books Siassek I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sibly I have info on this family see Old Families Books sickle 0433-4 Sickumberger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sides Richard A in Who's Who Sidlar John J in Who's Who SIDMAN GEORGE Medal of Honor Civil War 1154 and in Who's Who Sieders William in Who's Who Sieger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Siegler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sienkiewicz Frank J Korea 1154 Sienkiewicz Frank J Korea in Who's Who Sienkiewicz Walter WHS 1957 in Who's Who SIERENS ERNEST J killed in World War II 1154 and in Who's Who Sierodski Ellen St Clement 1929 in Who's Who Siersma Carolyn WHS 1952 in Who's Who Siersma Faye WHS 1950 in Who's Who Siersma John in Who's Who Siersma Sharon WHS 1954 in Who's Who Siferline I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sifferlin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sifford Donna WHS 1957 in Who's Who Siforlin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Siger I have info on this family see Old Families Books sign old 0072 Signorello Peter Veteran World War II 1154 Page Twelve Thousand 304 Signorello Peter World War II in Who's Who Sigur Thomas Orland CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Sigur Tom 1970s in Who's Who Sikes Carl WHS 1952 in Who's Who Sikora Chester Served in Korea Veteran 1154 Sikora Chester Served in Korea Veteran in Who's Who Sikora Gary Vietnam 1154 Sikora Gary Vietnam in Who's Who Sikorski Leonard in Who's Who Sikorski Leroy Korea 1154 Sikorski Leroy Korea in Who's Who Sikula Otto Vietnam 1154 Sikula Otto Vietnam in Who's Who Silverthorn Kathlen librarian 1970s in Who's Who Silvestri Janet in Who's Who SIMANEK ROBERT Medal of Honor Korea 1154 and in Who's Who Simboli David taught at Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Simenda I have info on this family see Old Families Books Simiouds I have info on this family see Old Families Books Simko Barbara St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Simko Gloria CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Simko Jeanette St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Simmet Marlene WHS 1956 in Who's Who Simmios I have info on this family see Old Families Books Simmons Ronald WHS 1951 in Who's Who Simmons Roseanne in Who's Who Simon Art Vietnam 1154 Simon Art Vietnam in Who's Who Simon Gary Vietnam 1154 Simon Gary Vietnam in Who's Who Simon I have info on this family see Old Families Books Simon Jaques WHS 1952 in Who's Who Simond I have info on this family see Old Families Books Simonda I have info on this family see Old Families Books Simonds Eleanor WHS 1950 in Who's Who Simonds Hazel WHS 1953 in Who's Who Simonds I have info on this family see Old Families Books Simonds Sylvanus Warren Justice 1902 in Who's Who Simonds William 35 Simonds William Dr 30 Simonis Martin WHS 1953 in Who's Who Simons Darrel Busch High School 1941 in Who's Who Simons George in Who's Who Simons Wiley physician in 1800s in Who's Who Simpson C 1870 in Who's Who Simpson Donald Wayne Korean War in Who's Who Simpson Donald Wayne SGT Veteran Korean War 1154 Simpson Kayler Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Simpson Kenneth Wayne 69-86 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 305 Simpson Kenneth Wayne Veteran U S Army 1154 Sìnciair Donn Vietnam 1154 Sìnciair Donn Vietnam in Who's Who Sinclair Margaret in Who's Who SINCLETARY JOE C killed in World War II 1154 and in Who's Who Singer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Singer Jean in Who's Who SINGLETON SGT. TODD A.24 killed in Iraq War 1154 and in Who's Who Sinkiowski Virginia St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Sinkowski Clarance St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Sinkowski Emma St Clement 1939 in Who's Who Sinn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sinowski Jerome St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Sioen Hilda St Clement 1944 in Who's Who Siple Claudia Teacher WHS 1952-55 in Who's Who Sirko Lucille CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Sirm I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sister Elizabeth Emanual 1885 in Who’s Who Allar Jack P Veteran in Who’s Who Alrich A m1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Alrich L est m1895 sec 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Altematt Cecila Annam Elisabeth Buhl 27 Feb 1882 in Who’s Who Altermat Husband of Margaret b 1868 d 1961 in Who’s Who Altermat Joseph b 1840 d 1910 in Who’s Who Altermatt Joseph in Who’s Who Altermatt Katherine b 1837 d 1918 wife of Joseph in Who’s Who Altermatt Wife of Jos b 1880 d 1911 in Who’s Who Altermatt Margaret w of Joseph A 1880 1911 in Who’s Who Altermett J m1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Alternatt Katherina 1918 in Who’s Who Siubeyen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Siveline I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sivic Lawrence CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Siviline I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sivitine map 1859 sec 35 in Who’s Who Sivitine G map 1859 sec 35 in Who’s Who Sivitine map 1859 sec 35 in Who’s Who Skander Charles 1939 in Who’s Who Slanczka Edward Veteran in Who’s Who Smidt W map 1859 sec 27 in Who’s Who Sixth grade Exam 3755-3776 Sjo LaRiene in Who's Who Sjoblom John WHS 1957 in Who's Who Sjoblom Sven WHS 1957 in Who's Who SJOGREN JOHN Medal of Honor WWII U S Army 1154 and in Who's Who Skalski Casimir World War II 1154 and in Who's Who skating ice sliding on creek 0044 Skatzke Delores St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Skavery Stanley St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 306 Skavery-Laske Jean St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Skiba - Mobley Christine St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Skiba Clifford WHS 1934 in Who's Who Skiba David taught at Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Skiera Ron 66-67 in Who's Who Skiera Ron Veteran vtn 66-67 1154 Skinner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Skinner Sherrod Jr Medal of Honor Korean War 1154 Skinner Sherrod Jr Medal of Honor Korean War in Who's Who Skirchak John CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Sklut Tom in Who's Who Skomial Roy CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Skomial Roy St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Skotarczyk Mitchell Navy WWII in Who's Who Skotarczyk Mitchell United States Navy WWII 1154 Skotzke Grace St Clement 1937 in Who's Who Skover Harold G Korea 1154 Skover Harold G Korea in Who's Who SKOVIAK RONALD FRANK Vietnam Hostile Killed 1154 and in Who's Who Skupin Ronald CLHS 1961 in Who's Who SKUTNIK CHESTER J killed in World War II 1154 and in Who's Who Skwiers Anthony St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Skwiers Karen CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Skzezbowski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Slaght Geri in Who's Who Slaker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Slakes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Slanght I have info on this family see Old Families Books SLANKSTER EVERETT J killed in World War II 1155 and in Who's Who Slatcher D female Busch High School 1932 in Who's Who Slatcher D female Busch High School 1932 in Who's Who slate tablets 0329 Slavens Dian in Who's Who Slawinski Ziggy St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Sleigh 0006 sleigh 11 53 sleigh riding 0025 Slesinski Ronald CLHS 1961 in Who's Who SLEZENGER CHESTER F killed in World War II 1155 and in Who's Who Slezinski Delphine WHS 1952 in Who's Who Slicker Darlyne in Who's Who Slicker Joseph Duane CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Slicker Roy President Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who sliding ice skating on creek 0044 Slonski Glenn St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Slonski Norman St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Slovick-Galvan Marilyn St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Slowikowski Jeanette CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Slubowski Arthur F Coast Guard WWII in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 307 Slubowski Arthur F Veteran U S Coast Guard WWII 1155 smart phone 0335 Smeekens John P. Vietnam 1155 Smeekens John P. Vietnam in Who's Who Smich Virginia (Rivard) Busch High School 1941 in Who's Who Smidt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Smiecinski Raymond WHS 1954 in Who's Who Smiecinski Ron WHS 1957 in Who's Who Smigielski Frank A USAF 1977-1981 1155 Smigielski Frank A USAF 1977-1981 in Who's Who Smigielski Peter J WWII in Who's Who Smigielski Peter J WWII U S Army 1155 Smigielski Stanley F Korea 1951-1953 1155 Smigielski Stanley F Korea 1951-1953 in Who's Who Smiley Charles in Who's Who Smilnak Alice Busch High School 1946 in Who's Who Smilnak Betty CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Smilnak John Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Smilnak Joseph Busch High School 1941 in Who's Who Sminak John Korea 1155 Sminak John Korea in Who's Who Smith Charles Korea 1155 Smith Charles Korea in Who's Who Smith - Garlow Carole St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Smith Harry 19 SMITH HARRY 8/1/1833 in Who’s Who Smith Harry 1938 in Who’s Who Smith infant 1918 in Who’s Who Smith infant 1916 in Who’s Who Smith infant 1919 in Who’s Who Smith J map 1875 sec 3 in Who’s Who Smith Jamson 1859 in Who’s Who Clement Smith Joan Dolores infant 1940 in Who’s Who Smith Joann D 1940 in Who’s Who Smith John B 1868 1946 in Who’s Who Smith John 1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Smith John map 1895 sec 23 24 in Who’s Who Smith John Privt I 3 MI Inf. 4/4/1865 in Who’s Who SMITH JUSTIN S. killed in Iraq. in Who's Who Smith Luman 19 SMITH RANSOM 11/23/1835 in Who’s Who SMITH ROBERT D 5/1/1838 in Who’s Who Smith Robert D 1803-1889 early pioneer in Who’s Who Smith Ransom 19 Smith Robert 19 SMITH ROSS A. AGE 21 killed in Iraq. in Who's Who SMITH 1ST LT. JUSTIN S. 28 killed in Iraq1155 and in Who's Who Smith 33 SMITH ALBERT Medal of Honor U S Marine Corps 1155 Page Twelve Thousand 308 SMITH ALBERT Medal of Honor U S Marine Corps in Who's Who SMITH ALONZO Medal of Honor Civil War 1155 and in Who's Who Smith Ames 18 Smith Ames land clearer family in Warren Township in Who's Who Smith Art Vice President CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Smith Arzo F veteran 1155 Smith Arzo F veteran in Who's Who Smith Arzo in Who's Who Smith Barbara CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Smith Bob in Who's Who Smith Bruce WHS 1931 in Who's Who Smith Casper in Who's Who Smith Clare St Clement 1942 in Who's Who SMITH CPL. ROSS A. 21 killed in Iraq 1155 and in Who's Who Smith D J in Who's Who Smith Darlene St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Smith Darryl WHS 1952 in Who's Who Smith David Warren Treasurer 1934-35 in Who's Who Smith Don Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Smith Donald CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Smith Earl St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Smith Eric in Who's Who SMITH FRANK L killed in World War II in Who's Who SMITH FRANK L PVT World War II 1155 SMITH FRANK L World War II in Who's Who Smith George T. Macomb County Sheriff 1921-1926 in Who's Who Smith George T. Macomb County Sheriff 1933-1936 in Who's Who Smith Herb Veteran World War II 1155 Smith Herb World War II in Who's Who Smith I have info on this family see Old Families Books Smith Ilene CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Smith James Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Smith Jay W Air Force WWII in Who's Who Smith Jay W U. S. Air Force WWII 1155 Smith John 33 SMITH JOHN PRIV I 3 MI Inf. 4 Warren Civil War p1155 and in Who's Who Smith Joseph 1940 in Who’s Who Smith Joseph 46 in 1870 GROCER & SALOON in Who’s Who Smith Joseph 35 Smith Kent U S Navy Vietnam in Who's Who Smith Kent Veteran U S Navy Vietnam 1155 Smith L map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Smith Luman early land clearing pioneer sec 6 in Who’s Who SMITH LUMAN 8/1/1833 in Who’s Who Smith map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who Smith map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Smith Margaret A 1900 1975 in Who’s Who Smith Marie B 1898 1989 in Who’s Who Smith Mary 1932 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 309 Smith Maxine I 1923 1999 wife of Rolandin Who’s Who Smith Michael in Who’s Who Smith Michael 1861 1931 in Who’s Who Smith Michael 1931 in Who’s Who Smith Patrick David Veteran in Who’s Who Smith Larry St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Smith Lawton St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Smith Luman 18 Smith Luman in Who's Who Smith Marcia in Who's Who Smith Margaret CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Smith Marie St Clement 1936 in Who's Who Smith Maynard Sr Medal of Honor WWII 1155 Smith Maynard Sr Medal of Honor WWII in Who's Who Smith Michael early settler in Who's Who Smith Michael first Center Line police/fire chief. in Who's Who Smith Michael in Who's Who Smith Michael Warren Justice 1917 in Who's Who Smith Michael Warren Treasurer 1905-06 in Who's Who SMITH MINER R PVT killed in World War II 1155 and in Who's Who Smith Norman Chief CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Smith Norman CLFD 1957+ in Who's Who Smith Paul in Who's Who Smith Paul St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Smith Robert 18 34 Smith Roger Vietnam 1155 Smith Roger Vietnam in Who's Who Smith Roland 1918 1993 in Who’s Who Smith Rosa 1916 in Who’s Who Smith Rose 1872 1916 in Who’s Who Smith Sm'l map 1859 sec 2 in Who’s Who Smith T map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who Smith Theo 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Smith Theo map 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Smith Thomas Bernard Veteran in Who’s Who Smith Thomas Bernard 1909 1969 in Who’s Who Smith Doctor W H MD c 1899 in Who’s Who Smith Shirley CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Smith Store 0492 Smith Theodore Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Smith Thomas CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Smith Virgil in Who's Who Smith Vivian JoAnn CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Smith W.T. Veteran World War II 1155 Smith W.T. World War II in Who's Who SMITH WALTER A killed in World War II 1155 and in Who's Who Smith Wendell St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Smith William Dr 30 Smith Winfield CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 310 Smith Yvonne CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Smith-Busch Ina St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Smithe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Smith-Edgerton Annette St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Smith-Gerard Phyllis St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Smith-Goike Patricia St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Smith-Jackson Doris St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Smith-Juricny Marilee St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Smith-Rocker Carla St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Smiths I have info on this family see Old Families Books Smits Walter Veteran in Who's Who Smitt Grnpmrm 1913 198 in Who’s Who Smitt infant 1913 198 in Who’s Who Smitts Wm map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Smitts Wm map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Smitz Elizabeth 1931 in Who’s Who Smitz J 1895 sec 4 in Who’s Who Smitz J map 1895 sec 4 in Who’s Who Smitz Joannes 1914 in Who’s Who Smitz John 1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Smitz John map 1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Smitz Joseph John 1941 in Who’s Who Smitz W 1895 sec 27 Center Line in Who’s Who Smitz W map 1895 sec 27 in Who’s Who Smokel E 1895 sec 18 in Who’s Who Smokel Ernest 1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Snell Fred 1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Snobalen A 1895 sec 6 in Who’s Who Snoblan A map 1875 sec 16 in Who’s Who Snolala Jos map 1859 sec 16 in Who’s Who Snoplen A map 1859 sec 16 in Who’s Who Smitts Wm early settler in Who's Who Smitz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Smitz June WHS 1953 in Who's Who Smokel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Smokoski Chester Busch High School 1930 in Who's Who Smolinski Ronald S Vietnam U S Navy 1155 Smolinski Ronald S Vietnam U S Navy in Who's Who Smotiel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Smykowski Dennis CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Smythe Judith in Who's Who snack time 0009 snakeheads 0026 SNAY ELMER L killed in korea 1155 and in Who's Who Snell I have info on this family see Old Families Books SNIDER GARTH W killed in World War II p1155 and in Who's Who Snoben I have info on this family see Old Families Books Snoblan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Snoble I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 311 Snoblen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Snoblin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Snoddy Robert Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Snoiablin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Snook Arthur J taught at CLHS 1955+ in Who's Who Snoublin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Snow Josiah 19 SNOW JOSIAH 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Sobriske Jean 1934 in Who’s Who Socks Martin 1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Socks Mrs H 1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who Socks Mrs John 1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Socks P map 1859 sec 24 in Who’s Who Socks W 1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Sollevan Jacob Jay 1871 in Who’s Who Snow Larry CLHS 1962 Real American Hero in Who's Who Snow Lawrence decorated war hero many medals in Who's Who Snow Lawrence Vietnam given many medals 1155 snow storm 0202 Snyder I have info on this family see Old Families Books Snyder Joseph M in Who's Who Snyder Rick in Who's Who soap 0193 soap box 0329 Sob I have info on this family see Old Families Books Soboczynski - Pesola Pamela St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Soboczynski Geraldine St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Sobodos Helen Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Socks I have info on this family see Old Families Books Socollo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Soden I have info on this family see Old Families Books Soetts I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sohloss I have info on this family see Old Families Books Solckmann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Soldan I have info on this family see Old Families Books soldier memorial 0115 Soldiers at Warren Union Cem 3075Soldiers support our Freedom 0012 Sollose Bruce A United States Navy Vietnam-Korea 1155 Sollose Bruce A Vietnam-Korea in Who's Who Somerville Pat in Who's Who Sommers J E 1933 in Who's Who Sonnenberg Judy WHS 1957 in Who's Who Sonnenberg Ray WHS 1957 in Who's Who Sonnenfeld Frank C Navy Desert Storm in Who's Who Sonnenfeld Frank C Veteran U S Navy Desert Storm 1155 Sonnenfeld Frank J Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1156 Sonnenfeld Frank J Vietnam in Who's Who Sonnenfeld Kevin A Air Force Desert Storm in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 312 Sonnenfeld Kevin A Veteran U S Air Force Desert Storm 1156 Sook I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sopata Mary CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Soper Harris 19 SOPER HARRIS 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who Sopp S map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Spackman J map 1875 sec 9 in Who’s Who Span M map 1859 sec 15 in Who’s Who Spanger F marker in Who’s Who Spanger Mary 1849 1918 in Who’s Who Spanka Jacob a70 1929 in Who’s Who Spanke Anna Zywicki 1900 1921 in Who’s Who Spanke Barbara 1912 in Who’s Who Spanke Henry 1855 1915 in Who’s Who Spanke infano Michaelis Jr 1895 in Who’s Who Spanke Jacob J 1935 in Who’s Who Spanke Maria 1903 in Who’s Who Spanke Mathilda 1857 1938 in Who’s Who Spanke Michaelios 1896 in Who’s Who Spanke Michaelis 1896 in Who’s Who Spanke michaelis 1896 in Who’s Who Spanke Michaelis 1896 in Who’s Who Spankie B 1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Spankie J 1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Spankie M 1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Spankie Neumci 1896 in Who’s Who Spasrger George 1937 in Who’s Who Speier J 1895 sec 35 in Who’s Who Speier J map 1859 sec 35 in Who’s Who Speilaman John 1895 sec 27 Center Line in Who’s Who Speiler John 1895 sec 27 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Spence C map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Spence E map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Spence John map 1875 sec 14 in Who’s Who Spens A 1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Spens C 1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Spens John 1895 sec 14 in Who’s Who Spieler Margarita 1900 in Who’s Who Spieler Elizabeth 1936 in Who’s Who Spieler Joannis infant in Who’s Who SOPER SGT. MATTHEW 25 killed in Iraq War 1156 and in Who's Who Sophia Joseph World War II p1156 and in Who's Who Soroka Joann St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Sorrell Pastor in Who's Who Sorrell Richard WHS 1954 in Who's Who Sosinski Dorothy St Clement 1929 in Who's Who SOSNOSKI RONALD FRANCIS KILLED Vietnam 1156 and in Who's Who Sosnoski Vern CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Soucua I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 313 Soulliere Ronald WHS 1955 in Who's Who Sources & Bibliography 4250 Sova Carol St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Sova Yvonne St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Sowders Leonard A Korea 1156 Sowders Leonard A Korea in Who's Who Spada Victoria CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Spaks I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spangler Michael R. Vietnam 1156 Spangler Michael R. Vietnam in Who's Who SPANGLER MICHAEL VIETNAM KILLED in Who's Who Spanke Edna WHS 1951 in Who's Who Spanke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spanke Mary WHS 1951 in Who's Who Spanku I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spanos Nickolas in Who's Who Sparaga Virgina in Who's Who Sparay I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sparhawk J B in Who's Who Spark Janet in Who's Who Spart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Speedway 0079 Speer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spehar Barbara St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Speights Joyce CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Speights Kay Secretary CLHS 1957 in Who's Who SPENCE GEORGE K killed in World War II 1156 and in Who's Who Spence Geraldine B CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Spence I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spence John in Who's Who Spence Mary CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Spencer David in Who's Who Spencer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spencer Michael CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Spene I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sperlich Wm in Who's Who Speyer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spieler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spieler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spieler Peter Justice 1907+ in Who's Who Spielmake I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spielman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spielmicker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spiera Ron F Vietnam 1967-1968 1156 Spiera Ron F Vietnam 1967-1968 in Who's Who spinning 0157, 0333, spinning wheel 0229, 0333, 0214, 0229 Spinnings Mary 19 Spinnings Daniel 18 Page Twelve Thousand 314 Spinnings Daniel early pioneer in Who’s Who SPINNINGS MARY 8/3/1839 in Who’s Who Spinnings Mary early pioneer sec 4 in Who’s Who Spire J map 1875 sec 35 in Who’s Who Spirler Ludwina 1888 in Who’s Who Spranger Edward 1937 in Who’s Who Spranger Elizabeth 1883 1966 in Who’s Who Spranger Frank 1882 1960 in Who’s Who Spranger George 1839 1925 in Who’s Who Spranger Jonn? Franciscis 1870 in Who’s Who Spranger Maria 1918 in Who’s Who Spranger Mary 1849 1918 in Who’s Who Sprenger Catharina May 1871 in Who’s Who Sprenger George 1895 sec 9 in Who’s Who Sprenger Hay? Thusisu? Aug 1875 in Who’s Who Sprenger Jos 1895 sec 15 in Who’s Who Sprenger L 1895 sec 15 in Who’s Who Sprenger L map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Sprenger Leonard 1895 sec 26 in Who’s Who Spriler Joannes 1916 204 in Who’s Who Springer Geo map 1875 sec 9 in Who’s Who Springer George in Who’s Who Springer George 1895 sec 10 in Who’s Who Springer Jos map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Springer L map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Springer Leonardus 1904 in Who’s Who Springer M map 1859 sec 15 in Who’s Who Spriter Joannais 1899 in Who’s Who Sprnger Pago Centistina infans 1890 in Who’s Who Stachura Louis J Veteran in Who’s Who Stacil G map 1875 sec 23 35 in Who’s Who Spinnings I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spinnings Junction 0026 Spinnings Mary 18 Spire I have info on this family see Old Families Books spitoons 0193 Spittler Gregory CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Spittler Steve CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Splat Violet in Who's Who Spoutz Patricia St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Spranger Frank in Who's Who Spranger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spranger Judith St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Spranger Pauline St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Spranger Virginia St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Sprenger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spriger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Springer George early settler in Who's Who Springer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 315 Springsturn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spry Jack CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Spulmaker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Spunke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Squier Peggy 1938 in Who's Who Squires Kathleen WHS 1950 in Who's Who Squires Pearl WHS 1952 in Who's Who Sr Edmund 0255 Srock Ed in Who's Who St Anne Church 43, 242, 0271-273, St Ann's barn 0224 St Clement Church 7, 49, 50, 51, 37, 239, 240, 259-66, 1960s p0490 St Clement Baptisms see book 23 St Clement Burials ordered by Year see book 101 starts on page 10,101-10,199 St Clement Cemetery 81-84, 0363, 384-5, see the 15 books about St Clement books 21, 22, 23, 24,25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106 that is pages 2,101-2,999, and 10,001-10,699. St Clement Cemetery child count 8 St Clement Cemetery History 2205 St Clement children at see book 102 starts page 10,201*10,299 St Clement Civil War Vets in 2200 St Clement color pictures 7 sss St Clement being torn down 3805-6 St Clement Index with birth and death year and location see book 22 starts at page 2,201-2,299 St Clement Marriages 2700 St Clement Monument dedication 384 5 St Clement oldest records 2,300-2330, 10.401-10,699. St Clement Pioneer Cemetery 82, 2200-2899 St Clement Quick stone locator book 100 starts at page 10,001-10,099 St Clement Records by Year 2300 St Clement stats 4100 St Dorothy Catholic Church 0257 St Edmonds 0254 St George 0249 St Leonard's Parish 0257 St Louise 0254 St Mark 0274-77 St Mark Vol 2 274-277 St Martin de Porres 0255 St Paul 0008 St Paul 0238 240-1 St Paul Church 0267-70 St Paul Church 8 49 Vol 2 267-270 St Peters 0256 St Sharbel 0256 St Stevan Decanski 0254 St Sylvester 0257 St. Pierre Cecil in Who's Who Stach Joseph L Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1156 Stach Joseph L Vietnam in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 316 Stach Joseph P Veteran U S Army WWII 1156 Stach Joseph P WWII in Who's Who Stachowiak Claude WHS 1956 in Who's Who Stack - Sperry Mary Ann St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Stackpole Edward 19 STACKPOLE EDWARD 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Stackpole Mrs map 1859 sec 23 in Who’s Who Staffes noname 1889 162 in Who’s Who Staffin I have info on this family see Old Families Books stage 23 26 stage stop 0023 Stagel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stagene I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stagene Michael 34 Stagene Michael in 1860 in Who’s Who Stager Barbara 1820 1895 in Who’s Who Stager M map 1859 sec 22 in Who’s Who Stager Michael 1813 1898 in Who’s Who Stakalkiewiez Anna 1939 in Who’s Who Stankiewicz Theodore J Veteran in Who’s Who Stager I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stager I have info on this family see Old Families Books stages 0026 Stagner Charles Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Stagner Jean Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Stagner Nancy Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Stahl Cynthia CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Stahl I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stahl Jill Lillian CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Stahl John CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Stahl Manfred CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Stair Hunter D Judge c 1976 in Who's Who Stajakowski Dennis WHS 1956 in Who's Who Stallworth Thomas III in Who's Who Stamas Jim in Who's Who Stanch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stanczak Ken St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Stanczak-Durocher Judith St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Stanczyk Patricia in Who's Who Standbury George U. S. Army Korea 1156 Standbury George U. S. Army Korea in Who's Who Stanek Sandra CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Stanger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stanievich Walter J in Who's Who Stanisky Sgt in Who's Who Staniszewski Wallace Veteran in Who's Who Stankiewicz George St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Stankowski Raymond Busch High School 1950 in Who's Who Stanley Ben 34 Page Twelve Thousand 317 Stanley Ben in Who’s Who Stanley J M 1895 sec 4 in Who’s Who Stanley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stanley James M 33 STANLEY JAMES M. 1865 Priv A 22 MI Inf. Civil War 1156 and in Who's Who Stanley Joseph in Who's Who Stanley Woodrow in Who's Who Stann - Heidtke Susan St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Stanzer I have info on this family see Old Families Books STAPLES FRANK A killed in World War II 1156 and in Who's Who Stark Albert CBI veteran in Who's Who Stark Albert U S Army CBI 1156 Stark I have info on this family see Old Families Books Starnmedz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Staron John A Vietnam U S Army 1156 and in Who's Who Starostenko Henry Korea 1156 Starostenko Henry Korea in Who's Who Stasinski Frank Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Stasinski Patrick Veteran in Who's Who Stasmen I have info on this family see Old Families Books State Fair 0149 State Rd 0023 Staton James Veteran World War II 1156 Staton James World War II in Who's Who Staube I have info on this family see Old Families Books StAubin Catherine Ardy Jul 1878 in Who’s Who Stawch George 19 STAWCH GEORGE J 4/1/1837 first land in Who’s Who Stealer map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who Steaus W 1895 sec 23 in Who’s Who Steckel B map 1875 sec 19 in Who’s Who Stefauvilli Maria 1915 in Who’s Who Steffens Barbara July 1872 in Who’s Who Steffens M map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Steffes Clarence N son of A 1900 1906 in Who’s Who Steffes Gertrude 1832 1895 in Who’s Who Steffes Lambert 1869 1911 in Who’s Who Steffes Lambert 1869 1916 in Who’s Who Steffes Mathias b 1823 d 1889 in Who’s Who Stegel Maria 1895 in Who’s Who Steger Michael 1898 Apr 11 in Who’s Who Stein George W Veteran in Who’s Who Steinmetz C 1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Stemplewski Raymond J Veteran in Who’s Who Stens B map 1859 sec 9 in Who’s Who Sterfes Gertrude 1882 1895 wife of Mathiasin Who’s Who Stern C map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Stern Chris 1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who Stawski Walter James WWII Air Force in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 318 Stawski Walter James WWII U S Army Air Force 1156 Staycer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Steake I have info on this family see Old Families Books Steaker I have info on this family see Old Families Books steam 0047, steam 30 39 47, Steam Tractor 0007, 0030, 0039 Steans I have info on this family see Old Families Books Steck Alex veteran 1156 Steck Alex veteran in Who's Who Steck Chester veteran 1156 Steck Chester veteran in Who's Who Steck Gus veteran 1156 Steck Gus veteran in Who's Who Steck Theodore veteran 1156 Steck Theodore veteran in Who's Who Steck Ton veteran 1156 Steck Ton veteran in Who's Who Steeher I have info on this family see Old Families Books steel mill 0079 Steele James Veteran World War II 1157 Steele James World War II in Who's Who Steenbergh Mark A Warren mayor in Who's Who Steenbergh Omar WWII 1157 Steenbergh Omar WWII in Who's Who Stefani Fred in Who's Who Stefani Fred U S Navy WWII Pacific in Who's Who Stefani Fred Veteran U S Navy WWII Pacific 1157 Steffan Raymond CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Steffen Arlene Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Steffen Marvin Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Steffen Mr sponsor CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Steffen Norma CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Steffens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Steffens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Steffens Warren WHS 1934 in Who's Who Steffens Warren WHS 1937 in Who's Who Steffin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stefko John Veteran World War II 1157 Stefko John World War II in Who's Who Steimnetz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stein Janet St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Stein Justin St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Stein S C MD 1970s in Who's Who Steinhaus Reta Busch High School 1943 in Who's Who Steinhaus Wendell in Who's Who Steinhaus William Busch High School 1943 in Who's Who Steinhaus William in Who's Who Steinhauser Clarence J in Who's Who Steinhauser Park in Who's Who Steinuetz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 319 Stejakowski Jerome WHS 1957 in Who's Who Stema Harry U S Army veteran 1157 Stema Harry veteran in Who's Who Stema Isadore U S Navy veteran 1157 Stema Isadore U S Navy veteran in Who's Who Stema Peter U S Army veteran 1157 Stema Peter veteran in Who's Who Stema Richard U S Army veteran 1157 Stema Richard veteran in Who's Who Stemmer Michael St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Stemmer-Houghton Rose St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Stempien Chester in Who's Who Stempien Grand in Who's Who Stempien PFC Stanley 34 INF Division WWII 1157 Stempien Stanley WWII 1943-1945 Italy in Who's Who Stempien-Conroy Diane St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Stempien-Senkus Delphine St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Stenrberger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stenton Bonnie Staff WHS 1952 in Who's Who Stenton Frederick WHS 1954 in Who's Who Steom I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stephan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stephans Jules Oally early 1900s in Who's Who STEPHENS DELMAR R killed in World War II 1157 and in Who's Who Stephens E in Who's Who Stephens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stephens Joanne CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Stephens Marjorie Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Stephens Mary St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Stephens Road in Who's Who Stephens Thomas St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Stephenson Jack Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Stephns I have info on this family see Old Families Books Steppens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Steranko Robert Korea 1157 Steranko Robert Korea in Who's Who stereoscope 0193 Sterhnke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Steriyuoski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sterling Barbara (Braman) Busch High School 1946 in Who's Who Sterling Ed & Gloria Busch High School 1948 in Who's Who Sterling James in Who's Who Sterling John in Who's Who Stern I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sterns I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sterorlosger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sterozborger I have info on this family see Old Families Books STEVENS ORMAL DEWEY killed in France 1918 1157 and in Who's Who Stevens Beverly Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 320 Stevens Connie Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who STEVENS DONALD E killed in World War II 1157 and in Who's Who Stevens I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stevens Irene WHS 1934 in Who's Who Stevens Kenneth Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Stevens Merrill 33 STEVENS MERRILL L 1912 1975 WWII VETERAN 1157 and in Who's Who Stevens Ormal 32 33 35, Stevens Ormal in 1900 in Who’s Who Stevens Patricia CLHS 1961 in Who's Who STEVENS RANDY LEE. killed in Iraq in Who's Who Stevens Robert Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Stevens Scott C in Who's Who Stevens Scott in Who's Who Stevens Scott Veteran in Who's Who STEVENS SPC. RANDY L. 21 killed in Iraq War 1157 Stevick Eugene CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Stevick Mary Alice CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Stevick Ruth Ann CLHS 1962 Major US Army in Who's Who Stevins Edwin 19 STEVINS EDWIN 4/20/1838 first land in Who’s Who Stewart Daniel John 1839 wrote diary of daily activities in Who’s Who Steward Robert Vietnam in Who's Who Stewart Consetta in Who's Who STEWART DALLAS J Veteran U S Army WWII Europe Algiers 1157 and in Who's Who Stewart Daniel J in Who's Who Stewart Daniel Thurston 1884-1966 early historian in Who’s Who Stewart Dolores CLHS 1956 in Who's Who STEWART HAROLD F 2LT killed in World War II 1157 and in Who's Who Stewart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stewart J B CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Stewart Jean Secretary Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Stewart Thomas Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Stewart Thurston in Who's Who Sticker I have info on this family see Old Families Books STICKLES JOHN L killed in World War II 1157 and in Who's Who Sticle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stieber Richard J in Who's Who Stiehr Miss WHS teacher 1946 in Who's Who Stiele I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stien I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stillhuke I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stillwell Drive in Who's Who Stillwell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stillwell Ray 45 Stillwell Ray in 1900 lumber dealer in Who’s Who STODDARD ASA 10/15/1835 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Stoecklin Caroline 1873 1945 in Who’s Who Stoecklin Louis 1873 1912 in Who’s Who Stoke A map 1875 sec 15 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 321 Stolzenfeldt C 1895 sec 31 in Who’s Who Stolzenfeldt W 1895 sec 31 in Who’s Who Stracke Neumaus 1895 in Who’s Who Strake -- map 1875 sec 28 \ in Who’s Who Straker Henry map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Stralow Edward L d1872 in Who’s Who Stralow Mary w of Louis d 1872 in Who’s Who Strich Henry 1895 sec 9 in Who’s Who Strich Chas 1895 sec 9 in Who’s Who Strich George 1895 sec 10 in Who’s Who Strich Mrs G 1895 sec 9 in Who’s Who Strick A map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who Stricker H map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Stricker J 1895 sec 34 35 in Who’s Who Stricker J map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Striker F map 1875 sec 16 in Who’s Who Striker Francis in 1850 and 1860 gunsmith in Who’s Who Striker H map 1859 sec 21 in Who’s Who Strocke F map 1859 sec 16 in Who’s Who STRONG JOHN W 5/20/1841 in Who’s Who Strong James became and toll gate operator after John Beebe in Who’s Who Strong James in 1860 and 1870 toll gatekeeper in Who’s Who Stump C map 1875 sec 36 in Who’s Who Stump W map 1859 sec 36 in Who’s Who Stuart Daniel in 1860 working on rail road in Who’s Who STUART ROBERT 5/1/1838 in Who’s Who Sucaeb Mauria 1933 in Who’s Who Sucael Anna Marie 1940 in Who’s Who Sucaet Alicia 1915 in Who’s Who Sullivan Anna 1887 in Who’s Who Stiltner Judy Ann CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Stilwell H Village of CLFD in Who's Who Stilwell Harold 58 76 Stilwell Harold in Who's Who Stilwell Harold in Who's Who Stilwell Harold Printer in Who’s Who Stilwell Manor in Who's Who Stilwell Printing 0475-6 Stilwell Ray CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Stilwell Ray in Who's Who Stinetz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stinson Angus R 1967-1968 in Who's Who Stinson Angus R U S Army 1967-1968 1157 Stiruson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stivers Carol St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Stock I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stoddard Asa 19 STODDARD JAMES MEDAL OF HONOR Civil War 1157 and in Who's Who Stokes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 322 Stokes Jim Vietnam 1157 Stokes Jim Vietnam in Who's Who STOLP MARVIN L killed in World War II 1157 and in Who's Who Stolzenfeld I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stone Age 0004 Stone I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stone Jerry Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Stone Sandy Lynn CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Stones at St Clement Cem 2400-99 Stones at Warren Union Cem 3100-99 Stoocl I have info on this family see Old Families Books Storal Fedele Ray Korea 1157 Storal Fedele Ray Korea in Who's Who Store Inside Old 0326 Storel I have info on this family see Old Families Books stores 42 43 97 99 39 Vol 2 201 278 Stormzand John Vietnam 1157 Stormzand John Vietnam in Who's Who Stosel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stosenfeld I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stotts Chuck US Navy WHS Class of 1946 in Who's Who STOTTS LUTHER A killed in World War II 1157 and in Who's Who Stotzel I have info on this family see Old Families Books STOUT BRANDON L. killed in Iraq in Who's Who Stout Donald St Clement 1936 in Who's Who Stout I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stout Linda CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Stout Marilyn CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Stout R in Who's Who Stout Robert in Who's Who Stout Robert St Clement 1938 in Who's Who STOUT SPC. BRANDON L. 23 killed in Iraq War 1157 stove 0434, stove cooking 0338, 0330, stoves 24 59 75 Stover John Vietnam U S Navy 1157 Stover John Vietnam U S Navy in Who's Who Stozel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stozenfeld I have info on this family see Old Families Books StPierre Cecil Warren Council 1987-1994 in Who's Who Strait Robin U S Marine Corps in Who's Who Strait Robin Veteran U S Marine Corps 1158 Strake I have info on this family see Old Families Books Straket Ardy early settler in Who's Who Straley Gene WHS teacher 1946 in Who's Who Strang Robert Veteran World War II 1158 Strang Robert World War II in Who's Who Stranska I have info on this family see Old Families Books STRASCHEHSKI ELMER A killed in World War II 1158 and in Who's Who Strauc I have info on this family see Old Families Books Strecker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 323 Streefkerk Carol WHS 1955 in Who's Who Streefkerk Dorothy WHS 1951 in Who's Who Streefkerk family in Who's Who Streefkerk Janet WHS 1957 in Who's Who Streefkerk Street in Who's Who Streefkirk John in Who's Who street 31 57, street parade 0375 Strehl Nancy A. in Who's Who STREMERSCH CHARLES P killed in World War II 1158 and in Who's Who Strich I have info on this family see Old Families Books Strich William Warren Supervisor: 1937+ in Who's Who Stricker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Strickes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Strika Rosanda CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Striker E W 1917 in Who's Who Striker Francis 34 Striker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stroh Carolyn St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Stromske Genevieve St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Stromske Marie St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Stromski George CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Stromski Henry CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Strong John 19 Strong I have info on this family see Old Families Books Strong James 32 33 Strong James 34 Strong James 34 Strong Woodrow Veteran World War II 1158 Strong Woodrow World War II in Who's Who Strurn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stryker Francis 34 Stryker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Stuart Robert 19 Stuart Daniel 34 Stuart I have info on this family see Old Families Books stuck car 0055 Studebaker Street in Who's Who stump farming 0020 Stumpf I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sturns I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sturret I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sturtz Dennis D Macomb County Community College Trustee in 1975 in Who's Who Stutzky Harold Korea 1158 Stutzky Harold Korea in Who's Who Styers Bob WHS 1951 in Who's Who Styles Cynthia CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Suau Miguel St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Sucaet George St Clement 1951 Deceased in Who's Who Sucaet Jr. Marcel St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 324 Sucaet Marie St Clement 1954 in Who's Who success 12 Suda Ina Mae Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Sueaet I have info on this family see Old Families Books Suffeonia I have info on this family see Old Families Books suffering 0028 Sufferlary I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sufferleine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sugierski Lorraine St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Suhy Michael SGT USMC 1950-2002 1158 Suhy Michael USMC 1950-2002 in Who's Who Suhy Pat Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Suida Donald St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Suida Joseph St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Suison I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sulaka Richard in Who's Who Sulek-Sekela Diane St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Sullivan Daniel 19 SULLIVAN DANIEL 4/20/1838 in Who’s Who SULLIVAN OWENS 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Sullivan D map 1859 sec 27 in Who’s Who Sullivan Eleanora 1888 in Who’s Who Sullivan J map1859 sec 27 in Who’s Who Sullivan M map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Sullivan J in Who’s Who Sullivan Maria Anna 1886 in Who’s Who Sullivan Owens 19 Sullivan Charles Veteran in Who's Who Sullivan Frances taught at Busch High School 1954 in Who's Who Sullivan Gary CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Sullivan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sullivan John CLFD in 1969 in Who's Who Sullivan Mary Judith CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Sullivan Owen 18 Sullivan Owen 1800s in Who's Who Sullivan Owen early pioneer sec 27 in Who’s Who Sullivan Peigillson 2 Mar 1885 in Who’s Who Susuck C 1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Susuck F 1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Susuck L 1895 sec 29 in Who’s Who Swartz Mrs map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Sweeny Margaret 1931 in Who’s Who Syferline J M map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who Szczepkowski Melvin A Veteran in Who’s Who Szfanke or Tzfaski Hermians 1915 in Who’s Who Szydlowski Ernest Veteran in Who’s Who Tanalski Cicelia 1933 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 325 Tatro Francis Born 1843 in Who’s Who Teal Jno map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Tebo Nilliam 1930 in Who’s Who Tecumseh Chief January 1813 in Who’s Who TEHEN CORNELIUS 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who Teiche Matilda 1931 in Who’s Who Teiche Paul 1850 1936 in Who’s Who Teipel Angel Japes a51 Oct 1873 in Who’s Who Teisen Joannis Josophi 1863 in Who’s Who Teisen John in Who’s Who Teisfen Jacob a 21 Heier 12 Apr 1884 in Who’s Who Teisfen Josephum Teisfer 12 May 1880 in Who’s Who Telke Paulis 1916 in Who’s Who Templeton T 1895 sec 25 in Who’s Who Tepper Stanislous 1917 in Who’s Who Teranann Evan Jan 1872 in Who’s Who Terman F map 1875 sec 30 in Who’s Who Termann Damum Franciscun Becker 1874 in Who’s Who Sullivan T CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Sullivan Toammis in Who’s Who CROULY MICHAEL5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Sullivan Virginia CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Summary Vol 1B pages 0001-0099 SUMMERS STAFF SGT. VINCENT E. 38 killed in Iraq War 1158 SUMMERS STAFF VINCENT E. killed in Iraq in Who's Who Summerville Hobart WWII 1158 Summerville Hobart WWII in Who's Who Sunatz-Frazho Rosemary St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Sunderland I have info on this family see Old Families Books Super Frank CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Super Roseann Busch High School 1952 in Who's Who Super Veronica CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Surko Ed Veteran World War II 1158 Surko Ed World War II in Who's Who surrey 0044 surveillance 0010 surveillance 0067 surveyer's notes 1817 8 surveyer's notes 38f 38p 1237-74 Susewitt Donald WHS 1953 in Who's Who Susick Annabell St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Susick Felicia St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Susick I have info on this family see Old Families Books Susick Julia St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Susick Luanne WHS 1956 in Who's Who Susick Ronald WHS 1954 in Who's Who Susick William St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Susick-Bloom Margaret St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Susiek I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 326 Sussick I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sutherly I have info on this family see Old Families Books SUTTER STAFF MICHAEL J. killed in Iraq in Who's Who SUTTER STAFF SGT. MICHAEL J. 28 killed in Iraq War 1158 Suttes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sutton Carol Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who SUTTON WILLIAM F J ARMY KILLED IN KOREA in Who's Who SUTTON WILLIAM F J PFC ARMY killed in Korean War 1158 Suwal Edward Veteran World War II 1158 Suwal Edward World War II in Who's Who Svilland I have info on this family see Old Families Books Swanson G CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Swanson Guy Busch High School 1949 in Who's Who Swanson Guy CLFD 1966+ in Who's Who Swanson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Swanson Katherine (Johnson) Busch High School 1945 in Who's Who Swanson's 0469 479 Swartz - Lombardi Carol St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Swartz Barbara WHS 1953 in Who's Who Swartz David WHS 1955 in Who's Who Swartz Edward St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Swartz Franklin Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1158 Swartz Franklin Vietnam in Who's Who Swartz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Swartz Maryann WHS 1952 in Who's Who Swartz Sharron CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Swartz-Jones Marcella St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Sweeney Florence St Clement 1937 in Who's Who Sweeney George CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Sweeny Dorothy St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Sweet Betty WHS 1934 in Who's Who Swhitten I have info on this family see Old Families Books Swiderski - Allen Dolores St Clement 1964 in Who's Who SWIFT FREDERICK Medal of Honor 1158 SWIFT FREDERICK Medal of Honor Civil War in Who's Who Swiska I have info on this family see Old Families Books Switalski Jon M. in Who's Who Switalski Matthew S. in Who's Who Switzer Jerry Busch High School 1951 in Who's Who Switzer Lawrence Busch High School 1953 in Who's Who Switzer Miss WHS teacher 1946 in Who's Who Swiveline I have info on this family see Old Families Books Swortz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Sy I have info on this family see Old Families Books Syed Rob in Who's Who SYPE PETER Medal of Honor 1158 SYPE PETER Medal of Honor Civil War in Who's Who Sypitkowski-Paxton Wanda St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Sypniewski Danny in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 327 Szalka Arlene St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Szalkowski Judith CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Szambelan - Engle Angeline St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Szambelan Esther St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Szambelan Oliver St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Szczepanski Diane St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Szczepanski Theresa St Clement 1957 Deceased in Who's Who Szczesniak - Ball Cecilia St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Szczesniak-O'Day Janet St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Szczodrowski Maria CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Szenborn Ted Vietnam 1158 Szenborn Ted Vietnam in Who's Who Szewczyk Kathryn St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Szlaga Emil CLHS 1959 in Who's Who SZWED JOSEPH C killed in World War II in Who's Who SZWED JOSEPH C TSG World War II 1158 SZWED JOSEPH C World War II in Who's Who Szymanski Christine CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Szymanski Geraldine CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Szymanski Louis Vietnam 1158 Szymanski Louis Vietnam in Who's Who Szymberskì Ronald Vietnam 1158 Szymberskì Ronald Vietnam in Who's Who Szymborski Nicholas J. in Who's Who Szymborski Nicholas John in Who's Who Szyndlar Henry Veteran World War II 1158 Szyndlar Henry World War II in Who's Who Szynkowski Constance CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Szynkowski Phyllis CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Tabaczynski Stanley Korea 1158 Tabaczynski Stanley Korea in Who's Who TABER CLARENCE E JR CPL World War II 1158 TABER CLARENCE E JR killed in World War II in Who's Who Tack - Szczepanski Anita St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Tack Gerald St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Tack I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tack Paul CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Talabi Alberta Tinsley in Who's Who talking machine 0053 Tallent Judy CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Tallman Avenue in Who's Who Tallman Earl in Who's Who Tallman Shaw dirt street 0377 Tamburo Dennis St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Tamburo Gary St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Tanalski Benrietta Busch HS 1949 in Who's Who Tank Town 3807 tanks Warren made 36 000 0061 Tanner James Russell CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 328 Tannpe I have info on this family see Old Families Books TANOWICCH MICHAEL J killed in World War II in Who's Who TANOWICCH MICHAEL J SSG World War II 1158 TANOWICCH MICHAEL J World War II in Who's Who Taormina Cy Ciro World War II in Who's Who Taormina Cy Veteran World War II 1158 Tapella Frank WWII veteran 1158 Tapella Frank WWII veteran in Who's Who Tapp Thomas St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Tappert Carol in Who's Who Taranto Joseph in Who's Who Taranto-Barron Sadie St Clement 1959 Deceased in Who's Who Tardonia Carol St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Tarkowski Frances WHS 1951 in Who's Who Tarman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tarrien Robert W in Who's Who Tarry I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tartarchuk Josephine St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Tasmer I have info on this family see Old Families Books tassle horse 0578 Taszreak - Welch Delphine St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Tatarchuck - Hurd Lottie St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Tatarchuck-Hetherington Frances St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Tatarchuk Ray Busch HS 1952 in Who's Who Tate Kenneth Veteran U S Army WWII 1158 Tate Kenneth Veteran WWII in Who's Who TATRO FRANCIS 1158 TATRO FRANCIS wounded Civil War in Who's Who Tatro Frank 33 Tatro I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tatton Edward CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Taylor Gerald Korea 1158 Taylor Gerald Korea in Who's Who Taylor (Kenyon) Thelma WHS 1936 in Who's Who Taylor Chester Veteran in Who's Who Taylor I have info on this family see Old Families Books Taylor James R in Who's Who Taylor James U S Navy Vietnam in Who's Who Taylor James Veteran U S Navy Vietnam 1158 Taylor Judith CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Taylor Ronald WHS 1957 in Who's Who Taylor Terry WHS 1956 in Who's Who tea 0327 teachers contract 0075 Teachworth Walter Busch HS 1943 in Who's Who Teagarden H in Who's Who Teague Alan Vietnam 1159 Teague Alan Vietnam in Who's Who Teal Betty Busch HS 1953 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 329 Teal I have info on this family see Old Families Books Teba I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tebo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tech Center 77 Tech Plaza 68 77 Tech Plaza cornfield 111 Tech. Sgt. Howard A. Walters 33 Afghanistan 1159 TECH. SGT. HOWARD A. WALTERS killed in Afghanistan in Who's Who tedder 0192 tedder 0439 tedder horse drawn 0439 Teeples Donald Vietnam 1159 Teeples Donald Vietnam in Who's Who Teery I have info on this family see Old Families Books Teery William 35 Teery William in 1880 physician in Who’s Who Terry Sam B Veteran in Who’s Who Tessmer Joseph infant 1940 in Who’s Who Teysfen Menseli? Heger Oct 1876 in Who’s Who Teysflond Catherina Oct 28 1869 in Who’s Who Thaooett Mary 1930 in Who’s Who Tharrett Anne B 1870 1929 in Who’s Who Tharrett Edwin in 1880 blacksmith in Who’s Who Tharrett J map 1859 sec 7 in Who’s Who Tharrett John 71 in 1870 GROCER in Who’s Who Tharrett Mary 1844 1930 in Who’s Who Tharrett Marria age 25 in 1900 school teacher in Who’s Who Tharrett Robert was first Warren VillageTreasurer in 1893 in Who’s Who Tharrett Theodore 1938 in Who’s Who Tharrett Wright age 57 in 1900 teamster in Who’s Who Tharrett Wright 1843 1926 in Who’s Who Thasen Brigitt Ryan Aug 1871 in Who’s Who Theiche Paul 1936 in Who’s Who Theisen Antoinette 1850 1941 in Who’s Who Theisen Artsinette 1941 in Who’s Who Theisen Jakob 1862 1883 in Who’s Who Theisen Jakob 1882 1883 in Who’s Who Theisen Joannes 1901 in Who’s Who Theisen John 1901 in Who’s Who Theisen John d 1901 in Who’s Who Theisen Joseph 1866 in Who’s Who Theisen Joseph 21 Mar 1898 in Who’s Who Theisen Maria 1803 1887 in Who’s Who Theisen Maria 1887 in Who’s Who Theisen Ronald S Veteran in Who’s Who Theisen Rosa 1835 1887 in Who’s Who Theisen Stanley C Veteran in Who’s Who Theison John 1895 sec 26 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Theresa Mother 1862 1927 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 330 Themie Arno had cobbler & harness shop in 1900 in Who’s Who Theut Anna Catherina 1882 in Who’s Who Theut Anna nee Teiche 1846 1930 wife of Peter in Who’s Who Theut Christian 1802 1846 in Who’s Who Theut Elizabeth 1939 in Who’s Who Theut Emelie 1866 1950 in Who’s Who Theut Joannni 1893 in Who’s Who Theut John St 1862 1952 in Who’s Who Theut William John Theut in Who’s Who Theut Katherina nee Pung 1800 1861 wife of Christian in Who’s Who Theut Maria C 1896 in Who’s Who Theut Peter 1834 1907 in Who’s Who Thieson John 1895 sec 23 in Who’s Who Thiet P map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Thiet P map 1875 sec 27 in Who’s Who Thilk Fred 1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who Thilk John 1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who Thimm Frank Joseph 1931 d 2000 Veteran in Who’s Who Thisen Joseph 1811 1880 in Who’s Who Thisen Joseph old worn probably c1880 in Who’s Who Thison Joseph d 1803 in Who’s Who Thistlerod L map 1875 sec 17 in Who’s Who Thistlerod M map 1875 sec 17 in Who’s Who Thrissen Rosalia 1887 in Who’s Who Thueit Peter 1895 sec 27 28 34 Center Line in Who’s Who Thuswanger Fred J R 1933 in Who’s Who Tide P map 1859 sec 27 in Who’s Who Tiell Anna Marian a89 1879 in Who’s Who TIERNEY THOMAS 11/23/1835 in Who’s Who Timion Jos 1895 sec 14 in Who’s Who Tisen J. J map 1859 sec 26 in Who’s Who TITUS SILAS 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Tlieger Grace 1937 in Who’s Who Tngth Danielis 1882 in Who’s Who Toemer Bernard Glanike 1884 in Who’s Who Toepher T 1895 sec 36 in Who’s Who Tokar Stefan Veteran in Who’s Who Toll John map 1875 sec 31 in Who’s Who Tollean Tenothei 1871 in Who’s Who Tollevan Roberta Jacobum 1872 in Who’s Who Tooworntoread b1861 d 1883 in Who’s Who Tehen Cornelius 19 Teheu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Teich I have info on this family see Old Families Books Teifel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Teisen family in Who's Who Teisen Homestead in Who's Who Teisen Street in Who's Who telegraph key 0336 Page Twelve Thousand 331 telephone wall 0334 telephone 0060 telephone 0193 telephone 40 57 60 Telephone stand up 0413 telephones 0335 television 62 64 Tell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Teller I have info on this family see Old Families Books Temnyk Wolodymyr Korea 1159 Temnyk Wolodymyr Korea in Who's Who Ten Mile Van Dyke 0057 Tenkel June WHS 1951 in Who's Who Tenniswood Dorothy CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Tenniswood I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tepper Bill in Who's Who Tepper I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tepper Shirley CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Tepper William CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Tercha Richard WHS 1952 in Who's Who Terebesy - Frazier Patricia St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Terebesy Judith St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Terescik Joseph Veteran in Who's Who Terman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Terra I have info on this family see Old Families Books terrorist threat 0112 Terry William 1800s in Who's Who Terry Wisniewski in Who's Who Tessmer - Wiegand Rita St Clement 1935 in Who's Who Tessmer Edina WHS 1956 in Who's Who Tessmer Joan WHS 1955 in Who's Who Tessmer Ralph St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Tessmer-Geiseler Eleanor St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Tetes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tevgley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tewkesbury Larry CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Texico 0492 Thackabery I have info on this family see Old Families Books Thackbary I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tharrett Donald St Clement 1946 Deceased in Who's Who Tharrett Edwin 35 Tharrett I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tharrett Janet St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Tharrett John 35 Tharrett Marria 35 Tharrett Robert 31 Tharrett Thomas St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Tharrett Wright 35 Tharrett Wright St Clement 1928 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 332 Tharrett-Kotcher Virginia St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Tharrett-Wilson Mary St Clement 1956 Deceased in Who's Who THATCHER CHARLES Medal of Honor 1159 THATCHER CHARLES Medal of Honor Civil War in Who's Who Thayle I have info on this family see Old Families Books The Liberty 0069 theater 95 96 Theaters 0069 Thebert - Schmiescher Patricia St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Thebert Elizabeth St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Theisen John 0073 Theisen house 76 Vol 3 429-432 Theisen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Theisen Joseph in Who's Who Theisen Mary Ann St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Theisen Paul St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Theisen Raymond St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Theisen Robert St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Theisen Rose St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Theisen Thomas St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Theisen-Cholewa Frances St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Theison house marker shed + 0429-32 Thelander James Edwin Dr CLHS 1962 submarine service in Who's Who Theme Harness Shop in Who's Who Themean I have info on this family see Old Families Books Themie Arno 45 53 Themie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Thent I have info on this family see Old Families Books Therrett I have info on this family see Old Families Books Theut Annastasia St Clement 1930 in Who's Who Theut Esther St Clement 1930 Deceased in Who's Who Theut family in Who's Who Theut George L First Chief CLFD 1926 in Who's Who Theut I have info on this family see Old Families Books Theut Jack in Who's Who Theut Jacob Warren Justice 1935 in Who's Who Theut Jake Macomb County Sheriff 1941+ in Who's Who Theut Joann St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Theut Leo St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Theut Street in Who's Who Thibodeau Richard Korea 1159 Thibodeau Richard Korea in Who's Who Thibodeau Bob in Who's Who Thieka I have info on this family see Old Families Books Thiemea I have info on this family see Old Families Books Thilk I have info on this family see Old Families Books Thim I have info on this family see Old Families Books THIMIAN EDWARD W 1159 THIMIAN EDWARD W died in service 1918 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 333 Thimian Edward 33 Thimian I have info on this family see Old Families Books Thimins Frank in Who's Who Thimm Daniel St Clement 1953 Deceased in Who's Who Thimm Francis St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Thimuan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Thisen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Thison I have info on this family see Old Families Books Thistlerod I have info on this family see Old Families Books Thomas - Lewis Anne St Clement 1960 in Who's Who THOMAS BILLY killed in World War II in Who's Who THOMAS BILLY PVT World War II 1159 THOMAS CHARLES Medal of Honor WWII 1159 THOMAS CHARLES Medal of Honor WWII in Who's Who Thomas Claude Busch HS 1951 in Who's Who Thomas Delores in Who's Who Thomas Dolores in Who's Who Thomas Donald in Who's Who Thomas Earl St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Thomas Edison 0029 Thomas Frank St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Thomas Gary CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Thomas H male Busch HS 1932 in Who's Who Thomas H male Busch HS 1932 in Who's Who Thomas Jefferson sayings 1 p0198 Thomas Jefferson sayings 2 p0199 Thomas Joe was a in the CLFD in 1966. in Who's Who Thomas Joseph Harold CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Thomas Judith Elaine CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Thomas Katheryn St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Thomas Lawrence Vietnam 1159 Thomas Lawrence Vietnam in Who's Who Thomas Marshal was a local woodcarver. in Who's Who Thomas Marshall in Who's Who Thomas Thomas St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Thomas Wanda Busch HS 1950 in Who's Who THOMAS WILLIAM Medal of Honor WWII in Who's Who THOMAS WILLIAM Medal of Honor WWII U S Army 1159 Thomas-Kramer Dorothy St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Thomason Joyce CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Thomas-Reilly Carol St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Thompson Ada CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Thompson Andrew Teacher WHS 1955 in Who's Who THOMPSON CHARLES Medal of Honor 1159 THOMPSON CHARLES Medal of Honor Civil War in Who's Who Thompson Dan Veteran in Who's Who Thompson Dave Veteran in Who's Who THOMPSON DOUGLAS C CPL World War II 1159 THOMPSON DOUGLAS C killed in World War II in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 334 Thompson Edward WHS 1934 in Who's Who Thompson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Thompson Johnny Jr Veteran U S Army 1159 Thompson Johnny Jr Vietnam 69-72 in Who's Who Thompson Max in Who's Who THOMPSON NEIL STEWART CPL 1159 THOMPSON NEIL STEWART VIETNAM HOSTILE KILLED in Who's Who Thompson Richard WHS 1936 in Who's Who Thompson Tom Vietnam 1159 Thompson Tom Vietnam in Who's Who Thorlin Lynn CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Thornton Barbara in Who's Who thresher horse drawn 0439 Threshing Party1900 p 0377 Thume I have info on this family see Old Families Books Thyne Ruth CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Tìbbets Howard Vietnam 1159 Tìbbets Howard Vietnam in Who's Who TIECHE RICHARD HAYES Signalman 3c 1159 TIECHE Richard Hayes killed in World War II in Who's Who TIECHE RICHARD HAYES killed in WWII in Who's Who Tierney Vincent Korea in Who's Who Tieche N male Busch HS 1932 in Who's Who Tieche N male Busch HS 1932 in Who's Who Tierney Thomas 19 Tierney Vincent Korea 1159 Tierney John in Who's Who Tifer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tifer Joe CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Tigerbank I have info on this family see Old Families Books Till I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tillman Robert Vietnam 1159 Tillman Robert Vietnam in Who's Who time capsule 0366 Timken Street in Who's Who tinsmith 32 tinsmith products 0221 Tirakian George 30th Division in WWII in Who's Who Tirakian George L Veteran 1159 Tirakian George L Veteran 76-78- in Who's Who Tirakian George Veteran U S Army WWII 1159 Tirakian George Veteran World War II in Who's Who Tirakian George Veteran WWII in Who's Who Tislter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tiste I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tistter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Titanic 0194 Titus Silas 19 Tlaib Rashida in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 335 Tlashan I have info on this family see Old Families Books TOBAN JAMES Medal of Honor 1159 TOBAN JAMES Medal of Honor Civil War in Who's Who Tobian I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tobin James Veteran WWII U S Navy 1159 Tobin James Veteran WWII U S Navy in Who's Who Tocco Kathy in Who's Who Todd I have info on this family see Old Families Books Todororo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Toepfer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Toepher family in Who's Who Toia Philip J Veteran World War II armed guard 1159 Toia Philip J Veteran World War II in Who's Who Toles Petty Officer First Class Ross L. III 37 Afghanistan 1159 TOLES ROSS L. III killed in Afghanistan in Who's Who Toll I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tollmann Barbara Busch HS 1954 in Who's Who Tolonen Mel American Legion Veteran 1159 Tolonen Mel American Legion Veteran in Who's Who Tom Boss in Who's Who Tom Turmel Master Gardener 14, 4400, Who's Who Tomas Bernard in Who's Who Tomasko Drew in Who's Who Tomaszewski Edwin Veteran World War II 1160 Tomaszewski Edwin World War II in Who's Who Tomaszewski Ronald W. Vietnam 1160 Tomaszewski Ronald W. Vietnam in Who's Who Tomayko David Veteran World War II 1160 Tomayko David Veteran World War II in Who's Who Tomczykiewicz Walter J Korea 1160 Tomczykiewicz Walter J Korea in Who's Who Tomlinson Maria Vietnam 1160 Tomlinson Maria Vietnam in Who's Who Toner Benny WHS 1957 in Who's Who tonic 0329 Tools 0433-38 tools 48 32 44 20 22 24 25 27 Vol 3 433-440 Toomez I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tooney I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tooroian Michelle in Who's Who Topolewski Frank CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Topolewski Margaret CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Topp I have info on this family see Old Families Books Torner Ed in Who's Who Torp Dennis in Who's Who Torre Francisco Sr. 1160 Torre Frank Sr USMC WWII in Who's Who Torre John Army WWI in Who's Who TORREY CHARLES 10/8/1835 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 336 TORREY CHARLES 8/3/1839 in Who’s Who TORREY JOSEPH W 10/14/1846 in Who’s Who Townsend Isaiah map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who Trabseh Theresian Husell 5 Nov 1881 in Who’s Who Tracy I 1891 in Who’s Who Tramps Jos map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Tremblay Hermanu 1931 in Who’s Who Tremblay Maria 1932 in Who’s Who Tremble Hennigum ? 1870 in Who’s Who Tremble Ludorici Kohler 1870 in Who’s Who Trembler Julia Angelina 1867 in Who’s Who Trembler Sara or Susan 1866 in Who’s Who Trembly Albert Benjamin Apr 1875 in Who’s Who Tribe W map 1859 sec 12 in Who’s Who Trisen Hebenanna 1880 in Who’s Who Trohler Catherian Jurgens 1884 in Who’s Who Trohler Gertrud 1882 in Who’s Who Trombla Bencentium 1880 in Who’s Who Trombla Rosalia 1890 in Who’s Who Trombla Vincent map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Tromblay Agnes d 1917 in Who’s Who Tromblay Rose d 1890 in Who’s Who Tromblay Rose H d 1890 in Who’s Who Tromblay Vincent d 1880 in Who’s Who Trombler citatis 1863 in Who’s Who Trombley Brigitt Keller in Who’s Who Trombley E map 1875 sec 14 in Who’s Who Trombley Geo 1895 sec 21 in Who’s Who Trombley Isador 1895 sec 21 in Who’s Who Trombley J map 1859 sec 21 in Who’s Who Trombley J map 1875 sec 10 in Who’s Who Trombley Jon 1895 sec 10 in Who’s Who Trombley P 1895 sec 24 in Who’s Who Trombley Richard 1905 d 1933 in Who’s Who Trombley Sophia 1886 in Who’s Who TrombleyMaria in Who’s Who Trombly Augustein Lecuc 1879 in Who’s Who Trombly E map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Trombly Elizabeth d 1880 wife of Richardin Who’s Who Trombly Elizabeth d 1889 in Who’s Who Trombly infant 1899 in Who’s Who Trombly J map1859 sec 21 in Who’s Who Trombly Mrs map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who Trombly N map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Trombly N. map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Trombly Richard 1814 1924 in Who’s Who Trombly Richard 1844 1924 in Who’s Who Trombly Sophia Bickbar 6 Sept 1879 in Who’s Who Trombly Vincent map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 337 Trost A map 1875 sec 1 in Who’s Who Trost Katharina 1857 1860 in Who’s Who Trzcinski John V Veteran in Who’s Who Tucholski Robert E Veteran in Who’s Who Tucker Warren H Veteran in Who’s Who Tylkowski Stella 1937 in Who’s Who Tyojen Maria 1860 in Who’s Who St Clement Tyson John map 1875 sec 26 in Who’s Who Unknown Dec 8 188? needs restudy in Who’s Who Unxloa Frederick Joseph 1937 in Who’s Who Vaer Hoven Henry in Who’s Who Van Antwerp map 1859 sec 2 in Who’s Who VAN ANTWERP DANIEL 11/23/1835 in Who’s Who VAN ANTWERP SARAH 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Van Bon Mariam 23 Jun 1880 in Who’s Who Torrey Charles 19 9 Torrey Joseph 19 Torry 33 Torry I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tostock I have info on this family see Old Families Books TOTH JOHN R CPL ARMY killed in Korean War 1160 TOTH JOHN R KILLED IN KOREA in Who's Who Toth Stephan Vietnam 1160 Toth Stephan Vietnam in Who's Who Touchtone Arthur CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Touchtone Leila CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Touchtone Louise CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Touescient I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tousaint I have info on this family see Old Families Books TOUSIGNANT LEO A killed in World War II in Who's Who TOUSIGNANT LEO A PVT World War II 1160 Tower Jack Veteran World War II 1160 Tower Jack Veteran World War II in Who's Who Tower Robert in Who's Who Town Club 70 Towne Club Pop 0112 Townsend Jim in Who's Who Townsend Robert Busch HS 1953 in Who's Who Township Gv't 0020 Township hall 0037 Township vehicles 0055 Towsewnd I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tracey John Veteran World War II 1160 Tracey John Veteran World War II in Who's Who tractor 0054 tractor 0438 Tractor couple 0298 trails 0026 train Warren station 0372 Page Twelve Thousand 338 Train depot 0584 train station 0115 train station car 0378 train steam 0372 3 Train travel 0005 Train Travel in 1800s 0131 trains 0029 trains 5 76 26 131-140 Vol 2 284 Trambla I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tramm I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tranchida James in Who's Who Tranchida James St Clement 1962 Deceased in Who's Who Tranchida Peter J Mayor in Who's Who Tranchida Peter St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Tranchida-Copping Dolores St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Trapp Daniel J in Who's Who Trask O W 1919 in Who's Who Traub Rick in Who's Who Trautwein I have info on this family see Old Families Books Travis I have info on this family see Old Families Books Trawczynski - Wilke Joan St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Trawczynski Ronald St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Trawczynski-Tighe Janice St Clement 1966 in Who's Who tree 20 24 Treier Richard Veteran Korean War 1160 Treier Richard Veteran Korean War in Who's Who Tremberth Fred Veteran World War II 1160 Tremberth Fred Veteran World War II in Who's Who Tremberth Marilyn in Who's Who Trembla I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tremblay I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tremble Vincent Warren Treasurer 1876-77 in Who's Who Treppa Craig in Who's Who Treppa I have info on this family see Old Families Books TREVITHICK SPC. RICHARD K. 20 killed in Iraq War 1160 TREVITHICK SPC. RICHARD K. killed in Iraq in Who's Who Trewyn Shirley in Who's Who Trey I have info on this family see Old Families Books tri-bike 0191 Tri-city Progress 0471 Trick I have info on this family see Old Families Books Trilevsky Gregory President Busch HS 1951 in Who's Who Trinisunu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Trinity Lutheran 0241 248 Trinity Lutheran Church 0257 Trinity Missionary 0249 TRINNIER C M JR killed in World War II in Who's Who TRINNIER C M JR SGT World War II 1160 Troe Sandy CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 339 trolly 0037 trolly 39 41 54 56 Trombla I have info on this family see Old Families Books Trombley Howard Korea 1160 Trombley Howard Korea in Who's Who Trombley Dona WHS 1952 in Who's Who Trombley Harold St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Trombley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Trombley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Trombley Joseph Warren Treasurer 1911-12 in Who's Who Trombley Joseph WHS 1952 in Who's Who Trombly I have info on this family see Old Families Books Trombly Melvin WHS 1938 in Who's Who Trombly Park in Who's Who Tropea Virginia St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Trost I have info on this family see Old Families Books Trostheide I have info on this family see Old Families Books Trout Wiley Veteran World War II 1160 Trout Wiley Veteran World War II in Who's Who Truax Mrs taught at Busch HS 1949 in Who's Who Truck 1920 p0225 truck 55 56 truck Baseline Feed Store 0218 Trump I have info on this family see Old Families Books Trumps I have info on this family see Old Families Books Trupiano Philip Korea 1160 Trupiano Philip Korea in Who's Who Tschiltsch - Ensminger Angeline St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Tschiltsch Godfrey St Clement 1958 in Who's Who tub of copper 0661 tubs 0193 Tucholski Robert E WWII 1160 Tucholski Robert E WWII in Who's Who Tucker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tucturman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tuinisemu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tullock Gordon in Who's Who tunnel 0072 tunnel 94 Turcato Dino in Who's Who Turkal Paul in Who's Who Turko Anna WHS 1956 in Who's Who Turko Irene WHS 1953 in Who's Who Turmel Tom 14, 4400, in Who's Who Turnbull Doris WHS 1955 in Who's Who Turnen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Turner Bob veteran 1160 Turner Bob veteran in Who's Who Turner Dell Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1160 Page Twelve Thousand 340 Turner Dell Veteran Vietnam in Who's Who Turner Dwight Baxter CLHS 1962 USMC in Who's Who Turner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Turner Jacqueline Teacher WHS 1954 in Who's Who Turner Richard Busch HS 1951 in Who's Who Turner Richard WHS 1957 in Who's Who Turner William WWII U S Army 1160 Turner William WWII U S Army in Who's Who Turrier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tursdale I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tuscany Ronald P. 2000 - 2001 in Who's Who Tuten Anna St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Tuzinsky I have info on this family see Old Families Books TV boy 0064 TV broadcasting began 0062 TV set early 0337 Twardy Jordan in Who's Who Twelve Ryan Baptist 0253 Twin Pines 0492 Tyler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Tyler Lillian Jean CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Tyler Mary Jane CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Tyler Sharon in Who's Who Tylor Frank W 1899 in Who's Who typewriter 0191 typewriter 0193 typewriter Underwood 0339 Tyro Michael in Who's Who Tyson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ulicny Bernadine St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Ulinski Phillip CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Ulrich I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ulrich Norbert the 1960s in Who's Who Umlar Evelyn St Clement 1920 8th grade grad in Who's Who Umloff - St. John Geraldine St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Underwood Floyd M Korea 1160 Underwood Floyd M Korea in Who's Who Underwood Drive Gerald Neil. in Who's Who Underwood Floyd in Who's Who Underwood Harold CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Underwood Orba in Who's Who unemployment 0065 unemployment 0066 unemployment 72 73 Unemployment Highest in Nation 0197 unemployment worst in nation 0066 Unity 0253 Unknown Geneive St Clement 1920 8th grade grad in Who's Who Unknown on USS Franklin Killed in Action 1945 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 341 UNKNOWN SOLDIER 1160 UNKNOWN SOLDIER in Who's Who Unknown Soldier Vol 3 441-444 Unmarked Graves 0445-48 unmarked graves Vol 3 445-449 8 Uoratny I have info on this family see Old Families Books Urban Marty CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Urban Oksana in Who's Who Urban Thomas Busch HS 1950 in Who's Who Urban Yvonne CLHS 1955 in Who's Who urbanized Warren 0062 Ureel - Schulte Lorraine St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Ureel James St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Urell Marilyn St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Uritescu Oliver Busch HS 1943 in Who's Who Uritescu Raymond Busch HS 1934 in Who's Who Uritescu Raymond in Who's Who Uryga Edward Korea in Who's Who US Census of Warren area 1830-1900 7 US Census of Warren area 1894 1910 1920 9 USGS Map Warren 0450 USGS Vol 3 450 USO 0064 USO 0114 USO 78 USPO many fotos 0451-466 USPO Vol 3 451-466 USS Franklin CV13 923 Killed in Action 1945 1160 Utarius I have info on this family see Old Families Books UTRIAINEN GARY ALBERT killed in Cambodia in Who's Who UTRIAINEN GARY ALBERT SGT 1160 Vadenborsche I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vaer Hoven Henry in Who's Who Valade Edward Teacher WHS 1954 55 in Who's Who Valbricht I have info on this family see Old Families Books Valentine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Valukas John St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Valukas Martha St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Vamflet I have info on this family see Old Families Books Van Antwerp Daniel 19 Van Antwerp Sarah 19 Van Daele Marcel WHS 1955 in Who's Who Van Damme Edith St Clement 1920 8th grade grad in Who's Who Van Damme I have info on this family see Old Families Books Van De Pitte Colleen Busch HS 1949 in Who's Who Van Den Brandan Leona St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Van Den Branden Paul St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Van Den Branden Paula St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Van Den Branden-Dupont Marie Louise St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 342 Van Dyke 0037 Van Dyke 0041 Van Dyke 1950s Views 0481-5 Van Dyke 7 54 56 57 37 Van Dyke Auto Supply 0473 Van Dyke Baptist 0251 Van Dyke block by church 0481-5 Van Dyke block Kayo 0481-5 Van Dyke block Van's Drugs 0481-5 Van Dyke block White's laundry 0481-5 Van Dyke block Wood Carver 0481-5 Van Dyke Blueprint 0469 Van Dyke Businesses 0467-73 Van Dyke Businesses 1960s 0487-90 Van Dyke businesses Vol 3 467-493 Van Dyke dirt 0050 Van Dyke dirt road 0377 Van Dyke Drive in 0489 Van Dyke Gibbs lumber block 0228 Van Dyke James A. in Who's Who Van Dyke Mr B 1960s in Who's Who Van Dyke views 1920 50 p0056 Van Dyke Views 3735-53 Van Dyke Vill 1920 popln 0054 Harwood's 0054 VAN FLEET THEODORE F. Died as prisoner of war 1864 in Who's Who Van Gieson Melvin Veteran in Who's Who Van Haverbeck Henry WHS 1950 in Who's Who Van Haverbeck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Van Hee Bruce CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Van Hee Emma CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Van Hook Judith CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Van Hook Linda CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Van Hook Linda in Who's Who Van Howe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Van Howie I have info on this family see Old Families Books Van Hulle Philip St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Van Hulle William in Who's Who Van Hulle Yvonne St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Van Laan - Cairns Letha St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Van Laan Marcia St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Van Laan-Oberliesen Penny St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Van Leo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Van Loo Eleanor St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Van Loo Margaret St Clement 1920 8th grade grad in Who's Who Van Loon Valaria St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Van Mier Rosalie St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Van Moen Beverly WHS 1953 in Who's Who Van Moen Edna St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Van Muer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 343 Van Pamel Raymond St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Van Pamel Robert St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Van Pamel Roger St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Van Simaeys Christine CLHS 1957 in Who's Who VAN SLYKE BUFFORD Kenny killed in Iraq in Who's Who VAN SLYKE PFC. BUFFORD K. 22 killed in Iraq War 1160 Van Steen James WHS 1953 in Who's Who Van Zuch Beverly WHS 1957 in Who's Who VanAntworp Daniel 18 VanAntworp I have info on this family see Old Families Books VanBuell I have info on this family see Old Families Books VanByekegham I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vandal I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vandamme I have info on this family see Old Families Books VanDenBossche Francis St Clement 1936 in Who's Who VanDenBossche I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vandenbossche Raymond Veteran France 1959 in Who's Who Vandenbossche Raymond Veteran U S Army France 1959 1160 Vandenbossche Robert Veteran France 1959 in Who's Who Vandenbossche Robert Veteran U S Army France 1959 1161 Vandenbossche William U S Air Force France 1960s in Who's Who Vandenbossche William Veteran U S Air Force France 1960s 1161 Vandenbourdie I have info on this family see Old Families Books VandenBranden Paul in Who's Who Vandenbrouck I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vandenbussche Irma Busch HS 1949 in Who's Who Vandenbussche Patricia CLHS 1958 in Who's Who VanDenning I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vandentir Frank 35 Vandentir Frank in 1880 saloon keeper in Who’s Who Van Fleet Theodore F. Died while a prisoner of war 1864 in Who’s Who Van Horn Raymond 1905 in Who’s Who Van House infant 1900 in Who’s Who Van Mear A map 1875 sec 4 in Who’s Who Van Traker Joanines 1862 in Who’s Who VanAu Julia 1889 in Who’s Who VanDamme Rennni 1891 in Who’s Who VanDamnu Jennie 1935 in Who’s Who Vandenabile Wilhelminia 1914 in Who’s Who Vandenhassche Peter 1939 in Who’s Who VanderBurk Antonius Eduandres 1919 in Who’s Who Vandsutter Mrs saloon in Who’s Who VanDu Able Caroline 1897 in Who’s Who VanGanper Julius John 1939 in Who’s Who Vanhorn Rennis?? J 1891 in Who’s Who VanHowe Francis 1833 1917 in Who’s Who Vanhowe Francis 1838 1917 in Who’s Who VanHowe Katherine 1871 1945 in Who’s Who VanHowe Raymond Jan 7 1904 1905 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 344 VanHowe Raymond Jan 7 1904 in Who’s Who Vanvliet P map 1875 sec 5 in Who’s Who Varcak Anthony M Veteran in Who’s Who Vaudaunnce Renne Van Damme 1912 in Who’s Who Vaughn C W 1895 sec 34 in Who’s Who Vdvace Joseph 1940 in Who’s Who Veamner E 1895 sec 4 in Who’s Who VeLyne August in Who’s Who Vandentir I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vanderboucke Alfons St Clement 1920 8th grade grad in Who's Who Vanderbousch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vanderbrook Donald St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Vanderhoff I have info on this family see Old Families Books VanDermaas Charles Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1161 VanDermaas Charles Veteran Vietnam in Who's Who Vandermeir Van's in Who's Who Vandersteen Albert St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Vanderstraaton Paul CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Vandervest Douglas CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Vandervest Gail CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Vandervest Gloria CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Vandevelde Andre Sp5 Vietnam 1970-1971 1161 Vandevelde Andre Vietnam 1970-1971 in Who's Who Vandsutter Mrs saloon in Who's Who VanDyke Theaters 0070 VanEackai I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vanechor I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vanfleet I have info on this family see Old Families Books VanFleet Theodore F. 33 VanGampelaere Albert J Veteran U S Army WWII 1161 VanGampelaere Albert J Veteran WWII in Who's Who Vangilder - Miller Mary Ann St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Vanhowio I have info on this family see Old Families Books VanHulle Ronald St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Vanier David St Clement 1965 in Who's Who VanKampenn I have info on this family see Old Families Books VANKER DONALD T killed in World War II in Who's Who VANKER DONALD T PFC World War II 1161 VanLaan Vincent in Who's Who VanLoo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vanmeer I have info on this family see Old Families Books VanMulle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vannini Albert Korea 1161 Vannini Albert Korea in Who's Who Vannuer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vans Drugs 0073 Van's Drugs 0483 Vanskìver Jeffrey Vietnam 1161 Vanskìver Jeffrey Vietnam in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 345 VanSteenkiste Kenneth St Clement 1965 in Who's Who VanSteenkiste William St Clement 1958 in Who's Who VanSteenkiste-Weber Joann St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Vargo George Veteran U S Navy 61-66 1161 Vargo George Veteran U S Navy 61-66 in Who's Who Varvatos James Veteran Korea in Who's Who Varvatos James Veteran U S Army Korea 1161 Vasnncc I have info on this family see Old Families Books VASQUEZ STAFF SGT. MARK D killed in Iraq in Who's Who VASQUEZ STAFF SGT. MARK D. 35 killed in Iraq War 1161 Vassallo James St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Vassilatos I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vaumeer I have info on this family see Old Families Books VEDDER AARON 10/28/1835 in Who’s Who Veolulak Rose Mary 1929 in Who’s Who Veoulaat Paul 1931 in Who’s Who Verhoes Maria 1865 in Who’s Who Verhoeven H map 1875 sec 23 26 36 in Who’s Who Verhofven Isabella Motter 1821 1878 in Who’s Who Verhoven Aloysius 1913 in Who’s Who Verhoven H J 1895 sec 26 in Who’s Who Verhoven H J 1895 sec 34 in Who’s Who Verhoven Heinrich 1819 1897 in Who’s Who Verhoven Heinrich 1852 1891 in Who’s Who Verhoven Heinrich 1852 1893 in Who’s Who Verhoven Heinrich b 1852 d 1891 in Who’s Who Verhoven Isabella 1821 in Who’s Who Verhoven Joannes 1895 in Who’s Who Verhoven Johnnie 1887 1895 in Who’s Who Verhoven Maria d 1855 1881 in Who’s Who Verhoven Maria d 1885? in Who’s Who Verliorver Elisabeth on Halland in Who’s Who Vermaile Edmund 1912 in Who’s Who Vertel Norbert J Veteran in Who’s Who Veta J map 1875 sec 12 in Who’s Who Vettenburg J map 1875 sec 25 in Who’s Who Veylen B 1895 sec 22 Center Line in Who’s Who Vileyman August in 1900 saloon man in Who’s Who Vineyard M map 1859 sec 21 in Who’s Who Vohs Geo in 1900 well driller in Who’s Who Voght Chas 1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Vogt C map 1875 sec 7 in Who’s Who Vohs Earl M 1922 in Who’s Who Vohs Elizabeth 1904 in Who’s Who Vohs infant 1913 in Who’s Who Vohs Jno map 1875 sec 16 in Who’s Who Vohs John Est 1895 sec 16 in Who’s Who Vohs Roland Cliffton 1920 in Who’s Who Vois J map 1859 sec 16 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 346 Volgast John 1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Voss Elizabeth 1899 in Who’s Who Voss Joannn?? 1893 in Who’s Who Voss Pranciacn 1892 in Who’s Who Voyler Marcellna or uo 1887 in Who’s Who Vuveboch Conrardus 1857 in Who’s Who Vedder Aaron 19 Vedder Jess Warren Justice 1925 1928 in Who's Who vehicles 0043 vehicles Township 0055 Vehnelta I have info on this family see Old Families Books Veilleux I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vellcraph Ed Veteran in Who's Who VeLyne August in Who's Who Venateen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Veneri Neil A United States Navy Korea 1161 Veneri Neil A United States Navy Korea in Who's Who Venmale I have info on this family see Old Families Books Venncs I have info on this family see Old Families Books Venno Ray Busch HS 1930 in Who's Who Vensky I have info on this family see Old Families Books Venthsnona I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ventimiglio Anthony St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Ventura Frank in Who's Who Vera I have info on this family see Old Families Books Verbowen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vercruysee Paul in Who's Who Vercruysse Paul St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Verellen John R. Vietnam 1161 Verellen John R. Vietnam in Who's Who Verena Veretta Carl taught at Busch HS 1952+ in Who's Who Verheye Joseph in Who's Who VerHoven - Sutton Rosalind St Clement 1961 in Who's Who VerHoven I have info on this family see Old Families Books Verhoven I have info on this family see Old Families Books VerHoven Jerome St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Verhoven Raymond CLHS 1960 in Who's Who VerHoven-Cantalini Marilyn St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Verhulst G CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Verhulst Gail St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Verhulst Gary CLFD in 1969 in Who's Who Verhulst Joseph in Who's Who Verhulst Judy JoAnn CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Verhulst P in Who's Who Verhulst Paul St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Verhulst-Kozak Vickie St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Verhulst-Wood Betty St Clement 1950 Deceased in Who's Who Verkest Donna St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 347 VerKuilen Robert in Who's Who VERLINDE JULIUS V killed in World War II in Who's Who VERLINDE JULIUS V PFC World War II 1161 Verlunde I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vermeersch George St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Vermeersch-Simpson Iris St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Vermeulen Betty Overland Busch HS 1944 in Who's Who Vernalla I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vernor's 0492 Verstegn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Verstun I have info on this family see Old Families Books Verstyn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Verureleu I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vesina I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vesnerer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Veterans Our The Book 3 pages start at 2600 Veterans 1800 8 Veterans Park 0503 Vetick Norma St Clement 1954 Deceased in Who's Who Vetiraino Wayne CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Vettraino Gary CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Vettraino Judith CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Vettraino Lavonne CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Vettzer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Viant Donald WWII U S Navy in Who's Who Viant Loretta WWII U S Navy 1161 Viant Loretta WWII U S Navy in Who's Who Vick Rebecca CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Vickers Junior Lee Grady Veteran in Who's Who Victor-Coons Karen St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Vidosh Donn WHS 1955 in Who's Who Viecelli Richard Korea 1161 Viecelli Richard Korea in Who's Who Viegand I have info on this family see Old Families Books Viergutz Ann Busch HS 1949 in Who's Who Viet Nam 0067 Vietnam Casualties 181p 837Vietnam Era 0615 Vietnam War 0064 views 0059 Vigneau - Lee Shirley St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Vigneau Jean St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Vigneau Joseph St Clement 1957 Deceased in Who's Who Vigneau Philip St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Vigneau Robert St Clement 1961 Deceased in Who's Who Vigneau William St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Vigneau-Swain Edith St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Vignettes Heroes 97p 740 Page Twelve Thousand 348 Vigus Jim WHS 1953 in Who's Who Vile Richard CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Vileyman August 38 Vileyman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Village Barn 0224 Village Barn 0242 village hall 0046 Village hall 0504-5 Village of Warren views 0562-66 Village Rug 0501 Village Rug Vol 3 501 village stores 0354 Village views Vol 3 502-512 528-533 562-588 7 28-27 29 31 37—60 Village-City Warren Halls 0567-76 VILLAMOR ROMAN ROZEL JR LCPL 1161 VILLAMOR ROMAN ROZEL JR VIETNAM HOSTILE KILLED in Who's Who VILLRO FAY D killed in World War II in Who's Who Vincent I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vincent Israel in Who's Who Vincent M in Who's Who Vincent Nathan in Who's Who Vinton I have info on this family see Old Families Books Virginac Rita WHS 1950 in Who's Who virtuality 0078 Vis Willam in Who's Who visiting neighbors 0025 Vitale Roman CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Vitale Rosalind CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Vitale Samuel CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Viviano David F. Judge in Who's Who Viviano Kathryn A. in Who's Who Viviano Stephanie CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Vlaich G in Who's Who Vlaich George Busch HS 1940 in Who's Who Vlug Dirk Medal of Honor WWII in Who's Who Vlug Dirk Medal of Honor WWII U S Army 1161 Vodeske John W. Vietnam 1161 Vodeske John W. Vietnam in Who's Who Vogt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vogt Kathy in Who's Who Vohes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vohs A in Who's Who Vohs Anthony in Who's Who Vohs Anthony St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Vohs Arlene St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Vohs Bernard in Who's Who Vohs Geo 45 Vohs I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vohs Joseph Veteran U S Army WWII Korea Vietnam 1161 Page Twelve Thousand 349 Vohs Joseph WWII Korea Vietnam in Who's Who Vohs Norman St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Vohs Thomas St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Vohs Virginia St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Vohs-Johnson Evelyn St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Voiland I have info on this family see Old Families Books VOLLMER CHAD J. killed in Iraq in Who's Who VOLLMER SPC. CHAD J. 24 killed in Iraq War 1161 Vollmert William CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Vosburg Frederick C 1937 in Who's Who Vosburg Kathy D in Who's Who Vretta Carl taught at CLHS 1955+ in Who's Who Vroou I have info on this family see Old Families Books Vultaggio Antonio Veteran in Who's Who Vurginac Irene WHS 1957 in Who's Who Waananen Ronald St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Wacker Frederick Warren Treasurer 1856 in Who's Who Wade I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wadsworth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Waelhart I have info on this family see Old Families Books Waggoner Clement WHS 1957 in Who's Who Waggoner Mary WHS 1953 in Who's Who Wagner - Willie Gloria St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Wagner Donald Veteran World War II 1161 Wagner Donald Veteran World War II in Who's Who Wagner I have info on this family see Old Families Books wagon 0213 wagon makers 0054, 0220, 0351 wagons at Miller's 0037 Wahby Ted B in Who's Who Wahl Richard WHS 1955 in Who's Who Wahl Ted WHS 1950 in Who's Who Wainwright Joyce Ann CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Wais Adolf J 246th Combat Engineer Bn WWII U S Army 1161 Wais Adolf J Combat Engineer WWII in Who's Who WAITS ANDREW K. killed in Iraq in Who's Who WAITS SPC. ANDREW K. 23 killed in Iraq War 1161 Wajda Florence St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Wajda Richard St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Wajda Walter St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Wakula Dennis A. Vietnam 1161 and in Who's Who Walawender Anthony S Korea 1161 and in Who's Who WALD WALTER I CAPT World War II 1161 and in Who's Who Walden David CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Walden Thomas Irving CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Wald-Hall Yvonne St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Waldo William Vietnam 1161 Waldo William Vietnam in Who's Who Waldren bike in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 350 Walgast I have info on this family see Old Families Books Walgust I have info on this family see Old Families Books Walker - Baker Gail St Clement 1964 in Who's Who WALKER Earl B. Pfc. USMC killed in World War II 1162 and in Who's Who Walker - Malott Anna Mae St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Walker Phineas 19 WALKER PHINEAS 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Wallace Agnetem Oct 1874 in Who’s Who Wallace unfinished 1869 in Who’s Who Walsh Brigitt Oct 1879 in Who’s Who Walsh William 1858 in Who’s Who Walson Phebie sister of Francis Ladaroot d1905 in Who’s Who Walker Brewers 0060 Walker Brewing 0228 Walker Bruce CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Walker Don WHS 1950 in Who's Who Walker Howard in Who's Who Walker I have info on this family see Old Families Books WALKER JOHN Medal of Honor 1161 WALKER JOHN Medal of Honor Indian Campaigns in Who's Who Walker Net CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Walkowski Raymond John Korea U S Navy 1951-1955 in Who's Who and 1162 Walkowski Raymond U S Navy 1162 Walkowski Raymond U S Navy 1945-1947 in Who's Who Wallace Carol WHS 1956 in Who's Who Wallace I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wallburg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Walley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Walsh Constance CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Walsh George in Who's Who WALSH HENRY C Jr PVT killed in World War II in Who's Who and 1162 Walsh Jacqulyn in Who's Who Walsh John J in Who's Who Walsh Jr. John R Korea 1162 Walsh Jr. John R Korea in Who's Who Walsh Michael J in Who's Who Walsh Michael Veteran in Who's Who Walsh Olive St Clement 1931 in Who's Who Walter Margaret CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Walter R in Who's Who Walter Regimus in Who's Who Walters Bud Busch HS 1949 in Who's Who WALTERS HOWARD A. killed in Afghanistan in Who's Who Walters I have info on this family see Old Families Books Walters M CLFD 1970 in Who's Who Walters Martin CLFD 1969 in Who's Who Walters Ted U S Navy WWII 44-48 in Who's Who Walters Ted Veteran U S Navy WWII 44-48 1162 Waltou I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 351 Wampler Joseph minister who surveyed Warren in Who’s Who Wandt Julius 1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Waoner Eugene George 1941 in Who’s Who Wampler 17 his notes 8 Wampler's Notes 38f 38p 1237-74 Wancour I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wancour Marlene St Clement 1960 in Who's Who wandering livestock 0022 Wandt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wandzel Ted veteran 1162 and in Who's Who Wang Michael CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Wansya I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wantt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wanzug Frances Veteran World War II 1162 Wanzug Frances Veteran World War II in Who's Who Wanzug George Veteran World War II 1162 and in Who's Who War Civil 27 Vol 4 603-620 War 1812 related 6373-6390 war 8 10 Vol 4 603-799 Vol 5 800-1200 War Afghanistan Vol 4 731-799 603-620 War Iraq Vol 4 701-730 Vol 4 603-620 War Korean 63Vol 4 603-620 War on America 0195 War on terrorists War on Terrorists 0615-20 War Vietnam 64 Vol 5 800-1200 Vol 4 603-620 War WW1 58 Vol 4 621-630 603-620 War WWII 61 Vol 4 631-640 603-620 Waraway I have info on this family see Old Families Books Warblow Fred 45 Warblow Fred in 1900 in Who’s Who WARD JOHN 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who Wargog Josephin Rectoris Premer 1883 in Who’s Who Warner Arman Hazian Catharina 1871 in Who’s Who Warblow I have info on this family see Old Families Books Warchol Alan St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Warco brick 0221 Ward Ward John 19 Ward Travis Vietnam 1162 Ward Travis Vietnam in Who's Who WARD WILLIAM Medal of Honor 1162 WARD WILLIAM Medal of Honor Civil War in Who's Who Wardhoff I have info on this family see Old Families Books WARDZINSKI FRED KILLED IN KORE in Who's Who WARDZINSKI FRED PVT ARMY killed in Korean War 1162 Ware I have info on this family see Old Families Books Warf Joe Vietnam 1162 Warf Joe Vietnam in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 352 Warner Dale WHS 1951 in Who's Who Warner Earl Ernest 1920 in Who’s Who Warner Eugene in Who's Who Warner Fredrick Vietnam 1162 Warner Fredrick Vietnam in Who's Who Warner Gerald St Clement 1961 Deceased in Who's Who Warner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Warner J 1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Warner J map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Warner Jerry in Who's Who Warner Joannan 1884 in Who’s Who Warner Joannni 1891 Warner Jos map 1859 sec 3 in Who’s Who Warner John 91 Warner Jos map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Warner Josephein 1884 in Who’s Who Warner Josephine 1888 in Who’s Who Warner Josephnn in Who’s Who Warner Larry WHS 1954 in Who's Who Warner Louisa 1888 in Who’s Who Warner M 1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Warner M map 1875 sec 3 in Who’s Who Warner M V 1895 sec 3 in Who’s Who Warner Mana 1904 in Who’s Who Warner Maria 1889 in Who’s Who Warner Marie St Clement 1951 in Who's Who WARNER NORMAN C KILLED IN KOREA in Who's Who WARNER NORMAN C PVT ARMY 1162 Warner Norman WHS 1938 in Who's Who Warner Petrus 1887 in Who’s Who WARNER ROY F killed in World War II in Who's Who WARNER ROY F PVT World War II 1162 Warner Steven in Who's Who Warorzynick or iak Martini 1919 in Who’s Who Warren Abel and the bear 0021 Warren Abel 0017 Warren Abel 17 20 21 32 34 50 79 Warren Abel in Who's Who WARREN ABEL War of 1812 in Who's Who WARREN ABEL was a hero in War of 1812 1162 Warren Baptist 0250 Warren Census 1830-1870 p3401-99 Warren Co op 32 76 47 Vol 3 521-527 Warren Community Church 0252 Warren Co-Op &Wilson Mill 0521-27 Warren Coop 0073 Warren Coop 0352 Warren downtown 0352 Warren Downtown 0528-33 Warren downtown Vol 3 528-533 502-512 562-588 7 28-27 29 31 37—60 Page Twelve Thousand 353 Warren Fire Chiefs 0545-6 Warren Fire Dept History 547-60 Warren Gormon Lee CLHS 1955 in Who's Who warren hall 0054 Warren Honor Roll WWII 4001, 4500 Warren Hotel 0054 Warren I have info on this family see Old Families Books Warren James 34 Warren Joseph 22 Warren Joseph in Who's Who Warren Library 3699 Warren Rebekah in Who's Who Warren Rev Abel b1789 died 1862 a War hero in Who’s Who Warren Robert A. Veteran World War II 1162 Warren Robert A. Veteran World War II in Who's Who Warren S E 1878 in Who's Who Warren Service Garage 0561 Warren Service Garage Vol 3 561 Warren Township 20 Warren Township Census 111 112 Warren Township Historic sites map 1212 historic site list 1213 Warren Train station 0073 Warren Union Cemetery 14, 81-84, 169, color 169-177, 1280, 2061-2063, 3000-3399 Warren Union Cemetery Index 3000-65 Warren Union Cemetery Plants 2061-2063 Warren Views 0562-66 Warren Village 0007 Warren Village 0038 Warren Village 0042 Warren Village 0357 Warren Village 1900s p 0528-33 Warren Village 7 31 32 55 38 42 92 Warren Village and City Halls Vol 3 567-576 warren village stores oldest 0378 Mindas & cabin 0378 Warren Village1893 page 0031 Warren Village-City Halls 0567-76 Warren Woods Baptist 0252 Warren Woods Ch of Nazarene 0255 Warrener I have info on this family see Old Families Books Warrenlulski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Warren's Unknown Soldiers 0441 Warrnes Joannni 1891 in Who’s Who Wasmund F 1895 sec 31 Center Line in Who’s Who Watchowski harry A Veteran in Who’s Who WATROUS ANDREW M 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Watson R?ewzh 1905 in Who’s Who Wavner Joseph 1931 in Who’s Who Weagand L 1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who wars recent. 58 41B Page Twelve Thousand 354 Wars our folks died in 0603-20 wash rack 0333 wash set 0115 washing machines 0193 washing set 0215 washing set 0333 washing tub 0333 Washinski Danielle CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Washinski Harold CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Washinski John Busch HS 1954 in Who's Who Washinski Thomas CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Wasman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wasmond I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wasmund Harry C in Who's Who Wasmund Harry in Who's Who Wasnir I have info on this family see Old Families Books waste 112 water 31 tower 57 60 71 Watkins Budd CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Watkins Robert John CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Watripont Steven in Who's Who Watrous Andrew 19 Watson - Dwyer Joan St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Watson - Dwyer Lucille St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Watson - Jenuwine Lorraine St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Watson Carl St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Watson Cleo St Clement 1957 Deceased in Who's Who WATSON CRAIG N.age 21 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Watson David Vietnam 1162 Watson David Vietnam in Who's Who Watson George in Who's Who Watson George St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Watson Jim St Clement 1954 Deceased in Who's Who WATSON LANCE CPL. CRAIG N. 21 killed in Iraq War 1162 Watson Michael St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Watson Raymond St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Watson Robert St Clement 1963 in Who's Who WATT WILLIAM L killed in World War II in Who's Who WATT WILLIAM L PVT World War II 1162 Watts Harold CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Watts James Vietnam 1162 Watts James Vietnam in Who's Who Wauchet I have info on this family see Old Families Books Waucour I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wauerzymiak I have info on this family see Old Families Books Way I have info on this family see Old Families Books Way of Life Views 0577-82 way of life views Vol 3 562-588 whole book Way of Life4 views 0583-88 Page Twelve Thousand 355 Waymouth Mrs cook WHS 1954 55 in Who's Who Wayne Joseph CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Wayne Robert CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Waynick Berta WHS 1953 in Who's Who WCTU 0059 WCTU fountain 0586 Weaber I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weagand L map 1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Weagand Mrs 1895 sec 2 in Who’s Who Weagand Mrs map 1895 sec 2 in Who’s Who Weaver J map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Weber Anna Maria 1870 in Who’s Who Weber Andreas b 1796 in Who’s Who Weber Anna Maria b 1800 wife of Andreas in Who’s Who Weber Audrea 1865 in Who’s Who Weber Augustus 1857 in Who’s Who Weber annotum in Who’s Who Weber Infant of Joseph M in Who’s Who Weber Joseph M 1897 in Who’s Who Weddehoff harian libillan Kohler 1871 in Who’s Who Weddehoff Joseph? Kohler Jan 1871 in Who’s Who Wegener Sally Marie 1938 in Who’s Who Wehart F map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Weamer John Robert Korea 1162 Weamer John Robert Korea in Who's Who weather 31 Vol 3 extremes 589-597 Weather Extremes 0589-97 Weatherly David CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Weaver Elizabeth Ann CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Weaver I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weaver Robert F Veteran U S Air Force 1162 Weaver Robert F Veteran U S Air Force in Who's Who Weaver Virginia Busch HS 1949 in Who's Who WEBB BRANDON J. 20 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Webb George Vietnam 1162 Webb George Vietnam in Who's Who WEBB LANCE CPL. BRANDON J. 20 killed in Iraq War 1162 WEBBER MATTHEW A. killed in Iraq in Who's Who WEBBER SGT. MATTHEW A. 23 killed in Iraq War 1162 Weber Alvin Busch HS 1952 in Who's Who Weber I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weber Joseph P in Who's Who Weber Robert St Clement 1959 Deceased in Who's Who Weber Rudy WHS 1951 in Who's Who Weber-Thomas Elaine St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Webster Gene CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Weddel Phyllis in Who's Who Weddel Phyllis St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Weddon I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 356 Weeb I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weed I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weehantal I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weeks Lloyd in Who's Who Weevie Janice CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Wegan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wegener - Cobb Donna St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Wegener - Percha Mary Lou St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Weglarz Marlene St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Wehr I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wei Ludoncus 1897 in Who’s Who Wei Carolus 1896 in Who’s Who Weier Fred map 1895 sec 7 in Who’s Who Weier Fred a farmer in Who’s Who Herman Weier ran steam engines in Who’s Who Weigand Infant Audrea 1938 in Who’s Who Weigand Jacob 1930 in Who’s Who Weinert C 1895 sec 25 in Who’s Who Weiccback Conrardi in Who’s Who Wacker H map 1859 sec 2 in Who’s Who Wadsworth G map 1875 sec 6 in Who’s Who Walentowicz Leonard Veteran in Who’s Who Walker G 1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Weier 36 Weier Bunert Farm Color 0161 3 WEIER EDWIN L killed in World War II in Who's Who WEIER EDWIN L PVT World War II 1162 Weier Fred in Who's Who Weier I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weier Ida in Who's Who Weier Sawmill 0079, 0219 WEIER WILBERT L 1LT World War II 1162 WEIER WILBERT L killed in World War II in Who's Who Weig I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weig Ronald WHS 1956 in Who's Who Weigand 57 Weigand Andrew 1940s in Who's Who Weigand Andrew 45 Weigand Frank in Who's Who Weigand I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weigand J Village CLFD in Who's Who Weigand Joseph 45 Weigand Virginia Busch HS 1943 in Who's Who Weimer Emma Joan CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Weimert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weinand Donald St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Weinberger I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weine I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weinert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 357 Weingart Michiels in Who’s Who Weingarten M Jr 1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Weingarten M Sr 1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Weingartz Anna Gertrud 1899 in Who’s Who Weingartz Michael Urban 1906 in Who’s Who Weingartz Anna 1854 1890 wife of Michael in Who’s Who Weingarts I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weingartz - Cecilia St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Weingartz - Kengerski Margaret St Clement 1948 in Who's Who Weingartz - Okros Kathleen St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Weingartz 40 Weingartz Anna Gertrud b 1820 d 1899 in Who’s Who Weingartz Antonius 1888 in Who’s Who Weingartz Gertrude 1852 1923 in Who’s Who Weingartz infans 1906 in Who’s Who Weingartz Infant Raymond 1938 in Who’s Who Weingartz Johann 1854 in Who’s Who Weingartz Johann Michael b 1813 d 1900 in Who’s Who Weingartz Joseph fili de Michaelis 1890 in Who’s Who Weingartz Lutsirda 1940 in Who’s Who Weingartz M 1895 sec 21 22 2 Center Line in Who’s Who Weingartz M map 1875 sec 2 11 21 in Who’s Who Weingartz M map 1895 sec 21 22 2 in Who’s Who Weingartz M. map1859 sec 21 map 1875 sec 21 in Who’s Who Weingartz Mary b 1879 d 1961in Who’s Who Weingartz Michael 1850 1925 in Who’s Who Weingartz Michael b 1854 d 1890 in Who’s Who Weingartz Michael Sr 1900 in Who’s Who Weingartz near by stone noname Dec 8 1852 Dec 29 1923in Who’s Who Weingartz near by stone noname Jun 16 1853 May 15 1925in Who’s Who Weins Father 1849 1926 in Who’s Who Weins Marion Elisabeth 1919 in Who’s Who Weins Mother 1855 1912 in Who’s Who Weins Rosa 1912 in Who’s Who Weis Wm in 1900 bottling works in Who’s Who Welch M map 1875 sec 27 28 in Who’s Who Welch M. map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who Welleleger J P map 1859 sec 8 in Who’s Who Wellen Junction Margarta 11 Dec 1884 in Who’s Who Wendt f map 1875 sec 11 Wendt Fred 1895 sec 11 in Who’s Who Wendt G map 1875 sec 29 in Who’s Who Wendt Joseph 1933 in Who’s Who Werner Michael Nov 1879 in Who’s Who Werth Fred map 1875 sec 18 in Who’s Who Werth G map 1875 sec 20 in Who’s Who West Infant Harry 1933 in Who’s Who Westphal F 1895 sec 13 in Who’s Who Westphal F map 1875 sec 13 in Who’s Who Whalen James 1850 1878 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 358 Whalen M map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Whalen M map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Whalen Michael 1808 1878 in Who’s Who Whalen Michael 1818 18?? in Who’s Who Whalen Riehard 1865 15 in Who’s Who Wheeler Mary Matelda 1937 in Who’s Who Whelan H? Nov 1878 in Who’s Who Whelan Michael early pioneer in Who’s Who Whelan or Phelan Jacob Muleahy Oct 1878 in Who’s Who Whelan Rivard ? Anna Aug 1873 in Who’s Who White Phil in 1870 toll gate keeper in Who’s Who Whitney Edward G Veteran in Who’s Who Wiechan F map 1875 sec 2 in Who’s Who Wieg Henry 1895 sec 2 in Who’s Who Weigand Andrew in 1900 well driller in Who’s Who Wiegand Barbara 1832 1905 in Who’s Who Wiegand Frank 1828 1875 in Who’s Who Wiegand general store in Who’s Who Weingartz Bernadette St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Weingartz Clem in Who's Who Weingartz family in Who's Who Weingartz farm 0040 Weingartz I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weingartz James St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Weingartz Johann in Who's Who Weingartz Michael Justice 1907 in Who's Who Weingartz Phyllis St Clement 1955 in Who's Who Weingartz Street in Who's Who Weinzier Jerry R in Who's Who Weir Douglas J. Vietnam 1162 Weir Douglas J. Vietnam in Who's Who Weir I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weir James St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Weir Robert St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Weis I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weis Wm 45 Weise Mrs sponsor CLHS 1960 in Who's Who WEISNER WALTER W killed in World War II in Who's Who WEISNER WALTER W MSG World War II 1163 Weiss I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weiss Lewis teacher WHS 1952-55 in Who's Who Weizo I have info on this family see Old Families Books Welch John Korea 1163 Welch John Korea in Who's Who Welch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Welch Irvan Warren Police Officer 1952 in Who's Who Welch Shirley Ann CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Welden I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weldon I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 359 well 0192 well 0439 Well I have info on this family see Old Families Books Welletts I have info on this family see Old Families Books Welling Darrell St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Welling Wayne St Clement 1961 in Who's Who wells 0031 Wells Edmund custodian WHS 1952-54+ in Who's Who Wells Harold WHS 1956 in Who's Who Wells I have info on this family see Old Families Books Welsh I have info on this family see Old Families Books Welsh Thmas S in Who's Who Welsing Conrad St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Wend I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wendel Phil Korea 1163 Wendel Philip Korea in Who's Who Wendel I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wendt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wenn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wenon I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wenskac I have info on this family see Old Families Books Went I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wentd I have info on this family see Old Families Books WENTZ BRAD A. 21 killed in Iraq in Who's Who WENTZ SGT. BRAD A. 21 killed in Iraq War 1163 WERGER EDWARD V killed in World War II in Who's Who WERGER EDWARD V PFC World War II 1163 Werger Nancy St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Wermes I have info on this family see Old Families Books Werner Bernard CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Wert Roger Busch HS 1952 in Who's Who Werth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Werthman - Potter Judith St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Werthman Robert St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Werthman-Misik Janet St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Werthman-Schoenherr Carol St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Wesch I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wesley I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wesmond I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wesmore I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wesolowdki Sylvia WS 8th grade 1938 in Who's Who Wesolowski Clara WHS 1938 in Who's Who Wesolowski Philemona WHS 1934 in Who's Who Wesolowski Philemona WHS 1937 in Who's Who Wesolowski Roman WHS 1938 in Who's Who Wesolowski Warren Schools 8th grade 1938 in Who's Who Wessels John W Sp5 Vietnam 1163 Wessels John W Vietnam in Who's Who Wesserling - Ringwelski Diane St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 360 West I have info on this family see Old Families Books West Michael George CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Westall Diane WHS 1956 in Who's Who Westergaard Charles WHS 1953 in Who's Who Westergaard Joyce WHS 1957 in Who's Who Westergard James WHS 1951 in Who's Who WESTFALL CHARLES J killed in World War II in Who's Who WESTFALL CHARLES J TEC5 World War II 1163 Westfall I have info on this family see Old Families Books Westfil I have info on this family see Old Families Books Weston Ceff Maintenance CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Weston Mrs Staff WHS 1954 55 in Who's Who Westphal I have info on this family see Old Families Books Westview Baptist 0257 WETZEL WALTER C killed in World War II in Who's Who WETZEL WALTER C PFC World War II 1163 WETZEL WALTER Medal of Honor U S Army 1163 WETZEL WALTER Medal of Honor U S Army in Who's Who Whalen Terrence Eaton Korea 1163 Whalen Terrence Eaton Korea in Who's Who Whalen I have info on this family see Old Families Books Whaling I have info on this family see Old Families Books wheel 0433-4 WHEELER DONALD L killed in Iraq in Who's Who Wheeler Jamison M. Veteran World War II 1163 Wheeler Jamison M. Veteran World War II in Who's Who WHEELER SPC. DONALD L. 22 killed in Iraq War 1163 Whelan I have info on this family see Old Families Books Whelan Michael 18 Wheson David Vietnam 1163 Wheson David Vietnam in Who's Who Whinn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Whipple Donald WHS 1938 in Who's Who White Donald D Army WWII in Who's Who White Donald D served in Army in WWII 1163 White Helen St Clement 1949 in Who's Who White I have info on this family see Old Families Books White Jeanette CLHS 1958 in Who's Who White Judy WHS 1956 in Who's Who White Margaret CLHS 1957 in Who's Who White Mrs cook WHS 1952 54 in Who's Who White Phil 34 White Robert CLHS 1956 in Who's Who White Ruth taught at Busch HS 1952 in Who's Who WHITE VERNON G killed in World War II in Who's Who WHITE VERNON G PFC World War II 1163 White's laundry 0483 Whitman Charles in Who's Who Whitmer Gretchen in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 361 Whitney I have info on this family see Old Families Books WHITNEY WILLIAM Medal of Honor 1163 WHITNEY WILLIAM Medal of Honor Civil War in Who's Who Whitten Keith U S Army 78-97 in Who's Who Whitten Keith Veteran U S Army 78-97 1163 Who is buried in Warren Union cem 4000 Who Streets were named After 4200 Who's Who 1600-1899 Vol 7 names are in A-Z order Who's Who 1900-2000 A-E 1501-1548 Who's Who 1900-2000 F-L 1549-1599 Who's Who 1900-2000 p1500-1799 Who's Who 1900-2000 Vol 8 names are in A-Z order Who's Who ABC 9000 Who's Who DEF 9100 Who's Who GH 9200 Who's Who IJK 9300 Who's Who LM 9400 Who's Who NO 9500 Who's Who PQR 9600 Who's Who S 9700 Who's Who TUV 9800 Who's Who WXYZ 9900 Who's Who 2000-Present Vol 9 names are in A-Z order Who's Who Businesses 4500 Who's Who Businesses Vol 27 names are in A-Z order Who's Who1600-1899 p 1400-99 Who'sWho 1900-2000 M-R 1600-1645 Who'sWho 1900-2000 S-Z p1701-1750 Wickersham Anthony in Who's Who Wickersham John Busch HS 1950 in Who's Who Wickham Robert F Veteran U S Army WWII 1163 Wickham Robert F Veteran WWII in Who's Who Wickline Virginia Busch HS 1950 in Who's Who Widman R CLFD in 1960s in Who's Who Widzinski Mark Vietnam 1163 Widzinski Mark Vietnam in Who's Who Wìdzinski Walter Vietnam 1163 Wìdzinski Walter Vietnam in Who's Who Wiecek Michael J in Who's Who WIEDYKE REX B killed in World War II in Who's Who WIEDYKE REX B PVT World War II 1163 Wieg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wiegand - Callewaert Rita St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Wiegand - DeFever Betty St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Wiegand - Finn Violet St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Wiegand - Fisher Irene St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Wiegand - Giesler Grace St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Wiegand A Fire Chief Center Line 1943+ in Who's Who Wiegand Andrew 70 Page Twelve Thousand 362 Wiegand Andrew in Who's Who Wiegand Anthony 1937+ in Who's Who Wiegand Anthony Justice 1922 in Who's Who Wiegand Arthur St Clement 1941 in Who's Who Wiegand Chuck St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Wiegand Corrine Busch HS 1945 in Who's Who Wiegand Dale WHS 1950 in Who's Who Wiegand Dean St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Wiegand Dennis St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Wiegand Edith St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Wiegand Edwin St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Wiegand family in Who's Who Wiegand Florence in Who's Who Wiegand Frank in Who's Who Wiegand Frank Park in Who's Who Wiegand Frank Warren Clerk 1899 in Who's Who Wiegand George sailor 1940s in Who's Who Wiegand George Veteran in Who’s Who Wiegand Geotrude 1932 in Who’s Who Wiegand Gertrude 1860 1938 in Who’s Who Wiegand Infant of Andrew 1934 in Who’s Who Wiegand Jacob 1861 1930 in Who’s Who Wiegand Jacob 1881 1930 in Who’s Who Wiegand Joseph in 1900 ran garage in Who’s Who Wiegand Lauocutis 1896 in Who’s Who Wiegand Lawrence 1856 1927 in Who’s Who Wiegand Maria 1915 in Who’s Who Wiegand Maria Rinke 1913 in Who’s Who Wiegand Mary 1869 1938 in Who’s Who Wiegand Mary 1889 1938 in Who’s Who Wiegand Mary 1936 in Who’s Who Wiegand Mary 1938 in Who’s Who Wiegand Philiph 1937 in Who’s Who Wiegand Susanna 1896 in Who’s Who Wiegand Susie 1893 1896 or 8 in Who’s Who Wiegand Susie 1893 1896 in Who’s Who Wiertel Richard J Veteran in Who’s Who Wierzbicki Richard Veteran in Who’s Who Wilcox O B map 1875 sec 32 in Who’s Who Wilhelmi Ledwedge Aug 1 [1861] in Who’s Who Wiegand Gloria St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Wiegand I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wiegand James in Who's Who Wiegand John Jr. Warren Clerk 1923-24 in Who's Who Wiegand Joseph Warren Treasurer 1927-28 in Who's Who Wiegand Lucille Busch HS 1948 in Who's Who Wiegand Marvin St Clement 1950 in Who's Who Wiegand Mary Lou St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Wiegand Michael in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 363 Wiegand Raymond St Clement 1937 in Who's Who WIEGAND ROBERT C killed in World War II in Who's Who WIEGAND ROBERT C PFC World War II 1163 Wiegand Roland & Cora Busch HS 1946 in Who's Who Wiegand Rosemary in Who's Who Wiegand Ruth Ann CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Wiegand store 0221 Wiegand Street in Who's Who Wiegand Tom CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Wiegand William CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Wiegand-Goulah Gail St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Wiegand-Miller Shirley St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Wiegans store 0355 Wielkowski I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wiengartz - Jenuwine Barbara St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Wiengartz Mary Louise St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Wiertal Robert US Air Force 1967-1990 in Who's Who Wiese Mrs taught at CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Wìeske Mark Vietnam 1163 Wìeske Mark Vietnam in Who's Who Wigam I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wiggins Gerald T. Vietnam 1163 Wiggins Gerald T. Vietnam in Who's Who WIGLE THOMAS Medal of Honor 1163 WIGLE THOMAS Medal of Honor WWII in Who's Who Wilburn Schattler Busch HS 1930 in Who's Who Wilczak Frank in Who's Who Wilczynski Gregg A in Who's Who wild animals 0036 Wild Animals of the Past 0117 Wild Paula in Who's Who Wilde Jim WHS 1957 in Who's Who Wilde Richard Busch HS 1951 in Who's Who WILDER WILBER Medal of Honor 1163 WILDER WILBER Medal of Honor Indian Campaigns in Who's Who wilderness 14-20 Vol 2 301-312 Wilderness of Warren 0301 Wildwood Church in the 0224 Wiley Simons physician in Who's Who Wiley Tom taught at CLHS 1955-58 in Who's Who WILHELM RICHARD F 1LT World War II 1163 WILHELM RICHARD F killed in World War II in Who's Who WILHELM RICHARD F World War II in Who's Who Wilhelm Thomas J WWII CB USNR 1163 Wilhelm Thomas J WWII CB USNR in Who's Who Wilhelmi Ledwed et Catharine Ledwedge in Who’s Who Wilie’s Butcher Shop in Who’s Who Wills H 1895 sec 5 in Who’s Who Wills H map 1875 sec 5 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 364 Wills Henry 1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Wilson Belle in 1900 ran grocery store in Who’s Who Wilson Clarrah age 17 in 1900 music teacher in Who’s Who Wilson David in 1900 miller in Who’s Who Wilson Jeremiah early pioneer in Who’s Who Wilson Moses early pioneer sec 3 in Who’s Who Wilson Dave in Who’s Who Wilhiam Miller 1881 in Who’s Who Wilhite Carl Busch HS 1952 in Who's Who Wilhmison I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wilie’s Butcher Drug Store in Who's Who Wilie’s Butcher Shop in Who's Who Wilinski Erika CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Wilinski Peter CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Wilk - Thompson Frances St Clement 1953 in Who's Who Wilke E in Who's Who Wilkins Clayton Veteran World War II 1163 Wilkins Clayton Veteran World War II in Who's Who Wilkins Dan WHS 1951 in Who's Who Wilkinson Wylie R. Sheriff 1931-1932 in Who's Who Wilk-Toth Marie St Clement 1956 in Who's Who Willaimson Bruce Veteran World War II 1163 Willaimson Bruce Veteran World War II in Who's Who Willard Helen Donna CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Willaumam I have info on this family see Old Families Books Willbrodt Warren St Clement 1939 in Who's Who WILLCOX ORLANDO Medal of Honor 1163 WILLCOX ORLANDO Medal of Honor Civil War in Who's Who Wille Betty WHS 1953 in Who's Who Wille Nancy WHS 1957 in Who's Who Willhite Don R. Vietnam 1163 Willhite Don R. Vietnam in Who's Who William Theut John Theut in Who's Who Williams Gershom 19 Williams Barbara St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Williams Bob WHS 1957 in Who's Who Williams Charles in Who's Who Williams Denise L in Who's Who WILLIAMS DEWAYNE MEDAL OF 1163 WILLIAMS DEWAYNE Medal of Honor Vietnam in Who's Who Williams Eileen St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Williams Glenn Busch HS 1954 in Who's Who Williams I have info on this family see Old Families Books Williams Judy CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Williams Keith in Who's Who Williams Maria CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Williams Roger Veteran U S Air Force Vietnam 1163 Williams Roger Veteran U S Air Force Vietnam in Who's Who Willis I have info on this family see Old Families Books Page Twelve Thousand 365 Willis Martha Jean CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Wills Gordon Veteran Korean War in Who's Who Wills Gordon Veteran U S Army Korean War 1164 Willson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wilson Moses 19 Wilson Silas 19 Wilson 33 Wilson Barbara Busch HS 1953 in Who's Who Wilson Belle 0045 Wilson Clarrah 35 Wilson Dave 32 Wilson David 35 Wilson David Warren Justice 1924 1927 in Who's Who Wilson Dennis CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Wilson Dennis St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Wilson Earl L killed 1969 VietNam in Who's Who Wilson Edward St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Wilson F in Who's Who Wilson Fred T in Who's Who Wilson George 18 Wilson George 1800s in Who's Who Wilson Harold Busch HS 1951 in Who's Who Wilson I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wilson Jeremiah 18 Wilson Jeremiah 1800s in Who's Who Wilson John 1900 miller in Who’s Who Wilison T map 1859 sec 3 in Who’s Who WILLIAMS GERSHOM M 4/20/1838 in Who’s Who WILLIAMS GERSHOM M 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who Wilson George early land clearing pioneer in Who’s Who WILSON MOSES W 10/15/1835 in Who’s Who WILSON SILAS 10/14/1835 in Who’s Who Willson G map 1859 sec 3 in Who’s Who Wilson E map 1875 sec 4 in Who’s Who Wilson Sally Patricia 1930 in Who’s Who WINANS JAMES D 5/1/1837 in Who’s Who WINDER JOHN 9/4/1838 reg.387 in Who’s Who WINDER JOHN 9/4/1838 in Who’s Who Winkeljohn Cyril J Veteran in Who’s Who Winnefr?? Margaritha 1866 in Who’s Who WINTER FREDERICK 11/23/1835 in Who’s Who Wirgan R 1895 sec 25 in Who’s Who Wirgaut Maria Barbara 1888 in Who’s Who Wirth Miss Cecelia in Who’s Who Wisniewski William Veteran in Who’s Who Wiso T map 1875 sec 24 in Who’s Who WITHERELL BENJAMIN F 5/1/1838 MI.265 in Who’s Who WITHERELL BENJAMIN F 5/1/1838 MI.387 in Who’s Who Withoff Mrs saloon in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 366 Witt F 1895 sec 1 in Who’s Who Witt Sophia 1895 sec 12 in Who’s Who Wittboodt Joseph 1935 in Who’s Who Wodie Samuel served in Civil War in Who’s Who Wojciechowski Michael B Veteran in Who’s Who Wolf fili of Bernardi 1916 in Who’s Who Wolf Maria 1907 in Who’s Who Wolf Anthony a 73 1934 in Who’s Who Wolf Anthonyin Who’s Who Wolf Autmii 1891 in Who’s Who Wolf Autorui 1896 in Who’s Who Wolf B map 1859 sec 17 in Who’s Who Wolf B map 1875 sec 8 17 in Who’s Who Wolf Bernard 1818 1900 in Who’s Who Wolf Bernard 1818 1906 a86 in Who’s Who Wolf Bernard 1882 1970 in Who’s Who Wolf Bernardous 1906 in Who’s Who Wolf Ca?theas..1862 in Who’s Who Wolf Carl 1895 sec 30 in Who’s Who Wolf Clara ? Rotarius 1870 in Who’s Who Wolf David served in Civil War in Who’s Who Wolf Emma 1881 1948 in Who’s Who Wolf Emma 1881 1948 new stone in Who’s Who Wolf Frank Veteran in Who’s Who Wolf Joannis 1857 in Who’s Who Wolf Johannain Who’s Who Wolf Johnny 1888 1891 in Who’s Who Wolf Marganta 1918 in Who’s Who Wolf Margurite 1899 1918 in Who’s Who Wolf Maria Magdalena 1814 1897 wife of Peter Josin Who’s Who Wolf Maria Magdalena 1897 in Who’s Who Wolf Mary 1828 d 1907 a78 w of Bernard in Who’s Who Wolf Matilda 1860 Who’s Who Wolf Peter 1855 1931 in Who’s Who Wolf Peter 1931 in Who’s Who Wolf Peter Jos 1814 1897 in Who’s Who Wolf? stone nearby Johnny noname b 188? 1900 in Who’s Who Wolff A 1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Wolff Bernard 1895 sec 17 in Who’s Who Wolff Peter 1895 sec 8 in Who’s Who Woloszyk Bert Veteran in Who’s Who Wood J map 1859 sec 34 in Who’s Who Wood P map 1875 sec 34 in Who’s Who Wood Peter 1895 sec 34 in Who’s Who Woods Micha probably Michael 1866 in Who’s Who Woods Mrika? 1866 in Who’s Who Wormuth Jos map 1875 sec 17 in Who’s Who Woruehoff Chere Simom 1866 in Who’s Who Wouters Jacqueline J 1946 2001 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 367 Wozniak Henry Veteran in Who’s Who Wreomlinger Nicholaus 1930 in Who’s Who Wright Alice age18 in 1860 School Teacher in Who’s Who family Wright Ella age 23 in 1880 music teacher in Who’s Who Wuerth C 1895 sec 19 in Who’s Who Wuerth Cecilia in 1900 music teacher in Who’s Who Wuerth Fred 1895 sec 18 in Who’s Who Wuerth W 1895 sec 18 in Who’s Who Wwges Maria 1892 in Who’s Who WYCKOFF HENRY S 4/1/1837 in Who’s Who Wyinnards Gertruan Jun 1876 in Who’s Who Wyrybkowski Thomas A Veteran in Who’s Who YAKES GABRIEL 4/10/1837 in Who’s Who Yates Gabrel’ farm near Sherwood & 11 Mile in Who’s Who Wilson John 32 Wilson John 35 Wilson John in Who's Who Wilson Joseph Justice 1842 in Who's Who Wilson Mary St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Wilson Mill Warren Co-Op 0521-27 Wilson mill 0047 Wilson Moses 18 Wilson Norma Busch HS 1953 in Who's Who Wilson Norman WHS 1956 in Who's Who Wilson Ralph Busch HS 1941 in Who's Who Wilson Robert Warren Police 1952 in Who's Who Wilson Ruth (Reed) Busch HS 1941 in Who's Who Wilson-Gregory Suzanne St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Wilsons 91 Wilt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wiltkeps I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wìmble Harry Vietnam 1164 Wìmble Harry Vietnam in Who's Who Wimble Ronald Vietnam 1164 Wimble Ronald Vietnam in Who's Who Winans James 19 Winarski Kenneth D CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Winchester Ronald U S Marine Corps 65-69 in Who's Who Winchester Ronald Veteran U S Marine Corps 1164 Wincopp I have info on this family see Old Families Books wind mill 0192 Winder John 19 Windmand I have info on this family see Old Families Books windmill 0439 Windots I have info on this family see Old Families Books Winegard I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wineski Len Korean War 1951-1955 in Who's Who Wineski Leonard Len Korean War 1951-1955 1164 Wineski Leonard Len Korean War U S Navy in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 368 Wingle Robert WHS 1950 in Who's Who Winiecki Camillia CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Winkeljohn-Baron Anne St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Winkelman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Winnia I have info on this family see Old Families Books Winter Frederick 19 Winter I have info on this family see Old Families Books Winter Larry CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Winterfield A Thomas in Who's Who Winters Anthony F Park in Who's Who Winters Anthony F U S Army CID 1164 Winters Anthony F U S Army CID in Who's Who WINTERS ANTHONY Warren police officer 1952 died in Who's Who Winters-Kelly Marilyn St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Wirkus Timothy A. Vietnam 1164 Wirkus Timothy A. Vietnam in Who's Who Wirth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wirth Richard Teacher WHS 1952-55 in Who's Who Wiryissi I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wischowski Gilbert John CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Wise Eugene WHS 1950 in Who's Who Wise Old Sayings Jefferson 0013 Wiskeg I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wisner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wisneski Joan CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Wisnieski Carl Busch HS 1942 in Who's Who Wisniewski Peter Korea 1164 Wisniewski Peter Korea in Who's Who Wisniewski Terry L in Who's Who Wisniewski Delphine WHS 1956 in Who's Who Wisniewski Glenn St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Wisniewski Harry J. Vietnam 1164 Wisniewski Harry J. Vietnam in Who's Who WISNIEWSKI HENRY killed in World War II in Who's Who WISNIEWSKI HENRY PFC World War II 1164 Wisniewski Joseph Busch HS 1953 in Who's Who WISNIEWSKI JUSTIN D. killed in Iraq in Who's Who WISNIEWSKI SGT. JUSTIN D. 22 killed in Iraq War 1164 Wisniewski Stanley St Clement 1929 in Who's Who Witherell Benjamin 19 WITHINGTON WILLIAM Medal of Honor 1164 WITHINGTON WILLIAM Medal of Honor Civil War in Who's Who Withoff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Withoff Mrs saloon in Who's Who Witmer Kenneth Korea 1164 Witmer Kenneth Korea in Who's Who Witold Winclechter Veteran in Who's Who Witt I have info on this family see Old Families Books Witt K L sponsor female Busch HS 1933 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 369 WITTEVEEN BRETT A. killed in Iraq in Who's Who WITTEVEEN PFC. BRETT A. 20 killed in Iraq War 1164 Witulski Dennis M. Vietnam 1164 Witulski Dennis M. Vietnam in Who's Who Witzgall Mary Ellen CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Wiza David Busch HS 1948 in Who's Who Wiza Gloria St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Wiza Theresa St Clement 1945 in Who's Who Wizans I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wiza-Sherrill Dorothy St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Wizniuk Pete Vietnam USMC 1967-1970 1164 Wizniuk Pete Vietnam USMC 1967-1970 in Who's Who Wlodkowski Eunice CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Wnyasergle I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wodie? Samuel 33 Wodkowski - Wheeler Claudia St Clement 1957 in Who's Who Wodosn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wojciechouski Mary Ann CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Wojciechowski - Ciesliga Carol St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Wojciechowski Frank St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Wojciechowski Loraine St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Wojciechowski Rita St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Wojciechowski Stephen St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Wojciechowski Vincent Warren Police Officer in 1952 in Who's Who Wojciechowski-Radtke Mary St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Wojciechowski-Rheame Marlene St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Wojnarowski Pat in Who's Who Wojnarowski Patricia in Who's Who Wojno Henry WWII SGT 7th Army 1942-1945 1164 Wojno Henry WWII SGT 7th Army 1942-1945 in Who's Who Wojno Paul in Who's Who Wojno Paul Warren City Clerk in Who's Who Wojt James Vietnam 1164 Wojt James Vietnam in Who's Who Wojt Ronald Vietnam 1164 Wojt Ronald Vietnam in Who's Who Wojtas Edmund J in Who's Who Wojtkowiak Joseph WHS 1952 in Who's Who Wolber Ferdinand in Who's Who wolf 20 76 Wolf Anthony early settler in Who's Who Wolf Benard F in Who's Who Wolf Bernard Ben in Who's Who Wolf Bernard Warren Supervisor 1919+Justice 1926 in Who's Who Wolf Carole St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Wolf Catherine in Who's Who Wolf David 33 Wolf Donald BH&HS in Who's Who Wolf Donald St Clement 1940 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 370 Wolf George in Who's Who Wolf George in Who's Who Wolf Glenn in Who's Who Wolf Hardware 0073 Wolf Hardware 0473 Wolf Herb St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Wolf I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wolf Irene St Clement 1938 in Who's Who Wolf Melanie St Clement 1962 in Who's Who WOLF ROBERT R killed in World War II in Who's Who WOLF ROBERT R SSG World War II 1164 Wolf-Brewer Ki St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Wolfe Betty Lou CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Wolfe Christopher St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Wolfe Elizabeth CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Wolfe Gerald Busch HS 1951 in Who's Who Wolfe Glenn H in Who's Who Wolfe Glenn in Who's Who Wolfe Glenna Busch HS 1943 in Who's Who Wolfe I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wolfe James CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Wolfe Ken in Who's Who Wolff Gregory St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Wolff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wolf-Rimoldi Anna St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Wolfrom Clarence WHS 1951 in Who's Who Wolfrom Wayne WHS 1957 in Who's Who Wolgast Arlene WHS 1957 in Who's Who Wolgast Betty Staff WHS 1952 in Who's Who Wolgast I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wolgast Roger WHS 1953 in Who's Who Woloszyk James St Clement 1963 Deceased in Who's Who Woloszyk Katherine St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Woloszyk Margaret St Clement 1954 in Who's Who Wolski Bob St Clement 1966 in Who's Who wolves 0020 wolves 0022 Wolvin I have info on this family see Old Families Books Womack James in Who's Who woman saved governors life Vol 3 598 women vote 0058 Wonsell I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wood Carver 0484 wood cooking stove 0215 Wood David in Who's Who Wood Diane CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Wood I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wood P female Busch HS 1933 in Who's Who Wood P female Busch HS 1933 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 371 Wood Ronald Busch HS 1951 in Who's Who wood side walks 0031 wood stove 0334 Woodall Ellen WHS 1954 in Who's Who Woodcarver 0068 Woodcarver Center Line's in Who's Who Woodhouse Arthur in Who's Who Woodhouse Drive Neil. in Who's Who Woodhouse Joanne WHS 1951 in Who's Who Woodhouse Susan in Who's Who WOODIE? SIMON ?woodie? 1164 WOODIE? SIMON ?woodie? 1890 Civil War unknown soldier in Who's Who WOODRUFF ALONZO Medal of Honor 1164 Woods Charles in Who's Who Woods Detective Lt Robert A in Who's Who Woods I have info on this family see Old Families Books Woodward I have info on this family see Old Families Books Woodward Irene in Who's Who Woodward Irene. in Who’s Who Wooster R N Vietnam U S Army 1966-1967 1164 Wooster R N Vietnam U S Army 1966-1967 in Who's Who WOOTERS CHRISTOPHER a Warren Policeman 1164 WOOTERS CHRISTOPHER Warren policeman killed on duty in Who's Who Word of Faith 0249 Wordehoff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wordshoff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Workable Solutions To The Problems Of Our Time Vol 21 Workens James in Who's Who working class cut down 0065 working class stiffed 0067 working fields 0213 working in fields 0587 Workman Darlene CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Workman Geraldine CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Workman Sharon WHS 1956 in Who's Who Works I have info on this family see Old Families Books World War I 0605 World War II 0607 World War II 60 million killed 0061 Americans 418 000 killed 0061 Wormer I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wormspiker I have info on this family see Old Families Books Worner I have info on this family see Old Families Books Woronowycz Myron Korea 1164 Woronowycz Myron Korea in Who's Who Worthy Dwayne Veteran in Who's Who WOUNGS HYRL E killed in World War II in Who's Who WOUNGS HYRL E SGT World War II 1164 WOUNGS HYRL E World War II in Who's Who Wouters Kenneth in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 372 Woytalewicz Edward WWII U S Army 1164 Woytalewicz Edward WWII U S Army in Who's Who Woytalewicz Ronald St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Woznick Kenneth Veteran World War II 1165 Woznick Kenneth Veteran World War II in Who's Who Wrask Edward WHS 1952 in Who's Who Wren I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wright Alice 34 Wright Art in Who's Who Wright Bonnie Jean CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Wright Carrie WHS 1935 in Who's Who Wright Ella 35 Wright Gay CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Wright I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wright James Preston CLHS 1955 in Who's Who WRIGHT JASON G. age 19 killed in Iraq in Who's Who Wright Jeanette CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Wright Mrs Nurse 1960s in Who's Who WRIGHT PFC. JASON G. 19 killed in Iraq War 1165 Wright Richard Vietnam 1165 Wright Richard Vietnam in Who's Who Wright Robert CLHS 1957 in Who's Who WRIGHT SGT. THOMAS G. 38 killed in Iraq War 1165 WRIGHT THOMAS G. killed in Iraq in Who's Who WrnCoop 0047 Wrobelski Richard Veteran World War II 1165 Wrobelski Richard Veteran World War II in Who's Who Wroblewski Felix Korea 1165 Wroblewski Felix Korea in Who's Who Wrona Richard Korea 1165 Wrona Richard Korea in Who's Who Wrubel Eric Gerald CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Wruble LaVerne CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Wsscrth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wuerth Cecilia 38 Wuerth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wuerth Ronald F in Who's Who Wug I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wuide I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wulff I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wurfel Ernest Busch HS 1954 in Who's Who Wurfel Helen CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Wurmlinger-Lugo Sue St Clement 1966 in Who's Who Wurterman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wurth I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wuskynyk Michael Korea 1165 Wuskynyk Michael Korea in Who's Who Wuzel I have info on this family see Old Families Books WWI 8 million killed 0058 Page Twelve Thousand 373 Wyatt David CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Wyatt Jean Knoblock WHS 1954 in Who's Who Wyatt O male Busch HS 1932 in Who's Who Wyatt O male Busch HS 1932 in Who's Who Wyatt Ralph CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Wyckoff Henry 19 Wyer Mark in Who's Who Wyer Mary in Who's Who Wymann I have info on this family see Old Families Books Wyrybkowski Steven Veteran U S Army Vietnam 1165 Wyrybkowski Steven Veteran Vietnam in Who's Who Xaver Hemmen 38 Yacht I have info on this family see Old Families Books Yanakeff Anthony Veteran U S Army 1945- 1165 Yanakeff Anthony Veteran U S Army 1945- in Who's Who Yancey I have info on this family see Old Families Books Yap I have info on this family see Old Families Books Yarema James in Who's Who Yates Gabriel 19 20 Yates Barbara WHS 1957 in Who's Who YATES CPL. NYLE III 22 killed in Iraq War 1165 Yates Doris WHS 1955 in Who's Who Yates I have info on this family see Old Families Books YATES NYLE III killed in Iraq in Who's Who Yawn Edgar WHS 1953 in Who's Who YAX BRUCE J ARMY KILLED IN KOREA in Who's Who YAX BRUCE J CPL ARMY killed in Korean War 1165 Yax I have info on this family see Old Families Books Yeps I have info on this family see Old Families Books Yerden Bonnie Busch HS 1949 in Who's Who Yerden Carolyn Busch HS 1953 in Who's Who Yerden Henel Sue CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Yerman Arnold A taught at CLHS 1957+ in Who's Who Yersick John CLHS 1961 in Who's Who Yetter Maxine Principal St Clement in Who's Who Yiririgerer I have info on this family see Old Families Books YNTEMA GORDON Medal of Honor 1165 YNTEMA GORDON Medal of Honor Vietnam in Who's Who Yocich R female Busch HS 1932 in Who's Who Yocich R female Busch HS 1932 in Who's Who yoke 0220 Yokich Tracey A. in Who's Who Yon Leona 1939 in Who’s Who Yonke H map 1875 sec 11 in Who’s Who Yonstock B 1895 sec 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Yosrock B map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who Yosrock B map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who Youedaa Patrick Joseph 1941 in Who’s Who Young C map 1859 sec 8 in Who’s Who Page Twelve Thousand 374 Young H 1895 sec 33 36 in Who’s Who Young Joseph M 1931 in Who’s Who Young M 1895 sec 33 in Who’s Who Youngblood B 1895 sec 28 Center Line in Who’s Who Youngblood B map 1875 sec 28 in Who’s Who Zalenski Theodore P Veteran in Who’s Who Zander B 1895 sec 32 in Who’s Who Zarembo Juluia 1934 in Who’s Who Zeapp Juliann 21 Nov 1884 in Who’s Who Zimmerman Wm 1895 sec 14 in Who’s Who Zinser Catherine 1864 1934 in Who’s Who Zinser Daniel 1866 1927 in Who’s Who Zirnsack Antonia 1845 1928 wife of Johanin Who’s Who Zirnsack Johan 1843 1926 in Who’s Who Ziyles no name 1920 in Who’s Who Zmudczynski Stanley Veteran in Who’s Who Zomerfield William T Veteran in Who’s Who Zorn Chris 1895 sec 9 in Who’s Who Zott Cecilia S 1905 1993 wife of Nelsonin Who’s Who Zott Joseph 1933 in Who’s Who Zott Nelson T 1903 1973 in Who’s Who Zywicki William 1871 1923 in Who’s Who Yonker Ken in Who's Who YOST MASTER ANTHONY R. C. killed in Iraq in Who's Who YOST MASTER SGT. ANTHONY R. C. 39 killed in Iraq War 1165 YOUMANS SGT. JOSHUA V. 26 killed in Iraq War 1165 YOUMANS SGT. JOSHUA V. killed in Iraq in Who's Who Young Coleman II in Who's Who YOUNG BENJAMIN Medal of Honor Civil 1165 YOUNG BENJAMIN Medal of Honor Civil War in Who's Who Young Clem in Who's Who Young Clemens St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Young Eugene CLHS 1962 DU in Who's Who Young Eunice St Clement 1942 in Who's Who Young Francis Veteran World War II 1165 Young Francis Veteran World War II in Who's Who Young Frank Pfc U S Army 1942-1945 1165 Young Frank U S Army 1942-1945 in Who's Who Young I have info on this family see Old Families Books Young Orvylle E in Who's Who Young Robert F U S Army 29th Inf 1943-1945 in Who's Who Young Sgt Robert F U S Army 29th Inf 1165 Young W M 1928 in Who's Who YOUNG WESTON D killed in World War II in Who's Who YOUNG WESTON D PVT World War II 1165 Young William F in Who's Who YOUNGBLOOD CHARLES KILLED IN KOREA in Who's Who YOUNGBLOOD CHARLES PFC ARMY killed in Korean War 1165 Youngblood Jeanette in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 375 Young-Kaltz Doris St Clement 1943 in Who's Who Yozzo Libero in Who's Who Yuhas Michael CLHS 1962 Engadine Mi in Who's Who Yute George R Veteran U S Navy 1165 Yute George R Veteran U S Navy in Who's Who Yuzenas - Gibson Alexandrine St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Yuzenas Elizabeth CLHS 1962 in Who's Who Zabik Casimir veteran 1165 Zabik Casimir veteran in Who's Who Zacharais Barbara Busch HS 1952 in Who's Who Zacharais Melvin Busch HS 1952 in Who's Who Zacharias Daniel CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Zacharias-Beebe Diane St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Zackering I have info on this family see Old Families Books Zacklan James CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Zacklan Marylouise CLHS 1958 in Who's Who Zagaiski Avenue in Who's Who Zagaiski Frank Warren Justice 1943+ in Who's Who Zahorchak - West Barbara St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Zahorchak John St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Zajkowdki Fontella Robert James veteran 1165 Zajkowdki Fontella Robert James veteran in Who's Who Zalecki Sylvester Veteran U S Army WWII 1165 Zalecki Sylvester Veteran U S Army WWII in Who's Who Zalenski H USCG Momm2c ® USS Admiral 1165 Zalenski H USCG Momm2c ® USS Admiral in Who's Who Zaleski Lucille Busch HS 1953 in Who's Who ZALESKY FLOYD A killed in World War II in Who's Who ZALESKY FLOYD A PFC World War II 1165 Zalewski Joseph WHS 1950 in Who's Who Zamora Madelyn in Who's Who Zanlese I have info on this family see Old Families Books Zanley Dennis Vietnam 1165 Zanley Dennis Vietnam in Who's Who Zapinski Ronald St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Zapinski-Buckholz Joann St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Zaremba - Horendorf Eileen St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Zaremba Carol St Clement 1951 in Who's Who Zaremba family in Who's Who Zaremba-Armstrong Joann St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Zaremba-Kozlowski Diane St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Zarzyski Eddy CLHS 1960 in Who's Who Zavis Stanley Veteran World War II 1165 Zavis Stanley Veteran World War II in Who's Who Zbock Gail CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Zbock Gllenna Secretary CLHS 1955 in Who's Who Zeegers Gordon Busch HS 1953 in Who's Who Zeegers Janet Busch HS 1951 in Who's Who Zeiss Evelyn C Special services CLHS 1956 in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 376 Zeiss Evelyn Teacher at CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Zeitler Fred C USS Intrepid 1962-1967 1165 Zeitler Fred C USS Intrepid 1962-1967 in Who's Who Zelikowski Leo Veteran U S Army WWII 1166 Zelikowski Leo Veteran U S Army WWII in Who's Who Zellner Richard A WWII U S Navy 1166 Zellner Richard A WWII U S Navy in Who's Who Zellner Richard in Who's Who Zelmanski James St Clement 1962 in Who's Who Zelmanski-Brown Mary St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Zender Angela in Who's Who Zenow Richard WHS 1957 in Who's Who Zentz Raymond Korea 1166 Zentz Raymond Korea in Who's Who Zepeda Michael St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Zerio Deanna St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Zerio-Finn Helen St Clement 1947 in Who's Who Zerio-Robinson Sandy St Clement 1963 in Who's Who Zerio-Weigand Rose St Clement 1949 in Who's Who Zevon Warren veteran 1947-2003 1166 Zevon Warren veteran 1947-2003 in Who's Who Ziegler I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ziegler R male Busch HS 1933 in Who's Who Ziegler R male Busch HS 1933 in Who's Who Zielinski Mary. A. mayor in Who's Who ZIELKE FREDERICK G killed in World War II in Who's Who ZIELKE FREDERICK G PFC World War II 1166 ZIELKE ROBERT A killed in World War II in Who's Who ZIELKE ROBERT A PVT World War II 1166 Ziemba John U S Army WWII in Who's Who Ziemba John Veteran U S Army WWII 1166 Zienert I have info on this family see Old Families Books Ziess Evelyn teacher Busch HS 1954 in Who's Who Zillman Sharon CLHS 1959 in Who's Who Zim Rosemarie Busch HS 1954 in Who's Who Zimmer - Cunningham Karen St Clement 1960 in Who's Who Zimmer-Belbot Gail St Clement 1959 in Who's Who Zimmerman Bette CLHS 1957 in Who's Who Zimmerman I have info on this family see Old Families Books Zimny Gerald Joseph Korea 1166 Zimny Gerald Joseph Korea in Who's Who Zinger Carol St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Zinger Donald St Clement 1965 in Who's Who Zinke Rick A U. S. Army Vietnam 1166 Zinke Rick A U. S. Army Vietnam in Who's Who Zinske Lillian (Merkier) Busch HS 1944 in Who's Who Ziobron Joe Veteran World War II 1166 Ziobron Joseph Veteran World War II in Who's Who Ziobron Joyce in Who's Who Page Twelve Thousand 377 Zitta Ronald WHS 1950 in Who's Who Zmierski Richard St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Zolno - Peltier Jacqueline St Clement 1961 in Who's Who Zolno Roy St Clement 1964 in Who's Who Zorn Chris Anna in Who's Who Zorn Dale W in Who's Who Zorn I have info on this family see Old Families Books Zot I have info on this family see Old Families Books Zott M in Who's Who Zott Ma bowling alleys in Who's Who Zott N Village of CLFD in Who's Who Zott Nelson court 960s in Who's Who Zott Nelson in Who's Who Zott Robert St Clement 1952 in Who's Who Zott Tom St Clement 1946 in Who's Who Zott-Lipinski Kathryn St Clement 1958 in Who's Who Zott-Savoy Marilyn St Clement 1950 in Who's Who ZUIDERVELD WILLIAM Medal of Honor 1166 ZUIDERVELD WILLIAM Medal of Honor Mexican Campaign in Who's Who Zuk Josephine WHS 1957 in Who's Who Zunert I have info on this family see Old Families Books ZUSSMAN RAYMOND Medal of Honor WWII 1166 ZUSSMAN RAYMOND Medal of Honor WWII in Who's Who Zyber Leona (Uritescu) Busch HS 1947 in Who's Who Zyjewska Barbara WHS 1951 in Who's Who Zyjewski Eugene WHS 1957 in Who's Who ZYLMAN CASEY P. killed in Iraq in Who's Who ZYLMAN PFC. CASEY P. 22 killed in Iraq War 1166 Zysk Edward Jr. Vietnam 1166 Zysk Edward Jr. Vietnam in Who's Who Zyskowski Leo U S Army WWII in Who's Who Zyskowski Sgt Leo Veteran U S Army WWII 1166 Page Twelve Thousand 378
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