See the Current Family & Consumer Sciences Newsletter here each

May –June, 2015
Dear Extension Homemaker,
BEEEEEEEE the Best You Can Be……a Healthy, Happy
Homemaker! What a great theme for the past year and
the annual meeting. Once again Madison County
Homemakers have worked to serve their communities,
improve their health and nurture their families. They have
certainly been busy bees.
The annual meeting was a great opportunity to recognize
some of the accomplishments of the past year:
Joan Kleine (pictured right, center) was named the
Extension Homemaker of the Year. Her work as
International Chair has created a valuable link with Eastern
Kentucky University. She and her husband, Glenn, have
welcomed and encouraged hundreds of international
students over the years. She has supported the Ghana
project and inspired Homemakers around the Bluegrass
Area to make hundreds of t-shirt and pillowslip dresses for
children around the world. Congratulations Joan!
Extension Service
Madison County
230 Duncannon Lane
P.O. Box 270
Richmond, KY 40475
Tel: (859) 623-4072
Fax: (859) 624-9510
Southern and attending Eastern Kentucky University,
majoring in child development.
Nancy Scarlett, health chair, announced the winners of
the Get Moving contest. The 31st Club was the big
winner here. Members, Gail Wickersham, Carol
Kinelski, and Ava Eaves took the top three spots in the
individual category and the club received top honors in
the club category, followed by Walnut Grove and
Madison Co-Op.
What a great ending to another extraordinary year for
Madison County Extension Homemakers. But the fun
doesn’t stop here. There are plenty of summer activities
to keep you busy and happy this summer. Read on!!
Gina C. Noe,
Family & Consumer Sciences Agent for Madison County
Jefferson Street Friends, Lancaster Pike, Madison Co-op,
Pond, Silver Creek, Wallaceton, Walnut Grove and White
Station clubs were recognized for 100% attendance at
leader lessons. The list of leader lessons for 2015-2016 is
on page 6, make sure you get them on your calendar.
Green Thumb homemakers received the Traveling Gavel
award, with 80% of their club in attendance.
A mock check was presented to Judge Executive Reagan
Taylor for $196,900 for 11,000 volunteer hours. Thanks to
everyone who reported their hours. There are many more
hours that go unreported, make it your goal to report your
work next year.
The Extension Homemaker Scholarship was presented to
Taylor Tripp, who will be graduating from Madison
The Madison County Extension
Center will be closed Monday,
May 25, in observance of the
Memorial Day holiday.
Specialty Club Notes
All Specialty Clubs meet at the Extension Education Center,
unless otherwise noted.
Gardeners of Madison County
Monday, May 18, 6:30 pm, Betty Sufana from Wild Birds,
Lexington, will be the guest speaker at Gardeners of
Madison County at the Madison County Extension Office
on Duncannon Lane. There will be a brief business meeting
followed by refreshments. Visitors are welcome. For more
information call Ann Stebbins at 859-623-4614 or e-mail
Monday, June 15, 6:30 pm, Lynn Garrison will be the guest
speaker for our club and he will talk about the “Chestnut
Project,” the effort to get chestnut trees reestablished in
Nifty Needlers
Nifty Needlers meet every Monday at 5:30 pm. Guests
and would-be members are always welcome. Meetings are
held at the Richmond Branch of the Madison County
Paper Kutz Card Club
Thursdays, May 21 and June 18th, 6:00-8:00pm—Paper &
Card Crafting: Paper Kutz meets the third Thursday of
each month at the Extension office from 6:00 - 8:00 pm.
Guests are welcome. If you are interested in coming to a
meeting please call Sonja Morris, president, 582-6391 to
sign up so enough supplies will be available.
Happy Hands Quilt Club
Thursdays, 10-2pm: The Happy Hands Quilt Club meets
each Thursday, 10-2pm. The Block of the Month Class will
be taught on May 21 and June 18 (Rooms 1&2 in annex
bldg.) If you need to work on any block you have missed,
come join us then. As always, everyone is welcome-please
feel free to bring your works in progress and join the
quilters each and every Thursday. NOTE: On June 11th you
will meet in the annex building (Rooms 1 & 2).
The Evening Quilt Block of the Month class will meet on
May 18, 5 to 8 pm, Room 3, due to the Memorial Day
Holiday, and again on June 22nd.
Sew Much or Sew Little
Tuesdays, 9-12 noon: Bring your unfinished projects or
new ideas for sewing, knitting, crochet, quilting or any
other fiber arts. Sew Much or Sew Little meets in Room 3
of the new Building each Tuesday. This class is for
beginners and beyond. Serger Training is also available for
those who would like to make better use of their serger.
Bring your serger, thread, accessories, and manual.
Weave & Chat
Tuesday, May 26th and June 23rd, 4-6pm: Bring your
works in progress, and let’s talk baskets.
Monday Night Sewing Salon
Mondays, 5-8pm— Pants Fitting at the Salon: NOTE:
There will be no meetings on May 4th and 25th. Monday
night sewing salon will be devoted to pants fitting for
May 11, 18, June 1, 8, and 15. The first meeting of this
series will deal with types of pants, personal fitting issues,
and patterns. Please bring your fitting fabric (an old sheet
is perfect, or CHEAP non-stretch fabric), your pattern
cutting kit with fabric cutting scissors and paper scissors,
and $2.00 for the pattern. Fit will be on an individual
basis and some fitting "buddies" may be helpful if you
and a friend want to work together. Let's get ready for
fun with a pair of pants that fit comfortably and well that
we can sew again and again!!!
As always, bring what you're working on for help or large
tables, or just to get a lot done. Have needles, will sew!
Fabulous Foodies presents…
The Vegetarian Diet
Thursday, May 14, 6-8pm (Room B)
Dr. Janice Blythe, Professor of Nutrition and Food Studies
at Berea College and Brassfield Club
President, present a discussion on
plant food sources as an important
component in healthful vegetarian
eating plans. She’ll cover current
research that highlights health
benefits of, and nutritional concerns for long-term use of
specific vegetarian diets (those recommended and not),
as well as the specific nutrient requirements needed,
with particular emphasis on edible plant proteins. Even if
you regularly attend Fabulous Foodies, you will still want
to preregister 623-4072, for this class so that we’ll have
plenty of handouts and vegetable lasagna samples for
NOTE: Fabulous Foodies will be taking a break
during the summer months, June through August.
Scrapbooking Club
Are you interested in having a scrapbooking
club? May 28 from 5:30- 7:30 pm, Arritta
Morris 302-3637, and Ellen Willis, 625-0462,
will hold a meeting at the Extension Office to
discuss requirements, wants, needs, and desires in
starting a scrapbooking club. Come join us and voice your
opinions. Scrapbooking supplies are not needed at this
informational/organizational meeting.
Book Nook—Book Review
The Butler Speaks: A Guide to Stylish Entertaining,
Etiquette and the Art of Good Housekeeping
by Charles MacPherson
So many of us were so busy with our children and work,
we cleaned one day a week, or had outside help. Probably
our mothers also were just as busy, maybe they didn’t
know the finer points of housekeeping. Did you ever clean
and weren’t happy with your results? If so, may I suggest
the book from our Kentucky Extension Cultural Arts and
Heritage Skills book list, “The Butler Speaks” written in
April, 2013.
Your house can be neat, but not clean. Did you realize the
light switches should be cleaned regularly? To me a
perfectly clean house is an art form. MacPherson tells you
how to fold a fitted sheet, which is a universal challenge.
Diabetes Notions: The Summer Edition
Tuesday, June 30th, 6-8pm (Room B)
The Summer Edition will include
discussion of “Blue Zones” and the
impact that our community, our
family, and our culture can have
on lifestyle choices and options.
Blue Zones are those places
around the world where there is a
high percentage of centenarians.
We will also discuss artificial sweeteners, and ways to
preserve locally grown summer produce. Please call to
let us know you will attend so we will have plenty of
samples and handouts, 623-4072. This class is being held
at the Madison County Cooperative Extension Education
Center, (Room B).
There is current advice on etiquette, which greases the
wheels of society and makes it run smoothly. Now if I
could only get some advice on how to keep my car clean.
Submitted by Phoebe Huff,
Jefferson Street Homemakers
The KEHA book list is available on the KEHA website,, and click on the Club Materials link, to find the
book list, a new book list for 2015-16 will be listed soon.
Save the Date…
KEHA Annual Meeting, May 4-7, Louisville.
Blast From the Past—Poodle Skirt Sewing Workshop,
May 14.
Issues Affecting the Elderly Conference (CEMP), May
22, call 623-4072 for a flyer.
Bluegrass Area Basketmakers Seminar, June 16-20.
Contact Carolyn Poe (502) 868-5029 for information or
Financial Peace Workshop Series, Tuesdays, 9:3011:30am, June 16th – July 21.
4-H Summer Camp, June 29-July 2.
Madison County Fair, July 23—August 1.
Extension Homemaker Officer & Chair Training,
August 27.
Kentucky State Fair- August 20th-30th
Walk to End Alzheimer's, September 12 (last year over
$57 million was raised across America.)
Volunteer Service Units – Due July 1, 2015
I know lots of you are out there volunteering in our
community and are keeping track of those
hours on the handy form that was included in the
Homemaker Yearbook.
Completed forms are due to me by JULY 1st. Remember
to submit in increments of 500 hours. 500 hours is the
minimum that can be submitted for certificates. If you
didn't have 500 hours at this time last year, you should
continue to add this year's hours until you reach the 500
hours mark. If I returned forms to you last year that
didn't reach 500 hours, remember to add those too.
If anyone has questions, please call me at 859-582-0136.
Thanks, Mary McCurdy
Submitted by Mary McCurdy,
Leadership, Dev. & Citizenship
Save The Date... continued:
2nd Sunday Weekend, October 10– 11.
Bluegrass Area Fall Craft Festival @ Madison
County Extension Education Center, October 23 and
24, catalog is in progress.
Estate Planning Workshops – November 9th and
16th, Madison County Extension Education Center.
Poodle Skirt Workshop
Thursday, May 14, 6-8:30pm
Once Upon a Time…Saturday, May
30 , Old Town Berea will be rocking to the
sights and sounds of the 1950s. The Madison
County Public Library will be hosting a
community sock hop. So everyone can come in suitable
attire, Joanne Grimes, Master Clothing Volunteer, will
teach a workshop on making poodle skirts on Thursday,
May 14th at 6:00pm at the Madison County Extension
Education Center.
Beginning sewing skills are required. Participants
should know how to thread a machine, insert a bobbin and
sew a straight seam. Cost for the class will be $20 which
will include all supplies.
Sign-up and pay (checks made to “Madison County
Extension Homemakers”) by May 7th. When you register,
623-4072, let us know the color skirt you would like.
White Station Fundraiser
This year the White Station Homemakers will be
participating in the US 25 yard sale. We will be
located in front of the Berea Hospital (previous
location of the farmer’s market) on Saturday,
June 6th. This is our annual fundraiser in order to provide
Christmas for several local school children. See you there!
Submitted by Becky Knauer,
VP, White Station Club
Now’s the time!
Canner Lids Tested– Free!
Before canning season really gets
underway, have your lid tested.
Call 623-4072 to schedule an
appointment to have your lid tested.
Bluegrass Area Basketmakers Seminar
June 16-20
Come relax at Jabez and spend quality time
and take home quality baskets. Call now to
register with Carolyn Poe (502) 868-5029 or
online at
Home canning has changed greatly since the days of our ancestors. It can be a cost saving way to preserve
good tasting, healthier food. Food borne illness from improperly canned foods can be deadly. Don’t count
on an old family recipe to be a safe recipe!
FOOD PRESERVATION 101: Canning, drying and freezing methods will be shared. Select one of two sessions available
on the following days to learn how to preserve all your beautiful fruits & veggies safely: Tuesdays, June 9, 9-11am, or
5:30-7:30pm; July 21, 9-11am, or 5:30-7:30pm; August 18, 9-11am, or 5:30-7:30pm.
FOOD PRESERVATION BOOT CAMP: For more in-depth instruction and a hands-on experience, you can select the boot
camp which will be presented on Thursdays, June 11, 12-4pm, or July 22, 12-4pm. Space is limited in this class.
Cost is $5 for any class. It is suggested, but not required, that you bring your own Ball Blue Book©. Call 623-4072 and
specify the class you will be attending.
Gerri’s Journal
Looking Back:
Thanks to all the board members for all their
work this past year. Special thanks to our out-going
secretary and treasurer, Carol Tipton and Bonnie Harris,
respectively. They each have upheld their office in
professional and outstanding performance. We will miss
Our 2014 Annual Meeting is now a thing of the past.
Thanks to all the individuals who worked on getting this
meeting organized and carried out. Thanks to all the
homemakers and guests who attended and those who
participated in the cultural arts. Our guest speaker, Pam
Anderson, has such a dynamic personality and gave a
wonderful presentation entitled “Having a Positive Psyche
makes You, HAPPY”, emphasizing it is our choice to have a
positive or negative attitude. Congratulations to everyone
who received recognition during this event. Details of all
the awards are included in this newsletter.
Looking Forward:
Two of our members are nominees for the state KEHA
board. Coetta Combs is a nominee for Family and Individual
Development Chairman, and Joan Kleine is a nominee for
International Chairman. Best wishes go out to both of
these outstanding ladies. They will certainly do our county
organization proud if elected into these positions.
All club officers and chairmen will have training provided at
the Extension Office on August 27. Please mark your
calendars and watch for details in later newsletters.
Homemakers are encouraged to submit entries to the
Cultural Arts Exhibit at the Madison County Fair in July. We
had lots of great entries at our annual meeting that can be
included as well as any additional and new items.
As always, each and every homemaker is special and
deserves to be HAPPY! Enjoy the rain as well as the
Gerri Dunaway,
County President
Reminder to club chairs: The 2014-15
Program of Work report forms issued to the club chairs at
the officer’s training last August are due to the various
County chairs by June 30th. Even if your club did not
participate, please complete them and mark them as such
and return by June 30th to the responsible County Chairs, or
the Extension Office.
Annual Meeting pictures - top, Mary McCurdy presenting the
Homemaker Volunteer Hours check (representing 11,000
volunteer hours) to Judge Executive, Reagan Taylor;
bottom, Extension Homemaker Scholarship winner, Taylor
Tripp, with her parents.
All Club 4-H Chairs:
Remember your 4-H Youth Development
Program of Work for 2014-15 is due by end of June. Your
May meeting is your last chance to have your club
members together to gather pertinent info for your
club’s reports. Your copy of the report was in your chair
training folder you received in August. Deliver your
reports to the Extension Office, Attn. Danella Tate. Even if
your club did not participate, please send your report
marked as such. That way you can avoid having me call
you! 4-H Camp is coming soon. It costs $200 per child.
Remind your club that a club or individual donation of
any amount would be appreciated.
Submitted by Danella Tate, 4-H Chair
Here is a sampling of the leader lessons to be offered in the 2015-2016 year.
Melons, Melons, Melons (Tuesday, August 18, 2015, 1:00 and 6:30 p.m.)
Have you ever wondered about the magnificent powers that melons have? Melons are low in calories and fat; rich in
vitamins, minerals and antioxidants! This leader lesson will look at various melons available in Kentucky, give you a
chance to taste some exotic fruits, and look at different ways to prepare melons for you and your family.
Universe of Possibilities: Skills for Creating Happiness and Blessing Others (September 29, 2015, 1:00 and
6:30 p.m.)
This program focuses on instilling the skills needed to create happiness and blessings individually and for others and
emphasizes positive body image and strategies for feeling good about your body and making lifestyle changes to
improve your body image.
Electric Lights (October 20, 2015, 1:00 and 6:30 p.m.)
Household lighting has changed very little since electricity first came to our Kentucky Homes. Incandescent bulbs have
been the primary source of light in most homes. Not anymore! This program will introduce CFL’s or Compact
Fluorescent Lamps, their energy efficiency and effect on the environment.
Tips on Downsizing: Moving from the Family Home (November 30, 2015, 1:00 and 6:30 p.m.)
Relocating late in life often involves downsizing to a smaller home. Many empty nesters and older adults are
frequently interested in having less space and fewer maintenance responsibilities. There are many reasons for moving
including illness, death, or simply a desire to be near family or to experience a new retirement lifestyle. Regardless of
the reason, downsizing can be exhausting and emotionally draining. This lesson will help you start the process of
sifting, sorting, donating and disposing of a variety of personal items. Even those who are not moving will benefit from
tips on organizing
Communication Essentials for Good Impressions (January 28, 2016, 1:00 and 6:30 p.m.)
Communication plays an important role in the leadership process. Communication helps a leader build relationships,
delegate tasks, and share the organization’s vision and its membership. Learn more about effective communication,
including non-verbal communication and active listening.
Know the 10 Signs: Early Detection Matters (February 18, 2016, 1:00 and 6:30 p.m.)
The human brain ages just like the rest of the body. Slower thinking and occasional memory loss often accompany
aging. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, memory loss that disrupts daily life however can be a symptom of
Alzheimer’s Disease or Dementia. You will learn the ten warning signs and symptoms that can alert individuals to early
Understanding Generational Differences (March 15, 2016, 1:00 and 6:30 p.m.)
Followers, co-workers or family members who have shared the same experiences can view the same situations or
recall specific events so differently. These differences in perspective can often be attributed to generational
differences. This program will discuss the strengths and challenges of each generation and how that contributes to
leadership style.
Tackling Your Laundry (April 28, 2016, 1:00 and 6:30 p.m.)
With the ever-changing world of laundry detergents, machine choices, stain removal products, general laundry care
and safe laundry practices to consider, the need to education consumers to make the safest, most efficient choice is
necessary. This program guides participants to create a safe laundry room that will protect families, choose the right
***As always, in order to hold the evening sessions, we must have at least six people signed up.***
10 for $10 Greeting Card Class
Thursday, June 4th — 2-4pm or 6-8pm
Using coordinating printed paper and cardstock, rubber
stamps and layering techniques, create up to ten greeting
cards for various occasions
(your choice). Samples
available at the
Extension Center.
Instructor: Anita Poling,
Skill level: Beginner and
Class Fee: $10 for preregistered students, $15.00
at the door. All materials provided by instructor. Call 6234072 to reserve your place. You need to pre-register and
your payment holds your spot). Make checks payable to
“Anita Poling”.
Bessie Bain Pen & Ink Oil Rouging Class
Saturday, May 30, 10-3:00 pm
Bessie Bain,
Woodford County
Homemaker, will be
the instructor for this
class. Cost will be $20,
which will cover all
supplies and
equipment used.
Participants must
register and prepay by Tuesday, May 26th. Checks should
be made payable to “Bessie Bain,” and received by May
26th at the Madison Co. Extension Service, P.O. Box 270,
Richmond, KY 40476. Your check holds your place.
Please call to register and check on available space 6234072. This class requires at least 5, with a maximum of 18.
There will be no lunch break, please bring your snack or
bagged lunch.
Parents Place
Grandparents As Parents (GAP)
usually meets on the first Wednesday
of each month at the Madison County
Cooperative Extension Center. Our
May 6, 2015 meeting will be about
‘Learn to be Fall Wise’. Carolyn
Wallace from the Fall Prevention &
Recovery Program will be our guest
speaker. Our meetings are from 10 AM to Noon. Please
come join us for a great time of encouragement, support,
and networking. Due to subject matter, children do not
attend the meetings. We hope to see you there for a
great time of support, resources, and friendship.
Our June GAP meeting will be held at a local park.
Children join us for the summer months for a picnic with
fun, games, and laughter. Please call for the June park
location, if interested: 859.623.4072
Keys to Great Parenting: Classes have begun for
2015. Children do not attend classes. Single parents,
grandparents, expecting parents and foster parents are
also welcome. Our April class has begun! The summer
parenting class will start in June. Please call to register or
for more information.
Small Friends are for little ones from prenatal to four
years old and the ones who love and care for them. Our
meetings are from 10:30 -11:30 am on May 12th and
June 9th. Bring your little ones for a healthy snack, craft,
parenting tips, and a great play time with other ‘small
friends’. Come join us!
For more information on any of the Parent’s Place
activities, please contact Pam Francis, 623-4072.
THIS and THAT...
Madison County Fair Dates: The Madison County Fair will
be July 23rd – August 1st. Check-in for Open Floral Hall
will be Thursday morning, July 30th, 8:30 to noon. Don’t
forget to enter all your cultural arts exhibits. Prize money
is awarded for each class.
If you can help with check-in, watching exhibits, or pickup,
please call Patsy Taylor, 302-3724.
Consider Planting an Extra Row: During the month of
May, many of us will be planting our gardens. When
making your garden plans, consider planting an extra row
for the Madison County Food Banks, and God’s Outreach.