The Governor’s Club played host to our 17th Annual Golf Tournament on April 16 for the first time, and although the rain dampened our bodies a bit throughout the day, it didn’t dampen our spirits! In total, we had over 150 players, volunteers and sponsors out on the beautiful course supporting our Chamber! We raised over $17,000 to help promote our members and our community! There are so many people to thank, it’s impossible to name them all, but we’ll start with our major sponsors below. See page 3 for more thank you’s, winners and pictures. Right: One of the fairways on the beautiful Governor’s Club course; Team Chick-fil-A, headed by owner Todd Hunley, far left. Photos by David Kincaid. The Country’s First Relay for Life in a Mall MAY 30 in Our Mall VOLUME XXXI, NUMBER 4 Believe it or not, in the 30-year history of the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, it has never been held inside a mall! Well, on Saturday, May 30, our community’s own RiverGate Mall we will be making history— and we need YOUR help to make it HUGE!! What is Relay for Life? It is a fundraising walk to raise funds and awareness to fight cancer. Teams of people walk around the ‘track’—which in this case would be the mall!—while food, games and activities provide entertainment! Plus, since we’re in the mall—you can also veer off ‘track’ and go shopping when it’s your turn to walk! Bonus! We NEED MORE TEAMS, PARTICIPANTS AND DONORS! If you don’t have enough people to make a team, join the Chamber Team! Go to (put in the zip code 37072 if link doesn’t work) to sign up! Sponsors are needed too! If you would like your logo on the official T-shirt, your information is needed by MAY 8. At the Chamber Luncheon on May 21, we will have Alex Alvarez, Coordinator for Relay for Life, as our Guest Speaker so you will get a complete overview of the event. If you have any questions before then, please contact her at or (615) 341-7320. 2015 MRACC Board of Directors OFFICERS KAREN RAMSEY, PRESIDENT Miller’s Florist 868-2696 • DAVID MCMURRY, PRESIDENT-ELECT Roof Doctors • 448-6349 RON SMITH, VICE PRESIDENT ESCU • 687-4801 PEGGY SHOAF, SECRETARY Madison Suburban Utility District 868-3201 • Member Luncheon May 21 Make plans now to join us for our May Member Luncheon on Thursday, May 21 at 11:45 am at St. Joseph Parish Life Center (1217 Gallatin Pk. S). We’ve got a great agenda for the day! Alex Alvarez, Coordinator for Relay for Life, will be our Guest Speaker. But first, Kathy Sager AT & T will be making a very special announcement. Plus we will have Spotlight on Business Alpha Graphics, who will be giving away $100 worth of printing, so if you’re in the market for some, you won’t want to miss your chance to win! Bar B Cutie will be catering our luncheon—so get ready for some bar-b-cue and banana pudding! Cost is $13.00. Please RSVP HERE so we prepare for the amount of food we need. RAY TATE, TREASURER First Bank 851-4620 • BILL DOUGLAS, PAST-PRESIDENT 439-8662 • NATHAN MASSEY, ECD EX-OFFICIO Wm Massey Electric 612-3100 • BOARD MARK CAIN, CSSI • 860-5600 • FREDA EVANS, SunTrust Investment Services, Inc. • 7484486 • CATHY HOORMANN, Kickin’ Coffee and Tea 294-7849 • MAGGIE MARTIN, Bailey’s Wrecker 277-1283• DAVID PITZER, C. David Pitzer, P.C., CPA 851-2727 • RON SMITH, Electric Service Credit Union 687-4801 • DANNY SNYDER, Danny Snyder Insurance 855-2720 • SGT. JAMES VIVRETTE, Community Liaison Officer for Madison Police Precinct 880-3111 • CATE HAMILTON, EX-OFFICIO Discover Madison, Inc. 891-1154 • PAM SCHULTZ, EX-OFFICIO President of Women in Business STAFF DEBBIE MASSEY, EX. DIRECTOR 865-5400 JULIE REEVES, MARKETING DIRECTOR Several Chamber Members “Drove” At Police Precinct While “Intoxicated” We had a great time at our April After-Hours! Thanks to the Madison Police Precinct for hosting us and to Windlands East for providing the snacks. Special thanks to Sgt. James Vivrette for organizing the event. The evening was such Top: Brian Backman fun and informative, with of Windlands East tries a turn at SWAT tools of the trade, the Beer Goggle Race ; Right: including a robot, a Tazer Sgt. James Vivrette races Col. Demonstration and Beer Goggle Barry Sprouse around while Races, which approximated both are ‘intoxicated ’. ; Below: Sgt. Vivrette what your vision is like when explains how a tazer works be intoxicated. Once you put on fore the goggles, you had to try to demonstrating. Photos by David Kinc maneuver around cones in a aid wheelchair without hitting them, which was quite challenging! Also thanks to Cathy Rhodes of Town Planner for sponsoring our Community Cash Jackpot, which rolls over again because the winner wasn’t present! What’s Community Cash? We draw from the names of ALL our Chamber members. On the first draw, if you’re present, you win $100!! On the second draw, you win $50! Lisa Tidwell—You Could Have Had $100! ABRA; Bailey's Wrecker Service; Beck & Beck; Berry's Pawn; CSSI, Inc; ESCU; First State Bank; Freeman for Mayor; Kickin’ Coffee & Tea; Madison Family Dental; Mobley Veterinarian Clinic; Maybelle Carter Senior Life Community; Nissan of Rivergate; Parker & Parker; George Rooker; Ricky Rooker; Roof Doctors; Serra of Nashville; ServiceKing; Spring Hill Funeral Home & Cemetery; Suntrust Financial Partners; TISCO; Wm Massey Electric; Women in Business It was an GREAT day for our 17th Annual Golf Tournament but it was a AWESOME day because of all the wonderful efforts of our Golf Committee, Sponsors, and Volunteers. Thank You Everyone! 1st Place 1st Flight Pinnacle Financial Services Team #1 (left) Scot Calonge, Randell Phillips, Jacob Sherlin, Eddie Sherlin The ladies from Bailey’s Wrecker Service had one of the most popular Exclusive Holes with their “Bailey’s Bombers”! (in addition to sponsors) Raymond Brody; CB Collision; Cornerstone Church; Danny Snyder Insurance; FiftyForward Madison Station; Goodpasture Christian School; Jimmy John’s; Kiwanis Club; Madison Funeral Home; Madison Police (sponsored by First Bank); Madison Firefighters (sponsored by MSUD); Regions Bank; Schultz Monument; SunTrust Wealth Management; Skyline Medical Center; Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia; Phil North; Bryson McCarley/Rand McFarlin Southeast Electric Ray Tate & Roger Birden, Co-Chairs of Tournament Richard Schultz, Golf Committee Joe Gobelet Casey Penrod Peggy Shoaf Freda Evans Pam Schultz Nancy Myers Karen Ramsey Julie Russell James Vivrette Caroline Rhodes Millie Grammer Danna Fuqua Tracy Crain Suzanne Durham Ashley Henley & Julie Russell from Jackie Pond Ashley Henley First State Bank were great volunteers! David Kincaid, Photographer While most of our sponsors brought tents, Cathy Hoormann of Kickin Coffee & Tea, brought her trusty umbrella! Chamber Board President Karen Ramsey, right, said she had a ‘blast’ at her first ever tournament—especially with the entertaining Freda Evans! 1st Place 2nd Flight Pinnacle Financial Services Team #2 (left) Brian Manning, Ashley Boykin, Heather Anderson, Paul Hogg 1st Place 3rd Flight FirstBank (left) Dale Hamilton, Ray Tate, Wayne Detring, Mark Knobloauch 1st Place 4th Flight ESCU (left) Ken Dubray, Steve Fox, Ron Smith, Kevin Walker Longest Drives - Heather Anderson Sean Patterson Closest To Pin Eddie Sherlin Closest To Pin Mark Knoblauch Putting Contest— Dan Curtis Left: Cathy Rhodes, the ‘Queen’ of Town Planner and the Golf Snack Cart! Education Day Celebrates Teachers and Students of the Year Our Chamber hosted its 3rd Annual Education Appreciation Day on April 16 to honor educators in the community and recognize the Teacher and Student of the Year for each of the schools in the Hunters Lane Cluster. Over 130 Chamber members, community leaders, educators and parents attended the event, which was sponsored by Regions Bank. Prior to the ceremony, Col. Barry Sprouse, who is retiring this year after serving for 22 years as advisor to the JrROTC at Hunters Lane High School was honored with a Certificate of Recognition. For years, the Hunters Lane JrROTC has presented the colors and led the pledge at Chamber luncheons. Then Executive Director Debbie Massey and Chamber Board President Karen Ramsey presented the Teacher and Student of the Year Awards. The winners and their Chamber sponsors are at right. Amqui Elementary Teacher of the Year: Betsy Thigpen Student of the Year: Edlyn Jarquin Sponsor: Madison Police Precinct Bellshire Elementary Design Center Teacher of the Year: Shawni Goldtrap Student of the Year: Jonathan Menjivar Sponsor: Southeast Electric The principals from the schools in the Hunters Lane Cluster. Goodlettsville Elementary Teacher of the Year: Vickie Hancock Student of the Year: Cianna Clemmons Sponsor: First State Bank Goodlettsville Middle Teacher of the Year: Kim Childress Student of the Year: Sidonia Brown Sponsor: TISCO The Students of the Year from the schools in the Hunters Lane Cluster. Goodpasture Christian School Teacher of the Year: Pam Walker Students of the Year: Avery & Alex Towe Sponsor: Goodpasture Christian School Hunters Lane Comprehensive High Teacher of the Year: Sara Hoyal Student of the Year: Andre Pospichal Sponsor: Kickin’ Coffee and Tea Madison Middle Teacher of the Year: Jennifer Austin Student of the Year: Kenley Ambrose Sponsor: Recovery Community, Inc. The Teachers of the Year from the schools in the Hunters Lane Cluster Col. Barry Sprouse was recognized for his service to the JrROTC and the MadisonRivergate Area Chamber of Commerce Photos by David Kincaid And New to the Chamber: Freeman for Mayor Bill Freeman 1701 West End Ave Suite 300 Nashville, TN, 37203 615-319-3028 Gateway Elementary Teacher of the Year: Shana Feldpausch Student of the Year: Amiya Tyson Sponsor: First State Bank Neely’s Bend Elementary Teacher of the Year: Amy Lemley Student of the Year: Edixon Cruz Rivero Sponsor: Miller’s Florist Neely’s Bend Middle Teacher of the Year: Vanessa Lutton Student of the Year: Sid Souksangouane Sponsor: Bailey’s Wrecker Service Old Center Elementary Teacher of the Year: Dianne Winstead Student of the Year: James Brown Sponsored by: Roof Doctors Tom Sturdivant is the new owner of Madison Funeral Home. Welcome to he and his son, Robbie! Taylor Stratton Elementary Teacher of the Year: Monica Boyd Student of the Year: Solomon Hernandez-Soto Sean Dozier is the new CEO of Signature Healthcare at Madison. Welcome Sean! Sponsor: Schultz Monument Over 400 Racers Right Here in the Heart in Madison! The CEDAR HILL CRITERIUM on April 12 has been described as the “NASCAR” of the cycling world! Almost 400 racers from all over the Southeast and beyond—including a professional team from Canada— came to Madison to race around the 1.5 mile lap in Cedar Hill Park. This race is the largest in the state of Tennessee and quickly becoming the largest in Southeast—even beating out large cities like Louisville and Atlanta! Bikers raced around the 1.5 mile loop of Cedar Hill Park at high speeds—it was the “NASCAR” of Madison!! Photos by David Kincaid Many of our Chamber Members took advantage of this unique promotional opportunity and we are very appreciative. THANK YOU to Bailey’s Wrecker Service for being a major sponsor, Miller’s Florist for providing the winner’s flowers, Highland Hills Funeral Home and Crematory for sponsoring the children’s bags, ESCU for sponsoring the bike clinic the day before the event, MTSA for providing the emergency medical team, and Chick-fil-A and Baskin Robbins for providing coupons for the children participants. Special thanks to Sgt. James Vivrette and members of the MNPD for providing traffic control, Julie Russell from First State Bank for volunteering her time all day to work the registration table, and David Kincaid for taking pictures. WOMEN IN BUSINESS ME MEETING ETING Tuesday, May 5 12:00 pm King’s Daughters Child Development Center LEADS EXCHANGE Every Wednesday 8:00 am Cornerstone Church 726 W. Old Hickory Blvd. AMQUI FARMER’S MARKET Every Sunday Through August 12:00 pm pm--Noon Amqui Station & Visitor’s Center 301B Madison St. MOTHER’S DAY TEA Friday, May 8 2:30 pm Grace Manor Assisted Living STAMP OUT HUNGER Saturday, May 9 Leave Canned Food in a Bag on Your Mailbox! SHONEY’S 5K & FUN RU RUN N Supporting Metro Nashville Police Fund Saturday, May 9 8:00 am LP Field, Lot T SOUTHERN DIXIE DOLLS BEAUTY PAGEANT Saturday, May 9 10:00 am -5:00 pm Rivergate Mall WINDLANDS EAST NETWORKING BREAKFAST Thursday, May 14 8:30 am Windlands East KING’S DAUGHTERS LUN LUNCHEON CHEON & FASHION SHOW Saturday, May 16 11:15 am Old Hickory Country Club GRAND OPENING & DEDI DEDICATION CATION OF NEW CORNERSTONE FACILITIES Monday, May 18 7:00 pm Cornerstone Church 726 W. Old Hickory Blvd. MAY MEMBERSHIP LUNCHEON Thursday, May 21 11:45 am St. Joseph Family Life Center AFTER AFTER--HOURS TBA 5:00 to 7:00 pm Miller’s Florist 211 E Old Hickory Blvd BREAKFAST BUZZ Thursday, May 28 8:30 am Grace Manor Assisted Living RELAY FOR LIFE Saturday, May 30 11:00 am –9:30 pm Rivergate Mall Mother's Day Tea Friday, May 8th 2:30 pm Light refreshments and beverages will be served Please RSVP 615-724-0109 Grace Manor Assisted Living 1420 Old Hickory Blvd. Nashville, TN 37207 This charming FREE event is open to the community. Attendance encouraged from multiple generations; mothers & daughters, grandmothers, aunts & nieces, May 16 You are cordially invited to attend our 2015 annual lunch and fashion show, benefiting the children and families at KDCDC. Dillard’s Department Store will once again showcase the latest fashions—come and enjoy the show! Early Shopping Begins at 11:15 am; 12:00 pm Lunch & Show at Old Hickory Country Club 1904 Hadley Ave in Old Hickory Tickets are $45 Please RSVP by May 4 to 865-5164 or Flourgirls Toy Drive Supporting Vanderbilt Children's Hospital From The Inspiration Of Onna Brown Onna is turning 7 years old soon! When her Mom came in to order the birthday cake, we were struck by Onna's courage and compassion. Onna requested that all toys for her go to Vanderbilt's Children Hospital. Onna has spend quite a bit of time there, and wants to give back with a personal goal of 100 toys. Please help us match her goal and more! Please Drop Off New and Unwrapped Toy Donations By Saturday, May 9th At: 201 S. Main Street Goodlettsville 37072 (615) 859.5731
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